Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Scandal is hot

I tune into this show every once in a while, but I must say the show is oh so hot, now I am sure many people have come to this conclusion before, but I could not help but notice the realistic look and portrayal of the show and the characters. The actors are quite believable, and the show just pulls you in, or at least it’s pulled me in, and I can just say, Scandal, it’s hot, oh so very hot, and yes I am hooked on the show just a little bit.
Considering what I have time for in this world, which is not a great deal, Scandal is on show that I am happy enough to have come across.

February 28, 2014 Posted by | Black Females, Gang Stalking, Internet, soapopera, White Male | , , , , | Leave a comment

Indigo Ribbon Month Stories

dontbend necklaceIndigo Ribbon Month

Remember to submit your stories to and check out the twitter at The Stories are there in advance. November is Indigo Ribbon Month, it is literally just right around the corner, and hopefully this year, we can get a head start, or a jump on the month and the day, November 23, 2013, which seriously makes sense.


I see that a few people submitted their stories in advance, and that’s great. Also the Indigo Ribbon Quilt is going around, and that is in the works, in advance.

Mom and Dad

I recently became aware that the name for what I have been experiencing since 2003 and most likely before that, was a Targeted Individual. I filed a grievance against the ompany I was working for at that time and ever since that then my life has been Hell. My husband, children, siblings, and friends are either a part of this or are under a gag order. My Dad worked for the government and many of my relatives were involved with unions, therefore I am thinking that my early adult traumas stemmed from these ties.

The rest of the story is on the link above, also don’t forget to check out the Indigo Ribbon Store, and keep an eye out for upcoming events for November, which will be listed on the website.


Answering the call, and taking calls for Indigo Ribbon Month. If you want to get more details about upcoming events, the quilt, or the annual balloon release, then please just visit the website, and request outloud verbally to speak to someone from the call center. ca about Indigo Ribbon Month and the events. It’s a virtual, or spiritual based call center, and it’s automated, so it  makes sense.

Visit The Indigo Ribbon Store, and request products for Indigo Ribbon Month. Thank you in advance, for your support and patience.

Visit the official Indigo Ribbon Website, and find out about the latest happenings, throughout the month of November, get supported, leave your story, and be a part of the situations that seriously make sense. This season, make it indigo.

Visit the official twitter page, and keep up on happenings and be a part of the official initiative. The Indigo Ribbon Month Concept was started back in 2007, and was a branch off of some of the initiative. The site and the initiatives, truly supported Targeted Individuals and the initiative was spawned out of that capacity. In honor of those early initiatives, here it to you and all you do.

This year Targeted Individuals, their friends, families, supports, and a variety of individuals will be eligible to take part in our Indigo Ribbon Month and Initiatives.

Keep an eye out for the spiritual based products that are available and eligible for Indigio Ribbon Month. Towels, Candles, Ribbons.

Ribbons, or other appropriate items will be sent out throughout the Month of November, will a really big launch for Indigo Ribbon Day, which is November 23. This year hopefully the delivery will be on time, and hopefully it will make sense.

Take Care, Take Care, In advance.

October 28, 2013 Posted by | electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Indigo Ribbon, Informants, Insane, Internet, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, Threat Assessment Teams | , , , | Leave a comment

Internet Shutdown


Following on the heels of this week’s domain seizure of a large hiphop file-sharing links forum, it’s clear today that the U.S. Government has been very busy. Without any need for COICA, ICE has just seized the domain of a BitTorrent meta-search engine along with those belonging to other music linking sites and several others which appear to be connected to physical counterfeit goods.


They (The government) are shutting down websites across the internet. This is always how it begins. It was around 73 websites in total, but it was done without any warning, and without a court order. This is how a society get’s shut down, then they can target anyone that they want to without any real reason, while sites such as facebook, google, youtube, get off scott free, while doing the exact same thing many of these sites were shut down for doing.

First they came for the torrent sites, I did not say anything cause I was not a torrent site.

Then they came for the file sharing sites. I did not say anything cause I was not a file sharing site.

Then they came for the sites that sold knock off items, but I did not sell knock off items.

Then they came for the sites that linked to torrent & illegal download sites. Again I did not say anything. I remained silent.

Then they came for my sites. Do not let history repete itself. Stop this now before it’s too late.


They came first for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

Those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeate it.

George Santayana / Edmund Burke

November 28, 2010 Posted by | Internet | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Are intellegence agencies running the show?

Are Intelligence Agencies running the show?

We are told that the world is controlled by the elites. That they are planning a world government, but a lot of times when conspiracies do happen, and you look behind the curtain it often happens that these intelligence agencies, (and I use that term loosely) were behind a lot of these plots.

I am not discounting the fact that large corporations, some wealthy families in the past have played a large and significant role in historical events, but a lot of what I see happening now can be pointed back at some of these agencies. Often they control the technology, they are interconnected, share information, store information, and hide information away.

These agencies are said to be the ones behind a lot of the experiments that are happening. When you look at the John St. Clair Akwei case if it is to be believed, even 20 years ago, they had some very advanced technology that they were willing to use on him remotely. If world control is planned, and I believe it is, what role do these agencies play? How controlled are some of the leaders and politicians? How many of them are CIA operatives, or other agency operatives?

Someone was pointing out that several world leaders were previously involved with, or headed up intelligence agencies. U.K., U.S., Russia, and even Venezuela. Also the U.S. agencies have had specific roles in taking over, and setting up puppet governments in many Carribean nations over the years. The middle East is currently no different with Iraq and Afghanistan.

Operation Gladio was a combined effort with these agencies.

Operating in many NATO and even some neutral countries,[2] Gladio was part of a series of national operations first coordinated by the Clandestine Committee of the Western Union (CCWU), founded in 1948. After the creation of NATO in 1949, the CCWU was integrated into the Clandestine Planning Committee (CPC), founded in 1951 and overseen by SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe), transferred to Belgium after France’s official withdrawal from NATO’s Military Committee in 1966 — which was not followed by the dissolution of the French stay-behind paramilitary movements.

The role of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in sponsoring Gladio and the extent of its activities during the Cold War era, and its relationship to right-wing terrorist attacks perpetrated in Italy during the Years of Lead and other similar clandestine operations is the subject of ongoing debate and investigation. Italy, Switzerland and Belgium have had parliamentary inquiries into the matter.[3]

There are consistent themes, hints and indications that a lot of what happens in the world is quietly managed by these agencies. From drug running, child porn rings, and other clandestine activities, and yet online there is a lot of information about Illuminati, secret societies, elites, wealthy families who run the show, and not to discount those options, cause I do see that corporations like IBM, Google, Facebook seem destined to once again play a huge future role in what is to come. Eg. In 10 years google might be the only way people access information on the internet. IBM seems as if they will likely sponsor the technology to make human RFID and tracking possible.

The DNA Transistor is a project from IBM Research that aims to advance personalized medicine, by making it simpler (and much cheaper) to read an individual’s unique DNA sequence — the special combination of proteins that makes you unlike anyone else.

But with all the other strings happening, it makes you wonder who are the players that are really pulling the strings? There is likely not just one player, there are likely a combination of players, but the question I am wondering is just how extensive a role do these intelligence agencies play in the shape of things to come, controlling outcomes, and manipulating the events that are currently underway? How much os society is controlled by them? How may on these forums, social networking sites work for these agencies?

The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies. Signals Intelligence is based on the fact that everything in the environment with an electric current in it has a magnetic flux around it which gives off EMF waves. The NSA/DoD has developed proprietary advanced digital equipment which can remotely analyze all objects whether man-made or organic that have electrical activity.

Domestic Intelligence (DOMINT)

The NSA has records on all U.S. citizens. The NSA gathers information on U.S. citizens who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents (HUMINT). These agents are authorized by executive order to spy on anyone. The NSA has a permanent National Security “anti-terrorist” surveillance network in place. This surveillance network is completely disguised and hidden from the public.

Tracking individuals in the U.S. is easily and cost-effectively implemented with the NSA’s electronic surveillance network. This network (DOMINT) covers the entire U.S., involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously. Cost effective implementation of operations is assured by NSA computer technology designed to minimize operations costs.

It just makes you wonder about the deep rooted roles these agencies are playing on the world state, be it control of world leaders, technology that could be used for programing people remotely or otherwise. I think it would be interesting to discover how much of what is ongoing leads back to these agencies.

November 9, 2010 Posted by | control, Controlled society, Corruption, Gang Stalking, Internet, Mind Control, New World Order, NWO, silence, slavery, slaves | , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Fraternal Twins

And you thought the Human Flesh Search Engine was confusing

Yesterday everyone was introduced to a new concept, well a concept that’s been on the net for the last few months, and that’s the violent person registry.

You were brought the story of Jane Clift who tried to inform on a drunken man who yelled obscenities at her, and got herself placed on a violent persons registry instead of him.

Here are some of the highlights and the recap. t-council-complaining-damaged-flowerbed.html

[quote]But her efforts led to a surreal nightmare in which she was branded potentially violent and put on a council blacklist with thugs and sex attackers.

Her details were circulated to an extraordinary range of public and private bodies, including doctors, dentists, opticians, libraries, contraceptive clinics, schools and nurseries. Their staff were advised not to see her alone.

The 43-year-old former care worker was forced to withdraw an application to become a foster parent and, eventually, to leave the town where she had lived for ten years.

Now, after a bitter four-year legal battle with Slough Council, the stain on her character has finally been removed.


She said that after the council acted, she sensed that everywhere she went, there was ‘whispering, collaboration, people scurrying about’.

‘One time I went to the contraceptive clinic and I felt that there were way too many people hovering about for me than should have been there, making me feel very insecure.

‘It did serve as a reminder that everywhere I went – hospitals, GPs, libraries – anywhere at all, even if I phoned the fire service, as soon as my name went on to that system, it flagged up ‘violent person marker, only to be seen in twos, medium risk’.’
[/quote] d-potentially-violent-complaining-vandalised-flowerbed.html

[quote]‘It has taken me four years to clear my name and I hope Slough and other councils never again misuse their registers.’ Simon Davies, from the human rights watchdog Privacy International, said: ‘This just shows the megalomania of these local authorities. This poor
woman was subjected to a Kafkaesque ordeal because of an incorrect allegation made by one official.

‘It is the sort of behavior that we would have condemned if it came from China or Russia. Our councils seem to be out of control.’ [/quote]

[quote]Jane Clift lived with the stigma of the violent persons register for three and a half years. Slough Borough Council refused to back down and maintained that she was a violent person. [/quote]

-She was blacklisted
-Forced to Move
-She is single and female
-When in public she felt surrounded by extra people who just should not have been there.
-Being placed on the list was used as an attempt to silence here.

So I have been getting the obvious question, but isn’t this Gang Stalking or Gang Stalking like, the answer is yes, very much so and very much similar. Thus why we have the picture of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. They look exactly alike, and for most of their life, I assumed that they were identical twins. They are not. They are in fact fraternal twins, but without the blood work, and to just look at them, they look exactly alike.

I believe the violent person registry is close enough that many of us can use that to say look, here is the story of a women, who was placed on a watch list. Look at what happened to her, she was followed in public, forced to move, and had her life disrupted. If you are looking to get people to believe you, I don’t see why you can’t use this. I also think you can use the existence of such lists, to get legal procedures or inquires going. At the onset it looks enough alike. Also since I have not had a chance to find out the total nature of her harassment, I don’t know how close a match this is yet. For the time being I am placing it in the fraternal twin category.

Where it differs. She was told that she was going to be placed on such a list. I have not come across one Gang Stalking target that was told they would be placed on a list. This means she had reasonable grounds and proof of who placed her on the list, the time frame, the incident that started this, and many of us will not.

When she moved it sounds like some of the harassment might of stopped. I don’t know this for sure, but based on the articles, it sounds like the point of entry onto the violent persons list was where her attack was most virulent, that and ofcourse having that title on her head.

She is a single female, they were using it to keep her quite, so I suspect there was other harassment ongoing, which she probably left out of the article to sound sane. To get the nitty gritty if there was more would require more digging.

With Gang Stalking, or what we are calling Gang Stalking and I plan to continue calling that, we get Gaslighting. They monitor our homes 24/7. I don’t know if that happened to Jane Clift or not. With Gang Stalking they try to make us look crazy, but I am sure that they also want us to look violent, pedophiles etc.

Based on the research, the article from the ACLU, other target testimony, things like the Buzzsaw, what happens with Gang Stalking is systemic. Many targets show a multi-generational aspect to the targeting. They kill targets, that goes beyond any kind of everyday list. What we see with Gang Stalking, is systemic destruction.

I however believe that a person unknowingly could end up on a list like Ms Clift did, and then have the same thing happen that we see in Gang Stalking. I believe that when this story came out, we were suppose to accept that this was all that there is to Gang Stalking and go on to our happy lives, that’s clearly not going to happen.

With Gang Stalking, we not only have electronic monitoring happening, which more times than not, constitutes torture. These people co-ordinate not just from city to city, town to town, but across country lines.

The informants are not just one and few people, the reports, research, shows that we are setting up Stasi States, or States like China, where the citizens are all snitches. Sorry I mean Citizen Informants.

With Gang Stalking, there is a systemic collaboration that happens. Ms Clifts name went out on a list and was spread far and wide, but if she had changed countries would she have been followed? I don’t have an answer, but targets like Jesus Mendez, Gloria Naylor, and so many others report leaving, country, moving, moving again, and it’s the same thing. Same coordination, same gaslighting, same systemic approach to the monitoring.

What we are looking at is a conspiracy, and it goes deep, and it is systemic. I have no doubts on this, proving it will be a bit of a longer road yet. Great strides have been made, and will continue to be made, God willing, people willing, etc.

For many of us however we just want our lives to get back to normal, whatever that is. Will using the methods Jane Clift used work? I don’t know, but it can’t hurt to try. As far as getting people to believe you, getting legal representation involved, then I don’t see why you can’t use this, it’s close enough that if people don’t look to deeply, they won’t know the difference. If you stick to the main points, leave out some of the gaslighting stuff, focus on the facts. Such registries exist, innocent people are being placed on them, investigations are happening, their lives are being disrupted, it’s a start.

For us who have lived this, we know the difference, this goes deeper. This is systemic, has been for sometime now, and people continue to be turned into informants for the state. They continue to have to be a part of the life disruption process that targets are harmed by. With the targeting we experience, it’s deep. 24/7 surveillance, neighbours on all sides monitoring, some get construction projects, street theater, psychological manovours that are used to try to destroy our lives. Our friends, families, co-workers, neighbors, customers, are all co-opted. I have worked at jobs where I was dealing with customers from multiple countries, and it’s the same thing. To even broach the subject sounds crazy, schizo crazy, that is the word right, but it’s not crazy, and it’s been like this for some time.

I have talked to enough people, but seen enough to know that I am correct in this, but do what works for you, this game has been about what we can prove, well targets, we have the ACLU stating investigations are happening.


Mass Con-Fusion

You mean to tell me that it is legal for corporations from the private sector to team up with local law enforcement officials in efforts to spy on innocent members of our society? You also mean to tell me that the synthesis of law enforcement authority and the drive of for-profit companies operate under little to no guidelines or restrictions and it is unclear to whom they are responsible to? [/quote]

We know that employees, councils, school officials, etc, can open or get people placed on monitoring lists. Proving the gaslighting and other psychological ops, or that they were designed to eliminate targets of the state, is another story. Do what works for your personal situation, always continue to do your own research.

For now I am calling these lists our fraternal twins. We are never told we are on lists, she moved and I think some of the harassment might have stopped, but she had information that many of us do not have, and I have no proof that her targeting went as deep as ours. I do however have good reason to believe that some would like the world to think that this was the extent of the targeting. It’s not. There are complete strangers following targets, little citizen informants that take turns doing everything to harass targets, people using their children in these skits, etc.

Though it’s not uncommon for a community to get together to get rid of a trouble maker or a dangerous person, this targeting goes wherever a person goes. 24/7, and the goal is to completely destroy the person. Don’t think doctors, or psychiatrists would take part in things like that? Guess again.

[quote]WASHINGTON – When the CIA began what it called an “increased pressure phase” with captured terrorist suspect Abu Zubaida in the summer of 2002, its first step was to limit the detainee’s human contact to just two people. One was the CIA interrogator, the other a psychologist.

During the extraordinary weeks that followed, it was the psychologist who apparently played the more critical role. According to newly released Justice Department documents, the psychologist provided ideas, practical advice and even legal justification for interrogation methods that would break Abu Zubaida, physically and mentally. Extreme sleep deprivation, waterboarding, the use of insects to provoke fear — all were deemed acceptable, in part because the psychologist said so.

“No severe mental pain or suffering would have been inflicted,” a Justice Department lawyer said in a 2002 memo explaining why waterboarding, or simulated drowning, should not be considered torture.

Increased pressure phase? Separating him from others, like they do to us. Interesting. The sleep deprivation that we get due to the harassment, so we can have car accidents, or lash out. The psychologist provided ideas. I bet. Practical advise on how to torture someone, what would be most effective, and even legal advise and justification. Justification for human torture. If they would do this to them, what about us?

A psychologist providing information on what would break someone. The use of insects to provoke fear. No different, than when they sensitize a target and use that to make the person look like they are very sensitive or crazy. These are the type of people helping to run the zoo.

Waterboarding was touted as particularly useful because it was “reported to be almost 100 percent effective in producing cooperation,” the memo said.

The agency then used a psychological assessment of Abu Zubaida to find his vulnerable points. One of them, it turns out, was a severe aversion to bugs.

“He appears to have a fear of insects,” states the memo, which describes a plan to place a caterpillar or similar creature inside a tiny wooden crate in which Abu Zubaida was confined. CIA officials say the plan was never carried out.

So if instead of bugs, he had an aversion to keys jangling, they would have used that, and it was the psychologists job to go in, probably build trust and find this out. So if this is what they deem legal, and they are supposedly held in high esteem, what about those who are held in lower esteem, would they do worst then?

Just proof that psychologists, would willingly be part of something like that. So proving some parts of our struggles remain, exposing this system for what it is, it’s already exposed, it’s just getting people to believe it, and accept it.

In situations like the Buzzsaw, there were no violent incidents, that’s another close cousin that we have, but it’s just one more branch of a systemic practice, that is being used to destroy and silence people.

Prophetically, an acquaintance coolly said to me a year after I left the lab, “You are in a police net you will never get out of … for the rest of your life.” She was right, but I no longer care because now I am not afraid.

We are controlled by our fears until we have none left, and that happens when there is nothing left to lose. The journey to that realization took 12 years of pain, a sense of loss and humiliation, a feeling of abandonment and the lifelong emptiness and absence of being loved—not by any-one, not at any time. The experience and purpose of being mobbed, and what I did not known the isolation of the experience, is that I was not alone.“Mobbing” is the purposeful and strategic institutional gathering of all information about an individual by using any method—legal or illegal. Contact for this purpose is made with neighbors, classmates, former partners, family members, former employers, teachers, church members, good friends and even your family tree … everything must be known about the support system around you that makes your life possible. The assessment of strategic resources and future income (finances, mobility, cars, insur-ance, credit cards, bank safety deposit boxes, post office boxes, wills, health records, birth

Page 3
Uncovering the Truth About Depleted Uranium49certificates, transcripts and photographs) is made without your knowledge. The purpose ofmobbing is to drive the target individual out of the job force for the rest of their life; the big-ger goal is to drive them to the ultimate self-destruction: suicide. There are now laws made by European unions to prevent this cancer on society and productivity, but it is practically unknown in the U.S.The University of California, which had contributed so much to the State of California and to the global community through the benefits of education, had become a pathologi-cally dysfunctional institution through its mobbing practices.

I learned that more than 500 women and minorities had filed lawsuits against the University of California and had then experienced retaliation by the University of California apparatus of mobbing by employees, alumni and law enforcement.1The lawsuits were for denial of tenure, whistleblower retaliation and theft of intel-lectual property. These women had similar complaints about the destruction of their own lives and careers. The information gathered by the University of California is used to takeyour life apart; to destroy all that makes you feel safe; to bankrupt, isolate and alienate you from society and from yourself; and to attempt to make you look crazy.

Your children are harassed, they come home with belongings missing and stories of teachers harassing them and a weirdness takes over your lives. Slowly, documents disappeared from my house; porncharges appeared on my credit card; files, my purse and my keys disappeared; mail was lost. I was forced to carry my documents with me at all times. All of my university transcripts and diplomas have been stolen from my house.Two things kept me going and kept me alive. First, the warrior mother spirit guided me to protect Zephyr. That miracle of life taught me what it means to love unconditionally and completely. I began to learn to love myself. Second, my uncle had told me long ago, “No one can destroy you. Only you can destroy yourself.”


500 Additional cases that she was aware of, the majority woman, all to keep them silent. Please read over the other stories in the above link, and you will see what I mean by systemic.

A great pdf, where woman talk about their harassment, and you see a pattern with lawyers, doctors, tribunals, etc. Systemic.

[quote]Many targets of bullying report that they seem to be obstructed every step of the way in their pursuit of justice. The management refuse to investigate, or use an untrained investigator, or whitewash the case. The union refuses to help, or initially shows interest but suddenly changes sides. The solicitor initially shows interest but then starts acting in a manner which suggests they have the other side’s interests at heart rather than yours.

The employer’s lawyers apply for, and obtain, adjournment after adjournment, then obtain a pre-hearing review which the tribunal chairman handles in favour of the employer. In the tribunal, favour is shown to the respondent (employer) and you get the impression that the verdict has been decided in advance. Your solicitor, the respondent’s lawyers and the tribunal chairman seem to know more about your case than you think they should.

After the tribunal you’re left with no option but to privately sue the employer, the union, and your solicitor, and appeal the tribunal decision, but by this time you have no job, no income, your savings are gone, so is your health, maybe your marriage too, and there’s no prospect of ever being employed again, especially in the professions.

Sound familiar? If so, you might be surprised to realise how often this happens. Mostly it’s in cases from the education sector, although it may happen in any public sector case, for example the NHS. Occasionally, but less often, it happens in private sector cases, and in rare cases from the voluntary sector.

Although there’s never any substantive proof, it seems that all the parties arrayed against you have been colluding in secret. The question is, what allegiance binds these individuals together, and where could they meet such that the normal rules of confidentiality do not apply? What fraternal obligation places their duty to support and protect each other above the moral, ethical and legal obligations by which the rest of us are bound?

Employers, unions, law firms, and employees of the justice system are part of society, and every group, professional or otherwise, contains a few poor performers and rotten apples. This ranges from inexperience through ineptitude and incompetence to collusion and corruption.


Many have touched on this. Tim Field passed away, before he could finish the research into the collusion. He was very smart, and had a large following with his bullying movement.

Anyways, it’s systemic, but each piece of the puzzle, helps our cause, that’s what it’s all about, gathering evidence. I think within the last week, a lot of really good material has come out, material that can help targets to get some relief from what is happening.

So again, I would stress awareness and exposure as our two key elements for fighting this. Awareness to the public friends family. Exposure, if you are being bothered bring up the fact that it’s now common knowledge that registries like the violent persons registry exist, and that innocent people are being placed on it, bring up the fact that the ACLU says investigations are happening, without any clarity of who takes care of what. Bring up the fact that there are national, regional, and local linked databases, that are being shared across country lines. Bring up mobbing, the human flesh search engine, use the info that is out there, that has been presented to make your case, and to expose your cause. I can’t guarantee you will win, but you will make a great case, and these people do not hold up well to scrutiny or to the light.

Do what works best for your own situation, if you read something and it does not sound right, research on your own, I always stress this point, maybe you will catch something that another has missed.

I leave you with the scene from my cousin Vinny. If you have not seen the video, watch it, it’s very good.


Mona Lisa Vito: ‘Cause Chevy didn’t make a 327 in ’55, the 327 didn’t come out till ’62. And it wasn’t offered in the Bel Air with a four-barrel carb till ’64. However, in 1964, the correct ignition timing would be four degrees before top-dead-center.

Jim Trotter: Well… um… she’s acceptable, Your Honor.

Vinny Gambini: Ms. Vito, it has been argued by me, the defense, that two sets of guys met up at the Sac-O-Suds, at the same time, driving identical metallic mint green 1964 Buick Skylark convertibles. Now, can you tell us by what you see in this picture, if the defense’s case holds water?

[Lisa examines the picture]

Vinny Gambini: Ms. Vito, please answer the question: does the defense’s case hold water?

Mona Lisa Vito: No! The defense is wrong!

Vinny Gambini: Are you sure?

Mona Lisa Vito: I’m positive.

Vinny Gambini: How could you be so sure?

Mona Lisa Vito: Because there is no way that these tire marks were made by a ’64 Buick Skylark convertible. These marks were made by a 1963 Pontiac Tempest.

Jim Trotter: Objection, Your Honor! Can we clarify to the court whether the witness is stating opinion or fact?

Judge Chamberlain Haller: This is your opinion?

Mona Lisa Vito: It’s a fact!

Vinny Gambini: I find it hard to believe that this kind of information could be ascertained simply by looking at a picture!

Mona Lisa Vito: Would you like me to explain?

Vinny Gambini: I would love to hear this!

Judge Chamberlain Haller: So would I.

Mona Lisa Vito: The car that made these two, equal-length tire marks had positraction. You can’t make those marks without positraction, which was not available on the ’64 Buick Skylark!

Vinny Gambini: And why not? What is positraction?

Mona Lisa Vito: It’s a limited slip differential which distributes power equally to both the right and left tires. The ’64 Skylark had a regular differential, which, anyone who’s been stuck in the mud in Alabama knows, you step on the gas, one tire spins, the other tire does nothing.
[the jury members nod, with murmurs of “yes,” “that’s right,” etc]

Vinny Gambini: Is that it?

Mona Lisa Vito: No, there’s more! You see? When the left tire mark goes up on the curb and the right tire mark stays flat and even? Well, the ’64 Skylark had a solid rear axle, so when the left tire would go up on the curb, the right tire would tilt out and ride along its edge. But that didn’t happen here. The tire mark stayed flat and even. This car had an independent rear suspension. Now, in the ’60’s, there were only two other cars made in America that had positraction, and independent rear suspension, and enough power to make these marks. One was the Corvette, which could never be confused with the Buick Skylark. The other had the same body length, height, width, weight, wheel base, and wheel track as the ’64 Skylark, and that was the 1963 Pontiac Tempest.

Vinny Gambini: And because both cars were made by GM, were both cars available in metallic mint green paint?

Mona Lisa Vito: They were!

Vinny Gambini: Thank you, Ms. Vito. No more questions. Thank you very, very much.

[kissing her hands]

Vinny Gambini: You’ve been a lovely, lovely witness.

Vinny Gambini: Mr. Wilbur, how’d you like Ms. Vito’s testimony?

George Wilbur: Very impressive.

Vinny Gambini: She’s cute too, huh?

George Wilbur: Yes, very.

Judge Chamberlain Haller: Mr. Gambini…

Vinny Gambini: Sorry, Your Honor.

Vinny Gambini: Sheriff Farley, uh… what’d you find out?
Sheriff Dean Farley: On a hunch, I took it upon myself to check out if there was any information on a ’63 Pontiac Tempest stolen or abandoned recently. This computer readout confirms that two boys, who fit the defendants’ description, were arrested two days ago by Sheriff Tillman in Jasper County, Georgia, for driving a stolen metallic mint green 1963 Pontiac Tempest, with a white convertible top, Michelin Model XGV tires, size 75-R-14.

Vinny Gambini: Is that it?

Sheriff Dean Farley: No. A .357 Magnum revolver was found in their possession.

Vinny Gambini: Sheriff Farley, just to refresh the court’s memory, what caliber bullet was used to murder Jimmy Willis?
Sheriff Dean Farley: .357 Magnum.

Vinny Gambini: The defense rests.

October 14, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, Bullying, Citizen Informants, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conspiracy, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, harassment, Informants, Insane, Internet, Monitoring, Social Control, society, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, white female | 2 Comments

Terry Tremaine

The reason that this post caught my eye is due to the fact that he sounds like he might be a Targeted Individual.

Now after reading some of Mr Tremaine’s postings, I can honestly say that I don’t agree with his views and opinions. In a democratic society however you do have the right to voice your opinions, within reason. (There are exceptions to every rule however. Eg. M.B.N.L.A.)

What caught my eye about him is this.

[quote]The Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) has maintained a campaign of suppression against its political opponents under the guise of promoting ‘human rights’. In my case they have pursued me from place to place, arranged for me to get fired from various jobs between 2005 and now, smeared my name in the media, had my bank accounts canceled, and even threatened employers with adverse media publicity unless they fired me. Such is the status of ‘human rights’ and the ‘rule of law’ under this current regime. If we had a genuine rule of law in Canada there would be a treason investigation concerning how entire agencies of the Canadian government have been co-opted in the interests of a foreign power, The Zionist Entity in Palestine (Israel).

Now his postings would be something that a lot of average people would not agree with, but does he have the right to make his postings? Well he was set up by an infiltrator, a Mr Warman who then decided to sue him using the CHRC Complaint process.

After he was sued, he says he was fired from his job, then he moved and according to the above quote, he was slandered, pursued from place to place, etc. I did some follow up research and found out that he became depressed and suicidal, he checked himself into a mental hospital, and then renounced his postings. When he got out he revoked his apology for his previous postings, and then stayed off the Internet, till he made the above post and was re-arrested for it, and is now in jail.

I am going to try to stay away from personal opinions etc, the fact is, if he is a target, then his case might shed some light on the Stasi like system that is happening in Canada. If a clear link can be made between what happened to him and the CHRC, then it might be something that Targeted Individuals can use in Canada to show correlation between the government and the things targeted individuals are experiencing and these investigations.

In his case, we know why his harassment started, and in his opinion he sets a clear stage for correlation of his harassment and the CHRC.

[quote]In Canada and elsewhere the phrase ‘human rights’ is taking on the unbearable stench of tyranny. This regime is attempting to replace our God-given and inalienable rights of free speech, free assembly, and self-defense with United Nations -style ‘human rights’ which can be granted with one hand and taken away with the other.

He makes makes some points about the United Nations system which if you look into Agenda 21 is happening right now.

[quote]When the CHRC began attacking me I went into a downward spiral eventually reaching the point where I became suicidal and had to seek treatment for severe depression. At some point I decided to start fighting back and have been doing so ever since. I emphasize that at present the tools of our struggle are words and persuasion.[/quote]

I wanted more details about the specifics, but don’t have enough to make a full assessment, but my early instinct is he went through what many of us call the Gang Stalking process. His is just a better case, because if it can be used to show that the state is employing these tactics, then maybe targets in Canada could use this in court, to prove their harassment, maybe not, don’t know, but it’s why this story was important.

I am not going to lie, for the average person even his defence is going to contain some unplaptable racial overtones that many will find unacceptable, and maybe even assume he deserved his fate, but since Canada is suppose to be a free country, and claims democracy, then this case should be a concern on those grounds, though I realise separating the lines will not come easy for most, I had a hard time with his postings that I tried to research.

He seems to miss the bigger picture, that this is about all of us, white, black, Asian, Indian, this is about humanity, and what is happening with him is a small microcosm of the greater picture and the bigger agenda.

This prosecution did not begin with him, it’s been ongoing since the first immigrants sent foot on Canadian, American soil, it’s about control and squashing dissidence and it always has been.

I wish that he had tuned into the bigger picture, this is happening to male, female, black, white, Asian, Indian, in his case, the persecution started for something very overt, and opinions some might not agree with, but for many others the same type of persecution happened for reasons they are not aware of. What people have to understand is that what affects one, affects another.

When I went looking for answers about the civil rights, and the panthers, and why more leaders had not risen in this time period, it’s because many of those leaders are in jail, destroyed before they even had a chance to rise. When I researched I found a deliberate system that had been implemented to destroy ethnic communities, with drugs, music, and social influences. The war on drugs was not what I thought it was, and society is nothing like what I first believed.

People need to become aware of this, we have one fate, us the little people against a system that has big plans for us, a dumbed down, submissive population, that will eventually be microchipped.

People are being conditioned for this every day, they are addicted to being followed around on twitter, sharing personal details on facebook, and another thousand little ways they are being socialized to give up their privacy, and to think it’s acceptable to live in a big brother society. A society that is being socialized to accept 1984 conditions, George Orwell knew what was coming, and it’s more clear as time goes on.

Yesterday I saw this graffiti “We sleep, they live” I was filled with joy. I think people are starting to wake up.
The only problem is that we seem to wake up in waves, and I believe the governments are planning for when we wake up in one big wave. I believe people will have no idea what they are up against.

Anyways back to Terry Tremaine, I think if he does turn out to be a Targeted Individual and it can be shown that the same tactics that were employed against other targets were employed against him, then it will be one of the first times we can show clear correlation with a government entity and the kind of stalking, and Stasi style harassment many of us have experienced. Our free society are becoming more communistic daily, and the Informant system is in place, there is always an informant system in place before these take overs can take place, and that part of the agenda from where I am, and what I can see is set.

People are waking up, but it’s not fast enough, and the problem with waking up is that people do it in their own time. I remember waking up everyday and going I can’t believe the world is like this, it took over a year before acceptance came. Even now it’s hard, but I have had years now, you have read my blog, so you know.

For the average target, many of them want to believe it’s just some vigilante gang doing this, they want to believe the lie, because the truth is just so terrible to behold. Or they want to believe it’s rouge citizens and that they will be brought to jail, but in the case of Mr Tremaine, if a clear correlation can be shown between his harassment, and government and state involvement, then it might give targets in Canada a chance.

Here are some more articles about his case, again Mr Tremaine or rather his views, are not what many will be able to understand, or approve of, but the bottom line is, the state is using it’s powers to destroy lives, and that is not a good thing in a democratic country.

August 15, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, Cointelpro, Community harassment, Controlled society, Covert investigations, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Internet, Laws, NWO, Police State, State target, Targeted Individual | Leave a comment

Facebook friend or foe?

CIA government database opperation?

What if I said to you, fill out this survey for me. It will have information such as

-former jobs
-places you have been
-books you have read
-all your friends
-old schools
=old companies
-who you associate with now
-group affiliations

It will also have any other personal details that you want to provide.

I am not only going to use this information to profile you, but to help me in profiling those around you. I will use the information to advertise to you, to help you find groups and other people that might be of interest to you, but I will also use it for other purposes, would you say yes?

What if I told you that this information would some day be used to find you, and anyone associated with you, should you speak out against the government?

What If I told you this information would be used to find you should you commit a crime, or just be accused of one, guilty or not.

What if I told you this info would be used to find you, should you ever flee the country, or try to go underground?

Don’t believe it, think again, Facebook is so much more than you expected.

Let’s say something happens and you have to go on the run, who is going to help you? It’s not usually going to be strangers, we are all commented. By giving out who you went to high school, middle school, university with, you have cut off that circle. By giving out the groups you are associated with, you have cut off that circle. By giving out the places you have been, you have cut off that circle. Library records, now they have a way to look for you based on reading habits. Etc.

You are boxing yourself into a corner and don’t even know it. If the day ever comes when something does happen, you blog something someone does not like, you make a comment, you have to pack and leave for any reason, no one will be able to help you, because the information is out there.

The pictures you share, all those biometrically recognisable faces. Everything you put out there is shared, and once the information is out there, it is not getting erased. Once it’s on the net, expect it to be there forever.

I don’t use facebook, but I know others who do. I have heard a couple of fun stories. When people commit crimes or are accused of crimes, wanted for questioning, etc, one of the first things cops do is go to facebook. They find out who people’s friends are, their families, connections are, where they have been, group affiliations etc.

I also had one person who does not use facebook anymore tell me, that when they were on the site, they had a pop up message, I don’t know what it’s called, but apparently you have lists of friends, and they have friends, well the pop up said, based on your list, you might know this person and might want to add them to your friendship list. The person in question who got the pop up, did know the person and it scared this person enough to get them off facebook. They are cross checking and scanning information. Seeing who knows who, who had what affiliations, who went to school with who, who is connected. Connections that you might not even think about, yet they knew.

I am not saying this can only be used for criminals, but I am saying if you value your privacy and the time ever comes when you have to hide, get out of the country, or disagree with the government, are accused of a crime even falsely, you have no place to hide. They know who is a friend of a friend of a friend, who is associated with this group, who went to this place, that, in their past, if you are on the run, where you are likely to go, and who you are likely to connect with, and who those people are connected with.

People nowadays are different than people of the past. Technology can help us, but look at the type of society that we are in. We are coming up on a surveillance society, and because of that, it might be a good idea, to not provide the government database with all your information. Information that you would be peeved off at to realise that others had, if they got it in some other way, but information that you are all too willing to freely give and share.

Use facebook if you want, but just be aware of what you are giving out. It’s not a matter of being I have done nothing wrong, I have nothing to worry about, the time will come where that will not matter. Becareful about what you are putting out there.

Also keep in mind that this information is being aggregated with other lists and other bits of information to paint a very detailed picture of you.

Don’t get me wrong, facebook from what I have heard is a great way to get together groups, etc, but if those groups are all being put together on a government controlled website, is that a good idea for your specific group? Would you go to FBI, or CIA head quarters and hold your meetings there? If so then you have nothing to worry about, or think about.

Yes they also keep trying to get me to use facebook, and I always give the same response.

June 28, 2009 Posted by | CIA, Controlled society, Facebook, Internet | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ignore them

Ignore them, and hopefully they will just crawl away.

The term bullies suit these creatures very well. They honestly to God want someone to play with, the more attention you give them, the more they love it.

Most of these people have nothing, and never will have anything special or worthwhile in their life outside of this.

Don’t expect remorse or understanding, just like the East German Stasi, most have to convince themselves that what they are doing is good. A kind of Stockholm Syndrome, that allows these people to self identify with what the state is doing to them, and those around them. In a normal functioning society, the citizenry is not held hostage to an informant system. Again many do this as their own free wills, but what I see is some targets who after a time give in and start to go along with this, and that’s why I am suggesting that there might be a form of Stockholm happening, because how else do you explain going along with this, after.
Police Reports.

If you do file a police report, file one report, give brief descriptions, stick to what you can prove, if you have any evidence, make a copy and give the copy to the police.

Write up the report, and hand deliver it. Don’t do it over the phone. Get a number for the report that you filed.

Request your freedom of information act, to make sure that the report was correctly filed, and that it was filed in general.

If you keep calling the police, they have a record of the numbers that call them, and they can record you as being a nuisance caller, or emotionally disturbed. In many cases these officers might well be aware of what is happening. Just make the report, and don’t call them unless you have evidence, and always keep the original, and video what you have or back it up, but don’t just give evidence over, or it might accidentally get lost.



When we blog, we do it to try to wake people up to what is happening to us, but do not give them any clues or ideas. The more we blog about what affects us, the more these idiots try to use it in the programing. You can name the Stimuli that they are trying to use, or briefly describe what they are trying to do, but be brief in how it’s affecting you. These people feed off of this, and so they need to know what is working and what is not. I have tested this for the last over a year. Every time I report an action, I can like trained monkeys get them to start doing more of it, offline.

Everytime I give feedback to something illegal they are doing, they will do more of it, if they can get away with it.


Reporting Crime.

If you are reporting crime that others have to witness, then try to have evidence first. Eg. If you report that you are getting vibrations or heat in your home, and the maintenance person has to come and check it out, you can be sure that is when the vibrations will stop, and after he/she leaves that will be when they will start up again. They like doing this so they can report that you are being paranoid, or just making stuff up, a sort of schizoaffective disorder. They lie, and they are dishonest. Even if you had someone who really wanted to investigate this, the same thing would happen and they would not know that they are being manipulated.



Because they are parasites and bullies, they don’t like witnesses. If it looks like you are video taping them, recording them, or exposing them, they get real quite. The same works if you are with someone or talking to someone. They are like flies buzzing around someones head.


They are parasites and they feed in many cases off of energy. Learn about psychic shielding. Learn how to protect your energy. They love it when they can keep you in that stressed out mood, or in that bad energy mode. When I am happy they are sad. Be happy because you want to be happy, but realise that this does ruin their day.

Ignore them.

Honestly, don’t pretend to ignore them, just ignore them. They are stupid, they are so stupid it must her to be them. Many are as stupid as dirt, but that would be an insult to dirt. The more I am exposed to them, the more I realise that they are just not worth it. I don’t mean to generalize, but most are just not worth your time.

I know it’s hard to ignore them, especially when they take their job so seriously that they can’t even follow the instructions that the conductor is giving them, or they are so F**king stupid, they have to come and sit almost on your lap to watch you. Thank them for the lap dance, but then ask them to bugger off. Mostly try to not engage them.

Read a book, listen to music, talk on a cell phone. They are in their own sick little game. You do have to be mindful of it however, because many of these people are just stupid, and this is the only thing they have going in their lives, many will go outside of the rules of any kind of human common sense to try to get your attention, and to keep you engaged. Remember if they lose the target they lose the game. 

The more they can get you to play the game the better chance they have of getting you to freak out, lose it on them, and get yourself into trouble.

The Conductor.

There is always someone conducting things. If I am in a mood to pay them any attention, I try to find the conductor. It’s fun to mess with their game, but it’s better to ignore them, but if you do record them, and can get away with it, take the picture of the one conducting things on that particular ride. Eg. I had a conductor recently trying to get people to instigate little things, I won’t say what. Once I spotted him, and honed in on him, and it was more interesting. I will leave it at that. They use what we write online for feedback, what we discuss on the phone. Most of the clues that the clueless get are from us, so let’s not give them any.

To the best of your ability, find the things in this world that are worthy and that are valuable, and it’s not them. They are not worth it. You are of more value than this, have more worth, and don’t have the time to waste on this.


Do try to explore every legal angel that we can. proof is good. If we can get them caught, or find laws to exploit, or use things like the ACLU’s recent announcement that these types of investigations are ongoing. Remember just like when the police and their controlled snitches get caught with their pants down these people are the same things. Until they are put back in their proper places they will just keep running wild.


It’s the only thing they have in their lives. This program does not use the best or the brightest, in many cases the ones that are doing the stupidest things, are the dregs of society, the ones people would normally spit at, ignore, or bully themselves. They feel empowered with the so called fake power they have been given, and they love it, it makes them feel like somebody, it’s no different than the kid that joins a street gang and who will do anything to fit in, but I have respect for kids who would join gangs, in comparison to these people. I do not advocate joining gangs, I am just saying at least mixed up kids in gangs can be helped, most of these people can not.

Belonging is the other reason they join, they don’t fit in otherwise, and this gives them a sense of community. They don’t care if that sense of community involves, breaking into someones home, poisoning someones child diabetic medicine, driving someone off the road, driving someone to suicide, they have no moral center left in many cases, and this is what they have. They believe that they are on the side of good, and they much like the Nazi’s, or the Stasi, act accordingly.

Again this is a generalization, there will be exceptions to every rule, they obviously don’t all act like this, but enough do, that’s you have to have some way to defend yourself.

They like to portray the target as the problem, when the truth is many of these people have problems themselves, and the government gives them free reign to try to take out their problems on others. Normal functioning people do not show the level of pathology that many of these people exhibit.

There only goal is to try to engage the target, continually trying to find some new hook so that they don’t lose their participant in the game. These people would probably be on twitter begging for followers if they did not have you to follow around. They have menial lives and this in many cases fills avoid.

Many are from countries where this is a normal way of life, and they think nothing of it.


You really do have to be lights in a world that has gone dark.
Try to meditate and pray as you start your day.



A lot of times they do try to look like they are something special. They like us to think they are using very sophisticated weapons. In many cases these creatures are using things like lasers, radar guns, thing below the floors or the dry wall, that can cause vibrations. The more we know about what they are using the better, that way we can give accurate descriptions to others. We will have less chances of those who do watch our online community, accusing us of making things up, or just being crazy.

“And perps can purchase transducers of the type used in industrial sonic baths and mechanically fix them with screws to floor joists or wall studs underneath repaired drywall, completely hidden from view of normal inspection. The transducers will make your floors vibrate and probably create heat. They spend a lot of time hiding their stuff in houses or apartments so it won’t be found under simple visual inspection. If somebody really decides to start looking they *will* start finding these things. These tactics are part of the never ending “smoke and mirrors” routine. Apparently the perps get a “charge” out of inducing false perceptions.”

I like to call it walls vibrating, or dancing, either way it’s the same thing. Thank you so much to the person who posted this so many years ago, it helped me so much.

Smoke and mirrors, is the best way to describe what they do. They do want you to think that they are all powerful, but they are amateurs in many ways. They want to look powerful, so when we write about this that and the other, and the state of the art this that they are using, they feel better about themselves.

Many times they have not even thought of using XY or Z on us, and then we might blog about it, and it gives them an idea. Thinking is not their strong point.

I try to remember to not go off on rants, but I have my good days and bad.
Beyond that if you can go without blogging about them, or anything else, just have them fade into nothing.

I hope this information helps some of you that are out there.

June 28, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, Bullying, changing vibrations, Citizen Informants, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conformity, Conspiracy, control, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, Informants, Insane, Internet, Intimidation, mobbing | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

The Truth

What’s Behind Internet Conspiracy Empires? Apparently the truth. From the comments being posting on the article, it’s apparently the average person being sick and tired of the mainstream media feeding them the same information day in and day out that does not explain or answer some of the questions that they are seeking answers to. They are therefore seeking out alternative points of view. You know thinking outside of the box, asking questions and trying to find answers.

I won’t spend too much time on this article, the comments that were posted were fully vindicating. They were bright, intelligent, and they really were highly expressive. I was very impressed by the majority of commentators in that thread.

I was really surprised by the level of discontent with 9/11 truth. That issue is not going away. It’s worst now than it was before. Many of the comments were in regards to this issue. Many of the comments were also about the fact that many people no longer truth corporate controlled media and are looking for other alternatives. Other comments were rightfully concerned with Internet censorship, some felt that this might be a first step towards trying to target such websites, and labelling people as mentally ill for having different points of view. 

It was the intelligence of the posters that really impressed me, they were really bright and articulate, again I was highly impressed by the majority of them. People who are still willing to ask questions, and go out and seek other answers for themselves. These are the types of people who find my website, people that have not been satisfied with the mainstream explanations of what is happening and they are independent enough in many cases to be going out and looking for additional answers about what is happening to them.

As far as terming Gang Stalking World as a conspiracy website? I agree that what is happening to us is a conspiracy, but can we prove some of the targeting?

On the site you have documents that show that average normal everyday citizens can and do get followed around in the manner described. I have been able to show that for covert and overt surveillance, police do employ foot patrols. They do use signaling while on foot patrol. I have been able to show that Informants are being hired by the state, that we have become a surveillance culture, and that targeting the way in which we describe is possible.

The information on the website, utilizes information that any individual can go and access from various sources. Eg. Many recent documents on the website link to documents form the A.C.L.U. The documents show that average people will be having information recorded and placed into secret databases which the accused can not access. The information shows that 800,000 Terrorism Liaison Officers, will be in every town, state, city. They say that we are very close to becoming an Orwellian society. Is the A.C.L.U. a conspiracy website for posting this?

If someone goes to their website, or reads one of the various articles available on the Internet about surveillance and average people being monitored in the described manner, are these websites conspiracy sites? Should these websites worry that the information that they are putting out might cause someone to become paranoid?

Again if someone goes to a different website and reads about Workplace Mobbing, Cointelpro, Red Squads, The East German Stasi, etc should those websites be concerned that they might be influencing paranoid delusions? At the end of the day, those websites and mine are providing information, it is up to the individual to decide if the information is relevant and then go from there. The information on the Gang Stalking World website, is a collaboration of information that is readily available at many points of port around the Internet.

The article is an ok read, but the comments were the really interesting and relevant focus. It really showed that people have many concerns that are not being met or discussed by the mainstream media, the primary and reoccurring being 9/11 truth.

December 14, 2008 Posted by | 9/11, Awareness, Censorship, changing vibrations, Cointelpro, Controlled society, crazy, david icke, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Internet | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Shutting Down

I have been really busy reading reports like the one above, and working on some other projects. It’s a really worthwhile report if you have not read it.

One part of the report more or less talks about the fact that you don’t have to shut down all of society, just some parts of it, and then everyone else stats to fall in line and the fear spreads.

This is what was done with the war on drugs, and the war on terror. Interestingly enough with the war on drugs, the people fighting the drugs, were also the ones importing it. Also we all know there are many questions that have been left unanswered about the war on terror and if in fact this was an external threat that carried out the action.

I came across some news stories that really for once had me concerned, as to how far gone we really are as a society. I for once could really feel myself shutting down. See my Gang Stalking is not pleasant, but it doesn’t bother me. I just mean that I have learnt or become accustomed to living with many aspects of it, and it doesn’t bother me. What does bother me are some of the things that are happening in society that are being left unchecked. No one is there looking out for those balances. 

For years many of us have been reporting what we call Gang Stalking, which is basically Cointelpro like activities with a big dash of the former East Germany thrown in.

Our societies are becoming surveillance societies, with Informant forces that would make the Stasi jealous. Even after reporting this, getting the information out, there is not one responsible agency that is willing to do anything or to look into this. The United Nations still criticises countries like China for their actions, but are completely ignoring the fact that countries such as the UK, US and Canada, along with European countries are torturing citizens inside of their own homes, and are systemically driving many to suicide, falsely imprisoning, or institutionalizing many others. It’s a weird world when you look at it from this perspective, but that still does not bother me, I have gotten accustomed to this, and accept the world for the way it is, corrupt.

What did start to bother me are several news stories that I have seen. Alone they are not much, but together for me they are a real indicator that we are slowly starting to shut down as a society, and not just in one country.

Here are a few of them, and for the first time I really felt that I wanted to just close off, where I have not felt that way before. I realised that I could not let myself begin to feel this way, if Gang Stalking hasn’t shut me down, then I didn’t want these stories to. I had to dig into my reserve and just choose to remain open and not let the worry overcome me. I realised that the only way we can shut down as a society externally, is if we let ourselves do so internally, and I refuse to do this, I refuse to give into that fear and become a closed off person. Instead what I am choosing to do is to support some of the people in these stories, either just privately, or just by letting others know what’s happening, and speaking out when I see injustices. So here is a run down of some of the stories that made me really wake up and pay attention and for once really made me sad, but only for a little while.


Armed Guards in Churches.
[quote]In an era when terrorism threats and deadly shootings at schools and churches have made headlines, religious leaders are rethinking their security strategies. Last Saturday, a minister was fatally shot and another man wounded outside of a church in Kentucky where the men went to attend a funeral.[/quote]
So now in addition to walkie-talkies and security cameras we now have armed guards. The same trick worked for the schools and will eventually work for guns. I wonder who these people in these churches are praying to?


Student arrested for photocopying documents
For more than a decade, Nottingham university felt
like the safest place in the world for Hicham Yezza as an undergraduate, doctoral student, campus activist and, most recently, employee. But two weeks ago his world caved in when he was arrested under the Terrorism Act.

The 30-year-old Algerian was detained by police for possessing a copy of the al-Qaida training manual that he had been given to print by a friend researching the terrorist group’s techniques for his MA.

University officials called in the police after a colleague noticed the document on his computer. Yezza and his friend, 22-year-old student Rizwaan Sabir, were held for six days despite Sabir’s tutors giving statements within two days that the document was directly relevant to his research.[/quote]
Campus activist for peace, probably had more to do with this than what he downloaded for his research.


[quote]Yezza said his situation highlighted a growing fear on campuses. “It’s a very, very worrying trend that needs to be opposed, this mindset that views everything with extreme suspicion. That installs some sort of ‘play it safe’ mentality, which is the very opposite of intellectual endeavour.

“No intellectual progress takes place without a sense of curiosity, without a sense of going beyond what we know already, beyond the established facts and notions and truths; that’s how scientific and intellectual revolutions have been achieved.”[/quote]
The only thing that get’s achieved in these climates are unjust witch hunts, but until people get bored of it, this will continue. The way to stop this, stop living in fear. Refuse to live in fear, refuse to give into this, it’s the only way to stop this, and it begins with you, each and every individual person, that’s the only way to stop this.
[quote]Yezza’s supporters and academics, many of them attending the University and College Union conference in Manchester this week, are now talking of the pressure they face to become “police informers” on their students, part of the government’s “preventive agenda” which has seen universities and colleges provided with guidance on how to spot and tackle extremism.[/quote]

I keep trying to drill this into your head. We have turned into a society of snitches. It’s horrible. We looked down on East Germany for this a decade and half ago, and now we are doing the same thing.


[quote]Gavin Reid, a member of the UCU national executive committee from Leeds University, said people were scared to do research and speak out. “Self-censorship is coming,” he said. “People are more suspicious of colleagues and students. People are scared even to look at the link [for the training manual in the Nottingham case].”[/quote]

And this is what they want. To control us and to scare us. They don’t need to arrest or terrorise everyone, just a few key people, then the rest start to shut down, but if we each play our part and refuse to shut down, refuse to be scared, we can overcome this.


[quote]”Hicham was a very prominent member of student political society. That says something about the potential implications of being politically active on campus in a time when a culture of fear merges with draconian terror legislation.

“It’s a question of intellectual freedom, not just academic freedom. What does this say about people’s right to inform themselves about issues of public concern?[/quote]
That’s right, he is an activist, and what does that say about society? What is happening within the Gang Stalking community, is just as relevant to everyone else, the conditions that are allowing this to happen to us, are the same conditions that are allowing these things to happen to others. Think about it.


Family arrested for selling food.
Ohio authorities stormed a farm house in LaGange Monday, December 1, to execute a search warrant, holding the Jacqueline and John Stowers and their son and young grandchildren at gunpoint for nine hours.  During the raid the Ohio Department of Agriculture and police confiscated over ten thousand dollars worth of food, computers and cell phones.  The Stowers’ crime?  They run a private, members-only food co-op.

Wow that soon will be a crime worst than terrorism, food terrorist, those who try to sell food to the poor, that is truly horrible. I feel very bad for this family. The food they took also included the families food supply for the next year, from what I have read. It’s a horrible story and there can be no justification for doing this to a family, of course in a society such as this, anything can now become justified.


Australia to censor their Internet just like China,21985,24568137-2862,00.html


This should scare you. A so called democratic country shutting down, or rather censoring it’s Internet the same way China does? Do I need to say more?

[quote]AUSTRALIA will join China in implementing mandatory censoring of the Internet under plans put forward by the Federal Government.

he government has declared it will not let Internet users opt out of the proposed national Internet filter.

The plan was first created as a way to combat child pornography and adult content, but could be extended to include controversial websites on euthanasia or anorexia
For our own protection. This is the same crap they are trying to pull for identity theft and why they need more control. Normally the people scaring you have a hand in why you are being scared, remember there is often an objective to be achieved.

Now if one democratic country is willing to shut down, or rather censor their Internet the same way China does, what will stop the other so called democratic countries?

I know there are going to be protests in Australia, but this is an international problem, not just an Australian problem, what affects them could well affect the others.

A Queensland man has been charged for re-publishing on a video-sharing site a viral video of a man swinging a baby around like a rag doll.

The controversial three-minute video had already been published widely across the Internet and shown on More..American TV news shows. The clip can still be found online today.
Chris Illingworth, 60, a father of four from Maroochydore, thought he would share it with fellow users of Liveleak, a site similar to YouTube but focused on news and current events. In two years, he has uploaded hundreds of videos to Liveleak.

His home was raided on Sunday, November 30, by Queensland Police from Task Force Argos, which specialises in combating child pornography and child groomers.

He was charged with using the internet to access and publish child-abuse material and is scheduled to appear in court in Maroochydore on December 18.

It is understood that he had no involvement in the creation of the video, which cannot be published on this website for legal reasons.

I can’t even begin to describe the craziness of this story. Here are more details.

[quote]On Saturday, November 29, 2008, Biggles9’s home and office was raided by the Task Force Argos. They seized his computers for forensic inspection. He was arrested by armed officers while his neighbors watched, and was detained for 7 hours of interrogation with no lawyer present. He is being charged with accessing child abuse material, downloading child abuse material, and uploading child abuse material with the intent to distribute. He had to post $10,000 in bail, has to report to the police every two days, and has travel restrictions.

When the video was originally uploaded, the idea was to try to identify the man swinging the baby. Biggles9 worked with one of Liveleak’s founders (Hayden Hewitt), who in turn worked with the UK police, who in turn worked with Interpol, who traced the video’s origin to Russia (possibly a “circus family”). However, Biggles9’s IP address was also recovered and forwarded to the Australian federal authorities, who in turn forwarded it to Task Force Argos, who in turn arrested Biggles9.

Here’s Biggles9’s post about the incident:

For this he is getting charged with accessing child abuse material. So every who saw this on the news, cause the video was shown on the news, also accessed child abuse material. Anyone who taped the news that day, also accessed child abuse material, and anyone who made a tape or dvd, and passed the new item on to their friend, family also is guilty of the same things. That’s the insanity of it all, but that’s what he has been charged with. Now in this case, he saw the video on YouTube or something and downloaded it, and uploaded it to liveleak. That’s all he did, and now he is being charged almost the same way actual criminals get charged.

Now about the video, apparently it’s an Eastern European father, apparently a circus family, so he’s apparently swinging the child by one arm, and legs, etc. Basically like a trapeze show, but the child s one or two, now you would not want to try this at home, but at the end of the video the child is laughing and smiling. I feel bad for the family if this is part of their culture, because obviously the police came looking for them as well, and the father in the video is probably getting a lot of slack, yet what if this is normal in his culture?

Anyways back to Biggles9, he did nothing that millions of Internet users do not do every day, and to go after him for this is wrong for those reasons. I mean based on this, these people could go after America’s funniest home videos, Steve Irwin when he was alive and he let the kids go near the crocodile, and anyone who uploaded a video of him letting his kids go near the crocodiles, that’s the insanity that we are dealing with. (Oh I didn’t think him letting the kids go near the croc was such a good idea, but that’s just me.)


Bus Beheading

Greyhound to screen passengers. You knew that this was coming. They had no reason to do this on buses, they wanted to after 9/11, but they needed a reason, and this gave them one. Interesting how that worked out.

Greyhound Canada began introducing improved security measures Tuesday, beginning with terminals in Edmonton, Calgary and Winnipeg, the company said in a news release.

The company said all passengers will be screened for weapons with a hand-held magnetometer at major Greyhound bus terminals. The company is also now mandating all luggage be stowed underneath the bus, with some exceptions made for customers needing essential items, the release said.


For years they have been operational and this never happened, and now a beheading and there go your rights.
I could go on, but do you see the pattern? You will continue to see the pattern, and if you don’t question the mechanisms behind what is happening, you will not see the little pieces being moved around the board.

People really are sheep, scare them enough and they will do what you want, but just remember:

“Those willing to sacrifice essential liberty for a little security deserve neither freedom nor security”. Benjamin Franklin.

Yet the above scenario seems to work everytime. It’s such a simple formula, have an agenda you want to see implemented? Scare the people, and they will come clamoring to you to implement the agenda. It’s sad, but it’s worked everytime, and people continue to let it work, that is why we are where we are.
If we continue to live in fear, then that is all that we will have. They want us to be afraid, scared, sheeple, not thinking, or questioning. If we want to change this we have to refuse to live in fear, at the end of the day, it’s up to us how we choose to live. If you choose to shut down, you will help others around you to shut down, if you choose to remain open, that is the best thing that you can do.

Speaking of trends, we seem to be moving onto get them sensitized to fears about biological warfare, and worries about that. I guess the programing for fear of terrorists is not working as well as it use to?
“First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me–
    and there was no one left to speak out for me.”

Martin Niemoeller

December 11, 2008 Posted by | 9/11, activism, Awareness, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Conformity, control, Controlled society, Corruption, crazy, East Germany, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, Internet, Laws, New World Order, oppression, Police State, Social Control, Surveillence | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment