Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Indigo Ribbon Month

Indigo Ribbon Month

Indigo1It’s Indigo Ribbon Month.

Remember to submit your stories to and check out the twitter at

November is Indigo Ribbon Month, this year we celebrate. The campaign is there in advance. The Day is November 23, 2014.


I see that a few people submitted their stories in advance, and that’s great. Also the Indigo Ribbon Quilt is going around, and that is in the works, in advance

The stories are at  Do not forget to check out the Indigo Ribbon Store, and keep an eye out for upcoming events for November, which will be listed on the website.



Answering the call, and taking calls for Indigo Ribbon Month. If you want to get more details about upcoming events, the quilt, or the annual balloon release, then please just visit the website, and request outloud verbally to speak to someone from the call center. ca about Indigo Ribbon Month and the events. It’s a virtual, or spiritual based call center, and it’s automated, so it  makes sense.

Visit The Indigo Ribbon Store, and request products for Indigo Ribbon Month. Thank you in advance, for your support and patience.

Visit the official Indigo Ribbon Website, and find out about the latest happenings, throughout the month of November, get supported, leave your story, and be a part of the situations that seriously make sense. This season, make it indigo.

Visit the official twitter page, and keep up on happenings and be a part of the official initiative. The Indigo Ribbon Month Concept was started back in 2007, and was a branch off of some of the initiative. The site and the initiatives, truly supported Targeted Individuals and the initiative was spawned out of that capacity. In honor of those early initiatives, here it to you and all you do.

This year Targeted Individuals, their friends, families, supports, and a variety of individuals will be eligible to take part in our Indigo Ribbon Month and Initiatives.

Keep an eye out for the spiritual based products that are available and eligible for Indigio Ribbon Month. Towels, Candles, Ribbons.

Ribbons, or other appropriate items will be sent out throughout the Month of November, will a really big launch for Indigo Ribbon Day, which is November 23. This year hopefully the delivery will be on time, and hopefully it will make sense.

November 2, 2014 Posted by | activism | , , | Leave a comment

Gang Stalking and poverty

I think I understand a bit more about some communities and why they function the way they do. See as Targeted Individuals we sort of a minority in society, meaning not too many people listen to our concerns, complaints, cries, etc.

Many see targets as crazy and so it’s ok to abuse them. What many of us experience in our daily lives is like living in a sort of war zone, and many just don’t or can’t understand this simply because it’s just not their experience. So they expect the normal societal rules to apply to us, but they just don’t.

Till they experience what we experience, they can’t understand why a target might lash out, get angry. Why a target might act in way, or take actions that many find unacceptable. They do not live in the reality that we do, but they still expect the same rules to apply. We face a type of war zone in many ways, they do not. Our survival is a struggle, for many they just have the normal things to live with, their lives are not being systemically destroyed.

I think I just gained some insight into poor and disadvantaged communities. They too live differently than the rest of society. The conditions that many poor live in and the daily circumstances and conditions are not the same as the rest of society live in, and until you are in their situations and circumstances, you can not judge their actions, or choices that they make.

The person I was several years ago is not the same person that I am today, how could it be if I expect to survive. I have had to learn new rules, and change how I live, because the situation is that critical. How many average people have to take their important docs with them all the time? How many have to come back to their home and worry about home entries, or break in’s while they were out? How many have to worry about home entries while they are asleep? How many have to worry about food being poisoned? How many have to worry about being sprayed with chemicals? Gasing, poisoning? How many have to learn to shield their bodies so that they won’t be burnt while they try to sleep, acoustically attacked and manipulated? How many have had to go through trauma like that for a day, a week, a month, years, decades? Not too many people that I can think of. A lot of targets end up being hypervigilant, some even have symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after being targeted for so many months or years.

As targets we have to have different rules to survive, different ways of living. Going to the police is often not an option. Finding people to care about our cause often does not happen, cause they would rather blame us, and believe that we have done something, deserving or worthy of our actions, or that we are somehow mentally ill, and that these conditions are deserving and worthy of us. I don’t think the same way that I did a few years ago. I don’t trust state powers, I understand and believe that there is indeed a global agenda, for a united world. I think sometimes the only way to come to a place of understanding is to live a specific situation.

Years ago many would have been of the opinion that the police are your friends, but now in today’s society with so many clips of misconduct, and or brutal arrests of citizens, many are revising that opinion and worry that the police might not be performing the same roles, that they were known for years ago.

I think that being poor and socially disadvantaged is different. I think that is why some people live by different rules, their experiences are different, and so is it fair to judge and apply the same rules to others, who’s day in day out is so vastly different than your own?

Eg. Some people live in communities with high drugs, crime, prostitution, unemployment, higher mortality rates, lower standards of living, etc. Then the rest of society want to apply wall street or corporate rules to communities like that, it just does not work that way. People adapt to their living circumstances, and when your daily living is worrying about wither the police will shoot your son, wither your child will be prostituted out, or become a drug dealer, or if you will get a job, or if your spouse will get out of jail, or if your kid will go to jail, you are going to have different values and rules that you live by if you want to survive. You are not in a war zone with bullets flying by, or (actually some people are, in poor communities, and they also have airplanes overhead.) ok maybe they don’t have grenades, but the point is, their lives are like a mini war zone of another kind, and so people that are disadvantaged in that way, may well not act, think, respond like every other member of society. We don’t have the same living, economic, social conditions for everyone, but we have the same societal rules for everyone, and that is just not always going to work. The rules should be reflective of the social conditions that people find themselves in, standards of living, and societal norms for their area.

I think being a Targeted Individual has given me a bit of perspective into the lives of others. In Stasi Germany, you did not talk your business to anyone, you trusted no one, you minded your own business, and the society became very closed off that way, but that is what it took to survive, many did not want to live that way, but the chance in behavior was necessary for survival.

Some of us as Targets learn that you protect your data the best way that you can, that you don’t give out your private details, and to be very guarded. Targets mentally go through degrading, dehumanizing things, that other people just don’t see or have to experience.

A poster on Youtube just posted a delightful comment. I don’t know if this is something that happened to them directly, but it’s fully possible.

11 hours ago

Does the threat assessment team decides who places the bodily fluids inside the targets home. Like semen inside a glass? or urine on the floor?

I mean I get people writing in with unpleasant things like this all the time, people who have have been sexually assaulted, all sorts of sick things. I was just reading one woman’s blog, and how she had to learn to accept the fact that they were watching her. As she dressed, she talked about how violating it was, comments they would make about her anatomy, but then she had to learn to try to get on with her life. Lot’s of targets have come to the realization that yeah they probably see ya naked, and it’s no better for men than women, because everyone values their privacy, unless you are an exhibitionist. I encounter stories like this, people leaving water in a child’s diabetic medicine etc. Targets live in mini pscyo, social experiments. Mini war zones if you will, they experience things that others just do not go through, and it’s day in, day out. These Threat Assessment Teams basically give an all out access to our persons, and horrendous things happen to targets, and it’s really unfair. So I understand a little bit more about what others go through, and I understand when you are a soldier in a war zone, the normal societal rules, and trappings just do not apply, well the same holds true for targets, who daily are psychologically ravaged, day in and day out. It’s truly unacceptable, but I now also realise that for years, others have been going through other types of mini war zones, where survival is also not assured, and they have learnt different set’s of rules for survival, but then the same rules are suppose to apply to everyone and they just can’t, and they should not. Till there is some level of equality in standards of living, then it’s not fair to expect the same actions, or outcomes.

October 18, 2010 Posted by | Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Lindsay Lohan Update

Lindsay Lohan could be out soon.

As many may have heard she was wrongly misdiagnosed as mentally ill, and a drug addict. Now for months, Gang Stalking World has maintained that she was neither, that she was in fact a target, and being systemically destroyed by the system.

She want from having her dad and the police trying to have her listed as a danger to herself and others, or possibly greviously disabled like Britney.

Catching onto what was being done to Lindsay early, might well have made a difference, in ensuring that she did not end up like Britney Spears. I admit last month it was ruff to watch her go to jail. I really felt like the whole thing was a bit of a failure, not just with the one target, but with other things that were happening to other high profile targets.

The judge that was so gunho to put her in jail, and stick her in rehab has recused herself from the case. I really feel that that judge had it in for Linday and it’s nice to see one target rise above this stuff.

Lindsay has never claimed to be a target, but based on everything that was going on over the last several months, the changes are very good that is what she was. Will she share what happened with the false diagnosis, and maybe help targets with her story? Don’t know.

I do wish her well, and would love to see her out of rehab, and I am glad that a lot of this is hopefully behind her. If one target can get this stopped, then maybe there is hope for the rest.

August 24, 2010 Posted by | Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Glamorous Life

Just to clarify my blog post from yesterday, I was not implying that people should let the family and friends of those around them influence how they feel, or what they think. I mean it would be silly to judge an individual solely based on those around them, or who they are related to, if people did that, I don’t think many of us would come out unblemished. I personally would try to not let a good friendship, or relationship go, because the people around my friend were shallow.

I think you have to judge people on an individual basis, but I do think people need to be aware of situations that they are getting themselves into.

Eg. As a target, I know what my situation is, it’s a little Cointelpro, with a bit of Stasi thrown in. To the average outsider, who has not lived this, experienced this, or understands this, they might think that it’s just a fun thing that I blog about, and afterwards go onto my oh so glamorous life, though I wish that was the case, I assure you that it is otherwise.

Since I am aware of my situation, and I know that outsiders are not, even when I try to explain the things that I do try to explain, most simply do not get it, and thus think that they can come play in my sandbox, when the reality is, most are not tough enough emotionally or otherwise to withstand what I am going through.

Knowing this, as I so well do, I have a little filter process in place, it keeps out people, but it’s often for their own good. My world here, is not a pretty place. I know people come to the blog, and see all the postings and think, wow what a glamorous life, being systemically destroyed by the state, what fun. Living with the possibility of being driven to poverty or homelessness someday, or even worst if the snitches get lucky with their arranged accidents. Yes I know it seems glamfabulous to many, but it’s not.

Knowing now that the state is not only going behind my back, and contacting those around me, telling them that I might be dangerous, and that they likely, quite wrongly have me listed as possibly mentally ill in some way. Totally tubular to be sure, but not something that most people can handle.

I see outsiders who think this is going to be a fun, cute thing, yes, normarilly my life did fit that description, but it has not now for the last several years, in fact closer to a decade now since the whole mobbing, then Gang Stalking started. So people have to understand this. I would no sooner let a child near poison, than I would let an unsupecting person near my world, if they did not know what they were likely to get into, and most don’t. Most outsiders think that they have some idea of what it is like to be a targeted individual, but most don’t, they really don’t.

Let me again refresh people’s memories, with a few of the glamarous highlights of this type of targeting. oh so glamourus, and most are oh so not alive to tell the tail, or they are in jail, or others not listed are likely in wards, etc. Not a glamourous life, and I am not sure most are ready for truly understanding it. Most that come even vaugly close, take a big woo nelly step back, as well they should. I am not blogging, because I am bored, or becasue it’s something fun to do while I watch my retirment fund grow, I am blogging because it’s been needed for my survival. I have not been doing all this research, cause saturday nights were so blah, I just wanted to stay at home. I did the research, cause me and so many others like me, are being systemically destroyed, and we can hardly get anyone to listen, understand or care.

So I just wanted to clearify this for those out there who think that being a target is oh so much fun, or oh so glamorous, it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be, and individuals out there need to understand this. I mean for me it’s meant never letting people get close to my world here, cause it’s for their own good, as well as mine. I hope in some parallel world I have the luxury of being a really nice, open, caring unreserved person, but here I do not, I have not, and I do not see that changing, with this system in place. Least not for this moment in time, even though I wish it was otherwise.

So I am still burning the candle at both ends, that remains the same.

August 6, 2010 Posted by | Targeted Individual | , , | 1 Comment

Lindsay Lohan. Targeted Individual?

Is Lindsay Lohan a Targeted Individual?

The media of late has been doing a stupendous job of pointing out what a train wreck Lindsay Lohan is. Most have started to write her obituary. Others are making it seem as if there is not an immediate intervention, that she will wind up dead. This is the picture that is being painted but is it the truth?

Lindsay Lohan recently went on her twitter account to ask why her friends would set her up to have the paparazzi take pictures of her at her worst moment. She says she trusted these people, and thought they were friends, but they helped to set it up to look like she was partying, and in bad shape yet again.

[quote]”We’ve learned Lindsay was two months behind in rent and her landlord sent her a legal notice to pay or get out. Lindsay just paid her landlord $23,000 to become current,” the site reported this morning.

Adding insult to injury (not this one though) Lindsay took to her Twitter last night because security at a nightclub set it up to look like she was there partying. Which she was not. Swearsies.

“Security @Voyeur nightclub in LA just set me up & paid off paparazzi to not let me in the back door and come to take photos of me in the back ,” she wrote. Another 140 characters was devoted to: “I was just waiting for my friend at the back door…… Worse part is, my friends who run the club were a part of the set-up as well. Why?”

I think that’s the question du jour Lindsay, “Why?” [/quote]

The why might be more straight forward than realised. er-against-lindsay-13134/

About a year ago, Lindsay Lohan broke up with her girlfriend Samantha Ronson. Ronson’s family tried to then find out the procedure to take out a restraining order on Lohan. Lohan claims that she is not dangerous, but the family felt that she was. According to news reports, the family felt she was out of control and wanted protection. This in conjunction to the public fights, and other behaviour could have gotten Lindsay flagged as a dangerous or violent person without her knowing it.

A year later she seems to be short on funds, the police are trying to have her committed using a 5150, the media is doing all it can to portray her as a wreck, out of control, into drugs. She is claiming set up’s. Some sites have even written her obituary.

Recently the media has been trying to portray Lindsay to be a train wreck, drugs seeping from her shoes, unable to pay rent, a partier, who can not take care of herself, and who has no job and no chance of an income, but is any of this really true?

The drugs in the show was just baby powder according to Lohan. She is now up to date on her rent. The bailout might have come from her parents, but she is up to date. According to her movie page, she has one movie that she will be working on soon.

She is also Lindsay Lohan, and she can just like Britney make a comeback. The problem is the media is now doing it’s best to make it seem as if she is unable to look after herself a real wreck.

Some of this has clearly come from Lohan’s image that has been allowed to develop over the last several years, but some is likely to be set up’s as she mentioned above.

It should also be pointed out that the police were activly trying to get a 5150 filed against her. She did not meet the criteria at the time. This is an order that would have her involuntarily committed.

“Section 5150 is a section of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (specifically, the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act or “LPS”) which allows a qualified officer or clinician to involuntarily confine a person deemed to have a mental disorder that makes them a danger to him or her self, and/or others and/or gravely disabled. A qualified officer, which includes any California peace officer, as well as any specifically designated county clinician, can request the confinement after signing a written declaration.”[/quote]

Lindsay Lohan does not know it yet, but she might have unwittingly entered the Gang Stalking Zone.

She needs to be sure she does not lash out, watch out for set ups, and get a lawyer. If this is an attempt to Gang Stalk her, set her up for commitment, then she is going to have to fight hard.

April 2, 2010 Posted by | Conspiracy, Gang Stalking, Insane, mobbing, psychological harassment, Single, Stalking, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , | 9 Comments

Apathy is the key

When I started finding out about Gang Stalking or rather the elements of what was happening to targets, I thought it would be a simple matter of exposure and awareness.

Making people aware that this was happening and finding a responsible legal or political figure to help get this stopped.

Instead what I found was nasty conspiracy after conspiracy. I don’t just mean ours but others. I found that many had come before trying to expose what was happening. Most of the true people only getting so far, before having accidents, dying of cancer, etc.

Then there was the world of shrills, disinfo agents, people giving you 90-95% truth mixed in with about 5-10% of lies and it was their lies you had to try to watch out for.

My greatest surprise was that this is not something new, at first I really thought that the targeting might have something to do with 9/11 and that the informant thing was only recent.

The more research I did, I realised that this system went back to England, the colonies and even before that.

I thought it would be a matter of making people aware that this is happening and then surly people would do the right thing and we would get this stopped, boy was I wrong. People don’t do the right thing, they often look the other way and turn a blind eye to injustice. They feel powerless and unable to stop what is happening. They like what is happening, are fully in league and see no reason to stop it. Then there are those who would like to see this system changed.

At first I could not understand how so many people could be a part of what was happening, what I was seeing was far greater in number than any Stasi figures, I had come across. I saw people that I knew, stranger, business owners, co-workers, etc who were a part of what was happening.

On subsequent snooping, I was able to find out more from some of the people who knew about the city wide program, as I was calling it at the time. However it’s not city wide, and it goes beyond borders. Intelligence agencies not only sharing information, but collaborating to destroy lives. If we had real newspapers and real journalists this would not be that hard to figure out, but our media is controlled, and though some would like to write about this, they most likely are not allowed to in one regard or another.

What I found as I researched were other scandals, open secrets, which is what I consider this to be. It’s not a secret, but an open secret. Many people know the bear-bones of what is happening, they may not understand that people are dying, or being tortured, but with the information being put out, it’s not hard to figure out.

I found that sexual abuse of children in large part continues because this system is being protected. We could stop this, but they are part of the sacrifice of this system. Many such as Senator De Champ have exposed this, other have exposed international pedophile rings, protected by people in high places, who are some of the main consumers. Nothing gets done. You have low level arrests, but to shake the system and truly get this stopped would require more, and that does not happen.

You have mass shootings, due to these types of investigations, and people cry and act all outraged. I remember when the Jiverly Wong shooting happened, there was not enough condemnation of him, outrage after outrage, and yet when it came time for the public to truly do something to get this stopped, such as stopping or curtailing these investigations, nothing. So these victims die, but the true culprit this system that saw fit to harass this man for 18 years till he snapped and killed, gets away with it.

Other have gone on shooting sprees for similar reasons. The German shooter who shot up his highschool, Peeka Eric gave similar reasons for the mass murders. Yet it’s easier to write him off as crazy, then to pay attention to what was really said.

[quote][b]Collective deindividualization is a phenomenon where individual will be trained as part of the mindless herd controlled by state, corporation, church or some other organization, group, ideology, religion or mass delusion system and adopt it’s rules, morality and codes of conduct. This phenomenon has been familiar in all despotic, authoritarian, totalitarian, monarchist, communist, socialist, nazi, fascist and religious societies troughout history. Also, the modern western democratic republics have the same phenomenon. It is just done so that people will think they are free and don’t realize they are being enslaved. Majority of people in society are weak-minded and ignorant retards, masses that act like programmed robots and accept voluntarily slavery. But not me! I am self-aware and realize what is going on in society! I have a free mind! And I choose to be free rather than live like a robot or slave. You can say I have a “god complex”, sure… then you have a “group complex”! Compared to you retarded masses, I am actually godlike. [/b]

[b]Totalitarian governments rule people through education system, consumerism, mass media, monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force (police, military) and laws discriminating people who think differently than the majority. Democracy… you think democracy means freedom and justice? You are wrong. Democracy is a dictatorship of the moral majority… and the majority is manipulated and ruled by the state mafia. Modern western democracy has nothing to do with freedom or justice; it is totalitarian and corrupted system. Laws are made over the heads of the people and people are being brainwashed to support the system and connected to the institutional structures immediately after their birth. Societies are being ruled by manipulative and charismatic politicians who only care about the interests of majority, and who do not base their decisions on reason but emotions and feelings of the masses. These masses let the authorities of state to make all the important decisions for them. The masses will get an education, they study, get a job, go to work and vote in elections. They think they are free and don’t criticise or question the system. They have become robots. It is like a constructed mechanism in mind, that leaves little choice for an individual to think, talk and act independently. [/b][/quote]

From what he wrote in this letter it seems he was quite aware of this system, but didn’t want to be a part of it. No one wants to be a slave. But it seems some will live with it. I think his life was wasted. I believe he had tried to wake people up on Youtube and other means, and even with the following that he had, he still did not see things changing and thus lashed out. Sad, he thought his actions would set off a revolution, but how can they? Look at the sheeple that you are dealing with. In some regards his life was wasted, I really wish that he had kept writing and posting videos instead of doing this extreme action. In researching this shooting it was very sad.

If more people like him who wake up, who seem to be on the inside, then maybe they in time can make the difference. I think they have a better chance of reaching the sheeple, because they are acquainted with the system.

At the end of the day making people aware is only a part of it. Recently I had someone was whining and crying that their secret was being told. Here I am being targeted by this creepy system, that is torturing me and (irritating) me, and then I have some semi brain dead sheeple bitching about how their secret is not being protected. We don’t expect children to protect the secrets of pedophiles who are abusing them, why would the sheeple expect targets to keep the secrets of a state that is abusing and torturing them? Anyways same issue, different perspective.

What reviewing the instances of children being abused by the church, state, pedophile rings, politicians, etc, has taught me is that people will willingly and actively cover for this system. It was not kept a secret because people were not willing to speak out, it’s because when they did speak out they were ostracized, prosecuted, paid off, or silenced. Societies prevailing attitude at the time determined these kids fate.

People don’t like to rock the boat. Most times when the truth comes out there is a brief moment of awareness and then people go back to business as usual.

People are apathetic at times. It can happen. This is for many a minor inconvenience, remember most people see one piece of the whole puzzle, the blood is spread so thin, that it hardly makes a difference.

How to get this prevailing attitude to change? It can change, I have seen it change. We have to keep exposing what is happening. I saw one target say that they were scared to tell their story, and I was thinking, how will you ever be confident enough? If targets don’t stand up to this system then who will?

People have to do what makes them comfortable, if someone is not ready or uncomfortable, then so be it, but three years ago, there was the David Lawson book, a few websites, and no where near the awareness that there is now.

If each person take the initiative, then it can change. People right now in some cases believe that they are doing something good, remember in Nazi Germany the citizen thought they were doing something good, in many cases. When people feel empowered, think that they are helping a cause, or are a part of something greater than themselves, they can be and are capable of some of the worst atrocities.

This time period is no different. Light must continually be shone into the darkness.

November 24, 2009 Posted by | activism, Awareness, changing vibrations, Children, Citizen Informants, conspiracies, Controlled society, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Informants | , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Male Rape. Part 3.

Over crowded Prisons.

American prisons went from semi reasonable numbers to being the overcrowded, violent, dangerous places they are today. This in large part due to the war on drugs.

The aspect of American jails that gets joked about, brushed aside, but not discussed in a serious enough manner is that of male rape.

Racism in Prison.
“Prison is the best recruiting ground the white power movement has!” pg. 58

This is from the book- No escape: male rape in US Prisons.
Apparently prisons are divided along gang line, racial lines, and so forth, so it turns out it’s a wonderful breeding ground for racism. Apparently many enter the prisons ignorant of racism or without any gang affiliations and in order to survive that is one of the things that happens you join a gang, crew or stick to your own kind along race and color lines. Thus why any attempts to desegregate prisons have to take this into consideration. They also have to take into consideration that this set up in some ways is ued for protection of some prisoners to stop other groups from brutally raping some group members.
The Rapes themselves happen in a variety of ways. Some of them are physically forced rapes, some are threats, some are extortion, many are psychological or praying on vulnerabilities. I was surprised that many of the same techniques that are used on women in society are also used in these jails. Meaning that rape is not always about force, it’s often about getting power over your target. Men in jail do use force, but they also use psychological techniques to break down their targets and to get them to submit, or become indebted to the aggressor.

Part of what happens with rapes along race lines is likely what is playing a part in changing attitutes and creating racism in these jails. Eg. White males, young males, gay males, and effiminate looking males are prime targets for sexual assults and rapes. However there are no hard and fast rules, in jail anyone can be a target.

Dividing along race lines can provide some protection, but only so much, because men are then often hit upon by members of their own groups for sex as a means of protection.

HIV is a very real concern for the US prison authorities. An estimated 2% of the US prison population is HIV-positive – a prevalence four times greater than that of the general American population. The exact prevalence of HIV in prisons varies from state to state: in New York 7% of inmates are infected with HIV, compared to less than 1% in California.
This is a real problem in prison, the prison population has a 4-7 times higher HIV rate than the general population.
HIV rise in the Black Community

I found what I thought might be a correlation between the higher rates of HIV in the black African/American population and the incarceration rates. I was happy to find a couple of articles on this and one study.

Study on AIDS and increase in the black community

It is one of the most puzzling mysteries of the AIDS epidemic: Why did blacks, in little more than a dozen years, become nine times as likely as whites to contract a disease once associated almost exclusively with gay white men?

Two researchers say they found the answer in an unlikely place: prison.

Rucker C. Johnson and Steven Raphael of the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley analyzed census data and a federal database containing detailed information on about 850,000 men and women who contracted AIDS between 1982 and 1996.

They discovered that the surge in black AIDS patients — particularly women — since the early 1980s closely tracked the increase in the proportion of black men in America’s prisons, which by the 1990s had become vast reservoirs of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
What I also found surprising is the number of men estimated to be having male on male sex willingly or unwillingly behind bars. Some research has it at 50%
[quote]Whatever the cause, the AIDS gap is not going away. Other studies suggest that half of all prisoners engage in homosexual sex. But safe-sex programs, key to controlling AIDS in the gay community, are unwelcome inside prison walls.

Remember there are 2.1 million men behind bars. if the studies are correct that would be about 1.5 million at any given time engaging in male on male sex at some point, in many cases unwillingly and unprotected. When I say unwillingly, I mean that outside of forceful rapes, and psychological cohesion, some men do engage in male on male sex, but if they were not forced to for protection, many men would not choose to engage in male on male sex.

[quote]”Our women are sharing men who’ve gotten HIV. It’s swirling around us. We cannot pretend it’s not happening and can’t ignore a chance to try and fix it.” While 21% of the state’s population is black, black women represented more than 80% of new HIV cases among women in 2006, the News & Observer reports, adding that a recent study found that most HIV-positive women reported that their last three sexual partners had been in prison the previous year.[/quote]
The men are being released back into the communities and then they are infecting new partners. This most likely why there is a rise in HIV amongst the black population
According to prison estimates, screening and treating HIV-positive inmates would cost $21 million annually. However, according to the News & Observer, the estimate is based on a 10% infection rate, which is much higher than any state has reported. An estimated 1.8% of North Carolina’s prison population, about 700 inmates, has HIV or AIDS (Locke, Raleigh News & Observer, 4/13).

It’s interesting that they base it on 10% infection rate, are they just being over pessimistic or do they have figures that we do not?

I then went to have a quick look at the North Carolina infection rates.

[quote]HIV Transmission Among Black Women — North Carolina, 2004

In 2003, women constituted 28% of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) cases in the United States; approximately 69% of those cases were among non-Hispanic black women (1). Heterosexual transmission is now the most commonly reported mode of HIV transmission among women (1). In North Carolina, black women make up a growing proportion of newly reported HIV infections and, in 2003, the HIV-infection rate for black women in North Carolina was 14 times higher than that for white women (2). Despite this disparity, few epidemiological studies have examined HIV transmission among black women in the United States, particularly those residing in southern states.[/quote]
There has been at least a few studies done however and the findings were interesting.

HIV Positive Inmates

Prison Men, Women and AIDS
[quote]The magnitudes of the results
suggest that higher incarceration rates among black males explain the lion’s share of the black-white
disparity in AIDS infection rates.[/quote]

It seems along with create more racism for society, prisons are also likely the main reasons for higher HIV rates in the Black African American community based on reentry of the prison population, back into communities.

August 24, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, Black Females, Black Male, black women, CDC, Disease, gay, harassment, Intimidation, Isolation, Minorities, sexual harassment, Skin Heads, Social Control, White Male | , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Down with snitching clearified
I blogged the above post really early in the morning and so not a good time for blogging, so I thought I would go over it, I made a lot of points and i want to make sure I did it correctly.

Construction projects.

Many targets complain about these, and in my personal experience, they use these projects as an excuse to help with the monitoring and surveillance of the area.

Sure there is always construction ongoing so how can we be sure it’s directed at us. I have lived several years on the planet, and there has often been construction ongoing, but never like this.

It’s not just construction at the last two locations that lasted for months or years on end, it’s going to interviews, and by the time you get out a little construction, or drilling in the street you are going to pass just springs up. It’s happened a few times, coincidence? A few times too many.

It happens for me and most other targets I know. As we are able to compare notes, this is a frequent theme that comes up, and they also see a pattern of extraordinary construction that has gone out of bounds.

Companies closing or change of owners.

This is another thing that I have noticed. Changes of owners. Let’s say you had a store where the family were not going along with the snitching, suddenly they are out of business, or the store ownership changes. The things that I have further noticed is that within this change, specific products that were available, that the store specialized in are not there. Which makes no sense.

Targets complain about stores being out of products they use when they get there, even if they go to other locations, the products are out of stock.

This sounds crazy at first, but it’s not. They watch and record everything that we buy. There is always someone behind us in the line, to mentally record the products the target purchased. They also watch what we take off the shelf, so they know if our diets change. They know which products to be out of, or if they can stop ordering all together.

In comparing notes amongst several targets, this is a pattern that they have also recorded and noted.

In the DT Stockton report he also documents the means that they use to put companies out of business. I don’t know if the document is authentic, but much of what it says, sounds valid.

In my own experience, what I have seen with my customers is them being paid off or ordered this that or the other for not working with me. Eg. Trying to get my customers to leave from working with me. The ones that have stayed have recorded Gang Stalking patterns in their own lives. Based on some of what I hear back about what is happening this seems to be the case. Either go along with the system or be bowled over by it. This was the same with the Stasi, refuse to spy, have your life messed with.


I spoke of a group that had messed with my phones and performed other petty events that made me choose to change location and disassociate with them, while still in the work placed. They also got me written up. This is correct and first hand experience.

Getting me fired. I had heard from a third party, not related or associated with the story that person B) had been the cause. Since the third party would have no reason to lie, they were either correct, or if mistaken then it was not intentional, but this is what I heard back.

I did not mean to imply that person A) had requested for person B) to take such actions. What I meant to imply was that because of the association, person B) was inclined to take such actions.

Eg. I once had another, unrelated situation, where a  friend come up and told me that person B) who was also friend with my friend, person A), that person B) hated me. I was really surprised, and I was like what? Why? Apparently because of my friendship with person A) for no other reason. My friend said person B) was really jealous of the the friendship and just hated my guts, and to watch my back. Other things were said, but you get the idea. So it’s not to indicate that person A) made person B) take action against me, but person B) hated me, because of my associating with person A).


People will hate for stupid reasons.

Back to the first situation, anyways I did later run into these two on separately on different occasions and I did just walk away and ignore them both. So that was also first hand experience.

I think when some people are around you, they bring bad things into your realm, be in this one or another. (If you believe such things, and when they are gone, your life get’s better.) I believe some others bring good things into your life, and when they are around, things just get better and better.

In my experience if someone cares about you, really cares about you, it’s like a protective shield, I don’t care if it’s a best friend, love, child, parent, etc, when someone cares about you, truly cares about you, they bring, honor, grace, and love into your life, and good energy towards you and things go good.

I find others with selfish or bad intentions towards you, or who hate you, bring you down, and create very negative situations, and should be avoided at all cost, on all realms. I think the difference shows.

If you are in a situation, friendship, and you have doubts or questions, just ask yourself, what kinds of experiences, situations, events, do they bring in your life, how does it make your soul feel? That’s a good way to start to gauge if this person is an asset or a liability for your life.

Some people feel good to be around, you might even feel happy to be around them, but they could still be an energy draining type of person, and bring bad things into your realm. It’s about energy, and you want to connect with the right types of people. People who are feeders, who feed off of others, can associate and they will be just fine, because they have nothing to lose, and they give out nothing, but if you then place yourself in that situation, you might notice a lot of negative happenings in your life, and it might be a good idea to disconnect and disassociate from that situation. Usually when you do, you will see an improvement in your life. Some situations are unhealthy.

Fishing expeditions.

They try to find out what targets are sensitive to? what they will react to? What you can use to engage them? There is usually what I call a conductor telling people where to sit, where to stand, should they approach the target, when to conduct an action when not to. In this regard it’s more coordinated then we realise.

Jiverly and Kimveer

I don’t believe that they ever found the Gang Stalking sites. I think having a community to socialize with could have been very helpful. I think it might have help to stop some of this from happening.


Police Controlled

They don’t really have to be police controlled. You have lot’s of co-workers and other in the community, that are just regular snitches, that are more than happy to mess with your stuff. Remember in regular case of mobbing we hear about this stuff all the time. Stealing stuff, messing with their things, and other parasitic mobbing behaviours. They don’t have to be police controlled snitches. I was just pointing out that if you are in desperate situations it can be easier to manipulate you.


These people have my full sympathy. I don’t believe their immigration situations should be used, to get them to do things, or as leverage, but this is getting used. I think it’s horrible. If you thought the drug cases were bad this is worst.

Imagine being a mother or a father, separated from your kids, you have no way of getting in communication with them, seeing them etc, and you want them to come here, and you have a gun being held to your head. You have some third party holding you hostage in this way, and manipulating you. Your situation is just as vulnerable, if not more vulnerable then the drug informants.

The same is true for husbands kept from their wives, wives kept from husbands. Kids kept from dying or sick parents.

A lot of immigrants are hard working, they come here and just like everyone else they want a chance. To manipulate them like this is cruel and wrong, and it should never be used as leverage, but in a Stais like society, everything is used as leverage. You attack and go after people’s vulnerabilities. I think it’s wrong, and I feel very sad for them.

That’s why I don’t think they should be used. If people like Rachel Hoffman were vulnerable due to their situation, then immigrants are equally as vulnerable because of their circumstances and they should not be used and manipulated that way.


Portrayal of a target

I mentioned that they are going for the crazy thing the same way that Russia did. This is not made up, I have heard this back many times. I again think that’s funny. You have people saying that being on the Internet is a sign of mental illness, so I guess a lot of people are crazy. I always wonder who get’s to decided these things?

As I have also mentioned as time goes on, I get other things, they go fishing and try to add on other things. So you just have to watch your back.


Some people think that this is just about the target being sleep deprived. If you had someone using a laser on you, or radar gun, or transducers below the dry wall, then maybe you would understand that it’s also physical torture.

Then you have the psychological things. People trying to get you upset so that they will get you to lash out. So  a lack of sleep, being tortured, then you are expected to function, while being constantly provoked, and I did mention the complete stupidity of many in this program, added to their lack of a moral center, and their ability to forget what’s legal or moral, anything to fit in, and go along with the group and you have dangerous situations.

It is not the lone event, it is the accumulation, done over a period of time. This is the reason why mobbing had been so successful, and we have seen mobbing targets snap by just being mobbed at work. Targeted Individual have a Triple fight on their hands. They are mobbed at work, in the community, and in their homes, plus they get the added benefit of torture.

This is why I speculate that this might well be getting used to groom targets to snap. If you know what makes someone tick, you might be able to get them to snap when you want to as well. I mean these actions, these activities are being recorded for someone, for something, and so this is a reasonable speculation.

The windows shaking, and the walls dancing, would be more transducer stuff.  But if you touch the walls, if feels like a sheet of electricity, in my opinion. It just vibrates. It feels so freaky.

Corrupted Results

I changed my minds, even if these people are not controlled informants, they are equally as dangerous and capable of giving corrupted results.

Anytime you have a country that has it’s citizens spying on each other, you are going to run into bad situations. The police controlled informants, on the surface have more vulnerabilities than the other informants, but each are capable of giving corrupted results, or following secondary agendas. It’s just with police controlled informants, they might not know their rights, be more desperate, and more at the mercy of these people. However on a psychological level, the person who wants to fit in, who wants to avoid being targeted themselves, can be equally bullied into performing immoral actions.

We saw this in Stasi Germany with what good people were wiling to do to their neighbours, friends, family, lovers, children, parents, and we saw this is in Hitler’s Germany, with the community helping to round up persons of Jewish origin. The state can motivate people to do horrendous things to each other.

June 28, 2009 Posted by | Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Britney Spears Prisoner?

I have been following up on the Britney Spears situation, so this post goes out to the people who know her and might actually be in a situation to assist her.

I don’t like to speculate about the lives of celebrities, but we are told Britney is all healed up right? She is back on stage singing provocative songs like F.U.C.K ME (If you seek Amy) and other numbers. Her body is back in shape and she is on tour. Things are fine right?
The problem is I don’t know that things are fine. Britney who fought for custody of her boys, even going so far as to have an armed standoff with the police to keep them with her gave up custody of the boys last year. Kevin Federline now has sole custody and Britney has visitation rights, sort of.
[quote]Spears currently has monitored, twice-a-week visitation with her boys, as well as one overnight-a-week.

She lost all visitation rights in January she was hospitalized at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.[/quote]

Twice a week supervised visitation. and one overnight a week, which I imagine is also supervised?
Britney does not have control of her own money. She is well enough to perform like a trained doll in front of the audience, but she is not well enough to have control of her money? Shouldn’t people be asking questions about this?
[quote]Britney Spears’ life under her dad’s conservatorship is like “prison,” a lawyer for her former manager, Sam Lutfi, charged today in a hearing at L.A. Superior Court.

John Anderson testified he was contacted by another lawyer, John Eardley, to represent Britney in her fight against the conservatorship (which gives Jamie Spears control over her personal and financial affairs). He also says Jamie’s control is causing the singer “emotional distress [that is ongoing] now.”[/quote]
I hate that picture of her. The look does not suit.,nrhl
[quote]Jamie filed for a restraining order against both men earlier this year, claiming they had harassed Britney, 27.

The ruling follows evidence given by Jamie and Britney’s hairstylist and bodyguard, who all claimed the ‘Womanizer’ singer was scared of Lutfi.

Last month, Britney’s former boyfriend paparazzi photographer Adnan Ghalib was also given a three-year restraining order barring him from seeing the star.

So based on the word of her dad, and a hair dresser, Britney Spears who is 27 years old, almost 30 has no say in who can come near her, and she has no control of her money. Yet she is ok enough to be prancing around on stage like a blank doll?
This next bit I found really worrisome.
    “[Britney] told me she wanted to get a hold of Sam,” said Christina, 25, whose brother had once been Spears’s manager. “She wanted him to help her find a lawyer, and wanted someone to get a prepaid cell phone to her. She was scared because her father was blackmailing her with visitation rights over her kids.”
    Spears allegedly told Christina to meet her on the fifth floor gym of the Peninsula Hotel on Jan. 16. When Christina arrived, Spears was working out with her mother while a bodyguard stood nearby. But they rendezvoused in a sauna where Christina gave her a phone, saying it was from Sam and ex-boyfriend Adnan Ghalib, which Spears then hid in a locker. “She asked me, ‘Will Sam be able to help me?’” Christina added.

The phone, however, was later discovered by Spears’s security team and confiscated from her purse.


The next thing I found really worrisome is that he lawyer was being kept away from her. I had been keeping an eye on Britney, because he meltdown and the events around it, made me think she might not be crazy, but a targeted individual made to look crazy. The scary part is if it’s true, it means someone with the fame, fortune and celebrity of Britney could have this happen to her.

Remember at her low point she had the kids taken from her, her money, and she was locked away. Also those who might have been trying to help her, were kept away from her. What can someone under those conditions do? Yet she has millions of fans, and none of them are asking the questions, or putting together a free Britney site on facebook? At the very least Britney is a grown adult who’s life is being controlled by forces outside of her control, and those paying to see her parade on stage should ask themselves why? If she is well enough to perform like a trained doll why is she not well enough to be in charge of her own money and life? Why is her lawyer being kept from her?
Don’t forget that those bodyguards that her dad hired still control her movements. This should worry a lot of people, but it doesn’t. All those so called screaming and adoring fans, should be all over this and asking some real questions.
as ordered Britney Spears’ former manager and a lawyer to stay away from the pop singer for the next three years.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Aviva Bobb issued her ruling Tuesday after hearing testimony and arguments in recent weeks from the men and lawyers for Spears’ father, Jamie.

Her lawyer now has to stay away from her? Was the judge paid off? Does he know something that we don’t know?

[quote]Lawyers for Lutfi and Eardley promised to appeal the ruling, saying the lengthy hearing didn’t prove the singer suffered substantial emotional distress as a result of the men’s actions.

Lutfi’s lawyer, Bryan Freedman, said evidence instead pointed to Spears asking his client for help.

“Never before in the history of the world has a restraining order been issued against someone who merely responded to cries for help,” Freedman said. [/quote]
I find it odd as well. Why can’t the lawyer challenge the fact that someone is in control of Britney’s life other than Britney?
[quote]Freedman said the conservatorship was misusing a statute meant for the elderly or severely disabled adults to protect a singer who is currently on an international concert tour.

The singer remains on a tour promoting her most recent album, “Circus.” She did not appear during hearings on the petitions, despite repeated requests by Lutfi and Eardley’s lawyers to have the singer testify.

Her life remains closely managed by her father, who can restrict her contact with outsiders and controls her access to a cell phone. [/quote]
Britney not asked or rather not allowed to testify? Does this seem shady to anyone else? Yet all these people claim to be her fans. They all go to her shows, but they don’t question the fact that she might be in serious trouble and being held captive by her Dad?

She according to sources, does not have access to cellphones, the bodyguards watch her every move. She can be on tour, but not in control of her own money? Any nobody questions this?

The singer has sent a barrage of text messages to Adnan begging him to help her get out of living under the control of her father.

But Ghalib, 36, is unable to reply because he has been ordered by a judge not to communicate with Britney for three years.

A source said: “She keeps sneaking messages to Adnan begging him to help her win back her freedom.

“She says she is lonely and misses being able to date the men she chooses. She feels trapped.

“She has been begging him to meet her and help her come up with a plan to get out of her dad’s conservatorship.

“Some messages have got back to her via her hairdressers and style team – but Adnan cannot contact her otherwise he will face jail.”
Add to this the fact that Adnan is in some bizarre trouble. As I was following up on his story, it sounds like he is being provoked. Now he is being threatened with deportation, for allegedly hitting or driving at one of those people who sound like they were helping to keep him away from Britney.
[quote]Ghalib, 36, is charged with assault with a deadly weapon, hit-and-run and battery.

The charges relate to an incident on 11 February in Los Angeles when a court official tried to serve him with a restraining order to stay away from Britney.

The restraining order was issued by the singer’s father, Jamie Spears, who has taken control of her affairs.

Ghalib allegedly tried to run over the court official – the charge of use of a deadly weapon relates to his car.

The photographer moved to Birmingham from Afghanistan with his family when he was five years old, and he works in the US.[/quote]

I also find it interesting that her new album is called blackout.
If Britney is in trouble, then it sounds like they are trying to remove the people from her life who could help her. If her dad really is keeping her a virtual prisoner, and it’s possible, then we need to hear from Britney, but it does not sound like she is free to state her case.

Under the circumstances what can she do? I don’t think it’s up to her, I think it’s up to the so called fans who claim to love her, and who buy the tickets to her show, to ask questions. To wonder why lawyers are being kept away from her, lawyers who claim she is a virtual prisoner to her dads control. Why she can be on some tour, but not have full access to the money she is making from those tours. Why a 27 year old woman, has to have bodyguards choosen by her dad wherever she goes. I think her fans have to ask if Adnan or even Lufti could be telling the truth and if so what does that mean for Britney, who they claim to love so much.

[quote]Yesterday we reported that a woman who is believed to be Britney left a voice message with her lawyer, asking what happens to her custody agreement if her father’s conservatorship is ended. Expect Britney Spears to start fighting back like never before in the coming months. And expect it to be a “circus” of its very own. [/quote]
[quote]Hi my name’s Britney Spears. I called you earlier. I’m calling again because I just wanted to make sure that during the process of eliminating the conservatorship that my father has threatened me several times, you know, he’ll take my children away.  I just want to be guaranteed that everything will be fine with the process of you guys taking care of everything that things will stay the same as far as my custodial time.
That’s it, bye.[/quote]
If that voicemail is Britney then as late as March she was asking for help. People seem to be just walking around in a maze. It is possible that she is in trouble, and if she is really asking for help, then her fans, so called fans could go a long way towards ensuring that there is enough light shone on the situation to help her get the assistance that she needs.


There is no denying that Britney made some bad choices on her own, but what’s ongoing now sounds very worrisome, and it would be good if her fans would look into it on her behalf.

[quote]”I think it’s too in control. If I wasn’t under the restraints I’m under, I’d feel so liberated. When I tell them the way I feel, it’s like they hear but they’re really not listening. If you do something wrong in your work, you can move on, but I’m having to pay for a long time. I never wanted to become one of those prisoner people. I always wanted to feel free.”

MTV’s For the Record airs Sunday, November 30, at 10 p.m.[/quote]

April 30, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, Baiting, Britney Spears, BritneySpears, Conspiracy, control, crazy | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Credibility reviews and terms

I think someone needed a little bit of free publicity so here it is. Eleanor White dropped by one of my blogs and left a comment. This post is in response to the comment that was left. I don’t want to spend too much time on this, but as I said before, I felt this issue had gone on long enough and recently choose to intervene.

[quote]I’m sorry the author of the “gang” stalking web sites and e-book can’t seem to grasp why I object to the term “gang” stalking.  I thought my reviews explained that pretty clearly.[/quote]

Eleanor, I appreciate that you, object to the use of the term. I appreciate that you and those working towards the same goal as you, want to have people discontinue the use of the term Gang Stalking.

I disagree with this. I think if you and yours wish to use the term, then please use the term for your activism. You are deterring the efforts of others, others who have had success with the term.

I have pointed out that some use the term Community Mobbing, Community Harassment, and several others to describe the same thing, and I think that is fine, as long as they get the correct message across to the audience.

[quote]I’ve been an activist for 13 years, and during three of those years, I spent some time almost every day right out in the street, discussing the crime of organized stalking and electronic harassment with the public.[/quote]

That’s great Eleanor, I have spent just under three years and I have been using the term Gang Stalking, and that has worked just fine for me and several others. If this term does not work for you, then I appreciate this. However by telling others that the preferred term is Organised Stalking, you are interfering with the rights of others to use the terms they prefer. I have now seen others on the Internet telling others that they have to use Organised Stalking now, and that is not correct or accurate.

If this is the term you prefer, then great. I think it’s wonderful that you and some of yours wish to use the term. I think that there is more than enough room in the Targeted Individual community for a variety of terms.

[quote]I tried a number of terms.  Other anti-OS activists have also tried a number of terms.

With “gang” stalking, I found that the mind of my listener immediately and consistently got the image that I was talking about being stalked by some sort of ordinary gang, such as race gang, youth gang, biker gang, or Mafia.[/quote]

Great Eleanor, I don’t know what your demographics are, and I don’t know who you come across in your activism.
Eg. Someone coming across someone from the Cointelpro era might wish to use that term. Someone coming across a demographic that is riddled with the stop snitching, informant culture, might wish to use another term, and coming across people from Eastern Europe, I find reference to Stasi to work a bit better.
I encounter a lot of younger people, I also encounter a lot of cultural diversity and I use the term that best suits the situation. Not every term will work for every person, so I use what’s appropriate and make sure that the right concept is getting across. I adapt to the situation and that works for me, because of who I am.

Maybe organised stalking worked for you, because of who you were and the types of people that you came across.

[quote]That is clearly the WRONG picture of current day organized stalking groups.[/quote]

The way you do it, yes. But for some of the demographics that I reach it’s not. There are people that like the slang Gang Stalking, and it works with some demographics. The ones that will get this culturally accepted as other methods have not worked as well. So why not work all angles? What’s the reason for trying to get rid of the term that has been a success for three years, and starting from scratch. It’s the same as if we tried to get rid of the term Targeted Individuals, it would just destroy those efforts.

[quote]I have tried “vigilante stalking” too.  That worked to some degree, but didn’t seem to paint a really clear picture in the minds of my listeners.[/quote]

Again Eleanor it’s how you present it, and who is presenting it. It’s all based on who the activist is, and the demographics that you try to reach, what works for one, does not work for another. If you look across the net, the term has reach a variety of groups, they are familiar with the term and they use it. I refuse to see that effort killed because you have a preferred term.

I have a preferred goal of getting this exposed, and I think using whatever terms work, to get the concept across. I could not use the term vigilante stalking with a straight face, because I hate the term, add all the false disinformation bs that goes with it. Another person whoever could use the term with no discomfort and probably over 85-95% success rate.

I say give them a bunch of terms. Having reviewed discussions about this, and the conversations people get up to, I see some refer to it as Cointelpro again, others as Stasi, let people use what they want to use, as long as the end message is the same, more or less and the concept get’s across, because exposure is the key.

In the modern day world Eleanor, it’s not the up to down effect that get terms introduced into society, it’s often the other way around. The terms start at a ground level, or urban level, gain popularity and go from there, that is the trend I am seeing with other terms and concepts that have become popularised and mainstream, and that is the angle that I am using.

Please don’t take this the wrong way Eleanor. You tend to be very old fashioned about certain things, and I like to take a modern approach, look for new ways to get things done, to reach and work with a modern audience. I like to use those methods and concepts, that works for me, and some others like me. This might not work for you, that’s fine.

[quote]Then Lynn Troxel originated “organized” stalking.  By FAR, that term brings the unaware listener to an accurate picture of the crime of OS, and does so quickly.[/quote]

It does not however. When I sought help, the terms and concept that worked best was community mobbing, because people have an idea of what mobbing is, and by saying it happens in the community, they got that. The same was true when I sought help at the other websites. Two of the mobbing sites based on the description I gave, immediately decided to add links to Gang Stalking websites, I emailed about 10-15 stalking sites, and they did not see the relevance to what happens to them. Think about that, those activists did not see the relevance or significance.

[quote]In the effort to first educate the public, and eventually get the crime stopped, I feel the term which creates an accurate picture of the crime, and does so quickly, is quite important to find and use.  The unaware public is not interested in taking on “another headache” or another worry, and doesn’t give anti-OS activists much in the way of attention span.  Often just seconds.[/quote]

I think if you use the most accurate term and do not add the appropriate information this does no good. I have spoken to you before about the continued effort of letting people think this is vigilantes, or right wing extremists behind this, but you keep pushing David Lawson. Oddly enough.

[quote]This is why I speak out against “gang” stalking and promote “organized” stalking.  Nothing more mysterious than that.[/quote]

I don’t know if I believe that, but it does not matter. The point is what you and the others associated with this effort are doing is killing other efforts that have gone before. Where to really have maximum effectiveness, people should have a variety of terms at their arsenal to help with getting this exposed. Many hate the term organized stalking, and do not feel that it truly expresses what is happening to them. The stalking term vs the mobbing term for example. They don’t feel that stalking even comes close to describing what is happening, and it takes the attention away from the meat and potatoes. I let people use what they want. I want to train people up to do their own thing, not be told what to do, and use. I do agree that uniformity is nice to have in some quarters, but I fully disagree in this one.

[quote]I also object to activism materials that state government is doing the stalking.  We do not have evidence, as of today, which proves that.  Such claims are part of the e-book “Bridging the Gap.”[/quote]

Oddly enough, you were happy to support David Lawson and unsubstantiated claims of vigilante stalking, but you have a problem with this. You never had more than David Lawson claiming this was done by vigilante gangs, but you never objecting to misleading people down this path, but with so much proof that government is doing this you object.

We have Tim Rice telling us that they were doing 24/7 surveillance on Journalist and others.

We have the ACLU telling us about Fusion centers and what they are doing, and about people being put under investigations. That these people will be communicating in code.

We have a billion and one articles from the Uk press telling us about the covert surveillance that individuals are being placed under, and the tactics being used, which match ours in many cases.

I have posted a passage from a police training manual about how to handle informants, and the book even says that they use a one handed sign language.

Bob the lawyer some of you all hired has said this. The success that people have had with court cases mostly involve going after the government. I speak of Donald Friedman and the FOIA released, and Jesus Medoza and what he heard back from his case, that he has blogged about.

Not to mention the book the Buzzsaw, which show how journalist go through something similar.

Plus the history of Cointelpro and the Stasi.

With all this you were willing to put forward and support a theory and book, that had the potential to get targets in trouble, but you object to hard information.

The ebook in question, just like the, have you had a chance to review that site? let me know what you think. You must have just been sleeping, and missed this site.
Have evidence to show that the government could be behind this.

I think the ebook in question that you are referring to, asks the question of why would the government do this to their own citizens, and the book answers the question. Do you want books, and material looking at the issue of Gang Stalking to leave this stuff out? That does not sound right to make. I get that you making unfounded accusations is not good, but that is not the case. The books back up their theories with current research. Including research from the ACLU on modern fusion centers.

[quote]There is nothing hidden or nefarious in my credibility reviews on:[/quote]

When I fist say you and Kelly discussing this I thought oh my gosh, witch hunt. I left it as it was. I wondered how long it would be till my site and other legit sites made the witch hunt, but I left it as it was, because I knew it was coming, but I hoped the community would be smarter than that.

Those reviews are again, your opinion of what you think is good and bad, and you want others to mindlessly agree to this without thinking.

As per the email I sent you, requesting you remove my site, because I did not appreciate it there. I did not think that you had the right to label my site bogus, because you do not like alphabetical order. I did send you an email and you said if I changed the order of my listing, I might get approved, well you know what I think of that?

You are putting sites there for minor things, so instead of going after the people, these so called credibility reports allow you to go after their sites, which amounts to the same thing. You go after their sites, and then it’s all done under the guise of what’s best for the community. I really do care about this, because it’s my life, and I do need to get this stopped. Joining the dark side is not an option for me.

Case in point. I will use my site but I think there are a few others on their that should not be there.

The so called credibility review says:

Eleanor White rating:  BOGUS  (trivializes the crime)
November 21, 2008

[quote]WEB SITE:

SITE TITLE:  Gang Stalking World

EW: This well-executed web site rates a BOGUS because it
misleads the visitor from the public into believing that
targets of organized stalking and electronic harassment are worrying about things that are trivial and not serious, and in fact common occurrences of every day life.[/quote]

The site misleads the visitors in what capacity? This is not the front page of the site, which is what people see.
Second of all, the page is in alphabetical order, because some of us who do research like it that way.

If this is your reason for calling a site bogus, how much good are these reviews actually doing for this community? Honestly, they are targeting some good sites, that could help people for minor things, which I believed was going to be the case all along.

[quote]Next notice the very first, most prominent technique this site describes.  The first item is presumably the one that causes targets of organized stalking the most grief. It is listed as “Air Stalking.”  In other words, the site cries out against aircraft stalking targets on the ground!

That concern literally shouts “paranoia” to the world.[/quote]

No really Eleanor to the educated public who can think for themselves, this shouts alphabetical order, and I wont be changing this for anyone.

Oh yeah, the other thing about these so called credibitlity reviews when you and Kelly first cooked them up was that you were going to be reviewing specific pages or sections to say what could be impoved, or why it was or was not good, instead you have used the oppertunity to use the reviews to discredit websites in whole.

Youre reviews are not saying, I don’t like because of this page or this section, you are targeting the whole website, by picking one little section.

Eg. You primarily are picking on the techniques page for Gang Stalking World, and a picture or something, but using this to declear the whole site as bogus, notice the word you choose to use? Not Eleanor disapproves, but bogus, making people think the site has no credibility, which is not the case. It’s just like if I did this, but used the word fraud, to describe some of your websites.

If you really were interested in anything other than a witch hunt, you would have also used better words, and reviewed the pages and listed the pages specifically and not attacked the full site.

You on your website

I think the picture of the militia guy that you have on your site, just does not work for me, for various reasons. I also think the section about Terri Schindler, on your site would give people the wrong message. I know it gave me the wrong message when I first started looking for stuff that could help.

You also have things about people’s cats being tortured to death. Though I respect this, as part of the targeted individual community, are you kidding me, do you think a new site visitor might not think we are a little Lonnie for this?

I know when I first saw your site, no offense, but I was really put off, from your site and a couple of others, and stayed away from it for some time. I think your site has some good information, but you talk about giving the wrong impression. I am going to leave it at that, because I am not hear to bash your site.

If I like a site, I like to it and use that. I try to avoid bashing things, unless I think it will be detrimental to real targets, and then I take a stand.

I think if you have sites that you like, then create a website of good and approved information that you and yours can use. That’s what I do, there are so many YouTube videos that I know are not good, but I don’t attack those, the same way I don’t for the most part out agents. I just try to point people to good sites or material I think will help them.

[quote]My only purpose is to assist targets in selecting the best materials for the fight to expose and stop organized stalking.



With all due respect Eleanor, I do not feel that you are doing this with your credibility reviews, and i definitely don’t feel that you are doing this with your members, telling people which terms they can use. It’s not cool, and it’s not right.

People should be able to use what they are comfortable with. This is very quickly becoming use the sites we say and the terms we say or be a pariah, and isn’t the point that people are already segregated in one way, why should their blogs, websites, and materials be also treated the same way?

I don’t think these are good, and when your members get called on this stuff, they accuse others of causing divisions in the community, but realistically, it’s these reviews and your members telling people which terms to use that are causing some of the problems.

I do appreciate you dropping by, at this moment there is nothing else that I feel a need to add to this conversation, if there is anything else that you would like to add, I will be happy to have you post it.

So that those interested in this discussion can read it, I will post it on the blogs.


*Free advertising to none credible sites removed.*

April 10, 2009 Posted by | activism, Awareness, buzzsaw, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, community mobbing, control, Controlled society, dissident, East Germany, Electronic harassment, False Prophets, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments