Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Cell Phone not working on missing plane?

The missing plane never makes sense. First the black box has it’s CCTV moment, and now you would think you could track the cell phones. Where was the last call, or the last cell phone tower contact. Are the phones still being billed per second, or per usage?

Also what about their pass cards, RFID chips, and the visa cards, debit cards, and all the thousand other ways that we are tracked. It’s weird how all those forms of being tracked discontinue working in an emergency. 911 they worked, but not for this missing plane.

What are all the various ways that we are tracked, and if they all stop working when a plane goes missing, then maybe we are not as tracked as we might think, but if we are, what methods would you use to locate someone on the face of the planet? Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Their laptops, their luggage, people enable these things to be tracked all the time, what about shoes, watches, expensive items that might have tracking devices. If someone was cheating, stalking another person they could be tracked, what about the way police track people using their phones, laptop cameras, etc, just figure out the login, and track, yet it all stops working, when the plane does down, or away. It’s interesting but weird. Anyways have to go.

Electronic debit, credit, contacts that make sense, so may ways to find someone. What about the unique identifier system? It all makes sense, till it doesn’t.

March 28, 2014 Posted by | 9/11, Above top secret, Active denial, Awareness | , , , , | 2 Comments

Dream Review

Dream Review

Ok I had some time to go over my dream that I had the other day. Upon review a few things came to me.

The dream was in white space except for one object in the room. Eg. I guess we could call it like a “white room”. One person and myself and nothing else.

Before this I mentioned that there were elements of the dream that were missing, and in my dream who ever was experimenting had figured out why I was not accepting the previous dreams. This one I had previously accepted without question, but I think I was wrong.

Upon reflection I think the dream was actually similar to the white room that people describe being experimented on when they very falsely believe that they have been kidnapped by aliens or whatever.

Hear me out. I am not knocking extra terrestrial life, I am sure that in this vast universe other life forms could exist. Could some people have made contact, sure anything is possible, but this is what I have come to believe.

I believe that most of these so called alien encounters have been government kidnappings period. Either real physical kidnappings or done remotely at an astral level. I don’t believe that they have been alien encounters at all. Again I am not saying that extra terrestrials could not exist, but I just don’t believe that many of these encounters have been that at all.

In the dream when I reflected I got a sense that the room had been used to experiment on people, to fool them that they were being experimented on by other worldly beings. It was a strong impression, that I got when I reflected on the dream later. The strong impression was that instead of the one object that I did see in the dream, that normally the room would have had a table, and it was used for experimenting and that the people were fooled. The faces they see are images implanted, to hide real life creeps who do sick experiments. That was the very strong dream impression I got. Remember dreams are very informative, dreams were how someone figured out the double helix, dreams can tell us a lot.

If you go to this site, Conti gives a lot of good information and insight about alien encounters about what she thinks might be happening. After visiting her site some years ago, I wrote about what I believed was happening in her community, but these dreams seem to be very insightful and I think they may explain some of these encounters.

The interesting thing about Conti is that she is a Gang Stalking target and abductee. Yes that sounds weird, but her research is pretty solid, and in her community, they get electronic harassment. It’s the first time that I had come across another community that get’s electronic harassment. They get the black helicopters. Followed around etc. I have not figured out how a threat assessment list could be working in her case, but for some reason it seems some just get straight up Gang Stalking, some get electronic harassment, then some get experimented on and I believe tricked and it branches off into things like this, but it’s all branches of the same octopus.

I think these alien encounters are false, and people are getting images implanted into there heads via the remote neural monitoring.

[quote]Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject’s brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes.[/quote]

The images are being implanted to mask experiments that are being done at either an astral level, meaning you never leave the room with your physical body, but your astral body is experimented on. The dreams and the flash backs would be very real, some people I suspect would have a hard time distinguishing the two if they were not aware of astral projection or astral dreaming. You can have a dream in astral and have flashback days, weeks, months later or never at all, and the flash backs would seem like a real world flashback if you did not know better. In our western society, I am not sure if many are aware of astral dreaming, vs regular dreaming.

The others who have these so called real alien encounters, where their cars are stopped. I believe we are looking at one and the same and it’s government related. I just watched a video and in it the Targeted Individual talks about how they stop her car from working, that they mess with the electrical system or something and it just stops working remotely, much like many of our appliances and electronics. No she has never claimed alien abduction, she is just a standard target, who’s life they are trying to ruin. How many of these so called alien encounters do you hear about how the cars stop working, and suddenly the people are asleep and they loose time? Well you can disable a car remotely with some of this technology, and putting people asleep, subliminal acoustic manipulation of the nervous system. As a target I have experienced this. Being put to sleep like right away. When you have experienced it and know what is happening, you can shield against it, and it’s not that hard. You can read more about this here.

In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used. The effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation. For these effects to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal range. Suitable apparatus consists of a portable battery-powered source of weak subaudio acoustic radiation. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or sexual arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of insomnia, tremors, epileptic seizures, and anxiety disorders.

Now these strange alien reports go back to the 40’s and 50’s? Again I don’t want to knock people’s beliefs in aliens, but if these have all been experiments then they have been experimenting on people and pulling this fake alien garbage for some time now. When I did briefly examine Conti’s material, I found that she had the same things in her community. Fake forums, shrills, disinformation, people trying to confuse the truth so real abductees can not figure out what is going on, so they end up confused about wither it’s aliens, government, a combination or whatever. She also cited a lot of fake information being deliberately put out there. The same was true for 9/11 truth, for the HIV and AIDS dissident community, and several other communities I briefly researched. There is a disinformation culture and many of these sites be it extremist sites, conspiracy sites, they are either A) Not run by who you think runs them, or even if they started out being legit, they are so over run now and compromised that real discussions get buried. Interesting topics do not get responded to, or shut down. Real debates get bullied. The same way they learnt to control and take over other sites. You have no idea how controlled and over run most online forums are.

[quote]There are other stories, but the same M.O. the more they investigate, people in positions of authority, with power, to pull strings. Many of these investigations go back to government or the church, and those in high level postions.
Gang Stalking, Mind Control, it’s all the same things. We are small appendages fighting the same thing. Think of it as an octopus. Eight arms, Each arm corrupt. If you are not seeing the bigger picture, you are fighting one arm of corruption, and another person is fighting a different arm of corruption, but it’s all coming from the same beast.

After investigating this for two years, view others and the indepth research that they have done, and my own, in my opinion it’s the government.[/quote]

Anyways there was more I wanted to share, but I think that is enough for now, except to say that in my dreams I keep thinking things were bad enough, and instead of even lifting a finger or doing anything to help, someone actually had the inhumanity to unkindly expose me to worst than I was already going through. In the dream that what I remember most. Oh and something about they are coming to get you.

If this turns out to be more than a dream, and for some reason I go missing, you are required to come find me in the government facility where I am being held, guns blazing. 🙂

November 22, 2010 Posted by | 9/11, Above top secret, Astral Plane, Conspiracy, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Mind Control, Mind Reading | , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Do we want to win?

Do we want to win?

I was watching the news the other day and a reporter asked a question. He wanted to know if the war in Afganistan was winnable? Can we win, and he was told we could win, if we made it into a home game. Meaning don’t treat it as an away game, make it into a home game. I was watching that clip, and thinking, Wolf Blitzer is asking the wrong question. The question is not can we win, the question should be, do we want to win?

For me that answer is no, not at any cost. Not because I am a defeatist, not because I want the other team to win, but because I am a realist and I know the price that winning is likely to be too high. Not at the continued loss of life of the troops, not at the continued loss of moral, and democratic freedoms that I see being eroded in these democratic countries. The economic cost of the war is also not great, the monies being spent to secure these victories, could have secured a hundred small victories for those in need at home. Feeding the poor, helping the sick and homeless, but instead those monies are put into the war machines. I personally believe that that price is too high.

Do the people want to win this war? I don’t think they care to, I think what concerns the people most is getting the troops home, that’s what they really want. I don’t think they care if it’s a home game, away game, or whatever. There is no victory when the cost is so high for both sides, and the cost has been high. Not just financially, but in freedoms.

These wars began with the premises that if we don’t go in there and don’t destroy the enemy on their turf, they will destroy us. I include the U.K., Canada, and all the other allied countries in this. The problem is that Iraq was not invaded due to the 9/11 terror scare. It was very much invaded on the false premise that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, which was false, but regardless, he is gone, some troops are still there, the situation is still messy, and though battles can be fought and won, the question with the remaining war is do the people want to win?

The last time I checked the American election was won not based on can we win, but it was won on the promises of we will end this war. We will get the troops home. That is where the hearts and minds of the American people were, it was not on can we secure a victory in some far away land. The other factor is not even if a victory can be secured in some far away land, because while that battle is being fought far away, the war at home is being lost. It is being lost in freedoms and liberties. These wars were supposedly fought to secure freedoms, but if you look at these democratic countries several years later it’s hard to recognize some of the freedoms that are supposedly being fought for, when these countries are starting to resemble mini fascists states in various ways. It makes no sense to secure a victory abroad, if freedoms are lost at home.

Is the other side going to benefit from this great war? Are we really securing freedom for these people? Do these people really want these occupying forces in their land? Looking at the Iraq war, things were not great under Saddam Hussein, but several years later have things truly been made better in the long run? When all is said and done, the people have been brutalized, their spirits were broken, the women raped, children tortured, civilians killed, lives destroyed. Out of this sick and sin, they have been infected with an informant network, which will destroy the internal character of their country, the way it is destroying the internal character of these countries, and will the end results be worth it? Will the ends really justify the means, there or at home in these democratic countries?

Do the people really want to win? Soldiers are coming home from these wars, and getting into conflicts with these militarized police forces that have sprung up, they are coming back to cities that they don’t always recognize. I have read of a few different cases where men who have served abroad came home, only to be brutalized, humiliated, or killed by some of the newly militarized forces at home. Is this truly what they are off fighting for? There is no victory, there is no win, if the freedoms that are supposedly being fought for are evaporated. We can win, but at what price, and at the end of the day, do we want to win?

Iraq is being rebuilt. From this great sick and sin a great city will be spawned, but will the price have been worth it? Someday the great city of Babylon will be rebuilt and rebirthed, if rumours are correct. Will the loses be worth a true victory?

When WWII was being fought, the danger was real for many people. They knew that if the Germanic forces were not stopped, they might well lose their way of life. The threat and danger was very real for people in the U.K., and in other nations. The war was coming to those shores and if victory was not won, the way of life would change. During that time, people were engaged, the objectives were clear, and the threat was very real, and securing the victory was the only option.

Today people are not as engaged as they were in many ways. Most kids care more about their Xbox 360 than if this war will be won. Some people are so far removed from this war, that they probably have trouble remembering that there is war ongoing. The world has changed, people’s views, values and perspectives have changed, and today, I am not sure that the question is can we win? I think the question today is do we want to win?,8599,1907831,00.html

July 5, 2010 Posted by | 9/11, Iraq, Police State, Politics | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Not a truther

9/11 Truth.

Many people say that they want 9/11 truth, but I think the truth is that many people can not truly handle 9/11 truth.

I don’t consider myself a truther in the traditional sense. I do believe much like Operation Northwoods that 9/11 was planned and carried out by internal forces. That’s where it ends for me. If people want to believe it, good for them, if not good for them. I do not need or care if people believe the truth, cause quite frankly I don’t believe most people can truly handle the truth.

I support 9/11 truthers. I wish them the best, if they find any new evidence, then I try to post it, but this is not a real issue for me, and in that sense I don’t consider myself a truther.

I do consider real truthers to be brave, I share and understand the frustration of trying to uncover a conspiracy of vast portions. Trying to prove that people are being placed under investigations, on lists, and followed by informants has been no easy task these last four years.

I think 9/11 truthers are brave. I have heard about the questionable deaths, about 23 year olds dying of heart attacks. They have a very challenging road, and I don’t envy them their cause. I believe people being Gang Stalked, meaning followed around by informants and placed under investigations, gaslighted, and on lists will be proven. 9/11 I am not so sure about.

For 9/11 to be proven I very much believe that the momentum must keep going. This week the truthers are being tested. People are trying to link them to holocaust denial, they did this with climate skeptics as well. They are trying to link them as a dangerous conspiracy, anyone believing in it needs to be watched and on and on it goes. If anything however the shooting this week near the pentagon, just shows the need to have the investigation re-opened. It shows that people still have many unanswered questions, and that by mocking them, turning them into terrorist, and stifling their unanswered questions, you do them and society no good. It just goes to show that this issue is not going away. People want truth on this topic. To settle for anything less is deeply disrespectful to the dead and those dying from 9/11 complications. To heal the psyche of the American Nation, the truth must be uncovered, but when and if it is, can and will you be ready to handle the truth?

Before you can have the truth, you must be prepared to deal with all the consequences that truth can bring. For me I knew that there was something happening. I realised I was being followed while out in public. I tested and verified that I was under surveillance. I knew the people around me were involved, and not telling me the truth. I was left out of something vital, and it was horrifying emotionally. It came to the stage where not knowing the truth, was worst than knowing the truth. I prayed and surrendered myself to a higher power, and just said that I needed the truth, and no matter what it was, I could accept it.  I had to get myself into that state of readiness first, or else, I don’t believe the truth would have come, and it would have been more years of knowing something was going on, and not knowing what.

To have truth, you must be in a state where you can handle truth. Is America ready for this? Many think they are, I disagree. Think about the real consequences, and ask yourself again if you can handle the truth.

Can you accept that Democratic countries went to two wars, based on lies?

Killed over a million Iraqi’s?

Raped and murdered woman and children?

That your own citizens were killed in a government plot to go to war, just like Operation Northwoods, but 40-50 years later.

Are you really ready to handle the betrayal?

Are you truly ready for the emotional pain that would cause? I mean really raw emotional pain?

Are you ready for how that would change your view of yourselves as hero’s of the world to villains?

Are you ready for all the consequences that have come due to 9/11. The prison/concentration camps of innocent men and woman, who did nothing to America?

The solders raped, the ones who died for nothing, who committed suicide fighting an unjust war?

Do you honestly think you are ready for all that? I don’t think you are. I don’t think you can handle the truth, and thus why I don’t consider myself a truther. I believe that the above is the truth, but I leave it to braver men and women than myself to try to convince you of such.

I don’t care if you ever come to believe the truth, I don’t think you can handle it, I don’t want to see the emotional pain it would cause you. I have been there myself in discovering the truth about what governments are capable of, and it takes years to come to the point of acceptance. This does not happen overnight.

Americans think so well of themselves, see themselves as patriotic, proud. Could you really handle the truth of that, if the truth was that your government, your parent figure did something so bad, to your fellow brothers, sisters, countrymen? I don’t think so.

I think Americans are good people, they want to believe the best about the government, that it will protect them and look after them. I don’t think they are gullible, yet I see them getting played, the way Hal Turner played people, time and time again.

With all my heart and I am being as honest as I can be. I don’t think you can handle the truth. I don’t think anyone who knows the truth about 9/11 has any real incentive to come forward. You don’t generally protect whistle-blowers, and there is hardly a person on earth who could truly protect a real 9/11 whistle-blower.

Just like people lie and keep quite about the informant network used to follow Targeted Individuals around, I don’t see any need for 9/11 whistle-blowers to do anything less to protect themselves.

That’s why I don’t consider myself a truther, but I do believe that 9/11 was deliberate, but I just don’t care if others can handle the truth, just as long as I can. Sometimes personal truth is as good as it gets.

Maybe someday in some far away land, the psyche of the American people will be far enough removed that they will see and understand that the actions of their governments, is not, I repeat not something that they are, or were responsible for. Maybe then truth  of this horrible time that has past, can finally come to light, but until then I don’t think that you can handle the truth.

So feel free to jump on this post, at a time when others are hiding in the sand, I still say, you did it. I don’t care if anyone else believes, or knows the truth, personal truth on this one will suffice for me. That is why I don’t consider myself a truther.

March 7, 2010 Posted by | 9/11, Abu Ghraib, Conspiracy, Gang Stalking, government corruption | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Refuse to live in fear

Fear it’s the power that controls and consumes the lives of many people right now. As long as they are consumed by the fear they will be controlled by it. As long as they let others tell them what to be afraid of they will control the masses.

Wars on Drugs, War on Terror, Street Gangs, Global Warming, Swine Flu, etc. It can be anything, the only person or persons that can control this fear or stop it from happening is us. We the people. We have the power and they know it, thus they keep us in a constant state of fear. They put weak and pathetic leaders forwards, ones in their control, who we are then told to emulate.

You see this questionable leadership in all areas of society, but most people never question it, it’s always been like this and they don’t think that things can change, or that they will change. Also they are so comfortable, they are too lazy to put in the effort that it would take to make a change. Even if it’s slavery it’s still a routine that they know and they are willing to work with it.

Targeted Individuals know a lot about fear. We deal with fear when we are mobbed, targeted, electronically harassed, and the various other things that targets go through. Being afraid is a normal human emotion and there is nothing wrong with it, but when it overpowers and controls your life, then it’s a bad thing. That’s when it becomes a problem.

Many targets deal with fears that most people think make them look crazy. Eg. They get sensitized over time to a color, word, action, ect and finally all the negative associations, or the big event that it took to make them sensitized is not needed, any little trigger event will do, and these informants on a daily basis will use little trigger events to keep the target scared and in their control.

They will also try to anchor on other things to keep targets scared of more things, till their life becomes one big fear factor. That is the goal, then all they have to do is snap a finger, jingle a key, cough, sneeze, use the color red, patterns, snap laptops, etc, and the target reacts. Those are some of the sensitivities I have heard about since coming online. These are designed to keep the Targeted Individual in a state of anxiety or fear. Before these little events could work, they used big events to try to make the target afraid. Eg. When I first started being electronically harassed and burnt in my home, or as the informants like to call it, (electronically monitored) they use to always try to attach a noise of a drill to the torture. So there I would be getting burnt, and then at the time I knew nothing about shielding and had no defence so it was pretty raw, and painful. They consistently tried to make sure that drilling was attached to the torture, this was over several months. So when I went back out into the world, they were sure, and banking on the fact that I would be sensitized to the sound of drills and then they could just tell the informants, this person has a phobia, is very sensitize to drills, acts out is not normal, ah but they failed. For the next two years and even to today, they still attempt it once in awhile to see if I was sensitized. It just shows me that with proper knowledge, we can win out over these people in small little ways, day by day.

See I was lucky, I had one sensitivity, I had it for years. Before my torture with electronic harassment started I learnt about anchors, so I realized that they would be trying to attach another sensitivity to the one I already had. I had a working knowledge of Pavlov and the dog experiment so I was familiar with what they were trying to do.

Eg. Pavlov would ring a bell during his dog’s feeding time. The dog would start to salivate over the food. After a while he could just ring the bell and the dog would start to salivate, cause he had associated the sound with food, in our case we associate the sensitivity to negative things they have done to us over time, without in many cases even realising that they are sensitizing us till it’s too late.

The sensitivity that I had when my electronic harassment began, I spent that time at home being tortured and electronically harassed, but also getting over my sensitivity. It was not perfect, but over the next few months, it got better, and is at a normal level to what it was before the sensitivity started.

So what does this have to do with fear that the average person’s experiences? Well let’s take 9/11 a big, huge event that got everyone scared, panicked. Most people because they shared the fear understand it and agree that this was a fear worthy event, and understand and accept that people are scared and have a phobia about this event happening again.

So now several years later, you don’t need another 9/11 to keep the people scared, the occasional terrorist threat, weird plane flying over New York, and keep the citizens on high alert and they are in the grips of fear, and it works. Also if we get them scared of 9/11 then we can add in other fears, attach additional fears.

See these people try to stop us from living our lives by trying to scare us, systemically trying to destroy us, and they want to try to control us. Well 9/11 does the same for the average citizen.

When people are scared they can do silly things, behave in what to the average person seems like irrational behavior, but to them seems perfectly normal. To an outsider that did not know about 9/11, voodoo rituals of taking off belts, shoes, and allowing oneself to be scanned and shown virtually naked to some stranger, would seem bizarre if not flat out crazy, an outsider would laugh and be like what’s wrong with these people, allowing themselves to be treated like that and give up their rights? But because the fear has happened over the last several years it seems normal to the people that share this common fear. Just like our phobias are normal to us, based on our experiences.

Getting past fear, not feeding the fear factor. For my sensitivity it was a process. Each time I was home, I worked on it, I did not have the daily exposure, I knew it was irrational, I knew how it had come about, and I had a pretty good idea how to go about disassociating it with negative things, but it took time, and I had to work on it.

Fear is something that we have in many ways, it’s normal and healthy, it can even keep us safe, but there is a stage where fear becomes irrational and even hurtful. Most times fear is individually based and if your phobia is going to an extreme level, an outsider can often point this out. However fear of 9/11 was group based, and the fear is shared by such a large group that their irrational actions, and activities are not being registered. The vast majority see these crazy measures, as something sane. They see giving up their rights, privacy, dignity as something needful to keep them safe. The fear is so deep routed that they are not only willing to give up their rights as a society and individuals, but then they are like a drug addict willing to drag down those around them who don’t see things this way, those who refuse to give into this irrationality.

They want others to be scared the way they are, and those of us who just don’t function this way, they are happy to take aware our rights, our freedoms. They are happy to go to other countries and attack others to try to bring about safety and security, which only succeeds in making more enemies, but instead of seeing this for what it is, they continue on in the same vain as before. Doing more harm to their chances of having a normal safe future.

Fear can be strong, powerful and irrational. At some stage however if you want to get better as an individual, or as a society, you have to stop giving into this fear, you have to find some way to let it go. Unfortunately being scared, living in fear works for many right now, too many, and like Dr Phil says, if it’s working for you, you are not going to change. Something about this cycle of fear and stupidity is working for a large majority of people, and the rest of us are caught up in their self destructive spiral of destruction.

We can’t force them to stop being scared, I don’t believe that we have the right. But we can point out why the fear is irrational, encourage them to help them get past the fear. We can raise our own vibrational levels, refuse to live in fear in our own lives, and try to help those around us who are gripped by fear to get past it. Many never get past it, but they might be able to get to a stage where they are functioning in a rational and sane manner again. McCarthyism continued until just a few stood up and said, enough is enough, “have you no shame,” and then it fell apart from there.

Change can happen, you can stop living in fear. It’s a painful, daily emotional experience, I am not trying to pretend that it will be easy. Right now this fear is enslaving and to many the fear appears to be protecting, but it’s not, however people will only see this in their own time, when they get ready to deal with the fear. For many it will be never. Yesterday it was the Russian’s, they were the one’s to fear, they were going to drop that nuclear bomb anytime. That fear seemed logical to some, and it allowed them to do crazy things. Today it’s terrorist. Tomorrow it will likely be someone else, or something else. Whatever will get a response from the people. Just like whatever will get a response from the Targeted Individual.

Each person has to take some individual responsibility for what is happening. It’s a normal thing in today’s society to be scared, but each person has to try to move past that fear.

First realise that there is a problem. The society is being destroyed by this fear. The rights and freedoms that you claim others envy so much, where are they? Are they running around naked at airports, well not running around naked, but being scanned naked, with privates available for view? (Yes the naughty bits will be available for view, or there is no point in having the scanners.) Are they getting mind read at the airports? When do you say enough is enough?

Even if the worst thing does happen, you would pick up your lives, your psyche and continue on, that is how normal societies function, and I know you probably don’t want to hear this from the Targeted Individual, but you are no longer behaving in a rational manner.

If you are able to realise that there is a problem with what is happening, then you need to ask yourself what can you do at an individual level to fix this problem? Then take it from there.

Fear controls us as long as we let it. I have watched psycho nut jobs, some of these informants try to destroy my life for years. Jobless at times, threats of losing my roof over my head, almost daily attempts to run/drive into me in lethal ways. Plus the just being annoyed by the informants as they try to provoke. I have been there done that, it’s not a place I like, and it’s one that I want to stay away from. Like others I have to work at it.

If you can raise yourself up from the fear, then you can help others. Some of us got past the Flu Fear recently, and Global Warming fears, but they seem to always be able to pull the people back in with the terror scare. Until you the people find a way to stop being scarred, then they have us, and the terrorists real or imagined, planned or unplanned will have it and you will have lost.

Overcoming fear is not easy, it’s a daily process, but we have to try because freedom and democratic security are worth fighting for.

January 10, 2010 Posted by | 9/11, Brain reading device, changing vibrations, Citizen Informants, Community harassment, community mobbing, control, Controlled society, Covert investigations, crazy, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Informants, Insane, Intimidation, Mind Reading, Monitoring, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, Torture, vibrations | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Sept 11. An ode to faking it.

Sept 11.

This is a day about making make believe look real. A day about giving the situation at hand the look of reality and the spin that you want it to have.

Eg. Many people believe that Sept 11 happened. Where people differ is who was behind it? Did planes really hit and bring down the world trade center buildings and was the official version the real version?

For many who are familiar with documents such as Operation Northwoods it’s reason to question if the government of the United States once again planned and carried out terror on the American citizens.

[quote]Operation Northwoods, or Northwoods, was a false-flag plan, proposed within the United States government in 1962. The plan called for CIA or other operatives to commit apparent acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Castro-led Cuba. One plan was to “develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington”.

This operation is especially notable in that it included plans for hijackings and bombings followed by the use of phony evidence that would blame the terrorist acts on a foreign government, namely Cuba.

The plan stated:

The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.

Operation Northwoods was drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and signed by then-Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer, and sent to the Secretary of Defense.

Several other proposals were listed, including the real or simulated actions against various U.S military and civilian targets. Operation Northwoods was part of the U.S. government’s Cuban Project (Operation Mongoose) anti-Castro initiative. It was never officially accepted or executed.[/quote]

Also recently we saw in Spain a building made out of steel that burnt for 20 hours straight but still remained standing. An amazing structure proving the power of steel to withstand heat and melting.

[quote]In February 2005, the 32-storey Windsor Building in the financial district of Madrid, Spain was completely engulfed by flames for 20 consecutive hours. I repeat: 20 consecutive hours. The structure did not collapse. In fact, after the fire was finally extinguished, a huge construction crane was seen perched on the roof of the building as raw testimony to the practical indestructibility of steel as a construction material.[/quote]

We also when 911 happened saw building 7 fall, even though no planes had hit the building and some rightfully question why that happened?

We also saw hole in the pentagon, but many question if a plane did hit, where the wreckage of the plane was?

Also last but not least, if you are a terrorist crashing planes into a building then even if your dental records don’t last, your passports will. Even when steel buildings melt, your passports will survive,

Anyways Sept 11 an ode to faking it, and it proves you can make anything appear how you want it to be, and most will never question the official version.

Who you have slept with.

Now having watched soaps over the years, I have seen a few of these plots. Some really desperate attempts to make it seem like someone had slept with someone when they really had not, or the person had not been willing. Anything from fake pictures, fake video, fake witnesses.

Who could forget Sammie Brady drugging Austin her older sisters boyfriend to make it seem as if he had willingly slept with her when she had not. Yes Sammie turned out to be a case, but she did improve in time. (She improved in her scheming that is, but that’s another story.)

Watching Dorian Lord get a divorce from David. To get a divorce from David Dorian had to enlist her niece Blair Cramer to dress up as her double, and pretend to sleep with Dorian’s husband David, but at the last minute Dorian switched places with Blair and David none the wiser, cheated on his own wife, with his own wife.

A few fake pictures later, and the divorce was finalised. Now these plots are cute in soap operas, well not really, but in real life this is another thing that is often easily faked and never questioned, because people like to believe whatever they are told without question.

I think watching desperate characters pull off things like this in the soaps are cute, I have had opportunity in real life to watch people pull things off like this and it’s never cute. To lie and in some cases create and fake plots almost or more desperate and more harmful than things that I have seen on the soaps.

I think it shows some pretty twisted personalities. People who don’t care about ruining or slandering other people’s reputations just to make themselves feel better, and in today’s world it’s even easier than ever.

Faking Investigations.

I don’t mean that the investigations that targets are under are fake, but what is fake is what the state does to us. They make people think all sorts of things, and they make the lies look good. That’s what faking it is all about, making the lies look good and believable.

Most of us are not crazy, perverts, terrorists, extremists, etc, but that does not matter, it’s continuing to give the perception to the people, that is what matters.

Making them think that if they were not spying on each other the world would suddenly fall apart, creating that illusion, that fake need.

Going to extreme lengths to make targets look like a danger, be it having dozens of informants on their tail, making them look dangerous, etc.

I had no idea until recently the lengths they will go through to manipulate a situation to make a person look crazy or dangerous. This system is truly crazy and desperate, which equals dangerous. The asleep sheeple will believe what they are told in many cases, and it’s scary.

So this post is all about Faking it. The above three things are some of the top things I have come across. Now since I am lucky enough to be free, please feel free to add your comments about other things that people like to fake.

September 12, 2009 Posted by | 9/11, Censorship, Conformity, conspiracies, Conspiracy, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, crazy, Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

America does not torture?

[quote]Abu Ghraib abuse photos ‘show rape’
Photographs of alleged prisoner abuse which Barack Obama is attempting to censor include images of apparent rape and sexual abuse, it has emerged.
At least one picture shows an American soldier apparently raping a female prisoner while another is said to show a male translator raping a male detainee.[/quote]
This article is very important. The reason it’s important is in part because it shows what happened in Abu Ghraid and in part confirms what many of already knew about the allegations of rape. There have been allegations of rape for men, women, and children. Some sites a few years back showed video of rapes, though some videos may have been false, many others are believed to have been real. This has been a disgusting and disgraceful time in American history and it’s a time I am sure many would like to forget and sweep under the rug, but if you do that, doesn’t that make you just as monstrous as Germany when they tried to cover up a lot of the Atrocities after WWII? They lied about a lot of what had happened and tried to cover it up.

I watched Obama stand before a group of Congress and declare that America does not torture.

“Living our values doesn’t make us weaker, it makes us safer and it makes us stronger. And that is why I can stand here tonight and say without exception or equivocation that the United States of America does not torture,” Obama said.

I watched them stand up and clap in regards to this speech. I think most people like and respect Obama, but to say that just hit me. When I saw the speech I was thinking does he mean right this moment as he is saying it? Does he mean they have never tortured? I couldn’t help but think about all the Targeted Individuals men, women and children that were getting burnt in their homes on a daily basis. Who are being tortured in America and other nations. I could not help but think about what I knew about the prison Camps Abu Ghraid and Guantanamo Bay. About the pictures I had seen and some of the things that had gone on their, but here was this President, someone who America listens to and I think trusts, saying that America does not torture. How do you reconcile that? I know most countries would rather keep their dark deeds hidden, it’s the nature of the beast. It took many years for them to even admit to and then finally apologize for other dark times in American history such as the Tuskegee experiments that they conducted on Black men in the south, but eventually they did apologise.

Living your values makes safer and stronger, but apparently those values involve living in a state of denial and I don’t see how that can make anyone stronger. I think it would make you far stronger to step up to the plate as a nation admit fully what had happened, no holds barred and then apologise for it, and then let the nation start the healing process. Saying that there will be no torture under your administration does not change the past, and failing the victims, and not letting their abuse and tortures be known, still hurts and I daresay tortures them on a psychological level, the same way not dealing with slavery affected the America psyche for years down the line.

Germany is in many ways just now starting to recover from their Hitler time and have pride and love again for what Germany was, I just saw and article about that and I think it’s good, because they have finally dealt with and acknowledged some of what happened during that time period. What would the world be like in America now if people denied Slavery happened or said that it was not that bad? Well many Americans are still psychologically grappling with the legacy that left behind and when people try to brush it under the carpet, some get upset and offended, well is denying or not fully confronting the events of the last several years any better? Isn’t it just as offensive to deny the extent to which torture happened? To try to brush it under the carpet?

I think America needs to heal for what happened, but I don’t think America will heal by underplaying and denying what when on, just like slavery or any of your other dark past, you have to find a way as a nation to step up to the plate, take ownership and acknowledge what happened,  then apologize and only then can you truly start to heal as a nation.

Most would like to forget what happened, but I don’t think that will make you stronger or better in the long run, it’s not a healing or a healthy mentality to have. After 9-11 you felt hurt, violated and so you lashed back, even though Iraq was not the enemy, you did what you thought would make you feel safe, but in the end violations were committed, grievous violations and to heal, that has to at some point in the American psyche has to be dealt with.

May 29, 2009 Posted by | 9/11, Abu Ghraib, Abuse, Active denial, Torture | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Strange shoe throwing incident

Strange shoe throwing incident.

Instead of oops upside the head, or a spanking parents will now threaten their children with a shoe upside the head, in a strange shoe throwing incident that happened earlier today.

An Iraqi reporter named “Muntazer al-Zeidi” listening to G. Bush explaining how he had liberated the country, and put them in situation of independence, one where they would now be able to defend themselves, finally had it and snapped. He took of his shoe, and aimed one after the other at George Bush.

Saying this is for the widows and the orphans, you dog. It’s not clear which widows or orphans he was referring to, but it’s assumed it’s the almost 1 million widows and orphans of Iraq that have been left fatherless since the wars.

[quote]The Asharq al-Awsat Arab media channel estimated in late 2007 there were 2.3 million widows in Iraq. These include widows from the 1980-1988 war with Iran in which half a million men were killed, the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq, and from ‘natural’ causes. The news outlet cited the Iraqiyat (Iraqi women) group as a source for their figure.

For a widow, all things are the same, dark.

“Being a widow means being dead in Iraq today,” a professor from Diyala University, speaking on condition of anonymity, told IPS. “This is because of the tremendous responsibilities cast upon her.”

The widows have become victims of the occupation, but also of social codes. Women are not supposed to commit mistakes, and when they do, their mistakes are rarely forgiven. Women are easily accused of doing ‘bad things’, regardless of proof.

Widowed women have a tough struggle on their hands, beyond the loss they have had to live through. They are not easily allowed to work, or even to carry out normal daily activities.

“When a woman breaks these rules, she loses the respect of others, or might be spoken of badly,” a local trader told IPS. “This is because much of rural Iraqi society is primitive and undereducated.” Like most others, the trader did not want his name used, for fear of retribution.

“Islam gives respectable freedom to the woman when she loses her husband,” a religious cleric told IPS. “But because of their ignorance, people place severe restrictions on the woman.”

Millions of lives have been shattered during the occupation. Two groups, Just Foreign Policy in the U.S. and the Opinion Business Research group in Britain estimate the total number of Iraqis who have died due to the occupation to be at least 1.2 million. [/quote]


Apparently throwing a shoe in Iraq is the greatest insult one can issue to another person.

Bush was able to duck and stay clear of the shoe and joked with reporters about it later on, but as you will see in the video below it was a very close call indeed.

December 15, 2008 Posted by | 9/11, Controlled society, Corruption, Iraq, Mind Reading | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Truth

What’s Behind Internet Conspiracy Empires? Apparently the truth. From the comments being posting on the article, it’s apparently the average person being sick and tired of the mainstream media feeding them the same information day in and day out that does not explain or answer some of the questions that they are seeking answers to. They are therefore seeking out alternative points of view. You know thinking outside of the box, asking questions and trying to find answers.

I won’t spend too much time on this article, the comments that were posted were fully vindicating. They were bright, intelligent, and they really were highly expressive. I was very impressed by the majority of commentators in that thread.

I was really surprised by the level of discontent with 9/11 truth. That issue is not going away. It’s worst now than it was before. Many of the comments were in regards to this issue. Many of the comments were also about the fact that many people no longer truth corporate controlled media and are looking for other alternatives. Other comments were rightfully concerned with Internet censorship, some felt that this might be a first step towards trying to target such websites, and labelling people as mentally ill for having different points of view. 

It was the intelligence of the posters that really impressed me, they were really bright and articulate, again I was highly impressed by the majority of them. People who are still willing to ask questions, and go out and seek other answers for themselves. These are the types of people who find my website, people that have not been satisfied with the mainstream explanations of what is happening and they are independent enough in many cases to be going out and looking for additional answers about what is happening to them.

As far as terming Gang Stalking World as a conspiracy website? I agree that what is happening to us is a conspiracy, but can we prove some of the targeting?

On the site you have documents that show that average normal everyday citizens can and do get followed around in the manner described. I have been able to show that for covert and overt surveillance, police do employ foot patrols. They do use signaling while on foot patrol. I have been able to show that Informants are being hired by the state, that we have become a surveillance culture, and that targeting the way in which we describe is possible.

The information on the website, utilizes information that any individual can go and access from various sources. Eg. Many recent documents on the website link to documents form the A.C.L.U. The documents show that average people will be having information recorded and placed into secret databases which the accused can not access. The information shows that 800,000 Terrorism Liaison Officers, will be in every town, state, city. They say that we are very close to becoming an Orwellian society. Is the A.C.L.U. a conspiracy website for posting this?

If someone goes to their website, or reads one of the various articles available on the Internet about surveillance and average people being monitored in the described manner, are these websites conspiracy sites? Should these websites worry that the information that they are putting out might cause someone to become paranoid?

Again if someone goes to a different website and reads about Workplace Mobbing, Cointelpro, Red Squads, The East German Stasi, etc should those websites be concerned that they might be influencing paranoid delusions? At the end of the day, those websites and mine are providing information, it is up to the individual to decide if the information is relevant and then go from there. The information on the Gang Stalking World website, is a collaboration of information that is readily available at many points of port around the Internet.

The article is an ok read, but the comments were the really interesting and relevant focus. It really showed that people have many concerns that are not being met or discussed by the mainstream media, the primary and reoccurring being 9/11 truth.

December 14, 2008 Posted by | 9/11, Awareness, Censorship, changing vibrations, Cointelpro, Controlled society, crazy, david icke, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Internet | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Shutting Down

I have been really busy reading reports like the one above, and working on some other projects. It’s a really worthwhile report if you have not read it.

One part of the report more or less talks about the fact that you don’t have to shut down all of society, just some parts of it, and then everyone else stats to fall in line and the fear spreads.

This is what was done with the war on drugs, and the war on terror. Interestingly enough with the war on drugs, the people fighting the drugs, were also the ones importing it. Also we all know there are many questions that have been left unanswered about the war on terror and if in fact this was an external threat that carried out the action.

I came across some news stories that really for once had me concerned, as to how far gone we really are as a society. I for once could really feel myself shutting down. See my Gang Stalking is not pleasant, but it doesn’t bother me. I just mean that I have learnt or become accustomed to living with many aspects of it, and it doesn’t bother me. What does bother me are some of the things that are happening in society that are being left unchecked. No one is there looking out for those balances. 

For years many of us have been reporting what we call Gang Stalking, which is basically Cointelpro like activities with a big dash of the former East Germany thrown in.

Our societies are becoming surveillance societies, with Informant forces that would make the Stasi jealous. Even after reporting this, getting the information out, there is not one responsible agency that is willing to do anything or to look into this. The United Nations still criticises countries like China for their actions, but are completely ignoring the fact that countries such as the UK, US and Canada, along with European countries are torturing citizens inside of their own homes, and are systemically driving many to suicide, falsely imprisoning, or institutionalizing many others. It’s a weird world when you look at it from this perspective, but that still does not bother me, I have gotten accustomed to this, and accept the world for the way it is, corrupt.

What did start to bother me are several news stories that I have seen. Alone they are not much, but together for me they are a real indicator that we are slowly starting to shut down as a society, and not just in one country.

Here are a few of them, and for the first time I really felt that I wanted to just close off, where I have not felt that way before. I realised that I could not let myself begin to feel this way, if Gang Stalking hasn’t shut me down, then I didn’t want these stories to. I had to dig into my reserve and just choose to remain open and not let the worry overcome me. I realised that the only way we can shut down as a society externally, is if we let ourselves do so internally, and I refuse to do this, I refuse to give into that fear and become a closed off person. Instead what I am choosing to do is to support some of the people in these stories, either just privately, or just by letting others know what’s happening, and speaking out when I see injustices. So here is a run down of some of the stories that made me really wake up and pay attention and for once really made me sad, but only for a little while.


Armed Guards in Churches.
[quote]In an era when terrorism threats and deadly shootings at schools and churches have made headlines, religious leaders are rethinking their security strategies. Last Saturday, a minister was fatally shot and another man wounded outside of a church in Kentucky where the men went to attend a funeral.[/quote]
So now in addition to walkie-talkies and security cameras we now have armed guards. The same trick worked for the schools and will eventually work for guns. I wonder who these people in these churches are praying to?


Student arrested for photocopying documents
For more than a decade, Nottingham university felt
like the safest place in the world for Hicham Yezza as an undergraduate, doctoral student, campus activist and, most recently, employee. But two weeks ago his world caved in when he was arrested under the Terrorism Act.

The 30-year-old Algerian was detained by police for possessing a copy of the al-Qaida training manual that he had been given to print by a friend researching the terrorist group’s techniques for his MA.

University officials called in the police after a colleague noticed the document on his computer. Yezza and his friend, 22-year-old student Rizwaan Sabir, were held for six days despite Sabir’s tutors giving statements within two days that the document was directly relevant to his research.[/quote]
Campus activist for peace, probably had more to do with this than what he downloaded for his research.


[quote]Yezza said his situation highlighted a growing fear on campuses. “It’s a very, very worrying trend that needs to be opposed, this mindset that views everything with extreme suspicion. That installs some sort of ‘play it safe’ mentality, which is the very opposite of intellectual endeavour.

“No intellectual progress takes place without a sense of curiosity, without a sense of going beyond what we know already, beyond the established facts and notions and truths; that’s how scientific and intellectual revolutions have been achieved.”[/quote]
The only thing that get’s achieved in these climates are unjust witch hunts, but until people get bored of it, this will continue. The way to stop this, stop living in fear. Refuse to live in fear, refuse to give into this, it’s the only way to stop this, and it begins with you, each and every individual person, that’s the only way to stop this.
[quote]Yezza’s supporters and academics, many of them attending the University and College Union conference in Manchester this week, are now talking of the pressure they face to become “police informers” on their students, part of the government’s “preventive agenda” which has seen universities and colleges provided with guidance on how to spot and tackle extremism.[/quote]

I keep trying to drill this into your head. We have turned into a society of snitches. It’s horrible. We looked down on East Germany for this a decade and half ago, and now we are doing the same thing.


[quote]Gavin Reid, a member of the UCU national executive committee from Leeds University, said people were scared to do research and speak out. “Self-censorship is coming,” he said. “People are more suspicious of colleagues and students. People are scared even to look at the link [for the training manual in the Nottingham case].”[/quote]

And this is what they want. To control us and to scare us. They don’t need to arrest or terrorise everyone, just a few key people, then the rest start to shut down, but if we each play our part and refuse to shut down, refuse to be scared, we can overcome this.


[quote]”Hicham was a very prominent member of student political society. That says something about the potential implications of being politically active on campus in a time when a culture of fear merges with draconian terror legislation.

“It’s a question of intellectual freedom, not just academic freedom. What does this say about people’s right to inform themselves about issues of public concern?[/quote]
That’s right, he is an activist, and what does that say about society? What is happening within the Gang Stalking community, is just as relevant to everyone else, the conditions that are allowing this to happen to us, are the same conditions that are allowing these things to happen to others. Think about it.


Family arrested for selling food.
Ohio authorities stormed a farm house in LaGange Monday, December 1, to execute a search warrant, holding the Jacqueline and John Stowers and their son and young grandchildren at gunpoint for nine hours.  During the raid the Ohio Department of Agriculture and police confiscated over ten thousand dollars worth of food, computers and cell phones.  The Stowers’ crime?  They run a private, members-only food co-op.

Wow that soon will be a crime worst than terrorism, food terrorist, those who try to sell food to the poor, that is truly horrible. I feel very bad for this family. The food they took also included the families food supply for the next year, from what I have read. It’s a horrible story and there can be no justification for doing this to a family, of course in a society such as this, anything can now become justified.


Australia to censor their Internet just like China,21985,24568137-2862,00.html


This should scare you. A so called democratic country shutting down, or rather censoring it’s Internet the same way China does? Do I need to say more?

[quote]AUSTRALIA will join China in implementing mandatory censoring of the Internet under plans put forward by the Federal Government.

he government has declared it will not let Internet users opt out of the proposed national Internet filter.

The plan was first created as a way to combat child pornography and adult content, but could be extended to include controversial websites on euthanasia or anorexia
For our own protection. This is the same crap they are trying to pull for identity theft and why they need more control. Normally the people scaring you have a hand in why you are being scared, remember there is often an objective to be achieved.

Now if one democratic country is willing to shut down, or rather censor their Internet the same way China does, what will stop the other so called democratic countries?

I know there are going to be protests in Australia, but this is an international problem, not just an Australian problem, what affects them could well affect the others.

A Queensland man has been charged for re-publishing on a video-sharing site a viral video of a man swinging a baby around like a rag doll.

The controversial three-minute video had already been published widely across the Internet and shown on More..American TV news shows. The clip can still be found online today.
Chris Illingworth, 60, a father of four from Maroochydore, thought he would share it with fellow users of Liveleak, a site similar to YouTube but focused on news and current events. In two years, he has uploaded hundreds of videos to Liveleak.

His home was raided on Sunday, November 30, by Queensland Police from Task Force Argos, which specialises in combating child pornography and child groomers.

He was charged with using the internet to access and publish child-abuse material and is scheduled to appear in court in Maroochydore on December 18.

It is understood that he had no involvement in the creation of the video, which cannot be published on this website for legal reasons.

I can’t even begin to describe the craziness of this story. Here are more details.

[quote]On Saturday, November 29, 2008, Biggles9’s home and office was raided by the Task Force Argos. They seized his computers for forensic inspection. He was arrested by armed officers while his neighbors watched, and was detained for 7 hours of interrogation with no lawyer present. He is being charged with accessing child abuse material, downloading child abuse material, and uploading child abuse material with the intent to distribute. He had to post $10,000 in bail, has to report to the police every two days, and has travel restrictions.

When the video was originally uploaded, the idea was to try to identify the man swinging the baby. Biggles9 worked with one of Liveleak’s founders (Hayden Hewitt), who in turn worked with the UK police, who in turn worked with Interpol, who traced the video’s origin to Russia (possibly a “circus family”). However, Biggles9’s IP address was also recovered and forwarded to the Australian federal authorities, who in turn forwarded it to Task Force Argos, who in turn arrested Biggles9.

Here’s Biggles9’s post about the incident:

For this he is getting charged with accessing child abuse material. So every who saw this on the news, cause the video was shown on the news, also accessed child abuse material. Anyone who taped the news that day, also accessed child abuse material, and anyone who made a tape or dvd, and passed the new item on to their friend, family also is guilty of the same things. That’s the insanity of it all, but that’s what he has been charged with. Now in this case, he saw the video on YouTube or something and downloaded it, and uploaded it to liveleak. That’s all he did, and now he is being charged almost the same way actual criminals get charged.

Now about the video, apparently it’s an Eastern European father, apparently a circus family, so he’s apparently swinging the child by one arm, and legs, etc. Basically like a trapeze show, but the child s one or two, now you would not want to try this at home, but at the end of the video the child is laughing and smiling. I feel bad for the family if this is part of their culture, because obviously the police came looking for them as well, and the father in the video is probably getting a lot of slack, yet what if this is normal in his culture?

Anyways back to Biggles9, he did nothing that millions of Internet users do not do every day, and to go after him for this is wrong for those reasons. I mean based on this, these people could go after America’s funniest home videos, Steve Irwin when he was alive and he let the kids go near the crocodile, and anyone who uploaded a video of him letting his kids go near the crocodiles, that’s the insanity that we are dealing with. (Oh I didn’t think him letting the kids go near the croc was such a good idea, but that’s just me.)


Bus Beheading

Greyhound to screen passengers. You knew that this was coming. They had no reason to do this on buses, they wanted to after 9/11, but they needed a reason, and this gave them one. Interesting how that worked out.

Greyhound Canada began introducing improved security measures Tuesday, beginning with terminals in Edmonton, Calgary and Winnipeg, the company said in a news release.

The company said all passengers will be screened for weapons with a hand-held magnetometer at major Greyhound bus terminals. The company is also now mandating all luggage be stowed underneath the bus, with some exceptions made for customers needing essential items, the release said.


For years they have been operational and this never happened, and now a beheading and there go your rights.
I could go on, but do you see the pattern? You will continue to see the pattern, and if you don’t question the mechanisms behind what is happening, you will not see the little pieces being moved around the board.

People really are sheep, scare them enough and they will do what you want, but just remember:

“Those willing to sacrifice essential liberty for a little security deserve neither freedom nor security”. Benjamin Franklin.

Yet the above scenario seems to work everytime. It’s such a simple formula, have an agenda you want to see implemented? Scare the people, and they will come clamoring to you to implement the agenda. It’s sad, but it’s worked everytime, and people continue to let it work, that is why we are where we are.
If we continue to live in fear, then that is all that we will have. They want us to be afraid, scared, sheeple, not thinking, or questioning. If we want to change this we have to refuse to live in fear, at the end of the day, it’s up to us how we choose to live. If you choose to shut down, you will help others around you to shut down, if you choose to remain open, that is the best thing that you can do.

Speaking of trends, we seem to be moving onto get them sensitized to fears about biological warfare, and worries about that. I guess the programing for fear of terrorists is not working as well as it use to?
“First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me–
    and there was no one left to speak out for me.”

Martin Niemoeller

December 11, 2008 Posted by | 9/11, activism, Awareness, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Conformity, control, Controlled society, Corruption, crazy, East Germany, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, Internet, Laws, New World Order, oppression, Police State, Social Control, Surveillence | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment