Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Media Rape?

Media Rape

I was just reading this article, and could not literally believe the comments, thrown out at Charlize Theron for comparing her media invasion to a rape, she is being called not very intelligent, that it was a stupid statement, and so forth. It’s almost like, how dare she speak up, and state an opinion.

Let me first say, I like and appreciate the media, and when they do their job, they are a beautiful thing, and I am appreciate of them. There are others out there however, that do a slightly different job, and the feelings, and invasiveness of that is likely what is being referenced. I am going to post some comments, and tell me what you think.

Princess Diana once called what the media were doing to her akeen to being raped by the camera’s. She is not the only person. A few years back another individual, a famous actress was in Toronto for the film festival and she also described the same thing.

Instead of shaming these women, or calling them over complainers, let’s hear what they have to say. The close proximity at times can be overwhelming, but it’s not even that, after a while it can feel like you are being stalked, violated, or your privacy is being invaded, like Gang Stalking, but without the inability to prove what is happening, or maybe not.

Let’s see some of the comments, and see if they would have directed these comments towards Princess Diana, who was hunted down in part by the media, and even after she passed away, they were still taking pictures. Some might well say that was a invasion, a violation, a rape of sorts. A fatality, that does not even make sense. Had she been listened to, and he laws enacted, that are now there for her son, and Kate, would things have been different? Hard to say, but Charlize is far from being the first to complain, that the intrusion at times, is similar to, or akeen to a rape.

There are many kinds of rapes in the world. I am choosing to appreciate what these women, or actresses are saying. I appreciate the media, thank you for all your hard work in advance, but socially we do all need our spaces, even those in the spotlight at times, and at times it can be difficult if we do not have that space, it can feel akeen to a violation.

EMMA ALBERICI: The interest in Kate Middleton is now second only to the media frenzy that followed Princess Diana’s every step. Prince William’s mother often said she felt raped by the cameras.

That’s how Diana felt, also as mentioned a well known actress a few years back at the Toronto film festival, mentioned the exact same thing about how it felt like a raped.  (She was on the red carpet and honestly said, it was like a rape.) That’s at least three separate females, and there are some of the comments.
Dean Murphy,

Calls her a stupid woman, and asks how dare she compare press intrusion to rape.

rehpotsirhC regniarG,

Thinks that press intrusion is nothing at all like rape, also thinks it’s a stupid statement to make.


Calls her a stupid woman, and says she has no idea.

The comments go on and on, but since she is the one in the situation, since she is the one in charge, and since she is the one feeling violated, and has not been the only one at times, should we not give an ounce, a speck, an iota of courtesy and listen to what she is saying, on this specific topic?

I can’t imagine these comments being thrown out at Princess Diana, not in this enlighted time period, with the laws we have passed and everything, but back then, it was not taken as seriously as it could have been, maybe we could pay a bit more attention, give it the credence it deserves.

May 30, 2014 Posted by | activism | , , , | Leave a comment

The Royal Queen Day. June 5th 2014

TheRoyalty3cThis year let’s make it a day to remember. The second annual The Royal Queen’s Day. June 5th, 2014. A Day to remember. Light celebrations will be held, at various locations. A spiritual display of fireworks and other offering will be sent.

Spiritual gifts will be sent out via The Royal Queen Authority Financial Services, and The Royal Queen Delivery Service. Inside of A Spiritual Place, there will be lot’s to do and see. Aura will put on some celebrations of their own. Watermelon, cake and other light refreshments could be served at various locations, spiritual or otherwise.

The Royal Queen, Royal Queen Georgia Marie Bailey, and her Family Unit, The Royal Family Of The Heavens will hold their own celebrations. Her spiritual palaces and other locations, are available to visitors upon request. They all use the unique identifier system, so place make your requests in advance.

The Royal Queen is the creator of The Royal Order, She also created The Royal Threat Assessment Team Office, The Call Center, Scribes Press, The only free press. Community Planning and Implementation, and The Royal Queen Support Services System, and Spiritual Based Products, that are assisting humanity with moving one step forward at a time.

To find out more about The Royal Queen, visit and visit the links to her other websites, and find out about additional projects and incentives that she is working on or responsible for.

May 28, 2014 Posted by | Celebrity, Children | , , , | Leave a comment

Community Planning and Implementation Phase II

More about the initiative can be located at

Community paying their annual fee and entry fee.

Community Planning and Implementation takes on an additional direction. The initiative now has an addition, that can remotely, be implemented for communities.

You can request that your entire community receive a comprehensive evaluation. The evaluation begins by remotely, verbally outloud, requesting your community pay their annual fee and entry fee. This then get’s you in touch with the local community member, that can initiate the initiative. The request begins a comprehensive evaluation that is done on behalf of the community, and the individuals in that community. The request is usually initiated by decision makers for the community. Local politicians, community leaders, elected representatives, or others.

The request begins a comprehensive evaluation of your community, the individuals in the community and the resources. It enables the individuals, communities and those in positions of responsibility to be eligible.

The comprehensive analysis enables the community to be evaluated for several core factors that are important and essential to every community. They are evaluated socially, financially, economically, etc. Any social or community situations that could be problematic, or potentially problematic are evaluated. What is also evaluated are the needs of the community, the individuals in those communities, and resources that are available.

14401283_cover1bThe comprehensive evaluation, evaluates risks to the community, if any member needs to serve punitive time, which resources, known and unknown are eligible to the individual and the community as a whole. Eg. There are several initiatives that might be available to a community such as funding for special initiatives, or to the individual such as remote councilor, free medical information, etc.

The whole process is very quick and easy, also it enables you to be cognizant if your community is eligible for additional funding or resources under The Royal Queen’s, community planning and implementation initiative. The whole community is also linked in, to other resources, that might be eligible for them as a whole or individually.


(Phase two is out between now and the fall, the guide is to be updated with the new information. Keep an eye out for the new volumes.)
Phase II

Community Pays it’s annual fee and entry fee

Requesting that the community that you are a part of pay it’s annual fee and entry fee get’s the ball rolling on community planning and implementation phase two. This provides the entire community with a comprehensive evaluation, and enables funding that the community may not previously have had access to before.

Community Evaluation

The community as a whole is evaluated. They are evaluated to see if there are any ongoing problems or issues in the community. They evaluate collectively, and individually. They also evaluate if there are any ongoing issue that need to be taken care of.

The community evaluation is highly comprehensive. Similar community evaluations could take years, months, or even weeks, and cost millions upon millions of dollars. We enable community evaluation in a matter of minutes, and give you the results when you need them. That way you can begin fixing, repairing, or reevaluating the things that need to be done for your community.


Funding is then doled out to the community based on this ongoing evaluation. If a community is taking care of it’s needs, responsibilities, it’s entitled to the funding that it is deserving of. Too often efforts of some communities are over looked in favor of other situation. This is a more fair, and equitable evaluation process.

Funding is doled out in two parts. There is  a spiritual based funding portion to the evaluation. That is doled out first. Then funding for the community is also evaluated and doled out as well. Funding is either released right away in full depending on the community, and or released on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annunal, or annual basis. This way communities can make decisions, and see which items around a community need to be given priority.

Linked In

Community Planning and implementation links in with every aspect of the community. They do a spiritually comprehensive evaluation of the community and the individuals in the community. Community Planning and implementation then links in with the services already in the community. If they in line with the community and planning implementation requirements, they can be given the details required to bring the service up to par, with community planning and implementation.

They link in with community services, local situations that make sense, and any other service, or situation that is suitable or eligible for that community and standards that are in line with community planning and implementation.

They link in with the penal system, schools, hospitals, health care services, mental health care services, councillors, social psychologists, community advisors, social/community councilors, (formerly social workers), spiritual based services, The Office (Royal Threat Assessment Team Office), Maximum and minimum holding facilities.

Rating System

There is a new rating system under community planning and implementation. It rates the efficiency to which each community is responsible. Do they do repairs, answer calls, are they prompt, efficient. Do they use cost saving measures when possible? Are they a good neighbor? All these and many more questions are factored in to give each community a correct and accurate rating. Spiritual ratings are also factored into the rating system now, so that you have a comprehensive idea of what is ongoing.

Community Alert

There are two kinds of community alerts. Mandatory community alerts, and additional alerts that one can subscribe to.

Under the new system, places, locations, and other receive an alert if there is an incident, or if there is an individual, or a situation that is ongoing. The alert give the individual, or community a cursory view of what is ongoing, and enables you to make better comprehensive and concise decisions about the individuals using your services, or even entering your location, or premises.

The second portion to the community alert is a detailed service one can pay for, it provides a comprehensive view of what is ongoing. It provides additional details, and information about incidents, thus you can have a more comprehensive view if you are the type of person that is eligible to have that type of access.

Reasons and Responsibilities

Under community planning and implementation, each community is now responsible for a neighboring community, and they take care of the problems ongoing in that city. If the city has a broken item they attempt to fix it or replace it. They cover the cost for that community. If the community is wasteful, then it needs to find better way of doing things, and if there is an ongoing situation, they find ways to assist with mitigating and managing.

Most city repair or replace their own damage, and in most cases that does works great, but if there is an ongoing problem, sometimes it can be hidden, or fall through the cracks. This way with neighboring cities actively involved, it’s in everyone’s interest to fix, repair, replace, the damage in an equitable time frame.

Eg. The city of South Hampton for example, now would take care of Walkers Hamlet. The smaller location has several million dollars worth of damage that needs to be repaired or replaced. The items are fixed the problems are solved in a suitable manner. Thus South Hampton has a suitable rating, and has assisted with the problem, thus likely also suitable funding.

The problem is not repaired or the damage keeps reoccurring. If the damage keeps reoccurring, then we know that there is a problem, or a potential problem in Walker’s Hamlet and the problem needs to be resolved as soon as possible. This would not work well towards the rating of South Hampton, because they are failing to fix the problem, that they are responsible for.

The problem is fixed, but keeps occurring. Thus South Hampton is cognizant that there is a potential problem in Walker’s Hamlet that needs to be taken care of. They can then use comprehensive measures to see what the problem is, and how best to go about mitigating and managing it.

The city that you are responsible for, can also assist with determining your funding. If eg. South Hampton does a good job of taking care of Walker’s Hamlet, and the hamlet is in good condition, then funding is also in part based on this. The problems are looked into and assisted with.

The odd time, a major world city may participate, in assisting with community planning and implementation for an adjoining or loosely affiliated world city, town, hamlet. Most times however it is local cities assisting local cities, enabling community planning and implementation to make sense.

The odd time if there is not a neighboring city near by, a city may be asked to be enabled for it’s own situations for a time, until a new city, or neighbouring bureau can be enabled.


How problems are handled

Community Planning and Implementation is similar to other initiatives, and yet slightly different. Eg. It’s not that we are not cognizant of the broken window theory, but we do things slightly differently. If there is a problem in one area, it could be a source of problems in other areas, that much is true, and problems need to be, and should be handled in a prompt, and equanimical fashion that does suitably make sense.

If a individual is problematic in one area, that individual is just as likely to be problematic in other areas.

Remember the information for Phase two is not in the Book/Ebbok yet, I checked.

May 23, 2014 Posted by | activism | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Taking Stock

Taking Stock

Some of us were just thinking that the situation has changed, but the situation in some ways remains the same. Eg. They use to call us crazy in the community, and poke fun at us openly, or attempt to gaslight us, gangstalk, attempt to make us think that we were crazy.

We have yet again come a lot way. We are now clear in some cases, that  threat assessment files, can and are created, in the Jane Clift case, and others, a situation was crated, where they placed a warning on her file, and advised, may be a danger to self and others, only to be seen in pairs. These situations may seem small, but they had a devastating affect on us, and our community, and we are that, we are a community, we seriously be making sense to ourselves, we are logical, practical and we seriously be making sense.

We have worked hard, we have strived, struggled, to be eligible, to see that promised land at the end, or some form of sanity, or eligibilty, and that has to shine through, our efforts to make sense. We need to be thee eligible. We need our REM sleep back, or REM sleep cycles, we need to be sure, and clear how processes work. How a system could have been employed, that had that much access and capactiy to destroy, and desimate an entire populace, community, individuals. For we are global in nature are we not? Thus populace.

We not only need to move forward, we need to go back, we need to go backwards in time, and see how this could happen, which processes, eneligibled this. What could have enabled, individuals at work, in play, from all over the place, to be on these types of files, lists, who and which entity, and is that person, place, or thing still out there?

We can not just let this go, but we should not hold onto it either, should not eneligible it, to hold us down. We must come together, (not neccecerily group meetings.) eneligible ourselve, empower ourselves, cause that is what it’s about, and that is what it is still about, it has to seriously be making sense, and if it does not, these we, we still must be making sense.


Find your strength in love.

May 12, 2014 Posted by | activism, Awareness, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking | , , , | Leave a comment

Community Planning and Implementation

Community Planning2Community Planning and Implementation takes on an additional direction. The initiative now has an addition, that can remotely, be implemented for communities.

You can request that your entire community receive a comprehensive evaluation. The evaluation begins by remotely, verbally outloud, requesting your community pay their annual fee and entry fee. This then get’s you in touch with the local community member, that can initiate the initiative. The request begins a comprehensive evaluation that is done on behalf of the community, and the individuals in that community. The request is usually initiated by decision makers for the community. Local politicians, community leaders, elected representatives, or others.

The request begins a comprehensive evaluation of your community, the individuals in the community and the resources. It enables the individuals, communities and those in positions of responsibility to be eligible.


The comprehensive analysis enables the community to be evaluated for several core factors that are important and essential to every community. They are evaluated socially, financially, economically, etc. Any social or community situations that could be problematic, or potentially problematic are evaluated. What is also evaluated are the needs of the community, the individuals in those communities, and resources that are available.

The comprehensive evaluation, evaluates risks to the community, if any member needs to serve punitive time, which resources, known and unknown are eligible to the individual and the community as a whole. Eg. There are several initiatives that might be available to a community such as funding for special initiatives, or to the individual such as remote councilor, free medical information, etc.

The whole process is very quick and easy, also it enables you to be cognizant if your community is eligible for additional funding or resources under The Royal Queen’s, community planning and implementation initiative. The whole community is also linked in, to other resources, that might be eligible for them as a whole or individually.

May 10, 2014 Posted by | activism | , , | Leave a comment