Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

PSI Wars

PSI Wars

Now as a Targeted Individual I learnt early and I learnt fast not to have private conversations out in public. I learnt not to share things with others.

In fact the years before I found out about Gang Stalking, most of my suspicions I kept to myself and shared with no one. I normally do not confide things in people, my confessor is God and that is usually it. I might share the odd tidbit, or if it’s something important that I feel another has the right to know, I might break protocol and that is about it.

Once I did find out about Gang Stalking, and realized that the phone was how people were hearing my conversations, along with things said in the home, both stopped, so a lot of the street theater stuff stopped.

Anything else that would be discovered would almost have to take a mind reader or another with similar capacity to learn any of my secrets. So it got me thinking, do such people exist? Is such a capacity a reality?

Even since I came online several years ago, like 4-5 years now, other Targeted Individuals have been complaining about mind reading, and government mind reading technology. Now at first you don’t know what to think, is it total bogus garbage, or is there some truth to it? I kept an open mind, cause I kind of was ready to put it in the garbage pile, mind reading, who believes that nonsense? I am glad I kept an open mind.

In time I have come to believe that there could and is technology out there that is capable of such things, that will soon be introduced to the general population, but that is not what this article is about. This article is not about technology that can do such, this article is about others.


Mind Reading

Some targets have expressed concerns that mind reading technology, or individuals with psi abilities are being used to interpret their thoughts. Proving that such technology was even available has almost been impossible until now.

Laws that prohibit this type of intrusive activity have not caught up with the surveillance society that many live in. I think this will be something law makers might wish to be aware of, and start working on laws prohibiting this type of intrusion. Human rights lawyers might also want to hone up on these technologies.

The link above also covers the US governments remote viewing program. This was a program where the participants not only saw remote places, visited them remotely, went inside remotely and poked around, but the claim is that some in the program, could go forwards, and backwards in time. Remember these are people who worked for a US government program making this claim, not just a bunch of so called people on the internet.

What if in addition to remote viewers others existed of a similar nature?

What I believe is that all individuals are born with these extra abilities. I believe that they never develop in most people, in others they are highly developed, others learn to access and havest these talents, some gain access accidentally, or at specific times such as a crisis or stressful event.

No available wiki information, so I thought I would put together my own assessment.

Mind Readers– This would be litterally having the ability to read minds. You could read everything the person was thinking, and some would have the capacity to see everything that a person was thinking. Now there is technology that is starting to do this, see dreams, read thoughts etc, but what if there are people capable of doing this? No secret would be safe, no thought would be private, this would be the ultimate invasion of privacy, the ultimate violation. Prayers to God would not even be private.

I think this would be a dangerous talent to have. I think it would be classified as mind rape, and if the government ever had access to it, or other unscrupulous, or even just stupid individuals, in the wrong hands this talent could prove problematic for many.

On the other hand, they could try to find out if a person was lying at a court case, they could see if workers had homocidal tendencies within the workplace. If someone really did rape that person, if they really did commit murder, or were thinking of it.

The problem with a mind reader is that too often people think out thoughts, but never act on them, there is often no follow through, but if people’s thoughts start to be taken litterally, think how dangerous that could be?

The mind is meant to be that, a place of release, things that can not be done in this realm, can be done in the realm of the mind, or should be able to be done in the realm of the mind, but what if our society get’s to the stage where people are no longer comfortable with their own thoughts due to these individuals? Then everyone has to think nice thoughts, think nice thoughts, to appease those in power, cause your very thoughts could be used to convict you.

Would thinking about having an affair with that secretary at work be enough in future to convict someone in divorce court? I hope not, thinking is not always doing, in fact thinking is often not doing. We dream, run through a thousand thoughts in our minds, even ones that we might not be readily aware of, and the mind is meant to be just that, a place of thought, formulation, etc.

What if you thought someone was stealing from you, cheating on you, abusing your children, about to commit a murder? What if a mindreader was privy to those thoughts and acted on that information? Then your very thoughts could be used to convict others, thoughts that you would maybe never share with the world, would be come public content, public knowledge, and they could be used to ruin the life of someone else.

Eg. The Edgar Steel case, now he is accused of trying to murder his wife, I am personally giving him the benifit of the doubt, and his wife has come out in support of him, but when this first happened, what if someone could read her thoughts? What if someone was could access every doubt she might have had? Every concern that he could really be guilty before she made up her mind to support him? What if they acted on those thoughts, and used that against him?

Those are the kind of senarios you could be looking at in the future. Every thought, fear, hope, desire, want, need, an open book, and at the mercy of the scrupulous and unscrupulous alike, at the mercy of the wise and unwise and downright stupid. For those who do not have an understanding or proper understanding of a technology, or misuse it, are a great potential danger to society, and laws might well have to be put in place sooner than later to prevent such abuses.

For the targets out there who have complained about this, and believe that it is happening to them, the possibility is real that some could well be the testing ground for such future technology. If they are willing to set up surveillance and watch us in our homes, in the very beds that we sleep in, then why would they not be willing to watch us in our minds. They have no decency, very little humanity, and if they gain access to the capacity, there is little question that they would abuse such technology, be it mechnical or natual ability.


Telepathy (from the Greek τηλε, tele meaning “distant” and πάθη, pathe meaning “affliction, experience”),[2] is the ostensible transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the five senses

This means two people, or even one person, has the ability to transfer not only thoughts but feelings. This would allow you to silently hear between two people. Way better than a walkie talkie. In some cases it would not only allow you to hear, if you were really close, it might allow you to feel what was going on with the other person.

Some mother or even fathers report having this with their children, and ofcourse some people in close relationships such as romanic, or tight family connections have reported this ability.

I also like the thought of this ability, because it would be a type of willing communication between two people, vs something invasive like mind reading. Of course if only one is a telepath then you have just one walkie talkie working and that could get very frustrating.

Empathy-[Empathy is the capacity to recognize or understand another’s state of mind or emotion. It is often characterized as the ability to “put oneself into another’s shoes”, or to in some way experience the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself.]

Everyone totally remembers Deanna Troi from Star Trek The Next Generation, in addition to being really pretty she was the ships councillor, and had the ability to feel what others around her were thinking. To get a gage of their intentions via their emotions. A type of sensing ability.

Where mind reading would be considered reading the mind, I consider this sort of reading the heart or emotions. I like this ability and don’t see it as intrusive as mind reading, emotions are often external, and some in society are just good at reading them. I think empathetic people pic up on what is on the outside, vs what is on the inside, so it’s not as violating as say mind reading.

Remote Viewing-[Remote Viewing (RV) refers to the attempt to gather information about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means or extra-sensory perception. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance.]

I describes this at the start of the article, but let me recap. They reported in the video that they had been able to not only see places remotely, but visit them, look into them, and poke around. They reported that they were able to go backwards and forewards in time.

This ability has the potential for good, but it also has the potential to be abused, in hostage situations, it’s great. They have used them before for hostage situations.

[quote]If the remote viewer gets messages of a site from a person who is at the site looking around, then it would be telepathy. If the remote viewer gets messages of a site by “perceiving” the site psychically, then it would be clairvoyance. (If the viewer gets impressions of the site from the future, then it would be precognition. If he gets impressions from someone who viewed the site in the past, then it is retrocognition. If he gets messages from the akashic record or the 11th dimension, or directly from God, then another explanation is needed.)[/quote]

See the government using them for a hostage situation great, the government using them to spy on the enemy, questionable, the government using them to get information citizens, dispicable if misused.

[quote]A psychic (pronounced /ˈsaɪkɨk/; from the Greek ψυχικός psychikos—”of the soul, mental”, also called sensitive[1]) is a person who professes an ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through extrasensory perception(ESP), or is said by others to have such abilities. It is also used to describe theatrical performers who use techniques such as prestidigitation, cold reading, and hot reading to produce the appearance of such abilities. It can also denote an ability of the mind to influence the world physically and to the telekinetic powers professed by those such as Uri Geller.[/quote]

Covers a wide array of abilities and I think this is the word or the concept that most average people are aware of. So we have all heard of the cops using them for kidnapping cases, to locate dead bodies, to know if someone is dead or alive.

Some claim to be able to see into the future, some claim to be able to talk to those who have crossed over to the other side. I believe that people with these abilities do exist, or why would the police keep using them?

I also think it’s possible to communicate with those that have crossed over, remember it’s all just different frequencies and if someone can tap that frequency, they could well see, hear, those on the other side.


[quote]The term clairvoyance (from 17th century French with clair meaning “clear” and voyance meaning “vision”) is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses,[1][2] a form of extra-sensory perception. A person said to have the ability of clairvoyance is referred to as a clairvoyant (“one who sees clearly”).[/quote]

[quote]Other related terms

The words “clairvoyance” and “psychic” are often used to refer to many different kinds of paranormal sensory experiences, but there are more specific names:
[edit] Clairsentience (feeling/touching)

In the field of parapsychology, clairsentience is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by means of feeling.[23] The word is from the French clair, “clear,” + sentience, “feeling,” and is ultimately derived from the Latin clarus, “clear,” + sentiens, derived from sentire, “to feel”.

In addition to parapsychology, the term also plays a role in some religions. For example: clairsentience is one of the six human special functions mentioned or recorded in Buddhism. It is an ability that can be obtained at advanced meditation level. Generally the term refers to a person who can feel the vibration of other people. There are many different degrees of clairsentience ranging from the perception of diseases of other people to the thoughts or emotions of other people. The ability differs from third eye in that this kind of ability cannot have a vivid picture in the mind. Instead, a very vivid feeling can form.

Psychometry is related to clairsentience. The word stems from psyche and metric, which means “soul-measuring”.[24]
[edit] Clairaudience (hearing/listening)

In the field of parapsychology, clairaudience [from late 17th century French clair (clear) & audience (hearing)] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires information by paranormal auditory means. It is often considered to be a form of clairvoyance.[25] Clairaudience is essentially the ability to hear in a paranormal manner, as opposed to paranormal seeing (clairvoyance) and feeling (clairsentience). Clairaudient people have psi-mediated hearing. Clairaudience may refer not to actual perception of sound, but may instead indicate impressions of the “inner mental ear” similar to the way many people think words without having auditory impressions. But it may also refer to actual perception of sounds such as voices, tones, or noises which are not apparent to other humans or to recording equipment. For instance, a clairaudient person might claim to hear the voices or thoughts of the spirits of persons who are deceased. Clairaudience may be positively distinguished from the voices heard by the mentally ill when it reveals information unavailable to the clairaudient person by normal means (including cold reading or other magic tricks), and thus may be termed “psychic” or paranormal.[citation needed]
[edit] Clairalience (smelling)

Also known as Clairescence. In the field of parapsychology, clairalience [presumably from late 17th century French clair (clear) & alience (smelling)] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by means of smelling.[26]
[edit] Claircognizance (knowing)

In the field of parapsychology, claircognizance [presumably from late 17th century French clair (clear) & cognizance (< ME cognisaunce < OFr conoissance, knowledge)] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by means of intrinsic knowledge. It is the ability to know something without a physical explanation why you know it, like the concept of mediums.
[edit] Clairgustance (tasting)

In the field of parapsychology, clairgustance is defined as a form of extra-sensory perception that allegedly allows one to taste a substance without putting anything in one’s mouth. It is claimed that those who possess this ability are able to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms through taste. [/quote]

Isn’t wikipedia great? Except for when they remove the Gang Stalking pages.

Anyways not to pull you into the world of the weird, but one more.

Above you have people who are able to gather a wealth of information outside of the five senses, that’s great. Some believe this stuff others don’t, I personally don’t care what people think, or believe, just that they have a basic understanding of this stuff.

Also people have to understand that people have different levels of abilities. In the remote viewing excercises, some could only draw images, some could actually astral travel, other claimed to be able to go backwards and forwards in time. Again this is coming from a US government program.

So different levels of abilties means that you might not always be able to see into the future if you are psychic, some mind readers would only be able to read minds up close, they could not do it at large distances, or only sparadically. Some people would be able to feel at long ranges, others only up close. Some would be able to hear over great distances, some would only be able to do it sparadically, not all the time. Hopefully you get the idea.

So if people can precieve things at a distance, can others influence things at a distance, or people?

I am going to create a new category called influencers. I am sure there is a name for them, but I would have to watch a lot of X-MEN cartoons to find out, and I just don’t have the time right now.

These are people who could get people to have thoughts, feelings, etc that were not there own. Now I have expressed before that there is technology that they use on targets to achieve this on a slight level.

The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used. The effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation. For these effects to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal range.

Above is the mechanical way of doing things, but you could also have those with the natural ability to do things. There are those who could walk into a room, and cause it to become all peaceful and quite, they just carry a snow white quality about them. They make everyone around them calm and happy. The same with those who such energy from those around them. We refer to those as emotional vampires, lot’s of books written about this type. They suck energy from those around them, and Targeted Individuals complain about this type a lot.

But what about others, people who can not just read minds, but influence minds? Eg. Someone could send thoughts of murder, mass homicide, suicide, pedophelia, theft, etc. They would have the ability to influence a persons mind, and the outcome of their actions. The perons would have little to know idea that it was not their own thoughts, but manipulated thoughts, feelings, or emotions. I think this would be one of the most dangerous things around.

That mother going through post partem depession, could be influenced to commit suicide, or hurt her children, if someone had a strong enough remote influence on her mind. She would just get feed those thoughts daily, with more details, not being abel to control what she was thinking, and not knowing that someone else was influencing her thoughts. This could be true for guys and thoughts of rape, pedophelia, etc.

Mind influencers, and like their reading counterparts they could be very dangerous to society if used for bad. Ofcourse in a hostage crisis, a talent like this could end with a peaceful outcome. Johnny you don’t want to hurt those people, put down the gun Johnny, you get the idea.

Then there are those who could manipulate emotions, sad, happy, sexy, etc. If the emotions are forced onto another person, that would be just as bad as mind influencers. If the emotions were transfered like a reverse empathy, then this would be kind of neat. It would kind of be like the movie the crow, part one, where he gives back all the pain that was caused by those who hurt his girlfriend. You could give back love, passion, adoration, etc.

Again, I think that if a world of abilities do exist, they could be good on the one hand, but they could also be bad on another level. I also think much like the X-MEN most would not reveal these talents to the world, because they would end up feared in some cases, hunted in others, and or worst sought out and paraded and praised for their ability. There are psychics who do make a living off of such things, and that is neat, but i think most people would just keep it to themselves, or other loved ones who they thought they could trust to keep their secrets.

So that’s my opinion on PSI Wars. I do think that is an apt term, because for all we know, this could be going on right now. Did anyone see the move jumpers?

That would be a cool ability to have. Till next time.

August 8, 2010 Posted by | Astral Plane, Awareness, Brain reading device, Britney Spears, changing vibrations, CIA, control, Controlled society, Emotional Vampires, ESP, Gang Stalking, Mind Control, Mind Reading, Thought Police, time travel, vibrations | , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Brighting and other observations


Remember how we were told that this was used for gaslighting targets at night? Well I think this might not be the case. I recently had an opportunity to be exposed to this phenomenon and I have a few observations.

I don’t get exposed to this phenomenon too much so, it’s been very difficult observe it properly and to do a proper assessment. Well recently they were circling me, I use this term, because they remind me of sharks, but they don’t really circle, so much as drive up the street and flash the high beams at you a few times.

Now in the past when I have been exposed to this, it’s been one car, I usually sneer at them and go on my way, but recently I had a few cars in a row do it, and I realised, I don’t think it’s gaslighting or it’s not just gaslighting alone.

After a few of this, I realised that they were waiting for something so I flashed them the open communications and on observation signals. (Yeah I emotionally showered after.) I don’t do use the signals too often, in early research when I was learning what they were, I used them to confirm that I was correct, and then most times they are put away, till I have to be around the informants for long periods of time, or if I have to do field testing to confirm things or test things out.

Anyways, after this, the circling stopped. So think about it. During the day, the foot patrols signal to the people in the cars, right, well at night it’s dark, so you are a snitch in your car, you see someone walking, you want to know if it’s one of yours, so you flash the beams at them, and if they are, they should signal back the appropriate signals right?

Think about those old spy movies, and they flash the highbeams, and then the person responses by lighting a cigarette or something.

Now I have not had any real time to field test this, and they don’t use brighting on me enough, so it could be awhile before I get to confirm this, but if any other targets are out there and they get this, then you might want to field test it. It might help give you a one up.

So that would make brighting a little bit more important than once thought. It’s been close to three years and it never really occurred to me, that’s why we need to keep thinking outside of the box, and again I have not had time to properly field test this, but I have reason to believe the hypothesis is correct.

The other concept that I want to touch on is one that I came across in Control Factor, Matrix, and I think the movie They Live.

It’s this concept that anyone can be an agent, just about anyone can be used. I came across it again in control factor, but it just also reminded me of the other two movies.

In control factor, what they can do is they can use a beam to almost like possess someone else and speak and act through that person, you see the same thing in the Matrix with them possessing people and taking them over, and in they live you never knew who might be one of them without your real world glasses on. It’s just an interesting concept and it’s also interesting because you see this theme in so many movies, and then we have a society where large portions are informants. Plus there is concept that some are in constant contact, with others who they are getting orders from and instructions. It’s interesting the movies that are out there.

Set Up’s.

Online recently other than falsely labeling my site, there seems to be an effort by some to paint me as a person who is bashing others and creating infighting. If bashing others means calling it like it is, and telling the truth about what is ongoing, then so be it, but the same standards they use for others, they better use for themselves. Second with infighting. Guess what, the reason I believe in a leaderless resistance is because for the most part it avoids that. The way this system works is that each sector does their own thing, it’s just like how each fusion center does it’s own thing, well if we want to be effective, each mini resistance to a degree has to do it’s own thing, no two can be or should be exactly alike, and that makes it harder to eliminate everyone. The same tactics they use, we should use similar. I remember in the movie V and V the final battle each city had it’s own chapter of the resistance.

Therefore since I tend to stay separate for the most part, unless someone does something deliberate like attacking my website, with some phony witch hunt, then I don’t have a problem with anyone, but if you expect to attack me or mine without getting it back, or getting called on it, it’s not going to happen.


They seem to be really trying to squeeze my resources. Not just me, but those around me and anyone that might be of aid or assistance to me. I remember when Mark M. Rich on his old site talked about this. He had a couple of sisters and they all sold their homes and moved into smaller places, places that he would not be able to stay at if he should become homeless.

I remember that they made Rachel homeless, and another target was homeless when they further took his resources away, arrested him, and turned him into an informant. See that’s why I try to not judge people, because I remember some of the stuff that I have read.

Also the reason some of stay alive this long, I like to think it’s because we are a bit clever, but in reality it might just be because they can keep us on the borders. See people like Jeremy Blake and Theresa Duncan, they had means, and Jeremy was loyal to her. You could not get them both by making them poor, unemployed whatever, so Theresa was found dead one day, apparently a suicide, and Jeremy shortly after because he was so upset about her suicide. I have always believe these were not suicides, but proving it is another story.

For those who don’t know the story here is a link.

I should point out that Theresa on her blog if I recall correctly had her FOIA and it showed that she had been investigated. I would have to double check this, but I think that is correct.

Also Ruth Goodman seems to have been someone ok, in that she owned her own home, and she had gotten past the psychological attacks when they had her arrested, implanted her in some way, and that’s when the audio harassment started. She died shortly after that, supposedly under mysterious circumstances.

The closest I ever came to know more about Ruth, was finding one of her postings on a forum, but the time I went to find out more information about her, I found out that she was already dead, but her story moved me, and I have remembered it.

I think the reason they were taken out is that the state did not readily have ways to make them vulnerable, and wanted to find other ways to deal with them, and thus they did.

This is a path that no one should have to travel alone, and yet in some ways we might be safer if we do. I would remind people about some of my experiences on some of these forums, and some of the tactics that disinfo agents and informants use.


Also offline they seem to be trying for mini setup’s, little things that you might not think of, but things that might get you in trouble. I have always been law abiding, and continue to be, but that does not mean they are not testing the waters to see if they can find a weak spot or a way in, trust no one, seems to be the key. It’s pretty horrible, how they own people once they do set them up. I have witnessed this close up, seen people that I use to know, and they are shells, it’s like they own their souls or try to, whatever they do, it’s sick, and I would say it’s against God, because what they do, contributes to the darkness of this world, and it’s not in favor of the light what they do. All good people, must stand against this.

Rachel Hoffman is a good example of how they can make a good kid turn desperate. She was so desperate to have her own charges dropped that she was willing to first try to set up one of her friends, and then she was willing to do a drug buy, to try to get her records dropped and get the hell out of dodge, but she lost her life doing this, and the same way they can make someone like Rachel Hoffman desperate, is the same way they work on other people, little by little. There is something truly wrong with these people.

Rachel Hoffman. Disturbing thoughts

Anyways just to bear witness for myself again, I am anti drugs, never dabbled in anything illegal that I am aware of, don’t plan to.

Again I would remind people the material is there, use it, while it’s still available. Back it up, post it in various places, etc. I have seen a lot in just the last three years, and pray constantly, I think it’s one of the only ways we can hold back the darkness, for any length of time.

April 14, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Conformity, conspiracies, Conspiracy, control, Covert investigations, electromagnetic frequency, Gang Stalking, Informants, Jeremy Blake, Matrix, Social Control, society, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, The Matrix, Theresa Duncan, Thought Police | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

California Court Rules Homeschooling Illegal.

To me this is one of the most significant things that has happened in a long time. In many ways this is a battle for the future. It’s a battle for the very minds of your children. Soon the state will think it’s their right and theirs alone, to tell your children what to think, feel, believe, and how to act.
I find this more disturbing than many things I have encountered in a really long time. It’s just one State, but thus it begins. If they control the minds of the children, then the future will be indoctrinated and branded with what they want everyone to believe.

[quote]Wednesday March 5, 2008 See today’s LifeSiteNews stories

California Court Rules Homeschooling Illegal

By Hilary White

LOS ANGELES, March 5, 2008 ( – Thousands of homeschoolers in California are left in legal limbo by an appeals court ruling that homeschooling is not a legal option in the state and that a family who has homeschooled all their children for years must enrol their two youngest in state or private schools. Justice H. Walter Croskey in a written opinion said, “California courts have held that under provisions in the Education Code, parents do not have a constitutional right to homeschool their children.”

The sweeping February 29th ruling says that California law requires “persons between the ages of six and eighteen” to be in “public full-time day school,” or a “private full-time day school” or “instructed by a tutor who holds a valid state teaching credential for the grade being taught”.

The two youngest of Phillip and Mary Long’s eight children must be enrolled in a state approved school. Phillip Long told WorldNetDaily, “We just don’t want them teaching our children. They teach things that are totally contrary to what we believe. They put questions in our children’s minds we don’t feel they’re ready for.”[/quote]

I think this is a good article because a few weeks ago they were trying to put parents in jail in Germany for homeschooling.

At the time this seemed significant to me because if we are going to have a one world government, then we need to have a unified system where all the minds of the children can be indoctrinated at once. This means that eventually homeschooling will be banned everywhere and only the state will be able to tell your children, what to think, feel, believe, and act. Their loyalty will be to the state, and they will have one unified mind, no matter where they live.

When the case happened and the judges ruling came down I knew there would be repercussions. I did not expect this to start happening this soon in America, but this just leads me to believe that the country is further down that slippery slope than I am willing to believe.

From what I have read on other forums, parents can homeschool under some conditions without a license, so it will be interesting in the coming weeks and months to see what happens next.

It’s funny how things can change in an instant, sometimes when you don’t expect it. Let’s hope at some future point, things start to turn and change for the better.

March 7, 2008 Posted by | Bullying, Censorship, Children, constitutional change, Controlled society, discrimination, Fascism, Fascist, future, Homeschooling, Ignorance, Illegal, Laws, Monitoring, New World Order, NWO, oppression, Police State, Politics, society, Thought Police | 1 Comment

De-classified US Electronic Harassment Weapons.

  This is what is posted on the gang stalking world site on the forum. These technologies have been out for well over a decade and some much longer. I noticed that the post talks about a heart rate monitor that they use to track us in our apartments. (Just one possible method.) Based on what I have experienced, I fully believe that this or a version of this is what is being used. Everytime I am almost asleep or in dream like state the banging starts, in conjuction with how the heart rate changes in those states. It’s hard to explain, but after playing around with it for some time, this is what I am seeing here.

The shaking floors, are often used to keep the target in a none relaxed state, or just to keep the hear pumping faster, thus easier to read and track.

Sometimes I sit back and think that these creatures are being allowed to do this with the blessing of the state, and it’s hard to believe because not so long ago, I use to think this could never happen in a society like the one I live in. That was a false perception.

Look at all the work being done on mind reading, control, and even just getting us to control things with out minds, it’s all very fascinating stuff. Anyways enjoy the article.

Oh P.S. Jim Guest a member of the US Legislature has spoken out about electronic harassment, here is a link from the Freedomfchs site.


Author: ultra_phoenix
Site: Above Top Secret
Title. Newly De-Classified US Electronic Harassment Technologies.

January 19, 1998

[quote]This page lists articles from technology publications which show how these technologies are being marketed in commercial form, and have also been and are being used to harass covert weapons testing victims:

The reader is asked to remember that ANNOUNCED inventions with potential for “national security” use are ALWAYS already in use covertly when announced. The SR-71 “Blackbird” surveillance aircraft was in use for many years before the public saw it.

This page lists articles from technology publications which show how these technologies are being used to harass covert weapons testing victims, and are now coming out in commercial form, or have been announced to the public:

1. Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 10, 1997 “Radar Warns Birds of Impending Aircraft”

This article by Bruce Nordwall (Washington bureau) describes research being carried on by the USAF Wright Laboratory at Dayton Ohio. The article describes the use of MODULATED radar signals to produce AUDIBLE SOUND within the brains of birds near airport runways to cause them to fly away and avoid collisions with landing aircraft.

Other references on work with animals or humans with “audible microwaves”:

Science, vol. 181, 27 July 73, page 356 Nature, vol. 216, DEC 16 1967, page 1139 Nature, vol. 210, May 7 1966, page 636 Journal Acoustical Society of America, June 1982, page 1321 Bioelectromagnetics conference, 1992, 13:323-328 (pages 323-328)

This list was furnished by the lab at Wright- Patterson Air Force Base where this type of unclassified development is now in progress.

** The transmission via MODULATED microwave pulses carrying voices to selected weapons testing victims has been carried on for more than two decades, as reported by the victims. There has been little published about this phenomenon, and since direct-to-skull voice transmissions are consistently mis-interpreted by psychiatrists as ‘schizophrenia’, getting this information to the public needs concerted attention.

2. Electronic Business Today, February 1997 “Business Trends” section, page 20

Inventor Elwood Norris, and his small company, (American Technology Corp., Poway CA) have designed a market ready device called an “acoustical heterodyne”.

This device sends out two sound signals in the ultrasonic (above-human-hearing) range which, when they impact a surface, which may be a living creature, then and only then produce a sound at a frequency equal to the DIFFERENCE (“heterodyne”) of the two ultrasound frequencies.

** This technology has been used extensively by harassers who follow a walking or driving victim and bounce raucous, unnatural bird calls and other strange sounds off surfaces near the victim. This type of sound is tape recordable.

ATC Corporate Headquarters 13114 Evening Creek Dr. S. San Diego, CA 92128 (800)41-RADIO (417-2346) (619)679-2114 (619)679-0545 FAX http:/

3. New York Times, April 7, 1997, “Devices May Let Police Find Hidden Guns on Street” article

This article, with photos supplied by Millitech Corporation, describes recently unclassified “millimeter wave” cameras (and some other see- thru technologies less well developed.)

These units operate like camcorders, giving the user a real-time thru-clothing, thru- luggage image for detecting weapons and drugs.

Technology like this does not just pop out of nowhere overnight, and it probably has its roots in the 1960’s classified microwave weapon “renaissance” – about the same time as the U.S. embassy staff in Moscow discovered they were being bathed in Soviet microwave signals.

OEM Magazine, February 1997, page 20 “Electronic Dipstick” article

This article describes “micropower impulse radar” or “MIR” radar, developed at Lawrence Livermore Lab in California, and licensed to several large companies for consumer products. Basically, this radar uses the highest radio frequencies and does not require the supporting hardware like rotary antennas which ‘conventional’ radar does.

Uses include vehicle blind-spot sensors, traffic control sensors, heart muscle response monitors, and ** see thru plaster ** stud finders.

** Thru the wall radar has been covertly used for a number of years on weapons testing victims. One common use has been to detect where the victim is standing or walking in their apartment, and ‘follow’ the victim’s position by rapping floor, walls, or ceiling from an adjacent apt. This is designed to let the victim know he/she is under constant surveillance.

4. Defense Electronics, July 1993, page 17


Federal law enforcement officials considered testing a Russian scientist’s acoustic mind control device on cultist David Koresh a few weeks before the fiery conflagration that killed the Branch Davidian leader and 70 of his followers in Waco, Texas, DEFENSE ELECTRONICS has learned.

In a series of closed meetings beginning March 17 in suburban northern Virginia with Dr. Igor Smirnov of the Moscow Medical Academy, FBI officials were briefed on the Russian’s decade- long research on a computerized acoustic device allegedly capable of implanting thoughts in a person’s mind without that person being aware of the source of the thought.

His account of the meetings was confirmed by Psychotechnologies Corp., a Richmond, Virginia based firm that owns the American rights to the Russian technology.

[Not necessarily unclassified, but at least made known to a limited segment of the public]

5. Dan Rather’s CBS Evening News, Dec. 9, 1997

Police helicopters were the topic, and one of the features soon to be added to police heli- copters was “an electromagnetic ray gun which can stop speeding cars dead.”

While this is primitive technology compared with that used to manipulate the minds and nervous systems of e-weapons victims of the 1990’s, it does demonstrate quite clearly that government is putting substantial re- sources into electromagnetic weapons devel- opment.

6. Canadian version, Discovery Channel, “Invention” segment, Thursday December 25, 1997

During part of the show, it was stated that the current development of polygraphs (lie detectors) using massive computer-aided database comparisons was now a reality and these machines were making substantial progress towards near- perfect accuracy.

The final statement in that segment was: It is expected that the next stage in polygraph devel- opment will be REMOTE MICROWAVE detection of bodily functions, which will mean the polygraph can then be used SECRETLY, at a distance.

7. Associated Press: (Dec. 2, 1997)

TOKYO – Tired of reaching for the remote control every time you surf the channels? Help is on the way – at a price. A Japanese company plans to market a device that changes television channels and activates household appliances at the flicker of a brain wave. The price: roughly 600,000 yen ($4,800). The product, called the Mind Control Tool Operating System, or MCTOS, is the result of a collaboration between the Technos Japan Co. and the Himeji Institute of Technology in southwestern Japan.

Say you want to turn on the air conditioner. Simply focus on that icon on the MCTOS computer display menu while wearing a pair of beta-wave trapping goggles. Then, according to Technos spokesman Sadahiro U#ani, say something like “Ei!!” inside your head. Soon your air conditioner will be pumping cool air into the room.

MCTOS is scheduled to go on sale in April, 1998.

8. On Jan. 19 the Washington Post had an article about a device for remotely detecting heartbeats by detecting the electromagnetic pulses emitted by beating hearts.

URL:… 1998-01/19/017l-011998-idx.html

An excerpt:

“The pumping of the human heart is controlled by electrical signals, which doctors measure in electrocardiograms. The heart’s activity generates an irregular, ultralow-frequency electric field that extends in a circle around the body.

“The field is faint, but it can pass through almost any physical barrier. The LifeGuard can pick up on the strongest part of the field, the heart, through barriers including concrete walls, heavy foliage and rocks. Company officials say the LifeGuard can detect a person in less than five seconds and can pinpoint his or her location with a high degree of accuracy.”

The company is marketing the device for potentially locating people in need of rescue, or detecting where individuals are located inside a building.

— submitted by: Allen L. Barker

Here is more info on this type of device:

69. VSE – Life Assesment Detector System DATE 020597 93% (Nasdaq: VSEC) LIFE ASSESMENT DECTECTOR SYSTEM (LADS) Patent Pending The Life Assessment Detector System (LADS), a microwave Doppler movement measuring device, can detect human body surface motion, including heartbeat and respiration, at ranges up..… 3296 bytes, 08Feb97 —

9. Nature magazine, Vol 391, January 22, 1998, page 316, “Advances in neuroscience may threaten human rights” by Declan Butler

(PARIS – Pasteur Institute – Speech by Chairman of the French national bioethics committee Jean-Pierre Changeaux)

“But neuroscience also poses potential risks, arguing that advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy immense.

“Although the equipment needed is still highly spec- ialized, it will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance, he predicted. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behaviour, and brainwashing.”

“These are far from being science-fiction concerns, said Changeaux, and constitute a serious risk to society.”

Also in that article:

“Denis LeBihan, a researcher at the French Atomic Energy Commission, told the meeting that the use of imaging techniques has reached the stage where we can almost read people’s thoughts.”

NOTE: These scientists are speaking ONLY about the UNCLASSIFIED scientific arena. Classified technology can always be assumed well ahead of unclassified.…[/quote]

December 9, 2007 Posted by | Above top secret, Active denial, Active Denial Weapons, Brain reading device, Controlled society, Covert investigations, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, GPS tracking, harassment, High technology, Isolation, mental concentration camps, mental-salves, Mind Control, Monitoring, Movies, Neurolinguistic programing, New World Order, NWO, oppression, society, Spy cameras, spy satellites, Spying, Stalking, State target, Surveillence, Television, The Matrix, Thought Police, vibrations, youtube | 33 Comments

So you want a revolution 2.

  I had complied this blog post under a different title, and I had also tried to draw comparisons to the latest school shooting and the school shooting last year in America where the words let the revolution begin were also posted.

I thought it was interesting that at least two school shooters had used the same words. Anyways for some reason I can’t find the post on my computer, [b]which has been acting weird over the last few days. [/b]

Anyways, I am not going to spend a lot of time trying to recompile the ideas, so instead I am just going to repost the manifesto that was left behind by the finnish school shooter.

I again think that his choose in killing was misguided, his frustrations were understood, but I just can’t see the point of taking innocent lives. I don’t think his actions accomplished anything. Well they will get people talking, but I don’t think they established the kind of change he was referencing to.

I also personally don’t believe in natural selection, or evolution and so on those points I can’t agree with anything he says. Where I do see relavance in his postings are the points he makes about democracy not being really free, and that’s it’s just another tyranical system. Also about the fact that most people are conformed to the system. I also do belive that it’s corrupt, and I would also like to see a change for the better come about. However I would like to see a change come about via dialouge and people waking realising that this system is not right, that it is corrupt and we need to fix it, revamp it or whatever.

I however do not think this was the way to do it. So enough about me, this is the writing from Pekka-Eric the young man who did the latest school shooting. For me personally the revolution I believe in is truth, and before the media completly spin this and blame it on music, bullying or something else, he makes it very clear that he knew what he was doing, he was not going for a school shooting, he wanted his actions to be considered as political, and he did it because he had had enough of this corrupt system.


Natural Selector’s Manifesto

How Did Natural Selection Turn Into Idiocratic Selection?

Today the process of natural selection is totally misguided. It has reversed. Human race has been devolving very long time for now. Retarded and stupid , weak-minded people are reproducing more and faster than the intelligent, strong-minded people. Laws protect the retarded majority which selects the leaders of society. Modern human race has not only betrayed its ancestors, but the future generations too. Homo Sapiens, HAH! It is more like a Homo Idioticus to me! When I look at people I see every day in society, school and everywhere… I can’t say I belong to same race as the lousy, miserable, arrogant, selfish human race! No! I have evolved one step above!

Naturality has been discriminated through religions, ideologies, laws and other mass delusion systems. Individual, who is going through his/hers natural power process and trying to live naturally, but is being told that the way he acts or thinks is wrong and stupid, will usually have some reactions which might be considered as “psychological disorders” by the establishment. In reality they are just natural reactions to the disruption of natural power process. They will have some of the following (depending on individual’s personality): feelings of inferiority / superiority, hostility, aggression, frustration, depression, self-hatred / hatred towards other people, suicidal / homicidal thought etc… and it is completely normal.

Humans are just a species among other animals and world does not exist only for humans. Death and killing is not a tragedy, it happens in nature all the time between all species. Not all human lives are important or worth saving. Only superior (intelligent, self-aware, strong-minded) individuals should survive while inferior (stupid, retarded, weak-minded masses) should perish.

There is also another solution to the problem: stupid people as slaves and intelligent people as free. What I mean is that they who have free minds, are capable of intelligent existential and philosophical thinking and know what justice is, should be free and rulers… and the robotic masses, they can be slaves since they do not mind it now either and because their minds are on so retarded level. The gangsters that now rule societies, would of course get what they deserve.

Of course there is a final solution too: death of entire human race. It would solve every problem of humanity. The faster human race is wiped out from this planet, the better… no one should be left alive. I have no mercy for the scum of earth, the pathetic human race.

Collective Deindividualization: Totalitarianism & Delusions Of Democracy

[b]Collective deindividualization is a phenomenon where individual will be trained as part of the mindless herd controlled by state, corporation, church or some other organization, group, ideology, religion or mass delusion system and adopt it’s rules, morality and codes of conduct. This phenomenon has been familiar in all despotic, authoritarian, totalitarian, monarchist, communist, socialist, nazi, fascist and religious societies troughout history. Also, the modern western democratic republics have the same phenomenon. It is just done so that people will think they are free and don’t realize they are being enslaved. Majority of people in society are weak-minded and ignorant retards, masses that act like programmed robots and accept voluntarily slavery. But not me! I am self-aware and realize what is going on in society! I have a free mind! And I choose to be free rather than live like a robot or slave. You can say I have a “god complex”, sure… then you have a “group complex”! Compared to you retarded masses, I am actually godlike. [/b]

[b]Totalitarian governments rule people through education system, consumerism, mass media, monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force (police, military) and laws discriminating people who think differently than the majority. Democracy… you think democracy means freedom and justice? You are wrong. Democracy is a dictatorship of the moral majority… and the majority is manipulated and ruled by the state mafia. Modern western democracy has nothing to do with freedom or justice; it is totalitarian and corrupted system. Laws are made over the heads of the people and people are being brainwashed to support the system and connected to the institutional structures immediately after their birth. Societies are being ruled by manipulative and charismatic politicians who only care about the interests of majority, and who do not base their decisions on reason but emotions and feelings of the masses. These masses let the authorities of state to make all the important decisions for them. The masses will get an education, they study, get a job, go to work and vote in elections. They think they are free and don’t criticise or question the system. They have become robots. It is like a constructed mechanism in mind, that leaves little choice for an individual to think, talk and act independently. [/b]

Three Kinds Of Humans

There are three kinds of human personality types in this world:
individualistic human (3% of the world population)
manipulative human (3% of the world population)
mass human (94% of the world population)

#1 & #2 type of personalities are intelligent, creative and self-aware. They have chosen bit different paths paths. #3 type of personalities are less intelligent and less creative, weak-minded people controlled by #2 type of personalities. The percentages are only estimations though but are based on Gaussian distribution and history of human race and how humans have organized into societies. And this is the way it has always been ever since humans started to organize into communities.

Another way how to divide people is bit different but is based on the same facts, human nature and history. The division is based on the level of intelligence and quality of mentality:
intelligent (3% of the world population)
slightly retarded, so called “normal people” or “robots” (94% of the world population)
highly retarded, “vegetables” (3% of the world population)

Total War Against Humanity

Hate, Im so full of it and I love it. That is one thing I really love. Some time ago, I used to believe in humanity and I wanted to live a long and happy life… but then I woke up. I started to think deeper and realized things. But it was not easy to become existential… knowing as much as I know has made me unhappy, frustrated and angry. I just can’t be happy in the society or the reality I live. Due to long process of existential thinking, observing the society I live and some other things happened in my life… I have come to the point where I feel nothing but hate against humanity and human race.

Life is just a meaningless coincidence… result of long process of evolution and many several factors, causes and effects. However, life is also something that an individual wants and determines it to be. And I’m the dictator and god of my own life. And me, I have chosen my way. I am prepared to fight and die for my cause. I, as a natural selector, will eliminate all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection.

You might ask yourselves, why did I do this and what do I want. Well, most of you are too arrogant and closed-minded to understand… You will proprably say me that I am “insane”, “crazy”, “psychopath”, “criminal” or crap like that. No, the truth is that I am just an animl, a human, an individual, a dissident.

I have had enough. I don’t want to be part of this fucked up society. Like some other wise people have said in the past, human race is not worth fighting for or saving… only worth killing. But… When my enemies will run and hide in fear when mentioning my name… When the gangsters of the corrupted governments have been shot in the streets… When the rule of idioracy and the democratic system has been replaced with justice… When intelligent people are finally free and rule the society instead of the idiocratic rule of majority… In that great day of deliverance, you will know what I want.

[b]Long live the revolution… revolution against the system, which enslaves not only the majority of weak-minded masses but also the small minority of strong-minded and intelligent individuals! If we want to live in a different world, we must act. We must rise against the enslaving, corrupted and totalitarian regimes and overthrow the tyrants, gangsters and the rule of idiocracy. I can’t alone change much but hopefully my actions will inspire all the intelligent people of the world and start some sort of revolution against the current systems. The system discriminating naturality and justice, is my enemy. The people living in the world of delusion and supporting this system are my enemies. [/b]

I am ready to die for a cause I know is right, just and true… even if I would lose or the battle would be only remembered as evil… I will rather fight and die than live a long and unhappy life.

And remember that this is my war, my ideas and my plans. Don’t blame anyone else for my actions than myself. Don’t blame my parents or my friends. I told nobody about my plans and I always kept them inside my mind only. Don’t blame the movies I see, the music I hear, the games I play or the books I read. No, they had nothing to do with this. This is my war: one man war against humanity, governments and weak-minded masses of the world! No mercy for the scum of the earth! HUMANITY IS OVERRATED! It’s time to put NATURAL SELECTION & SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST back on tracks!

Justice renders to everyone his due.

– Pekka-Eric Auvinen (aka NaturalSelector89, Natural Selector, Sturmgeist89 and Sturmgeist).
I also use pseydonym Eric von Auffoin internationally.
I keep thinking and wondering if this could have been prevented if there was activly more open dialouge by people like him about the frustration of living in a controlled society like this and finding out the truth. Of the research that I have been able to do, he had a myspace profile, youtube account with over 200,000 views, but I don’t know what the videos were. Just what the media is saying about the videos.

He seems to have had friends, because they posted a youtube memorial for him. It’s just somewhere along the way he saw this as the only way and I think that is sad, sad for the other kids, who died and sad for him too.

He felt this way and wanted a chance. He came to the realisation of the truth, I guess realised that things were not going to change overnight, and in his own words did not want to live and be unhappy for years.

For some he believed in evolution and natural selection and decided it would be ok to take out others, and that is just so wrong. I wish he would have written a book, or kept on talking, posting whatever.

Unfortunatly his actions will most likely negate the relavant parts of his words, and people will just remember him as a nutter, and try to blame the music, movies, video games, or gun laws, instead of looking at what he really said about why he did what he did, which was trying to make a political statement and rebelling against this controlled slave society we live in.

I can only hope that by faciliating more open dialouge and discussions about this topic, that maybe it will help other choose a different path, and make different choices that does not involve the loss of innocent lives, unnessacarily.

November 11, 2007 Posted by | Above top secret, Censorship, constitutional change, Controlled society, Corruption, Fascism, Fascist, Film, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, google, government corruption, harassment, Isolation, Laws, Matrix, mental concentration camps, mental-salves, Mind Control, mobbing, Monitoring, Movies, Music, New World Order, NWO, oppression, Pekka-Eric, Police Corruption, Police State, revolution, silence, slavery, slaves, Snitches, society, State target, Surveillence, The Matrix, Thought Police, youtube | 3 Comments

Mark’s letter to Targets

Mark’s Letter to targets. Below is a letter from Mark M.
Rich. to TI’s. It was on his site.

Dear Friend,
I call you friend because if you & I were to meet face to face we would sense a special kinship & would probably know each other immediately. I know nothing about your background. I’m not aware of your personal circumstances, whether you’re young or old, male or female. I don’t know what your religious or ethnic background is. But I have an idea of the type of person you are. You are probably very artistic & above average in intelligence. You are probably honest & live by a higher set of ideals than the general mass. You are probably a self-correcting person. You probably have not been satisfied with the knowledge you’ve received through traditional channels. You are most definitely a seeker. Regardless of why you think you have been targeted, relatively speaking, you are probably a saint. This may be why you’ve been chosen. 
Your life has changed drastically. You will never look at people, or the American flag the same way again. You are directly experiencing a result of the primitive, unresolved collective-insanity, that you have heard of other historical figures running into. By now you have probably concluded that this is the same entity that has killed people who have recognized & resisted it throughout history. Its name changes from place to place, & from time to time. It expresses itself in different ways. But it is always the same; it is large & powerful & has the minds of most people. You are face to face with it in the form of Organized Stalking. It has focused its attention on you & it will not stop. At this point it doesn’t matter when or why it started, or what the name of the group or agency is. It would have happened anyway. You will end up jobless & Mobbed out of work. You may end up in jail or dead. You will loose friends & family. You may end up homeless, possibly living from shelter to shelter. And you will be persecuted the whole time. I am personally not very religious, but I know evil when I see it. You are in a fight for your life against people being used by Satan. There is no more accurate way to put this. It is necessary that you document your case & survive as long as you can, to provide testimony to anyone with eyes & ears. You are not alone. 
Mark M. Rich

That was Mark’s letter to TI’s. It was up on his site before it went off the air. We are really the best shot we have for preserving each others memories. I often wonder why there are not a hundread other targets posting Mark’s words, or having the forethought to do the same for other sites, target’s activists. I mean there are supposedly so many of us out here, so why are we not activly doing this for each other?

I was thinking about his words, and what was going through his mind when he wrote them. By that time it looks like he had figured out that yes this is more involved than any of us realised. Collective-insanity
he called in. I see it as collective conformty of the
worst kind.

I find that as I read his words they match my own thoughts. This is so much bigger than a lot of us. Be it mobbing, bullying, Journalist and the buzzsaw, it’s the same thing that is killing, imprisoning, jailing, institutionalising, driving to poverty, rack and ruin all of us. That’s why we all need to be working together.

It’s doing the same thing to all of us in different ways, and to different degrees. I was mobbed out of work for years, and so many different times, and I never even knew what mobbing was, or knew that the whole thing was deliberate. I also did not know that it was systemic and
that it was happening to so many others. Or the bigger
picture. I now know for sure that being sensitised the first time, was completely deliberate. Even up until recently, I still thought the whole thing was just accidental. (There are some parts of this that I can not come to terms with.)

Why people are targeted. We often want to blame ourselves. It’s because I filed a suit, it’s because I am a dissident, whistle-blower, white, minority, Asian, Indian, male, female, gay, straight, religious origin, whatever. In part you are right, but in part you are wrong. In my opinion Mark was on the right path. You are targeted because of who you are you, and the type of
person that you are.

I use to think, if only I had taken the other job, or whatever, then this would not have happened, but it would have. I now realise it would have happened because
where I go, there I am, and my personality type would have
been targeted. A famous saying, “The nail that stands out,
get’s hit first. It’s a simple saying, but it makes sense. Something about us and our types, stands out. Targets
seem to have aspects of this in common. When Mark says I
would know you and sense a special kinship, he is not that
far off. We are that type. I see what he means.

I can’t stress this aspect of the real reason we are targeted enough. In his bullying research Tim Fields, and his reasons as to why people are bullied, are because they are moral, good at their work, showing independence, refusing to join established cliques, etc.

You can say it in a billion different ways, but we stood out. We were none conformist. I don’t care if you are the housewife, who just stood up for her kids, or the store clerk who said this is not right. Somewhere along the line, your personality type was noticed, and this was planned out, because none of the other methods work. By the other methods I mean, bribes, blackmail, bullying, mobbing, attempts to conform you in subtle ways, social pressure, honeytraps, etc.

What I am trying to say is, you did nothing wrong. You are getting targeted just by virtue of being who you are, and by being a none conformist in some way shape or form. This is not a bad thing, but for this system it is a bad thing. Most people in society can be kept in line, they can be threatened, bullied, bribed, blackmailed, socially or peer pressured, to confirm. Something can be used to keep them in line. With us that was not the case, at some point. You are that nail that stood out in
some unexpected way. (That or they just needed more fresh

You may never have done a day of activism in your life, but we are all the same, or very similar at the core. We are the types to say heck no, I not doing this, or not taking this. We are ones to write the stories, no one else will write, to speak when no one else will speak. It does not have to be anything as dramatic as whistle-blowing. Now it can be signing a petition, but it can also be that guy at work who always does the right thing, and is unknowingly not falling inline with a system that is based on corruption. At some point they will put you into a situation where you are compelled to blow the whistle, or file a suit or something, then they increase the targeting, and you blame yourself, and think it was your actions that set the ball rolling. It’s only a means. 

Society is all about social conformity. To join the groups we do, to participate in the things we do, most of us give up a little of that independence. So maybe you were a little too outspoken at the PTA, or in church, or whatever, but you showed independence, none conformity, and you were probably at some point profiled, and it was realised you were not yet fully part of the system, or would never go along with the system, and this system does not like our kind. It never has, all throughout history. And why should it, what communion should light have with darkness?

This is another thing that I agree with Mark about. You can not have heard of the Spanish Inquisition, Salem witch trials, Mccarthyism, etc without realising the similarities.

I also agree that this is a life changing experiencing. For me it’s helped me to become more the person that I wanted to be. For me the world was simple, and my life was sort of boring. I didn’t mind it, but now my life is so different. I mean it’s the same, because this was happening for years, but my realisation and interpretation of things has changed. I have been shocked, literally and figuratively. I am amazed at how corrupt the world is, the weakness of human kind, but then I am amazed by the potential for good, and the strength of people like Mark, who took the time to write a letter for the next target, becuase he knew what we would be going through and he didn’t want us to feel alone. It’s people like this that give me hope, and ofcourse he is not here, but his words are and that’s a good thing.

Yes you will never look at the American flag the same, not so much the flag, but the concepts that we have been taught about our societies and cultures, countries. The
things we were taught about these social constructs.
It’s such garbage. The truth is so much different.
The movie the Matrix says it best.

“By now you have probably concluded that this is the same entity that has killed people who have recognized & resisted it throughout history.”

Yep right there with him on this one as well. Martin, John Lennon, Jesus, it’s the same jaws, that have opened up and said aw. Have any survived it? Their words have, their songs, their art, their spirits.

“Its name changes from place to place, & from time to time. It expresses itself in different ways. But it is always the same; it is large & powerful & has the minds of most people.”

Large and powerful I get that. The minds of the people. I just don’t understand this part. Anymore than I understand the browncoats. But I do understand it, with my mind anyways. Remember I got the former friends, family, co-workers that are all part of this system. Many that like it. They like feeling a part of something, some don’t I think, but it fills a need in some people. I mean of course some people are just sick twisted individuals and this is the perfect outlet for that. Others are scared, I can respect that. Others don’t know what to do. I am right there with ya on that one. Other just like the connection, it brakes down walls, the skin heads, Jews, Black, White, male, female, whatever. It gives them a certain degree of unity. I have seen this as people are signaling to each other. It’s a language that is universal and they like that. It’s also secret to some in society and it makes them feel a part of something so great and powerful, and so they give their wills to it. For me ofcourse who is on the other end, being tracked like an animal, I just want to scream, and be like stop the insanity. Wake up people, look at what you are doing. They probably would, and then go right back to doing it, because it gives them a place in society. People like that.

The people doing this, controlling this, know this. I am sure they have an understanding of history, and know what’s worked, how humans have functioned throughout time. That’s the part that makes it really hard for me to be hopeful.

“You are face to face with it in the form of Organized Stalking. It has focused its attention on you & it will not stop. At this point it doesn’t matter when or why it started, or what the name of the group or agency is. It would have happened anyway. You will end up jobless & Mobbed out of work.”

Again I covered this, but let me say it again. You did nothing wrong. That’s the thing you have to understand. In there minds you dared to go against the system, to stand out and not fall in line. In our worlds we were just being who we were taught to be, or feel a need to be. Apparently the two are not compatible.

Mark goes on to talk about job loss, loss of family friends, etc. If you are here you probably know it. For me I just think of those words, “I count all but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ.” (Philippians 3:8) It’s just par for the territory. It’s common, oh so common. I can’t tell you how to deal or cope with it, you have to find your own way. I can tell you that you go through a lot of stages. The fact that everyone in your life was betraying you, not a fun thing. However you need to tackle the realisation of this and do it quickly. It’s too easy to get consumed by the anger, and get stuck there. There are probably still good people in the world. Tuning into that is really hard however, it is a deep hurt and wound to come to grips with. It’s a process.

Mark was apparently not very religious, but even he apparently knew evil when he saw it. I know mindless conforming zoombies when I see them. That’s the part that still leaves me shaking my head. That anyone would want to go along with this, be a part of this, but they do. Yeah.

Mark wants us to document our case, survive as long as we can, and provide testimony to anyone who will listen. (Those who have ears, let them hear.) Pretty much the same thing others in history have had to do. Others who lived in such times, they are the only voices and records we have to try to understand this collective insanity. This consuming corruption. They have bared witness for the past and so we must do so for the present. Mark did that for us and we must try to do that for others. It seems to be the best way to honour each other, and give strength to the others who will wake up into this living nightmare.

I hoped the Indigo Ribbon campaign would do this for others, just like the white, red, and pink have done for other causes, but we are not like other causes. People don’t have a tendency to want to target cancer patients or their supporters, where with our cause they do have a tendency to do that. To be in the open is to put yourself at greater risk, and yet if we don’t take risks we let this continue. We all want to live long healthy joyous lives, and that’s why many of us when we first see this collective insanity and realise it for what it is, do nothing about it and say nothing about it, and then it grows and spreads, and then finally that is all there is, and when it’s time to speak up and do something, because it’s gotten so bad, it’s too late by then. Yet I am sure you know that, and yet you continue in this vain. (It’s a cancer that needs to be stopped.)

I don’t want to make anyone else a target more than they have to be, myself included, but at the same time, I do know that there is strength in numbers. Only by exposing what is happening can we do anything about it. Bullying, mobbing, the buzzsaw, gang stalking, etc. Only by making others aware do we stand a chance. Only by seeing that much of the above that is happening are all different managed branches of the same collective insanity, can we begin to mitigate it and manage it. I find it impossible to sit back and do nothing, and yet I want to make the right choices for myself and for other targets. Ofcourse I can’t make the right choices for other targets. You have to make your own choices and figure out what’s best for you, in your own time.

There is more talk and discussion of this stuff than there was in the past. There are more who are seeing it for what it is, but yet I am not sure we have come any further, or are any better than we were before. I only say this because this keeps happening over and over again in history and it’s never changing. The thing that makes this time so different is it’s so globalized. However there is always hope and I do want to focus on that. That’s why I was hoping that we could find some way to unite, come together, find some way, symbol to unit our various efforts. We are fighting against the same thing, and to have a common unifying symbol has helped others. I was hoping this would do the same for us. 

Below are Mark’s words incase he goes missing, etc.
“Due to the events that I have witnessed & read about, I have concluded that it would be in my best interest to make as many people aware of my situation as possible.  To that end, I have created this entry so that if I (or a member of my family) am killed, framed, setup, institutionalized, incarcerated, disappear, appear to have committed suicide, have an “accident”, or otherwise neutralized, this site 
will provide testimony to what really happened.  In addition, this site is for people who believe they’re 
targets of Organized Stalking. ” 
Mark M. Rich.

Well you know the rest. Mark’s last entry was March 06, he had kept the site updated pretty regularly, and had said that he intended to continue to do that. At the time Mark had been staying with family and was trying to learn a way to survive, because he had not been able to find work for a few years or something like that. I can find no other online entries of him after this point. Then about a year later the site, expired and
so here it is. Mark had been pretty open about his
location, posting his address, phone number etc online.
Again each target has to make there own choices on this
front. The people in your area might not be fanatics,
but others might be, remember the state has lot’s of
different branches. (Do what you think it best, it’s all
we can do.)

The same is going to be true for any activism you do. The Indigo Ribbon campaign has the potential to be the  same. Wearing a ribbon as someone pointed out, will make targets more visible, this can be a good thing, but ofcouse it can be a dangerous thing. We are up against a system, and I am not going to lie to you, it’s a dangerous system. Mark confronted it, exposed it to the best of his ability, and numerous others, and it’s still here, but every little bit helps. Everything he did helped me, and I hope my piece of the puzzle, quilt, helps others. It’s the best we can hope to do. Remember the world is not an evil place because people do evil, (Well in part it is) but it’s an evil place because people like us who see it for what it is do nothing about it.   (Previous to this, I had no idea it was like this.)

If Ribbons and the color Indigo is not your thing, then I hear ya, but we still need a way to come together, to get open dialouge going, to direct people to sites where they can understand that there is another side to this wonderful system they have given themselves to, the side where Mark found himself, and others like me find ourselves. I daily have dozens of my fellow citizens who stalk, harass, try to sensitize, annoy, and mob me on a daily basis. Some of them as much as I hate to admit it, are just average people, some are even decent. (I know that’s a hard realisation.) Yet they are a part of the system, and they don’t want to be where we are. (Who in their right mind would? The brave, the stupid.) 

The only thing I know is that this continues because we let it. You get the odd light here and there, and then it’s back to business as usual. Those lights come and do what they can, they teach us, share their knowledge and perspective with us, and then it’s up to us to try to convey what we can to others in our own time.

They stay strong, because they keep us divided. They succeed, because they can unite, and get people to unite, they keep us stumbling in the dark uncordinated and stagnent. They have the minds of the people, but we can win their hearts. Conformity is their creed, and their voices are loud. Security is our creed, and our voices are often silent. They have got it going on, and we have to get it going. They are so far ahead of us in the game, heck they wrote the game and the rules. Many of us are just playing catch up, and trying to survive.

Before anyone decides to be a part of the Indigo campagin, I would ask you to think about what it means, cause it’s different than other ribbon campaigns. I like to think that our cause is like any other, and in many ways it is, but in other ways it’s not. We need unity, we need our voices back. However we need to balance that with a certain degree of safety, security, and stealth. There is a reason the underground railroad and other causes like it did not take out ads in newspapers. For me the thing that has worked has been exposing what is happening, shining a light into some of this darkness, but that’s the thing about darkness, it does not like to have light shined in it’s face. It likes darkness for a reason. There are so many people, if each would just shine their light into this darkness, it could not do this to us anymore, but they never do. This system is in place because we keep it in place, it controls us because we let it. We are the only ones who can change that. I don’t think anyone is coming to save us, and so we must try to save ourselves, or do the best that we can.

Mark was not very religious, I like to think of myself as a spiritual person. I don’t think I should be limited by one religion, though, each has value and merit in it’s
own way. I would just recommend that you find something
to believe in, something to center and keep you balanced.
I believe it’s a physical battle, and a spiritual one.
Every little bit helps.

The one really good thing that Mark did was to let targets know that they are not alone. You really are not alone. All those that have gone before are with you, and all those that will come after are with you. As you walk on the path you will feel alone, you will see things that will try to break your spirits, you will loose people that touched your soul, that inspired you, but then you have to use that to inspire others, to be leaders in your own right. How you do that will be up to you.

October 24, 2007 Posted by | Bullying, Censorship, Cointelpro, community policing, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, domestic spying, driving-crazy, Electronic harassment, Fascism, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, government corruption, harassment, Indigo Ribbon, Jesus, John Lennon, Mark M Rich, Martin Luther King Jr, Mccarthyism, Mind Control, mobbing, Neighbours, New World Order, NWO, Online Stalking, oppression, silence, Snitches, society, Stalking, State target, Surveillence, Thought Police, Tracking | 33 Comments

Mokeys, frogs, state control.

David Icke Secrets of the Matrix. (This is great) I found it so informative. Now you don’t have to agree 100% with it, but it’s pretty informative.

It’s six hours. I have seen about 3 hrs worth, but it’s good what I have seen. You can rent it, buy it or find it other ways. Google had it but removed it, but if you look about…

This is how the world seems to be working.
I believe this was an actual experiment that was done, but I could not find the source.

Start with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana over a set of stairs. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water. After while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result – the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when any monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it. Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he’ll be assaulted. Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one.

The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they weren’t permitted to climb the stairs or why they’re participating in the beating of the newest monkey. After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana.

Now take this a step further and apply this to society. At some point these mokeys/people go out into the world, they go into the companies, into the schools, religious organizations, etc. Social constructs that are used to keep us in line, and teach us how to fall in line. Everytime a monkey/person get’s out of line they are punished. Some monkeys/people go through life never going after the banana, never getting out of line, and so are never attacked, and so would never understand that society is like this. Then you get those who do go for the banana, whistle-blowers, activists, dissidents, those who step out of line, those who ask the right/wrong questions, publish the news stories they should not, ones that are too independent, those who do not properly conform, etc. Then they see society for what it is.

Society has various ways for dealing with those who are not conforming, or teaching others how to conform. Drugging of young school children who are too hyperactive for their own good, School bullying, workplace mobbing, community gang stalking, the buzzsaw for reporters, religious/cult harassment, social annexing, etc. Most of society at some point will learn how to fall in line, and they too will keep others in line. Many don’t know why, but that’s the way it is, and they understand that they can get sprayed with that cold water if they don’t keep others in line.

People are kept in line primarily via fear, fear of what others will think of them, or react to them, etc. Social constructs that most of us are a part of and would not wish to be annexed from. Should a monkey/person step out of line, they are then socially annexed to bring them back in line, harassed, have their lives disrupted, or more forceful means. Now we have more overt and extreme measures. Neurolinguist programing is being used to purposly sensitive people in society to everyday stimuli, then on others electronic monitoring and torture is being used.

[quote]If you put a frog in scalding hot water, the frog will jump out immediately. If you put that same frog into lukewarm water and gradually turn up the heat, the frog will happily let itself be boiled to death.” [/quote]

The same is happening with our move towards a one world global government, with a scanned/micro chipped/controlled, communist, snitching society. I mean if someone tried to introduce ID chips into the bodies of humans 50 years ago, people would have revolted, and overthrown the state. Same with the satalight surveillance, and the CCTV cameras, but we have slowly over time introduced the agenda for a global state and the frogs/humans are going to slowly let themselves get cooked to death/compliance.

As long as you just do it gradually and keep them distracted, they will be boiled before they know it. You could never do this all at once, because like the hot water they would realize it and rebel, but slowly over time, they get comfortable, slowly sedated like the frog, till it’s too late.

These blog posts are looping, but if you are like me, then coming to grips on how society could be like this is a process.

September 11, 2007 Posted by | Bullying, Censorship, Cointelpro, Controlled society, david icke, domestic spying, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, google, GPS tracking, harassment, Matrix, mental concentration camps, Mind Control, mobbing, Monitoring, Neurolinguistic, Neurolinguistic programing, New World Order, NWO, oppression, Police State, silence, slavery, slaves, Snitches, society, spy satellites, State target, Surveillence, Thought Police, UK, whistle blower, youtube | 1 Comment

The more things change the more they stay the same.

[quote]Surveillance and infiltration are weapons in the arsenal of the state machinery-from dictatorships like Egypt to Western democracies like the United States. How else could minority elites hope to monitor and stifle dissent among their exploited and oppressed majorities? Especially in times of war, when the façade of diplomacy is lifted and the true brutality of states is unleashed, a premium is placed on silencing or crushing any domestic discord that threatens national unity. War abroad, to put it bluntly, is always accompanied by intensified repression at home.[/quote]
Why did I think it had all changed?

The cops, judges, citizens, society, why did I think it had all changed?

I mean when I first learnt about Cointelpro and McCarthyism I learnt that at some recent time in history, the authorities of our society, our judges, cops, media, politicians, and many in society had contributed to these horrible time periods, which destroyed many good people. I learned that this insanity had continued and gone on for years under J. Edgar Hoover and other men like him. So why did I think it had all changed?

A study of McCarthyism. –

[quote]The two-stage nature of McCarthyism, in which political undesirables were first identified by one agency and then fired by another, increased its effectiveness. By diffusing the responsibility, the separation of the two operations made it easier for the people who administered the economic sanctions to rationalize what they were doing and deny that they were involved in the business of McCarthyism. This was especially the case with the essentially moderate and liberal men (few women here) who ran the nation’s major corporations, newspapers, universities, and other institutions that fired people for their politics. Many of these administrators sincerely deplored McCarthy and HUAC and tried to conceal the extent to which their own activities bolstered the witch-hunt. [/quote]
Because that was then and this is now. I assumed that it had all changed, but why would it? The media from that time did not get fired, the people of that time who helped ruin the lives of innocent people and black list them did not get fired, infact Ronald Reagan went on to become president.

If anything it was the victims who remained at large, hidden, still hardly able to find jobs.

It’s not the cream that has been rising to the top in society, it’s the mean, and I guess it’s always been like that. Also those people private citizens who remember Cointelpro, Red Squads, and McCarthyism, they remember what society can do, and they would have learned their lessons about complying with this system. That is why most don’t speak up or say anything, or get out of line, they see what can happen, they are not under the painted reality that has been set before so many of us to believe.

[quote]The Espionage Act of 1917, and an amendment, the Sedition Act of 1918 made it a crime to “willfully utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States,” punishable by a $10,000 fine and up to twenty years in prison. During the Palmer Raids in the aftermath of the First World War, the Bureau of Investigation-forerunner of the FBI-rounded up 6,000 radicals and exiled 1,000 foreign-born socialists and anarchists, using these acts as justification. During the McCarthyite witch-hunts of the 1940s and 1950s, a coalition of government bureaucrats, employers, and right-wing activists hounded and fired thousands of communists, leftists, trade unionists, and civil rights activists. These legal suspensions of democratic rights, often initiated by Democrats and almost always supported on both sides of the aisle, were promoted in the name of defending national security. Each time these activities expanded the scope of state repression. Radical historian Noam Chomsky describes how following the Second World War, Senate liberals including Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.) and Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) proposed “the ultimate weapon of repression: concentration camps to intern potential troublemakers on the occasion of some loosely defined future ‘Internal Security Emergency.

-2 Not much has changed since then. Don Goldwater, son of the late senator Barry Goldwater and GOP candidate for governor in Arizona, recently called for the creation of forced labor camps for undocumented immigrants.

3 The so-called liberal media, such as the New York Times, which sat on the NSA story for a year at the request of the Bush administration, applauded the expulsion of a socialist assemblyman following the Palmer Raids. In the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the Washington Post editorialized against “hairsplitting over infringement of liberty.

“4 A new generation of antiwar and social justice activists needs to learn the lessons of the last wave of state repression, spying, and infiltration. There is far too much ground to cover on this broad issue than can be done justice in the scope of a single article, therefore I’ve chosen to focus on a few highlights [lowlights?] of the government’s intervention in the Black liberation and socialist movements in the late 1960s and early 1970s.[/quote]
Why I thought it had changed is beyond me. The first thing that happened right after 9/11 is that people the the government had hounded and tried to destroy during Cointelpro were rounded up and they tried to use them once again to destroy each other. I mean this is like years they were allegedly left in peace, and then suddenly they were back on the charts. See nothing is ever forgotten by that side, nothing forgiven. We should be equally the same. By that I just mean it’s good to be mindfull of who and what these people are.

Lillian Hellman’s FBI file

[quote]During her lifetime she was never put on trial and no violation of the law was ever noted, not even a misdemeanor. How can you withhold a document about her on grounds that it is in ‘the interest of national defense or foreign policy – your official printed reason? Miss Hellman never threatened her country; she merely irritated officials in Washington who did not like her politics or her plays.

The FBI files reveal that surveillance of Miss Hellman began by [unnamed] informants before World War II – independently and also because of her relationship with Dashiell Hammett. Surveillance was maintained by FBI informants and also by a mail watch of her correspondents and what she read.

In 1938 she was one of the speakers at a rally to support the Abraham Lincoln Brigade volunteers with the Loyalists during the Spanish Civil War. The same year she joined thirty six other authors in a petition to President Roosevelt to bar
You can be targeted for such simple things, and this targeting is nothing new, and what I failed to realise is that societies willingness or abilty to go along with such times is also nothing new. How I could have missed this before is beyond me, but I see it now a lot more clearly. It was there in the research, and in so many others ways. I just did not wish to see it for whatever reason.

[quote]It is important to realize that the McCarthyesque idea of ignorant persecution did not come into being in 50 s, but had already existed for hundreds of years, with such historical examples such as the Spanish Inquisition and the Salem Witch Hunts. A more modern manifestation of the McCarthy mindset would be that once someone has been accused of sexual harassment, they are shunned socially, whether they are finally found guilty or not. It can be applied even in a broader sense as a tendency to not discuss things openly; a local example would be that many people in Hartland did not want the book Daddy’s Roommate in the Pauline Haass Public Library. Another example would be the war over Outcome Based Education that erupted several years ago and is still going on in this district. Everyone has a different idea, and they all want to point fingers and blame, without getting the facts out in the open and discussing them coolly and rationally. Yet another example of ignorance and hate would be that many people in Hartland are against Satanism, while there are very few who actually know what it is about. It is important to realize that the repercussions of even a relatively short period of McCarthyism have long-lasting effects; during the short time he had power, Joseph McCarthy left his mark on history, which is still influencing leaders today.
So once more society has gone into Trippin mode, and we the targets are caught up in it’s spin cycle of repression and stupidity, once again. So again nothing new. What is new and that has been throwing off targets is the electronic harassment. The State has found a new weapon to play with. I guess it’s like shock treatment to keep targets in line. Just like the Milgram experiments where you get a complete stranger to shock another stranger and do it more and more. Nothing new there eiteher, you have just found a way to do this remotely. Cleaver, cleaver, little State.
When you love your country you wear these little blinders that you are not aware of. You don’t tend to realise that your country can be just a bad, and repressive as any other state, or country. We also have such a good reputation in the world, that is just one more reason it took me longer to see this. I thought surly if my country was repressing it’s citizens in such a way, it would be discussed, but then look who owns the United Nations, and who runs it. It’s like being on the highschool league of justice commity. Your friends can do no wrong and they don’t get reported when they pull the same crap that other people do.

I guess I had this naive sense of pride in who my country and society were, and refused or could not see it as being as corrupt, flawed and bad as any other nation. It’s so horrible to have this truth wash over me, and yet it’s so free. The truth will make you free, but first it will make ya miserable. So true in so many ways.

So where does that leave targets? I mean we are in a slightly different age with the internet and the abiltiy to get information out to society and allegidly the world, but this has not changed much. That is because there are no true agencies or organisations that can change this. Unless you can bring the eyes of the world to your door steps like they did with South Africa, then this is not going to change.

For example it’s not unlike the pedophile down the street who is like a cop, or firefighter, and no one wants to see that they are bad. They have a good reputation and no one wants to see the truth. Or like Paul and Karla Homolka, I mean no one wants to see that shiny pretty couple answer the door and believe that they have some drugged teenager locked up in the basement and so they just walk away. No one wants to beleive our democratic countries, the judges of the world, the good guys of the world are doing these horrible things to thier citizens. It’s like trying to get people to believe that Priest are commiting derading acts on very young children. The people that don’t know, don’t want to believe, and the people that do know, don’t say anything, or didn’t for years. It’s so horrible that such shamefull things can happen in society, allegidly under the cover of darkness, but it’s not. It’s more like a big dirty open secret that everyone knows about and no one does anything about. They just accept that that’s the way it is.

So what can we learn from this boys and girls? The State is corrupt, murdering and dangerous, it’s always been like this, and I guess it probably always will be unless someone is interested in changing it. And the biggest lesson or surprise for me is still society and the individual will or lack there of, and people’s willingness to just go along with it. I am not trying to blame or judge anyone, I mean now that I have some idea of what you have been up against, and what that would mean I am less angry, but so disappointed. I mean what happened to standing up to peer-pressure? That’s right our society practically hazes children to fall in line with peer pressure, be it drugs, sex, alchol, or whatever, they learn to do whatever one else is doing, because that is how you fit in to society, that is how you will be liked, and admired, and so they are conditioned from an early age, that this is the price of acceptance, and for the most part it is. There there are those few, who somehow managed to come up in society and miss that lesson. Who resisted the peer pressures, and the world, and so here you are, here we are, here they are.

It’s all very fascinating that aspect of it, but the rest, is as it ever was. Targets have to find a way to survive, document this time period, just like the others that have gone before, and also try to help other real targets as best as we can, by sharing our experiences.
As far as agencies and the law, I still think we have to try to make people aware of what is happening from a target stand point of view. The same targeting that has been going on in society, that we have these laws against, is being commited by our own governments. The same drugs that people are going to jail for, are being imported by the CIA a branch of the government. As long as the corruption abounds, then so must awareness abound, and a few voices saying that this is wrong and this is not the way things should be.

Hum seems like this other person had the same issues with their state like over 2000 years ago, and spoke out against the corruption of that time period, and tried to help the poor, downtrodden and oppressed. He too woul become a target of the State. See the more things change, the more they stay the same.

[quote]”Woe and misery to you scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites, you sanctimonious swindlers! You are like tombs that are kept beautifully painted white on the outside but inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything rotten and corrupt. You appear outwardly to others to be good and righteous, but inside you are full of filth and corruption, hypocrisy and lawlessness[/quote]

August 8, 2007 Posted by | Censorship, Cointelpro, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Jesus, Laws, Mccarthyism, mental concentration camps, metropolitan police, mobbing, Police State, politicians, Red Squads, Snitches, society, State target, Surveillence, Thought Police | Leave a comment

The System 2

The System. It controls all.

So when I wrote my last post a couple of days ago, I think I was starting to get this, but I don’t think I really got this. I was sitting on a bench the other day and this little Asian boy and his family passed by. He was skipping along just young, innocent, happy, unaware of the evils of the world I would say. His parents were doing the snitch patrol thing, but he was just being a kid, unaware of it all, and then I think I finally got it. (Well some of it.)

Just like I would have been this happy kid, not skipping along, but unaware of the world, and this systemic system that is before me. Much like that kid, I probably had adults in my life who were aware of this snitching system, and who were also a part of this. Much like him, I lived and grew oblivious to this system. Much like some of the other targets. The same targets who are seeing these family patterns, we are all assuming it’s something recent, because how could any of us envision a system that is like this.

At some point the targeted ones, are not for whatever reason absorbed into the Borg system, and maybe they do something that is out of line with our little controlled system. I mean I am still in the mode where I am thinking that my sensitization was accidental, but just like Mark and the other targets, there is probably nothing accidental about this stuff. It’s all used for purposes of control. Thus why they try to attach (Anchor) other sensitizations to the original one. (As was attempted with me last year.)

I would or couldn’t see this a year ago, not six months ago, maybe a month ago, but I get it now, well sort of. I think the problem is that most targets keep thinking this is brand new, most of us don’t think that something like this could exist in society and why would we? I mean we are taught one thing, and apparently the truth is something quite different. What I don’t get is why not just be honest about it?

China is pretty open about their snitching, Russia, East Germany, why all the farce and pretense, that you were not doing the exact same thing? This should have clicked before now. Red Squads (Red Squads, Protectors of Privilege) go back over a hundred years, the spying on campuses goes back over 70 years, ( This was never anything new, the only thing that is new, is our ability to compare notes. (The Internet)

When this happen to targets 15 years ago, even just 10 short years ago, the Internet was not what it was, so most targets would have suffered alone, unable to get help, thinking it was just them. Within the last few years however, with the groups that have formed we have targets comparing notes, being lead in the wrong direction by the disinfo agents, and now it makes a bit more sense.

There are no boundaries. I mean being rich or famous does not stop this. Eg. John Lennon. When he complained about being followed around in public by strangers, he said that if anything ever happened to him, it would be no accident. I just found out that in addition to his own government spying on him, my government also did. What a tag team.

I have pointed out Eminem’s most recent lyrics. [quote]The track makes references to his phones being tapped, how an FBI van might pull up and he might just disappear, or maybe get taken out by a sniper one day. He goes on to say how he is focused on writing as many tracks as he can just incase something happens, and takes it one step further saying that he has already accepted he would be killed and then painted negatively for his actions. This is the point where the track briefly references 9/11 (after mentioning tremendous tremors) before going on to talk about 2 Pac predicting his death, and JFK’s assasination – an allusion to them both being killed for being ‘public enemy #1’ in the past.[/quote] Very telling.

And of course Mark M. Rich had said if he disappears, has an accident or goes missing, etc,etc, it would be no accident.

So this explains a lot, but not everything. Why do some parents get their kids into this creepy snitch system from an early age, while others leave their kids oblivious to this?

In these little covert investigations which are part of the farce, why are some people made aware of what’s going on, while others are not?

At least this explains why people go along with this, they are facing a an all encompasing system that is corrupt from top to bottom, that has ****large chunks of society,**** which I would say are in the majority that are a part of this. Thus explaining why people do not show more gumption.

If you are one of those people not in the know, you would never get it. You would just go through life, being unaware. You would also not believe it. You would have to see, feel and experience this for yourself. Once you do, you are not likely to forget.

Mobbing? How long was this going on in the workplaces, before it started getting documented? Is it as new as we first thought or was it on going for years, without being reported? Same question goes for bullying? It does appear with our ability to share and pass on information with the Internet and other mediums that there is now more awareness, but is that because the problem is at an all time high, or because people are finally in positions to document it? The same goes for who get’s targeted most.

Is it really an increase disproportionate to other time frames, or are we just documenting the occurrences more accurately?

Finally. The nice thing about a corrupt system, it will not sustain itself forever. There is a reason we don’t have the stupid and the corrupt at the helm. The Enron scandal comes to mind.

Lot’s of people knew about this, from what I have read, it was a big open secret. Many knew, many did nothing, and look how well that turned out? The problem is, the system that supported this happening, has not changed, and if anything is probably worst than ever. Now that’s not too bad, because it’s only people’s money. What about when the stupid and corrupt are responsible for your drinking water, food supply, medicine, health care? We already see this working in our tribunals, courts, law offices, police departments. As a target you get to see the corrupt side of the tracks pretty quickly, and you understand the underlying consequences of this, but the rest of society, will not experience the fruits of these labours, the full fruit of this corrupt system till later, and then it will be a bit too late to correct it.

Just some food for thought. It’s early morning, for some odd reason the target is being kept awake, the EMF is flowing fast and free, so I thought it would be nice to share. If I can’t sleep, then I guess I can blog. 🙂
Oh and remember, think nice thoughts, think nice thoughts.

August 3, 2007 Posted by | Bullying, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Eminem, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, High technology, John Lennon, metropolitan police, mobbing, New World Order, NWO, Police Abuse, Police State, politicians, Red Squads, Snitches, society, Thought Police, twilight zone, vibrations | 11 Comments

The system.

I have a lot to update you with. The reason I don’t write as much as I should. I feel somewhat unlike before that it won’t make a difference I don’t think things will change. It doesn’t mean I am giving up, but I see the world, and more or less accept it for what it is.

Things to tell you about. Well let’s start with Mark’s site being gone. is finally off the air. I knew this might happen someday. I had downloaded his pdf file realising that this might happen. I have seen about 3 or 4 sites dealing with Gang Stalking go off the air since I have been online and when I came online, I saw people writing and asking why sites dealing with gang stalking were off the air, well now I know why.

If Mark didn’t make it, it really sucks. I have been a bit bummed out about this. I mean he’s smart, smart has to count for something right? So I don’t know, there was no update from him, since March 2006. The site was up, but I did realise that meant that maybe he had just paid in advance or something. I don’t know. I hope that he is out there somewhere, but I have seen a few people not make it, so it’s hard to say. Anyways the best we can do for each other is to preserver each others memories, so I would ask people to download his pdf and to read it and to remember him if he did not make it, and to hope for him if he is out there somewhere still.

Also in regards to this. I am wondering if anyone out there in the blogasphere would be kind enough to download my site, just in case for whatever reason it should become unavailable, at least the information gathered would not be lost. You can download a copy of this free Internet program and it will let you copy any website. Also you can get the ebook, now at

Anyways in regards to Mark one way or another, I just want to take this post to say thanks for all the information you left out there. At first some things didn’t make any sense, but as the pieces started to fall into place, it made a lot of sense. This does not happen in a vacuum, you were so right. This system that we are up against is systemic, and all encompassing. We we never looking at just a few corrupt turns or events, or a few nasty people wanting to make other people’s lives hell. What we have here is a system that most of our population is taking part in and not saying a word about. It is a controlled society, and at one point or another, most people are absorbed into the system. I don’t know exactly how it happens, because in my worst dreams, I could not have believed that society and the world was like this.

I do now know that we have seen times like this before, in countries. Hitlers Germany, McCarthyism in the States and others times. Where a whole society goes insane or get’s corrupted and goes along with this madness. In those times targets had to flee and leave, because the whole of society was going along with it. This is something that I could not understand, no it’s something I would not let myself understand or believe, because it was just too horrible to believe, but the truth has been there all along. What we are seeing, it’s nothing new, it’s been there all along. We are just seeing the outward manifestations of this system.

See when I got online, I was just looking for help with the harassment that I was experiencing. I was getting mobbed, and harassed at work, I noticed corruption, and finally I noticed the corruption extended to the human rights commission, I knew that could be right. Had no idea how I would prove it, or even get people to believe me, but in going online and doing the harassment site, I realised that I had not been the first person to notice this either. Tim Fields bless his soul, in doing his bullying site, had also noticed the corruption and just before he died, was going to start to look into it. He didn’t get the chance to, but I think he probably realised what I did.

[quote]Many targets of bullying report that they seem to be obstructed every step of the way in their pursuit of justice. The management refuse to investigate, or use an untrained investigator, or whitewash the case. The union refuses to help, or initially shows interest but suddenly changes sides. The solicitor initially shows interest but then starts acting in a manner which suggests they have the other side’s interests at heart rather than yours.

The employer’s lawyers apply for, and obtain, adjournment after adjournment, then obtain a pre-hearing review which the tribunal chairman handles in favour of the employer. In the tribunal, favour is shown to the respondent (employer) and you get the impression that the verdict has been decided in advance. Your solicitor, the respondent’s lawyers and the tribunal chairman seem to know more about your case than you think they should.
After the tribunal you’re left with no option but to privately sue the employer, the union, and your solicitor, and appeal the tribunal decision, but by this time you have no job, no income, your savings are gone, so is your health, maybe your marriage too, and there’s no prospect of ever being employed again, especially in the professions.
Sound familiar? If so, you might be surprised to realise how often this happens. Mostly it’s in cases from the education sector, although it may happen in any public sector case, for example the NHS. Occasionally, but less often, it happens in private sector cases, and in rare cases from the voluntary sector.[/quote]

Then I would also come across these great great articles and reports, which also added credence to what I was seeing. [quote]Minority women face ‘double jeopardy’ of racial and sexual harassment in the workplace Policy-makers, human resources personnel need to be aware of gender/ethnicity vulnerabilities

New research at the University of Toronto is the first to empirically document that women who are visible minorities face a double dose of harassment in the workplace – based both on sex and ethnicity.

Professor Jennifer Berdahl of the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management and Celia Moore, a PhD student, tested the “double jeopardy hypothesis” by surveying workers at three male-dominated manufacturing plants and three female-dominated social service organizations.

“If you add up their sexual and ethnic harassment,” says Berdahl, “minority women are harassed more than others.” [/quote]
The report is really long, but again it also has the same kinds of people being targeted, and the woman in this report, are again reporting the same kind of systemic corruption that I starting to see. Lawyers, tribunals, judges, you name it. At this stage however, you think, but many it’s just a few bad apples right? It’s not though. This is something that is systemic.
I would again see this at the landlord tenant tribunal, when I had to take the landlord to task for the harassment that I was experiencing. Again what I was seeing looked systemic, but I just did not want to believe it.

I would also notice that some articles online go missing. Important ones like this. Make a stink go see a shrink. An article talking about how employers are using psychiatric reprisal to shut down whistle-blowers. After what I had experienced with Carol the H/R person at CIBC in regards to her attempted reprisal to my human rights commission complaint this made sense.
[quote]Peter Downs

May 2001.
Reprinted with consent of The Progressive.

On October 5, 1998, Norm Crosty sent a letter to the labor relationsdepartment at his plant. Crosty, for thirteen years an electrician at Ford Motor Company’s Wixom, Michigan, assembly plant, complained that he could not do his job because so many of his bosses were taking the necessary equipment out of the plant to work on their homes or personal businesses.

The next day, the plant director of human resources invoked a Ford program for combating workplace violence to bar Crosty from the factory and ordered him to see a company-paid psychiatrist or lose his job.

A little more than fourteen months later, and 725 miles away, officials at Emory University cited a similar concern about violence to justify using armed guards to escort Dr. James Murtagh off university property when Dr. R. Wayne Alexander, chairman of the department of medicine at Emory, ordered him to see a company-selected psychiatrist or lose his job. Six weeks earlier, Murtagh, a professor of pulmonology at Emory, had filed a false claims suit against the university, alleging that it had misspent millions of dollars in federal grant money. He claimed the university diverted money from research grants in order to pay for salaries and trips for administrators and some staff. The specific allegations were sealed by order of the federal judge.

Crosty and Murtagh don’t know each other. It is unlikely their worlds would ever intersect, but they have at least one thing in common. They both are victims of an increasingly popular employer weapon against whistleblowers: the psychiatric reprisal.
See when you are going through these situations on your own, it seems like you are the only one that this is happening to. However, when you start to see the bigger picture, all the reports of workplace mobbing, the who is getting targeted, it makes more sense.
1) How do bullies select their targets?
The bully selects their target using the following criteria:
bullies are predatory and opportunistic – you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time; this is always the main reason – investigation will reveal a string of predecessors, and you will have a string of successors
being good at your job, often excelling
being popular with people (colleagues, customers, clients, pupils, parents, patients, etc)
more than anything else, the bully fears exposure of his/her inadequacy and incompetence; your presence, popularity and competence unknowingly and unwittingly fuel that fear
being the expert and the person to whom others come for advice, either personal or professional (ie you get more attention than the bully)
having a well-defined set of values which you are unwilling to compromise
having a strong sense of integrity (bullies despise integrity, for they have none, and seem compelled to destroy anyone who has integrity)
having at least one vulnerability that can be exploited
being too old or too expensive (usually both)
refusing to join an established clique
showing independence of thought or deed
refusing to become a corporate clone and drone
Jealousy (of relationships and perceived exclusion therefrom) and envy (of talents, abilities, circumstances or possessions) are strong motivators of bullying. [/quote]

Again the pattern of who was being targeted. The none sheeple people. (The bright, those who excel, the whistle-blower types. The other reports as mentioned above indicate also Woman, and minorities. )

What was not clear then is the fact that most of these people will not only be targeted for their smart, good characters, but they will be targeted because they are not part of this system. This creepy, zoombie, informant, whatever you want to call it system. The ones who are also getting targeted also seem to be blissfully unaware of this system.

We are not, or were not aware of this system, but more importantly we were not a part of this system, and I think that is the key underlying reason that we are being chosen, targeted, and decimated.

But we are just average people, right? So why are we being chosen? No we are not average. We are anomalies to this system of corruption, that most of the rest of society is a part of, and that is just one more reason we are a problem, or could be a potential problem. When you are not going along with a system that is systemic, and maybe you make a wave or get noticed, then that is a problem for this system and that is where it starts. The targets are chosen with good reason. We are not a part of this system.

This following is not the best analogy I could have chosen, but this is how I feel. It’s like in those zombie movie, and the rest of the world get’s zombified, and a few survivors are left, and the zombies are trying to turn, kill destroy the survivors, cause they have something that are not. Eg. They have life, brains, whatever you want to call it. Let me simplify it. In an enslaved society, no one likes a free man.

The majority of targets, all that I have encountered, were as blissfully unaware of this system, as I was. At least if they were aware, they have not said anything. I don’t think they were aware anymore than I was. Cause why would we be aware that most of society was a part of this? This cute little snitching, signally, spying, lying, corruption network? I don’t roll that way, so I didn’t think others did, but that’s naive, because I know others do. What i did not know is that most others in society do. Yeah the movie the Matrix had a lot more value than I thought. Because again, who would think that we are enslaved, not in chains, but in a very different ways, when we are taught that we are free?

I know a lot of these people don’t want to be a part of this, but I know equally that a lot of people do, and people are not willing to do anything to change this. I don’t exactly know how people get inducted into this creepy system, but I now know that it’s systemic. (I don’t even want to say it.)

At some point your kids, your parents, friends, and other family will probably be a part of this system, and they will go along with it. If you have no idea what I am talking about, then I am happy for you. A year ago, if I read something like this, I would have been like, what the heck, and probably would have dismissed it. Same thing I did when I saw the Matrix.

If you know what I am talking about, then I get why you don’t say anything and why most will not do anything to change this, but it does not make it right. Also since I am seeing it from this perspective, I can see the evil of this system. I understand that from the other side, the other perspective, many people think that this is great, and that continues to boggle my mind.

The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.

Spiritually where I am? You would think this sort of targeted systemic attack would be bumming me out a lot more than it is. I mean it does in someways, like when I see another real target off the charts it’s like a bummer, but then in other ways, I am happier and more self fulfilled than I have been in a long time.
Last year this time. I didn’t know WTF was going on. I was being burnt in my home, I was seeking help from all the responsible channels in society that we have been taught are there to help. Canadian Human Rights Commission, Amnesty International, Police etc, only to be told like other targets before me, that they could do nothing to help. Realising that the police were a part of this. Watching politicians take part in this, ofcourse being betrayed by the ex-family, didn’t help either. I didn’t have a clue as to why. I really not only felt alone, but I was alone, and to say that is was me against the world, I see now is not that far off a sentiment.

Well now I sort of have a clue as to what’s going on. At least I have what I can accept for the moment. I am still alone, but I have me, and that’s good. I am way more connected, and informed than I was a year ago. I also see that the more things change, the more things stay the same. Wither you are a target of the state that lived 2000 years ago, or a modern day target, the set up’s, slanders, and tricks of the state are all the same, and things end up just about as well for modern day targets.

Mark was also right that we have seen this evil before, past times, Salem witch trials etc. It’s the same insanity, but unlike those times where we can say it was just a small little group that did some bad things, we have a society going along with this and willing to also do some bad things to targets.
Yet truth feels so good, it’s so cleansing. Like I literally feel happier than I have in a long time. I am closer to being self actualised than I was a year ago, if this self actualization thing even means anything in today’s society.
I am better spiritually than I was, I am still not where I want to be, but much better than I was. I feel more balanced internally, and I think that’s just cause I have had to be to get through this. Now don’t get me wrong. I am still being electronically harassed in my home. I still get these electronic skin burns sometimes. (Or something that looks and feels like that.) Still you get accustomed to stuff. I am not saying I want this to be a part of my future by any stretch of the imagination, but if it’s something that I have to go through, to become who I am meant to be, then so be it.

I also realise now, my chances of finding a decent world, where there is little or no corruption is not likely to happen. It does not mean that I won’t find decent people though. I like to think that I have online sometimes. The places I blog, I get people that I encounter that I like to think of as good, so I think there is still hope, but I tend to be the overly optimistic sort.
So I am still trying to survive the best I can, being a target, does change things somewhat, but I have to believe that there is still a way to go against the grain and survive, I have to believe that. Faith can move mountains, it can part seas, and it can help all people in times of trouble and tribulation. So it’s really causing me to try and find my spiritual center. Not saying it’s easy, but day by day, I do what I can.
In someways I am a little bit heartbroken, the world is nothing like what I thought it was. It’s much more evil and corrupt, than I realised. Heck it is evil and corrupted to the core, still others have gone before, and others will come after, and the world will keep on turning. It is as it ever was, all that’s changed again is my awareness of this and my coming to terms with this.

I am trying to swim with this tide, through the tide? It’s determined to encompass me, but instead of splashing and frailing, I realise that water has a flow, it has a natural pattern, and if you are going to get through this, you have to find out how it flows, and try to let it flow around you. Else you just get caught up in the tide.
So I am trying to get my priorities in order. Survive, fight acne, and make the world aware of what’s happening. I had to upgrade the fighting acne, skin care before world dominance.
Dietary, I am actually eating I think healthier than I was last year, and I am happy about that as well. What else can be said.
Others have come and gone, the reason the information was not more readily available, is because the drones of these powers that be, monitor and shut down, or decimate those trying to get the information out. There are not enough real targets out there to keep preserving the information, so each target almost has to start from scratch. (In every generation a new target is chosen.)
[quote]Spread information
Having information is only a beginning. It’s no use if it sits forever on some shelf. To have impact, information needs to be circulated. The general principle in challenging the hoarding of information in bureaucracies is to “spread” it, namely make it available to those who can make use of it.[/quote]

My making people aware of this, will not make any more difference than those people who fought to make people aware of the scandals in the catholic church, in fact some have suffered extremely for their efforts, and for what? People still hand their boys and girls over to these men, week after week, or leave their kids alone with them. Children are still being sexually prayed upon, and the catholic church has now made investigating these instances more difficult than ever. Now all complaints of this, must go directly to Rome, courtesy of some statues that the new pope put in place. The same new pope who was responsible for seeing that that laws were in place that allowed for this cover up to continue.
People had the power to change this, they had the power to walk away, threaten to walk away until the system was fixed, and could really protect their kids, but they didn’t. Instead big money settlements were made, and again we were taught that money could cover for a multitude of sins, which still continue, as much as ever. The people who let these systems happen, have risen to power, and the innocent are the only ones who continue to get slaughtered. People had the power to change that system, but they did not. Those who fought to expose this, and those victimised by it, are the only ones who have not risen in power.
Making the world, the few in the world aware of this system, who are not aware, will most likely not change it. Because these systems in one way or another work for many people and that is why they have no desire or inclination to change the system. There is no need. If it works for you, then you have no need or desire to change it, and at some level this works for these people.
As long as they go along with it, it supports their corruption, sins, secrets, and let’s many do what they should not do, so it works.

The reason targets are so targeted is because we are anomalies to this system and just one target out of control, free, not following the status quo, can be a problem. Just like some of the young men who died via the year of the gun, once a part of this system it won’t let you leave, just like any slave society. For some reason in our blank little lives, most targets have managed to be too good, none bribe-able, nothing to black mail with, nothing to threaten with, and nothing to use to make them a part of this system, so they are sought out and destroyed in other ways, or just placed in situations with people who are parts of these systems, so they can be effectively watched and monitored.

There is more I wanted to say, but this post is already way too long. So again my situation is not ideal, but it could be worst. There are thousands of people getting mobbed, bullied, harassed, gang stalked, whatever you want to call it, targeted by a system that they have no idea about, my situation is bad, but it could be worst, cause at least I am not a little bit aware of what is happening, and I stand a better chance. So again I am going to look at the half full glass senario for as long as I can.

July 31, 2007 Posted by | black, Black female, Black Females, black women, BlackFemales, blackwomen, Bullying, Censorship, changing vibrations, discrimination, Females, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, Gratitude, harassment, Ignorance, Laws, mental concentration camps, metropolitan police, Minorities, Minority women, Minoritywomen, mobbing, Movies, New World Order, NWO, Online Stalking, Police Abuse, Police State, politicians, Politics, sexual harassment, Snitches, society, Thought Police, whistle blower | 5 Comments