Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

The Tattoo, the ring, or the pill?

The Tattoo, the ring, or the pill?

The tech companies are finally trying to catch up, and in my opinion failing badly. When Google suggested the ring to login, instead of user names and passwords, I thought it was a waste of time. I am not against jewelry, but some people just don’t wear, or carry jewelry and find it to be invasive.

Google Wants to Replace All Your Passwords with a Ring

The world’s largest search engine is now experimenting with jewelry that would eliminate the need to remember dozens of passwords.
By Tom Simonite on March 12, 2013

Why It Matters

Passwords remain the standard method of protecting personal accounts, but people struggle to remember them, and they are often stored insecurely.

The search and ad company first revealed its plans to put an end to passwords in an academic paper published online in January (see “Google’s Alternative to the Password”). The effort focused on having people plug a small USB key that provides their credentials into a computer. The possibility of using special jewelry in a similar manner was mentioned in that paper.

I really thought this idea wasn’t that great, that is until I read this in the paper this morning, now the ring doesn’t seem that bad.

Motorola has announced it is looking at alternatives to the traditional passwords in a bid to make logging into online sites, or accessing mobile phones, more secure. Among the ideas discussed at the D11 conference in California on Wednesday include electronic tattoos and authentication pills that owners swallow. The tattoos contain flexible electronic circuits that are attached to the wearer’s skin using a rubber stamp and the pills can emit a signal from the wearer’s stomach to a mobile phone.

But seriously for my own situations ever increasingly, I am using spiritual based products. The only item for me that makes sense is the unique identifier system. It’s what the internet and the world has been waiting for.

I will go with being uniquely identified, and that will make sense. Even if someone discovers your unique identifier information they can’t use it, because it’s unique to the individual. So better than a password, it’s with you at all time, because it uniquely identifies the individual. It’s a spiritual based product, so it’s their at all times in the background working, but fully none invasive, what the internet, and the world loves.

I also want to see a universal login, open id is pretty cool, because then I don’t have to log into a billion situations, I want to see a payment system like this as well, one payment system, one login, similar to open id. That works for me, as long as they are working with the unique identifier system, even better, cause then no one, can use your information. Your unique identifier is sensed out remotely, and that would be that.

I think if these worked with the unique identifier system, then the internet would have the security, and the convenience they need to survive.

Eg. Example of a unique identifer system

1. Creator of unqiue identifiers
2. Name of creator of unquie identifiers
3. The only person who can say they created the unqiue identifiers

That’s a bit of a lame example, but the unqiue identifiers, can only be used by the actual person, the remote sensors can not be tricked, and it’s unqiue to the individual. You are the only person with those credentials, so if someone found your details, and tried to use them, the remote sensors would simply advise, you are not this person, you are not eg. Administrator of Gangstalking World or something.

The Gangstalking community have likely had access to this information for over a year and a half and been using it, also some others on the internet. The unique identifier also comes with a personal spiritual firewall, so it can be used in conjunction with what you already have, it’s an extra added layer of protection.

Activating the unqiue  identifier is easy, you just request to remotely activate your unique identifier, or remotely activate your Royal Queen Security Clearances, and those get activated at the same time. That’s what I personally use, and I have been a little bit safer, but I am waiting for full integration with some of the situations that are out there, once the integration occurs, it will make sense.

May 30, 2013 Posted by | Gang Stalking, GPS tracking, High technology | , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Activism Efforts

Freedom of Information Act Requests

These are suggestions that might be useful when making F.O.I.A. requests.

I think it would be a good idea to request freedom of information act information. Not only trying to obtain personal records, but also systeimic records.

Eg. 1. How many cases do Threat Assessment Teams have open and actively being monitored?

2. How many females vs males are currently and activily being monitored?

3. What is the cultural and or ethnic make up of those currently being monitored on these lists?

4. How many cases over the years ended up in institutionalizations? How many in arrests? How many in suicide? How many in homelessness? (They must have these figures if they are actively monitoring the cases, even if someone becomes homeless, the files would stay open.)

5. How much funding do these threat assessment teams get?

6. What is the guidelines for the remote monitoring and information gathering?

7. Where are the local monitors collected from? Are they local community members or others?

8. Who oversees the local monitoring? What guidelines are in place to ensure abuses do not happen?

9. What measures are in place to ensure that the privacy of the individual is not being trampled upon?

These are some of the Freedom Of Information Act Requests, that I would like to see directed to these threat assessment teams and any other agencies that they interact or liason with.

Human Rights Organizations

Some basic suggestions that might work.

For the human rights appeals, I think those should be redirected at local and other levels, but in addition to your other efforts, you might also wish to ensure that you point to these Threat Assessment Teams and their active and open case file monitoring.

Eg. I am what is known as a Targeted Individual. I am writing in regards to some ongoing surveillance and monitoring that I am currently experiencing. I believe that it is a possibility that I have been placed on a monitoring program at some point in the past by what is known as a Threat Assessment Team or similar entity, as per their case file monitoring guidelines.

Under this program I have experienced human rights abuses that i woudl like to bring to your attention.

I have experienced community monitoring, stalking and harsssment.

I have been terrorised and stalked within the communities where I reside, and my belief is that it’s in direct corrolation to the monitoring associated with this program.

I have experienced what our Targeted Individual community has coined Electronic Harassment.

The individuals who are taking part in the monitoring are using a variety of items which are remotly causing great physical pain, and discomfort. Though I have not visually seen the items being used, it has been suggested, and it is my belief that items such as:

Police radar guns are being used. -I have been advised that these might be getting used as part of the monitoring to remotely identify the targets location in their apartment. This casue a great deal of pain and discomfort.

Laser guns -I have been advised that laser guns such as the ones sold via the wickedlaser company might also be employed as part of the stalking. -According to the companies website these might be able to burn holes in items. It is my belief that these may be getting employed and used on Targeted Individuals.

Accoustic Weapons -I have been advised accoustic weapons that are capable of remotely manipulation of the nervous system might also be employed and used upon targets to assist with the monitoring. According to the current research this is capable of causing emotional disruptions of a nervous systems as well as placing individuals into unwilling states, such as relaxation, and drowsiness, and others.

Bass -I have been directed to the fact that times the sound compnent such as speakers with the sound component removed might be getting used. The vibrations are felt, and experienced, but no sound is heard. This also causing ringing in the ears, disrupts sleep, and has other ill health effects.

Transducers -I have been told and lead to believe that transducers might be also employed below the drywalls of apartments to cause heat and vibrations. Which create a great deal of pain and suffering as they disrupt sleeping patterns for days, weeks, months at a time.

RFID -It is my belief that RFID items in my possession are being illegally used to monitor my location while out in public. It’s a well proven fact that warrentless surveillance of some targets has been allowed in the past by some governments. RFID surviellance can include cellphones, door passes, passports, any communication device or other item that uses RFID to monitor and track a targets location.

(At this stage targets can add their own research to what they believe is being used upon them. Other forms of assault, such as sexual. I have left off things like satalight in this example, but if you have a compelling case, or good information, feel free to include it. A lot of what I have listed might not be things known to these agencies, things that are 100% proven, but the things that I have listed, should hopefully be within their realms of possibilities, and hopefully might prompt someone to open an investigation, or at least take the claims seriously.)

You may also wish to include a link to sites such as this which have things that might be designed to cause pain and discomfort. Tangable items that a human rights agency could be directed to.

Will this make a shred of difference? With enough letters, and the finger being pointed at these threat assessment teams, maybe it will lead to a review of some of these practices. Some of the things they are doing in my opinion seem to be just at the border at what some of these laws allow, and I am sure many other things are quite outside of the border of what the laws allow, and would disgust some if the dirty dealings came to light, but my recommendation is stick to the tangable.

Sure other things are going on like the V2k, or audio spotlight, but they are harder to prove. If you really need to include this element include information about the audio spotlight and how it can send sound to one person at a distance.

October 16, 2010 Posted by | activism, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, government corruption, GPS tracking, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, Voice to skull | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Welcome To The Coming Surveillance Society

Welcome To The Coming Surveillance Society

For the last several years the surveillance society has been documented by many who fear that privacy is being eroded, and that freedoms are being slowly eliminated, for those who have not been keeping up, who always wondered how freedoms could be eroded and eliminated almost overnight, I invite you to visit the coming surveillance society, and get acquainted with just a few of the ways it will be monitoring and tracking your every move.

1. Satellites

A recent CNN video has confirmed that local law enforcement agencies and U.S. civilian agencies will have regular use of the nations spy Satellites. They are going to be providing high resolution images, privacy groups are concerned that the powers will be misused.

In the movie enemy of the state, spy satellites are used to not only listen, recognize faces, but to track from location to location. If such technology is misused, it could have the potential to harm and hinder freedoms that are valued in today’s society.

2. Drones

It has just been announced that predator drones will now be used to watch and monitor the U.S. Mexican border. Predator drones are unmanned mini aircraft, equipped with cameras and in some cases weaponry.

The other notable factor is just how much money the U.S. government has spent on recruitment technology that can be masked as video games. They have even created virtual games that report back the users score. Could the U.S. be training a generation to kill with the remote ease of pushing a button, and with as little remorse?

Will citizens that step out of line be taken out of line as easily as the insurgents in the above video were? Only the future surveillance society will tell.

3. RFID Chips

RFID Chips are in more and more technology items and the chips can be used to track individuals within a few feet. These chips are in cellphones, bank cards, door passes, computers, and a variety of other items that the user carries in their possession on a daily basis.

The technology is becoming more and more invasive, and being used for a wider range of purposes and uses. Walmart recently announced it will start to use RFID in their retail clothing.

In the future, every item you buy, dollar exchanged, and electronic that you carry will may well have some form of RFID that will let the state monitor your activity. RFID tags that are tracked together, could give out a lot of information about the users that are carrying them, such as location and who else is present at the time.

IBM is even working on a Bar Code Reader’ for DNA, while Somark prefects ist’s Invisible barcodes for humans.

It’s the coming age of a truly advanced surveillance society.

4. Mind Reading

The technology is not only currently available, but there were suggestions that this technology would be used at airports in the future.

The hope for the future is to have technology that is so advanced that a simple invisible beam can be remotely placed on the forehead that will be able to tell the monitoring station all that the individual is thinking. Many would be surprised at how far advanced the technology has truly become.

5. Citizen Informant Network

Many do not realise that there is in place a vast citizen network in most cities that are fully capable of tracking and monitoring an average citizen from sunrise to sunset. Many do not realise that in most cities there are groups of citizens informants being used to keep track of average citizens 24/7.

In the book Closing The Gap, it’s reveals that using occupational health and safety laws, communities, workplaces, educational facilities, and others are able to list individuals on community monitoring and watch lists, and have them monitored for years to come.

Not only is the society now set up that way, but it seems that the young are being constantly conditioned to think that this is acceptable, and the way that things should be.

6. CCTV Cameras

Though the U.K. constantly come under fire, and are known for having the most CCTV cameras than any other country. The U.K. has one CCTV camera for every 14 people. Many major world cities are catching up. Cities such as New York, Washington and Toronto are added more and more CCTV cameras.

New York has steadily been increasing it’s use of CCTV, since the bombings, and cities like Toronto increased their CCTV usage for the G20 summit that was held in that city. It’s reported that CCTV’s were installed on nearly every single corner of the Toronto downtown core.

In future those quite little walks and private outings that were enjoyed my many may well no longer exist. Everywhere you go, you may well have someone, or something mechanical monitoring your every move. Giving up privacy for what is a sense of security, but is the trade off truly worth it? Only the citizens of the surveillance society can decide this in future.

7. Online Privacy

More and more laws are being enacted that could challenge online privacy, and anonymity in the future.
China is trying to rapidly end anonymity online. The reason the internet has been so successful and far reaching is that it provides expression, intelligent exchange, and a wide range of ideas not normally found offline. Also because you can be anyone and anything online, you get a wider range of opinions, truthful opinions, and ideas than you might otherwise have. The lightening fast paced exchange of information might not have happened as readily if everyone’s true information had to be revealed. Individuals who blow the whistle to sites such as Conspiracy TV, wikileaks, etc, might not have happened without this essential element of the Internet, and now those freedoms are being directly challenged in many far reaching, and unacceptable ways.

8. Pre-Crime Policing Technology

From the U.K. to the U.S. police and other agencies are starting to dabble in pre-crime policing technology. Technology that could well tell you when someone is about to commit a crime, or rather when the technology tells you that someone is about to commit a crime. The U.S. is even discussing parole based on this technology. Individuals in future could have their stay in jail, shortened or extended based on technology.

In the U.K. C.R.U.S.H. evaluates crime records, intelligence briefings, criminal profiles and weather reports, to try and determine if a crime is about to occur. It’s technology that will be able to prove you guilty, before you have a chance to declare your innocence.

9. Minority Report Ads

These are billboards that are already being developed by Japanese firm NEC. The billboards would use face recognition technology to confirm gender, age, and other factors and then proposition ads accordingly. The faces supposedly will not be stored for every long, but this is just one more way that consumers will be placed under surveillance, and advertised to directly. The name of this technology in Japan is called the Next Generation Digital Signage Solution.

In the U.S. IBM is leading the way for this type of Digital Advertising technology. Train stations, bus stops, and the sides of buildings. Surveillance and advertising all rolled into one. IBM says that consumers will only be shown adverts geared to the individual.

In the city of Leon in Mexico, everything will soon be linked to your iris scans. Technology is being implemented that will access all of your data based on your iris scan. Be it entering your home, opening a car door, going to work, the pharmacy to have a prescription filled, or accessing your medical records, it will all be based on your iris scan.

The creator of this system, believes that every person, place and thing on the planet will be connected to this system within the next 10 years.

10. Social Networking Sites

Our society just loves social networking sites. Seeing who we can connect with, making new friends, catching up with old. We love our social circles, and oddly so does that state for the purposes of monitoring, tracking and surveillance.

One of the top social networking sites online is increasingly being used by law enforcement and others, as a profiling database. Police use it to trackdown the friends, family, and associates of individuals of interests. The site is used to see who is interconnected to whom. Your circle, those of your friends, and their friends. If a crime happens and an individual is sought, some social networking sites have been very helpful with tracking down the individual.

One site is so advanced some users get emails advising them that they might know specific individuals not listed on their friend list, but individuals based on who their extended circles know and associate with.

It’s just one more way that you will be tracked, monitored and placed under surveillance in the future.

Welcome to the Surveillance Society. It’s here.



Full Body Scanners







September 1, 2010 Posted by | Gang Stalking, GPS tracking, Mind Control, Mind Reading, Monitoring, Spirit, Spy cameras, spy satellites, Spying, Stasi, State target, Surveillence | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


[quote]Train: Calling All Angels

I need a sign to let me know you’re here
All of these lines are being crossed over the atmosphere
I need to know that things are gonna look up
‘Cause I feel us drowning in a sea spilled from a cup

When there is no place safe and no safe place to put my head
When you feel the world shake from the words that are said

And I’m calling all angels
I’m calling all you angels

I won’t give up if you dont give up [Reapeat x4]

I need a sign to let me know you’re here
‘Cause my TV set just keeps it all from being clear
I want a reason for the way things have to be
I need a hand to help build up some kind of hope inside of me


When children have to play inside so they don’t disappear
And private eyes solve marriage lies cause we don’t talk for years
And futbol teams are kissing Queens
and losing sight of having dreams
In a world that what we want is only what we want until it’s ours [/quote]

Insanity. That’s what I want to call the new campaign.

I realised that this is insane, tell me something that I don’t know. Getting stalked and tracked around the city. Apparently cause I am so nutty that I need to be kept in my place. My fellow citizens thinking that they are doing something good, when all they are doing is helping enslave themselves and those of us who would fight or at least stand against this oppression. It’s insane. I know I have had two years to try to adjust to this, but there isn’t a moment where I just don’t shake my head and go, this can’t be real.

My democratic country, or so I thought, is nothing better than a Stasi Snitch State with most of my fellow citizens, already ensnared. That is insane.

The fact that some people do realise what is happening, but can do very little about it, or care to, that is also insane.

The fact that I parade around the city seeing if I can lose them every now and then, in this crazy game of cat and mouses, well it’s insane.

The fact that in a few short years, we might all lose our Internet privileges, because the big cable companies want to make it like cable TV, yes people, they want to make the Internet like cable TV, you get access to a few dozen popular sites, and any additional sites you have to pay for to visit. In a night when doing research, hard research, I can hit dozens of sites in just one night. If the Internet was not as available as it is now, I don’t know if I could have done the research which lead to finding out that we are in such deep waters.
I am not naive enough to believe that these people will not eventually find a way to curtail the Internet, and then what? You have seen how well these cable channels, newspapers, etc tell the truth, they don’t. This is one of the last few free foundations and we need to do everything that we can to keep it that way.

Also the fact that I sit idly by and let this happen, that’s insane. Don’t get me wrong, I have done some stuff, but there is not a day that goes by, that I am not going, what else can I be doing? I am not doing enough, I need to be doing more. I mean this is our future, and the future of some of your children.

It’s insane that I daily have to come home, and try to figure out if my websites will still be up or shut down. This week they have really been playing with me, and so it was my time to play back. Anyways on that topic, should the site not be available you can use the to access the information or the wordpress blog.

Mark has done a really good job in making sure his site is up and running, but the best example I have ever come across is I think the way this site is set up, is the likeliest for longevity.

I think it’s insane that these people have stolen everyone’s voices, hopes and dreams and they are emotionally, destroying people with this system that they are bringing in. People are killing themselves, some I do believe have taken the lives of their children rather than watch them suffer the upcoming fate.

I think it’s insane that I have to watch little children snitching and spying, it’s disgusting. I believe in patriotic children, I believe in teaching right from wrong, but there is just something so wrong and so base about turning the innocent into snitches. Hitler did this, and we were disgusted, or have we forgotten? It’s no better because we are now doing the same thing. It’s truly disgusting.

It’s insane that we are not doing more, there is a small window that we can still swing this, and I am not that hopeful, but we must always hang on to hope. If we sit and do nothing, then we will get nothing, and we will be left with nothing, but that future that we can not walk away from.

I think it’s insane that I have helicopters and other planes occasionally helping to stalk me. It’s like one of those movies where they use planes to monitor the inner cities, except our cities do this in the downtown core. That’s insane. This is your Orwellian 1984 crap, come home to roost. It’s insane.

I also think it’s insane that I can’t remember what a good nights sleep is. I find myself now just dosing off at odd times. I don’t know if it’s cause my body after two years of electronic harassment is just finally getting tired, or if it’s that my body is finally adjusting to some really bad stuff I went through recently and am just getting past now. I have not been getting a lot of sleep, and the last few days I am finally sleeping a bit more, just in odd places. The other day I woke up, and my body just refused to move, I was so tired. It’s insane that these pretend democratic countries allow this.

It’s insane that dozens, or hundreds, or thousands are being targeted in this way, and we can not get it together and do something to stop this. It does not take a lot, just the right concerted effort, but we are always trying to second guess as what that should be, which is always part of the plan. Keep them separate, keep them guessing.

It’s just bloody insane. That such a time like this should happen again, unchallenged, unwittingly, unappologetically, it should not be so, but it is, and will be, unless we do something.

That’s always the question, do something, but what?

For the targets out there, do what we have been doing, but more of it. On a daily basis at work, on the street, in the underground we have contact with Citizen Informants. Some know what it’s all about, some do not. Many think that they are following around some dangerous Target, insane, might snap at any minute. Yeah.

Well let’s give them what they are looking for. They want insanity let’s give it to them. I am suggesting. (Suggesting being the operative word.) That we educate them as best as we can. We don’t have to talk to them, we simply need to point them in the right direction.

The offline world is a lot more sheepish than the online world. What if we could show them what they are really a part of, sure many would still do what they are doing, but we might just might be able to swing some light our way. Some desperately needed light.

If our daily encounters with these Citizen Informants, we directed them to sights such as or or http://www.TargetedIndividuals, or name a sight of your choice. Mark sites explains really well what is happening, and his site is a real wake up call. What if in our daily encounters, we directed our Citizen Informants there, or to other sites, how much more effective might we be, in helping people to wake up before it’s too late?

I am suggesting what I have always suggested, but just more of it, and a concerted effort. If you are a target, and have nothing to lose, then by all means. Again you have to go with what suits your comfort level.

Small flyer’s, business cards, posters, whatever you can get your hands on, with a few words that are relevant to them, and to our plight. Nothing too wordy.

I am calling the campaign Insanity, cause that is what this is, and that is how they brand the majority of us, so why not use what we have against them? Shine a light back in their faces, hope that we penetrate the darkness. So that this will not be the fate for others.

There are lot’s of local places that do flyer’s really cheap, and lot’s of places online that provide business cards, flyers really cheap. If the targets from London, New York, Toronto, Japan, China, etc all took the time, then we might be able to make a small dent, but it might help tip the scales. This is happening so quickly, and quietly, that by the time those remaining wake up, or those ensnared wake up, it will be too late, if it is not already too late. Think of those zoombie movies that popped up out of nowhere, all of a sudden, that is what it will feel like.

I don’t know if times like these must always come, I mean maybe when a society get’s too decadent, wasteful, and stupid, this is maybe a sort of natural cleansing process, I don’t know. Maybe like how lemmings kill themselves, when the population get’s too much. (Seriously, they all run and jump off a cliff, and drown in the water.) Maybe these times come to bring back order. It reminds me a lot of the movie apocalypto. I don’t know why these times come, but according to Naomi Wolf, there is a small window of opportunity when these times do come to turn it around.

Mark M. Rich also has his new book out at it’s a book that can be passed along to others.

I know it might seem easier to sit back and do nothing, but that doesn’t feel right to me. However what works for one might not work for another. All I am saying is try, in your own small way try, because the alternative that is waiting is just not a future worth having for some.

August 30, 2008 Posted by | Censorship, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conformity, control, Controlled society, crazy, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Fascism, Fascist, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, GPS tracking, Gratitude, harassment, Insane, Mark M Rich, mental-salves, mobbing, New World Order, NWO, Police State, psychological harassment, Relationships, revolution, silence, slavery, slaves, Snitches, Social Control, Socialnetworking, society, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , | 3 Comments

Is it bigger than a brain box?

Ok I have been trying to make this post for the last three months or so. At first it was just going to be a simple light little post, but after three months of trying to write it, and post it, then always forgetting to, it’s not so much fun anymore.

So here goes, short and sweet. A few months back I was on lunch. I had started the new job, it was after 2 months of getting microwaved. Anyways I was tired one day, so I went to sit in the lower level of this hotel near where I work. It’s a quite area, so I figured I could get a bit of shut eye, not real sleep, but some quite. For the first few minutes a couple of snitches just hovered off in the distance, but they did not approach.

Then after about 10 minutes this guy did approach near where I was. He had to go to the guys washroom, that’s fine, however he left this bag outside near where I was sitting.

Ok I was sitting down at these empty tables, near the washrooms. He walks past me, he leaves his bag, which looks like the brown one in the above picture. It had that kind of rectangle shape, maybe bigger than this one. There was no reason for him to leave it there.

I mean I am a complete stranger, and suddenly there is no one else around. That was the big clue, the only other time that I can remember being snitch free, was the time they tried to set me up with the sleazy old dude. I have blogged about that before. So anyways, I sit there tired, thinking are they going to try to set me up? ‘What is this? Why is he leaving the bag there? Also where are the snitches?

I wanted to get out of there, but I was tried, and thought, ok, let’s see what happens. Eventually he came back out of the guys bathroom, after about 5-10 minutes, took up the bag and left. I also left, cause by then I was like, what are they up to?

So I was still trying to figure out what they heck later on that day, when I was at home. Well the weird thing was out of nowhere, my mind conjured up this memory of this story that I had read on one of these websites. I could not find the link.

It’s about this person who says that after 2 times where someone leaves this laundry sized bag, she/he had their mind read by the government. Now my mind would not normally jump to this conclusion. Even though I know that this can be done, it’s not a something that would normally come to mind. Even with all that I am going through, I try to leave things like that as a last ditch explanation. I really don’t like to talk about the “weird stuff”.

Anyways, I can’t find the link to the story, but it was something like the person was left alone with the laundry looking bag, then they were getting direct feedback via V2K about what was being read from their mind.

Now I have never had any of the V2K stuff, and I don’t necessarily have any reason to believe that the government is reading my mind, but two weird things did happen right after that.

One was I started to feel like this probe, or like these mini tendrils were moving over mind/brain. Hard to explain, and I hate talking about the weird stuff, maybe that’s why it took three months to write this post.

The second thing was I felt like something like maybe a contact, or something was being pressed into the corner of my eye(s), that went away eventually, but happened on a few occasions. (Remember there are people that have reported that people are seeing what they see, via their own eyes.)

Now normally I would just think, ok, so a weird feeling in the eye, some brain probe feeling so what? However it’s partially the fact that my mind so clearly went to that memory of that story when I tried to figure out what had happened.

Also I was recently on Mark’s site, I guess I read this before, but only reread it recently.

This brain tapping technology is obviously intended to maximize the trauma, & presumably portray me as mentally ill if I were to explain it. Like fingerprints, each person has their own unique brain print. Presumably, each of these individuals has visited a clinic where they their specific brain pattern was cataloged & attuned to a type of a remote biofeedback computer. In all likelihood, this is being done by the CIA, FBI, other federal agencies, or a private security firm with national security privileges.

See this is the part that worries me, if this technology exists, then what would stop someone from being able to get a wireless device that could do this remotely. All you would have to do is leave it by the person when they are by themselves, so it picks up their specific wave, and no one elses, leave it around them for a lenght of time, and then it would pick up the individual, much like tuning into a radio station. Then it could listen to your specific channel whenever they wanted to. What’s the target doing right now, we have lost contact, what are they thinking?

Also like a radio, we can train our brains to be silent. The stronger our thoughts are, the easier they are to pick up. Where some activities render our thoughts harder to read. If you are trying to figure out ways to be less violated.
[quote]Other electronic harassment includes a type of attack known as Phantom Touch, where it feels as though someone is running their fingers on top of my head. There are also burning attacks & sharp, pulsed pains, frequently aimed at my ears.[/quote]

What I feel is more internal than external. Eg. The phantom touch is more like brain/mind touch than the top of my head. Again, I don’t have any proof, and no specific reason to think this, but I feel it was important to relay this.

Now keep in mind that I have other weird things happening in my life, that could explain this as well. Stuff that has been verified. However this other weird stuff, was happening a few months before this specific experience or incident.

Before this all sounds too weird, and puts people off, I am going to point to a few links about some of the mind reading stuff being made public.

Now whither my own personal experience has any relevance at this stage is anyone’s guess, and not something that I spend time worrying about.

The bottom line for me is reading people’s minds is wrong, and without their permission you get what you pay for. Eg. What people think does not always mirror their true intentions for bad or for good. Thoughts might be intentions, but intentions do not always translate to thoughts.

Also in traditional fashion if I think someone is reading my mind, just as if I think they are listening to my phone conversations, you are going to get some stuff that you don’t want to hear on purpose. Really harsh stuff, much harsher than if I thought my thoughts were private. Eg. When I first realised that my home was being bugged, and that people at work could hear stuff back. I took the opportunity to say just about every mean thing I could think of, stuff I probably would not have said otherwise, but if you are listening to people’s private moments when you should not be, or without their permission, then you get what you pay for. Same with tapping into the mind.

I mean if I could listen to someones thoughts would I? Maybe, but I think somethings should be private, and if I could listen in, I would probably keep it to myself. I think it’s wrong to listen into someones thoughts, and then share it with whomever and whatever wants to know. It’s a form of violation, some would call it a form of mind rape. Whatever you think on this subject, it’s going to become more relevant in future years, as these forms of technologies become more precise and we maybe even absorb it into our current culture at airports and other areas. Imagine not being able to go to work in the mornings without being able to pass a brain scan? Now that would be something.

July 6, 2008 Posted by | Active denial, Brain reading device, changing vibrations, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, crazy, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, ESP, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, GPS tracking, High technology, Illegal, Mind Control, Mind Reading, New World Order, Targeted Individual, Voice to skull | 3 Comments

De-classified US Electronic Harassment Weapons.

  This is what is posted on the gang stalking world site on the forum. These technologies have been out for well over a decade and some much longer. I noticed that the post talks about a heart rate monitor that they use to track us in our apartments. (Just one possible method.) Based on what I have experienced, I fully believe that this or a version of this is what is being used. Everytime I am almost asleep or in dream like state the banging starts, in conjuction with how the heart rate changes in those states. It’s hard to explain, but after playing around with it for some time, this is what I am seeing here.

The shaking floors, are often used to keep the target in a none relaxed state, or just to keep the hear pumping faster, thus easier to read and track.

Sometimes I sit back and think that these creatures are being allowed to do this with the blessing of the state, and it’s hard to believe because not so long ago, I use to think this could never happen in a society like the one I live in. That was a false perception.

Look at all the work being done on mind reading, control, and even just getting us to control things with out minds, it’s all very fascinating stuff. Anyways enjoy the article.

Oh P.S. Jim Guest a member of the US Legislature has spoken out about electronic harassment, here is a link from the Freedomfchs site.


Author: ultra_phoenix
Site: Above Top Secret
Title. Newly De-Classified US Electronic Harassment Technologies.

January 19, 1998

[quote]This page lists articles from technology publications which show how these technologies are being marketed in commercial form, and have also been and are being used to harass covert weapons testing victims:

The reader is asked to remember that ANNOUNCED inventions with potential for “national security” use are ALWAYS already in use covertly when announced. The SR-71 “Blackbird” surveillance aircraft was in use for many years before the public saw it.

This page lists articles from technology publications which show how these technologies are being used to harass covert weapons testing victims, and are now coming out in commercial form, or have been announced to the public:

1. Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 10, 1997 “Radar Warns Birds of Impending Aircraft”

This article by Bruce Nordwall (Washington bureau) describes research being carried on by the USAF Wright Laboratory at Dayton Ohio. The article describes the use of MODULATED radar signals to produce AUDIBLE SOUND within the brains of birds near airport runways to cause them to fly away and avoid collisions with landing aircraft.

Other references on work with animals or humans with “audible microwaves”:

Science, vol. 181, 27 July 73, page 356 Nature, vol. 216, DEC 16 1967, page 1139 Nature, vol. 210, May 7 1966, page 636 Journal Acoustical Society of America, June 1982, page 1321 Bioelectromagnetics conference, 1992, 13:323-328 (pages 323-328)

This list was furnished by the lab at Wright- Patterson Air Force Base where this type of unclassified development is now in progress.

** The transmission via MODULATED microwave pulses carrying voices to selected weapons testing victims has been carried on for more than two decades, as reported by the victims. There has been little published about this phenomenon, and since direct-to-skull voice transmissions are consistently mis-interpreted by psychiatrists as ‘schizophrenia’, getting this information to the public needs concerted attention.

2. Electronic Business Today, February 1997 “Business Trends” section, page 20

Inventor Elwood Norris, and his small company, (American Technology Corp., Poway CA) have designed a market ready device called an “acoustical heterodyne”.

This device sends out two sound signals in the ultrasonic (above-human-hearing) range which, when they impact a surface, which may be a living creature, then and only then produce a sound at a frequency equal to the DIFFERENCE (“heterodyne”) of the two ultrasound frequencies.

** This technology has been used extensively by harassers who follow a walking or driving victim and bounce raucous, unnatural bird calls and other strange sounds off surfaces near the victim. This type of sound is tape recordable.

ATC Corporate Headquarters 13114 Evening Creek Dr. S. San Diego, CA 92128 (800)41-RADIO (417-2346) (619)679-2114 (619)679-0545 FAX http:/

3. New York Times, April 7, 1997, “Devices May Let Police Find Hidden Guns on Street” article

This article, with photos supplied by Millitech Corporation, describes recently unclassified “millimeter wave” cameras (and some other see- thru technologies less well developed.)

These units operate like camcorders, giving the user a real-time thru-clothing, thru- luggage image for detecting weapons and drugs.

Technology like this does not just pop out of nowhere overnight, and it probably has its roots in the 1960’s classified microwave weapon “renaissance” – about the same time as the U.S. embassy staff in Moscow discovered they were being bathed in Soviet microwave signals.

OEM Magazine, February 1997, page 20 “Electronic Dipstick” article

This article describes “micropower impulse radar” or “MIR” radar, developed at Lawrence Livermore Lab in California, and licensed to several large companies for consumer products. Basically, this radar uses the highest radio frequencies and does not require the supporting hardware like rotary antennas which ‘conventional’ radar does.

Uses include vehicle blind-spot sensors, traffic control sensors, heart muscle response monitors, and ** see thru plaster ** stud finders.

** Thru the wall radar has been covertly used for a number of years on weapons testing victims. One common use has been to detect where the victim is standing or walking in their apartment, and ‘follow’ the victim’s position by rapping floor, walls, or ceiling from an adjacent apt. This is designed to let the victim know he/she is under constant surveillance.

4. Defense Electronics, July 1993, page 17


Federal law enforcement officials considered testing a Russian scientist’s acoustic mind control device on cultist David Koresh a few weeks before the fiery conflagration that killed the Branch Davidian leader and 70 of his followers in Waco, Texas, DEFENSE ELECTRONICS has learned.

In a series of closed meetings beginning March 17 in suburban northern Virginia with Dr. Igor Smirnov of the Moscow Medical Academy, FBI officials were briefed on the Russian’s decade- long research on a computerized acoustic device allegedly capable of implanting thoughts in a person’s mind without that person being aware of the source of the thought.

His account of the meetings was confirmed by Psychotechnologies Corp., a Richmond, Virginia based firm that owns the American rights to the Russian technology.

[Not necessarily unclassified, but at least made known to a limited segment of the public]

5. Dan Rather’s CBS Evening News, Dec. 9, 1997

Police helicopters were the topic, and one of the features soon to be added to police heli- copters was “an electromagnetic ray gun which can stop speeding cars dead.”

While this is primitive technology compared with that used to manipulate the minds and nervous systems of e-weapons victims of the 1990’s, it does demonstrate quite clearly that government is putting substantial re- sources into electromagnetic weapons devel- opment.

6. Canadian version, Discovery Channel, “Invention” segment, Thursday December 25, 1997

During part of the show, it was stated that the current development of polygraphs (lie detectors) using massive computer-aided database comparisons was now a reality and these machines were making substantial progress towards near- perfect accuracy.

The final statement in that segment was: It is expected that the next stage in polygraph devel- opment will be REMOTE MICROWAVE detection of bodily functions, which will mean the polygraph can then be used SECRETLY, at a distance.

7. Associated Press: (Dec. 2, 1997)

TOKYO – Tired of reaching for the remote control every time you surf the channels? Help is on the way – at a price. A Japanese company plans to market a device that changes television channels and activates household appliances at the flicker of a brain wave. The price: roughly 600,000 yen ($4,800). The product, called the Mind Control Tool Operating System, or MCTOS, is the result of a collaboration between the Technos Japan Co. and the Himeji Institute of Technology in southwestern Japan.

Say you want to turn on the air conditioner. Simply focus on that icon on the MCTOS computer display menu while wearing a pair of beta-wave trapping goggles. Then, according to Technos spokesman Sadahiro U#ani, say something like “Ei!!” inside your head. Soon your air conditioner will be pumping cool air into the room.

MCTOS is scheduled to go on sale in April, 1998.

8. On Jan. 19 the Washington Post had an article about a device for remotely detecting heartbeats by detecting the electromagnetic pulses emitted by beating hearts.

URL:… 1998-01/19/017l-011998-idx.html

An excerpt:

“The pumping of the human heart is controlled by electrical signals, which doctors measure in electrocardiograms. The heart’s activity generates an irregular, ultralow-frequency electric field that extends in a circle around the body.

“The field is faint, but it can pass through almost any physical barrier. The LifeGuard can pick up on the strongest part of the field, the heart, through barriers including concrete walls, heavy foliage and rocks. Company officials say the LifeGuard can detect a person in less than five seconds and can pinpoint his or her location with a high degree of accuracy.”

The company is marketing the device for potentially locating people in need of rescue, or detecting where individuals are located inside a building.

— submitted by: Allen L. Barker

Here is more info on this type of device:

69. VSE – Life Assesment Detector System DATE 020597 93% (Nasdaq: VSEC) LIFE ASSESMENT DECTECTOR SYSTEM (LADS) Patent Pending The Life Assessment Detector System (LADS), a microwave Doppler movement measuring device, can detect human body surface motion, including heartbeat and respiration, at ranges up..… 3296 bytes, 08Feb97 —

9. Nature magazine, Vol 391, January 22, 1998, page 316, “Advances in neuroscience may threaten human rights” by Declan Butler

(PARIS – Pasteur Institute – Speech by Chairman of the French national bioethics committee Jean-Pierre Changeaux)

“But neuroscience also poses potential risks, arguing that advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy immense.

“Although the equipment needed is still highly spec- ialized, it will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance, he predicted. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behaviour, and brainwashing.”

“These are far from being science-fiction concerns, said Changeaux, and constitute a serious risk to society.”

Also in that article:

“Denis LeBihan, a researcher at the French Atomic Energy Commission, told the meeting that the use of imaging techniques has reached the stage where we can almost read people’s thoughts.”

NOTE: These scientists are speaking ONLY about the UNCLASSIFIED scientific arena. Classified technology can always be assumed well ahead of unclassified.…[/quote]

December 9, 2007 Posted by | Above top secret, Active denial, Active Denial Weapons, Brain reading device, Controlled society, Covert investigations, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, GPS tracking, harassment, High technology, Isolation, mental concentration camps, mental-salves, Mind Control, Monitoring, Movies, Neurolinguistic programing, New World Order, NWO, oppression, society, Spy cameras, spy satellites, Spying, Stalking, State target, Surveillence, Television, The Matrix, Thought Police, vibrations, youtube | 33 Comments

Computer issues and server problems.

Ok where have I been? I am having computer problems. Getting online, and when I do get o nline, my keyboard is sparadically working. Needless to say I think my computer problems seems to be somewhat deliberate. I use to keep my computer with me to avoid this, but recently I found I could no longer do that, and that’s when a lot of the computer problems started.

When I do get online, it’s like I am not on my own network, often it’s like my computer is connecting to another network. I could explain this better by going into details, but I just don’t have the time right now.

The website. Coincidentally, whenever I am not online, able to get online, the site keeps going offline. It’s been offline the last few days again, and I am trying to get the company I host with to fix this. There is no reason the site should be offline this much, unless it’s a really crappy company, or deliberate. Either way it’s not acceptable.

Work, what can I say about that. The usual rumours, slander, some mobbing, a bit of bullying, and the odd human thrown in, but all of them snitches. It’s like at the end of that movie Rosemary’s baby, and she realises that they are all witches and she is like, all of them witches, well it’s like, all of them snitches.

I am also a little bit bored. I mean this system of control, and snitches have been around, probably longer than I have, no one has changed it, I don’t know that anyone is going to change it, and as many people visit the website, no one is doing anything to get other sites out, info out. I mean some people are, but at times like this, it feels like you are doing things by yourself, and the apathy really kicks in. Also humans are just all the same across the board. I think they like their servitude to the system. As long as it does not break their back too much, it seems like they are ok with it. Maybe this is a false perception, but it’s the only one that I can come to for the time being.

Anyways, on the site before it went offline, there was a great post, about the electronic weapons that are being used on us. Eg. A heart rate monitor, to figure out where the target is in their appartment. A lot of the stuff that they use to track, monitor, and hurt, is stuff that has been on the market for over a decade or more, and it’s just you get the odd person who knows what’s going on, and then they put up the information, and then no one bothers to preserve it, and so the next target has to start from scratch. It’s  a pretty self-serving society.  

I have lot’s more to write, but I have other things to attend to like getting the site back up, again. If anyone is really concerned about the site being offline, then try adding a mirror site, or something. Just a thought.

December 3, 2007 Posted by | Bullying, Cointelpro, Controlled society, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Fascism, Fascist, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, GPS tracking, harassment, Isolation, mental-salves, mobbing, pigeons, Police State, silence, slavery, slaves, Snitches, society, Spying, State target, Surveillence | Leave a comment

Mokeys, frogs, state control.

David Icke Secrets of the Matrix. (This is great) I found it so informative. Now you don’t have to agree 100% with it, but it’s pretty informative.

It’s six hours. I have seen about 3 hrs worth, but it’s good what I have seen. You can rent it, buy it or find it other ways. Google had it but removed it, but if you look about…

This is how the world seems to be working.
I believe this was an actual experiment that was done, but I could not find the source.

Start with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana over a set of stairs. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water. After while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result – the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when any monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it. Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he’ll be assaulted. Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one.

The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they weren’t permitted to climb the stairs or why they’re participating in the beating of the newest monkey. After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana.

Now take this a step further and apply this to society. At some point these mokeys/people go out into the world, they go into the companies, into the schools, religious organizations, etc. Social constructs that are used to keep us in line, and teach us how to fall in line. Everytime a monkey/person get’s out of line they are punished. Some monkeys/people go through life never going after the banana, never getting out of line, and so are never attacked, and so would never understand that society is like this. Then you get those who do go for the banana, whistle-blowers, activists, dissidents, those who step out of line, those who ask the right/wrong questions, publish the news stories they should not, ones that are too independent, those who do not properly conform, etc. Then they see society for what it is.

Society has various ways for dealing with those who are not conforming, or teaching others how to conform. Drugging of young school children who are too hyperactive for their own good, School bullying, workplace mobbing, community gang stalking, the buzzsaw for reporters, religious/cult harassment, social annexing, etc. Most of society at some point will learn how to fall in line, and they too will keep others in line. Many don’t know why, but that’s the way it is, and they understand that they can get sprayed with that cold water if they don’t keep others in line.

People are kept in line primarily via fear, fear of what others will think of them, or react to them, etc. Social constructs that most of us are a part of and would not wish to be annexed from. Should a monkey/person step out of line, they are then socially annexed to bring them back in line, harassed, have their lives disrupted, or more forceful means. Now we have more overt and extreme measures. Neurolinguist programing is being used to purposly sensitive people in society to everyday stimuli, then on others electronic monitoring and torture is being used.

[quote]If you put a frog in scalding hot water, the frog will jump out immediately. If you put that same frog into lukewarm water and gradually turn up the heat, the frog will happily let itself be boiled to death.” [/quote]

The same is happening with our move towards a one world global government, with a scanned/micro chipped/controlled, communist, snitching society. I mean if someone tried to introduce ID chips into the bodies of humans 50 years ago, people would have revolted, and overthrown the state. Same with the satalight surveillance, and the CCTV cameras, but we have slowly over time introduced the agenda for a global state and the frogs/humans are going to slowly let themselves get cooked to death/compliance.

As long as you just do it gradually and keep them distracted, they will be boiled before they know it. You could never do this all at once, because like the hot water they would realize it and rebel, but slowly over time, they get comfortable, slowly sedated like the frog, till it’s too late.

These blog posts are looping, but if you are like me, then coming to grips on how society could be like this is a process.

September 11, 2007 Posted by | Bullying, Censorship, Cointelpro, Controlled society, david icke, domestic spying, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, google, GPS tracking, harassment, Matrix, mental concentration camps, Mind Control, mobbing, Monitoring, Neurolinguistic, Neurolinguistic programing, New World Order, NWO, oppression, Police State, silence, slavery, slaves, Snitches, society, spy satellites, State target, Surveillence, Thought Police, UK, whistle blower, youtube | 1 Comment

Just us birds

Remember it’s just us birds.


From Times OnlineFebruary 27, 2007

[quote]Scientists create remote-controlled pigeon
Chinese scientists have succeeded in implanting electrodes in the brain of a pigeon to control the bird’s flight remotely, state media have reported.

The Xinhua News Agency said scientists at the Robot Engineering Technology Research Centre at Shandong University of Science and Technology in eastern China used the micro-electrodes to command the bird to fly right or left, and up or down.

The implants stimulated different areas of the pigeon’s brain according to electronic signals sent by the scientists via computer, mirroring natural signals generated by the brain, Xinhua quoted chief scientist Su Xuecheng as saying.

It was the first such successful experiment on a pigeon in the world, said Mr Su, who conducted a similar successful experiment on mice in 2005.

Here’s Looking at You

With Urban Eyes Marcus Kirsch and Jussi Angesleva also use preexisting technology embedded and unseen in our cities, CCTV surveillance cameras. Instead of computer programmers, they have enlisted pigeons as their conspiratorial message carriers. Kirsch and Angesleva feed pigeons seeds containing RFID tags that communicate with a city’s CCTV cameras; as the birds fly near a CCTV camera, a photograph is recorded and sent to a distinct URL. Here’s an incarnation of the messenger pigeon — photographing the city from above, alerting us to invisible eyes. The best part? The project is eco-friendly; digested devices are shat out like so many stones some 12 hours later.

Absurd and, perhaps, minor (Urban Eyes has won prizes but not funding; conspiracy, anyone?), these projects are a new form of sabotage. Ultimately, however, NameBase and Urban Eyes merely reverse the camera angle of surveillance: they say, “see, now we can spy on you” or “look, a pigeon can do this, and then shit out your technology.” And the result of the pigeons’ work, while a mockery of the government’s surveillance program, produces what it critiques, more city surveillance pictures.

Pigeon CCTV
Public Surveillance – a use for pigeons!  

Everyone complains about pigeons, that there’s too many in our cities and they’re a pest – thus could give them a use?
Mount small wireless camera’s in a pigeon and thus the centrally located operations centre could view the pigeon’s whereabouts and if they see anything suspicious take a snap shot from the pigeon closest!

Think about it, something dodgy going on and a plain clothed spy would only need drop some corn on the floor and the pigeons would descend!

Also by getting pooed on by a pigeon, may give a new meaning to ‘just been caught’!

 Findus, Mar 22 2007


Oddly, I had almost the same idea at the beginning of the week. Retrofitting pigeons with either audio or video or stills low-power equipment that sends encrypted information to the web periodically – the mass of pigeons and the wisdom of crowds would allow an aggregate pervasive immersion to be built up.
 I.T., Mar 22 2007
Pigeon cyborg bloggers
February 10th, 2006

Environmentally aware pigeons become bloggers. Carrying GPS and simple mobile transmitters, 20 pigeons traverse the skies of San José, transmitting air pollution levels, photos and create a dynamic map of air quality. This is pretty brilliant use of blogs and pigeons, methinks!


The CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology is celebrating its 40th anniversary by revealing a few dozen of its secrets for a new museum inside its headquarters near Washington.

Keith Melton, a leading historian of intelligence, calls it “the finest spy musuem you’ll never see.” It is accessible only to CIA employees and guests admitted to those closed quarters.

Besides the jungle transmitter, the exhibits include a robotic catfish, a remote-controlled dragonfly and a camera strapped to the chests of pigeons and released over enemy targets in the 1970s. The secret gadgets currently used by CIA are left to the imagination of visitors.

The pigeons’ missions remain classified, made possible only after the CIA secretly developed a camera weighing only as much as a few coins. An earlier test with a heavier camera in the skies over Washington failed after two days when the overburdened pigeon was forced to walk home.

“People don’t think of a pigeon as being anything more than a rodent on top of a building,” said Pat Avery of Newalla, Okla., who runs the National Pigeon Association and loves to recount decades-old exploits by famous military pigeons such as “Spike” and “Big Tom.”

But as surveillance technology improved, the need for CIA pigeons diminished. “They’re pretty passe now,” she said.

Pigeon intelligence

Pigeons have featured in numerous experiments in comparative psychology, including experiments concerned with animal cognition, and as a result we have considerable knowledge of pigeon intelligence. Pigeons can remember large numbers of individual images for a long time, e.g. hundreds of images for periods of several years. Pigeons can be taught relatively complex actions and response sequences, and can learn to make responses in different sequences.

Evolution to a wireless spy cam

Some fun facts from The Spy Museum:

In 1917-1918, aerial surveillance cameras consisted of pigeons strapped with tiny cameras that continuously clicked away.
In 1949, clever spies in Germany used a wristwatch camera that took pictures when the spy pretended to check the time.
In the 1970’s, KGB spies wore coats wired with buttonhole cameras.
In the 1980’s, the East German security service was known to use a “through the wall” camera for spying in hotels.

What would these spies have thought if they knew that now they could have a wireless spy cam that has a pinhole-sized lens? These systems have become so affordable that we can look back on the old spy methods and chuckle at the extreme lengths they took to do something that can now be said to be quite ordinary.


It’s just us birds.

August 28, 2007 Posted by | domestic spying, GPS tracking, Mind Control, pigeons, Spy cameras, Surveillence | Leave a comment

Covert Investigations, Community Policing, Gang Stalking.

This information has been newly updated and it’s as accurate as I have been able to put together. It’s hard to fight something when you don’t know what you are up against. The information may change down the line, but for now this is what I have been able to piece together.
What is Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking is a covert government or police investigation that happens in a Targeted Individuals life 24/7. The target is also followed around by Suburban Spies/Snitches.

The civilian spies are usually parts of these community oriented policing programs. Just like with Cointelpro investigations, everyone in the targets life is contacted and asked to be a part of the ongoing, never ending investigation, which is designed to destroy the target over years and leave them with no form of support.

These investigations in part appear to be using Community Based Policing initiatives, along with the Cointelpro and older RED SQUAD programs, that have been around for more than a hundread years.

For the targets of this harassment, gang stalking is seen as a covert, psychological, emotional and physical attack, that is capable of immobalizing and destroying a target over time.

There are now efforts around the world to use something called community based policing. This is more than likely what is playing a large role in gang stalking. “Ruling the community with an iron fist. “Savvy law enforcement types realized that under the community policing rubric, cops, community groups, local companies, private foundations, citizen informants and federal agencies could form alliances without causing public outcry.” Covert Action Quarterly, summer 1997.”

Not only is community based policing making a comeback, but police infiltration and repression units often known as Red Squads have also come back full force. These Red Squads ran in many countries around the world.

This form of harassment is also thought to be similar to United States Government Counter Intelligence Program or Cointelpro for short. This was a program used to destroy many activists and dissidents in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s. Most methods being used in Gang Stalking are things that were used in this program, with a few new techniques. Recently the United States government started looking into proceeding to reopen investigations into the Cointelpro program, because it’s become clear that the program never ended.

The modern day harassment seems to be funded at a higher government level, with many local groups or appendages taking part. Because there seems to be support of government and many local citizen organisations, it seems that no one is looking into the illegal actions or activities or these programs, and participants.

Other Names for Gang Stalking

There are many names for this form of harassment, it would also now seem that Gang Stalking is a term that was invented as part of the disinformation campaign that the government is good at putting together while these harassment campaigns are running. Some of the more popular names for this form of harassment have been Cointelpro, Red Squads, Operation T.I.P.S. and now with the new community based policing programs we have names coming up such as: Multi stalking, vengeance stalking, cause stalking, stalking by proxy, organised stalking, organised harassment, group stalking, community mobbing. These are the new names being given to a very old game, that is once again being played by the government on it’s unsuspecting citizens.

How are targets chosen?

Targets can be choosen because of many reasons. They can be choosen for political views. They can be choosen for whistle-blowing. They can be choosen because they belong to a dissident movement. They can be choosen because they asserted there rights at work. They can be choosen because they made the wrong enemy. Signed a petition, wrote a letter. They were deemed as suspicious by a member of one of these snitching programs and their names were handed over.

Goals of Gang Stalking

The goal is to isolate the target from all forms of support, so that the target can be set up in the future for arrest, institutionalisation, or forced suicide. Other goals of this harassment is to destroy the targets reputation and credibility. Make the target look crazy or unstable.

Other goals involve sensitizing the target to every day stimuli’s as a form of control, which is used to control targets when they get out of line.

These people also want to make the targets of this harassment vulnerable, they want to make them destitute. The secondary goals seem to be to make the target homeless, jobless, give them a breakdown, and the primary goals seems to be to drive the target to forced suicide, just like what they did with some of the targets of Cointelpro.

Who gets targeted

Targeting can happen to anyone, but it’s being widely used on minorities, outspoken individuals, whistle blowers, dissidents, people who go up against large wealthy corporations, woman’s groups, (single) women, anti-war proponents, and other innocent individuals. The majority of the targets are not aware this is happening to them and it continues for years. Even when a target moves, changes jobs, the harassment still continues. Every time the target moves, the government, or the local intelligence unit of the police will follow them around and start to spread the same lies, and slander to their new employers, coworkers, landlords, etc. *In the case of Anthony Brina (Subrban Spies), he moved from Canada, to China, to Italy and the harassment continued. These agencies are now so connected that if someone is targeted, they can be tracked on almost a worldwide scale.

Who takes part

People from all walks of life are being recruited to be the eyes and ears of the state. People from all races, ages, genders and walks of life. You have your garden variety snitches, you have general labourers, the very wealthy, biker, drug dealers, user, street people, punks, hip hop culture, KKK, black activists, church groups, youth groups, every sector of society that you can think of is a part of this. Eg. Firemen, police officers, lawyers, health care workers, store keepers, maids, janitors, cable installers, phone repair persons, mail carriers, locksmiths, electricians, etc. The ages range from five to eighty five and older.

These government Suburban Spy programs for some is seen as a game of cat and mouse. They see themselves as heroic spies for the state. Some are just power hungry slithering money hungry snitches, who would sell their mothers down the drain, much less innocent people. Other are asked and do it out of a sense of patriotic duty, others are forced to take part in the spying activity.

Some might have started out by taking part in community programs like, Citizen Corp, Weed and Seed, Citizens On Phone Patrol, (COPP), City Watch, T.I.P.S. Many started with good intentions to help patrol and monitor their cities and neighbourhoods. It seems however that some sectors of society are abusing these programs, or some governments are condoning the practices that are being carried out on innocent citizens by those taking part in these programs, just like with Cointelpro.

Many do not understand or care that the end consequence of this game is to destroy a person.

Why people participate in gang stalking

There are many reasons that someone takes part in this activity.

1. Some do it for the sense of power that it gives them.

2. Others do this as a way to make friends and keep friends. It’s something social and fun for them to do.

3. Other are forced or black mailed or forced by the State or the police into taking part.

4. They are told that they are part of homeland or national security and being used as part of an investigation to help keep and eye on dangerous individuals.

They come from a variety of programs such as the Citizen Corp, Citizen On Phone Patrol COPP, Weed and Seed, City Watch or some other centeralised government program used for patroling and monitoring cities, such as T.I.P.S.

5. Others are just local thugs or informants who are already being used for other activities, and their energies are just diverted over into these community spy programs. Eg. Some may be given the choice of Spying for the State or the police vs going to jail.

6. Others are told outright lies and slander about the target to get them to go along with ruining the targets life.

A few of the techniques used against targets, click on the following link to find out about the majority used.
a) Classical conditioning.

Getting a target sensitised to an everyday stimuli. The target over a period of months, or even years is negatively sensitised to an everyday stimuli, which is then used to harass them. It’s used out in public to let them know they are constantly being harassed and monitored. Some examples of everyday stimulus that might be used include: sounds, colors, patterns, actions. Eg. Red, white, yellow, strips, pens clicking, key jangling, loud coughing, loud whistling, loud smacking of clapping of hands together, etc.

b) 24/7 Surveillance

This will involve following the target everywhere they go. Learning about the target. Where they shop, work, play, who their friends and family are. Getting close to the target, moving into the community or apartment where they live, across the street. Bugging targets phone, house, and computer activity.

c) Isolation of said target.

This is done via slander campaigns, and lies. Eg. People in the targets community are told that the target is a thief, into drugs, a prostitute, pedophile, crazy, in trouble for something, needs to be watched. False files will even be produced on the target, shown to neighbours, family, store keepers.

d) Noise and mimicking campaigns.

Disrupting the targets life, sleep with loud power tools, construction, stereos, doors slamming, etc. Talking in public about private things in the targets life. Mimicking actions of the target. Basically letting the target know that they are in the targets life. Daily interferences, nothing that would be too overt to the untrained eye, but psychologically degrading and damaging to the target over time.

d) Everyday life breaks and street theatre.

Flat tires, sleep deprivation, drugging food, putting dirt on targets property. Mass strangers doing things in public to annoy targets. These strangers might get text messaged to be at a specific time and place, and perform a specific action.

It might seem harmless to these strangers, but it could be causing great psychological trauma for the target. Eg. Blocking targets path, getting ahead of them in line, cutting or boxing them in on the road, saying or doing things to elicit a response from targets. Etc.

Where does the support or funding for this come from

Though Gang stalking itself is immoral and unethical in nature, it can just like Cointelpro be funded by:

1. Government organisations. These diffuse and disrupt methods can be used on a variety of targeted individuals.

2. Military facilities might be using this also against enemies or on illegal test subjects.

3. Large wealthy corporations. Many are providing support for these programs. Who then will use their influence to have files opened on workers to keep them quite.

What can you do to help

1. If you know someone who is being targeted in this way please don’t do along with it. Don’t assume that the person is guilty or a bad person. Many innocent people are currently being targeted, and people are being told lies. This form of harassment is not for fun, it’s not harmless, and the goal is to destroy the individual over time.

2. If you are aware of someone being harassed in this way just don’t go along with the harassment. Educate others that harassment is wrong. Knowledge is power, share your knowledge.

3. You can offer your support to someone who is being unfairly treated, in very small little ways.

4. Direct people to websites where they can get help and assistance.

5. You can send out emails to your friends, family, co-workers regarding the harassment that is silently happening to many innocent people.

6. You can request that your local newspapers or community papers print articles about these new government spying initiatives.

How do participants communicate

Communicate happens in a number of ways. When on the street or in cars patrolling, they use baseball or Stasi like signals.

These include things like tapping the side of the nose, corner of the eye, brushing back the hair 3 times, the infamous double blink, etc.

Here is a list of Stasi signals that the East German Army use to use. Stasi secret police.


1. Watch out! Subject is coming – touch nose with hand or handkerchief

2. Subject is moving on, going further, or overtaking – stroke hair with hand, or raise hat briefly

3. Subject standing still – lay one hand against back, or on stomach

4. Observing Agent wishes to terminate observation because cover threatened – bend and retie shoelaces

5. Subject returning – both hands against back, or on stomach

6. Observing Agent wishes to speak with Team Leader or other Observing Agents – take out briefcase or equivalent and examine contents.

What resources are there?

There are many resources on the Internet and elsewhere about this form of harassment.

Report: 1.
Books: 1. Ward Churchill, Jim Vander Wall “Cointelpro Papers”
       2. Protectors of Privilege: Red Squads and Police Repression in Urban America
       3. Anna Funder “Stasiland”
       4. Gloria Naylor. “1996”
       5. Victor Santoro  “GASLIGHTING How To Drive Your Enemies Crazy ”
       6. Anthony Brina “Suburban Spies”
       7. Stephen Knight “The Brotherhood”


1. The lives of others.

(A movie about covert investigations in the former East Germany)

Videos: Cointelpro.




Cointelpro: 1.


Articles: 1.


Websites: 1.

May 27, 2007 Posted by | Bullying, Censorship, community policing, Covert investigations, Cultural diversity and multiculturalism, discrimination, domestic spying, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, GPS tracking, harassment, High technology, Ignorance, Laws, metropolitan police, Minorities, Minority women, Minoritywomen, mobbing, Monitoring, Movies, New World Order, NWO, Online Stalking, Police Abuse, Police Corruption, Police State, politicians, Politics, Red Squads, sexual harassment, Snitches, society, Stalking, Surveillence, Thought Police, whistle blower, zero tollerance | 74 Comments