Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.


Someone asked me recently why aren’t there any good leaders left?

It was a simple enough question. I could have given a simple mundane answer and then moved on, but I didn’t. Being me, it was an opportunity to talk about the real reasons there are no really good leaders left.

I have been thinking about this a lot. I mean a lot of people are counting on political leaders to save the day. Obama being the most recent.

I had to turn to programs that have been designed to remove such leaders from society.

See some years ago, such leaders did rise up, and they rose up in seemingly greeter abundance than now. They had their faults, they were no different than the leaders of this time period, but the struggles and challenges were a lot more defined for many of them. The oppression was open and overt and for many despite humble beginnings, they went out and started to make a difference for many in their communities that were struggling and oppressed.

We literally have a society that at one time had Native, Black, puertorican, White, etc leaders. People who were charismatic, good orators, people who could lead a resistance. Many were just young people who saw the open oppression of their various peoples, and how were they dealt with? They were jailed, killed, murdered, framed, discredited, on the run, targeted in every single way imaginable, till their were few left, or they did not have the resource to move forward with those movements. They were also targeted from within by Snitches/Confidential Informants who’s only job it was to ruin the organisation, and often these people these snitches were the ones who rose in power in those same organizations they sought to destroy.

What happens now in this time period is that many of those groups of people are still targeted, but it’s done in far more subtle ways, many people don’t even realise there is a struggle that continues. Most are not aware of this. They grow up in society being taught about how bad things were, and repressive, and about the leader of that time period, but what they are not taught is that things are still as repressive, just in much more subtle ways.

The bonds are still on the hands. Just not as openly. The leaders that they are fed or often hand picked by the state, and will be the ones that conform to what the state wants and needs, anyone who goes outside of that will quickly be disbanded. These groups are not taught, but soon come to realise that they are being targeted in schools by zero tolerance programs. At work by subtle social discrimination, and in the community at large, with the media, the police, and it’s still institutionalised discrimination, just not as openly, but still just as oppressive. The worst part is many people believe that they are fully free, you are not. Don’t get me wrong, we can have freedom or the concept of freedom in our minds and must continue to choose to do so.

The potential leaders of this time period often don’t even realise there is a struggle, this goes for ever race, gender and creed. Black, white, Mexican, Asian, Middle Eastern, Indian, Male, Female, etc. Many have no idea that we are all trapped in a system that is rapidly moving towards enslaving us. It’s crazy, but it’s true.
The other problem with leaders is the system often promotes those that they think will fall in line. Those who like rewards, and promotions, those children who can’t see past their own egos, and flourish because they know how to do what the state wants them to. You can see this in an examination of who get’s targeted and the why’s.

Long ago society learnt how to strangle, choke, repress, and deal with leaders, when they do rise from the ashes of oppression, we are often amazed, but do we protect them? Do we help them? Do we defend them? You would think so, but often we use them, we take what they are willing to give, and then we desert them in their hours of need. It’s not a pretty story being a leader. We like them, because they make our lives easier, we don’t have to do the work. Someone else can save the world. They can, but why should they have to have? I have seen so many stories of whistle-blower destroyed, when we should be celebrating them in the streets.

We each have the potential in us to do some good, and I think we must strive to do so as much as possible. I get emails all the time wondering why more isn’t being done, and I am sympathetic, because I think and wonder the same thing, but then I also look back and think, if this information had been there for me two years ago, I would have been so much further along in life.

I would have know what I was up against. I would have known that my co-workers were being asked to provoke me daily to losing jobs, or getting angry, or trying to make me look crazy. I would have known about intimate infiltrations, and what to look for. My answers about family and their involvement would have been answered. I would have known that they were also being asked, forced whatever into taking part.
Awareness of what was happening would have helped. It would have been good to know that we are up against a system, a system that has endless resources that they can, and will use against a single target to bring then down to heal. Yes they will put up entire construction projects to create noise and disturbances, yes they do have cities full of Citizen Informants that can and will follow you around and try to provoke you daily. Yes they can electronically monitor you and torture you in your home. Yes the fire trucks and airplanes will be used, yes the police, fire-persons, etc are all in on it.

Having that knowledge two years ago, and a few trusted sites would have helped a lot. I didn’t have that however, but what I did not have, I now try to provide for others. My two years of torture, pain, failures, triumpths, what works, what does not work, I have blogged, and posted that for you, hopefully it will help in some subtle way.

I am still learning as I go. I do try to answer emails when I can, but I still have my own struggles daily. I still at times marvel that I could have been so blind, that I could have believed this lie that was fed to me about democracy and freedom, but I believed it. I trusted it, I was so sure of it, that is why it took so long for me to see the truth, but see it I did, and I had to see it for myself before I could move forward. Your children will believe the lies of the state, unless you teach them the truth. They will believe spying on their parents, and being citizen informants, and hunting down targets are good things to do. They won’t know the difference, they won’t know wrong from right, because oppression will be all they will learn. They will be indoctrinated, and that is all that there will be for them.

This post goes out to leaders, I know you are out there, because many of us do have the potential to be leaders, to speak the truth, to guide others, to let our lights shine forth as they must do in time, and to inspire others as we must.

To some of the leaders that have gone before, let’s remember what their efforts cost them.

Joan of Ark, lead France to victory only to be sacrificed to the enemy and burnt alive.

Martin Luther King, though appreciated he was still assassinated.

Ghandi, appreciated and assassinated.

Jesus, betrayed, appreciated, and assassinated. (Crucified.)

John Lennon, not seen as a leader in the traditional sense, but he had the influence to change a generation and he was assassinated.

The panthers, Malcolm X, jailed, assassinated, some had the loyalty of the people.

Whistle blowers, reporters that still tell the truth. Many are jobless, some homeless, many are targeted like ourselves, some have been killed for telling the truth. 

The list goes on, and the struggle continues. I don’t want to scare anyone off, but look at what has gone before, keep that in mind as we try to find a way forward.

This post goes out to leaders, past, present and future. Thank you for your light, your sacrifices, your love, guidance, and willingness to take on the burdens so many others passed by, or were too self involved to take up. We look to you, and ask for your guidance in this time period of oppression and struggle, for those of us that are waking up to the truth. The struggle has never ended, the fight has never truly been won, and the battle rages on. We pray and hope for what small victories we may have.

September 10, 2008 Posted by | black, Black female, Black Females, black women, Blacklisted, Bullying, buzzsaw, Censorship, Children, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, Conformity, control, Controlled society, Corruption, crazy, Electronic harassment, Female, Females, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Insane, Jesus, Joan of Ark, John Lennon, Latina, Laws, Life, male, Martin Luther King Jr, Minorities, Minority women, mobbing, Monitoring, New World Order, oppression, psychological harassment, Relationships, revolution, Rosa Parks, slaves, Snitches, State target, whistle blower, White, WhiteFemale | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Indigo Ribbon Campaign

The Indigo Ribbon Campaign.
The world is a dangerous place,
not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on and do nothing.

~ Albert Einstein

The Indigo Ribbon Campaign is an awareness campaign in support of Targeted Individuals.

The Indigo Ribbon is a ray of hope for Targeted Individuals everywhere. The color represents Infinity. It’s a sign of remembrance for targets no longer here. A symbol of unity and strength for targets who remain. 

The primary goal of the IRC is to bring awareness, about what is happening to Targeted Individuals and the methods being used to target, harass, and destroy them. The idea is to promote compassion and understanding about what they are experiencing and how their targeting affects the rest of society.

The idea is to have people who are willing and able to assist with these campaigns wear their own Indigo Ribbons, or start their very own campaigns in the cities where they live. Each campaign is independently managed and operated and yet all effort go towards promoting awareness and understanding of Targeted Individuals and their plight. 

Volunteers  are needed from every city, country and province where Targeted Individuals live. We are looking for people who can post the information on forums, send out emails, post in ezines, online news sites, blogs, podcasts, conference calls, youtube. We also need people to post offline flyer’s in their local area, send faxes, contact local radio stations, newspapers, magazines. We also need multilingual individuals who can help translate the information.

We need to get the information out to as many Targeted Individuals as possible and the Indigo Ribbon Campaign needs your help and assistance. We want committed individuals who have time to help us get the word out. We need to help spread the word.

Who are Targeted Individuals? They are innocent individuals that are being targeted by government programs and initiatives, past and present. Many are targets of a modern day Cointelpro initiative, being termed Gang Stalking, others are targets of government mind control experiments and covert  torture, such as MK Ultra, Project Monarch, etc.

Why they need help? Targets of this harassment need help in bringing about awareness that this is still happening. Not only is this targeting still happening, but it’s happening unaided and unassisted, and many targets are being destroyed by this. What is happening is that when Targets have applied to the main stream humanitarian organizations their plea’s for assistance have gone unaided.

To find out more about the Indigo Ribbon Campaign, or what you can do to help, you can follow this link.

To find out more about what Targeted Individuals go through, you can visit these sites.

Just as despair can come to one only from other human beings, hope, too, can be given to one only by other human beings.
— – Elie Weisel

October 22, 2007 Posted by | Above top secret, black women, blackwomen, Bullying, Censorship, Cointelpro, community policing, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, domestic spying, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Indigo Ribbon, Jeremy Blake, Jesus, Joan of Ark, John Lennon, Kilmeer Gill, Mark M Rich, Martin Luther King Jr, Mccarthyism, Mind Control, Minorities, mobbing, Monitoring, Neighbours, New World Order, NWO, oppression, silence, slavery, Snitches, society, Stalking, State target, Surveillence, Theresa Duncan, youtube | 10 Comments

Be that guy.

Be that guy.

Really that should say, be that guy or be that girl. Be that person. You know the one that they tell you not to be. When they tell you to quietly sit back and take it. Just because they don’t have the stones, or will, or desire, that’s their choice. This system works for them, at some level it works for them, or it would not be in place. So be that guy, girl, person. The one that speaks out and says that this is wrong, or I refuse to vote cause you have given me no choice. I refuse to go to the back of the bus because that’s not my place, or refuse to give up my seat cause I have as much right as you do.

Many of the following people that I am going to briefly mention probably had detractors in their lives telling them not to be that person, but you know what, at some point they became that person, and many of the people that I am going to mention below made a difference. Many are famous, to varying degree. You don’t have to be famous, but choice at some point in your life to be that guy, girl, person. It’s one of the few things that has made a difference.

Rose Parks. I was trying to sleep and this woman was on my mind. She was on my mind. What apparently use to happen in the States is that there was this busing policy that kept blacks and whites separated, and apparently if a white person did not have a seat then any black person would be required to give up the seat. (If any of this is incorrect, feel free to correct me.) Anyways, one day after I guess complying with this for some years, she was tired, she was sitting down, and a white person, (some guy) needed a seat, and she just refused. For some reason in that moment, she decided to be that guy, girl, person. She refused. (She had not been the first, but her actions that day made the difference.)

Well the bus was stopped, the cops were called and she was arrested. (I am sure in her life she had people with good intentions, telling her to not be that person and comply, cause just such a fate could happen, or it’s the way things had always been done.) Now instead of acting like good sheeple, her community who were also sick of standing, going to the back of the bus, decided to stage the Montgomery bus boycotts.

The black people of that time decided to not take the bus, until they changed some of the laws. It was not convenient for them, and I am sure it was a hardship, but instead of just sitting back and going, “this is the way it’s always been,” they decided to in that moment do something about it.

(Just like we possibly could.) Anyways, Rosa decided to be that person, and it made a difference.

Joan of ark. Now she was like 14 or something, heard the voice of God, (had visions) and decided to lead the French army to victory. Now I am sure if this girl had parents, they would have shaken their head and told this little peasant girl to not be that person. I mean here she is poor, peasant class, female, no military experience, and this is at a time where France was getting their asses kicked by the English. Military men with years of experience had tried and failed, but this young girl with deep faith, heard the voice of God, presented herself to the King, and lead an army to victory. She decided to be that person.

(Of course for her efforts, the French decided to thank her by letting the English burnt at the stake. Humans seem to do this consistently to their heroes.)

King David. Little more than a boy. Decided to go deliver food to his big strong military brothers. The whole army of Israel is afraid of the Philistine army and their giant Goliath. David is disgusted, he says that he will go out and fight. He believes in God and that is all that he needs. They all laugh and the brothers want him to go home, and tend his sheep, cause he’s a Sheppard, but he not deterred. He decides to be that guy in that moment. Now cause every other guy is too scared to do anything, they decide to send him. The armour is heavy, and has not been tested, so he decides to put it off. He has such faith in God. He decides to go and face him man to man.

Now David is described as a pretty youth, and Goliath is described as a Giant, but none the less, he went out to meet him. He said you come to me with a shied and spear, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied. The rest if history, he faced him, he took out his sling and stone and killed him, with one fatal blow to the forehead. With not much more than his faith.;&version=31;

Matthew 12: 46-49

Jesus. He had his don’t be that guy moments. I mean there is one scene in the bible where his family, mother and brothers are all like come home with us, the people are saying you are crazy. He didn’t listen to them, he just kept on doing what he was doing. There must have been so many moments of doubt and so many detractors, who thought they knew what was best for the people, but in his ways he just showed them how to be, how to live better, and how to be free, even when you live in a territory occupied by an army (Romans).

His actions would inspire others, and begin a movement which would change many lives, and save many people. He went through all the doubts, temptations, etc, but overcame then to become that guy.
(For his efforts, he got betrayed and crucified, but that sort of had to happen. Still…),_Jr.

Martin LUther King Jr. Leader of the civil rights movement. I am sure he had moments where he just wanted to not be that guy. Especially with his government issuing forth a Cointelpro operation against him. Following him 24/7, spreading lies, disinfo, trying to destroy his every achievement at every turn, sending him a suicide note telling him to take his own life, and a lot of other really despicable things. He overcame it and became that guy. His faith in God, the movement, and the rights of the people would make a difference and chance the circumstances for many at that time. Of course a month before his death his Government would target him for termination, because they saw him as a Black Messiah that could electrify the masses.
(A month later he would get assassinated, by some apparent lone gun man. His family doesn’t buy it either.) Still he became that guy.

Ghandi. Oddly enough I don’t know a lot about him. I know he wanted changes, believed in peaceful protests. Started a hunger strike, and a movement that would also change the lives of many. At some point in his life, he also became that guy.
(For his efforts, he would also be assassinated. )

Anyways at some point if there is to be change, someone has to choose to be that guy, that girl, that person. Just because that’s the way it’s always been done, does not mean that is the way it will always be. The resounding theme with many of these people was their faith that a change could be made, and they were not afraid to be that person, no matter what their detractors thought.

September 17, 2007 Posted by | black, Black female, Black Females, black women, BlackFemales, blackwomen, Cointelpro, Controlled society, Females, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Isolation, Jesus, Joan of Ark, Martin Luther King Jr, Minorities, Minority women, Minoritywomen, New World Order, NWO, oppression, Rosa Parks, silence, society, State target | 2 Comments