Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Informant Signals

Below is an updated list of some of the signals that I have observed the informants using over the years. It’s not a complete list, but it should help get the average person started in snitch speak.

Remember the actual terms might not be exact, but this is a general gist of what they use the signals to convey. These were picked up over the last few years, on the streets. I have spent hours watching, researching.

A lot of this was picked up as I was being tortured in my home. I would go out and watch them, part of the biggest problem in the beginning was figuring out how they were communicating, how the message were being passed, how they were coordinating to harass me.

If you have read the blog, I have discussed, the fact that their is often a conductor who the snitches look to, they are also given instructions. Eg. Circle the target, they always want the target in a square. They always want to be on all four sides to feel like they are guarding the target.

Some are brilliant at passing signals, some are horrible. You learn a lot from the horrible ones. The signals are passed in different ways culturally. I have blogged about this before. When I was just watching them and learning their language it was fascinating to watch as people from this culture passed a signal in this way, vs another that way.

Eg. The squeezing the nose to indicate I understand it passed by some by putting the hand up the nose. Very gross, but very interesting. Culturally just like with any language, or variation of accents, the signals also have their own distinctions. Eg. I first saw someone of Spanish decent explaining that where they were from they used the center of the forehead, not the hand over the eyes.

I was fascinated by the fact that this must have been ongoing for some time, but I never had a clue. I was disgusted and nauseated to discover that on a daily basis most of the people around me, knew this language. It meant they were informants, citizens of the state, and thus not on my side. Still it was interesting to learn.

There is so much more to how they function, but I am disgusted by the stupidity I see. I think to understand them, you had to have some fascination or appreciation of how they functioned, I don’t think I will ever have that again, but maybe someday, someone else will.

1. Open Communication.

#Yawning and placing the hand over the mouth, or taking a drink to open communications

The most common signal that I have observed the informants using is their open communication signal.

This can be done in a variety of ways, but the most common way is to take a sip of water or drink from any container.

The open communication signal can also be conveyed via, pretending to yawn, or by putting the hand over the mouth.

They use this signal to engage other informants in the communication process.

There are other ways to pass this signal but this is the basics for now.

#Car patrols will flash their lights to open communication with foot patrols

When an informant is on foot, the cars will flash lights to open communication. In the Targeted Individual Community it was thought that this was just being used at night to annoy targets, but flashing the lights is used to identify themselves to their foot patrols.

2. Coughing

This signal is not only used to harass targets, but it’s also their way of getting the attention of other snitches.

Eg. If an informant is not paying attention and you want to begin the open communication process you can cough, clear the throat. Then you will usually see other communication between the informants.

3. On Watch

# Rubbing or touching the eyes or corners of the eyes or placing on glasses indicating you are on watch.

This is the signal that you will see informants use most often. They will do this in a variety of ways.

The basic way of indicating this is done by placing one hand over the eyes.

You can also just rub one eye or the other.

They will use eye glasses, sun glasses, by placing them on the face it indicates the same thing.

A new way of doing this is by also rubbing the center of the forehead, where your third eye would be if you had one.

#In some cities headphone are also used to indicate that Informants are on patrol

4. I don’t understand

Pulling on the ear. Seems to indicate that the receiver has not understood what the sender has said.

5. I know.

#Briefly tapping or squeezing the nose, indicates that you understand.

You will see this quite often and it’s their way of indicating that they know, or that they understand.

# The double blink to indicate understanding etc.

If their hands are full, or they can not pass a signal any other way, this can also be used to indicate understanding.

6. At Rest

This is done by placing the hand to the side of the head. The thinking mans pose. It seems to indicate that the informants are at rest, no action is happening.

7. Stop Signalling/Communication

This is done by placing the index finger to the lips, and making a semi circle. or clasp motion. They stop communication and go silent when this signal is given.

8. Greeting.

When out in public, they brush their hair back three times, but this is done at the back of the neck not at the front. It seems to be a greeting to help identify them with each other yet again.

9. What’s happening, What’s going on.

# Brushing back the front hair 3 times

10. Directional signals.

Eg. When out in public they will often tell each other to walk left right, etc, with the nose. Eg. The index finger below the nose to the left would tell the other informant to go left. To the right would tell the other informant to go right.

They might also use these directional signal to indicate the direction of the target that is on watch, but by doing so with the eyes. (This needs confirmation)

There are more, but everytime they have fun with me, I have fun with them, and I didn’t want them to think I was a party pooper, so this way others can have fun too.

February 4, 2010 - Posted by | Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conformity, Controlled society, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Informants, Insane, mobbing, one handed signals, Snitches, society, Stalking, Stasi | , , , , , ,


  1. new and frantic. i have to overheard drug deals being being set up . had to watch a spanish guy take close ups of some boys in red uniforms way too young for him and wathing back at me i was horrified . they use well try to use on things alled teh miquel program dont nowif anyone had ot overhear these creeps my walls were thin in ny ny . two women “what do u want me to use the miquel” program. then these loops his very good looking spanish guys want to help u he feels so bad for u he cant spea k eng thta is why you are hearing these tapes. thay played on and on i tried to attend an aa meeting he was just outside no u have to come right now . i wanted to hear the whole meeting at w.houston midnigth meeting where most of the gangstalkers concregated, high themselves. one man acted to protect me i thin he was part of the stalker but an unattractive thin dark haired spanish guy was out side he was also outside in bangkok and trie to grab me. both times i was lucky has anyone experieneced the miquel program or the fr movie star wants to meetu u will see him he had two paparazzi one thin girl addict they wre avoiding cameras around ludlow. this was last summer he was good looking 40 . i avoided them .has anyone been asked to talk to someone who really wants to help you… euro looking the last guy.

    Comment by anna | February 23, 2010 | Reply

  2. I best like calling them informant and walking right through them. step on foot and fall on them. slapping a person is misdemeanor and u get a name. have a car accident u get a name. suing. one over n over n over small claims. Learn how to file pro per and roll. they gonna break ur bank so spend it fighting. post anti scientology rants with their name n they will have an enemy that stalks toi. make flyers with pics of them n put on all telephone poles saying this car is a stalker or creep. fire with fire. sensitize people to them as preditors by postering. they will take em down. do it again. its basic. they can stop web but not postering

    Comment by kevin smith | November 29, 2013 | Reply

    • It’s an interesting way of getting through, can’t blame you one bit, if you get bored try some of the new stuff, but other wise, keep on surviving.

      Comment by gangstalking | December 11, 2013 | Reply

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