Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Are intellegence agencies running the show?

Are Intelligence Agencies running the show?

We are told that the world is controlled by the elites. That they are planning a world government, but a lot of times when conspiracies do happen, and you look behind the curtain it often happens that these intelligence agencies, (and I use that term loosely) were behind a lot of these plots.

I am not discounting the fact that large corporations, some wealthy families in the past have played a large and significant role in historical events, but a lot of what I see happening now can be pointed back at some of these agencies. Often they control the technology, they are interconnected, share information, store information, and hide information away.

These agencies are said to be the ones behind a lot of the experiments that are happening. When you look at the John St. Clair Akwei case if it is to be believed, even 20 years ago, they had some very advanced technology that they were willing to use on him remotely. If world control is planned, and I believe it is, what role do these agencies play? How controlled are some of the leaders and politicians? How many of them are CIA operatives, or other agency operatives?

Someone was pointing out that several world leaders were previously involved with, or headed up intelligence agencies. U.K., U.S., Russia, and even Venezuela. Also the U.S. agencies have had specific roles in taking over, and setting up puppet governments in many Carribean nations over the years. The middle East is currently no different with Iraq and Afghanistan.

Operation Gladio was a combined effort with these agencies.

Operating in many NATO and even some neutral countries,[2] Gladio was part of a series of national operations first coordinated by the Clandestine Committee of the Western Union (CCWU), founded in 1948. After the creation of NATO in 1949, the CCWU was integrated into the Clandestine Planning Committee (CPC), founded in 1951 and overseen by SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe), transferred to Belgium after France’s official withdrawal from NATO’s Military Committee in 1966 — which was not followed by the dissolution of the French stay-behind paramilitary movements.

The role of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in sponsoring Gladio and the extent of its activities during the Cold War era, and its relationship to right-wing terrorist attacks perpetrated in Italy during the Years of Lead and other similar clandestine operations is the subject of ongoing debate and investigation. Italy, Switzerland and Belgium have had parliamentary inquiries into the matter.[3]

There are consistent themes, hints and indications that a lot of what happens in the world is quietly managed by these agencies. From drug running, child porn rings, and other clandestine activities, and yet online there is a lot of information about Illuminati, secret societies, elites, wealthy families who run the show, and not to discount those options, cause I do see that corporations like IBM, Google, Facebook seem destined to once again play a huge future role in what is to come. Eg. In 10 years google might be the only way people access information on the internet. IBM seems as if they will likely sponsor the technology to make human RFID and tracking possible.

The DNA Transistor is a project from IBM Research that aims to advance personalized medicine, by making it simpler (and much cheaper) to read an individual’s unique DNA sequence — the special combination of proteins that makes you unlike anyone else.

But with all the other strings happening, it makes you wonder who are the players that are really pulling the strings? There is likely not just one player, there are likely a combination of players, but the question I am wondering is just how extensive a role do these intelligence agencies play in the shape of things to come, controlling outcomes, and manipulating the events that are currently underway? How much os society is controlled by them? How may on these forums, social networking sites work for these agencies?

The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies. Signals Intelligence is based on the fact that everything in the environment with an electric current in it has a magnetic flux around it which gives off EMF waves. The NSA/DoD has developed proprietary advanced digital equipment which can remotely analyze all objects whether man-made or organic that have electrical activity.

Domestic Intelligence (DOMINT)

The NSA has records on all U.S. citizens. The NSA gathers information on U.S. citizens who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents (HUMINT). These agents are authorized by executive order to spy on anyone. The NSA has a permanent National Security “anti-terrorist” surveillance network in place. This surveillance network is completely disguised and hidden from the public.

Tracking individuals in the U.S. is easily and cost-effectively implemented with the NSA’s electronic surveillance network. This network (DOMINT) covers the entire U.S., involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously. Cost effective implementation of operations is assured by NSA computer technology designed to minimize operations costs.

It just makes you wonder about the deep rooted roles these agencies are playing on the world state, be it control of world leaders, technology that could be used for programing people remotely or otherwise. I think it would be interesting to discover how much of what is ongoing leads back to these agencies.

November 9, 2010 Posted by | control, Controlled society, Corruption, Gang Stalking, Internet, Mind Control, New World Order, NWO, silence, slavery, slaves | , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Gang stalking, Mobbing, Bullying


The collusion that has been happening in society that Tim Field and others looked into happened in my opinion because of this system that is currently in place.  Most targets who complained about the collusion that they found in their lives were probably targeted by this system. They were probably on a community notification list, and these notifications are used not only as a type of blacklisting at the lower levels, but the same way that our lives are interfered with at lower levels, it’s the same at higher levels.

This means at tribunals, all types of court appearances, lawyers, judges, etc. The same way that clients are persuaded, blocked, or bullied from working with targets at lower levels, are the same collusion’s, that are happening at higher levels.

This targeting is systemic. Those that are a part of this system see it as their job to run interference for those that are targeted by this system. The same way they see it as their job to do other illegal and socially unacceptable actions.
[/quote]Collusion, corruption, oath of allegiance

Many targets of bullying report that they seem to be obstructed every step of the way in their pursuit of justice. The management refuse to investigate, or use an untrained investigator, or whitewash the case. The union refuses to help, or initially shows interest but suddenly changes sides. The solicitor initially shows interest but then starts acting in a manner which suggests they have the other side’s interests at heart rather than yours.

The employer’s lawyers apply for, and obtain, adjournment after adjournment, then obtain a pre-hearing review which the tribunal chairman handles in favour of the employer. In the tribunal, favour is shown to the respondent (employer) and you get the impression that the verdict has been decided in advance. Your solicitor, the respondent’s lawyers and the tribunal chairman seem to know more about your case than you think they should.

After the tribunal you’re left with no option but to privately sue the employer, the union, and your solicitor, and appeal the tribunal decision, but by this time you have no job, no income, your savings are gone, so is your health, maybe your marriage too, and there’s no prospect of ever being employed again, especially in the professions.

Sound familiar? If so, you might be surprised to realise how often this happens.

Although there’s never any substantive proof, it seems that all the parties arrayed against you have been colluding in secret. The question is, what allegiance binds these individuals together, and where could they meet such that the normal rules of confidentiality do not apply? What fraternal obligation places their duty to support and protect each other above the moral, ethical and legal obligations by which the rest of us are bound?

Employers, unions, law firms, and employees of the justice system are part of society, and every group, professional or otherwise, contains a few poor performers and rotten apples. This ranges from inexperience through ineptitude and incompetence to collusion and corruption


At the time of this writing, I believe Tim Field might have believed he was looking at some type of secret fraternity, or brotherhood, that was responsible for this collusion. Though I fully agree that in the U.K. and other places that this has been a problem and still is, I think there is something else that could be responsible.

How could lawyers, tribunals and judges be persuaded to turn against clients? What motivation could there be? What most did not realise at the time is that this system is acting the part of a fraternity, a brotherhood, a secret society if you will, and the individuals that are a part of this system will do what they are told to do or asked to do in most cases.

This report also discusses the collusion that many found themselves a part of. The women in this report had complained about workplace harassment, and found the same type of collusion in their lives. Their harassers were promoted. Unions did not wish to provide assistance, or they took the side of the harassers. Lawyers who were happy to help at first seemed to turn on those they were hired to help, seemed to drop cases, or even worst seemed to be working for the other side. How could such a thing be happening?

Similar would happen to Anita Belle when she tried to take the government to task for importing drugs into minority communities. Mrs. Belle would be disbarred, forced to move from America, to Canada, then to Israel. She is now after many years back in the United States, but does not seem to be practicing law.

I would see the same collusion in my own life when I first tried to file my complaint. That is part of what lead me on this journey to discover what was happening in society. What is happening is in my opinion stranger than fiction, and harder to believe than anything that I have ever encountered.

This system is being used in and of itself as a sort of secret society, they protect and do favors for those that are a part of it. Keep the members in line via bullying, intimidation, or by giving them perks. It’s a conspiracy in and of itself, but it’s one that much of society is a part of.

Gang Stalking, Mobbing, Bullying

From what I have observed, there is strong reason to believe that many of the targets of these practices are not a part of this system. For the time being I am calling it, and referring to it as a notification system, but it’s much more than that. This is a system that has been in place for a really long time. It goes all the way back, and those born will eventually be absorbed into it, and thus it continues. It’s used to control and regulate society. It removes those that step out of line, or those who will not fall in line.

The members of this system have a mentality that it’s ok, almost mandatory at times to pick on or harass those who are not a part of this system. It seems that many of them are under the false impression that everyone is or should be a part of this system. The reality is there are some, that are not aware of this system, thus not a part of it. That seems to matter very little to these individuals. It’s a cult mentality and a very dangerous one for those not a part of this system.


The way the system functions and forces some of it’s members to take part in this system, to be a part of this borg like entity is nothing better than slavery.

For many however it does not fit their traditional definition of slavery and thus they do not see the system for what it is. In fact many of them would willing protect it.

They are born into this system, grow up in this system, and most will become a part of this system. I see them everyday, unquestioning, obedient, controlled, they do what they are told. They don’t question why people have to be a part of this structure, and most would not dream of stepping out of this structure. They believe that it protects them. It’s the 5 monkeys in a cage scenario, and it’s the way it’s always been done, and so they continue right along supporting a system, that basically is what outsiders would call bondless slavery.

It’s not slavery for the body, it’s conditioning and control of the mind to the extent that most actually believe that this system is what keeps them free, when in fact it’s what hold them in place as slaves.


Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.



Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work… when you go to church… when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.


In my opinion, the worst form of slavery is when you do not know that you are bound. When you actually believe that you are free, but you are not. Each person has to come to this realisation on their own. It’s not something that others can make you see, you have to see it, feel it, and experience it for yourself.

Will it ever change? As long as people are just comfortable enough, just distracted enough, with their gadgets and ipads, soothed and comforted, lulled into a false sense of reality, then they will never try to leave their slavery. They will cling to it the way a newborn clings to it’s mother. It feeds them, nourishes them, comforts them, but it also enslaves them, and until they are ready to see it, you are just wasting your time. For those who do see it, understand it, and want to change it, it’s the worst hell, because once you understand, there is no way to go back to the false reality that you came from. You just can not see it any other way.

May 9, 2010 Posted by | black women, Community harassment, Conspiracy, control, Corruption, Cults, Gang Stalking, Intimidation, New World Order, oppression, slavery, Social Control, society | , , , , , | 7 Comments

Handmaidens of the New World Order

I set out trying to find out what was happening to the Gang Stalking Community.

Why were we being followed around? How could they track targets from country to country? Why were Cointelpro and Stasi like tactics being used on average citizens to systemically destroy their lives?

I thought I was going to find something easy to fix, but what I found is far more widespread.

Under the same pattern that has repeated itself throughout history, I found that the state has found a way to once again convince the good people of the society that they are doing God’s work, or being good citizens, by systemically destroying the undesirables in society.

You are cleansing your societies of homeless, mentally ill, perverts, drug users, dealers, whoever is on a list and whoever you are told to destroy. You once again felt empowered, in control in charge. The power that had been taken away from you was back in your hands once again. You were doing the right thing, it was a not in my back yard mentality to rid your communities and societies of the filth and the evils infecting it, but somewhere along the lines, you have unwittingly become the monsters in the closet, that you sought to remove from amongst you. You have unwittingly become the handmaidens of the New World Order.

Almost every shift in history that has happened, first had an informant force. Under the guise of this program, we now have such an extensive force of informants, but if the reports from targets are true, we are well on our way to having an international informant force. Citizens who use a one handed sign language the same way the Stasi did, and pretty much for the same purpose.

For along with the undesirable, you are helping to remove those undesirables the state does not want in our societies. You are helping to remove the outspoken, the whistle-blowers, the aggressive, those who don’t fit into this system, your future leaders, the free thinkers, those who question. You are removing those 1 in 20 who would sound the alarm, write those controversial stories, be outspoken and tell the state where to go, and where to stick it. Those types are easy to spot in the workplace, schools and community, and those types ask the questions that should have been asked a long time ago, but are not. Those types challenge this system and are being removed, disenfranchised, eliminated for their efforts.

Don’t get me wrong, I am sure in the beginning, pedophiles were allowed to feed on the innocent, violent offenders were allowed to commit acts of violence, and much like in V 4 Vendetta, this created a problem. It created fear, but not to worry, your government had the perfect solutions for you. They would give you lists of people, those undesirable amongst you that you should protect your society from and unquestioningly, you would go after them, like a vengeful plague, and remove them from amongst you. Convinced of the righteousness of what the state told you to do, you proceeded in that vain, without question and with impunity.

I don’t doubt that there are bad people in society, people who do really evil things, that we would like to have advanced warnings for, but just like programs of the past, this is also being used heavily to get rid of people you are going to need, or would have needed for a revolution/rebellion. People on forums keep asking where are our leaders? We have this intrinsic sense that there amongst us should be those that are smarter, capable of organizing, telling the rest of us what to do, how to get out of this mess? I am sure there are and you know where to find them? Look for them in the mental wards, jails, the homeless, disenfranchised, and in the morgues. That is where your leaders and future leaders are ending up.

At first it seemed weird that programs like bullying, mobbing, and Gang Stalking targeted specific kinds of people, but that now makes perfectly good sense.

The order that is coming into play, will systemically remove this sort from every community, and what will be left, will be a highly biddable population. These leader types are easy to spot and target, they are outspoken, they in a natural setting would rise to the top, but often they are mobbed out of work, set upon, and under systems such as Gang Stalking, become poor, disenfranchised, end up in jail, mental wards, committing suicide, mass murder, or being pinpointed as undesirables to be removed.

We saw this with the Civil Rights Movement, the systemic destruction of the Panthers and others who would go against this system. Ruby Ridge, Waco. I kept asking throughout the research, why have no significant movement or leaders arisen since that time? What’s happened to them? Well if anyone remembers many from that time were systemically eliminated, some are still in jail, on death row, fugitives from their own countries. The history of groups such as the panthers is very illuminating. How the state deals with dissidence, and how it’s continued to since that time, to ensure that now become too influential, how it fosters, and nurtures false leaders who are then consistently presented to the people. False movements. When I did the research, I found many of the similar things happening amongst the various groups, be it extremists, conspiracy theorists, AIDS dissidents, etc. Disinfo, people hired by the state, agents, those with an agenda, legit people being discredited, demonized, murder, assassinations, suspected assassinations.

The influential in our society that rise seem to never last for long. Not to get into conspiracies, but Princess Diana was just coming into her own when she meet that terrible car accidents, her campaign for landmines and anything else she did in the future would have had a pretty big impact on society, most likely in a positive way. What’s interesting about Diana is that her image in the U.K. press had become somewhat bad before her death, and it had been rumoured she might even be planning to leave the U.K. She was often hounded by the media, at times in disrespectful ways that did not suit someone of her stature, and then the car accident happened, which she predicted ahead of time, and that was that.

Micheal Jackson King of Pop was coming back in his own, and he was a very influential person, who had a large and diverse following, he felt that there was a conspiracy against him, and from what I have researched, I agree. Anyways he passed away at a time when he might have been able to influence a large population of people, who needed guidance.

Accidents, mishaps, mysterious deaths, whistle-blowers, scientists, the inquisitive, outspoken, it goes hand in hand, and most don’t notice that these sorts are being removed and cleaned from our society.

The handmaidens of the New World Order with their good intentions, who have been lied to in some cases are at it again. In order to save themselves from the evil terrorists, that hate their freedoms, many have given up their freedoms. Soon your minds will be read at airports, and maybe other places, naked scanners are now going to be mandatory. People are being arrested for mind crimes, crimes that they might do. Forced mental exams. Little by little this planned system is revealing itself, and those who would stand in it’s way, are being eliminated by hook or by crook.

That’s how a take over can be happen. It can be done in the open with blood shed, it can be done with force, this attempt has been made in America before, but failed, or it can be done from the inside out, slowly and insidiously without ever firing a single bullet.

Lot’s of death, but very little blood shed. The enemies are quietly being removed from every community, a nice little house cleaning is happening. The outspoken are being silenced, the real truthers being removed. Anyone with influence who is not onboard will be removed before their influence can become too great, and people are consistently feed a stream of false leaders, and prophets, but somewhere inside we remember what real leaders should be like, and we long for them.

The problem remains those in charge understand something essential, they understand human nature, human history, and they understand how to manipulate it, influence it, control it, keep it bottled up. They know how to work it towards their will, and they are succeeding. We have had some good and vital awakenings with the Internet, but as those internet freedoms are slowly being bottled up again, we sit passively watching once more. The awake seemingly not enough to make a difference which is not true, cause all it takes is one to make a difference, but that one never quite seems to make it to the top, the true leaders never seem to quite rise to where they need to be.

When I was doing research into the extremist community, I looked at how Grant Bristow and Wolfgang Droege formed a party in Canada. It was one of the biggest of it’s kind, and did very well, very influential. Only one problem Mr Bristow was a paid agent from the start, working for a Canadian Intelligence agency. Yet under the combined leadership, the group they formed was one of the most influential. After Bristows cover was blown, and Drogue did somemore time in jail, he was not able to come out and be effective. In fact he found himself jobless, and according to many online sources it’s been implied that he eventually ended up working for the police as an informant. He also sold drugs from his home. Oddly enough Mr Droege was shot by a Targeted Individual, who felt that Mr Droege was responsible for his surveillance and gaslighting that he was experiencing. Strange world. The point is however, though I don’t agree with Droege’s views, when I did research him, I believe he was sincere in his views and genuinely wanted to do what he felt was right for his community, so why did he not rise to the top on his own? Why was he not supported after leaving jail? Why was he left so disenfranchised that his fate was to join forces with the police, selling drugs to survive?

Most will see the above example and say, oh but he was an extremist who cares, but it’s not just happening to this group, and we should all care, because it’s happening to all groups in society. The real groups, leaders often struggle for bread and butter, while people like the Hal Turners of this world get people to send in donations. He was making 100,000 as an informant, yet he still had those donations coming in, how many real leaders lost their homes, while people followed the FBI’s solution to fake leadership? This happens in many communities.

The plants tend to get the media attention, the money, and the followers, which I think could be in part because the informants are told which groups to support. I have watched this time and again in the Gang Stalking community so I know the pattern all too well. People follow the wrong group, wrong leaders and waste their time, money, and efforts going after the wrong things. This is done deliberately. This happens across the board. Controlled opposition, controlled rebellion, while real rebellion get’s dealt with.

As long as they understand human nature it seems that they will control us to their ends. A shift is happening, it feels like the same influences who were behind much of what happened in Nazi Germany are back at their own games, and history feels like it’s about to have a repeat. It’s hard to imagine, because for many things seem so normal, they don’t see the similarities. Others see it all too well and have been trying to warn others to no avail.

History has never had a good record of not protecting it’s Messiahs. Jesus, Joan of Ark, to help humanity is to be turned upon in many cases, this pattern seems to be fairly consistent as well. Can this change? Sure, people have to start with the young. The undue influence with their lives, and minds begins early. Parents should limit what they watch on television. Teach at home if you can, but most people’s lifestyles just do not allow for this. Our children are often handed off to strangers, or the agents of the state to be trained up and educated the way they see fit, and the ones that are not, will be medicated to fit that bill, or bullied to become socially engineered compliant non thinkers.

This generation will believe what they are taught, if that is loyalty to the state, then loyalty to the state it will be. It they are taught that being informants is the right thing to do, they will not question it. If they grow up in a society where mind reading technology is used in every day life, and naked scanners, they won’t think that it’s unnatural. It’s the same way this generation uses cellphones, they won’t question these technologies, or being even RFID chips, or ink on their bodies. They just will not know a time before them. If you can get to your children first, then you stand a chance. However the few who can raise up healthy free thinkers then run the risk of having their children grow up to be future targets of the state. For free thinking, and the outspoken, those who do not follow the orthodoxy, have been prime targets throughout history.

As it is now, it seems a similar clearing is happening, and the handmaidens of the NWO are being used, wittingly or unwittingly to bring about those ends. Right before your eye a system is being unveiled, and an agenda is happening, some see it, many don’t, but it’s there, and as it becomes more visible, people will be amazed, but this is a system that was predicted a long time ago. It is one that has been coming into affect for some time now. I think that change is possible at any stage, I think that a difference can be made, that is why this system is so careful about what influences are allowed to rise. I think if the people ever stopped following false prophets, took ownership, and stopped looking outside of themselves for answers that change could happen. First however it’s helpful to realise that there is an agenda at foot, then once you understand the size and scope, and don’t allow yourself to be paralyzed with fear, then real change can happen.

March 22, 2010 Posted by | Blacklisted, Brain reading device, Children, Citizen Informants, Conformity, Conspiracy, Gang Stalking, New World Order, NWO | , , , , , , | 5 Comments

V series review.

This post was part of a long thread, so feel free to follow the above link to see the whole post.

V the series. Now I have referred to the original as a good example of a Fascist takeover. The original showed how aliens took over the earth, but it was really a take on Fascist Germany and how the takeover happened. It was a good learning experience, watching the resistances form and the battles lost and won.

The new series was not as clear, would it be as good as the original, or just a cheap take off?

Well it seems that they have done it from the ground up a little bit better.

Spoilers coming.

If you have not seen the new series watch it first then read. In this series the aliens land, they pretend to be here for peace, a friends of humanity, where have we all heard that before? (Hint it was in the original.)

Anyways they offer friendship in exchange for our resources, just like the first one. It’s not long before they are making friends and winning people over etc. They form the youth groups and the visitor ambassadors just like in the first one.

Just like in the first series there are people who do not trust the V’s. Here is the twist and I like this twist and deeply approve of it. The visitors have been here for years. (Just like in the movie they live.)
You don’t know who they are, (think government informants, Nazis, Communist, anything that you want to insert.) they could be anyone. They have been incorporating themselves into our society, a takeover has been slowly happening from the inside out, the reveal of the motherships is just the final step in a bigger plan for world domination.

Eg. Here is a recent example that I think fits this mold very well. Turns out Mr. Turner was working for the feds since 1993. I am just pointing out facts, not stating anything positive or negative. Anyways he became trusted in some circles and in a pretty high position of influence, but he was according to his families blog, an Intelligence Operative since 1993.

[quote]Turner was hired by the FBI in the year 2002, but the bureau revealed Turner had actually “contributed to the FBI’s Mission since 1993.” they trained him as an Intelligence Operative and
provided extensive legal advice about what is lawful, protected speech as opposed to unlawful speech. Turner relied on that training while writing his editorial but was arrested by the FBI

They have infiltrated every institution, government, religion, branch of society etc. The plot is trust no one, because you don’t know who they are, they could be anyone. Husbands, wives, friends, co-workers, etc. In the show V an FBI agent learns this the hard way. Her partner who she trusts and who has been her friend through thick and seemingly thin for the last seven years is not what he seems to be.

On the other hand not all Visitors are bad and there are some who are will to work with and help the resistance. The FBI agent once she realises how deep things go, eg. The ability to be able to block and intercept 9/11 calls (where have I heard that before?) realizes that she can not take them on head on and must figure out how deep it all goes, then find others like herself so they can form a resistance.

The visitors in the mean time continue with their plans for world domination, with the whole I come in peace garbage.

If this series continues on it’s path, it’s is well worth watching like the original series was. I think the remake is a relevant for this time period as the original was some years ago. I don’t think you have to be into aliens to enjoy the concept of this show, and I had my doubts, but the remake is shaping up to be as good as the first. It’s premature, but I think it’s worth tuning into.

November 15, 2009 Posted by | activism, Awareness, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Fascism, Gang Stalking, Informants, New World Order | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


This post is just that, downtime. The first half is not Gang Stalking Related.

Look what I found on the internet. This is too funny. It makes a bit of fun of what Kanye West did to Taylor Swift. You can do this with like any website. Too Funny.

Anyways, the baby that made Youtube internet fame has his own website now. Little Cory Elliot made world headlines this week after dancing to the Beyonce single, “single ladies.” Too cute.

I found several spoof videos. Some of the best spoof videos were the Obama interpretation, the Glee episode, the guys dressed as girls and ofcourse little Cory.

There were a few more, but these were some of the more interesting ones.

I got in a lot of downtime this weekend, it was so needed.

Sometimes you have to get away from the sick and the sin of the world, and just laugh.

I also had some fun this weekend with telling my informants who were on weekend watch what I think of them. I think they hire the stupidest people for the weekend shift.

I always have my computer being monitored, and my computer is still being directly logged onto. I also still have the electronic harassment stuff happening, but I have my coping methods, plus all the other little things the parasites try to do to irritate the target. So during one of these episodes, while trying to just have some downtime this weekend, I just let them know exactly what I thought of them, and what I wished for them, and upon them. It was not nice, but I felt way better getting all the negativity out of my system. This generation in many ways is a lost cause, but then there is hope, because you see it in the youngest members of society. They come to this realm with so much hope, so much light, and it’s good to remember that, this is what gives you hope.

At work I ran into one of the agent types. There are the general population informants, then there are agent types who have more access to information, and different agendas. Eg. Controlling what happens in different sectors. Anyways this one is an agent type, so I have him on ignore, but today he decided to talk to me, and he said something about death, but I could not tell what? Either that everyone was dying, or hopefully that he was dying, I don’t think it was a death threat, but I just smiled and nodded, and went back to ignoring him. Usually I just smile and nod and pass him, they are not good to talk to, because anything you say to them, can be twisted, misinterpreted, or they can just make stuff up.

I don’t like the agent types because they always have a different agenda. Anyways.

I was thinking about when I first became a target. Before I knew about the Gang Stalking stuff, then after when I knew about the Gang Stalking stuff, but finally figured out that it was a lie, there were no vigilante gangs, and that something else was going on. When I went through the process of discovering that the Gang Stalking was this creepy Stasi type system, that controlled not just people in my city, country, etc, but other countries, and that it’s part of a larger agenda.

I was thinking about that, and what I remember about that time period, it’s all really confusing. However I do remember that I did not know what was going on. I knew about the one handed sign language, and while trying to figure out what was happening, I was watching them, learning, and testing out what I was learning, but the break through came one day on the train, when I finally figured out that they were informants. (At first I thought that they were all illegal informants, meaning that I thought that they had all gotten into trouble with the law or something.) Then later I realised that many were just citizen informants. Then it was months before I realised it was systemic. It was a lot more time before I realised that it has always been this way. That this type of system goes back to Roman time period. It’s all in my blog.

I did the mental clip trip back, because there were other memories and awareness that had to be remembered. Eg. That when others become informants or learn about what’s going on, they are confused like I was upon discovering that I am a target. Many don’t like what’s happening. Eg. At one just, one girl got really upset, she wanted to change departments, and was told that it’s everywhere, it’s happening everywhere. At the time I knew it was about this, and that they were being asked to spy or something, but at the time, I was still not fully clear what this was. I had just discovered the Gang Stalking stuff, but still was not clear about the fact that they were informants.

I now know that some people think that this is just another McCarthyism. Others think it’s only happening in their place of employment. Eg. The one guy that I spoke to was like, the whole **** is like this, and I was like, no the whole world is becoming like this. Up to that point he seemed to think that the one handed sign, spying thing was just related to his workplace.

I now know that a couple more than a couple, but a couple people have had mental health issues do to this. I think many people go through the process, and depending on where they were, they interpret it differently. So that explains some of the long term disability leaves as well.

Eg. Ok, remember life before the internet? Yeah me neither, but before the internet, if you were asked to become an informant in some small town where you lived, or city, and you discover that everyone you know does this, you would maybe come to the conclusion that that’s just the way society and the world is, and that it was ok. It would be a false conclusion, but after years of trying to find someone who was not a part of this, you might feel the way targets do.

Targets remember what life was like before finding the net, how no one was ever going to believe you, how you were going to tell your story on that talk show, then you realise that A) This is happening to a lot of people, and B) It’s systemic? It’s only in recent times that we have had the ability to compare these notes and to discover what was happening.

I mean before this, no one could have convinced me that my friends, family, neighbours, co-workers would go along with something like this. I mistakenly thought that they were the same as me, but they are not. Most people are simple, they want to fit in, they want to be a part of society. They are easily threatened, or bullied, or socially put in line, they can be bribed, manipulated, lied to, etc. Keep in mind that many of them went through this crap, and became informants. Some were recruited via family, so they just grow up thinking this is normal.

Most informants see about 30 minutes of this, or they are asked to do a specific task, and so then they do it. Like us, some of them have no idea what is happening, but they comply. They don’t go seeking the answers the way we do, if they did, what search terms would they use? Once they become informants they are not being stalked. I doubt that they realise that they are in many ways slaves to a system of control and conformity.

So this is what I was realising and thinking about today. Some of them are just as lost as we are, or were before the net. They see a small part of the puzzle, or others believe the lies, they don’t see the whole picture, and if they did, many would just kill themselves. They would not want to believe that their governments are capable of being evil, or subduing their citizens in these manners. Also since they can’t openly talk about this, or discuss this officially, that also makes it hard to compare notes and find out what’s happening.

So how are the sheep to be awakened? Many realise that something is wrong, but don’t quite know what, others are all too aware. It’s like going back down into this well, this sad place. It’s the place where I realise that some of them are just like us targets, trapped but on the other side of the coin, and they don’t want to be there anymore than we do. Others do not know the bigger picture. Some are still even unaware, like I was just a few short years ago. Ignorance in some ways is bliss, in others it is not.

I believe in prayer. If it was up to this system, when this first started they would have had me either broken down, falsely subduded on some false mental health rap, or another suicide statistic. Fortunately I don’t believe in ending this mission before my time, and mentally I was stronger than what they had interpreted. But by the Grace of God, I am here, and others are here, and waking up, but then once you wake up, and realise that you are in essence, a boundless slave, in a system of control, and conformaty, What do you do next? (I guess they hope that the sheep will never come to the realization.) Keep in mind your fellow monkeys are the jailers, and each generation is getting conditioned, just like this.

This is how it’s possible to have a system like this that keeps going, and going and going. Add to that the popularity of the snitching friends network, and it is what it is, and has been for a long time. Generations, right back to the beginning of the colonies. This snitching system was in place before then. IF the bible is correct it will likely continue.

It doesn’t mean you stop hoping, but it’s something to be aware of. I believe in the power of prayer, any breakthroughs that have come, have usually come on the advent of such. I believe in asking for help, and reaching out. I believe that many of us don’t know what we are up against. I do believe that the bigger picture is more than this plane, this realm, and needs to be addressed as such, but for the average person, what you need to know for now is that this system is not new. It’s been in place most likely before the colonies. The Roman empire had a similar system. China, East Germany, similar systems.

The bigger picture is every country having a similar system. Read about Agenda 21. The United Nations plan for global dominance.

The final picture is going to be us humanity loyal to the state, scanned, tagged, and so dumb, it won’t even matter. But before you arrive at that conclusion, you have to go through a lot of mental gymnastics first, which many average people will simply not be willing to believe.

IF you don’t realise that you are a slave, how can you hope to gain your freedom? If you don’t realise that something is wrong, how can you ever hope to change it?

Awareness and exposure is still the key, but each person has to take some ownership for their part in this. I see too many people enjoying the fake power they think they have with this system. Giving it power that it would not have otherwise. Some people like to be controlled and given direction, this type of system works for some, but for many others it does not, and that is something to be made aware of as well.

September 30, 2009 Posted by | Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, community mobbing, future, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Informants, Insane, New World Order, NWO, psychological harassment, revolution, State target, Targeted Individual, The Matrix | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Obama a call to service 2

Did everyone see this article it just came out?

Phase I


WASHINGTON – Calling on Americans to volunteer, President Barack Obama signed a $5.7 billion national service bill Tuesday that triples the size of the AmeriCorps service program over the next eight years and expands ways for students to earn money for college.

“We need your service, right now, in this moment in history. … I’m asking you to stand up and play your part,” said Obama, a former community organizer in Chicago. “I’m asking you to help change history’s course.”

Joining Obama was Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, who has been battling brain cancer. Kennedy championed the legislation with Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and the bill was named in honor of the Massachusetts Democrat.

Kennedy told the audience that included former President Bill Clinton, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former first lady Rosalyn Carter that Obama’s efforts echoed that of his late brother, former President John F. Kennedy.

“Today, another young president has challenged another generation to give back to their nation,” Kennedy said, citing his brother’s advocacy of the Peace Corps.

The service law expands ways for students and seniors to earn money for college through their volunteer work. It aims to foster and fulfill people’s desire to make a difference, such as by mentoring children, cleaning up parks or buildings and weatherizing homes for the poor.

Bolstering voluntary public service programs has been a priority of Obama, who credits his work as a community organizer in his early 20s for giving him direction in life. The president cited his work in Chicago as an example of how one person can make a difference.

“All that’s required on your part is a willingness to make a difference,” Obama said. “That’s the beauty of it; everybody can do it.”


I refer you to the earlier post about the Youtube video Obama a call to service, and the first post on this topic, with some key points of the speech addressed.

Finally a reminder about what the ACLU said.
[quote]One of the points that Saletan makes is that what was formerly voluntary is now mandatory. We hate to say “I told you so,” but this is the classic way that invasive technologies reach us: the authorities make them as palatable as possible to get the public to swallow them (they’ll say it’s “voluntary,” or “applied only in certain cases,” and tell you it’s chock-full of privacy protections). Then once they’re accepted, they become more and more intrusive in all the ways the ACLU always warns against. [/quote]

This model works with other things, not just invasive technologies. Today what is voluntary, might not be tomorrow, it may well be mandatory.

April 21, 2009 Posted by | Active denial, Awareness, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, control, Controlled society, Fascism, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Informants, New World Order, Stasi, Surveillence | , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Are Canadian’s paranoid enough?

Are Canadians being watched?

I thought that this would be a fun topic to cover. I was recently on a Canadian forum and I had a conversation with several members about electronic harassment and Gang Stalking.

Some thought it was paranoid to worry about being spied upon and monitored, that’s fair, but let’s look at some of the evidence presented and you tell me if they are paranoid enough when it comes to government spying.
The privacy commissioner of Canada, Jennifer Stoddard, warned Canadians this February about Secret databases that can not be accessed by the accused.

Jennifer Stoddart, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, has given her own Valentine to Canadian citizens: a 48-page report warning them that the RCMP (Canada’s national police force) is keeping thousands of files on regular citizens in secret databases which cannot be seen by the accused.
One of the many disturbing facets of Stoddart’s report are the examples she cites of information for these secret files coming from citizen informants. In one case a man was put into the secret database because a resident of his daughter’s school neighborhood saw him entering a rooming house and—believing drugs were involved—called the police. The police investigation concluded that the man had only stepped out of his car to have a cigarette, but the file was still in the national security databank seven years later.

Another incident cited in the Stoddart report involved a neighbour who saw two men carrying “something that resembled a large drum, wrapped in canvas” into their house. Police were called to investigate but found nothing resembling the reported item, yet the data was still sitting in a top secret databank five years later. As Stoddart points out in the CBC story on the report, this is potentially disastrous for the individuals named in the files, because it “could potentially affect someone trying to obtain an employment security clearance, or impede an individual’s ability to cross the border.”


What these seemingly disparate reports point to is a growing movement to turn the citizens of so-called free, democratic nations into a self-regulating secret police, saving the government the hassle of keeping tabs on everyone by delegating the duty to an unwitting public duped by a phoney war on terror.

Ok So Canadians are in secret databases that can not be accessed, not a big deal for some. Let’s see what else might be happening.

[quote]If you attended a Canadian university in the past eighty years, it’s possible that, unbeknownst to you, Canadian security agents were surveying you, your fellow students, and your professors for ‘subversive’ tendencies and behaviour. Since the end of the First World War, members of the RCMP have infiltrated the campuses of Canada’s universities and colleges to spy, meet informants, gather information, and on occasion, to attend classes.[/quote]

Spying in Canadian schools and on Campus.
The book, a thorough examination of RCMP surveillance of the academic world, also discusses the Mounties’ efforts to keep tabs on other elements of society, including government, the media and women’s groups.
The RCMP created security files on 800,000 Canadians, and it has long been known the force took an active interest in politicians and public 
servantswith links to Communist organizations or other pursuits deemed subversive.[/quote]
Wow 800,000 Canadians and counting with files opened, just for going to a Canadian University or College. That sounds reason to be a bit paranoid.
[quote]The Mounties cultivated informants among students and faculty at universities across the country and sometimes relied on the direct observations of RCMP members who were taking classes to further their education.[/quote]

Fellow students cultivated as Informants who then graduate and go on into the workforce and into the rest of society? Nothing to be paranoid about there, if you care about your privacy.

[quote]According to Redden, citizens can sometimes defeat the snitch culture. He lauds Canadians for discovering a secret government database that contained information on “virtually everyone in the country.”

The system tracked domestic and external travel, personal finances, and other intimate details on 33 million people.

When journalists revealed that the database was being used by spy agencies and the Mounties, 18,000 Canadians petitioned the health ministry to find out what the government knew about them. Eventually, the government was forced to dismantle the database ? or so they said. Government officials admitted the database was insecure, and so countless copies could easily have been made by police or nosy bureaucrats.

Wow a secret government database the contained information on nearly everyone in the country. The last time I heard about something like this, it was East Germany. I wonder how a country the size of Canada, can have a secret government database with information on just about everyone. What intimate details did this system have, and how did it get this information?

They dismantled a database with information on everyone in the country, that they must have spent a great deal of time, effort and money to collect? Does anyone really believe this? Of course they do.
Wow this would make some people a little paranoid.
Lastly not related to spying but an interesting link. From the people who brought you Truman Show Syndrome.

I found out that there is a military link, at least one of the male patients had a former military background.


Also one of the psychiatrist that is researching Truman Show Syndrome works out of McGill University in Quebec.

[quote]Gold and his brother, Dr. Ian Gold, the Canada research chair in philosophy and psychiatry at McGill University in Montreal, came up with the term “Truman Show delusion.”[/quote]


If you will remember the MK Ultra mind control experiments which the Canadian and U.S. government agreed to, were conducted by McGill University in Montreal, Dr Ewen Cameron’s old haunt. Ewen Cameron is the doctor that was at the heart of the MK Ultra experiments and McGill is the very University that allowed them.
Also many of complaints about Gang Stalking in Canada are coming out of Toronto and Vancouver Canada. I have seen at least one news article on this for Vancouver, but I don’t think I have seen any articles about this subject out of Toronto yet, which based on the complains is an epicenter for Gang Stalking.

This is all fun stuff to know. So should Canadians be more concerned, more paranoid, or is there really nothing to see here?  Only time will tell.

December 27, 2008 Posted by | Awareness, Baiting, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Conspiracy, Controlled society, Covert investigations, domestic spying, driving-crazy, East Germany, Entrapment, Fascist, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, Monitoring, New World Order, NWO, Social Control, Stalking, Stasi, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Chain Reaction

After researching much of the information regarding the Informant system, I believe this is at the heart of much of the corruption that we are seeing in our society. In our justice systems and in our communities. I believe this system is enslaving large portions of society. I also believe that there are many of us that were and are blissfully unaware of what is happening and will remain so until it is too late.
There is a chain reaction that is happening in society that if left unchecked has the potential to infect and destroy the very core of society that we have all known and depended on. That is of course the snitching infection. I call it that, because there is no other way to describe some of the events that I have read about while doing research into the Informant system.

While researching this phenomenon I have come across people who one minute seemed like average decent persons, and the next minute after being caught up in the Snitching/Informant system were willing to sell their very mothers down the drain to keep themselves free. This is not going to be the case for every Informant, but it’s the case with too many that are a part of this system.

Once let loose back into society many will continue with a life of crime. others will continue with what I call the game.
The Game

The game is one of set up’s and betrayal where the Informant will try to set someone up for a fall. They will choose a target and the unsuspecting target will get caught up in a scheme of some kind, eventually be arrested, they do not necessarily have to have committed a crime, and then the informant will testify against the person they entrapped, or other informants will. Once this new person is caught up in the game, should they be turned informant then the cycle continues once again.

I don’t know how many Informants are a part of this game that is ongoing in society, but I suspect that the many are, and all of them once they decide to become informants are owned by the system, and their handlers. That means anytime the government wants or needs a favor guess who they will call upon? Do you begin to see the makings of a corrupt society? Remember they could call upon these informants years later after these informants have been let loose. Many of these Informants will also go onto have careers, and even become contributing members of society, but they are still owned by the state. A lot of these Informant deals are kept off the records, meaning that the person is owned by a handler, but there might not be an official record of it, but when that handler needs a favor, that Informant will be called upon, and will risk exposure if they do not comply.

For example, unlike a classic plea bargain, informant deals lack finality because an informant’s obligations are ongoing. Written co-operation agreements often extend a defendant’s obligations into perpetuity, while informal, unwritten agreements last as long as the police or prosecutor wishes to use that informant.

To understand how the game works, we will review three case studies. These are just a few of the many that I came across when reading the stories on the wall. It’s a continued pattern of set up on unsuspecting pigeons, and hardened Informants who will do what they need to do to stay out of jail.
Before we review the case studies I am going to again remind you of some statistics.

as many as fifty percent of African American males in some cities – are in contact with the criminal justice system and therefore potentially under pressure to snitch. By relying heavily on snitching, particularly in drug-related cases, law enforcement officials create large numbers of informants who remain at large in the community, engaging in criminal activities while under pressure to provide information about others. These snitches are a communal liability: they increase crime and threaten social organization, interpersonal relationships, and socio-legal norms in their home communities, even as they are tolerated or under-punished by law enforcement because they are useful.

The uncoordinated, widespread use of informants in the United States by thousands of different police departments and various federal agencies does not of course, amount to the focused, purposeful political mission of the Stasi. But if anywhere near eight percent of the male population in inner city communities is snitching, that figure meets or surpasses Stasi level of between one and ten percent of the total population as informers.

If things had gone according to plan, you never would have heard of 23-year-old Rachel Hoffman. She would have just been another confidential informant, one of more than an estimated 100,000 in the United States who work with police to send someone else to jail.

These figures do not include people who are informers via work, school, or community group programs. When we take into consideration numbers such as that, we are looking at an epidemic that is worst than what happened in East Germany. Keep in mind that in addition to all this, there will also be 800,000 Terrorism Liaison Officers added to the Informant population in the United States. These figures should wake up America and other cities to the dangers of what is happening in various societies.


The Game
To understand the game you might want to picture it in the sense of how a disease spreads, you start with on carrier and that person infects one person right after another. Some of those carriers will go on to infect others. Some will be dormant and not infect anyone. You might also want to think of the movie lifeforce, where one has the constant need to feed on one person after another, then those victims need to feed on others. You can have a very sick and infested city in a short space of time if such an infection goes unchecked.
The game is one of the Informant being placed primarily back in society, but this could also happen in jail, where an informant via lies, deceit, entrapment or some other methods set’s up another person to take a fall. That person then come in contact with the criminal justice system, they can then choose to become informants themselves, or refusing to do so, will spend lengthy spaces of time in prison. This game is primarily enacted via drugs, but that’s not the extent of it. Shoplifting is another example. I see this used with the teenaged informants, setting up their friends to steal from the stores, so that they in turn can become snitches.

Theft, drugs, stolen cars, any crime that someone can make a deal with police to become informants, they can be released back into society and are a danger to the rest of society. This is not to say that all Informants are horrible people, many just did not want to be in jail, some others are a true danger to society, nearly all are under pressure by the government to produce other Informants, and that obligation is never ending, some are allowed to lay dormant, till they can be of use.

In Hoffman’s case, it was the work of another informer that led to her own work for the police.

On April 15, an informer told Tallahassee police that Hoffman had sold marijuana in the past but hadn’t done so recently, according to police records.

At the time, Hoffman, 23, was in a pretrial drug diversion program because of charges of possession of marijuana and resisting arrest in February 2007. To stay in the program, she had to stay out of trouble.

Two days after police got the informer’s tip, a Tallahassee police officer stopped Hoffman as she was getting into her car

Rachael Hoffman then went on to become an Informant. She first tried to set up a close friend and when that failed, the close friend helped her find the dealers who she tried to buy drugs from on behalf of the police. The sting went wrong and she was killed. Had this gone successfully, those drug dealers if they agreed to become informants might have been released back into society as Informants and the cycle would have continued. It’s a frightening cycle that has become more widespread than can be imagined.

Case number 2.

Joey Settembrino was a young 18 year old, just about to go off to college.

He was set up by an Informant. The Informant was a close friend of his. He use to spend his weekends at the Informants house.

He was a very good friend. I had known the guy for many years. We had gone out every weekend, fishing on his boat, hydrosliding, skiing. I was very shocked; it was very unexpected. It’s not something you expect from friends.

In an Informants society, it’s what you expect from just about everyone and it makes people suspicious and closed off. This is what happened in East Germany once the population became aware of what was happening. In America many Americans are not aware that these types of games are being played. In these cases the targets were encouraged and did get into illegal activities, however that is not always the case, and many times innocent people who had nothing to do with illegal activities are still caught up in these games and convicted on the testimony of Informants.

He wanted me to go back to the house where I got the acid from and get something else. They wanted me to wear a wire and they wanted me to go back there … to buy some other type of drug, no matter what it was, whatever he had in the house, so they could set him up. Just a chain reaction, one gets to one, one gets the other and they just keep going. I told him that I couldn’t do that, that I didn’t get the drugs from that house. At that time I was really confused. I was shocked, and I told him that I couldn’t do anything for him. But he kept trying, he kept threatening, talking about a lot of time. “You’re going to do 25 years. You’re going to be in prison your whole life.” … He really tried to scare me. But I told him I couldn’t do anything for him … . [Eventually] they went back to the house in which I got it from, they arrested the other guy, my friend [who I bought the acid from]. And he’s now doing a 10-year sentence along with me.

Joey said it best. This is like a chain reaction that just keeps going and going. One get’s one, then another and another and another. Those in turn get others and the cycle continues. Remember it’s not just drugs, and it’s not just the guilty that are being caught up in this game. If we review cases of Gang Stalking, we hear of men who thought that a woman had entered their life for the sole purpose of setting them up to look like a rapist or something else.

There are stories of targets being framed or other set up’s, and there are targets that do turn informant and then go back into society and try to harm other targets. This is happening in ever sector of society. Rachel, Joey and even Clarence were all going off to college, or had finished college when they were caught up in these stings.

Joey refused to become a snitch and thus spent 10 years in jail. His friend that set him up, who had been caught for drugs himself, was back on the streets, selling drugs, and setting up at least 11 or 12 others in the first year that Joey was in jail.

Do you know why they wanted you?

I’ve asked that question, I’ve asked myself that a thousand times, “Why me? Why did he set me up?” …

In this game that is happening, I would say that they want just about everyone. They will get some people via community programs to be Informants, some via their places of employment, or community programs. Now the people who are informants via community programs and other legit means might not play the game of setting people up directly, but they are still part of the game, and they still work hand in hand with these others that are playing by a different set of rules. Many might not be aware of who they are working hand in hand with. At the end of the day, they all work for the state, government and all the orders come from the same sources.
Clearance is in jail because he introduced two parties that wanted to buy or sell drugs to each other. He had never been involved with drugs before, but one day his cousin called him up and asked him if he could find someone to buy drugs from. He said he knew some people and thought that they might be involved in dealing, he would check into it.

Clearances case is interesting because all the other parties who turned Informant received less time than he did. He does not know why his cousin and the others turned against him and lied, or why the prosecutor seemed intent on punishing him because he would not snitch and become an Informant.

What was it like having your friends testify against you?

Well, we’re sitting in the courtroom. These guys that I knew all my life came up, and they said [stuff] about me that wasn’t true, and they hurt me. It really truly hurt me, Robert and James really hurt me ’cause James is my first cousin. I looked up to him all my life. Robert was supposed to be my best friend at the time. We grew up together from playing Pop ball all the way up to high school ball together, and I couldn’t believe that they would sit there, in front of me … and say the things that they said about me … . [The] only thing I could say was it wasn’t true. But nobody believed me … . You had to have a fall guy, and I was that person.

It should be noted that the others involved all had prior drug convictions. Which means if they were out on the street and able to set him up, they were likely already Informants. He doesn’t know why they turned on him, but it’s possible that this might have been the idea from the get go. The assumption being that he would turn snitch and then be in a prime candidate on the college campus, a pawn to be used to set up other pawns, because that is how the game works.

Why did he do it?

Well, I had a opportunity to talk to James one time … . He said, “Man, I’m sorry, man.” I say, “James, why you do me like that?” He say, “Because I had no choice.” I said, “What you mean you have no choice in the matter?” He say “Because Miss Griffin say she didn’t want Bob to try your case.” She say if [he] didn’t cooperate and do what she told him to do, that she was going to hurt him worse in his case … . He say, “Well, the prosecutor Miss Griffin said if I don’t do it she going to put me in prison for the rest of my life … . I got to do what I got to do.”

He stats that the prosecutor pulled his cousin aside and when his cousin went back on the stand, his cousin lied. This is not the first time scenarios like this have happened, it can only be imagined what these prosecutors or handlers have on these Informants to make them sell out their own friends, and family.

And the real drug dealers are out —

On the street now. And probably doing the same thing they were doing before they went in. I just don’t understand.

He also does not understand, but if you review enough of these cases, you start to see a pattern and you start to understand, this is how the game works, and yes they are probably back on on the street looking for the next pigeon to set up, and try to turn them into informants.

It reminds me of something a forum member once told me. This guy said that he was set up because he met this woman online, who he dated only to discover that she was married. Her husband got mad and that’s why he thought he was set up.

The person on my forum pointed out that he had met the woman via some co-workers who introduced him to the website where he located this woman. The person on my forum suggested that he was probably profiled and set up by the co-workers who sent him to the site, knowing he would met this woman. The idea is that these games and set up’s take place long before the victim is aware that they are part of a game.

The Global outlook.
Targets of Gang Stalking complain that even when they leave countries such as the U.K., Canada, U.S. that the stalking continues. That is understandable we have seen muli-governmental corporation in other investigations.

What is not understandable and the most frightening sector of this is that various targets have moved to a variety of countries and they all report the same thing, Informants that are able to follow them 24/7.

This suggest that these Informant networks are getting global in nature. They are popping up in areas that are unexpected, and if this trend continues we will have a global surveillance society.

Middle East: Israel’s secret police pressuring sick Gazans to spy for them, says report· Treatment only offered to would-be informants
· Patients allowed to cross the border drops sharply

The same situation is happening in Iraq where they previously had family structures that might have prevented Informant networks from spreading as rapidly. The country will be rebuilt and the Informant structure will be a part of it.
Why would a global surveillance society be necessary?
I will not speculate. I will however say that based on research many societies in history that had a dictator, tyrant, or despot who came to power and who wanted to pull off an unpopular agenda’s such as Hitlers Germany, or Stasi East Germany, employed an army of Informants. It’s the most effective way that a society can control, monitor and subdue the inhabitants.

Since history has shown us that these informant networks are often needed to move forward tyrannical agendas, then can it be assumed that if we could slow down or stop the chain reaction of the Informant movement, we might be able to stop some of the corruption that we are seeing in many areas of society?


Stopping the Chain Reaction.


To stop the Informant infection people need to be aware that there is a lethal chain reaction happening in many parts of society. They need the understanding of how the game is played, and awareness of how far spread and how far reaching it is.

In America prison system reform could go a long way towards fixing the system that has become corrupt. Then prosecutors would not be as dependent on the testimonies of Informants and the power could start to shift back.

The family structure. Communities with less stable family structures are more vulnerable to this system.

People need to be aware that these entrapment’s are happening at every level of society, ever profession in society, thus why it goes all the way up to the top.

If people are unaware, they will not realise the various ways that people can become entrapped, including using someone that you are in a personal association with, or who you just “accidentally” meet. Someone you have a business relationship with.

Some people they will use their own greed and stupidity against them. Other will be a deliberate trap, others will be framed and will have committed no crime. Not being aware of how this system works, many will quietly accept off the record deals, and thus become indebted to the state, able to be used at will. Remember this is happening at all levels of society. Rich, poor, black, white, male, female.

If you have a parent, grandparent that was a snitch, Informant, they might try to go after the next generation. 

Your friends, family, co-workers, anyone that is an Informant not by choice but by force, can be a liability to an innocent person.

The problem is more widespread that many realise, and what’s even worst is the silence that surrounds this problem in society. Till it’s talked about, discussed, and exposed it will continue to infect society, and have far reaching and unimaginable consequences, not just for those caught up in the game, but for the many unsuspecting victims, targets, or pigeons yet to come. This is not just happening at local levels. Targets have moved to various countries around the globe and encounter the same type of surveillance network.


We must stop this chain reaction. Awareness and exposure are key.
Happy Holidays.

December 23, 2008 Posted by | Awareness, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Controlled society, domestic spying, East Germany, Entrapment, Fascism, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Laws, New World Order, NWO, oppression, Police State, slavery, slaves, Snitches, society, Spying, Stasi, Stop snitching, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Shutting Down

I have been really busy reading reports like the one above, and working on some other projects. It’s a really worthwhile report if you have not read it.

One part of the report more or less talks about the fact that you don’t have to shut down all of society, just some parts of it, and then everyone else stats to fall in line and the fear spreads.

This is what was done with the war on drugs, and the war on terror. Interestingly enough with the war on drugs, the people fighting the drugs, were also the ones importing it. Also we all know there are many questions that have been left unanswered about the war on terror and if in fact this was an external threat that carried out the action.

I came across some news stories that really for once had me concerned, as to how far gone we really are as a society. I for once could really feel myself shutting down. See my Gang Stalking is not pleasant, but it doesn’t bother me. I just mean that I have learnt or become accustomed to living with many aspects of it, and it doesn’t bother me. What does bother me are some of the things that are happening in society that are being left unchecked. No one is there looking out for those balances. 

For years many of us have been reporting what we call Gang Stalking, which is basically Cointelpro like activities with a big dash of the former East Germany thrown in.

Our societies are becoming surveillance societies, with Informant forces that would make the Stasi jealous. Even after reporting this, getting the information out, there is not one responsible agency that is willing to do anything or to look into this. The United Nations still criticises countries like China for their actions, but are completely ignoring the fact that countries such as the UK, US and Canada, along with European countries are torturing citizens inside of their own homes, and are systemically driving many to suicide, falsely imprisoning, or institutionalizing many others. It’s a weird world when you look at it from this perspective, but that still does not bother me, I have gotten accustomed to this, and accept the world for the way it is, corrupt.

What did start to bother me are several news stories that I have seen. Alone they are not much, but together for me they are a real indicator that we are slowly starting to shut down as a society, and not just in one country.

Here are a few of them, and for the first time I really felt that I wanted to just close off, where I have not felt that way before. I realised that I could not let myself begin to feel this way, if Gang Stalking hasn’t shut me down, then I didn’t want these stories to. I had to dig into my reserve and just choose to remain open and not let the worry overcome me. I realised that the only way we can shut down as a society externally, is if we let ourselves do so internally, and I refuse to do this, I refuse to give into that fear and become a closed off person. Instead what I am choosing to do is to support some of the people in these stories, either just privately, or just by letting others know what’s happening, and speaking out when I see injustices. So here is a run down of some of the stories that made me really wake up and pay attention and for once really made me sad, but only for a little while.


Armed Guards in Churches.
[quote]In an era when terrorism threats and deadly shootings at schools and churches have made headlines, religious leaders are rethinking their security strategies. Last Saturday, a minister was fatally shot and another man wounded outside of a church in Kentucky where the men went to attend a funeral.[/quote]
So now in addition to walkie-talkies and security cameras we now have armed guards. The same trick worked for the schools and will eventually work for guns. I wonder who these people in these churches are praying to?


Student arrested for photocopying documents
For more than a decade, Nottingham university felt
like the safest place in the world for Hicham Yezza as an undergraduate, doctoral student, campus activist and, most recently, employee. But two weeks ago his world caved in when he was arrested under the Terrorism Act.

The 30-year-old Algerian was detained by police for possessing a copy of the al-Qaida training manual that he had been given to print by a friend researching the terrorist group’s techniques for his MA.

University officials called in the police after a colleague noticed the document on his computer. Yezza and his friend, 22-year-old student Rizwaan Sabir, were held for six days despite Sabir’s tutors giving statements within two days that the document was directly relevant to his research.[/quote]
Campus activist for peace, probably had more to do with this than what he downloaded for his research.


[quote]Yezza said his situation highlighted a growing fear on campuses. “It’s a very, very worrying trend that needs to be opposed, this mindset that views everything with extreme suspicion. That installs some sort of ‘play it safe’ mentality, which is the very opposite of intellectual endeavour.

“No intellectual progress takes place without a sense of curiosity, without a sense of going beyond what we know already, beyond the established facts and notions and truths; that’s how scientific and intellectual revolutions have been achieved.”[/quote]
The only thing that get’s achieved in these climates are unjust witch hunts, but until people get bored of it, this will continue. The way to stop this, stop living in fear. Refuse to live in fear, refuse to give into this, it’s the only way to stop this, and it begins with you, each and every individual person, that’s the only way to stop this.
[quote]Yezza’s supporters and academics, many of them attending the University and College Union conference in Manchester this week, are now talking of the pressure they face to become “police informers” on their students, part of the government’s “preventive agenda” which has seen universities and colleges provided with guidance on how to spot and tackle extremism.[/quote]

I keep trying to drill this into your head. We have turned into a society of snitches. It’s horrible. We looked down on East Germany for this a decade and half ago, and now we are doing the same thing.


[quote]Gavin Reid, a member of the UCU national executive committee from Leeds University, said people were scared to do research and speak out. “Self-censorship is coming,” he said. “People are more suspicious of colleagues and students. People are scared even to look at the link [for the training manual in the Nottingham case].”[/quote]

And this is what they want. To control us and to scare us. They don’t need to arrest or terrorise everyone, just a few key people, then the rest start to shut down, but if we each play our part and refuse to shut down, refuse to be scared, we can overcome this.


[quote]”Hicham was a very prominent member of student political society. That says something about the potential implications of being politically active on campus in a time when a culture of fear merges with draconian terror legislation.

“It’s a question of intellectual freedom, not just academic freedom. What does this say about people’s right to inform themselves about issues of public concern?[/quote]
That’s right, he is an activist, and what does that say about society? What is happening within the Gang Stalking community, is just as relevant to everyone else, the conditions that are allowing this to happen to us, are the same conditions that are allowing these things to happen to others. Think about it.


Family arrested for selling food.
Ohio authorities stormed a farm house in LaGange Monday, December 1, to execute a search warrant, holding the Jacqueline and John Stowers and their son and young grandchildren at gunpoint for nine hours.  During the raid the Ohio Department of Agriculture and police confiscated over ten thousand dollars worth of food, computers and cell phones.  The Stowers’ crime?  They run a private, members-only food co-op.

Wow that soon will be a crime worst than terrorism, food terrorist, those who try to sell food to the poor, that is truly horrible. I feel very bad for this family. The food they took also included the families food supply for the next year, from what I have read. It’s a horrible story and there can be no justification for doing this to a family, of course in a society such as this, anything can now become justified.


Australia to censor their Internet just like China,21985,24568137-2862,00.html


This should scare you. A so called democratic country shutting down, or rather censoring it’s Internet the same way China does? Do I need to say more?

[quote]AUSTRALIA will join China in implementing mandatory censoring of the Internet under plans put forward by the Federal Government.

he government has declared it will not let Internet users opt out of the proposed national Internet filter.

The plan was first created as a way to combat child pornography and adult content, but could be extended to include controversial websites on euthanasia or anorexia
For our own protection. This is the same crap they are trying to pull for identity theft and why they need more control. Normally the people scaring you have a hand in why you are being scared, remember there is often an objective to be achieved.

Now if one democratic country is willing to shut down, or rather censor their Internet the same way China does, what will stop the other so called democratic countries?

I know there are going to be protests in Australia, but this is an international problem, not just an Australian problem, what affects them could well affect the others.

A Queensland man has been charged for re-publishing on a video-sharing site a viral video of a man swinging a baby around like a rag doll.

The controversial three-minute video had already been published widely across the Internet and shown on More..American TV news shows. The clip can still be found online today.
Chris Illingworth, 60, a father of four from Maroochydore, thought he would share it with fellow users of Liveleak, a site similar to YouTube but focused on news and current events. In two years, he has uploaded hundreds of videos to Liveleak.

His home was raided on Sunday, November 30, by Queensland Police from Task Force Argos, which specialises in combating child pornography and child groomers.

He was charged with using the internet to access and publish child-abuse material and is scheduled to appear in court in Maroochydore on December 18.

It is understood that he had no involvement in the creation of the video, which cannot be published on this website for legal reasons.

I can’t even begin to describe the craziness of this story. Here are more details.

[quote]On Saturday, November 29, 2008, Biggles9’s home and office was raided by the Task Force Argos. They seized his computers for forensic inspection. He was arrested by armed officers while his neighbors watched, and was detained for 7 hours of interrogation with no lawyer present. He is being charged with accessing child abuse material, downloading child abuse material, and uploading child abuse material with the intent to distribute. He had to post $10,000 in bail, has to report to the police every two days, and has travel restrictions.

When the video was originally uploaded, the idea was to try to identify the man swinging the baby. Biggles9 worked with one of Liveleak’s founders (Hayden Hewitt), who in turn worked with the UK police, who in turn worked with Interpol, who traced the video’s origin to Russia (possibly a “circus family”). However, Biggles9’s IP address was also recovered and forwarded to the Australian federal authorities, who in turn forwarded it to Task Force Argos, who in turn arrested Biggles9.

Here’s Biggles9’s post about the incident:

For this he is getting charged with accessing child abuse material. So every who saw this on the news, cause the video was shown on the news, also accessed child abuse material. Anyone who taped the news that day, also accessed child abuse material, and anyone who made a tape or dvd, and passed the new item on to their friend, family also is guilty of the same things. That’s the insanity of it all, but that’s what he has been charged with. Now in this case, he saw the video on YouTube or something and downloaded it, and uploaded it to liveleak. That’s all he did, and now he is being charged almost the same way actual criminals get charged.

Now about the video, apparently it’s an Eastern European father, apparently a circus family, so he’s apparently swinging the child by one arm, and legs, etc. Basically like a trapeze show, but the child s one or two, now you would not want to try this at home, but at the end of the video the child is laughing and smiling. I feel bad for the family if this is part of their culture, because obviously the police came looking for them as well, and the father in the video is probably getting a lot of slack, yet what if this is normal in his culture?

Anyways back to Biggles9, he did nothing that millions of Internet users do not do every day, and to go after him for this is wrong for those reasons. I mean based on this, these people could go after America’s funniest home videos, Steve Irwin when he was alive and he let the kids go near the crocodile, and anyone who uploaded a video of him letting his kids go near the crocodiles, that’s the insanity that we are dealing with. (Oh I didn’t think him letting the kids go near the croc was such a good idea, but that’s just me.)


Bus Beheading

Greyhound to screen passengers. You knew that this was coming. They had no reason to do this on buses, they wanted to after 9/11, but they needed a reason, and this gave them one. Interesting how that worked out.

Greyhound Canada began introducing improved security measures Tuesday, beginning with terminals in Edmonton, Calgary and Winnipeg, the company said in a news release.

The company said all passengers will be screened for weapons with a hand-held magnetometer at major Greyhound bus terminals. The company is also now mandating all luggage be stowed underneath the bus, with some exceptions made for customers needing essential items, the release said.


For years they have been operational and this never happened, and now a beheading and there go your rights.
I could go on, but do you see the pattern? You will continue to see the pattern, and if you don’t question the mechanisms behind what is happening, you will not see the little pieces being moved around the board.

People really are sheep, scare them enough and they will do what you want, but just remember:

“Those willing to sacrifice essential liberty for a little security deserve neither freedom nor security”. Benjamin Franklin.

Yet the above scenario seems to work everytime. It’s such a simple formula, have an agenda you want to see implemented? Scare the people, and they will come clamoring to you to implement the agenda. It’s sad, but it’s worked everytime, and people continue to let it work, that is why we are where we are.
If we continue to live in fear, then that is all that we will have. They want us to be afraid, scared, sheeple, not thinking, or questioning. If we want to change this we have to refuse to live in fear, at the end of the day, it’s up to us how we choose to live. If you choose to shut down, you will help others around you to shut down, if you choose to remain open, that is the best thing that you can do.

Speaking of trends, we seem to be moving onto get them sensitized to fears about biological warfare, and worries about that. I guess the programing for fear of terrorists is not working as well as it use to?
“First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me–
    and there was no one left to speak out for me.”

Martin Niemoeller

December 11, 2008 Posted by | 9/11, activism, Awareness, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Conformity, control, Controlled society, Corruption, crazy, East Germany, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, Internet, Laws, New World Order, oppression, Police State, Social Control, Surveillence | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Blogging Censorship?

I have been meaning to write about this for some time as well.

I recently discovered that there is some sort of filtering happening with my blogs in at least two of the locations where I blog.

This was not a complete shock, but i am disgusted and horrified, if this is the sort of filtering that goes on in democratic countries, then should we really still be calling ourselves democratic?

The first location is a popular forum that also allows for bloggers to post. At the front of this Kick Ass forum, the blog postings are listed one after another. My posting use to appear at the front of this forum, however I now notice that the blog postings no longer appear on the front of this forum.
They are still accessible and when you do go to the forums you can access the blogs.

Everyone else who posts to this forum, has their blogs displayed at the front of this forum, but my postings no longer show up, they are being deliberately blocked and filtered out.
The other things that came to my attention is that on my word press blog, specific posts are not showing up, under the tags.

I wrote one post, where I posted Obama’s speech called a call to service. I quoted what he said in the speech, made no commentary whatsoever, but I notice that the blog posting does not come up under the tags. At least it did not when I checked.

Case in point.

There is absolutely nothing controversial in this post, nothing negative was said, unless you count his plans for the American people and that you would have to judge for yourself, yet the post has been censored, meaning that when you click on the tag words, the post does not show up, but several of my other posts do, but this one is missing.

The other post that has been blocked is

The Real Fight.

Now this one could be considered controversial, but all I have done is reported the findings of others, and drawn my own conclusions. If the conclusions are wrong or incorrect, then surly this post could not be worthy of being filtered and blocked, but for some reason, when you click on the tags, as I write this, the post does not show up, but my newer post, Pole Shift does, when I click on the same tag.

Why am I blogging? The reason I am blogging in the first place of course, is because I have this crazy notion that I am being Gang Stalked 24/7, and having my private email monitored, along with my computer activity. The fact that I am being followed around 24/7, then I try to blog about it, and suddenly my posts are being filtered on two of the sites where I blog?

That’s kind of messed up. If we are so free and democratic, then nothing I say here should make a difference, and if I am not telling the full truth, then it should just be some crazy rambling blog, that is not worthty of being filtered, but that’s not the case.

I am also having some weird experiences with specific sites being blocked from my access, but I need more feedback on one specific incident before I blog about it.

I didn’t ask to be Gang Stalked, I was going about my own life, minding my own business, the corrupted elements of this society, decided they were going to put me in my place and teach me a lesson, like they have so many other innocent people. Instead of doing something harsh or hostile, I have taken to blogging, a peaceable measure. However telling the truth for corrupted elements does not seem to be a peaceful thing to do. In every time period it would seem, that truth telling by corrupted elements, does not seem to go over very well.

Now I am open to suggestions, so if someone can provide some reason for my posts being blocked from the front of the really kick ass site where I sometimes post, or why some of my wordpress posts seem to be, appear to be getting filtered, I would love to hear it.

Again with the wordpress post, they will show up if you go to the site directly, and in some engines, but when you do a tag search directly from the post, it does not come up under any of the tags listed. Controversial or not, whichat least on of the postings was not, this is still a free society right?

September 30, 2008 Posted by | Blacklisted, Bullying, buzzsaw, Censorship, CIA, Cointelpro, control, Controlled society, crazy, East Germany, Fascism, Fascist, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Illegal, Internet, Intimidation, Isolation, Justice, Monitoring, New World Order, paranoid, revolution, silence, slaves, Social Control, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment