Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Where in the world have I been?

Where have I been? God that’s such a hard question to answer. Feels like nowhere and everywhere.

I have a billion movies to update you on.

Harold and Kumar part 2.
The Chronicles of Narnia.

A few others that I can’t remember right now. They all have interesting things to say.
Thoughts that I want to share, such as:

1. What if East Germany really was just an experiment? Some people say that when WWII ended, all of Germany could have been taken by the allies, but that they were given orders to stand back, allowing Russia to take over a part of the country. The theory is that the East German snitch society was a planned thing, and if they could do it there successfully, they knew that they could do it with the rest of the world. Don’t know, but it’s a fun thought.

I find it really hard to blog, sometimes I just don’t feel like. A bit of burn out setting in, plus been dealing with other things. Sometimes you are going through a bad situation, (Yeah Gang Stalking, Government targeting is a bad situation.) You are going through that, and then some people come into your life and make it 10 times more difficult, and devastating, and make the Gang Stalking look like child’s play. I have been marvelling at the wonder of that.

2. I think that if I ever go away, my sites would just go offline. As some of you will remember before, my sites use to go down a lot, switched companies and everything was fine, more importantly, I have been online a lot. Recently I took some away time, and the sites were off most of that time. Sometimes I really feel like I am doing this by myself. I know I am not, but sometimes it feels like it. I just wish more Targets would do there part, and get this information out there, back it up, or whatever, but we each journey alone at times.

3. Mark M Rich is ok. I really hope he is a target, and if he is, I really, really feel for him. When I think I have it bad, I just read some of his stuff he’s going through, and it makes me just want to put up with my stuff more. His most recent entry made me pretty sad.

If he is a target, don’t know why he has not written about the one handed sign language being used yet? Anyways if Mark is a real target, then he needs some prayers right now.

I am so tired. I have had a lot of my own stuff to deal with. Stuff that was not or who knows, but not Gang Stalking related that I know of, but stuff that really threw me off base, that weird stuff that I don’t like to talk about, stuff weirder than Gang Stalking, if you can believe that.

4. My torture continues. Now that it’s summer, the places where they burnt holes in my skin show up as faint scars, but they are there to remind of of the fun times, I have had over the last two years. (Wow two years of this bs have passed.) No wait that should say two years of my awareness of this have passed, cause this has been going on much longer, if we include the workplace mobbing, and harassment. Two years of being online, and sometimes, I wonder if I have made a difference? I wish I knew how to fix this for so many reasons.

So they have been trying to sensitise me with cameras, and I think with chicks kissing each other. I don’t know, but with all that I am going through, you must be getting desperate, go back to jingling keys, at least then I could respect you. (Not really but, but I could at least pretend to respect you.) Like I said, I broke my sensitivity, and won’t be acquiring any new ones. Once you are aware, you have a fighting chance.

Anyways they took up the level of frying a notch the last month or so. Unlike the army where they aim high, these creatures have been aiming low. I don’t want to go into details, but let’s just say it’s been a shock to some lower parts of my system. Yeah.
Oh yeah the noise thing continues, if I get into a deep sleep, they will try to do something to wake me up out of it. The other day it was the fire alarm at 3:00 am to 3:30 am. Along with of course the all night room shacking, electronic frying stuff. Wonder why they would try to keep targets awake and not let them get to sleep, or electronically monitor them all day, and try to always crowd there space? Are you afraid that targets might get comfortable and dream there way out of this nightmare?

The psychological harassment continues, and even with all my private information violated and out there, they still don’t seem to be able to psychologically get the control they need. Some people have no real power of their own, and so they have to try to control others, or make others look weak or inferior, maybe mental. That’s not real power, but it is control. Just like others like to have power over children, and those that are young in spirit, easy to manipulate and control. The world is full of these types, no real power of their own, and so they take it out on others when they think they can, the old what can I get away with? And so these types will continue to get away with it, till someone put’s them in their place.

During the day they try to leave when I do, I had a bit of fun with them the other morning, which had snitches up and down the stairs trying to find me. Oh and the other night I want on my balcony at 2:00 am in the morning, the grounds were empty at first, then within 10 minutes the snitches were let out, it was funny. There were like about 6-10, who all of a sudden needed to be outside.

During the day they have cut back on trying to hit me with the cars, for the time being. They still have to try to crowd my space, or try to bump into me, but I have that pretty well handled. I have my days. Sometimes they get a little too fresh, and then I retaliate.

I am holding down income, for the time being. I found out that some people at my last job, due to a situation that I did not want to be a part of, cost me my last job. Being a state target is not bad enough, trying to keep a job to survive is not good enough, and then I have to have parasites on top of that, coming and screwing things up for me more. Anyways leaving that Karma to balance itself out.

Sometimes I don’t see this getting better. People are too base and common, not always, but how do you get to this? I mean we had the books, 1984, etc. We saw East Germany, and yet here we have it, societies where people would happily snitch out their own mothers. I just don’t get it.

5. Been dipping into the reincarnation stuff again, well not just that, but a lot of stuff. Picture this. You are born, you are in some other realm, like a spirit realm. You come here to have experiences so you can gain understanding and grow. You do this several times, each time you leave the earth realm, you go back to being yourself, but maybe you also join the whole again, until you are ready to take form again. You reincarnate again as someone new, but all the memories of the past existence are in the subconscious mind. Interesting thoughts hun?

Mark on his site said he was worried about mind readers. He should be, we all should be. you know when this stuff all started and people would talk about this stuff, I use to wonder if they were being up and up, or if they were just snitches making this stuff up. Now I know that they are on the up and up. I should say on the up and up about the mind reading, cause there are people that talk about this stuff that are still not legit.

I also know that there is way more going on than a lot of us know. I do know that there is more than one realm, there is a spirit realm and this realm, and who knows, maybe plenty of others. It still brings me back to the reasons that some of us are targeted. The real reasons, might not even be anything close to what we thought.
I mean I still think the personality profiles fit, but I always wondered why so many targets seem to have some kind of spiritual leaning.

If there is a spirit realm, I accept that it might be more messed up than this realm, but I hope that we don’t have snitches there, but probably. Maybe there you can have kids, and families without all the craziness of having to watch them be tortured. Maybe.

What I do know is that we are creeping towards the one world government thing. Sometimes it feels like it’s going very slowly, like a snake digesting it’s food, or a frog getting boiled in water, but it’s getting there, by degrees and if we don’t put a halt to it, no one else will.

I don’t know how to stop it right this moment, I can’t even begin to think how, I just know that we have to try. People are so willing to give over their wills to this, then they don’t have to think, or function, it’s like letting the state seduce you, then you don’t have to think or feel for a time, but by the time you wake up, you are in a really bad situation, and won’t be able to come back from it.

I guess I will do what I always do under these trying times, pray, sometimes we forget the power of prayer. Sometimes when I have had the greatest breakthroughs, it’s been during those times. I encourage you to do the same.

August 15, 2008 Posted by | Brain reading device, Bullying, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conformity, control, Controlled society, crazy, driving-crazy, East Germany, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Film, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, harassment, Indigo Ribbon, Isolation, lesbian, Mark M Rich, mental-salves, Mind Control, Mind Reading, mobbing, Monitoring, Movies, Neighbours, New World Order, NWO, one handed signals, Snitches, Social Control, society, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , | 4 Comments