Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

No child under the age.

Ben’s Law

It’s a requirement and request that those in agencies, and on the informant system  stay away from children under the age. Primarily under the age of 14. No undue influence, contact, or remote manipulations are eligible. They are no longer eligible. Also those on the informant system can not, and should not be in touch with a child, under the age of 14.

It’s mandate also states and requires that they have limited interaction with children under the age of 18, there are already child protection, and child endangerment laws in place, specific situations, things that can be done, and not done with a child under the age of 18, irregardless of if they are on the informant system, or not. Those laws now have to start kicking in, and being in place.

I am personally tired of the stupidity, the undue influence with these children, if they are under 14, there should be not eligible to have contact with the informant force, so please, eneligible this mandate to go through. I hope the agencies will review their policies very carefully, in regards to underage children, and I hope they will review this situation very carefully.

July 24, 2013 Posted by | activism, Children, CIA, Citizen Informants, Informants | , , , | Leave a comment

Informant Dossiers

Informant Dossiers.

I have been doing some research as you co-cognizant into the informant system. I am reviewing it from several angles, the social/psychology angel, because the informants, have a tendency to destroy, disseminate, the social fabric of the society around them, in which they have been placed.

I am also reviewing from the community advisor angel, and how the informant system affects the social environments around it, them.

What recommendations can be made, including, fees, fines, penalties. Destruction of the social fabric, and social fiber of society, is a crime, in and of itself, and when they are in these situations now, and they are doing these things, items, I am seriously wondering if a social, councillor, or social/psychologist, could not be sent into the situation, because the informants are disruptive, and deliberately destroying the social fabric, of the society.

The Informant Dossier

Due to the destructive, parasitic nature of the informant force, and how far gone the situation is, many researches, social/psychologists, and others, prosecutors, lawyers, etc, are starting to look into this stuff, and they are determining, that it might be a good idea to take a closer, look at the informants, themselves, by requesting their files.

If you view these documents, which are readily, available online, you will take note of this person, they are a deceased informant, but a researcher has requested the files and placed them online. The researcher, was apparently arrested, and decided to use F.O.I.A. to get details on this informant, my helpful suggestion, is that the Targeted Individual community, review, how the research in the article, did this, how they used F.O.I.A., not clear if the researcher was a male or female, let me double check, irregardless, the information obtained, was brilliant, it would have taken me months of searching, so thanks in advance for having these files online, and sharing your research information.

I am having the most fascinating read about Databases, how information is stored, and so forth.

Now most of the information in these articles, is based on the American system, and one of their databases, specifically, if you wanted information on places or locations, outside, a bit more digging and research would be required.

Still it’s a fascinating read if you want to play along, or read along.

My recommendation is still having the rightful owner of the informant system, be an outsider, someone not on the informant system, also having councillors, social/psychologist, and community advisors, that are not on the informant system, and not affiliated in any way shape or form.

Requesting their files, could be something that could be done, but it might mean, getting some details about them, the ones around you, or maybe even making the files available online, or spiritually.

I would love to see a system, for creating faster, F.O.I.A., requests. Requesting better Freedom, Of, Information, Act, requests. I would, also love to see files, or rather the files on some of their handlers, since the handlers, direct them to create, these disturbances, within communities, families, society, as a whole, does not benefit.

I am tired of them, I have watched them destroy, disseminate communities, nations, and I am tired of it, if their files are out there, their dossiers, it might be more interesting, either way, when they are disrupting, the conspiracies are being logged, their disruptions, files are being created on these sorts in future, because these are the sorts, that require threat assessment file, they create situations, and as a society, community what have you, we must now find the solutions.

The Targeted Individual, Gang Stalking research has not been boring, over the last several year, meaning years, it’s become, ever more increasingly, exciting, seeing what’s suitable or eligible.

Now if you don’t know how to create F.O.I.A. requests, there is a website, that does it for you automatically, let me see if I have the link, if not will get it to you next time.

So keep up with the research, the recommendations, and the implementations, and see how far it can go, in a suitable amount of time.

They destroy society, it a generalization, not everyone on the informant system is bad, but most individuals in society are tired of dealing with it, and paying the price, and more importantly, society shouldn’t have to, I shouldn’t have to, the globe shouldn’t have to.

I want to see a community dossier kept on them, and all the stuff that they pull, all the little incidents they create, and the fact that some are unreliable informants, 4 sure, they really are, and it’s just that type of situation, once these little incidents, and the conspiracy, and indictment are also added to their little files, then maybe the situation, could be a little bit better, for the social, fabric of society, what do you think about that?

So the odd time, if they are causing a social disturbance, that could have an impact, a significant impact, over time, cause it’s not the one or two incidents, no, it’s the death of a thousand paper cuts, over time, who could be better, qualified to document this also to bear witness to, something like this, but a Targeted Individuals, who has experienced some of this Gang Stalking, stuff that has been spoken about, over time.

July 18, 2013 Posted by | activism, Awareness, Citizen Informants, Community harassment, conspiracies, Entrapment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Informants | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Revamping the informants

Revamping the informants
(The informant system does not want to be sued)

The informant system and the study of it is truly interesting. also the informant system does not want to be sued. Recall, I first begun this journey, trying to discover what was happening and occurring to Targeted Individuals, and why they were being Gang Stalked. Upon discovering it was not ‘Vigilant Gangs’, or what have you, the investigation turned to the Threat Assessment Team files, informant system, agency operations, and Remote Neural Monitoring, Mind Control, Electronic Harassment. A world of light, and I do mean light research later, I am clear that there is so much more to this, some stuff, that can not be blogged about at this time, if ever. In the mean time, what can be blogged about is this, the informant system that is out there, as it relates to society as a whole, does need to be revamped.

There are legitimate situations occurring, such as, well this person has a marker, medium risk, and at this time we feel only to be seen or viewed in pairs. That situation, should only be for a specific amount of time, the person should be reviewed, and not deliberately provoked on an ongoing and reoccurring basis, to ‘keep the case, files going’. Such a waste.

The informant system in the background, and other sources are responsibly keeping such things going, deliberately provoking, banging into people, giving instructions to the local informants, who could be anyone, cause people are getting onto the actual informant system, for simple things, and then they do what they are advised or bidden to do, even if it’s harmful or detrimental to others. Tell lies, bang into others, accidents, and a thousand other perversities.

Agencies also play a deliberate role, some of which has been previously documented. I am going to post a clip from Control Factor, and then the case of John St Clair Akawi, Vs NASA,    Part2  then the DT Stockton documents, and you can read up a bit more about what individuals are capable of. Once a person is listed for monitoring, a variety of sources, can enter their situations, even without a Threat Assessment File, some have these situations ongoing. Part 2

Control Factor. =In the movie he is speaking or talking about evoked potential, and how the human brain has been mapped, and how we can be manipulated, or controlled at a distance. This movie is worth watching, that is what can be mentioned. Please see previous articles, Robot Sentient Research Project.


I want these individuals, that are a part of these mini, conspiracies to be eligible to be in the incorrect situations, doing the incorrect things, meaning, I want them to be responsible for their actions. I also want a modicum of world peace, but that is unlikely to occur, or happen, at this moment. Instead, charging each person, and affecting them financially, when they are part of these mini conspiracies, isn’t the incorrect thing, but charging each informant, is a waste of space and time and energy. Most are just doing what their handler told them, or what the police chief told them, or what their parole officer told them, and so forth, and on, and on it goes. They take directions, primarily. So enable those giving the directions, to be a part of the process. Yes indeed. The handlers want to have them systemically destroying someone’s life, that’s fine, enable them to be included. Won’t want them to feel, left out.

The handlers can take individual responsibility, right back to the local informants, monitoring units, what have you. Then you can also at times go even one level deeper than the handlers, and sometimes, all too often that is where the problem lies, but that is also where the funding lies, and the means to continue these operations. If you can’t go after them morally, or ethically, and you can, but it takes time, go after them financially instead.

The revamp of these situations needs to occur. The laws can all be passed, but without reinforcement, laws at times are useless. Fines and penalties, might be the way to go. As it is now, these informants do the dirty, often what they are directed, then they get protected at times, other times they are asked to take the fall. It’s a serious waste of space.

Revamp the system, include the fee, fines, penalties, but then act on it. When the individuals giving the directions, the ones that are directly correlated, when they are exposed, asked to pay their fines, and fees, then maybe it will make sense.

That’s what I think needs to occur, that’s part of my feedback, and recommendation for this system.

July 7, 2013 Posted by | Awareness, CIA, Citizen Informants, Gang Stalking, Informants | , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Conspiracy & Indictment

Conspiracy & Indictment

I think we really need to go after those on the informant system that are systemically destroying innocent lives. I really want to see them at every level be held accountable. I don’t care if it’s close relatives, co-workers, community workers etc., those taking instructions knowing from an informant system, that gives them instructions to systemically remove someone from their outcomes should be billed as a conspiracy, and dealt with and handled the exact same way.

A Conspiracy

In criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime at some time in the future. Criminal law in some countries or for some conspiracies may require that at least one overt act must also have been undertaken in furtherance of that agreement, to constitute an offense. There is no limit on the number participating in the conspiracy and, in most countries, no requirement that any steps have been taken to put the plan into effect (compare attempts which require proximity to the full offence). For the purposes of concurrence, the actus reus is a continuing one and parties may join the plot later and incur joint liability and conspiracy can be charged where the co-conspirators have been acquitted or cannot be traced. Finally, repentance by one or more parties does not affect liability but may reduce their sentence.

Therefore if the individuals in your life are taking additional instructions to get into argument, physically get into altercations, say things of an untrue nature that might adversely effect the individual, they are part of a conspiracy, and ever increasingly in most countries, that is punishable by the law.

The informant class and what they do, the lies they tell, the incidents they cause are nothing but conspiracy. Most targets go after them at a community level, but what should also be done is a review of the series of discussion, and conversations that go on with these individuals, and the local monitoring units.

Most of these individuals are on the informant system, most have records, many are will to do the worst things to an innocent person. Any plot outside of the normal guidelines of the Threat Assessment Files, need to now be reviewed a little closer. These incidents are not harmless, these instructions these individuals are being given, to act out, and act upon are life ruining, systemic destruction of the individuals. They are nothing but problematic, and they need to be reviewed, very carefully. These instructions that they often get, from the local monitoring teams, their informant handlers, or whoever is in contact with them are life destroying, and they are pre-planned, thus conspiracy, and I want to see the community move forward with looking into this angle and aspect of it.

Chief of police, -or informant handler, or local monitoring unit, a typical kind of conversation they might have with someone close to the target, Now Jamie this is what I want you to do, the next time you are in a situation with this guy, I want you to set him up, I want you to make him look crazy, start saying a bunch of shit, like but your’ acting weird today eh, your seem strange, your’ making me uncomfortable, try to get him irritated, so that he can get into an argument with you, or act out, if he hits you even better, and just document all this stuff, even if it’s not the actual thing.


He’s clear they are setting the guy up, but he’s clear it’s the police, or his informant handler, or the local monitoring units asking this, and as per his parole, he is required to now be a part of the informant system, and that is what he is agreeing to, he is clear that this is dirty, but he’s clear that he being used and utilized in this capacity.

Wither Jamie is clear that the chief, the handler, or the local monitoring units are going after this guys credibility, what may not be clear is that behind the scene, maybe the guy upset someone, filed a lawsuit against his company, or has something they want, or might even simply not be on the informant system themselves, and they are just using Jamie, and several others in this persons life to systemically remove them, from their outcomes.

The same group might also be in touch with Phylis, she is also an informant in the persons life, they now active her, or reactivate her.

Chief, or informant handler, or local monitoring unit

Now P this is what you are going to do, just tell the guy he looks a little spaced out, airy, maybe that her’s acting paranoid, or maybe you suspect he’s maybe using drugs, just document everything.

Phylis for her part is clear that she’s being asked to make the guy seem funny,  but she thinks it’s ok because this is what she’s being asked to do, maybe they just want the guy to seek some help.

Chief, informant handler, or local monitoring unit

Now Mira, I want you to do this, just do this, you got this neighbour here, everytime you see the guy outside, just report that he’s acting weird or strange, maybe you feel that your kids are at risk, everytime you see him, your’ going to say and document that he was acting weird, and maybe the guy needs to seek some help.

Mira: Has been an informant for year, is clear on what she is doing, but is only clear on her part, does what’s instructed, as she has a thousand times, because this is what they are required to do, and if it’s these individuals asking, who are affiliated with the police, or parole officer, or local monitoring units, she will do it.

Chief of police, local monitoring units, or handler, or even parole officer

Jeff you are just going to do this, your new best friend is dean, and you are just going to visit him, and when your their, just confirm that the guy was acting weird you know, looking off into space, maybe staring at you, you know, making you feel uncomfortable. Make sure it get’s reported back and documented.

Jeff is likely this sketchy low life that works for the police on a regular basis, in one capacity, and in one regards, he’s a local community rapist, child molester, and someone the police hold dear, cause he does the odd job for them, that can’t be on the records, or on the files. He’s fully willing to destroy this guy, infect his reputation, or even the person himself, whatever these people need to destroy this guy, cause that’s what he does, that’s what he’s
done a thousand times before, and will likely do a thousand times again.

Chief of police, handler, or local monitoring unit, or even parole officer

Staf: When you are in these situations with this guy, just tell him he’s acting weird, like maybe he’s got weird eye gestures or something, maybe he’s staring off into space, doing weird things with his hands, tell him you feel uncomfortable, and that maybe he needs to see someone.

Now there are probably dozens of other little players, employers, your public servants, who then get similar instructions, the guy has been acting out, acting weird, may be a threat to himself or others, medium risk, only to be seen in pairs.

That’s how they legitimize these files that go on for years, they are dirty, deceiving, Judas class, but then you already knew that, yourself. Between these deliberate individuals, these informants that are a part of the persons life, it’s the death of a thousand little deceptions.

These are some of the deceptions the dirty ones that go on, to keep a Targeted Individual in the incorrect situation, this is a conspiracy against their life, and it’s no longer suitable, across the globe, these situations are being played out on a daily basis, and they need to be addressed in the manner and the capacity to which they impact the society and the individual.

When a society, a community is littered with such situations, social interactions are infected, it tears at and destroys the very fiber, and fabric of the society, and this needs to be curtailed. For years it’s really come down to the Targeted Individual community to bring these situations, these conspiracies to light, it’s been years of research into these topics, but this is what I would like to see occur. I would like to see these conspiracies address and dealt with the way that suits, and makes sense. The informant system is doing nothing good, and needs to be changed and revamped. Part of these conspiracies, which we have at times called Gang Stalking, need to be addressed, and dealt with at the highest spiritual, and legal levels possible.

I would like to see changes to these structures, and to how these case files are documented. I want to ensure that those documenting, and bearing false reports are uniquely identified, even if it’s just anonymously. I would like to see changes to who can and can not be on the informant system. When you have lawyers, doctors, politicians, decision makers, who can be advised to side a certain way, pass this specific law, or make this specific decision because they are informants, or on the informant system, you have an undue influence, that is problematic, or even deadly for that society, and individual to whom or where it is aimed.


An indictment (/ɪnˈdaɪtmənt/ in-DYT-mənt), in the common law system, is a formal accusation that a person has committed a crime. In jurisdictions that maintain the concept of felonies, the most serious criminal offence is a felony; jurisdictions that lack the concept of felonies often use that of an indictable offence—an offence that requires an indictment.

Legal action might not be the incorrect thing in dealing with these situations, but is your lawyer free of subversion, are they free of the informant system, are the prosecutors? In the U.K. where Masons and their undue influence became such a problem, they literally had to pass laws, which might have required Mason affiliations to be revealed, as they might have, undue influence.

Should a similar law be passed when dealing with those on the influence, considering how intrenched this is in the background, throughout the society?

They night not want to reveal their identities, or affiliation, but maybe it’s time the laws protected those, that might be unduly affected, or destroyed, by the infection that is the informant system.

June 23, 2013 Posted by | activism, Awareness, Baiting, Citizen Informants, Conspiracy, Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Is it real or is it memorex?

The odd time, every now and then, I get a question about the whole “Gang Stalking” thing, I mean is it real? Are you all mental, and so forth. At this stage, I am not as worried, because I am pretty clear the vast majority are those who have not truly done any real research, investigation, and some are just there to keep agency profiles going in the background.

Informant System

At this late stage between information into the informant system, from several good sources, about how vast the system is, how far back it goes, how many individuals are truly getting onto the criminal informant system, and in too many cases for simple things, such as the young girl who became an informant, and not just an informant, a “drug informant”, because she had unpaid parking tickets, the informant system is no joke, is vast, in every part of just about every society, and has taken over more than anyone can image.

The research is there, on just how far back this system goes, how the system functioned in East Germany, how it’s affecting communities in America and other societies. Research from lawyers and other “credible sources” since that’s who some are willing to believe, and story after story, about lives affected by this system, such as the Rachel Hoffman story.


Threat Assessment Teams

Also the other part of the research Continue reading

January 17, 2013 Posted by | Awareness, CIA, Citizen Informants, Conspiracy, Controlled society, Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

It’s a ‘G’ thing baby

I wanted to title the article how money get’s wasted, and how innocent people end up in these situations, but I just went with the more cool, urban sounding title, cause that’s the sort of day it’s been.

Now have you ever wondered what would happen if you could be a fly on the wall of one of these incidents? Have you ever wondered what would happen if you could truly turn into the craziness behind the scenes? Yeah me neither, so I present to you this totally, totally fictional scenario. 🙂

The person being monitored is an innocent person, but to everyone we have to make it look like this person is doing nothing suitable. To affix this end, we need to get the persons relatives, and friends, and family if they have any to have a consistent conversation about how the person isn’t doing anything suitable. We want to create a consistent pattern. So just get them to point out that the person has no income coming in, or is without means, even if it’s not true, just keep persisting with plot points that crate this scenario. Remember for these lists part of the update that occurs is they need to show targets, can’t take care of themselves, bill payment late, or not able to meet financial responsibilities.

I have even been prevailed to listen to other fictional scenarios, where they try to paint the person as grievously disabled, but that would actually mean they can’t even buy groceries wouldn’t it? Ralph, yeah *Lenny, then you can’t list that, great, you mean that update can’t go through.

Second scenario, ok this person has a blog, and posted a link to a major website as a reference, but that major website has views that are not appreciated, so we go the person and their website listed in a terrorist database, for simply posting a link. Now that we have them in this database, we can legally monitor them for years at a time, and advise everyone around them, that they are affiliated with terrorists, also we can now list those in affiliation or conjunction with the original person as being in conjunction with terrorists.

Don’t believe these scenarios can happen? Don’t worry about it.

Next scenario, it’s been that sort of day. The person is not co-operating became aware of the stalking and the monitoring, and that we want to make this person resemble that they are without means. Just document that they aren’t doing anything suitable, the target refused to be cooperative that morning, mentioned that they were the artistic type, and creating is a part of the process, misjudging the process was ineligible, and a different sort of person was required. Evidently being cognizant that one is monitored is not the correct thing, so that one doing the monitoring decided to put the person into a drug informant database. Now the person not only has no drug history whatsoever, but the person is anti-drugs, meaning they have a history of being against drugs and drug usage, but it was that sort of day, so this person literally put a completely innocent person with no drug history into such a database. Cause that’s what kind of day it was for (this guy) references the idiot putting an innocent person in the database, he was going to teach that smart ass a lesson. Don’t think such a thing could happen, keep reading.

So the person in this totally fictional scenario is now in a second database, but only one problem, the person has a Threat Assessment profile that doesn’t match, and the person is an admin for an international website, so the guy was was having that sort of day, (the idiot), ends up putting a low life informant handler Mike somebody onto  the profile of the original person (the innocent person) who they have now falsely put into a database. (I was still trying to follow (listen in) at that point.) The profile can not be out of sync or whack, so the Mike guy is also a government agent for the American government, as well as an informant, so he the Mike guy, that they are trying to use to take over this persons profile, can’t be listed in the terrorist database, so this person, (the innocent person) had to have their information temporarily out of the terrorist database.  Remember completely fictional scenario.

So once the person was in the new database, the account or profile take over was attempted, the guy Mike can’t be in a terrorist database, but he is a drug using, male whore literally, as well as an agent. So now they have to protect their own, but getting him unlisted in the database, remember, they will destroy innocent people, but their own they save. I kid you not.

So then the innocent person, has to have this drug use stuff verified, so this is what they can do remotely now. They can remotely verify if a person has THC, cocaine, and other hard drug use history, they do a check, the remote machine shows the innocent person has no trace of anything, and it shows if those around have any history, use, and length of time.

*(Along with drug use, there is also a machine that can determine paternity at a distance, so the babies watch out. No seriously, they can determine paternity at a distance, so in cases of rape, and other need to know, the mothers, and fathers information can be determined in a matter of minutes, and listed.) Lastly they can determine HIV health statuses at a distance, and who should and should not be listed or tracked in databases, this can all be done remotely, and what police, and other agencies now have access to is interesting, and should be appreciated, and applauded in some cases. That’s the good aspect of this story.

Ok so the innocent person gets a clean bill of drug use health, but the idiot is still determined to manually imput false information, because that smart ass is going to get their comeuppance, I kid you not. To list the person as a drug user, you have to falsify their health records, cause that’s the only way it was going to work, because the persons heath records show a history of no drug usage, and other situations, that are the opposite of the scenarios this guy(the idiot) was trying to perpetrate.

Medical records could be updated or falsified without calling in a their party, the their party refused to falsify health records, and for once those around the innocent person refused to confirm any sort of drug use. (Let’s just say the innocent person, is somewhat anti drugs.) 🙂

So once the medical records could be falsified and the person could be added to the other databases, the records had to be re updated, their guy Mike had to be removed from the person profile. The persons profile had to be updated with, oh wait their trying another person a Katherine instead of a Mike, another agent of theirs, but this person also does not match the profile, so they finally had to add back the original person, (the innocent person.) Now that the original person had to be unlisted from the terrorist database, to get the Mike guy in, once the Mike guy was removed, the original person is who they are having problems adding back to the terrorist database.

The attempt to falsify medical records set off an alarm, and an adjudicator had to be called in, there were other fun things happening in the background, but that was the jist of it.

The cost to the tax payers manageable, the use of material for a certain specific website invaluable. The laughter, the goofiness, the means an idiot will go to, and through to ruin an innocent person, priceless, and please remember this is a totally fictional scenario. 🙂

But that’s what’s kind of day it’s been.

*Lenny might not be a real name.

January 8, 2013 Posted by | Awareness, Black female, Citizen Informants, Community harassment, Gang Stalking | , , , , | 1 Comment

The DT STockton Document Reexamined.

The DT STockton Document Reexamined.

Several years ago someone under the name of DT STockton posted a document about his investigation into the informant system. Quite a bit of it agreed with information that I had already come to agree with, but how much could be verified?

Do the informants really have communication via a special frequency? Are most people in major cities on the informant system?

Are some of the businesses being taken over by government agents?


The answer to the above questions, in my opinion, estimation, and investigation is confirmed, and then some. The world is scarier than we realize. To investigate any of this information, without being familiar with the informant system or government agencies is almost impossible. For a normal, fairly sane person to try to investigate the information can be cumbersome, but in this community of Targeted Individuals, to stay alive and survive, many have had to become minor investigators in their own capacities.

Threat Assessment Teams, the topic has been covered several times, that’s what the community was up against, for case history, I give you the Jane Clift case.

Her case is exactly what most people on a minor scale are up against. In Jane’s case she was advised she was getting listed as medium risk, only to be seen in pairs, and that a warning would come up every time she was in any situation.

The case is what we end up seeing in the Gang Stalking community, on a minor level.

Eg. Threat Assessment Team, evaluated her as a danger to the community, in her case it was the local council, in other cases HR get’s the person listed, however it happens. Once the person is listed, they are monitored by the local monitoring units, or individuals in the community, in her case she was monitored for trying to be a good citizen. Others have complained about monitoring for arguments with those in the community, or workplace, who have the know how to get individuals listed.

Once the local monitoring unit is called in, you have positions in some countries, such as community advisors, unit commanders, shift commanders, who are responsible for the monitoring, of the individuals. The unit and shift commanders or in some cases “case workers” as one liked to fancy himself as, are responsible. In too many cases some are criminals themselves, and organize a deliberate campaign of harassment, against the individuals.

Thus people on the street are literally being given directions, the ones that are on the informant system, or in some simple cases co-workers are being given a warning about the person. Mostly however it’s the informant class, and the government agent class that create the problems for innocent individuals.

Deliberately trying to destroy their lives, and removing them all too often from their existences.

NOw try coming into any of the above positions without being on the informant system, or agency and those in charge have no idea what to do with you. It would be almost impossible to get into a community advisor role, unit commander role, or shift commander role without being in one of these situation, but if you could get into one of these roles, slip in unnoticed, or accidentally come into the role, then those who interface with these units, have no idea how to interact with the individual, because the systems are now creepishly designed to work with the informant system. Period.

Government Agents


Whenever I read the case of John St Clair Akwei, and what governments are capable of doing, or allegedly capable of doing as per the lawsuit that the signal intelligence agent filed against the government, pertaining to aspects of his work, it always sounds so futuristic, so Matrix like in some ways, but it’s a lawsuit that’s been there for over 15 years now?

The stuff that could be done back then, would scare most people now, but image what they are capable of now, if brain mapping, remote neural monitoring and other situations were common place when he worked for NASA.

John St Clair Akwei VS Nasa


Detecting EMF fields in humans for surveillance A subject’s bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment, NSA cryptologists can
remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person’s brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance.

NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals Intelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA’s computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S.

NSA’s Signals Intelligence use of EMF brain stimulation NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF brain stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since the MK Ultra program of the early 1950′s, which included neurological research into “radiation” (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development.

Tracking a person via their emf fields. Brain mapping technology that allows you to map a persons mind, but at a distance. [quote]

The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping can monitor all the electrical activity in the brain continuously. The NSA records aid decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for
national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for Brain-to-computer link (in military fighter aircraft, for example).

For electronic surveillance purposes, electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brain’s auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use
this to covertly debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations, characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia.

Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject’s brain and show images from the subject’s brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject’s eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can
send images direct to the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves.

NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject’s brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes.

Remember it’s been claimed that this stuff has been available for decades. The lawsuit that brought this technology to light was almost 20 years ago, and this is a person who worked for the agency, and I think with this technology.

If this is being used remotely and at a distance on people, how many people in society might not even be aware that such programing has been used on them until it’s too late?[quote]

Capabilities of NSA operatives using RNM There has been a Signals Intelligence network in the U.S. since the 1940′s.

The NSA, Ft. Meade, has in place a vast two-way wireless RNM system which is used to track subjects and non-invasively monitor audio-visual information in their brain. This is all done with no physical contact with the subject. RNM is the ultimate method of surveillance and domestic intelligence. Speech, 3D sound, and subliminal audio can be sent to the auditory cortex of the subject’s brain (bypassing the ears), and images can be sent into the visual cortex. RNM can alter a subject’s perceptions, moods, and motor control. [/quote]


The informants are contacted on the street with a special frequency, and they do get instructions, if you could hear the stuff they are advised, literally walk really close to this person, we just want to see if he reacts, we just want to see if she has a reaction to it, mostly the average person would just do what they are told, because most do not see the bigger picture. They are innocent in a way, but some are pretty specific, eg. Driving close enough to cause an accident, deliberately, some are all too knowing, and cognizant, meaning fully aware. It’s a scary balance, and I can now personally attest to the fact that they do have in most cases, directions that are being conveyed to them. A frequency is being utilized, and that’s pretty scary.

Could a variety of individuals be on the informant system? I mean to be an informant don’t most people have to be criminals? It’s pretty scary, because in most people’s mind’s informants are criminals, at least in my mind they were, but in today’s society, they get all sorts onto the informant system. I do feel that some groups are targeted more than others, just based on attitudes and mentalities of those that are deliberately assigned with ensuring school children get placed on the informant system. High School and the informant system, jr high and the informant system. Yes that’s the fate of some of our school children, isn’t that nice.

You would think that people have to commit some major crime, but even with just the items I’ve researched online, eg. Rachel Hoffman.

Or even the girl who got stopped for parking tickets, had no drug use or drug selling history, from a small town, and was placed on the informant system as a confidential informant. In that specific case, her dad went back with her to the station, and removed her from the informant system, in that case she had a lawyer in the family. The point is innocent people who have no idea how this working, are being destroyed, converted, etc. So when a document appears online explaining that many in major cities are already on the informant system, don’t be surprised, because the above example, was from a small town, and if the small towns are this far gone, then that becomes problematic.

{November 10, 2009
Posted by Alexandra Natapoff at 06:27 AM
Recruiting new informants

Here’s a revealing article in the Buffalo News: Walking thin line in Village of Attica: Would-be informant says police coerced her into cooperation. It’s about Bianca Hervey, a 20-year-old college student who got pulled over by police for failing to pay her traffic tickets. The police threatened to put her in jail for the night, unless she agreed to become a drug informant. Although Hervey did not use drugs or have any connections to the drug world, police told her it didn’t matter–she could still work as a snitch and try to set people up. Frightened of going to jail, Hervey signed the informant agreement. When she told her father, attorney Richard Furlong, what had happened, however, he “went ballistic.”

Furlong went to the police and to the City of Attica and complained about the recruitment of young people into the world of drugs, but the police and the Village Board refused to change the policy.

This story illustrates how snitching has quietly become such an immense part of the criminal justice system. Many cities have policies like Attica’s, in which police can recruit any potential offender as a drug informant–even a 20-year-old guilty of nothing more than a traffic violation. It was this same
type of policy that led to the death of 23-year-old Rachel Hoffman in Tallahassee, Florida, and triggered Florida’s ground breaking legislation on the subject of informant-creation. See post: Florida’s “Rachel’s Law” offers some protections for informants.}

Alexandra Natapoff, has done some wonderful research into the informant system, she is a lawyer, and the above summary is from her. Her statistics more importantly, back up much of what has been said about the numbers, and figures of those on the informant system in most major cities, and some communities.

In summary, it’s not paranoia when they are out to get you, as the saying goes, and it’s not paranoia to believe that too many people are on informant systems, and in or a part of government agencies. The things Targeted individuals blog about, satellite tracking, etc, that’s common knowledge, because their are articles which cover, how local police and others have access to these minor technologies, and have had access for years. The items less well known, but that have also been pretty common are things like the John St clair Akwei case, and the technologies used there. The figures on the informant system are understated, to say that have or above that in cities are on the informant system, is understated.
To say that school children are being stopped, interrogated for minor things, and then placed on the informant system, similar to how Bianca Harvey was, is not an exaggeration. “Weed” children is not a good look, and it’s also, one of the ways these kids in today’s society are getting themselves into these situations, but also at times they are foolishly, and unwisely being set up by their little friends, who are already on the informant systems.

October 22, 2012 Posted by | Awareness, CIA, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, Conformity, conspiracies, Cults, Echelon, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking | , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Local Monitoring Units and Frequency Suits

The Frequency Suits

As mentioned I first came across these items last year at some point, the
frequency suits seem difficult to image, they are basically transportation
suits, or as close to teleportation suits as can be without going over.

They enable a person to likely ethic travel using a frequency to be in one
location to the next. They seem pretty futurist, except when I first came across
them, they were being used by the local dirt bags in the community, these items
had been handed to some in the local monitoring teams. They were using them to
access homes, person, luckily the items do not enable you to steal things.

The reason why I first blogged about them was interesting, I had my own personal
reasons, but also one of these monitoring individuals asked me to mention it on
the site, he was familiar with the blog, and advised me that the suits were
being used in the community to rape, men, women, and children, and he wanted to
know if I could do something, to just mention them, so I mentioned what I could.

(It’s kind of funny, because even though I am what they hunt and place under
surveillance, or Threat Assessment Monitoring, that one person still understood
that I could maybe make a difference with my posting.)

Back then no one comprehended what they were, That was about a year and a couple
of months ago. At the time no one comprehended what the suits were, some
called them network suits, anti personnel devices, I just called them frequency
suits, which proved correct. I think I am the one that dubbed that nickname,
and based on the research it’s likely proven to be correct.

Some time later over a year now, I’ve been eligible based on some research
comprehend the suits a bit better, and the local individuals who do the
monitoring. Most of the one who monitor Targeted Individuals are as unfortunate
as they seem. One was assigned monitoring due to his parole officer giving him
the assignment, a local community pedophile, who is now monitoring a situation
with children. Another that I have come across, let’s call him Mike, is a local
head hunter, someone who is not on the monitoring teams perse, but works with
them, a head hunter who get’s hired by corporate companies such as CIBC, Rogers,
etc. To get rid of the problems they can’t officially make go away.
The other two low lives that I have come across are a couple, that are a real
piece of work, Andrew and Lisa, not necessarily their real names. From what I
have been eligible to research and gather on these two, they are what need to be
off the face of humanities burdens, two of the lowest creatures, I have never
met. They are pretty much strangers, would not know them by shight, but this is
the feedback that I have received. Two drug addicts, who conspired to remove
other surveillance team members by infecting over 30 men, and women with
a highly communicable disease. Raping others, because the male of this pair is alleged to
be a child molester, and rapist.

They have allegedly destroyed that many innocent lives for something called a
unit commander position, you have to comprehend these two creatures, the ones
they destroyed trusted them and called them friends, all they did was destroy
them, from what I have been eligible to gather in my research.

They have two children in the situation, and there have been allegations, that
they are harming the two children, in unsuitable ways. I came across these two
accidentally in my research into these monitoring teams, shift commanders, and
frequency suits, it’s been a heck of a year, this is the mire, I prefer not to
blog about, but it’s a necessary evil.

These are two individuals who utilize these frequency suits to do some of the
worst things to the community at large, they have no human decency whatsoever,
they are the type to laughingly request to take out a hit on someone, and not
think twice about it, to openly rape families in these frequency suits, to
destroy lives, and to use their situation within these monitoring teams to do
the worst things.

The worst thing about these two evil creatures is that they do all this low
bread nothing stuff behind the scenes, then pretend to be the correct sort,
cause if I’am in this situation, they are using the teams to open, files on
innocent people, and then destroying their lives, they also have access to men,
women, and children, that they ought not to have.

My feedback is this, these local community monitoring units, sent out by the
Threat Assessment Teams need an overhaul, in too many cases they are using the
lowest common denominators in the society, to do the monitoring, thus explaining
the home break in, and other dirty things that happen in the course of Targeted
Individuals being monitored.

The frequency suits need an overhaul, lowlives have access to these items,
lowlives that can utilize these items to do harm to innocent men, women, and
children in communities. Behind the scenes these are the sorts of things and
people they utilize to destroy innocent lives, and this is what needs to be
exposed, and this is what needs to discontinue happening.

The research into the frequency suits, which some use to call anti personnel
device, shows they likely trace back to the United States Military, and have
been utilized long enough to have made it to local monitoring teams, otherwise
there is no other research that I could locate on this topic.

September 22, 2012 Posted by | Awareness, CDC, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Threat Assessment Teams | , , , , , , | 9 Comments

When I am World Ruler 4

When I am World Ruler 4

My plans for global dominance, or how to make the world a better place. 🙂

Security Clearances

I want to see Security Clearance introduced galaxy/planet wide, I think if each
person has their own security clearances, then they will act in a more suitable
manner. Thus each person is responsible for their own levels. The security
clearances would have various classes, and levels.
Pre Crime

I would have a system in place that assists with pre crime. You can’t always
stop things, and I am not thinking crazy pre-crime, as seen in some movies, but
if someone hires a hit man, or make plans to commit acts of violence in advance,
firm plans, I would like to have a system that enables individuals to know if
this crime will be committed.
Help  Grid

I would also like to have as mentioned before a help me grid, this grid would
enable those in various communities to keep track of crimes being committed. Eg.
If a purse snatching is happening, an alert would go out, and those nearby would
be alerted, thus assisting the person in the situation, and those around.
Frequency Suits

I am not fond of how some of the frequency suits are functioning now, so if I am
World Ruler, I am going to have my own brand, which will function. People will
be using them responsibly, and the unsuitable actions that are occurring in
these suits at the moment would be discontinued. I would own them, and manage
them, in a suitable manner, with effective rules and regulations.
Cash Exchange System

I would create a spiritual cash exchange system. Something that enables everyone
to do their banking, and other deliveries, but in an effective manner. The
system would be smooth, everyone would have their own unique identifiers to
prevent fraud, and everyone would gradually use or utilize this system.

It would mean more secure banking, finances, and peace of mind.
Unique identifiers

A system that uniquely identifies the individual, so that identity theft would
almost be a thing of the past, no one could fake being anyone else, because each
person would be uniquely identified. Anonymous could still be used for those
black ops however. Just Joking, but anonymous would be an option, but each
person would still be uniquely identified, if that makes sense.

Bill 184

This would be a universal bill, enabling every citizen to have the chance to
become the correct person, and to do the correct thing. A chance to become the right
person, and to do the right thing. It would also be a bill that would enable
retrobution to the full extent of the law.

Those are some of the things that I would do, or items that I would enact if I am World Ruler.

August 26, 2012 Posted by | Active denial, Black female, Bullying, Citizen Informants | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Most Paranoid Post On The Face Of The Planet

The Most Paranoid Post On The Face Of The Planet

Ok this is the title and there is no way to say it. So let’s say that the frequency suits hither previously blogged about, were being used to rape, torture, and harass people, would that be the worst thing ever?

It would suck but people would survive, but what if you add those frequency suits to the New World Order (NWO) agenda? That’s slightly different. if the local informants, I mean Threat Assessment Teams are using the frequency suits to rape and molest locate targets, no one cares, let’s face it. But what if they are using the suits to rape and molest famous people? Politicians, actors, actresses, heads of state, world leaders, people of influence, that slightly different correct, right?

What if in part this is how the NWO will do their take over? Raping, torturing, and molesting, those who should become the correct people, forcing them day after day to be tortured with the suits, ensuring they get no sleep day after day, until they either give out, or give in? (I always like to go with option C, removing them from their outcomes, always.) I amnot big on the NWO, so in advance my allegiance is to me, in my situations, it’s to me in my outcomes.

What if humanities fate isn’t being determined in the open as we first thought, but behind the scenes, what if famous pop stars, are being raped, until they agree to become the incorrect people, and finally do the incorrect things? What
if their wills are being manipulated to the stage it doesn’t make sense, what if they are being threatened and forced till they agree to do the incorrect things to others?

What if the suits could be used to rape a famous couple till they both broke, till they agreed to do the worst things to other people, themselves, and the child, or children in their situations? That couldn’t happen correct, right, I mean they would go public correct, they would tell everyone around them correct? They would be on twitter saying this is the situation, this is what’s happening correct, right?

Because in this day and age if something like this was happening, you would tell somebody correct, right, they wouldn’t just put up with it, till they agreed to become the incorrect people right? Correct? But what if they did, and not just them, dozens of other people just like them, influential, rich, capable of jet setting, private jet setting, here and there, all the money in the world, but unable to say anything about what was happening to them, would that be the worst thing ever?

You come across some stuff in life, some things you would never believe, but sometimes things aren’t as paranoid as they seem. Now the other item, I mentioned recently was the Robot Sentient Project, this project out of Boston Massatucettes, enables a remote user to interact with an individual, in various way, at their various etheric, astral, and other levels.
Now what if people were being placed into that program by themselves, without permission, let’s say the users were doing the same things when interacting with these world ruler types, global leaders, famous people, influential individuals, let’s say them and their families were being submitted to this program, let’s say they could watch their children being used by this program, wives, children, friends, family, most have no idea such a program exists, and if the
interactions are forced, such as rape, torture, sleep deprivation for days, an amnesty is required, because those people would be in the incorrect situations, and the incorrect things could be happening to them.

I have been doing the research, getting in touch with such individuals, who have confirmed that such things are occurring to them, not Targeted Individuals, none Targeted Individuals. I have come across one person who gave me a deeper let’s say insight, and what he is going through is Nazi project riffic, for an outsider, believing that people’s consciousness can be transferred without their permission, or consent, to belive that that could occur is difficult to begin with, but add to that people being used, tortured, kept awake for days, till they bend or break is almost impossible, unless it’s true, and it a certain special operations branch, or a specific government, is involved, or loosely affiliated with this or them, then it becomes even more horrific.

I research a lot of items, and have in the course of doing this stuff, the local Threat Assessment Teams are too often full of the incorrect sorts, rapists, child molesters, drug users, squeezy  types, who should not have access to frequency suits, keep in mind their is good and bad everywhere, and not everyone is the incorrect, or wrong sort, but all too often, too many are.

In doing the research I am trying to access some of their spiritual files for research and investigation purposes, and some of these guys have histories of doing the incorrect things to people, I am not sure how they ended up on these local Monitoring, Threat Assessment Teams, but too many of these Shift Commanders, and Unit Commanders, Case Workers, relating to these so called investigations, and they are not the correct sorts. To the Ralphs, (Andrews-Former Unit, them Shit Commander, and nothing but a violent rapist and problem for the community,) Mike’s, too many are the incorrect sorts, on these teams, or pretending to be affiliated with these teams.

Not to keep going back and forth, but the robot sentient project is not the correct sort, the public program that most individuals encounter, it’s neat, innovative, rape, torture, poppycock, hogwash, that couldn’t be happening here, just like in World War Two when rumours of the incorrect things got out, and others said it could be happening, there are things seen and unseen in this world, and things that need to be looked into, the truth is too often out there, and if you want to find it, then you can.

I am going to keep requesting some of the spiritual files, that I have authorization or access to, eg. I want to access or request the spiritual files for X person here, or any other idiot that might be affiliated with these local Teams, most have horrible histories, and should not be around targets, or their children, much less others.

In doing the research I can tell you that I thought this whole NWO thing would be in your face with a bang, not quite, violently behind the scenes, contemptiously destroying families, and innocent people.

August 16, 2012 Posted by | Awareness, Citizen Informants, Covert investigations, Electronic harassment, NWO, Surveillence, Threat Assessment Teams | , , , | 2 Comments