Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Workplace Mobbing Trends

What people have to understand is that times change. I think in the 80’s when you were bullied, most people just killed themselves. Then we saw a real shift in the 90’s with columbine, and the children in that situation choosing to act out against those that were bullying them.

These seems to have set off a trend, which lasted, until the government agencies actually acknowledged that the kids doing the shooting, are not kids that just snapped, most of the shootings go back to school bullying.

The school shooting trends seem to have for the time levelled off, but then you still have students like Phoebe Prince who commit suicide due to bullying. I think the society finds it easier to deal when the victim takes their own life than when it’s the other way around, and they take the life of those who are harassing them.

Workplace mobbing is rampant across America, and the odd few times you do get workplace shootings, people still wring their hands and wonder why, yet the people in the mobbing community who understand workplace mobbing, and who have researched this point to the fact that at the heart of most shooting, if you search back, there was ongoing, and persistant workplace mobbing.

In past years we saw a lot of postal workers, and others doing these shootings. Gender wise most of the shootings have still been men, you might get the odd female, such as the postal worker who went back after three years, but the majority of shooters are male. Even the female postal worker who went back after three years and killed her coworkers had been a victim and target of workplace mobbing. Females tend to internalize their expreience, and thus are more likely to commit suicide, where with men you are more likely to see overt reactions. Will this change in the future? It’s hard to say. Racially we saw a lot of white males, and this became part of the image of the typical shooter, recently we are seeing that demographic expand, with some of the last few shootings matching other demographics. I think what is clear is that even with all the exposure and awareness that those in these fields have tried to bring to these shootings, still little attention get’s paid, until something like this happens.

The solutions are often not ones that will help workers, the solutions are often things that will make it easier for workplaces to keep these situations quite, to get rid of complaining workers, or to systemically blacklist them, and frame that as we see in many cases of Gang Stalking. This system is not working, does need a change, but until people are willing to change at a grass root level, this will likely not improve.

August 4, 2010 Posted by | black, Black Male, Gang Stalking, harassment, mobbing, workplace mobbing | , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

When the truth finally comes

This article is to prepare you for when the truth finally comes.

There have been a lot of revelations in past years. Dark, dirty, dank secrets, that were hidden. Some were happening on a main stream level, but the truth did not come out for years. When the truth finally did come it does not get the reaction that we were hoping for. In some cases, articles make their way into the main stream papers for a time, and then the issue goes away, but it never really goes away. I present to you the following examples of truth coming out, and society once again remaining in it’s trance like stupor.

I am writing this to prepare you. A lot of people think that when the truth comes out, it’s going to be like some magic pill, and just automatically make things better and make all this misery stop, and the truth is, past examples have shown us this is not the case. All it will likely do is make our lawsuits easier in some cases, or getting our Freedom Of Information Requests more accessible.

The world is not as fully unaware of what is happening to us, as we would like to believe. You know those large groups of people, strangers, friends, family that take part in what is going on for their various reasons? Enough are aware, that this should not be happening in darkness, but it continues. You know those human rights organization that spill the bs about human rights, while they get dozens, or hundreds of calls, letters, etc each month, which they ignore, or cover up. Those organisations, they know. Your politicians which you have called and written to, many of them know. So all I am saying is when this does come out, please be mentally prepared, that this might not change things for us that rapidly, if at all. At best it might only be a gradual change. It might only be getting the satisfaction of saying, ha we were telling the truth.

Case in point. Some other major stories that by some miracle finally broke through to the main streams
trance like stupor. Some change happened for a time in some cases, but then it was back to business as usual. This seems to be a pattern of how the world works, it’s disgusting, it’s disgraceful, and you are the only ones that can help change it. Why you don’t do so on a large scale is one of those mystery’s that boggles the mind.

Cases in point.

Mind Control

The world at some point saw the revelation of MK Ultra. The truth came out that the government had been conducting mind control experiments on unwitting people. They had been doing this for years, to try to control the human mind. They did this at home in the U.S. and aboard.

Canada recently paid out some nice money for allowing these abuses to take place on it’s citizens in Montreal back in the 50’s.

So when you use the term mind control, you would hope that people would understand the concept, and the fact that if it happened then, it can happen now? No that’s often not the case. People hear mind control and it’s like some mythological creature. That doesn’t exist. Why would the government do that? The ignorance and the naivete is massive.

Not too long ago, I might have been in that boat with my awareness about what had gone on in the past.

If you want to learn more about mind control you can start with the following links, videos and articles. It’s a quick way to to get a brief introduction. Remember this barely scratches the surface.


This was a program sponsored by the FBI, the program was used to not just squash dissidence, it was used to wipe out most of the left movements of the 50,60, 70. The program focused on ethnic minority movements, their leaders, and the organisations they were trying to build. Canada had their own version called. V.I.P.S. other countries may also have had similar programs.

The programs used rumours, false arrest, false imprisonments, set up, break in’s, life disruptions like what we see in gang stalking, disinformation, murder to get what they wanted. They had a lot of agents in the KKK. They eventually infiltrated most of the movements of that time to destroy them, from the inside out.

This wiped out the black panthers, Martin Luther King Jr has a file, where they called for his termination, he was dead a month later, Malcolm X was a target, Puerto Rican and Indian Movements. This was about destroying dissidence, and any future attempts groups might have of starting up.

This quote is from J.Edgar Hoover, but I think it fits in very well with the present situation.

“We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. … The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst.”

When the evils of Cointelpro came out it made headlines, the news stories came out, proportionate to people’s outrage and fury. People were horrified, a committee was formed. Senator Church did his job so well that he was never re-elected again.

The real truth however is that it did not change a damn thing for many of the targets. Some are still in jail, on the run, reputations and lives are still ruined, lives are still torn apart. Many of those that were murderer or forced to commit suicide never got justice.

The truth is, this never really ended, it just went back into the abyss till it was safe enough to come out again and continue what it was doing. A lot of things are like this.

Oh to read about Cointelpro or to get a brief introduction, you can go here.

Gary Webb’s revelation that the CIA were in part responsible for helping or at least turning a blind eye towards drugs being smuggled into ethnic minority neighbourhoods.

First we had the big news article. Apparently there were the appropriate marches and demonstrations in the streets. Then the people who were preaching just say no with one hand, and who were dishing out the drugs with the other didn’t like what Gary Webb was saying, so he lost his prized post, eventually quit his job, lost his credibility, got attacked by the major news papers.

Gary put up his own website, presented the evidence and then wrote a book.

He was allowed to continue on, but not like before. Then suddenly he was talking about a new book. There are some people who make mention of this.

That’s when he was found with the 2 bullet holes in his head. Yeah an apparent suicide. Right.

Anyways, there is still talk, speculation, but that’s about it.

Oh and for the victims of the CIA drug operation, well they tried to hire lawyers, one of the few lawyers that would take the case was Anita E. Bell.
She tried to take on the system for those victims and would later become a target. She was falsely disbarred, she fled the U.S. sought refuge in Canada, and had to again flee to Israel.

She says they made many attempts on her life, threatened witnesses, till they dropped the case, etc. Most traces of Anita E. Bell are gone.

Sexual abuse of children by priests. I hope that you have at least heard about this one. For years priest in all or most countries, were having sex with young boys primarily and with some young girls.

For years sometimes the families didn’t believe their own kids, or if they did, they were persuaded to keep it quite, while these priests were moved from one location to the next, where they continued to pray upon child after child after child. Many of the victims never got any real justice, but some did get money. A few priest went to jail, but many are still roaming free, doing the same things, and believe it or not still being moved around by the church.

From what I have read, based on new laws in Rome in some cases now make it harder to take these cases to court. I have also read of some of these men fleeing to Vatican city for sanctuary.

What’s changed? Our awareness, a belief that this stuff does happen, and not much else. Some parents are more secure with their children, but many are not. Also in very poor countries you still have this happening a great deal. It has not changed in many regards, even with all the awareness. The young still get victimised, and their predators are moved to another location to start the whole process all over again.

Child pedophile ring. The big story that children were brought to the white house for the purposes of sex. The story would break with many coming forward to say that they had been used as child sex slaves, many to import drugs. Many would tell the tale of being used in all sorts of sexual ways by very rich, high profile people. The case is disturbing. The witnesses were threatened, falsely discredited, or jailed, or suicide, whatever. The people they accused went on to have even better lives, and moved into higher positions of power.

Senator DeCamp was left with the question of why people covered this up, when they knew the kids were telling the truth. The answer is always the same. To protect the system. Then he was left with one more question:

“But then I have one final, nagging question. How do I know when, or if, the “system” itself has become so corrupted, that evil is the rule, rather than the exception? And when that occurs, what do I do about it? But I think I know the answer to that one – my oId commanding officer in Vietnam told me what I had to do. I made some promises to Bill, and I intend to keep them.”

Here is a link to the story and his book. It’s disturbing, but it’s the system. This is what it does and this is what it allows, and only we can change it.…erpt.shtml

The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska

Mobbing. This was not a shock for many of us, but what you might not know is that before it was studied and confirmed, it lead to many suicides, to many people suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, many were never able to work or function the same again, and others committed mass murder in the workplace. Oh and of course others were written off as paranoid. This was causing so much harm in society and again it was a struggle to get it recognised and acknowledged and even after that happened, it’s not as if the mobbing gates opened up. Mobbing cases that have been won are few and far between. I can think of one off the top of my head that was won. Laws are still not complete across the board, and proving that you are a target of workplace mobbing is as difficult as ever. Proving that HR, and top management, plus co-workers are conspiring against you and that you are not the problem, almost impossible.

Awareness and exposure does not always equal change. We hope that it will, but it that has not often proven to be the case. Doesn’t mean that we should give up, but we should move forward with a realistic expectation that even when this does come out into the exposed open, it might not change things that much.

Right now this is a big open dirty secret like Enron was. Lot’s of people knew, people did nothing, and the mechanisms that allowed Enron to happen, allowed parts of the recent financial crisis to happen, and will continue to allow other things to happen. People have to take personal ownership and responsibility. It begins with me. We all too often expect others to do it, to go the mile to go the distance so that our path will be easier, but sometimes you might have to put hand to shovel, or foot to gravel and help smooth out parts of that path. If we are going to have any true meaningful change, and not just the surface change we have seen so many other times before.

November 26, 2008 Posted by | Awareness, Children, CIA, Cointelpro, community mobbing, Corruption, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Laws, Mind Control, Minorities, mobbing, society, workplace mobbing | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

The side you don’t see.

The side you don’t see.

What targeted individuals have to understand is that there are two sides to the story. I still don’t understand this at times, but I have come to a place of acceptance.

There is the side that we experience and then the side that some of these Citizen Informants experience. 

As I have documented before, Citizen Informants are told something very specific, and they are often acting this information.

Remember last summer I did some field work. I slipped by confines and was able to be away from the Snitches for an hour or so. When I was walking, based on where I was walking, and the time of night I was walking a funny thing happened. Several phones in a row started ringing at about the same time as I moved down the street. It was summer and the windows were either open or the phones were just really loud. They rang one right after another, as I moved up the street.

As I walked I heard someone answer one of the phones, it was on speaker. I heard the person on the other end, explain something to the extent of the fact that they were looking for something along the lines of a mentally ill person who might be in the area.

Now I have mentioned that I found out the reason I am allegedly being stalked is because I am suppose to be mentally ill? I have never had any kind of interaction with any mental health professional “that I am aware of”. 

So I decided to walk back to where I live. Now I was not trying to be paranoid. The phone call might have had nothing to do with me, but since I had slipped my snitches, I was fairly sure that it did.

I returned back to the area, at that time of night there should have been very few people out, there were dozens. The dog walkers, police cars, etc. I passed two as I came closer to home. It was creepy, it was like watching the neighbourhood Gestapo or something, with the dogs.

I was still walking past them all, then as I came closer to my home this guy comes up to me, stops right in front of me, and calls in my description. He calls in gender, race, approximate height, and says something to the effect of yeah I think we have em. He really didn’t care, that I was right there. It was like I was not human or something. I could have stopped him and asked him questions, and taken it further, but it was field work and I had yielded more than expected on that expedition.

This event was something of an experience. That is just one side you are not seeing in most cases. Some of these people are not bad, some actually believe that they are doing something good.

Picture this you are a home owner, part of some community watch. The phone rings, they tell you that they are calling from Stasi central, I mean community central, and that there is mentally disturbed, or pedophile, or rapist, drug dealer etc, you want to protect your community, cause you assume it’s true. This was the first time I had any clue, what actually get’s said on these calls, and what the community at large must really be thinking.

Remember I have never been openly evaluated by anyone that I am aware of for this kind of a determination to be made. I have also never had any opportunity to defend myself or tell my side of the story. Yet my life is being disrupted this way, and I am being labeled, as are many other Targets.
Remember they get a description of our race, age, gender, for example if you are white, male, 6″4, age 45, that is what they will be told. We have a white male, 6’4, age 45. Is an emotionally disturbed person, and is sensitive to keys jingling. So they will try to track the target from home, and they will use this information. The foot patrols and cars use the hand signals and others use audio ques for where to go, with directions on where to go. 

So along the path, they will jangle keys at targets that fit the description to see if they have the correct person in sight at all times. That’s some of the info they get in their emails.
The second scenario. I was on the train, and this was shortly after I learnt some of the Stasi like signals. Before this I just always thought that it was people trying to provoke me, and it had worked on a few occasions, because you are so aware of the harassment.

I finally tuned into the fact that it’s not that simple. There is always a conductor. (These are names that I give for the people carrying out the roles.) The conductor in my opinion tells people where to go, and when to carry out actions. They do this via the hand signals.

There is the observer(s). There will always be other people looking to see what your response is. These people will watch you closely and look to see if you react, what the reaction is.
Then there are what I am calling the agitators. They carry out a specific action. Eg. I always thought people would randomly irritate me, and then do it in sink with each other. This is not exactly the case. Depending on how many of them were able to get on the same train as me, and get into position to run the skit, there might be one or more agitators.

They know what to do ahead of time in some cases, but most often they are acting on the signal of the conductor.
Eg. If your sensitivity is keys jingling, the jingling is not random. What I observed was this is done when the stop is called out. It’s very specific.

You as the target you will never understand this. Now let’s say someone jangles keys and we get all upset, well people are watching and the reaction is going to be observed and reported back.

So they jingle keys for about 5 stops. We have two agitators, one sitting right beside you, the other right behind you. You know that people are going out of their way to annoy the hell out of you, and have been doing so for the last 6 months straight and you have no idea why?

So finally you get angry, and you flip out a little bit and tell them to knock it off. Well they keep doing it. As far as they know, you are a disturbed person, and they are just following orders. 

Meanwhile the conductor is watching this, the observers. They are going to be complete strangers, who report back the outcome of the skit.

They see a 15 minute to 30 minute skit. They don’t get to see that you did not sleep last night, or for the last 5 months because someone is electronically keeping you awake. They did not see you walking to the underground, and that people kept banging into you, as they jingled their keys. They did not see the guy who almost tripped you, while jingling his keys in your face. By this time you are pissed, you know that you are being deliberately provoked and have not a freaking clue why?

So the skit happens. You are human and finally flip out a bit and tell them to knock it off, hit the keys away etc. Well that whole skit and your reaction to it has just been observed. They never get to see the behind the scene production. Their role was a short 15 minutes, and why would strangers lie and say that you had flipped out? Seemed dangerous?

Cause they never see the full picture of our harassment.
So how can someone have another person declared crazy if they are not? Well depends on who is doing the observation. If you are a perceived danger to society or to the public’s health, under some of those laws I was looking over, they can have you investigated.

If you deliberately sensitized like I was and many other TI’s, you won’t have a clue that it was deliberate, and you won’t know why. I now know that my original harassers tried to sensitize me to a few things. One took the others did not, but when I got to my next job, they tried using all of them to see which ones had taken. For me it was just harassment and that is all I saw felt and experienced at the time.

The little twit that sensitized me had some sort of military link. He did something on the weekends military related, or something like that. I think it’s fair to say, he knew what he was doing, and I had no idea at the time that he was deliberately sensitizing me.
This is the side that you don’t see. You don’t see this well rehearsed, coordinated effort by our civilian spies. Some of them truly think they are keeping the community safe from a dangerous person. Others are there to agitate the target, so that they will flip out and get them committed. In other cases as Mark described he had parents setting little kids in front of him, who then stopped looked shocked and then ran the other way. No doubt to make him look like a pedophile and his reactions would have been observed the whole time. The same is true for any other lie that they are trying to pin.
The side they don’t see. Us being tortured day in and day out. They don’t see the provocations, well some do, because they are deliberate agitators, but they are as the Nazi’s like to say, just following orders.

Some of them understand that there is something not quite right happening, others do not and really think that there is something wrong with you.

In the case where they upset a target so much the target flips out and hurts one of them, then the target get’s arrested or taken away, they feel that they have done their job, cause the person clearly was crazy. On the other hand you finally get upset after a billion years without sleep, you think they are evil, godless, vigilantes or whatever, and you never see that side of it, and they never see your side.

The only one that sees what is really happening are the people pulling the strings. (Well a bit dramatic, but not far from the truth.)

Also the snitches that move in beside us, some are there just to piss you off, they want to keep you awake, if they can get you to flip out, it’s justification for these programs to keep running. You can flip back to my post called hypothetical.

There are two sides to every story, but in this case there might be three. Our side, the Informants side, and then the big picture, the side those in charge see. The side that has to ensure justification for these programs and therefore funding for them.

I hope I have given both set’s of readers some insight into the side that they don’t see.

September 18, 2008 Posted by | Bullying, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, crazy, driving-crazy, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Insane, Kilmeer Gill, Laws, mobbing, one handed signals, paranoid, Police Abuse, Police Corruption, Politics, psychological harassment, School Shooting, sign language, Snitches, Spying, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, workplace mobbing | , | 1 Comment

Leader vs Leaderless resistance

So you want to start a resistance movement, protest movement etc. How does it get done? How did it get done in the past? How can it be done in this time period?

It’s stuff many people are thinking about. In the past we had movements that were lead by leaders, leaders that people could rally around and who people loved, or at least respected. Programs such as Cointelpro made it very easy to wipe out those leaders and to remove them.

Guidelines came along on how to resist Cointelpro Infiltrations because of this.

In the past when you had a leader, if the leader was arrested, killed, imprisoned, etc then often the movement just died, or it had to wait till a new leader sprung up.

“Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the LORD of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones.
smite Matt 26:31, Mark 14:27
In the movement of Christianity new leaders did arise, many were also killed, persecuted, until the state stepped in and took over the movement, then everyone else was persecuted but for very different reasons. The history is really interesting.

Then we have other movements and leaders. Kennedy tried to remove the federal reserve, apparently a bit of a no, no thing to do, and it did not work out well for him.

Martin Luther King and others like him tried to free, or raise up their people from oppression. When leaders like him died out, others did rise, but before they could become full bloom, programs like Cointelpro were there to make sure that no more messiahs that could unite the masses would rise. That is what was done then and now.

So people moved towards leaderless resistances, or a vertical resistance structure. Power is not concentrated in anyone spot. So if they wipe out one sector, another sector still remains. This by the way is similar to the structure that our oppressors use. Eg. Each area controls it’s population, and there are people in that sector who rule it and govern it the way they see fit. I have blogged about this before.

I have been reading up about this, this is what wikepedia has to say.

General characteristics
A typical covert cell operates as anything from a lone individual to a small group of members. The basic characteristic of the structure is that there is no explicit communication between cells which are otherwise acting toward the same goals. Members of one cell usually have little or no specific information on who else is agitating on behalf of their cause.

Leaderless movements may have symbolic figureheads. It can be a public figure or an inspirational author, who picks generic targets and objectives, but does not actually manage or execute plans. Media, in this case, often create a positive feedback loop: the publishing of declarations of a movement’s role model instills motivation, ideas and assumed sympathy in the minds of potential agitators who lend further authority to the figurehead.[citation needed] While this may be loosely viewed as a vertical command structure, it is notably unidirectional: a titular leader makes pronouncements and activists may respond but there is no established contact between the two levels of organization.

As a result, leaderless resistance cells are largely insusceptible to informants and traitors. As there is neither a center that may be destroyed, nor links between the cells that may be infiltrated, it is more difficult for established authorities to arrest the development of a leaderless resistance movement than more conventional hierarchies.

Given its asymmetrical character and the fact that it is often strategically adopted in the face of an obvious institutional power imbalance, leaderless resistance has much in common with guerrilla warfare. The latter strategy, however, usually retains some form of organized, bidirectional leadership and is often more broad-based than the individualized actions of leaderless cells. In some cases, a largely leaderless movement may evolve into a coherent insurgency or guerrilla movement, as successfully occurred with the Yugoslav partisans of World War II. In the same conflict, the British leadership had extensive plans for the use of such resistance in the event of a German invasion.[2]

While the concept of leaderless resistance is often based on resistance by violent means, it is not limited to them. The same structure can be used by non-violent groups authoring, printing and distributing samizdat literature, using the Internet to create self-propagating boycotts against political opponents, maintaining an alternative electronic currency outside of the reach of the taxing governments and transaction-logging banks.

I think this is the best structure for any modern movement based on the obstacles that are out there. Doesn’t mean you can not share what is working and what is not working, but it helps to limit your liabilities. It also helps to foster potential leaders, and it makes it harder to get rid of them all at once. Think season seven BTVS “potentials”. Trying to wake up all the leaders at once instead of waiting for one to fall and the other to rise.

I think this is similar to the resistance structure used in the movie V and V the final Battle. Yes I do realise that the movie was about fighting lizard like aliens, but the underlying meaning of the movie was really resisting fascist that had come and were basically doing what the Nazis did.

[quote] Where there are oppressors, there will be those with the courage to resist. That simple truth is the underlying premise of V: The Miniseries, Kenneth Johnson’s allegory to World War II and fascism. [/quote]
We hope there will be those with the courage to resist, it’s not a guarantee, and if enough of those do not wake up, and rise up in time, well the world will still go on as it is.

For any resistance, revolution to take place, people have to realise there is a problem. I didn’t. I thought I lived in one of the best countries in the world, my government was top notch, and those evil crimes of the state were committed by other countries not my own.

Even when I first started to realise that this was state sponsored, I still thought that there would be good politicians who would fix this. I do now see that there are no easy answers, politicians are just people, many of them with average amounts of courage and with more to lose then many other average people. They won’t fix this and the one who tries to, will meet our fate or worst. They can lend an ear, and they can give encouragement, but it’s the people who have the power. The crazy part of this always has been that it’s the people with the power, yet you are giving it up to corporations, and the elite.
If tomorrow we stopped banking with those we bank with, using their Internet, cellphones, cable, phone services, etc, how far would they get? How far would they be? They would be bankrupt and a little more willing to listen to the people. We do have the power, I have never doubted this, but will we ever utilise it?

For me I really do believe that awareness and education is key. If you don’t know something is wrong, how can you resist or rebel against it. If you are happy with what you think is freedom, then how can you fight oppression?

The worst slavery is to think that you are free. We are not free, but how many people really know this? I didn’t.

Once you make people aware, you can not force them to believe you. You can try, but you can’t. You can only wait patiently and hope that they see what you see, feel what you feel.

Eg. [quote]Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere, it is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, or when go to church or when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind. (long pause, sighs) Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.[/quote]

[quote]Morpheus: I’m trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it. [/quote]

For about 10 years I thought this movie was just garbage. I really didn’t understand it, and more over felt that the world could never be like this. So I never worried about it, or thought about it. My education into this system was so complete, and I would have argued with anyone who tried to tell me differently. The world however is controlled and we are not free the way we are taught to think that we are.

[quote]There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission.

[quote]But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament, and together we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot. People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people. Strength through unity, unity through faith! I am V. At last you know the truth.[/quote]

Even when I first saw this movie, I didn’t at first realise that this is what is happening within our countries. Again my mind was so firmly ingrained in this freedom concept that I was taught, that I took it for granted that this had any relevance to what I was experience, even though I was aware of Gang Stalking at the time.

Once people are aware, and they believe then the question is what are they going to do about it? Many see truth, trip over it, get up dust themselves off and carry on. The world has always been like this why should it change now? Yes and some do have this mentality and really are happy with the way things are, and that’s fine for them. However if you are not happy with how things are, then this might be a chance to help make others aware.

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” George Orwell

Even if that is your only revolution, at least it’s something.

The reasons revolutions die. Resources, resistance, and renewal.

Resources get tapped out, arrests, lawyers, etc. Resistance is not renewed because there is no one there to keep up the fight and movements are not renewed. How can they be when most of a population is snitching for the state? Also the knowledge is not passed on.

I believe the main problem is the knowledge and the know how not being passed on. Much of it get’s  repressed by the state. I have said it before, but every time I go back to old articles in my blogs, many of the links are no longer valid, youtube videos have been removed, etc. It’s like pointing out to the state what bit’s of knowledge got left on the net and what to further repress. Articles go missing, websites go offline, and then all the information has to be gathered again. I think if more effort went into preserving information then we would all be a lot better off.

Tim Fields is a great example. He spent 10 years of his life documenting the bullying phenomenon, just before he could look into collusion he died. The site is no longer available, but someone had the good presence of mind to back up his research.

If not for this, then the information would have been lost. Now he had a really good and popular forum and was making great headway, he is a leader people would have followed and rallied around, but now that he is gone, I can’t think of anyone who picked up his research into collusion.

All the links pointing to his old site are gone and the domain name shows unavailable for the old site. I don’t think anyone picked up the research, but he helped make bullying a household name and he is owed a great deal of gratitude by me and others. His site and a few others helped maintain me before I ever learnt the term gang stalked. Remember I first thought this was harassment, then bullying, then mobbing, then gang stalking. The pieces came together one piece at a time. His story is really amazing, and people have risen up who do maintain bulling sites, but I am not aware of anyone looking into the interconnected corruption aspect of bullying. It is however there for the taking.

I see this as a key problem for many movements that rally around just one person. It has an advantage, because everyone moves as one united front, and it’s easy to give commands and have instructions followed, but on the other hand it’s vulnerable in ways other structures are not.

Then if you do resist, remember some of the fun things that you are going to be up against.

It’s just fun things to think about. Many of us did not choose this path consciously, but I think subconsciously maybe I did choose this. So with that in mind, I will continue to do what I can, I know people want direction about what to do and how to do it. I believe that change can happen, but we each have to be willing to play a role. We want leaders, but right now those leaders are the ones with the choker of oppression around our necks. So we cry out for better leaders, but in the end does it really change?
Also what are you really willing, able to sacrifice for this change to happen?

September 10, 2008 Posted by | Active Denial Weapons, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, Conformity, control, Controlled society, Corruption, dissident, Fascism, Fascist, Film, Gang Stalking, government corruption, harassment, High technology, Jesus, Laws, Martin Luther King Jr, Matrix, mobbing, Movies, New World Order, NWO, oppression, revolution, slavery, slaves, Snitches, Social Control, society, Stalking, Targeted Individual, telecommunications, The Matrix, Tribute, whistle blower, workplace mobbing, youtube | , | 2 Comments

Patterns that repeate.

I am going to use this analogy to talk about patterns that repeat themselves. At one of my old jobs we had these three people in a repeating pattern. Two were into the game and third was trying to leave the game.

It was a bit of a dating game. Guy was into girl number one, then started seeing girl number two on the side. Every time girl number one would try to leave the game, girl number 2 and the guy would have a noisy break up in the middle of the workplace, he would swear it was all over, girl number 2 would throw a fit in the middle of the job, then the guy would chase off any other guys and try to get girl number one pulled back into the game.

He didn’t just do that however, he would come off looking like the wounded victim that was not being treated fairly, even going so far as to lie to about his continued involvement with girl number 2. Then once he had the game back on track, the game would start again, with girl number 2, then the noisy break up’s. etc. The guy and girl number 2 seemed to get off on the game and the noisy break up’s and getting back together, because it allowed them to parasitically feed on a third party. Much like our stalkers feed on us with their games, and yes I do think some of them do get off on it.
One of the things that Targets have to be careful with is patterns that repeat. There own patterns and those of the snitches.

I mean they do the same things over and over again so we should be able to get use to it, but we don’t.

We also have to be careful to avoid our own patterns. Patterns are a thing that you have to be able to look for, recognise and find a way to break, or work around.

Eating patterns, they watch us in the grocery store to try to figure out what we are buying. This can be done for a few reasons. Several targets have complained about specific items they buy being out of stock every time. They can use this to figure out our diet. If we move they can find us that way as well.

Shopping patterns. Go to a store too much and ever notice that suddenly a new face is there? I don’t want to give too many details, but it’s something to be aware of, especially with food places. If the normal store keeper will not report your eating habits or tamper with your food, the new face just might.

Also your shopping routes. They know where you go, so if you go missing they start to look for you on the old familiar routes. They have them mapped and they will report it to the foot soldiers.

This is why targets sometimes complain about things like, it was all set up before I got there, it’s like they knew I was going to be there. If you have been there before that could be why, or it could be you were discussing it on the phone, or worst case scenario, you were thinking it.

Sleeping, bathroom, sexual, dating, Internet, workplace, etc. We have patterns and one of the things that these people try to do is to learn them. We are creatures of habit and we have to try to break away form those patterns when we can.

They have patterns also, if we learn some of these, we can deal with them better. I spent a lot of time watching them early on, trying to figure out some of the ways that they functioned, ticked, worked, etc.

Learning as much as you can about the one handed sign language would be a good start. Second if you have a sensitivity, what is the pattern they are using for trying to keep you sensitised? Eg. They used my sensitivity for over 8 years in and out of the workplace. 

What are the patterns they are using to set you up? Themes that they are trying to throw your way, eg, Mark M. Rich said he thought they were trying to set him up to make him look like a rapist at one point.

What are the harassment patterns, sleep deprivation, street theatre, electronic harassment, online stalking?

Looking for patterns helps us to know what to expect, they are pretty predictable, and it helps us to be better prepared in knowing what to expect.

Since this thing started, I am so disappointed to know just how pattern filled I am in some ways, and what a creature of habit I am in others. I have had to learn my own patterns, and try to change some, modify others, and just get new ones from time to time.

I have had to learn theirs, so now I can know, ok it’s going to be one of those days, expect cars to be lunging at you, people trying to bump into you, etc. Or expect extra electronic harassment tonight, etc. Kind of like trying or learning to predict the weather.

Another pattern that they now have is that in the area where I am, they use these headphone kids, on the trains. I am trying to figure this one out.

Now everyone has ipods and stuff, but what we have here is people 20-30’s and they are always on the subway, one guards each door, it’s not just random, these people have ipods and at times it appears that they are listening for something, other than the music. My best guess is the announcements of stops.

I know when I use to carry my laptop, it would announce the train station that I was at, and I know it could be heard somehow, thus I stopped carrying the laptop. I know the train stops were being heard via my laptop because at a previous job, when we had a meeting, my laptop in the middle of the meeting while turned off, started announcing stuff. I took the battery off, and there you could still hear the train stops being announced. I was about 20 floors up, and it was not the stop near where I was.

I never hear the laptop externally do this again, but I have strong reason to believe that it was being used in this capacity for this reason. Picture this. You are a head phone kid, you are on the same train as the target, the targets electronic device picks up the sound of the stop being read out, eg. “redwood, we are approaching redwood station.” They hear this over their ipods, or other headphone devices, meaning that they are on the correct train with the target. The ones who do not, know that the target is not on the same train, and so therefore bugger off. Very cleaver and oh so illegal, but when has that ever stopped the government from allowing the snitches to do this sort of stuff, nice democratic country.


Try to remember that electronics can be used to track locations, and anything that has a microphone, can be used to listen in to conversations.

What I don’t get yet, is how ipods and things like that can be used to listen to something like a specific station being announced? What frequency would they tune into?

Recently I had some luck in being alone without the above mentioned scenario, and it was pretty different. For a good 30 minutes they did not know for certain where I was, and I noticed that I did not see the headphone kids, as I have nicknamed them. In fact the experience was so different it’s hard to explain.

This again brings me back to snitches and trying to manipulate the targets sense of reality and perception. Because what a target experiences day by day is so all encompassing, it could be as bad as we think, but it might also not be as bad as we think. What I mean is, the few times I have slipped away, I have noticed openings, in how things are laid out. Point being if they know where the target is going to be, they have time to set things up, and to make it seem complete and all encompassing.

Spotters, you have to be careful with these, these are in all the old familiar places, if you do elude the snitches for a time, you have to be careful to avoid places that are familiar, because familiar locations have spotters who recognise the targets and can easily snitch you out.

There is a lot more to say, but some of it, I have to hold onto. The point is however, be cognizant of patterns, they have a tendency to repeat, your own and those of others. You can not not break the pattern of others, all you can do is be aware of them, find a work around.

Your own patterns you can control, and those you have to try to change if you are going to survive being Targeted Individuals. They had to change how meetings were conducted due to Cointelpro Infiltrations and we are no different.

The last thing I wanted to point out, yesterday after posting about how I can’t get on the Internet without the snitches, I noticed a change the next time I logged on. It seems that there is a wireless override which allows them to log onto my computer anytime they wish, which I can see, but it also appears that some sites that I am accessing might not be what they appear to be.

In some cases it might almost be like I am accessing an intranet, vs an Internet, but since I have no definitive proof of this yet and just a suspicion, my observation continues. However this is something you might want to be cognizant of.

Anyways patters repeat if we start to look for them, we can change them, manipulate them, and hopefully even free ourselves from them, or at least be on our guard for them. We have patterns and they do too, learn theirs and your own, then use it against them, or at least use it to protect yourself from them. Many of them are parasitic, they do get off on what they do to targets, and they like the game that is being played, where many of us just want to get out.

August 23, 2008 Posted by | changing vibrations, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Illegal, Laws, Life, Mark M Rich, mobbing, Monitoring, Music, one handed signals, Relationships, Sensitize, sign language, Snitches, society, sound, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Targeted Individual, workplace mobbing | , , | Leave a comment

What does it mean to be a Targeted Individual?

A lot of people hear the term, but what does it really mean to be a Targeted Individual? I mean we all think we know about the torture, survellence and betrayl, but it’s just the surface. You can never fully describe the experience till you have lived it.
Family-If you have a family and you are a target it means having to watch your family get torn apart by this. It means being brutalised daily. It might mean having a spouse who is a Citizen Informant/Snitch divorce you and get custody of the kids.

There are lot’s Citizen Informants, (snitches) men and women, who do these things. Marry people just to mess them up later. Markus Wolf coined the term Romeo Traps, Honey Traps as seen in the article below to describe these people.


Partner-If you are lucky, and mean lucky enough to find someone who loves you, cares about you, and can handle this, then you are doing well. The last thing you need is someone who is an intimate infiltration, or just a really bad choice.
Even if you are lucky enough to find loyalty and someone who won’t betray your trust, then you might still end up like Jeremy Blake and Theresa. Jeremy seems to have stayed loyal and true to Theresa and what did it get them?


Children-You can expect your children to be targeted.

One man has had to move his family 5 times, he has had to watch and listen to his young children be tortured in their beds, while they try to sleep at nights. He blew the whistle and now he has lost his job, and is forever on the run. Many people have lost their kids, or had to go through the horror of seeing what is being done to them, perpetrated on their kids.

School-I have heard of Targeted Individuals who have their kids attacked, or picked on at school, by the children of the Citizen Informants, just one more way Targeted Individuals are made to suffer.


For some reason, there are considerably more women targeted than men. Why would women be targeted at a much higher percentage than men? This is another question we may never have the answer for, so this is partially speculation. But one possible answer is that the elite have sponsored eugenics projects worldwide for decades. Removing fertile females from a target population is apparently a standard eugenics procedure. Families such as DuPont, Harriman, & Rockefeller have funded projects for population control.

“It was John D. Rockefeller III who was appointed by Richard Nixon as chairman of the newly created Commission on Population Growth and the American Future,” stated Allen. He quotes Rockefeller as saying, “Rather than think of population control as a negative thing, we should see that it can be enriching.” Allen contends, “Curbing population growth is just part of the Rockefeller war on the American family.”

If you are a chic and you are targeted, expect them to try to fry, microwave your reproductive organs, and if you are lucky enough to still be able to get pregnant after that, then expect them to try to go after your child in-utro. If you are pregnant, my suggestion, don’t mention it. If they have not already tried to destroy your reproductive organs, or unborn, then don’t give then reason to.

The thing about being female is you carry all the eggs you will ever have, and if they do fry and destroy what you have, that might be it, well expect for cloning ofcourse.
If you are a guy, expect them to go after the nether regions, luckily guys can reproduce from scratch and it won’t mess up your reproductive organs, unless they use the radioactive stuff like they did in East Germany. Still you are better off being a guy than a female when it comes to this aspect of the targeting.
Betrayl-Oh my favorite one. Expect to be betrayed, till you bleed emotionally. Friends, family, strangers, co-workers, you will literally have a whole society that is out to get you, or it will feel that way. Many may not want to, but they still do it, and it’s still betrayal. You will learn not to trust, you will learn that just like East Germany, most people have a price and when things get just a little bit uncomfortable most people crack. Most people are not geared for government torture or torment.

Jobs-Most TI’s can not hold down a job. Before my targeting started, I don’t think I ever lost one job. After that was another story, as you can tell by some of my postings. The last two years have been interesting. Not to mention the 8 years before of workplace mobbing, harassment, etc.
Travel-I don’t really travel much outside the country. Travel to work is again filled with community spies traveling with you from one place to the next.

For Targets that have travelled outside of the country and to other places, I have heard that it often times makes little or no difference. You are followed, so travel is not that much fun.
Everyday Life-

Rumours- Having people say you are crazy, pedophile, rapist, racist, prostitute, etc. You pick something they will use one or more and then have you destroyed reputation wise by false rumours.


Surveillance-24/7. This means you can expect to never have any privacy again, it’s like getting violated by the eyes and ears of the state every freaking waking hour. It’s like being under the eye of Sauron in Lord of the Rings.

Attacks-Physical and psychological attacks become routine. Cars trying to hit you, people trying to provoke you, psychological warfare, that I am told is used on prisoners to break them, is used on you.
Monitored-Again everywhere you go, everyone you talk to, it’s the same thing. They want to know everything you say and do, and yes they will if they can, get mind readers, or use artificial mind reading to monitor you. That is messed up.

So if you are a target, have a cell phone, computer, they could remotely download software, and use your camera and microphone, to monitor you. Hear everything you say, do, and monitor your location.
Eg. As far as I know, I can’t get on the Internet without some freaking snitch remotely giving me access. My computer use to always log on the Internet. Now before it does, I can hear from outside, the signal being given, and then my computer get’s on the network. They can shut down my access to the net, when they want to, seen it before.
Followed-24 freaking 7. Never a day goes by when you are truly alone.
Finances-Expect to have a lot of downtime. A lot of times targets don’t or can’t hold jobs, due to the physical and psychological attacks. Many like Mark M. Rich have to find other ways to survive.

Burns- What can I say, when they use lasers on you, microwaves, static electricity? Expect burns. I have almost been electrocuted. I have had electrical burns, parts of my skin peel off in the shower, due to burns. I mean I have been worked over for the last two years, but it comes with the territory. Like Kyle from Terminator says, you just learn to disconnect from the pain. You don’t fully, but you adjust, and you learn to shield.

Poisoning-Been pretty lucky on this one. Well I pretty much switch to one person helpings, out of cans, and try not to do fast food unless I can see it being prepared.

If you have kids, get one sized portion servings of milk, and never leave anything over. I also wrote about the mom that found her son’s medicine for his diabetes had been watered down. Take medicine with you.
Sleep Deprivation-Well I have not been getting much for the last two years, as you know they try to keep me awake at nights by frying and trying to burn and shake the daylights out of me. Again you learn to function on very little, and get what sleep you can.
There is so much more fun stuff that I could write about, but to get a cumulative picture, you have to read the blogs of others, watch their YouTube postings, visit their sites etc.

This is not even close to some of the stuff that’s happened. This was just some off the top of my head stuff. What it means to be a target, means in some ways to be an outcast to a life you once knew, or thought you knew, it means to be betrayed and lied to, by your country, friends, family, loved ones. It means to be unable to plan for the future the way you once did. You don’t know if you will have a job, any kind of relationship, and if you do, you don’t know if your partner will be some snitch hired to mess you over.

It means really thinking about having kids. If you don’t already and you are a targeted individual, I would really think long and hard about it. Eg. How do you support kids without a job? Watch them get tortured?

It’s to worry about this creepy society trying to put you in jail, a mental hospital, force you to commit suicide or to get so pissed you one day open fire, like Kimveer Gill did.

It means so many things you never thought that life would mean. It means taking it day by day. It means surviving one day at a time. It means going numb, but not too numb, learning to not feel, too much. Learning not to trust. It means that life is never going to be like how you thought it was going to be. It might also mean never really finding someone you can trust who will understand this. It means going up against the state if you don’t want to turn Citizen (slave) Informant.

It means so many things, I can’t even begin to list or think about, but it means that your life will never be the same again, not the way you once knew.

It means getting a little tougher, getting your game face on. Learning to truly see and regard humanity for what it always was, what it probably always will be. Learning to get in touch with your inner who you are going to become. Seeing if you have what it takes and realising that you must or else your destiny will be one of the above mentioned, jail, instituation, suicide, or mass murder. (Sure there might be other options, but those are the popular four.)

Crying at times, losing it and getting angry at times, especially in the beginning. (Save up the anger stuff for home, as best as you can.)

If mean so many things, it means saying good-bye and hello to an unsure future, but then realising that the future was always unsure, the world was too, and it’s just your realisation that’s changed. Everything is just the same as it always was, it’s just your awareness that’s changed. Those are some of the things that it means to be a Targeted Individual.

What does it mean to you? Let me know. Holla back, and remember.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”  Martin Luther King Jr.

August 22, 2008 Posted by | Bullying, Children, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, control, Controlled society, Covert investigations, crazy, discrimination, domestic spying, driving-crazy, East Germany, Electronic harassment, Female, Females, Food, future, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, High technology, Honey Trap, Insane, Intimate Infiltarations, Isolation, Jeremy Blake, Kilmeer Gill, Life, male, Mark M Rich, Markus Wolf, Martin Luther King Jr, Matrix, mental-salves, Mind Control, Mind Reading, mobbing, Monitoring, Neighbours, New World Order, NWO, Online Stalking, oppression, Pekka-Eric, Police State, Relationships, Sensitize, sexual harassment, silence, Single, slavery, slaves, Snitches, Social Control, society, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, telecommunications, Theresa Duncan, workplace mobbing | 10 Comments

Your government knows.

This is a two part post. The first part is to basically reiterate what has been said in the past, but to hopefully drive these points home a lot deeper.

Your government knows. Don’t believe, not a problem. For those who will believe no evidence is necessary, and for those who will not believe, no evidence will be enough.

However life is not that black and white all the time. It’s still nice to have some proof of what’s happening. If you have never encountered the concept or the idea that governments of the world are slowly coming together to create unions that will eventually merge into one big world government, then I would also want some proof.

Over the life of this blog there have been dozens of amazing links, in this post I am again going to point to a couple that I think are pretty neat and well laid out.

On the site, Mark goes into really in-depth detail about how the elite have come to rule, and who they are. Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergs, etc. He talks about some of the families, and the process that has gotten us here.

He also talks about future plans to to move towards the one world government, (communistic style one world government) and other important topics. The site is a well worthwhile read.

The next site.

Not a site that I am that familiar with, but it also explains the move to try to turn the world into one big police state. For people that are into the more everyday easy to understand x y z, this site might be a decent place to start.

The next site

Niki Raapana, she has done some really nice research on agenda 21 and also talks about the plans that are underway to turn the world into a one world government. It’s a nicely detailed site, and the book is available on her site as well.
But what does this have to do with Gang Stalking and our current situation?

It’s to help put it into perspective. Many are still operating on the delusional belief that the government is going to come to your rescue. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure that there are still some decent people in government. Every once in awhile they shine through.

The person who blew the whistle on the My Lai massacre was aided by one Congressman.

[quote]The carnage at My Lai might have gone unknown to history if not for another soldier, Ron Ridenhour, a former member of Charlie Company, who, independently of Glen, sent a letter detailing the events at My Lai to President Richard M. Nixon, the Pentagon, the State Department, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and numerous members of Congress.[23] The copies of this letter were sent in March 1969, a full year after the event. Most recipients of Ridenhour’s letter ignored it, with the notable exception of Congressman Morris Udall (D-Arizona). Ridenhour learned about the events at My Lai secondhand, by talking to members of Charlie Company while he was still enlisted[/quote]

Also let’s not forget Senator John De Dechamp and his role in trying to expose and get justice for the children of this horror. Even though he did not do what he set out to do, he opened the eyes of those who wanted to see, to some of the things that government and people in high places were doing and are capable of doing to children with drug running, and linked pedophile rings.

Then there was also Cynthia Ann McKinney

Not afraid to speak her mind, and she tried to get Cointelpro investigations re-opened, which would undoubtedly have shed a lot of light on our current situations, but lost her post, before this could happen. 

See I don’t think that they are all corrupt, but too many are, and when someone tries to do the right thing, often they are discredited, lose their post, like Senator Church did, when he finished investigating the first batch of Cointelpro. Often their investigations are stalled, ruined, or nothing comes of it, and the criminals are not punished. History has shown this time and again, and if you are still wondering why, or don’t get it, then I can’t make you get it.

Mark has a great article on his site called Your politicians can’t be trusted.

Not everyone is crooked, but the government knows, and more importantly, the people with power know. If we ever were lucky enough to find one decent, brave, well meaning person, who championed this cause, they would likely meet the fate of their predecessors or worst. I am not saying this to discourage anyone, but just to get you into a more realistic frame of mind.
How can everyone or the majority of people be in on this? That is the part that makes me want to more often than not, bring up my food. Again 2 years ago when I just started to understand what was happening, what was going on, and the source or causes for my harassment over the last 7-8 years or whatever it was a real shock to my system.

If you have read my blog, you have journeyed with me. From realising that the police can not be trusted to solve this or help, there are still good police officers out there, but either they get the system, or are part of it, trying to figure it out like everyone else. I am not going to go over the attempt to file a police report again, it was a lesson I had to learn for myself, but learn I did. I am going to go over the shock and horror of finding out that friends, family, people that I thought I could trust, were a part of this. That this is how society is.

What does that mean? It means that over the last two years, every job that I have had, about yep every public place I have attended, place that I have moved to, people that I have worked with, etc have been a part of this thing, this entity, these Citizen Informants, as Mark calls them. I still call them Snitches. I probably always will, because my first awareness of what was happening, happened due to cluing into the one handing sign language and the fact that some people that I knew to be unethical were doing it. However that did not last long, because before I blogged about it, I also noted decent people being a part of the same thing, I noticed that the stores I went into, had the workers doing the same thing, people on the train, on the street, etc. I then did the research. Found out about the snitching system, East Germany, Red Squads, Cointelpro, etc. Most of it is on the Gang Stalking website. Hundreds of articles, websites, etc that I read, trying to understand this.

Bottom-line, it’s systemic. I have explained it before. This system goes back to Roman time, remember Judas? It also happens that the British Empire, was rife with the snitching system, just one more reason to get away and come to the new world, and the snitching infection came over as well.

Since the beginning of the new world, snitching has been used. Red Squads have been later used to squash and oppress dissidence, again with the snitches being used. Also wives of cops were paid pin money for their info. Yeah keep it in the family.

Wave after wave of immigrants were exposed to these harassment Red Squads. Remember that once a snitch always a snitch and then you teach others the same, and the next generation. That is why you get such a wide range, and most likely why countries with large immigrant populations are seeing more of this. In part because of a) who get’s to come to the new world, and b) because you are more susceptible to the exploitation.

We again had Cointelpro, where many were destroyed, even after the truth came out, the murders, assassinations, false imprisonments, destruction of lives, never changed, never stopped. Even when the truth comes out, the band marches on, in part I am sure because of who Cointelpro was aimed at, but also because it came from the top.

The war on drugs, then terrorism, then something else, has produced legions of snitches, and concerned citizens informants who think they are doing something useful. (You are practicing to be your own jailers, nothing else.)

I digress, how can this be happening in just about every country? How can there be citizen informants? Why would people do this? Why would they go along with this? How can so many be a part of this? Even though I know the answers, I still ask the questions over and over again.

If this is how the society is set up, then overtime, most people will be inducted into this system.

Some via illegal acts or actions, some due to being patriotic, some bullied, bribed, some told lies. Many again believe that they are taking part in something useful, decent, most have no idea that they are a part of their own future enslavement, and if they did, I don’t know how many would care. Also don’t forget, if you were a snitch in your homeland, and you come to another country, the snitching goes with you.

Then that leaves us, the thing that I find interesting about Mobbing, Bullying, Cointelpro, Gang Stalking, the Buzzsaw, etc is who get’s targeted.

A lot of targets of these harassment’s have a lot of the same characteristics. Also a lot of us, seemed to not know about this cute system that is in place. For that matter, even when people become Citizen Informants, they don’t seem to realise the system that is in place, or what it really means, or how wide ranging it is. Most are not asking the vital questions. They are in their own little scoop, which is fine, but the bigger picture is not pretty. For those who do clue in, some turn to drugs, suicide, insanity, or just zone out, and party, cause it’s all corrupt anyways right? Easier to not fight back right, cause we can’t win, right? We still have to try, we might not win, but we have to try. It’s easy to zone out, I have had moments, cause I do realise how overwhelming this is, on top of life’s other garbage, but the end results are too important, we have to keep fighting, and trying to find a way.

It’s no coincidence that while our counterparts are being bulling, mobbed into suicide, job loss, poverty, etc to a lesser degree, we are seeing the more brutal form of this. Keep in mind many of us started with the lessor forms, and didn’t clue into the Gang Stalking, till years later.

This is how society deals with these types, this is how society will continue to deal with these types. It does not matter what field you are in, school you go to, eventually if you do not fall into line, you will be pushed out of line. There are very few people in our society independent enough, wealthy enough to make their own rules. When something or someone does come along, they are often gobbled up into this system. I like to think of what someone said about the Nazi’s and that they would kill off that 1 in 20.

Another factor is the ‘one in twenty’ theory. Apparently, administrators of jails and POW camps, etc., *find* the one in twenty, and isolate them. The one in twenty is the one who initiates action; who motivates the remaining 19; who acts as natural leader. The one in twenty is smarter, more capable, more independently minded than the other 19. The other 19 can be restrained with minimum effort; they are sheep-like, relatively obedient; are ‘followers’. Get rid of the one in twenty, and your job of controlling the other 19 is easy. Perhaps repressive regimes are actively seeking the ‘ones in twenty’ within our midst. They might find them at protest rallies; in Internet forums; etc. They are the first to be picked off. Perhaps they’ve *already* been picked off, which might account for all us sheepies, just sitting here in confusion and dismay, waiting for our ‘leaders’ to come and show us what to do to save ourselves ?

The crazy part of this for me, and will always be, that even though the rich and powerful run the system, they have no control without us. We are going to be the ones enslaving ourselves. It might be the rich and powerful running the show, but on ground level, it’s my fellow humans. You might be getting told, or asked to do this, but you are the ones doing it, and making active choices towards the fate of humanity.

I know it won’t happen, but can you imagine if everyone suddenly just stopped the bs? No more snitching, Citizen Informing, would the world really end? No, but you would miss your rumour mill, your access to be in touch and to know what is going on. I get that it’s important to know what is going on, but if the choice is to be part of the outer circle and a little bit free, not bound by this garbage, then that’s the choice for me.

It’s an easy choice for me, I am single, no dependents on this realm, a few debts, don’t care about fitting in that much, and I like freedom, and I am not willing to sacrifice freedom for security, a false sense of security at that. I also like my independence a great deal.

I know the choice is harder for others. Being a man or woman and having a family to think about I am sure is a harder state to be in. Having a home, and actually caring if you fit in, and wanting to be clued in, but it’s still a choice that we are making for the future, and it’s a choice that you are making for your families future. The world is corrupt, it’s easier in the short term to play along and go along if you can stomach it, but in the long run, what’s the price that is going to be paid.

Then there are those who like this, who really really like this, and will do anything to be a part of this, they don’t question it, they just go along with it, somewhere along the line this dazzled them, and it brought meaning, order, sense of power, belonging, they like society they way it is, they revel in the corruption of this system and would happily trade humanity, conscience, etc for a piece of this pie. More power to ya, and so they do progress.

I really believe there is no fate but what we make, even if it’s with our minds, thoughts and will, resist, fight, don’t go along with this. 

July 1, 2008 Posted by | Above top secret, Bullying, buzzsaw, changing vibrations, Children, CIA, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, Conformity, constitutional change, control, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, crazy, Cultural diversity and multiculturalism, dissident, domestic spying, driving-crazy, Drugs, East Germany, Fascism, Fascist, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Insane, Mark M Rich, Masons, mental concentration camps, mental-salves, metropolitan police, Minorities, mobbing, New World Order, NWO, one handed signals, oppression, Police State, politicians, Red Squads, revolution, slavery, slaves, Snitches, Social Control, society, Spying, Stasi, State target, Stop snitching, Targeted Individual, workplace mobbing | 21 Comments

Some companies are evil.

I was just thinking about some of the stalking and the mobbing that some of us are experiencing. I was reminiscing on the fact that some companies are evil. Most I guess. It’s easier for them to ruin someones life, have them stalked, slandered or erased rather than try to do the right thing and fix a problem if they have created one.

Most companies don’t have smart, credible people. Some do, but most don’t. I am also guessing as you get closer to the top, the worst it get’s in some companies. I have seen people get promoted because the company wanted to use them to help get rid of or cover up for some misdeeds.

The bullying research Tim Fields was doing showed a lot of the same thing. Patterns of promotions to help cover up bullying. I realise it only gets worst as you go along. I was just thinking about the last few places that I had worked at.

My awareness of my induction into the world of Gang Stalking came after I finally worked up the nerve to go to the human right commission about what had been 2 full years of workplace mobbing. For my efforts and to silence me, that’s when I first started to get the really overt signs that I was being stalked and monitored and that is also when I was introduced to  electronic harassment. There was always a correlation looking back. Anytime I went to HR or tried to get the mobbing stopped, it would always escalate outside of the workplace. Of-course back then I still thought it was something simple and it was just people from work getting their friends to mob me outside of work as well. What I now know is that the company used the situation that I was not aware of, to try to harass me into silence. To also try to break me down.

Knowing what I know now, and having read the reports from others, I see the pattern really clearly now, but hindsight is 20/20 right.

This got me thinking about my most recent bought with electronic harassment. I mean I have been getting harassed, but what happened over the last couple of months was more intense. It also correlated with the questionable circumstances involved with my dismissal from my last job. The electronic harassment not only consisted of microwaving me on a consistent basis several times per day, but whatever they were doing was several times worst than what was being done before. I can’t say for sure there is a correlation, but it got me thinking. I don’t know why I never questioned if there was a correlation. Not saying there was, but I never questioned or associated the two.

It’s just I realise that some companies when they discover they have made a mistake or an error, they don’t go about doing the right thing to try to correct it. Their policies are if you screw up cover up. Figure out how we can keep this person quit, or how we can eliminate that witness or this person etc. I have read about so many whistle-blowers and accidents, or mishaps, fake suicides, etc. Companies don’t play nice, I guess it’s easier that way.

The last company that I worked for had a real workplace bully issue, whither they knew it or not. They also had a culture that really didn’t help to do anything about it. I mean I watched the workplace bully manager in question, seat people on multiple occasion together in situations that were not for the companies good, but that were designed to create conflict if possible. The problem is this company didn’t seem to be aware of this or if they were, they didn’t seem to really care. Bullies ruin lives period, and they cost companies money in the long run, and company that houses, fosters and protects bullies, don’t have their employees best interests at heart, and you have to wonder if they have their customers interests at heart in the long run?

Some companies are also rife with gossip, breathing air and gossip in companies seem to go hand in hand. The last place I worked for had a culture of this. As I have blogged about a few times before. Having been the focus of gossip a few times, I can say that some companies are better than others for getting things corrected, others are not. I spent about a month or so at the last company, trying to extract myself from gossip, to no avail. I realise that people feed off of gossip and slander, they really do. If companies are bad, then sometimes the people within the companies are worst. Some places foster a really immature culture, from the top to the bottom.

Anyways I was thinking about the laws in society and they allow companies to get away with a lot of this stuff. I was reading about 2 female executives that were let go without cause from some telecommunications company, wrongful dismissal. Companies use the fact that they don’t have to provide a reason to get get rid of people consistently. So you could be the center of some cooked up scenario, you didn’t fully know about, and have the company decide you are not a good fit and not ever know the real reason. From a few sources that I have talked to, this happens a lot. One source that I spoke to said they had a female employee hired to be a receptionist, she dressed better than most of the people in the company, came in with furs from time to time etc. The people felt that she was a snob who thought she was better then everyone else, and eventually the company gave her some cheap excuse and let her go. I got a few other scenarios that were the same, but that’s the gist of it, companies can do this, and do this more and more increasingly.

I think in time this can only in some companies foster a really hostile workplace environment. When I first started doing research into harassment and workplaces, one of the things I discovered is that many workers would be more happy with an apology from a company that had done them wrong, then with financial compensation. In many cases people were just looking for an apology, but because companies can not say sorry we were wrong, without putting themselves at risk, many simply have policies in place that force workers to seek out closure legally. Many disputes could be sorted outside of the courts if companies just found a way to say sorry, isn’t that sad?

Anyways, haven’t had much time to stop and think over the last couple of months, because the focus has been on shielding, but the last time I had to focus on shielding was some company trying to keep me quite and distracted, and here I have been over the last couple of months having to ramp it up again, and it correlates with ambiguous circumstances of the last job. Companies can be evil, but again the people in companies have and do play a role in the culture that they create within the company.

Some cultures like gossip and slander, others are a little more mature. Some companies are lucky enough to have intelligent management in place and that seems to also trickle down to the types of people that they hire, some companies have not very intelligent bully elements in place, and that also seems to trickle down to the culture created in the environment, to the detriment of many, often innocent people. I guess in the long run, if companies are going to change, then the culture has to change, each person has to do their part to try to make their environments better if they can.

I am almost always out of the gossip loop in places that I work, but I am also almost always the center of gossip. Same with a lot of other targets, guess it just works better that way. Anyways just some quit reflections that I have not had time to blog about till now.

April 17, 2008 Posted by | Bullying, community mobbing, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, harassment, Intimidation, Laws, mobbing, silence, society, Stalking, whistle blower, workplace mobbing | 2 Comments

DaveinDublin from Youtube.

I was on youtube the other day. I was trying to see if I could find other people who might be getting targeted without knowing it.

Anyways I came across this guy who says that he is being tracked, or thinks that he is being tracked. DaveinDublin. That’s ofcourse not what makes me think that he is a target. However after watching all 5 of his videos I begin to suspect that he might well be a target. The clues individually are not conclusive, but collectively they make a pretty good case.

The first video he talks about the fact that he thinks he is being blacklisted.

He says he worked for a bank. That set off bells. About 4 or 5 of us worked for a bank. He talks about getting bullied. He also talks about the fact that this Team Leader worked hard to get make him unhappy there and finally got rid of him, and several others.

He says that since he left the bank he can’t find a job cause they are giving him a bad reference. This reminds me of Mark and his experience with the bank.

Anyways David was there for a year, and then the contract was not renewed. Since then it’s been an interesting pattern I think you will see in the other videos.
The next video he talks about the fact that he thinks he might be tracked.

Being Followed/Tracked

In the same video he also talks about his cell phone coming on by itself. Could be nothing, he found it odd, I think it could be someone checking up on the location of his phone. Remember that these phone companies can remotly download software onto your cellphone even if it’s off and the microphone on your cellphone can be used to listen to the conversations in the room.

He also had to stop using the cell due to crank or wrong number calls every 20 mins.

Now he says there was one van following him. I would not associate Gang Stalking with just one Van, but the other videos are telling.
Ruined Relationship

The next video he talks about a ruined relationship. He talks about this bully at work, who systematically targeted a bunch of them, including him, until she got rid of them all. He says this same person deliberately ruined his friendship with his best friend of several years.

I think it fits the pattern and would fit a future pattern that he might also start to see.
More Blacklisting, and Disruption

In the next video he talks about going for a job and being told he can’t get the job because he is Irish. He is in Dublin Ireland. Maybe it’s nothing, but it could also be that the system is trying to keep him down and prevent him from getting a job.
Finally in this video he has to get welfare to survive. He talks about his experience with the office and getting set up on the dole. It sounds like more run around. His frustration is just one more thing that makes me think that he might be a target.

The Game show.

His dad magically won this ticket to go on a game show and decided to take David along. Not a big deal, what caught my eye and memory is what other targets have said about the media being used, and him being shown on the game show, and subsequently around Dublin.

After this we never see him online again. So I don’t know what happened. If he is a target what is his status? Is he still trying to figure it out? Is he institutionalised, driven to suicide, jobless still, in jail, or converted to being a Snitch?

Again I don’t know, cause I don’t know for sure if he is a target, but the five videos lead me to believe that more investigation is needed. Is there anyone out there who can help locate DaveinDublin?

Oh on a side note, I notice that there was always this one person posting comments on most of his videos, that persons account is closed now, and also 4 others that had subscribed to him. Might mean nothing, but I know targets are always assigned people to watch us and interact with us online. Might be nothing, but I found it interesting.

March 16, 2008 Posted by | bad luck, Blacklisted, Bullying, DaveinDublin, discrimination, Dublin, Ireland, male, paranoid, society, Targeted Individual, White, workplace mobbing, youtube | 1 Comment

Emotional Sapping and Intimate Infiltrations.

Counter Measures that might work. Honestly I could go over each point and try to tell you what’s worked for me, but you have to find what works for you. Like any other therapy you might find what works for me does not work for you. Find your own path.

Different people find different things acceptable. Others have boundaries that they just would not feel comfortable crossing or have things that they would not feel comfortable doing.

Others still need to feel that they are part of society. So again do what works for you. I will however share some of my ideas, and things that I have actually done, or intend to do if in the situation again.

Again for me some of the most effective things that I have done is just letting them know in subtle or overt ways that I know what they are. I have enough info about what they are,how they operate to shine it back in their faces, and evil does not like to see it’s own reflection. (Also Civilian Spies/Snitches hate to have their covers blown.)

This has helped tone down much of the Gang Stalking in my life. It has not stopped some things, like the electronic monitoring/harassment. It has not helped me keep a steady job. However when I do have to be in specific environments, it’s helped me to keep my dignity and stay fairly true to whom I wish to be.

To read about some of the countermeasures please use the following link.
I will touch on a couple of points that I don’t think get touched on often enough.

Emotional Sappers and Intimate Infiltrations.

On the website Mark calls them Sappers.

[quote]Parasitic Behavior

There is another motivational factor worth mentioning. Possibly, the greatest factor. During these covert group attacks, there is an energy transfer that these individuals, whether they know it or not, are looking for. The systematic vulturing during Mobbing & Gang Stalking campaigns is an intended robbery of a person’s life-energy. This is no different than sticking a needle in someone’s arm & stealing their blood. Eastern philosophy refers to these people as Sappers.

A Sapper is a person who is too sick, weak, or underdeveloped, to create their own life-energy. So they continually find themselves in circumstances where they steal or “sap” energy from a being that has already assimilated it into a usable form.
This is similar to an infant eating pre-processed food. Society is full of them. They are completely unconscious of this tendency. I refer to them as Psychic Fleas.
Others call this being an emotional vampire. There are literally some people who can drain other people’s energies. I don’t think this aspect of targeting is often discussed in the Targeted Individual community. It’s interesting because there are lot’s of books written about people who can zap other people’s energies with their negativity, or transfer their
negative energy onto another. Main stream books have been written about this, but this is never really discussed in the T.I. community.

I think it’s something that should be discussed, and also ways to shield against this. Ways that I find helpful are meditation or spiritual readings, the bible being my weapon of choice.

I also found a really great blog posting by evolve on the same issue. She runs a blog over at

Here is a small sample of her post.
[quote]Beware..there is a very creepy aspect to being a target that is experienced by some people. Its spiritual or metaphysical, a sort of psychic vampirism.
We all know someone who ‘sucks the life’ out of us or even out of a room but as a Target, one is especially vulnerable to people like this due to being beaten down constantly and never allowed time to heal, regenerate or re align with one’s self (or definition of oneself). The redefining of the Target as victim by perps and keeping the target hostage daily as victim provides opportunities to very dangerous emotional and psychic predators.

If a Target stays in one locality too long and certain persons become familiar with you who are perps who are involved with harrassing or torturing you daily, even at first if they seemed harmless enough eventually they will harass you to a point where they start taking your energy in a very real way..there also seems to be the ability for that person, especially supported by other perps that show up on teh scene later, to begin to dump all their negative energy/problems/etc on the Target. In this way once again you become a human sacrifice in the short term as well as the long other words a Target may function as a scapegoat emotionally and psychically not jsut for the network at large but for individuals.

Great post and very insightful.

The other topic I wanted to quickly touch on is Intimate Infiltrations. Targets are often set up or used in this way. Either by having people try to get close to them, only to gather information, or to try to get into a relationship with them.

Since I found out about Gang Stalking, I have personally avoided this trap by staying single. I still get emotionally attached to others, but that’s about it.

For now the research takes up a good chunk of my free time, and really as a target I think the most sane thing that I can do right now is be single and figure out what to do next. This works for me, however it obviously might not work for others.

I don’t know how others are handling this, but here are some Targeted Individual stories you should keep in mind.
Mark M. Rich.

Second Incident

Looking back, this event makes sense. But at the time it didn’t. A girl that I met at a gas station on my way back from a camping trip probably tried to frame me for attempted rape. This was sometime in either 1997 or 1998. I think she said she was from Vermont. On the phone she seemed OK, & said she was coming to Boston for an interview. How convenient I thought. So we arranged to have dinner & she invited me back to her hotel which was on Pleasant Street in Malden.

Back at the hotel she would entice me to make a move on her, but then stop, change her attitude drastically & go cold. I’d stop then, & she’d entice me again. She repeated this several times. Sensing there was something wrong with this girl I ended up leaving without anything happening. Now that I look back, I’m pretty sure I dodged a bullet.

For months afterward I remember having a strange feeling about that episode. It didn’t make sense, but I attributed it to just being one of those strange events. The reason it didn’t make sense is because the feeling I had gotten from that experience was that she wanted to frame me. But I didn’t entertain this idea much because it seemed illogical that a stranger would try to frame someone. There’s simply no reason.

Now that I look back, I think she tried to get me to “cross the line” so she could report it as a rape or attempted rape. I’m certain this was a Staged Event. I think these people tried to get me incarcerated. Interestingly, in the summer of 2005, a relative who now participates in the harassment against me, used a metaphor to describe how he was blackmailed into becoming an informant as a result of a being framed for an attempted rape. My study of this group & its controlling faction at the top, leads me to believe that this is probably common practice.

I don’t know how Mark is handling things now, cause I don’t touch base with Mark, but I am sure this is an incident he keeps in mind. I also believe this is something used very often. This and the honey trap. The honey trap is the term Markus Wolf termed, for using Male operatives to woo, females and sometimes these men even ended up marrying the woman to get secrets from them. The honey trap works both ways for men and women.

This target is divorced. He says that since his divorce, he has been set up many times where someone seems interested, even makes overtures and then as he tries to make a pass back, they act almost as if he is doing something wrong. He says that parents have also tried to set him up by leaving him alone with young children. He has also had a fake harassment charge filed against him. Here is a small except from him.
attempted sexual frame-ups fail

As I have mentioned numerous times, since my wife divorced me in 1993, all my relationships have been sabotaged. At first, I had no idea this was going on, but then, a familiar pattern began to emerge in which a woman would indicate that she was interested in pursuing a relationship with me, and then break off the relationship abruptly with no explanation.

During this time, which was extremely frustrating, even heart-breaking at times, another strange phenomenon began to manifest itself. When I was out in public, for example in a bookstore or at a concert, women would deliberately brush up against me and rub their tits against my arm or my back or my chest. And sometimes they would be extremely YOUNG women — teenagers ranging from 13 to 19.
He has been alone for 12 years since the break up. This is just one more way that they can pull at a target or manipulate them. He says it’s been stressful, because what he wants most is to be in a relationship, and I think they know this. He also thinks that his wife, who he met in College was used from the start as a set up. They married and had two kids, now they are divorced and the kids are with her. A familiar pattern.

John Hughes also writes about set up with ex girlfriends.

[quote]No one at work asked where I was Monday April 15, nor did they wish to enjoin me in conversation with the lead in, “I had an interesting day yesterday”. My Alternate Girlfriend (Ms. L), who had arrived back from a week away in New York April 14, was also one of my confidants, and in hindsight, was very likely a cooperator. She also emphasized that I was paranoid, and that I needed help, and was attempting to convince me the Standoff event was delusional. Again I got the paranoid accusation followed with a statement of seeing a counselor. She continued on this theme a number of times until our association ceased (below). Neither girlfriend was very nurturative, and the Sometime Girlfriend got in such a stinking huff that she didn’t want to talk to me. These contrived rows became delimiting as to whom and where I could later find refuge.
My move to Seattle from Everett diminished the relationship with Ms. C, but she was artfully substituted with an ADD person, Ms. L.

It is clear to me that both Ms. C and L. were both planted infiltrators to extract more information from me, and to guide and set up events that served both the experimental and harassment objective. In both cases there were unwarranted and unsettling disagreements that blew up and prevented the relationship from deepening. [/quote]

[quote]Ms. L (my ADD companion) bailed out on me when the first apartment intrusion happened April 15, 2002. Although Ms. C was front and center in setting me up for the April 15 apartment invasion by sowing fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD), I continued my on/off relationship with Ms. C until recently (06-2003). [/quote]

What’s interesting about John’s situation is that he said that the girlfriends were exactly what he was looking for. They even found him one with (Attention Deficit disorder) ADD, just like he had. He was profiled that well. I can not remember if John’s encounters seemed random or accidental, but I know other targets have reported that in retrospect, the encounters were very deliberate.
Vera story is also very interesting.

Assorted Attempted Set Ups

Part of the affect of men consistantely relating to me in this way was a kind of isolation. I got no moral support, or people offering themselves to me emotionally or mentally- it seemed the only relationships available were physical. This held true with women too, for the most part. Either they acted like friends and then robbed me blind, or we’d get a bit of a rapport going and they’d turn sexual. I honestly believe that these were all attempted “set-ups”. Whether for viewing at a later date, or for the emotional trauma that each successive, soured relationship would wreak on my psyche, the pretenses were premeditated, the approaches rehearsed.
[quote]I would often find so many similarities between myself and whomever I was just getting aquainted with (and too often ended up sleeping with). Wow, we even take the same brand of vitamins, and they care a lot about the planet as well, and I’ve read that book too, etc. When I finally really got to know some of these people they were the most bigoted, spiritually vacuous, nutrionally ignorant, apathetic people I’ll ever meet. But, they’d been coached. Like actors and their directors I firmly believe that these people had had the way to my heart mapped out for them. I really want to meet the producer. Perhaps I already have and don’t know it.

A guy asked me for a cigarette one day as I was walking down the sidewalk. Apparently we were both waiting for the same office bldg. to open, so I gave him a smoke and we chatted. He was of Native American descent with long, dark hair and a relaxed way about him. Ever on the lookout for a decent human being I accepted when he invited me to go to lunch later that day. (I am such an easy mark: Long hair, an interest in music and the environment, health foods…plus my chronic affliction with lonliness. Ahhh, hindsight is so clear.)

Another interesting thing about Vera, I think it’s her and not John. She wrote that her car broke down and this stranger drove back to assist her. She would years later realise again that the whole thing had been a set up, including the tire going flat. Just so that someone could get into her life. Fun stuff.

Rachel talks about her choice to remain, clean, sober and relationship free. The survival choice, that I think is the sanest in many cases, but not always the most manageable. I really like reading these posting however, because she touched on a lot of the emotional aspects involved with being a target.

Lastly there is this posting and I think one of the most important ones.

Ruth Goodman.

I was also contacted at home, in my personal life by a couple of men who work for the government… Brian Kohler, with the D.O.D. (I know this is his real name, I have been to his and his parents home in Fairfax Virginia. His father, Larry Kohler, works for the Pentagon) pretended at first to be in love with me, this was 5 years ago when I was more naive. He flew out to California several times pretending he was going to relocate to move in with me. It turned out that he was lying, and was actually stalking me for counter intelligence. His intimidation kept me from writing on the internet for about a year, but then I went back to doing it, refusing to give in to terrorists.

She goes on to talk about her contact with them.

[quote]About a year and a half ago I was contacted by another man, Jason Duncan (not sure if this is his real name) made similar contact with me pretending to be a friend interested in discussing spiritual principles. While at my apartment he staked out the neighborhood, and a couple of months later, stalkers moved into the house behind my balcony, built a HIGH wall, and they gather there harrassing me from behind this wall. After one of Jason’s visits with me I became extremely ill (I thought I had food poisening), and was taken to the emergency room closest to my home, very late at night, and was put out with a general anesthetic for 4 hours.

About a day or two later I began to experience people harassing me in my head. I can TELL they are using electronic devices to do so. I do not know where on my body they planted the transmitters, but I have found fake hairs protuding out of the back of my neck and behind my ears. My hairline is not the same as it was before. These tiny hairs come from my temples and go under the skin behind my ears.

These people continue to harrass me in my head, screaming “Stay off the internet” and “we control everything” etc. They also had me picked up in front of my house by a Long Beach policeman, alone with no name badge, who drugged me, met an LA County sherrif behind a dark building, who was also alone. He got on the freeway. When I asked “where are you taking me?” his response was “someplace fun”.

They took me to a secluded section of LA County Jail where I was brutally beaten, stripped naked, fondled and tortured by male sherrifs, and told over again that “we’re gonna smoke you, nigger” while guns were brandished in front of me. I was also repeated drugged with something that made me unable to control myself. I was held for 5 days with no phone call until my sister reported me missing. I was then charged with being under the influence of drugs.

As many know Ruth Died shortly after this.

I think every target has to choose how best to live. We do not want to loose our humanity, however we do not want to become careless, when we know that we are Targeted Individuals. New time more on shielding.

March 11, 2008 Posted by | Black female, Black Females, black women, blackwomen, CIA, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, East Germany, Emotional Vampires, Entrapment, Female, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Honey Trap, Intimate Infiltarations, Isolation, male, Mark M Rich, Markus Wolf, mobbing, Monitoring, Passive Aggressive Manipulative, Relationships, Snitches, Stasi, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, WhiteFemale, workplace mobbing | 12 Comments