Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Gang Stalking and Threat Assessments

The Video

October 16, 2010 Posted by | activism, Gang Stalking, Health and Safety | , , , , , , , | 6 Comments


So when did I become a radical? LOL.

I have been thinking about this for the last few days. When I am not being termed Conspiracy theorist, Extremist, or Crazy, I guess radical is that nice safe middle ground that some like to use.

I don’t personally like terms, cause I don’t like to be boxed in like that. I don’t think I fit any one category, my activism is not extremist, some of the sources I have referenced in the past include: Loyola Law professor Alexandra Natapoff and her research into the informant system. I have referenced the ACLU in my research and their confirmation that investigations of innocent people are happening. I have also referenced people like Nikki Rappana in regards to the communitarian system and agenda 21. So my research is not extremist.

Is it conspiracy research?

Groups of people being followed around by informants? People doing little things to make them look crazy, or despicable? It sounds conspiracy at first, but if you read the research, I consistently back up what I say. Wither it’s reporting on the violent persons registry, or discussing how people are having full scale anti-terror investigations opened up on them for simple things like missing work, or for living in the wrong community. So I am not a conspiracy theorist in that regards, cause I do back up the research, and show cases, that are similar or near exact to some of the things that Targets report.

I have even shown that in the past, governments have used citizens to gaslight, or specifically target others to hasten an agenda. Using a program called VIK the U.K. government used Americans to target other Americans. They came up with over 500 ways to mess with targets. This again was a government initiative. So much of what I have discussed has been done, via other programs. This is without me discussing Cointelpro, McCarthyism, Stasi, etc.

I am just crazy/Skizo then? I mean how can I believe that I am being targeted in this way right? Well I believe it cause it’s true. I can back up information with the research online, and sources at times have given bit’s of information here and there. I am not crazy, I am not skizo. Yet I have it on good authority that without me ever having seen a psychiatrist in any capacity, remotely I have been deemed a danger or crazy. Much of this label comes from me standing up to workplace mobbing, which was deliberate and very targeted. Much of the extreme stuff that was reported came later, after I dared to challenge this system.

So after all those terms, the latest is Radical. When did I become a radical? I don’t agree with the term, cause I guess radical always put me in mind of the Black Panthers. I grew up thinking that they were anti-government trouble makers, who hated cops. This was such a misconception, I am now ashamed that this was how I veiwed them. This however is the picture that society painted of them.

The reality is that the panthers were kids. When they organized they were 17 and up, most in their teens and early 20’s. They also did not organize cause they hated police, they organized because they hated what was being done to them, and people like them in their community. Their goals were not to become anti-government extremists, no. A large part of what they did were things like free breakfast program for their community, and all these other good acts of kindness, but they were exterminated, demonized, and that is what I guess you could say radicalized them.

I guess they were radicals, but not cause they wanted to be, but because they were made to be.

So back to me. I spent the last few days thinking about this, cause I wanted to give a good answer. Like most I grew up believing the government was good, society was great. I wanted all the normal material things. I believe I lived in one of the best countries, and then cities on the planet. My life goals were simple, I wanted to find my mate, get married, and contribute to society. Simple goals, straight forward agenda, and then that changed.

I first noticed the targeting via workplace mobbing, this goes back at least a decade, and was part of the worst time in my life. The first time that I decided to try to take action it was hell, and it really shook me to the core. It was horrible that people could treat others in such a way, and yet most of the mobbing was subtle, proving it was a joke, and finally I left that job. The problem was it did not stop, at the next job the same mobbing scenario. But how? I mean it’s not as if people could communicate via some sort of network or something. Initially I just thought it was rumors traveling, you run into the odd person, who knows such and such and it goes from there. That’s what I initially thought, I know different now.

The next time the mobbing started, I was going to take a stand, and file a suit if it needed that. My employers did not stop the mobbing, I went through all the standard channels, a mistake in retrospect, they did not take the complaints seriously. Unknown to me they were using the complaints to paint me as delusional, but I was being mobbed, daily.

I finally took action outside of thee workplace and thus the wonderful world of Gang Stalking began. But I didn’t know about Gang Stalking then, but I did clue into the fact that my conversations with Lawyers were making it back to my place of employment. There was some kind of surveillance in my apartment, and yes I was being followed on the streets.

While this was going on, I had grown stronger, even if I could not win my complaint against my employer, “which I eventually just dropped due to the Gang Stalking harassment, and being tortured in my home”, at least I could help others. I could have gone forward with my case, but there was collusion, and it was happening in high places, and this made no sense. Since that time it makes perfect sense. Others have noted the same things. The patterns I had experienced were identical to many online. The perpetrators of the mobbing getting promotions, the fact that my information was out there, and an obvious interference pattern. However though until I came across the Gang Stalking information, the details about surveillance, that I had noticed, the seeming participation of people close to me, none of that made sense, then some of the pieces of the puzzles fell into place.

At that stage I was still just looking for a quick fix. I realized it was retaliation from my employer, but the surveillance network made no sense, how could so many people be taking part. See they are informants, and as you move through town, through their sections of the community, stores, etc, they are given little alerts about you. You are followed into stores, and hand signals are silently communicated, all this turned up via the research.

Your whole circle of family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, etc are contacted. Apparently you never have to be evaluated by a professional to be deemed as crazy. And why would an employer, or other nemesis that is trying to shut someone up, not be tempted to paint that person as crazy?

From what I have read, many people feel that family and friends really let them down in these cases. To be fair, if you are contacted by an official that your family or close friend could be a danger, threat, pedophile, etc. Most people would be tempted to co-operate believing that they would have a fair investigation, and not co-ordinated, underhanded, systemic destruction.  Some might even give destructive testimony, unwittingly or deliberately damaging that person in question.

The research. Let’s talk about that. I was never anti-government, but the research turned up some surprising things. Not only that this is systemic. This happens in many democratic countries, but this is happening to bright, intelligent people. Many are being systemically eliminated. That is a conspiracy. Be it workplace mobbing, which can lead to reports of Gang Stalking, people were being unfairly picked on, targeted, and eliminated. When I say eliminated I mean, driven to suicide, put in jail, falsely labeled as crazy, and locked away. Others were being provoked on the street, and much like the Nazi’s did to Jewish people, provoked and then when they lashed out put in jail. Others were getting into fatal accidents, many were deliberately being made systemically poor, having our life dreams and goals wiped away. That was bad enough, but in many cases, cause a lot of us live alone, our women were getting sexually assaulted. People like Ramona Lopez were raped. Jesus Mendoza documented how he had to watch his little girl get tortured, how he had to watch her scream at night, be burnt in her bed, and as a parent not be able to do anything, cause of what they were doing.

I read about Leuren Moret a whistle-blower and her experience with Livermoor Labs. She stated that in addition to her, there were about 500 other women and minorities that she was aware of who were also targets of the university. They also had their lives systemically destroyed the same way that she did. Again one more story that shed light on this being a systemic policy for dealing with those who do not all in line, who do not follow the status quo.

[quote]500 women and minorities had filed lawsuits against the University of California and had then experienced retaliation by the University of California apparatus of mobbing by employees, alumni and law enforcement.1The lawsuits were for denial of tenure, whistleblower retaliation and theft of intel-lectual property. These women had similar complaints about the destruction of their own lives and careers. The information gathered by the University of California is used to takeyour life apart; to destroy all that makes you feel safe; to bankrupt, isolate and alienate you from society and from yourself; and to attempt to make you look crazy.[/quote]

This was not only systemic, but it had in many cases proven to be mulit-generational. Meaning if you stand up to the system, and you have kids, those kids have a good chance of being targeted. I also read about Jeremy Blake and his lady, and their golden suicides, which I also don’t quite believe. I realized again just what this system is truly capable of, and why it must be changed, or stopped. It’s not right, it’s malignant for many, but many others protect it, give their allegiance to it, and would gladly fight for it.

With story after story, after story, after story, I saw a picture as brutal as any other oppression, as needful of exposure, and something that was hard, or going to be almost near impossible to prove. I realized we were up up against a system, and that system was not some shadow group. It was not vigilantes, it was not extremists, it was our own governments, and this system that has been set up. It’s not that different than what was done in Russia to many, or even the former East Germany. In America those who saw McCarthyism, or even Cointelpro up close should have no trouble believing it, and yet many ignore this.

Outside of Gang Stalking, I researched many other topics, Pedophile rings, Senator DeCamp and the amazing work he did trying to expose a pedophile ring, and the fate of those victims. Senator DeCamp also realized that he was up against a system, and he rightfully wondered if that system had become too corrupt. I read about Gary Webb, and his wonderful reporting, that got him demoted in his job till he had to quit, how he was found with a bullet to the head, yet another suicide, which I don’t believe for a moment. I read about the fate of the victims of the CIA drug smuggling. How they were silenced and dropped the lawsuit. I read about the fate of the African American female lawyer who tried to take on the CIA. Anita Belle lost everything. Her home, her career, he country, he livelihood. She tried to stand up to the system and it attacked.

I read about how Journalists who get too close to the truth, how they are also often systemically attacked via the buzzsaw, how their careers are ruined, how they are made to look either crazy, or like they don’t know what they are talking about.

All along the cyber collective consciousness, I found proof of what I was talking about. There is a system in place, that keeps everything in place, that system is corrupt and needs fixing. That system is protected, very powerful, but very evil. That system is being run by governments, their security forces. Do I believe every politician is evil? Heck no. De hamp, people like Cynthia McKinney and others have come up against this before, there are many out there who really don’t realize that their is a problem. If they do become aware, they would rather believe that evil forces have taken over the government, or that we can work within the system to fix it.

I don’t care what you believe, my job right now is doing what I have always done when I see a problem or a system of injustice. I try to make a difference. I am trying to help fix it. I am making people aware. I have been like this my entire life. I am fairly sure it’s who I have always been meant to be, and who I will always be.

So when did I become a radical? If you must call me this, and I hate labels, then I guess I have always been this way, I have been this way my entire life. If I see injustice, I try to stand up to it, expose it, make a slight difference if I can. If I see a bully I will try to stand up to them, to the best of my ability.

So let me throw this question back out there to you all. Why are you not a radical? Do you not believe that there is a problem? A conspiracy? Do you feel powerless? Why are you not out there telling the truth, cause at the end of the day, that is all that I am doing. I am telling the truth, and just trying to expose a system that has become terribly corrupt. A system that truly needs fixing. So if you see me as a radical, and not yourself, then ask yourself this. Why are you not a radical?

March 1, 2010 Posted by | Bullying, buzzsaw, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conspiracy, Controlled society, crazy, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, harassment, Indigo Ribbon, Informants, Insane, Laws, Minorities, mobbing, one handed signals, psychological harassment, society, Stalking, Surveillence | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Woman placed on Violent Persons Register

I am really happy about this story. I did not know there was a potentially “violent person registry.” I don’t know what the names would be in Canada, U.S. or Europe, but it should not be hard to find out.

Think of this scenario in the workplace, at school, etc. You make a comment, or perform an action that might upset someone with the capacity to get you on such a list, and then an notice is sent out to several dozen places that you are a potentially violent person who should not be alone with others, and then your life changes.

Here is some really neat info from this article.

I was turned into a Parriah for complaining about a yob

[quote]Jane Clift saw it as her public duty to report a drunk she saw trampling flowers in a park.

But her efforts led to a surreal nightmare in which she was branded potentially violent and put on a council blacklist with thugs and sex attackers.

Her details were circulated to an extraordinary range of public and private bodies, including doctors, dentists, opticians, libraries, contraceptive clinics, schools and nurseries. Their staff were advised not to see her alone.

The 43-year-old former care worker was forced to withdraw an application to become a foster parent and, eventually, to leave the town where she had lived for ten years.

Now, after a bitter four-year legal battle with Slough Council, the stain on her character has finally been removed.[/quote]

A list that put her up there with sex attackers if you can imagine that.

She was a care worker, and got denied fostering a child because of this.

Woman sues council for libel after being labelled
‘potentially violent’ for complaining about a vandalised flowerbed

[quote]Ms Clift told the court that she had to leave Slough, where she had lived for 10 years, and had initially moved to Southampton.

‘I’d like to move back some time in the near future but without this hanging over my head and my family’s head.

‘I have many connections in Slough, I like Slough, but it was impossible for me to function normally in Slough with this on my head for 18 months, and the stain will always be there.’

She said that after the council acted, she sensed that everywhere she went, there was ‘whispering, collaboration, people scurrying about’.

‘One time I went to the contraceptive clinic and I felt that there were way too many people hovering about for me than should have been there, making me feel very insecure.

‘It did serve as a reminder that everywhere I went – hospitals, GPs, libraries – anywhere at all, even if I phoned the fire service, as soon as my name went on to that system, it flagged up ‘violent person marker, only to be seen in twos, medium risk’.’

‘I’m nothing special, no qualifications, don’t have a fancy job but I don’t go getting into trouble. It cuts across class, race, everything.

‘These people have this ability to do this and they can abuse it.
Not many people know, I didn’t even know, that such a register existed.[/quote]

She sensed that everywhere she went there was a whispering and collaboration campaign, with people scurrying about. She also goes on to say more people were hovering about than should have been there, making her feel insecure. I am sure that I have another word for what they were doing, but to continue.

Woman Placed on Violent persons registry
Woman labelled violent by Slough borough council wins damages

[quote]A woman who was labelled potentially violent by a council has won £12,000 in libel damages.

Jane Clift sued Slough borough council and Patrick Kelleher, its head of public protection, over their reaction to her complaint about a three-year-old boy who vandalised a flower bed in a town park.

The authority argued that a 2005 entry about her in its violent persons register was accurate, and that Clift was obsessed with getting Slough’s antisocial behaviour co-ordinator sacked.

Mr Justice Tugendhat found in favour of Clift at the high court, but rejected her claim that Kelleher had been malicious.[/quote]

She had to move and it took four years to get her name removed from this list.

I was just pointing that out, because I am sure that the policy on these lists is not to give our information to the person being placed on the lists.

Staff Safety (Potentially Violent Persons) Database
employees and others arising from their work activities.

3. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to alert Directorates to their statutory duties and of the corporate information system designed to enable managers to identify potential risks to employees from individuals, animals and premises. The purpose of the recording is to seek to avoid further incidents through the controlled sharing of information that will be used to undertake a better-informed risk assessment of proposed visits by employees.

5. Definitions

The Staff safety register is a secure electronic based database recording incidents involving an employee of DMBC (or partner agency) that have caused actual or potential harm.

6. Policy

It is Doncaster Council policy to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees and therefore managers must utilise the staff safety database to achieve this objective.

7. Responsibilities


All managers in day-to-day control of people, places etc must ensure that risk assessments are completed and are suitable and sufficient for their purpose. Managers must ensure that the significant findings arising from risk assessments are communicated to employees affected by those work activities. For the purposes of this section the work activity relates to visits by Council employees away from Council premises. See Instruction section for detailed Risk assessment.

Senior managers who, after notification of an incident to one of their employees, believe that person(s) and/ or an address now need to be included onto the staff safety register then they must notify the system manager of that decision at the earliest opportunity.

To comply with Data Protection Act 1988 if the manager decides to include a person onto the register then that person must be informed in writing of the intention to do so, the reason for their inclusion and the arrangements for review and removal. The right of appealing against that decision must also be provided.


Employees who undertake visits to non-Council premises must utilise the Staff safety register to ascertain if the location of the proposed visit is included in the register as a potential to cause harm.

Principal Safety Officer

The Principal Safety Officer as system manager has the ability to create, amend and delete data and to ensure appropriate an advisory/ training service is available to all employees with responsibilities under these instructions. The PSO must ensure that the system is managed and staffed appropriately.

8. Instructions

System Access – Three levels of access are available and a clear level of authorisation will control the granting of each. All levels of direct access to data will be password controlled and the staff safety register itself will record details of every access, including the data viewed and the reason for access.

8.1. Level 1 Access- Basic Interrogation

An email (external email facility) based enquiry function, which tests whether a name or address is registered. Appropriate staff will be specifically authorised to use this function.

8.2. Level 2 Access- View Only

The ability to view data on the software system (software installed on individual pc’s). Only a limited number of managers will be given this access. Where a level 1 user identifies a match from the email system a Level 2 user will obtain the relevant information from the software system and carry out a risk assessment for a visit to the premises and advise accordingly.

Interesting, I bet every single little Human Resources officer knows about this list. It goes hand in hand with make a stink go see a shrink policy they have in their handbook.

The next day, the plant director of human resources invoked a Ford program for combating workplace violence to bar Crosty from the factory and ordered him to see a company-paid psychiatrist or lose his job.

A little more than fourteen months later, and 725 miles away, officials at Emory University cited a similar concern about violence to justify using armed guards to escort Dr. James Murtagh off university property when Dr. R. Wayne Alexander, chairman of the department of medicine at Emory, ordered him to see a company-selected psychiatrist or lose his job. Six weeks earlier, Murtagh, a professor of pulmonology at Emory, had filed a false claims suit against the university, alleging that it had misspent millions of dollars in federal grant money. He claimed the university diverted money from research grants in order to pay for salaries and trips for administrators and some staff. The specific allegations were sealed by order of the federal judge.

Crosty and Murtagh don’t know each other. It is unlikely their worlds would ever intersect, but they have at least one thing in common. They both are victims of an increasingly popular employer weapon against whistleblowers: the psychiatric reprisal.

Across the United States, companies have seized upon concerns about workplace violence to quash dissent. Hundreds of large corporations have hired psychiatrists and psychologists as consultants to advise them on how to weed out “threatening” employees. They say they are only responding to a 1970 directive from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration that they maintain a “safe and secure work environment.” But by drawing the definition of “threatening” as broadly as possible, they are giving themselves a new club to bang over the heads of workers.

So in the workplace I am guessing this could be applied for a number of reasons, and then you end up on these little connected lists.

132 – Violent Persons Register

Referring to Minute No. 125 – Violent Persons Register, John Irving from the COPS Team had attended the meeting and gave the following advice:

To hold a register of violent or potentially violent people on computer, the information could be de-personalised by using a classification system i.e.: 1 = Potentially violent, 2 = Threatened people before, 3 = Been violent in the past, 4 = Two-man visit, 5 = Don’t Visit.


132 – Continued…

The Legal Services Administrator would compile a Violent Persons Database, which would be put on the Council’s Intranet system, and would be password protected. John Irving suggested that as a long-term goal, once the database had been established it would be useful to share the information with Liberata, District Nurses etc.

The Legal Services Administrator also needed to write a procedure to ensure that the Council didn’t fall foul of the Data Protection Act. It was agreed that addresses couldn’t be put onto the Violent Persons Register without proper clarification. It was suggested that a sub-group to this Group be set up to endorse these requests.

Minutes of the meeting from a local booby. How to really mess up someones life. I mean how to share information of violent persons.

Well just some fun food for thought. Tell me what you think, leave comments if you feel like it.

October 12, 2009 Posted by | Blacklisted, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community mobbing, Covert investigations, Female, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Informants, mobbing, Monitoring, Surveillence, whistle blower | , , , , | 16 Comments

Indigo Ribbon Quilt

Indigo Ribbon Quilt

November is right around the corner, and that is the month that we celebrate Indigo Ribbon Day. So if you have any stories that you would like to share, or ideas for this years Indigo Ribbon Day, please feel free to submit your stories to Gang Stalking World.

Last year there was not much of an Indigo Ribbon Day. The articles that came out in the New York Times and Washington post too the focus away from the event last year, but the articles were important to be responded to. The rest of the year has been spent Bridging the Gap between what the general public understands and what we understand. Getting them up to speed. I think there has been enough information over the last year, that some of the gaps have been filled, now it’s just getting that information out to the public, which targets, local media can play a great role in. The information finally is there, it’s a matter of getting it out there in greater capacity.

Most of yesterday was spent working on the quilt. It’s one of events that was hoped for with the Indigo Ribbon Awareness Campaign and now it’s finally been started.

Starting on the quilt was emotional. Remembering stories like Jeremy Blake, Teresa Duncan, Ruth Goodman, Kyle, even the Jiverly Wong quilt was hard, because some of these people will never get justice for what was done to them. With Jiverly Wong it’s important that individuals like him have a voice, and they be remembered because despite their actions, I don’t believe that people like him, and Kimveer Gill were killers, or would have been without external forces. I believe just like what we see with the workplace shootings these individuals were driven to their ends. I am deeply sorry for their victims, but before they became what some would call monsters, they were victims of the state, and that has to be acknowledged if we are to stop future events like that from happening. That is why they must be included in the quilt.

Anyways, I hope for more uplifting stories, but getting started was interesting.

Indigo Ribbon Products


You can find Indigo Ribbon and related products by clicking on the image above.

The Indigo Ribbon Campaign is meant to be a voice to the many innocent targets of Government campaigns, mobbing, Gang Stalking, mind control, Electronic Harassment, etc. The idea behind the campaign is to provide information and awareness.

This year the campaign will focus on a quilt, it’s a quilt to commensurate those that have died, those in jail, falsely placed in mental institutions, driven to suicide, murdered, etc.

Only by continuing to make others aware, can we begin to make a difference.

October 9, 2009 Posted by | Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Bridging The Gap 2

Bridging the Gap.

This book is now available at


You can now purchase this the Hardcopy of this book at This book is a great way to help you and others understand what Gang Stalking is, and why it could be happening in society.


Bridging The Gap

Bridging The Gap


The book will answer a lot of the questions that get thrown out at targets. Why would the government do this? You are just not that interesting? Who would spend that much money to track and stalk you? How could so many people be taking part? You are just paranoid? Has this ever happened before?

It really should help to bridge some of the gaps between the regular population and the targeted individuals community.

Below are the chapters. Again the book is now available at and you can find it by using this link.
Table Of Content

Table Of Content


Introduction    I

Table of contents

     Table of contents III

1. Bridging the gap

    Bridging the gap 1

2. What is Gang Stalking

     What is Gang Stalking?  2.1
     Community Policing 2.4
     Goals of Gang Stalking 2.5
     Who gets targeted 2.7
     Who takes part 2.9
     Why people become informants  2.10
     Common Techniques used  2.10
     Funding for Gang Stalking  2.12
     How do participants communicate  2.13

3. Covert Techniques

    Covert Techniques  3.1

4. Obedience to authority

    Milgram Experiment  4.1
    The Stanford Prison Experiment 4.3
    Strip Search Call Prank 4.4

5. Informant System

     The Snitching System  5.1
     Alexandra Natapoff  5.3

6. Conspiracies and history

   The Secret Persuaders 6.1
   Operation Gladio   6.2
   Red Squads    6.4
   McCarthyism  6.7
   Cointelpro       6.9
   Stasi  6.11
   The Buzzsaw 6.14
   Fusion Centers  6.17
7. Are Canadians being Watched

    Secret Databases 7.1
    Spying101  7.2
8. The Set Up’s

    Conspiracy 8.1
    Paying the price  8.2

9. Chain Reaction

       The Game  9.1
       Understanding the game 9.3
       Stopping the chain reaction  9.7

10. Infiltrations

      Online Infiltrations     10.1
      Offline Infiltrations    10.2

11. The final pieces
       The Final Pieces   11.1
       Checks and balances  11.2
       Unwelcome truths 11.3

12. Coping

      Coping  12.1

13. Closing Thoughts

      Closing  13.1

14. Resources

      Movies  14.1
      Videos  14.1
      Books  14.1
      Articles 14.2
      Cointelpro 14.4
      Websites   14.5

15. References

     References  15.1

April 24, 2009 Posted by | activism, Awareness, buzzsaw, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Conspiracy, Controlled society, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, Life, society | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Protest and Privacy

Some targets do get help from their friends. Joel is one such example. He has blogged many times before about the fact that his friends were kind enough to share with him that they had been approached and asked to spy on him. He also knows what they are making him appear to be crazy, and maybe some kind of a pervert or something.

What Joel also mentioned which really caught me by surprise is that his friends had been shown surveillance footage of him. I have come across other targets who have friends helping them or whatever, but Joel was the first to share that his friends had seen actual surveillance footage of him.

December 10, 2006

Known and Existing Video Surviellance

This article makes public the details of conversations I have had with personal friends in which they have described in exacting detail the types of very real and actual surviellance footage of myself that the investigators have gathered to date; in other words, despite the set-up attempts, covert druggings, spreading of false and slanderous rumors and otherwise, there do exist real and actual bits of video and audio surviellance that the investigators have compiled from my daily life and routine over the past six years or so.

The above mentioned personal friends claim that the following bits of surviellance were used in various demonstrative ways as a means of attempting to coerce them into personal involvement in the investigation as informants or otherwise; apparently, the investigators did not count on these few individuals bowing out on conscience and eventually confiding in me personally

These bits of video and audio surviellance do not demonstrate behaviour out of the norm of the average american citizen; nor does the surviellance footage demonstrate abberance of behavior outside the norm of the same; what the compiled footage does provide to the investigators however, and *only* when coupled with set-up attempts specifically designed to supplement, further, or magnify said content … is a means of forcing the assumption and appearance of my needing some sort of psychological rehabilitation; or, at the most, an exploration of the need for such: psychotheraphy, regression therapy, discussion of past sexual relations, “is he a stalker?, a potential sociopath/violent offender?, worse?”

In other words, “what sorts of forced incrimination attempts would best leverage the existing and rather non-descript actual surviellance that has been acquired? how could we cast it in a more sinister light?” … or … “if the target is set up in a way that gives the appearance of his being an obsessive stalker of an ex romantic partner, then what sort of psychological argument could be made if the same target was actually caught on film supposedly ‘abusing’ his pet?”

This sort of thing.

This article aims to make public my knowledge of the general nature of said acquired surviellance as transferred to me by other personal friends who have been involved at one point or the other with the investigation.


How creepy is that? Not only are these people Gang Stalking him, but they are video taping him in his home. When did democracy get that final stake through the heart? Did it ever really exist? Should we not be outraged by this?

The video or surveillance that his friends describe are two specific ones. One where he get’s home and the dog has made a mess and he get’s angry at the dog. I guess they wanted to use that off moment to make him look like an angry and irritable person. The next video is one where he is in a very private moment. According to Joel his friends have described seeing surveillance video of him self pleasuring himself.

First of all under what circumstances would that be anyone’s business? How would that help you make a case? How sick would you have to be to tune into footage such as that, and then to share that with his friends? Joel is pretty easy to believe and I have no reason to doubt this statement. It’s a form of violation, the system can’t get at him one way, so they go in for degradation of another sort.

I think this is despicable, but very little surprises me. For me personally if I found out that I was being recorded, I would just put up a tent, or something similar in my home and work out of that. I don’t believe in violent protest, but I do believe in protest, saying no, raging against the dying of the light, or in this case, the dying of democracy, or what I thought was democracy.

I don’t believe anyone has the right to do that to another, but more importantly I don’t think that had anything to do with surveillance to see if he was bad or good. It’s just one more way to say that they own their targets, that they have control. Before I would give up control like that, I would seriously live in a tent, or something similar inside my home.

So if you ever see surveillance video of me in a tent, blanket, or something similar, not crazy, just protesting. Also if there ever was surveillance video of me like that, then you would know that I was right, and would have proven my case.

People have a right to some freedoms, this is one of them, when do people stop letting the government do this? Only when they have had enough. East Germany had to spend 40 years plus before enough was enough, or rather I suspect that the experiment was a success and the powers that be, decided the same results could be achieved in the rest of the world.

I mean people found out that the government had been listing into their phone calls, monitoring emails and there are no protests in the streets. Journalists found out that they had been spied on, and there is no real protest. People are just so accepting of things. It’s tiring to watch.

I use to think people were so brave and heroic and that they would stand up against such times as this. The history books leave out so many things, they put in things that are not quite true, and always to the victor goes the spoils. I see them on the trains, and I think how can you be a part of this? It just bothers me the lack of protest. This surveillance society is just comfortable enough that people don’t want to rock the boat. It’s bad, but it could be worst, true, but you know what, it could also be a lot better. 

People have the power to change this to make it better, to say what will and will not go, what they will and will not put up with, or be a part of. That’s why some during the My Lia Massacre just went along with it, while a very few tried to get some of the women and children to safety. I do believe people have the power for change for better or for worst. I also believe that people allow things to happen.

Having been a target for several years, I have observed the people around targets, how they act, what they do when they think they can get away with it. The hideous mob mentality of it all. If they think a target is guilty or responsible for something and they want to punish them, as long as they think they can get away with it they will. They are like bugs, and with the right raid, they just scatter. It’s really irritating to observe this, but it’s also true. They will get away with what they think they can get away with. This goes from the top to the bottom, and we have to keep drawing those lines in the sand, to stop it or to keep it at bay.

People do what they are told. If they think they can get away with it they will. There morality is based on what is cool and popular from one minute to the next. What they are told is allowable from one minute to the next. People will be in favor of you if you are one of them, if they like your personal circumstances, or associations. These things have some value, but no real value, because they have very little to do with who you are, as a person.

March 3, 2009 Posted by | communityharassment, Conspiracy | , , , , | 3 Comments

Panoid disruptions. Active denials.

Active denial. A game the government likes to play. See this is how it works. If you let them mess with your life, then your life get’s disrupted to the stage where you can not function. If you do nothing about it, they will just keep it up, and go further and further.

When a target starts to hit back and show them for what they are and what they are doing, then they will in some cases back off, but they will try to make the target look like they don’t know what they are talking about. Go after the targets credibility. Make the target look crazy. What we don’t know what you are talking about. We weren’t running any interference. It’s just paranoia.

They used these same mechanisums with targets of Cointelpro, they do these things that are so hard to believe, that most people would rather accept that the target is paranoid, vs being deliberately targeted and having their lives disrupted in such a manner.

“”The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.””
Ok so I have been following up on the thing. So I finally heard back from them. They want me to resubmit the ebook details, in a different format, that’s fine, but when you look at the ticket submitted you can see my first submission, and none of my follow up emails. So where are they? Whey did they not arrive? This again suggests that subsequent emails did not get through, cause the ticket was not updated. Anyways I will keep you updated on this. 
The blog comment not posting, that I blogged about I went back and it posted. The previous times the browser had gone though, but there was no message that your message has posted, and it would go back to the same screen. Now when I tried it this time. I got a nice pop up form and it says the message is being queued for review. Had I not blogged about it, I might still be there trying to get it to post, and repeated attempts might be failing. I say this, because this has in some cases been consistantly happening, the webpro news postings being one example.
Drawing attention to the dirty that they are doing is still in many cases the most effective way to get it exposed and in some cases stopped, but then you have to be careful because then it puts you in a situation of walking a fine line of looking paranoid if you blog about each single incident, vs unspeakable life disruptions.

For me it’s been not just emails about ebooks that are not getting posted, it’s business emails that are not arriving. Feedback that I need, etc. This would not be the first time business has been interfared with. It’s a part of their M.O.

Another example was right after those articles came out late last year in the papers about Gang Stalking. The Gang Stalking World website stopped getting emails. People’s emails just stopped arriving, or if they did arrive, they would be delayed for hours or days.

I tested the system out myself, cause you want to be sure that you are not being paranoid. What I did was I sent in  emails from the contact form to see if the mail would go through. What was interesting was mail that I sent that had spam titles from the contact form made it through right away. Other mail I sent that seemed or had titles that were something legit or pertinent just did not go through. It was fascinating to watch. What kind of filter can do that?
Anyways walking the fine line. Either drawing attention to the dirty and putting up with the life disruptions, or blogging about it and exposing it. It might leave you looking paranoid, but it’s the only method right now that I have seen that has any effect. Just document every thing as best as you can.

Like I said, the bounced emails, lack of feedback, and business mail not arriving has been about 80%, where before it was not this volume for failed email that is not arriving. The emails are failing on public as well as private email systems, and various email boxes, and accounts.

So again I do think the best weapons we do have are exposure, and some legal means if we can find them. They will cross the line as much as they can, till you push them back. (I don’t mean that literally, although getting their asses kicked could not hurt, but I mean it figuratively.)

The part that still amazes me is that we are in this modern society, we have so much interaction and places where massive amounts of information can be shared, yet this stuff still goes on, primarily in silence and that can not be allowed to happen.

I mean this system has consistently been in place, at the very least it needs to be exposed publicly for what it is, no I don’t think it will stop it, but at least when people talk about it, they will stand a chance. Again conspiracies like this are nothing new. Priest got away with sexually assaulting thousands of young children for years, decades, and the problems were consistently covered up by the church, victims families, and in some cases the victims themselves, because of the stigma attached back then to accusing the church of stuff like that, but when the truth came out, it was something to behold.

Most of the stuff that targets have been talking about like the 24/7 surveillance has been getting exposed. The Nasa whistleblower was kind enough to share that fact that “NSA Surveillance Far Vaster Than Admitted; Targeted Regular Citizens and Journalists.”

Anyways this really does still seem to be the only effective weapon thus far, exposure on a wider scale and awareness. Keep taking out the newspaper ads, maybe we should raise money for some bus ads? They would not likely post them, but this might be what we have to do. If you do hand out flyer’s, be careful. They could try to use this against you.  It’s a fine line we walk, between getting what’s happening to us exposed, and them trying to lock targets away for telling the truth about their harassment’s. I never understand why people think programs such as MK Ultra, and government experimentation go away? They don’t. The Tuskegee syphilis experiment would probably be going on right now if not for one person, and again remember that went all the way to the top with the surgeon generals approval, for 50 years.

Again it went on with so many people in the know, but few with the ethical conscience to stop it, or who wanted to stop it, and the majority who were aware of the experiment felt they were a part of something good, scientific.

These governments have a log history of this stuff. Helping survivors of the holocaust with one hand, but then getting the Nazi scientists who conducted experiments into democratic countries with the other.
[quote]Operation Paperclip (also Project Paperclip) was the code name for the 1945 Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency[1] O.S.S.[citation needed] recruitment of scientists from Nazi Germany to the U.S. after Victory in Europe Day.[2][/quote]
It amazes me that something that is so systemically inherent can still be so hushed up, and then you dare to call yourselves democratic. That’s the thing that astounds me. This stuff went on in East Germany and we spit at them for doing this to their citizens, and Cursed Russia for what they did to their citizens by locking them away, but we are doing the same things. These things have always amazed me.

There is a time for everything though, and there is a time for this to come out into the open.

February 23, 2009 Posted by | Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Bridging The Gap

Bridging The Gap is a disturbing, yet poignant look into modern day democratic surveillance societies. The book examines how this structure is used to discredit, disenfranchise, and destroy innocent citizens.

Gang Stalking, The Buzzsaw, Cointelpro, what do these words mean and more importantly what do they have in common? They are names that have been used to describe the systemic apparatus that reaches out to destroy and discredit those declared enemy by the state.

This book will open your eyes to how the informant system has taken over these democratic countries, and how they are being used to further create a surveillance society where no one will be out of reach, should they too  become persona non grata by the system.


Bridging The Gap

Bridging The Gap

Average citizens are being placed under covert investigations. Could you be a target? NO? Guess again, you might be surprised who is being investigated and why? If you value your privacy learn how the game is being played. Informants are all around us.

Uncover the truth about secret deals, undercover operations, the reason some are being disenfranchised from their jobs, communities, and their very livelihoods. Discover what others have discovered. Even if you do nothing wrong, you have plenty to worry about. Informants are in every nook and cranny in society. If you are an informant learn the truth about the system that controls us all. Bridging the gap exposes, the truth behind the lies.
Average citizens are being followed, monitored, watched, in their homes, at work, on the streets. Could this happen to you? NO? All it takes is the word of an informant. Find out what other innocent citizens have learnt. Freedom is not free, you too could become an enemy of the system. Once you do, your life will never been the same again.

Discover a state apparatus you never knew existed in a world that you currently inhibit. Discover how you too could be systemically ruined if you make the wrong enemy or step outside the invisible lines. Bridging The Gap, will help you or someone you love get ahead of the game, before the game gets you. This book will bring you up to date on what you need to know, to make the right choices for staying ahead of the game in today’s society.


Informants are an integral part of society, if you don’t watch your back, they will be watching it for you. The system has created a game, and we are all players, find out your best strategy for survival, in a modern day surveillance society.
If you would like more information about this book go directly to
to purchase the book.

January 10, 2009 Posted by | activism, Awareness, buzzsaw, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conspiracy | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Are Canadian’s paranoid enough?

Are Canadians being watched?

I thought that this would be a fun topic to cover. I was recently on a Canadian forum and I had a conversation with several members about electronic harassment and Gang Stalking.

Some thought it was paranoid to worry about being spied upon and monitored, that’s fair, but let’s look at some of the evidence presented and you tell me if they are paranoid enough when it comes to government spying.
The privacy commissioner of Canada, Jennifer Stoddard, warned Canadians this February about Secret databases that can not be accessed by the accused.

Jennifer Stoddart, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, has given her own Valentine to Canadian citizens: a 48-page report warning them that the RCMP (Canada’s national police force) is keeping thousands of files on regular citizens in secret databases which cannot be seen by the accused.
One of the many disturbing facets of Stoddart’s report are the examples she cites of information for these secret files coming from citizen informants. In one case a man was put into the secret database because a resident of his daughter’s school neighborhood saw him entering a rooming house and—believing drugs were involved—called the police. The police investigation concluded that the man had only stepped out of his car to have a cigarette, but the file was still in the national security databank seven years later.

Another incident cited in the Stoddart report involved a neighbour who saw two men carrying “something that resembled a large drum, wrapped in canvas” into their house. Police were called to investigate but found nothing resembling the reported item, yet the data was still sitting in a top secret databank five years later. As Stoddart points out in the CBC story on the report, this is potentially disastrous for the individuals named in the files, because it “could potentially affect someone trying to obtain an employment security clearance, or impede an individual’s ability to cross the border.”


What these seemingly disparate reports point to is a growing movement to turn the citizens of so-called free, democratic nations into a self-regulating secret police, saving the government the hassle of keeping tabs on everyone by delegating the duty to an unwitting public duped by a phoney war on terror.

Ok So Canadians are in secret databases that can not be accessed, not a big deal for some. Let’s see what else might be happening.

[quote]If you attended a Canadian university in the past eighty years, it’s possible that, unbeknownst to you, Canadian security agents were surveying you, your fellow students, and your professors for ‘subversive’ tendencies and behaviour. Since the end of the First World War, members of the RCMP have infiltrated the campuses of Canada’s universities and colleges to spy, meet informants, gather information, and on occasion, to attend classes.[/quote]

Spying in Canadian schools and on Campus.
The book, a thorough examination of RCMP surveillance of the academic world, also discusses the Mounties’ efforts to keep tabs on other elements of society, including government, the media and women’s groups.
The RCMP created security files on 800,000 Canadians, and it has long been known the force took an active interest in politicians and public 
servantswith links to Communist organizations or other pursuits deemed subversive.[/quote]
Wow 800,000 Canadians and counting with files opened, just for going to a Canadian University or College. That sounds reason to be a bit paranoid.
[quote]The Mounties cultivated informants among students and faculty at universities across the country and sometimes relied on the direct observations of RCMP members who were taking classes to further their education.[/quote]

Fellow students cultivated as Informants who then graduate and go on into the workforce and into the rest of society? Nothing to be paranoid about there, if you care about your privacy.

[quote]According to Redden, citizens can sometimes defeat the snitch culture. He lauds Canadians for discovering a secret government database that contained information on “virtually everyone in the country.”

The system tracked domestic and external travel, personal finances, and other intimate details on 33 million people.

When journalists revealed that the database was being used by spy agencies and the Mounties, 18,000 Canadians petitioned the health ministry to find out what the government knew about them. Eventually, the government was forced to dismantle the database ? or so they said. Government officials admitted the database was insecure, and so countless copies could easily have been made by police or nosy bureaucrats.

Wow a secret government database the contained information on nearly everyone in the country. The last time I heard about something like this, it was East Germany. I wonder how a country the size of Canada, can have a secret government database with information on just about everyone. What intimate details did this system have, and how did it get this information?

They dismantled a database with information on everyone in the country, that they must have spent a great deal of time, effort and money to collect? Does anyone really believe this? Of course they do.
Wow this would make some people a little paranoid.
Lastly not related to spying but an interesting link. From the people who brought you Truman Show Syndrome.

I found out that there is a military link, at least one of the male patients had a former military background.


Also one of the psychiatrist that is researching Truman Show Syndrome works out of McGill University in Quebec.

[quote]Gold and his brother, Dr. Ian Gold, the Canada research chair in philosophy and psychiatry at McGill University in Montreal, came up with the term “Truman Show delusion.”[/quote]


If you will remember the MK Ultra mind control experiments which the Canadian and U.S. government agreed to, were conducted by McGill University in Montreal, Dr Ewen Cameron’s old haunt. Ewen Cameron is the doctor that was at the heart of the MK Ultra experiments and McGill is the very University that allowed them.
Also many of complaints about Gang Stalking in Canada are coming out of Toronto and Vancouver Canada. I have seen at least one news article on this for Vancouver, but I don’t think I have seen any articles about this subject out of Toronto yet, which based on the complains is an epicenter for Gang Stalking.

This is all fun stuff to know. So should Canadians be more concerned, more paranoid, or is there really nothing to see here?  Only time will tell.

December 27, 2008 Posted by | Awareness, Baiting, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Conspiracy, Controlled society, Covert investigations, domestic spying, driving-crazy, East Germany, Entrapment, Fascist, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, Monitoring, New World Order, NWO, Social Control, Stalking, Stasi, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Proving the conspiracy.

I was just thinking about the article that came out recently asking what is behind the Internet Conspiracy Empires? I think it’s a good question, and so I thought I would take you back through some of the conspiracies that we have looked at over the last couple of years. They will not all be conspiracies, but they will help to show why I have drawn my conclusion about our current conspiracy, and what is behind Gang Stalking.
The Snitching System.

[quote]”The history of the snitch is long and inglorious, dating to the common law. In old England, snitches were ubiquitous.Their motives, then as now, were unholy. In the 18th Century, Parliament prescribed monetary rewards—blood money—for snitches, who were turned back onto the streets where they were, in the words of one contemporary commentator,“the contempt and terror of society.”

“The system produced a cycle of betrayal in which each snitch knew he might find himself soon in the dock confronted by another snitch.”
“If all cases ended so poetically, perhaps informant dependent prosecutions would be more humorous than objectionable. In real life, however, O. Henry endings are rare.”
“The snitch system probably arrived in the New World with the Pilgrims.The first documented wrongful conviction case in the United States involved a snitch.The case arose in Manchester, Vermont, in 1819. Brothers Jesse and Stephen Boorn were suspected of killing their brother-in-law, Russell Colvin. Jesse was put into a cell with a forger, Silas Merrill, who would testify that Jesse confessed. Merrill was rewarded with freedom.
The Boorn brothers were convicted and sentenced to death but saved from the gallows when Colvin turned up alive in New Jersey.”[/quote]
With the advent of modern day society can we assume that the Snitching System became obsolete, or would it be better to rightfully conclude that it was and still is an integral part of society and as relevant today as it was yesterday? It is also just as much a concern for this time period as it has been in others?


The Secret Persuaders
During WWII before America agreed to join the war, the United Kingdom set up a secret agency inside of America, designed to convince the entire nation it was a good idea to join the war. This was back in 1940 and this agency had almost 3000 operatives. They sent out false media stories, via newspapers and other mediums they had set up within America. To the individuals that were anti-war they had a game that they played called VIK.

[quote]BSC invented a game called “Vik“, described as “a fascinating new pastime for lovers of democracy”. Printed booklets described up to 500 ways of harassing and annoying Nazi sympathisers. Players of Vik were encouraged to ring up their targets at all hours of the night and hang up. Dead rats could be put in water tanks, air could be let out of the subject’s car tyres, anonymous deliveries could be made to his house and so on. In the summer of 1941, BSC sent a sham Hungarian astrologer to the US called Louis de Wohl. At a press conference De Wohl said he had been studying Hitler’s astrological chart and could see nothing but disaster ahead for the German dictator. De Wohl became a minor celebrity and went on tour through the US, issuing similar dire prognostications about Hitler and his allies. De Wohl’s wholly bogus predictions were widely published.[/quote]
I have never been able to locate the booklet with the 500 ways of harassing those that were anti-war, but I am sure some of those methods survived to this time period.

Here are some more amazing details about this agency that was set up by a foreign body on U.S. soil for the sole purpose of manipulating the population intogoing to war. This would have continued, but conveniently ended when the Japanese hit pearl harbour, what a unique coincidence.

[quote]BSC was set up by a Canadian entrepreneur called William Stephenson, working on behalf of the British Secret Intelligence Services (SIS). An office was opened in the Rockefeller Centre in Manhattan with the discreet compliance of Roosevelt and J Edgar Hoover of the FBI. But nobody on the American side of the fence knew what BSC’s full agenda was nor, indeed, what would be the massive scale of its operations. What eventually occurred as 1940 became 1941 was that BSC became a huge secret agency of nationwide news manipulation and black propaganda. Pro-British and anti-German stories were planted in American newspapers and broadcast on American radio stations, and simultaneously a campaign of harassment and denigration was set in motion against those organisations perceived to be pro-Nazi or virulently isolationist (such as the notoriously anti-British America First Committee – it had more than a million paid-up members).
Stephenson called his methods “political warfare”, but the remarkable fact about BSC was that no one had ever tried to achieve such a level of “spin”, as we would call it today, on such a vast and pervasive scale in another country. The aim was to change the minds of an entire population: to make the people of America think that joining the war in Europe was a “good thing” and thereby free Roosevelt to act without fear of censure from Congress or at the polls in an election.

BSC’s media reach was extensive: it included such eminent American columnists as Walter Winchell and Drew Pearson, and influenced coverage in newspapers such as the Herald Tribune, the New York Post and the Baltimore Sun. BSC effectively ran its own radio station, WRUL, and a press agency, the Overseas News Agency (ONA), feeding stories to the media as they required from foreign datelines to disguise their provenance. WRUL would broadcast a story from ONA and it thus became a US “source” suitable for further dissemination, even though it had arrived there via BSC agents. It would then be legitimately picked up by other radio stations and newspapers, and relayed to listeners and readers as fact. The story would spread exponentially and nobody suspected this was all emanating from three floors of the Rockefeller Centre. BSC took enormous pains to ensure its propaganda was circulated and consumed as bona fide news reporting. To this degree its operations were 100% successful: they were never rumbled. [/quote]

That is an amazing conspiracy that very few knew anything about. Are branches of this program still operational in some capacity on foreign soil today? It’s hard to say.


Operation Gladio
An actual operation that hired agents and had them in keeping in such a time as when they were needed. This is another jewel that came to light while doing research into Gang Stalking.

[quote]Emblem of NATO’s “stay-behind” paramilitary organizations.After World War II, the UK and the US decided to create “stay-behind” paramilitary organizations, with the official aim of countering a possible Soviet invasion through sabotage and guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines. Arms caches were hidden, escape routes prepared, and loyal members recruited: i.e. mainly hardline anticommunists, including many ex-Nazis or former fascists, whether in Italy or in other European countries. In Germany, for example, Gladio had as a central focus the Gehlen Org — also involved in ODESSA “ratlines” — named after Reinhard Gehlen who would become West Germany’s first head of intelligence, while the predominantly Italian P2 masonic lodge was composed of many members of the neofascist Italian Social Movement (MSI), including Licio Gelli. Its clandestine “cells” were to stay behind (hence the name) in enemy controlled territory and to act as resistance movements, conducting sabotage, guerrilla warfare and assassinations.

However, Italian Gladio was more far reaching. “A briefing minute of June 1, 1959, reveals Gladio was built around ‘internal subversion’. It was to play ‘a determining role… not only on the general policy level of warfare, but also in the politics of emergency’. In the 1970s, with communist electoral support growing and other leftists looking menacing, the establishment turned to the ‘Strategy of Tension’ … with Gladio eager to be involved.”[
A secret paramilitary army that exists in many European countries and has since the end of WWII, set up by the U.S. and the U.K.? Kept secret all the way up to 1990 when the Italian wing was exposed, and then the other branches were exposed as well. This secret army might have remained secret to this day, except for the extreme involvement of the Italian wing in local policy.

[quote]“Coordinated by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), {the secret armies} were run by the European military secret services in close cooperation with the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the British foreign secret service Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, also MI6). Trained together with US Green Berets and British Special Air Service (SAS), these clandestine NATO soldiers, armed with underground arms-caches, prepared against a potential Soviet invasion and occupation of Western Europe, as well as the coming to power of communist parties. The clandestine international network covered the European NATO membership, including Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey, as well as the neutral European countries of Austria, Finland, Ireland, Sweden and Switzerland.

‘The existence of these clandestine NATO armies remained a closely guarded secret throughout the Cold War until 1990, when the first branch of the international network was discovered in Italy. It was code-named Gladio, the Latin word for a short double-edged sword [gladius]. While the press said the NATO secret armies were ‘the best-kept, and most damaging, political-military secret since World War II’, the Italian government, amidst sharp public criticism, promised to close down the secret army. Italy insisted identical clandestine armies had also existed in all other countries of Western Europe. This allegation proved correct and subsequent research found that in Belgium, the secret NATO army was code-named SDRA8, in Denmark Absalon, in Germany TD BJD, in Greece LOK, in Luxemburg Stay-Behind, in the Netherlands I&O, in Norway ROC, in Portugal Aginter, in Switzerland P26, in Turkey Counter-Guerrilla, In Sweden AGAG (Aktions Gruppen Arla Gryning, and in Austria OWSGV. However, the code names of the secret armies in France, Finland and Spain remain unknown.
The promised that they would close down these secret armies. We however know that with other similar programs they are never shut down, they are just repackaged and start up again. That is one heck of a conspiracy. Secret armies in many European countries set up by the U.S. and the U.K.

Red Squads
Not so much a conspiracy, but a little known wing of the police that exists in many countries around the world. Set up for the sole purpose of destroying dissidence. During Cointelpro and the Canadian VIP program they worked closely with the government to neutralize dissidence.

[quote] The cops love these free-wheeling, elite units. They were ostensibly created to combat terrorism, but have been used mostly to infiltrate and suppress liberal and radical political organizations and civil rights groups. They lift their members out of the routine of police work into something of a James Bond life. As Frank Donner points out in this excellently researched, thoughtful and well-detailed study of police spying, their excesses have been many. But Donner, who directed the American Civil Liberties Project on Political Surveillance, concludes with the chilling thought that the Red squads will be around long after there are any Reds.[/quote]
These groups go back over a hundred years, as each new wave of immigrant population introduced themselves Red Squads were there, using informants to infiltrate, get information and help to disrupt these groups, movements, and unions. With other infiltration programs the idea is to try to get the corportion of members of the infiltrated groups, by asking some of them to become informants. Once you are an informant for the system, you are always considered an informant for the system.
[quote]Worse yet, the information, and misinformation, gathered by these sleuths is fed into the growing number of intelligence networks maintained by federal, state and local law-enforcement organizations. In the computer age, if you attend a left-wing meeting in Echo Park, your name is likely to be spread as far as New York.
As Donner points out, the squads are not a recent invention. One of his most important contributions is tracing the history of the Red squads, showing how deeply rooted they are in American political, social and economic life….

…That set the pattern for the Red squads, a pattern that continues today. Whatever the city, said Donner, the goal and tactics are much the same: “police behavior motivated or influenced in whole or in part by hostility to protest, dissent and related activities perceived as a threat to the status quo.”
Elite branches of the police designed to squash dissident and protect against perceived threats to the status quo.

[quote]In New York, former City Police Commissioner Patrick Murphy traced their origin there to an “Italian Squad” formed in 1904 to monitor a group of Italian immigrants under suspicion[1]. However, it is their association with fighting communism which provides the basis for the name “Red Squad.” They became more commonplace in the 1930s, often conceived of as a countermeasure to Communist organizers who were charged with executing a policy of dual unionism – namely, building a revolutionary movement in parallel with membership in above-ground labor organizations. Similar units were established in Canada in this period, although only the Toronto police used the name.

In the late 1960s, as the protests against Vietnam and the general domestic upheaval intensified, the Red Squads augmented their focus, to include dissidents largely outside the labor movement, including therein not just war resisters, but protest movements of all political stripes, including Neonazis, Native American movements, the women’s movement, environmentalists, the civil rights movement, and others. The methods employed ranged from simple surveillance to isolated incidents of assassination. Anti-activist police operations were expanded under the Johnson and Nixon administrations, particularly in concert with, and within the cadre of the FBI’s COINTELPRO surveillance program, but also including domestic spying by the CIA.
This very rarely discussed unit of the police apparently were in and still are in existence in many cities, some going by different names, but the same concept applies, squash dissidence.
Alexandra Natapoff


The use of criminal informants in the U.S. justice system has become a flourishing socio-legal institution. Every year, tens of thousands of criminal suspects, many of them drug offenders concentrated in inner-city neighborhoods, informally negotiate away liability in exchange for promised cooperation, while law enforcement at the local, state and federal levels rely on ever greater numbers of criminal actors in making basic decisions about investigations and prosecutions. While this marriage of convenience is fraught with peril, it is nearly devoid of judicial or public scrutiny as to the propriety, fairness, or utility of the deals being struck. At the same time, it is a quintessential expression of some of the most contentious characteristics of the modern criminal system: law enforcement discretion, secrecy, and the increasing informality of the adjudication process.
The informant institution is also an under-appreciated social force in low-income, high-crime, urban communities in which a high percentage of residents – as many as fifty percent of African American males in some cities – are in contact with the criminal justice system and therefore potentially under pressure to snitch. By relying heavily on snitching, particularly in drug-related cases, law enforcement officials create large numbers of informants who remain at large in the community, engaging in criminal activities while under pressure to provide information about others. These snitches are a communal liability: they increase crime and threaten social organization, interpersonal relationships, and socio-legal norms in their home communities, even as they are tolerated or under-punished by law enforcement because they are useful.
The Article also hypothesizes the harms imposed by the informant institution on socially disadvantaged, high-crime communities in which snitching is common. These harms may include increased crime, the erosion of trust in interpersonal, familial and community relationships and other psychological damage created by pervasive informing, the communal loss of faith in the state, and the undermining of law-abiding norms flowing from law enforcement’s rewarding of and complicity in snitch wrongdoing.[/quote]
Many people see this article and assume it’s an inner city problem, but it’s not. This is a societal problem. These informant programs are not just going after African American males, they are going after the females, and they are going after other communities. They started in these communities, and these communities currently have higher ratios of Informants, but then it branches out.

Imagine a society where over 50% of your community is a potential snitch? Imagine what that does to the heart and soul of a society? Some people don’t have to imagine because they have already been through something very similar.

“As summer travel ebbed, I dove into the study of the informant system, as pertains to those whom the police arrest, then pressure to go back into their places of home and work and set others up for arrest.”

How many informants do we have in communities? We can’t measure it because of this secret system, but experts have some guesses.

“Because researchers know what is behind the search warrants granted, they know that almost 98% of the time the police don’t have any goods on anyone, just a confidential informant. A lot of informing is going on, and it’s escalating.”

“So they squeeze these people into rolling on their mother. Our family involved my brother’s girlfriend; it was her brother who turned her in, and so we went through this ourselves. And it is hard to try to explain to people this part — people do 20, 30 years and they get through it. Somehow, I don’t know how. I’ve never been to prison, but they get through
it, and what dogs them all of the time is this — how could my sister do that to me? How could my friend do this to me?  That stays with them.
That psychological damage never goes away.

And it spreads to everyone in the family, just like anything traumatic does, and you get a bunch of sick people.”

When I grew up, the Russians were doing it a lot, the informant system throughout all the communities. A person could be hauled off and interrogated and taken off to the ice fields. It terrified me, those Russian people. We studied these communities in Russia after that period because there was a lot of mental illness. Our country went over there to help them with all their crazy people. And do you know what our country found out? Our scientists and doctors went over there and came back and said, “It was all those informants. It made them crazy to live among people, and nobody knew who was going to rip them off, or who needed to ‘get in good,’ or some favor. And so turn someone in, and that person gets hauled off to Siberia. It made people crazy. Well, that’s what is happening in our communities now.”

The new face of snitching might surprise you. As mentioned they started in ethnic communities, but they have branched out so much further then this.

Meet Rachel Hoffman she was a 23-year-old Florida State psychology graduate, she is also the face of snitching. Rachel earlier this year agreed to become an Informant to lower her sentence for a drug conviction. She was killed while making a drug purchase for the police to help reduce her drug sentence. Informants come from a variety of social and economical backgrounds and once caught up in the system, many will do anything to escape prison sentences normally offered for much more severe crimes.

[quote]Immediately after Tallahassee police raided her apartment April 17, Hoffman went to her boyfriend’s house and told him about the deal she’d cut. Over the next three weeks, she would tell him and Liza all about her work as a confidential informant.

“They wanted her to turn in her friends, and she wouldn’t do that,” said Liza, a 24-year-old FSU graduate student. “She said she wanted to get some grimy people off the street. She wanted to get bad guys.”

At first she agreed to give up a guy she knew who dealt drugs and sometimes bought pot from her, her friends said. But after one controlled call from the police station, she confessed to him she was working for the police and asked him to help her find someone else to turn in.[/quote]

She was killed during a sting that went wrong. She was an inexperienced 23 year old, who didn’t want to go to jail, didn’t want her parents to find out, and thought this would be a cool way to work off her sentence. She paid the ultimate price for it. This story is not that uncommon in today’s modern society, but many of us, like myself, were previously unaware of the extent to which citizen informants are being used in society.

She should no more have been turned into an Informant than many of these young urban men and woman, who also don’t want to spend years in jail, vs living outside for minor drug possessions, these people exchange their freedoms for a type of slavery and servitude to the system that is unimaginable. These situations are becoming too common, and they are contributing to the detriment and moral fiber of our societies.


Fusion Centers and TLO
The informant system is not just using paid informants. They are also using an army of volunteer Informants. The Citizen Informants who are parts of various community programs, or who were inducted via their place of employment.

The ACLU has released a report on Fusion Centers. 800,000 operatives will be dispersed throughout every American city and town. Set to report on even the most common everyday behaviors which will go into state, local and regional, linked data bases.

This number of 800,000 is outside of other Informant programs that are already in place within America. Informants working via Citizen Corps, and other sub programs.

There are informant programs for local businesses, informant programs for truckers, boats, and so many others.
T.I.P.S. officially died, but lived on in many other forms.


The Canadian Government spying on it’s own citizens? Canada that friendly and peaceful nation? The very one.

[quote]If you attended a Canadian university in the past eighty years, it’s possible that, unbeknownst to you, Canadian security agents were surveying you, your fellow students, and your professors for ‘subversive’ tendencies and behaviour. Since the end of the First World War, members of the RCMP have infiltrated the campuses of Canada’s universities and colleges to spy, meet informants, gather information, and on occasion, to attend classes. [/quote]

[quote]RCMP spies kept secret files on hundreds of Canadian Politicians and bureaucrats at all three levels of government as part of a project known as the “VIP program,”[/quote]
[quote]The book, a thorough examination of RCMP surveillance of the academic world, also discusses the Mounties’ efforts to keep tabs on other 
elements of society, including government, the media and women’s groups.

The RCMP created security files on 800,000 Canadians, and it has long been known the force took an active interest in politicians and public 
servantswith links to Communist organizations or other pursuits deemed subversive.[/quote]

Talk about conspiracy. The Canadian government for over 80 years spied on it’s citizens and opened files on many of it’s citizens just because they attended a university or college? If the Canadian government was willing to do this, what about other nations?

This program after 80 years of operation within Canadian Universities and Colleges, when exposed supposedly formally ended. That is the official story that the public is suppose to believe.

These spying programs were not content to just watch the universities, the research shows that they branched out into the community, because after graduating, these people might still have subversive ideas.

Within the last 10 years since the program supposedly ended, it’s hard to imagine how many new files might have been opened on unsuspecting students.



What happened to these people who were former spies for the East German state?,1518,540771,00.html

[quote]More East Germans were spying on their neighbors, colleagues, family and friends when the Berlin Wall fell than had previously been thought. According to a report published Monday, 189,000 people were informers for the Stasi — the former Communist secret police — when East Germany collapsed in 1989 — 15,000 more than previous studies had suggested.[/quote]

The C.I.A. were handed the list of these names after the Berlin Wall fell. How many went to other countries and were asked to continue with their domestic spying is unclear.


The above scenarios are just a few of the conspiracies, intrigues, and surprising information I have come across when researching Gang Stalking.

what I am seeing is a continual and consistent pattern of something that is systemic, with many absorption points. This means that citizens are being incorporated into these programs through many different venues, some via their families. Other through educational institutions, others via their places of employment, other through religious institutions, etc.

I am also seeing a link to some people that are being mobbed and bullied out of this system. I am also seeing the same patterns of collusion that has been reported elsewhere, by others.

That’s part of the conspiracy that I am seeing, and this conspiracy has been ongoing within society for some time now. Many communities have been affected by this and some are very aware of the level of snitching and informing that is ongoing in society, paid and unpaid. Others have had very limited or no exposure to these concepts, and therefore are not aware of what is ongoing in society.

December 17, 2008 Posted by | Awareness, CIA, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, domestic spying, East Germany, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Red Squads, Snitches, Social Control, society, Spying, Stasi, Surveillence | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments