Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

State control and conformity

There is always a lot in the news about the state and their willingness to step in and take control of what we are doing, or stories about how they expect us to conform, the next three stories I hope will be of some interest to you. Unarmed man shot while handcuffed face down. The first story is of a young man who was shot in the back, while face down on the ground while handcuffed. Oscar Grant and several other young men, in typical police fashion were being held and interrogated on a train platform. I understand that there had been a fight on the train, and the police had been called. If you watch the video you can see the the situation is chaotic at times, but fully manageable for trained police officers. From what the report on the video says, Oscar was cooperating with the police and he even told them, don’t shoot me, I have a kid. Yet while face down, handcuffed he was shot in the back. What really struck me about the action of the police involved was that after killing him, they just went about it as business as usual. That’s what struck me most about the videos, was the complete, dispassionate loss for a human life, but that is really what it comes down to. A lot of these young men and woman, no longer have value in the eyes of some of these officers, and thus when something like this does happen, there is a lot of visible humanity for the actions. I know that some will say the officers were in shock and that’s why they did not respond, but this is a trend that keeps getting repeated over and over again, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Though many people did have appropriate reactions to this shooting, I noticed that at first a popular conspiracy forum, had responses like, well was he fully cooperating with the cops, did he resist arrest, maybe the cop thought it was a taser and not a gun, etc. The forum did later receive other appropriate responses, such as that could have been me, or this really has become a police state. Also many noted that he was hand cuffed and face down, with someones knee on his neck, so there would have been no reason to taser him. Also resisting arrest, which he wasn’t doing, does not give a police officer the right to shoot an unarmed person in the back, while handcuffed. When it comes to situations like this, we are the best defence that we have against such inappropriate actions. Because if we start to justify actions such as this, and don’t realise that no matter who we are, what sector of society we belong to, this could be us next, then we are failing ourselves as humanity. The cop who murdered him, resigned, but will there ever be any justice for what happened? Oh one more note, originally all the officers were saying that he was not handcuffed while shot. These officers are often willing to cover and lie for each other. Without this video we most likely would have heard that he was resisting arrest, maybe had a weapon, and not handcuffed. It seems that keeping a cameraphone handy might be the only way anyone can defend themselves in the future against such abuses. Little Adolf Hitler and sisters taken from home. The family in the next story caused a stir when they requested that their child’s name be placed on a birthday cake in December and walmart disapproved and would not do it. The child is named after Adolf Hitler. Yesterday the child and his two sisters were taken from their home. There has been no reason given. I only imagine that this child and family probably came to the eye of the state department more rapidly due to the media of the walmart story. If this child was not being abused in the home, then there can be no reason for the state to take a children from their home. You might not approve of the parents naming their child Adolf Hitler, or the other kids JoyceLynn Aryan Nation, etc, but unless these kids are being abused in some way by their parents, then taking them from their home was fully in appropriate. In a democratic society these parents have right to name their children their names. I do agree that there are some names that children should not be named, such as profanity, but these names do not fall into this category. The names might not be names that many in society approves of, but in a democratic society, they would still have the right to choose these names for their children. See I never fully internalized the saying, I might not agree with what you are saying, but I will defend your rights to say it. I had understood the concept, but it’s in recent times that I have internalized what this fully means. In a democratic society even if we don’t agree or approve, to some degree all dissenting voices must have the right to some degree to express those dissenting views. If this means naming your child Adolf Hitler, provided they are not abusing their child in any other way, then I don’t think the children should have been taken from their home. Eight Year Old Arrested. [quote]The mother of an 8-year-old autistic girl who was arrested after a scuffle with her teachers said it was horrifying to watch her daughter be led away in handcuffs from her northern Idaho elementary school. [/quote] These scenarios are happening more and more, and pretty soon people will become numb to these types of situation. [quote] Spring Towry said she got to the school Friday just in time to see 54-pound Evelyn — who was diagnosed at age 5 with Asperger’s Syndrome, a high functioning form of autism — being walked to a police car with two officers at her side. “She started screaming ‘Mommy, I don’t want to go! What are batteries? What are batteries?'” Towry said. “She didn’t even know what she was arrested for.” Towry, who lives in Ponderay, said Evelyn told her that she had been refused entry into a school Christmas party that had been delayed until after the holidays because of a string of snow days, because she refused to take off her beloved “cow costume” — a hoodie with cow ears and a tail. Towry said Evelyn, who loves Spongebob Squarepants, told her she was put in a separate classroom away from the party, but when she tried to leave, the teachers told her to stay put. Evelyn did not listen, Towry said, and the adults physically restrained her. [/quote] I don’t want to see teachers have a more difficult time teaching children, but what happened to contacting the parents, and just letting the parents take care of their children, was it really appropriate to have this child arrested? This above story though not as brutal reminds me of the 5 year old girl who was arrested and handcuffed by 3 male police officers, because she was throwing a temper tantrum. This happened a couple of years back, but I have never forgotten it. These police state control behaviors are things that we as a society must become aware of, and continue to monitor and speak out against when necessary. If we don’t, tomorrow these situations will be you and your families, no matter what creed, race, religion, or affiliation you belong to. What happens to one, will eventually happen to all the others. This if nothing else, is what the research has shown and taught me.

January 14, 2009 Posted by | activism, Awareness, black, Children, Community harassment, control, Controlled society, Life, male, Police Corruption, Police State, society, zero tollerance | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The final pieces of the puzzle

I was just reading up on Cointelpro and I think I have the final pieces of the puzzle put together.

It’s shiny and it squirts water, is it a water gun? No a detective that makes these things told me it was a watering stick. Describe this watering stick to me. Well you pull the trigger, and water  comes out and it can get people wet. Are you sure it’s not a water gun? No a private detective told me that it’s a watering stick, besides water guns don’t squirt blue liquid and this one does. Well Ok then, and thus Cointelpro in whatever form it choose to continue in was masked as Gang Stalking.
Since Cointelpro was only ever an American program people have been saying that it can not be Cointelpro because what is happening is International. It’s patterns are however the same, and with the new community policing programs and anti-terror laws it too has risen from the shadows where it momentarily dwelt, and has continued almost consistantly to do what it has always done. What’s been confusing is the electronic harassment and the gaslighting tactics, but enough research will show ghost tactics have been used before, including what we now know about the former East Germany. 

Recently I came across an article that I think just really helped me to put the whole thing into perspective. I think I have finally internalized it at last. I came across a story that I had not heard before. It was the story of how a young outspoken black journalist was put away by the system.
Mumia Abu-Jamal. This story starts back in the day of the black panthers, and climaxes in the early eighties and continues on to this present time. It’s a leangthy story, so I will just go over the highlights, but I suggest that you read it in full. I think after reading it, you will see a pattern that has always existed and that still exists.


At City Hall, Rizzo was blunt with the press: he expected them to close ranks in support of police actions. Then, from the crowded pack of reporters, a young Black journalist spoke out in the resonant tones of a radio broadcaster. He raised pointed questions about the official police story Rizzo had just laid out.

Mayor Rizzo exploded in fury and spat out a thinly veiled threat: “They believe what you write, and what you say, and it’s got to stop. And one day–and I hope it’s in my career–that you’re going to have to be held responsible and accountable for what you do.” [2]

The journalist who challenged Rizzo that day was Mumia Abu-Jamal. He had spent a decade exposing the racism of Philadelphia’s police and legal system.

On December 9, 1981, three years after this press conference, at the age of 27, Mumia Abu-Jamal fell into the hands of the police. He was shot, almost killed by a police bullet, arrested, and repeatedly brutalized in custody. And then, in a trial borrowed from Kafka or Alice’s Wonderland, he was condemned to death for the shooting of policeman Daniel Faulkner.

Mumia Abu-Jamal has not spent a day in freedom since. He is now on Death Row–defying the sterile isolation of the SCI Greene prison: writing, speaking out, and opening the eyes of a new generation to the injustices of the system.[/quote]
Like many stories his does not begin or end there, where it will end will soon be decided by a jury of his peers? Well we know that a jury will soon make a decision in regards to his fate, but let’s take you back.
Born in 1954 as Wesley Cook he grew up in the projects of Black philadelphia.

While growing up he was subjected to racism and a lot of the political unrest of that time period. He did not let that kill his spirit, infact he was able to rise above it for a time.

As a young teenager his mind was finally opened up to the true nature of the racism in his city and he joined the black pather party.

 I was grabbed by two of them, one kicking my skull while the other kicked me in the balls. Then I looked up and saw the two-toned, gold-trimmed pant leg of a Philly cop. Without thinking, and reacting from years of brainwashing, I yelled, ‘Help, police!’ The cop saw me on the ground being beaten to a pulp, marched over briskly–and kicked me in the face. I have been thankful to that faceless cop ever since, for he kicked me straight into the Black Panther Party.”[8]

In 1969, when Mumia joined the campaign to rename his school Malcolm X High, the FBI and the Philadelphia political police squad started keeping records on him, using informants and wiretaps. In the following years, their file would grow to over 800 pages.[9][/quote]
Soon he would start to write articles and for the group and draw attention to the plight of the people in his commuity.

[quote]<b>The FBI took note, and added Mumia’s name to the ADEX index of those persons to be rounded up and interned in a national emergency.</b>[/quote]
So for people wondering if the Fema lists do exist, here is proof that as far back as the 70’s they had lists of those who should and should not be rounded up in case of a national emergency.

[quote]“Mumia was, and is, a very sensitive, committed and thorough journalist. And his journalistic focus in large part was issues involving the inner city, involving the conflicts and tensions between those on the bottom of our society and those running it, and pretty much the daily affairs of the city.”

Linn Washington, veteran reporter and Temple University journalism professor [18][/quote]

His only achievement was not just helping to start up the philadelphia chapter of the black panthers at 15, he would later become an radio jounalist, and a free lance journalist, winning many community awards.
[quote]In Philadelphia in the mid-1970s, Mumia’s work brought him into contact with the MOVE organization. MOVE, a radical utopian largely-Black organization, was formed the year Rizzo took over City Hall. Its members lived together in communal homes as an extended family, adopting the common surname Africa, and wore their hair natural, in dreadlocks. In 1974, from their base in West Philadelphia’s Powelton Village, MOVE started speaking out at political forums and organizing community demonstrations against police brutality.

In 1974 two pregnant women from MOVE were man-handled by cops until they miscarried. MOVE’s demonstrations intensified. The police responded with a campaign of “arrest on sight.” Between 1974 and 1976, there were 400 arrests of MOVE members, resulting in bail and fines of more than half a million dollars. Life Africa, a three-week-old baby, was killed during one violent police attack. [30]

By March 1978, these confrontations came to a head when Philadelphia police clamped a siege on MOVE’s home on West Philadelphia’s Powelton Avenue. Police cut off water and electricity. They set up barricades to prevent food from entering.

Armed with his tape recorder, Mumia stepped into the middle of this mounting conflict. He later said that he gave voice to the members of the MOVE organization at a time when most Black reporters ignored them, and the mainstream press simply slandered them.[/quote]
The police after all the press they were getting pretended to back off, and then ofcourse staged a waco like attack on the residents. The organization members were put through a questionalble trial and placed in jail. He was one of the few journalists to ask the truly hard questions and carry out the function that a journalist is meant to perform.

[quote]Mumia Abu-Jamal spoke out from the crowd of journalists, sharply raising questions about the way police had destroyed evidence after the raid.

Rizzo was already on edge over the increasing coverage of police brutality spreading into the mainstream press. He could feel his long-standing support in the city’s media eroding and it bothered him. [39]

But to be publicly challenged in his own press conference by a Black journalist the same day a cop had just died in a raid–that made him livid. Rizzo’s answer to Mumia’s question was a now-famous threat: “They believe what you write, and what you say, and it’s got to stop. And one day–and I hope it’s in my career–that you’re going to have to be held responsible and accountable for what you do.”[/quote]

Three years later that would all come to a head, but not before he continued to live, work and rise in the community as someone who was nsightful, passionate and caring.

[quote]In 1980, at the age of 26, Mumia was elected president of the Philadelphia chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists. The following year, he was named one of the city’s “People to Watch” by Philadelphia magazine. The article spoke of his “eloquent, often passionate and always insightful interviews.”[/quote]

He was known as the voice of the voiceless. Then December 9, 1981 things all came to a head. 27 years ago.

[quote]The events of December 9, 1981 started as a typical police stop for “driving while Black.” Just before 4 a.m., Mumia’s younger brother Billy Cook was driving his Volkswagen Beetle in a seedy part of Philadelphia’s Center City–when he was pulled over on Locust Street by Officer Daniel Faulkner.

The official record claims that the reason for this stop was a crooked license plate and a broken bumper. But before Daniel Faulkner even climbed out of his patrol car, he had decided to arrest Billy Cook and called for a police wagon to take Cook away. Faulkner quickly had Billy Cook out of the driver’s seat, spread-eagled across his car and was beating him in the head with a weighted police flashlight. [47]

Mumia was driving his cab that night and came upon this scene. Moments later, when police backup arrived, Mumia was on the ground, shot in the chest. Faulkner was dead from two gunshot wounds and Billy Cook was standing against a wall bleeding. Anyone else involved in the incident had fled.

A cop was dead and from that moment on–true to the methods, mentality and traditions of the police–Mumia was responsible and deserved to die, no matter what the evidence (or lack of evidence) might actually say.[/quote]

Since then he has been in the system, fighting for a fair trail and litterally fighting for his life on death row.

In the months that followed Mumia’s arrest, the machinery of Philadelphia’s notorious Homicide Squad went into motion–and systematically manufactured a case against Mumia Abu-Jamal. Evidence was suppressed. False evidence was created. Witnesses were coerced. And a notorious hanging judge was rolled out to ram this railroad through the trial process.

Mumia had been the dogged opponent of a brutal power structure for 12 intense and explosive years. He had exposed their crimes, upheld their victims, given voice to their accusers. Now he was in their hands–a political prisoner headed for death row.

Thus the story in part ends there, but continues now 27 years later. He has been on death row ever since then, the system then as now is the same and it has not changed. Evidence of a signed confession from another man exists from his team, suggesting that the police officer was shot in a mob style hit.

Abu-Jamal is still on death row waiting once again for his fate to be decided some 27 years later. Some would say that his fate was decided when he confronted the Mayor on his actions in taking down yet another group from that time period.

[quote]We are now at the crossroads of the case. This is a life and death struggle in the fight for Mumia’s freedom. His life hangs in the balance. The following are details as to what has been occurring in the Supreme Court.

Abu-Jamal v. Beard, U.S. Sup. Ct. No. 08A299: On October 3, I filed in the Supreme Court a Motion for Extension of Time to File Petition for Writ of Certiorari. Justice David H. Souter granted the motion on October 9th. The Petition is now due on December 19, 2008.[/quote]

So here it is, just one more piece of the puzzle, that’s finally helping me to put it all together. The full story is a fascinating read, and it answers the questions that I had when I first came online and started to learn about Cointelpro.

I had wondered why there were no more leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. I mean that time period seemed to have produced a lot of leaders and groups, such as the black panthers, Malcolm X, etc. The last two I grew up thinking of as outlandish radicals, but now I see that they were just a part of the same struggles that we are all a part of wither we know it or not.

So that answers that part of the puzzle for me. They are locked away in the system. If they are not dead, in prison, in process of being destroyed, or in mental wards as is the new thing to do, then they are simply unaware, or a part of the system itself.

Coitelpro as we see primarily targeted ethnic minorities, their leaders, political movements, and organizations, but even before Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination the mandate was changing for that program. The mandate had become making sure that no (black) messiahs rose up, this would mean finding creative ways to target these future messiahs, these ones that could potentially rise up and distrupt the system, cause dissidence and throw a cog in the wheel. Those at every level who refused to fall in line.

Well the machine has continued to work, and so has the corruption and the injustice. The system that existed then, as much as I wanted to believe that it had fully changed, I am in reading and researching lead to now believe that it has never really changed. Those frieghtening tentacles still exist and instead of just targeting activists and dissidents, these programs have merged and branched out. Again in accordance with new initiatives such as community policing, anti-terror laws, etc, they are alive and well, and the machine is as active as ever. With the emergence of 9/11 and overseas wars, we are simply seeing the machine mount up and show itself more clearly, apparently this is very common, during such times from what I have read.

Abu-Jamal was known as a voice for the voiceless, he helped shed light on injustice for dozens if not thousands of people throughout his time, before the system also took him out of the picture and almost silenced his voice. Today his life still hangs in the balance, and a fair trial is needed once more. Can any justice exist in this system of corruption and conformity? It’s been 27 years, and a decision is days away from being made, maybe by being a voice for his plight, and sheding some light on this case, some right can finally be achieved.

December 12, 2008 Posted by | black, Cointelpro, control, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, domestic spying, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Martin Luther King Jr, Minorities, oppression, Police Abuse, Police Corruption | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Gang Stalking, Sexual Assult, E-harassment

The next thing I wanted to talk about was an Interview Greg Syzmanski did with Ramona Lopez. The interview is from a couple of years ago.

She was a regular mom who saw kids in her community doing drugs. She wanted to help these kids, so she started with some others in the community to help try to get the drugs stopped.

What happened to her was a nightmare. Along the way of trying to stop drugs, she learnt that the officials in the community were actually trying to push drugs on the kids. There she was trying to get the kids off drugs, and the police and others were trying to keep them on drugs.

Well she started to make this known and that is when the trouble started. Her and her friends started to get set up, several of the woman who had tried to help her were set up with narcotics, arrested and placed in jail. She herself was almost set up, but she had tapped the conversation.

She was gang stalked, she actually walked into one of the community policing meetings where they were trying to set her up and demonise her. They didn’t realise that she was the one that they were going to be following around, so they spoke openly about her, saying things that were not true. When they realised it was her, they stopped talking at the meeting.
Her family would later be harassed, they started to electronically harass her, she was drugged with needles, she was gang raped in her home, when she went to file a report about it, they did not want to perform a rape kit, when she reported it to the police, the report when no place. She was constantly stopped by the police, demonised, she even eventually lost her home because of the harassment.

They used everything to silence her and the rest of the people that had tried to help these kids. What she discovered is what many others have discovered, the authorities in these areas were the ones trying to push drugs on the kids.

She also when she went to the doctor found that she had been chipped. She has x-rays of this, and other documentation.

She awoke in the middle of the night on more than one occasion when they were in her home, thinking they had her in a drug like state, she could hear them talking above her. (The scene she described reminds me a lot of what some of the abducties have said about waking up, with people around them. I do think there is a tie in to these scenarios.) She talks about how they can make you pass out. What she is referring to by this is how the electronic pulses can put you to sleep, many targets including myself have experienced this. We will be fully awake and if we are not cognizant of the electronic harassment beginning, we will just fall asleep and awake later. Your energy is just zapped, and you just fall asleep, as if you have no energy. Kind of like a small child being instantly rocked to sleep.

She was still being stalked and harassed, they had gone after her family. She is very credible when you listen to her, and there was no reason for the government to do this to this woman, but they did. The drugs in the community never stopped and she became just one more target of the state, who stumbled upon the truth and was silenced for it.

Please take the time to listen to the full audio interview of what they did to this woman.

September 28, 2008 Posted by | Community harassment, Corruption, crazy, Drugs, Police Abuse, Police Corruption, Politics | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

The side you don’t see.

The side you don’t see.

What targeted individuals have to understand is that there are two sides to the story. I still don’t understand this at times, but I have come to a place of acceptance.

There is the side that we experience and then the side that some of these Citizen Informants experience. 

As I have documented before, Citizen Informants are told something very specific, and they are often acting this information.

Remember last summer I did some field work. I slipped by confines and was able to be away from the Snitches for an hour or so. When I was walking, based on where I was walking, and the time of night I was walking a funny thing happened. Several phones in a row started ringing at about the same time as I moved down the street. It was summer and the windows were either open or the phones were just really loud. They rang one right after another, as I moved up the street.

As I walked I heard someone answer one of the phones, it was on speaker. I heard the person on the other end, explain something to the extent of the fact that they were looking for something along the lines of a mentally ill person who might be in the area.

Now I have mentioned that I found out the reason I am allegedly being stalked is because I am suppose to be mentally ill? I have never had any kind of interaction with any mental health professional “that I am aware of”. 

So I decided to walk back to where I live. Now I was not trying to be paranoid. The phone call might have had nothing to do with me, but since I had slipped my snitches, I was fairly sure that it did.

I returned back to the area, at that time of night there should have been very few people out, there were dozens. The dog walkers, police cars, etc. I passed two as I came closer to home. It was creepy, it was like watching the neighbourhood Gestapo or something, with the dogs.

I was still walking past them all, then as I came closer to my home this guy comes up to me, stops right in front of me, and calls in my description. He calls in gender, race, approximate height, and says something to the effect of yeah I think we have em. He really didn’t care, that I was right there. It was like I was not human or something. I could have stopped him and asked him questions, and taken it further, but it was field work and I had yielded more than expected on that expedition.

This event was something of an experience. That is just one side you are not seeing in most cases. Some of these people are not bad, some actually believe that they are doing something good.

Picture this you are a home owner, part of some community watch. The phone rings, they tell you that they are calling from Stasi central, I mean community central, and that there is mentally disturbed, or pedophile, or rapist, drug dealer etc, you want to protect your community, cause you assume it’s true. This was the first time I had any clue, what actually get’s said on these calls, and what the community at large must really be thinking.

Remember I have never been openly evaluated by anyone that I am aware of for this kind of a determination to be made. I have also never had any opportunity to defend myself or tell my side of the story. Yet my life is being disrupted this way, and I am being labeled, as are many other Targets.
Remember they get a description of our race, age, gender, for example if you are white, male, 6″4, age 45, that is what they will be told. We have a white male, 6’4, age 45. Is an emotionally disturbed person, and is sensitive to keys jingling. So they will try to track the target from home, and they will use this information. The foot patrols and cars use the hand signals and others use audio ques for where to go, with directions on where to go. 

So along the path, they will jangle keys at targets that fit the description to see if they have the correct person in sight at all times. That’s some of the info they get in their emails.
The second scenario. I was on the train, and this was shortly after I learnt some of the Stasi like signals. Before this I just always thought that it was people trying to provoke me, and it had worked on a few occasions, because you are so aware of the harassment.

I finally tuned into the fact that it’s not that simple. There is always a conductor. (These are names that I give for the people carrying out the roles.) The conductor in my opinion tells people where to go, and when to carry out actions. They do this via the hand signals.

There is the observer(s). There will always be other people looking to see what your response is. These people will watch you closely and look to see if you react, what the reaction is.
Then there are what I am calling the agitators. They carry out a specific action. Eg. I always thought people would randomly irritate me, and then do it in sink with each other. This is not exactly the case. Depending on how many of them were able to get on the same train as me, and get into position to run the skit, there might be one or more agitators.

They know what to do ahead of time in some cases, but most often they are acting on the signal of the conductor.
Eg. If your sensitivity is keys jingling, the jingling is not random. What I observed was this is done when the stop is called out. It’s very specific.

You as the target you will never understand this. Now let’s say someone jangles keys and we get all upset, well people are watching and the reaction is going to be observed and reported back.

So they jingle keys for about 5 stops. We have two agitators, one sitting right beside you, the other right behind you. You know that people are going out of their way to annoy the hell out of you, and have been doing so for the last 6 months straight and you have no idea why?

So finally you get angry, and you flip out a little bit and tell them to knock it off. Well they keep doing it. As far as they know, you are a disturbed person, and they are just following orders. 

Meanwhile the conductor is watching this, the observers. They are going to be complete strangers, who report back the outcome of the skit.

They see a 15 minute to 30 minute skit. They don’t get to see that you did not sleep last night, or for the last 5 months because someone is electronically keeping you awake. They did not see you walking to the underground, and that people kept banging into you, as they jingled their keys. They did not see the guy who almost tripped you, while jingling his keys in your face. By this time you are pissed, you know that you are being deliberately provoked and have not a freaking clue why?

So the skit happens. You are human and finally flip out a bit and tell them to knock it off, hit the keys away etc. Well that whole skit and your reaction to it has just been observed. They never get to see the behind the scene production. Their role was a short 15 minutes, and why would strangers lie and say that you had flipped out? Seemed dangerous?

Cause they never see the full picture of our harassment.
So how can someone have another person declared crazy if they are not? Well depends on who is doing the observation. If you are a perceived danger to society or to the public’s health, under some of those laws I was looking over, they can have you investigated.

If you deliberately sensitized like I was and many other TI’s, you won’t have a clue that it was deliberate, and you won’t know why. I now know that my original harassers tried to sensitize me to a few things. One took the others did not, but when I got to my next job, they tried using all of them to see which ones had taken. For me it was just harassment and that is all I saw felt and experienced at the time.

The little twit that sensitized me had some sort of military link. He did something on the weekends military related, or something like that. I think it’s fair to say, he knew what he was doing, and I had no idea at the time that he was deliberately sensitizing me.
This is the side that you don’t see. You don’t see this well rehearsed, coordinated effort by our civilian spies. Some of them truly think they are keeping the community safe from a dangerous person. Others are there to agitate the target, so that they will flip out and get them committed. In other cases as Mark described he had parents setting little kids in front of him, who then stopped looked shocked and then ran the other way. No doubt to make him look like a pedophile and his reactions would have been observed the whole time. The same is true for any other lie that they are trying to pin.
The side they don’t see. Us being tortured day in and day out. They don’t see the provocations, well some do, because they are deliberate agitators, but they are as the Nazi’s like to say, just following orders.

Some of them understand that there is something not quite right happening, others do not and really think that there is something wrong with you.

In the case where they upset a target so much the target flips out and hurts one of them, then the target get’s arrested or taken away, they feel that they have done their job, cause the person clearly was crazy. On the other hand you finally get upset after a billion years without sleep, you think they are evil, godless, vigilantes or whatever, and you never see that side of it, and they never see your side.

The only one that sees what is really happening are the people pulling the strings. (Well a bit dramatic, but not far from the truth.)

Also the snitches that move in beside us, some are there just to piss you off, they want to keep you awake, if they can get you to flip out, it’s justification for these programs to keep running. You can flip back to my post called hypothetical.

There are two sides to every story, but in this case there might be three. Our side, the Informants side, and then the big picture, the side those in charge see. The side that has to ensure justification for these programs and therefore funding for them.

I hope I have given both set’s of readers some insight into the side that they don’t see.

September 18, 2008 Posted by | Bullying, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, crazy, driving-crazy, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Insane, Kilmeer Gill, Laws, mobbing, one handed signals, paranoid, Police Abuse, Police Corruption, Politics, psychological harassment, School Shooting, sign language, Snitches, Spying, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, workplace mobbing | , | 1 Comment

Remotely Insane.

I was on my usual weekend hunt for more information about how these situations are being created and I came across something really interesting. The case referenced below is about a police office who blew the whistle, only to have his workplace hire 1 psychologist and a psychiatrist, to basically without speaking to him, fully remotely declare that he was unstable, even suicidal, could be a danger to others. Also they were advised that if they could get him arrested and placed in a psychiatric facility to just do it.

Now can you imagine an assessment like that followed by a little high tech harassment?

I find the scenario so interesting for so many reasons. The site says that this is the sort of thing that was done in China, Russia to dissidents and those considered to be enemies of the State. Ever notice that more and more research from various sources are starting to link to the fact that we are doing this like communist regimes have in the past? Does this concern anyone?

A Canadian Police Department and the Canadian College of Psychologists

Kenneth Westhues, Professor of Sociology at the University of Waterloo, studied a case of a police officer targeted for elimination after reporting corruption to provincial authorities. The Police Department had enlisted the services of both a psychologist and a psychiatrist in support of its aim to get rid of the whistleblower. The latter, however, withstood the campaign against him and successfully held onto his job. Subsequently, he sought sanctions against the psychologist and the psychiatrist, and asked Westhues to set down in writing his reflections on the actions against him. Here is Westhues’s account, with names and other identifying information removed.
You have asked that I give you my reflections on the actions of the Police Department against you from the mid-1990s until 2000. I write on the basis of the documentation you have provided to me in connection with my research on workplace mobbing, an uncommon but severe organizational pathology that can have unwarranted, devastating effects on the mobbing target’s career and life. I understand that the reason you have requested this letter is so that you might include it with your request to the Ontario Health Professions Appeal and Review Board, that it review the decision of the Complaints Committee of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, and the separate decision of the Complaints Committee of the Ontario College of Psychologists.
In the mid-1990s, you reported in good faith to the appropriate provincial authorities what you saw as corruption in the Police Department. The appropriate body investigated, and found your allegations to have merit. In the wake of this conflict, your Police Department engaged psychologist Dr. X and psychiatrist Dr. Y to give their opinions on your mental health. Without speaking with you, both Dr. X and Dr. Y signed their names to reports that strongly suggested you were mentally ill. Dr. X wrote in December 1998, that your “thinking appears delusional to the extreme,” and he wrote in his own hand, “I essentially agree,” on a police investigator’s memo summarizing his meeting with them. The memo included these assertions:
    • The issue is that the man’s thinking is disordered.
   • You need to find a way to get him to a psychiatric assessment by compulsion, because he’s probably not going to accept that he has a problem.
    • If you have enough information to arrest him and take him to a psychiatric facility – do it.
   • It is easier to contain an explosion than an implosion – you shouldn’t blame yourself if he commits suicide.
Dr. Y wrote in January, 1999, that it was “in the realm of possibility” that you had a “Paranoid Personality Disorder,” and that “a psychiatric assessment would be required to rule this out.”
Shortly after Dr. X’s and Dr. Y’s reports, neither of which was provided to you, you were suspended from your position and charged under the Police Services Act. This was in January of 1999. It took almost two years, until November of 2000, for you to clear your name and get free of the stress and stigma of administrative sanction. In the end, you were found guilty of no offense. You have continued as before, to fulfill capably and with honour your responsibilities as a police officer.
In your complaints to their respective colleges, you fault Dr. X and Dr. Y for failing to live up to the ethical codes of their professions. The Complaints Committee of the College of Psychologists dismissed almost all of your complaint; the Complaints Committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons dismissed your complaint entirely.
The decision of the Complaints Committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons contains obviously false statements about the most basic facts of the case:
    • The Committee says you were “later dismissed from the police force.” You were not and have never been dismissed. You were and remain an officer with an unblemished record.
   • The Committee accepted the word of Dr. Y that your Police Department required you to undergo an assessment by Dr. X, the psychologist. Further, according to the Committee, Dr. Y reported that Dr. X had concluded from his assessment that you posed a possible risk of harm to others, that you are the type of personality that could “go postal,” that your thinking was disordered, that you were at high risk for suicide, and that you should be examined by a psychiatrist.
In fact, your Police Department never required, and you did not at any time undergo, such an assessment. The decision of the Complaints Committee of the College of Psychology admits that  Dr. X made his comments about you without having assessed you.
An organization’s employment of mental-health practitioners to stigmatize, discredit, and harm a targeted worker is a common mobbing technique. The harm is exacerbated when the professional bodies to which the worker may appeal, fail to investigate thoroughly and to hold the practitioners responsible for their part in the mobbing process.
I would not presume to say what corrective action the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board should take. Public safety requires, however, that regulatory bodies not be allowed to gloss over any complicity of mental-health professionals in efforts by employers to discredit sane, responsible employees who have blown the whistle on administrative misconduct.
I hope that you and the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board may find these reflections on the actions against you helpful toward a fair and truthful resolution of your complaints. Best wishes.
Postscript. The body to which the police officer appealed, and to which he submitted Westhues’s letter, dismissed the appeal. One member of the hearing committee told the police officer at the hearing that when you stick your finger in a hornets’ nest, you can expect to get stung. [/quote]
Can you believe that workplaces are doing this crap?

Think of what this could mean. You make a complaint, the company hires 2 people to evaluate you, they write up an assessment like the one above, you have no idea, then suddenly because you are so unstable and mentally ill and won’t go in for an assessment of your own free will  suddenly you have this problem, and for your own good they put you on some watch list.

If you do ever get into this situation and think that going in for an evaluation is a good thing, think again. There was an article or website that tells you the exact methods that will be used to railroad you.

See I know what we are up against is horrific, but if we can find anything in this madness to use, then it’s in our best interest to use it and find out if that is indeed what is happening. I think this is worth further examination. 

Could something like the above scenario also happen in communities where they want to get rid of someone. I am sure this could happen to activist, dissidents, anyone who goes up against a school board, etc. How easy is this to be used against someone in the exact method as described above. How would the target even know it? They really would not. How could they find out?

I think this is really exciting to find this information, because it could further explain just how the state is getting some people listed for being mentally ill/unstable remotely. There should be some kind of a paper trail, because someone is pulling the strings.

March 9, 2008 Posted by | blue-wall, Censorship, community mobbing, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, crazy, dissident, driving-crazy, Fascism, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Illegal, Insane, Laws, mobbing, oppression, paranoid, Police Abuse, Police Corruption, silence, whistle blower, workplace mobbing | 3 Comments

So you want a revolution 2.

  I had complied this blog post under a different title, and I had also tried to draw comparisons to the latest school shooting and the school shooting last year in America where the words let the revolution begin were also posted.

I thought it was interesting that at least two school shooters had used the same words. Anyways for some reason I can’t find the post on my computer, [b]which has been acting weird over the last few days. [/b]

Anyways, I am not going to spend a lot of time trying to recompile the ideas, so instead I am just going to repost the manifesto that was left behind by the finnish school shooter.

I again think that his choose in killing was misguided, his frustrations were understood, but I just can’t see the point of taking innocent lives. I don’t think his actions accomplished anything. Well they will get people talking, but I don’t think they established the kind of change he was referencing to.

I also personally don’t believe in natural selection, or evolution and so on those points I can’t agree with anything he says. Where I do see relavance in his postings are the points he makes about democracy not being really free, and that’s it’s just another tyranical system. Also about the fact that most people are conformed to the system. I also do belive that it’s corrupt, and I would also like to see a change for the better come about. However I would like to see a change come about via dialouge and people waking realising that this system is not right, that it is corrupt and we need to fix it, revamp it or whatever.

I however do not think this was the way to do it. So enough about me, this is the writing from Pekka-Eric the young man who did the latest school shooting. For me personally the revolution I believe in is truth, and before the media completly spin this and blame it on music, bullying or something else, he makes it very clear that he knew what he was doing, he was not going for a school shooting, he wanted his actions to be considered as political, and he did it because he had had enough of this corrupt system.


Natural Selector’s Manifesto

How Did Natural Selection Turn Into Idiocratic Selection?

Today the process of natural selection is totally misguided. It has reversed. Human race has been devolving very long time for now. Retarded and stupid , weak-minded people are reproducing more and faster than the intelligent, strong-minded people. Laws protect the retarded majority which selects the leaders of society. Modern human race has not only betrayed its ancestors, but the future generations too. Homo Sapiens, HAH! It is more like a Homo Idioticus to me! When I look at people I see every day in society, school and everywhere… I can’t say I belong to same race as the lousy, miserable, arrogant, selfish human race! No! I have evolved one step above!

Naturality has been discriminated through religions, ideologies, laws and other mass delusion systems. Individual, who is going through his/hers natural power process and trying to live naturally, but is being told that the way he acts or thinks is wrong and stupid, will usually have some reactions which might be considered as “psychological disorders” by the establishment. In reality they are just natural reactions to the disruption of natural power process. They will have some of the following (depending on individual’s personality): feelings of inferiority / superiority, hostility, aggression, frustration, depression, self-hatred / hatred towards other people, suicidal / homicidal thought etc… and it is completely normal.

Humans are just a species among other animals and world does not exist only for humans. Death and killing is not a tragedy, it happens in nature all the time between all species. Not all human lives are important or worth saving. Only superior (intelligent, self-aware, strong-minded) individuals should survive while inferior (stupid, retarded, weak-minded masses) should perish.

There is also another solution to the problem: stupid people as slaves and intelligent people as free. What I mean is that they who have free minds, are capable of intelligent existential and philosophical thinking and know what justice is, should be free and rulers… and the robotic masses, they can be slaves since they do not mind it now either and because their minds are on so retarded level. The gangsters that now rule societies, would of course get what they deserve.

Of course there is a final solution too: death of entire human race. It would solve every problem of humanity. The faster human race is wiped out from this planet, the better… no one should be left alive. I have no mercy for the scum of earth, the pathetic human race.

Collective Deindividualization: Totalitarianism & Delusions Of Democracy

[b]Collective deindividualization is a phenomenon where individual will be trained as part of the mindless herd controlled by state, corporation, church or some other organization, group, ideology, religion or mass delusion system and adopt it’s rules, morality and codes of conduct. This phenomenon has been familiar in all despotic, authoritarian, totalitarian, monarchist, communist, socialist, nazi, fascist and religious societies troughout history. Also, the modern western democratic republics have the same phenomenon. It is just done so that people will think they are free and don’t realize they are being enslaved. Majority of people in society are weak-minded and ignorant retards, masses that act like programmed robots and accept voluntarily slavery. But not me! I am self-aware and realize what is going on in society! I have a free mind! And I choose to be free rather than live like a robot or slave. You can say I have a “god complex”, sure… then you have a “group complex”! Compared to you retarded masses, I am actually godlike. [/b]

[b]Totalitarian governments rule people through education system, consumerism, mass media, monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force (police, military) and laws discriminating people who think differently than the majority. Democracy… you think democracy means freedom and justice? You are wrong. Democracy is a dictatorship of the moral majority… and the majority is manipulated and ruled by the state mafia. Modern western democracy has nothing to do with freedom or justice; it is totalitarian and corrupted system. Laws are made over the heads of the people and people are being brainwashed to support the system and connected to the institutional structures immediately after their birth. Societies are being ruled by manipulative and charismatic politicians who only care about the interests of majority, and who do not base their decisions on reason but emotions and feelings of the masses. These masses let the authorities of state to make all the important decisions for them. The masses will get an education, they study, get a job, go to work and vote in elections. They think they are free and don’t criticise or question the system. They have become robots. It is like a constructed mechanism in mind, that leaves little choice for an individual to think, talk and act independently. [/b]

Three Kinds Of Humans

There are three kinds of human personality types in this world:
individualistic human (3% of the world population)
manipulative human (3% of the world population)
mass human (94% of the world population)

#1 & #2 type of personalities are intelligent, creative and self-aware. They have chosen bit different paths paths. #3 type of personalities are less intelligent and less creative, weak-minded people controlled by #2 type of personalities. The percentages are only estimations though but are based on Gaussian distribution and history of human race and how humans have organized into societies. And this is the way it has always been ever since humans started to organize into communities.

Another way how to divide people is bit different but is based on the same facts, human nature and history. The division is based on the level of intelligence and quality of mentality:
intelligent (3% of the world population)
slightly retarded, so called “normal people” or “robots” (94% of the world population)
highly retarded, “vegetables” (3% of the world population)

Total War Against Humanity

Hate, Im so full of it and I love it. That is one thing I really love. Some time ago, I used to believe in humanity and I wanted to live a long and happy life… but then I woke up. I started to think deeper and realized things. But it was not easy to become existential… knowing as much as I know has made me unhappy, frustrated and angry. I just can’t be happy in the society or the reality I live. Due to long process of existential thinking, observing the society I live and some other things happened in my life… I have come to the point where I feel nothing but hate against humanity and human race.

Life is just a meaningless coincidence… result of long process of evolution and many several factors, causes and effects. However, life is also something that an individual wants and determines it to be. And I’m the dictator and god of my own life. And me, I have chosen my way. I am prepared to fight and die for my cause. I, as a natural selector, will eliminate all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection.

You might ask yourselves, why did I do this and what do I want. Well, most of you are too arrogant and closed-minded to understand… You will proprably say me that I am “insane”, “crazy”, “psychopath”, “criminal” or crap like that. No, the truth is that I am just an animl, a human, an individual, a dissident.

I have had enough. I don’t want to be part of this fucked up society. Like some other wise people have said in the past, human race is not worth fighting for or saving… only worth killing. But… When my enemies will run and hide in fear when mentioning my name… When the gangsters of the corrupted governments have been shot in the streets… When the rule of idioracy and the democratic system has been replaced with justice… When intelligent people are finally free and rule the society instead of the idiocratic rule of majority… In that great day of deliverance, you will know what I want.

[b]Long live the revolution… revolution against the system, which enslaves not only the majority of weak-minded masses but also the small minority of strong-minded and intelligent individuals! If we want to live in a different world, we must act. We must rise against the enslaving, corrupted and totalitarian regimes and overthrow the tyrants, gangsters and the rule of idiocracy. I can’t alone change much but hopefully my actions will inspire all the intelligent people of the world and start some sort of revolution against the current systems. The system discriminating naturality and justice, is my enemy. The people living in the world of delusion and supporting this system are my enemies. [/b]

I am ready to die for a cause I know is right, just and true… even if I would lose or the battle would be only remembered as evil… I will rather fight and die than live a long and unhappy life.

And remember that this is my war, my ideas and my plans. Don’t blame anyone else for my actions than myself. Don’t blame my parents or my friends. I told nobody about my plans and I always kept them inside my mind only. Don’t blame the movies I see, the music I hear, the games I play or the books I read. No, they had nothing to do with this. This is my war: one man war against humanity, governments and weak-minded masses of the world! No mercy for the scum of the earth! HUMANITY IS OVERRATED! It’s time to put NATURAL SELECTION & SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST back on tracks!

Justice renders to everyone his due.

– Pekka-Eric Auvinen (aka NaturalSelector89, Natural Selector, Sturmgeist89 and Sturmgeist).
I also use pseydonym Eric von Auffoin internationally.
I keep thinking and wondering if this could have been prevented if there was activly more open dialouge by people like him about the frustration of living in a controlled society like this and finding out the truth. Of the research that I have been able to do, he had a myspace profile, youtube account with over 200,000 views, but I don’t know what the videos were. Just what the media is saying about the videos.

He seems to have had friends, because they posted a youtube memorial for him. It’s just somewhere along the way he saw this as the only way and I think that is sad, sad for the other kids, who died and sad for him too.

He felt this way and wanted a chance. He came to the realisation of the truth, I guess realised that things were not going to change overnight, and in his own words did not want to live and be unhappy for years.

For some he believed in evolution and natural selection and decided it would be ok to take out others, and that is just so wrong. I wish he would have written a book, or kept on talking, posting whatever.

Unfortunatly his actions will most likely negate the relavant parts of his words, and people will just remember him as a nutter, and try to blame the music, movies, video games, or gun laws, instead of looking at what he really said about why he did what he did, which was trying to make a political statement and rebelling against this controlled slave society we live in.

I can only hope that by faciliating more open dialouge and discussions about this topic, that maybe it will help other choose a different path, and make different choices that does not involve the loss of innocent lives, unnessacarily.

November 11, 2007 Posted by | Above top secret, Censorship, constitutional change, Controlled society, Corruption, Fascism, Fascist, Film, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, google, government corruption, harassment, Isolation, Laws, Matrix, mental concentration camps, mental-salves, Mind Control, mobbing, Monitoring, Movies, Music, New World Order, NWO, oppression, Pekka-Eric, Police Corruption, Police State, revolution, silence, slavery, slaves, Snitches, society, State target, Surveillence, The Matrix, Thought Police, youtube | 3 Comments

Leashing the snitches. Part 2

It’s several hours later and I have managed to annoy and waste the time of the civilian spies/snitches. Not what I had planned, but it made the day more fun. Also I took care of my peeping snitch problem. I guess just like dogs the snitches get bored and it’s time to get the leash and take them for a walk, or let them think you are going to.

Anyhoo, sometimes you really do have to fight fire with fire. That’s what the stop snitching movement attempted to do. Now when I first got online, I had no idea that the stop snitching movement could even have any relevancy in regards to what was going on with targets. It seemed so far removed, but getting people to stop snitching is as relevant to the Gang stalking/ Targeted Individual movement as it is to other movements.

Apparently what has been happening is for some time now without being aware, our society have been gathering troops of snitches. I mean it seems we have always had snitching to some degree, but now it’s societal in many democratic and of course communist countries.

Many ethnic communities were hit first, and I think that is why you get the stop snitching movement having such an urban undertow, but the stop snitching movement is something everyone can look into. Again I am all for people being good citizens, and if you see a real crime do what you have to do, there is a defining line. What I am against is what I see happening now, with snitches getting reduced or no sentences for their crimes because they are willing to lie, or sell out others. I am also against the good for nothing busy bodies, who are just as bad in their own perspective regards. If you are the victim of a crime, or witness one, then do what you have to do. I am all in favor of whistle-blowers, and others along that line.

To find out about both sides of the stop snitching movement you can do some quick research, but this is what it comes down to, the cops are trying to make it look like the stop snitching movement is being backed by criminals who do not have the good of society in mind, this is not fully the case. The stop snitching movement have some very legit concerns about how snitching is affecting their communities.
You have whole entire communities that have been devastated by this, and a criminal justice system where cases are being decided by prosecutors and their snitches. The cops have become very dependent on snitches to help them do their jobs, too dependent, and they are consistently overlooking a lot of the corruption that is happening because of societal snitching.

To find out more about both sides there are some great articles you can check out. These are the ones that are still available.

The only way we can ever all be controlled and enslaved in a future one world government, is if we participate and give our consent. Without the snitches a lot of what is happening now would stop. Our societies however have been scared, cohorsed into thinking that we need to monitor and spy on each other to keep our society safe, this is not fully. People can be good citizens and keep an eye on their socity without being snitches for the state. If anything having an uncontrolled snitching movement is just adding to the corruption in society, rather than preventing it.

September 15, 2007 Posted by | Controlled society, Corruption, domestic spying, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Laws, Minorities, Monitoring, Neighbours, New World Order, NWO, Police Corruption, silence, slavery, Snitches, society, Stop snitching, Surveillence, whistle blower | 4 Comments

Blue Wall

May The Blue Wall Fall.

It’s a simple prayer. It’s meant to break the silence that is currently being used to oppress innocent people. It is a prayer against the corruption that has creep in and now controls these places of law enforcement. The blue wall is protective shied, but it is also an oppressive barrier, that is used to deny justice to millions worldwide. This meditation is against that oppressive barrier.

May The Blue Wall Fall.

It’s not a prayer for harm for the individuals, but it is a prayer to end the corruption that has gone on for too long, the silent strangle hold that prevents those that would do their jobs fairly and justly, and those who would seek truth and justice from a system that has become self serving and oppressive.

May The Blue Wall Fall.

Like other systems and walls of oppression before it. May it crumble like the Berlin wall, who for years kept people enslaved behind a wall of surveillance, and state oppression.

May it fall like the system of apartheid that had for too long enslaved and oppressed a people, and a society.

May the blue wall fall like the walls of the red seas that let the innocent pass through, and fell to stop the corrupt from further oppression of the innocent.

May the blue wall fall like the walls of Jericho, with trumpets and a mighty shout, the walls fell crumpled and were no more.

May the blue wall fall like all other corrupt systems of oppression that have gone before it, and that will come after it.

It’s a prayer for justice, an end to corruption, and a restoration of decency which is missing from our corrupt society.

May the blue wall fall in all it’s oppressive glory. May it no longer oppress the innocent, or rob the poor and oppressed of justice. May it crumble from within and from without, till justice is restored once more.

May The Blue Wall Fall. It’s simple words, but the hope is powerful indeed. I hope that those who seek justice, and freedom from oppression will join in with this meditation, with this simple prayer. It’s a hope that right will be restored, and that injustice will no longer prevail against the innocent and the righteous.

May The Blue Wall fall, and corruptions reign be ended once and for all. May the just be allowed to do their jobs in due coarse, and may this oppressive, corrupt wall of silence no longer stand in the way of those who would seek justice, or those who would deliver justice.

This is a prayer and a meditation that can be performed, by all who seek an end to tyranny and injustice. It does not call for the harm of the innocent, or for anyone in fact, it just seeks to end a system of oppression and corruption that has now gone on too long, and one that has become the ruling norm throughout many of our societies. May the just be allowed to perform justice, without fair of reprisals or punishment, without fair of being ostracized, and annexed.

May The Blue Wall Fall.

I would ask all people of conscience, good morals, those who seek justice, freedom from oppression, to meditate on these simple words, and hopefully one day we will once again have a system that is free from corruption, and if not free from corruption, then at least it will not be the norm in society anymore.

May The Blue Wall Simply Fall, crumple to dust, oppress and silence no more.

September 8, 2007 Posted by | blue, blue-wall, Bullying, Censorship, Controlled society, discrimination, Gangstalking, Jericho, Justice, Laws, metropolitan police, Monitoring, NWO, oppression, Police Corruption, silence, walls of jericho | 2 Comments

Corrupt to the core 4.

I just realised why they don’t want to update the file.
It’s the way I have written the report update. It makes mention of the city wide snitching program and has links and articles to back up what I am reporting. It also has reference to the the fact that I have confirmed this with several sources, all unnamed in the report ofcourse, but several sources none the less.

They don’t want a record of this, because if anyone ever goes looking, this will be of public record. That’s why when I first tried to file the report officer B would not include that in the report, and every attempt at a subsequent update has had that information included in the file.

Because they don’t want a record of this program. Why cause it’s societal and corrupt? Or because when future reports are filed of this nature, there will be a record of this, and your officers can’t then pull that forest gump, wide eyed ignorance that they like using with targets. The active deniability of this would be gone, and that is why you don’t want to do this.

I remember specifically the first officer that pretended to take the report, organised stalking, what’s that, but he knew. His coworkers also recognised the name, by their reactions to the mention of it. Not to mention the fact that you had five people being stalked in the same way in my community, but no one has ever heard of this.

Or the nice officer who acknowledged the program, but didn’t think I could get my name of the list, and then transferred me to the police investigations unit, only to have that officer pretended he didn’t think organised stalking existed, till I read him the article, and that shut him up, but when he couldn’t pretend anymore then he refused to help.

So this would take away the active deniability of the whole thing, and that is why they are refusing to do this. Ok well then my recommendation for future targets, no matter what the outcome of my records are, is to get a report filed, with content referencing the specific article or articles, mentioning these citywide eyes and ears programs. That seems to be the best way to do it.

Just a thought.

August 22, 2007 Posted by | Active denial, files updated, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Police Corruption, Record keeping, records updated, Snitches, society | 2 Comments

Corrupt to the core 3

Corrupt to the core 3.

So my update on the keystone cops. These officers of the law, who decided it would be fine and ok to create a misrepresented report regarding the stalking I was experiencing have decided it would be ok to not update my report, for the last six months.

As you all know, I have been trying for the last six months to get the report updated, instead the keystone cops have used every staling method in the book.

Now what the little officers of the law are doing is they are parading outside my apartment when I leave my home. I do feel special. I noticed it the last several times, they will get several cars to drive by my me at the same time, when I leave. This is so just going to impress me, and get me to change my mind about having the report updated. Synchronised police stalking. Very impressive, good technique, nice style, an A for effort, but that first car was not in perfect formation. I am going to have to deduct points for that.

Yes the worlds largest armed street gang of thugs, are refusing to do the right thing, what a shock. Maybe if they would stop handing my report back to officer hooker, the report would freaking get updated. At this stage, it’s clear that someone wants a pissing contest, ok, not really looking for one, but I am going to get that report updated, removed, or whatever.

Now for the officers who might be trying to do the right thing, I am sorry to have to write this report, but it has to be done. There are some real criminal elements in your company, I don’t just mean those officers in the drug squad unit, who were all arrested for selling drugs, or the officers arrested for the showdowns and extorting money from store owners, or the officers arrested on other questionable charges. I mean  the ones who bend and pervert justice on a daily basis, by not upholding the law. Now these criminal activities may not be as blatant, or obvious, but it is just as reprehensible and damaging to society, as the ones listed about. Now I am sure there might be some officers trying to do the right thing under these circumstance, however it’s clear to me, and large chunks of society that there are even more that are simply not doing the right thing, and that are making no effort to do the right thing.

To serve and protect, what does that really mean? Who are you serving? Yourselves or the public? Cause all I am seeing are some very self serving attitudes, just because you have  a blue wall of silence around you, does not mean it’s a blanket and open ticket to do the wrong things continually, oh but it’s being used that way. To protect? Who are you truly protecting nowadays? The public or yourselves? You have most of society snitching and whoring themselves out for you, lying to them that this is making society a safer place, when in reality, it’s not a safer place, because those sworn to serve and protect continually do the wrong thing. It’s shameful. Again for those trying to do the right thing, I mean you no disrespect, I do not feel that those trying to do the right thing, should ever be equated or judged by the same standards, unfortunately all too often that is what happens.

This is one of the main components of why society is what it is. Not only do I get the parade of cars, but I have seen officers out on patrol at the same time, and I see the snitches and their reactions at those times, and they look scared, and that is not the interaction that the public should be having with the police. I do realise that we are living in corrupt times, and that these are weird and bizarre times, but this is ridiculous. All that is needed for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing. For the decent officers out there, I would ask you to consider this saying the next time you ignore conscience and see someone doing something that i s not right or correct. For those who are trying to do the right things, then I hope you will continue to be encouraged to do the right thing. For those who have never done the right thing, then how about seeing how the other side lives?

It is by little degree such as this that society get ruined, this is why you hear about places, where the whole police department has to be suspended or removed, because they create these little cliques, that are about themselves, and nothing else, and the public will never be best served with such underpinnings. You hear about other places, where the whole society is corrupt, and no one goes to the police, because they are viewed the same way. It’s by little degrees such as this that the society continues to get perverted. This is how you can have almost an entire drug squad unit selling drugs. This blue wall of silence serves no one, and is not helping society. Then when the blue wall fails, and the corruption is just too much, the officers then get to investigate themselves? Can justice ever be done this way, and yet with many in society asking for a change to this portion of the system, we see the same thing happening over and over again.

It’s a shame and a travesty but it is the system that we have been gifted with and it’s the system we must work within, and persist at if decency is ever to prevail.

August 22, 2007 Posted by | changing vibrations, Controlled society, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Police Corruption, Stalking | Leave a comment