Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

PSI Wars

PSI Wars

Now as a Targeted Individual I learnt early and I learnt fast not to have private conversations out in public. I learnt not to share things with others.

In fact the years before I found out about Gang Stalking, most of my suspicions I kept to myself and shared with no one. I normally do not confide things in people, my confessor is God and that is usually it. I might share the odd tidbit, or if it’s something important that I feel another has the right to know, I might break protocol and that is about it.

Once I did find out about Gang Stalking, and realized that the phone was how people were hearing my conversations, along with things said in the home, both stopped, so a lot of the street theater stuff stopped.

Anything else that would be discovered would almost have to take a mind reader or another with similar capacity to learn any of my secrets. So it got me thinking, do such people exist? Is such a capacity a reality?

Even since I came online several years ago, like 4-5 years now, other Targeted Individuals have been complaining about mind reading, and government mind reading technology. Now at first you don’t know what to think, is it total bogus garbage, or is there some truth to it? I kept an open mind, cause I kind of was ready to put it in the garbage pile, mind reading, who believes that nonsense? I am glad I kept an open mind.

In time I have come to believe that there could and is technology out there that is capable of such things, that will soon be introduced to the general population, but that is not what this article is about. This article is not about technology that can do such, this article is about others.


Mind Reading

Some targets have expressed concerns that mind reading technology, or individuals with psi abilities are being used to interpret their thoughts. Proving that such technology was even available has almost been impossible until now.

Laws that prohibit this type of intrusive activity have not caught up with the surveillance society that many live in. I think this will be something law makers might wish to be aware of, and start working on laws prohibiting this type of intrusion. Human rights lawyers might also want to hone up on these technologies.

The link above also covers the US governments remote viewing program. This was a program where the participants not only saw remote places, visited them remotely, went inside remotely and poked around, but the claim is that some in the program, could go forwards, and backwards in time. Remember these are people who worked for a US government program making this claim, not just a bunch of so called people on the internet.

What if in addition to remote viewers others existed of a similar nature?

What I believe is that all individuals are born with these extra abilities. I believe that they never develop in most people, in others they are highly developed, others learn to access and havest these talents, some gain access accidentally, or at specific times such as a crisis or stressful event.

No available wiki information, so I thought I would put together my own assessment.

Mind Readers– This would be litterally having the ability to read minds. You could read everything the person was thinking, and some would have the capacity to see everything that a person was thinking. Now there is technology that is starting to do this, see dreams, read thoughts etc, but what if there are people capable of doing this? No secret would be safe, no thought would be private, this would be the ultimate invasion of privacy, the ultimate violation. Prayers to God would not even be private.

I think this would be a dangerous talent to have. I think it would be classified as mind rape, and if the government ever had access to it, or other unscrupulous, or even just stupid individuals, in the wrong hands this talent could prove problematic for many.

On the other hand, they could try to find out if a person was lying at a court case, they could see if workers had homocidal tendencies within the workplace. If someone really did rape that person, if they really did commit murder, or were thinking of it.

The problem with a mind reader is that too often people think out thoughts, but never act on them, there is often no follow through, but if people’s thoughts start to be taken litterally, think how dangerous that could be?

The mind is meant to be that, a place of release, things that can not be done in this realm, can be done in the realm of the mind, or should be able to be done in the realm of the mind, but what if our society get’s to the stage where people are no longer comfortable with their own thoughts due to these individuals? Then everyone has to think nice thoughts, think nice thoughts, to appease those in power, cause your very thoughts could be used to convict you.

Would thinking about having an affair with that secretary at work be enough in future to convict someone in divorce court? I hope not, thinking is not always doing, in fact thinking is often not doing. We dream, run through a thousand thoughts in our minds, even ones that we might not be readily aware of, and the mind is meant to be just that, a place of thought, formulation, etc.

What if you thought someone was stealing from you, cheating on you, abusing your children, about to commit a murder? What if a mindreader was privy to those thoughts and acted on that information? Then your very thoughts could be used to convict others, thoughts that you would maybe never share with the world, would be come public content, public knowledge, and they could be used to ruin the life of someone else.

Eg. The Edgar Steel case, now he is accused of trying to murder his wife, I am personally giving him the benifit of the doubt, and his wife has come out in support of him, but when this first happened, what if someone could read her thoughts? What if someone was could access every doubt she might have had? Every concern that he could really be guilty before she made up her mind to support him? What if they acted on those thoughts, and used that against him?

Those are the kind of senarios you could be looking at in the future. Every thought, fear, hope, desire, want, need, an open book, and at the mercy of the scrupulous and unscrupulous alike, at the mercy of the wise and unwise and downright stupid. For those who do not have an understanding or proper understanding of a technology, or misuse it, are a great potential danger to society, and laws might well have to be put in place sooner than later to prevent such abuses.

For the targets out there who have complained about this, and believe that it is happening to them, the possibility is real that some could well be the testing ground for such future technology. If they are willing to set up surveillance and watch us in our homes, in the very beds that we sleep in, then why would they not be willing to watch us in our minds. They have no decency, very little humanity, and if they gain access to the capacity, there is little question that they would abuse such technology, be it mechnical or natual ability.


Telepathy (from the Greek τηλε, tele meaning “distant” and πάθη, pathe meaning “affliction, experience”),[2] is the ostensible transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the five senses

This means two people, or even one person, has the ability to transfer not only thoughts but feelings. This would allow you to silently hear between two people. Way better than a walkie talkie. In some cases it would not only allow you to hear, if you were really close, it might allow you to feel what was going on with the other person.

Some mother or even fathers report having this with their children, and ofcourse some people in close relationships such as romanic, or tight family connections have reported this ability.

I also like the thought of this ability, because it would be a type of willing communication between two people, vs something invasive like mind reading. Of course if only one is a telepath then you have just one walkie talkie working and that could get very frustrating.

Empathy-[Empathy is the capacity to recognize or understand another’s state of mind or emotion. It is often characterized as the ability to “put oneself into another’s shoes”, or to in some way experience the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself.]

Everyone totally remembers Deanna Troi from Star Trek The Next Generation, in addition to being really pretty she was the ships councillor, and had the ability to feel what others around her were thinking. To get a gage of their intentions via their emotions. A type of sensing ability.

Where mind reading would be considered reading the mind, I consider this sort of reading the heart or emotions. I like this ability and don’t see it as intrusive as mind reading, emotions are often external, and some in society are just good at reading them. I think empathetic people pic up on what is on the outside, vs what is on the inside, so it’s not as violating as say mind reading.

Remote Viewing-[Remote Viewing (RV) refers to the attempt to gather information about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means or extra-sensory perception. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance.]

I describes this at the start of the article, but let me recap. They reported in the video that they had been able to not only see places remotely, but visit them, look into them, and poke around. They reported that they were able to go backwards and forewards in time.

This ability has the potential for good, but it also has the potential to be abused, in hostage situations, it’s great. They have used them before for hostage situations.

[quote]If the remote viewer gets messages of a site from a person who is at the site looking around, then it would be telepathy. If the remote viewer gets messages of a site by “perceiving” the site psychically, then it would be clairvoyance. (If the viewer gets impressions of the site from the future, then it would be precognition. If he gets impressions from someone who viewed the site in the past, then it is retrocognition. If he gets messages from the akashic record or the 11th dimension, or directly from God, then another explanation is needed.)[/quote]

See the government using them for a hostage situation great, the government using them to spy on the enemy, questionable, the government using them to get information citizens, dispicable if misused.

[quote]A psychic (pronounced /ˈsaɪkɨk/; from the Greek ψυχικός psychikos—”of the soul, mental”, also called sensitive[1]) is a person who professes an ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through extrasensory perception(ESP), or is said by others to have such abilities. It is also used to describe theatrical performers who use techniques such as prestidigitation, cold reading, and hot reading to produce the appearance of such abilities. It can also denote an ability of the mind to influence the world physically and to the telekinetic powers professed by those such as Uri Geller.[/quote]

Covers a wide array of abilities and I think this is the word or the concept that most average people are aware of. So we have all heard of the cops using them for kidnapping cases, to locate dead bodies, to know if someone is dead or alive.

Some claim to be able to see into the future, some claim to be able to talk to those who have crossed over to the other side. I believe that people with these abilities do exist, or why would the police keep using them?

I also think it’s possible to communicate with those that have crossed over, remember it’s all just different frequencies and if someone can tap that frequency, they could well see, hear, those on the other side.


[quote]The term clairvoyance (from 17th century French with clair meaning “clear” and voyance meaning “vision”) is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses,[1][2] a form of extra-sensory perception. A person said to have the ability of clairvoyance is referred to as a clairvoyant (“one who sees clearly”).[/quote]

[quote]Other related terms

The words “clairvoyance” and “psychic” are often used to refer to many different kinds of paranormal sensory experiences, but there are more specific names:
[edit] Clairsentience (feeling/touching)

In the field of parapsychology, clairsentience is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by means of feeling.[23] The word is from the French clair, “clear,” + sentience, “feeling,” and is ultimately derived from the Latin clarus, “clear,” + sentiens, derived from sentire, “to feel”.

In addition to parapsychology, the term also plays a role in some religions. For example: clairsentience is one of the six human special functions mentioned or recorded in Buddhism. It is an ability that can be obtained at advanced meditation level. Generally the term refers to a person who can feel the vibration of other people. There are many different degrees of clairsentience ranging from the perception of diseases of other people to the thoughts or emotions of other people. The ability differs from third eye in that this kind of ability cannot have a vivid picture in the mind. Instead, a very vivid feeling can form.

Psychometry is related to clairsentience. The word stems from psyche and metric, which means “soul-measuring”.[24]
[edit] Clairaudience (hearing/listening)

In the field of parapsychology, clairaudience [from late 17th century French clair (clear) & audience (hearing)] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires information by paranormal auditory means. It is often considered to be a form of clairvoyance.[25] Clairaudience is essentially the ability to hear in a paranormal manner, as opposed to paranormal seeing (clairvoyance) and feeling (clairsentience). Clairaudient people have psi-mediated hearing. Clairaudience may refer not to actual perception of sound, but may instead indicate impressions of the “inner mental ear” similar to the way many people think words without having auditory impressions. But it may also refer to actual perception of sounds such as voices, tones, or noises which are not apparent to other humans or to recording equipment. For instance, a clairaudient person might claim to hear the voices or thoughts of the spirits of persons who are deceased. Clairaudience may be positively distinguished from the voices heard by the mentally ill when it reveals information unavailable to the clairaudient person by normal means (including cold reading or other magic tricks), and thus may be termed “psychic” or paranormal.[citation needed]
[edit] Clairalience (smelling)

Also known as Clairescence. In the field of parapsychology, clairalience [presumably from late 17th century French clair (clear) & alience (smelling)] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by means of smelling.[26]
[edit] Claircognizance (knowing)

In the field of parapsychology, claircognizance [presumably from late 17th century French clair (clear) & cognizance (< ME cognisaunce < OFr conoissance, knowledge)] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by means of intrinsic knowledge. It is the ability to know something without a physical explanation why you know it, like the concept of mediums.
[edit] Clairgustance (tasting)

In the field of parapsychology, clairgustance is defined as a form of extra-sensory perception that allegedly allows one to taste a substance without putting anything in one’s mouth. It is claimed that those who possess this ability are able to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms through taste. [/quote]

Isn’t wikipedia great? Except for when they remove the Gang Stalking pages.

Anyways not to pull you into the world of the weird, but one more.

Above you have people who are able to gather a wealth of information outside of the five senses, that’s great. Some believe this stuff others don’t, I personally don’t care what people think, or believe, just that they have a basic understanding of this stuff.

Also people have to understand that people have different levels of abilities. In the remote viewing excercises, some could only draw images, some could actually astral travel, other claimed to be able to go backwards and forwards in time. Again this is coming from a US government program.

So different levels of abilties means that you might not always be able to see into the future if you are psychic, some mind readers would only be able to read minds up close, they could not do it at large distances, or only sparadically. Some people would be able to feel at long ranges, others only up close. Some would be able to hear over great distances, some would only be able to do it sparadically, not all the time. Hopefully you get the idea.

So if people can precieve things at a distance, can others influence things at a distance, or people?

I am going to create a new category called influencers. I am sure there is a name for them, but I would have to watch a lot of X-MEN cartoons to find out, and I just don’t have the time right now.

These are people who could get people to have thoughts, feelings, etc that were not there own. Now I have expressed before that there is technology that they use on targets to achieve this on a slight level.

The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used. The effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation. For these effects to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal range.

Above is the mechanical way of doing things, but you could also have those with the natural ability to do things. There are those who could walk into a room, and cause it to become all peaceful and quite, they just carry a snow white quality about them. They make everyone around them calm and happy. The same with those who such energy from those around them. We refer to those as emotional vampires, lot’s of books written about this type. They suck energy from those around them, and Targeted Individuals complain about this type a lot.

But what about others, people who can not just read minds, but influence minds? Eg. Someone could send thoughts of murder, mass homicide, suicide, pedophelia, theft, etc. They would have the ability to influence a persons mind, and the outcome of their actions. The perons would have little to know idea that it was not their own thoughts, but manipulated thoughts, feelings, or emotions. I think this would be one of the most dangerous things around.

That mother going through post partem depession, could be influenced to commit suicide, or hurt her children, if someone had a strong enough remote influence on her mind. She would just get feed those thoughts daily, with more details, not being abel to control what she was thinking, and not knowing that someone else was influencing her thoughts. This could be true for guys and thoughts of rape, pedophelia, etc.

Mind influencers, and like their reading counterparts they could be very dangerous to society if used for bad. Ofcourse in a hostage crisis, a talent like this could end with a peaceful outcome. Johnny you don’t want to hurt those people, put down the gun Johnny, you get the idea.

Then there are those who could manipulate emotions, sad, happy, sexy, etc. If the emotions are forced onto another person, that would be just as bad as mind influencers. If the emotions were transfered like a reverse empathy, then this would be kind of neat. It would kind of be like the movie the crow, part one, where he gives back all the pain that was caused by those who hurt his girlfriend. You could give back love, passion, adoration, etc.

Again, I think that if a world of abilities do exist, they could be good on the one hand, but they could also be bad on another level. I also think much like the X-MEN most would not reveal these talents to the world, because they would end up feared in some cases, hunted in others, and or worst sought out and paraded and praised for their ability. There are psychics who do make a living off of such things, and that is neat, but i think most people would just keep it to themselves, or other loved ones who they thought they could trust to keep their secrets.

So that’s my opinion on PSI Wars. I do think that is an apt term, because for all we know, this could be going on right now. Did anyone see the move jumpers?

That would be a cool ability to have. Till next time.

August 8, 2010 Posted by | Astral Plane, Awareness, Brain reading device, Britney Spears, changing vibrations, CIA, control, Controlled society, Emotional Vampires, ESP, Gang Stalking, Mind Control, Mind Reading, Thought Police, time travel, vibrations | , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment



[quote]Cut to the atrium. Angelus plays with his sword, idly pointing it at Buffy. She looks up at him, frightened.

Angelus:  Now that’s everything, huh? No weapons… No friends… No hope.

Buffy closes her eyes and steels herself for whatever’s coming.

Angelus:  Take all that away… and what’s left?

He draws the sword back and thrusts it directly at her face. With lightning-fast reflexes she swings up with both arms and catches the blade between the palms of her hands. She opens her eyes and meets his.

Buffy:  Me.

She shoves the blade away from her, and the hilt of the sword hits Angelus in the face. He staggers back, and she hops to her feet and kicks him in the chest. He stumbles back even more, and she reaches down and picks up her sword. She swings it around and thrusts at him, but he
manages to parry. They exchange several blows, blocking each other.

Buffy spins around and swings her sword down at him from above. He holds up his own to block, but she hits it hard and he falls to one knee. She swings again, and he blocks. She spins around with a roundhouse kick to
his side, and he collapses to the ground.[/quote]

I don’t know how many people caught the show when it was on the air, but this was a really good series. I was pretty hooked on it at the time, and season 2 episode 2 becoming is one of the best.

I can still watch it and it’s still as good as it was then.

For those who didn’t watch the series or thought it was kind of light here is the run down.

The series was Buffy The Vampire Slayer, it was about this girl, who sort of discovers that she is a bit unique and her mission is to save the world by slaying vampires.

[quote]“Into every generation a Slayer is born. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One. One born with the strength and skill to fight the vampires, to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers.”[/quote]

I know it seems kind of cheesy on the outset, but this show spawned one of the most intelligent communities on the web at the time. No matter where I am, I still come across people from that community. I think about 3 people wrote there PHD’s on the topic of this show, just to give you an idea.

I digress, season 2, the Buffy Angel romance, or not so much romance, but the relationship that almost destroyed the slayer and ruined her life.

I am going to summarize part two, so bear with me.

Buffy Slayer falls for Vampire with a soul. Vampire falls for slayer and they finally come together at some point in season two, and the romance get’s serious. Angel has a moment of true happiness, with Buffy where his soul is content and at peace, this causes some gypsy curse to kick in, and he becomes Angelus, this evil vampire without a soul.

Anyways, he spends the rest of season two, killing her friends, psychologically terrorising her, and literally trying to destroy her. She spends the rest of the season coming to grips with the fact that he is not the person she once loved, and in fact his new mission is to destroy her.

We watch the slayer mature and come to terms with this, and then the final episode, we have the clip above. Most times he was able to use psychological manipulation and it worked to distract her from what she was able to do, by playing on her fears and weaknesses, the Angelus character once again attempts to do this, but instead of falling apart, this time Buffy comes back with me.

[quote]Angelus:  Now that’s everything, huh? No weapons… No friends… No hope.

Buffy closes her eyes and steels herself for whatever’s coming.

Angelus:  Take all that away… and what’s left?

He draws the sword back and thrusts it directly at her face. With lightning-fast reflexes she swings up with both arms and catches the blade between the palms of her hands. She opens her eyes and meets his.

Buffy:  Me.[/quote]

See sometimes in life this is where you are, specifically with Gang Stalking, this is where they want you to be, so that you can slip and fall, and become a snitch, or kill yourself, or end of in jail or a mental ward, and what you have to remember as things around you are falling apart, people are betraying you, and at every turn someone tries to destroy you, what have you got left? Me.

If you can remember this, and draw on some kind of reserve when that time comes, you might just be ok. More importantly, you might just find a way to get through. That is what we have to hold on to, and we know that in any realm, that is what these people do. They use things and people that you trust and turn them against you, and use them to help destroy you, it’s something to be aware of and come to grips with, and like the character Buffy, you have to mature and come to realise that people you once loved, and cared about, might not have your best interest at heart.

Now hopefully unlike Buffy, you won’t have to put a sword through your vampire lover and send him or (her) to hell, but if it comes to it, then do what you have to do. (I don’t literally mean that you will have to put swords, what I do mean, is you might have to psychologically shore yourself up, so that you don’t let things and people bring you down.

Ok I am going to leave you with the final scene for that episode. It’s bitter sweet, but such is life. The point is, you can triumph and overcome difficult situations, but it’s not easy, but do your best, and remember you always have you even if you feel like you have no one else.

[quote]Willow:  Asa sa fie! Asa sa fie! Acum!

Translation:  So it shall be! So it shall be! Now!

Cut to the mansion. Angelus has dropped his sword and holds his cut.
Buffy does a high kick to his face, and he falls backward into Acathla
and lands on his knees before her.

Cut to the hospital.

Willow:  Acum!

Translation:  Now!

The Orb glows brightly for a brief moment and goes dark. Willow suddenly
relaxes, and looks around blankly.

Cut to the mansion. Buffy raises her sword to dispatch Angelus, but
stays herself when he suddenly gasps loudly and groans in pain. She sees
his eyes glow bright red for an instant and go back dark. He looks up at
her, but quickly collapses to the floor, crying. Buffy stares down at
him, but still holds her sword raised behind her. Angel raises himself
back up, his eyes heavy with tears, and looks into her eyes.

Angel:  (softly) Buffy? (sobs) What’s going on?

She just looks at him, confused but not yet ready to lower the sword. He
looks around a bit and gets to his feet.

Angel:  Where are we? I-I don’t remember.

Finally Buffy realizes that the curse has worked, and she slowly lowers
her sword.

Buffy:  (softly) Angel?

Angel:  (sees her wound) You’re hurt.

She looks down at her wound and feels his gentle touch on her arm. She
ignores her cut, looks back up at him and steps closer. He embraces her

Angel:  Oh, Buffy… God.

She still isn’t completely sure that it’s true, but accepts the hug.

Angel:  I… I feel like I haven’t seen you in months.

Finally she accepts it, closes her eyes and breathes out a deep sigh.

Angel:  Oh, my God, everything’s so muddled. I…

He holds her even more closely.

Angel:  Oh…

He sighs deeply and kisses her on the shoulder.

Angel:  Oh, Buffy…

She cries into his shoulder and hugs him back. Behind him Acathla lets
out a low rumble. Buffy opens her eyes and stares in shock as Acathla’s
face contorts. His brows angle down, his eyes glow red, his mouth opens
grotesquely and the swirling vortex to Hell opens, small at first, but
growing steadily in size and emanating a deep, red glow. Buffy lets go
of Angel and looks up into his face.

Angel:  (confused) What’s happening?

Buffy:  (whispers reassuringly) Shh. Don’t worry about it.

She brushes her fingers over his lips and across his cheek. She lays her
hand on his cheek and kisses him softly. He returns the kiss, and it
becomes more passionate. Behind them the vortex has grown to about five
feet (1.5 m) across and continues to get larger. Buffy breaks off the
kiss and looks deeply into Angel’s eyes.

Buffy:  (whispers) I love you.

Angel:  (whispers) I love you.

She touches his lips with her fingers again.

Buffy:  Close your eyes.

She nods reassuringly, and he closes his eyes. She tries hard not to
start crying, and kisses him again gently. She steps back, draws back
her sword and thrusts it into his chest. His eyes whip open in surprise
and pain, and a bright light emanates from the sword. She steps away
from him. He reaches out to her and looks down at the sword thrust
completely through him. He looks at her imploringly, completely
bewildered by this turn of events. She can only stare at the sword
protruding from his chest, and slowly steps further back.

Angel:  Buffy…

Behind him the power of the sword begins to swirl into the vortex. Buffy
steps further back, still looking only at the sword in his chest and not
into his face. The vortex has enlarged to about twelve feet (3.5 m)
across, and the two energies begin to interact. Angel still holds out
his hand to Buffy. When the vortex finally meets him it suddenly closes
into Acathla’s mouth without so much as a spark, taking him with it.
Buffy stares at the stone demon for a long moment, a light of awareness
dawning in her eyes as she truly realizes what she has done, what she
has lost. She begins to sob, her heart breaking. In the background “Full
of Grace”, by Sarah McLachlan, begins to play over the scene.

Lyrics:  The winter here is cold…

Dissolve to Buffy’s street. She walks across it toward her house.

Lyrics:  …and bitter / It’s chilled us to the bone / We haven’t seen
the sun for weeks / Too long, too far from home

She looks at the neighboring houses, then back at hers. Cut into the
house. Joyce climbs the steps and looks down the hall at Buffy’s door.

Lyrics:  I feel just like I’m sinking

Joyce:  Buffy?

Lyrics:  And I claw for solid ground

She walks to Buffy’s room and looks in. The windows are open, and some
of her daughter’s things are strewn on the bed. She steps in and looks

Lyrics:  I’m pulled down by the undertow

She sees a note on the bed among a bunch of clothes.

Lyrics:  I never thought I could feel so low

She picks up the note and reads.

Lyrics:  And, oh, darkness / I feel like letting go

She begins to cry as she reads and sits down on the bed.

Lyrics:  If all of the strength and all of the courage / Come and lift
me from this place

Oh and yeah, I can still watch this show and be on the edge of my seat on some of those scenes, this show crossed gender and cultural barriers, and it’s still as relevant today in many ways as it was then, special thanks to Joss Whedon for creating such a unique and memorable show, universe, and for an amazing and unique community the likes I have not yet come across again.

March 22, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, communityharassment, Conformity, Conspiracy, control, Controlled society, Covert investigations, domestic spying, driving-crazy, Emotional Vampires, Entrapment, Female, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Informants, slavery, slaves, Snitches, Social Control, society, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Reviews with extra views.

Ok I caught a few movies recently and wanted to share that with you. So this is mostly fluff about which movies I have seen and my feedback. May contain spoilers.

1. Don’t mess with Zohan

Ok this is a comedy with Adam Sandler, he plays an Israeli assassin, who get’s tired of the work and goes to to America to be a hair dresser. Mariah Carey makes a guest appearance in the movie.

Ok the movie is funny in ways, because the character is in some ways out of the 70’s with his hair styles and sexual promiscuity.

Part of the movie shows this big corporation hiring these people that look like the minute men, (that militia group) they are hired to start rivalry between the Jewish and Palestinian community, then have the one blame the other for the mischief that happens, but in the end it all works out ok. The message of the movie is one of those can’t we just get along this is America.  Least that’s how I interpreted it. Cause when he goes to America he ends up working in this hair shop for this Palestinian girl that he start to like, after he finishes doing half the older women in town ofcourse, cause that’s suppose to be romantic and funny.

Eg. As part of the movie he literally satisfies the customers in more ways than one. Now most of the hair salon customers are over 60 so it’s suppose to be funny. There are lot’s of sassy over 60 out there, so don’t get me wrong, I am just saying that’s how the movie portrays it.

Now as funny as this movie was, not so much, but good for a laugh none the less, I kept thinking that the other message in the movie, really should have been “don’t mess with Zohan.” In the real world who knows what he was picking up with those adventures. I mean in the real world there is a real STD problem with the geriatric generation. High on that list HIV, HPV, Herpes. Viagra what have you done?

I thought it was particularly cute in the movie when they find the preparation H, and the mother of the guy Zohan is staying with and sleeping with says she uses it for her genital warts.

I kept thinking nice girl in movie, why you mess with Zohan. The title speaks for itself. No seriously if you take the movie for the comedic value it’s meant to give it’s good, but if you put any real spin on it, there are two messages in the movie, and for me the title says it best.


2. Sex in the city

Ok I have seen one episode of this show. I really thought it was about woman having sex in the city. Then some girl told me it’s actually about trying to find true love. Ok.
Then some guy at work said see the movie, it’s really nice. Ok. So I saw the movie.

It’s good. It’s actually funny, and you don’t have to have watched the show to get the movie. I won’t ruin too much of this, but someone tries to get married, someone cheats, and ofcourse people have sex.

The guy who cheats was funny, he was like, it was just the one time.  It was funny, but I had sympathy for them both.
In the movie he had been without sex for 6 months, cause of the busy ice queen. I felt sorry for him. On the other hand, I felt bad for her when she was like, I changed for you, you broke us. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think 6 days, 6 months, or six years is a good reason for cheating, but if something isn’t working, talk about it first, before stepping out.

As it was her friends shared different views on this, some thought once was forgivable, she did not. I do think people can slip up, but in general if you love someone truly, then why step out?

Contrast this to the love letters that the Kerry character reads a little earlier in the movie. They are from a book of great loves, Napoleon to Josephine etc. I think there are people that can find each other in this world, and truly care about each other from start to finish, and truly leave everyone else out. I think that’s still the concept that I still have.

So the movie leaves the question can love last. Sure it can, I mean the Kerri character breaks up with the Mr big character and they get back together, apparently they were dating for 10 years before trying to get married. So I guess it also depends on your concept of marriage and relationships.

All together this movie was worth seeing.
3. Wanted

This was the next movie that I saw. I think Angelina Jolie is just great in this action packed movie. Now the movie is very Matrix, like, with a bit of terminator thrown in. I really liked it.

This was the second assassin movie for the weekend. I really don’t want to give too much away here with this one.

Needless to say there was one part of the movie where she saves him, and it’s that, come with me if you want to live feel. Also right at the beginning, this character does this almost Matrix like assassin move and it’s like wow.

At one part of the movie I started to question the motivation of the characters and if they were telling the truth. I remember when the Gang Stalking thing started and I just came online, I was being told so many things and being directed at who to hate, and who not to hate. I am glad that I did not get sucked into that, because unintentionally, I could have been online placing blame on one group of people, and missing parts of the bigger picture. I thought of this when I was seeing the movie, now let’s just say, you always have to find your own truth, you can’t always trust everyone, not everyone will do the wrong thing when the truth comes out, and some characters just amaze you.

Needless to say, I still really think the Angelina Jolie character was the best and most amazing. I don’t know if this movie needs a part two, but much like the Matrix it shows you some truth about how the real world works, with seeing things, almost synchronicity, but more so. It also has a message at the end.

Unlike 10 years ago when Matrix came out and I totally didn’t connect with that movie at all, till years later, this movie I connected with more so from the beginning, because my awareness higher than it was before. If you are unaware, a lot of these movies just pass you by. I am sure some things passed me by on first viewing, but I hope to see it again. I also like the code in the movie that the first assassin breaks, it’s also very Matrix like when you hear them say that. It’s a neat movie.

I recommend this one out of all the ones that I saw.
4. Jumper
This is an old one, not in theaters, but new on video.
This kid has powers where he can teleport. Kind of how some people can astral travel in their sleep. Why not just call it astral teleportation?

Anyways, it’s an ok flick about how those without powers always have to fear and destroy that which they don’t understand, or fear. Kind of like X-men, but not as cool or anything.

The part that did catch my eye in this movie was that the bad guys were using electricity to control the jumping, there was a line about let’s see how far you can jump with a thousand blots of electricity going through your brain, or something like that. I guess that would disrupt the neural synapse, also make it hard to concentrate on where you want to jump to.

It just reminded me of how people use electromagnetic harassment on targets of Gang Stalking to disrupt their lives, and my consistent question of, what else is behind it. Why do they have to keep us in an electronic cage, what else might be behind it, that we are not aware of, or even suspecting?

Anyways, the movie is cute. Worth renting. The only thing I can think of however is much like the X-men if you really did have such abilities, you would in no way shape or form use them with such frequency, not if you wanted to stay alive.

I always think if people have special abilities or talents they might want to keep their mouths shut, least they end up in government labs. I mean the government is investing large amounts of money into psi phenomenon for a reason. ESP, telekinesis, mind readers, remote viewers, and a whack of other talents we know nothing about. If you are not working for them, then can they really afford to have you running around scott free?

Think about this, sappers above you, mind readers below you, a target would really have their work cut out for them then. Just a thought.

Still the movie is cute, plus it’s a two night rental.
5. Bourne Identity
Believe it or not, this movie really was great. Yes I realise it came out like a billion years ago, but I missed seeing it ok. So I finally saw it, I wanted to catch up on the series, but felt wrong about seeing three before 2, before 1 etc.

This movie is great and I really like the character. I think the trilogy is great, and I am glad to hear that a part 4 is in the works.

This was assassin movie number 3 for me. What can I say about this one, action packed, delivers from start to finish, and apparently even assassins get bored of the blood and guts, sure the pay is nice, the multiple identities are a bonus, but at the end of the day we all just want a little peace.

Oh also forgot, see Iron Man, that movie kicked ass, and I forgot to include it in the reviews.

July 8, 2008 Posted by | Disease, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Emotional Vampires, Film, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Mind Reading, Movies, Precognition, STD, Syncronicity, The Matrix | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

I want out.

Ever wonder if the Governments of the world are full of Passive Aggressive Manipulators? Now as many of you can remember I started blogging about these about 7 months ago. I thought I had identified one at my old job, that had set it’s sights on me.

I was thinking about the Government and I wonder how many attributes they have in common with P.A.M.’s?
They are big on being in control. They don’t seem like it, but they are some of the most controlling people on the face of the planet, as well as manipulative. They also like to have all the power in a relationship, be it friendship or other. Now don’t get me wrong they can be very nice people, people you want to be friends with, as long as you are not the one being manipulated by them, then it’s another story.

It’s the same with the government. I trusted my government. Thought they were nice, and so they are if you are not the one being Gang Stalked by them, then it’s another story. They also like to be in control, they are manipulative and they also like to have the power in a relationship, as targets well know.

They love games, passive, aggressive, manipulative games. They like to hide in the shadow, behind a mask of sincerity, and harmlessness. The harmless geek type, wouldn’t hurt a fly. Have you seen some of the people in government?

They like to play games that will psychologically over time weaken their targets. If they can find a hook, a way to dig into the target they will do it. Eg. Attack a persons weight, make them feel insufficient, unworthy, do little things to break them down, while all the time making the target seem like they have the problem, or that they are the ones who are causing the harm in the friendship, relationship. When called on the bullshit, they feign being hurt, or attacked, knowing full well what they are doing. They are good at dropping tears at the drop of a bucket. Remember Gang Stalking is very similar, the government plays a psychological/Social game with the targets life that is set to destroy them, or at least severely limit their capacity. They do it over time, and if the target lashes out justifiably, they make it seem like it’s the targets fault.

Also trying to get away from a passive aggressive manipulator is almost as hard as getting away from Gang Stalking. I have known people to leave the country to get away from one of these people. With Gang Stalking targets are hardly ever that lucky.

Passive Aggressive Manipulators are hard to spot and hard to identify, even if you do identify one, most people would not believe you. The same is true for Gang Stalking, even when you try to tell them that the government is crazy and stalking you, via snitches, most people don’t believe. Also with both scenarios, if you do nothing to correct the situation it just get’s worst and worst and you just get sucked further down.

They’re not that hard to deal with. You can ignore them (hey, works for most) or just say things like;
“I hear what you’re saying and I fully understand what you’re asking for. However even if I wanted to do this I haven’t got the authority to do it, so I’ll have to get someone else.”
However the customer won’t want to hear this because they know that the next person will see right through them and veto their demands. They’re hoping that the first point of contact is a clueless pusher of pencils. If the first point of contact makes a mistake and gives them something they’re not entitled to then the customer has won. Handball this type as soon as it becomes feasible to do so, but make sure you give a very detailed account of any conversation that you’ve had with them because this type of customer will most certainly lie to the next person and say things such as;
“The person I was speaking to said that you’d be able to do this.” This is despite the fact that you’ve said no such thing. [b]The passive/ aggressive manipulator lives in their own plane of reality and everyone is lying but themselves. Remember that and you’ll soon be able to spot them and easily deal with anything they have to offer. [/b]

Just like P.A.M.’s, they will say it is black, when you have said it is white, and the clueless people around them will just go along with it. The same is true with the government, once they list you as insane, a pedophile, drug dealer, whatever lie they use to get you stalked and mobbed 24/7, they will not give up, and unless you learn to use your voice and express yourself as a target, your side of the story will never get heard. It will be a one sided conversation, where you never get to voice or express what you are feeling.

Passive aggressive manipulators, seem really warm and caring, but they can also be downright cold and feeling less. They can also be ruthless and dangerous, just like the government. If you think you are dealing with one, handle with caution, if you know you are dealing with one, well handle with even more caution.

Doing nothing does not work, getting angry does not work, you have to find someway to express to the world how you feel about the situation without coming off as the aggressor, dealing with manipulators and Gang Stalking is the same. Also manipulators in some cases can be as bad as the government. Because they are controlling, in some cases they like to know your actions 24/7. If the government could get inside the heads of targets they would.

How to deal with them. Discontinue association. Stop talking to them and interact with them as little as possible the moment you know that you are dealing with one. However if you really are dealing with one, you might have to eventually go public about ending the friendship or association and even then that will often just spur on the P.A.M. The same is true for the government. The moment they know that we are trying to get away from the Gang Stalking, they try to turn it up a notch, they like to think that they have you in a death grip and will not let go. Sometimes I wish we could Gang Stalk them.

Anyways I was wondering if writing a public I want out letter to the stalkers would help. It would go something like this.

I want out. I never wanted to be a Gang Stalking target. This is not ok with me, it never has been, and it never will be. I have been saying I want out for the last two years, you have just not been listening or we have a failure to communicate. Either way. I find Gang Stalking to be psychologically, emotionally abusive, and degrading. I don’t want to play this game anymore, I never did. I want my name out of this mess, I want my files removed and my name cleared. Stop spreading lies about me and the other targets. It’s nothing personal, but some people like the attention 24/7 and I personally don’t. I want my privacy back. I want the electronic/torture harassment to stop. I realise as long as I live in your country, that might not be possible, since there are just some ties that bind that can not be easily broken, but I still want out.

I want to live in peace and quite, i want to stop being psychologically degraded, manipulated, and I don’t appreciate the control. I do realise that my fellow sheeple for the most part are ok with this, and some even like the game, however I don’t. I don’t like the jobs that I have lost due to this garbage, or the reputation that has been ruined due to this, and I want it to stop. Simply put I want out.

In the future should I get bored and decide I again want to be psychologically manipulated, controlled, etc, I will let ya know. Yours sincerely, Citizen Gang Stalking.

Do I really think that would work? No, but it might be fun to do. All we can do is realise that silence kills, but also over reacting does us no good. These people are looking to push our buttons, they are playing games that we never asked to play. They will hold on to and control us as long as we let them. We must do what we can to remove them from our realm, that means on a physical level, but also on a psychological level and that can take time. Remember the name of the game is to ruin the targets reputation, put them into stressful situations, make them seem like they are the ones with the problem. Never let them get their side of the story out, and keep the rumour mill going. While seeming like the friendly benevolent government that would never do their citizens any harm right? That’s why I think governments are really passive aggressive manipulators at heart, and all we can do is work at getting out on every level that we can.

They do not have our best interests at heart, they are out to make sure that targets are degraded in every way possible, and it’s up to us to find a way out. We have to realise they will play these games for as long as we let them. Our best methods of defence are again exposure and awareness. Will it stop the Gang Stalking, probably not, but it can make it less severe. When you don’t have a voice and others are doing the talking for you you have no chance for survival.

May 15, 2008 Posted by | Brain reading device, Bullying, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community mobbing, control, Electronic harassment, Emotional Vampires, Females, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Isolation, Laws, male, mental-salves, Mind Control, Mind Reading, mobbing, Relationships, silence, Snitches, society, Stalking | 17 Comments

The Veil

I have been distracted lately. Since discovering the site in 2 worlds. I have been thinking a lot about this stuff.

It’s nothing new for me, infact before a lot of this workplace mobbing started, and Gang Stalking started, I use to research stuff like this all the time for fun.

I love finding out about the fact that our science is really messed up. The time lines are so bad, carbon dating is not accurate, and the Greenhouse effect, is probably a natural phenomenon that the earth has seen before, and will again. (Pole shift anyone?). Small little things like that.

I also loved reading and learning about the spirit, weird phenomenon like PSI stuff, spiritual contracts, NDE’s, past lives, etc. I was so up on this stuff, and my library records probably reflected this.

I keep this in mind because again with the targeting sometimes the reason that you think you are targeted is not the real reason. The types of people being targeted are pretty specific. Smart in many cases, moral, independent, free thinkers, not conditioned the way society said we should be, etc.

I keep wondering if I should start another blog for this. I know this blog is suppose to be about Gang Stalking and it had the odd other post stuck in there from time to time, but lately my mind has been elsewhere, and rather than not share that with you all, I would rather just start another blog in addition to this one to keep the two separate. Actually what I really want to do is keep the same blog, and have you journey with me on my path of transformation, but I do realise that might not be possible depending on the stages that you are in. (Torture and psychological warfare, do not exactly make good bed fellows with spiritual journies, but they can.)

My Gang Stalking still continues, some days it’s all that I can do not to wish the snitches away, but that would mean wishing pretty much all people away. (I am ok with that.) I like my alone time. I love my privacy, to have that taken away has been a real violation. I don’t mind my privacy invaded by people who have my best interest at heart, but I do mind my privacy being invaded by those who do not. In fact I mind it a great deal most of the time, but sometimes there is not much you can do.

So what have I been thinking about? Sometimes I feel like the whole world already knows and I hate that, because my thoughts are private, and anyone who cares about me would respect that. I don’t care if a few close people know my thoughts, but not the whole world.

Anyways I have been thinking about the beliefs that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Before this started, I use to read about spiritual contracts. Some people believe that we are spirit and that we come here to earth agreeing to have specific experiences, agreeing to meet specific people at different times, even agreeing as to when we will go back. Some mothers have reported having spiritual or dream encounters with their future unborn children, and making an agreement with them that they would have them incarnate with them for a time, and even knowing what they would be coming here to do. Pretty interesting stuff.—-There-Are-No-Victims&id=279881

I believe the spirit world is all around us, it’s not some far off concept, not by a long shot. I also think that it’s nothing more than a thin veil, that many other cultures have learnt to transcend. From Shamen, to spiritual reader, etc.

I think that dreams are how the spirit world communicates with this realm. Eg. Because most of us in society are not aware of this fact, that realm communicates with us the only way it can, via dreams. Why the imagery is so messed up or different is beyond me, the translation is weird, but that what happens. Dream books seem to be aware of these translations and some are really good with helping to break down this barrier.

I also think that this realm communicates via synchronicity. Eg. You are trying to find the answer to something and suddenly a sign appears, a book falls, a picture, object appears, mostly signs, billboards, etc. I believe that’s just one way our minds communicate with the spiritual. It’s how we reach each other at times, and how those in other places reach and touch us.

I do think we come here with purposes, deciding what we want to do, however I also fully believe that we can get distracted, lose sight of that path, or never fulfil what we came to do. The challenge is to stay open, not let the pain, burdens and heartaches of this world hold us down.

I believe we start off in this world being very much aware of the spirit realm, but as we grow, unless you are from a culture that actively and openly nurtures this, then you lose sight of this really quickly. That is also why young children show greater PSI abilities and then lesser by age 5.

I believe in societies like ours, children especially are exposed too quickly, and conditioned too quickly to lose sight of this. I believe our societies foster families that don’t have the time to nurture these attributes in children and so we raise these violent, unproductive beings when we could raise up these free spirits, that have amazing knowledge and abilities. (Healing, mind reading, telekinesis, etc)

I think these are amazing abilities because we don’t know any better. We don’t realise that these are things that we all start off having the potential to tap into, however due to abusive childhoods, sexual, physical, emotional, psychological, even underprivileged childhoods, etc we loose track of that.

Children are not trained up in these ways, infact they are conditioned from birth, with tv, school, church, work, etc. By the time many of us enter adulthood, much of this has been depleted, we have often fully lost touch with any of this, or the capacity to fully tune into this stuff. Much like changing channels, or vibrations, we tune in and out of this stuff like we do with people.

The world hurts and abuses us, and leaves us emotionally downtrodden, enslaves, most don’t realise it, and so we loose touch with these amazing people that we could be, that we all have the potential to be. In any given time period ofcourse there are some that by the grace of God, make it though unscathed, untouched and able to help guide, or teach others, but it’s so rear, when it should be the norm. Our society does not have our spiritual best interests at heart. It’s not in their interest to see these things fostered, and so everything is set up in place for these things to fail.

I liked the movie the golden compass, when it showed them trying to get the kids to grow up and remove their spirits from them. I think that’s why we have people in powerful places and positions, who are helping to run child porn rings. Children are an amazing and precious commodity and very few get to be nurtured in society the way they deserve to be. I don’t mean money or privilege, that helps, but it’s not the be all and end all.

You will also find in society if you try to present new concepts, ideas, or if you discover something that goes against the grain, or that is outside of the norm, then you will get shot down, often your discoveries will be removed, and if you don’t keep quite about it, you will be on the governments most wanted list.

We could have paradise, but we have a painful prison instead, and it’s not necessary. That’s part of the real truth. It’s so sad when you really tune into this. It’s also hopeful, because when you do start to realise that we are powerful, we have choices, we can change our lives with thought, sound can create and call things into existence, the world changes for you overnight and then you have a new reality, and new concepts that you have to try to decipher and understand. The world holds many mysteries and adventures just waiting to be had, often time we have to just tune into it, or let ourselves be open to it, but most in society can’t because they don’t know how, they have never learnt, or they just can’t or won’t let go of these restrictions that have been placed on their minds.

We can help each other on these paths, but we still have to have our our experiences, our own journeys. Love is the highest power, the greatest law. We are all one, but we are all individuals. (Makes no sense right?) Think of Star Trek next generation. Auto is this cool creature that comes from this world where they can all meld into one, and share each others thoughts, experiences etc, but then he is one individual as well, who can step away from that and have his own unique experiences. Even the borg on that show are another interesting concept. We are one, we are a human collective, a human conscience, and yet we are individuals who have our own experiences and make our own choices.

There is so much in society that explains this, many have tuned into this before, and will again, and the only limitations are those that we place on ourselves and those that we let our society place on us. Most in society are so not in tune with these concepts, infact these concepts are anathema to most in society, which is really sad, because these concepts could help free our society from the unseen bonds that hold us in place.

Most of us in society do not have caring nurturing relationships, not truly, not with our kids, not with our parents, not with our spouses, we don’t often really know how to. Thus the breakdown in marriages, kids hating parents, friendships that don’t last etc. Our society is set for these associations to fail, and if they don’t fail on their own, the society is more than willing to give a push. I often wonder at the people getting targeted. I even wonder about high profile cases in the news, like the Mormons. Did society really care, or is it just that we had no access to them, not enough snitches, they were raising the kids without these limitations, just some thoughts. I am sure there might have been genuine concerns, but after ruby ridge and Waco, these things now come to mind.

Anyways, how can you have truly loving caring relationships with others if you have never been taught? Also how can you be truly open with someone that you don’t trust, or feel has your best interest at heart? How can you ever fully tune into that person? Most of us are use to and accustomed to substandard relationships that leave us bruised and broken in many cases. We learn to close ourselves off emotionally, people in our society seem to be great at physical closeness, be it hugs, physical intimacy etc, but most are not ever able to achieve emotional, psychological, spiritual closeness.

Also sometimes when you can achieve these states they can grow stronger in some cases, so strong that a deep emotional bond is created, however in other cases do to abuse, emotional, physical, Psychological, Verbal etc, they can become diminished. We are in a society where many of us expect to be betrayed, abandoned, belittled, dis-respected, and it’s all good. However that’s not good, that’s not healthy, that’s not sane, and the more we let ourselves get exposed to this, the more we become closed off, and then we often bring those to other relationships, and those newly created walls, that are designed to help us handle the pain of the situation often remain in place.

Innocence can get corrupted overnight, we start off being trusting people. Most of us are not prepared or equipped to handle, sociopaths, psychological manipulators, people who do not have our best interests at heart, we often start out believing that the world is a good and safe place till something teaches us differently. Then we have to figure out how to deal with the new knowledge, the new world view.

With Gang Stalking, I thought I had a fairly good idea with what was going on. The years before I knew the term mobbing, or gang stalking, I knew what people were doing to some degree, and that it was wrong, and hurtful and yet they kept doing it. I just thought how horrible they were, cause if you are doing something and you know it’s hurting someone, and you keep doing it then obviously you don’t care about the person. This created a lot of distance with friends and family, but until I found out about Gang Stalking, only then did I come to realise just how deep the betrayal was.

See when you don’t have the full picture, or even 5-10% of the picture, you have some vague idea as to what is going on, but you really don’t. Until you see the full picture, you can’t really know what is going on. I knew I was being betrayed, but I had no idea how bad it was, till I found out about Gang Stalking, or how widespread it was, or how many people were involved. Once I did know, I again had to make adjustments to deal with the new reality, but some situations are like that, you get about 5-10% of the picture, and then you miss out on the other 90-95%. It’s like having one way text messaging, you can send, but you can’t receive, or you receive one or two short bursts, but you are never clear on what is happening, you never get to see the whole picture and therefore can not truly make proper assessments, decisions or judgements.

That’s always been one of the more irritating parts with the Gang Stalking stuff, the rumour mill. Everyone in your life knowing more about your life than you do. People getting one side of the story and assuming it’s the whole story, picture, when you often have no idea, didn’t say that, or weren’t aware of that. After about 10 years of this, I am almost numb to this. I have had to come to places of acceptance where I do realise I might never hear the full story, where I have to formulate opinions and ideas with about 5-10% of the puzzle. Life is more fun when you have all the pieces of the puzzle, but it’s just not always possible.

The other irritating part is the concept of intimate infiltrations. The fact that some people will try to get into your life just to see how they can screw you over and hurt you. Friendships are hard to form this way. Family well some of the worst has been done. Love, well being the romantic sort, that does put a damper on things. I believe in the concept, the possibility, but love has to love you back, or then is it truly love? If you have someone in your life that is not true, not loyal, not faithful, and does not have your best interest at heart, then are you really loved? My logic says no, and that is what the dangers of intimate infiltrations are. Ofcourse that is why targets have to be so careful.

Even if it’s not intimate infiltrations and it’s just regular romantic relationships, I have seen the strong and the wise brought low with bad decision making. Eg. Samson with Delila, (I always wondered why he didn’t kick her to the curb?) I mean here is this chick gathering all his secrets, and then spilling them to his worst enemies. So not cool. Then Solomon and his women, took him away from the very God he loved as a child, he should have stuck with Sheba. Then there are more modern examples, Whitney and bobby, she went from Queen of pop, the children are our future, teach them well, let them lead the way, to crack. I think the years with Bobby, his cheating, and fathering kids with other chicks did not help her self esteem, and she seemed to have at least some before him. Then there is Diana, beautiful princess ruined by her choice. I remember that she wanted to walk away before the marriage, but the names had already been engraved on the plates. Great kids, but a marriage not made in heaven.

Then I have seen others come together, Brad and Angelina, great combo. I love watching the path that these two walk. The kids that they bring into their relationships, Angelina and her concept of finding her kids in the world. I think they are just on such a cool journey. Also Cudos to Keith Urban for cleaning up the act when Nicole came along.

I think in any situation that the right people can have a profoundly positive effect on another person and that is what we are here to do for each other. I think in other situations people can have a profoundly bad effect on each other. I think the right people who really care about you and love you, have your best interests at heart, do right by you, and do not betray you, help bring out the best in you. I think if you are worried about what your friends are doing, family, or even spouses on a consistent basis, then you might not be on the right paths with those people. You can’t choose your family this is true, but you can limit contact with them if you feel that they are betraying you, the others can all be chosen and or removed on these life paths that we are creating for ourselves.

Right now I still feel really good about my path of transformation. I am physically limiting people that are bad for me on my path, and I am trying to do the same on an emotional, spiritual and psychological level, which takes more work. Sometimes people come into your life for you to learn a lesson, concept or just experience something. I find that people are transitional, and you can’t always count on the fact that they will be there for you, the only one you can count on is you, and God. Still I am trying to be more open, trying to tune into the spiritual.

I find that it’s hard. My spiritual self is still so different than my conscience self. My conscience self has seen a lot of the grit of this world, it’s hardened, logical and accepts the pit for what it is. I think my spiritual or inner self is still more hopeful, trusting, believing in love everlasting, happy endings, truth, loyalty, friendships, trust. I find for me it’s difficult to tune into the spiritual because the one is so different than the other. That’s what’s so neet about this world, you can find that you don’t even really know your own self at heart, and that can be a discovery in and of itself.

I still look forward to learning more, getting back to basics and concepts that I use to know, new concepts that I want to understand, like about sound and how it affects us. How we interact with it. I want to know my whole being as a person, I want to continue to be purified. Like all those before me have been, by difficult experiences. I want to understand why I sought this experience, what I still hope to or need to learn, and I look forward to new people I might meet along the path. There are still a few good people in the world, so much to discover, see and do. I have a new feeling inside that was not there before, or rather has not been there for a long time, and that is because I am tuning into me again. I did not do that during the mobbing, Gang Stalking, because these things are designed to kill and trap the spirit, leave it broken and wounded, and this experience did not do this, if did just the opposite, and so on my path I don’t want to let it anything that will do what the Gang Stalking failed to do.

So that’s my very long post about the veil, and the thin layers that divide us all. We are all so close to being one, but then we are all so separate. Find experiences that will let you be free, that will let light and love in and that will let the veil be torren down more and more. Interact and connect with people who really want to help you on your path, and who truly love you, avoid others who don’t. Keep an eye our for dreams and synchronicities, they are how the sprit(s), the divine within us connects with our hoping to be divine. Enjoy the journey, rise above this experience that will try to hold us down, and make make us lose sight of God, the divine, and our true purpose and true calling.
 That is what this Gang Stalking stuff has done and we have the ability to choose not to let it do this to us. We can rise about this, I did not say that we can stop, this, but maybe we can in time do that as well, but we can rise above it in the mean time.

May 10, 2008 Posted by | Bullying, Censorship, changing vibrations, Children, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conformity, control, Controlled society, crazy, david icke, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Emotional Vampires, ESP, future, Gang Stalking, harassment, Honey Trap, Intimate Infiltarations, Life, Mind Reading, mobbing, Monitoring, Passive Aggressive Manipulative, Precognition, present, Relationships, slavery, Snitches, Social Control, society, sound, State target, Syncronicity, Targeted Individual, telecommunications, time travel, vibrations | 7 Comments

Emotional Sapping and Intimate Infiltrations.

Counter Measures that might work. Honestly I could go over each point and try to tell you what’s worked for me, but you have to find what works for you. Like any other therapy you might find what works for me does not work for you. Find your own path.

Different people find different things acceptable. Others have boundaries that they just would not feel comfortable crossing or have things that they would not feel comfortable doing.

Others still need to feel that they are part of society. So again do what works for you. I will however share some of my ideas, and things that I have actually done, or intend to do if in the situation again.

Again for me some of the most effective things that I have done is just letting them know in subtle or overt ways that I know what they are. I have enough info about what they are,how they operate to shine it back in their faces, and evil does not like to see it’s own reflection. (Also Civilian Spies/Snitches hate to have their covers blown.)

This has helped tone down much of the Gang Stalking in my life. It has not stopped some things, like the electronic monitoring/harassment. It has not helped me keep a steady job. However when I do have to be in specific environments, it’s helped me to keep my dignity and stay fairly true to whom I wish to be.

To read about some of the countermeasures please use the following link.
I will touch on a couple of points that I don’t think get touched on often enough.

Emotional Sappers and Intimate Infiltrations.

On the website Mark calls them Sappers.

[quote]Parasitic Behavior

There is another motivational factor worth mentioning. Possibly, the greatest factor. During these covert group attacks, there is an energy transfer that these individuals, whether they know it or not, are looking for. The systematic vulturing during Mobbing & Gang Stalking campaigns is an intended robbery of a person’s life-energy. This is no different than sticking a needle in someone’s arm & stealing their blood. Eastern philosophy refers to these people as Sappers.

A Sapper is a person who is too sick, weak, or underdeveloped, to create their own life-energy. So they continually find themselves in circumstances where they steal or “sap” energy from a being that has already assimilated it into a usable form.
This is similar to an infant eating pre-processed food. Society is full of them. They are completely unconscious of this tendency. I refer to them as Psychic Fleas.
Others call this being an emotional vampire. There are literally some people who can drain other people’s energies. I don’t think this aspect of targeting is often discussed in the Targeted Individual community. It’s interesting because there are lot’s of books written about people who can zap other people’s energies with their negativity, or transfer their
negative energy onto another. Main stream books have been written about this, but this is never really discussed in the T.I. community.

I think it’s something that should be discussed, and also ways to shield against this. Ways that I find helpful are meditation or spiritual readings, the bible being my weapon of choice.

I also found a really great blog posting by evolve on the same issue. She runs a blog over at

Here is a small sample of her post.
[quote]Beware..there is a very creepy aspect to being a target that is experienced by some people. Its spiritual or metaphysical, a sort of psychic vampirism.
We all know someone who ‘sucks the life’ out of us or even out of a room but as a Target, one is especially vulnerable to people like this due to being beaten down constantly and never allowed time to heal, regenerate or re align with one’s self (or definition of oneself). The redefining of the Target as victim by perps and keeping the target hostage daily as victim provides opportunities to very dangerous emotional and psychic predators.

If a Target stays in one locality too long and certain persons become familiar with you who are perps who are involved with harrassing or torturing you daily, even at first if they seemed harmless enough eventually they will harass you to a point where they start taking your energy in a very real way..there also seems to be the ability for that person, especially supported by other perps that show up on teh scene later, to begin to dump all their negative energy/problems/etc on the Target. In this way once again you become a human sacrifice in the short term as well as the long other words a Target may function as a scapegoat emotionally and psychically not jsut for the network at large but for individuals.

Great post and very insightful.

The other topic I wanted to quickly touch on is Intimate Infiltrations. Targets are often set up or used in this way. Either by having people try to get close to them, only to gather information, or to try to get into a relationship with them.

Since I found out about Gang Stalking, I have personally avoided this trap by staying single. I still get emotionally attached to others, but that’s about it.

For now the research takes up a good chunk of my free time, and really as a target I think the most sane thing that I can do right now is be single and figure out what to do next. This works for me, however it obviously might not work for others.

I don’t know how others are handling this, but here are some Targeted Individual stories you should keep in mind.
Mark M. Rich.

Second Incident

Looking back, this event makes sense. But at the time it didn’t. A girl that I met at a gas station on my way back from a camping trip probably tried to frame me for attempted rape. This was sometime in either 1997 or 1998. I think she said she was from Vermont. On the phone she seemed OK, & said she was coming to Boston for an interview. How convenient I thought. So we arranged to have dinner & she invited me back to her hotel which was on Pleasant Street in Malden.

Back at the hotel she would entice me to make a move on her, but then stop, change her attitude drastically & go cold. I’d stop then, & she’d entice me again. She repeated this several times. Sensing there was something wrong with this girl I ended up leaving without anything happening. Now that I look back, I’m pretty sure I dodged a bullet.

For months afterward I remember having a strange feeling about that episode. It didn’t make sense, but I attributed it to just being one of those strange events. The reason it didn’t make sense is because the feeling I had gotten from that experience was that she wanted to frame me. But I didn’t entertain this idea much because it seemed illogical that a stranger would try to frame someone. There’s simply no reason.

Now that I look back, I think she tried to get me to “cross the line” so she could report it as a rape or attempted rape. I’m certain this was a Staged Event. I think these people tried to get me incarcerated. Interestingly, in the summer of 2005, a relative who now participates in the harassment against me, used a metaphor to describe how he was blackmailed into becoming an informant as a result of a being framed for an attempted rape. My study of this group & its controlling faction at the top, leads me to believe that this is probably common practice.

I don’t know how Mark is handling things now, cause I don’t touch base with Mark, but I am sure this is an incident he keeps in mind. I also believe this is something used very often. This and the honey trap. The honey trap is the term Markus Wolf termed, for using Male operatives to woo, females and sometimes these men even ended up marrying the woman to get secrets from them. The honey trap works both ways for men and women.

This target is divorced. He says that since his divorce, he has been set up many times where someone seems interested, even makes overtures and then as he tries to make a pass back, they act almost as if he is doing something wrong. He says that parents have also tried to set him up by leaving him alone with young children. He has also had a fake harassment charge filed against him. Here is a small except from him.
attempted sexual frame-ups fail

As I have mentioned numerous times, since my wife divorced me in 1993, all my relationships have been sabotaged. At first, I had no idea this was going on, but then, a familiar pattern began to emerge in which a woman would indicate that she was interested in pursuing a relationship with me, and then break off the relationship abruptly with no explanation.

During this time, which was extremely frustrating, even heart-breaking at times, another strange phenomenon began to manifest itself. When I was out in public, for example in a bookstore or at a concert, women would deliberately brush up against me and rub their tits against my arm or my back or my chest. And sometimes they would be extremely YOUNG women — teenagers ranging from 13 to 19.
He has been alone for 12 years since the break up. This is just one more way that they can pull at a target or manipulate them. He says it’s been stressful, because what he wants most is to be in a relationship, and I think they know this. He also thinks that his wife, who he met in College was used from the start as a set up. They married and had two kids, now they are divorced and the kids are with her. A familiar pattern.

John Hughes also writes about set up with ex girlfriends.

[quote]No one at work asked where I was Monday April 15, nor did they wish to enjoin me in conversation with the lead in, “I had an interesting day yesterday”. My Alternate Girlfriend (Ms. L), who had arrived back from a week away in New York April 14, was also one of my confidants, and in hindsight, was very likely a cooperator. She also emphasized that I was paranoid, and that I needed help, and was attempting to convince me the Standoff event was delusional. Again I got the paranoid accusation followed with a statement of seeing a counselor. She continued on this theme a number of times until our association ceased (below). Neither girlfriend was very nurturative, and the Sometime Girlfriend got in such a stinking huff that she didn’t want to talk to me. These contrived rows became delimiting as to whom and where I could later find refuge.
My move to Seattle from Everett diminished the relationship with Ms. C, but she was artfully substituted with an ADD person, Ms. L.

It is clear to me that both Ms. C and L. were both planted infiltrators to extract more information from me, and to guide and set up events that served both the experimental and harassment objective. In both cases there were unwarranted and unsettling disagreements that blew up and prevented the relationship from deepening. [/quote]

[quote]Ms. L (my ADD companion) bailed out on me when the first apartment intrusion happened April 15, 2002. Although Ms. C was front and center in setting me up for the April 15 apartment invasion by sowing fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD), I continued my on/off relationship with Ms. C until recently (06-2003). [/quote]

What’s interesting about John’s situation is that he said that the girlfriends were exactly what he was looking for. They even found him one with (Attention Deficit disorder) ADD, just like he had. He was profiled that well. I can not remember if John’s encounters seemed random or accidental, but I know other targets have reported that in retrospect, the encounters were very deliberate.
Vera story is also very interesting.

Assorted Attempted Set Ups

Part of the affect of men consistantely relating to me in this way was a kind of isolation. I got no moral support, or people offering themselves to me emotionally or mentally- it seemed the only relationships available were physical. This held true with women too, for the most part. Either they acted like friends and then robbed me blind, or we’d get a bit of a rapport going and they’d turn sexual. I honestly believe that these were all attempted “set-ups”. Whether for viewing at a later date, or for the emotional trauma that each successive, soured relationship would wreak on my psyche, the pretenses were premeditated, the approaches rehearsed.
[quote]I would often find so many similarities between myself and whomever I was just getting aquainted with (and too often ended up sleeping with). Wow, we even take the same brand of vitamins, and they care a lot about the planet as well, and I’ve read that book too, etc. When I finally really got to know some of these people they were the most bigoted, spiritually vacuous, nutrionally ignorant, apathetic people I’ll ever meet. But, they’d been coached. Like actors and their directors I firmly believe that these people had had the way to my heart mapped out for them. I really want to meet the producer. Perhaps I already have and don’t know it.

A guy asked me for a cigarette one day as I was walking down the sidewalk. Apparently we were both waiting for the same office bldg. to open, so I gave him a smoke and we chatted. He was of Native American descent with long, dark hair and a relaxed way about him. Ever on the lookout for a decent human being I accepted when he invited me to go to lunch later that day. (I am such an easy mark: Long hair, an interest in music and the environment, health foods…plus my chronic affliction with lonliness. Ahhh, hindsight is so clear.)

Another interesting thing about Vera, I think it’s her and not John. She wrote that her car broke down and this stranger drove back to assist her. She would years later realise again that the whole thing had been a set up, including the tire going flat. Just so that someone could get into her life. Fun stuff.

Rachel talks about her choice to remain, clean, sober and relationship free. The survival choice, that I think is the sanest in many cases, but not always the most manageable. I really like reading these posting however, because she touched on a lot of the emotional aspects involved with being a target.

Lastly there is this posting and I think one of the most important ones.

Ruth Goodman.

I was also contacted at home, in my personal life by a couple of men who work for the government… Brian Kohler, with the D.O.D. (I know this is his real name, I have been to his and his parents home in Fairfax Virginia. His father, Larry Kohler, works for the Pentagon) pretended at first to be in love with me, this was 5 years ago when I was more naive. He flew out to California several times pretending he was going to relocate to move in with me. It turned out that he was lying, and was actually stalking me for counter intelligence. His intimidation kept me from writing on the internet for about a year, but then I went back to doing it, refusing to give in to terrorists.

She goes on to talk about her contact with them.

[quote]About a year and a half ago I was contacted by another man, Jason Duncan (not sure if this is his real name) made similar contact with me pretending to be a friend interested in discussing spiritual principles. While at my apartment he staked out the neighborhood, and a couple of months later, stalkers moved into the house behind my balcony, built a HIGH wall, and they gather there harrassing me from behind this wall. After one of Jason’s visits with me I became extremely ill (I thought I had food poisening), and was taken to the emergency room closest to my home, very late at night, and was put out with a general anesthetic for 4 hours.

About a day or two later I began to experience people harassing me in my head. I can TELL they are using electronic devices to do so. I do not know where on my body they planted the transmitters, but I have found fake hairs protuding out of the back of my neck and behind my ears. My hairline is not the same as it was before. These tiny hairs come from my temples and go under the skin behind my ears.

These people continue to harrass me in my head, screaming “Stay off the internet” and “we control everything” etc. They also had me picked up in front of my house by a Long Beach policeman, alone with no name badge, who drugged me, met an LA County sherrif behind a dark building, who was also alone. He got on the freeway. When I asked “where are you taking me?” his response was “someplace fun”.

They took me to a secluded section of LA County Jail where I was brutally beaten, stripped naked, fondled and tortured by male sherrifs, and told over again that “we’re gonna smoke you, nigger” while guns were brandished in front of me. I was also repeated drugged with something that made me unable to control myself. I was held for 5 days with no phone call until my sister reported me missing. I was then charged with being under the influence of drugs.

As many know Ruth Died shortly after this.

I think every target has to choose how best to live. We do not want to loose our humanity, however we do not want to become careless, when we know that we are Targeted Individuals. New time more on shielding.

March 11, 2008 Posted by | Black female, Black Females, black women, blackwomen, CIA, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, East Germany, Emotional Vampires, Entrapment, Female, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Honey Trap, Intimate Infiltarations, Isolation, male, Mark M Rich, Markus Wolf, mobbing, Monitoring, Passive Aggressive Manipulative, Relationships, Snitches, Stasi, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, WhiteFemale, workplace mobbing | 12 Comments