Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Indigo Ribbon Month Stories

dontbend necklaceIndigo Ribbon Month

Remember to submit your stories to and check out the twitter at The Stories are there in advance. November is Indigo Ribbon Month, it is literally just right around the corner, and hopefully this year, we can get a head start, or a jump on the month and the day, November 23, 2013, which seriously makes sense.


I see that a few people submitted their stories in advance, and that’s great. Also the Indigo Ribbon Quilt is going around, and that is in the works, in advance.

Mom and Dad

I recently became aware that the name for what I have been experiencing since 2003 and most likely before that, was a Targeted Individual. I filed a grievance against the ompany I was working for at that time and ever since that then my life has been Hell. My husband, children, siblings, and friends are either a part of this or are under a gag order. My Dad worked for the government and many of my relatives were involved with unions, therefore I am thinking that my early adult traumas stemmed from these ties.

The rest of the story is on the link above, also don’t forget to check out the Indigo Ribbon Store, and keep an eye out for upcoming events for November, which will be listed on the website.


Answering the call, and taking calls for Indigo Ribbon Month. If you want to get more details about upcoming events, the quilt, or the annual balloon release, then please just visit the website, and request outloud verbally to speak to someone from the call center. ca about Indigo Ribbon Month and the events. It’s a virtual, or spiritual based call center, and it’s automated, so it  makes sense.

Visit The Indigo Ribbon Store, and request products for Indigo Ribbon Month. Thank you in advance, for your support and patience.

Visit the official Indigo Ribbon Website, and find out about the latest happenings, throughout the month of November, get supported, leave your story, and be a part of the situations that seriously make sense. This season, make it indigo.

Visit the official twitter page, and keep up on happenings and be a part of the official initiative. The Indigo Ribbon Month Concept was started back in 2007, and was a branch off of some of the initiative. The site and the initiatives, truly supported Targeted Individuals and the initiative was spawned out of that capacity. In honor of those early initiatives, here it to you and all you do.

This year Targeted Individuals, their friends, families, supports, and a variety of individuals will be eligible to take part in our Indigo Ribbon Month and Initiatives.

Keep an eye out for the spiritual based products that are available and eligible for Indigio Ribbon Month. Towels, Candles, Ribbons.

Ribbons, or other appropriate items will be sent out throughout the Month of November, will a really big launch for Indigo Ribbon Day, which is November 23. This year hopefully the delivery will be on time, and hopefully it will make sense.

Take Care, Take Care, In advance.

October 28, 2013 Posted by | electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Indigo Ribbon, Informants, Insane, Internet, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, Threat Assessment Teams | , , , | Leave a comment

Lindsay Lohan. Targeted Individual?

Is Lindsay Lohan a Targeted Individual?

The media of late has been doing a stupendous job of pointing out what a train wreck Lindsay Lohan is. Most have started to write her obituary. Others are making it seem as if there is not an immediate intervention, that she will wind up dead. This is the picture that is being painted but is it the truth?

Lindsay Lohan recently went on her twitter account to ask why her friends would set her up to have the paparazzi take pictures of her at her worst moment. She says she trusted these people, and thought they were friends, but they helped to set it up to look like she was partying, and in bad shape yet again.

[quote]”We’ve learned Lindsay was two months behind in rent and her landlord sent her a legal notice to pay or get out. Lindsay just paid her landlord $23,000 to become current,” the site reported this morning.

Adding insult to injury (not this one though) Lindsay took to her Twitter last night because security at a nightclub set it up to look like she was there partying. Which she was not. Swearsies.

“Security @Voyeur nightclub in LA just set me up & paid off paparazzi to not let me in the back door and come to take photos of me in the back ,” she wrote. Another 140 characters was devoted to: “I was just waiting for my friend at the back door…… Worse part is, my friends who run the club were a part of the set-up as well. Why?”

I think that’s the question du jour Lindsay, “Why?” [/quote]

The why might be more straight forward than realised. er-against-lindsay-13134/

About a year ago, Lindsay Lohan broke up with her girlfriend Samantha Ronson. Ronson’s family tried to then find out the procedure to take out a restraining order on Lohan. Lohan claims that she is not dangerous, but the family felt that she was. According to news reports, the family felt she was out of control and wanted protection. This in conjunction to the public fights, and other behaviour could have gotten Lindsay flagged as a dangerous or violent person without her knowing it.

A year later she seems to be short on funds, the police are trying to have her committed using a 5150, the media is doing all it can to portray her as a wreck, out of control, into drugs. She is claiming set up’s. Some sites have even written her obituary.

Recently the media has been trying to portray Lindsay to be a train wreck, drugs seeping from her shoes, unable to pay rent, a partier, who can not take care of herself, and who has no job and no chance of an income, but is any of this really true?

The drugs in the show was just baby powder according to Lohan. She is now up to date on her rent. The bailout might have come from her parents, but she is up to date. According to her movie page, she has one movie that she will be working on soon.

She is also Lindsay Lohan, and she can just like Britney make a comeback. The problem is the media is now doing it’s best to make it seem as if she is unable to look after herself a real wreck.

Some of this has clearly come from Lohan’s image that has been allowed to develop over the last several years, but some is likely to be set up’s as she mentioned above.

It should also be pointed out that the police were activly trying to get a 5150 filed against her. She did not meet the criteria at the time. This is an order that would have her involuntarily committed.

“Section 5150 is a section of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (specifically, the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act or “LPS”) which allows a qualified officer or clinician to involuntarily confine a person deemed to have a mental disorder that makes them a danger to him or her self, and/or others and/or gravely disabled. A qualified officer, which includes any California peace officer, as well as any specifically designated county clinician, can request the confinement after signing a written declaration.”[/quote]

Lindsay Lohan does not know it yet, but she might have unwittingly entered the Gang Stalking Zone.

She needs to be sure she does not lash out, watch out for set ups, and get a lawyer. If this is an attempt to Gang Stalk her, set her up for commitment, then she is going to have to fight hard.

April 2, 2010 Posted by | Conspiracy, Gang Stalking, Insane, mobbing, psychological harassment, Single, Stalking, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , | 9 Comments


So when did I become a radical? LOL.

I have been thinking about this for the last few days. When I am not being termed Conspiracy theorist, Extremist, or Crazy, I guess radical is that nice safe middle ground that some like to use.

I don’t personally like terms, cause I don’t like to be boxed in like that. I don’t think I fit any one category, my activism is not extremist, some of the sources I have referenced in the past include: Loyola Law professor Alexandra Natapoff and her research into the informant system. I have referenced the ACLU in my research and their confirmation that investigations of innocent people are happening. I have also referenced people like Nikki Rappana in regards to the communitarian system and agenda 21. So my research is not extremist.

Is it conspiracy research?

Groups of people being followed around by informants? People doing little things to make them look crazy, or despicable? It sounds conspiracy at first, but if you read the research, I consistently back up what I say. Wither it’s reporting on the violent persons registry, or discussing how people are having full scale anti-terror investigations opened up on them for simple things like missing work, or for living in the wrong community. So I am not a conspiracy theorist in that regards, cause I do back up the research, and show cases, that are similar or near exact to some of the things that Targets report.

I have even shown that in the past, governments have used citizens to gaslight, or specifically target others to hasten an agenda. Using a program called VIK the U.K. government used Americans to target other Americans. They came up with over 500 ways to mess with targets. This again was a government initiative. So much of what I have discussed has been done, via other programs. This is without me discussing Cointelpro, McCarthyism, Stasi, etc.

I am just crazy/Skizo then? I mean how can I believe that I am being targeted in this way right? Well I believe it cause it’s true. I can back up information with the research online, and sources at times have given bit’s of information here and there. I am not crazy, I am not skizo. Yet I have it on good authority that without me ever having seen a psychiatrist in any capacity, remotely I have been deemed a danger or crazy. Much of this label comes from me standing up to workplace mobbing, which was deliberate and very targeted. Much of the extreme stuff that was reported came later, after I dared to challenge this system.

So after all those terms, the latest is Radical. When did I become a radical? I don’t agree with the term, cause I guess radical always put me in mind of the Black Panthers. I grew up thinking that they were anti-government trouble makers, who hated cops. This was such a misconception, I am now ashamed that this was how I veiwed them. This however is the picture that society painted of them.

The reality is that the panthers were kids. When they organized they were 17 and up, most in their teens and early 20’s. They also did not organize cause they hated police, they organized because they hated what was being done to them, and people like them in their community. Their goals were not to become anti-government extremists, no. A large part of what they did were things like free breakfast program for their community, and all these other good acts of kindness, but they were exterminated, demonized, and that is what I guess you could say radicalized them.

I guess they were radicals, but not cause they wanted to be, but because they were made to be.

So back to me. I spent the last few days thinking about this, cause I wanted to give a good answer. Like most I grew up believing the government was good, society was great. I wanted all the normal material things. I believe I lived in one of the best countries, and then cities on the planet. My life goals were simple, I wanted to find my mate, get married, and contribute to society. Simple goals, straight forward agenda, and then that changed.

I first noticed the targeting via workplace mobbing, this goes back at least a decade, and was part of the worst time in my life. The first time that I decided to try to take action it was hell, and it really shook me to the core. It was horrible that people could treat others in such a way, and yet most of the mobbing was subtle, proving it was a joke, and finally I left that job. The problem was it did not stop, at the next job the same mobbing scenario. But how? I mean it’s not as if people could communicate via some sort of network or something. Initially I just thought it was rumors traveling, you run into the odd person, who knows such and such and it goes from there. That’s what I initially thought, I know different now.

The next time the mobbing started, I was going to take a stand, and file a suit if it needed that. My employers did not stop the mobbing, I went through all the standard channels, a mistake in retrospect, they did not take the complaints seriously. Unknown to me they were using the complaints to paint me as delusional, but I was being mobbed, daily.

I finally took action outside of thee workplace and thus the wonderful world of Gang Stalking began. But I didn’t know about Gang Stalking then, but I did clue into the fact that my conversations with Lawyers were making it back to my place of employment. There was some kind of surveillance in my apartment, and yes I was being followed on the streets.

While this was going on, I had grown stronger, even if I could not win my complaint against my employer, “which I eventually just dropped due to the Gang Stalking harassment, and being tortured in my home”, at least I could help others. I could have gone forward with my case, but there was collusion, and it was happening in high places, and this made no sense. Since that time it makes perfect sense. Others have noted the same things. The patterns I had experienced were identical to many online. The perpetrators of the mobbing getting promotions, the fact that my information was out there, and an obvious interference pattern. However though until I came across the Gang Stalking information, the details about surveillance, that I had noticed, the seeming participation of people close to me, none of that made sense, then some of the pieces of the puzzles fell into place.

At that stage I was still just looking for a quick fix. I realized it was retaliation from my employer, but the surveillance network made no sense, how could so many people be taking part. See they are informants, and as you move through town, through their sections of the community, stores, etc, they are given little alerts about you. You are followed into stores, and hand signals are silently communicated, all this turned up via the research.

Your whole circle of family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, etc are contacted. Apparently you never have to be evaluated by a professional to be deemed as crazy. And why would an employer, or other nemesis that is trying to shut someone up, not be tempted to paint that person as crazy?

From what I have read, many people feel that family and friends really let them down in these cases. To be fair, if you are contacted by an official that your family or close friend could be a danger, threat, pedophile, etc. Most people would be tempted to co-operate believing that they would have a fair investigation, and not co-ordinated, underhanded, systemic destruction.  Some might even give destructive testimony, unwittingly or deliberately damaging that person in question.

The research. Let’s talk about that. I was never anti-government, but the research turned up some surprising things. Not only that this is systemic. This happens in many democratic countries, but this is happening to bright, intelligent people. Many are being systemically eliminated. That is a conspiracy. Be it workplace mobbing, which can lead to reports of Gang Stalking, people were being unfairly picked on, targeted, and eliminated. When I say eliminated I mean, driven to suicide, put in jail, falsely labeled as crazy, and locked away. Others were being provoked on the street, and much like the Nazi’s did to Jewish people, provoked and then when they lashed out put in jail. Others were getting into fatal accidents, many were deliberately being made systemically poor, having our life dreams and goals wiped away. That was bad enough, but in many cases, cause a lot of us live alone, our women were getting sexually assaulted. People like Ramona Lopez were raped. Jesus Mendoza documented how he had to watch his little girl get tortured, how he had to watch her scream at night, be burnt in her bed, and as a parent not be able to do anything, cause of what they were doing.

I read about Leuren Moret a whistle-blower and her experience with Livermoor Labs. She stated that in addition to her, there were about 500 other women and minorities that she was aware of who were also targets of the university. They also had their lives systemically destroyed the same way that she did. Again one more story that shed light on this being a systemic policy for dealing with those who do not all in line, who do not follow the status quo.

[quote]500 women and minorities had filed lawsuits against the University of California and had then experienced retaliation by the University of California apparatus of mobbing by employees, alumni and law enforcement.1The lawsuits were for denial of tenure, whistleblower retaliation and theft of intel-lectual property. These women had similar complaints about the destruction of their own lives and careers. The information gathered by the University of California is used to takeyour life apart; to destroy all that makes you feel safe; to bankrupt, isolate and alienate you from society and from yourself; and to attempt to make you look crazy.[/quote]

This was not only systemic, but it had in many cases proven to be mulit-generational. Meaning if you stand up to the system, and you have kids, those kids have a good chance of being targeted. I also read about Jeremy Blake and his lady, and their golden suicides, which I also don’t quite believe. I realized again just what this system is truly capable of, and why it must be changed, or stopped. It’s not right, it’s malignant for many, but many others protect it, give their allegiance to it, and would gladly fight for it.

With story after story, after story, after story, I saw a picture as brutal as any other oppression, as needful of exposure, and something that was hard, or going to be almost near impossible to prove. I realized we were up up against a system, and that system was not some shadow group. It was not vigilantes, it was not extremists, it was our own governments, and this system that has been set up. It’s not that different than what was done in Russia to many, or even the former East Germany. In America those who saw McCarthyism, or even Cointelpro up close should have no trouble believing it, and yet many ignore this.

Outside of Gang Stalking, I researched many other topics, Pedophile rings, Senator DeCamp and the amazing work he did trying to expose a pedophile ring, and the fate of those victims. Senator DeCamp also realized that he was up against a system, and he rightfully wondered if that system had become too corrupt. I read about Gary Webb, and his wonderful reporting, that got him demoted in his job till he had to quit, how he was found with a bullet to the head, yet another suicide, which I don’t believe for a moment. I read about the fate of the victims of the CIA drug smuggling. How they were silenced and dropped the lawsuit. I read about the fate of the African American female lawyer who tried to take on the CIA. Anita Belle lost everything. Her home, her career, he country, he livelihood. She tried to stand up to the system and it attacked.

I read about how Journalists who get too close to the truth, how they are also often systemically attacked via the buzzsaw, how their careers are ruined, how they are made to look either crazy, or like they don’t know what they are talking about.

All along the cyber collective consciousness, I found proof of what I was talking about. There is a system in place, that keeps everything in place, that system is corrupt and needs fixing. That system is protected, very powerful, but very evil. That system is being run by governments, their security forces. Do I believe every politician is evil? Heck no. De hamp, people like Cynthia McKinney and others have come up against this before, there are many out there who really don’t realize that their is a problem. If they do become aware, they would rather believe that evil forces have taken over the government, or that we can work within the system to fix it.

I don’t care what you believe, my job right now is doing what I have always done when I see a problem or a system of injustice. I try to make a difference. I am trying to help fix it. I am making people aware. I have been like this my entire life. I am fairly sure it’s who I have always been meant to be, and who I will always be.

So when did I become a radical? If you must call me this, and I hate labels, then I guess I have always been this way, I have been this way my entire life. If I see injustice, I try to stand up to it, expose it, make a slight difference if I can. If I see a bully I will try to stand up to them, to the best of my ability.

So let me throw this question back out there to you all. Why are you not a radical? Do you not believe that there is a problem? A conspiracy? Do you feel powerless? Why are you not out there telling the truth, cause at the end of the day, that is all that I am doing. I am telling the truth, and just trying to expose a system that has become terribly corrupt. A system that truly needs fixing. So if you see me as a radical, and not yourself, then ask yourself this. Why are you not a radical?

March 1, 2010 Posted by | Bullying, buzzsaw, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conspiracy, Controlled society, crazy, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, harassment, Indigo Ribbon, Informants, Insane, Laws, Minorities, mobbing, one handed signals, psychological harassment, society, Stalking, Surveillence | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Informant Signals

Below is an updated list of some of the signals that I have observed the informants using over the years. It’s not a complete list, but it should help get the average person started in snitch speak.

Remember the actual terms might not be exact, but this is a general gist of what they use the signals to convey. These were picked up over the last few years, on the streets. I have spent hours watching, researching.

A lot of this was picked up as I was being tortured in my home. I would go out and watch them, part of the biggest problem in the beginning was figuring out how they were communicating, how the message were being passed, how they were coordinating to harass me.

If you have read the blog, I have discussed, the fact that their is often a conductor who the snitches look to, they are also given instructions. Eg. Circle the target, they always want the target in a square. They always want to be on all four sides to feel like they are guarding the target.

Some are brilliant at passing signals, some are horrible. You learn a lot from the horrible ones. The signals are passed in different ways culturally. I have blogged about this before. When I was just watching them and learning their language it was fascinating to watch as people from this culture passed a signal in this way, vs another that way.

Eg. The squeezing the nose to indicate I understand it passed by some by putting the hand up the nose. Very gross, but very interesting. Culturally just like with any language, or variation of accents, the signals also have their own distinctions. Eg. I first saw someone of Spanish decent explaining that where they were from they used the center of the forehead, not the hand over the eyes.

I was fascinated by the fact that this must have been ongoing for some time, but I never had a clue. I was disgusted and nauseated to discover that on a daily basis most of the people around me, knew this language. It meant they were informants, citizens of the state, and thus not on my side. Still it was interesting to learn.

There is so much more to how they function, but I am disgusted by the stupidity I see. I think to understand them, you had to have some fascination or appreciation of how they functioned, I don’t think I will ever have that again, but maybe someday, someone else will.

1. Open Communication.

#Yawning and placing the hand over the mouth, or taking a drink to open communications

The most common signal that I have observed the informants using is their open communication signal.

This can be done in a variety of ways, but the most common way is to take a sip of water or drink from any container.

The open communication signal can also be conveyed via, pretending to yawn, or by putting the hand over the mouth.

They use this signal to engage other informants in the communication process.

There are other ways to pass this signal but this is the basics for now.

#Car patrols will flash their lights to open communication with foot patrols

When an informant is on foot, the cars will flash lights to open communication. In the Targeted Individual Community it was thought that this was just being used at night to annoy targets, but flashing the lights is used to identify themselves to their foot patrols.

2. Coughing

This signal is not only used to harass targets, but it’s also their way of getting the attention of other snitches.

Eg. If an informant is not paying attention and you want to begin the open communication process you can cough, clear the throat. Then you will usually see other communication between the informants.

3. On Watch

# Rubbing or touching the eyes or corners of the eyes or placing on glasses indicating you are on watch.

This is the signal that you will see informants use most often. They will do this in a variety of ways.

The basic way of indicating this is done by placing one hand over the eyes.

You can also just rub one eye or the other.

They will use eye glasses, sun glasses, by placing them on the face it indicates the same thing.

A new way of doing this is by also rubbing the center of the forehead, where your third eye would be if you had one.

#In some cities headphone are also used to indicate that Informants are on patrol

4. I don’t understand

Pulling on the ear. Seems to indicate that the receiver has not understood what the sender has said.

5. I know.

#Briefly tapping or squeezing the nose, indicates that you understand.

You will see this quite often and it’s their way of indicating that they know, or that they understand.

# The double blink to indicate understanding etc.

If their hands are full, or they can not pass a signal any other way, this can also be used to indicate understanding.

6. At Rest

This is done by placing the hand to the side of the head. The thinking mans pose. It seems to indicate that the informants are at rest, no action is happening.

7. Stop Signalling/Communication

This is done by placing the index finger to the lips, and making a semi circle. or clasp motion. They stop communication and go silent when this signal is given.

8. Greeting.

When out in public, they brush their hair back three times, but this is done at the back of the neck not at the front. It seems to be a greeting to help identify them with each other yet again.

9. What’s happening, What’s going on.

# Brushing back the front hair 3 times

10. Directional signals.

Eg. When out in public they will often tell each other to walk left right, etc, with the nose. Eg. The index finger below the nose to the left would tell the other informant to go left. To the right would tell the other informant to go right.

They might also use these directional signal to indicate the direction of the target that is on watch, but by doing so with the eyes. (This needs confirmation)

There are more, but everytime they have fun with me, I have fun with them, and I didn’t want them to think I was a party pooper, so this way others can have fun too.

February 4, 2010 Posted by | Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conformity, Controlled society, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Informants, Insane, mobbing, one handed signals, Snitches, society, Stalking, Stasi | , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Refuse to live in fear

Fear it’s the power that controls and consumes the lives of many people right now. As long as they are consumed by the fear they will be controlled by it. As long as they let others tell them what to be afraid of they will control the masses.

Wars on Drugs, War on Terror, Street Gangs, Global Warming, Swine Flu, etc. It can be anything, the only person or persons that can control this fear or stop it from happening is us. We the people. We have the power and they know it, thus they keep us in a constant state of fear. They put weak and pathetic leaders forwards, ones in their control, who we are then told to emulate.

You see this questionable leadership in all areas of society, but most people never question it, it’s always been like this and they don’t think that things can change, or that they will change. Also they are so comfortable, they are too lazy to put in the effort that it would take to make a change. Even if it’s slavery it’s still a routine that they know and they are willing to work with it.

Targeted Individuals know a lot about fear. We deal with fear when we are mobbed, targeted, electronically harassed, and the various other things that targets go through. Being afraid is a normal human emotion and there is nothing wrong with it, but when it overpowers and controls your life, then it’s a bad thing. That’s when it becomes a problem.

Many targets deal with fears that most people think make them look crazy. Eg. They get sensitized over time to a color, word, action, ect and finally all the negative associations, or the big event that it took to make them sensitized is not needed, any little trigger event will do, and these informants on a daily basis will use little trigger events to keep the target scared and in their control.

They will also try to anchor on other things to keep targets scared of more things, till their life becomes one big fear factor. That is the goal, then all they have to do is snap a finger, jingle a key, cough, sneeze, use the color red, patterns, snap laptops, etc, and the target reacts. Those are some of the sensitivities I have heard about since coming online. These are designed to keep the Targeted Individual in a state of anxiety or fear. Before these little events could work, they used big events to try to make the target afraid. Eg. When I first started being electronically harassed and burnt in my home, or as the informants like to call it, (electronically monitored) they use to always try to attach a noise of a drill to the torture. So there I would be getting burnt, and then at the time I knew nothing about shielding and had no defence so it was pretty raw, and painful. They consistently tried to make sure that drilling was attached to the torture, this was over several months. So when I went back out into the world, they were sure, and banking on the fact that I would be sensitized to the sound of drills and then they could just tell the informants, this person has a phobia, is very sensitize to drills, acts out is not normal, ah but they failed. For the next two years and even to today, they still attempt it once in awhile to see if I was sensitized. It just shows me that with proper knowledge, we can win out over these people in small little ways, day by day.

See I was lucky, I had one sensitivity, I had it for years. Before my torture with electronic harassment started I learnt about anchors, so I realized that they would be trying to attach another sensitivity to the one I already had. I had a working knowledge of Pavlov and the dog experiment so I was familiar with what they were trying to do.

Eg. Pavlov would ring a bell during his dog’s feeding time. The dog would start to salivate over the food. After a while he could just ring the bell and the dog would start to salivate, cause he had associated the sound with food, in our case we associate the sensitivity to negative things they have done to us over time, without in many cases even realising that they are sensitizing us till it’s too late.

The sensitivity that I had when my electronic harassment began, I spent that time at home being tortured and electronically harassed, but also getting over my sensitivity. It was not perfect, but over the next few months, it got better, and is at a normal level to what it was before the sensitivity started.

So what does this have to do with fear that the average person’s experiences? Well let’s take 9/11 a big, huge event that got everyone scared, panicked. Most people because they shared the fear understand it and agree that this was a fear worthy event, and understand and accept that people are scared and have a phobia about this event happening again.

So now several years later, you don’t need another 9/11 to keep the people scared, the occasional terrorist threat, weird plane flying over New York, and keep the citizens on high alert and they are in the grips of fear, and it works. Also if we get them scared of 9/11 then we can add in other fears, attach additional fears.

See these people try to stop us from living our lives by trying to scare us, systemically trying to destroy us, and they want to try to control us. Well 9/11 does the same for the average citizen.

When people are scared they can do silly things, behave in what to the average person seems like irrational behavior, but to them seems perfectly normal. To an outsider that did not know about 9/11, voodoo rituals of taking off belts, shoes, and allowing oneself to be scanned and shown virtually naked to some stranger, would seem bizarre if not flat out crazy, an outsider would laugh and be like what’s wrong with these people, allowing themselves to be treated like that and give up their rights? But because the fear has happened over the last several years it seems normal to the people that share this common fear. Just like our phobias are normal to us, based on our experiences.

Getting past fear, not feeding the fear factor. For my sensitivity it was a process. Each time I was home, I worked on it, I did not have the daily exposure, I knew it was irrational, I knew how it had come about, and I had a pretty good idea how to go about disassociating it with negative things, but it took time, and I had to work on it.

Fear is something that we have in many ways, it’s normal and healthy, it can even keep us safe, but there is a stage where fear becomes irrational and even hurtful. Most times fear is individually based and if your phobia is going to an extreme level, an outsider can often point this out. However fear of 9/11 was group based, and the fear is shared by such a large group that their irrational actions, and activities are not being registered. The vast majority see these crazy measures, as something sane. They see giving up their rights, privacy, dignity as something needful to keep them safe. The fear is so deep routed that they are not only willing to give up their rights as a society and individuals, but then they are like a drug addict willing to drag down those around them who don’t see things this way, those who refuse to give into this irrationality.

They want others to be scared the way they are, and those of us who just don’t function this way, they are happy to take aware our rights, our freedoms. They are happy to go to other countries and attack others to try to bring about safety and security, which only succeeds in making more enemies, but instead of seeing this for what it is, they continue on in the same vain as before. Doing more harm to their chances of having a normal safe future.

Fear can be strong, powerful and irrational. At some stage however if you want to get better as an individual, or as a society, you have to stop giving into this fear, you have to find some way to let it go. Unfortunately being scared, living in fear works for many right now, too many, and like Dr Phil says, if it’s working for you, you are not going to change. Something about this cycle of fear and stupidity is working for a large majority of people, and the rest of us are caught up in their self destructive spiral of destruction.

We can’t force them to stop being scared, I don’t believe that we have the right. But we can point out why the fear is irrational, encourage them to help them get past the fear. We can raise our own vibrational levels, refuse to live in fear in our own lives, and try to help those around us who are gripped by fear to get past it. Many never get past it, but they might be able to get to a stage where they are functioning in a rational and sane manner again. McCarthyism continued until just a few stood up and said, enough is enough, “have you no shame,” and then it fell apart from there.

Change can happen, you can stop living in fear. It’s a painful, daily emotional experience, I am not trying to pretend that it will be easy. Right now this fear is enslaving and to many the fear appears to be protecting, but it’s not, however people will only see this in their own time, when they get ready to deal with the fear. For many it will be never. Yesterday it was the Russian’s, they were the one’s to fear, they were going to drop that nuclear bomb anytime. That fear seemed logical to some, and it allowed them to do crazy things. Today it’s terrorist. Tomorrow it will likely be someone else, or something else. Whatever will get a response from the people. Just like whatever will get a response from the Targeted Individual.

Each person has to take some individual responsibility for what is happening. It’s a normal thing in today’s society to be scared, but each person has to try to move past that fear.

First realise that there is a problem. The society is being destroyed by this fear. The rights and freedoms that you claim others envy so much, where are they? Are they running around naked at airports, well not running around naked, but being scanned naked, with privates available for view? (Yes the naughty bits will be available for view, or there is no point in having the scanners.) Are they getting mind read at the airports? When do you say enough is enough?

Even if the worst thing does happen, you would pick up your lives, your psyche and continue on, that is how normal societies function, and I know you probably don’t want to hear this from the Targeted Individual, but you are no longer behaving in a rational manner.

If you are able to realise that there is a problem with what is happening, then you need to ask yourself what can you do at an individual level to fix this problem? Then take it from there.

Fear controls us as long as we let it. I have watched psycho nut jobs, some of these informants try to destroy my life for years. Jobless at times, threats of losing my roof over my head, almost daily attempts to run/drive into me in lethal ways. Plus the just being annoyed by the informants as they try to provoke. I have been there done that, it’s not a place I like, and it’s one that I want to stay away from. Like others I have to work at it.

If you can raise yourself up from the fear, then you can help others. Some of us got past the Flu Fear recently, and Global Warming fears, but they seem to always be able to pull the people back in with the terror scare. Until you the people find a way to stop being scarred, then they have us, and the terrorists real or imagined, planned or unplanned will have it and you will have lost.

Overcoming fear is not easy, it’s a daily process, but we have to try because freedom and democratic security are worth fighting for.

January 10, 2010 Posted by | 9/11, Brain reading device, changing vibrations, Citizen Informants, Community harassment, community mobbing, control, Controlled society, Covert investigations, crazy, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Informants, Insane, Intimidation, Mind Reading, Monitoring, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, Torture, vibrations | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Voice to skull

Voice To Skull otherwise known as V2K.

Now let me state this before I go further. I am not an expert on this topic. I have never been a target of this practice. My knowledge is limited, but I do get questions in regards to this from time to time, so I am going to try to tackle this in a small way.

This is not advise, a professional opinion, or legal feedback in anyway shape or form.

I also want to say to true targets of this practice, I think you are very brave discussing this stuff. It can not be easy, and I hope that technology can be found to counter what is happening.

Some targets legitimate targets complain about hearing voices. If you are from outside the community and someone tells you that they are hearing voices you assume that they are crazy right?

Well the more you know the better able you are to make informed choices and opinions.

Now after watching this video, do you think that everyone hearing voices is crazy?

What about after watching this clip from Real Genius? It’s a 1980’s movie staring Val Kilmeer, where they get someone to hear voices via a tooth implant.

They put the person to sleep, do a bit of drilling in his tooth, and he wakes up thinking that he is hearing the voice of God. This was a cheap 80’s trick. Actual technology has come a long way.

The clip will not be posted here, but if you really look for it you can find it. Or just rent the movie.

You can even watch the movie control factor. Where they also use technology to get people to hear voices. In an apartment not too far from where the target lives.

[quote]”The American people have been kept in the dark about the true scientific progress in this country. Technologies of mass-control exist that the public would never dream off. I know because, I helped developed them. They call it psychotronic warfare, a research program dealing with mind-control. They can control everything what a person does, voices, that is how they get ya. This is not the elected government, this is the national security empire, the dark vaders of the 21st century.” –Control Factor

Credit Source:
This short video clip was taken from the movie “Control Factor(2003) by Universal Studios”

More Mind-Control Sources:

Mind Control The Ultimate Terror:

Psychotronics: ia_psychotronicweapons.htm

Mind Control with Silent Sounds & Super Computers: ithsilentsounds24jun05.shtml

Digital TV – Mind Control by sound of silence: /esp_sociopol_mindcon40.htm[/quote]

Now control factor is just a movie, but the concept of the technology is very real.

This silent sound technology was patented years ago. Microwave hearing, which would allow a microwave to send voices directly inside the human head.

The microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of audible clicks induced by pulsed/modulated microwave frequencies. The clicks are generated directly inside the human head without the need of any receiving electronic device. The effect was first reported by persons working in the vicinity of radar transponders during World War II. These induced sounds are not audible to other people nearby. The microwave auditory effect was later discovered to be inducible with shorter-wavelength portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. During the Cold War era, the American neuroscientist Allan H. Frey studied this phenomenon and was the first to publish (Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 17, pages 689-692, 1962) information on the nature of the microwave auditory effect; this effect is therefore also known as the Frey effect.

Dr. Don R. Justesen published “Microwaves and Behavior” in The American Psychologist (Volume 30, March 1975, Number 3).

Research by NASA in the 1970s[citation needed] showed that this effect occurs as a result of thermal expansion of parts of the human ear around the cochlea, even at low power density. Later, signal modulation was found to produce sounds or words that appeared to originate intracranially. It was studied for its possible use in communications. Similar research conducted in the USSR studied its use in non-lethal weaponry.[citation needed]

The existence of non-lethal weaponry that exploits the microwave auditory effect appears to have been classified “Secret NOFORN” in the USA from (at the latest) 1998, until the declassification on 6 December 2006 of “Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weaponry” in response to a FOIA request.

The technology gained further public attention when a company announced in early 2008 that they were close to fielding a device called MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio) based on the principle.[1]

So if a target starts to hear voices how do they know if they are crazy or being experimented on with one of the above technologies or even something more advanced?

This is a hard question to answer. The targeting that we experience I fully believe is capable of driving a perfectly sane person, mentally unstable. However I do believe that some targets are being played with, using some of the above technologies.

If I was a target in this situation, I would use a very scientific method to investigate.


Are you hearing the voices at all times, or just in specific locations?

Does it happen under water? Is the effect increased or decreased in anyway?

Have you tried to record the voices? Remember we can not hear dog whistles, but they do work. Many sounds are outside of human hearing, but other technology might be able to pick it up.

I am not sure if a microwave would block the sounds out, but if I was a target in this situation, and thought microwave hearing was being used, I would try to see if the noise could be eliminated by testing out a microwave. Eg. Unplugged a microwave, if you place your head/skull inside for a few seconds, do the voices stop? I know this sounds extreme, but honestly it’s something that I would check, takes about 30 seconds and this may or may not be something that could be attempted.

I mentioned recently that they are working on technology to give the world an invisible cloak, should be ready in the next three years or less. Yes an honest to goodness invisibility cloak. Think Harry Potter.

The materials they are using, are designed to bounce off microwave rays and this might help targets in the future if microwaves are being used. However the materials are expensive, but for targets with money to burn, then this could be something to look into.

Underground bunkers, deprivation chambers? I don’t know if any of these would work. Climbing a high mountain? Just to test out different locations, to see if it is something high tech vs low tech, vs something that is with you 24/7.

Again the above may or may not prove or disprove anything but it’s something that I would look into if in the same situation.

Why I believe some targets who say this is happening to them? Well in part because of the above examples posted, but the targets that I do believe, they were really specific.

Ruth Goodman, said it was men that she had dated, who worked in the intelligence industry. She said it happened to her after she was drugged and put under anesthesia. She thinks some form of micro surgery was done. She says they tried to keep her off the internet and prevent her from writing. She died shortly after, so I can’t confirm this one way or another, but her example fits what others have said.

A man I think his name was Tracy said that he could hear people like they were fighting over a microphone, and he knew at least one. To me based on what he said, it sounded like they were close by where they could see him, and the stuff they said, sounded like hicks who really wanted to mess with someone.

Gloria Naylor from what I recall said that her voices prevented her from writing. Now in her case I don’t know if they were with her all the time, or just when near the computer.

I like what Naylor did in the sense that she tried the traditional method, was given medication, it did not work, so she looked around for other answers.

I think this is logical, but as a target, I know that I would do a lot of research, experimentation and troubleshooting first.

So I spent a large part of the last few days brainstorming trying to figure out what things targets have done, and what they could do.

Remember these people who are doing this to you are not God, they would like to be, but they are not.

[quote]They are trying to develop a beam of light, it would be projected onto your forehead, go a couple of milimeters into your frontal cortex, and then receptors would get the reflection of that light, and you would not know. [/quote]

They even have laser microphones.

[quote]The main type of laser microphone is a surveillance device that uses a laser beam to detect sound vibrations in a distant object. The object is typically inside a room where a conversation is taking place, and can be anything that can vibrate (for example, a picture on a wall) in response to the pressure waves created by noises present in the room. The object preferably has a smooth surface. The laser beam is directed into the room through a window, reflects off the object and returns to a receiver that converts the beam to an audio signal. The beam may also be bounced off the window itself. The minute differences in the distance traveled by the light as it reflects from the vibrating object are detected interferometrically. The interferometer converts the variations to intensity variations, and electronics are used to convert these variations to signals that can be converted back to sound.[/quote]

The world is changing at a rapid pace. If a target today goes to the doctor to complain of hearing voices, they are still automatically in most cases diagnosed as mentally unstable, but the reality is, if a psychiatrist or other health care professional is not upto date on the latest technology, or even aware of secret technologies, they run the risk of making a faulty dignosis, where someone might actually be telling the truth. The science fiction of yesterday, is science fact today.

January 9, 2010 Posted by | Awareness, Brain reading device, changing vibrations, conspiracies, control, driving-crazy, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, High technology, Insane, Mind Reading, Monitoring, psychological harassment, Science, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, Voice to skull, youtube | , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Fraternal Twins

And you thought the Human Flesh Search Engine was confusing

Yesterday everyone was introduced to a new concept, well a concept that’s been on the net for the last few months, and that’s the violent person registry.

You were brought the story of Jane Clift who tried to inform on a drunken man who yelled obscenities at her, and got herself placed on a violent persons registry instead of him.

Here are some of the highlights and the recap. t-council-complaining-damaged-flowerbed.html

[quote]But her efforts led to a surreal nightmare in which she was branded potentially violent and put on a council blacklist with thugs and sex attackers.

Her details were circulated to an extraordinary range of public and private bodies, including doctors, dentists, opticians, libraries, contraceptive clinics, schools and nurseries. Their staff were advised not to see her alone.

The 43-year-old former care worker was forced to withdraw an application to become a foster parent and, eventually, to leave the town where she had lived for ten years.

Now, after a bitter four-year legal battle with Slough Council, the stain on her character has finally been removed.


She said that after the council acted, she sensed that everywhere she went, there was ‘whispering, collaboration, people scurrying about’.

‘One time I went to the contraceptive clinic and I felt that there were way too many people hovering about for me than should have been there, making me feel very insecure.

‘It did serve as a reminder that everywhere I went – hospitals, GPs, libraries – anywhere at all, even if I phoned the fire service, as soon as my name went on to that system, it flagged up ‘violent person marker, only to be seen in twos, medium risk’.’
[/quote] d-potentially-violent-complaining-vandalised-flowerbed.html

[quote]‘It has taken me four years to clear my name and I hope Slough and other councils never again misuse their registers.’ Simon Davies, from the human rights watchdog Privacy International, said: ‘This just shows the megalomania of these local authorities. This poor
woman was subjected to a Kafkaesque ordeal because of an incorrect allegation made by one official.

‘It is the sort of behavior that we would have condemned if it came from China or Russia. Our councils seem to be out of control.’ [/quote]

[quote]Jane Clift lived with the stigma of the violent persons register for three and a half years. Slough Borough Council refused to back down and maintained that she was a violent person. [/quote]

-She was blacklisted
-Forced to Move
-She is single and female
-When in public she felt surrounded by extra people who just should not have been there.
-Being placed on the list was used as an attempt to silence here.

So I have been getting the obvious question, but isn’t this Gang Stalking or Gang Stalking like, the answer is yes, very much so and very much similar. Thus why we have the picture of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. They look exactly alike, and for most of their life, I assumed that they were identical twins. They are not. They are in fact fraternal twins, but without the blood work, and to just look at them, they look exactly alike.

I believe the violent person registry is close enough that many of us can use that to say look, here is the story of a women, who was placed on a watch list. Look at what happened to her, she was followed in public, forced to move, and had her life disrupted. If you are looking to get people to believe you, I don’t see why you can’t use this. I also think you can use the existence of such lists, to get legal procedures or inquires going. At the onset it looks enough alike. Also since I have not had a chance to find out the total nature of her harassment, I don’t know how close a match this is yet. For the time being I am placing it in the fraternal twin category.

Where it differs. She was told that she was going to be placed on such a list. I have not come across one Gang Stalking target that was told they would be placed on a list. This means she had reasonable grounds and proof of who placed her on the list, the time frame, the incident that started this, and many of us will not.

When she moved it sounds like some of the harassment might of stopped. I don’t know this for sure, but based on the articles, it sounds like the point of entry onto the violent persons list was where her attack was most virulent, that and ofcourse having that title on her head.

She is a single female, they were using it to keep her quite, so I suspect there was other harassment ongoing, which she probably left out of the article to sound sane. To get the nitty gritty if there was more would require more digging.

With Gang Stalking, or what we are calling Gang Stalking and I plan to continue calling that, we get Gaslighting. They monitor our homes 24/7. I don’t know if that happened to Jane Clift or not. With Gang Stalking they try to make us look crazy, but I am sure that they also want us to look violent, pedophiles etc.

Based on the research, the article from the ACLU, other target testimony, things like the Buzzsaw, what happens with Gang Stalking is systemic. Many targets show a multi-generational aspect to the targeting. They kill targets, that goes beyond any kind of everyday list. What we see with Gang Stalking, is systemic destruction.

I however believe that a person unknowingly could end up on a list like Ms Clift did, and then have the same thing happen that we see in Gang Stalking. I believe that when this story came out, we were suppose to accept that this was all that there is to Gang Stalking and go on to our happy lives, that’s clearly not going to happen.

With Gang Stalking, we not only have electronic monitoring happening, which more times than not, constitutes torture. These people co-ordinate not just from city to city, town to town, but across country lines.

The informants are not just one and few people, the reports, research, shows that we are setting up Stasi States, or States like China, where the citizens are all snitches. Sorry I mean Citizen Informants.

With Gang Stalking, there is a systemic collaboration that happens. Ms Clifts name went out on a list and was spread far and wide, but if she had changed countries would she have been followed? I don’t have an answer, but targets like Jesus Mendez, Gloria Naylor, and so many others report leaving, country, moving, moving again, and it’s the same thing. Same coordination, same gaslighting, same systemic approach to the monitoring.

What we are looking at is a conspiracy, and it goes deep, and it is systemic. I have no doubts on this, proving it will be a bit of a longer road yet. Great strides have been made, and will continue to be made, God willing, people willing, etc.

For many of us however we just want our lives to get back to normal, whatever that is. Will using the methods Jane Clift used work? I don’t know, but it can’t hurt to try. As far as getting people to believe you, getting legal representation involved, then I don’t see why you can’t use this, it’s close enough that if people don’t look to deeply, they won’t know the difference. If you stick to the main points, leave out some of the gaslighting stuff, focus on the facts. Such registries exist, innocent people are being placed on them, investigations are happening, their lives are being disrupted, it’s a start.

For us who have lived this, we know the difference, this goes deeper. This is systemic, has been for sometime now, and people continue to be turned into informants for the state. They continue to have to be a part of the life disruption process that targets are harmed by. With the targeting we experience, it’s deep. 24/7 surveillance, neighbours on all sides monitoring, some get construction projects, street theater, psychological manovours that are used to try to destroy our lives. Our friends, families, co-workers, neighbors, customers, are all co-opted. I have worked at jobs where I was dealing with customers from multiple countries, and it’s the same thing. To even broach the subject sounds crazy, schizo crazy, that is the word right, but it’s not crazy, and it’s been like this for some time.

I have talked to enough people, but seen enough to know that I am correct in this, but do what works for you, this game has been about what we can prove, well targets, we have the ACLU stating investigations are happening.


Mass Con-Fusion

You mean to tell me that it is legal for corporations from the private sector to team up with local law enforcement officials in efforts to spy on innocent members of our society? You also mean to tell me that the synthesis of law enforcement authority and the drive of for-profit companies operate under little to no guidelines or restrictions and it is unclear to whom they are responsible to? [/quote]

We know that employees, councils, school officials, etc, can open or get people placed on monitoring lists. Proving the gaslighting and other psychological ops, or that they were designed to eliminate targets of the state, is another story. Do what works for your personal situation, always continue to do your own research.

For now I am calling these lists our fraternal twins. We are never told we are on lists, she moved and I think some of the harassment might have stopped, but she had information that many of us do not have, and I have no proof that her targeting went as deep as ours. I do however have good reason to believe that some would like the world to think that this was the extent of the targeting. It’s not. There are complete strangers following targets, little citizen informants that take turns doing everything to harass targets, people using their children in these skits, etc.

Though it’s not uncommon for a community to get together to get rid of a trouble maker or a dangerous person, this targeting goes wherever a person goes. 24/7, and the goal is to completely destroy the person. Don’t think doctors, or psychiatrists would take part in things like that? Guess again.

[quote]WASHINGTON – When the CIA began what it called an “increased pressure phase” with captured terrorist suspect Abu Zubaida in the summer of 2002, its first step was to limit the detainee’s human contact to just two people. One was the CIA interrogator, the other a psychologist.

During the extraordinary weeks that followed, it was the psychologist who apparently played the more critical role. According to newly released Justice Department documents, the psychologist provided ideas, practical advice and even legal justification for interrogation methods that would break Abu Zubaida, physically and mentally. Extreme sleep deprivation, waterboarding, the use of insects to provoke fear — all were deemed acceptable, in part because the psychologist said so.

“No severe mental pain or suffering would have been inflicted,” a Justice Department lawyer said in a 2002 memo explaining why waterboarding, or simulated drowning, should not be considered torture.

Increased pressure phase? Separating him from others, like they do to us. Interesting. The sleep deprivation that we get due to the harassment, so we can have car accidents, or lash out. The psychologist provided ideas. I bet. Practical advise on how to torture someone, what would be most effective, and even legal advise and justification. Justification for human torture. If they would do this to them, what about us?

A psychologist providing information on what would break someone. The use of insects to provoke fear. No different, than when they sensitize a target and use that to make the person look like they are very sensitive or crazy. These are the type of people helping to run the zoo.

Waterboarding was touted as particularly useful because it was “reported to be almost 100 percent effective in producing cooperation,” the memo said.

The agency then used a psychological assessment of Abu Zubaida to find his vulnerable points. One of them, it turns out, was a severe aversion to bugs.

“He appears to have a fear of insects,” states the memo, which describes a plan to place a caterpillar or similar creature inside a tiny wooden crate in which Abu Zubaida was confined. CIA officials say the plan was never carried out.

So if instead of bugs, he had an aversion to keys jangling, they would have used that, and it was the psychologists job to go in, probably build trust and find this out. So if this is what they deem legal, and they are supposedly held in high esteem, what about those who are held in lower esteem, would they do worst then?

Just proof that psychologists, would willingly be part of something like that. So proving some parts of our struggles remain, exposing this system for what it is, it’s already exposed, it’s just getting people to believe it, and accept it.

In situations like the Buzzsaw, there were no violent incidents, that’s another close cousin that we have, but it’s just one more branch of a systemic practice, that is being used to destroy and silence people.

Prophetically, an acquaintance coolly said to me a year after I left the lab, “You are in a police net you will never get out of … for the rest of your life.” She was right, but I no longer care because now I am not afraid.

We are controlled by our fears until we have none left, and that happens when there is nothing left to lose. The journey to that realization took 12 years of pain, a sense of loss and humiliation, a feeling of abandonment and the lifelong emptiness and absence of being loved—not by any-one, not at any time. The experience and purpose of being mobbed, and what I did not known the isolation of the experience, is that I was not alone.“Mobbing” is the purposeful and strategic institutional gathering of all information about an individual by using any method—legal or illegal. Contact for this purpose is made with neighbors, classmates, former partners, family members, former employers, teachers, church members, good friends and even your family tree … everything must be known about the support system around you that makes your life possible. The assessment of strategic resources and future income (finances, mobility, cars, insur-ance, credit cards, bank safety deposit boxes, post office boxes, wills, health records, birth

Page 3
Uncovering the Truth About Depleted Uranium49certificates, transcripts and photographs) is made without your knowledge. The purpose ofmobbing is to drive the target individual out of the job force for the rest of their life; the big-ger goal is to drive them to the ultimate self-destruction: suicide. There are now laws made by European unions to prevent this cancer on society and productivity, but it is practically unknown in the U.S.The University of California, which had contributed so much to the State of California and to the global community through the benefits of education, had become a pathologi-cally dysfunctional institution through its mobbing practices.

I learned that more than 500 women and minorities had filed lawsuits against the University of California and had then experienced retaliation by the University of California apparatus of mobbing by employees, alumni and law enforcement.1The lawsuits were for denial of tenure, whistleblower retaliation and theft of intel-lectual property. These women had similar complaints about the destruction of their own lives and careers. The information gathered by the University of California is used to takeyour life apart; to destroy all that makes you feel safe; to bankrupt, isolate and alienate you from society and from yourself; and to attempt to make you look crazy.

Your children are harassed, they come home with belongings missing and stories of teachers harassing them and a weirdness takes over your lives. Slowly, documents disappeared from my house; porncharges appeared on my credit card; files, my purse and my keys disappeared; mail was lost. I was forced to carry my documents with me at all times. All of my university transcripts and diplomas have been stolen from my house.Two things kept me going and kept me alive. First, the warrior mother spirit guided me to protect Zephyr. That miracle of life taught me what it means to love unconditionally and completely. I began to learn to love myself. Second, my uncle had told me long ago, “No one can destroy you. Only you can destroy yourself.”


500 Additional cases that she was aware of, the majority woman, all to keep them silent. Please read over the other stories in the above link, and you will see what I mean by systemic.

A great pdf, where woman talk about their harassment, and you see a pattern with lawyers, doctors, tribunals, etc. Systemic.

[quote]Many targets of bullying report that they seem to be obstructed every step of the way in their pursuit of justice. The management refuse to investigate, or use an untrained investigator, or whitewash the case. The union refuses to help, or initially shows interest but suddenly changes sides. The solicitor initially shows interest but then starts acting in a manner which suggests they have the other side’s interests at heart rather than yours.

The employer’s lawyers apply for, and obtain, adjournment after adjournment, then obtain a pre-hearing review which the tribunal chairman handles in favour of the employer. In the tribunal, favour is shown to the respondent (employer) and you get the impression that the verdict has been decided in advance. Your solicitor, the respondent’s lawyers and the tribunal chairman seem to know more about your case than you think they should.

After the tribunal you’re left with no option but to privately sue the employer, the union, and your solicitor, and appeal the tribunal decision, but by this time you have no job, no income, your savings are gone, so is your health, maybe your marriage too, and there’s no prospect of ever being employed again, especially in the professions.

Sound familiar? If so, you might be surprised to realise how often this happens. Mostly it’s in cases from the education sector, although it may happen in any public sector case, for example the NHS. Occasionally, but less often, it happens in private sector cases, and in rare cases from the voluntary sector.

Although there’s never any substantive proof, it seems that all the parties arrayed against you have been colluding in secret. The question is, what allegiance binds these individuals together, and where could they meet such that the normal rules of confidentiality do not apply? What fraternal obligation places their duty to support and protect each other above the moral, ethical and legal obligations by which the rest of us are bound?

Employers, unions, law firms, and employees of the justice system are part of society, and every group, professional or otherwise, contains a few poor performers and rotten apples. This ranges from inexperience through ineptitude and incompetence to collusion and corruption.


Many have touched on this. Tim Field passed away, before he could finish the research into the collusion. He was very smart, and had a large following with his bullying movement.

Anyways, it’s systemic, but each piece of the puzzle, helps our cause, that’s what it’s all about, gathering evidence. I think within the last week, a lot of really good material has come out, material that can help targets to get some relief from what is happening.

So again, I would stress awareness and exposure as our two key elements for fighting this. Awareness to the public friends family. Exposure, if you are being bothered bring up the fact that it’s now common knowledge that registries like the violent persons registry exist, and that innocent people are being placed on it, bring up the fact that the ACLU says investigations are happening, without any clarity of who takes care of what. Bring up the fact that there are national, regional, and local linked databases, that are being shared across country lines. Bring up mobbing, the human flesh search engine, use the info that is out there, that has been presented to make your case, and to expose your cause. I can’t guarantee you will win, but you will make a great case, and these people do not hold up well to scrutiny or to the light.

Do what works best for your own situation, if you read something and it does not sound right, research on your own, I always stress this point, maybe you will catch something that another has missed.

I leave you with the scene from my cousin Vinny. If you have not seen the video, watch it, it’s very good.


Mona Lisa Vito: ‘Cause Chevy didn’t make a 327 in ’55, the 327 didn’t come out till ’62. And it wasn’t offered in the Bel Air with a four-barrel carb till ’64. However, in 1964, the correct ignition timing would be four degrees before top-dead-center.

Jim Trotter: Well… um… she’s acceptable, Your Honor.

Vinny Gambini: Ms. Vito, it has been argued by me, the defense, that two sets of guys met up at the Sac-O-Suds, at the same time, driving identical metallic mint green 1964 Buick Skylark convertibles. Now, can you tell us by what you see in this picture, if the defense’s case holds water?

[Lisa examines the picture]

Vinny Gambini: Ms. Vito, please answer the question: does the defense’s case hold water?

Mona Lisa Vito: No! The defense is wrong!

Vinny Gambini: Are you sure?

Mona Lisa Vito: I’m positive.

Vinny Gambini: How could you be so sure?

Mona Lisa Vito: Because there is no way that these tire marks were made by a ’64 Buick Skylark convertible. These marks were made by a 1963 Pontiac Tempest.

Jim Trotter: Objection, Your Honor! Can we clarify to the court whether the witness is stating opinion or fact?

Judge Chamberlain Haller: This is your opinion?

Mona Lisa Vito: It’s a fact!

Vinny Gambini: I find it hard to believe that this kind of information could be ascertained simply by looking at a picture!

Mona Lisa Vito: Would you like me to explain?

Vinny Gambini: I would love to hear this!

Judge Chamberlain Haller: So would I.

Mona Lisa Vito: The car that made these two, equal-length tire marks had positraction. You can’t make those marks without positraction, which was not available on the ’64 Buick Skylark!

Vinny Gambini: And why not? What is positraction?

Mona Lisa Vito: It’s a limited slip differential which distributes power equally to both the right and left tires. The ’64 Skylark had a regular differential, which, anyone who’s been stuck in the mud in Alabama knows, you step on the gas, one tire spins, the other tire does nothing.
[the jury members nod, with murmurs of “yes,” “that’s right,” etc]

Vinny Gambini: Is that it?

Mona Lisa Vito: No, there’s more! You see? When the left tire mark goes up on the curb and the right tire mark stays flat and even? Well, the ’64 Skylark had a solid rear axle, so when the left tire would go up on the curb, the right tire would tilt out and ride along its edge. But that didn’t happen here. The tire mark stayed flat and even. This car had an independent rear suspension. Now, in the ’60’s, there were only two other cars made in America that had positraction, and independent rear suspension, and enough power to make these marks. One was the Corvette, which could never be confused with the Buick Skylark. The other had the same body length, height, width, weight, wheel base, and wheel track as the ’64 Skylark, and that was the 1963 Pontiac Tempest.

Vinny Gambini: And because both cars were made by GM, were both cars available in metallic mint green paint?

Mona Lisa Vito: They were!

Vinny Gambini: Thank you, Ms. Vito. No more questions. Thank you very, very much.

[kissing her hands]

Vinny Gambini: You’ve been a lovely, lovely witness.

Vinny Gambini: Mr. Wilbur, how’d you like Ms. Vito’s testimony?

George Wilbur: Very impressive.

Vinny Gambini: She’s cute too, huh?

George Wilbur: Yes, very.

Judge Chamberlain Haller: Mr. Gambini…

Vinny Gambini: Sorry, Your Honor.

Vinny Gambini: Sheriff Farley, uh… what’d you find out?
Sheriff Dean Farley: On a hunch, I took it upon myself to check out if there was any information on a ’63 Pontiac Tempest stolen or abandoned recently. This computer readout confirms that two boys, who fit the defendants’ description, were arrested two days ago by Sheriff Tillman in Jasper County, Georgia, for driving a stolen metallic mint green 1963 Pontiac Tempest, with a white convertible top, Michelin Model XGV tires, size 75-R-14.

Vinny Gambini: Is that it?

Sheriff Dean Farley: No. A .357 Magnum revolver was found in their possession.

Vinny Gambini: Sheriff Farley, just to refresh the court’s memory, what caliber bullet was used to murder Jimmy Willis?
Sheriff Dean Farley: .357 Magnum.

Vinny Gambini: The defense rests.

October 14, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, Bullying, Citizen Informants, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conspiracy, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, harassment, Informants, Insane, Internet, Monitoring, Social Control, society, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, white female | 2 Comments


This post is just that, downtime. The first half is not Gang Stalking Related.

Look what I found on the internet. This is too funny. It makes a bit of fun of what Kanye West did to Taylor Swift. You can do this with like any website. Too Funny.

Anyways, the baby that made Youtube internet fame has his own website now. Little Cory Elliot made world headlines this week after dancing to the Beyonce single, “single ladies.” Too cute.

I found several spoof videos. Some of the best spoof videos were the Obama interpretation, the Glee episode, the guys dressed as girls and ofcourse little Cory.

There were a few more, but these were some of the more interesting ones.

I got in a lot of downtime this weekend, it was so needed.

Sometimes you have to get away from the sick and the sin of the world, and just laugh.

I also had some fun this weekend with telling my informants who were on weekend watch what I think of them. I think they hire the stupidest people for the weekend shift.

I always have my computer being monitored, and my computer is still being directly logged onto. I also still have the electronic harassment stuff happening, but I have my coping methods, plus all the other little things the parasites try to do to irritate the target. So during one of these episodes, while trying to just have some downtime this weekend, I just let them know exactly what I thought of them, and what I wished for them, and upon them. It was not nice, but I felt way better getting all the negativity out of my system. This generation in many ways is a lost cause, but then there is hope, because you see it in the youngest members of society. They come to this realm with so much hope, so much light, and it’s good to remember that, this is what gives you hope.

At work I ran into one of the agent types. There are the general population informants, then there are agent types who have more access to information, and different agendas. Eg. Controlling what happens in different sectors. Anyways this one is an agent type, so I have him on ignore, but today he decided to talk to me, and he said something about death, but I could not tell what? Either that everyone was dying, or hopefully that he was dying, I don’t think it was a death threat, but I just smiled and nodded, and went back to ignoring him. Usually I just smile and nod and pass him, they are not good to talk to, because anything you say to them, can be twisted, misinterpreted, or they can just make stuff up.

I don’t like the agent types because they always have a different agenda. Anyways.

I was thinking about when I first became a target. Before I knew about the Gang Stalking stuff, then after when I knew about the Gang Stalking stuff, but finally figured out that it was a lie, there were no vigilante gangs, and that something else was going on. When I went through the process of discovering that the Gang Stalking was this creepy Stasi type system, that controlled not just people in my city, country, etc, but other countries, and that it’s part of a larger agenda.

I was thinking about that, and what I remember about that time period, it’s all really confusing. However I do remember that I did not know what was going on. I knew about the one handed sign language, and while trying to figure out what was happening, I was watching them, learning, and testing out what I was learning, but the break through came one day on the train, when I finally figured out that they were informants. (At first I thought that they were all illegal informants, meaning that I thought that they had all gotten into trouble with the law or something.) Then later I realised that many were just citizen informants. Then it was months before I realised it was systemic. It was a lot more time before I realised that it has always been this way. That this type of system goes back to Roman time period. It’s all in my blog.

I did the mental clip trip back, because there were other memories and awareness that had to be remembered. Eg. That when others become informants or learn about what’s going on, they are confused like I was upon discovering that I am a target. Many don’t like what’s happening. Eg. At one just, one girl got really upset, she wanted to change departments, and was told that it’s everywhere, it’s happening everywhere. At the time I knew it was about this, and that they were being asked to spy or something, but at the time, I was still not fully clear what this was. I had just discovered the Gang Stalking stuff, but still was not clear about the fact that they were informants.

I now know that some people think that this is just another McCarthyism. Others think it’s only happening in their place of employment. Eg. The one guy that I spoke to was like, the whole **** is like this, and I was like, no the whole world is becoming like this. Up to that point he seemed to think that the one handed sign, spying thing was just related to his workplace.

I now know that a couple more than a couple, but a couple people have had mental health issues do to this. I think many people go through the process, and depending on where they were, they interpret it differently. So that explains some of the long term disability leaves as well.

Eg. Ok, remember life before the internet? Yeah me neither, but before the internet, if you were asked to become an informant in some small town where you lived, or city, and you discover that everyone you know does this, you would maybe come to the conclusion that that’s just the way society and the world is, and that it was ok. It would be a false conclusion, but after years of trying to find someone who was not a part of this, you might feel the way targets do.

Targets remember what life was like before finding the net, how no one was ever going to believe you, how you were going to tell your story on that talk show, then you realise that A) This is happening to a lot of people, and B) It’s systemic? It’s only in recent times that we have had the ability to compare these notes and to discover what was happening.

I mean before this, no one could have convinced me that my friends, family, neighbours, co-workers would go along with something like this. I mistakenly thought that they were the same as me, but they are not. Most people are simple, they want to fit in, they want to be a part of society. They are easily threatened, or bullied, or socially put in line, they can be bribed, manipulated, lied to, etc. Keep in mind that many of them went through this crap, and became informants. Some were recruited via family, so they just grow up thinking this is normal.

Most informants see about 30 minutes of this, or they are asked to do a specific task, and so then they do it. Like us, some of them have no idea what is happening, but they comply. They don’t go seeking the answers the way we do, if they did, what search terms would they use? Once they become informants they are not being stalked. I doubt that they realise that they are in many ways slaves to a system of control and conformity.

So this is what I was realising and thinking about today. Some of them are just as lost as we are, or were before the net. They see a small part of the puzzle, or others believe the lies, they don’t see the whole picture, and if they did, many would just kill themselves. They would not want to believe that their governments are capable of being evil, or subduing their citizens in these manners. Also since they can’t openly talk about this, or discuss this officially, that also makes it hard to compare notes and find out what’s happening.

So how are the sheep to be awakened? Many realise that something is wrong, but don’t quite know what, others are all too aware. It’s like going back down into this well, this sad place. It’s the place where I realise that some of them are just like us targets, trapped but on the other side of the coin, and they don’t want to be there anymore than we do. Others do not know the bigger picture. Some are still even unaware, like I was just a few short years ago. Ignorance in some ways is bliss, in others it is not.

I believe in prayer. If it was up to this system, when this first started they would have had me either broken down, falsely subduded on some false mental health rap, or another suicide statistic. Fortunately I don’t believe in ending this mission before my time, and mentally I was stronger than what they had interpreted. But by the Grace of God, I am here, and others are here, and waking up, but then once you wake up, and realise that you are in essence, a boundless slave, in a system of control, and conformaty, What do you do next? (I guess they hope that the sheep will never come to the realization.) Keep in mind your fellow monkeys are the jailers, and each generation is getting conditioned, just like this.

This is how it’s possible to have a system like this that keeps going, and going and going. Add to that the popularity of the snitching friends network, and it is what it is, and has been for a long time. Generations, right back to the beginning of the colonies. This snitching system was in place before then. IF the bible is correct it will likely continue.

It doesn’t mean you stop hoping, but it’s something to be aware of. I believe in the power of prayer, any breakthroughs that have come, have usually come on the advent of such. I believe in asking for help, and reaching out. I believe that many of us don’t know what we are up against. I do believe that the bigger picture is more than this plane, this realm, and needs to be addressed as such, but for the average person, what you need to know for now is that this system is not new. It’s been in place most likely before the colonies. The Roman empire had a similar system. China, East Germany, similar systems.

The bigger picture is every country having a similar system. Read about Agenda 21. The United Nations plan for global dominance.

The final picture is going to be us humanity loyal to the state, scanned, tagged, and so dumb, it won’t even matter. But before you arrive at that conclusion, you have to go through a lot of mental gymnastics first, which many average people will simply not be willing to believe.

IF you don’t realise that you are a slave, how can you hope to gain your freedom? If you don’t realise that something is wrong, how can you ever hope to change it?

Awareness and exposure is still the key, but each person has to take some ownership for their part in this. I see too many people enjoying the fake power they think they have with this system. Giving it power that it would not have otherwise. Some people like to be controlled and given direction, this type of system works for some, but for many others it does not, and that is something to be made aware of as well.

September 30, 2009 Posted by | Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, community mobbing, future, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Informants, Insane, New World Order, NWO, psychological harassment, revolution, State target, Targeted Individual, The Matrix | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Male Rape. Part 1

Books Male on Male Rape

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963
Male Rape Part 1.

I started doing the research on male rape in US prisons last week. I spent the whole weekend inside doing research. What I found was horrible, disturbing and it’s hard to realise that there are segments of the population that have it as bad, or worst than Targeted Individuals but there are.
Psychological and Health Issues.

After being raped in jail the problems do not stop there. After having their cries for help ignored, their rapes treated with indifference and disdain, and their attempts to seek out justice denied, then these men are released back into society. Some are suicidal, some emotionally disturbed, unable to cope with what has happen to them, which sometimes involves years of sexual assaults, rapes and other forms of victimization’s. Some have to deal with issues of HIV and other diseases. Many are hostile, angry and some even violent. Many have other issues that were not dealt with in prison, or more accurately were created in prison, and then these problems become societies problems.

Repeat offenders who get into crime again because they can not find way to take care of themselves, many have trouble getting a job, society penalizes those who have been in jail or prison. Some are violent and will rape on the outside. Many spread diseases, such as HIV, and other diseases back into communities. Many acquire psychological issues that were not present before their stay in jail.

Some become racist and continue with their new group affiliations that they gained in prisons.

Many never talk about the horrors that they went through, too ashamed to let family and friends know what they had to do to survive, finding very little support on the outside, and the topic of male rape being a punchline for late night comedians, who have no idea how truly disturbing the reality is.

That is the reality of male rape in American prisons, and society, because the problems clearly do not end in the prisons, they branch out into many areas of society and have unforeseen consequences for many communities, health care workers, financially, socially, society in many cases may continue to pay for the care of a former inmate and their multiple unresolved issues.

The only time focus really shifts to prisons is when there are riots, such as the two recent ones that occurred. California where they are trying to desegregate, and in Ky.

Prison Riot article 1

Insurance adjusters look at Kentucky. prison after riot

Prison Rape article 2

Schwarzenegger tours devastation after prison riot
[quote]Diverting that many inmates from state prison cells also will help California comply with a ruling made earlier this summer by a federal judicial panel. The judges ordered the state to reduce its inmate population by 40,000 inmates over two years.

The federal courts have ruled that overcrowding has been the leading cause of unconstitutional inmate medical and mental health care.

“Politicians in Sacramento have swept the problem under the rug for so long,” Schwarzenegger said. “We must be measured and smart about how we go about and create these reductions.”

It’s not clear whether overcrowding played a role in the riot at the Chino prison because various investigations into the incident have yet to be completed. Prison officials said it began with a fight between black and Hispanic inmates.[/quote]

Overcrowding, rapes, and a whole bunch of other issues that have been ignored for way too long. Also since California is trying to desegregate it’s inmate population, you might well see a lot more of these riots, but it’s time focus was placed on these prions. They are vacuums of human decency, and conscience and it’s time that they had the proper focus that is deserved.

August 23, 2009 Posted by | Conspiracy, control, Disease, Drugs, harassment, Insane, Intimidation, sexual harassment, silence, slavery, Social Control, society, White Male | , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Fits the description

Troubling incident recently.

I have mentioned this before, but I will mention it to targets again, and I would have you be on the look out for this.

I have mentioned that what I believe is ongoing in many cases to keep these so called cases of investigations ongoing are a great deal of set up’s, and deliberate provocations, so let me go over a couple of recent incidents that I have noticed.

What I have tried to do off and on is if I notice a troubling incident, I will try to report it, provided that I am aware of it. I am trying to do this, because I believe there is clear evidence to indicate that what they are doing during these investigations is that they are using other people who fit the description to try to portray targets as crazy, perverts, drug dealers, etc, whatever they are trying to portray you as, they will them if they can’t get you, you get what I like to refer to as doppelgangers to do the dirty work for them.

I use the term doppelgangers very loosely, because these people are not doppelgangers, they are simply what I call fits the description. In other words if you are male, 45, white, 6’4 that is what they would ruffly try to use. The person does not have to look like you, dress like you, or anything else, they just have to fit the description. So if they are trying to get you to look like a pervert, they would use someone like, and have them insult females near where you are, look at them, or watch children etc. It does not have to be you, the incident just has to be attributed to you, and this will keep their investigations going, it will keep the informants who are getting paid to follow you, employed, and it keeps the need for this system going, and going.

So Eg. If you are an Asian, female, 5’2, 25, and they are trying to portray you as crazy, then let’s say that they can not get you to act out in public, they will get a female, who looks around that age, most likely Asian, maybe not, and then they will have that person act out in public. What’s most disturbing for me, is that I have blogged about this before, but I have seen it enough now, to be able to confirm that this is what they are doing deliberately.

I think you get the idea. What I have seen lately on a few separate occasions are that they deliberately have targets who fit the description crossing my path, (I use this term very loosely, because they dress nothing like me, and hygiene wise they look very unkempt, and I would say crazy. One Saturday as I left the house about 4 weeks ago, I had one cross my path who was talking to themselves and carry some bags in their hands, seemingly mentally unwell, but that has to be determined. Eg. I have seen informants, pretending to be crazy, I mean literally sane informants, who are pretending. In this particular instance, I do feel that the person really was crazy whoever, just by appearance, and unkempt manner, but there is no way to tell.

They were going in one direction, and I was going in another, but the thing with the informant force is they do not seem to be required to comment on appearance, or state of dress. Eg. I am always well dressed, never unkempt, and for the most part pretty polite. Except if I am making sarcastic comments under my breath, or commenting on the snitches. This happens very rearly, but I am guessing that these are getting used as well, as oh target was disturbed and talking to themselves.

The other incident recently involved someone who was in my opinion clearly disturbed and talking to themselves, the person was much much older looking, very unkempt in appearance, and clearly not looking anything like me to any sane and rational observer, yet I passed this person talking to themselves and telling people off, I left the location where this was happening, and walked not a short distance.

Within a short space of time, I had the street theater begin. Eg. People trying to run into me, etc, they were doing things to try to provoke me. Now I was in a pretty good mood, so just ignored them. What was disturbing however was there was a woman with a baby stroller, she was deliberately oncoming in my direction, in my direct path without making any attempt to adjust where she was going, and as I adjusted, she adjusted to keep in my path, from a far away enough distance that there was no reason to that I could see, however, and this is what’s disturbing, but I am reporting it, because I believe my observation on this is sound. She looked behind her to the side, and made eye contact with the cop in the car that was right near us both which I had not immediately noticed, and even though I could clearly see that she really did not want to aim her baby stroller at me, after looking behind at the car for instruction, she continued to do that, the look on her face was clear, she did not want to be doing that, she was clearly being instructed, and from what I could tell it was by whomever was in the cop car, whom I assume was observing the deliberate incident. It happened fairly quickly, yet it felt like it was in slow motion, because I had enough time to see the exchange with her and the person in the car, so all I could do after seeing this, was smile at her, and encourage her to do what she was doing, while moving out of her way, the best that I could, because she kept a direct path at me.

I was so sickened, but not for myself, I mean what kind of a society is this, where you get a young mother to pimp out her kid like that? What if I really was a dangerous and crazy person, you were willing to gamble that the brave officer sitting in the car would get to her, before an incident happened with the baby? I am not wrong in my observation of this, but shocked and disgusted. I don’t know why I am disgusted. I have an idea of how the Stasi worked, I know with these community policing programs they work similar, I know people are being asked to do things like this, but when you see it like this, it’s gross.

The thing is if that really had been me having a bad day, they were trying to provoke an incident. See when something is happening like crazy person talking to themselves, the snitches start to put in their little reports, so I don’t know how long the crazy person had been set up and in position.

I do know that this is happening and the best thing that I can do is report what I have been observing. Now I have had the neighbours watching and leaving when I am leaving, and we have the snitch force trying to chart my way from when I leave my home, to work and back etc. Since I am clear that I don’t require the babysitting, I don’t appreciate it. What’s interesting is that when there are people around that I know, I have never seen one of these little incidents happen, but when it’s people that I do not know, suddenly these incidents happen. So I have no way of knowing how many of these incidents that I am not aware of are happening and being attributed to me.

Shy of my baby stroller incident that I reported, and handing out flyer’s about a year ago, which I have also reported on these blogs, these people in my opinion are continuing to stage incidents, using the doppelgangers and the fit’s the description reporting. We do not have a moral society, we have a Stasi society, and the corruption that when on there is what is happening here. I believe the incidents are in many cases staged, set up’s, I believe the motivation is to portray the target as whatever they see fit, and I believe that it’s also to keep these programs going, and the informant force employed. Much like a lot of the fake hate posting online are designed to keep up the appearance of a threat to society, I believe these incidents continue in the same way. Eg. Jiverly Wong was reported as a drug user who was going to rob a bank by an informant, there does not seem to have been any validity to this, but after his death, thanks to the police, these details made it into every paper across the nation.

I find that these little incidents tend to happen more when I openly talk about the fact that we have informants in the city, or identify one of their citizen informants as such. I don’t know why they care, it’s not like most of them are not informants anyways, I guess gangs are like that however and don’t like their members identified as such.

As I pointed out before, legal action is I believe effective, but only if you can afford to do so, and second if you can find a law and lawyer that would allow you to do so. As for me, I refuse to be followed around the city like a child, the only disturbed people that I have seen are the people that have to take part in these programs, I find it very disgraceful, that citizens are being at times forced to do such things. I think it’s one thing to volunteer to go along with something like this, there are enough bottom of the barrel people to go around, but what I saw and witnessed today was fear, and cohesion. The female should not have been used in the prescribed manner I described above, I think it’s wrong, and again I would not take the time to report this, unless I sure the observation was correct. It’s also not the first time that I have seen something similar, with citizens being coerced by cops in similar manners. To serve and protect, who’s interests?

What I can tell you is that this society is what has become paranoid and disturbed, with good reason, because when you are a Stasi state, you will have people in disagreement with you, and it’s sad to see something that I though was good, as something that is not. I don’t view the citizens the way I once did. They are still the very polite people I once thought, but what is behind this is something that is quite scary. A Stasi society is apparently a polite society. It’s also a society where activists, and dissidents are portrayed as enemies of the state and are dealt with by being made to appear as mentally disturbed.

August 7, 2009 Posted by | activism, Asain Male, Asian, Asian Female, Awareness, black, Black female, Black Male, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, Conspiracy, Controlled society, Covert investigations, crazy, Entrapment, Female, Gang Stalking, Informants, Insane, Stasi, Targeted Individual, white female, White Male | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments