Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.


Ok so the dreams continue. I think I have had the odd break through, but it might just have been lucid dreaming so it’s hard to tell, but if only for a split second, I think I have been able to get back what was lost, so though this stuff is still happening with the programed dreams, it may not be permanent, I just have to find a way to stop it.


What I realised about the dreams is that they are being as I mentioned before controlled. I have in the the electronic manipulation of the nervous system happening, which means vibrations are constantly being used to manipulate my dream emotions. Fear is the main thing that is pumped into the dreams, even when it does not make sense, that is the emotion that is pumped into the dreams.

In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used.

It’s almost like when I can get my vibrations in order, and I am just starting to vibrate at a higher frequency, it’s like they try to reacquire me with this stuff. Bring down my vibrational frequency, try to direct it to a fear based vibration, where the energy is blocked and it does not flow, where I am unhappy and the joy is stolen from my dreams, and heart. That is what they seem to be trying to do, so the idea is to block this and learn to do so while sleeping. I like learning new things, so I guess I have a lot ahead of me.

The Lame Dreams

I thought I had started to get control of these, but I have not, it’s an uphill battle, but what I have discovered is that these lame dreams are being used to hide things, to mask things, they are being used to cover what is really happening. The people, things and characters in the dreams are for the most part, none entities, used to mask the behind the scenes stuff. There is no attachment, when I finish dreaming they are hardly even remembered, and even though I was getting so lonely I started to almost accept the dreams, I still don’t’ cause they are not mine. It’s like eating ice cubes and trying to pretend you have had a wholesome meal. It’s not happening.

The Real Dreams

Behind the fake dreams are the real scenes. Again when I break through the fear of the dreams, when I connect with the real emotions, then the images or dream memories start to come, the real dreams.

The real dream scenes some still involve scenes with a handler that I hate and despise. Still beat downs for control. Still I am all too aware of the person who set this sick stuff up, and other things they have arranged, aside from the mind control programing. I have just put this person down to being a psychopath. Some people think that this person is just a pathological liar, but I am pretty sure this person falls into the category of psychopath, cause they just do the same actions over and over again, and have very limited remorse for what is being done. Those are my feelings and thoughts in the dream.

Aside from the key players, I get bits and pieces of places being mentioned in my dreams. Eg.

U.S. Army Medical Research Institute Of Infectious Diseases.

I am familiar with the name, cause I researched Ebola some years ago, but the implication of the dream is that they might be infecting people with infectious diseases, to see how one person handles the onset of one thing vs another, and if some can cure themselves. Again this is all happening on a dream level, but who knows, I would not put it past some of these people to be conducting real life experiments on people. Very interesting dream, and this came out of the blue, cause it’s been like a decade or more since I researched Ebola. Yes things from a long time can come back in dreams, but this again feels very different and worth mentioning.

There are still these spiritual facilities set up, that match their earthly counterparts. I still get the feeling that this type of remote spiritual programing is used remotely on more members of society than we know. That’s what I take away from these dreams.

I get the feeling that many have no idea or memories and never will, that this has been done to them. Remember the dreams, the real dream images are repressed often by fake images, fake dreams. Or they will use animals to mask entire scenes of what has happened.

Eg. I thought I was seeing a slimy creature with red eyes in the dream right, but when I really examined the image more in the dream, I unearthed that it was hiding a whole entire dream sequence a real one, with a handler, and I was able to recall everything that the dream creature was protecting. It was used to block a whole dream sequence that had happened, and I could see, feel, and know everything that had been done, in that dream sequence that had been previously blocked.

So think about how many of these abductees, recall flashes of light, which I get from time to time, in the dream. How many of them see animals like owls, and other creatures, and is it not possible that these are used to lock in dream sequences that they just do not recall?

Also early on in one of the faux dreams, just before I work up, they tried to flash a very real craft like image in front of my eyes. Even in the dream I was like, are you kidding me? That is not actually going to work on me. They branded me a skeptic and decided they would not go this route. If I had been easily influenced or manipulated I am pretty sure I would have been having abductee dreams, but that has not happened. Instead I get the lame dreams, which are pointless, unfulfilling, draining, and they mask quite a bit of real dreams, and scenarios, which tend to have a lot of real life previously unknown terms, places, etc.

In the dream my mind has been compartmentalized and accessible by words, or images but I am doing what I can to fix this issue. In the dream the local losers have become aware of this, and trying to take advantage of the programing, that or they have been instructed to, this part is not clear yet.

What I find however and this is the take away that I get from the dreams. I find that vibrational frequencies are very important. I believe that much like you have psychic vampires who feed on people in the awake state, that humans can be feed upon in the dream state, and you can control where they go, and to a degree what they dream, by controlling specific vibrational frequencies. Considering the important role that dreams play in the consciousness of human kind, this is akeen to playing God, and I hope that more will come out about this in future months.

As I mentioned before, I believe that a lot of these abduction experiences are just remote mind control programing, with handlers. I think the people could be remembering these experiences as real, but in many cases it’s just an astral experience, which would seem 100% real if someone had never experienced it before. Is it possible that the U.S. and other governments have gotten so advanced that they are able to condition people in their sleep, to control their minds, to subliminally program them on an astral/spiritual level? Why not, they had programs where people were astral projecting, remote viewing and a bunch of other psi stuff that the public does not want to believe.

The Real X-files. CIA remote viewing program.

It might have been removed from google?

If it’s possible that the technology is this advanced and has been for a while, then what might be going on in society, how many people have been remotely programed at a distance?

Detecting EMF fields in humans for surveillance

A subject’s bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment, NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person’s brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance.

NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA’s computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S.

NSA’s Signals Intelligence use of EMF brain stimulation

NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF brain stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since the MK Ultra program of the early 1950′s, which included neurological research into “radiation” (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development.

Tracking a person via their emf fields. Brain mapping technology that allows you to map a persons mind, but at a distance.

The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping can monitor all the electrical activity in the brain continuously. The NSA records aid decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for Brain-to-computer link (in military fighter aircraft, for example).

For electronic surveillance purposes, electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brain’s auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations, characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia.

Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject’s brain and show images from the subject’s brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject’s eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject’s brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes.

Remember it’s been claimed that this stuff has been available for decades. The lawsuit that brought this technology to light was almost 20 years ago, and this is a person who worked for the agency, and I think with this technology.

If this is being used remotely and at a distance on people, how many people in society might not even be aware that such programing has been used on them until it’s too late?

Capabilities of NSA operatives using RNM

There has been a Signals Intelligence network in the U.S. since the 1940′s. The NSA, Ft. Meade, has in place a vast two-way wireless RNM system which is used to track subjects and non-invasively monitor audio-visual information in their brain. This is all done with no physical contact with the subject. RNM is the ultimate method of surveillance and domestic intelligence. Speech, 3D sound, and subliminal audio can be sent to the auditory cortex of the subject’s brain (bypassing the ears), and images can be sent into the visual cortex. RNM can alter a subject’s perceptions, moods, and motor control.

There are so many things that are unknown, things the general public would rather not believe, things that would shatter their sense of reality if they accepted that governments have such technology, that governments were capable of such cruel inventions, and that the ultimate goal might well be to use this technology on an unsuspecting subject to keep everyone in line, or some elite members of society could use the programing to control those around them, spouses, kids, business associates, those who get elected to public office, the possibilities are endless, and because it’s all done remotely, the average person who is so programed already anyways would be hardly aware.

If this technology does in fact exist in the real world, and this lawsuit says that it does, then what are the questions we should be asking ourselves? Who could be using and abusing the technology, and what can we do to curtail the damages being done to society?

My main take away is that the human will if we have things that are stronger, deeper, things that go deeper than any programing than humans can devise can go, then the human will, the human spirit will not be broken, it will not be subjugated. A lot of what happens in the world has to do with specific vibrational frequencies, and if we as a society could raise our frequencies, break away from the television and other programs, we give our sense a chance to rise above what might be getting planned for us. I know for me that in these dreams, my deep spiritual programing, my Christianity has helped a great deal, for others it might be a different faith, or a deeper sense of self, but I do believe that if we hold strong, there are some wills that will not be broken, some minds that will not be bent, at least not forever, and I believe at my core that the human spirit can rise and conquer things like this.

That’s my take away from these dreams, and you are welcome to add your thoughts and comments.

December 12, 2010 Posted by | CDC, changing vibrations, CIA, control, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, ESP, High technology, Mind Control, Mind Reading, slavery, slaves, Social Control, vibrations | , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Executive Order 2

Executive Order 2

Ok so I have more details of the dream, except this dream is different than the other dreams. This dream is like a recall of sorts.

Eg. In the other dreams, I am in these lame mind attics, mind stages, strangers in the dreams, and they all have these lame themes right, but this was not like those.

In this dream I am seeing the behind the scenes stuff.
Eg. I now realize that in the dream I had been walking and the person that I am walking with tells me that we have walked into a trap, but then there is nothing that we can do.

Oh and I am recalling the dream from end to start, which is weird. I don’t know how long this took place over time, or how many dreams. The recall all happened now in one dream, but I think these events might have happened over a series of dreams, and I was not aware.

So in the dream there is a mention of Andrews or St. Andrews airforce base? Possibly something about a hanger I think, but not sure about the hanger.

In the dream it’s not mind programing, it’s spirit programing. Programing for the spirit vs programing for the mind. In the dream there is talk of giving me special K. (That’s like suppose to be a drug, not the breakfast cereal.) In the dream the handler wants to use it to break the mind. Part of the programing involves violating and beating the hell out of the target. In previous dreams I have had quick flash of where someone is hitting the heck out of me, but then it’s mostly covered up by the mind stage, and it’s like quick flash.

In the dream there are special terms used, and different parts of the mind were created. In the other dreams I was sure not of this had happened, but clearly I was wrong. Different levels, and different words to access the various levels. The person that set this up has a special term just for them, that only they know. There are other trigger words, that others know, but his person has something special for just them.

The person who set this up is there for parts of this. This person at times seems to play a special role, not really a handler, but gives special commands to mind sections that only this person can access.

Remember this is all happening in the dream, but this dream was like a recall dream, unlike the other lame dreams, this dream had texture, persons that I know, persons that I did not know, but unlike the other dreams these people have texture and seem real in the dream.

The person who set’s this up gives a command to hurt and violate the person I was captured with, and I wonder, what did this person ever do to you? The person who set this up seems to enjoy the power they seem to have in the dream.

There is talk of underground bases, in one of my other dreams not this one, there was one dream that I thought was weird, someone is experimenting on me in the dream. It’s a quick flash and it does seem to be underground, unlike the other mind fluff it also had texture. In the dream I am lead to believe that his last name is mengle, but ofcourse the only one associated with that name would be long gone. The funny thing was when I looked up the wiki page, the person in my dream if I recall correctly looked like an older version of the wiki picture. (Again I am recalling a dream face, so take it for what it’s worth.)

In the dream afterwards someone implies that I am being spiritually tracked. I am lead to understand that this is spiritual programing, vs mind programing I guess? The tracking implication is that no matter where I go on the dream realm or I guess it could be an astral realm, not sure, that I will be tracked. They implied it’s like an implant, but a spiritual tracker not like a psychical tracker. Now remember this is all happening in the dream, but this dream was like more real.

The implication that I walked away from the dream was this. Eg. The dream implies that spiritual experimentations are happening, just like you would have these earth mind programs that are happening, but these are on an astral or spiritual plain of existence.

The thing is however the processes work the exact same way, eg. The splitting of the mind, the tracking of spiritual bodies. There was a mention of being linked into the underground bases, but why would you be linked into underground bases in spirit? That seems weird cause I didn’t think that would be possible.

The feeling I get is that you can remotely program someone at subconscious or spiritual level, the same way you would do in the awake world, but it’s all done while asleep. This is what I walked away from the dream thinking.

Remember this all happens in my dream. The other thing I think about in my dream is that the person who set this up, must really hate me. Naturally I know who it is, and I think this person must truly hate me, they seem to get so much pleasure from the precieved power of what is being done.

There were other things, but a lot of them are personal. I wanted to share this with you, cause it seemed really different than anything else. The other dreams are all just mind pap, but this dream was like stuff that was behind the scenes. Stuff that I was not meant to know or be aware of. Stuff I assume that the mind pap is designed to hide and cover over. It was weird cause the other dreams were nothing like this one, this one actually seemed like a real dream vs the other dreams which seem like faux dreams.

Now for those out there who do have these real life experiences be it abductions, or mind control programing, I am wondering if any of you could be experiencing this at a subconscious or dream level, vs real life waking level? Oh don’t get me wrong, I do believe the government does in real life conduct such experiments, I am not doubting the validity of people who have had such experiences, I am just wondering if anyone thinks that instead of a real experience if it could have happened on a dream level, but it seemed real?

Ofcourse what if things like this really are happening and government have found ways to remotely experiment on people at a dream or spirit level and to program them at a dream level imagine how messed up that would be? You would be like MK Ultra, Monarch Programing, Manchurian Candidate and never know it. The other thing is that would dream programming affect your waking world, or just your dream world?

It’s all very interesting, and I usually don’t get this personal in my blogging, and I usually don’t share my dreams, but I thought if anyone else out there was having similar, you could call back and share, and maybe compare notes.

For me personally I am taking these dreams with a grain of salt. I am naturally happy to have anything that seems more like my old dreams, even if this one did have the same creepy control theme to it.

(Oh one more weird thing, is that in the dream they referred to me as the benefits recipient, and I kept thinking, but I am not on benefits, it has to be a mistake. Benefits is the U.K. term for welfare, but the dream is all America based.) Weird, that was one more detail that comes out in the dream. I am going to go do some boring old surfing, and for once be glad for my waking world, cause my dream world is a bit weird right now.

November 30, 2010 Posted by | Above top secret, Active denial, Astral Plane, Awareness, Gang Stalking, Mind Control, slavery, slaves, Spirit, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Are intellegence agencies running the show?

Are Intelligence Agencies running the show?

We are told that the world is controlled by the elites. That they are planning a world government, but a lot of times when conspiracies do happen, and you look behind the curtain it often happens that these intelligence agencies, (and I use that term loosely) were behind a lot of these plots.

I am not discounting the fact that large corporations, some wealthy families in the past have played a large and significant role in historical events, but a lot of what I see happening now can be pointed back at some of these agencies. Often they control the technology, they are interconnected, share information, store information, and hide information away.

These agencies are said to be the ones behind a lot of the experiments that are happening. When you look at the John St. Clair Akwei case if it is to be believed, even 20 years ago, they had some very advanced technology that they were willing to use on him remotely. If world control is planned, and I believe it is, what role do these agencies play? How controlled are some of the leaders and politicians? How many of them are CIA operatives, or other agency operatives?

Someone was pointing out that several world leaders were previously involved with, or headed up intelligence agencies. U.K., U.S., Russia, and even Venezuela. Also the U.S. agencies have had specific roles in taking over, and setting up puppet governments in many Carribean nations over the years. The middle East is currently no different with Iraq and Afghanistan.

Operation Gladio was a combined effort with these agencies.

Operating in many NATO and even some neutral countries,[2] Gladio was part of a series of national operations first coordinated by the Clandestine Committee of the Western Union (CCWU), founded in 1948. After the creation of NATO in 1949, the CCWU was integrated into the Clandestine Planning Committee (CPC), founded in 1951 and overseen by SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe), transferred to Belgium after France’s official withdrawal from NATO’s Military Committee in 1966 — which was not followed by the dissolution of the French stay-behind paramilitary movements.

The role of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in sponsoring Gladio and the extent of its activities during the Cold War era, and its relationship to right-wing terrorist attacks perpetrated in Italy during the Years of Lead and other similar clandestine operations is the subject of ongoing debate and investigation. Italy, Switzerland and Belgium have had parliamentary inquiries into the matter.[3]

There are consistent themes, hints and indications that a lot of what happens in the world is quietly managed by these agencies. From drug running, child porn rings, and other clandestine activities, and yet online there is a lot of information about Illuminati, secret societies, elites, wealthy families who run the show, and not to discount those options, cause I do see that corporations like IBM, Google, Facebook seem destined to once again play a huge future role in what is to come. Eg. In 10 years google might be the only way people access information on the internet. IBM seems as if they will likely sponsor the technology to make human RFID and tracking possible.

The DNA Transistor is a project from IBM Research that aims to advance personalized medicine, by making it simpler (and much cheaper) to read an individual’s unique DNA sequence — the special combination of proteins that makes you unlike anyone else.

But with all the other strings happening, it makes you wonder who are the players that are really pulling the strings? There is likely not just one player, there are likely a combination of players, but the question I am wondering is just how extensive a role do these intelligence agencies play in the shape of things to come, controlling outcomes, and manipulating the events that are currently underway? How much os society is controlled by them? How may on these forums, social networking sites work for these agencies?

The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies. Signals Intelligence is based on the fact that everything in the environment with an electric current in it has a magnetic flux around it which gives off EMF waves. The NSA/DoD has developed proprietary advanced digital equipment which can remotely analyze all objects whether man-made or organic that have electrical activity.

Domestic Intelligence (DOMINT)

The NSA has records on all U.S. citizens. The NSA gathers information on U.S. citizens who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents (HUMINT). These agents are authorized by executive order to spy on anyone. The NSA has a permanent National Security “anti-terrorist” surveillance network in place. This surveillance network is completely disguised and hidden from the public.

Tracking individuals in the U.S. is easily and cost-effectively implemented with the NSA’s electronic surveillance network. This network (DOMINT) covers the entire U.S., involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously. Cost effective implementation of operations is assured by NSA computer technology designed to minimize operations costs.

It just makes you wonder about the deep rooted roles these agencies are playing on the world state, be it control of world leaders, technology that could be used for programing people remotely or otherwise. I think it would be interesting to discover how much of what is ongoing leads back to these agencies.

November 9, 2010 Posted by | control, Controlled society, Corruption, Gang Stalking, Internet, Mind Control, New World Order, NWO, silence, slavery, slaves | , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Gangs and their secrets

The informants can also be compared to a gang and how a gang functions. I have compared them to cults, gangs, secret societies, etc. It’s all the same. Members who keep a code of silence.

There are many gangs in society but this is the main one, and it comprises all of the smaller gangs or minor ones. So it incorporates, government branches, the cops, the Mafia, street gangs, masons, Scientologist, black activists, kkk, store owners, company workers, almost every religious sect you can think of. Every sector of society takes part. I don’t think I can make this any clearer. As much as they might all pretend not to get along, when the state comes calling, they will communicate together in public, and they are unified when it comes to their informant system.

Gangs rely on silence, so ofcourse this relies on silence. The snitches don’t want their I feel special club exposed.

Scientologist have Scientology, Masons have Masonry, and the snitches have this. This is their gang, their cult, their secret club. They feel special being a part of this. So yes the secrecy is a big part. They get so upset realising that outsiders know. They like this cause it makes them feel connected, belonging, like any gang or cult would. The mafia is one type of gang, so are the cops, so are street gangs, and the members join for different reasons. Many clubs have secrets, that the members are expected to uphold.

The cops, informants, and gangs use one handed sign languages.

Where the cops and street gangs wear uniforms or matching colors, the informants often look like average people for the most part.

Some Gangs, some cults, some cops, some informants do underhanded things. There have been many cases where members of these groups have been caught doing illegal, immoral things.

Some Gangs, some cults, some cops, some informants  are corrupt. There have been cops caught dealing drugs, informants caught in huge lies that destroy lives, cults have been known to do corrupt things as well. I think most targets are familiar with the corrupt actions of some of the informants.

Some Gangs, Some cults, some cops, some informants , use lies, bullying, intimidation, and  fear to control their members. There are informants that want to speak out, but they are controlled by fear in some cases. They are lied to in others, and in some cases feel that it’s their patriotic duty to keep the secret. We have seen via gang stalking all of the above methods used to try to control and destroy the lives of targets.

The only thing with gang stalking is that it takes all the cults, gangs, cops, informants, and they are all part of one big gang. One big conspiracy of silence, and because so many people take part, many who realise what is going on lie to themselves. They believe that they are part of something that is good, nobel, protecting the city. They take part following orders instead of thinking. They pretend that this is normal, some of them see it as a good thing. To wake up to the truth that this is not normal, would shatter their reality. Many see it as power, rather than the enslavement that it truly is. To realise they are slaves, might mean doing something about it.

Many like the sense of belonging, sense of community, many on the inside don’t see things the way we do. They like the power, the connectedness, that feeling of finally fitting in, having a purpose. That is what keeps this going, and they don’t want their little secret club to be exposed.

Many people complain about cops and their blue wall of silence, or that gang members won’t snitch, or about how Masons, and other cults keep secrets, but then they turn around and they do the same thing. They keep secrets. They tell lies to keep their secrets safe. Their are hundreads of targets online saying that they are being abused by this system, but the cult/gang members still keep the secret. Then get made at other clubs or cults who do the same. It’s no different. They have their secret handshakes, you have your sign language.

Lies, manipulation, bullying, murder are used to keep your little system going just like any other. People who like these smaller gangs, cults, clubs, for the most part like this bigger one, cause the same things that allowed them to keep the secrets, tell the lies, do the damage, or destruction for these smaller clubs is what will cause them to do the same for this bigger club.

Gangs like their secrets, and they are willing to lie, bully, harass, intimidate, or destroy the innocent to keep these secrets. The informants in many cases are no different.

January 20, 2010 Posted by | Awareness, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, conspiracies, Conspiracy, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Informants, Intimidation, one handed signals, Scientologists, sign language, slavery, slaves, Snitches, Social Control, society, Spying, Stalking, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , | 9 Comments

Male Rape. Part 4.

Sexual Slavery.

It’s hard to imagine that this is happening in the U.S. but it is. In these prisons men are being bought and sold for sex. They are being used for oral, anal and other sexual practices, and some are being sold as property. This is happening to young men, 16, 17, etc year olds who get placed with older men, this is happening to white males, gay males, effeminate males, and black and Hispanic men as well.


I was “rented out” for sexual favors, and a lot of the guys who rented me are not rapists, or assaulted as children, or any other stereotypical model. They just wanted some sexual satisfaction, even though they knew I was not deriving pleasure from it, and was there only because I was forced to . . . . I was with the Valluco (Valley) crowd, so I was only passed around to them for free. D. Town Hispanics had to pay. They were charged $3 for a blow-job, $5 for anal sex . . . . I am not effeminate, nor am I even homosexual.(277)

With two prior nonviolent felonies, S.H. received a seventy-five year sentence for burglary in 1994. He was twenty-four years old.[/quote]

This happens a lot and men get rented out and bought and sold. According to the letters sent to no escape the guards are well aware of these practices and they just don’t care.

S.H. story is heartbreaking and it’s one of the worst that I have heard. Take a moment to read his full story, it will give you an idea of what can happen to men in prison.


According to court papers and his own detailed account, the Gangster Disciples and then other gangs treated Mr. Johnson as a sex slave. They bought and sold him, and they rented him out. Some sex acts cost $5, others $10.

Last month, a federal appeals court allowed a civil rights lawsuit that Mr. Johnson has filed against prison officials to go to trial. The ruling, the first to acknowledge the equal protection rights of homosexuals abused in prison, said the evidence in the case was “horrific.”

“I was forced into oral sex and anal sex on a daily basis,” said Mr. Johnson, who has been living in a boarding house here since his release in December. “Not for a month or two. For, like, 18 months.”

The phenomenon of sexual slavery in prison has only recently emerged from the shadows. Prison rape, in general, has received sporadic notice over the years and sustained attention more recently, with the passage last year of a federal law that aims to eliminate it. But there has never been a comprehensive study of incarcerated gay men subjected to sexual abuse.

Psychological Submission.

page 84

[quote]Viewed from outside, the sexual relationship between J.D. and his cell-mate would likely have appeared consensual. Indeed, in instances where the victim makes little apparent effort to escape the abuse, both prisoners and prison authorities often fall into the trap of viewing non-consensual sexual activity as consensual, ignoring the larger context in which the activity takes place. 8 Consent however assumes the existence of choice. As will be described in more detail below, where prisoners feel unprotected and know in advance that their escape routes are closed, a narrow focus on consent is misguided. In other words, the relevant inquiry in evaluating sexual activity in prison is not simply “did the inmate consent to sex?” but also “did the inmate have the power to refuse unwanted sex?”[/quote]

The other thing is to avoid the shame of having to say that they were raped and forced, or having to be raped by dozens of men, some men will eventually give in and chose to have one man. The idea is that it is better to have to service one man, than to have to be the toy of dozens or hundreds of men over a prison stay, just increasing the chances of physically being torn and bruised, repeatedly beaten, and raped. In situations like this, men can be passed around and treated as women, forced to wear lipstick, dress in tight clothing, taking on the role of females, but this is done in order to survive. To however say that because they submitted under these conditions that it was consensual is a misconception.
Books male on male rape

[B]ased on my experience the most common kind of rape in prisons today is the confidence rape which involve the rapist getting the confidence of the victim and then at some point turning on him and raping him. In my opinion the next in frequency would be the date rape where one inmate convinces another to double cell with him and then t some point rapes him. The next would be extortion rape followed by drugging rape and finally strong arm rape. The reason strong arm rape is the least frequent is because it is so much easier to rape an inmate using the other techniques. None of the types of prison rape described are rare. If anything they are rarely reported. Rape really is a big problem in prison today. To give you an idea of how frequent rape is in prison, if victims would report every time they were raped in prison I would say that in the prison that I am in (which is a medium security prison) there would be a reported incident every day.
V.H., Pennsylvania, 3/15/97
[quote]You take a guy who’s been raped in prison and he is going to be filled with a tremendous amount of rage….Now eventually he is going to get out. Most people do. And all the studies show that today’s victim is tomorrow’s predator. So by refusing to deal with this in an intelligent way, you are genuinely sentencing society to an epidemic of future rapes. 41[/quote]

The violations are accepted by prison and jail officials alike, and the inmates of the jail. It’s that this is just how it is attitude, and many end up having to deal with it.

From the book No escape, rape in US jails you get a really comprehensive view of what is happening to these men. There is truly no escape, no where to run, no one to turn to, and no help.

In many cases the assaults go unreported for fear of reprisals, being labeled a snitch, or a complete indifference on the part of prison officials. In other cases when the rapes do get reported, they are treated as nothing important, if a case makes it to court, the court often side with the prosecutors, and dismiss the cases, the victims are often just like others in the past re-victimized by the system. They are left without recourse and yes they often have to go back into the violent environments that were responsible for their rapes in the first place.

Many men are raped repeatedly and by numerous sources. In many cases it’s not for a lack of trying to fight back, or to try to resist the attempts of aggression, it’s just an environment that is hard to understand unless you have read of their experiences.

When they get out and while they are in, men need mental health help to deal with the things that happen to them in prison, the violence, rapes, traumas. They need to be tested, but they need privacy, in jail nothing is secret or sacred, so many men do not get tested, do not report rapes, do not use protection, cause the option is not there.

Stop the over crowding in jail. Many of these men do not belong in jail, they could be placed elsewhere for none violent offences.

Immediate orientation for men and women entering prisons on how to avoid sexual assault. Virgina Department of Corrections has such a program. It’s not hard to implement and it could save lives.

Testing of inmates before they come to jail, and after they leave. (Not mandatory, but recommended.)

When they get out many will again repeat acts of violence, because they were not helped, and the vicious cycle will continue.
Known rapists should not be housed with other men who are vulnerable. They just keep raping and raping them.

However to answer your question, this is what I surprisingly came across, in my opinion based on the research that I read, that others have already done into this, and the book no escape, male rape in America, then these are things that need to be done. The sooner the better.

Men may even have to ban together to form class action law suits.

August 24, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, Black Male, control, discrimination, Entrapment, Intimidation, silence, slaves, Social Control, White Male | , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

The Snitch Language

The snitch language.

What I really found interesting about the one handed sign language was it’s ability to unite people. I know I recently said some not nice things about the sign language, but I am human. I have my moments.

When I was first observing it however, and I could just play the role of the observer, I did not feel that way about it.

First of all I was fascinated, second I was relieved. I knew they were out on the street communicating, at first I had thought they were using the cellphones, and communicating that way, but not all had cellphones and they were still communicating.

When I finally realised that they were using a language similar to what was used in East Germany it was a relief.

Here is a sample of the East Germany Stasi language that was used.


1. Watch out! Subject is coming – touch nose with hand or handkerchief

2. Subject is moving on, going further, or overtaking – stroke hair with hand, or raise hat briefly

3. Subject standing still – lay one hand against back, or on stomach

4. Observing Agent wishes to terminate observation because cover threatened – bend and retie shoelaces

5. Subject returning – both hands against back, or on stomach

6. Observing Agent wishes to speak with Team Leader or other Observing Agents – take out briefcase or equivalent and examine contents.

After realising what was happening, it was a matter of confirming the theory with some field testing.

When I could just observe it however and not be the target, it was interesting. There was something very amazing about it. Here we have all this racism, sexism, ageism, religious separation, lack of unity for all these various reasons, and here was something that knew no boundaries.

I watched Black, White, Asian, Indian, Middle Eastern, Eastern European, African, all use this language across boundaries. I watched men, woman, young and old, and there were no boundaries. I mean why do we have this separation in society, if these people can work together?

In learning some aspects of how they were communicating, I was fascinated. People that would never talk to each other on the street were passing information to each other. Goth, the Elderly, the Religious, groups you would never believe would work together, but there they were on the trains, in public, on the platform coordinating, sharing.

It destroyed the myths of this world. The hatred we buy into, why is it even necessary? If we each taught our children sign language or a simplified version of the one handed language from when they are little, there would not be language barriers, because it’s silent you could not use raised voices the same way, hateful words would be more difficult. There might even be more respect, because there would not be this separation.

The other thing that was interesting was that when people realised that I knew some of it, there was the expectation of participation. When someone passed something along, it was almost rude the times I did not respond, because I was in observer mode, and my job was to observe a new a language. To field test at other times, and to just observe.

The other amazing thing was the cultural nuances that were picked up. Depending on which area of the world that people came from some signs were passed in different ways, just slightly, or different mannerisms were used. Some had styles that were amazing. Some I just wanted to stand up and applaud, they were so good at it. In observer mode, I could admire it for it’s true potential, but in target mode, I can only hate it for it’s ability to be used as something to help track me as an animal, which I am not.

I think this would be amazing for the linguist, or the sociologist to study.

Back when I was researching this, I use to want to walk up and give people little medals for doing a good job, and others I had to stop myself from pulling aside and re-educating them. Which is funny. The target having to pull aside the pursuers. I have had to help a few from themselves however. The girl at the grocery store who was so busy watching me, that her child almost impaled themselves. The girl who was so busy trying to pass a signal she almost fell off her bike, no she was fine, but I have had a few moments.

See it’s hard to hate someone when you understand them more. Watching and observing them, gave me a better understanding of them. It made me more sympathetic, because I know not everyone chooses this path. I know not everyone likes this. I learnt a lot, and for that I am grateful. It’s so easy when you are a target to see things in black and white. They are electronically harassing me and Gang Stalking me, well they must all be evil. I have blogged before that is just not the case. In my finer moments I remember that. In my less than finer moments, I verbally lash out and tend to generalise a lot of things, and a lot of people. That’s the part where I am human, and I can’t be sorry for being human.

A lot of this is still very traumatic for me. Realising that there are forces in the world that would seek to hurt me, destroy me. Forces in the world that actually hurt and kill people. Conspiracies that are real. A society that is kept in silence, and in my opinion enslaved by this system. Those things are a shock to the system, and you do not adjust over night, I don’t know that you ever fully adjust.

I go from moments of upset, where it’s just me and my emotions my feelings, I forget that others are also suffering and being forced. It’s much easier to believe that they are willing and enjoying what they are doing to me, to other targets. Some do enjoy it, they think it’s power over another person, those I would like to get alone and talk to. I believe they would be nothing but cowards face to face. Others just don’t know what to do and just go along with it. Others are not really clear about what is happening. Some think it’s another McCarthyism, or maybe it’s just something in their workplace, others believe it’s helping the country.

There are a lot more people being electronically harassed than I would like to believe. When I think about how pervasive this is in society, I can only conclude that this is being used in some ways as a form of slavery, to control people, to teach them how to act. Behaviour modification? Wither you use a whip or electronic harassment it’s the same fu**ing thing.

What I do know is that there are good people in the world, yes it’s hard to say, some of them are part of this civilian spy force, that creeps me out most days. Not the people but the system, but the people are part of the system, and so at times it’s hard to separate the two, and still understand it all. I am so use to things being black and white. Good vs Evil, these grey areas are hard to understand.

Plus it’s like a person in a concentration camp saying not all Germans are bad, which would probably have been a correct statement in Hitlers Germany, but when you are being targeted by a system, you want to have a source where your anger can be directed. You want to have it as Informants are bad and evil, not they are people, some in a bad situation just like the rest of us, many being forced and targeted the same way. Yet many others just going along for the ride and the power trip of it all.

When I do lash out, the last two groups are where the majority of my anger is directed. Those who like this, the sociopaths who are power tripping on this and using this to get off, to hurt people.

Then there are people themselves, people who are as changing as the weather, no that would make the weather look bad to say this. People are so changing, they can be all friendly today, and then tomorrow depending on what the latest gossip is, it’s another story. Do you know what I call those, those are viewers and spectators, tuning in for the latest dirt, the latest gossip, so they can be told if they should like you today or not, who cares, and more importantly who wants to associate with people who have such limited capacity to think for themselves?

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” by Albert Einstein.

I think people like that are at times more dangerous than the ones directly hurting us, and just like dealing with workplace mobbing, I am making decided efforts to avoid such people in the long run, because it is not beneficial.

Back to the language that is used. The ways it’s used now to enslave I can not enjoy, people are unified but not for the sake of something good, like helping the homeless, or feeding the hungry, they are united to destroy the innocent and oddly enough it seems to be one of the few things that humans are good at uniting to do. Just look at Hitlers Germany.

The language they use however has also given me hope? If children learnt sign language, a very simple one from an early age, which it has been shown they can learn, think about the possibilities for a much more unified world? The hate they try to teach us to keep us apart, these two sided hegelian dialect arguments, some of them might be done away with.

As the observer, I could appreciate and be fascinated by the language they use, and even see the potential for good. I saw unity within lines that I know would never be crossed any other way. There is nothing more funny than watching someone pretending to be homeless, passing the language to people that are dressed in suits, it breaks through the rich/poor lines, every line you could think of this language broke through. It’s really fascinating to watch, cultural lines check, gender, age, disabilities, check. If it was not a part of what was being used to pursue the targeted part of me, I could appreciate it, however since it is being used in that capacity, the part of me that likes my survival, hates it, and can not appreciate it for what it is. It’s a conflict, but it’s not hypocrisy.

It’s humanity, my humanity, a part of which really liked the black and white lines, the part that hates grey, the part that likes Good vs Evil and nothing in between. Right from Wrong is much easier this way, but this system blurs those lines, and it’s hard to be on any side, but it’s even harder to try to understand those who unfortunately are on a side that is trying to destroy you.

I think some targets get this, but I am not sure if others do.

I have changed so much. I am anti gun personally, but now I see that guns are a necessity, and people should have the right to own them.

I am deeply against all forms of drugs, but now that I have seen what the informant system is and what it does, I have no choice but to side against it, and to seek the betterment of some informants being used by the system, and to hope that some drugs get decriminalized, because I feel a greater crime is ongoing.

I believe in a multicultural society, but now I see that opposing voices are needed. I see that in a free society you must allow voices of dissent. I don’t have to agree with you, or like what you are saying, but in a free society your voices are needed, and thus some of these extreme websites I might have railed against a decade ago, I do see the need for.

I am still anti smoking, but that’s one of the few things that remains.

The research over the last few years has opened my eyes more to the world that I am living in. I never thought of myself as sheltered, I would read up on issues, and care about causes most avoided, but the true nature of the world I had no idea. It’s like what Gary Webb said about thinking that he was winning awards, because he was going out and getting the stories, how he thought he was doing everything right, but it was really that he had never done anything controversial.

[quote]Indeed, some of the writers in Buzzsaw say that, before their own experiences, they were among the scoffers. Webb writes, “If we had met five years ago, you wouldn’t have found a more staunch defender of the newspaper industry than me … I was winning awards, getting raises, lecturing college classes, appearing on TV shows, and judging journalism contests. So how could I possibly agree with people like Noam Chomsky and Ben Bagdikian, who were claiming the system didn’t work, that it was steered by powerful special interests and corporations, and existed to protect the power elite?”

But, like most of the contributors to “Into the Buzzsaw,” he did his job too well and the powers that be hurled him onto the other side of the looking glass. “And then I wrote some stories that made me realize how sadly misplaced my bliss had been,” he writes. “The reason I’d enjoyed such smooth sailing for so long hadn’t been, as I’d assumed, because I was careful and diligent and good at my job … The truth was that, in all those years, I hadn’t written anything important enough to suppress.”[/quote]

Many of us are like this, we don’t think of ourselves as controversial, but if you are the type to stand up for your rights, the rights of others, assert your voice, or you just stand out for the right reasons or even for the wrong one’s you could be a target.

You don’t think of the world this way, neither did I and that is why this place of understanding is such a journey. It does not happen overnight, I am not sure it ever happens, some days are easier than others, but there is still a part that is so sad that the world is like this, you just have to be patient with that side, love and nurture that side, and take it day by day. I really do believe that praying helps. It’s one of our best defenses and weapons.

Not much else. You are getting a weeks worth of posts all at once so enjoy them.

April 19, 2009 Posted by | activism, Awareness, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Conspiracy, Cultural diversity and multiculturalism, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Informants, Life, one handed signals, slaves, Snitches, Social Control, society, Stasi | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

What would Jesus do?

Yeah the title sounds corny, but if you remember what this weekend is, it’s Easter weekend, and yesterday was good Friday. That’s the day the state assasinated him by nailing him to a cross, after bringing up phoney charges against him, by false witnesses. Sound familiar?

He came with a mission to help people. He was persecuted at times, until finally the state found a way to target him once and for all. They used a snitch that was a part of his company to sell him out, and along the way he had to tell the powers that be that they were corrupt and misleading the people. He would get angry at times, he also found it frustrating how people were at times. The spread rumours about him, said he had a demon, that he was crazy, a friend of sinners and publicans, they asked him all sorts of questions to try to set him up, like is it right to pay taxes? Hoping he would say no, so they could set him up.

In doing this activism, I realise that State oppression and the parasite informants don’t change that much. The same stuff that happened then, is the same stuff that pretty much happens now. The world does not change, and the people in charge know how to manipulate the people in the system. They know how to keep people in check, give them a sense of freedom, and then keep then in check in various ways.

I have been thinking about this a lot, because I am wondering what he would do about the informants? Would he try to out them, out them but subtly, or just ignore them? I have been thinking about the ways he handled himself, because I see a lot of this stuff is the same. He came across the same kind of system.

The more I see of these people’s actions and the deliberate tactics they use, the more I am reminded of his activism/ministry. I know a lot of people might not be able to relate, or this might not be there cup of tea, but if you are a target, it might not hurt to brush up on the way he handled irritating people who were spreading rumours, slander, a family that cared for him, but might not have been there for him, the way he needed, people trying to set him up, officials that were corrupt and teaching the common people all the wrong things, and Judas the snitch that would betray him.

Most times I just ignore them, but I don’t think this is the right approach, so I have been wondering what others would do. I know people always think of Jesus as peaceable, and for the most part he was, but he was not above telling the corrupt leaders what they were, what they were doing to the people, and he could hold his own.

The same type of parasites then and now. It’s fascinating, but it’s true. So that’s what I have been wondering, how did he handle being around Judas, how do you handle these snitches? How do you handle the provocation they bring, and cause, and what is the best way to deal with them?

I think you can learn a lot from the past, but I also think each activist is going to be different and you have to find ways to deal with each situation. What works for one will not work for the other, and yet we can take advise from past targets and apply them quite easily to the current situations at hand in trying to determine what to do under some circumstance.

[quote]18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.
19 The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.[/quote]

Always trying to find something. They also called him crazy at times as well.
[quote] 14 Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him.[/quote]

Always looking for a way to bring down those who would question and challenge the system.

A lot of the stuff John Lennon said is coming back to me as well. The quote is from the US vs John Lennon.

[quote]“When it gets down to having to use violence then you are playing the systems games. The establishment irritates you, pull your beard and flick your face to make you fight, because once they have you violent then they know how to handle you. “

They really don’t change that much, this parasitic element. I guess each person in every generation has to find their own way to deal with them, and leave what they can for the next target.

It’s interesting however, a lot does not change in the way these people think work and operate, it would be nice for once to fully win.

April 11, 2009 Posted by | activism, Awareness, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, conspiracies, Conspiracy, Controlled society, crazy, dissident, False Prophets, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, Informants, Isolation, Jesus, judas, slavery, slaves, Snitches, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments



[quote]Cut to the atrium. Angelus plays with his sword, idly pointing it at Buffy. She looks up at him, frightened.

Angelus:  Now that’s everything, huh? No weapons… No friends… No hope.

Buffy closes her eyes and steels herself for whatever’s coming.

Angelus:  Take all that away… and what’s left?

He draws the sword back and thrusts it directly at her face. With lightning-fast reflexes she swings up with both arms and catches the blade between the palms of her hands. She opens her eyes and meets his.

Buffy:  Me.

She shoves the blade away from her, and the hilt of the sword hits Angelus in the face. He staggers back, and she hops to her feet and kicks him in the chest. He stumbles back even more, and she reaches down and picks up her sword. She swings it around and thrusts at him, but he
manages to parry. They exchange several blows, blocking each other.

Buffy spins around and swings her sword down at him from above. He holds up his own to block, but she hits it hard and he falls to one knee. She swings again, and he blocks. She spins around with a roundhouse kick to
his side, and he collapses to the ground.[/quote]

I don’t know how many people caught the show when it was on the air, but this was a really good series. I was pretty hooked on it at the time, and season 2 episode 2 becoming is one of the best.

I can still watch it and it’s still as good as it was then.

For those who didn’t watch the series or thought it was kind of light here is the run down.

The series was Buffy The Vampire Slayer, it was about this girl, who sort of discovers that she is a bit unique and her mission is to save the world by slaying vampires.

[quote]“Into every generation a Slayer is born. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One. One born with the strength and skill to fight the vampires, to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers.”[/quote]

I know it seems kind of cheesy on the outset, but this show spawned one of the most intelligent communities on the web at the time. No matter where I am, I still come across people from that community. I think about 3 people wrote there PHD’s on the topic of this show, just to give you an idea.

I digress, season 2, the Buffy Angel romance, or not so much romance, but the relationship that almost destroyed the slayer and ruined her life.

I am going to summarize part two, so bear with me.

Buffy Slayer falls for Vampire with a soul. Vampire falls for slayer and they finally come together at some point in season two, and the romance get’s serious. Angel has a moment of true happiness, with Buffy where his soul is content and at peace, this causes some gypsy curse to kick in, and he becomes Angelus, this evil vampire without a soul.

Anyways, he spends the rest of season two, killing her friends, psychologically terrorising her, and literally trying to destroy her. She spends the rest of the season coming to grips with the fact that he is not the person she once loved, and in fact his new mission is to destroy her.

We watch the slayer mature and come to terms with this, and then the final episode, we have the clip above. Most times he was able to use psychological manipulation and it worked to distract her from what she was able to do, by playing on her fears and weaknesses, the Angelus character once again attempts to do this, but instead of falling apart, this time Buffy comes back with me.

[quote]Angelus:  Now that’s everything, huh? No weapons… No friends… No hope.

Buffy closes her eyes and steels herself for whatever’s coming.

Angelus:  Take all that away… and what’s left?

He draws the sword back and thrusts it directly at her face. With lightning-fast reflexes she swings up with both arms and catches the blade between the palms of her hands. She opens her eyes and meets his.

Buffy:  Me.[/quote]

See sometimes in life this is where you are, specifically with Gang Stalking, this is where they want you to be, so that you can slip and fall, and become a snitch, or kill yourself, or end of in jail or a mental ward, and what you have to remember as things around you are falling apart, people are betraying you, and at every turn someone tries to destroy you, what have you got left? Me.

If you can remember this, and draw on some kind of reserve when that time comes, you might just be ok. More importantly, you might just find a way to get through. That is what we have to hold on to, and we know that in any realm, that is what these people do. They use things and people that you trust and turn them against you, and use them to help destroy you, it’s something to be aware of and come to grips with, and like the character Buffy, you have to mature and come to realise that people you once loved, and cared about, might not have your best interest at heart.

Now hopefully unlike Buffy, you won’t have to put a sword through your vampire lover and send him or (her) to hell, but if it comes to it, then do what you have to do. (I don’t literally mean that you will have to put swords, what I do mean, is you might have to psychologically shore yourself up, so that you don’t let things and people bring you down.

Ok I am going to leave you with the final scene for that episode. It’s bitter sweet, but such is life. The point is, you can triumph and overcome difficult situations, but it’s not easy, but do your best, and remember you always have you even if you feel like you have no one else.

[quote]Willow:  Asa sa fie! Asa sa fie! Acum!

Translation:  So it shall be! So it shall be! Now!

Cut to the mansion. Angelus has dropped his sword and holds his cut.
Buffy does a high kick to his face, and he falls backward into Acathla
and lands on his knees before her.

Cut to the hospital.

Willow:  Acum!

Translation:  Now!

The Orb glows brightly for a brief moment and goes dark. Willow suddenly
relaxes, and looks around blankly.

Cut to the mansion. Buffy raises her sword to dispatch Angelus, but
stays herself when he suddenly gasps loudly and groans in pain. She sees
his eyes glow bright red for an instant and go back dark. He looks up at
her, but quickly collapses to the floor, crying. Buffy stares down at
him, but still holds her sword raised behind her. Angel raises himself
back up, his eyes heavy with tears, and looks into her eyes.

Angel:  (softly) Buffy? (sobs) What’s going on?

She just looks at him, confused but not yet ready to lower the sword. He
looks around a bit and gets to his feet.

Angel:  Where are we? I-I don’t remember.

Finally Buffy realizes that the curse has worked, and she slowly lowers
her sword.

Buffy:  (softly) Angel?

Angel:  (sees her wound) You’re hurt.

She looks down at her wound and feels his gentle touch on her arm. She
ignores her cut, looks back up at him and steps closer. He embraces her

Angel:  Oh, Buffy… God.

She still isn’t completely sure that it’s true, but accepts the hug.

Angel:  I… I feel like I haven’t seen you in months.

Finally she accepts it, closes her eyes and breathes out a deep sigh.

Angel:  Oh, my God, everything’s so muddled. I…

He holds her even more closely.

Angel:  Oh…

He sighs deeply and kisses her on the shoulder.

Angel:  Oh, Buffy…

She cries into his shoulder and hugs him back. Behind him Acathla lets
out a low rumble. Buffy opens her eyes and stares in shock as Acathla’s
face contorts. His brows angle down, his eyes glow red, his mouth opens
grotesquely and the swirling vortex to Hell opens, small at first, but
growing steadily in size and emanating a deep, red glow. Buffy lets go
of Angel and looks up into his face.

Angel:  (confused) What’s happening?

Buffy:  (whispers reassuringly) Shh. Don’t worry about it.

She brushes her fingers over his lips and across his cheek. She lays her
hand on his cheek and kisses him softly. He returns the kiss, and it
becomes more passionate. Behind them the vortex has grown to about five
feet (1.5 m) across and continues to get larger. Buffy breaks off the
kiss and looks deeply into Angel’s eyes.

Buffy:  (whispers) I love you.

Angel:  (whispers) I love you.

She touches his lips with her fingers again.

Buffy:  Close your eyes.

She nods reassuringly, and he closes his eyes. She tries hard not to
start crying, and kisses him again gently. She steps back, draws back
her sword and thrusts it into his chest. His eyes whip open in surprise
and pain, and a bright light emanates from the sword. She steps away
from him. He reaches out to her and looks down at the sword thrust
completely through him. He looks at her imploringly, completely
bewildered by this turn of events. She can only stare at the sword
protruding from his chest, and slowly steps further back.

Angel:  Buffy…

Behind him the power of the sword begins to swirl into the vortex. Buffy
steps further back, still looking only at the sword in his chest and not
into his face. The vortex has enlarged to about twelve feet (3.5 m)
across, and the two energies begin to interact. Angel still holds out
his hand to Buffy. When the vortex finally meets him it suddenly closes
into Acathla’s mouth without so much as a spark, taking him with it.
Buffy stares at the stone demon for a long moment, a light of awareness
dawning in her eyes as she truly realizes what she has done, what she
has lost. She begins to sob, her heart breaking. In the background “Full
of Grace”, by Sarah McLachlan, begins to play over the scene.

Lyrics:  The winter here is cold…

Dissolve to Buffy’s street. She walks across it toward her house.

Lyrics:  …and bitter / It’s chilled us to the bone / We haven’t seen
the sun for weeks / Too long, too far from home

She looks at the neighboring houses, then back at hers. Cut into the
house. Joyce climbs the steps and looks down the hall at Buffy’s door.

Lyrics:  I feel just like I’m sinking

Joyce:  Buffy?

Lyrics:  And I claw for solid ground

She walks to Buffy’s room and looks in. The windows are open, and some
of her daughter’s things are strewn on the bed. She steps in and looks

Lyrics:  I’m pulled down by the undertow

She sees a note on the bed among a bunch of clothes.

Lyrics:  I never thought I could feel so low

She picks up the note and reads.

Lyrics:  And, oh, darkness / I feel like letting go

She begins to cry as she reads and sits down on the bed.

Lyrics:  If all of the strength and all of the courage / Come and lift
me from this place

Oh and yeah, I can still watch this show and be on the edge of my seat on some of those scenes, this show crossed gender and cultural barriers, and it’s still as relevant today in many ways as it was then, special thanks to Joss Whedon for creating such a unique and memorable show, universe, and for an amazing and unique community the likes I have not yet come across again.

March 22, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, communityharassment, Conformity, Conspiracy, control, Controlled society, Covert investigations, domestic spying, driving-crazy, Emotional Vampires, Entrapment, Female, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Informants, slavery, slaves, Snitches, Social Control, society, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Chain Reaction

After researching much of the information regarding the Informant system, I believe this is at the heart of much of the corruption that we are seeing in our society. In our justice systems and in our communities. I believe this system is enslaving large portions of society. I also believe that there are many of us that were and are blissfully unaware of what is happening and will remain so until it is too late.
There is a chain reaction that is happening in society that if left unchecked has the potential to infect and destroy the very core of society that we have all known and depended on. That is of course the snitching infection. I call it that, because there is no other way to describe some of the events that I have read about while doing research into the Informant system.

While researching this phenomenon I have come across people who one minute seemed like average decent persons, and the next minute after being caught up in the Snitching/Informant system were willing to sell their very mothers down the drain to keep themselves free. This is not going to be the case for every Informant, but it’s the case with too many that are a part of this system.

Once let loose back into society many will continue with a life of crime. others will continue with what I call the game.
The Game

The game is one of set up’s and betrayal where the Informant will try to set someone up for a fall. They will choose a target and the unsuspecting target will get caught up in a scheme of some kind, eventually be arrested, they do not necessarily have to have committed a crime, and then the informant will testify against the person they entrapped, or other informants will. Once this new person is caught up in the game, should they be turned informant then the cycle continues once again.

I don’t know how many Informants are a part of this game that is ongoing in society, but I suspect that the many are, and all of them once they decide to become informants are owned by the system, and their handlers. That means anytime the government wants or needs a favor guess who they will call upon? Do you begin to see the makings of a corrupt society? Remember they could call upon these informants years later after these informants have been let loose. Many of these Informants will also go onto have careers, and even become contributing members of society, but they are still owned by the state. A lot of these Informant deals are kept off the records, meaning that the person is owned by a handler, but there might not be an official record of it, but when that handler needs a favor, that Informant will be called upon, and will risk exposure if they do not comply.

For example, unlike a classic plea bargain, informant deals lack finality because an informant’s obligations are ongoing. Written co-operation agreements often extend a defendant’s obligations into perpetuity, while informal, unwritten agreements last as long as the police or prosecutor wishes to use that informant.

To understand how the game works, we will review three case studies. These are just a few of the many that I came across when reading the stories on the wall. It’s a continued pattern of set up on unsuspecting pigeons, and hardened Informants who will do what they need to do to stay out of jail.
Before we review the case studies I am going to again remind you of some statistics.

as many as fifty percent of African American males in some cities – are in contact with the criminal justice system and therefore potentially under pressure to snitch. By relying heavily on snitching, particularly in drug-related cases, law enforcement officials create large numbers of informants who remain at large in the community, engaging in criminal activities while under pressure to provide information about others. These snitches are a communal liability: they increase crime and threaten social organization, interpersonal relationships, and socio-legal norms in their home communities, even as they are tolerated or under-punished by law enforcement because they are useful.

The uncoordinated, widespread use of informants in the United States by thousands of different police departments and various federal agencies does not of course, amount to the focused, purposeful political mission of the Stasi. But if anywhere near eight percent of the male population in inner city communities is snitching, that figure meets or surpasses Stasi level of between one and ten percent of the total population as informers.

If things had gone according to plan, you never would have heard of 23-year-old Rachel Hoffman. She would have just been another confidential informant, one of more than an estimated 100,000 in the United States who work with police to send someone else to jail.

These figures do not include people who are informers via work, school, or community group programs. When we take into consideration numbers such as that, we are looking at an epidemic that is worst than what happened in East Germany. Keep in mind that in addition to all this, there will also be 800,000 Terrorism Liaison Officers added to the Informant population in the United States. These figures should wake up America and other cities to the dangers of what is happening in various societies.


The Game
To understand the game you might want to picture it in the sense of how a disease spreads, you start with on carrier and that person infects one person right after another. Some of those carriers will go on to infect others. Some will be dormant and not infect anyone. You might also want to think of the movie lifeforce, where one has the constant need to feed on one person after another, then those victims need to feed on others. You can have a very sick and infested city in a short space of time if such an infection goes unchecked.
The game is one of the Informant being placed primarily back in society, but this could also happen in jail, where an informant via lies, deceit, entrapment or some other methods set’s up another person to take a fall. That person then come in contact with the criminal justice system, they can then choose to become informants themselves, or refusing to do so, will spend lengthy spaces of time in prison. This game is primarily enacted via drugs, but that’s not the extent of it. Shoplifting is another example. I see this used with the teenaged informants, setting up their friends to steal from the stores, so that they in turn can become snitches.

Theft, drugs, stolen cars, any crime that someone can make a deal with police to become informants, they can be released back into society and are a danger to the rest of society. This is not to say that all Informants are horrible people, many just did not want to be in jail, some others are a true danger to society, nearly all are under pressure by the government to produce other Informants, and that obligation is never ending, some are allowed to lay dormant, till they can be of use.

In Hoffman’s case, it was the work of another informer that led to her own work for the police.

On April 15, an informer told Tallahassee police that Hoffman had sold marijuana in the past but hadn’t done so recently, according to police records.

At the time, Hoffman, 23, was in a pretrial drug diversion program because of charges of possession of marijuana and resisting arrest in February 2007. To stay in the program, she had to stay out of trouble.

Two days after police got the informer’s tip, a Tallahassee police officer stopped Hoffman as she was getting into her car

Rachael Hoffman then went on to become an Informant. She first tried to set up a close friend and when that failed, the close friend helped her find the dealers who she tried to buy drugs from on behalf of the police. The sting went wrong and she was killed. Had this gone successfully, those drug dealers if they agreed to become informants might have been released back into society as Informants and the cycle would have continued. It’s a frightening cycle that has become more widespread than can be imagined.

Case number 2.

Joey Settembrino was a young 18 year old, just about to go off to college.

He was set up by an Informant. The Informant was a close friend of his. He use to spend his weekends at the Informants house.

He was a very good friend. I had known the guy for many years. We had gone out every weekend, fishing on his boat, hydrosliding, skiing. I was very shocked; it was very unexpected. It’s not something you expect from friends.

In an Informants society, it’s what you expect from just about everyone and it makes people suspicious and closed off. This is what happened in East Germany once the population became aware of what was happening. In America many Americans are not aware that these types of games are being played. In these cases the targets were encouraged and did get into illegal activities, however that is not always the case, and many times innocent people who had nothing to do with illegal activities are still caught up in these games and convicted on the testimony of Informants.

He wanted me to go back to the house where I got the acid from and get something else. They wanted me to wear a wire and they wanted me to go back there … to buy some other type of drug, no matter what it was, whatever he had in the house, so they could set him up. Just a chain reaction, one gets to one, one gets the other and they just keep going. I told him that I couldn’t do that, that I didn’t get the drugs from that house. At that time I was really confused. I was shocked, and I told him that I couldn’t do anything for him. But he kept trying, he kept threatening, talking about a lot of time. “You’re going to do 25 years. You’re going to be in prison your whole life.” … He really tried to scare me. But I told him I couldn’t do anything for him … . [Eventually] they went back to the house in which I got it from, they arrested the other guy, my friend [who I bought the acid from]. And he’s now doing a 10-year sentence along with me.

Joey said it best. This is like a chain reaction that just keeps going and going. One get’s one, then another and another and another. Those in turn get others and the cycle continues. Remember it’s not just drugs, and it’s not just the guilty that are being caught up in this game. If we review cases of Gang Stalking, we hear of men who thought that a woman had entered their life for the sole purpose of setting them up to look like a rapist or something else.

There are stories of targets being framed or other set up’s, and there are targets that do turn informant and then go back into society and try to harm other targets. This is happening in ever sector of society. Rachel, Joey and even Clarence were all going off to college, or had finished college when they were caught up in these stings.

Joey refused to become a snitch and thus spent 10 years in jail. His friend that set him up, who had been caught for drugs himself, was back on the streets, selling drugs, and setting up at least 11 or 12 others in the first year that Joey was in jail.

Do you know why they wanted you?

I’ve asked that question, I’ve asked myself that a thousand times, “Why me? Why did he set me up?” …

In this game that is happening, I would say that they want just about everyone. They will get some people via community programs to be Informants, some via their places of employment, or community programs. Now the people who are informants via community programs and other legit means might not play the game of setting people up directly, but they are still part of the game, and they still work hand in hand with these others that are playing by a different set of rules. Many might not be aware of who they are working hand in hand with. At the end of the day, they all work for the state, government and all the orders come from the same sources.
Clearance is in jail because he introduced two parties that wanted to buy or sell drugs to each other. He had never been involved with drugs before, but one day his cousin called him up and asked him if he could find someone to buy drugs from. He said he knew some people and thought that they might be involved in dealing, he would check into it.

Clearances case is interesting because all the other parties who turned Informant received less time than he did. He does not know why his cousin and the others turned against him and lied, or why the prosecutor seemed intent on punishing him because he would not snitch and become an Informant.

What was it like having your friends testify against you?

Well, we’re sitting in the courtroom. These guys that I knew all my life came up, and they said [stuff] about me that wasn’t true, and they hurt me. It really truly hurt me, Robert and James really hurt me ’cause James is my first cousin. I looked up to him all my life. Robert was supposed to be my best friend at the time. We grew up together from playing Pop ball all the way up to high school ball together, and I couldn’t believe that they would sit there, in front of me … and say the things that they said about me … . [The] only thing I could say was it wasn’t true. But nobody believed me … . You had to have a fall guy, and I was that person.

It should be noted that the others involved all had prior drug convictions. Which means if they were out on the street and able to set him up, they were likely already Informants. He doesn’t know why they turned on him, but it’s possible that this might have been the idea from the get go. The assumption being that he would turn snitch and then be in a prime candidate on the college campus, a pawn to be used to set up other pawns, because that is how the game works.

Why did he do it?

Well, I had a opportunity to talk to James one time … . He said, “Man, I’m sorry, man.” I say, “James, why you do me like that?” He say, “Because I had no choice.” I said, “What you mean you have no choice in the matter?” He say “Because Miss Griffin say she didn’t want Bob to try your case.” She say if [he] didn’t cooperate and do what she told him to do, that she was going to hurt him worse in his case … . He say, “Well, the prosecutor Miss Griffin said if I don’t do it she going to put me in prison for the rest of my life … . I got to do what I got to do.”

He stats that the prosecutor pulled his cousin aside and when his cousin went back on the stand, his cousin lied. This is not the first time scenarios like this have happened, it can only be imagined what these prosecutors or handlers have on these Informants to make them sell out their own friends, and family.

And the real drug dealers are out —

On the street now. And probably doing the same thing they were doing before they went in. I just don’t understand.

He also does not understand, but if you review enough of these cases, you start to see a pattern and you start to understand, this is how the game works, and yes they are probably back on on the street looking for the next pigeon to set up, and try to turn them into informants.

It reminds me of something a forum member once told me. This guy said that he was set up because he met this woman online, who he dated only to discover that she was married. Her husband got mad and that’s why he thought he was set up.

The person on my forum pointed out that he had met the woman via some co-workers who introduced him to the website where he located this woman. The person on my forum suggested that he was probably profiled and set up by the co-workers who sent him to the site, knowing he would met this woman. The idea is that these games and set up’s take place long before the victim is aware that they are part of a game.

The Global outlook.
Targets of Gang Stalking complain that even when they leave countries such as the U.K., Canada, U.S. that the stalking continues. That is understandable we have seen muli-governmental corporation in other investigations.

What is not understandable and the most frightening sector of this is that various targets have moved to a variety of countries and they all report the same thing, Informants that are able to follow them 24/7.

This suggest that these Informant networks are getting global in nature. They are popping up in areas that are unexpected, and if this trend continues we will have a global surveillance society.

Middle East: Israel’s secret police pressuring sick Gazans to spy for them, says report· Treatment only offered to would-be informants
· Patients allowed to cross the border drops sharply

The same situation is happening in Iraq where they previously had family structures that might have prevented Informant networks from spreading as rapidly. The country will be rebuilt and the Informant structure will be a part of it.
Why would a global surveillance society be necessary?
I will not speculate. I will however say that based on research many societies in history that had a dictator, tyrant, or despot who came to power and who wanted to pull off an unpopular agenda’s such as Hitlers Germany, or Stasi East Germany, employed an army of Informants. It’s the most effective way that a society can control, monitor and subdue the inhabitants.

Since history has shown us that these informant networks are often needed to move forward tyrannical agendas, then can it be assumed that if we could slow down or stop the chain reaction of the Informant movement, we might be able to stop some of the corruption that we are seeing in many areas of society?


Stopping the Chain Reaction.


To stop the Informant infection people need to be aware that there is a lethal chain reaction happening in many parts of society. They need the understanding of how the game is played, and awareness of how far spread and how far reaching it is.

In America prison system reform could go a long way towards fixing the system that has become corrupt. Then prosecutors would not be as dependent on the testimonies of Informants and the power could start to shift back.

The family structure. Communities with less stable family structures are more vulnerable to this system.

People need to be aware that these entrapment’s are happening at every level of society, ever profession in society, thus why it goes all the way up to the top.

If people are unaware, they will not realise the various ways that people can become entrapped, including using someone that you are in a personal association with, or who you just “accidentally” meet. Someone you have a business relationship with.

Some people they will use their own greed and stupidity against them. Other will be a deliberate trap, others will be framed and will have committed no crime. Not being aware of how this system works, many will quietly accept off the record deals, and thus become indebted to the state, able to be used at will. Remember this is happening at all levels of society. Rich, poor, black, white, male, female.

If you have a parent, grandparent that was a snitch, Informant, they might try to go after the next generation. 

Your friends, family, co-workers, anyone that is an Informant not by choice but by force, can be a liability to an innocent person.

The problem is more widespread that many realise, and what’s even worst is the silence that surrounds this problem in society. Till it’s talked about, discussed, and exposed it will continue to infect society, and have far reaching and unimaginable consequences, not just for those caught up in the game, but for the many unsuspecting victims, targets, or pigeons yet to come. This is not just happening at local levels. Targets have moved to various countries around the globe and encounter the same type of surveillance network.


We must stop this chain reaction. Awareness and exposure are key.
Happy Holidays.

December 23, 2008 Posted by | Awareness, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Controlled society, domestic spying, East Germany, Entrapment, Fascism, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Laws, New World Order, NWO, oppression, Police State, slavery, slaves, Snitches, society, Spying, Stasi, Stop snitching, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Blogging Censorship?

I have been meaning to write about this for some time as well.

I recently discovered that there is some sort of filtering happening with my blogs in at least two of the locations where I blog.

This was not a complete shock, but i am disgusted and horrified, if this is the sort of filtering that goes on in democratic countries, then should we really still be calling ourselves democratic?

The first location is a popular forum that also allows for bloggers to post. At the front of this Kick Ass forum, the blog postings are listed one after another. My posting use to appear at the front of this forum, however I now notice that the blog postings no longer appear on the front of this forum.
They are still accessible and when you do go to the forums you can access the blogs.

Everyone else who posts to this forum, has their blogs displayed at the front of this forum, but my postings no longer show up, they are being deliberately blocked and filtered out.
The other things that came to my attention is that on my word press blog, specific posts are not showing up, under the tags.

I wrote one post, where I posted Obama’s speech called a call to service. I quoted what he said in the speech, made no commentary whatsoever, but I notice that the blog posting does not come up under the tags. At least it did not when I checked.

Case in point.

There is absolutely nothing controversial in this post, nothing negative was said, unless you count his plans for the American people and that you would have to judge for yourself, yet the post has been censored, meaning that when you click on the tag words, the post does not show up, but several of my other posts do, but this one is missing.

The other post that has been blocked is

The Real Fight.

Now this one could be considered controversial, but all I have done is reported the findings of others, and drawn my own conclusions. If the conclusions are wrong or incorrect, then surly this post could not be worthy of being filtered and blocked, but for some reason, when you click on the tags, as I write this, the post does not show up, but my newer post, Pole Shift does, when I click on the same tag.

Why am I blogging? The reason I am blogging in the first place of course, is because I have this crazy notion that I am being Gang Stalked 24/7, and having my private email monitored, along with my computer activity. The fact that I am being followed around 24/7, then I try to blog about it, and suddenly my posts are being filtered on two of the sites where I blog?

That’s kind of messed up. If we are so free and democratic, then nothing I say here should make a difference, and if I am not telling the full truth, then it should just be some crazy rambling blog, that is not worthty of being filtered, but that’s not the case.

I am also having some weird experiences with specific sites being blocked from my access, but I need more feedback on one specific incident before I blog about it.

I didn’t ask to be Gang Stalked, I was going about my own life, minding my own business, the corrupted elements of this society, decided they were going to put me in my place and teach me a lesson, like they have so many other innocent people. Instead of doing something harsh or hostile, I have taken to blogging, a peaceable measure. However telling the truth for corrupted elements does not seem to be a peaceful thing to do. In every time period it would seem, that truth telling by corrupted elements, does not seem to go over very well.

Now I am open to suggestions, so if someone can provide some reason for my posts being blocked from the front of the really kick ass site where I sometimes post, or why some of my wordpress posts seem to be, appear to be getting filtered, I would love to hear it.

Again with the wordpress post, they will show up if you go to the site directly, and in some engines, but when you do a tag search directly from the post, it does not come up under any of the tags listed. Controversial or not, whichat least on of the postings was not, this is still a free society right?

September 30, 2008 Posted by | Blacklisted, Bullying, buzzsaw, Censorship, CIA, Cointelpro, control, Controlled society, crazy, East Germany, Fascism, Fascist, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Illegal, Internet, Intimidation, Isolation, Justice, Monitoring, New World Order, paranoid, revolution, silence, slaves, Social Control, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment