Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Situations or girls in the news

It’s a girl

Congrats to KIM K & KANYE West on the birth of their new baby girl. Glad to
see that things are going suitable for these two individuals. If they name the
baby North, West, it would seriously be cool, but then she has to watch out for
guys, with lame pick up lines, such as hello there, your’ North, which way is
South? Otherwise it would be a cool choice, either way, best of luck.

Plus if you go with North West, people can figure out which baby fashion line to look forward to in future. 🙂

But new mother Kim is said to be seriously considering naming her first child ‘North’.With the child taking her father Kanye’s surname the youngster would be ‘North West’.According to InTouch: ‘North is at the top of the list of names’

That Middleton girl

.Mr Prentis went on: ‘In the tabloid press, so much is written about benefits abuses – young women having babies to get state hand-outs. ‘But conference, that’s enough on Kate Middleton.’

I’d like to think that Kate Middleton’s handouts are a little bit better than what most young women in her situation recieve.


Author Hilary Mantel’s described her as a ‘shop-window mannequin’ with a ‘plastic smile’

And newspaper columnist Joan Smith dismissed the Duchess as ‘unambitious and bland’ and Britain’s ‘Queen Wag.’

‘The Duchess of Cambridge has faced repeated criticism since marrying Prince William two years ago.’

To be completely honest, this young woman has gotten more free passes, and
more free rides than the world U.K, or the world knows, what to do with, yet
the situation continues. At times she has been enabled to ride so hard on
Diana, a Princess of Wales reputation it did not make sense. Diana was a
young woman who paved the way for this person., Diana came into her own
after years, and months of some struggle and hardship, removing barriers, this young woman, and so many others not longer have to bridge, or break. She became who she became in a time before youtube over night fame, or twitter fame was heard of. In a time when the previous monarchy was antiquated. Diana was charitable, and loved the charities she represented. She actually showed up for events, and people didn’t actually
have to wonder, if she was going to actually do something, or just go on the
next vacation.

Kate Middleton’s criticism has been much less than what it could be, if there is criticism, it’s because people see this, or they see that, and they hold back as long as humanly possible before weighing in on, what needs to be said, or made mention. To think that it literally has been two years about, till they have finally started to speak up just a little bit, speaks volumes, in and of itself.

When people do personal comparisons, or even just comparisons in general, and they do, and they are clear, that their are short comings, if anything, most people just overlook the glaring truths in front of them and think, well at least Diana’s cub, married someone who
seems to make him happy. Indeed.

William seems happy enough on the outside, those friendly public displays of
affection with Catherine, which have been described as friendly brother and
sister kisses, seem happy enough, but then so did Charles and Diana at the
onset, the difference with Charles and Diana is, I believed Charles and Diana at the onset,
and I am clear that she wanted it to work out, she was in my opinion, in love with Charles, she was young, niave, and well she was what the world needed and wanted, she indeed was a Princess, and a very much beloved one, just not necessarily by the person, or persons, whom she wanted to love her the most.

Others have gotten into situations, have not done half, not even quarter of what
Diana did, in her lifetime, and I do mean lifetime, she paved the way, they have not had to endure the censure she endured, yet they have benefited from all her praise, all her glory,
in some cases. Take care.

Girl meets world

I am not the type who would seem like a fan, but I am out here, and I am saying good luck with the new series, ‘girl meets world’, picks up with the teenage daughter of Corie and Tapanga, also some guest appearaces from previous cast members.

In an unsurprising move, Disney Channel is greenlighting “Girl Meets World,” a spinoff of the popular ABC series “Boy Meets World.”

The sitcom centers around Riley Matthews (Rowan Blanchard), the tween daughter of Cory and Topanga Matthews. Ben Savage and Danielle Fishel reprise their famous roles as seen in the above official photo from the New York City-set series.

Looking forward to seeing the series, loved the old series, looking forward to seeing Shawn and Angela make an appearances, as well as the siblings of Corey, and Shawn. Take care.

June 18, 2013 Posted by | Black female, Black Females, black women, Single, White, white female, WhiteFemale, youtube | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Lindsay Lohan. Targeted Individual?

Is Lindsay Lohan a Targeted Individual?

The media of late has been doing a stupendous job of pointing out what a train wreck Lindsay Lohan is. Most have started to write her obituary. Others are making it seem as if there is not an immediate intervention, that she will wind up dead. This is the picture that is being painted but is it the truth?

Lindsay Lohan recently went on her twitter account to ask why her friends would set her up to have the paparazzi take pictures of her at her worst moment. She says she trusted these people, and thought they were friends, but they helped to set it up to look like she was partying, and in bad shape yet again.

[quote]”We’ve learned Lindsay was two months behind in rent and her landlord sent her a legal notice to pay or get out. Lindsay just paid her landlord $23,000 to become current,” the site reported this morning.

Adding insult to injury (not this one though) Lindsay took to her Twitter last night because security at a nightclub set it up to look like she was there partying. Which she was not. Swearsies.

“Security @Voyeur nightclub in LA just set me up & paid off paparazzi to not let me in the back door and come to take photos of me in the back ,” she wrote. Another 140 characters was devoted to: “I was just waiting for my friend at the back door…… Worse part is, my friends who run the club were a part of the set-up as well. Why?”

I think that’s the question du jour Lindsay, “Why?” [/quote]

The why might be more straight forward than realised. er-against-lindsay-13134/

About a year ago, Lindsay Lohan broke up with her girlfriend Samantha Ronson. Ronson’s family tried to then find out the procedure to take out a restraining order on Lohan. Lohan claims that she is not dangerous, but the family felt that she was. According to news reports, the family felt she was out of control and wanted protection. This in conjunction to the public fights, and other behaviour could have gotten Lindsay flagged as a dangerous or violent person without her knowing it.

A year later she seems to be short on funds, the police are trying to have her committed using a 5150, the media is doing all it can to portray her as a wreck, out of control, into drugs. She is claiming set up’s. Some sites have even written her obituary.

Recently the media has been trying to portray Lindsay to be a train wreck, drugs seeping from her shoes, unable to pay rent, a partier, who can not take care of herself, and who has no job and no chance of an income, but is any of this really true?

The drugs in the show was just baby powder according to Lohan. She is now up to date on her rent. The bailout might have come from her parents, but she is up to date. According to her movie page, she has one movie that she will be working on soon.

She is also Lindsay Lohan, and she can just like Britney make a comeback. The problem is the media is now doing it’s best to make it seem as if she is unable to look after herself a real wreck.

Some of this has clearly come from Lohan’s image that has been allowed to develop over the last several years, but some is likely to be set up’s as she mentioned above.

It should also be pointed out that the police were activly trying to get a 5150 filed against her. She did not meet the criteria at the time. This is an order that would have her involuntarily committed.

“Section 5150 is a section of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (specifically, the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act or “LPS”) which allows a qualified officer or clinician to involuntarily confine a person deemed to have a mental disorder that makes them a danger to him or her self, and/or others and/or gravely disabled. A qualified officer, which includes any California peace officer, as well as any specifically designated county clinician, can request the confinement after signing a written declaration.”[/quote]

Lindsay Lohan does not know it yet, but she might have unwittingly entered the Gang Stalking Zone.

She needs to be sure she does not lash out, watch out for set ups, and get a lawyer. If this is an attempt to Gang Stalk her, set her up for commitment, then she is going to have to fight hard.

April 2, 2010 Posted by | Conspiracy, Gang Stalking, Insane, mobbing, psychological harassment, Single, Stalking, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , | 9 Comments

Television really is programing

I know the video is cute, but as I watch it, I just realise how much television really is programing. Not just to young impressionable minds like this child, but to older children, teens and adults. I really do believe that what we see, watch, listen to, all go into creating the world, and society that we inhabit. If that programing is sex, drugs, lack of family values, violence, then that is the kind of society that we will have. It will go into our sub-conscious minds, and program us, about what to think, feel, act in specific situations, etc.

Now this video seems pretty harmless to most, but I know many parents who have young kids who have them in front of the MTV, BET, etc channels, listening to the music videos, watching the music videos, in some cases unattended.

Think about what other shows, themes kids are exposed to on a daily basis?  Television really is programing for the masses. I can think of no better example recently that I have come across than this video.

In a generation think about what they could program young minds to think, act, and feel? That’s why if we are to free ourselves from our current situations, we must all take a more serious look at the media that we, our friends, families, society is being exposed to, and do what we can to minimize the damage that is being done to our society with the current programing that is in place.

Get off the set, get on the net, or just read a book. What you put in, the world will get out.

September 26, 2009 Posted by | Celebrity, control, Controlled society, revolution, Single, Television | , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Eugenics and Targeted Individuals

This is just a quick update of a much longer post what does it mean to be a Targeted Individual. The only thing of warning I wanted to update is that for the females out there, because of the nature of the targeting and what they are trying to achieve you might get more Electronic, microwave, or x-ray radiation slightly before and during your cycle culmination, (menstruation). So be on your guard and it might not be a bad idea to make sure that your shielding is enforced during these periods.

The goals might be multifaceted. Along with the eugenics aspect, the secondary goal might be to induce cancers or other kinds of conditions of ill health. Trying to find out more on the agenda of this.

The Tuskegee experiment was not just an experiment, it’s a prevailing attitude the government has about it’s right to experiment on the general population, but more importantly who it can get away with experimenting on.

Remember that program ran for 50 years and everyone had knowledge about it all the way up to the Surgeon General.

[quote]To ensure that the men would show up for a painful and potentially dangerous spinal tap, the PHS doctors misled them with a letter full of promotional hype: “Last Chance for Special Free Treatment.” The fact that autopsies would eventually be required was also concealed. As a doctor explained, “If the colored population becomes aware that accepting free hospital care means a post-mortem, every darky will leave Macon County…” Even the Surgeon General of the United States participated in enticing the men to remain in the experiment, sending them certificates of appreciation after 25 years in the study.[/quote]

What get’s me about this is people are always saying if conspiracies were happening, someone would talk about it, someone would say something, well for 50 years, no one did. It was not just a few people who knew about this experiment, but so self righteous were they in their objective, that they put aside the humanity of these people and went on with the experiment, trusting in the prevailing racial attitudes of the time that these men, their families and children would be of a lesser value, a lesser people. The people who took part in the behind the scenes experimentation were both black and white.

[quote] It takes little imagination to ascribe racist attitudes to the white government officials who ran the experiment, but what can one make of the numerous African Americans who collaborated with them? The experiment’s name comes from the Tuskegee Institute, the black university founded by Booker T. Washington. Its affiliated hospital lent the PHS its medical facilities for the study, and other predominantly black institutions as well as local black doctors also participated. A black nurse, Eunice Rivers, was a central figure in the experiment for most of its forty years. The promise of recognition by a prestigious government agency may have obscured the troubling aspects of the study for some. A Tuskegee doctor, for example, praised “the educational advantages offered our interns and nurses as well as the added standing it will give the hospital.” Nurse Rivers explained her role as one of passive obedience: “we were taught that we never diagnosed, we never prescribed; we followed the doctor’s instructions!” It is clear that the men in the experiment trusted her and that she sincerely cared about their well-being, but her unquestioning submission to authority eclipsed her moral judgment. Even after the experiment was exposed to public scrutiny, she genuinely felt nothing ethical had been amiss.

One of the most chilling aspects of the experiment was how zealously the PHS kept these men from receiving treatment. When several nationwide campaigns to eradicate venereal disease came to Macon County, the men were prevented from participating. Even when penicillin was discovered in the 1940s—the first real cure for syphilis—the Tuskegee men were deliberately denied the medication. During World War II, 250 of the men registered for the draft and were consequently ordered to get treatment for syphilis, only to have the PHS exempt them. Pleased at their success, the PHS representative announced: “So far, we are keeping the known positive patients from getting treatment.” The experiment continued in spite of the Henderson Act (1943), a public health law requiring testing and treatment for venereal disease, and in spite of the World Health Organization’s Declaration of Helsinki (1964), which specified that “informed consent” was needed for experiment involving human beings.[/quote]

So here we have doctors, nurses and a zillion others, who were all aware, all covering up, and all keeping it quite, all proud of what they were doing, no moral authority, no outrage, and even when the truth came out, they felt that they had done nothing wrong, or that they were just following orders.

What really stands out to me, that I discovered recently is that in 1976 Gay men in New York/San Francisco were offered free Hepatitis B vaccines. The thing that really struck me is that on those posters they used this slogan.

[quote]Last Chance for gay men to join the Hepatitis B* Vaccine Program![/quote]

This happened in 1976? Just 4 years after they had to stop the Tuskegee experiment. Plus the usual investigations into their wrong doings, which never amounts to anything. What stands out are the similarities with the slogans and the “last chance for free vaccination” line, vs “Last Chance for Special Free Treatment.”

[quote]Unlike most Americans, Africans are aware of the man-made theory of AIDS, and the possibility that the WHO’s extensive vaccine programs in Africa in the 1970s are connected to the severe outbreak of AIDS in the early 1980s.

On May 11, 1987, The London Times, one of the world’s most respected newspapers, published an explosive article entitled, “Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus.” The story suggested the smallpox eradication vaccine program sponsored by the WHO was responsible for unleashing AIDS in Africa. Almost 100 million Africans living in central Africa were inoculated by the WHO. The vaccine was held responsible for awakening a “dormant” AIDS virus infection on the continent.


Many people allude to the fact that AIDS started in the gay community, and many of the people who had undergone the special Hepatitis B Vaccination program were the first to come down with AIDS. Also the African AIDS is said to have started after the American outbreak, with people taking part in similar vaccination programs coming down with AIDS first.

If this is true, it would mean these types of experimentation’s that were prevalent and condoned by the U.S. government for over 50 years, might have just continued on in a different form with a different virus.

Again going after targeted communities where they felt that their actions would far outweigh the consequences based on who was being targeted. Those attitudes have not changed significantly, when it comes to experimentation’s as we saw with MK Ultra and other such programs.

There are a large number of females, ethnic minorities targets in the Targeted Individual community. As the post goes on to say the reason for the more women than men, might have a eugenic aspect to it. They might be simply trying to make sure that you can not give birth to the next generation of independent free thinkers, and thus free people. It’s no accident that there is a multi-generational aspect to the targeting.

I thought it was important enough and so I would update you on it.


[quote]”For some reason, there are considerably more women targeted than men. Why would women be targeted at a much higher percentage than men? This is another question we may never have the answer for, so this is partially speculation. But one possible answer is that the elite have sponsored eugenics projects worldwide for decades. Removing fertile females from a target population is apparently a standard eugenics procedure. Families such as DuPont, Harriman, & Rockefeller have funded projects for population control.

“It was John D. Rockefeller III who was appointed by Richard Nixon as chairman of the newly created Commission on Population Growth and the American Future,” stated Allen. He quotes Rockefeller as saying, “Rather than think of population control as a negative thing, we should see that it can be enriching.” Allen contends, “Curbing population growth is just part of the Rockefeller war on the American family.”[/quote]

If you are a chic and you are targeted, expect them to try to fry, microwave your reproductive organs, and if you are lucky enough to still be able to get pregnant after that, then expect them to try to go after your child in-utro. If you are pregnant, my suggestion, don’t mention it. If they have not already tried to destroy your reproductive organs, or unborn, then don’t give then reason to.

The thing about being female is you carry all the eggs you will ever have, and if they do fry and destroy what you have, that might be it, well expect for cloning ofcourse.

If you are a guy, expect them to go after the nether regions, luckily guys can reproduce from scratch and it won’t mess up your reproductive organs, unless they use the radioactive stuff like they did in East Germany.

Still you are better off being a guy than a female when it comes to this aspect of the targeting.

May 14, 2009 Posted by | Black Females, black women, Conspiracy, Controlled society, Cures, discrimination, Disease, Electronic harassment, Females, Gang Stalking, gay, male, Minorities, Single, society, STD, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 13 Comments

What does it mean to be a Targeted Individual?

A lot of people hear the term, but what does it really mean to be a Targeted Individual? I mean we all think we know about the torture, survellence and betrayl, but it’s just the surface. You can never fully describe the experience till you have lived it.
Family-If you have a family and you are a target it means having to watch your family get torn apart by this. It means being brutalised daily. It might mean having a spouse who is a Citizen Informant/Snitch divorce you and get custody of the kids.

There are lot’s Citizen Informants, (snitches) men and women, who do these things. Marry people just to mess them up later. Markus Wolf coined the term Romeo Traps, Honey Traps as seen in the article below to describe these people.


Partner-If you are lucky, and mean lucky enough to find someone who loves you, cares about you, and can handle this, then you are doing well. The last thing you need is someone who is an intimate infiltration, or just a really bad choice.
Even if you are lucky enough to find loyalty and someone who won’t betray your trust, then you might still end up like Jeremy Blake and Theresa. Jeremy seems to have stayed loyal and true to Theresa and what did it get them?


Children-You can expect your children to be targeted.

One man has had to move his family 5 times, he has had to watch and listen to his young children be tortured in their beds, while they try to sleep at nights. He blew the whistle and now he has lost his job, and is forever on the run. Many people have lost their kids, or had to go through the horror of seeing what is being done to them, perpetrated on their kids.

School-I have heard of Targeted Individuals who have their kids attacked, or picked on at school, by the children of the Citizen Informants, just one more way Targeted Individuals are made to suffer.


For some reason, there are considerably more women targeted than men. Why would women be targeted at a much higher percentage than men? This is another question we may never have the answer for, so this is partially speculation. But one possible answer is that the elite have sponsored eugenics projects worldwide for decades. Removing fertile females from a target population is apparently a standard eugenics procedure. Families such as DuPont, Harriman, & Rockefeller have funded projects for population control.

“It was John D. Rockefeller III who was appointed by Richard Nixon as chairman of the newly created Commission on Population Growth and the American Future,” stated Allen. He quotes Rockefeller as saying, “Rather than think of population control as a negative thing, we should see that it can be enriching.” Allen contends, “Curbing population growth is just part of the Rockefeller war on the American family.”

If you are a chic and you are targeted, expect them to try to fry, microwave your reproductive organs, and if you are lucky enough to still be able to get pregnant after that, then expect them to try to go after your child in-utro. If you are pregnant, my suggestion, don’t mention it. If they have not already tried to destroy your reproductive organs, or unborn, then don’t give then reason to.

The thing about being female is you carry all the eggs you will ever have, and if they do fry and destroy what you have, that might be it, well expect for cloning ofcourse.
If you are a guy, expect them to go after the nether regions, luckily guys can reproduce from scratch and it won’t mess up your reproductive organs, unless they use the radioactive stuff like they did in East Germany. Still you are better off being a guy than a female when it comes to this aspect of the targeting.
Betrayl-Oh my favorite one. Expect to be betrayed, till you bleed emotionally. Friends, family, strangers, co-workers, you will literally have a whole society that is out to get you, or it will feel that way. Many may not want to, but they still do it, and it’s still betrayal. You will learn not to trust, you will learn that just like East Germany, most people have a price and when things get just a little bit uncomfortable most people crack. Most people are not geared for government torture or torment.

Jobs-Most TI’s can not hold down a job. Before my targeting started, I don’t think I ever lost one job. After that was another story, as you can tell by some of my postings. The last two years have been interesting. Not to mention the 8 years before of workplace mobbing, harassment, etc.
Travel-I don’t really travel much outside the country. Travel to work is again filled with community spies traveling with you from one place to the next.

For Targets that have travelled outside of the country and to other places, I have heard that it often times makes little or no difference. You are followed, so travel is not that much fun.
Everyday Life-

Rumours- Having people say you are crazy, pedophile, rapist, racist, prostitute, etc. You pick something they will use one or more and then have you destroyed reputation wise by false rumours.


Surveillance-24/7. This means you can expect to never have any privacy again, it’s like getting violated by the eyes and ears of the state every freaking waking hour. It’s like being under the eye of Sauron in Lord of the Rings.

Attacks-Physical and psychological attacks become routine. Cars trying to hit you, people trying to provoke you, psychological warfare, that I am told is used on prisoners to break them, is used on you.
Monitored-Again everywhere you go, everyone you talk to, it’s the same thing. They want to know everything you say and do, and yes they will if they can, get mind readers, or use artificial mind reading to monitor you. That is messed up.

So if you are a target, have a cell phone, computer, they could remotely download software, and use your camera and microphone, to monitor you. Hear everything you say, do, and monitor your location.
Eg. As far as I know, I can’t get on the Internet without some freaking snitch remotely giving me access. My computer use to always log on the Internet. Now before it does, I can hear from outside, the signal being given, and then my computer get’s on the network. They can shut down my access to the net, when they want to, seen it before.
Followed-24 freaking 7. Never a day goes by when you are truly alone.
Finances-Expect to have a lot of downtime. A lot of times targets don’t or can’t hold jobs, due to the physical and psychological attacks. Many like Mark M. Rich have to find other ways to survive.

Burns- What can I say, when they use lasers on you, microwaves, static electricity? Expect burns. I have almost been electrocuted. I have had electrical burns, parts of my skin peel off in the shower, due to burns. I mean I have been worked over for the last two years, but it comes with the territory. Like Kyle from Terminator says, you just learn to disconnect from the pain. You don’t fully, but you adjust, and you learn to shield.

Poisoning-Been pretty lucky on this one. Well I pretty much switch to one person helpings, out of cans, and try not to do fast food unless I can see it being prepared.

If you have kids, get one sized portion servings of milk, and never leave anything over. I also wrote about the mom that found her son’s medicine for his diabetes had been watered down. Take medicine with you.
Sleep Deprivation-Well I have not been getting much for the last two years, as you know they try to keep me awake at nights by frying and trying to burn and shake the daylights out of me. Again you learn to function on very little, and get what sleep you can.
There is so much more fun stuff that I could write about, but to get a cumulative picture, you have to read the blogs of others, watch their YouTube postings, visit their sites etc.

This is not even close to some of the stuff that’s happened. This was just some off the top of my head stuff. What it means to be a target, means in some ways to be an outcast to a life you once knew, or thought you knew, it means to be betrayed and lied to, by your country, friends, family, loved ones. It means to be unable to plan for the future the way you once did. You don’t know if you will have a job, any kind of relationship, and if you do, you don’t know if your partner will be some snitch hired to mess you over.

It means really thinking about having kids. If you don’t already and you are a targeted individual, I would really think long and hard about it. Eg. How do you support kids without a job? Watch them get tortured?

It’s to worry about this creepy society trying to put you in jail, a mental hospital, force you to commit suicide or to get so pissed you one day open fire, like Kimveer Gill did.

It means so many things you never thought that life would mean. It means taking it day by day. It means surviving one day at a time. It means going numb, but not too numb, learning to not feel, too much. Learning not to trust. It means that life is never going to be like how you thought it was going to be. It might also mean never really finding someone you can trust who will understand this. It means going up against the state if you don’t want to turn Citizen (slave) Informant.

It means so many things, I can’t even begin to list or think about, but it means that your life will never be the same again, not the way you once knew.

It means getting a little tougher, getting your game face on. Learning to truly see and regard humanity for what it always was, what it probably always will be. Learning to get in touch with your inner who you are going to become. Seeing if you have what it takes and realising that you must or else your destiny will be one of the above mentioned, jail, instituation, suicide, or mass murder. (Sure there might be other options, but those are the popular four.)

Crying at times, losing it and getting angry at times, especially in the beginning. (Save up the anger stuff for home, as best as you can.)

If mean so many things, it means saying good-bye and hello to an unsure future, but then realising that the future was always unsure, the world was too, and it’s just your realisation that’s changed. Everything is just the same as it always was, it’s just your awareness that’s changed. Those are some of the things that it means to be a Targeted Individual.

What does it mean to you? Let me know. Holla back, and remember.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”  Martin Luther King Jr.

August 22, 2008 Posted by | Bullying, Children, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, control, Controlled society, Covert investigations, crazy, discrimination, domestic spying, driving-crazy, East Germany, Electronic harassment, Female, Females, Food, future, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, High technology, Honey Trap, Insane, Intimate Infiltarations, Isolation, Jeremy Blake, Kilmeer Gill, Life, male, Mark M Rich, Markus Wolf, Martin Luther King Jr, Matrix, mental-salves, Mind Control, Mind Reading, mobbing, Monitoring, Neighbours, New World Order, NWO, Online Stalking, oppression, Pekka-Eric, Police State, Relationships, Sensitize, sexual harassment, silence, Single, slavery, slaves, Snitches, Social Control, society, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, telecommunications, Theresa Duncan, workplace mobbing | 10 Comments

A weekend in the life of gangstalking.

A weekend in the life of gangstalking. Ok this weekend I was suppose to do some long overdue Targeted Individual shopping, but since I finally am starting to get back to doing my normal things that meant spending some time online and touching base with some people not related to gang stalking. Yes before this began I did have another life.
Ok this weekend was great. My youtube finally started functioning 100% again. I swear I am dating youtube sometimes. For the last two months it did not work as well as it should. The electronic harassment stuff does not seem to bother my computer, but the microwave stuff is not the best for me or my computer.

Anyways I spent the weekend catching up on my youtube vids that I had missed. I caught up on the David Icke series I had been wanting to see for some time. I caught up on some other videos that I had wanted to see. I also got to see the two banned episodes of this show called the boondocks. It was time well spent.

Let’s go to newly discovered blogs next. I discovered all these great blogs this weekend. Most of them can be found on the links section of the website, but if you don’t want to visit it on your own, let me highlight just a few of the many I discovered here.

Now this is Bills blog above. He is a retired pilot who lives in Floria. He has a wicked attitude and he is not afraid to scare off perps with the great liberal gun laws that Florida has. (Hey I am not advocating, but it was a funny and refreshing read.) However lately they have been hitting him with what sounds like microwaves as well. He’s a tuff one like me and he is hanging in there. He says that Florida is a great place for targets cause they have all these liberal gun laws. Anyways a nice read and lot’s of fun.

A blog by a Targeted Individual. The blog is suppose to be from a Christian perspective. (Aren’t most of them?) Anyways, this target claims to have gotten over gang stalking. I am not sure that is the case, but the blog is a refreshing read. The story is told eloquently and it’s easy to follow and just flows. I really enjoyed this blog more than I expected. I added some of the choice posts from this blog, to the posts with the most section of the site.

In 2 worlds. Oh my gosh this blog was just so in tune with what I was going through. Where my thoughts were heading. It really goes ahead of the game. I only got through a few really good quality posts. I wish I had had more time to get through the whole blog, but my weekend was a full one online. However this blog rounded out the day and it just seemed to fall right in line with all that I had read and experienced. For the first time since Gang Stalking started. I really feel like I am falling back in sync with where I am suppose to be. As you saw from the mini blurb I posted on the site.

Finding the potentials. You know from my last posting that I am on a real find the potentials kick. So really this weekend was all about that. I don’t really know how to find them offline. Well accidentally I do, but not deliberately. There was that one time, but I ended up following the wrong person, this is before I understood more of the one handed sign language.

Anyways so I spent some time on google, yahoo, youtube trying to find them. That took up a good chunk of the weekend. However I discovered a site called

There was a group called “I Am Being Stalked And My House Is Being Bugged And Wiretapped – Forum ” Can you believe that. There were like 5 people in that group, that had experienced this stuff. None of them had a name for what was happening to them, or anything. I think I can say I hit the jackpot with this group. So I spent the weekend emailing them, and just adding a whack of stuff to their group. Eg. Links, articles, books, videos,etc.

Before i got there they were getting the usual community support. Eg. You are nuts, why would strangers want to stalk you, you are not that important, have you seen a doctor, I was on drugs and thought that was happening to me. etc. Anyways I shone my gangstalking light into that darkness. Notice the haters faded away?

After that I started a Gang Stalking group on the site. This occupied most of my afternoon.

Feel free to join if you wish. Ok, but I did not stop there. I also found one more potential and someone who had questions.

I think this also sounds like it could be Gang Stalking.

Then I found this great Oprah thread. Bout time someone there strikes up the conversation.

I had other fun online, but I think that is the bulk of my shenanigans.

I also felt for once that i was experiencing something really spiritual. I realise that the body can be in one place, but the mind can almost be walking in 2 worlds. Again why discovering that blog was so in tune with my thoughts.

Anyways it was such a fulfilling weekend. I really felt in sync with so many things. I think spiritually I am getting back to where I need to be, where I was before a lot of this started.

The thing I am discovering about targets is more of what I knew. They are these bright, intelligent people. The things that they are into. When I read their blogs, it’s just really shines through for me, and a lot of times I see a lot of me in their postings. It’s amazing, but I am actually finding people I like, and would want to connect to. People that I have this amazing, albeit weird shared experience with. It’s great in some ways, but painful in others, because I wish that I could do more.

Like one potential said to me on the weekend, what’s the point of these sites if they can’t tell us how to get justice or how to get this stuff to stop? My answer is that it’s just knowing the truth, having the shared experience, knowing you are not going crazy. For me when I found out there was a name for what was happening to me, I was so happy. The potential I spoke to on the weekend, was crying, she could not believe that after how many years there was a  name for what was happening.

I do wish that I could have done more, but for now, being able to find her, and put a name to what was happening to her, (provided she was a real target) was all that I could do. I am hoping that by finding them, it will help to give them a fighting change. I know it did for me. I will always be grateful for finding that link to Gang Stalking. It answered years of questions, and it finally confirmed things that I suspected, but would not, could not voice. It was a light and if I can pay it forward I will.

Anyways, I have not heard back from any of the other potentials, but I will keep you updated. They all were sent emails, but wither they arrived, is another story.

Oh I also touched base with DaveinDublin, he has seen the post, but it’s hard to say much else on the subject, so I won’t.

Anyways, it was such a fulfilling and worthwhile weekend. I am sure the outside world missed me, but I was doing what I could do and it felt so good. Also it’s the one weekend where if I was charged with a crime, I could pretty much prove my whereabouts, just by my online postings and interactions. Kinda neat. 🙂

April 22, 2008 Posted by | changing vibrations, crazy, Electronic harassment, future, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gratitude, harassment, Health, Laughter, Life, Online Stalking, paranoid, Relationships, Science, Single, Snitches, Social Control, Socialnetworking, society, Stalking, Targeted Individual, youtube | , | 4 Comments

Living single and loving it.

This article came out about a month ago, but it’s a great article about being single. I think the difference between being single and happy and being single and miserable is all about choice. If you choose to be single, then it’s one thing, but if you don’t then it can be a living misery. Also if you choose not to be single for the wrong reasons it can also be a huge misery. I think in this as with anything you have to find out what works for you. Also remember that at different stages in your life, what worked yesterday, might not work tomorrow.

[quote]I’m fifty-four years old and I have always been single. I love my single life. But for a long time I rarely said that out loud. I thought I was the only happy single person.[/quote]

NO there seem to be a lot more happily single people in the world. I think it’s only the perception that has thrown others off. Being single can be a good thing if that is where you are at.

[quote]Years later after I had read hundreds of scientific studies about marital status, happiness, and discrimination, and after I conducted my own program of research, I realized that much of the conventional wisdom about people who are single was either grossly exaggerated or just plain wrong. The place of singles in society and the significance of getting married have changed dramatically over the past decades. But our views of single and married people have not yet caught up.[/quote]

The perception is if you are single, male or female that you can’t be perfectly happy, and the reality is, with modern day society you can be. More so infact than some of your married counter parts. Now I am not knocking marriage or being not single, but I am just pointing out that there are an increasing amount of happy single people out there.

[quote] In one set of studies, for instance, we created profiles of married and single people that were exactly the same (in terms of the person’s age, hometown, interests, employment, and so forth) except for their marital status. In one experiment after another, we found that the single people were viewed more negatively than the married people. For example, they were seen as unhappy, lonely, and self-centered compared to their married counterparts. (The one exception is that single people were consistently viewed as more independent than married people.)[/quote]

Again a lot of this goes back to perception and what has always been in the past conventional wisdom, or rather what seemed to be conventional wisdom. In the past for many reasons you needed to be married to keep the household running, to have children, and ofcourse to be seen as anyone in the community.

[quote]We looked up federal statutes and found more than a thousand instances in which official marriage was linked to federal protections and benefits. We found discrimination against singles in the workplace and the marketplace. We then did research of our own on discrimination and found that realtors (and other people we asked) would prefer to rent to married couples than to single women, single men, unmarried couples, or a pair of friends — even when they all had equally positive references and ability to pay.[/quote]

Again the biggest obstacles that single individual seem to have is society itself and their negative mindset. Once they get past this, many single people do lead very happy and fulfilling lives.

[quote]The story that was taking shape in my mind was becoming clear. Single people are not as happy as married people in part because they are targets of stereotyping and discrimination.[/quote]

This is so true. The article goes on from there and I recommend reading it if you are choosing to be single and loving it. I think in modern day society people have more choices than they did in the past. I think if living single is your choice, then don’t let anyone make you think that you would be happy or better off not living single. You can live single and be happy, if it’s a choice.

[quote]Increasingly, people who are single are living their lives fully. Those who have the resources to do so are buying homes, traveling the world, and pursuing their passions. Their lives are meaningful — and yes, they are happy.


Again it all comes down to what works best for you. An interesting article I thought I would share.

March 16, 2008 Posted by | Asian, Black female, Black Females, black women, Female, Females, future, Health, Laughter, male, present, Relationships, Single, society, White, WhiteFemale | Leave a comment