Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Scandal is hot

I tune into this show every once in a while, but I must say the show is oh so hot, now I am sure many people have come to this conclusion before, but I could not help but notice the realistic look and portrayal of the show and the characters. The actors are quite believable, and the show just pulls you in, or at least it’s pulled me in, and I can just say, Scandal, it’s hot, oh so very hot, and yes I am hooked on the show just a little bit.
Considering what I have time for in this world, which is not a great deal, Scandal is on show that I am happy enough to have come across.

February 28, 2014 Posted by | Black Females, Gang Stalking, Internet, soapopera, White Male | , , , , | Leave a comment

Deesillustration a Targeted Individual?

Is David Dees of Deesillustration a Targeted Individual?

For those who don’t know David, you likely know of his artwork. His artwork has become quite popular across the internet. He does a variety of graphic wallpaper art, that depict how society is slowly being encompassed by the New World Order. His art often speaks for itself, and the works are very reflective of things the society feels, but often can not express in words. He has gained quite the following due to his work, and is fairly well known.

Recently Mr. Dees posted what to some seemed like a rather unusual missive. He is speaking of Gaslighting, being followed, under surveillance, concerns for the safety of his pet cat, and possibly having to move. To some the details even sounded a little bizarre, but to the various Gang Stalking targets around the internet, his story mirrors their own. These might just be the tell tale signs that Mr. Dees has entered the Targeted Individual zone.

Here is a brief recap of some of the details that Mr. Dees has relayed about his targeting, by sources unknown.

Then, this saturday night I ride into town on my bike, lock it to the metal bike rack with my big U-shaped lock on the left side to the metal rack, so I can lock the body and not just the tire. I come back a couple hours later to find my bike is totally gone, that sinking feeling hits me that I lost such a nice bike, then I look in amazement and see it sitting over on the other side of the rack unlocked, with the lock sitting in the basket. At first I was so happy, then I realized I had been hit again. But this time it was really intense. You have to have the key itself to lock the two pieces back together, so I knew it had not just been picked open, they actually had to have the key.

He starts by discussing a series of home entries that have left him stressed out, that feeling that other targets get knowing someone has been in the home. Nothing of value was taken, but he believes his house key was copied. Then he goes on to convey the strange bicycle incident above. This to me spells gaslighting, and is often one of the first signs that targets notice. Many would even wonder if they were losing it, thinking that they had maybe left the bike unlocked.

This time I was plenty freaked out, they are now actually following me into town, they must be watching me a lot to know I was even leaving my place and coming into town that night, in fact, I had been with friends riding into town earlier, so they had waited hours to do this sting. What kind of an operation is this?

The idea is to immobilize the target with fear, make them paranoid. Lead them to believe that they are having a mental breakdown. Many in society believe that you have to be very famous, or extremely important to be followed, and placed on watch 24/7. Many do not realize that communities have become mobilized. Under these occupational health and safety notifications, the community is able to organized, and set up 24/7 surveillance. Remember they treat the people on these notification the same way they do deviants such as pedophiles, and other hardened criminals. They don’t care that many of these people are innocent.

They will make you increasingly uncomfortable, the incidents will not stop, and while you are not in physical danger at the moment, your cats certainly are, and you also could become the target if you do not leave.

Mr. Dees goes seeking answers from a friend and these are the responses that she gives. His pet is likely in danger, because the community members do hurt the children, pets, property of the targeted individual, they don’t care that pets, and children are innocent.

Life has gotten very serious, I don’t like to go outside anymore, I know I am being watched.

When other targets report being under surveillance, their reports have often been fraught with ridicule, laughed at. Their explanation of events are seen as a sign of impending mental illness, or grandiose beliefs, even as a sign of attention seeking, when in reality the person is in serious need of assistance for community harassment.

Then this last Sunday I took a nap for a couple hours, and of course I checked to make sure the door was locked, I had changed the locks myself. And woke up to find the door open again. Then Tuesday it happened again, while I was sitting here I walked to the next room and look to see the door open again.

As many will recall this is an all too common theme, having people enter the home while you are sleeping. Jiverly Wong reported this. He reported that when he would go to sleep, after falling asleep, a cop, or someone he believed to be an officer, would come into his home, and touch him. Some of the females within the Targeted Individual community have reported sexual assaults. The scary part is that reporting these incidents to the police or other authority figures are usually used to list the target as mentally ill, or having a breakdown. As we saw recently Yvonne Hiller’s complaints about chemicals being sprayed in her home were ignored, and she endured a continuous cycle of harassment, until she recently could not take it anymore, and committed a violent act.

It’s recommended that targets with apartment breakin’s while at home, use a chain lock, barricade the door, or even get a door club.

Close windows from the inside, but always ensure you have an easy way of escape. Targets should also watch their food supply, as targets have learnt, they will poison food or tamper with food.

I decided finally that this same harassment scenario would happen in any European country so it is best I return to America

If he is a Gang Stalking target, then sadly yes the same thing will happen wherever he goes. These occupational health and safety notifications stay on your community profile, and wherever you go the information is transfered, unless you can move under an assumed name. That is why when targets move, change jobs, etc, the harassment continues.

The other scary part about these notifications is that the target never get’s to see the evidence that is used against them. Anyone who wants to target someone can give false evidence, or overstate events. If you know how the system works, you can manipulate it. Much like Russia the target never sees the evidence against them, they just feel like they are the enemy of the state.

Many targets also identify the targeting as Cointelpro because a lot of identical patterns were seen during Cointelpro. What they have done is taken Cointelpro and other tactics and moved them to a community level. Under these Occupational health and safety programs, and some other laws, once the target is listed, there is very little control to what the community is allow to get away with.

The other scary thing for the target is they realize that it’s systemic. After being targeted for a few years, having construction projects spring up where they live, work, play, or other co-ordinated efforts, the target inevitably comes to the conclusion that this is being done by the state, and it’s not being done on a small scale. Remember these programs are internationally linked. Once you are targeted, there is no where to run, and very few places to hide.

Many online talk about the New World Order, but in this research, the New World Order has been delivered to you. You can now begin to get an idea of what it will be like, and how it will relentlessly target those that step out of line. Remember people just assume that those listed are guilty, and the rest is instant, point, hate, click, mob mentality.

The only way to stop this from happening is once again to break the silence. As predicted the violent acts within the community are increasing, because society is not addressing the psychological violence that targets are exposed to. They are letting innocent people endure years of this brutality, and then they act surprised at some of the violent outcomes that have been seen.

The other thing that was predicted is that you will see an increasing number of other innocent people being targeted. Well if Mr. Dees is now a target, that prediction has also come true, and the only way to stop it is to do what the internet does best. Expose what is happening. Many online will talk openly about Bilderbergs, Bohemian Grooves, who is attending this meeting and that, but here is the real heart and soul of what the New World Order will look like and how it will destroy it’s enemies, and the internet remains silent, and complacent. Protecting the very system that will destroy the outspoken.

I think Morpheus from the Matrix said it best.

Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Business men, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

Many people are good people, but they are protecting the very system that will enslave them, and no matter how much time they spend online, repeatedly talking about the coming police state, the daily police brutality, the laws that are enslaving us, our rights that are being taken away, conspiracies theories this and that, as long as they tap dance around the truth, as long as they are plugged in and protecting the system, it will make very little difference, and that is the reality of what is happening.
To change the system without, it must be changed by the people within, and that starts with changing their mind sets.

September 13, 2010 Posted by | Awareness, Citizen Informants, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conspiracy, control, Controlled society, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, male, White, White Male | , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Male Rape. Part 6

Psychological Issues

It’s been said before, but it needs to be said again. The effects of male rape can cause Rape Related Trauma in men and women. It’s a form of post traumatic stress disorder related to rape which can last a lifetime if not dealt with. It can cause a range of emotions and psychological issue in men.

Because of the way male rape has been dealt with or rather not dealt with in prisons, many men are leaving jail, and spending the rest of their stays in jail with these issues unresolved.

When they go out or are released back into society these issue continue to play themselves out. Which can have other unforeseen consequences for society, such as financial or the risk of violence being repeated in society.

More men are raped in jail than women are raped in the whole of the United States.

[quote]In 2001 Human Rights Watch estimated that at least 140,000 inmates in the US had been raped while incarcerated,[1] and there is a significant variation in the rates of prison rape by race. Stop Prisoner Rape, Inc. statistics indicate that there are more men raped in U.S. prisons than non-incarcerated women similarly assaulted. They estimate that young men are five times more likely to be attacked; and that the prison rape victims are ten times more likely to contract a deadly disease.[/quote]

Next to natural causes, this is the second leading cause of death in male prisons across America. Due to the unsafe nature of male on male sex in these prisons, and the promiscuous nature of male on male sex, a mans chances of being exposed to HIV are very high. Nothing is being done to stop this, such as handing out condoms, or even trying to stop the rapes from happening.

There has been legislation passed to try to combat rapes in America, but without the staff to further stop this from happening, legislation alone won’t work.

The way some men lessen their chances of HIV and being passed around to dozens or hundreds of men in their prison stays is to enter into a protective pairing, where they take on one person to have sex with, who protects them from others, so they decrease their chances of getting HIV.

In a protective pairing their may be more opportunities to practice some kind of safety, verses being forced into unprotected sex with multiple assailants.

This is the third leading cause of death in prisons right after HIV. It’s little surprise how many men try to take this as an option vs being raped repeatedly and passed around in jail.

One of the worst story of this kind of the story of 17 year old Rodney Hulin.

[quote]My name is Rodney Hulin and I work at a retirement home here in Beaumont, Texas. I am here today because of my son. He would be here himself if he could . . . . But he can’t because he died in [an adult prison]. . . . [At age seventeen], my son was raped and sodomized by an inmate. The doctor found two tears in his rectum and ordered an HIV test, since up to a third of the 2,200 inmates there were HIV positive. Fearing for his safety, he requested to be placed in protective custody, but his request was denied because, as the warden put it, “Rodney’s abuses didn’t meet the ’emergency grievance criteria.'” For the next several months, my son was repeatedly beaten by the older inmates, forced to perform oral sex, robbed, and beaten again. Each time, his requests for protection were denied by the warden. The abuses, meanwhile, continued. On the night of January 26, 1996–seventy-five days after my son entered Clemens–Rodney attempted suicide by hanging himself in his cell. He could no longer stand to live in continual terror. It was too much for him to handle. He laid in a coma for the next four months until he died.(183)

In early 1995, Rodney Hulin, Jr., received an eight year sentence for arson. He was sixteen years old but was sentenced to serve his time in adult prison.

On November 13, 1995, Hulin was transferred to the Clemens Unit in Brazoria County, Texas. Older inmates there immediately started to threaten and harass him; within a week he was raped. With a medical examination confirming the rape, Hulin requested protective custody. “He went through all the proper channels, trying to get protection,” recalled his father, who found out about the rape in a letter from his son. “Rodney was very small–probably the smallest person on the unit. He was 5’2” and weighed about 125. A first offender. I can’t fathom why they wouldn’t help him.”(184)[/quote]

Being a target of rape or sexual assault in the first week is not uncommon, in fact many man are targeted within the first 48 hrs. This can happen in the jails as well as the prisons.

Young men like Rodney are prime targets for this kind of jail house assault. Many do prison stints where they are routinely exposed to this type of abuse, unless they can find a way to stop it, which usually involves violence such as stabbing or killing another inmate, which then has the potential to leave them in prison for life. Or breaking the laws in prison, and staying on restrictions which do not allow any time out for good behaviour, but this is the way some men are able to protect themselves, it’s not always guaranteed.
Being Turned out and staying turned out

Being made to take on a feminine role, engage in male on male sex, or “being turned out” can cause confusion, shame, and powerlessness in men. It can cause enough confusion that some will stay permanently turned out, meaning they will continue to have male on male sex.

As we saw in the film turned out,

Issy went on to become a full out homosexual. Mark at the end of the film ended up in a monogamous relationship with another man. Mark had always been the dominant male in the male on male interactions, yet by the end of the documentary he was saying that he could see himself in a male on male relationship.

Will he be part of the down-low culture when he get’s out of jail? It’s hard to say. I was not able to research if these prison interactions were adding to the down-low culture in men.


Childhood Sexual Abuse.

I did find out that unexplored issues of Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) might in part be adding to this phenomenon more than realised, but that needs further research.

In the film we also saw Matt a young white male who after being raped, and turned out, LaMoore and Mark become very promiscuous with many of the men on the floor, yet when he was released from jail he went on to date a young women who he described as a fox. Was Matt ever tested for STD’s after what happened to him? It’s unknown, but HIV testing should be offered to these men, as should ways of protecting themselves.

As we saw in the Rodney Hulin story where he staying a third of the men had HIV.


Books Male on Male Rape

Male on Male rape is just one small aspect of male rape. It has not looked at the phenomenon in other part of society such as in the community, which is as high as 10% of the rapes reported, but could be potentially higher.

In the military it could in some areas be as high as 50%
… make up 49% of military sexual-trauma victims.


This report did not look at female on male rape either. The issue of male rape is so broad and varied and so under reported and studied that it really is an issue that needs to be explored and better understood.

There is an unspoken acceptance of this in society which contributes to this going unchecked and unreported. If this is going to change for future generations of men, then it has to start with society and their attitudes around this issue. More awareness and exposure is needed to help bring this very important topic into the spotlight.

[quote]About 3% of American men – a total of 2.78 million men – have experienced a rape at some point in their lifetime (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2006).
In 2003, one in every ten rape victims was male. While there are no reliable annual surveys of sexual assaults on children, the Justice Department has estimated that one of six victims are under age 12 (National Crime Victimization Study, 2003).
71% of male victims were first raped before their 18th birthday; 16.6% were 18-24 years old, and 12.3% were 25 or older (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2006).
Males are the least likely to report a sexual assault, though it is estimated that they make up 10% of all victims (RAINN, 2006).
22% of male inmates have been raped at least once during their incarceration; roughly 420,000 prisoners each year (Human Rights Watch, 2001).[/quote]

Also since male rape, sexual assult is so under reported at every level, the figures are likely to be higher in some areas then others than known.

August 24, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, Black Male, society, White Male | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Male Rape. Part 4.

Sexual Slavery.

It’s hard to imagine that this is happening in the U.S. but it is. In these prisons men are being bought and sold for sex. They are being used for oral, anal and other sexual practices, and some are being sold as property. This is happening to young men, 16, 17, etc year olds who get placed with older men, this is happening to white males, gay males, effeminate males, and black and Hispanic men as well.


I was “rented out” for sexual favors, and a lot of the guys who rented me are not rapists, or assaulted as children, or any other stereotypical model. They just wanted some sexual satisfaction, even though they knew I was not deriving pleasure from it, and was there only because I was forced to . . . . I was with the Valluco (Valley) crowd, so I was only passed around to them for free. D. Town Hispanics had to pay. They were charged $3 for a blow-job, $5 for anal sex . . . . I am not effeminate, nor am I even homosexual.(277)

With two prior nonviolent felonies, S.H. received a seventy-five year sentence for burglary in 1994. He was twenty-four years old.[/quote]

This happens a lot and men get rented out and bought and sold. According to the letters sent to no escape the guards are well aware of these practices and they just don’t care.

S.H. story is heartbreaking and it’s one of the worst that I have heard. Take a moment to read his full story, it will give you an idea of what can happen to men in prison.


According to court papers and his own detailed account, the Gangster Disciples and then other gangs treated Mr. Johnson as a sex slave. They bought and sold him, and they rented him out. Some sex acts cost $5, others $10.

Last month, a federal appeals court allowed a civil rights lawsuit that Mr. Johnson has filed against prison officials to go to trial. The ruling, the first to acknowledge the equal protection rights of homosexuals abused in prison, said the evidence in the case was “horrific.”

“I was forced into oral sex and anal sex on a daily basis,” said Mr. Johnson, who has been living in a boarding house here since his release in December. “Not for a month or two. For, like, 18 months.”

The phenomenon of sexual slavery in prison has only recently emerged from the shadows. Prison rape, in general, has received sporadic notice over the years and sustained attention more recently, with the passage last year of a federal law that aims to eliminate it. But there has never been a comprehensive study of incarcerated gay men subjected to sexual abuse.

Psychological Submission.

page 84

[quote]Viewed from outside, the sexual relationship between J.D. and his cell-mate would likely have appeared consensual. Indeed, in instances where the victim makes little apparent effort to escape the abuse, both prisoners and prison authorities often fall into the trap of viewing non-consensual sexual activity as consensual, ignoring the larger context in which the activity takes place. 8 Consent however assumes the existence of choice. As will be described in more detail below, where prisoners feel unprotected and know in advance that their escape routes are closed, a narrow focus on consent is misguided. In other words, the relevant inquiry in evaluating sexual activity in prison is not simply “did the inmate consent to sex?” but also “did the inmate have the power to refuse unwanted sex?”[/quote]

The other thing is to avoid the shame of having to say that they were raped and forced, or having to be raped by dozens of men, some men will eventually give in and chose to have one man. The idea is that it is better to have to service one man, than to have to be the toy of dozens or hundreds of men over a prison stay, just increasing the chances of physically being torn and bruised, repeatedly beaten, and raped. In situations like this, men can be passed around and treated as women, forced to wear lipstick, dress in tight clothing, taking on the role of females, but this is done in order to survive. To however say that because they submitted under these conditions that it was consensual is a misconception.
Books male on male rape

[B]ased on my experience the most common kind of rape in prisons today is the confidence rape which involve the rapist getting the confidence of the victim and then at some point turning on him and raping him. In my opinion the next in frequency would be the date rape where one inmate convinces another to double cell with him and then t some point rapes him. The next would be extortion rape followed by drugging rape and finally strong arm rape. The reason strong arm rape is the least frequent is because it is so much easier to rape an inmate using the other techniques. None of the types of prison rape described are rare. If anything they are rarely reported. Rape really is a big problem in prison today. To give you an idea of how frequent rape is in prison, if victims would report every time they were raped in prison I would say that in the prison that I am in (which is a medium security prison) there would be a reported incident every day.
V.H., Pennsylvania, 3/15/97
[quote]You take a guy who’s been raped in prison and he is going to be filled with a tremendous amount of rage….Now eventually he is going to get out. Most people do. And all the studies show that today’s victim is tomorrow’s predator. So by refusing to deal with this in an intelligent way, you are genuinely sentencing society to an epidemic of future rapes. 41[/quote]

The violations are accepted by prison and jail officials alike, and the inmates of the jail. It’s that this is just how it is attitude, and many end up having to deal with it.

From the book No escape, rape in US jails you get a really comprehensive view of what is happening to these men. There is truly no escape, no where to run, no one to turn to, and no help.

In many cases the assaults go unreported for fear of reprisals, being labeled a snitch, or a complete indifference on the part of prison officials. In other cases when the rapes do get reported, they are treated as nothing important, if a case makes it to court, the court often side with the prosecutors, and dismiss the cases, the victims are often just like others in the past re-victimized by the system. They are left without recourse and yes they often have to go back into the violent environments that were responsible for their rapes in the first place.

Many men are raped repeatedly and by numerous sources. In many cases it’s not for a lack of trying to fight back, or to try to resist the attempts of aggression, it’s just an environment that is hard to understand unless you have read of their experiences.

When they get out and while they are in, men need mental health help to deal with the things that happen to them in prison, the violence, rapes, traumas. They need to be tested, but they need privacy, in jail nothing is secret or sacred, so many men do not get tested, do not report rapes, do not use protection, cause the option is not there.

Stop the over crowding in jail. Many of these men do not belong in jail, they could be placed elsewhere for none violent offences.

Immediate orientation for men and women entering prisons on how to avoid sexual assault. Virgina Department of Corrections has such a program. It’s not hard to implement and it could save lives.

Testing of inmates before they come to jail, and after they leave. (Not mandatory, but recommended.)

When they get out many will again repeat acts of violence, because they were not helped, and the vicious cycle will continue.
Known rapists should not be housed with other men who are vulnerable. They just keep raping and raping them.

However to answer your question, this is what I surprisingly came across, in my opinion based on the research that I read, that others have already done into this, and the book no escape, male rape in America, then these are things that need to be done. The sooner the better.

Men may even have to ban together to form class action law suits.

August 24, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, Black Male, control, discrimination, Entrapment, Intimidation, silence, slaves, Social Control, White Male | , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Male Rape. Part 3.

Over crowded Prisons.

American prisons went from semi reasonable numbers to being the overcrowded, violent, dangerous places they are today. This in large part due to the war on drugs.

The aspect of American jails that gets joked about, brushed aside, but not discussed in a serious enough manner is that of male rape.

Racism in Prison.
“Prison is the best recruiting ground the white power movement has!” pg. 58

This is from the book- No escape: male rape in US Prisons.
Apparently prisons are divided along gang line, racial lines, and so forth, so it turns out it’s a wonderful breeding ground for racism. Apparently many enter the prisons ignorant of racism or without any gang affiliations and in order to survive that is one of the things that happens you join a gang, crew or stick to your own kind along race and color lines. Thus why any attempts to desegregate prisons have to take this into consideration. They also have to take into consideration that this set up in some ways is ued for protection of some prisoners to stop other groups from brutally raping some group members.
The Rapes themselves happen in a variety of ways. Some of them are physically forced rapes, some are threats, some are extortion, many are psychological or praying on vulnerabilities. I was surprised that many of the same techniques that are used on women in society are also used in these jails. Meaning that rape is not always about force, it’s often about getting power over your target. Men in jail do use force, but they also use psychological techniques to break down their targets and to get them to submit, or become indebted to the aggressor.

Part of what happens with rapes along race lines is likely what is playing a part in changing attitutes and creating racism in these jails. Eg. White males, young males, gay males, and effiminate looking males are prime targets for sexual assults and rapes. However there are no hard and fast rules, in jail anyone can be a target.

Dividing along race lines can provide some protection, but only so much, because men are then often hit upon by members of their own groups for sex as a means of protection.

HIV is a very real concern for the US prison authorities. An estimated 2% of the US prison population is HIV-positive – a prevalence four times greater than that of the general American population. The exact prevalence of HIV in prisons varies from state to state: in New York 7% of inmates are infected with HIV, compared to less than 1% in California.
This is a real problem in prison, the prison population has a 4-7 times higher HIV rate than the general population.
HIV rise in the Black Community

I found what I thought might be a correlation between the higher rates of HIV in the black African/American population and the incarceration rates. I was happy to find a couple of articles on this and one study.

Study on AIDS and increase in the black community

It is one of the most puzzling mysteries of the AIDS epidemic: Why did blacks, in little more than a dozen years, become nine times as likely as whites to contract a disease once associated almost exclusively with gay white men?

Two researchers say they found the answer in an unlikely place: prison.

Rucker C. Johnson and Steven Raphael of the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley analyzed census data and a federal database containing detailed information on about 850,000 men and women who contracted AIDS between 1982 and 1996.

They discovered that the surge in black AIDS patients — particularly women — since the early 1980s closely tracked the increase in the proportion of black men in America’s prisons, which by the 1990s had become vast reservoirs of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
What I also found surprising is the number of men estimated to be having male on male sex willingly or unwillingly behind bars. Some research has it at 50%
[quote]Whatever the cause, the AIDS gap is not going away. Other studies suggest that half of all prisoners engage in homosexual sex. But safe-sex programs, key to controlling AIDS in the gay community, are unwelcome inside prison walls.

Remember there are 2.1 million men behind bars. if the studies are correct that would be about 1.5 million at any given time engaging in male on male sex at some point, in many cases unwillingly and unprotected. When I say unwillingly, I mean that outside of forceful rapes, and psychological cohesion, some men do engage in male on male sex, but if they were not forced to for protection, many men would not choose to engage in male on male sex.

[quote]”Our women are sharing men who’ve gotten HIV. It’s swirling around us. We cannot pretend it’s not happening and can’t ignore a chance to try and fix it.” While 21% of the state’s population is black, black women represented more than 80% of new HIV cases among women in 2006, the News & Observer reports, adding that a recent study found that most HIV-positive women reported that their last three sexual partners had been in prison the previous year.[/quote]
The men are being released back into the communities and then they are infecting new partners. This most likely why there is a rise in HIV amongst the black population
According to prison estimates, screening and treating HIV-positive inmates would cost $21 million annually. However, according to the News & Observer, the estimate is based on a 10% infection rate, which is much higher than any state has reported. An estimated 1.8% of North Carolina’s prison population, about 700 inmates, has HIV or AIDS (Locke, Raleigh News & Observer, 4/13).

It’s interesting that they base it on 10% infection rate, are they just being over pessimistic or do they have figures that we do not?

I then went to have a quick look at the North Carolina infection rates.

[quote]HIV Transmission Among Black Women — North Carolina, 2004

In 2003, women constituted 28% of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) cases in the United States; approximately 69% of those cases were among non-Hispanic black women (1). Heterosexual transmission is now the most commonly reported mode of HIV transmission among women (1). In North Carolina, black women make up a growing proportion of newly reported HIV infections and, in 2003, the HIV-infection rate for black women in North Carolina was 14 times higher than that for white women (2). Despite this disparity, few epidemiological studies have examined HIV transmission among black women in the United States, particularly those residing in southern states.[/quote]
There has been at least a few studies done however and the findings were interesting.

HIV Positive Inmates

Prison Men, Women and AIDS
[quote]The magnitudes of the results
suggest that higher incarceration rates among black males explain the lion’s share of the black-white
disparity in AIDS infection rates.[/quote]

It seems along with create more racism for society, prisons are also likely the main reasons for higher HIV rates in the Black African American community based on reentry of the prison population, back into communities.

August 24, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, Black Females, Black Male, black women, CDC, Disease, gay, harassment, Intimidation, Isolation, Minorities, sexual harassment, Skin Heads, Social Control, White Male | , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Male Rape. Part 1

Books Male on Male Rape

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963
Male Rape Part 1.

I started doing the research on male rape in US prisons last week. I spent the whole weekend inside doing research. What I found was horrible, disturbing and it’s hard to realise that there are segments of the population that have it as bad, or worst than Targeted Individuals but there are.
Psychological and Health Issues.

After being raped in jail the problems do not stop there. After having their cries for help ignored, their rapes treated with indifference and disdain, and their attempts to seek out justice denied, then these men are released back into society. Some are suicidal, some emotionally disturbed, unable to cope with what has happen to them, which sometimes involves years of sexual assaults, rapes and other forms of victimization’s. Some have to deal with issues of HIV and other diseases. Many are hostile, angry and some even violent. Many have other issues that were not dealt with in prison, or more accurately were created in prison, and then these problems become societies problems.

Repeat offenders who get into crime again because they can not find way to take care of themselves, many have trouble getting a job, society penalizes those who have been in jail or prison. Some are violent and will rape on the outside. Many spread diseases, such as HIV, and other diseases back into communities. Many acquire psychological issues that were not present before their stay in jail.

Some become racist and continue with their new group affiliations that they gained in prisons.

Many never talk about the horrors that they went through, too ashamed to let family and friends know what they had to do to survive, finding very little support on the outside, and the topic of male rape being a punchline for late night comedians, who have no idea how truly disturbing the reality is.

That is the reality of male rape in American prisons, and society, because the problems clearly do not end in the prisons, they branch out into many areas of society and have unforeseen consequences for many communities, health care workers, financially, socially, society in many cases may continue to pay for the care of a former inmate and their multiple unresolved issues.

The only time focus really shifts to prisons is when there are riots, such as the two recent ones that occurred. California where they are trying to desegregate, and in Ky.

Prison Riot article 1

Insurance adjusters look at Kentucky. prison after riot

Prison Rape article 2

Schwarzenegger tours devastation after prison riot
[quote]Diverting that many inmates from state prison cells also will help California comply with a ruling made earlier this summer by a federal judicial panel. The judges ordered the state to reduce its inmate population by 40,000 inmates over two years.

The federal courts have ruled that overcrowding has been the leading cause of unconstitutional inmate medical and mental health care.

“Politicians in Sacramento have swept the problem under the rug for so long,” Schwarzenegger said. “We must be measured and smart about how we go about and create these reductions.”

It’s not clear whether overcrowding played a role in the riot at the Chino prison because various investigations into the incident have yet to be completed. Prison officials said it began with a fight between black and Hispanic inmates.[/quote]

Overcrowding, rapes, and a whole bunch of other issues that have been ignored for way too long. Also since California is trying to desegregate it’s inmate population, you might well see a lot more of these riots, but it’s time focus was placed on these prions. They are vacuums of human decency, and conscience and it’s time that they had the proper focus that is deserved.

August 23, 2009 Posted by | Conspiracy, control, Disease, Drugs, harassment, Insane, Intimidation, sexual harassment, silence, slavery, Social Control, society, White Male | , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Fits the description

Troubling incident recently.

I have mentioned this before, but I will mention it to targets again, and I would have you be on the look out for this.

I have mentioned that what I believe is ongoing in many cases to keep these so called cases of investigations ongoing are a great deal of set up’s, and deliberate provocations, so let me go over a couple of recent incidents that I have noticed.

What I have tried to do off and on is if I notice a troubling incident, I will try to report it, provided that I am aware of it. I am trying to do this, because I believe there is clear evidence to indicate that what they are doing during these investigations is that they are using other people who fit the description to try to portray targets as crazy, perverts, drug dealers, etc, whatever they are trying to portray you as, they will them if they can’t get you, you get what I like to refer to as doppelgangers to do the dirty work for them.

I use the term doppelgangers very loosely, because these people are not doppelgangers, they are simply what I call fits the description. In other words if you are male, 45, white, 6’4 that is what they would ruffly try to use. The person does not have to look like you, dress like you, or anything else, they just have to fit the description. So if they are trying to get you to look like a pervert, they would use someone like, and have them insult females near where you are, look at them, or watch children etc. It does not have to be you, the incident just has to be attributed to you, and this will keep their investigations going, it will keep the informants who are getting paid to follow you, employed, and it keeps the need for this system going, and going.

So Eg. If you are an Asian, female, 5’2, 25, and they are trying to portray you as crazy, then let’s say that they can not get you to act out in public, they will get a female, who looks around that age, most likely Asian, maybe not, and then they will have that person act out in public. What’s most disturbing for me, is that I have blogged about this before, but I have seen it enough now, to be able to confirm that this is what they are doing deliberately.

I think you get the idea. What I have seen lately on a few separate occasions are that they deliberately have targets who fit the description crossing my path, (I use this term very loosely, because they dress nothing like me, and hygiene wise they look very unkempt, and I would say crazy. One Saturday as I left the house about 4 weeks ago, I had one cross my path who was talking to themselves and carry some bags in their hands, seemingly mentally unwell, but that has to be determined. Eg. I have seen informants, pretending to be crazy, I mean literally sane informants, who are pretending. In this particular instance, I do feel that the person really was crazy whoever, just by appearance, and unkempt manner, but there is no way to tell.

They were going in one direction, and I was going in another, but the thing with the informant force is they do not seem to be required to comment on appearance, or state of dress. Eg. I am always well dressed, never unkempt, and for the most part pretty polite. Except if I am making sarcastic comments under my breath, or commenting on the snitches. This happens very rearly, but I am guessing that these are getting used as well, as oh target was disturbed and talking to themselves.

The other incident recently involved someone who was in my opinion clearly disturbed and talking to themselves, the person was much much older looking, very unkempt in appearance, and clearly not looking anything like me to any sane and rational observer, yet I passed this person talking to themselves and telling people off, I left the location where this was happening, and walked not a short distance.

Within a short space of time, I had the street theater begin. Eg. People trying to run into me, etc, they were doing things to try to provoke me. Now I was in a pretty good mood, so just ignored them. What was disturbing however was there was a woman with a baby stroller, she was deliberately oncoming in my direction, in my direct path without making any attempt to adjust where she was going, and as I adjusted, she adjusted to keep in my path, from a far away enough distance that there was no reason to that I could see, however, and this is what’s disturbing, but I am reporting it, because I believe my observation on this is sound. She looked behind her to the side, and made eye contact with the cop in the car that was right near us both which I had not immediately noticed, and even though I could clearly see that she really did not want to aim her baby stroller at me, after looking behind at the car for instruction, she continued to do that, the look on her face was clear, she did not want to be doing that, she was clearly being instructed, and from what I could tell it was by whomever was in the cop car, whom I assume was observing the deliberate incident. It happened fairly quickly, yet it felt like it was in slow motion, because I had enough time to see the exchange with her and the person in the car, so all I could do after seeing this, was smile at her, and encourage her to do what she was doing, while moving out of her way, the best that I could, because she kept a direct path at me.

I was so sickened, but not for myself, I mean what kind of a society is this, where you get a young mother to pimp out her kid like that? What if I really was a dangerous and crazy person, you were willing to gamble that the brave officer sitting in the car would get to her, before an incident happened with the baby? I am not wrong in my observation of this, but shocked and disgusted. I don’t know why I am disgusted. I have an idea of how the Stasi worked, I know with these community policing programs they work similar, I know people are being asked to do things like this, but when you see it like this, it’s gross.

The thing is if that really had been me having a bad day, they were trying to provoke an incident. See when something is happening like crazy person talking to themselves, the snitches start to put in their little reports, so I don’t know how long the crazy person had been set up and in position.

I do know that this is happening and the best thing that I can do is report what I have been observing. Now I have had the neighbours watching and leaving when I am leaving, and we have the snitch force trying to chart my way from when I leave my home, to work and back etc. Since I am clear that I don’t require the babysitting, I don’t appreciate it. What’s interesting is that when there are people around that I know, I have never seen one of these little incidents happen, but when it’s people that I do not know, suddenly these incidents happen. So I have no way of knowing how many of these incidents that I am not aware of are happening and being attributed to me.

Shy of my baby stroller incident that I reported, and handing out flyer’s about a year ago, which I have also reported on these blogs, these people in my opinion are continuing to stage incidents, using the doppelgangers and the fit’s the description reporting. We do not have a moral society, we have a Stasi society, and the corruption that when on there is what is happening here. I believe the incidents are in many cases staged, set up’s, I believe the motivation is to portray the target as whatever they see fit, and I believe that it’s also to keep these programs going, and the informant force employed. Much like a lot of the fake hate posting online are designed to keep up the appearance of a threat to society, I believe these incidents continue in the same way. Eg. Jiverly Wong was reported as a drug user who was going to rob a bank by an informant, there does not seem to have been any validity to this, but after his death, thanks to the police, these details made it into every paper across the nation.

I find that these little incidents tend to happen more when I openly talk about the fact that we have informants in the city, or identify one of their citizen informants as such. I don’t know why they care, it’s not like most of them are not informants anyways, I guess gangs are like that however and don’t like their members identified as such.

As I pointed out before, legal action is I believe effective, but only if you can afford to do so, and second if you can find a law and lawyer that would allow you to do so. As for me, I refuse to be followed around the city like a child, the only disturbed people that I have seen are the people that have to take part in these programs, I find it very disgraceful, that citizens are being at times forced to do such things. I think it’s one thing to volunteer to go along with something like this, there are enough bottom of the barrel people to go around, but what I saw and witnessed today was fear, and cohesion. The female should not have been used in the prescribed manner I described above, I think it’s wrong, and again I would not take the time to report this, unless I sure the observation was correct. It’s also not the first time that I have seen something similar, with citizens being coerced by cops in similar manners. To serve and protect, who’s interests?

What I can tell you is that this society is what has become paranoid and disturbed, with good reason, because when you are a Stasi state, you will have people in disagreement with you, and it’s sad to see something that I though was good, as something that is not. I don’t view the citizens the way I once did. They are still the very polite people I once thought, but what is behind this is something that is quite scary. A Stasi society is apparently a polite society. It’s also a society where activists, and dissidents are portrayed as enemies of the state and are dealt with by being made to appear as mentally disturbed.

August 7, 2009 Posted by | activism, Asain Male, Asian, Asian Female, Awareness, black, Black female, Black Male, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, Conspiracy, Controlled society, Covert investigations, crazy, Entrapment, Female, Gang Stalking, Informants, Insane, Stasi, Targeted Individual, white female, White Male | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments