Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Workplace zero tolerance laws

I came across this information last week when I was researching some Florida and California laws. Apparently Ontario, in Canada is going to have a new type of zero tolerance program for workplaces. This seems to be a good thing on the outside, but it will most likely create a zero tolerance program similar to what happened with their zero tolerance program for schools.

The zero tolerance program for schools, which was in effect for some time, was used to weed the schools of a lot of young black males. They were systemically targeted by the program, pushed out into the streets and gangs. Most likely also into the police informant programs as well.

Anyways the parents of many of those kids fought for years to bring cases to the Canadian or Ontario human rights commission and then finally the laws were suppose to be scrapped, because they were unfair and discriminatory, in the way that they were used. Again not before a generation of children were adversely affected, but who is counting?

Remember when programs like this are instituted in any country, city, society, they are often hailed as a good thing. Who wants violence in the schools or the workplace? Not anyone that I know. So the Ontarians are at it again. They now have the human resources acting as change agents. For those not familiar with the term, huge New World Order buzz word. Don’t forget that similar programs have been instituted in other areas. Welcomed as a good things, but based on history of such programs, what’s likely to be the real outcome 5 years down the line? More cases before human rights commissions? Not as likely, because the people who will be weeded out using these programs, will be jobless and often not able to go before commissions. The other likely scenario is because they will be booted out for zero tolerance, many might well end up on some of these lists and be followed around and systemically destroyed. So I am being proactive and warning any workers in any city, who had similar programs, watch your back, and get ready now, and not 5 years from now.

Let’s look at some articles that I came across in relationship to this. violence-at-hr-event.html

[“The other component is the implementation of best practices and a sincere commitment by employers and employees to banish all violence in the workplace,” he said, adding that the Ministry of Labour has had “positive relations” with the HRPA, particularly in consulting about various legislative initiatives for Ontario workers.]

The problem with such policies are that they often don’t banish violence in the schools or the workplace. They let those such as Human Resources personnel and others who are familiar with how the system works, it allows them to find ways to exterminate those around them. To get rid of people they see as trouble makers. It will allow them to use the smallest and widest range definitions to destroy innocent lives. It will bring about change, but not the way you think. Having seen how their zero tolerance programs worked in the schools, workers should be on their guard. lenges-of-complying-with-bill-168-part-1-of-3.html


Employers may wish to have slightly different reporting requirements depending on whether the conduct at issue is workplace violence or harassment. Given the dangers inherent in workplace violence, mandatory reporting of violence from any customer, patient or client, visitor or co-worker, and obligatory remediation are desirable.

However, there are separate considerations with respect to harassment as it will be defined under the OHSA.

The tremendously broad definition of harassment in Bill 168 means that a wide spectrum of conduct would, arguably, be subject to complaint, investigation and remedy under the policy and program. This could include harassment ranging from behaviour based on grounds protected under the Human Rights Code to much more trivial behaviour that can arise as part of workplace disputes. Such harassment can also be perpetrated by a range of individuals from all levels of the organization. Finally, victims may well have different levels of tolerance for harassing behaviour. To that end, the employer may wish to permit a greater amount of discretion in the hands of employees when it comes to reporting harassment by encouraging reporting rather than mandating it.

The first couple of lines are the most important, cause now harassment can be defined in so many new and unexpected ways that people never dreamed of, and the little worms that know the system best. The worms that are a plague upon humanity can use it to do harm. Don’t get me wrong, if used properly programs like this should be a good thing, but with a New World Order agenda working in the background, that is not likely to happen.

“The tremendously broad definition of harassment in Bill 168 means that a wide spectrum of conduct would, arguably, be subject to complaint, investigation and remedy under the policy and program. ”

A wide spectrum of conduct would be open to complaint and investigation. Not only that, but also this could get people as mentioned before put on lists. Behaviours that were not subject before now will be. Remember the guy in another city who was joking with his friend, and said something very innocent along the lines of, oh better hide the immigration officials are here. His friend was black, he was white, but they had been friend for years. Well it was over heard by a third party and he was reported, put on suspension and he committed suicide. That is what zero tolerance can and often does mean.

A HEALTH technician shot himself in the head after being suspended for making a politically incorrect joke.

Roy Amor had jokingly told a black friend and colleague that he “better hide” after he spotted immigration officials at their workplace, Britain’s Mail on Sunday reported.

Although the man was not offended, someone who overheard the remark was, and complained to Mr Amor’s bosses at Opcare, which makes prosthetic limbs.

Mr Amor, 61, was said to be devastated at the prospect of losing his job and shot himself outside his house, near Bolton, England, just hours after receiving an email from his bosses.

The email had asked him to explain his comment.

According to The Mail on Sunday, Mr Amor left three notes, all of which mentioned Opcare.

One of his friends told the paper: “Roy made a joke along the lines that his friend had better hide in case the officers found him.

“It was nothing more than a good-humoured joke but apparently someone overheard it and made an official complaint because they thought it was racist.

If used properly it can and will be a good thing, but too often, it allows these whiny crybabies with emotional issues, that truly never learnt to take a joke, to complain about the smallest things. Now don’t get me wrong. I take the issue of workplace harassment very seriously. I understand full well that sometimes you need a broader definition. Eg. With workplace mobbing, often the examples of harassment are subtle, and it’s hard to prove much less report, and in such cases it might help to have a broader definition. With workplace mobbing, just like with a lot of other things, what happens is that the person being harassed, ends up having the harassers make complaints, and then the persons justifiable outbursts are used against them to have them removed or placed on lists. This will allow a wider range of things to be used against those targeted, when they do justifiably respond back after being taunted. In most cases, the workers feel that they have done a good job getting rid of someone who was a real problem, and the reality all too often is that these programs get used as a systemic cleansing for those that are not sheep. violence-at-hr-

“Today we live in challenging and changing times, both for government, employers and employees. Our determination to succeed is being tested. Our government must reflect the realities of a changing workplace and we must seek to make our workplaces fair, safer, as well as more competitive,” Fonseca said.

Antoinette Blunt, chair of the HRA board, also talked about the changing workplace brought about by globalization. “Globalization means that the world has become a much smaller place.”
Blunt challenged HR professionals to become “change agents” allowing better understanding between employers and workers.[/quote]

Globalization and change agents. Wake up, the New World Order agenda is knocking on a lot of doors, and by the time it has finished, it will cleanse, remove, and destroy the innocent. People have to be aware of this, and figure out ways to legally arm themselves in advance. Consider this your 10 second warning.

Workers need to have the right to know when they are being investigated, and if they get put on a watch list, they have the legal right to know. This program is likely to be used and abused in ways never imagined. Zero tolerance is great in concept, but it should not mean that innocent people get destroyed in the cross fire, and zero tolerance should not be used as a cleansing agent, for New World Order agendas.

July 2, 2010 Posted by | Black Females, Blacklisted, blackwomen, Bullying, Citizen Informants, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conformity, Conspiracy | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Psychiatric Reprisal. Part 2 & 3

Named: People who become very angry, like Mr. T in the A Team, could have ‘intermittent explosive disorder’

Do you live surrounded by clutter – ancient copies of magazines, your children’s old toys, articles you’ve clipped out of newspapers over the years?

If you find it hard to throw out things of limited or no value, you could be suffering from hoarding disorder.

‘Hoarding’ is just one of the new mental conditions being added to the psychiatrists’ bible, or the Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders (DSM), to give it its proper name.

Other new conditions identified as possibly needing professional help include binge eating – which is said to affect many people who are seriously obese – and ‘cognitive tempo disorder’, which seems very like laziness (symptoms include dreaminess and sluggishness).

There’s also ‘intermittent explosive disorder’, which involves occasionally becoming very angry suddenly.

Most bizarre of the proposed additions is one defined as ‘getting a thrill at being outraged by pornography’.


It seems that those in the western world who do not fall in line and follow the norms that the society prescribes as normal, could soon be in for an experience similar to that of the former Soviet Union.

Childhood temper tantrums, teenage irritability and binge eating may soon rate as psychiatric disorders in the US, according to proposed changes to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the bible of the psychiatric profession.


Things like childhood temper tantrums, teenage angst, and binge eating, might in today’s society be unpopular, but are they worthy of being classified as signs of mental illness and possibly being drugged away?

Proposed changes to the U.S. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) could include reclassifying childhood temper tantrums, teenage angst, and binge eating as psychiatric disorders. If accepted, the proposals could equal billions of dollars in new revenue for pharmaceutical companies.


Is being antisocial really a sign of mental illness? Are these laws just designed to target those who do not fit into a future state agenda?

The new edition may include “disorders” like “oppositional defiant disorder”, which includes people who have a pattern of “negativistic, defiant, disobedient and hostile behavior toward authority figures.” Some of the “symptoms” of this disorder including losing one’s temper, annoying people and being “touchy”.

Other “disorders” being considered include personality flaws like antisocial behavior, arrogance, cynicism or narcissism. There are even categories for people who binge eat and children who have temper tantrums.

Children are already over-diagnosed for allegedly being bipolar or having attention-deficit disorder (ADD), which results in their being prescribed dangerous antipsychotic drugs. To categorize even more childhood behaviors as psychiatric disorders will only further increase the number of children who will be needlessly prescribed antipsychotic drugs.


Is western society slowly implementing many of the same criteria that allowed Soviet psychiatrists to label many healthy individuals as mentally ill, just by following a criteria and trying to lump everyone into those criteria, and weeding out the ones who do not fit?

The APA panel is also suggesting adding a new condition category to DSM called “risk syndromes”. People who are suspected to potentially be at risk for developing a mental disorder but do not yet have one would be deemed as having “psychosis risk syndrome”. This category would include teenagers who exhibit “excessive suspicion, delusions and disorganized speech or behavior,” for example.

The APA made it clear that its goal with the revisions is to diagnose people as early as possible with mental disorders, even before they actually have them, in order to get them on treatment.


If these risk syndromes are added to the new update, then you could be dealt with not for having a mental disorder, but just for having a factor that puts you at risk of having a mental disorder. You could be in treatment for just being suspected of potentially being at risk for developing a mental disorder.

“It not only determines how mental disorders are diagnosed, it can impact how people see themselves and how we see each other,” Alan Schatzberg, president of the American Psychiatric Association, which publishes the guide, told reporters. “It influences how research is conducted as well as what is researched. It affects legal matters, industry and government programmes.”


Might such factors already be affecting how we interact with each other? How we view each other? Are these criteria or similar being used to falsely diagnose individuals in western society as having a mental illness when they do not?


In the article giving workers the treatment, Peter Downs cites several cases of workers who complained and then were asked to see a psychiatrist. This is happening at thousands upon thousands of workplaces in many democratic societies. A condition of continued employment might even be based on such a forced encounter.

The first case sited in the article is that of Norm Crosty

On October 5, 1998, Norm Crosty sent a letter to the labor relationsdepartment at his plant. Crosty, for thirteen years an electrician at Ford Motor Company’s Wixom, Michigan, assembly plant, complained that he could not do his job because so many of his bosses were taking the necessary equipment out of the plant to work on their homes or personal businesses.

The next day, the plant director of human resources invoked a Ford program for combating workplace violence to bar Crosty from the factory and ordered him to see a company-paid psychiatrist or lose his job.


In this case for making what was a very legitimate claim, the worker was not only barred from his place of employment, but was ordered to see a psychiatrist. The ford program for combating workplace violence, most likely falls under the occupational health and safety laws that have been used to target others.

A little more than fourteen months later, and 725 miles away, officials at Emory University cited a similar concern about violence to justify using armed guards to escort Dr. James Murtagh off university property when Dr. R. Wayne Alexander, chairman of the department of medicine at Emory, ordered him to see a company-selected psychiatrist or lose his job. Six weeks earlier, Murtagh, a professor of pulmonology at Emory, had filed a false claims suit against the university, alleging that it had misspent millions of dollars in federal grant money.


It seems that members of society who complain, blow the whistle, or assert their rights at work, are being targeted under these health and safety provisions. The laws were originally put in place to protect the rights of workers who have the right to a safe work environment, but it seems that they are increasingly used to silence those who continue to complain, blow the whistle, or file complaints. Many targets of workplace mobbing, who complain about it, or get angry about it, seem to be having warning markers or notifications placed on their files often without their knowledge or awareness.

Across the United States, companies have seized upon concerns about workplace violence to quash dissent. Hundreds of large corporations have hired psychiatrists and psychologists as consultants to advise them on how to weed out “threatening” employees. They say they are only responding to a 1970 directive from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration that they maintain a “safe and secure work environment.” But by drawing the definition of “threatening” as broadly as possible, they are giving themselves a new club to bang over the heads of workers.

Maria Buffa, a former salaried employee in the personnel department at Ford World Headquarters in Dearborn, Michigan, said she, too, was sent to a psychiatrist after she filed a sexual harassment complaint in February 1999 against a woman co-worker. “You think, maybe I am the problem, else why would they be sending me to a psychiatrist,”


This pattern of the state using psychiatrists to follow a set of diagnostic markers to access workers remotely, often without interviewing the workers is very similar to the pattern that was happening in the former Soviet Union, which allowed many innocent individuals to be falsely misdiagnosed.

As you might expect, the Postal Service, given its reputation for workplace violence, has bought into the psychiatric testing. Last September, Postal Service executives proposed to give line supervisors the right to order emergency psychiatric exams for employees who are argumentative. Unionists say this will jeopardize their ability to represent their members. ”

Albanese admits there are some people who clearly need help, but he says the Postal Service has so broadened its definition of events that can trigger a mandatory exam that “it is very easy to tie someone up in that psychiatric situation.” According to the APWU, “The following is a list of factors that a supervisor can consider when deciding whether or not to send an employee for a fitness-for-duty exam: significant increases in unscheduled absences, increased bathroom use, changes in behavior or work performance after lavatory or lunch breaks, deterioration in personal hygiene and/or cleanliness of the work location, inattention to work duties and progressive deterioration in concentration and memory, [and] threatening behavior. Supervisors can also impose emergency fitness-for-duty exams if an employee becomes argumentative, or shows an unusual interest in news stories or literature dealing with violence.”


These could be people who also just do not enjoy their jobs very much. Unscheduled absences, increased bathroom use, changes in behavior or workplace performance. How many workplaces implement unpopular changes which drive some workers away from their normal job functions, or make the regular job functions so unbearable that they just do not wish to be in the environment? Lot’s of companies do, thus many individuals at one point in their lives or another might fall into this criteria.

The web site for Michael H. Corcoran, Ph.D. & Associates, Inc., for example, asks: “Will the expert you consult be willing to render an opinion of dangerousness and be willing to put it in writing?” and “Will the expert be willing to do this without interviewing the subject personally?”

Some psychiatrists in the field doubt that any reliable judgment can be made without interviewing the subject.


Yet it seems that in the case of many individuals that is exactly what is happening. People are being assessed remotely, and yes some psychiatrists are diagnosing patients as mentally ill, schizophrenic, etc. They are then having warning markers placed on their files, placing them on notification lists, they are then subsequently followed around and harassed by the community at large. A practice that the Targeted Individual community has come to call and classify as Gang Stalking.

Speaking for himself, he says it is possible to tell if a worker is likely to become violent on the job, but not with 100 percent accuracy. But, he insists, “it will require more than just one session with the worker, and it will also require information from other sources close to the patient, including relatives, acquaintances in the neighborhood, work, etc.” If a psychiatrist is evaluating someone who is already on the job, he says, “one measure to prevent mistakes is to require a second opinion. That would give the individual the option to appeal and have his or her own evaluator.”

Unionists are skeptical of the objectivity of the psychiatrists the companies use. “We call them prostitutes, because they will write whatever the Postal Service wants them to,” says Shirley McLennan, vice president of APWU Local 4 in Louisville, Kentucky, of the doctors who do fitness-for-duty exams.


What if the information is coming from hostile other sources, such as jealous neighbours, or even distant neighbours, hostile co-workers, and family who immediately assume that their relatives are mentally ill, just based on the criteria of being interviewed about wither their relative could be mentally ill?

Donald Soeken, a former U.S. Public Health Service psychiatric social worker who used to be in charge of giving fitness-for-duty exams, says the psychiatric exams almost always are shams. “The doctor will go into all the areas that could discredit a person,” Soeken says. “He’ll ask early life questions, late life questions, sexual questions, whatever he wants to ask, and then write it up and give it to the boss or law firm. Any doctor worth his salt will find something wrong, or even make up something, and if you don’t answer one of his questions, then you are uncooperative and you can be fired for that, too. What they are trying to do is put a person out on a psychiatric disability. If they succeed, you would never work again in your lifetime.”

Soeken is sometimes called the father of the fight against abusive fitness-for-duty exams. While doing such exams for federal employees at the Public Health Service’s outpatient clinic in Washington, D.C., in 1978, he discovered that many of the people sent to him were either whistleblowers or people who had a personality clash with the boss. The employer making the referrals expected him to give them the ammunition to get rid of employees for mental health reasons.


Though not the exact same as being sent off to a Soviet Union state mental health facility, this practice could render a worker unable to work again. It could render a worker unfit to stay gainfully employed because they choose to blow the whistle, or had a disagreement with the boss. This practice in American society has been in place since at least the 1970, and similar practices are in other democratic countries.

After leaving the Public Health Service in 1994, Soeken established Integrity International to assist whistleblowers in the private sector. Since then, he has testified as an expert witness in seventy psychiatric reprisal lawsuits. Soeken warns anyone who will listen not to trust the company psychiatrist.

“If you assume the doctor is concerned about your health and well-being, you’ve made a deadly assumption,” he says. “They are looking for any phrase or evidence they can use against you to stereotype you as schizophrenic, paranoid, or delusional.”


This is why individuals who have never seen a mental health professional can be classified as delusional, schizophrenic, paranoid, etc, without ever having had a mental health exam. This can be done remotely. Remember this is not happening in the former Soviet Union, this is not happening in China, this is happening in democratic countries. America, Canada, The U.K., and many other democratic countries. Along with many none democratic countries.

Tom Devine, legal director for the Government Accountability Project. Often, another goal is to smear and discredit the employee. That, he said, is why psychiatric harassment “is unsurpassed in its ugliness.”

In Crosty’s case, a notice on the company bulletin board announced he had been expelled from the plant for psychiatric reasons. “It was very demeaning,” says Crosty. With the help of an attorney, and after he was cleared by four different psychiatrists, he got his job back, but “I was totally discredited as some kind of kook and wacko,” he says.

In Murtagh’s case, administrators at Emory “spread a rumor that he could be armed and dangerous, and a terrorist threat,” says Devine, whose organization has taken up Murtagh’s defense.


These practicies are being used across democratic workplaces, educational facilities, and other areas of society. These practices are being used on unsuspecting members of society. It’s being used to discriminate, silence, and destroy the lives on many innocent individuals. In addition to fit for duty exams, warning markers are being placed on files, citizens are being declared as having mental illnesses, in many cases without having ever been assessed by a health professional, and even if they are assessed, there is no guarantee of a fair assessment, in some cases these health professionals are going on rumours and hearsay of the administration that wants to have the worker removed from their job.

Based on this criteria it’s easy for the system to not only be abused by Employers, but also by employees who wish to get away with harassing fellow coworkers. Eg. If an employee complains too much, files a complaint, they can be placed on a notification system. If other employees go to Human Resources with complaints about an employee, reports are gathered together. The information is forwarded from Human Resources, and then to the Occupational Health and Safety team members who can be made up of a number of internal employees, plus a number of outside employers. Some workplaces and universities even have a special threat assessment team to determine if a worker could become a danger to themselves or others.

Employees and Educational facilities can recommend that a worker seek psychiatric assistance, or even use the Employee Assistance Program if one is in place, but in many cases they can not force an employee to undergo an assessment, what they can do instead is they can add a warning marker to an employees file. Using the occupational health and safety, workplace violence prevention laws, they can add a warning marker without the individuals knowledge. Once a warning marker is added, which could say a variety of things, including that the subject has displayed violent behaviours, might be suffering from mental health issues, etc. A notification is sent out to everyone in the targets environment, under the guise of protecting the community.

What community notifications really do is poison the targets environment, and often not only socially annexing the target, but opening the target to unspeakable harassment by the community at large. These notifications are in many cases treated the same way notifications about violent offenders and other predators are treated, it puts the community into a frenzy, and the target is treated as a pariah in many cases.

Once the community receive the notification, they often start to monitor and follow the target around. Many will even gaslight the target and other subtle, and not so subtle forms of harassment in an attempt to remove the target from the environment. Thus Gang Stalking is also referred to as community mobbing, taken to the extreme. This practice not only disrupts the life of the target, it’s fully capable of destroying the targets life. Because the notifications are systemic, they follow the target everywhere they go, every new job that they apply for, every new association that the target tries to form is poisoned by these notifications.

In the case of Damon Thompson he reports having made many complaints of harassment by both student and staff alike. Though he did not receive any help, student affairs reports that he was known to them. In cases similar to his, what has been known to happen to others is that the continued complaints about staff and students is not used as a learning opportunity to address mobbing on campus, or in the workplace, but is used to classify the person complaining and seeking help as mentally unwell. In similar cases, targets have had files opened, and been placed on notifications, which then increases the level of harassment the target experiences. Then due to the notification, further complaints by the target are treated as a sign of mental illness, rather than a cry for help, as they are further targeted in their environment.

Damon Thompson became violent and attacked a fellow student. He was arrested, and will likely go to jail. The fellow student he attacked a Katherine Rosen who did recover, but reports from an overseas paper report that he had made several complaints against her in the past. When the U.S. media reported the same story, they reported it as an unprovoked attack, and said that the student had just snapped for no apparent reason.

sources close to him and his family indicated that prior to this incident he had made countless complaints against classmates and this specific lab partner but with no results. Contrary to US media reports, Thompson did know Rosen who was his lab partner and who has been very offensive to him on previous occasions and even the day in question. Now UCLA in an attempt to shift blame away from itself has sought to discredit the mental stability of Thompson by using his many complaints by e-mail as an indication of instability.

But according to KTLA news, a professor who taught Thompson said he told a university administrator he was worried about the student’s mental health 10 months ago. UCLA history professor Stephen Frank, who taught him Western civilization late last year admits that Thompson sent him several emails complaining that classmates sitting around him had been disruptive and made offensive comments to him while he was taking a written exam and even accused the Professor of taunting him.


What many individuals are unaware of is that the very act of seeking out aid and assistance for workplace mobbing, or harassment, can be used against the person complaining to make it seem as if they are mentally unstable.

One e-mail stated “I believe I heard you, Professor Frank, say that I was ‘troubled’ and ‘crazy’ among other things,” Thompson wrote. “My outrage at this situation coupled with the pressure of the very weighted examination dulled my concentration and detracted from my performance.”

Frank said he was present during the entire exam, that Thompson sat in the front row and that he saw nothing to support the student’s complaints. Frank said he was told that other professors had reported similar exchanges with Thompson, who complained he was taunted by other students — in class, the dorms, dining areas and the library. A university official told Frank that he could only suggest that Thompson seek treatment, but they couldn’t require him to seek psychological help. “My concern was in the context of other violent incidents on campuses around the country,” Frank said.

Sources close to his family explain that Thompson frequently spoke with his mother and complained about the many things student had done to him and the names he was called even by the female students. However, they explain that the problem had to be extreme for Thompson to have reacted so violently


It seems that in some democratic countries similar psychiatric reprisal practices have been in place for the last 40 years or more. While many were pointing the finger at countries such as the former Soviet Union and China, many democratic countries were subtle implementing policies, practices, and procedures that were almost as harsh as those practices in none democratic countries. It seems for the last few decades the occupational health and safety laws have been used in a way similar to how the laws were used in the former Soviet Union. As early the 70’s there were reports of these laws being used to target whistleblowers and those who did not get along with their boss.

For change to happen and the abuses within the system to stop, the media, must be willing to report the abuses, like they were when these abuses happened in other countries. Society must wake up to the reality that we are using occupational health and safety laws, not always to protect society, but to target dissenting voices in many cases. To target those who are different, those who stand out, those who are still willing to complain, or fight for what they believe in.

With the future changes to the DSM rules and regulations, democratic countries could well wittingly or unwittingly be exactly where the former Soviet Union was just a few short years ago. Targeting perfectly sane, perfectly healthy productive members of society and declaring them as mentally ill to fit an a state and corporate agendas. A society where everyone is the same is not a creative, productive, or forward momentum society and eventually such societies do not remain productive for very long. The people just loose the will, when everyone is the same. When everyone is forced to think the same, act the same, and individuality, eccentricities, or differences are legislated, medicated, or socialized away.








June 26, 2010 Posted by | activism, Awareness, Blacklisted, community mobbing, Conspiracy | , , , , | 5 Comments

Psychiatric Reprisal

The Psychiatric Reprisal

What it is

This was a practice first identified as being used in the former Soviet Union. Targets of this practice were misdiagnosed as mentally ill, many were placed in state run psychiatric facilities.

Thousands upon thousands of individuals were targeted and systemically eliminated this way before the practice was brought to light and drew international attention.

The primary targets of this practice were dissidents, activists, those who tried to exercise their rights, or who wrote or published items that the state did not approve of. Those practicing freedom of religion. Also those who practiced minority or ethnic rights.

The practice was brought to the attention of the United Nations in 1969, and brought some condemnation in 1974, but this did little to change what was happening. The practice continued. It was only in 1991 when change was happening on the world stage, that the issue was again examined in more depth and the practice seems to have diminished.

Russia is not the only country to have used this practice. The practice was also heavily used in China as well. They also used this as a way of dealing with political dissidence.

What was interesting about the research into this practice is the idea that a whole field of professionals can become corrupted and misguided in their views. Believing that any form of dissidence is a mental illness.

She could not sleep that night, and became increasingly worried during subsequent months as more instructions from Moscow appeared on her desk. They were unusual, and what was worse, they confirmed her fears of that very first night: The author, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, was not normal. Actually, he was ill, clearly suffering from what was widely known in Soviet psychiatry as “sluggish schizophrenia.” And indeed, Gorbachev had all the symptoms: struggle for the truth, perseverance, reformist ideas, and willingness to go against the grain. My interlocutor continued to believe in her diagnosis until the Soviet Union collapsed and the windows to the world were opened wide. Only then did she realize that her concept of mental illness, shared by virtually all the approxi-mately 45,000 Soviet psychiatrists, was what was abnormal and that Gorbachev had been normal all along.


What is frightening is the realization of how indoctrinated these health professionals were. That they so implicitly believed the propaganda of what the state taught them to, and were willing to turn this indoctrination on innocent citizens. Just like some of the Nazi’s in Germany, many were following what they had been told or taught to do.

The overwhelming multitude of Soviet psychiatrists either had never participated in the political abuse of psychiatry, had tried to avoid being trapped by authorities into taking part, or had no idea that they were hospitalizing people who according to international standards were in perfect mental health—if such a thing exists. They followed thee criteria that they had been taught by a monopolized psychiatric educational system that was dominated by the Moscow School headed by Professor Snezhnevsky. They had been cut off from international psychiatry and had no knowledge of what their colleagues in the outside, “bourgeois” world believed. If any information trickled through, it was immediately seen as an offspring of degenerated bourgeois societies.


Many times we like to view these individuals as evil. Denizens of the state who cruelly and unconscionably tortured and falsely inprisioned innocent citizens, but what history is repeatedly showing time and again is that things are often not the cut and dried. These psychiatrist in many cases apparently did not realise the evil that they were doing. They in many cases were following a criteria, a set of standards laid out for them, by a governing body, and anyone who fell into specific criterias, were automatically labelled mentally ill.

They were part of a society in which private initiative, independent thinking, and going against the grain were, at the least, considered dangerous and were often branded criminal. They were part of a society that was taught that anybody who was different, both in thought and in appearance, was “not normal” and thereby almost inherently was “antisocial” and “antisocialist.” When combined with the theories of “sluggish schizophrenia,” this training made it very easy to convince rankand-file psychiatrists, who had only a Soviet education and no access to world psychiatry, that any person who went against the Communist Party and was willing to risk the happiness of both his family and himself had to be mentally ill.


These professional had a limited lens by which to judge, and so they went with what they had been taught, they followed the guidelines without question, and placed people into categories based on predetermined criterias. Could the same pattern be re-emerging in other societies? Could these same patterns be happening in democratic countries? Could health professionals also be following a set of criteria, and misdiagnosing perfectly healthy individuals as mentally unwell, schizophrenic, without having ever met them face to face, based solely on predetermined criteria?

Dissidents were held for observation in the fourth (“political”) department, and in most cases mental illness was the eventual diagnosis—almost invariably accompanied by a diagnosis of “sluggish schizophrenia.” When the investigative commission reviewed the files, the retired psychiatrist recognized many names under the diagnoses: former colleagues, sometimes friends, known to her as good professionals. The diagnoses were composed as though she had written them herself: the same style, the same terminology, and probably the same conclusions. Yet when the commission subsequently examined the 60 former victims in person, she was shocked, devastated.


What is really scary is how these diagnosis were handed out and delivered. By her own admission this psychiatrist would likely have put many of these individuals away, yet in person they still remained healthy fully functioning individuals, even after years of surviving the Soviet hell that they were put through.

As I said earlier, after the fall of the Soviet regime we found that the truth about Soviet psychiatry was even more horrific than we had imagined. The political abuse of psychiatry was only the tip of the iceberg. The Soviet regime had ostracized any person who was not productive, who did not fulfill the image of the healthy socialist person laboring for the common good—the radiant communist future.


Could these same criteria be slowly getting implemented in many democratic societies? Could this same agenda be making it’s way to the west? Will the citizens of the western world soon experience what their counter parts in the former Soviet Union did? A systemic abuse of power that targets 1 in 3 political prisoners?. A practice that touched possibly millions of innocent lives?

Approximately one in three political prisoners were held in psychiatric hospitals rather than in camps and prisons. Yet, the thousands of victims of these political abuses form only the tip of the iceberg of millions of Soviet citizens who fell victim to totalitarian Soviet psychiatry.


The American Psychiatric Association is said to be writing it’s soon to be updated version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and the criteria for mental illness might surprise some individuals.

May 27, 2010 Posted by | activism, Awareness, Blacklisted, Conformity, Conspiracy, Controlled society, crazy, dissident, Gang Stalking, Laws | , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Conspiracy theories and misinformation

Conspiracy theories and misinformation
May 24, 2010

Conspiracy theories exist in the realm of myth, where imaginations run wild, fears trump facts, and evidence is ignored. As a superpower, the United States is often cast as a villain in these dramas.

The above excerpt is taken from a U.S. government website called American Gov, that seeks to assure visitors that conspiracy theories do not exist. That they are just wild imaginings.

It’s good to know that events such as Cointelpro, McCarthyism, 9/11, and many others are just myth. That conspiracies just exist in the realm of myth, and wild imaginations. Conspiracies such as Cointelpro, at the time would likely have received the same label until it was proven to be true.

Gang Stalking World has been uncovering myth which proved to be fact, and the wild imaginings of a group of Targeted Individuals have proven to be factual. There is indeed a systemic wide program that is capable of doing all that targets have been reporting over the last several years and more.

In fact it’s been shown time and time again that the American Government is fully capable of planning wild conspiracies such as Operation Northwoods. That the government has been involved in many other wild plots to take over foreign countries, and governments, Iran and many Caribbean Island nations being just some examples.

Let’s also not forget the wild conspiracy of MK Ultra and the government willingly drugging unwitting individuals with LSD and other drugs, to create mind controlled subjects. I am sure at the time this was often delegated to the realm of myths as well.

The average conspiracy theorists who has studied such events, knows very well that conspiracies often belong in the realm of truth. Many also realise that their imaginations are often not wild enough to cover the scope of the conspiracies once they are uncovered and the full truth has been revealed.

The government will then have to forgive those simple conspiracy theorists, who have studied history, more specifically the history of the American government, and who realise that conspiracy is often based in fact, if not full out truth. That events that the government would rather delegate to the realm of the twilight zone or mythology often belong in the very real realm of fact.

1. Cointelpro

COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at investigating and disrupting dissident political organizations within the United States.

Cointelpro also included political assasinations. Blackmail, blacklisting, illegal breakin’s, sabatage.

2. MK Ultra

Project MKULTRA, or MK-ULTRA, was the code name for a covert, illegal CIA human research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence. This official U.S. government program began in the early 1950s, continuing at least through the late 1960s, and it used United States and Canadian citizens as its test subjects.[1][2][3] The published evidence indicates that Project MKULTRA involved the surreptitious use of many types of drugs, as well as other methods, to manipulate individual mental states and to alter brain function.

3. Bay Of Pigs

The Bay of Pigs Invasion (known as La Batalla de Girón, or Playa Girón in Cuba), was an unsuccessful attempt by a CIA-trained force of Cuban exiles to invade southern Cuba, with support from US government armed forces, to overthrow the Cuban government of Fidel Castro.

4. McCarthyism

McCarthyism is the political action of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence.

From 1951 to 1955, the FBI operated a secret “Responsibilities Program” that distributed anonymous documents with evidence from FBI files of Communist affiliations on the part of teachers, lawyers, and others. Many people accused in these “blind memoranda” were fired without any further process.[20]

The FBI engaged in a number of illegal practices in its pursuit of information on Communists, including burglaries, opening mail and illegal wiretaps.[21] The members of the left-wing National Lawyers Guild were among the few attorneys who were willing to defend clients in communist-related cases, and this made the NLG a particular target of Hoover’s. The office of this organization was burgled by the FBI at least fourteen times between 1947 and 1951.[22]

Among other purposes, the FBI used its illegally obtained information to alert prosecuting attorneys about the planned legal strategies of NLG defense lawyers.

5. Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods, or Northwoods, was a false-flag plan that originated within the United States government in 1962. The plan called for Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other operatives to commit genuine acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere. These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on Cuba in order to create public support for a war against that nation, which had recently become communist under Fidel Castro. One part of the Operation Northwoods plan was to “develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington.”

Operation Northwoods included proposals for hijackings and bombings followed by the introduction of phony evidence that would implicate the Cuban government. The plan stated:

“The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.”

Several other proposals were included within the Operation Northwoods plan, including real or simulated actions against various U.S. military and civilian targets. The plan was drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, signed by Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer and sent to the Secretary of Defense.

6. CIA Drug Trafficking

Various sources allege the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been involved in several drug trafficking operations. The CIA is accused of working with groups which it knew were involved in drug trafficking, so that these groups would provide them with useful intelligence and material support[1][2].

7. Gang Stalking
Under Occupational Health and Safety laws, Individuals are being flagged and placed on community notification lists. This is happening without the targets knowledge. In many countries these community notifications are being used by companies to target innocent individuals such as whistle-blowers, the outspoken, etc. In conjunction with these notifications they are using a practice that was used in the former soviet union called the psychiatric reprisal. This is used as a means of retaliation, blacklisting, silencing, or controlling members of society. Once on the notification system, warnings about the targets are sent out to every individual the target comes in contact with, thus poisoning their associations, and socially annexing the targeted individual.

8. Psychiatric Reprisals

In the former Soviet Union dissidents and activists were routinely decleared mentally ill and sent off to mental institutions. It was a systemic practice used to control dissidence. In the United States and other countries this practice is once again being used on many innocent individuals.

Russ Tice

In a ‘secure’ e-mail message to the DIA counterintelligence office, he demanded to know what had happened as a result of the 2001 report he had filed outlining his suspicions about his former co-worker (not to be confused with Leung). “At the time, I sent an e-mail to Mr. James (the DIA official handling his complaint) questioning the competence of counterintelligence at FBI,” Tice wrote to the Inspector General of the Pentagon’s Civil Reprisal Investigation unit, which investigated his 2003 complaint. In the e-mail, he mentioned that he suspected that he was the subject of electronic monitoring.

In April, 2003, shortly after the e-mail message, Tice was ordered to undertake a psychological evaluation, which he believed was retaliatory. The Defense Department psychologist concluded that Tice suffered from psychotic paranoia. “He did this even though he admitted that I did not show any of the normal indications of someone suffering from paranoia,” Tice said in a statement to the Inspector General.

Two months later, in June, 2003, the NSA suspended his security clearances and ordered him to tasks such as maintaining the agency’s vehicles, pumping gas, and driving officials around. By April 2005, after 14 months of paid leave, Tice was relegated to unloading furniture at the NSA’s warehouses and cleaning them.

May 24, 2010 Posted by | Blacklisted, Community harassment, community mobbing, conspiracies, Corruption, Gang Stalking, government corruption | , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Handmaidens of the New World Order

I set out trying to find out what was happening to the Gang Stalking Community.

Why were we being followed around? How could they track targets from country to country? Why were Cointelpro and Stasi like tactics being used on average citizens to systemically destroy their lives?

I thought I was going to find something easy to fix, but what I found is far more widespread.

Under the same pattern that has repeated itself throughout history, I found that the state has found a way to once again convince the good people of the society that they are doing God’s work, or being good citizens, by systemically destroying the undesirables in society.

You are cleansing your societies of homeless, mentally ill, perverts, drug users, dealers, whoever is on a list and whoever you are told to destroy. You once again felt empowered, in control in charge. The power that had been taken away from you was back in your hands once again. You were doing the right thing, it was a not in my back yard mentality to rid your communities and societies of the filth and the evils infecting it, but somewhere along the lines, you have unwittingly become the monsters in the closet, that you sought to remove from amongst you. You have unwittingly become the handmaidens of the New World Order.

Almost every shift in history that has happened, first had an informant force. Under the guise of this program, we now have such an extensive force of informants, but if the reports from targets are true, we are well on our way to having an international informant force. Citizens who use a one handed sign language the same way the Stasi did, and pretty much for the same purpose.

For along with the undesirable, you are helping to remove those undesirables the state does not want in our societies. You are helping to remove the outspoken, the whistle-blowers, the aggressive, those who don’t fit into this system, your future leaders, the free thinkers, those who question. You are removing those 1 in 20 who would sound the alarm, write those controversial stories, be outspoken and tell the state where to go, and where to stick it. Those types are easy to spot in the workplace, schools and community, and those types ask the questions that should have been asked a long time ago, but are not. Those types challenge this system and are being removed, disenfranchised, eliminated for their efforts.

Don’t get me wrong, I am sure in the beginning, pedophiles were allowed to feed on the innocent, violent offenders were allowed to commit acts of violence, and much like in V 4 Vendetta, this created a problem. It created fear, but not to worry, your government had the perfect solutions for you. They would give you lists of people, those undesirable amongst you that you should protect your society from and unquestioningly, you would go after them, like a vengeful plague, and remove them from amongst you. Convinced of the righteousness of what the state told you to do, you proceeded in that vain, without question and with impunity.

I don’t doubt that there are bad people in society, people who do really evil things, that we would like to have advanced warnings for, but just like programs of the past, this is also being used heavily to get rid of people you are going to need, or would have needed for a revolution/rebellion. People on forums keep asking where are our leaders? We have this intrinsic sense that there amongst us should be those that are smarter, capable of organizing, telling the rest of us what to do, how to get out of this mess? I am sure there are and you know where to find them? Look for them in the mental wards, jails, the homeless, disenfranchised, and in the morgues. That is where your leaders and future leaders are ending up.

At first it seemed weird that programs like bullying, mobbing, and Gang Stalking targeted specific kinds of people, but that now makes perfectly good sense.

The order that is coming into play, will systemically remove this sort from every community, and what will be left, will be a highly biddable population. These leader types are easy to spot and target, they are outspoken, they in a natural setting would rise to the top, but often they are mobbed out of work, set upon, and under systems such as Gang Stalking, become poor, disenfranchised, end up in jail, mental wards, committing suicide, mass murder, or being pinpointed as undesirables to be removed.

We saw this with the Civil Rights Movement, the systemic destruction of the Panthers and others who would go against this system. Ruby Ridge, Waco. I kept asking throughout the research, why have no significant movement or leaders arisen since that time? What’s happened to them? Well if anyone remembers many from that time were systemically eliminated, some are still in jail, on death row, fugitives from their own countries. The history of groups such as the panthers is very illuminating. How the state deals with dissidence, and how it’s continued to since that time, to ensure that now become too influential, how it fosters, and nurtures false leaders who are then consistently presented to the people. False movements. When I did the research, I found many of the similar things happening amongst the various groups, be it extremists, conspiracy theorists, AIDS dissidents, etc. Disinfo, people hired by the state, agents, those with an agenda, legit people being discredited, demonized, murder, assassinations, suspected assassinations.

The influential in our society that rise seem to never last for long. Not to get into conspiracies, but Princess Diana was just coming into her own when she meet that terrible car accidents, her campaign for landmines and anything else she did in the future would have had a pretty big impact on society, most likely in a positive way. What’s interesting about Diana is that her image in the U.K. press had become somewhat bad before her death, and it had been rumoured she might even be planning to leave the U.K. She was often hounded by the media, at times in disrespectful ways that did not suit someone of her stature, and then the car accident happened, which she predicted ahead of time, and that was that.

Micheal Jackson King of Pop was coming back in his own, and he was a very influential person, who had a large and diverse following, he felt that there was a conspiracy against him, and from what I have researched, I agree. Anyways he passed away at a time when he might have been able to influence a large population of people, who needed guidance.

Accidents, mishaps, mysterious deaths, whistle-blowers, scientists, the inquisitive, outspoken, it goes hand in hand, and most don’t notice that these sorts are being removed and cleaned from our society.

The handmaidens of the New World Order with their good intentions, who have been lied to in some cases are at it again. In order to save themselves from the evil terrorists, that hate their freedoms, many have given up their freedoms. Soon your minds will be read at airports, and maybe other places, naked scanners are now going to be mandatory. People are being arrested for mind crimes, crimes that they might do. Forced mental exams. Little by little this planned system is revealing itself, and those who would stand in it’s way, are being eliminated by hook or by crook.

That’s how a take over can be happen. It can be done in the open with blood shed, it can be done with force, this attempt has been made in America before, but failed, or it can be done from the inside out, slowly and insidiously without ever firing a single bullet.

Lot’s of death, but very little blood shed. The enemies are quietly being removed from every community, a nice little house cleaning is happening. The outspoken are being silenced, the real truthers being removed. Anyone with influence who is not onboard will be removed before their influence can become too great, and people are consistently feed a stream of false leaders, and prophets, but somewhere inside we remember what real leaders should be like, and we long for them.

The problem remains those in charge understand something essential, they understand human nature, human history, and they understand how to manipulate it, influence it, control it, keep it bottled up. They know how to work it towards their will, and they are succeeding. We have had some good and vital awakenings with the Internet, but as those internet freedoms are slowly being bottled up again, we sit passively watching once more. The awake seemingly not enough to make a difference which is not true, cause all it takes is one to make a difference, but that one never quite seems to make it to the top, the true leaders never seem to quite rise to where they need to be.

When I was doing research into the extremist community, I looked at how Grant Bristow and Wolfgang Droege formed a party in Canada. It was one of the biggest of it’s kind, and did very well, very influential. Only one problem Mr Bristow was a paid agent from the start, working for a Canadian Intelligence agency. Yet under the combined leadership, the group they formed was one of the most influential. After Bristows cover was blown, and Drogue did somemore time in jail, he was not able to come out and be effective. In fact he found himself jobless, and according to many online sources it’s been implied that he eventually ended up working for the police as an informant. He also sold drugs from his home. Oddly enough Mr Droege was shot by a Targeted Individual, who felt that Mr Droege was responsible for his surveillance and gaslighting that he was experiencing. Strange world. The point is however, though I don’t agree with Droege’s views, when I did research him, I believe he was sincere in his views and genuinely wanted to do what he felt was right for his community, so why did he not rise to the top on his own? Why was he not supported after leaving jail? Why was he left so disenfranchised that his fate was to join forces with the police, selling drugs to survive?

Most will see the above example and say, oh but he was an extremist who cares, but it’s not just happening to this group, and we should all care, because it’s happening to all groups in society. The real groups, leaders often struggle for bread and butter, while people like the Hal Turners of this world get people to send in donations. He was making 100,000 as an informant, yet he still had those donations coming in, how many real leaders lost their homes, while people followed the FBI’s solution to fake leadership? This happens in many communities.

The plants tend to get the media attention, the money, and the followers, which I think could be in part because the informants are told which groups to support. I have watched this time and again in the Gang Stalking community so I know the pattern all too well. People follow the wrong group, wrong leaders and waste their time, money, and efforts going after the wrong things. This is done deliberately. This happens across the board. Controlled opposition, controlled rebellion, while real rebellion get’s dealt with.

As long as they understand human nature it seems that they will control us to their ends. A shift is happening, it feels like the same influences who were behind much of what happened in Nazi Germany are back at their own games, and history feels like it’s about to have a repeat. It’s hard to imagine, because for many things seem so normal, they don’t see the similarities. Others see it all too well and have been trying to warn others to no avail.

History has never had a good record of not protecting it’s Messiahs. Jesus, Joan of Ark, to help humanity is to be turned upon in many cases, this pattern seems to be fairly consistent as well. Can this change? Sure, people have to start with the young. The undue influence with their lives, and minds begins early. Parents should limit what they watch on television. Teach at home if you can, but most people’s lifestyles just do not allow for this. Our children are often handed off to strangers, or the agents of the state to be trained up and educated the way they see fit, and the ones that are not, will be medicated to fit that bill, or bullied to become socially engineered compliant non thinkers.

This generation will believe what they are taught, if that is loyalty to the state, then loyalty to the state it will be. It they are taught that being informants is the right thing to do, they will not question it. If they grow up in a society where mind reading technology is used in every day life, and naked scanners, they won’t think that it’s unnatural. It’s the same way this generation uses cellphones, they won’t question these technologies, or being even RFID chips, or ink on their bodies. They just will not know a time before them. If you can get to your children first, then you stand a chance. However the few who can raise up healthy free thinkers then run the risk of having their children grow up to be future targets of the state. For free thinking, and the outspoken, those who do not follow the orthodoxy, have been prime targets throughout history.

As it is now, it seems a similar clearing is happening, and the handmaidens of the NWO are being used, wittingly or unwittingly to bring about those ends. Right before your eye a system is being unveiled, and an agenda is happening, some see it, many don’t, but it’s there, and as it becomes more visible, people will be amazed, but this is a system that was predicted a long time ago. It is one that has been coming into affect for some time now. I think that change is possible at any stage, I think that a difference can be made, that is why this system is so careful about what influences are allowed to rise. I think if the people ever stopped following false prophets, took ownership, and stopped looking outside of themselves for answers that change could happen. First however it’s helpful to realise that there is an agenda at foot, then once you understand the size and scope, and don’t allow yourself to be paralyzed with fear, then real change can happen.

March 22, 2010 Posted by | Blacklisted, Brain reading device, Children, Citizen Informants, Conformity, Conspiracy, Gang Stalking, New World Order, NWO | , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Woman placed on Violent Persons Register

I am really happy about this story. I did not know there was a potentially “violent person registry.” I don’t know what the names would be in Canada, U.S. or Europe, but it should not be hard to find out.

Think of this scenario in the workplace, at school, etc. You make a comment, or perform an action that might upset someone with the capacity to get you on such a list, and then an notice is sent out to several dozen places that you are a potentially violent person who should not be alone with others, and then your life changes.

Here is some really neat info from this article.

I was turned into a Parriah for complaining about a yob

[quote]Jane Clift saw it as her public duty to report a drunk she saw trampling flowers in a park.

But her efforts led to a surreal nightmare in which she was branded potentially violent and put on a council blacklist with thugs and sex attackers.

Her details were circulated to an extraordinary range of public and private bodies, including doctors, dentists, opticians, libraries, contraceptive clinics, schools and nurseries. Their staff were advised not to see her alone.

The 43-year-old former care worker was forced to withdraw an application to become a foster parent and, eventually, to leave the town where she had lived for ten years.

Now, after a bitter four-year legal battle with Slough Council, the stain on her character has finally been removed.[/quote]

A list that put her up there with sex attackers if you can imagine that.

She was a care worker, and got denied fostering a child because of this.

Woman sues council for libel after being labelled
‘potentially violent’ for complaining about a vandalised flowerbed

[quote]Ms Clift told the court that she had to leave Slough, where she had lived for 10 years, and had initially moved to Southampton.

‘I’d like to move back some time in the near future but without this hanging over my head and my family’s head.

‘I have many connections in Slough, I like Slough, but it was impossible for me to function normally in Slough with this on my head for 18 months, and the stain will always be there.’

She said that after the council acted, she sensed that everywhere she went, there was ‘whispering, collaboration, people scurrying about’.

‘One time I went to the contraceptive clinic and I felt that there were way too many people hovering about for me than should have been there, making me feel very insecure.

‘It did serve as a reminder that everywhere I went – hospitals, GPs, libraries – anywhere at all, even if I phoned the fire service, as soon as my name went on to that system, it flagged up ‘violent person marker, only to be seen in twos, medium risk’.’

‘I’m nothing special, no qualifications, don’t have a fancy job but I don’t go getting into trouble. It cuts across class, race, everything.

‘These people have this ability to do this and they can abuse it.
Not many people know, I didn’t even know, that such a register existed.[/quote]

She sensed that everywhere she went there was a whispering and collaboration campaign, with people scurrying about. She also goes on to say more people were hovering about than should have been there, making her feel insecure. I am sure that I have another word for what they were doing, but to continue.

Woman Placed on Violent persons registry
Woman labelled violent by Slough borough council wins damages

[quote]A woman who was labelled potentially violent by a council has won £12,000 in libel damages.

Jane Clift sued Slough borough council and Patrick Kelleher, its head of public protection, over their reaction to her complaint about a three-year-old boy who vandalised a flower bed in a town park.

The authority argued that a 2005 entry about her in its violent persons register was accurate, and that Clift was obsessed with getting Slough’s antisocial behaviour co-ordinator sacked.

Mr Justice Tugendhat found in favour of Clift at the high court, but rejected her claim that Kelleher had been malicious.[/quote]

She had to move and it took four years to get her name removed from this list.

I was just pointing that out, because I am sure that the policy on these lists is not to give our information to the person being placed on the lists.

Staff Safety (Potentially Violent Persons) Database
employees and others arising from their work activities.

3. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to alert Directorates to their statutory duties and of the corporate information system designed to enable managers to identify potential risks to employees from individuals, animals and premises. The purpose of the recording is to seek to avoid further incidents through the controlled sharing of information that will be used to undertake a better-informed risk assessment of proposed visits by employees.

5. Definitions

The Staff safety register is a secure electronic based database recording incidents involving an employee of DMBC (or partner agency) that have caused actual or potential harm.

6. Policy

It is Doncaster Council policy to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees and therefore managers must utilise the staff safety database to achieve this objective.

7. Responsibilities


All managers in day-to-day control of people, places etc must ensure that risk assessments are completed and are suitable and sufficient for their purpose. Managers must ensure that the significant findings arising from risk assessments are communicated to employees affected by those work activities. For the purposes of this section the work activity relates to visits by Council employees away from Council premises. See Instruction section for detailed Risk assessment.

Senior managers who, after notification of an incident to one of their employees, believe that person(s) and/ or an address now need to be included onto the staff safety register then they must notify the system manager of that decision at the earliest opportunity.

To comply with Data Protection Act 1988 if the manager decides to include a person onto the register then that person must be informed in writing of the intention to do so, the reason for their inclusion and the arrangements for review and removal. The right of appealing against that decision must also be provided.


Employees who undertake visits to non-Council premises must utilise the Staff safety register to ascertain if the location of the proposed visit is included in the register as a potential to cause harm.

Principal Safety Officer

The Principal Safety Officer as system manager has the ability to create, amend and delete data and to ensure appropriate an advisory/ training service is available to all employees with responsibilities under these instructions. The PSO must ensure that the system is managed and staffed appropriately.

8. Instructions

System Access – Three levels of access are available and a clear level of authorisation will control the granting of each. All levels of direct access to data will be password controlled and the staff safety register itself will record details of every access, including the data viewed and the reason for access.

8.1. Level 1 Access- Basic Interrogation

An email (external email facility) based enquiry function, which tests whether a name or address is registered. Appropriate staff will be specifically authorised to use this function.

8.2. Level 2 Access- View Only

The ability to view data on the software system (software installed on individual pc’s). Only a limited number of managers will be given this access. Where a level 1 user identifies a match from the email system a Level 2 user will obtain the relevant information from the software system and carry out a risk assessment for a visit to the premises and advise accordingly.

Interesting, I bet every single little Human Resources officer knows about this list. It goes hand in hand with make a stink go see a shrink policy they have in their handbook.

The next day, the plant director of human resources invoked a Ford program for combating workplace violence to bar Crosty from the factory and ordered him to see a company-paid psychiatrist or lose his job.

A little more than fourteen months later, and 725 miles away, officials at Emory University cited a similar concern about violence to justify using armed guards to escort Dr. James Murtagh off university property when Dr. R. Wayne Alexander, chairman of the department of medicine at Emory, ordered him to see a company-selected psychiatrist or lose his job. Six weeks earlier, Murtagh, a professor of pulmonology at Emory, had filed a false claims suit against the university, alleging that it had misspent millions of dollars in federal grant money. He claimed the university diverted money from research grants in order to pay for salaries and trips for administrators and some staff. The specific allegations were sealed by order of the federal judge.

Crosty and Murtagh don’t know each other. It is unlikely their worlds would ever intersect, but they have at least one thing in common. They both are victims of an increasingly popular employer weapon against whistleblowers: the psychiatric reprisal.

Across the United States, companies have seized upon concerns about workplace violence to quash dissent. Hundreds of large corporations have hired psychiatrists and psychologists as consultants to advise them on how to weed out “threatening” employees. They say they are only responding to a 1970 directive from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration that they maintain a “safe and secure work environment.” But by drawing the definition of “threatening” as broadly as possible, they are giving themselves a new club to bang over the heads of workers.

So in the workplace I am guessing this could be applied for a number of reasons, and then you end up on these little connected lists.

132 – Violent Persons Register

Referring to Minute No. 125 – Violent Persons Register, John Irving from the COPS Team had attended the meeting and gave the following advice:

To hold a register of violent or potentially violent people on computer, the information could be de-personalised by using a classification system i.e.: 1 = Potentially violent, 2 = Threatened people before, 3 = Been violent in the past, 4 = Two-man visit, 5 = Don’t Visit.


132 – Continued…

The Legal Services Administrator would compile a Violent Persons Database, which would be put on the Council’s Intranet system, and would be password protected. John Irving suggested that as a long-term goal, once the database had been established it would be useful to share the information with Liberata, District Nurses etc.

The Legal Services Administrator also needed to write a procedure to ensure that the Council didn’t fall foul of the Data Protection Act. It was agreed that addresses couldn’t be put onto the Violent Persons Register without proper clarification. It was suggested that a sub-group to this Group be set up to endorse these requests.

Minutes of the meeting from a local booby. How to really mess up someones life. I mean how to share information of violent persons.

Well just some fun food for thought. Tell me what you think, leave comments if you feel like it.

October 12, 2009 Posted by | Blacklisted, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community mobbing, Covert investigations, Female, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Informants, mobbing, Monitoring, Surveillence, whistle blower | , , , , | 16 Comments

Droege, the right, and the system in between

This post was really just going to be a short blurb, but the more I researched, the more their was to the story and I thought if I was going to tell the story, then I had better do it right, so where do I begin?

Well originally I thought the story was going to be about Keith de Roux and the fact that he killed Wolfgang Droege, but more importantly, I believe very strongly that Keith de Roux, might have been a Targeted Individual. That’s where my investigation of this story started, but not where it ended, so I will take you through it bit by bit.

As usual, I came across a story that lead to another story, that lead to a death and a killer, but what caught my eye about the killer was his reasons for doing the killings. Stop me if you have heard this one before.

[quote]Friday said the 44-year-old Deroux’s cocaine addiction was fuelling ‘paranoid delusions’ that listening devices and cameras had been placed in his apartment. The drug addict believed someone was sending him coded messages through his computer and, even after moving to a new residence, Deroux feared people were entering his house through an underground tunnel and funnelling “noxious gases” into the residence. The only person with enough resources for this kind of surveillance, Deroux figured, was his friend and cocaine dealer, Wolfgang Droege. … [/quote]

Ofcourse the killer is written off as some drug addicted paranoid whack job, who was just imagining, or making the whole thing up due to his paranoia, but let’s look at the details. He believe he was under surveillance, listening devices, cameras, placed in his apartment. He believed that he was getting coded messages via his computer, and wait for it, even after moving the same things continued to happen. This time he moved to a house, he experiences gassing and home breakin’s or home entry. The only part that is not clear is why he believe that they were using a tunnel of some sort to get in. Could be the drugs, or maybe there was some secret way into his home under the stairs from outside, stranger things have happened, depending on how the home was built.

Now I can’t say that he was a targeted individual for sure, but my instinct tells me that he was. If so we have yet one more target, who killed someone, and the media and society covering it up, not giving any creed to his claims about being under investigation. This happened in Toronto, Canada. Now I sort of thought that was the end of the story and it sort of was, but then I decided to look into the life of Droege, the person that he had killed. Could Droege, have been helping with the investigation that this man believed he was under? Was there reason to suspect or believe that Droege could be or could have been working for the system?

So I started to look into his life. In the course of so doing, I am sure I visited a number of websites that the government does not like, and therefore I am sure I have incured the wrath of the informant force, and the never ending focus of their wrath, and as much as I would like to care, I can’t. I am here to learn, if my learning and seeking to understand my world better, and those around me does not fit in with the status quo, too bad. If the snitches watching and monitoring my computer are going to use this stuff to accuse me of being what I am not, then too bad, I am not responsible for the stupidity of others.

Now on to the main story. I started with Droege’s wikipedia page. That was an interesting story. Did you know the he and several others once tried to take over the tiny Island of Dominica?


In 1981, Droege helped organize a failed attempt, codenamed “Operation Red Dog”, to invade the Caribbean nation of Dominica and overthrow its government and restore deposed Prime Minister Patrick John to power. According to testimony presented at the trial of Droege and his nine co-conspirators, in exchange for restoring John to power, Droege would have been permitted to use the island as the centre of a drug-refinement and trafficking operation.

The attempted coup went awry after a CFTR radio reporter who had been approached about an “exclusive story” decided to contact the police. Droege was sentenced to a three-year prison sentence for his mercenary activities. [/quote]

What was interesting about this plot for me was not that him and several others tried to take over Dominica, it was what I came away with. After reading the story, it just seemed that there was one person leading the operation more than the others.

[quote]The plan was to charter a boat to Dominica and rendezvous via rubber boats with John and his makeshift army. The genesis of the idea came from long-time Klan member Mike Purdue, who was introduced in 1979 to Droege through David Duke. That summer, Purdue outlined his plan to overthrow Grenada and to set up several lucrative businesses. After their meeting, it was established that Droege would locate funds and resources. Duke initially involved Don Andrews, but after Purdue changed the target island to Dominica, Andrews withdrew. Klansmen Arnie Polli and Roger Dermee were paid US$3,000 to visit Dominica to obtain preliminary reconnaissance. Canadian neo-Nazi Martin K. Weiche was allegedly a financial backer of the plot along with James White of Houston and L. E. Matthews of Jackson, Mississippi.[1]

In February 1981, the captain and crew Duke had arranged for backed out. Purdue then approached a local boat captain and Vietnam War veteran, Michael S. Howell. Purdue said the Central Intelligence Agency needed his boat for a covert operation. Howell then contacted the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). On April 25, John was arrested in Dominica. When Purdue learned of the arrest and that their plans were no longer secret, he insisted that the mission should continue.

On April 27, the group, including three ATF agents, met at the predetermined location, loaded the van and proceeded to the marina. A Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) team was waiting for them at the marina.[/quote]

What was interesting for me was the lack of information on Mike Perdue. The other thing that was interesting was the apparent tale he told about secretly being CIA on a covert mission. I remember that the FBI back in the 60’s had over 25% concentration in the KKK, and that they often rose to leadership positions. I don’t know what their concentration would be in this day and age.

I kept searching and I found this article, which covered a couple of points that I was wondering about.

The article covers two points that I was interested in. One that I will cover directly. A book came out a couple of years ago called Bayou of pigs, and it’s a name play on the bay of pigs fiasco, and it talks all about the plan to take over the island of Dominica, but what is intersting about this article is that it also wonders about Perdue.

[quote] They went to a motel and Perdue paid for a room. Perdue introduced himself as a former sergeant in the Marine Corps and a Vietnam vet. He listed off his medals. And then he started the mercenary sales pitch: “He told me that the north end of the island was literally infested with communism,” Anderson says. “He left me with the impression that [Prime Minister Eugenia] Charles’ government was kind of leaning pro-communist.” There was going to be a coup, Perdue said, and he was hiring advisors. There would be minor resistance, he warned.

“I would like to have a bloodless coup,” Perdue told him, but, “who is to know what will happen in a situation like this?”

Although Perdue never said outright that it was a CIA-backed operation, he dropped hints. He mentioned his military experience and his “friends” in the State Department. “He planted in me in a roundabout way the seed of suspicion,” Anderson says, “where I suspicioned possibly that the CIA might be involved in this.” Perdue chose his words carefully. He said the U.S. Navy wanted to build a submarine base on the island. He said the CIA would be “interested” in what they were doing. Anderson realized that could mean any number of things, but one interpretation was that the CIA was somehow involved, which meant that this was a U.S. government sanctioned coup d’état. [/quote]

Was the CIA really involved in a coup d’etat, that failed?

[quote] “You’ll get $3,000 for going in,” Mike said. “About a month or so afterwards, you’ll get your $15,000 for staying with me.”
If Anderson agreed to stay on for the full five years as a First Sergeant in the Dominica Defense Force, he would also get one-sixth of Nortic Enterprises, the company that was going to develop the island’s economy.

“I’ve got a five-year contract,” Perdue said. “We’ll be in an advisory position. This is their country, so we respect their laws.”

Anderson said he was interested, so they went over the photocopied maps and the hand-drawn assault diagram of the police station. Perdue said he wanted Anderson to be his wingman in Red Dog One, one of the three mercenary teams that were going to storm the island. Together, the two of them would capture the charge office at police headquarters.

“If you’re in it for the money, the adventure, and to fight communism, to prevent expansion of communism in the Caribbean,” Perdue told him, “you’re in.”
Anderson wasn’t an ideologue. He had nothing to do with the Ku Klux Klan or anything like it. For him, this was a chance to make money. He thought Perdue was businesslike; he seemed like he knew what he was doing, like he had done this before.[/quote]

Just a few year earlier a similar popular uprising had been set up in the Dominican Republic.


[quote]Droege and Purdue returned to Las Vegas in January 1981 to finalize the plans with their new business associates. At the meeting, it was decided that Droege would remain in Nevada while Purdue would travel to Dominica to get Patrick John to sign a contract that secured the participation of the military in the coup as well as assurances that all natural resources and development projects on the island would be handed over to the mercenaries and the investors.

It’s safe to say that the U.S. government definitely had an interest in that part of the world, and controlling the politics that happened there. Was the true objective of Operation Red Dog another such similar plot, disguised as something else? Was it really a covert CIA operation as stated? One can only wonder.

After some mishaps Droege, would go to jail, joined another right wing group and eventually quit the right wing group to form his own white/nationalist or as some call it white supremacist group the Heritage Front.

The Heritage Front would become Canada’s largest group of it’s kind.

[quote]The Heritage Front was a Canadian neo-Nazi[1] white supremacist organization founded in 1989 and disbanded around 2005.[2] The group claimed that its members were “ordinary Canadian men and women who are dedicated to the European values and traditions upon which this nation was originally founded.”[3] [/quote]

This group was established by Droege, Gerry Lincoln, and Grant Bristow.

This is where the story gets interesting, because as some of you know the punch line is that Grant Bristow was a CSIS informant right from the start, he deliberately made friends with Droege, and helped to establish the Heritage front. I wonder who picked the name? Front can stand for home front, but it can also stand for a front, something that is not what it seems.

Either way, just like with the left wing groups that I researched, Black Panthers, Malcolm X, etc, the FBI, or in this case the same thing, CSIS Canada’s version, seem to almost always be involved right from the start, or were able to quickly infiltrate.

When the story broke years later that Bristow was an informant many were outraged, he had helped commit a lot of outrageous actions.

[quote]Grant Bristow, working on behalf of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), infiltrated the group and became one of its leaders. According to the CSIS and Bristow, their role was to gather intelligence on the far right and try to suppress its violent activity. Bristow’s role in the group was exposed in 1994 by the Toronto Sun, and became the subject of an inquiry by the Security Intelligence Review Committee, which published a report on the matter in that same year.[5][/quote]

What’s interesting about Grant is that he did an interview several years later about his involvement with the Heritage Front, he tried to paint himself as a hero. When I was reading the article I tried to see his point of view, here he is being a double agent, and according to him trying to prevent violence, well he was not a snitch trying to keep himself out of jail granted, but after reading over the article, I just could not see him as the hero that he tried to portray himself as.


[quote]August 12, 1994, the new, sedate life he had built in a bland Toronto suburb for himself, his wife, and son began to unravel. For six years, Bristow had inhabited the perilous universe of white supremacists as a mole for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (csis).

Months earlier, Bristow had gladly walked away from racists and espionage, his cover still safely intact. [/quote]

The problem with this article is that, I don’t think that his cover was going to be intact for that much longer, and I think that is why he primarily walked away.

Heritage front had a member called Elisse Hategan and she wanted out, she started to take notes on the organization and when Grant found out, he sought permission from Droege to break into her home, and he also threatened her with a white van ride, implying (“beating and death threat”)

[quote]1993, July 1 – Heritage Front member Elisse Hategan tries to quit the phone harassment campaign. Secretly, Hategan contacts Canadian Centre on Racism and Prejudice and begins taking notes on the Heritage Front. Bristow learns of notes and tries to get Droege to authorize a break-in at Hategan house to retrieve notes. Bristow threatens her with a “white van ride” (beating and death threat implied). [Link to this item][/quote]

1994, March – End of Bristow’s assignment, CSIS’s Operation Governor. [Link to this item]
–Source: Wikipedia entry, “Grant Bristow”

1994, March – Elisse Hagen testifies against Wolfgang Droege, Gary Shipper and Ken Barker. Her testifying at this hearing makes it apparent to few that Bristow is probably a CSIS mole. “Now, was Mr. Bristow with CSIS at that time? I don’t think so. However, it was clear that someone, somewhere in the police apparatus, was protecting Mr. Bristow. I was sure of that, and when we met him in March, when Ms Hategan testified, it was obvious.” [Link to this item]
–Source: Martin Thériault, director, Canadian Centre on Racism and Prejudice, Testimony before parliamentary committee, June 13, 1995

His cover was not safe, in fact I would guess he had a pretty good idea that his cover was not going to be safe for long, and I think that is the real reason that he got out. I really tried to believe that he was the hero, going undercover to save the day, protect others from violence, but in typical FBI/CSIS fashion, it looks like he might have at times inspired some of the very violence that he pretended that he was trying to prevent. Just like when the FBI informant shot Viola Liuzzo.

[quote]1994, March – Publication of Web of Hate. Chapter 8 on the Heritage Front is longest in the book, 52 pages. Droege is covered in depth. Gerry Lincoln is mentioned in the book five times. Grant Bristow’s name does not appear once, anywhere in the book, even though he is a founding member of the Heritage Front and a nearly 2,000 word news story (by Bill Dunphy), with photo, identifying Bristow as a Front member appeared in the Toronto Sun in 1992, As the SIRC report will reveal Kinsella was aware of the Sun article and the name of Grant Bristow and even attempted to lay a police complaint against him. The Sean Maguire incident is not mentioned in the book (in which an Aryan Nations enforcer caught with Bristow in 1991 with guns) even though it was reported in the press. The ’92 and ’93 Zentner fire bombings blamed on Nazis are not mentioned, though they were reported in the press. In the notes to Chapter 8 on the Heritage Front, Kinsella writes, he completed his research in October, 1993, so these events occurred well before the research for Web of Hate was completed. Later in August after Bristow is exposed, Kinsella will say he made a police complaint about Bristow for posing as an Ottawa Citizen reporter helping Kinsella to Bernie Farber, a May 7, 1993 incident described in the Dec. 9, 1994 SIRC report. So, a known member of the Heritage Front seeks information from a well-known Jewish organization and the incident is not mentioned in the book? Also, Kinsella claims in Chapter 8 that the Heritage Front has “2,000 in all” members and supporters, but provides no documentation for this. [Link to this item]
–Source: Quill & Quire. Toronto: Mar 1994. Vol. 60, Iss. 3; pg. 28
–Source: Web of Hate, first edition, 1994, HarperCollins[/quote]

It’s amazing what was left out of the book, and that Grant Bristrow was left out of the book, and his actions go unmentioned. When I tried to research more on Predue, I also found information to be very unavailable, where all the other important players I could find information on, Maybe just one of those bad coincidents.

Back to Droege, at some point the going to jail, betrayl by a guy he thought was the best friend that he had ever had seems to have gotten to him, he lost his job and could not find normal means to support himself. What’s interesting about Droege is the fact that Bristrow describes him as the real deal, someone who was not just all talk, but someone who was really committed to his cause. I find that no matter which side, the left or the right, the ones who are really for their cause, are the ones that often suffer the most, the ones that actually care. Clearly I don’t share Droege’s views, or values, but in researching this, it’s one of the things that I find that he has in common with others who fought for a cause and really believed in it.

So back to the story, is it possible that Droege was helping to keep his friend Keith under surveillance visa a vie Gang Stalking?

[quote]Droege’s involvement in a failed attempt to overthrow the government of Dominica in the Caribbean — the plan being to set up a white supremacist base there — led to a three-year prison sentence.

While others involved lost their stomach for far right activism after that failed plot, Droege “kept at it,” Kinsella said. “They kept throwing him in jail, and he’d come out more committed than he was before.”

Droege was arrested in Alabama in 1985 on cocaine possession and weapons charges. He was convicted and sentenced to 13 years, returning to Canada in April 1989.

He started organizing the Heritage Front in October 1989. The group was a continental network of neo-Nazis.

Among the tactics they used to spread their message were racist rock concerts and a telephone hotline that offered racist phone messages.

Droege was an associate of Holocaust-denier Ernst Zundel, who was recently deported from Canada.

After the mid-1990s and the emergence of the Internet as a primary communications and organizing tool for hate groups, Droege became less active and focused more on drug trafficking.[/quote]

He certainly lead a colorful life, and did spend a great deal of time in jail, and was into drugs.

[quote] Even though it was mid-afternoon, Wolfgang wore nothing but a T-shirt and underwear. He had no use for clothes. All he did these days was sell drugs out of his apartment, and the job had no dress code. His clients were desperate. They didn’t care if he wore pants.

The neighbors suspected he was up to no good. Visitors would come and go at all hours. His apartment on the second floor of 2 North Drive was a regular drive-thru but the Toronto police drug squad apparently knew nothing about it. Although Wolfgang was one of those cryptically referred to as “known to police,” and his FBI file warned he “should be considered armed and dangerous when not in custody,” it had been years since his last run-in with the law.


Well it is kinda weird that with all that going on, and his being known to the police that he was left to sell drugs out of his apartment. There are several sources across the net that agree that he was most likely at this stage in his life working with, and co-operating with the police.

If that is the case, then he could well have been assisting with the surveillance of his good friend Keith. If Keith is infact a Targeted Individual then Wolfgang Droege, is just one more death that you can attribute to the system and these great investigations, that drive people to the edge.

What I find interesting is that if you are under investigation the informants try to make up everything under the sun about you, you are crazy, racist, drug dealer, user, pedophile, homophobe, etc. When you are one of their informants, they let anything go, the truth is that they don’t care if you are a drug dealer, user, seller, pedophile, racist, crazy, homophobe, etc. It’s not about creating a better society it’s about creating a controlled society.

The informants are the same, they don’t care about justice, honor, decency, they just go along with whatever they are told. they don’t care that their members rape targets, like how Ramonz Lopez was gang raped in her home, they don’t care that they drive people to commit suicide, or commit murders designed to look like suicides, Jeremy Blake, Teresa Duncan, they don’t care about the car crashes that they get targets into that take their lives, they have no compunction about poisoning our food, or messing with a child’s diabetic medication, they don’t care if they hit us with their cars, ruin our lives systemically etc. See as long as they are controlling things that’s all they care about. That’s why you often find out that many of these terrorist plots, organizations, have some informant on the inside, conducting things and leading things in the direction it should go. What I also found interesting is if one of these so called hate groups were doing the same things that these informants do to Targeted Individuals, society would be outraged.

If we had an extremist organization targeting specific groups within society and driving people to commit suicide, setting them up and baited for jail, placing them in mental hospitals, killing them, black listing them, or driving them to commit acts of violence we would be outraged, we would be in the streets screaming for these evil doers to be removed from our mists, we would say to ourselves what good people we are, and that this sort of element does not belong in society. Yet there is the irony, the very same things these so called good people would be in society screaming about, and crying about with their so called outrage, are the exact things and worst that they are letting happen to us, day in and day out, and many targets are snapping, and killing others, themselves, going to jail under false pretext, or mental hospitals, and society just sits back fully complacent and in agreement with what is happening. By protecting this system you are protecting the bad elements, real pedophiles that are now in high places in your governments trying to have sex with 14 and 15 year old boys, while dressed in panda costumes, and other such fun things.


Society has truly become twisted, corrupt and immoral, and the side that thinks they are doing good, are the most corrupt of all, the system they protects destroys innocent lives, and it’s corrupted, yet these so called good citizen protect, cherish and nurture this system, while pointing their fingers at others to let us know who the bad guys are, who to hate.

I have examined this, and hate that you can see and that you can identify you can deal with, but hate that masks itself under righteousness, or societal buzzwords should you go against the grain are more dangerous then that hate that is in front of your eyes.

The year Droege died was a tough year for Toronto, it became infamously known as what they would call the year of the gun, on the surface a weird time period where people just started killing each other, but below the surface when you examined it closer, you saw that several of the cases were linked back to this system, this cruel, cold corrupt system, and when you look at it closer, this is what play a very nice role in the year of the gun, and a lot of what goes on in society. When you examine the strings and see where they lead it does not paint a pretty picture, yet this is what people go along with, believe in, are bonded with, and have sworn their allegiance to.

Pretty frightening picture when you look at it in that regards.

Anyways Keith got 10 years, but will be out before then.


On Friday, June 15 Keith de Roux a Toronto drug addict pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the murder of Heritage Front founder Wolfgang Droege, on April 13, 2005. He received a 10 year sentence, on top of the 14 months already spent in prison. He may well be out in another three years and four months on mandatory supervision – a pretty skimpy penalty for murder.[/quote]

Yes considering that he was likely correct about being under surveillance, and that could even have helped contribute to his downward spiral that lead to him committing the murder in the first place, but why include that little detail in the mix?

June 5, 2009 Posted by | Baiting, black, Blacklisted, Censorship, CIA, Citizen Informants, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Blogging Censorship?

I have been meaning to write about this for some time as well.

I recently discovered that there is some sort of filtering happening with my blogs in at least two of the locations where I blog.

This was not a complete shock, but i am disgusted and horrified, if this is the sort of filtering that goes on in democratic countries, then should we really still be calling ourselves democratic?

The first location is a popular forum that also allows for bloggers to post. At the front of this Kick Ass forum, the blog postings are listed one after another. My posting use to appear at the front of this forum, however I now notice that the blog postings no longer appear on the front of this forum.
They are still accessible and when you do go to the forums you can access the blogs.

Everyone else who posts to this forum, has their blogs displayed at the front of this forum, but my postings no longer show up, they are being deliberately blocked and filtered out.
The other things that came to my attention is that on my word press blog, specific posts are not showing up, under the tags.

I wrote one post, where I posted Obama’s speech called a call to service. I quoted what he said in the speech, made no commentary whatsoever, but I notice that the blog posting does not come up under the tags. At least it did not when I checked.

Case in point.

There is absolutely nothing controversial in this post, nothing negative was said, unless you count his plans for the American people and that you would have to judge for yourself, yet the post has been censored, meaning that when you click on the tag words, the post does not show up, but several of my other posts do, but this one is missing.

The other post that has been blocked is

The Real Fight.

Now this one could be considered controversial, but all I have done is reported the findings of others, and drawn my own conclusions. If the conclusions are wrong or incorrect, then surly this post could not be worthy of being filtered and blocked, but for some reason, when you click on the tags, as I write this, the post does not show up, but my newer post, Pole Shift does, when I click on the same tag.

Why am I blogging? The reason I am blogging in the first place of course, is because I have this crazy notion that I am being Gang Stalked 24/7, and having my private email monitored, along with my computer activity. The fact that I am being followed around 24/7, then I try to blog about it, and suddenly my posts are being filtered on two of the sites where I blog?

That’s kind of messed up. If we are so free and democratic, then nothing I say here should make a difference, and if I am not telling the full truth, then it should just be some crazy rambling blog, that is not worthty of being filtered, but that’s not the case.

I am also having some weird experiences with specific sites being blocked from my access, but I need more feedback on one specific incident before I blog about it.

I didn’t ask to be Gang Stalked, I was going about my own life, minding my own business, the corrupted elements of this society, decided they were going to put me in my place and teach me a lesson, like they have so many other innocent people. Instead of doing something harsh or hostile, I have taken to blogging, a peaceable measure. However telling the truth for corrupted elements does not seem to be a peaceful thing to do. In every time period it would seem, that truth telling by corrupted elements, does not seem to go over very well.

Now I am open to suggestions, so if someone can provide some reason for my posts being blocked from the front of the really kick ass site where I sometimes post, or why some of my wordpress posts seem to be, appear to be getting filtered, I would love to hear it.

Again with the wordpress post, they will show up if you go to the site directly, and in some engines, but when you do a tag search directly from the post, it does not come up under any of the tags listed. Controversial or not, whichat least on of the postings was not, this is still a free society right?

September 30, 2008 Posted by | Blacklisted, Bullying, buzzsaw, Censorship, CIA, Cointelpro, control, Controlled society, crazy, East Germany, Fascism, Fascist, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Illegal, Internet, Intimidation, Isolation, Justice, Monitoring, New World Order, paranoid, revolution, silence, slaves, Social Control, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Someone asked me recently why aren’t there any good leaders left?

It was a simple enough question. I could have given a simple mundane answer and then moved on, but I didn’t. Being me, it was an opportunity to talk about the real reasons there are no really good leaders left.

I have been thinking about this a lot. I mean a lot of people are counting on political leaders to save the day. Obama being the most recent.

I had to turn to programs that have been designed to remove such leaders from society.

See some years ago, such leaders did rise up, and they rose up in seemingly greeter abundance than now. They had their faults, they were no different than the leaders of this time period, but the struggles and challenges were a lot more defined for many of them. The oppression was open and overt and for many despite humble beginnings, they went out and started to make a difference for many in their communities that were struggling and oppressed.

We literally have a society that at one time had Native, Black, puertorican, White, etc leaders. People who were charismatic, good orators, people who could lead a resistance. Many were just young people who saw the open oppression of their various peoples, and how were they dealt with? They were jailed, killed, murdered, framed, discredited, on the run, targeted in every single way imaginable, till their were few left, or they did not have the resource to move forward with those movements. They were also targeted from within by Snitches/Confidential Informants who’s only job it was to ruin the organisation, and often these people these snitches were the ones who rose in power in those same organizations they sought to destroy.

What happens now in this time period is that many of those groups of people are still targeted, but it’s done in far more subtle ways, many people don’t even realise there is a struggle that continues. Most are not aware of this. They grow up in society being taught about how bad things were, and repressive, and about the leader of that time period, but what they are not taught is that things are still as repressive, just in much more subtle ways.

The bonds are still on the hands. Just not as openly. The leaders that they are fed or often hand picked by the state, and will be the ones that conform to what the state wants and needs, anyone who goes outside of that will quickly be disbanded. These groups are not taught, but soon come to realise that they are being targeted in schools by zero tolerance programs. At work by subtle social discrimination, and in the community at large, with the media, the police, and it’s still institutionalised discrimination, just not as openly, but still just as oppressive. The worst part is many people believe that they are fully free, you are not. Don’t get me wrong, we can have freedom or the concept of freedom in our minds and must continue to choose to do so.

The potential leaders of this time period often don’t even realise there is a struggle, this goes for ever race, gender and creed. Black, white, Mexican, Asian, Middle Eastern, Indian, Male, Female, etc. Many have no idea that we are all trapped in a system that is rapidly moving towards enslaving us. It’s crazy, but it’s true.
The other problem with leaders is the system often promotes those that they think will fall in line. Those who like rewards, and promotions, those children who can’t see past their own egos, and flourish because they know how to do what the state wants them to. You can see this in an examination of who get’s targeted and the why’s.

Long ago society learnt how to strangle, choke, repress, and deal with leaders, when they do rise from the ashes of oppression, we are often amazed, but do we protect them? Do we help them? Do we defend them? You would think so, but often we use them, we take what they are willing to give, and then we desert them in their hours of need. It’s not a pretty story being a leader. We like them, because they make our lives easier, we don’t have to do the work. Someone else can save the world. They can, but why should they have to have? I have seen so many stories of whistle-blower destroyed, when we should be celebrating them in the streets.

We each have the potential in us to do some good, and I think we must strive to do so as much as possible. I get emails all the time wondering why more isn’t being done, and I am sympathetic, because I think and wonder the same thing, but then I also look back and think, if this information had been there for me two years ago, I would have been so much further along in life.

I would have know what I was up against. I would have known that my co-workers were being asked to provoke me daily to losing jobs, or getting angry, or trying to make me look crazy. I would have known about intimate infiltrations, and what to look for. My answers about family and their involvement would have been answered. I would have known that they were also being asked, forced whatever into taking part.
Awareness of what was happening would have helped. It would have been good to know that we are up against a system, a system that has endless resources that they can, and will use against a single target to bring then down to heal. Yes they will put up entire construction projects to create noise and disturbances, yes they do have cities full of Citizen Informants that can and will follow you around and try to provoke you daily. Yes they can electronically monitor you and torture you in your home. Yes the fire trucks and airplanes will be used, yes the police, fire-persons, etc are all in on it.

Having that knowledge two years ago, and a few trusted sites would have helped a lot. I didn’t have that however, but what I did not have, I now try to provide for others. My two years of torture, pain, failures, triumpths, what works, what does not work, I have blogged, and posted that for you, hopefully it will help in some subtle way.

I am still learning as I go. I do try to answer emails when I can, but I still have my own struggles daily. I still at times marvel that I could have been so blind, that I could have believed this lie that was fed to me about democracy and freedom, but I believed it. I trusted it, I was so sure of it, that is why it took so long for me to see the truth, but see it I did, and I had to see it for myself before I could move forward. Your children will believe the lies of the state, unless you teach them the truth. They will believe spying on their parents, and being citizen informants, and hunting down targets are good things to do. They won’t know the difference, they won’t know wrong from right, because oppression will be all they will learn. They will be indoctrinated, and that is all that there will be for them.

This post goes out to leaders, I know you are out there, because many of us do have the potential to be leaders, to speak the truth, to guide others, to let our lights shine forth as they must do in time, and to inspire others as we must.

To some of the leaders that have gone before, let’s remember what their efforts cost them.

Joan of Ark, lead France to victory only to be sacrificed to the enemy and burnt alive.

Martin Luther King, though appreciated he was still assassinated.

Ghandi, appreciated and assassinated.

Jesus, betrayed, appreciated, and assassinated. (Crucified.)

John Lennon, not seen as a leader in the traditional sense, but he had the influence to change a generation and he was assassinated.

The panthers, Malcolm X, jailed, assassinated, some had the loyalty of the people.

Whistle blowers, reporters that still tell the truth. Many are jobless, some homeless, many are targeted like ourselves, some have been killed for telling the truth. 

The list goes on, and the struggle continues. I don’t want to scare anyone off, but look at what has gone before, keep that in mind as we try to find a way forward.

This post goes out to leaders, past, present and future. Thank you for your light, your sacrifices, your love, guidance, and willingness to take on the burdens so many others passed by, or were too self involved to take up. We look to you, and ask for your guidance in this time period of oppression and struggle, for those of us that are waking up to the truth. The struggle has never ended, the fight has never truly been won, and the battle rages on. We pray and hope for what small victories we may have.

September 10, 2008 Posted by | black, Black female, Black Females, black women, Blacklisted, Bullying, buzzsaw, Censorship, Children, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, Conformity, control, Controlled society, Corruption, crazy, Electronic harassment, Female, Females, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Insane, Jesus, Joan of Ark, John Lennon, Latina, Laws, Life, male, Martin Luther King Jr, Minorities, Minority women, mobbing, Monitoring, New World Order, oppression, psychological harassment, Relationships, revolution, Rosa Parks, slaves, Snitches, State target, whistle blower, White, WhiteFemale | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

DaveinDublin from Youtube.

I was on youtube the other day. I was trying to see if I could find other people who might be getting targeted without knowing it.

Anyways I came across this guy who says that he is being tracked, or thinks that he is being tracked. DaveinDublin. That’s ofcourse not what makes me think that he is a target. However after watching all 5 of his videos I begin to suspect that he might well be a target. The clues individually are not conclusive, but collectively they make a pretty good case.

The first video he talks about the fact that he thinks he is being blacklisted.

He says he worked for a bank. That set off bells. About 4 or 5 of us worked for a bank. He talks about getting bullied. He also talks about the fact that this Team Leader worked hard to get make him unhappy there and finally got rid of him, and several others.

He says that since he left the bank he can’t find a job cause they are giving him a bad reference. This reminds me of Mark and his experience with the bank.

Anyways David was there for a year, and then the contract was not renewed. Since then it’s been an interesting pattern I think you will see in the other videos.
The next video he talks about the fact that he thinks he might be tracked.

Being Followed/Tracked

In the same video he also talks about his cell phone coming on by itself. Could be nothing, he found it odd, I think it could be someone checking up on the location of his phone. Remember that these phone companies can remotly download software onto your cellphone even if it’s off and the microphone on your cellphone can be used to listen to the conversations in the room.

He also had to stop using the cell due to crank or wrong number calls every 20 mins.

Now he says there was one van following him. I would not associate Gang Stalking with just one Van, but the other videos are telling.
Ruined Relationship

The next video he talks about a ruined relationship. He talks about this bully at work, who systematically targeted a bunch of them, including him, until she got rid of them all. He says this same person deliberately ruined his friendship with his best friend of several years.

I think it fits the pattern and would fit a future pattern that he might also start to see.
More Blacklisting, and Disruption

In the next video he talks about going for a job and being told he can’t get the job because he is Irish. He is in Dublin Ireland. Maybe it’s nothing, but it could also be that the system is trying to keep him down and prevent him from getting a job.
Finally in this video he has to get welfare to survive. He talks about his experience with the office and getting set up on the dole. It sounds like more run around. His frustration is just one more thing that makes me think that he might be a target.

The Game show.

His dad magically won this ticket to go on a game show and decided to take David along. Not a big deal, what caught my eye and memory is what other targets have said about the media being used, and him being shown on the game show, and subsequently around Dublin.

After this we never see him online again. So I don’t know what happened. If he is a target what is his status? Is he still trying to figure it out? Is he institutionalised, driven to suicide, jobless still, in jail, or converted to being a Snitch?

Again I don’t know, cause I don’t know for sure if he is a target, but the five videos lead me to believe that more investigation is needed. Is there anyone out there who can help locate DaveinDublin?

Oh on a side note, I notice that there was always this one person posting comments on most of his videos, that persons account is closed now, and also 4 others that had subscribed to him. Might mean nothing, but I know targets are always assigned people to watch us and interact with us online. Might be nothing, but I found it interesting.

March 16, 2008 Posted by | bad luck, Blacklisted, Bullying, DaveinDublin, discrimination, Dublin, Ireland, male, paranoid, society, Targeted Individual, White, workplace mobbing, youtube | 1 Comment