Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Keep the faith

I recently came across two articles that took me for a bit of a surprise.

I admit I was a little bit taken aback when I came across the articles. The articles much like the mind games article that came out over a year ago focus on people with delusions, but this one tries to take no prisoners, it tries to go for the juggler, however I would like to see it fail and be right back where it belongs.

It’s coming out around the time of the Mark M. Rich book, which I still think is well written and should be used to further what we are saying about what is happening to us.

These articles are good because the Targeted Individual community needs to be aware of some of the obstacles we are going to be facing as we try bring more awareness about what is happening to us, to a main stream audience.

Here is an excerpt from the first article.

Psychosis in the 21st century looks something like this: You think your every move is being filmed for a reality television show starring you, and that everyone in your life is an actor.

Or you think you are under intense surveillance by an army of spies, whom you refer to as the “www people,” as in the World Wide Web, and they wiretap your furniture and appliances.

Or else you refuse to drink water because you fear that another cup drawn from your faucet will, once and for all, deplete the world’s water supply.

Those thoughts are from three case studies of what psychiatrists interested in the intersection of mental illness, culture and society are calling, respectively, Truman Show delusion, Internet delusion and climate change delusion; all of them a window, through madness, into the modern world.
Just like the other article this in many ways is also a mind game.  Now don’t get me wrong, I am sure there are people in society that might be delusional etc, but we are a community of people who know what we are talking about. We not only know what we are talking about, but in the last two years, a great deal of research has come out to show the structures of these programs that are in place. Targets have started to expose this system of control and conformity and in many ways it’s doing what it has always done, it’s fighting back.

Just like any other time period the only way to fight back is with truth and light. For the few victories that we get, they will try to limit our success, we must not let them. The information is there, we just have to gather it and try to use it to our advantage. The more information we can gather about the programs that are in place the better we are.

Here are just a few things we have learnt over the last two years.

We have learnt that the FBI has issued over thousands of Nation Security Letters to many individuals in society. We have learnt that of the thousands of National Security Letters issued, everyone received a gag order. They could not say anything without the penalty of going to jail. We now know that out of all those people that received those letters, those organisations, those entities that we are suppose to trust in many cases. Only a few fought back. To be correct I know of only three cases. One was the Internet Archive, the other was another online library, and the third was an ISP provider who won the case to not have to give up the information, but still has a life long gag order, and can not say anything to friends, family, co-workers etc.

[quote]NSL Statistics
The Inspector General’s report detailed the FBI’s use of NSLs from 2003 to 2005. All of the below statistics were taken from this report.

Total number of NSL requests from 2000 (prior to passage of the Patriot Act): about 8,500.
Total number of NSL requests from 2003-2005 (after passage of the Patriot Act): 143,074.
2003: 39,346
2004: 56,507
2005: 47,221
Percentage of NSL requests generated from investigations of U.S. Persons:
2003: about 39%
2004: about 51%
2005: about 53%
Type of investigation connected to NSL requests (2003 through 2005):

Counterterrorism: 73.6%
Counterintelligence: 26%
Foreign Cyber Investigations: 0.4% [/quote]
Why have more people not tried to speak up and challenged the system? If everyone took the same steps that these three companies did, we would all be a lot further along.

Living under the gag order has been stressful and surreal. Under the threat of criminal prosecution, I must hide all aspects of my involvement in the case — including the mere fact that I received an NSL — from my colleagues, my family and my friends. When I meet with my attorneys I cannot tell my girlfriend where I am going or where I have been. I hide any papers related to the case in a place where she will not look. When clients and friends ask me whether I am the one challenging the constitutionality of the NSL statute, I have no choice but to look them in the eye and lie.
Similar types of gag orders may well be used with our friends, family, co-workers, and others to keep hushed.

In my research I have been lucky to have a couple people here and there share with me the fact that they can not say anything. I appreciate that. The way the companies are being silenced, many in society are being silenced the same way and don’t know how to fight back, they don’t have the resources to fight back, or really don’t want to against a system this powerful.Seeing what is happening to us, can leave people feeling complacent and fearful.

This is where we can help, they can not talk about what is happening in many cases, but we can. By researching and learning more, we can shine a light on what is happening. I have had a few people express their gratitude for this, but it’s not enough, I feel that we can do more. I believe we can each do our part, but we should realise our struggle is just as great as any other time period. The only difference is the face of our opposition. In the past the oppression was clearly laid out for us, this time it’s not as clear, but just as destructive.

With the National Security Letters the main thing that I have learnt is that if you do nothing, you will get nothing, if you fight back you might still not win, but at least you have a chance. These people fought back and they won.

San Francisco – The FBI has withdrawn an unconstitutional national security letter (NSL) issued to the Internet Archive after a legal challenge from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). As the result of a settlement agreement, the FBI withdrew the NSL and agreed to the unsealing of the case, finally allowing the Archive’s founder to speak out for the first time about his battle against the record demand.


We have learnt a great deal about Community Oriented Policing programs. Many countries around the world not foster and host such programs. The community themselves identify problems that they see in the community, depending on what is happening, data is collected, sometimes a covert or overt investigation takes place, and then a solution is often presented.

There is little doubt that this paradigm in policing has captured the attention of both citizen and police, mayors and police chiefs, state government and national government officials, and has worked its way into becoming a household name.
A key debate within the central understanding of the systemic approach to policing is whether community-oriented policing is a philosophy or a program.

[quote]a systemic approach to policing with the paradigm of instilling and fostering a sense of community, within a geographical neighborhood, to improve the quality of life. It achieves this through the decentralization of the police and the implementation of a synthesis of three key components: (1) strategic-oriented policing—the redistribution of traditional police resources; (2) neighborhood-oriented policing—the .interaction of
police and all community members to reduce crime and the fear of crime through indigenous proactive programs; and (3) problem-oriented policing-a concerted effort to resolve the causes of crime rather than the symptoms.

These programs have been adapted in many countries around the globe. The structure and functionality of these programs are a potential match for some of what we have experienced.
We have in the last two years learnt that it’s become a common workplace practice to silence outspoken workers, whistle blowers, etc with the threat of a psychiatric evaluations if they don’t stop being outspoken, often about legitimate issues.

On October 5, 1998, Norm Crosty sent a letter to the labor relationsdepartment at his plant. Crosty, for thirteen years an electrician at Ford Motor Company’s Wixom, Michigan, assembly plant, complained that he could not do his job because so many of his bosses were taking the necessary equipment out of the plant to work on their homes or personal businesses.

The next day, the plant director of human resources invoked a Ford program for combating workplace violence to bar Crosty from the factory and ordered him to see a company-paid psychiatrist or lose his job.

A little more than fourteen months later, and 725 miles away, officials at Emory University cited a similar concern about violence to justify using armed guards to escort Dr. James Murtagh off university property when Dr. R. Wayne Alexander, chairman of the department of medicine at Emory, ordered him to see a company-selected psychiatrist or lose his job. Six weeks earlier, Murtagh, a professor of pulmonology at Emory, had filed a false claims suit against the university, alleging that it had misspent millions of dollars in federal grant money. He claimed the university diverted money from research grants in order to pay for salaries and trips for administrators and some staff. The specific allegations were sealed by order of the federal judge.

Crosty and Murtagh don’t know each other. It is unlikely their worlds would ever intersect, but they have at least one thing in common. They both are victims of an increasingly popular employer weapon against whistleblowers: the psychiatric reprisal.
we have learnt or at least I have learnt, that these are citizen informants doing this. I have on a personal level interacted with a few of them. I have personally provided dozens of articles about local programs, how they function, how they operate. I have spoken to at least two law enforcement officers who confirmed to me that this does exist, I have spoken to many others who deny any knowledge.


Mark on his website has a great deal of information about the structure of these types of programs. It matches the structures that I had also found in my research. Federal programs with local appendages, and then communities taking part. Various countries around the world are adapting these models.
Recently I have started to investigate fusion centers. Fusion Centers are multi level government centers with several appendages, that will be in every American city, if they are not already.

If the federal government announced it was creating a new domestic intelligence agency made up of
over 800,000 operatives dispersed throughout every American city and town, filing reports on even the
most common everyday behaviors, Americans would revolt. Yet this is exactly what the Bush administration
is trying to do with its little-noticed National Strategy for Information Sharing, which establishes
state, local and regional “fusion centers” as a primary mechanism for the collection and dissemination
of domestic intelligence.
I have also been researching the training of TLO’s. Terrorism Liaison Officers. Some great articles came out recently about these fire fighters, police officers, civil servants, Corporate Executives that are being trained to be the eyes and ears of the state. The information mentioned that they will be communicating in code.

[quote]We’re simply providing information on crime-related issues or suspicious circumstances,” said Denver police Lt. Tony Lopez, commander of Denver’s intelligence unit and one of 181 individual TLOs deployed across Colorado.

“We don’t snoop into private citizens’ lives. We aren’t living in a communist state.”

Local watchdogs

Among recent activities the Colorado contingent detailed:

• Thefts of copper that could be used in bomb-making.

• Civilians impersonating police officers and stopping vehicles — of particular concern with the pending Democratic National Convention in Denver.

• Graffiti showing a man holding an AK-47 rifle.

• Men filming the Dillon dam that holds Denver’s water.

• Overheard threats.

• Widespread thefts of up to 20 propane gas tanks.

For me personally I have had a lot of things hitting closer to home. I really feel at this stage a lot of the information gathered is hitting closer to home than I had anticipated.

I feel this way, because there have been several recent attempts to take my website offline. There was one domain name stolen which was recovered, but the domain name was purposely targeted, and a domain name company appears to have possibly been complacent with the attempt to keep the domain name.

I have had someone that I believe was deliberately compromised.

I do begin to realise that it’s the same dirty tricks. We are a generation that is learning how the state operates. We are learning this again because as we have learnt in the last two years, when I say we, I mean you my audience who read my blogs. (I hope you do read my blog.) We have learnt that they have wiped out the leaders that have come before, they have run them into the ground, destroyed their lives, hopes dreams. Many of us are now experiencing the same opposition.

Unlike what has gone before, our opposition has primarily been silent and covert, with many of the people, the agencies, organisations, political leaders we should be able to trust unavailable. We have ourselves and we have a community that is making some headway, more than I realised. That’s good, but that also means the bag of dirty tricks are going to come out, and we do have to find a way to mount up some kind of resistance, or we can choose to just sit back and let them continue to do this.

For many of us, we have lost family, friends, jobs, careers, etc. Let’s not to the best of our abilities let them take anything else from us.

I do fully believe these people want us to feel that we are powerless. That we have to take this, that there is nothing better for us, but I don’t believe that. I do believe as ever they are worried that the truth will come to the surface. I believe it can, but more targets do need to step up to the plate. Use the resources that are there. Use the websites that speak the truth, the books, the articles. Do what we have been doing, but more of it.

We really do hang around ourselves a lot, we need to go out into the mainstream arenas and be able to have credible conversations. If you don’t know how to converse, start by posting a same quote from a site that you trust, or feel comfortable using. Start by asking if anyone has heard of Gang Stalking, Targeted Individuals?
Have a main stream discussion about Fusion Centers, community policing, community action, etc. Talking amongst ourselves is great, but they own and control the media and we have the Internet as our primary resource but not necessarily for that much longer.

We need to take the battle not just online, but offline to a degree. Even if it’s to hand out flyer’s saying, what is Gang Stalking? What are Targeted Individuals? Direct people to the websites, while we still can. Mark’s book is out. You can use that as an offline resource, but we must do what we can, for as long as we can, and as quick as we can.

Keep the faith, pray, meditate, fortify yourselves. We are up against some big odds, a corrupt society that is moving towards a very big agenda. We must do what we can.

September 15, 2008 Posted by | 9/11, Censorship, CIA, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, crazy, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Insane, Isolation, metropolitan police, Monitoring, National Security Letters, one handed signals, oppression, paranoid, Red Squads, Relationships, revolution, Rosa Parks, silence, Snitches, Social Control, society, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, Targeted Individual, The Matrix | , , , , , | 4 Comments

Your government knows.

This is a two part post. The first part is to basically reiterate what has been said in the past, but to hopefully drive these points home a lot deeper.

Your government knows. Don’t believe, not a problem. For those who will believe no evidence is necessary, and for those who will not believe, no evidence will be enough.

However life is not that black and white all the time. It’s still nice to have some proof of what’s happening. If you have never encountered the concept or the idea that governments of the world are slowly coming together to create unions that will eventually merge into one big world government, then I would also want some proof.

Over the life of this blog there have been dozens of amazing links, in this post I am again going to point to a couple that I think are pretty neat and well laid out.

On the site, Mark goes into really in-depth detail about how the elite have come to rule, and who they are. Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergs, etc. He talks about some of the families, and the process that has gotten us here.

He also talks about future plans to to move towards the one world government, (communistic style one world government) and other important topics. The site is a well worthwhile read.

The next site.

Not a site that I am that familiar with, but it also explains the move to try to turn the world into one big police state. For people that are into the more everyday easy to understand x y z, this site might be a decent place to start.

The next site

Niki Raapana, she has done some really nice research on agenda 21 and also talks about the plans that are underway to turn the world into a one world government. It’s a nicely detailed site, and the book is available on her site as well.
But what does this have to do with Gang Stalking and our current situation?

It’s to help put it into perspective. Many are still operating on the delusional belief that the government is going to come to your rescue. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure that there are still some decent people in government. Every once in awhile they shine through.

The person who blew the whistle on the My Lai massacre was aided by one Congressman.

[quote]The carnage at My Lai might have gone unknown to history if not for another soldier, Ron Ridenhour, a former member of Charlie Company, who, independently of Glen, sent a letter detailing the events at My Lai to President Richard M. Nixon, the Pentagon, the State Department, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and numerous members of Congress.[23] The copies of this letter were sent in March 1969, a full year after the event. Most recipients of Ridenhour’s letter ignored it, with the notable exception of Congressman Morris Udall (D-Arizona). Ridenhour learned about the events at My Lai secondhand, by talking to members of Charlie Company while he was still enlisted[/quote]

Also let’s not forget Senator John De Dechamp and his role in trying to expose and get justice for the children of this horror. Even though he did not do what he set out to do, he opened the eyes of those who wanted to see, to some of the things that government and people in high places were doing and are capable of doing to children with drug running, and linked pedophile rings.

Then there was also Cynthia Ann McKinney

Not afraid to speak her mind, and she tried to get Cointelpro investigations re-opened, which would undoubtedly have shed a lot of light on our current situations, but lost her post, before this could happen. 

See I don’t think that they are all corrupt, but too many are, and when someone tries to do the right thing, often they are discredited, lose their post, like Senator Church did, when he finished investigating the first batch of Cointelpro. Often their investigations are stalled, ruined, or nothing comes of it, and the criminals are not punished. History has shown this time and again, and if you are still wondering why, or don’t get it, then I can’t make you get it.

Mark has a great article on his site called Your politicians can’t be trusted.

Not everyone is crooked, but the government knows, and more importantly, the people with power know. If we ever were lucky enough to find one decent, brave, well meaning person, who championed this cause, they would likely meet the fate of their predecessors or worst. I am not saying this to discourage anyone, but just to get you into a more realistic frame of mind.
How can everyone or the majority of people be in on this? That is the part that makes me want to more often than not, bring up my food. Again 2 years ago when I just started to understand what was happening, what was going on, and the source or causes for my harassment over the last 7-8 years or whatever it was a real shock to my system.

If you have read my blog, you have journeyed with me. From realising that the police can not be trusted to solve this or help, there are still good police officers out there, but either they get the system, or are part of it, trying to figure it out like everyone else. I am not going to go over the attempt to file a police report again, it was a lesson I had to learn for myself, but learn I did. I am going to go over the shock and horror of finding out that friends, family, people that I thought I could trust, were a part of this. That this is how society is.

What does that mean? It means that over the last two years, every job that I have had, about yep every public place I have attended, place that I have moved to, people that I have worked with, etc have been a part of this thing, this entity, these Citizen Informants, as Mark calls them. I still call them Snitches. I probably always will, because my first awareness of what was happening, happened due to cluing into the one handing sign language and the fact that some people that I knew to be unethical were doing it. However that did not last long, because before I blogged about it, I also noted decent people being a part of the same thing, I noticed that the stores I went into, had the workers doing the same thing, people on the train, on the street, etc. I then did the research. Found out about the snitching system, East Germany, Red Squads, Cointelpro, etc. Most of it is on the Gang Stalking website. Hundreds of articles, websites, etc that I read, trying to understand this.

Bottom-line, it’s systemic. I have explained it before. This system goes back to Roman time, remember Judas? It also happens that the British Empire, was rife with the snitching system, just one more reason to get away and come to the new world, and the snitching infection came over as well.

Since the beginning of the new world, snitching has been used. Red Squads have been later used to squash and oppress dissidence, again with the snitches being used. Also wives of cops were paid pin money for their info. Yeah keep it in the family.

Wave after wave of immigrants were exposed to these harassment Red Squads. Remember that once a snitch always a snitch and then you teach others the same, and the next generation. That is why you get such a wide range, and most likely why countries with large immigrant populations are seeing more of this. In part because of a) who get’s to come to the new world, and b) because you are more susceptible to the exploitation.

We again had Cointelpro, where many were destroyed, even after the truth came out, the murders, assassinations, false imprisonments, destruction of lives, never changed, never stopped. Even when the truth comes out, the band marches on, in part I am sure because of who Cointelpro was aimed at, but also because it came from the top.

The war on drugs, then terrorism, then something else, has produced legions of snitches, and concerned citizens informants who think they are doing something useful. (You are practicing to be your own jailers, nothing else.)

I digress, how can this be happening in just about every country? How can there be citizen informants? Why would people do this? Why would they go along with this? How can so many be a part of this? Even though I know the answers, I still ask the questions over and over again.

If this is how the society is set up, then overtime, most people will be inducted into this system.

Some via illegal acts or actions, some due to being patriotic, some bullied, bribed, some told lies. Many again believe that they are taking part in something useful, decent, most have no idea that they are a part of their own future enslavement, and if they did, I don’t know how many would care. Also don’t forget, if you were a snitch in your homeland, and you come to another country, the snitching goes with you.

Then that leaves us, the thing that I find interesting about Mobbing, Bullying, Cointelpro, Gang Stalking, the Buzzsaw, etc is who get’s targeted.

A lot of targets of these harassment’s have a lot of the same characteristics. Also a lot of us, seemed to not know about this cute system that is in place. For that matter, even when people become Citizen Informants, they don’t seem to realise the system that is in place, or what it really means, or how wide ranging it is. Most are not asking the vital questions. They are in their own little scoop, which is fine, but the bigger picture is not pretty. For those who do clue in, some turn to drugs, suicide, insanity, or just zone out, and party, cause it’s all corrupt anyways right? Easier to not fight back right, cause we can’t win, right? We still have to try, we might not win, but we have to try. It’s easy to zone out, I have had moments, cause I do realise how overwhelming this is, on top of life’s other garbage, but the end results are too important, we have to keep fighting, and trying to find a way.

It’s no coincidence that while our counterparts are being bulling, mobbed into suicide, job loss, poverty, etc to a lesser degree, we are seeing the more brutal form of this. Keep in mind many of us started with the lessor forms, and didn’t clue into the Gang Stalking, till years later.

This is how society deals with these types, this is how society will continue to deal with these types. It does not matter what field you are in, school you go to, eventually if you do not fall into line, you will be pushed out of line. There are very few people in our society independent enough, wealthy enough to make their own rules. When something or someone does come along, they are often gobbled up into this system. I like to think of what someone said about the Nazi’s and that they would kill off that 1 in 20.

Another factor is the ‘one in twenty’ theory. Apparently, administrators of jails and POW camps, etc., *find* the one in twenty, and isolate them. The one in twenty is the one who initiates action; who motivates the remaining 19; who acts as natural leader. The one in twenty is smarter, more capable, more independently minded than the other 19. The other 19 can be restrained with minimum effort; they are sheep-like, relatively obedient; are ‘followers’. Get rid of the one in twenty, and your job of controlling the other 19 is easy. Perhaps repressive regimes are actively seeking the ‘ones in twenty’ within our midst. They might find them at protest rallies; in Internet forums; etc. They are the first to be picked off. Perhaps they’ve *already* been picked off, which might account for all us sheepies, just sitting here in confusion and dismay, waiting for our ‘leaders’ to come and show us what to do to save ourselves ?

The crazy part of this for me, and will always be, that even though the rich and powerful run the system, they have no control without us. We are going to be the ones enslaving ourselves. It might be the rich and powerful running the show, but on ground level, it’s my fellow humans. You might be getting told, or asked to do this, but you are the ones doing it, and making active choices towards the fate of humanity.

I know it won’t happen, but can you imagine if everyone suddenly just stopped the bs? No more snitching, Citizen Informing, would the world really end? No, but you would miss your rumour mill, your access to be in touch and to know what is going on. I get that it’s important to know what is going on, but if the choice is to be part of the outer circle and a little bit free, not bound by this garbage, then that’s the choice for me.

It’s an easy choice for me, I am single, no dependents on this realm, a few debts, don’t care about fitting in that much, and I like freedom, and I am not willing to sacrifice freedom for security, a false sense of security at that. I also like my independence a great deal.

I know the choice is harder for others. Being a man or woman and having a family to think about I am sure is a harder state to be in. Having a home, and actually caring if you fit in, and wanting to be clued in, but it’s still a choice that we are making for the future, and it’s a choice that you are making for your families future. The world is corrupt, it’s easier in the short term to play along and go along if you can stomach it, but in the long run, what’s the price that is going to be paid.

Then there are those who like this, who really really like this, and will do anything to be a part of this, they don’t question it, they just go along with it, somewhere along the line this dazzled them, and it brought meaning, order, sense of power, belonging, they like society they way it is, they revel in the corruption of this system and would happily trade humanity, conscience, etc for a piece of this pie. More power to ya, and so they do progress.

I really believe there is no fate but what we make, even if it’s with our minds, thoughts and will, resist, fight, don’t go along with this. 

July 1, 2008 Posted by | Above top secret, Bullying, buzzsaw, changing vibrations, Children, CIA, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, Conformity, constitutional change, control, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, crazy, Cultural diversity and multiculturalism, dissident, domestic spying, driving-crazy, Drugs, East Germany, Fascism, Fascist, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Insane, Mark M Rich, Masons, mental concentration camps, mental-salves, metropolitan police, Minorities, mobbing, New World Order, NWO, one handed signals, oppression, Police State, politicians, Red Squads, revolution, slavery, slaves, Snitches, Social Control, society, Spying, Stasi, State target, Stop snitching, Targeted Individual, workplace mobbing | 21 Comments

Blue Wall

May The Blue Wall Fall.

It’s a simple prayer. It’s meant to break the silence that is currently being used to oppress innocent people. It is a prayer against the corruption that has creep in and now controls these places of law enforcement. The blue wall is protective shied, but it is also an oppressive barrier, that is used to deny justice to millions worldwide. This meditation is against that oppressive barrier.

May The Blue Wall Fall.

It’s not a prayer for harm for the individuals, but it is a prayer to end the corruption that has gone on for too long, the silent strangle hold that prevents those that would do their jobs fairly and justly, and those who would seek truth and justice from a system that has become self serving and oppressive.

May The Blue Wall Fall.

Like other systems and walls of oppression before it. May it crumble like the Berlin wall, who for years kept people enslaved behind a wall of surveillance, and state oppression.

May it fall like the system of apartheid that had for too long enslaved and oppressed a people, and a society.

May the blue wall fall like the walls of the red seas that let the innocent pass through, and fell to stop the corrupt from further oppression of the innocent.

May the blue wall fall like the walls of Jericho, with trumpets and a mighty shout, the walls fell crumpled and were no more.

May the blue wall fall like all other corrupt systems of oppression that have gone before it, and that will come after it.

It’s a prayer for justice, an end to corruption, and a restoration of decency which is missing from our corrupt society.

May the blue wall fall in all it’s oppressive glory. May it no longer oppress the innocent, or rob the poor and oppressed of justice. May it crumble from within and from without, till justice is restored once more.

May The Blue Wall Fall. It’s simple words, but the hope is powerful indeed. I hope that those who seek justice, and freedom from oppression will join in with this meditation, with this simple prayer. It’s a hope that right will be restored, and that injustice will no longer prevail against the innocent and the righteous.

May The Blue Wall fall, and corruptions reign be ended once and for all. May the just be allowed to do their jobs in due coarse, and may this oppressive, corrupt wall of silence no longer stand in the way of those who would seek justice, or those who would deliver justice.

This is a prayer and a meditation that can be performed, by all who seek an end to tyranny and injustice. It does not call for the harm of the innocent, or for anyone in fact, it just seeks to end a system of oppression and corruption that has now gone on too long, and one that has become the ruling norm throughout many of our societies. May the just be allowed to perform justice, without fair of reprisals or punishment, without fair of being ostracized, and annexed.

May The Blue Wall Fall.

I would ask all people of conscience, good morals, those who seek justice, freedom from oppression, to meditate on these simple words, and hopefully one day we will once again have a system that is free from corruption, and if not free from corruption, then at least it will not be the norm in society anymore.

May The Blue Wall Simply Fall, crumple to dust, oppress and silence no more.

September 8, 2007 Posted by | blue, blue-wall, Bullying, Censorship, Controlled society, discrimination, Gangstalking, Jericho, Justice, Laws, metropolitan police, Monitoring, NWO, oppression, Police Corruption, silence, walls of jericho | 2 Comments


The following is reposted by request. It ‘s a record of a forum conversation conducted some months ago regarding gang stalking/Covert Investigations that has now been removed. The following was a “hypothetical conversation” between GS, and BB another poster.





1. I was talking to a friend about all the posts concerning Gang Stalking and community policing, and we came up with these things that we think may help counter the stalking.

2. (Intended For entertainment purposes only, and on the assumption such a thing as Gang Stalking exists of course, so don’t take any of this seriously).

He he he he.


3. Have friends sign up for community policing, so you have some one on the inside.

4. Walk your block, any were you can have a good vantage point of the area, is were they will be, so if you see some one there, it will probably be them. (Identifying, them is half the battle).

5. Bug your own car, in case they set you up, use voice or sound activated tape recorders when ever you can, like in your home. If some one comes in while you are out, you now have a voice. Carry one under your shirt.

6. Start your own data base; always have a camera or video with you ALLWAYS. Record possible faces and cars. (You could say you are making a movie or you are an artist as a reason for always being seen taking pictures of cars and people).

7. Lead them to areas were you know there is not much traffic or people, have a friend hide with a video cam, to catch the car plates and the people in the cares if he/she can.

8. (Call the friend from a pay phone).

9. If you are set up, take as many of them to jail with you as you can (set them up, he he he just kidding). If you can’t figure who set them on you, them implicate your known enemies, as drug dealers or rats or other. If you go down when they go through your computer or diary, and there is the names of the locals you think may be involved; now they are in the hot seat to.

10. Get a friend to call and find out were they meet and collect as much info as possible.

11. Have your lawyer ask if the accuser, or accusers, are, or have ever been, a part of community policing, and if they have ever been told to follow or monitor you, then lead to how often and how many people involved. (to show stalking).

12. Freedom of information form can be filled out by your lawyer, ask to see if the local police have ever had you under surveillance, for how long, how many involved, and if community policing was used. And why.

13. Place small peaces of paper on top of your door when you close it or tie a hair across it, or place a small breakable fuse under door mats when you leave to see if they have been disturbed when you get back home.

14. Spread pepper to through dogs of from smelling around or in your home, the basement in particular.

15. Keep a diary, and make burn CDs of all video and pictures you have of them. Make lots of copies, and mail or email them to your self or friends to keep.

16. Have more than one email address.

17. When possible have other people use you computer, (with in reason), if anything is planted by the stalkers now you are not the only one that has used it.

18. Call work (payphone) take the occasional impromptu long drive late Sunday.

You don’t have to go to work they do, and they (probably as many as four cars) will all have to pay gas. (Gets expensive for volunteers).

19. Bike up one way streets, (just kidding that is eligal and dangerous, dont do it, he he he) this annoys them when they are in cars, or take your bike in the trunk then pull over lock your car then bike.

20. When they stalk you in cars they will run a box type pattern, two or three will get in front of you and then one will split to the left and right to monitor if you turn right or left one will stay in front and one will be behind you by a few blocks. You are now boxed in no matter what direction you turn. Exhaust them and there gas and resources by walking or driving a few docks in one direction then go back then reverse it, you travel less than they do they spend money.

21. When you see one of them approach them, and ask for the time, or start a conversation there friends will gather, but they are not supposed to talk to you as they may find out you are innocent and this will cause them to question there superiors, and there operation could be jeopardized.

22. If they cause you to loose your job, then you have complete control over the hours you sleep and were you go, make them follow you at three or four in the morning then switch your sleeping pattern.

23. Condition them to expect certain behavior (walk at the same time every day, go to the same coffee shop), then when you need to you can throw them a curve.

24. Be around people as much as possible.

25. Get a police background check done on your self, it costs about $25.00 then when it comes back clear use it to try to join community policing, (now they cant say they did not know you were innocent and not a criminal, in court this is a good tool).

26. Have friends get the police check done and have them join community policing, so you have inside information to confirm you are being stalked.

27. Do volunteer work in the community to improve you image and to cause the stalkers to doubt why they are stalking someone that is helping the community. And to be around people and to stay sane.

28. Don’t be a victim; use your imagination to set them up and to expose them. Dont assume there is no counter to Gang Stalking, if it was invented by man it can be broken or counterd by man.


Don’t take any of this seriously it is all hypothetical and not intended as advise of any kind. As we all know Gang Stalking does not exist. He he he he.





Thank you for the hypothetical suggestions.


Yeah well apparently gang stalking does not exist, from what I can see it was set up as disinformation to lead targets astray from these stupid insidious Cointelpro type investigations that are happening to innocent people in society.


They threw in just enough truth to make it feasable, so that when targets go to the police, who fully know what’s happening, and start complaining about gang stalking, they get their butt’s kicked, or get termed crazy, or whatever.


You have a covert investigation, where there people friends, families, employers, landlords etc, are contacted and told God know’s what about these people, and then they get asked to spy on you. Also with the community civilian snitches, who use their little Stasi signal to communicate. (How appropriate.)


If I had known when this junk first began that that was what was going on, I could have gone straight to a lawyer, and said hey look, this is what seems to be going on, can you do anything? Instead I had to spend months looking into this, to try to figure out what is happening to the targets.


People like David Lawson who wrote terrorist stalking in America are either government agents spreading disinfo, or just really stupid. Considering the term gang stalking did not come along until after his first book, and now they seem to be trying to fade out the term it’s so irritating.


From what I read about Kilmeer Gill, you know that Montreal shooter, it sounds like he might have been under watch for over 6 years. Things that were written in his blog, sound like this, and if that’s the case, they might have driven him to a state where he was capable of hurting those people. I think the actions of these covert investigation are criminal themselves. Just like Cointelpro was criminal and conducted by the government, it’s the same thing, but now they are using civilian spies to help ruin the lives of innocent people.


Do you know how many people are taking part in this, who don’t know the harm they are doing to others, or the roles they are really playing? I think that the media have a responsibillity to report this stuff, and to do investigative documentaries about this stuff, but just like during the McCarthy era, they won’t, and more innocent people will just get destroyed. It saddens me to realise that we are once again in such at time period.


With people trying to sensor this information. It really makes me very angry, that someone would censor information on something that is affecting innocent people. People have a right to know, and they trust the media to tell them.

Toronto Star 


At least some of the truth is getting through, but it’s a shame that more media people are not stepping up to the plate and trying to do the right thing. Whatever that is in our new survellence, snitch society, where everyone monitors everyone else.




What you say about Kilmeer Gill sounds possible, he did say he wanted to get away but that they wouldn’t let him, or something like that.

He sounded like he could have been Gang Stalked to the breaking point.


I don’t understand why people don’t legislate for:


1. Them to have identification displayed that could be easily seen from a distance for the safety of the people they follow and assume guilty, and for the safety of the general public, and the volunteers them self’s.

2. I am asking what safeguards are in place for the public, to show there is no abuse of power by the COPP type programs.

3. What is in place to stop them (COPP) targeting Natives or others, based on a bias or the word of someone with a grudge or even on the word of a cop.

4. Where are the neutral third parties and the transparency for the public to observe?

And question and watch them at will.

5. Where or at what point are the people targeted allowed to see the evidence against them and to disprove it to the COPP, Gang Stalkers?

6. What is the Government doing to be held accountable for the safety of the citizens on patrol volunteers, and the people they may follow, or Stalk, on behalf of the police (Hypothetical example).

7. Why are there no limits to the length of Stalking time to avoided disasters? Kilmeer Gill as possible example you have given. If the police have to have programs like COPP to Stalk or harass people for them then there should be a limit of two weeks or months. After that the police should do there own work, or have CSIS do it for them.



Have the COPP programs set them selves up as judge, jury, and executioner?

Inventing evidence when none is there to justify there existence?


The COPP programs volunteers would not be told that they are harassing innocent people, and most would not question there authority figures. They would simply be unaware that what they are being asked to do, is legal (hence the need for no identification on cars or persons).

Nor would they need to know they could be the cause of someone snapping or committing suicide, as you saw this is a real possibility. I guess it would all depend on how fanatical there leader is. All this is a possibility, so what precautions are in place?


And the problem comes when they start stalking people that are not criminals, but that may have been out spoken either against police or government or other groups.

Even a good person can be painted as a criminal when they (COPP programs) choose to use these tactics, with police backing.

I am not saying that this is the case, but Is this Russia are they the COPP programs against people having the right to answer to what ever COPP has accused them of, that may have caused the Gang Stalking in the first place?


What safeguards are in place by the Government for the public, to show there is no abuse of power by the COPP programs?


It they were to “gang stalk” people on behalf of the police or other force (just an example you understand).

I would think it would be dangerous to them, as most criminals are a little paranoid to begin with. Having them (alleged criminals) “gang stalked” on behalf of the police, would place them the citizens on patrol in danger, as they may be mistaken for other criminals or gang members.

Are these people required by the Government to wear easily seen identification on there cars and persons at all times?

Have the police ever gotten the citizens on patrol to follow or “Gang Stalk” people under a presumption of guilt rather than actual guilt?

After all the RCMP fiascos can we afford not to ask these questions and have safe guards put in place?

All of this is just wild speculation and rumor of course.

Why has no one tried to get inside there groups and expose them?

Why has no one tried to write a book outlining some of there tactics. And measures to counter there tactics (it would be a hell of a money maker).

All of this is just wild speculation and rumor of course, based on the assumption that such a thing as Gang Stalking by police sponsored vigilante type groups exists.



GS- Here is some more information on Gill and why I think he really was a target of this practice, and I think this is what lead to the shooting in Montreal. This is why I think what I do, and this is why I would like to see more media information about this.


The Trench Coat


For those with a short memory you might remember that Kimveer Gill was the young Montreal man who went on a shooting spree several months ago killing at least 1 person and wounding at least a dozen others.


Most people just wrote him off as a nut case who was into video games and mixed up fantasy with reality, a goth who hated society. For those of us who stopped to read some of his postings to gain clues to what might have happened, there is an angle that has not been discussed, that has not been talked about.


Here are some of his blog postings that I found really interesting.


Dated September 12, 2006


[quote]Stop Bullying


It?s not only the bully?s fault you know!!

It?s the teachers and principals fault for turning a blind eye, just cuz it?s not their job. You *uckers are pathetic.

It?s the police?s fault for not doing anything when people conplain (oops, my mistake, the cops are corrupt sons of whores, so it?s not like they can do anything about it.)




It?s society?s fault for acting like it?s normal for people to be assholes to each other. Society disgusts me.

It?s everyone?s fault for being so apathetic towards *ucking everything that doesn?t affect them personally. *UCK YOU SOCIETY.



It sounds like his bullying, which is what he called it, might have involved trying to get the police to do something, but it sounds like they not only did not do anything about the bullying, they also he ends with calling them corrupt. Why?


Not so outside the realm of what you might find in many other bullying cases, but here is something that is particularly interesting.


[quote]I wonder why my household has been under surveillance by law enforcement for 6 years now? Makes no sense to me!!


Oh, you?re wondering how I know?


Bet you little monkeys are

Hey, assholes!!

Everything everyone says or does against me is shown to me in my dreams, I see everything. You *ucking monkeys.


God, you humans are so inferior.





The above is taken from the trench coat site, where they have his blog postings. Now the last post was the one I found the most interesting, when doing research on this. Trying to understand if in fact the actions of others, did in part lead to the situation in Montreal, and if so what can be done to prevent it and avoid it in future.



I am wondering what guidelines there are in place for things like this, but after reading about Mahar Arar and the bs the CSIS and RCMP pulled, I realized there is no one moral at the gate. I mean they realised the man was innocent and did nothing to change the perception of his guilt and were willing to let him rot in some country where he was being tortured, and part of why he was on some list had more to do with who he had associated with in the past.




[quote]Zaccardelli says he first learned that the Mounties had passed erroneous information about Arar on to U.S authorities after a public inquiry report was released by Justice Dennis O’Connor in the fall of 2006. In September that year, Zaccardelli told a parliamentary committee that he had learned of the RCMP’s mistake shortly after Arar’s deportation to Syria in 2002. [/quote]


From what I understand after ralising that the RCMP was corrupt, they created CSIS only to have the same corruption happen all over again.


They knew they had passed on false information and did nothing to correct it, if anything they did the opposite. These are the people we are suppose to trust, to protect us and the rights of innocent citizens.



[quote]RCMP Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli breaks more than a week of silence on Maher Arar’s ordeal, apologizing for the “nightmare” that arose when the Mounties wrongly linked him to terrorism. Speaking before the House of Commons security committee, Zaccardelli denies that the government muzzled him from speaking earlier on the case and insists he will not step down as commissioner over the affair.


Several critics have called for Zaccardelli’s resignation following the revelation of the RCMP’s blunders, detailed in O’Connor’s report on the investigation.




The same thing happens in these covert investigations. I can see why they are opened in secret to an extent, but based on extensive conversations with people that are being harassed in this way, there is a lot being done to set them up so that they can look and come across as crazy. Wither it’s them being batted in public, so they can have an angry outburst, to them having their home entered and stuff moved around, or other small things that make them sound collectively crazy it’s the same thing, and there is seemingly no reason for it.


The other thing is some of these people are whistle-blowers, minorities, and single woman, people that are marginalized or independent, the type that for whatever reason the government has decided to go after. There are people that I have talked to that have said that this has been going on for 10 years, 15 years, 20 years. How inefficient would you have to be, that you need 20 years to determine if someone is a criminal, crazy, terrorist, whatever lie you are making up? Honestly.


There does not seem to be any moral force governing this, and from what I can see, have observed, and confirmed with others, the police are fully corporation with making these people sound like they are crazy when they go to the police. Eg. The police are aware of these eyes and ears programs, when I spoke to one office he had in his division 5 reports of stalking of this specific nature. The reports were apparently all from single females, and yet he was writing them off as paranoid. (These community officers know about this program, because they are the ones who are in charge of it for the various divisions, just to give you an idea.)


From what I can see it seems that a large part of society is going along with the snitching and civilian spying, but not necessarily the brightest part of society, or the cleanest. What I mean is, I have seen some people that I am pretty sure are criminal elements, who acting as civilian spies, and I am so grossed out by that. I mean snitches will sell their mothers out for money, why not innocent people?


Since this is being used to target certain primary groups, what you have said about this being used as a revenge service has a lot of merit. To this date, there is no clear guideline that I have been able to find to the length of time a covert investigation can be ongoing for, the guidelines for incidents getting reported. Eg. I mentioned targets being set up by some of these snitches/civilian spies.



[quote]1. Them to have identification displayed that could be easily seen from a distance for the safety of the people they follow and assume guilty, and for the safety of the general public, and the volunteers them self’s.

2. I am asking what safeguards are in place for the public, to show there is no abuse of power by the COPP type programs.

3. What is in place to stop them (COPP) targeting Natives or others, based on a bias or the word of someone with a grudge or even on the word of a cop.

4. Where are the neutral third parties and the transparency for the public to observe?

And question and watch them at will.

5. Where or at what point are the people targeted allowed to see the evidence against them and to disprove it to the COPP, Gang Stalkers?

6. What is the Government doing to be held accountable for the safety of the citizens on patrol volunteers, and the people they may follow, or Stalk, on behalf of the police (Hypothetical example).

7. Why are there no limits to the length of Stalking time to avoided disasters? Kilmeer Gill as possible example you have given. If the police have to have programs like COPP to Stalk or harass people for them then there should be a limit of two weeks or months. After that the police should do there own work, or have CSIS do it for them.



1. See they are suppose to be just average citizens while out on the road, they act as the eyes and ears of society, so for the snitching purpose of this, giving them identification would not work. The other problem is because there is no id, anyone and I do mean anyone can take advantage of this. If I am aware of this, who else is? Skin heads, KKK, can you imagine them baiting a target, then several of their friends reporting the incident of the crazy target? Hitlers Brown Coats, use to do this to the Jews in WWII so they could make them act out and get arrested, and now we have this in our society.


2. There are no safeguards from what I can see, because if the target of this can not give their feedback or input, then it’s completely bogus. Eg. Even when targets file police reports, the police reports are often not filed, or purposely twisted around to make the target look crazy. Also with the baiting, the target never get’s to explain why they got angry or yelled at someone. Guilty because some corrupt people say so, and the target get’s no input, and from what I can see, there are people purposely baiting targets, with the blessing of the people in charge. (From what I can see.)


3. There is nothing to stop them, and based on who is getting targeted, it looks like they are one step ahead of you with choosing whom to target. Society already has the police racial profiling people this is just one more way for them to do it and long term, until someones life is destroyed. There is no time line for these investigations.


4. Not only that, but if you suspect you are under investigation, there is no place to go, and no party to turn to. Amnesty will not help with this, and most lawyers can not discuss this, because how many have also agreed to be the eyes and ears of the state? So targets are left with no resources to clear their names. And since the media will also do nothing to help, most don’t know what exactly is happening to them.


5. They are never allowed to see the evidence against them. Just like Guantanamo Bay, So there could be tons of erroneous bs, and all the target know is maybe they can’t get an apartment, or find a job, or people are mean or rude to them, but they have no idea why. The ultimate way to black ball and black list someone, and where is the media to help them? Nowhere.


6. I don’t know about that, but if Gill was a target of this, then they should be charged equally with the death of that girl. You can not do something so inhuman to someone and then wonder at the outcome. We now recognise this in bullying and the connection to school shootings. We need to acknowledge this as well. I think the thing with these investigations is that some targets will kill themselves, others, go to jail, become homeless, or be institutionalised, and if only a small percentage is damaged every year, it does not appear that bad.


Videos: Cointelpro.


1. Youtube


2. Youtube


3. Youtube


4. Youtube



7. Because from the research that I have been able to find, and from talking to others, just like with Cointelpro investigations, the goal is to destroy the target. They did this to Martin Luther King Jr. People have to understand that governments do bad things. If the media would do their jobs, then this would be understood.


They tried to destroy that man, and when that failed, they targeted him for termination, and a month later he was assassinated.





[quote]Have the COPP programs set them selves up as judge, jury, and executioner? Inventing evidence when none is there to justify there existence? [/quote]


I think the people running this have set themselves up to be just that, since there is no input from the target. How in a democratic society can you be declared guilty without seeing the evidence against you, and have you life so interfered with. I mean these people will contact everyone in a targets life with the same lies, and ask or force them to go along with the spying. Every store a target goes into, they are exposed as someone who needs watching wither it’s true or not.


Exactly. Inventing evidence to justify their existence. If they can show that we have a bunch of unstable, criminal, terrorist people in society, then it’s funding for them. It’s reason for their existence. There is no one saying hey wait a second, how do we know it’s true? Cointelpro all over again.


[quote]The COPP programs volunteers would not be told that they are harassing innocent people, and most would not question there authority figures. They would simply be unaware that what they are being asked to do, is legal (hence the need for no identification on cars or persons).

Nor would they need to know they could be the cause of someone snapping or committing suicide, as you saw this is a real possibility. I guess it would all depend on how fanatical there leader is. All this is a possibility, so what precautions are in place?



Exactly. Then you get a term like gang stalking and it just confuses things. Eg. The target goes looking for answers and via the term gang stalking, they are told it’s these evil vigilante types that are committing this stuff. They know themselves to be innocent so of course they believe that it’s vigilantes.


Meanwhile the people doing the stalking, sorry civilian spying, see about 15 minutes of the targets life. So they really do believe they are stalking someone who is crazy, a criminal, danger to society, whatever lie they have been told. A lot of them are just trying to be good citizens.


So you have two world’s colliding. The target who is followed and harassed every freaking day gets it. They feel victimized, and they have no place to turn for help or assistance. They become a creature with their back to the wall, most will eventually come out fighting.


The civilian spies might be told to jiggle keys at someone every time the subway announcement is read out, while someone else none partial observes the behaviour. (This is how it’s suppose to be neutral and none partial, and fair.) What they don’t see, is the little trouble maker who tried to shove the keys in someones face, and upset them just 10 minutes later. Thus they get angry because they are acutely aware that they are being harassed and they don’t like it.


So from the targets point of view they are getting harassed, from the person who is observing this, the target is acting irrational. Cause they don’t see the people who tried to trip the target, while the other jangled keys in front of them yesterday. Etc. This goes on, and they take the input of the person doing the observation and the civilian spies. So it all looks neutral. I mean 7 civilian spies who don’t know the target are not going to make up a lie right? If they don’t have the whole picture, then yes that is what they are doing inadvertently, and it’s shame. A lot of the civilian spies are not bad people. They think they are helping the country.


I mean they don’t any better. They are asked to observe someone for 15 minutes, they see them flipping out, they file a report, and they never ask or question the events that came before it.


[quote]And the problem comes when they start stalking people that are not criminals, but that may have been out spoken either against police or government or other groups.

Even a good person can be painted as a criminal when they (COPP programs) choose to use these tactics, with police backing.

I am not saying that this is the case, but Is this Russia are they the COPP programs against people having the right to answer to what ever COPP has accused them of, that may have caused the Gang Stalking in the first place? [/quote]



In Russia they used this on activists and dissidents all the time to make them look mentally ill, so they could lock them away.


The other problem is they are using criminal elements to be the extra set of eyes and ears. So you have low lives, also helping to stalk innocent people. Clearly I don’t have to paint this picture for you.



[quote]What safeguards are in place by the Government for the public, to show there is no abuse of power by the COPP programs? [/quote]


In the research that I have done over the last 10 months I have found nothing. The police will not talk about the investigations or how someone get’s off the list. (I have been able to get that far, but stalled with the investigations unit.) The RCMP have a complaint process, but it’s for a complaint against a specific agent or person.


Since targets don’t have names, or a clear info about which division is doing what, who is heading stuff up, it’s really hard. Also since the police are lying about this, it’s almost impossible. Very few will admit to the program and very few will try to do anything to help targets. Most will flat out lie and say there is no such thing. (Harder for them, since the article came out, but they do still try.)


[quote]Have the police ever gotten the citizens on patrol to follow or “Gang Stalk” people under a presumption of guilt rather than actual guilt?



I think we all know the answer to this question. You have some really good questions, and you understand this really well. Hypothetically of course.


[quote]After all the RCMP fiascos can we afford not to ask these questions and have safe guards put in place?



No the truth is, we can not afford to, but yet we do anyways.


[quote]Why has no one tried to get inside there groups and expose them?

Why has no one tried to write a book outlining some of there tactics. And measures to counter there tactics (it would be a hell of a money maker).



The problem is as a target, you will not be asked to be a civilian spy, so you have to use those investigative journalist skills to find out any details.


Phones bugged, acquaintances all of them contacted, so they are all sworn to secrecy, and most do keep their mouths shut. Only a few targets have been lucky enough to have good friends clue them in.


I agree with the book idea, but because of what David Lawson did with his book, it might make targets look questionable.


[quote]Stalking by police sponsored vigilante type groups exists.[/quote]


Remember they don’t call it state sponsored stalking. They call it being an extra set of eyes and ears. It’s so nice the PC terms being used. I guess to call it the means of driving your fellow citizens to suicide, mass slaughter, institutionalization, jail, or homelessness, just does not have the same ring to it.

August 10, 2007 Posted by | brown coats, Censorship, Cointelpro, Covert investigations, discrimination, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Ignorance, Kilmeer Gill, Mccarthyism, metropolitan police, mobbing, Police Abuse, Police State, Snitches, society, Stalking, State target, Surveillence | 3 Comments

The more things change the more they stay the same.

[quote]Surveillance and infiltration are weapons in the arsenal of the state machinery-from dictatorships like Egypt to Western democracies like the United States. How else could minority elites hope to monitor and stifle dissent among their exploited and oppressed majorities? Especially in times of war, when the façade of diplomacy is lifted and the true brutality of states is unleashed, a premium is placed on silencing or crushing any domestic discord that threatens national unity. War abroad, to put it bluntly, is always accompanied by intensified repression at home.[/quote]
Why did I think it had all changed?

The cops, judges, citizens, society, why did I think it had all changed?

I mean when I first learnt about Cointelpro and McCarthyism I learnt that at some recent time in history, the authorities of our society, our judges, cops, media, politicians, and many in society had contributed to these horrible time periods, which destroyed many good people. I learned that this insanity had continued and gone on for years under J. Edgar Hoover and other men like him. So why did I think it had all changed?

A study of McCarthyism. –

[quote]The two-stage nature of McCarthyism, in which political undesirables were first identified by one agency and then fired by another, increased its effectiveness. By diffusing the responsibility, the separation of the two operations made it easier for the people who administered the economic sanctions to rationalize what they were doing and deny that they were involved in the business of McCarthyism. This was especially the case with the essentially moderate and liberal men (few women here) who ran the nation’s major corporations, newspapers, universities, and other institutions that fired people for their politics. Many of these administrators sincerely deplored McCarthy and HUAC and tried to conceal the extent to which their own activities bolstered the witch-hunt. [/quote]
Because that was then and this is now. I assumed that it had all changed, but why would it? The media from that time did not get fired, the people of that time who helped ruin the lives of innocent people and black list them did not get fired, infact Ronald Reagan went on to become president.

If anything it was the victims who remained at large, hidden, still hardly able to find jobs.

It’s not the cream that has been rising to the top in society, it’s the mean, and I guess it’s always been like that. Also those people private citizens who remember Cointelpro, Red Squads, and McCarthyism, they remember what society can do, and they would have learned their lessons about complying with this system. That is why most don’t speak up or say anything, or get out of line, they see what can happen, they are not under the painted reality that has been set before so many of us to believe.

[quote]The Espionage Act of 1917, and an amendment, the Sedition Act of 1918 made it a crime to “willfully utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States,” punishable by a $10,000 fine and up to twenty years in prison. During the Palmer Raids in the aftermath of the First World War, the Bureau of Investigation-forerunner of the FBI-rounded up 6,000 radicals and exiled 1,000 foreign-born socialists and anarchists, using these acts as justification. During the McCarthyite witch-hunts of the 1940s and 1950s, a coalition of government bureaucrats, employers, and right-wing activists hounded and fired thousands of communists, leftists, trade unionists, and civil rights activists. These legal suspensions of democratic rights, often initiated by Democrats and almost always supported on both sides of the aisle, were promoted in the name of defending national security. Each time these activities expanded the scope of state repression. Radical historian Noam Chomsky describes how following the Second World War, Senate liberals including Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.) and Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) proposed “the ultimate weapon of repression: concentration camps to intern potential troublemakers on the occasion of some loosely defined future ‘Internal Security Emergency.

-2 Not much has changed since then. Don Goldwater, son of the late senator Barry Goldwater and GOP candidate for governor in Arizona, recently called for the creation of forced labor camps for undocumented immigrants.

3 The so-called liberal media, such as the New York Times, which sat on the NSA story for a year at the request of the Bush administration, applauded the expulsion of a socialist assemblyman following the Palmer Raids. In the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the Washington Post editorialized against “hairsplitting over infringement of liberty.

“4 A new generation of antiwar and social justice activists needs to learn the lessons of the last wave of state repression, spying, and infiltration. There is far too much ground to cover on this broad issue than can be done justice in the scope of a single article, therefore I’ve chosen to focus on a few highlights [lowlights?] of the government’s intervention in the Black liberation and socialist movements in the late 1960s and early 1970s.[/quote]
Why I thought it had changed is beyond me. The first thing that happened right after 9/11 is that people the the government had hounded and tried to destroy during Cointelpro were rounded up and they tried to use them once again to destroy each other. I mean this is like years they were allegedly left in peace, and then suddenly they were back on the charts. See nothing is ever forgotten by that side, nothing forgiven. We should be equally the same. By that I just mean it’s good to be mindfull of who and what these people are.

Lillian Hellman’s FBI file

[quote]During her lifetime she was never put on trial and no violation of the law was ever noted, not even a misdemeanor. How can you withhold a document about her on grounds that it is in ‘the interest of national defense or foreign policy – your official printed reason? Miss Hellman never threatened her country; she merely irritated officials in Washington who did not like her politics or her plays.

The FBI files reveal that surveillance of Miss Hellman began by [unnamed] informants before World War II – independently and also because of her relationship with Dashiell Hammett. Surveillance was maintained by FBI informants and also by a mail watch of her correspondents and what she read.

In 1938 she was one of the speakers at a rally to support the Abraham Lincoln Brigade volunteers with the Loyalists during the Spanish Civil War. The same year she joined thirty six other authors in a petition to President Roosevelt to bar
You can be targeted for such simple things, and this targeting is nothing new, and what I failed to realise is that societies willingness or abilty to go along with such times is also nothing new. How I could have missed this before is beyond me, but I see it now a lot more clearly. It was there in the research, and in so many others ways. I just did not wish to see it for whatever reason.

[quote]It is important to realize that the McCarthyesque idea of ignorant persecution did not come into being in 50 s, but had already existed for hundreds of years, with such historical examples such as the Spanish Inquisition and the Salem Witch Hunts. A more modern manifestation of the McCarthy mindset would be that once someone has been accused of sexual harassment, they are shunned socially, whether they are finally found guilty or not. It can be applied even in a broader sense as a tendency to not discuss things openly; a local example would be that many people in Hartland did not want the book Daddy’s Roommate in the Pauline Haass Public Library. Another example would be the war over Outcome Based Education that erupted several years ago and is still going on in this district. Everyone has a different idea, and they all want to point fingers and blame, without getting the facts out in the open and discussing them coolly and rationally. Yet another example of ignorance and hate would be that many people in Hartland are against Satanism, while there are very few who actually know what it is about. It is important to realize that the repercussions of even a relatively short period of McCarthyism have long-lasting effects; during the short time he had power, Joseph McCarthy left his mark on history, which is still influencing leaders today.
So once more society has gone into Trippin mode, and we the targets are caught up in it’s spin cycle of repression and stupidity, once again. So again nothing new. What is new and that has been throwing off targets is the electronic harassment. The State has found a new weapon to play with. I guess it’s like shock treatment to keep targets in line. Just like the Milgram experiments where you get a complete stranger to shock another stranger and do it more and more. Nothing new there eiteher, you have just found a way to do this remotely. Cleaver, cleaver, little State.
When you love your country you wear these little blinders that you are not aware of. You don’t tend to realise that your country can be just a bad, and repressive as any other state, or country. We also have such a good reputation in the world, that is just one more reason it took me longer to see this. I thought surly if my country was repressing it’s citizens in such a way, it would be discussed, but then look who owns the United Nations, and who runs it. It’s like being on the highschool league of justice commity. Your friends can do no wrong and they don’t get reported when they pull the same crap that other people do.

I guess I had this naive sense of pride in who my country and society were, and refused or could not see it as being as corrupt, flawed and bad as any other nation. It’s so horrible to have this truth wash over me, and yet it’s so free. The truth will make you free, but first it will make ya miserable. So true in so many ways.

So where does that leave targets? I mean we are in a slightly different age with the internet and the abiltiy to get information out to society and allegidly the world, but this has not changed much. That is because there are no true agencies or organisations that can change this. Unless you can bring the eyes of the world to your door steps like they did with South Africa, then this is not going to change.

For example it’s not unlike the pedophile down the street who is like a cop, or firefighter, and no one wants to see that they are bad. They have a good reputation and no one wants to see the truth. Or like Paul and Karla Homolka, I mean no one wants to see that shiny pretty couple answer the door and believe that they have some drugged teenager locked up in the basement and so they just walk away. No one wants to beleive our democratic countries, the judges of the world, the good guys of the world are doing these horrible things to thier citizens. It’s like trying to get people to believe that Priest are commiting derading acts on very young children. The people that don’t know, don’t want to believe, and the people that do know, don’t say anything, or didn’t for years. It’s so horrible that such shamefull things can happen in society, allegidly under the cover of darkness, but it’s not. It’s more like a big dirty open secret that everyone knows about and no one does anything about. They just accept that that’s the way it is.

So what can we learn from this boys and girls? The State is corrupt, murdering and dangerous, it’s always been like this, and I guess it probably always will be unless someone is interested in changing it. And the biggest lesson or surprise for me is still society and the individual will or lack there of, and people’s willingness to just go along with it. I am not trying to blame or judge anyone, I mean now that I have some idea of what you have been up against, and what that would mean I am less angry, but so disappointed. I mean what happened to standing up to peer-pressure? That’s right our society practically hazes children to fall in line with peer pressure, be it drugs, sex, alchol, or whatever, they learn to do whatever one else is doing, because that is how you fit in to society, that is how you will be liked, and admired, and so they are conditioned from an early age, that this is the price of acceptance, and for the most part it is. There there are those few, who somehow managed to come up in society and miss that lesson. Who resisted the peer pressures, and the world, and so here you are, here we are, here they are.

It’s all very fascinating that aspect of it, but the rest, is as it ever was. Targets have to find a way to survive, document this time period, just like the others that have gone before, and also try to help other real targets as best as we can, by sharing our experiences.
As far as agencies and the law, I still think we have to try to make people aware of what is happening from a target stand point of view. The same targeting that has been going on in society, that we have these laws against, is being commited by our own governments. The same drugs that people are going to jail for, are being imported by the CIA a branch of the government. As long as the corruption abounds, then so must awareness abound, and a few voices saying that this is wrong and this is not the way things should be.

Hum seems like this other person had the same issues with their state like over 2000 years ago, and spoke out against the corruption of that time period, and tried to help the poor, downtrodden and oppressed. He too woul become a target of the State. See the more things change, the more they stay the same.

[quote]”Woe and misery to you scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites, you sanctimonious swindlers! You are like tombs that are kept beautifully painted white on the outside but inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything rotten and corrupt. You appear outwardly to others to be good and righteous, but inside you are full of filth and corruption, hypocrisy and lawlessness[/quote]

August 8, 2007 Posted by | Censorship, Cointelpro, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Jesus, Laws, Mccarthyism, mental concentration camps, metropolitan police, mobbing, Police State, politicians, Red Squads, Snitches, society, State target, Surveillence, Thought Police | Leave a comment

The System 2

The System. It controls all.

So when I wrote my last post a couple of days ago, I think I was starting to get this, but I don’t think I really got this. I was sitting on a bench the other day and this little Asian boy and his family passed by. He was skipping along just young, innocent, happy, unaware of the evils of the world I would say. His parents were doing the snitch patrol thing, but he was just being a kid, unaware of it all, and then I think I finally got it. (Well some of it.)

Just like I would have been this happy kid, not skipping along, but unaware of the world, and this systemic system that is before me. Much like that kid, I probably had adults in my life who were aware of this snitching system, and who were also a part of this. Much like him, I lived and grew oblivious to this system. Much like some of the other targets. The same targets who are seeing these family patterns, we are all assuming it’s something recent, because how could any of us envision a system that is like this.

At some point the targeted ones, are not for whatever reason absorbed into the Borg system, and maybe they do something that is out of line with our little controlled system. I mean I am still in the mode where I am thinking that my sensitization was accidental, but just like Mark and the other targets, there is probably nothing accidental about this stuff. It’s all used for purposes of control. Thus why they try to attach (Anchor) other sensitizations to the original one. (As was attempted with me last year.)

I would or couldn’t see this a year ago, not six months ago, maybe a month ago, but I get it now, well sort of. I think the problem is that most targets keep thinking this is brand new, most of us don’t think that something like this could exist in society and why would we? I mean we are taught one thing, and apparently the truth is something quite different. What I don’t get is why not just be honest about it?

China is pretty open about their snitching, Russia, East Germany, why all the farce and pretense, that you were not doing the exact same thing? This should have clicked before now. Red Squads (Red Squads, Protectors of Privilege) go back over a hundred years, the spying on campuses goes back over 70 years, ( This was never anything new, the only thing that is new, is our ability to compare notes. (The Internet)

When this happen to targets 15 years ago, even just 10 short years ago, the Internet was not what it was, so most targets would have suffered alone, unable to get help, thinking it was just them. Within the last few years however, with the groups that have formed we have targets comparing notes, being lead in the wrong direction by the disinfo agents, and now it makes a bit more sense.

There are no boundaries. I mean being rich or famous does not stop this. Eg. John Lennon. When he complained about being followed around in public by strangers, he said that if anything ever happened to him, it would be no accident. I just found out that in addition to his own government spying on him, my government also did. What a tag team.

I have pointed out Eminem’s most recent lyrics. [quote]The track makes references to his phones being tapped, how an FBI van might pull up and he might just disappear, or maybe get taken out by a sniper one day. He goes on to say how he is focused on writing as many tracks as he can just incase something happens, and takes it one step further saying that he has already accepted he would be killed and then painted negatively for his actions. This is the point where the track briefly references 9/11 (after mentioning tremendous tremors) before going on to talk about 2 Pac predicting his death, and JFK’s assasination – an allusion to them both being killed for being ‘public enemy #1’ in the past.[/quote] Very telling.

And of course Mark M. Rich had said if he disappears, has an accident or goes missing, etc,etc, it would be no accident.

So this explains a lot, but not everything. Why do some parents get their kids into this creepy snitch system from an early age, while others leave their kids oblivious to this?

In these little covert investigations which are part of the farce, why are some people made aware of what’s going on, while others are not?

At least this explains why people go along with this, they are facing a an all encompasing system that is corrupt from top to bottom, that has ****large chunks of society,**** which I would say are in the majority that are a part of this. Thus explaining why people do not show more gumption.

If you are one of those people not in the know, you would never get it. You would just go through life, being unaware. You would also not believe it. You would have to see, feel and experience this for yourself. Once you do, you are not likely to forget.

Mobbing? How long was this going on in the workplaces, before it started getting documented? Is it as new as we first thought or was it on going for years, without being reported? Same question goes for bullying? It does appear with our ability to share and pass on information with the Internet and other mediums that there is now more awareness, but is that because the problem is at an all time high, or because people are finally in positions to document it? The same goes for who get’s targeted most.

Is it really an increase disproportionate to other time frames, or are we just documenting the occurrences more accurately?

Finally. The nice thing about a corrupt system, it will not sustain itself forever. There is a reason we don’t have the stupid and the corrupt at the helm. The Enron scandal comes to mind.

Lot’s of people knew about this, from what I have read, it was a big open secret. Many knew, many did nothing, and look how well that turned out? The problem is, the system that supported this happening, has not changed, and if anything is probably worst than ever. Now that’s not too bad, because it’s only people’s money. What about when the stupid and corrupt are responsible for your drinking water, food supply, medicine, health care? We already see this working in our tribunals, courts, law offices, police departments. As a target you get to see the corrupt side of the tracks pretty quickly, and you understand the underlying consequences of this, but the rest of society, will not experience the fruits of these labours, the full fruit of this corrupt system till later, and then it will be a bit too late to correct it.

Just some food for thought. It’s early morning, for some odd reason the target is being kept awake, the EMF is flowing fast and free, so I thought it would be nice to share. If I can’t sleep, then I guess I can blog. 🙂
Oh and remember, think nice thoughts, think nice thoughts.

August 3, 2007 Posted by | Bullying, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Eminem, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, High technology, John Lennon, metropolitan police, mobbing, New World Order, NWO, Police Abuse, Police State, politicians, Red Squads, Snitches, society, Thought Police, twilight zone, vibrations | 11 Comments

The system.

I have a lot to update you with. The reason I don’t write as much as I should. I feel somewhat unlike before that it won’t make a difference I don’t think things will change. It doesn’t mean I am giving up, but I see the world, and more or less accept it for what it is.

Things to tell you about. Well let’s start with Mark’s site being gone. is finally off the air. I knew this might happen someday. I had downloaded his pdf file realising that this might happen. I have seen about 3 or 4 sites dealing with Gang Stalking go off the air since I have been online and when I came online, I saw people writing and asking why sites dealing with gang stalking were off the air, well now I know why.

If Mark didn’t make it, it really sucks. I have been a bit bummed out about this. I mean he’s smart, smart has to count for something right? So I don’t know, there was no update from him, since March 2006. The site was up, but I did realise that meant that maybe he had just paid in advance or something. I don’t know. I hope that he is out there somewhere, but I have seen a few people not make it, so it’s hard to say. Anyways the best we can do for each other is to preserver each others memories, so I would ask people to download his pdf and to read it and to remember him if he did not make it, and to hope for him if he is out there somewhere still.

Also in regards to this. I am wondering if anyone out there in the blogasphere would be kind enough to download my site, just in case for whatever reason it should become unavailable, at least the information gathered would not be lost. You can download a copy of this free Internet program and it will let you copy any website. Also you can get the ebook, now at

Anyways in regards to Mark one way or another, I just want to take this post to say thanks for all the information you left out there. At first some things didn’t make any sense, but as the pieces started to fall into place, it made a lot of sense. This does not happen in a vacuum, you were so right. This system that we are up against is systemic, and all encompassing. We we never looking at just a few corrupt turns or events, or a few nasty people wanting to make other people’s lives hell. What we have here is a system that most of our population is taking part in and not saying a word about. It is a controlled society, and at one point or another, most people are absorbed into the system. I don’t know exactly how it happens, because in my worst dreams, I could not have believed that society and the world was like this.

I do now know that we have seen times like this before, in countries. Hitlers Germany, McCarthyism in the States and others times. Where a whole society goes insane or get’s corrupted and goes along with this madness. In those times targets had to flee and leave, because the whole of society was going along with it. This is something that I could not understand, no it’s something I would not let myself understand or believe, because it was just too horrible to believe, but the truth has been there all along. What we are seeing, it’s nothing new, it’s been there all along. We are just seeing the outward manifestations of this system.

See when I got online, I was just looking for help with the harassment that I was experiencing. I was getting mobbed, and harassed at work, I noticed corruption, and finally I noticed the corruption extended to the human rights commission, I knew that could be right. Had no idea how I would prove it, or even get people to believe me, but in going online and doing the harassment site, I realised that I had not been the first person to notice this either. Tim Fields bless his soul, in doing his bullying site, had also noticed the corruption and just before he died, was going to start to look into it. He didn’t get the chance to, but I think he probably realised what I did.

[quote]Many targets of bullying report that they seem to be obstructed every step of the way in their pursuit of justice. The management refuse to investigate, or use an untrained investigator, or whitewash the case. The union refuses to help, or initially shows interest but suddenly changes sides. The solicitor initially shows interest but then starts acting in a manner which suggests they have the other side’s interests at heart rather than yours.

The employer’s lawyers apply for, and obtain, adjournment after adjournment, then obtain a pre-hearing review which the tribunal chairman handles in favour of the employer. In the tribunal, favour is shown to the respondent (employer) and you get the impression that the verdict has been decided in advance. Your solicitor, the respondent’s lawyers and the tribunal chairman seem to know more about your case than you think they should.
After the tribunal you’re left with no option but to privately sue the employer, the union, and your solicitor, and appeal the tribunal decision, but by this time you have no job, no income, your savings are gone, so is your health, maybe your marriage too, and there’s no prospect of ever being employed again, especially in the professions.
Sound familiar? If so, you might be surprised to realise how often this happens. Mostly it’s in cases from the education sector, although it may happen in any public sector case, for example the NHS. Occasionally, but less often, it happens in private sector cases, and in rare cases from the voluntary sector.[/quote]

Then I would also come across these great great articles and reports, which also added credence to what I was seeing. [quote]Minority women face ‘double jeopardy’ of racial and sexual harassment in the workplace Policy-makers, human resources personnel need to be aware of gender/ethnicity vulnerabilities

New research at the University of Toronto is the first to empirically document that women who are visible minorities face a double dose of harassment in the workplace – based both on sex and ethnicity.

Professor Jennifer Berdahl of the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management and Celia Moore, a PhD student, tested the “double jeopardy hypothesis” by surveying workers at three male-dominated manufacturing plants and three female-dominated social service organizations.

“If you add up their sexual and ethnic harassment,” says Berdahl, “minority women are harassed more than others.” [/quote]
The report is really long, but again it also has the same kinds of people being targeted, and the woman in this report, are again reporting the same kind of systemic corruption that I starting to see. Lawyers, tribunals, judges, you name it. At this stage however, you think, but many it’s just a few bad apples right? It’s not though. This is something that is systemic.
I would again see this at the landlord tenant tribunal, when I had to take the landlord to task for the harassment that I was experiencing. Again what I was seeing looked systemic, but I just did not want to believe it.

I would also notice that some articles online go missing. Important ones like this. Make a stink go see a shrink. An article talking about how employers are using psychiatric reprisal to shut down whistle-blowers. After what I had experienced with Carol the H/R person at CIBC in regards to her attempted reprisal to my human rights commission complaint this made sense.
[quote]Peter Downs

May 2001.
Reprinted with consent of The Progressive.

On October 5, 1998, Norm Crosty sent a letter to the labor relationsdepartment at his plant. Crosty, for thirteen years an electrician at Ford Motor Company’s Wixom, Michigan, assembly plant, complained that he could not do his job because so many of his bosses were taking the necessary equipment out of the plant to work on their homes or personal businesses.

The next day, the plant director of human resources invoked a Ford program for combating workplace violence to bar Crosty from the factory and ordered him to see a company-paid psychiatrist or lose his job.

A little more than fourteen months later, and 725 miles away, officials at Emory University cited a similar concern about violence to justify using armed guards to escort Dr. James Murtagh off university property when Dr. R. Wayne Alexander, chairman of the department of medicine at Emory, ordered him to see a company-selected psychiatrist or lose his job. Six weeks earlier, Murtagh, a professor of pulmonology at Emory, had filed a false claims suit against the university, alleging that it had misspent millions of dollars in federal grant money. He claimed the university diverted money from research grants in order to pay for salaries and trips for administrators and some staff. The specific allegations were sealed by order of the federal judge.

Crosty and Murtagh don’t know each other. It is unlikely their worlds would ever intersect, but they have at least one thing in common. They both are victims of an increasingly popular employer weapon against whistleblowers: the psychiatric reprisal.
See when you are going through these situations on your own, it seems like you are the only one that this is happening to. However, when you start to see the bigger picture, all the reports of workplace mobbing, the who is getting targeted, it makes more sense.
1) How do bullies select their targets?
The bully selects their target using the following criteria:
bullies are predatory and opportunistic – you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time; this is always the main reason – investigation will reveal a string of predecessors, and you will have a string of successors
being good at your job, often excelling
being popular with people (colleagues, customers, clients, pupils, parents, patients, etc)
more than anything else, the bully fears exposure of his/her inadequacy and incompetence; your presence, popularity and competence unknowingly and unwittingly fuel that fear
being the expert and the person to whom others come for advice, either personal or professional (ie you get more attention than the bully)
having a well-defined set of values which you are unwilling to compromise
having a strong sense of integrity (bullies despise integrity, for they have none, and seem compelled to destroy anyone who has integrity)
having at least one vulnerability that can be exploited
being too old or too expensive (usually both)
refusing to join an established clique
showing independence of thought or deed
refusing to become a corporate clone and drone
Jealousy (of relationships and perceived exclusion therefrom) and envy (of talents, abilities, circumstances or possessions) are strong motivators of bullying. [/quote]

Again the pattern of who was being targeted. The none sheeple people. (The bright, those who excel, the whistle-blower types. The other reports as mentioned above indicate also Woman, and minorities. )

What was not clear then is the fact that most of these people will not only be targeted for their smart, good characters, but they will be targeted because they are not part of this system. This creepy, zoombie, informant, whatever you want to call it system. The ones who are also getting targeted also seem to be blissfully unaware of this system.

We are not, or were not aware of this system, but more importantly we were not a part of this system, and I think that is the key underlying reason that we are being chosen, targeted, and decimated.

But we are just average people, right? So why are we being chosen? No we are not average. We are anomalies to this system of corruption, that most of the rest of society is a part of, and that is just one more reason we are a problem, or could be a potential problem. When you are not going along with a system that is systemic, and maybe you make a wave or get noticed, then that is a problem for this system and that is where it starts. The targets are chosen with good reason. We are not a part of this system.

This following is not the best analogy I could have chosen, but this is how I feel. It’s like in those zombie movie, and the rest of the world get’s zombified, and a few survivors are left, and the zombies are trying to turn, kill destroy the survivors, cause they have something that are not. Eg. They have life, brains, whatever you want to call it. Let me simplify it. In an enslaved society, no one likes a free man.

The majority of targets, all that I have encountered, were as blissfully unaware of this system, as I was. At least if they were aware, they have not said anything. I don’t think they were aware anymore than I was. Cause why would we be aware that most of society was a part of this? This cute little snitching, signally, spying, lying, corruption network? I don’t roll that way, so I didn’t think others did, but that’s naive, because I know others do. What i did not know is that most others in society do. Yeah the movie the Matrix had a lot more value than I thought. Because again, who would think that we are enslaved, not in chains, but in a very different ways, when we are taught that we are free?

I know a lot of these people don’t want to be a part of this, but I know equally that a lot of people do, and people are not willing to do anything to change this. I don’t exactly know how people get inducted into this creepy system, but I now know that it’s systemic. (I don’t even want to say it.)

At some point your kids, your parents, friends, and other family will probably be a part of this system, and they will go along with it. If you have no idea what I am talking about, then I am happy for you. A year ago, if I read something like this, I would have been like, what the heck, and probably would have dismissed it. Same thing I did when I saw the Matrix.

If you know what I am talking about, then I get why you don’t say anything and why most will not do anything to change this, but it does not make it right. Also since I am seeing it from this perspective, I can see the evil of this system. I understand that from the other side, the other perspective, many people think that this is great, and that continues to boggle my mind.

The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.

Spiritually where I am? You would think this sort of targeted systemic attack would be bumming me out a lot more than it is. I mean it does in someways, like when I see another real target off the charts it’s like a bummer, but then in other ways, I am happier and more self fulfilled than I have been in a long time.
Last year this time. I didn’t know WTF was going on. I was being burnt in my home, I was seeking help from all the responsible channels in society that we have been taught are there to help. Canadian Human Rights Commission, Amnesty International, Police etc, only to be told like other targets before me, that they could do nothing to help. Realising that the police were a part of this. Watching politicians take part in this, ofcourse being betrayed by the ex-family, didn’t help either. I didn’t have a clue as to why. I really not only felt alone, but I was alone, and to say that is was me against the world, I see now is not that far off a sentiment.

Well now I sort of have a clue as to what’s going on. At least I have what I can accept for the moment. I am still alone, but I have me, and that’s good. I am way more connected, and informed than I was a year ago. I also see that the more things change, the more things stay the same. Wither you are a target of the state that lived 2000 years ago, or a modern day target, the set up’s, slanders, and tricks of the state are all the same, and things end up just about as well for modern day targets.

Mark was also right that we have seen this evil before, past times, Salem witch trials etc. It’s the same insanity, but unlike those times where we can say it was just a small little group that did some bad things, we have a society going along with this and willing to also do some bad things to targets.
Yet truth feels so good, it’s so cleansing. Like I literally feel happier than I have in a long time. I am closer to being self actualised than I was a year ago, if this self actualization thing even means anything in today’s society.
I am better spiritually than I was, I am still not where I want to be, but much better than I was. I feel more balanced internally, and I think that’s just cause I have had to be to get through this. Now don’t get me wrong. I am still being electronically harassed in my home. I still get these electronic skin burns sometimes. (Or something that looks and feels like that.) Still you get accustomed to stuff. I am not saying I want this to be a part of my future by any stretch of the imagination, but if it’s something that I have to go through, to become who I am meant to be, then so be it.

I also realise now, my chances of finding a decent world, where there is little or no corruption is not likely to happen. It does not mean that I won’t find decent people though. I like to think that I have online sometimes. The places I blog, I get people that I encounter that I like to think of as good, so I think there is still hope, but I tend to be the overly optimistic sort.
So I am still trying to survive the best I can, being a target, does change things somewhat, but I have to believe that there is still a way to go against the grain and survive, I have to believe that. Faith can move mountains, it can part seas, and it can help all people in times of trouble and tribulation. So it’s really causing me to try and find my spiritual center. Not saying it’s easy, but day by day, I do what I can.
In someways I am a little bit heartbroken, the world is nothing like what I thought it was. It’s much more evil and corrupt, than I realised. Heck it is evil and corrupted to the core, still others have gone before, and others will come after, and the world will keep on turning. It is as it ever was, all that’s changed again is my awareness of this and my coming to terms with this.

I am trying to swim with this tide, through the tide? It’s determined to encompass me, but instead of splashing and frailing, I realise that water has a flow, it has a natural pattern, and if you are going to get through this, you have to find out how it flows, and try to let it flow around you. Else you just get caught up in the tide.
So I am trying to get my priorities in order. Survive, fight acne, and make the world aware of what’s happening. I had to upgrade the fighting acne, skin care before world dominance.
Dietary, I am actually eating I think healthier than I was last year, and I am happy about that as well. What else can be said.
Others have come and gone, the reason the information was not more readily available, is because the drones of these powers that be, monitor and shut down, or decimate those trying to get the information out. There are not enough real targets out there to keep preserving the information, so each target almost has to start from scratch. (In every generation a new target is chosen.)
[quote]Spread information
Having information is only a beginning. It’s no use if it sits forever on some shelf. To have impact, information needs to be circulated. The general principle in challenging the hoarding of information in bureaucracies is to “spread” it, namely make it available to those who can make use of it.[/quote]

My making people aware of this, will not make any more difference than those people who fought to make people aware of the scandals in the catholic church, in fact some have suffered extremely for their efforts, and for what? People still hand their boys and girls over to these men, week after week, or leave their kids alone with them. Children are still being sexually prayed upon, and the catholic church has now made investigating these instances more difficult than ever. Now all complaints of this, must go directly to Rome, courtesy of some statues that the new pope put in place. The same new pope who was responsible for seeing that that laws were in place that allowed for this cover up to continue.
People had the power to change this, they had the power to walk away, threaten to walk away until the system was fixed, and could really protect their kids, but they didn’t. Instead big money settlements were made, and again we were taught that money could cover for a multitude of sins, which still continue, as much as ever. The people who let these systems happen, have risen to power, and the innocent are the only ones who continue to get slaughtered. People had the power to change that system, but they did not. Those who fought to expose this, and those victimised by it, are the only ones who have not risen in power.
Making the world, the few in the world aware of this system, who are not aware, will most likely not change it. Because these systems in one way or another work for many people and that is why they have no desire or inclination to change the system. There is no need. If it works for you, then you have no need or desire to change it, and at some level this works for these people.
As long as they go along with it, it supports their corruption, sins, secrets, and let’s many do what they should not do, so it works.

The reason targets are so targeted is because we are anomalies to this system and just one target out of control, free, not following the status quo, can be a problem. Just like some of the young men who died via the year of the gun, once a part of this system it won’t let you leave, just like any slave society. For some reason in our blank little lives, most targets have managed to be too good, none bribe-able, nothing to black mail with, nothing to threaten with, and nothing to use to make them a part of this system, so they are sought out and destroyed in other ways, or just placed in situations with people who are parts of these systems, so they can be effectively watched and monitored.

There is more I wanted to say, but this post is already way too long. So again my situation is not ideal, but it could be worst. There are thousands of people getting mobbed, bullied, harassed, gang stalked, whatever you want to call it, targeted by a system that they have no idea about, my situation is bad, but it could be worst, cause at least I am not a little bit aware of what is happening, and I stand a better chance. So again I am going to look at the half full glass senario for as long as I can.

July 31, 2007 Posted by | black, Black female, Black Females, black women, BlackFemales, blackwomen, Bullying, Censorship, changing vibrations, discrimination, Females, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, Gratitude, harassment, Ignorance, Laws, mental concentration camps, metropolitan police, Minorities, Minority women, Minoritywomen, mobbing, Movies, New World Order, NWO, Online Stalking, Police Abuse, Police State, politicians, Politics, sexual harassment, Snitches, society, Thought Police, whistle blower | 5 Comments

A year in the life.

First off, it’s been close to a year for my survival as a T.I. Targeted Individual. Well that’s not wholly
I was was a target for years before I became fully cognizant of it. It’s a year since I became aware that I was no longer in Kansas anymore.
Realising it was the government doing this would come much later, after many hours of research, and consulting with others, learning about the history of Cointelpro and the modern day forms of this, which matched to a tee, what me and other targets were experiencing.
Finding out that my government was capable of this sort of corruption and Communistic, Stasi like tactics was the biggest shock of it all, second only to the fact that my fellow citizens are willing to go along with this.
Things like this happened to John Lennon, Martin Luther king, and at least back then you had to be semi famous for them to do this, or at least part of a cool group like the panthers, or civil rights, anti-war, where nowadays, I guess it’s those threatening whistle-blowers, and outspoken types that have to be watched, cause we could be dangerous, we could get people to think for themselves, grow a will of there own, seek independence, realise there is something incredibly wrong with a system like this. So I guess that makes some of us the new it people, without knowing why.

[quote]From early in 1972 John Lennon knew he was under surveillance,  being followed in the streets and with his telephone tapped. More ominously, in late 1972, he told Paul Krassner, a left-wing friend of Yoko Ono’s in San Francisco from the early 1960s: “Listen, if anything happens to Yoko and me, it was not an accident.”

Princess Diana 10 years ago, mentioned that she might die in a car accident, do you see the world rushing to get her justice. Martin Luther King, placed under covert investigation, marked for death an a month later he dies, even after we have documents that say this much, do we see justice for him? So if the rich and famous don’t stand a chance, and this has been going on for years, then what is really going to change now? Just curious, just a thought.
A year later still not closer to finding out my exact point of inception. Maybe as long as you are outspoken and a leader type you get a file opened automatically. Several hundred thousand Canadians did just by attending our universities and colleges over the years.

All I know is unlike what I thought most of the last few years, this monster probably began before my job with Rogers wireless/cable. Rogers however was where I first noticed the workplace mobbing, but apparently not the inception point, like I had first thought. Since this corrupt system is systemic why should I even still bother trying to find my point of inception? It the curious part of me I guess. still trying to find patient zero, where the big bang started, the moment that set it off, if there was a moment. Things like that I still need to know, the micro stuff that affects me, and not the macro stuff that affected everyone else.

I do now know that people along the way used the situation to further set me up. To make what was a bad and unspeakable situation worst. Eg. CIBC. I had Stephen Snell a manager at CIBC who consistently brags about his friendship with our current Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. (He does actually know him.) He lied or misconstrued an incident at work. As far as I am aware he took something I said purposely out of context to try to frame me and me it look like I had said something threatening to him or violent when I had not. Like how low can you go?

At the time of the incident I sort of had some inclination of what he was doing, this is way before I learnt about how targets of these sorts of investigations are routinely set up. I sent him an email so that he was very clear about what had been said, and the context it had been said in. However my understanding is he did not make any attempts knowing this to get the matter rectified, and since I was not suppose to be aware of this, it was hard to follow up on this.

In retrospect since working at other jobs, I have now learnt that the mobbing I was experiencing and constantly complaining about was purposely being done and coordinated. That was shocking, cause I had no idea when I was working at CIBC. Purposely being done, to create a self-fulfilling situation. My fellow sheeple going right along with it because they were asked or told to. That is messed up, and not just asked or told to by anyone. They are doing this because they are part of these programs. That is just so wrong. Looking back, some of the things people said, and the way they did stuff, now make sense, but there is no way, I could have figured this out, or believe it. These are the sorts of yes men, and woman at the helms of society.

The other factor that is still creepy and hard to understand at times, is that via directed conversations about things that I had done or said, very specific things, these people knew what was happening inside my apartment. I suppose I am suppose to be impressed by the scope and the power of this, but I am just not. Even with everything that’s happened, I just think it’s so sad that there are so few in our society with any balls of their own. Any minds of their own. Any wills, any courage, any gumption. It’s just leaves me even less impressed. I guessed I learnt a long time ago about who to fear, who had power, and who was really impressive, and unless you meet those standards, you are just so not it.

Hindsight is 20/20. A lot of things people said, did, why they were scared of other certain people, I just could never get it then. When you are not aware of this stuff, there is no way it’s breaking through. Your mind just does not work in this corrupt fashion, so how could you ever become aware of this stuff? I was lucky. I know it seems weird to use that word to describe my present situation, but I guess in a way I was. I had something super duper weird happening in my life, it was ongoing for years. I knew the people around me were taking part, but could never figure out why people were going along with whatever was happening. Remember at the time all I was aware of was the mobbing, the harassment outside of work, and that there was some super duper, nasty stuff being said about me. I had no concept that the world was like this. (Don’t know why, the bible does mention that the world is corrupt, Jesus was a target of the state, and Judas did spy on and betray him.)

Wanting the truth badly enough was the lucky part for me. Opening myself up to the fact that when the truth about whatever was going on came out, it was going to be pretty big, encompassing, and a lot of betrayal would be uncovered, this I knew. The rest I could never have imagined.

Before I figured this out I knew my Internet activity was being tracked. I knew this because again things that were of a personal nature were making their way online, and there is no other way it could have been happening.  I started to suspect internal monitoring, so over time I did little things, said little things, and in time had it confirmed. I don’t know what was more creepy, suspecting or finally knowing. It was not just the people at work, seems a few of the people in my community on my street were aware of what was going on in my apartment.

Since then I have learnt all about technology that can listen through walls. That these creatures Suburban Spies seem to have a network, that they like, use, to communicate with each other. (If you didn’t like it, and it didn’t work for you, you would just not be a part of it. I honestly believe it works for these people and that is why they are a part of this. Everyone else is doing it. That mentality. It’s that simple.) It’s also how our society is, but unless you see this in action, you just won’t get it. I still have trouble wrapping my mind around this, some days I get it, other days I just don’t. I just don’t see how our society could be like this, how could I have spent so much time here, and be unaware? So sometimes I get this, then other times I don’t.

Later on at CIBC, just before I quit. I noticed that people would call in, which is normal, but in the course of the conversation, I noticed something that I had not noticed before, and do not believe or think too much was being read into the interaction. I notice what I guess might be called a form of nuero linguist programing. I had not heard the term at the time, but I think this is the likest scenario to what was happening that I have been able to find. They would call in and in the course of the conversation get you into a series of yes responses. Our scripting on it’s on did this as well, but this was something else. It was like you were blank and just mindlessly responding to programing? It’s hard to explain, you would just mindlessly give a series of yes responses, but normally not be cognitive of it, but just before I left, I became aware of this. It’s almost like being programed or something. I never noticed it for most of the two years that I was there. I know some workplaces use nuero linguistic programing, but the way it was being used in this circumstance, I do not think could have been on the up and up. I really don’t know how to articulate it very well, but if it can help someone else, then this was happening, and more than likely is still happening.

The freak show at my home, and at work were a bit much to handle, so I quit and spent the next ten months doing research to try to figure out what was happening. The research is online where most of you can see it. It involved talking to the police, Amnesty, crisis centers to see if they were getting reports of this type of stalking harassment, centers for the marginalised, reading articles, talking to other targets, however I would not get a clear picture until the ten months were over and I went back to work in the real world. That was an eye opener for the scope of this thing. It’s systemic. There is no getting your name cleared really, cause this goes from the bottom to the top. That’s the part that’s hard to wrap my mind around, is that large chunks of society are part of this. From what I am seeing, we are at over 80% if I go by my ex family. We are at 100% capacity. My job immediately after CIBC again 100% capacity taking part in this. What I see on the trains is 90-95% capacity. I always give the more conservative figure of 80-85%, but what I come across is really 90-95% capacity. Again however this has changed since last year. So again as a target what I see, might be a larger concentration than what is actually happening in society. I hope so, but I am doubtful. If this is the case, then getting my records cleared and this stopped, is not the likely. Least not without some spiritual interference. Yes I do believe in a higher power.

During my time of doing research if you will all recall, that is when I was introduced to the fun world of electronic harassment/torture. I spent most of last summer, fall, winter getting accustomed to being electronically shocked, burnt in my home. Unable to believe that stuff like that happened, could happen, and did happen in the world. Not only was I being monitored like an insect in my apartment, my neighbours were taking part. My landlady knew what was going on, and had for some time. I judged these people so harshly back then. There was no way I could understand the scope of this, not back then. I do now sometimes, but then it goes cause I just can’t believe that this much of society could go along with this. I grew up with these people, shared the same culture, music, movies, books, mentally? Yet they are willing to go along with this? I guess I have always lived in the world, but not been of the world. The bible recommends this cute little thing, about living in the world, but not being a part of it. The more you live this lifestyle, the more you understand what that means.

I guess the wills of my fellow humans were bought and sold a long time ago when they choose the things of this world. The giving in that was just so comfortable at the time. Doing whatever anyone else was doing. A lot of real targets don’t seem to fit this bill, or have anything that the world could use on them. Nothing to threaten, bully, or bribe them with, and so this seems to be what is being used to systemically destroy them. Yes there are people in the world that are still not aware of this, and there will be again.

I recently started listening to one of those speakers who know all about the New World Order, Illuminati. I admit that I had avoided listening to them for the last year, because I just wanted to get my mind around some of this stuff first. The whole secret society stuff took a back seat, I had so many other things to try to understand. I had heard of Free Masons, and each time I tried to research them, I just for some unknown reason, keep thinking they were carpenters or something. Seriously. I knew they were like ancient, and they would pass their craft down the line, and that others joined them to be successful, they helped each other but other than that, every-time I heard the name, I was like, oh that carpenter society. For some reason every-time I tried to learn more about them, that is as far as I had gotten. A year ago I didn’t care about secret societies. I still don’t. Even if they rule the world, I still find it hard to care about their business, except for where it affect my world, that’s where I care.
I mean I get now that there are people trying to make people aware of how entrenched these people are in society and that they are in positions of power: judges, police, politicians, and other important people in these systems of power, however the average citizen if they are like I was a year ago are not getting this. You can say Secret Societies, Illuminati, Free Masons, Secret Cabal’s, and it just does not register. We don’t think that way, so this is not the best approach for waking the world up. The unaware if you use this approach will probably remain unaware, even if it pertains to them on some level. Remember after starting to be aware of some of this stuff I watched an AOL video, one of those famous movie directors was all like the world is ruled by a secret Kabul. It registered with me because I was more or less aware, but I don’t know that the average citizen would get that or interpret this, our minds just don’t work that way. Afterwards it’s another story, and then when you look back at stuff, it’s like oh. Hindsight is 20/20. It’s like when you are innocent and people try to tell raunchy jokes, you just don’t get it. Your mind does not work that way, afterwards, it’s like oh. Most people trying to make others aware do it on a level that the aware can understand, but you are not reaching the sleeping, sheeple people, at least not to the degree in which you need to, and not fast enough.

I know I did not care about secret societies and still don’t, but if you can link in average things, and then build to the connection to this, more average people might just get this sooner than later. Just a thought. Not that anyone would really want to get this.
I was not sure if I should make this several short posts or one really long post, but things seem to get lost in translation with really long posts.

Electromagnetic energy. Seems not only is this being used to track targets in their homes, at work. They seem to be using it to track heart rate/beat, and vibrations. It might also be getting used as a blocker on some levels, like a sort of jail cell for some functions if that makes any sense. To stop us from tuning into  things that might be of use to us. Things that might help us gain information. Also the EMF-(Electromagnetic frequency vibrates targets at their level not your own, which is not healthy. You can feel it. Maybe this video can help you understand what I have been thinking about. (In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God? Where did he get sound from? Can’t find it in any translation. Still the stuff he says is interesting.) So if they use EMF on targets it could be with the intention of throwing off our vibrational patterns and causing illness over time, not to mention it makes it hard for us to sleep. Needless to say, as a target it’s important to find a work around for this.

I don’t know if David Icke will end up being a disinfo agent or not, or even an accidental disinfo agent, but I think the things he says are interesting. Not so much the lizard stuff, but the Matrix stuff, and the multidimensional stuff, also the stuff on electromagnetic frequency. At a time when I am trying to understand this stuff, his stuff seems to have crossed my path.


The other thing that is interesting that I have not written too much about is the ability of these people to remotely control electronic devices. Now I figure it’s some sort of powerful universal electronic remote control or something similar, wither it’s something on the market that the average person can buy, or not I don’t know, however, these are objects that I have seen that have been remotely manipulated.

Eg. DVD player, portable CD/tape player, computer, fridge. Stuff like things turning off and on remotely. Stopping on their own remotely, like this has happened over a period of time, observable, repeatedly. I have been able to observe it, and have enough of my stuff tampered with, till I feel comfortable writing about it. Other targets have mentioned this, but it’s something to see it on your own.

So getting things turned off and on is something that they can do. I don’t know if any universal remote controls on the markets can do this from the other apartment, but I have seen enough to say that this can and is being done. I just don’t know if it’s something the average person can get, or if it’s something a little more off the market.

When I lived at home my neighbour had an electronic door bell, we got the exact same one or similar, and whenever our door would ring his would also and vise versa, so things can work on the same signals from wide ranges, and the door bell sensor worked through walls, but a type of universal remote control that controls most electronic devices don’t know. I have not looked into it. For me it’s enough over the last year to say this is something that other targets have reported, and that I am reporting. I don’t think it’s anything spectacular, it’s just one more thing to piss targets off, when their electronics stop working, or start messing up.

More fun. After doing some groceries, where the S.S. still try to find out what I am putting in my cart. I assume this is so that they know your buying habits later on if they need to this will come in handy. That rare product that you buy that no one else does. I had to wait for the train, so I got down to the platform. Everyone got in positions on the platform. The SS take 2 each per train care minimum. It was crowded and I wanted to see what would happen so I waited for the next train, it was out of service, so was the next one, until the suburban spies were all in place again. In the course of 45 minutes to an hour, there were 7 trains out of service. That’s an exceptionally high amount of trains out of service, in a short space of time.

This is again the one thing I don’t know. From what I see, it looks like most of society is taking part in this, but that’s only when they know where I am going. The few times, where I have taken unexpected turns, which doesn’t happen that often, it’s like they need time to get the people in place. Otherwise I see the large concentrations that I am always writing about. So that does beg the question of the scope of society that is taking part in this?

Eg. The seven trains that were out of service over the 45-60 minutes that I waited to watch and observe, could very well have taken on passengers at the next stop. So except for the girl that was also waiting for someone at the station, no one else would have noticed this, or even been aware. Eg. The suburban spies would not be aware that there were seven trains out of service in a short space of time cause once in place, the train would come that batch would go, and be done. At the next station if the trains that drove through as out of service at my station went back into service, it would hardly cause a delay and no one would notice. If someone was waiting at the other station, they might just see a brand new in service train. Don’t we all just love those? So what the target experiences and sees in a day, could be very different conceptually than what is happening. For me, I have been taking the train for years and I can not recall seeing seven out of service trains in a 45-60 minute period. The few times that I have had to sit and wait for someone you see maybe one or two, but not usually seven out of service trains. Even with delays I don’t recall ever seeing that many, and I have been taking the subway for years.
Things like this must waste money, and for what? So that was interesting to observe. It does not take a lot of effort. Now I was going to stay there for a few more hours and let them waste more money, cause I love doing that to them, but I had things to do, so I found a workaround. Thank God they are so robotic and stupid.

Again as a target, what I am seeing is phenomenal, and encompassing, however this does not necessarily mean it’s an accurate depiction. I can say that my environment is being manipulated, but to what degree, I have no idea. Eg. It’s very possible for these people to set targets up in this way so we know that we are being stalked and manipulated, but the rest of society has no idea what we are talking about, again so it gives the perception that the target is loony, but the targets environment is being manipulated. So the average person again sees what, 15 minutes of this, where the target sees 24/7 of this?
Eg. Most of the time at was at CIBC, I could go to the washroom facilities alone one one would be around, I could take the elevators by myself and no one would be stalking me. I had moments where I could go to the park, and I have memories of being by myself, so even though this was going on, the monitoring at close range seems to have happened some time near or around the Stephen Snell incident, or right after I decided to file the human rights complaint. Although the Snell incident seems to have been orchestrated because I decided to go to the human right commission, and because a manger at work, had finally pointed out the harassment that was happening. Again how can someone set someone up and that person has no recourse, because someone else decided to lie? More importantly I am not suppose to have been made aware of this. Doesn’t make any sense to me, but then this does not have to make sense, lies do not have to make sense. The only thing that has to make sense is truth. If that makes any sense. The point is, after this stuff came out into the open at CIBC, that’s when I noticed the being followed at close range in the elevators, washroom areas, and that’s when I have noticed the monitoring at close range. So even though I was being observed previously to this, it was at none close range, if the apartments around me can be considered none close range.

So although this is a lot of ground to cover, I don’t want to do a billion short little posts. I hate long post, but you will just have to read through this one somehow.


The freaking looser Suburban Spies seem to be spraying what I think might be bug spray, or something at nights when I am suppose to be sleeping. You can hear it, and the other day I walked into one room in my apartment and it was very noticeable and so gross. Had to close in the door. I know other targets complain about this consistently, but my only other experience was at Christmas time at the other apartment. 

Decided to associate with the betraying family, there was some people that I had not seen for a while. The whole thing was there, but afterwards, I could not help but notice that the whole thing seemed so staged. Again i wanted to attend one location, and they all wanted to have the location moved to a smaller more controlled location. Then ofcourse we had the Suburban Spies all take up their position in 30 minute shifts. After the gathering I left, but could not help but notice how empty the whole thing was.

I sat on a side lane street shortly after this to just think. Houses are situation on just one side of the street. As I was passing up the street the house three doors down had one Suburban Spy there, with her son on a bicycle. Then a short while later after I sat down a few houses over, one came down to walk past me, then a few doors further up another one came out to water the lawn. Then later another one came to walk up the street. Then after the house where I was sitting a man came out, looked to see what I was doing, I had been almost expecting him. I had looked back several times, and I had not seen anyone peeking through the window, or anything, or even felt that I was particularly being watched, but there he was. I looked back he realised I was doing nothing but sitting there, went back into not the house he came out of, but the joined house beside him. Don’t know if he owned both homes or what, but that should give you an idea of what the target observes perceptually. At no point was I alone, or out of sight.
It seems that wherever the target is, the little S.S. (suburban Spies) my fellow citizens get some sort of neighbourhood watch alert goes up. I know my cellphone was used previously to track my whereabouts, and now it’s my laptop, but they are pretty good on their own even with this stuff out of the way, not perfect however.

(Hey this is freaky, I am watching this video as I am typing and and it just talked about a Faraday shield.) It said something about a captured alien. (I don’t have an opinion on aliens.) However this is interesting, according to this, they kept the alien in a Faraday shield, because it blocks or prevents the transmission of electromagnetic energy. Apparently aliens can disappear through walls and by preventing this transmission of this energy, you can prevent them from doing this. Don’t know about aliens, currently don’t have an opinion, but this is going back to my other question. Why is this electromagnetic thing being used? I mean I know it feels torturous to the targets, and the S.S. (Suburban Spies) use it for monitoring and tracking purposes, but is there more going on? Eg. Like does infact as some sort of a blocker for sending and receiving electromagnetic energy. I had just talked about this on the forum a few days ago. I really have to do some more research on this. I just thought it was cool, that as I was writing this post, something else popped into the fore front about electromagnetic energy. Interesting.

I guess I will cut the post short and go do some research. So if anyone has any ideas, or feedback, feel free to holla back. I guess you are getting one long post, but I will try to clean it up a bit.

July 8, 2007 Posted by | Bullying, Censorship, Cointelpro, Cultural diversity and multiculturalism, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, High technology, Ignorance, John Lennon, Laws, metropolitan police, mobbing, New World Order, NWO, Online Stalking, Police Abuse, Police State, politicians, Politics, Red Squads, sexual harassment, Snitches, society, Stalking, State target, Syncronicity, telecommunications, Thought Police, whistle blower, zero tollerance | 1 Comment

Out for a walk.

So I went out for a walk today. It was really nice. This month has been all together just so nice. The sun was just the right amount of warmth, and it was just so beautiful. It’ the sort of day you dream about, maybe I did. I went for a walk cause I am offline today. I woke up and my telephone and Internet were just gone. It was like ok. I really needed to get some stuff done and the last while has been sort of problems with the Internet and things like that.  Plus there are all these other weird things happening with my phone line it’s hard to explain. Like yesterday I called someone from one connection, they could not hear me, so I called back the same number on the land line and ofcourse someone completely different answered the phone. I could see that I had dialed the right number, but I called again same thing. Plus sometimes the phone upstairs in my neighbours home rings, I hear nothing at my end in my apartment, but then I get a message on my answering machine.  The phone company has offered to look into it and to try to bill me if the problem is on my end. Government covert investigations, what category does that fall into? Anyways I hope they get the problem fixed soon, but then I don’t. I really enjoyed my time outside today.  Plus since the phone going dead without any dial tone was what would happen at the other apartment I am sure it’s being done from the same source. I understand this is outside of the guidelines, but then so is everything else, however it’s something that should be getting reported, so here it is. From what I understand there are guidelines that should be getting followed and cutting off my phone/Internet service is not one of them. So many targets report these sorts of interferences. Sometimes you just have to watch them in action and see the stuff that they do, and come up with. They get the stupidest creatures working for them, and with them sometimes it’s just frustrating, but that’s the idea. Oh well.

It’s weird you know it feels like the world has changed, but then I realise that it has not.  The world is the exact same as it always was, the only thing that has changed is my perception of it. People snitching, spying, betraying, lying it’s all the same as it ever was. My awareness is all that has changed. The world is as it always was. I don’t know if that’s  a good thing or a bad thing, but that is where it is.

I had gone for a walk the other day as well, and it was so nice, people, children the park I walked past, it all seemed so nice, but in the back drop their is this knowledge. It’s almost like in T2 (Terminator 2) You see Sarah at the park with the kid, and the swing, then you see the other Sarah, the one who is all too aware of the danger and the destruction that is about to happen, and then you get that really cool nuclear war scene. It happens so fast. I am not exactly expecting nuclear war, but my city for me has changed. I mean we are nothing better than the Stasi’s were. People lying, spying and betraying each other.  Then there is still the other scenes. People living their day to day lives. Some maybe not snitching and spying, some maybe not even aware of these happenings, like I was not just a year ago. That anniversary is up and coming. A year of being aware of this weirdness. I don’t see how targets do this. Some for years and years. I guess I understand why some opt out of the game, or change sides, or just lose it. Anyways for today the world is just so beautiful and wonderful.

I decided to take some time and go to the park. I wanted to write and update you, my people out in cyberspace. Offline it’s like cat has got every-one’s tongue, and online it’s just so different. Some people can actually talk about what is happening, offline it’s harder. No one knows who they can trust, and they are scared, or happily going along with this, leading their little existences, hoping to stay off the radar of the powers that be. Knowing this time is coming slowly, but surly, like a woman who is about to give birth, the contractions of this end time, will start to come closer and closer together, till the moment is here. I think that is sort of how the bible described some of this stuff. It’s all making sense. It never does at the time it’s all written down, but prophesy unfolding is a pretty neat thing. One world government, global dominance, and a snitch force to keep everyone in line, mini contractions of this system that is soon fully to be born. People giving up their wills, and worshiping or bowing down to whoever and whatever. Yep humans pretty much do not change.

Back to my day. So I took a walk, it was a wonderful walk. It was a walk that was straight out of a dream. It was just so nice. It was like I had walked it before. It  was just so familiar. I felt like I knew what would happen along the path I don’t remember dreaming about the day or how it would be, but it was more like a feeling, like I knew what would happen along the path.

I knew that when I walked down a specific street, it would be like I would run into an old friend, and in a way I did. I expected to find this specific store at a certain point and there it was. Remember this is a path that I have never walked before, but I knew it with such certainty. Then after I left the store, I just realised or had a sense that I was going the wrong way, so after I changed directions, I walked the other way. I wound up in front of a police station. Today I was suppose to follow up on trying to get the reports filed, I had called and left a message yesterday, to say that I would be calling back today. So I really did not want to go in face to face, I mean we all know my wonderful journey thus far, and I was just going to walk away, but I had the strongest feeling that I was suppose to go in, you know, like I had already done this. So I bucked up the courage, I did not have any of my notes with me. I mean I didn’t have the report printed out, so I could not just leave a copy of that with someone, which is the advice I received last week. Like I said I would have walked away, but it was just so familiar, just like everything else on that path. I have heard people describe this before, I think I have forgotten a lot of this spiritual stuff that I know on the one hand. So anyways I went in. I ran into this really youthful looking officer. He really looked very young. However he seemed really nice. Now I use to think I could tell if  people were good or bad, etc, but ofcourse the last year of my life has taught me differently. Remember I was the one with everyone in my life helping directly or indirectly to ruin me. Most of the people I thought I knew or sort of trusted were a part of this, however  he just seemed so familiar. The conversation flowed more or less, and to make a long story short he is going to try to update the report from December. The one where office Broker really messed up the report that I filed, and based on the stuff that I have seen, and that has happened to other targets, probably intentional.

So anyways I have no assurances that this officer will do anything different than the others have, I did not do all the things that I know that I am suppose to do when interacting with the police force, since I realise that targets are not able to trust the people they were taught to trust. I have no guarantees, that he will do anything different. My guarantees are his word. Are people’s words worth anything anymore? He seemed really nice, but then so do a lot of other people including sociopaths, and pedophiles, that’s why they are able to get away with that stuff for such long periods of time. The main thing that I am going on is that it felt like what I was suppose to do. No more importantly it felt like something I had already done, and the physical here and now was just this formality.  There were these awesome flowers out on the road today, nothing out of the ordinary, but how many times have I stopped to smell the roses in the last year? It was just so nice to do that today. I really don’t know how I manage to spend so much time inside. Yet I do.

I am going to cut this post short. I am in the park and I am out of juice or soon will be. So all I have is my own sense of this was what I was suppose to be doing today, and the word of a really nice looking youthful officer, who seemed sincere, but don’t they all. So we will see what we will see. Anyways, I am going to enjoy the rest of the day, and the moment I am back online, or get to a cafe, I will get this cool mellow post out to you.

Peace out.

June 22, 2007 Posted by | Censorship, Dejavu, Gang Stalking, government corruption, harassment, Ignorance, Laws, metropolitan police, New World Order, NWO, Online Stalking, Police Abuse, Police State, politicians, Red Squads, Snitches, society, Stalking, Syncronicity, telecommunications, Thought Police, whistle blower, zero tollerance | 4 Comments

Corrupt to the core.

Trying to get my police report updated still.
The nice thing about the police here in this city is that if you file a complaint with them, they get to investigate themselves. That’s right. If you so happen to be unfortunate enough to cross paths with the police and they mess you over, and you file a report, it goes to an independent body who then forward the complaint to the police who then investigate themselves, and send it back to the independent body who then forward it to you.
Isn’t that nice? The mob should have such a system in place.
Ok here is a recap for all those who are not familiar with my situation.

Found out that I was being followed around the city last July, after about 6-7 years of constant harassment, found out that this was coordinated and set up in such as way as to see me destroyed.

I would later find out that this is a covert Cointelpro type investigation that is being orchestrated by the those in authority.

Before that I found the term online called gang stalking, which at the time explained these events, but tried to pass the events off on vigilante groups. Turns out gang stalking is more than likely a disinformation term coined to throw people off about what was happening to them, more importantly who it was being done by.

What is happening to me is similar to the movie lives of others where an innocent person is placed under covert investigation, and the state tries to ruin them by degrees. I am not alone in my predicament, this is happening to many others in various other parts of the country, and the world.

This is my saga thus far.
-December 2006.

After many months of researching gang stalking and talking to others who had tried to file police reports about the same thing, I was told that the best way to file the report was in person.

-I was told that to try to do it in writing, and to get a copy of the police report and a reference number after the police report was filed.

-Filed a police report regarding the covert harassment that was being experienced.

-My first attempt to file the report was done in person with an officer. He refused to let me drop off the notes that I had and said that notes had to be taken, and he did not give me a report number. Asked when I would hear back about the report the officer advised that it might not happen.

*Knowing what I know now. I would say the first mistake was going to the police. When this is happening to you, go to a lawyer first, explain what you think is happening and then see what they think you should file in the report. The trick there is trying to find a good lawyer who will touch it. The other thing that lawyers have advised is hire a private investigator, but many targets have spent time and money on this road with no avail. Many of these PI are themselves helping out with these eyes and ears programs and so again conflict of interest. Finding a honest or decent person who is aware of what is going on and who does not have a conflict of interest, or vested interest is hard.

-So after finding out that the report was not filed I attempted to file the report again, and they insisted on doing it over the phone. I would later find out why.

-After I filed the report and no one got back to me. I called and spoke to an officer John Poirpoint at 13th division. The same officer who had five complaints of the same stalking for his area. (The other complainants all being single females, living by themselves.)
I asked why the report was not being investigated? He said he would have to call me back on Monday. Never heard back, tried to follow up, couldn’t get a hold of him.

Eventually I did get a copy of the police report that I filed. Office Badge #3447 filed a chop job report. Many of the things I explained to hear and the way she wrote them, miswrote them, or just inserted her own info, made the report sound crazy.

Eg. I advised officer Brooker that there was heat coming from the floor below me, and it was causing vibrations. I advised that I had spoken to an electrician, who thought it might be transponders or something like that. I did advise her that my upstairs neighbour seems to know where I am at all times in my apartment, as if I was being tracked.

She wrote in the report that

(I think magnets are being used to track my movements.)

Didn’t mention magnets to her. There are several other examples where she decided to insert, not insert, or just insert her own stuff. Very nice the things our officers get up to.
Today.- So since that time realising that they are corrupt, I have just been speaking to community leaders, other targets, lawyers, other activists that are being harassed this way, and of course the police.

I did have some luck about a month back. I spoke to one officer who I advised what was happening and wanted to know if I could get off the list. He advised that he did not think that I could get off the list, but he would let me speak to the investigations unit. He is the most success that I have had so far. Acknowledged that citizens are being used to track people, and that he didn’t think that there was a way off the list.

The person he transferred me to was not so helpful. He said he didn’t know what I was talking about. So I read him the article that came out in the paper, and that shut him up with the denials, but he quickly got me off the phone with he didn’t think there was anything he could do to help. That was the police investigations unit.

-Today I tried to follow up on some information I dropped off last week.

Memory refresher. During my talks and chit chats with the police, some helpful some not, I discovered that they had a report of some kind showing up that referred to an arrest for a fraud from several years ago.

What had happened was I was stopped on the street. I was told that I fit the description of someone who was passing out fake bills in the area. (I would later learn that the person was about 20 years older, looked nothing like me, but had the same color coat. Yeah fit the description.) Anyways officers Redman and Braudrey decided to file a report and apparently the way the report comes up in the system the first thing it shows is an arrest for fraud under. Apparently if you actually read the report or pull it up it does show that I was questioned, released. However that is not the first thing that shows up when they pull my name and date of birth.
That was interesting to learn. Knowing more about how these set up work for targets, I really am wondering more and more about that incident.
Anyways today, the run around.
-Called the records division at head quarters to find out how things were going with getting my records updated. I was told that she had nothing there, but to check back tomorrow. Fair enough. The person who answered the phone, was nice and rather helpful.

-Next call. I was transferred to the central ARU regarding the police report that was filed back in December.

(When I tried to drop the records off at the station, head quarters, and tried to get a confirmation that my records had been dropped off, it was refused. The office an officer K. Mohammed advised that he would give me no confirmation that the files had been dropped off, and that he should not even have provided me with an envelope to drop off the files. I thought yes, finally a company with even worst customer service than bell Internet. I was amazed. He also said there was no guarantee that my letters would get to their destinations. I just smiled and said that that in an office with so many police officers I would be surprised if it did not, and he said then I should not even have bothered asking for a reference. (To serve and protect. Yeah.)

-Oh a good note, there was a female officer who was nice and said I could reference her, that I did drop two pieces of correspondences off.

Central ARU.

-Spoke to an officer, who was helpful, (maybe)? He said that he did not have the files and that there was no update. (Oh side note. When I spoke to the records room, she seemed to know who I was, cause she asked if it was the records that had been dropped off at the front desk.)

Anyways he said that the records had not been updated, and that I should go back to the original department to get the records updated.

-I spoke to 13th division. What an unpleasant and unhelpful officer she was. The call was almost like, who is on first, no what’s on second. It was so irritating. She hung up. But she left me with the impression that I could file the report over the phone, or drop off the records there, or do whatever the heck I felt like doing.

-Then called my own division, cause remember I had to move and leave my apartment that I loved due to the harassment and the electronic harassment which was killing skin cells. While the police sat back, knew what was going on and did nothing.

Anyways I called a police officer form a different division, and I was about to hang up cause it was the wrong division, but he seemed determined to help so I spoke to him. (Helpful officers are so rare and hard to find, that I am not about to pass one up.)

He pulled up my file and asked if I was calling about my report from February regarding threatening mail. Now remember that my last contact with them was around December except for the noise harassment incident which was filed shortly after that. To my knowledge, unless this report was that, which I don’t think so. There is some report that was filed in February, not by me, about threatening mail. Apparently this report was investigated.

My reports are not being investigated, but this report, which I don’t think I filed was. Now I am worried. Knowing how these people are, and that they are helping, some of them, to instigate some of this stuff that is going down, it’s pretty scary.

At this stage, I should probably stop and just leave the reports alone, but I can’t do. However there is probably a right way and a wrong way of doing this. Based on advise my records should only be filed or updated with them in writing. No updates over the phone and when possible, try to have a lawyer look it over. However since the system is corrupt and too many of these lawyers are themselves parts of the citizen snitch programs, this is harder and harder to do.

So he said I better speak to the Central ARU, based on that it’s like, oh boy. (You know it’s not good.) So the call was transferred back to the main reception area, you know where they take the calls when they want to put you off. The officer there again advised that the central ARU was the place to have the files updated, but that she could not transfer me there, that they would have to take my information down and have an officer call me. If you recall that is how I wound up with officer Broker in the first place, so do not pass go, and do not collect 100 dollars, or whatever the amount is that these people have playing on this monopoly that has become part of my life.

Now I am way happier if I don’t have to deal with them if I can. Simply because they actually track who is calling into their stations and how often the calls are coming in. Eg. If you are a senior and you call them so many times in a month each month, then they keep track of that, and if you call them too much they can recommend that someone come out and see you. (Stuff you find out online.)

So they make it impossible to resolve your situation without calling them several times, but then when you do, you get the run around. They have a nice system going. Do you think if the Mafia did this, they would be out of business? They would be in full swing right now. Maybe that’s what the Mafia should do or did, get a bunch of their guys and gals to join the force, start running the show. Wouldn’t be any worst. (Maybe that’s what Tony Saprano will do?)

So that was the day. That ate up 2 hrs. (Including typing up this report.) Somebody has to do it. The only way that I was able to come this far, was by some of the records that Mark M. Rich ( left behind, before he stopped updating his site. I have never met Rich, don’t know what happened to him, and I hope somehow he got out, but at least his records are there.

Targets the people are the ones doing this. It’s like having the Mafia put a hit out on you, and trying to get them to take the hit off, and getting the run around. They have no desire to correct this information. To see that this information gets updated, or anything else. In fact it’s in their best interest, budget wise, and corrupt system wise, to see that targets stay under covert investigation.

There is no time limit for how long they can mess with your life, or what they can do behind your back. It is no secret, that these people will go behind your back, and spread slander about you. They will do it to your friends, family, business clients and anyone that you know. They will try to make sure that you are jobless, homeless, not able to take care of yourself, and you have to be a fighter and do everything that you can do, to get your life back.

I think Rich described it best, when he said that this is an evil that comes out, and has been here before, like with the Salem Witch Trials and other things in history. Most of us still have no clue why we are being investigated or followed around, and all we know is that the authorities of our countries are doing this. Amnesty and all those great human rights organisations and establishments that you hear about will not touch this, and most lawyers will not touch with with good reason. You could end up without a country and improperly disbarred, like the lawyer in American who now lives in Israel, cause she tried to go up against the CIA for shipping in drugs to black communities.

The world is a very corrupt place. Understanding of this, does not come with just the mind. To understand this level of corruption, it’s something that you have to feel and experience, but those of us who have, can tell you what it’s all about.

So my struggle continues. I have a force who it would seem that getting these police reports updated and corrected, is not seemingly in their best interest. One of my reports that I dropped off last week seems to have mysteriously dropped off of the face of the earth, and now I hear news of an investigation that was done in February, for a report that I am pretty sure that I didn’t file. I have to see the Freedom of information records first, but that would mean another trip to my favorites in blue. Maybe just have the lawyers office fax it over, or just maybe they can just find the report, and update it.

June 7, 2007 Posted by | Bullying, Cultural diversity and multiculturalism, discrimination, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, government corruption, harassment, High technology, Ignorance, Laws, metropolitan police, mobbing, New World Order, NWO, Online Stalking, Police Abuse, Police State, politicians, Politics, Red Squads, sexual harassment, Snitches, society, Stalking, Thought Police, whistle blower, zero tollerance | 5 Comments