Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Community Notifications and Gang Stalking

At this stage it’s assumed that the targets friends or family are contacted via mail or some other method, given the notification, and then they probably have some kind of confidentially agreement or none disclosure agreement that they have to adhere to. Via Occupation health and safety workers have the right to know how to protect themselves from individuals who have a history, or who have displayed inappropriate or violent behaviour.

To give you an idea of the emotional impact that keeping quite on a similar topic would have, there was a story in the paper about a man who received a national security letter. This is completely different than a none disclosure agreement. He emotional felt like he was having a breakdown by not being able to say anything to his girlfriend, and was often forced to lie. That’s the sort of impact that sort of required confidentially can have on an individual.

What targets are asked to sign once they get notification would be more of a none disclosure agreement.

[quote]Not only will this program used the civil servant already mentioned, but it will expand who is used in the program. They will have secret sources of communication available to them. The members of these programs will connect with the fusion centers. None disclosure agreement or a confidential disclosure agreements will be signed by many in these programs to ensure that the information is protected.[/quote]

They might feel empowered to make a citizens arrest even. The workers would be trained in proper methods of communicating safety codes and sign language. I know this notification system is suppose to be a wonderful thing, but parts of it remind me of my research on the Stasi and how the one handed sign language was used there. Eg. Snitches were taught the one handed sign language and then they too became a part of the system.

They use this secret code the same way any cult does, Gang, or secret society does and for those on the outside they are harassed, or the citizens who have been taught these health and safety signs choose not to work with those who are not a part of the system. In England where Masons used a similar structure of silence and secrecy, they are now forced to disclose if they are Masons, because the allegiance went above and beyond the loyalty to the law and in many cases maybe even above and beyond doing what was right.

[quote]The following instruction sets out guidance governing the membership by members of the armed forces of societies such as freemasons: there is no intention or policy to preclude service personnel from membership of any lawful and benevolent organisation. However, involvement in organisations of a secretive nature, such as the freemasons, carries with it the risk of establishing disparate loyalties which may have a destabilising influence on the chain of command, not least by the perception of preferential treatment and undue influence. While membership of such organisations is clearly a matter for the individuals concerned, serving personnel should not encourage or promote membership amongst their colleagues, meetings should not be held on MOD premises, and use should not be made of any MOD property.

Ministry of Defense
United Kingdon
New 2001 Department Policy on Freemasonry in the Military

This is nothing against Masons, I am just pointing out that in the U.K. it became a real problem and disclosure for a time became mandatory.That recently changed for Judges again, where it’s no longer mandatory.

I also suspect, but at this stage can not prove that this is probably what triggers some of the bullying in schools, and the mobbing in the workplace. Targeting those not taking part in this system.  “However, involvement in organisations of a secretive nature, such as the freemasons, carries with it the risk of establishing disparate loyalties which may have a destabilising influence on the chain of command, not least by the perception of preferential treatment and undue influence. ” Preferential treatment for members of the one handed sign language gang would be bad enough, but they are bullying, mobbing, harassing and systemically destroying those who are not a part of this and that is wrong.

I have and can bear witness of this preferential treatment for these club members or whatever they think of themselves as, and it’s not a club that I want anything to do with, because I have seen what they do to none club members, the last decade of my life has been a testament to that. In court hearing they try to use this to influence judges to curry favor, by identifying themselves as part of this program (system). It also happens in everyday life, like waiting and keeping a bus door open for someone who is a member vs someone who is not. I get that people want to support others who are part of this structure, remember the majority of people think that this is a good thing. There are aspects of this that are good, don’t get me wrong. A community coming together to look after itself and protect itself can be a beautiful thing, but from the side that I have lived, it’s been a nightmare, and no one should have to experience such systemic destruction. This happened to me because officially because I fought back about some workplace harassment, but unofficially I think someone who knew how this system worked had a grudge against someone else used it to get revenge. Eg. If you know how this system works, you provoke the person till they yell or lash out, bait them, then report them. Get them flagged.

After spending over 10 years mobbed, and Gang Stalked, I can truly say that this is the most evil thing that I have ever seen.

I also believe that this is similar to the end time structure. What I have seen of the conformaty, the way they try to bully people to take part reminds me of that same structure that has been spoken about.

Right now what happens to targets is their lives are systemically destroyed. People don’t want to work with them etc. The end time structure is not just a mark of (the beast) a person, it’s also a system were you can not buy, trade, sell without it. This notification system is conditioning people to comply, and to harass those who are not complying, or taking part with this system.

I think in a generation, they could socially condition people to believe that only those with the external mark in the forehead or hand are people who they should do business with, and what socially they can not enforce, there will be laws to back up.

Thousands of people are being eliminated from communities, usually the outspoken, and others, those not falling in line, via these notification systems. Can you imagine how many innocent people are in jails, institutions, homeless, committed suicide, or killed people because of this system? Will there ever be an apology? Will they review the files of those in mental wards who claimed that they were being followed around? The police and other agency reports of Gang Stalking?

People want the elites to take responsibility for their actions, but what about taking responsibility for their own individual actions? No it’s far easier to say that an authority figure made me do it and I was just following orders. That excuse worked in Germany as well, it’s the same types of structures repeating, where people get rid of those that  they are told are undesirable.  You get an excuse to do mean things to those the state has a problem with.

I can’t right the wrongs of the past, but I would ask that those in the know do something, ask for a review of this system, because the way it’s working right now, is not right. The systemic destruction of innocent individuals is just wrong, and the way it’s being used in that capacity is just evil.

April 29, 2010 Posted by | Citizen Informants, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conformity, Conspiracy, Corruption, Cults, Gang Stalking, Informants, one handed signals, sign language, Social Control, State target, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 15 Comments

Gangs and their secrets

The informants can also be compared to a gang and how a gang functions. I have compared them to cults, gangs, secret societies, etc. It’s all the same. Members who keep a code of silence.

There are many gangs in society but this is the main one, and it comprises all of the smaller gangs or minor ones. So it incorporates, government branches, the cops, the Mafia, street gangs, masons, Scientologist, black activists, kkk, store owners, company workers, almost every religious sect you can think of. Every sector of society takes part. I don’t think I can make this any clearer. As much as they might all pretend not to get along, when the state comes calling, they will communicate together in public, and they are unified when it comes to their informant system.

Gangs rely on silence, so ofcourse this relies on silence. The snitches don’t want their I feel special club exposed.

Scientologist have Scientology, Masons have Masonry, and the snitches have this. This is their gang, their cult, their secret club. They feel special being a part of this. So yes the secrecy is a big part. They get so upset realising that outsiders know. They like this cause it makes them feel connected, belonging, like any gang or cult would. The mafia is one type of gang, so are the cops, so are street gangs, and the members join for different reasons. Many clubs have secrets, that the members are expected to uphold.

The cops, informants, and gangs use one handed sign languages.

Where the cops and street gangs wear uniforms or matching colors, the informants often look like average people for the most part.

Some Gangs, some cults, some cops, some informants do underhanded things. There have been many cases where members of these groups have been caught doing illegal, immoral things.

Some Gangs, some cults, some cops, some informants  are corrupt. There have been cops caught dealing drugs, informants caught in huge lies that destroy lives, cults have been known to do corrupt things as well. I think most targets are familiar with the corrupt actions of some of the informants.

Some Gangs, Some cults, some cops, some informants , use lies, bullying, intimidation, and  fear to control their members. There are informants that want to speak out, but they are controlled by fear in some cases. They are lied to in others, and in some cases feel that it’s their patriotic duty to keep the secret. We have seen via gang stalking all of the above methods used to try to control and destroy the lives of targets.

The only thing with gang stalking is that it takes all the cults, gangs, cops, informants, and they are all part of one big gang. One big conspiracy of silence, and because so many people take part, many who realise what is going on lie to themselves. They believe that they are part of something that is good, nobel, protecting the city. They take part following orders instead of thinking. They pretend that this is normal, some of them see it as a good thing. To wake up to the truth that this is not normal, would shatter their reality. Many see it as power, rather than the enslavement that it truly is. To realise they are slaves, might mean doing something about it.

Many like the sense of belonging, sense of community, many on the inside don’t see things the way we do. They like the power, the connectedness, that feeling of finally fitting in, having a purpose. That is what keeps this going, and they don’t want their little secret club to be exposed.

Many people complain about cops and their blue wall of silence, or that gang members won’t snitch, or about how Masons, and other cults keep secrets, but then they turn around and they do the same thing. They keep secrets. They tell lies to keep their secrets safe. Their are hundreads of targets online saying that they are being abused by this system, but the cult/gang members still keep the secret. Then get made at other clubs or cults who do the same. It’s no different. They have their secret handshakes, you have your sign language.

Lies, manipulation, bullying, murder are used to keep your little system going just like any other. People who like these smaller gangs, cults, clubs, for the most part like this bigger one, cause the same things that allowed them to keep the secrets, tell the lies, do the damage, or destruction for these smaller clubs is what will cause them to do the same for this bigger club.

Gangs like their secrets, and they are willing to lie, bully, harass, intimidate, or destroy the innocent to keep these secrets. The informants in many cases are no different.

January 20, 2010 Posted by | Awareness, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, conspiracies, Conspiracy, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Informants, Intimidation, one handed signals, Scientologists, sign language, slavery, slaves, Snitches, Social Control, society, Spying, Stalking, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , | 9 Comments


I didn’t know what to title this. There is so much that I want to say, and if I don’t say it all at once a lot of it get’s forgotten.
Eg. Movies, I meant to post about movies that you should check out, and keep forgetting to. I also don’t have the time to post about them now.


I think it would be nice for the Gang Stalking targeted individual community to come together, but how would this happen? We will be stronger if we are united, that is true, but then how could we avoid the problems we already have, and then the problems that the members of the Cointelpro community faced? If we can’t find a way to come together, then we might  be able to succeed, but if we come together as one voice, if it’s not the correct voice or voices, we are right back where we came from.

People like to come together, they like groups. They like a sense of community. That is one of the worst parts of this, because when you finally meet others like yourself who are going through the same thing that you are, you should be able to just sit back relax and trust. This is the thing that programs like Cointelpro, and men like J. Edgar Hoover, stole from so many people. It’s a legacy that has been left behind, a sick legacy, but a legacy none the less.

I do think about what will bring us together, should we attempt it? Aren’t we together now? No we are not. I check the forums and there is still so much disinfo out there. It’s incredible, and again I wonder, with so many alleged targets out there, why are there not more people on these forums, getting the correct information out there? I mean we have videos, articles, etc. I think there is enough good evidence to show and prove some of the things we have been saying, but that information is simply not getting disseminated and I wonder why that is?
Has anyone else noticed that when they update a site or blog, or make corrections the corrections are gone or changed sometimes? I had solid proof of this at one time. I had made an update on the what is new section, and then the next day the update was gone, and the post count had reversed itself. I notice that sometimes I will do an update and then check back sometime later and the update will not be there. Not a big thing, but if it’s happening to anyone else, it’s just a heads up.

Simple things like I will do a spelling correction, then check back and the article will be reverted to an older copy that does not have the correction. That just happened with something I updated, and it just reminded me to ask if anyone else get’s this.
As you know, I have been researching a great deal. I have found many good articles.

You can read the slightly updated Gang Stalking FAQ posted here, plus watch the videos.

The structure of oppression article has been updated.

The resources section has also been slightly updated.
I found a reference to the sign language that they use when out on patrol. I found a Covert Agent Training Manual, and I found a reference to what I was looking for.


Conduct covert foot surveillance operations


This unit is about performing covert foot surveillance operations in order to gather
information, intelligence and/or evidence.
To be competent in this unit you will need to be able to prepare for the operation.

You must be able to deploy from a vehicle and conduct a foot surveillance on a subject using approved techniques to gather information, intelligence and/or
evidence, negotiating hazards whilst remaining covert at all times and assisting your team members to remain covert also. You are expected to use a range of equipment suitable for the task (e.g. cameras, radios, image intensifiers). You must maintain
communication within the team using approved and recognised methods and be able to rejoin a vehicle covertly. The accurate recording of any information, intelligence and/or evidence gathered during the operation is also required.

The purpose of conducting surveillance operations is to gather information, intelligence or evidence and therefore this unit links to unit 2A1 ‘Gather and submit information that has the potential to assist policing objectives’.

There is one element:


Conduct covert foot surveillance operations

This unit was developed by the Police Skills and Standards Organisation.

Skills for Justice

National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement
April 2005
Page 10

Conduct covert foot surveillance operations

Performance Criteria

To meet the standard, you
provide researched, flexible and plausible cover stories consistent with your appearance and the operational environment
make appropriate use of any clothing and props necessary to remain covert
make an effective use of cover, distance, timing and positions during surveillance operations
react to changing situations by employing appropriate tactics
employ close control techniques where necessary to gather information, intelligence and evidence covertly
employ other appropriate surveillance techniques where necessary to gather information, intelligence and evidence covertly
identify, assess and continually review potential risks in relation to the operational environment and react appropriately
operate and maintain equipment in accordance with training and manufacturer’s instructions in a way that maintains covert operation
communicate with other team members accurately and effectively using recognised and approved methods
assist other team members in remaining covert throughout the surveillance operation
carry out all roles in recognised foot surveillance systems effectively, efficiently and covertly
recognise counter surveillance activities and use approved and recognised tactics effectively to combat them
recognise anti surveillance activities and use approved and recognised tactics effectively to combat them
where appropriate, co-ordinate your actions and communicate with other teams and individuals to maintain effective surveillance operations
deploy from and rejoin vehicles covertly where used
recognise the limits of the authority for the surveillance operation and take the appropriate action in respect of changing circumstances
appropriately document all actions, information, intelligence and evidence in accordance with current policy and legislation

Operational environment
night time
good environmental conditions
poor environmental conditions

Skills for Justice
National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement
April 2005
Page 11
by radio
by telephone
by using hand signals [/quote]
See hand signals. I don’t want to say I told you so, but well…

The next thing I found out is that they are using Terrorist laws to do surveillance on innocent ordinary people.

Here are a few clips from the article.

SCOTTISH COUNCILS ARE USING SURVEILLANCE AND security powers intended to fight terrorism and organised crime in order to spy on ordinary members of the public suspected of petty offences such as breaching the smoking ban, playing music too loudly and dropping litter.
Local authority chiefs have ordered staff to spy on unwitting members of the public some 3579 times since being granted the powers in 2002. Under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (Ripa), councils have the power to secretly film and bug people, use paid spies to inform on a suspects activities, and even intercept communications data such as mobile and land line use and information about email traffic.

The council claimed “most commonly, directed surveillance is used by community safety staff to investigate complaints of anti-social behaviour. A small number of authorisations will be made by Environmental Health and Trading Standards staff investigating breaches of legislation relevant to their area of work. Finally, staff dealing with fraudulent benefit claims will have made a small number of applications”.
Edinburgh also said it used “covert human intelligence sources” (CHIS) four times. A CHIS could be a friend paid to pass information to the council, or someone paid by the council to gather information on a target and relay details of their life back to local authority bureaucrats. Edinburgh Council defended Ripa as “an important tool” and said it only used the powers “as a last resort”.
Details from Moray showed just how badly informed and trained council staff were about the Ripa legislation. A restricted inspection report from the Office of Surveillance Commissioners dated September 2004 says the council’s policy on using covert human intelligence sources was “clearly confused” and “displays a lack of understanding”. “Every record” relating to covert human intelligence “was significantly defective”.

Richard Haley, secretary of SACC, said he was “astonished and baffled” by the misuse of Ripa, adding: “We need to be clear that this is not about a few more CCTV cameras. This is directed surveillance, likely to obtain private information on ordinary people. We are talking about the use of cameras and microphones and agents.
“If these cases are serious, then they warrant proper policing, not amateur detective work by council officials acting as if they were part of a private detective agency. Profound civil liberties issues are raised here.”[/quote]
This video is a must see.

Section 5,6,7 are very interesting.

The whole movie is interesting, but those sections talk about the community policing programs, electronic harassment, RFID chips and other relevant information.

I would recommend anyone who has questions about what is happening to check out this movie.
There is more to say, but I think this is more than enough to think about for now.

September 21, 2008 Posted by | Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, crazy, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Life, one handed signals, sign language, Snitches, Spying, Stasi, State target, Targeted Individual, telecommunications, youtube | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The side you don’t see 2

The side you don’t see part two.

There were two more incidents that should have been added to part one.

The first thing I have now observed, is that on several occasions where the Citizen Informants on the train, don’t quite know if they have the right target in sight. Meaning they have another person that fit’s the description.

What will happen is, I have sat there, and personally observed, them using my specific sensitivity to try to annoy the other person. So for example, if my sensitivity was Jingle keys, they would be jingling keys at the wrong person. I believe the theory is, that if they have the wrong person, that person will not react, but that has not always been the case.

I have personally witnessed the Citizen Informants, using the sensitivity to such a degree that they have annoyed the wrong person, or someone who was not me, by using the same sensitivity that I use to have. I have seen this happen more than once. So what I am wondering, is how often do these incidents get reported back, under my file?
This brings me to the second incident. I was at work, and this was during the time I was just starting to realise there was something really wrong, and that people were doing this out in public deliberately.

Well apparently an incident happened. I was getting the blame for it. People at work that I knew, were walking past me giving me dirty looks, saying thing like “some people are so rude,” “would you want that getting said to you?”

I knew enough to know an incident had happened, but I didn’t know the details, and knew that I was getting the blame and disdain for it. A few days later, apparently the correction was made, and people all started to act all fake nice again. The thought that crossed my mind then, and still does is how many other times have incidents happened, and I had them ascribed to me?

Remember these people are looking for a description, and if they find someone who fits, eg. Asian, male, 5′ tall, they will go after that person, wither they are the true target or not, etc.

The last thing that I have observed on several occasions is that they will have people that appear to be crazy or on a couple of occasions it’s been Citizen Informants doing a skit and pretending to be crazy. I say snitches pretending to be crazy, because I have observed them, quite clearly and coherently doing the one handed sign language to the other Citizen Informants.

They will appear at the same spot where I am located. It’s in my opinion that they appear to be deliberately trying to have someone pretend to be crazy or someone who is crazy, I suspect it’s the first where I am located at the time, talking to themselves or doing other really crazy stuff.

Think about it, I am being tracked around the city. So someone calls in a crazy person at Crazy Ave and Insane St talking to themselves or acting crazy in some other way and all of a sudden, the incident is attributed to the target who was in that spot, even though it was not the target.
I do not know how many incidents I have attributed to me, that have nothing to do with me? I do know that I will probably never get to see a file on me, and have a chance to clear my name. What I do know is this system has done some very deliberate things to try to make me, and others look crazy or unstable.

These are things targets should be mindful of, when out in public. I didn’t at the time, but if you suddenly see another person, who seems to be acting crazy, or more than likely just pretending to be so, write down the date and the time, because this could be attributed to you in future.

September 19, 2008 Posted by | Baiting, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community mobbing, Corruption, Covert investigations, crazy, driving-crazy, Entrapment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Insane, Justice, one handed signals, paranoid, sign language, silence, Snitches, Social Control, society, Stalking, State target, Targeted Individual | , , , , , | Leave a comment

The side you don’t see.

The side you don’t see.

What targeted individuals have to understand is that there are two sides to the story. I still don’t understand this at times, but I have come to a place of acceptance.

There is the side that we experience and then the side that some of these Citizen Informants experience. 

As I have documented before, Citizen Informants are told something very specific, and they are often acting this information.

Remember last summer I did some field work. I slipped by confines and was able to be away from the Snitches for an hour or so. When I was walking, based on where I was walking, and the time of night I was walking a funny thing happened. Several phones in a row started ringing at about the same time as I moved down the street. It was summer and the windows were either open or the phones were just really loud. They rang one right after another, as I moved up the street.

As I walked I heard someone answer one of the phones, it was on speaker. I heard the person on the other end, explain something to the extent of the fact that they were looking for something along the lines of a mentally ill person who might be in the area.

Now I have mentioned that I found out the reason I am allegedly being stalked is because I am suppose to be mentally ill? I have never had any kind of interaction with any mental health professional “that I am aware of”. 

So I decided to walk back to where I live. Now I was not trying to be paranoid. The phone call might have had nothing to do with me, but since I had slipped my snitches, I was fairly sure that it did.

I returned back to the area, at that time of night there should have been very few people out, there were dozens. The dog walkers, police cars, etc. I passed two as I came closer to home. It was creepy, it was like watching the neighbourhood Gestapo or something, with the dogs.

I was still walking past them all, then as I came closer to my home this guy comes up to me, stops right in front of me, and calls in my description. He calls in gender, race, approximate height, and says something to the effect of yeah I think we have em. He really didn’t care, that I was right there. It was like I was not human or something. I could have stopped him and asked him questions, and taken it further, but it was field work and I had yielded more than expected on that expedition.

This event was something of an experience. That is just one side you are not seeing in most cases. Some of these people are not bad, some actually believe that they are doing something good.

Picture this you are a home owner, part of some community watch. The phone rings, they tell you that they are calling from Stasi central, I mean community central, and that there is mentally disturbed, or pedophile, or rapist, drug dealer etc, you want to protect your community, cause you assume it’s true. This was the first time I had any clue, what actually get’s said on these calls, and what the community at large must really be thinking.

Remember I have never been openly evaluated by anyone that I am aware of for this kind of a determination to be made. I have also never had any opportunity to defend myself or tell my side of the story. Yet my life is being disrupted this way, and I am being labeled, as are many other Targets.
Remember they get a description of our race, age, gender, for example if you are white, male, 6″4, age 45, that is what they will be told. We have a white male, 6’4, age 45. Is an emotionally disturbed person, and is sensitive to keys jingling. So they will try to track the target from home, and they will use this information. The foot patrols and cars use the hand signals and others use audio ques for where to go, with directions on where to go. 

So along the path, they will jangle keys at targets that fit the description to see if they have the correct person in sight at all times. That’s some of the info they get in their emails.
The second scenario. I was on the train, and this was shortly after I learnt some of the Stasi like signals. Before this I just always thought that it was people trying to provoke me, and it had worked on a few occasions, because you are so aware of the harassment.

I finally tuned into the fact that it’s not that simple. There is always a conductor. (These are names that I give for the people carrying out the roles.) The conductor in my opinion tells people where to go, and when to carry out actions. They do this via the hand signals.

There is the observer(s). There will always be other people looking to see what your response is. These people will watch you closely and look to see if you react, what the reaction is.
Then there are what I am calling the agitators. They carry out a specific action. Eg. I always thought people would randomly irritate me, and then do it in sink with each other. This is not exactly the case. Depending on how many of them were able to get on the same train as me, and get into position to run the skit, there might be one or more agitators.

They know what to do ahead of time in some cases, but most often they are acting on the signal of the conductor.
Eg. If your sensitivity is keys jingling, the jingling is not random. What I observed was this is done when the stop is called out. It’s very specific.

You as the target you will never understand this. Now let’s say someone jangles keys and we get all upset, well people are watching and the reaction is going to be observed and reported back.

So they jingle keys for about 5 stops. We have two agitators, one sitting right beside you, the other right behind you. You know that people are going out of their way to annoy the hell out of you, and have been doing so for the last 6 months straight and you have no idea why?

So finally you get angry, and you flip out a little bit and tell them to knock it off. Well they keep doing it. As far as they know, you are a disturbed person, and they are just following orders. 

Meanwhile the conductor is watching this, the observers. They are going to be complete strangers, who report back the outcome of the skit.

They see a 15 minute to 30 minute skit. They don’t get to see that you did not sleep last night, or for the last 5 months because someone is electronically keeping you awake. They did not see you walking to the underground, and that people kept banging into you, as they jingled their keys. They did not see the guy who almost tripped you, while jingling his keys in your face. By this time you are pissed, you know that you are being deliberately provoked and have not a freaking clue why?

So the skit happens. You are human and finally flip out a bit and tell them to knock it off, hit the keys away etc. Well that whole skit and your reaction to it has just been observed. They never get to see the behind the scene production. Their role was a short 15 minutes, and why would strangers lie and say that you had flipped out? Seemed dangerous?

Cause they never see the full picture of our harassment.
So how can someone have another person declared crazy if they are not? Well depends on who is doing the observation. If you are a perceived danger to society or to the public’s health, under some of those laws I was looking over, they can have you investigated.

If you deliberately sensitized like I was and many other TI’s, you won’t have a clue that it was deliberate, and you won’t know why. I now know that my original harassers tried to sensitize me to a few things. One took the others did not, but when I got to my next job, they tried using all of them to see which ones had taken. For me it was just harassment and that is all I saw felt and experienced at the time.

The little twit that sensitized me had some sort of military link. He did something on the weekends military related, or something like that. I think it’s fair to say, he knew what he was doing, and I had no idea at the time that he was deliberately sensitizing me.
This is the side that you don’t see. You don’t see this well rehearsed, coordinated effort by our civilian spies. Some of them truly think they are keeping the community safe from a dangerous person. Others are there to agitate the target, so that they will flip out and get them committed. In other cases as Mark described he had parents setting little kids in front of him, who then stopped looked shocked and then ran the other way. No doubt to make him look like a pedophile and his reactions would have been observed the whole time. The same is true for any other lie that they are trying to pin.
The side they don’t see. Us being tortured day in and day out. They don’t see the provocations, well some do, because they are deliberate agitators, but they are as the Nazi’s like to say, just following orders.

Some of them understand that there is something not quite right happening, others do not and really think that there is something wrong with you.

In the case where they upset a target so much the target flips out and hurts one of them, then the target get’s arrested or taken away, they feel that they have done their job, cause the person clearly was crazy. On the other hand you finally get upset after a billion years without sleep, you think they are evil, godless, vigilantes or whatever, and you never see that side of it, and they never see your side.

The only one that sees what is really happening are the people pulling the strings. (Well a bit dramatic, but not far from the truth.)

Also the snitches that move in beside us, some are there just to piss you off, they want to keep you awake, if they can get you to flip out, it’s justification for these programs to keep running. You can flip back to my post called hypothetical.

There are two sides to every story, but in this case there might be three. Our side, the Informants side, and then the big picture, the side those in charge see. The side that has to ensure justification for these programs and therefore funding for them.

I hope I have given both set’s of readers some insight into the side that they don’t see.

September 18, 2008 Posted by | Bullying, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, crazy, driving-crazy, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Insane, Kilmeer Gill, Laws, mobbing, one handed signals, paranoid, Police Abuse, Police Corruption, Politics, psychological harassment, School Shooting, sign language, Snitches, Spying, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, workplace mobbing | , | 1 Comment

Patterns that repeate.

I am going to use this analogy to talk about patterns that repeat themselves. At one of my old jobs we had these three people in a repeating pattern. Two were into the game and third was trying to leave the game.

It was a bit of a dating game. Guy was into girl number one, then started seeing girl number two on the side. Every time girl number one would try to leave the game, girl number 2 and the guy would have a noisy break up in the middle of the workplace, he would swear it was all over, girl number 2 would throw a fit in the middle of the job, then the guy would chase off any other guys and try to get girl number one pulled back into the game.

He didn’t just do that however, he would come off looking like the wounded victim that was not being treated fairly, even going so far as to lie to about his continued involvement with girl number 2. Then once he had the game back on track, the game would start again, with girl number 2, then the noisy break up’s. etc. The guy and girl number 2 seemed to get off on the game and the noisy break up’s and getting back together, because it allowed them to parasitically feed on a third party. Much like our stalkers feed on us with their games, and yes I do think some of them do get off on it.
One of the things that Targets have to be careful with is patterns that repeat. There own patterns and those of the snitches.

I mean they do the same things over and over again so we should be able to get use to it, but we don’t.

We also have to be careful to avoid our own patterns. Patterns are a thing that you have to be able to look for, recognise and find a way to break, or work around.

Eating patterns, they watch us in the grocery store to try to figure out what we are buying. This can be done for a few reasons. Several targets have complained about specific items they buy being out of stock every time. They can use this to figure out our diet. If we move they can find us that way as well.

Shopping patterns. Go to a store too much and ever notice that suddenly a new face is there? I don’t want to give too many details, but it’s something to be aware of, especially with food places. If the normal store keeper will not report your eating habits or tamper with your food, the new face just might.

Also your shopping routes. They know where you go, so if you go missing they start to look for you on the old familiar routes. They have them mapped and they will report it to the foot soldiers.

This is why targets sometimes complain about things like, it was all set up before I got there, it’s like they knew I was going to be there. If you have been there before that could be why, or it could be you were discussing it on the phone, or worst case scenario, you were thinking it.

Sleeping, bathroom, sexual, dating, Internet, workplace, etc. We have patterns and one of the things that these people try to do is to learn them. We are creatures of habit and we have to try to break away form those patterns when we can.

They have patterns also, if we learn some of these, we can deal with them better. I spent a lot of time watching them early on, trying to figure out some of the ways that they functioned, ticked, worked, etc.

Learning as much as you can about the one handed sign language would be a good start. Second if you have a sensitivity, what is the pattern they are using for trying to keep you sensitised? Eg. They used my sensitivity for over 8 years in and out of the workplace. 

What are the patterns they are using to set you up? Themes that they are trying to throw your way, eg, Mark M. Rich said he thought they were trying to set him up to make him look like a rapist at one point.

What are the harassment patterns, sleep deprivation, street theatre, electronic harassment, online stalking?

Looking for patterns helps us to know what to expect, they are pretty predictable, and it helps us to be better prepared in knowing what to expect.

Since this thing started, I am so disappointed to know just how pattern filled I am in some ways, and what a creature of habit I am in others. I have had to learn my own patterns, and try to change some, modify others, and just get new ones from time to time.

I have had to learn theirs, so now I can know, ok it’s going to be one of those days, expect cars to be lunging at you, people trying to bump into you, etc. Or expect extra electronic harassment tonight, etc. Kind of like trying or learning to predict the weather.

Another pattern that they now have is that in the area where I am, they use these headphone kids, on the trains. I am trying to figure this one out.

Now everyone has ipods and stuff, but what we have here is people 20-30’s and they are always on the subway, one guards each door, it’s not just random, these people have ipods and at times it appears that they are listening for something, other than the music. My best guess is the announcements of stops.

I know when I use to carry my laptop, it would announce the train station that I was at, and I know it could be heard somehow, thus I stopped carrying the laptop. I know the train stops were being heard via my laptop because at a previous job, when we had a meeting, my laptop in the middle of the meeting while turned off, started announcing stuff. I took the battery off, and there you could still hear the train stops being announced. I was about 20 floors up, and it was not the stop near where I was.

I never hear the laptop externally do this again, but I have strong reason to believe that it was being used in this capacity for this reason. Picture this. You are a head phone kid, you are on the same train as the target, the targets electronic device picks up the sound of the stop being read out, eg. “redwood, we are approaching redwood station.” They hear this over their ipods, or other headphone devices, meaning that they are on the correct train with the target. The ones who do not, know that the target is not on the same train, and so therefore bugger off. Very cleaver and oh so illegal, but when has that ever stopped the government from allowing the snitches to do this sort of stuff, nice democratic country.


Try to remember that electronics can be used to track locations, and anything that has a microphone, can be used to listen in to conversations.

What I don’t get yet, is how ipods and things like that can be used to listen to something like a specific station being announced? What frequency would they tune into?

Recently I had some luck in being alone without the above mentioned scenario, and it was pretty different. For a good 30 minutes they did not know for certain where I was, and I noticed that I did not see the headphone kids, as I have nicknamed them. In fact the experience was so different it’s hard to explain.

This again brings me back to snitches and trying to manipulate the targets sense of reality and perception. Because what a target experiences day by day is so all encompassing, it could be as bad as we think, but it might also not be as bad as we think. What I mean is, the few times I have slipped away, I have noticed openings, in how things are laid out. Point being if they know where the target is going to be, they have time to set things up, and to make it seem complete and all encompassing.

Spotters, you have to be careful with these, these are in all the old familiar places, if you do elude the snitches for a time, you have to be careful to avoid places that are familiar, because familiar locations have spotters who recognise the targets and can easily snitch you out.

There is a lot more to say, but some of it, I have to hold onto. The point is however, be cognizant of patterns, they have a tendency to repeat, your own and those of others. You can not not break the pattern of others, all you can do is be aware of them, find a work around.

Your own patterns you can control, and those you have to try to change if you are going to survive being Targeted Individuals. They had to change how meetings were conducted due to Cointelpro Infiltrations and we are no different.

The last thing I wanted to point out, yesterday after posting about how I can’t get on the Internet without the snitches, I noticed a change the next time I logged on. It seems that there is a wireless override which allows them to log onto my computer anytime they wish, which I can see, but it also appears that some sites that I am accessing might not be what they appear to be.

In some cases it might almost be like I am accessing an intranet, vs an Internet, but since I have no definitive proof of this yet and just a suspicion, my observation continues. However this is something you might want to be cognizant of.

Anyways patters repeat if we start to look for them, we can change them, manipulate them, and hopefully even free ourselves from them, or at least be on our guard for them. We have patterns and they do too, learn theirs and your own, then use it against them, or at least use it to protect yourself from them. Many of them are parasitic, they do get off on what they do to targets, and they like the game that is being played, where many of us just want to get out.

August 23, 2008 Posted by | changing vibrations, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Illegal, Laws, Life, Mark M Rich, mobbing, Monitoring, Music, one handed signals, Relationships, Sensitize, sign language, Snitches, society, sound, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Targeted Individual, workplace mobbing | , , | Leave a comment

Eye Opening

I have to do a year and a half in the life of a Targeted Individual (TI) post soon, but before I do that, I just had a really eye opening conversation yesterday on one of these forums. It seems at least one person was confused with the concept of hand signals vs people being sensitised. It seems this person might have been under the impression that the hand signals were themselves being used to sensitize people. I am not sure how this person came up with this, since I have blogged extensively about both. This person also seemed to be under the impression that the East German Stasi signals that were used 50 years ago, are one and the same that are being used now. The conversation was really eye opening, and if one person is confused others might be confused. Therefore this post will try to clarify the difference.
The Stasi in East Germany used a one handed sign language to communicate. There signals have been documented and referenced to by Anna Funder and others in their research on East Germany and the Stasi. In her book and online Articles. Anna Funder gave us a very small sample of Stasi Signals that were being used in East Germany. See them listed below.
They will also communicate with each other on the street by using Statsi like signals. Below are some examples of Stasi signals. SIGNALS FOR OBSERVATION

1. Watch out! Subject is coming – touch nose with hand or handkerchief
2. Subject is moving on, going further, or overtaking – stroke hair with hand, or raise hat briefly
3. Subject standing still – lay one hand against back, or on stomach
4. Observing Agent wishes to terminate observation because cover threatened – bend and retie shoelaces
5. Subject returning – both hands against back, or on stomach
6. Observing Agent wishes to speak with Team Leader or other Observing Agents – take out briefcase or equivalent and examine contents.
There were used only as a point of reference and it was not to indicate that the exact same ones were being used in the current situation, just hand signals that were very similar, which I have referenced to the ones that I have seen before in other postings. Again these are ruff translations and you have to judge what you are seeing and experiencing for yourself.

Double Blink 
Touching the nose, (Or also touching with both thumb and pointer finger)
Using the nose and finger for directional signals
Touching the eyes left to right, or covering the eyes with one hand over both eyes
Brushing the hair back three times
Stroking the hair at the (nape) back of the neck three times, or
Using water or any liquid to open communication, or pretending to yawn, cover the mouth
David Lawson who I hardly ever reference to for reasons I have stated before. In his book (possibly disinfo) also referenced that these Gang Stalkers use one handed sign language that look like Base ball signals. If anyone has seen a baseball game then you have seen empires and pitchers use these signals to represent different things. If you have never seen a baseball game, you won’t have any idea what this means, and therefore the reference might not be the most effective one.

I have also explained that he one handed signals that I have seen being used might also be similar to ones that are used by under cover police officers. They use a one handed sign language called talking hands. There are even courses that are being taught for people who want to assist the police, who want to learn these signals. I have also posted about this before.

Course Date: January 29, 2007 (8 hours)
Location: TBA
Sponsored by: The Gadsden Police Department & Multijurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force Training
Tuition: FREE   FREE  FREE
Description: This course will provide students with the ability to communicate with each other non verbally using one-handed signals in police environments and without the suspects hearing anything. This training, based upon the same signs used by the hearing impaired public, will cover basic nonverbal communication techniques using single-hand sign language for use in police environments or situations where verbal communication is not desirable.  As part of the course, students will also demonstrate the use of these hand signals through practical exercises, scenarios, and final assessment.
Course Objectives:
Understand the benefits of using officer hand signals 
Utilize a wide variety of officer hand signals including descriptions and colors 
Demonstrate the ability to use various hand signals effectively in a given situation 
Overview of Topics:
Benefit of Patrol Officer Hand Signal 
The Cop Talk Signs 
The Cop Talk Description Signs 
The Cop Talk Colors 
Practical Application and Exercises 
Hand Signal Use Assessment  
Now the other thing this person seemed confused about. He thought the one handed sign language was being used to sensitise people. This is not the case. The one handed sign language is being used to communication amongst the Civilian Spies. It’s not, I don’t think, being used to sensitise anyone. Things that are being used to sensitise people have been listed before on this website. Here is a list of some popular ones.

Getting a Targeted Individual sensitized to an everyday stimuli. The targeted individual over a period of months, or even years is negatively sensitised to an everyday stimuli, which is then used to harass them. It’s used out in public to let them know they are constantly being harassed and monitored. Some examples of everyday stimulus that might be used include: sounds, colors, patterns, actions. Eg. Red, white, yellow, strips, pens clicking, key jangling, loud coughing, loud whistling, loud smacking of clapping of hands together, cell phones, laptops, etc.

Disrupting the targets life, sleep with loud power tools, drilling, construction, stereos, doors slamming, etc. Talking in public about private things in the targets life. Mimicking actions of the target. Basically letting the target know that they are in the targets life. Daily interferences, nothing that would be too overt to the untrained eye, but psychologically degrading and damaging to the target over time.
I just found some videos on youtube and in one of the videos Norma Desmond (not her real name) talks about the Gang Stalkers and the signals they were using, in the first video. She also does a really good job of explaining why Gang Stalking is so hard to recognise. After seeing the video I hope it will help make things clearer for a lot of people. I think Norma does a really good job, the videos are really eye opening and I hope they will serve to help other targets understand what we are all up against in our efforts to bring awareness about Gang Stalking. I have not had a chance to watch all the videos myself.

February 27, 2008 Posted by | Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community policing, communityharassment, Controlled society, Corruption, crazy, driving-crazy, Electronic harassment, Female, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, harassment, Ignorance, mobbing, Neighbours, one handed signals, Sensitize, sign language, silence, Snitches, society, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, whistle blower, White, WhiteFemale, youtube | 2 Comments