Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

The Indigo Ribbon Campaign

The Indigo Ribbon Campaign.
The world is a dangerous place,
not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on and do nothing.

~ Albert Einstein

The Indigo Ribbon Campaign is an awareness campaign in support of Targeted Individuals.

The Indigo Ribbon is a ray of hope for Targeted Individuals everywhere. The color represents Infinity. It’s a sign of remembrance for targets no longer here. A symbol of unity and strength for targets who remain. 

The primary goal of the IRC is to bring awareness, about what is happening to Targeted Individuals and the methods being used to target, harass, and destroy them. The idea is to promote compassion and understanding about what they are experiencing and how their targeting affects the rest of society.

The idea is to have people who are willing and able to assist with these campaigns wear their own Indigo Ribbons, or start their very own campaigns in the cities where they live. Each campaign is independently managed and operated and yet all effort go towards promoting awareness and understanding of Targeted Individuals and their plight. 

Volunteers  are needed from every city, country and province where Targeted Individuals live. We are looking for people who can post the information on forums, send out emails, post in ezines, online news sites, blogs, podcasts, conference calls, youtube. We also need people to post offline flyer’s in their local area, send faxes, contact local radio stations, newspapers, magazines. We also need multilingual individuals who can help translate the information.

We need to get the information out to as many Targeted Individuals as possible and the Indigo Ribbon Campaign needs your help and assistance. We want committed individuals who have time to help us get the word out. We need to help spread the word.

Who are Targeted Individuals? They are innocent individuals that are being targeted by government programs and initiatives, past and present. Many are targets of a modern day Cointelpro initiative, being termed Gang Stalking, others are targets of government mind control experiments and covert  torture, such as MK Ultra, Project Monarch, etc.

Why they need help? Targets of this harassment need help in bringing about awareness that this is still happening. Not only is this targeting still happening, but it’s happening unaided and unassisted, and many targets are being destroyed by this. What is happening is that when Targets have applied to the main stream humanitarian organizations their plea’s for assistance have gone unaided.

To find out more about the Indigo Ribbon Campaign, or what you can do to help, you can follow this link.

To find out more about what Targeted Individuals go through, you can visit these sites.

Just as despair can come to one only from other human beings, hope, too, can be given to one only by other human beings.
— – Elie Weisel

October 22, 2007 - Posted by | Above top secret, black women, blackwomen, Bullying, Censorship, Cointelpro, community policing, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, domestic spying, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Indigo Ribbon, Jeremy Blake, Jesus, Joan of Ark, John Lennon, Kilmeer Gill, Mark M Rich, Martin Luther King Jr, Mccarthyism, Mind Control, Minorities, mobbing, Monitoring, Neighbours, New World Order, NWO, oppression, silence, slavery, Snitches, society, Stalking, State target, Surveillence, Theresa Duncan, youtube


  1. I am a “targeted individual” (TI) that has just become fully aware of what has been happening to me and my immediate family (my children) at least for the past 20-25 years now. The results of this monitoring and resultant harassment has been devastating to not only me, but both of my grown children too–our lives have been virtually ruined by these people, these perps. People need to be made aware, even against their objections, that these things are taking place here in our United States of America.

    I was brought up in a very patriotic household. My Dad served overseas in WWII, and my parents were members of the VFW and the American Legion. I worked, myself, right out of high school, for the U.S. Army as a Civil Servant. Yet, I know that if I even tried to turn to them and tell them about what I’ve been experiencing here in this country for at least the past 20 years, I know it would not be met with much support and a lot of skepticisim.

    I have lost all hope in and honor for this country as a bastion of REAL freedoms and liberties, and I’m beginning to believe they never existed at all, from all indications. It all started with the assassinations that people of my age group witnessed in the 1960s (JFK, RFK, MLK) and has deteriorated since then.

    When this can happen here in the U.S., then we know things are really getting bad–and yet they have been really bad for people of other countries for so much longer than here. I also believe that we Americans also need to STOP being so closed off from what people in the larger world are experiencing, as in most cases, they have experienced much more horror than we have up to now. Our horror is just beginning it seems.

    I keep pointing people to Psalm 37 for comfort. I have a profound belief in a God Who will not let these kinds of things continue to happen for much longer. He is really our only hope. In Psalm 37, God tells us what He will do FOR the righteous among us (those who, like Mark, “know evil when they see it” and refuse to submit to it), and Psalm 37 also tells us what God will do TO the wicked among us (those who perpetrate, allow, ignore, and otherwise further such evil). So in this way, some comfort can be felt knowing that God DOES see what is happening and has promised to DO something about this, and by all indications sooner than later.

    TI’s need to remember though, not to retaliate in kind–that’s exactly the trap the perps set for us and that’s the trap they want us to fall into. DON’T give them your dignity. DO what you can to protect yourself–carry those cell phone cameras and recorders and make good use of them (but use them legally and wisely). Expose them for who and what they are.

    Also, a note to those “weaker willed” people who ignore, find humor in, and allow these things to happen without stepping up and objecting when they see it happening to someone else–IF THEY CAN DO THIS TO ANY ONE OF US, THEY CAN AND WILL DO IT TO YOU–IT’S JUST A MATTER OF TIME. You have the ability, by your objection to this to, if not put a complete stop to this, to at least ease the harassment that some of us are experiencing and in making other people aware of this. Paraphrased, the old saying goes: “When they came after the journalists for reporting the truth instead of lies, I said nothing, and they were censored, bought, and blocked. When they came for the lawyers for representing the poor and mistreated, I said nothing, and they were jailed and harassed. When they came after those who tried to warn us about the things to come according to Bible prophecy, I said nothing, and they were targeted for torture and death. And when they finally came for me, there was no one left to speak up for me or to help me state or prove my case.”

    Friends, this is happening right now. Wake up and do your part to help, even if it’s only something small, and stop denying it can happen here–it IS!

    Comment by Sherri | November 10, 2007 | Reply

  2. I am a targeted individual.

    Everytime I read someone’s comments, someone’s blog, I get stronger. I’m not certain it is doing me any good, but I get stronger.

    Comment by Anita | November 20, 2007 | Reply

  3. FYI

    Love “Light” and Energy


    Comment by Donald F. Truax | February 28, 2008 | Reply

  4. I am a gang stalking & by Proxy stalking Target. I have been for the past 9-10 years that I know of. My stalkers range from gov. X boy friend a family member & a man who perpatrated a child in our family. I do believe he & his family are the main perps behind my stalking. Although it is sad to hear so many people falling victim to Gang/By Proxy/Cause Stalking…it is good to know I am not alone & that there is now some light being shed on the subject. What I wish in my heart could happen is that we could somehow get together to support each other on a daily basis to collect, gather, record, witness & present evidence to & for each other. I’d also like to see a public listing made of suspected or alleged stalkersjust as they do on the news with criminals…after all isn’t this one of the most incideous crimes there is outside of rape, incest & pedophilia?
    I believe it’s just a matter of time…their day will come!

    Comment by Liz | July 11, 2008 | Reply

  5. I pray daily for all, in this my beloved country -including those who are doing the surveillance and harassment. I believe that there are more people than not walking on a just and kind path, and hope that real freedom will come to us. When I read the stories and tribulations of those in my new community (for me, over one year), well, I hold you in my thoughts and prayers. Recent reports on domestic surveillance hopefully will shake things up a little. Lets advocate for ourselves as much as possible; this website and others help.

    Comment by Florence | July 11, 2009 | Reply

    • I pray for real freedom too, but these people have been inducted into a cult, and many do not realise that they are part of a cult. They have been broken down and rebuilt up into this cult, and this cult thinks it owns them. I would like to see real freedom also, but the things that will give you freedom, like the bible, and following that path, most reject and thus end up in the cult of society. Accepted but enslaved.

      Comment by gangstalking | July 18, 2009 | Reply

  6. Hello I have been a target since 1994. I am tracked and a TI

    Comment by George A Benavides | January 8, 2013 | Reply

  7. Not only are the facts about drugs upsetting,
    they are also embarrassing. That statistic represents 7.
    As everything has a good as well as bad side, these drug overdoses consumed by
    these US teens also shows also shows its ugly teethes.
    I encourage parent(s) to be actively involved in helping their young adult succeed
    in school. We may sincerely want to bury our heads in the sand when it comes to drug abuse and addiction, but we can”.
    Drug addiction statistics is beneficial for the society by displaying realistic evidence that certain drugs are becoming a problem.
    When we talk about drug addiction information all
    the negative things come in our mind. It is very important for a family to establish Family Boundaries.

    Comment by substance addiction | January 12, 2013 | Reply

  8. Organized stalking in India chennai city is done by some criminal elements who claim to be detectives.It starts as cyber stalking and cyber harassment involving hacking/disturbances of cell phones , Landlines and e mails . I have filed several complaints with the cyber crime cell of my city police , CBI (Cyber crime and EOW division) and Cyber security division of the Department of Telecommunications. The cyber stalking/ harassment progresses to gang stalking which includes Lie campaigns , color harassment , street theater, ghosting, gas lighting, break ins, etc.
    There are an estimated 1000 TIs in India , some of the TIs have networked amongst themselves

    Comment by Girish NS | May 14, 2013 | Reply

  9. NET EXPOSURE HURTS STALKERS , after my yesterdays post May 14 2013, the stalkers angry at my talking about them on the net , broke into my house , moved some objects in my toilet – Ghosting- , I have filed several complaints to the state police (Cyber crime cell , Police commissioners office) and Federal / Central Bureau of Investigations CBI , but all these are in some file . Internet is a medium where anyone can read about the crime ALL the time . This scars the sh#t out of them. Organized stalking in India , Chennai city , Mandaveli area is done by criminals who claim to be detectives.

    Comment by Girish NS | May 15, 2013 | Reply

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