Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

When I am world ruler 2

When I am world ruler 2.

Ok my last post was fun, about when I am world ruler and the things that I wish to implement in the society. I want all these changes that will help humanity, one of the first things that I would do is ensure that the family unit was the first and foremost thing. I would ensure that it was the heart and soul of my futurist society, that I wish to see created.

First and foremost I want to create a knowledgeable society, where people are well educated. I want to create a knowledgebase that will last beyond this plain of existence, I want something that will exist past space, time,
distance. I would like to create a knowledgebase similar to or something that could surpass the Akashic records.

I want to also create a Teleporting, time travelling society. When I am world ruler technology will be a huge focus, and will be well funded. My fantasy in part is to own a really cool R & D department/division. I want to have something that would create one of the most technologically advanced society, on the face of the planet and beyond.

I would seriously create an alternative cash exchange system, one that would be a little more stable, and one that actually felt good to use. Something like an intergalactic, interplanetary, multidimensional cash exchange system.
It could happen.

I want to find the cure for cancer and other incurable diseases, and distribute the cure to those who are eligible for a reasonable fee, or for free. It’s a dream, but it could happen. In my spare time, over the last several years, I have done nothing but independently research a variety of such items, yeah it’s a fun hobby on the side, and who knows, when it will pay off for humanity.

I want to create these amazing buildings, that are some of the most secure, they will have the most secure login’s, and they will be able to understand who is in the building at all times. They will be some of the safest, most self contained, environmentally friendly places to live.

I will also create this force, this league of extraordinary individuals. A Royal league of some sort. Really cool wardrobes, and unlike the informant system, which has brought down humanity to it’s lowest common denominator,
the force will work towards elevating humanity, and doing something good for the planet and beyond. Their roar would be heard, that’s one of the things that I would like to do when I am world ruler.

I would like to locate the missing and exploited children across the face of the planet, and bring them home safe. When I am world ruler, I will find a way to reunite families, and keep children safe.

Finally when people are truly doing the evil in the world, you know those lowest common denominators like I’ve previously described, I would have them showing up as evil, no matter where they went on the face of the planet or
beyond, so that innocent people could know who and what they were dealing with.

May 12, 2012 Posted by | Astral Plane, Awareness, Drugs, False Prophets, google | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

One of those days

I was up early and I realise it’s going to be one of those days, trying to figure out what to do? How to help? What can be done for Targets of Gang Stalking?
I have so many things to blog about. Eg. Our algorithm is being suppressed, meaning that when you look up Gang Stalking  or Targeted Individuals in the google search engine or at least when I do, you don’t get very diminished results. The same trend just started happening for the terms Targeted Individuals and Targeted Individual, both terms were previously almost 2 million hits.

Also I read this amazing report by the ACLU, and I want to write more information about that. If you get the chance, read this report, it’s a fascinating read for anyone who cares about what is happening with surveillance and information sharing in their country.

Outreach and other communities we should be trying to connect with. I think it’s great that people make their existing online communities aware of what is happening, use the available materials and post it if you don’t know how to have discussions about Gang Stalking.

What to do for the missing and incarcerated targets? Little things like that. Even though we now know that we are not alone, too often, we still have our own struggles to go through.

I had been following a thread over at the Stormfront community, because Gang Stalking affects everyone, black, white, Asian, Indian, etc. Male, female, transgender, etc. Every social economic background you can think of. Anyways, a member of that community had reported some time last year that his friend was a target of Gang Stalking, he believed his friend, which is commendable, but on the most recent follow up thread, he posted to say that his friend had been institutionalised.

It’s really sad, because it does not matter what your view points are, (well it does to an extent), but the truth is every voice silenced, every soul that they muzzle in regards to this, brings the state one step closer to imprisoning us all. For those not familiar with the Stormfront community, it’s a white nationalist community. (So if you are easily offended, don’t go there.)

The latest thread was brought up by a person who thought that Masons were behind the whole thing. There is still a lot of that going around, like taking the blame from the government and trying to put in on one group, like Masons, Street Gangs, KKK or scientologist, etc. They are all taking part, so you can’t just blame one sector of society, it’s all of society. (By this I don’t mean that everyone is involved, I just mean that all sectors of society take part, there is a difference.)

Anyways it’s an interesting thread, and it tells me once again that just about every sector of society is in some way being exposed to what is happening. It tells me that some targets are very aware and some are not. It also tells me that targets are still being picked off one by one so to speak, and using the mental health rap is probably working really well. Targets need to have a plan of action.

The poster who was known as theninthtrust, who was very active on YouTube, is still missing or has not been online for the last seven months.

I have not had any postings from apocalypto wanderings since June, He was a retired gentleman, with a tough attitude, use to work for the government. Maybe he is just taking a break from it, sometimes targets need to do that.
Somethings that we are doing are working really well, keep having the discussions, keep making people aware, keep using the materials.

Things that we need. What we need are people who are familiar with mental health laws, and how the informant system works. These are two ways targets are either eliminated, (meaning trapped in the system or turned into part of the system.)

Emotionally we have been shown to be fairly good at providing information and emotional support for one another, so let’s continue of this front.

Freedom of information. If an investigation is ongoing normally you might not get these files, or if the information is in a secret database, or if they have outsourced the surveillance, these are ways that they get around giving out targets this information. Jesus Medoza has had some luck with his, JBH had to try three times before getting anything, the first two times they told him they had nothing on him. Donald Friedman, he kinda went to extreme lengths to get his files, but it worked.

These are some of the things that I want to blog about, but it’s already been a long morning, and
I just want to see what we are doing well as a community and what we need to improve upon.

December 1, 2008 Posted by | activism, Awareness, Cointelpro, crazy, discrimination, dissident, driving-crazy, Entrapment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, google, harassment, Isolation, Laws, male, Masons, society, Targeted Individual, White | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Sharing their Conspiracy on the Internet

Sharing their Conspiracy on the Internet.

This is a quick follow up to the article sharing their Demons on the Web that came out November 13, 2008 in the New York Times.

I don’t know how many of our website visitors out there have had a chance to read and digest this article that just came out in the New York Times and also ran in several other International papers, but I thought this would be a wonderful opportunity to shed some additional light on some portions of the article.

The Internet is a modern marvel of mankind. I have seen parents who’s children are ill, and they have used every expert that the offline world can throw at them, only to fail. I have seen those same parents type in a few key words, and find help, love, support, and many times the answers that they were seeking. I personally see a similar pattern when it comes to those seeking help or assistance for their Gang Stalking.

They are seeking help and assistance, they have tried all forms of offline support and to no avail. Some have been on medication, thought of suicide, or are at their wits end, and then they find these sites. They find they are not alone, they find that their symptoms that they thought no one else would ever believe, are common place and everyday for the members of this community. They find understanding. Using these websites is a matter of choice, and when traditional practices have failed, then these websites have come to the forefront for help, support and even healing.

This quite lengthy and delightful article starts of by saying:

“FOR years they lived in solitary terror of the light beams that caused searing headaches, the technology that took control of their minds and bodies. They feared the stalkers, people whose voices shouted from the walls or screamed in their heads, “We found you” and “We want you dead.”

For the targets of Gang Stalking the harassment is often subtle and leaves very little trace. That is why it has for years been very difficult to muster up any support or awareness of what is happening to us. If voices were shouting from walls, many of us within the community would have been quite capable of going getting a tape recorder or video camera and taping what was happening to us.

The next paragraph of the article is fairly correct.

“When people who believe such things reported them to the police, doctors or family, they said they were often told they were crazy. Sometimes they were medicated or locked in hospital wards, or fired from jobs and isolated from the outside world.”

Just like with our cousins in the mobbing community. Before workplace mobbing was studied and verified, targets of this practice were often not believed, were often left isolated, and at times driven to suicide, or other acts of violence. Our communities experienced the same things, before these support apparatuses were put into place. Please keep in mind that Gang Stalking has a lot of the similarities to what happens with workplace mobbing, except this does happen in the community and we are followed around.

The next paragraph goes on to say.

“But when they found one another on the Internet, everything changed. So many others were having the same experiences.”

This is in part true. Things did change once we started to compare notes, and provide a support structure for each other. Before this, many of us did suffer in silence and anguish. Since starting the Gang Stalking World website, I have had people tell me, that their families were falling apart, but after finding a support source, and just knowing that they were not alone, it made a world of difference. That is one of the primary and key functions that this website and others like it does.

The next paragraph goes onto say:

“Type “mind control” or “gang stalking” into Google, and Web sites appear that describe cases of persecution, both psychological and physical, related with the same minute details — red and white cars following victims, vandalism of their homes, snickering by those around them.”

I will grant that many of our experiences do have extremely similar facets, much in the same way targets of bullying and mobbing had similar experiences. I am not sure that I would agree with the fact that we all see red and white cars. The cars that follow Targeted Individuals around come in all shapes and sizes, but in the past, several targets have noticed overt similarities.

The next paragraph describes us as an extreme community.

“Identified by some psychologists and psychiatrists as part of an “extreme community” on the Internet that appears to encourage delusional thinking, a growing number of such Web sites are filled with stories from people who say they are victims of mind control and stalking by gangs of government agents. The sites are drawing the concern of mental health professionals and the interest of researchers in psychology and psychiatry.”

I find this paragraph to be interesting. I am not sure that sharing stories and providing support encourages delusional thinking anymore than sharing stories of workplace mobbing, did for the targets of that harassment, or what exposure did for the targets of Cointelpro. I think history has shown that gathering together and providing support and awareness has been beneficial for targets of similar forms of harassment.

If these mental health professionals are concerned about these websites spreading delusional thinking, I am wondering what they would have said and how they would have pronounced the mobbing websites just 10 to 15 years ago. At the time before serious research was paid to workplace mobbing, believing that your co-workers were conspiring to harass you out of the workplace, and that human resources was a part of this conspiracy in some cases would have been seen as delusional, but with the advent of research into workplace mobbing, we now see that this is in fact a very real phenomenon and human resources have not only been involved at times, but it’s become a common practice in some areas with what’s called the psychiatric reprisal.

What mobbing websites have done for targets of Workplace Mobbing in shedding light and offering assistance is what Gang Stalking websites are doing now for the targets of this practice.

When targets of the state in Russia were declared delusional and mentally ill, the psychiatric community in those countries were a very dedicated force in silencing those individuals and cooperating with the state. If researchers into psychology and psychiatry are interested in studying this phenomenon let’s hope that it’s with an eye towards finding out the truth, and not with the intention of helping the state to further persecute, which is what happened in Russia.

The next paragraph expresses the concern that social networking websites that deal with gang stalking, and mind control might inhibit targets from seeking help and impede treatment.

“Although many Internet groups that offer peer support are considered helpful to the mentally ill, some experts say Web sites that amplify reports of mind control and group stalking represent a dark side of social networking. They may reinforce the troubled thinking of the mentally ill and impede treatment.”

What I have personally seen a lot of the Gloria Naylor types. By this I mean, people who sought out traditional forms of assistance. They went to the police, doctors, lawyers, had the mental exam, etc and they still were not getting anywhere, the problems were still happening in their lives. Gloria Naylor is a famous African American Author who was also a target of this practice. She wrote a book about her experiences title 1996. She first sought out psychological help and even went on medication which did not help. It was only after discovering websites that dealt with mind control, that she finally received some help and assistance. In her own words she has since then been able to start to turn her life around. Traditional forms of support in her case and many others have not helped, and have not lead those suffering to finding solutions that would help or assist them with functioning.

I would hope that if this is going to be studied, that cases such as Ramona Lopez and Jesus Mendoza will be reviewed. There cases are well documented and they were both whistle-blowers that started to experience the same phenomenon after blowing the whistle. I would also hope that if this is going to be researched, that they will review how writing the book into the Buzzsaw was able to provide help and support to journalist who go through a very similar phenomenon.

Over the last two years, I find that many of the people who are visiting my site, have sought out traditional assistance, and realise that something else is going on. They seek out additional assistance after realised that they are not getting help with what is happening to them. I see people who do start blogs or video tape what is happening to them, and they say that it provides them with a sense of empowerment. I can say on a personal level that exposure of what is happening to me, has been one of the most cathartic things that I was able to do over the last 2 years.

The next paragraph says that:

“Dr. Ralph Hoffman, a psychiatry professor at Yale who studies delusions, said a growing number of his research subjects have told him of visiting mind-control sites, and finding in them confirmation of their own experiences.”

This tells me that more and more people are seeking out help and assistance on the Internet. What it does not tell me is what happens next? After they visit these sites, do they stop seeking Dr Hoffman assistance, do they just find some comfort in the fact that they are not alone, or some other alternative?

“The views of these belief systems are like a shark that has to be constantly fed,” Dr. Hoffman said. “If you don’t feed the delusion, sooner or later it will die out or diminish on its own accord. The key thing is that it needs to be repetitively reinforced.”

That is what the Web sites do, he said. Similar concerns have arisen about a proliferation of sites that describe how to commit suicide, or others that promote anorexia and bulimia, providing detailed instructions on restricting food and photographs of skeletal women meant to be “thinspiration.”

With all due respect to Dr Hoffman, many of the people that I have spoken to, again had sought out traditional assistance and it was not working. They had tried to believe that things were maybe in their heads, but found consistent reasons to believe otherwise and went seeking out other answers. These are the majority of people that are ending up at my website. The same way many targets of mobbing end up at workplace mobbing and bullying websites, when first trying to understand their harassment and bullying.

Gang Stalking websites in many cases are not feeding a delusion anymore than mobbing or bullying websites are. They are giving targets similar stories, or a list of symptoms that are the same or similar to their own. They are helping them to find solace and often answers that had hither to alluded them. They also provide comfort and support.

The comparison of Gang Stalking websites to sites that encourage people to commit suicide, or revel in their eating disorders is an unfair, and unjust comparison. We in fact do the opposite. Gang Stalking websites, based on feedback that I have received, often help people out of some of the darker moments that they are going through. We strive in fact to stop people from committing suicide or other acts of violence. Knowledge is power, and we provide them with up to date information based on research, that many in the Gang Stalking community have been doing.

Before Gang Stalking websites were available, some people like myself used mobbing and bullying websites for support, but that did not quite answer all the questions or cover all the scenarios of what was happening to us. If visiting these mobbing and bullying sites were not harmful, then might it be supposed that visiting Gang Stalking websites could be having a similar and beneficial effect for individuals who feel that they are targets of this practice?

“There is no concise survey of mind-control sites or others describing gang stalking — whose users believe that groups of people are following and controlling them, as part of a test of neurological or other kinds of weapons likely conducted by the government — on the Net. But they are easy to find. Some have hundreds of postings, along with links to dozers of similar sties. One,, welcomes visitors with this description: “Gang Stalking is a systemic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a Targeted Individual’s life. The target is followed around and placed under surveillance by Civilian Spies/Snitches 24/7.”

I am really glad to see that the article was kind enough to mention the Gang Stalking World website. I just wish that it had also mentioned that a program called Cointelpro was perpetrated by the American government and has very similar characteristics to what we describe as Gang Stalking. I wish the article had also mentioned that Cynthia McKinney,a former United States Representative had also requested to have Cointelpro investigations re-opened, because she believed that aspects of this were still ongoing.

“the sites provide the powerful, unfamiliar experience of being understood by others.”

I think this paragraph more than anything else sums this up really well. These websites provide understanding. I can remember personally reading Mark M. Rich’s the hidden evil for the first time, and I remember somewhere on his old site where it said you are not alone. After that I never felt alone again. There is something about connecting with others who are having a shared experience that is so cathartic, and amazing. You truly do not feel alone and for the first time I was able to connect with this stranger that was miles away, and feel truly understood. In the subsequent years, this is the feedback that I have received from the dozens of website visitors who have come through my site.

“By and large, most people are sane and coherent and can relate exactly what’s happening to them,” Mr. Robinson said. “They can say the things that would otherwise get them labeled as delusional.”

People for the first time in years are free to be themselves and to say what they want to say, without someone saying that they are crazy. This is not only one of the amazing things about the Gang Stalking Support sites, but this is one of the amazing things about the Internet, and this is the concept that has helped the Internet to grow and to become what it is.

“Vaughan Bell, a British psychologist who has researched the effect of the Internet on mental illness, first began tracking sites with reports of mind control in 2004. In 2006 he published a study concluding that there was an extensive Internet community around such beliefs, and he called 10 sites he studied “likely psychotic sites.”

The extent of the community, Dr. Bell said, poses a paradox to the traditional way delusion is defined under the diagnostic guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association, which says that if a belief is held by a person’s “culture or subculture,” it is not a delusion. The exception accounts for rituals of religious faith, for example.”

Since Gang Stalking World only began in 2006, and we don’t predominantly deal with the mind control aspect of the targeting, I can assume that my website is not on the list that Dr Bell put together. I would however love to have a copy of this list, because even within the Gang Stalking, Mind Control communities, there are websites that are more helpful and useful than others. Before passing further judgement, I would love to see the 10 websites that he used when making his assessment.

“Dr. Bell, whose study was published in the journal Psychopathology, said that it does not suggest all people participating in mind-control sites are delusional, and that a firm diagnosis of psychosis could only be done in person.”

Since diagnosis has to be done in person to formulate an accurate opinion about wither a person is delusional or suffering from a psychosis, I am a bit surprised that a remote assessment was made in regards to a whole community, but I again would love to read the research first.

“For people who say they are the target of mind control or gang stalking, there may be enough evidence in the scientific literature to fan their beliefs. Many sites point to MK-ULTRA, the code name for a covert C.I.A. mind-control and chemical interrogation program begun in the 1950s.

Recently the sites have linked to an article published in September in Time magazine, “The Army’s Totally Serious Mind-Control Project,” which described a $4 million contract given to the Army to develop “thought helmets” that would allow troops to communicate through brain waves on the battlefield.”

I wish the article had pointed to the even more numerous articles on some of these websites in regards to proof that people are being followed around, and placed under watch.

The next paragraph points to Jim Guest a Republican State Representative, who just like Cynthia McKinney has also taken some of our claims seriously.

“And the users of some sites have found the support of Jim Guest, a Republican state representative in Missouri, who wrote last year to his fellow legislators calling for an investigation into the claims of those who say they are being tortured by mind control.

“I’ve had enough calls, some from credible people — professors — being targeted by nonlethal weapons,” Mr. Guest said in a telephone interview, adding that nothing came of his request for a legislative investigation. “They become psychologically affected by it. They have trouble sleeping at night.”

He added: “I believe there are people who have been targeted by this. With this equipment, you have to test it on somebody to see if it works.”

The article might have also mentioned that three states have now passed laws in regards to electronic harassment. In the last several years there has been forward momentum, because there has been a focus on exposure and awareness.

“Dr. Bell and some other mental health professionals say that even if the users of such sites are psychotic, forging an online connection to others and being told — perhaps for the first time — “you are not crazy” could actually have a positive effect on their illnesses.

“We know, for example, that things like social support, all of these positive social aspects are very good for people’s mental illness,” Dr. Bell said. “I wouldn’t say it’s entirely and completely positive, but it can be positive.”

Some research has shown that when people with delusions undergo group cognitive therapy, the group process can be helpful in their treatment

But the Web sites are not moderated by professionals, and many postings discuss the failure of medication and say that mental health professionals are part of the conspiracy against them.”

Tim Fields when he set up his Bully support website was not a professional either. He in fact was a target of bullying. He was later accredited for his work in the field, because of the research that he did. He also started to find a link to suggest there was a conspiracy afoot with what was happening to many targets of bullying when they sought out help and assistance.

It’s still unfortunate that with full knowledge of programs such as Cointelpro, MK-Ultra, and the situation in the former East Germany that some mental health professionals would conclude an assessment of mental illness before proper research into this phenomenon was thoroughly conducted.

Again the above paragraph goes to show that people finding our websites, are trying out traditional forms of support, medication and psychological assistance which are not working, and they are seeking further assistance and locating our websites. Again I will point out that with the situation in Russia that happened, the mental health profession was a part of the conspiracy. We see similar patterns with McCarthyism and Cointelpro and organisations that should be trustworthy being parts of government conspiracies.

““These people lead quietly desperate lives,” said Dr. Jeffrey A. Lieberman, chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University. “And if they are reinforcing each other and pulling people toward something, if they are using the Internet and getting reinforcement, that’s good.””

I don’t know that all targets lead desperate lives, however being a target of Gang Stalking and or Mind Control can have a stressful effect like none other. We are using the Internet to find support, encouragement and understanding, which is something that many of us we were not able to do before.

“Psychiatrists and researchers say it is too soon to say whether communication on the Internet among people who may be psychotic will negatively effect their illnesses.” This is a very complex little corner,” said Dr. Ken Duckworth, the medical director for the National Alliance on Mental Illness, an advocacy group. “Some people may find it’s healing, but these are really hard questions. The Internet isn’t a cause of mental illness, it’s a complicating new variable.”

Because being psychotic can and should be primarily assessed in person, I am still wondering where the conclusion is being drawn that the people frequenting these websites have a mental illness is to begin with? I can understand if this assessment is being based on people who have first visited traditional psychiatrist, but then this would also show that traditional forms of theory might not be helping and that people are still seeking out additional support. Ether way I found the article to be a fascinating read, and I am glad to add it to the collection of articles that have been acquired over the last two years, in trying to get to the heart of what has been happening to members of the Gang Stalking community.

With any support system, there will be good and bad. I would suggest that people still have more than one mechanism in place, but overall, no matter what you are going through, finding love support and understanding is a good thing.

November 16, 2008 Posted by | Awareness, Brain reading device, Bullying, CIA, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, community mobbing, control, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, crazy, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, google, harassment, Insane, Internet, Isolation, Laws, Life, mobbing, paranoid, Politics, Snitches, society, Stalking, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

YouTube S1959.

YouTube Mass Censorship in effect. (S1959)

Hand someone a bible and be considered a terrorist. That’s the kind of thing we are dealing with under laws such as this S1959. This is what is being said about this law.

Well what YouTube is doing is they are going to be censoring many videos.

This is a strict bill that has not passed yet, but YouTube has gone ahead and implemented this massive form of censorship. They seem to keep silencing voices.

The video says they have been trying to raise awareness about S1959, because if this bill passes, it will make disagreeing almost impossible. This apparently attacks the first amendment.

A lot is happening and it happens while we all sleep. Now I saw another more alert poster blog about the YouTube bans a few days back, and for some reason forgot all about it.

However it’s been brought to my attention and I am doing my part by raising immediate awareness. If you can, do all that you can to stop the bill from passing, write letters, etc.

Also for YouTube, let’s use other file sharing sites if they insist on  implementing this ban.

Soon the Internet will not be a free place, they really do want to silence us in every way possible. Right now we have a bit of freedom and a small window of opportunity to make a difference, let’s each try to do what we can.

September 19, 2008 Posted by | Controlled society, google, Internet, Laws, New World Order, NWO, Politics, revolution, Social Control, society, youtube | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

So you want a revolution 2.

  I had complied this blog post under a different title, and I had also tried to draw comparisons to the latest school shooting and the school shooting last year in America where the words let the revolution begin were also posted.

I thought it was interesting that at least two school shooters had used the same words. Anyways for some reason I can’t find the post on my computer, [b]which has been acting weird over the last few days. [/b]

Anyways, I am not going to spend a lot of time trying to recompile the ideas, so instead I am just going to repost the manifesto that was left behind by the finnish school shooter.

I again think that his choose in killing was misguided, his frustrations were understood, but I just can’t see the point of taking innocent lives. I don’t think his actions accomplished anything. Well they will get people talking, but I don’t think they established the kind of change he was referencing to.

I also personally don’t believe in natural selection, or evolution and so on those points I can’t agree with anything he says. Where I do see relavance in his postings are the points he makes about democracy not being really free, and that’s it’s just another tyranical system. Also about the fact that most people are conformed to the system. I also do belive that it’s corrupt, and I would also like to see a change for the better come about. However I would like to see a change come about via dialouge and people waking realising that this system is not right, that it is corrupt and we need to fix it, revamp it or whatever.

I however do not think this was the way to do it. So enough about me, this is the writing from Pekka-Eric the young man who did the latest school shooting. For me personally the revolution I believe in is truth, and before the media completly spin this and blame it on music, bullying or something else, he makes it very clear that he knew what he was doing, he was not going for a school shooting, he wanted his actions to be considered as political, and he did it because he had had enough of this corrupt system.


Natural Selector’s Manifesto

How Did Natural Selection Turn Into Idiocratic Selection?

Today the process of natural selection is totally misguided. It has reversed. Human race has been devolving very long time for now. Retarded and stupid , weak-minded people are reproducing more and faster than the intelligent, strong-minded people. Laws protect the retarded majority which selects the leaders of society. Modern human race has not only betrayed its ancestors, but the future generations too. Homo Sapiens, HAH! It is more like a Homo Idioticus to me! When I look at people I see every day in society, school and everywhere… I can’t say I belong to same race as the lousy, miserable, arrogant, selfish human race! No! I have evolved one step above!

Naturality has been discriminated through religions, ideologies, laws and other mass delusion systems. Individual, who is going through his/hers natural power process and trying to live naturally, but is being told that the way he acts or thinks is wrong and stupid, will usually have some reactions which might be considered as “psychological disorders” by the establishment. In reality they are just natural reactions to the disruption of natural power process. They will have some of the following (depending on individual’s personality): feelings of inferiority / superiority, hostility, aggression, frustration, depression, self-hatred / hatred towards other people, suicidal / homicidal thought etc… and it is completely normal.

Humans are just a species among other animals and world does not exist only for humans. Death and killing is not a tragedy, it happens in nature all the time between all species. Not all human lives are important or worth saving. Only superior (intelligent, self-aware, strong-minded) individuals should survive while inferior (stupid, retarded, weak-minded masses) should perish.

There is also another solution to the problem: stupid people as slaves and intelligent people as free. What I mean is that they who have free minds, are capable of intelligent existential and philosophical thinking and know what justice is, should be free and rulers… and the robotic masses, they can be slaves since they do not mind it now either and because their minds are on so retarded level. The gangsters that now rule societies, would of course get what they deserve.

Of course there is a final solution too: death of entire human race. It would solve every problem of humanity. The faster human race is wiped out from this planet, the better… no one should be left alive. I have no mercy for the scum of earth, the pathetic human race.

Collective Deindividualization: Totalitarianism & Delusions Of Democracy

[b]Collective deindividualization is a phenomenon where individual will be trained as part of the mindless herd controlled by state, corporation, church or some other organization, group, ideology, religion or mass delusion system and adopt it’s rules, morality and codes of conduct. This phenomenon has been familiar in all despotic, authoritarian, totalitarian, monarchist, communist, socialist, nazi, fascist and religious societies troughout history. Also, the modern western democratic republics have the same phenomenon. It is just done so that people will think they are free and don’t realize they are being enslaved. Majority of people in society are weak-minded and ignorant retards, masses that act like programmed robots and accept voluntarily slavery. But not me! I am self-aware and realize what is going on in society! I have a free mind! And I choose to be free rather than live like a robot or slave. You can say I have a “god complex”, sure… then you have a “group complex”! Compared to you retarded masses, I am actually godlike. [/b]

[b]Totalitarian governments rule people through education system, consumerism, mass media, monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force (police, military) and laws discriminating people who think differently than the majority. Democracy… you think democracy means freedom and justice? You are wrong. Democracy is a dictatorship of the moral majority… and the majority is manipulated and ruled by the state mafia. Modern western democracy has nothing to do with freedom or justice; it is totalitarian and corrupted system. Laws are made over the heads of the people and people are being brainwashed to support the system and connected to the institutional structures immediately after their birth. Societies are being ruled by manipulative and charismatic politicians who only care about the interests of majority, and who do not base their decisions on reason but emotions and feelings of the masses. These masses let the authorities of state to make all the important decisions for them. The masses will get an education, they study, get a job, go to work and vote in elections. They think they are free and don’t criticise or question the system. They have become robots. It is like a constructed mechanism in mind, that leaves little choice for an individual to think, talk and act independently. [/b]

Three Kinds Of Humans

There are three kinds of human personality types in this world:
individualistic human (3% of the world population)
manipulative human (3% of the world population)
mass human (94% of the world population)

#1 & #2 type of personalities are intelligent, creative and self-aware. They have chosen bit different paths paths. #3 type of personalities are less intelligent and less creative, weak-minded people controlled by #2 type of personalities. The percentages are only estimations though but are based on Gaussian distribution and history of human race and how humans have organized into societies. And this is the way it has always been ever since humans started to organize into communities.

Another way how to divide people is bit different but is based on the same facts, human nature and history. The division is based on the level of intelligence and quality of mentality:
intelligent (3% of the world population)
slightly retarded, so called “normal people” or “robots” (94% of the world population)
highly retarded, “vegetables” (3% of the world population)

Total War Against Humanity

Hate, Im so full of it and I love it. That is one thing I really love. Some time ago, I used to believe in humanity and I wanted to live a long and happy life… but then I woke up. I started to think deeper and realized things. But it was not easy to become existential… knowing as much as I know has made me unhappy, frustrated and angry. I just can’t be happy in the society or the reality I live. Due to long process of existential thinking, observing the society I live and some other things happened in my life… I have come to the point where I feel nothing but hate against humanity and human race.

Life is just a meaningless coincidence… result of long process of evolution and many several factors, causes and effects. However, life is also something that an individual wants and determines it to be. And I’m the dictator and god of my own life. And me, I have chosen my way. I am prepared to fight and die for my cause. I, as a natural selector, will eliminate all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection.

You might ask yourselves, why did I do this and what do I want. Well, most of you are too arrogant and closed-minded to understand… You will proprably say me that I am “insane”, “crazy”, “psychopath”, “criminal” or crap like that. No, the truth is that I am just an animl, a human, an individual, a dissident.

I have had enough. I don’t want to be part of this fucked up society. Like some other wise people have said in the past, human race is not worth fighting for or saving… only worth killing. But… When my enemies will run and hide in fear when mentioning my name… When the gangsters of the corrupted governments have been shot in the streets… When the rule of idioracy and the democratic system has been replaced with justice… When intelligent people are finally free and rule the society instead of the idiocratic rule of majority… In that great day of deliverance, you will know what I want.

[b]Long live the revolution… revolution against the system, which enslaves not only the majority of weak-minded masses but also the small minority of strong-minded and intelligent individuals! If we want to live in a different world, we must act. We must rise against the enslaving, corrupted and totalitarian regimes and overthrow the tyrants, gangsters and the rule of idiocracy. I can’t alone change much but hopefully my actions will inspire all the intelligent people of the world and start some sort of revolution against the current systems. The system discriminating naturality and justice, is my enemy. The people living in the world of delusion and supporting this system are my enemies. [/b]

I am ready to die for a cause I know is right, just and true… even if I would lose or the battle would be only remembered as evil… I will rather fight and die than live a long and unhappy life.

And remember that this is my war, my ideas and my plans. Don’t blame anyone else for my actions than myself. Don’t blame my parents or my friends. I told nobody about my plans and I always kept them inside my mind only. Don’t blame the movies I see, the music I hear, the games I play or the books I read. No, they had nothing to do with this. This is my war: one man war against humanity, governments and weak-minded masses of the world! No mercy for the scum of the earth! HUMANITY IS OVERRATED! It’s time to put NATURAL SELECTION & SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST back on tracks!

Justice renders to everyone his due.

– Pekka-Eric Auvinen (aka NaturalSelector89, Natural Selector, Sturmgeist89 and Sturmgeist).
I also use pseydonym Eric von Auffoin internationally.
I keep thinking and wondering if this could have been prevented if there was activly more open dialouge by people like him about the frustration of living in a controlled society like this and finding out the truth. Of the research that I have been able to do, he had a myspace profile, youtube account with over 200,000 views, but I don’t know what the videos were. Just what the media is saying about the videos.

He seems to have had friends, because they posted a youtube memorial for him. It’s just somewhere along the way he saw this as the only way and I think that is sad, sad for the other kids, who died and sad for him too.

He felt this way and wanted a chance. He came to the realisation of the truth, I guess realised that things were not going to change overnight, and in his own words did not want to live and be unhappy for years.

For some he believed in evolution and natural selection and decided it would be ok to take out others, and that is just so wrong. I wish he would have written a book, or kept on talking, posting whatever.

Unfortunatly his actions will most likely negate the relavant parts of his words, and people will just remember him as a nutter, and try to blame the music, movies, video games, or gun laws, instead of looking at what he really said about why he did what he did, which was trying to make a political statement and rebelling against this controlled slave society we live in.

I can only hope that by faciliating more open dialouge and discussions about this topic, that maybe it will help other choose a different path, and make different choices that does not involve the loss of innocent lives, unnessacarily.

November 11, 2007 Posted by | Above top secret, Censorship, constitutional change, Controlled society, Corruption, Fascism, Fascist, Film, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, google, government corruption, harassment, Isolation, Laws, Matrix, mental concentration camps, mental-salves, Mind Control, mobbing, Monitoring, Movies, Music, New World Order, NWO, oppression, Pekka-Eric, Police Corruption, Police State, revolution, silence, slavery, slaves, Snitches, society, State target, Surveillence, The Matrix, Thought Police, youtube | 3 Comments

Mokeys, frogs, state control.

David Icke Secrets of the Matrix. (This is great) I found it so informative. Now you don’t have to agree 100% with it, but it’s pretty informative.

It’s six hours. I have seen about 3 hrs worth, but it’s good what I have seen. You can rent it, buy it or find it other ways. Google had it but removed it, but if you look about…

This is how the world seems to be working.
I believe this was an actual experiment that was done, but I could not find the source.

Start with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana over a set of stairs. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water. After while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result – the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when any monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it. Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he’ll be assaulted. Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one.

The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they weren’t permitted to climb the stairs or why they’re participating in the beating of the newest monkey. After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana.

Now take this a step further and apply this to society. At some point these mokeys/people go out into the world, they go into the companies, into the schools, religious organizations, etc. Social constructs that are used to keep us in line, and teach us how to fall in line. Everytime a monkey/person get’s out of line they are punished. Some monkeys/people go through life never going after the banana, never getting out of line, and so are never attacked, and so would never understand that society is like this. Then you get those who do go for the banana, whistle-blowers, activists, dissidents, those who step out of line, those who ask the right/wrong questions, publish the news stories they should not, ones that are too independent, those who do not properly conform, etc. Then they see society for what it is.

Society has various ways for dealing with those who are not conforming, or teaching others how to conform. Drugging of young school children who are too hyperactive for their own good, School bullying, workplace mobbing, community gang stalking, the buzzsaw for reporters, religious/cult harassment, social annexing, etc. Most of society at some point will learn how to fall in line, and they too will keep others in line. Many don’t know why, but that’s the way it is, and they understand that they can get sprayed with that cold water if they don’t keep others in line.

People are kept in line primarily via fear, fear of what others will think of them, or react to them, etc. Social constructs that most of us are a part of and would not wish to be annexed from. Should a monkey/person step out of line, they are then socially annexed to bring them back in line, harassed, have their lives disrupted, or more forceful means. Now we have more overt and extreme measures. Neurolinguist programing is being used to purposly sensitive people in society to everyday stimuli, then on others electronic monitoring and torture is being used.

[quote]If you put a frog in scalding hot water, the frog will jump out immediately. If you put that same frog into lukewarm water and gradually turn up the heat, the frog will happily let itself be boiled to death.” [/quote]

The same is happening with our move towards a one world global government, with a scanned/micro chipped/controlled, communist, snitching society. I mean if someone tried to introduce ID chips into the bodies of humans 50 years ago, people would have revolted, and overthrown the state. Same with the satalight surveillance, and the CCTV cameras, but we have slowly over time introduced the agenda for a global state and the frogs/humans are going to slowly let themselves get cooked to death/compliance.

As long as you just do it gradually and keep them distracted, they will be boiled before they know it. You could never do this all at once, because like the hot water they would realize it and rebel, but slowly over time, they get comfortable, slowly sedated like the frog, till it’s too late.

These blog posts are looping, but if you are like me, then coming to grips on how society could be like this is a process.

September 11, 2007 Posted by | Bullying, Censorship, Cointelpro, Controlled society, david icke, domestic spying, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, google, GPS tracking, harassment, Matrix, mental concentration camps, Mind Control, mobbing, Monitoring, Neurolinguistic, Neurolinguistic programing, New World Order, NWO, oppression, Police State, silence, slavery, slaves, Snitches, society, spy satellites, State target, Surveillence, Thought Police, UK, whistle blower, youtube | 1 Comment