Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.


Proving the conspiracy.

I was just thinking about the article that came out recently asking what is behind the Internet Conspiracy Empires? I think it’s a good question, and so I thought I would take you back through some of the conspiracies that we have looked at over the last couple of years. They will not all be conspiracies, but they will help to show why I have drawn my conclusion about our current conspiracy, and what is behind Gang Stalking.
The Snitching System.

[quote]”The history of the snitch is long and inglorious, dating to the common law. In old England, snitches were ubiquitous.Their motives, then as now, were unholy. In the 18th Century, Parliament prescribed monetary rewards—blood money—for snitches, who were turned back onto the streets where they were, in the words of one contemporary commentator,“the contempt and terror of society.”

“The system produced a cycle of betrayal in which each snitch knew he might find himself soon in the dock confronted by another snitch.”
“If all cases ended so poetically, perhaps informant dependent prosecutions would be more humorous than objectionable. In real life, however, O. Henry endings are rare.”
“The snitch system probably arrived in the New World with the Pilgrims.The first documented wrongful conviction case in the United States involved a snitch.The case arose in Manchester, Vermont, in 1819. Brothers Jesse and Stephen Boorn were suspected of killing their brother-in-law, Russell Colvin. Jesse was put into a cell with a forger, Silas Merrill, who would testify that Jesse confessed. Merrill was rewarded with freedom.
The Boorn brothers were convicted and sentenced to death but saved from the gallows when Colvin turned up alive in New Jersey.”[/quote]
With the advent of modern day society can we assume that the Snitching System became obsolete, or would it be better to rightfully conclude that it was and still is an integral part of society and as relevant today as it was yesterday? It is also just as much a concern for this time period as it has been in others?


The Secret Persuaders
During WWII before America agreed to join the war, the United Kingdom set up a secret agency inside of America, designed to convince the entire nation it was a good idea to join the war. This was back in 1940 and this agency had almost 3000 operatives. They sent out false media stories, via newspapers and other mediums they had set up within America. To the individuals that were anti-war they had a game that they played called VIK.

[quote]BSC invented a game called “Vik“, described as “a fascinating new pastime for lovers of democracy”. Printed booklets described up to 500 ways of harassing and annoying Nazi sympathisers. Players of Vik were encouraged to ring up their targets at all hours of the night and hang up. Dead rats could be put in water tanks, air could be let out of the subject’s car tyres, anonymous deliveries could be made to his house and so on. In the summer of 1941, BSC sent a sham Hungarian astrologer to the US called Louis de Wohl. At a press conference De Wohl said he had been studying Hitler’s astrological chart and could see nothing but disaster ahead for the German dictator. De Wohl became a minor celebrity and went on tour through the US, issuing similar dire prognostications about Hitler and his allies. De Wohl’s wholly bogus predictions were widely published.[/quote]
I have never been able to locate the booklet with the 500 ways of harassing those that were anti-war, but I am sure some of those methods survived to this time period.

Here are some more amazing details about this agency that was set up by a foreign body on U.S. soil for the sole purpose of manipulating the population intogoing to war. This would have continued, but conveniently ended when the Japanese hit pearl harbour, what a unique coincidence.

[quote]BSC was set up by a Canadian entrepreneur called William Stephenson, working on behalf of the British Secret Intelligence Services (SIS). An office was opened in the Rockefeller Centre in Manhattan with the discreet compliance of Roosevelt and J Edgar Hoover of the FBI. But nobody on the American side of the fence knew what BSC’s full agenda was nor, indeed, what would be the massive scale of its operations. What eventually occurred as 1940 became 1941 was that BSC became a huge secret agency of nationwide news manipulation and black propaganda. Pro-British and anti-German stories were planted in American newspapers and broadcast on American radio stations, and simultaneously a campaign of harassment and denigration was set in motion against those organisations perceived to be pro-Nazi or virulently isolationist (such as the notoriously anti-British America First Committee – it had more than a million paid-up members).
Stephenson called his methods “political warfare”, but the remarkable fact about BSC was that no one had ever tried to achieve such a level of “spin”, as we would call it today, on such a vast and pervasive scale in another country. The aim was to change the minds of an entire population: to make the people of America think that joining the war in Europe was a “good thing” and thereby free Roosevelt to act without fear of censure from Congress or at the polls in an election.

BSC’s media reach was extensive: it included such eminent American columnists as Walter Winchell and Drew Pearson, and influenced coverage in newspapers such as the Herald Tribune, the New York Post and the Baltimore Sun. BSC effectively ran its own radio station, WRUL, and a press agency, the Overseas News Agency (ONA), feeding stories to the media as they required from foreign datelines to disguise their provenance. WRUL would broadcast a story from ONA and it thus became a US “source” suitable for further dissemination, even though it had arrived there via BSC agents. It would then be legitimately picked up by other radio stations and newspapers, and relayed to listeners and readers as fact. The story would spread exponentially and nobody suspected this was all emanating from three floors of the Rockefeller Centre. BSC took enormous pains to ensure its propaganda was circulated and consumed as bona fide news reporting. To this degree its operations were 100% successful: they were never rumbled. [/quote]

That is an amazing conspiracy that very few knew anything about. Are branches of this program still operational in some capacity on foreign soil today? It’s hard to say.


Operation Gladio
An actual operation that hired agents and had them in keeping in such a time as when they were needed. This is another jewel that came to light while doing research into Gang Stalking.

[quote]Emblem of NATO’s “stay-behind” paramilitary organizations.After World War II, the UK and the US decided to create “stay-behind” paramilitary organizations, with the official aim of countering a possible Soviet invasion through sabotage and guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines. Arms caches were hidden, escape routes prepared, and loyal members recruited: i.e. mainly hardline anticommunists, including many ex-Nazis or former fascists, whether in Italy or in other European countries. In Germany, for example, Gladio had as a central focus the Gehlen Org — also involved in ODESSA “ratlines” — named after Reinhard Gehlen who would become West Germany’s first head of intelligence, while the predominantly Italian P2 masonic lodge was composed of many members of the neofascist Italian Social Movement (MSI), including Licio Gelli. Its clandestine “cells” were to stay behind (hence the name) in enemy controlled territory and to act as resistance movements, conducting sabotage, guerrilla warfare and assassinations.

However, Italian Gladio was more far reaching. “A briefing minute of June 1, 1959, reveals Gladio was built around ‘internal subversion’. It was to play ‘a determining role… not only on the general policy level of warfare, but also in the politics of emergency’. In the 1970s, with communist electoral support growing and other leftists looking menacing, the establishment turned to the ‘Strategy of Tension’ … with Gladio eager to be involved.”[
A secret paramilitary army that exists in many European countries and has since the end of WWII, set up by the U.S. and the U.K.? Kept secret all the way up to 1990 when the Italian wing was exposed, and then the other branches were exposed as well. This secret army might have remained secret to this day, except for the extreme involvement of the Italian wing in local policy.

[quote]“Coordinated by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), {the secret armies} were run by the European military secret services in close cooperation with the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the British foreign secret service Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, also MI6). Trained together with US Green Berets and British Special Air Service (SAS), these clandestine NATO soldiers, armed with underground arms-caches, prepared against a potential Soviet invasion and occupation of Western Europe, as well as the coming to power of communist parties. The clandestine international network covered the European NATO membership, including Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey, as well as the neutral European countries of Austria, Finland, Ireland, Sweden and Switzerland.

‘The existence of these clandestine NATO armies remained a closely guarded secret throughout the Cold War until 1990, when the first branch of the international network was discovered in Italy. It was code-named Gladio, the Latin word for a short double-edged sword [gladius]. While the press said the NATO secret armies were ‘the best-kept, and most damaging, political-military secret since World War II’, the Italian government, amidst sharp public criticism, promised to close down the secret army. Italy insisted identical clandestine armies had also existed in all other countries of Western Europe. This allegation proved correct and subsequent research found that in Belgium, the secret NATO army was code-named SDRA8, in Denmark Absalon, in Germany TD BJD, in Greece LOK, in Luxemburg Stay-Behind, in the Netherlands I&O, in Norway ROC, in Portugal Aginter, in Switzerland P26, in Turkey Counter-Guerrilla, In Sweden AGAG (Aktions Gruppen Arla Gryning, and in Austria OWSGV. However, the code names of the secret armies in France, Finland and Spain remain unknown.
The promised that they would close down these secret armies. We however know that with other similar programs they are never shut down, they are just repackaged and start up again. That is one heck of a conspiracy. Secret armies in many European countries set up by the U.S. and the U.K.

Red Squads
Not so much a conspiracy, but a little known wing of the police that exists in many countries around the world. Set up for the sole purpose of destroying dissidence. During Cointelpro and the Canadian VIP program they worked closely with the government to neutralize dissidence.

[quote] The cops love these free-wheeling, elite units. They were ostensibly created to combat terrorism, but have been used mostly to infiltrate and suppress liberal and radical political organizations and civil rights groups. They lift their members out of the routine of police work into something of a James Bond life. As Frank Donner points out in this excellently researched, thoughtful and well-detailed study of police spying, their excesses have been many. But Donner, who directed the American Civil Liberties Project on Political Surveillance, concludes with the chilling thought that the Red squads will be around long after there are any Reds.[/quote]
These groups go back over a hundred years, as each new wave of immigrant population introduced themselves Red Squads were there, using informants to infiltrate, get information and help to disrupt these groups, movements, and unions. With other infiltration programs the idea is to try to get the corportion of members of the infiltrated groups, by asking some of them to become informants. Once you are an informant for the system, you are always considered an informant for the system.
[quote]Worse yet, the information, and misinformation, gathered by these sleuths is fed into the growing number of intelligence networks maintained by federal, state and local law-enforcement organizations. In the computer age, if you attend a left-wing meeting in Echo Park, your name is likely to be spread as far as New York.
As Donner points out, the squads are not a recent invention. One of his most important contributions is tracing the history of the Red squads, showing how deeply rooted they are in American political, social and economic life….

…That set the pattern for the Red squads, a pattern that continues today. Whatever the city, said Donner, the goal and tactics are much the same: “police behavior motivated or influenced in whole or in part by hostility to protest, dissent and related activities perceived as a threat to the status quo.”
Elite branches of the police designed to squash dissident and protect against perceived threats to the status quo.

[quote]In New York, former City Police Commissioner Patrick Murphy traced their origin there to an “Italian Squad” formed in 1904 to monitor a group of Italian immigrants under suspicion[1]. However, it is their association with fighting communism which provides the basis for the name “Red Squad.” They became more commonplace in the 1930s, often conceived of as a countermeasure to Communist organizers who were charged with executing a policy of dual unionism – namely, building a revolutionary movement in parallel with membership in above-ground labor organizations. Similar units were established in Canada in this period, although only the Toronto police used the name.

In the late 1960s, as the protests against Vietnam and the general domestic upheaval intensified, the Red Squads augmented their focus, to include dissidents largely outside the labor movement, including therein not just war resisters, but protest movements of all political stripes, including Neonazis, Native American movements, the women’s movement, environmentalists, the civil rights movement, and others. The methods employed ranged from simple surveillance to isolated incidents of assassination. Anti-activist police operations were expanded under the Johnson and Nixon administrations, particularly in concert with, and within the cadre of the FBI’s COINTELPRO surveillance program, but also including domestic spying by the CIA.
This very rarely discussed unit of the police apparently were in and still are in existence in many cities, some going by different names, but the same concept applies, squash dissidence.
Alexandra Natapoff


The use of criminal informants in the U.S. justice system has become a flourishing socio-legal institution. Every year, tens of thousands of criminal suspects, many of them drug offenders concentrated in inner-city neighborhoods, informally negotiate away liability in exchange for promised cooperation, while law enforcement at the local, state and federal levels rely on ever greater numbers of criminal actors in making basic decisions about investigations and prosecutions. While this marriage of convenience is fraught with peril, it is nearly devoid of judicial or public scrutiny as to the propriety, fairness, or utility of the deals being struck. At the same time, it is a quintessential expression of some of the most contentious characteristics of the modern criminal system: law enforcement discretion, secrecy, and the increasing informality of the adjudication process.
The informant institution is also an under-appreciated social force in low-income, high-crime, urban communities in which a high percentage of residents – as many as fifty percent of African American males in some cities – are in contact with the criminal justice system and therefore potentially under pressure to snitch. By relying heavily on snitching, particularly in drug-related cases, law enforcement officials create large numbers of informants who remain at large in the community, engaging in criminal activities while under pressure to provide information about others. These snitches are a communal liability: they increase crime and threaten social organization, interpersonal relationships, and socio-legal norms in their home communities, even as they are tolerated or under-punished by law enforcement because they are useful.
The Article also hypothesizes the harms imposed by the informant institution on socially disadvantaged, high-crime communities in which snitching is common. These harms may include increased crime, the erosion of trust in interpersonal, familial and community relationships and other psychological damage created by pervasive informing, the communal loss of faith in the state, and the undermining of law-abiding norms flowing from law enforcement’s rewarding of and complicity in snitch wrongdoing.[/quote]
Many people see this article and assume it’s an inner city problem, but it’s not. This is a societal problem. These informant programs are not just going after African American males, they are going after the females, and they are going after other communities. They started in these communities, and these communities currently have higher ratios of Informants, but then it branches out.

Imagine a society where over 50% of your community is a potential snitch? Imagine what that does to the heart and soul of a society? Some people don’t have to imagine because they have already been through something very similar.

“As summer travel ebbed, I dove into the study of the informant system, as pertains to those whom the police arrest, then pressure to go back into their places of home and work and set others up for arrest.”

How many informants do we have in communities? We can’t measure it because of this secret system, but experts have some guesses.

“Because researchers know what is behind the search warrants granted, they know that almost 98% of the time the police don’t have any goods on anyone, just a confidential informant. A lot of informing is going on, and it’s escalating.”

“So they squeeze these people into rolling on their mother. Our family involved my brother’s girlfriend; it was her brother who turned her in, and so we went through this ourselves. And it is hard to try to explain to people this part — people do 20, 30 years and they get through it. Somehow, I don’t know how. I’ve never been to prison, but they get through
it, and what dogs them all of the time is this — how could my sister do that to me? How could my friend do this to me?  That stays with them.
That psychological damage never goes away.

And it spreads to everyone in the family, just like anything traumatic does, and you get a bunch of sick people.”

When I grew up, the Russians were doing it a lot, the informant system throughout all the communities. A person could be hauled off and interrogated and taken off to the ice fields. It terrified me, those Russian people. We studied these communities in Russia after that period because there was a lot of mental illness. Our country went over there to help them with all their crazy people. And do you know what our country found out? Our scientists and doctors went over there and came back and said, “It was all those informants. It made them crazy to live among people, and nobody knew who was going to rip them off, or who needed to ‘get in good,’ or some favor. And so turn someone in, and that person gets hauled off to Siberia. It made people crazy. Well, that’s what is happening in our communities now.”

The new face of snitching might surprise you. As mentioned they started in ethnic communities, but they have branched out so much further then this.

Meet Rachel Hoffman she was a 23-year-old Florida State psychology graduate, she is also the face of snitching. Rachel earlier this year agreed to become an Informant to lower her sentence for a drug conviction. She was killed while making a drug purchase for the police to help reduce her drug sentence. Informants come from a variety of social and economical backgrounds and once caught up in the system, many will do anything to escape prison sentences normally offered for much more severe crimes.

[quote]Immediately after Tallahassee police raided her apartment April 17, Hoffman went to her boyfriend’s house and told him about the deal she’d cut. Over the next three weeks, she would tell him and Liza all about her work as a confidential informant.

“They wanted her to turn in her friends, and she wouldn’t do that,” said Liza, a 24-year-old FSU graduate student. “She said she wanted to get some grimy people off the street. She wanted to get bad guys.”

At first she agreed to give up a guy she knew who dealt drugs and sometimes bought pot from her, her friends said. But after one controlled call from the police station, she confessed to him she was working for the police and asked him to help her find someone else to turn in.[/quote]

She was killed during a sting that went wrong. She was an inexperienced 23 year old, who didn’t want to go to jail, didn’t want her parents to find out, and thought this would be a cool way to work off her sentence. She paid the ultimate price for it. This story is not that uncommon in today’s modern society, but many of us, like myself, were previously unaware of the extent to which citizen informants are being used in society.

She should no more have been turned into an Informant than many of these young urban men and woman, who also don’t want to spend years in jail, vs living outside for minor drug possessions, these people exchange their freedoms for a type of slavery and servitude to the system that is unimaginable. These situations are becoming too common, and they are contributing to the detriment and moral fiber of our societies.


Fusion Centers and TLO
The informant system is not just using paid informants. They are also using an army of volunteer Informants. The Citizen Informants who are parts of various community programs, or who were inducted via their place of employment.

The ACLU has released a report on Fusion Centers. 800,000 operatives will be dispersed throughout every American city and town. Set to report on even the most common everyday behaviors which will go into state, local and regional, linked data bases.

This number of 800,000 is outside of other Informant programs that are already in place within America. Informants working via Citizen Corps, and other sub programs.

There are informant programs for local businesses, informant programs for truckers, boats, and so many others.
T.I.P.S. officially died, but lived on in many other forms.


The Canadian Government spying on it’s own citizens? Canada that friendly and peaceful nation? The very one.

[quote]If you attended a Canadian university in the past eighty years, it’s possible that, unbeknownst to you, Canadian security agents were surveying you, your fellow students, and your professors for ‘subversive’ tendencies and behaviour. Since the end of the First World War, members of the RCMP have infiltrated the campuses of Canada’s universities and colleges to spy, meet informants, gather information, and on occasion, to attend classes. [/quote]

[quote]RCMP spies kept secret files on hundreds of Canadian Politicians and bureaucrats at all three levels of government as part of a project known as the “VIP program,”[/quote]
[quote]The book, a thorough examination of RCMP surveillance of the academic world, also discusses the Mounties’ efforts to keep tabs on other 
elements of society, including government, the media and women’s groups.

The RCMP created security files on 800,000 Canadians, and it has long been known the force took an active interest in politicians and public 
servantswith links to Communist organizations or other pursuits deemed subversive.[/quote]

Talk about conspiracy. The Canadian government for over 80 years spied on it’s citizens and opened files on many of it’s citizens just because they attended a university or college? If the Canadian government was willing to do this, what about other nations?

This program after 80 years of operation within Canadian Universities and Colleges, when exposed supposedly formally ended. That is the official story that the public is suppose to believe.

These spying programs were not content to just watch the universities, the research shows that they branched out into the community, because after graduating, these people might still have subversive ideas.

Within the last 10 years since the program supposedly ended, it’s hard to imagine how many new files might have been opened on unsuspecting students.



What happened to these people who were former spies for the East German state?,1518,540771,00.html

[quote]More East Germans were spying on their neighbors, colleagues, family and friends when the Berlin Wall fell than had previously been thought. According to a report published Monday, 189,000 people were informers for the Stasi — the former Communist secret police — when East Germany collapsed in 1989 — 15,000 more than previous studies had suggested.[/quote]

The C.I.A. were handed the list of these names after the Berlin Wall fell. How many went to other countries and were asked to continue with their domestic spying is unclear.


The above scenarios are just a few of the conspiracies, intrigues, and surprising information I have come across when researching Gang Stalking.

what I am seeing is a continual and consistent pattern of something that is systemic, with many absorption points. This means that citizens are being incorporated into these programs through many different venues, some via their families. Other through educational institutions, others via their places of employment, other through religious institutions, etc.

I am also seeing a link to some people that are being mobbed and bullied out of this system. I am also seeing the same patterns of collusion that has been reported elsewhere, by others.

That’s part of the conspiracy that I am seeing, and this conspiracy has been ongoing within society for some time now. Many communities have been affected by this and some are very aware of the level of snitching and informing that is ongoing in society, paid and unpaid. Others have had very limited or no exposure to these concepts, and therefore are not aware of what is ongoing in society.

December 17, 2008 Posted by | Awareness, CIA, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, domestic spying, East Germany, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Red Squads, Snitches, Social Control, society, Spying, Stasi, Surveillence | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The structure of our oppression?

The Structure of our oppression.

The following article will try to put into perspective some of the societal structures that are most likely responsible for the targeting some of those in the Targeted Individual community are experiencing.

For years Targeted Individuals have been saying that they are being followed around, stalked, monitored while at home, and out in public. They have complained about a system that is capable of 24/7 surveillance, able to harassment at home, work, in the community, and even while traveling abroad. For several years there has been a great deal of disbelief that such occurrences could even be possible. The follow article, will try to explain referencing sources already available and documented how this could be happening.

The following article represents the views and opinions of the website and does not necessarily reflect the views of any other person, or website in the community.

It has long been a widely expressed view that the monitoring is being done by various groups of citizen informants, members of various community policing type programs. Based on recent research conducted it seems most likely that the people being used to follow Targeted Individuals around are what society and the government in some countries refer to as, “covert human intelligence sources”. They can also be known as own as Citizen Informants. Another slang terms that is often used to describe these individuals is the term Snitch or Snitches.

Covert human intelligence sources

A recent article came out in the London Telegraph, saying that Children as young as 8 are being employed by the state as “Covert human intelligence sources” aka Snitches. Targeted Individuals often complain that the harassment is being perpetrated by all members of the community including children.

Children are being hired and used by the government to spy on their neighbors in the Uk. and “being encouraged to photograph or video neighbors guilty of dog fouling, littering or “bin crimes” The article says there are “hundreds of Junior Streetwatchers, aged 8-10 years old, who are trained to identify and report enviro-crime issues such as graffiti and fly-tipping.” The adult spies according to authorities are recruited via newspaper ads.

“Other local authorities recruit adult volunteers through advertisements in local newspapers, with at least 4,841 people already patrolling the streets in their spare time.

Some are assigned James Bond-style code numbers, which they use instead of their real names when they ring a special informer’s hotline.

This escalation in Britain’s growing surveillance state follows an outcry about the way councils are using powers originally designed to combat terrorism and organised crime to spy on residents. In one case, a family was followed by council staff for almost three weeks after being wrongly accused of breaking rules on school catchment areas.” 1

Community Oriented Policing

Though the article primarily focuses on the United Kingdom, it should be noted that other countries are setting up such community structures, via community oriented policing programs. These programs are a

“a systemic approach to policing with the paradigm of instilling and fostering a sense of community, within a geographical neighborhood, to improve the quality of life. It achieves this through the decentralization of the police and the implementation of a synthesis of three key components: (1) strategic-oriented policing—the redistribution of traditional police resources; (2) neighborhood-oriented policing—the .interaction of police and all community members to reduce crime and the fear of crime through indigenous proactive programs; and (3) problem-oriented policing-a concerted effort to resolve the causes of crime rather than the symptoms. ” 2

Fusion Centers

The ACLU has released a report on Fusion Centers. 800,000 operatives will be dispersed throughtout every American city and town. Set to report on even the most common everyday behaviors which will go into state, local and regional, linked data bases. These linked databases are not just emerging in the United States, they have already emerged in many countries around the world in the wake of implied terrorist threats.

“We pointed out that, while diverse and often still in the early stages of formation, they often seem to be characterized by ambiguous lines of authority, excessive secrecy, troubling private-sector and military participation, and an apparent bent toward suspicionless information collection and datamining.” 3

The article then goes on to point out that in a short space of many of the warning in the report had come to pass. The article talks about the fact that this apparatus is responsible for watching and recording the everyday activity of a growing number of individuals. The reports are then gathered together and then they are accessible to any law enforcement agency that is a part of these fusion centers.

“In the six months since our report, new press accounts have borne out many of our warnings. In just that short time, news accounts have reported overzealous intelligence gathering, the expansion of uncontrolled access to data on innocent people, hostility to open government laws, abusive entanglements between security agencies and the private sector, and lax protections for personally identifiable
Overall, it is becoming increasingly clear that fusion centers are part of a new domestic intelligence apparatus. The elements of this nascent domestic surveillance system include:
• Watching and recording the everyday activities of an ever-growing list of individuals
• Channeling the flow of the resulting reports into a centralized security agency
• Sifting through (“data mining”) these reports and databases with computers to identify individuals for closer scrutiny
Such a system, if allowed to permeate our society, would be nothing less than the creation of a total surveillance society.” 3

These fusion center will have the capacity to circumvent laws that are in place to limit federal vs local authorities and the access that each has to specific information.

“Even more troubling is the fact that these centers are networked together and seamlessly exchange information with the intelligence community through the Director of National Intelligence’s Information Sharing Environment (ISE). The Washington Post report was based on a document produced from a survey of fusion centers, which shows their intent to maximize the access each of the fusion centers has to the various databases. This would allow a state fusion center that under state law or local policy is prohibited from buying credit reports, as an example, to circumvent its own restrictions by simply calling a
fusion center in Pennsylvania to and asking Pennsylvania authorities to access the records it wants to analyze. This “policy shopping” process guts state and local privacy protections and gives the participating agencies, including the federal intelligence community, access to information they may not legally have on their own.” 3

These centers if allowed to expand will create a one way justice system. Your information, even your daily activities will be allowed to be gathered, collected, and possibly used against you. When you then request information to confirm if you are a target of surveillance, the information will be stored in a secret database and not available for you to access.

“Even as fusion centers are positioned to learn more and more about the American public, authorities are moving to ensure that the public knows less and less about fusion centers. In particular, there appears to be an effort by the federal government to coerce states into exempting their fusion centers from state open government laws.31 For those living in Virginia, it’s already too late; the Virginia General Assembly passed a law in April 2008 exempting the state’s fusion center from the Freedom of Information Act.32

According to comments by the commander of the Virginia State Police Criminal Intelligence Division and the administrative head of the center, the federal government pressured Virginia into passing the law, with the threat of withholding classified information if it didn’t.33 Such efforts suggest there is a real danger
fusion centers will become a “one-way mirror” in which citizens are subject to ever-greater scrutiny by the authorities, even while the authorities are increasingly protected from scrutiny by the public.” 3

Public Employees

The next aspect of the targeted that has been reported by the Targeted Individual community is the fact that public servants seem to be taking a part in the continuous monitoring and harassment private citizens. American Civil servants, firefighters, police officers, Corporate Employees, learning to collect data and spy. The information then goes into secret data bases. They will also communicate in code. Many targets have expressed a belief not only that they are being tracked, but that their stalkers are communicating via a one handed sign language similar to that which the Stasi used.

Watch Video

“They are entrusted with hunting for “suspicious activity,” and then they report their findings, which end up in secret government databases.

What constitutes “suspicious activity,” of course, is in the eye of the beholder. But a draft Justice Department memo on the subject says that such things as “taking photos of no apparent aesthetic value” or “making notes” could constitute suspicious activity, Finley wrote. ” 4

Not only will this program used the civil servant already mentioned, but it will expand who is used in the program. They will have secret sources of communication available to them. The members of these programs will connect with the fusion centers. None disclosure agreement or a confidential disclosure agreements will be signed by many in these programs to ensure that the information is protected.

“And the private sector would be involved, too. “The program would eventually be expanded to include Health Care personnel and representatives from private, critical infrastructure entities, with communication systems specifically tailored to their needs.”

In this regard, Terrorism Liaison Officers resemble InfraGard members. (See “The FBI Deputizes Business”.) This FBI-private sector liaison group now consists of more than 26,000 members, who have their own secure channels of communication and are shielded, as much as possible, from scrutiny.

Terrorism Liaison Officers connect up with so-called “Fusion Centers”: intelligence sharing among public safety agencies as well as the private sector. The Department of Justice has come up with “Fusion Center Guidelines” that discuss the role of private sector participants.

“The private sector can offer fusion centers a variety of resources,” it says, including “suspicious incidents and activity information.”

It also recommends shielding the private sector. “To aid in sharing this sensitive information, a Non-Disclosure Agreement may be used. The NDA provides private sector entities an additional layer of security, ensuring the security of private sector proprietary information and trade secrets,” the document states.” 4

Other than the United States many other countries have similar programs in place where they have requested that public servants in the course of doing their day to day activities keep an eye out on what is happening.

Stalking and Monitoring.

Though I do not in believe the family in this video are targets of Gang Stalking I will say that the example shown explains very well how someone could be stalked, monitored and spied on 24/7 as this family was. I do not believe they are targets of Gang Stalking, because Gang Stalking is often covert, what this family experienced was extremely overt and left behind lot’s of verification and proof, the harassment targeted individuals experience does not often offer any overt evidence.

The stalking they believe was done primarily using their cell-phone. They were followed 24/7. Their phone conversations listened to. When the mother was in the kitchen making lemonade, the phone rang, and the caller told her, he preferred limes. When the family heard someone at their door in the middle of the night banging, they called the police, when the police arrived the invaders had already left. After the police left this happened again, the family called the police, the invaders had left, this happened a third time and finally the family stopped trying. After filing a complaint with the police, the family were sent a recording of their conversation with the police, by the stalker. They installed a camera system, the stalker called to say that he already knew the code.

The list goes on, and apparently there were a total of three families in the area that the cell phone stalking happened to. The case has received wide media attention, including the Tyra Banks show. There is technology out there designed to do this. A company which I will not name in this report, has a service for cheating spouses, where you can use a phone to know where they are and listen into their conversations. There are also programs which will allow the camera on a phone to be used to spy on the person with the camera phone.

“The families say the calls come in at all hours of the night, threatening to kill their children, their pets and grandparents. Voice mails arrive, playing recordings of their private conversations, including one with a local police detective. “

“The caller knows, the families said, what they’re wearing and what they’re doing. And after months of investigating, police seem powerless to stop them. ”

“It got worse. The Kuykendalls and two other Fircrest families told ABC News that they believe the callers are using their cell phones to spy on them. They say the hackers know their every move: where they are, what they’re doing and what they’re wearing. The callers have recorded private conversations, the families and police said, including a meeting with a local detective. ” 5

Not all members of the Targeted Individual community have a cameraphone, but this example is just to show how one family could be terrorized by an encounter such as this. What we experience is ongoing, and often just as upsetting, but we often do not have the same proof that this family had, which enabled them to go to the police.

“Recently, the stalkers have begun to come to their home in the early hours of the morning, banging on their doors. The mother said that the first time they came, she immediately called 911, but as soon as the police arrived, the stalkers had fled. The police, unable to do anything, left, and the stalkers returned right away. She said every time this happens she contacts the police, but after about the third call and then the third return, she just stops trying.” 6

Regulation of Investigatory Powers

Regulation of Investigatory Powers is a United Kingdom law, which enables public bodies to carry out investigations and surveillance on individuals. Authorities can use directed surveillance or intrusive surveillance for months or years. These types of operations often employ “covert human intelligence sources’. Recently these laws were abused by using them to spy on families for anti-social behaviours and noise complaints.

“Directed surveillance’ is covert surveillance of individuals during a specific but non-intrusive investigation’ (our emphasis). Surveillance is covert where it is carried out in such a way to ensure that those targeted are unaware that it is taking place (cl.25(8)). ‘Surveillance’ is defined as including any monitoring, observing and listening to persons, their movements, conversations or other activities or communications. It also includes any recording of such activity and surveillance by or with assistance of a device.”

” Intrusive surveillance’ is defined as covert surveillance in relation to anything taking place on residential premises or a private vehicle. It may be carried out either by a person or device inside residential premises or a private vehicle or by a device placed outside” 7

Secret Databases

A new story also came out this year claiming that information is being kept on Canadians, in secret databases that they have no access to.

“Jennifer Stoddart, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, has released a 48-page report warning that the RCMP (Canada’s national police force) is keeping thousands of files on regular citizens in secret databases which cannot be seen by the accused.

One of the many disturbing facets of Stoddart’s report are the examples she cites of information for these secret files coming from citizen informants. In one case a man was put into the secret database because a resident of his daughter’s school neighborhood saw him entering a rooming house and—believing drugs were involved—called the police. The police investigation concluded that the man had only stepped out of his car to have a cigarette, but the file was still in the national security databank seven years later.

Another incident cited in the Stoddart report involved a neighbour who saw two men carrying “something that resembled a large drum, wrapped in canvas” into their house. Police were called to investigate but found nothing resembling the reported item, yet the data was still sitting in a top secret databank five years later. As Stoddart points out in the CBC story on the report, this is potentially disastrous for the individuals named in the files, because it “could potentially affect someone trying to obtain an employment security clearance, or impede an individual’s ability to cross the border.” 8











 Other Sources:




September 17, 2008 Posted by | Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, community policing, Covert investigations, domestic spying, Gang Stalking, harassment, Laws, mobbing, New World Order, NWO, one handed signals, oppression, paranoid, Police State, Red Squads, Snitches, society, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Keep the faith

I recently came across two articles that took me for a bit of a surprise.

I admit I was a little bit taken aback when I came across the articles. The articles much like the mind games article that came out over a year ago focus on people with delusions, but this one tries to take no prisoners, it tries to go for the juggler, however I would like to see it fail and be right back where it belongs.

It’s coming out around the time of the Mark M. Rich book, which I still think is well written and should be used to further what we are saying about what is happening to us.

These articles are good because the Targeted Individual community needs to be aware of some of the obstacles we are going to be facing as we try bring more awareness about what is happening to us, to a main stream audience.

Here is an excerpt from the first article.

Psychosis in the 21st century looks something like this: You think your every move is being filmed for a reality television show starring you, and that everyone in your life is an actor.

Or you think you are under intense surveillance by an army of spies, whom you refer to as the “www people,” as in the World Wide Web, and they wiretap your furniture and appliances.

Or else you refuse to drink water because you fear that another cup drawn from your faucet will, once and for all, deplete the world’s water supply.

Those thoughts are from three case studies of what psychiatrists interested in the intersection of mental illness, culture and society are calling, respectively, Truman Show delusion, Internet delusion and climate change delusion; all of them a window, through madness, into the modern world.
Just like the other article this in many ways is also a mind game.  Now don’t get me wrong, I am sure there are people in society that might be delusional etc, but we are a community of people who know what we are talking about. We not only know what we are talking about, but in the last two years, a great deal of research has come out to show the structures of these programs that are in place. Targets have started to expose this system of control and conformity and in many ways it’s doing what it has always done, it’s fighting back.

Just like any other time period the only way to fight back is with truth and light. For the few victories that we get, they will try to limit our success, we must not let them. The information is there, we just have to gather it and try to use it to our advantage. The more information we can gather about the programs that are in place the better we are.

Here are just a few things we have learnt over the last two years.

We have learnt that the FBI has issued over thousands of Nation Security Letters to many individuals in society. We have learnt that of the thousands of National Security Letters issued, everyone received a gag order. They could not say anything without the penalty of going to jail. We now know that out of all those people that received those letters, those organisations, those entities that we are suppose to trust in many cases. Only a few fought back. To be correct I know of only three cases. One was the Internet Archive, the other was another online library, and the third was an ISP provider who won the case to not have to give up the information, but still has a life long gag order, and can not say anything to friends, family, co-workers etc.

[quote]NSL Statistics
The Inspector General’s report detailed the FBI’s use of NSLs from 2003 to 2005. All of the below statistics were taken from this report.

Total number of NSL requests from 2000 (prior to passage of the Patriot Act): about 8,500.
Total number of NSL requests from 2003-2005 (after passage of the Patriot Act): 143,074.
2003: 39,346
2004: 56,507
2005: 47,221
Percentage of NSL requests generated from investigations of U.S. Persons:
2003: about 39%
2004: about 51%
2005: about 53%
Type of investigation connected to NSL requests (2003 through 2005):

Counterterrorism: 73.6%
Counterintelligence: 26%
Foreign Cyber Investigations: 0.4% [/quote]
Why have more people not tried to speak up and challenged the system? If everyone took the same steps that these three companies did, we would all be a lot further along.

Living under the gag order has been stressful and surreal. Under the threat of criminal prosecution, I must hide all aspects of my involvement in the case — including the mere fact that I received an NSL — from my colleagues, my family and my friends. When I meet with my attorneys I cannot tell my girlfriend where I am going or where I have been. I hide any papers related to the case in a place where she will not look. When clients and friends ask me whether I am the one challenging the constitutionality of the NSL statute, I have no choice but to look them in the eye and lie.
Similar types of gag orders may well be used with our friends, family, co-workers, and others to keep hushed.

In my research I have been lucky to have a couple people here and there share with me the fact that they can not say anything. I appreciate that. The way the companies are being silenced, many in society are being silenced the same way and don’t know how to fight back, they don’t have the resources to fight back, or really don’t want to against a system this powerful.Seeing what is happening to us, can leave people feeling complacent and fearful.

This is where we can help, they can not talk about what is happening in many cases, but we can. By researching and learning more, we can shine a light on what is happening. I have had a few people express their gratitude for this, but it’s not enough, I feel that we can do more. I believe we can each do our part, but we should realise our struggle is just as great as any other time period. The only difference is the face of our opposition. In the past the oppression was clearly laid out for us, this time it’s not as clear, but just as destructive.

With the National Security Letters the main thing that I have learnt is that if you do nothing, you will get nothing, if you fight back you might still not win, but at least you have a chance. These people fought back and they won.

San Francisco – The FBI has withdrawn an unconstitutional national security letter (NSL) issued to the Internet Archive after a legal challenge from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). As the result of a settlement agreement, the FBI withdrew the NSL and agreed to the unsealing of the case, finally allowing the Archive’s founder to speak out for the first time about his battle against the record demand.


We have learnt a great deal about Community Oriented Policing programs. Many countries around the world not foster and host such programs. The community themselves identify problems that they see in the community, depending on what is happening, data is collected, sometimes a covert or overt investigation takes place, and then a solution is often presented.

There is little doubt that this paradigm in policing has captured the attention of both citizen and police, mayors and police chiefs, state government and national government officials, and has worked its way into becoming a household name.
A key debate within the central understanding of the systemic approach to policing is whether community-oriented policing is a philosophy or a program.

[quote]a systemic approach to policing with the paradigm of instilling and fostering a sense of community, within a geographical neighborhood, to improve the quality of life. It achieves this through the decentralization of the police and the implementation of a synthesis of three key components: (1) strategic-oriented policing—the redistribution of traditional police resources; (2) neighborhood-oriented policing—the .interaction of
police and all community members to reduce crime and the fear of crime through indigenous proactive programs; and (3) problem-oriented policing-a concerted effort to resolve the causes of crime rather than the symptoms.

These programs have been adapted in many countries around the globe. The structure and functionality of these programs are a potential match for some of what we have experienced.
We have in the last two years learnt that it’s become a common workplace practice to silence outspoken workers, whistle blowers, etc with the threat of a psychiatric evaluations if they don’t stop being outspoken, often about legitimate issues.

On October 5, 1998, Norm Crosty sent a letter to the labor relationsdepartment at his plant. Crosty, for thirteen years an electrician at Ford Motor Company’s Wixom, Michigan, assembly plant, complained that he could not do his job because so many of his bosses were taking the necessary equipment out of the plant to work on their homes or personal businesses.

The next day, the plant director of human resources invoked a Ford program for combating workplace violence to bar Crosty from the factory and ordered him to see a company-paid psychiatrist or lose his job.

A little more than fourteen months later, and 725 miles away, officials at Emory University cited a similar concern about violence to justify using armed guards to escort Dr. James Murtagh off university property when Dr. R. Wayne Alexander, chairman of the department of medicine at Emory, ordered him to see a company-selected psychiatrist or lose his job. Six weeks earlier, Murtagh, a professor of pulmonology at Emory, had filed a false claims suit against the university, alleging that it had misspent millions of dollars in federal grant money. He claimed the university diverted money from research grants in order to pay for salaries and trips for administrators and some staff. The specific allegations were sealed by order of the federal judge.

Crosty and Murtagh don’t know each other. It is unlikely their worlds would ever intersect, but they have at least one thing in common. They both are victims of an increasingly popular employer weapon against whistleblowers: the psychiatric reprisal.
we have learnt or at least I have learnt, that these are citizen informants doing this. I have on a personal level interacted with a few of them. I have personally provided dozens of articles about local programs, how they function, how they operate. I have spoken to at least two law enforcement officers who confirmed to me that this does exist, I have spoken to many others who deny any knowledge.


Mark on his website has a great deal of information about the structure of these types of programs. It matches the structures that I had also found in my research. Federal programs with local appendages, and then communities taking part. Various countries around the world are adapting these models.
Recently I have started to investigate fusion centers. Fusion Centers are multi level government centers with several appendages, that will be in every American city, if they are not already.

If the federal government announced it was creating a new domestic intelligence agency made up of
over 800,000 operatives dispersed throughout every American city and town, filing reports on even the
most common everyday behaviors, Americans would revolt. Yet this is exactly what the Bush administration
is trying to do with its little-noticed National Strategy for Information Sharing, which establishes
state, local and regional “fusion centers” as a primary mechanism for the collection and dissemination
of domestic intelligence.
I have also been researching the training of TLO’s. Terrorism Liaison Officers. Some great articles came out recently about these fire fighters, police officers, civil servants, Corporate Executives that are being trained to be the eyes and ears of the state. The information mentioned that they will be communicating in code.

[quote]We’re simply providing information on crime-related issues or suspicious circumstances,” said Denver police Lt. Tony Lopez, commander of Denver’s intelligence unit and one of 181 individual TLOs deployed across Colorado.

“We don’t snoop into private citizens’ lives. We aren’t living in a communist state.”

Local watchdogs

Among recent activities the Colorado contingent detailed:

• Thefts of copper that could be used in bomb-making.

• Civilians impersonating police officers and stopping vehicles — of particular concern with the pending Democratic National Convention in Denver.

• Graffiti showing a man holding an AK-47 rifle.

• Men filming the Dillon dam that holds Denver’s water.

• Overheard threats.

• Widespread thefts of up to 20 propane gas tanks.

For me personally I have had a lot of things hitting closer to home. I really feel at this stage a lot of the information gathered is hitting closer to home than I had anticipated.

I feel this way, because there have been several recent attempts to take my website offline. There was one domain name stolen which was recovered, but the domain name was purposely targeted, and a domain name company appears to have possibly been complacent with the attempt to keep the domain name.

I have had someone that I believe was deliberately compromised.

I do begin to realise that it’s the same dirty tricks. We are a generation that is learning how the state operates. We are learning this again because as we have learnt in the last two years, when I say we, I mean you my audience who read my blogs. (I hope you do read my blog.) We have learnt that they have wiped out the leaders that have come before, they have run them into the ground, destroyed their lives, hopes dreams. Many of us are now experiencing the same opposition.

Unlike what has gone before, our opposition has primarily been silent and covert, with many of the people, the agencies, organisations, political leaders we should be able to trust unavailable. We have ourselves and we have a community that is making some headway, more than I realised. That’s good, but that also means the bag of dirty tricks are going to come out, and we do have to find a way to mount up some kind of resistance, or we can choose to just sit back and let them continue to do this.

For many of us, we have lost family, friends, jobs, careers, etc. Let’s not to the best of our abilities let them take anything else from us.

I do fully believe these people want us to feel that we are powerless. That we have to take this, that there is nothing better for us, but I don’t believe that. I do believe as ever they are worried that the truth will come to the surface. I believe it can, but more targets do need to step up to the plate. Use the resources that are there. Use the websites that speak the truth, the books, the articles. Do what we have been doing, but more of it.

We really do hang around ourselves a lot, we need to go out into the mainstream arenas and be able to have credible conversations. If you don’t know how to converse, start by posting a same quote from a site that you trust, or feel comfortable using. Start by asking if anyone has heard of Gang Stalking, Targeted Individuals?
Have a main stream discussion about Fusion Centers, community policing, community action, etc. Talking amongst ourselves is great, but they own and control the media and we have the Internet as our primary resource but not necessarily for that much longer.

We need to take the battle not just online, but offline to a degree. Even if it’s to hand out flyer’s saying, what is Gang Stalking? What are Targeted Individuals? Direct people to the websites, while we still can. Mark’s book is out. You can use that as an offline resource, but we must do what we can, for as long as we can, and as quick as we can.

Keep the faith, pray, meditate, fortify yourselves. We are up against some big odds, a corrupt society that is moving towards a very big agenda. We must do what we can.

September 15, 2008 Posted by | 9/11, Censorship, CIA, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, crazy, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Insane, Isolation, metropolitan police, Monitoring, National Security Letters, one handed signals, oppression, paranoid, Red Squads, Relationships, revolution, Rosa Parks, silence, Snitches, Social Control, society, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, Targeted Individual, The Matrix | , , , , , | 4 Comments

Your government knows.

This is a two part post. The first part is to basically reiterate what has been said in the past, but to hopefully drive these points home a lot deeper.

Your government knows. Don’t believe, not a problem. For those who will believe no evidence is necessary, and for those who will not believe, no evidence will be enough.

However life is not that black and white all the time. It’s still nice to have some proof of what’s happening. If you have never encountered the concept or the idea that governments of the world are slowly coming together to create unions that will eventually merge into one big world government, then I would also want some proof.

Over the life of this blog there have been dozens of amazing links, in this post I am again going to point to a couple that I think are pretty neat and well laid out.

On the site, Mark goes into really in-depth detail about how the elite have come to rule, and who they are. Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergs, etc. He talks about some of the families, and the process that has gotten us here.

He also talks about future plans to to move towards the one world government, (communistic style one world government) and other important topics. The site is a well worthwhile read.

The next site.

Not a site that I am that familiar with, but it also explains the move to try to turn the world into one big police state. For people that are into the more everyday easy to understand x y z, this site might be a decent place to start.

The next site

Niki Raapana, she has done some really nice research on agenda 21 and also talks about the plans that are underway to turn the world into a one world government. It’s a nicely detailed site, and the book is available on her site as well.
But what does this have to do with Gang Stalking and our current situation?

It’s to help put it into perspective. Many are still operating on the delusional belief that the government is going to come to your rescue. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure that there are still some decent people in government. Every once in awhile they shine through.

The person who blew the whistle on the My Lai massacre was aided by one Congressman.

[quote]The carnage at My Lai might have gone unknown to history if not for another soldier, Ron Ridenhour, a former member of Charlie Company, who, independently of Glen, sent a letter detailing the events at My Lai to President Richard M. Nixon, the Pentagon, the State Department, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and numerous members of Congress.[23] The copies of this letter were sent in March 1969, a full year after the event. Most recipients of Ridenhour’s letter ignored it, with the notable exception of Congressman Morris Udall (D-Arizona). Ridenhour learned about the events at My Lai secondhand, by talking to members of Charlie Company while he was still enlisted[/quote]

Also let’s not forget Senator John De Dechamp and his role in trying to expose and get justice for the children of this horror. Even though he did not do what he set out to do, he opened the eyes of those who wanted to see, to some of the things that government and people in high places were doing and are capable of doing to children with drug running, and linked pedophile rings.

Then there was also Cynthia Ann McKinney

Not afraid to speak her mind, and she tried to get Cointelpro investigations re-opened, which would undoubtedly have shed a lot of light on our current situations, but lost her post, before this could happen. 

See I don’t think that they are all corrupt, but too many are, and when someone tries to do the right thing, often they are discredited, lose their post, like Senator Church did, when he finished investigating the first batch of Cointelpro. Often their investigations are stalled, ruined, or nothing comes of it, and the criminals are not punished. History has shown this time and again, and if you are still wondering why, or don’t get it, then I can’t make you get it.

Mark has a great article on his site called Your politicians can’t be trusted.

Not everyone is crooked, but the government knows, and more importantly, the people with power know. If we ever were lucky enough to find one decent, brave, well meaning person, who championed this cause, they would likely meet the fate of their predecessors or worst. I am not saying this to discourage anyone, but just to get you into a more realistic frame of mind.
How can everyone or the majority of people be in on this? That is the part that makes me want to more often than not, bring up my food. Again 2 years ago when I just started to understand what was happening, what was going on, and the source or causes for my harassment over the last 7-8 years or whatever it was a real shock to my system.

If you have read my blog, you have journeyed with me. From realising that the police can not be trusted to solve this or help, there are still good police officers out there, but either they get the system, or are part of it, trying to figure it out like everyone else. I am not going to go over the attempt to file a police report again, it was a lesson I had to learn for myself, but learn I did. I am going to go over the shock and horror of finding out that friends, family, people that I thought I could trust, were a part of this. That this is how society is.

What does that mean? It means that over the last two years, every job that I have had, about yep every public place I have attended, place that I have moved to, people that I have worked with, etc have been a part of this thing, this entity, these Citizen Informants, as Mark calls them. I still call them Snitches. I probably always will, because my first awareness of what was happening, happened due to cluing into the one handing sign language and the fact that some people that I knew to be unethical were doing it. However that did not last long, because before I blogged about it, I also noted decent people being a part of the same thing, I noticed that the stores I went into, had the workers doing the same thing, people on the train, on the street, etc. I then did the research. Found out about the snitching system, East Germany, Red Squads, Cointelpro, etc. Most of it is on the Gang Stalking website. Hundreds of articles, websites, etc that I read, trying to understand this.

Bottom-line, it’s systemic. I have explained it before. This system goes back to Roman time, remember Judas? It also happens that the British Empire, was rife with the snitching system, just one more reason to get away and come to the new world, and the snitching infection came over as well.

Since the beginning of the new world, snitching has been used. Red Squads have been later used to squash and oppress dissidence, again with the snitches being used. Also wives of cops were paid pin money for their info. Yeah keep it in the family.

Wave after wave of immigrants were exposed to these harassment Red Squads. Remember that once a snitch always a snitch and then you teach others the same, and the next generation. That is why you get such a wide range, and most likely why countries with large immigrant populations are seeing more of this. In part because of a) who get’s to come to the new world, and b) because you are more susceptible to the exploitation.

We again had Cointelpro, where many were destroyed, even after the truth came out, the murders, assassinations, false imprisonments, destruction of lives, never changed, never stopped. Even when the truth comes out, the band marches on, in part I am sure because of who Cointelpro was aimed at, but also because it came from the top.

The war on drugs, then terrorism, then something else, has produced legions of snitches, and concerned citizens informants who think they are doing something useful. (You are practicing to be your own jailers, nothing else.)

I digress, how can this be happening in just about every country? How can there be citizen informants? Why would people do this? Why would they go along with this? How can so many be a part of this? Even though I know the answers, I still ask the questions over and over again.

If this is how the society is set up, then overtime, most people will be inducted into this system.

Some via illegal acts or actions, some due to being patriotic, some bullied, bribed, some told lies. Many again believe that they are taking part in something useful, decent, most have no idea that they are a part of their own future enslavement, and if they did, I don’t know how many would care. Also don’t forget, if you were a snitch in your homeland, and you come to another country, the snitching goes with you.

Then that leaves us, the thing that I find interesting about Mobbing, Bullying, Cointelpro, Gang Stalking, the Buzzsaw, etc is who get’s targeted.

A lot of targets of these harassment’s have a lot of the same characteristics. Also a lot of us, seemed to not know about this cute system that is in place. For that matter, even when people become Citizen Informants, they don’t seem to realise the system that is in place, or what it really means, or how wide ranging it is. Most are not asking the vital questions. They are in their own little scoop, which is fine, but the bigger picture is not pretty. For those who do clue in, some turn to drugs, suicide, insanity, or just zone out, and party, cause it’s all corrupt anyways right? Easier to not fight back right, cause we can’t win, right? We still have to try, we might not win, but we have to try. It’s easy to zone out, I have had moments, cause I do realise how overwhelming this is, on top of life’s other garbage, but the end results are too important, we have to keep fighting, and trying to find a way.

It’s no coincidence that while our counterparts are being bulling, mobbed into suicide, job loss, poverty, etc to a lesser degree, we are seeing the more brutal form of this. Keep in mind many of us started with the lessor forms, and didn’t clue into the Gang Stalking, till years later.

This is how society deals with these types, this is how society will continue to deal with these types. It does not matter what field you are in, school you go to, eventually if you do not fall into line, you will be pushed out of line. There are very few people in our society independent enough, wealthy enough to make their own rules. When something or someone does come along, they are often gobbled up into this system. I like to think of what someone said about the Nazi’s and that they would kill off that 1 in 20.

Another factor is the ‘one in twenty’ theory. Apparently, administrators of jails and POW camps, etc., *find* the one in twenty, and isolate them. The one in twenty is the one who initiates action; who motivates the remaining 19; who acts as natural leader. The one in twenty is smarter, more capable, more independently minded than the other 19. The other 19 can be restrained with minimum effort; they are sheep-like, relatively obedient; are ‘followers’. Get rid of the one in twenty, and your job of controlling the other 19 is easy. Perhaps repressive regimes are actively seeking the ‘ones in twenty’ within our midst. They might find them at protest rallies; in Internet forums; etc. They are the first to be picked off. Perhaps they’ve *already* been picked off, which might account for all us sheepies, just sitting here in confusion and dismay, waiting for our ‘leaders’ to come and show us what to do to save ourselves ?

The crazy part of this for me, and will always be, that even though the rich and powerful run the system, they have no control without us. We are going to be the ones enslaving ourselves. It might be the rich and powerful running the show, but on ground level, it’s my fellow humans. You might be getting told, or asked to do this, but you are the ones doing it, and making active choices towards the fate of humanity.

I know it won’t happen, but can you imagine if everyone suddenly just stopped the bs? No more snitching, Citizen Informing, would the world really end? No, but you would miss your rumour mill, your access to be in touch and to know what is going on. I get that it’s important to know what is going on, but if the choice is to be part of the outer circle and a little bit free, not bound by this garbage, then that’s the choice for me.

It’s an easy choice for me, I am single, no dependents on this realm, a few debts, don’t care about fitting in that much, and I like freedom, and I am not willing to sacrifice freedom for security, a false sense of security at that. I also like my independence a great deal.

I know the choice is harder for others. Being a man or woman and having a family to think about I am sure is a harder state to be in. Having a home, and actually caring if you fit in, and wanting to be clued in, but it’s still a choice that we are making for the future, and it’s a choice that you are making for your families future. The world is corrupt, it’s easier in the short term to play along and go along if you can stomach it, but in the long run, what’s the price that is going to be paid.

Then there are those who like this, who really really like this, and will do anything to be a part of this, they don’t question it, they just go along with it, somewhere along the line this dazzled them, and it brought meaning, order, sense of power, belonging, they like society they way it is, they revel in the corruption of this system and would happily trade humanity, conscience, etc for a piece of this pie. More power to ya, and so they do progress.

I really believe there is no fate but what we make, even if it’s with our minds, thoughts and will, resist, fight, don’t go along with this. 

July 1, 2008 Posted by | Above top secret, Bullying, buzzsaw, changing vibrations, Children, CIA, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, Conformity, constitutional change, control, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, crazy, Cultural diversity and multiculturalism, dissident, domestic spying, driving-crazy, Drugs, East Germany, Fascism, Fascist, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Insane, Mark M Rich, Masons, mental concentration camps, mental-salves, metropolitan police, Minorities, mobbing, New World Order, NWO, one handed signals, oppression, Police State, politicians, Red Squads, revolution, slavery, slaves, Snitches, Social Control, society, Spying, Stasi, State target, Stop snitching, Targeted Individual, workplace mobbing | 21 Comments

Don’t play the game.

The last year and a half has taught me many things about being a target offline and online.
Finding out that the world is nothing like what you grew up believing it to be has been a real eye opener. Democracy is an illusion. Democratic countries use covert war tactics to keep the domestic populations in line. These tactics range in brutality and there ability to simply disable a threat to outright elimination.

These tactics are nothing new and have been a part of the system since the system was in place. Be it using Red Squads on new immigrant populations to infiltrate, or to destroying certain unruly elements. Civilian Informants have always been around, and I am guessing that they always will that’s the disturbing part. Each unruly element then becomes integrated into this system. Some countries rule as outright dictatorships, their brutality is obvious and overt, other countries are not so obvious. They enslave their populations and control them in other ways. They use the citizens of the state to be the eyes and ears of the state. They use the citizens to control their unruly elements, to infiltrate, betray and destroy.

Anonymity. When I first came online, and finally found out about Gang Stalking, I tried to make contact with many of the Gang Stalking Groups. I have always been fairly anonymous online and that remained. The first thing I noticed about many of these individuals is that they wanted to know who I was, where I was from, my full name, etc. Most of this information was never provided. What they used to try to garner this information was a guilt trip. How can we trust you if we don’t know who you are? We have lot’s of perps trying to infiltrate us, if we don’t know who you are how can we trust you? We have nothing to hide, what are you trying to hide. These arguments in some degrees made sense, but what I would later discover is that these people would try to use city, and any other information to figure out who you were as a target, and then if you had a sensitivity they would try to use that as they further tried to psychologically put you off.

I believe if you are a target, you never have to share your identity with anyone. If you are going to be doing activism offline, this changes ofcourse, but offline you can be as open or as anonymous as you choose to be, and don’t let anyone tell you differently. A real target has plenty to hide, as far as safety is concerned offline and online. That is not to say that we should be hiding, but each target must decide their degree of comfort with revealing details about themselves.

The other thing I discovered online is that depending on what people thought my gender was, the early conversations and discussions changed. When I first came online, I still did not know a lot about Gang Stalking, that’s an understatement. I knew nothing about Cointelpro, had never heard of Red Squads, etc. What I did know, I tried to use in discussions and on forums with others to try to bring awareness about what was happening, in the hopes of getting this stopped. At the time I still believed that we were looking at something that was easily manageable via education and awareness.

I found that on forums if people thought that I was male and I was holding my own or winning via a debate on Gang Stalking, the persons that I was debating with would then go for personal attacks, these personal attacks usually tried to focus on maybe I was some sort of pervert, a pedophile or even sexual harasser of some kind. If you can’t win the debate then attack the person you are debating with, or their character. I found on other forums it was the same, if assumed I was male/female and the discussions were going in my favor, the personal insults would change based on the gender that they thought I was at the time, or gender I said I was at the time.

I find that on forums where I am perceived to be female, if I am around people who choose to use personal attacks, or character assassinations they tend to be more gender based, I find that you get a great deal of sexually explicit comments, or things that try to assassinate your character making you seem slanderous, almost deserving of the treatment. I also find that on forums where I am perceived to be female vs male, the personal attacks also quickly go towards, mental competency more quickly.

I find that on forums where I am perceived to be male, that if personal attacks are to be used they still center around trying to make it look as if you are some sort of pervert, character assassination of mental competency is also used, but not as readily in debates. These are some of the differences that I have discovered along the way.

Ofcourse online you can be just about anything you want to be. On one of my favorite forums I discovered I am a pixel on a screen. Neither male, more female, neither Asian, European, African, Spanish, neither gay nor straight, just a pixel on a screen. The interesting thing about the online world is you can literally be anything, and anyone you choose to be. I find that in the last year and a half, I have learnt a lot about how people treat you depending on the perception that you choose to let them believe, or give them about yourself. In reality online you really are nothing more than a pixel on a screen if you choose to be.

That is not to say that you still do not have to be careful with character assassinations, or critical personal attacks. You will find online, just as offline, the idea is to same, ruin the targets credibility where you can. Paint the target to be someone or something undesirable, someone deserving of their treatment and targeting. Offline this can put you in physical danger, and online this can put you in danger of a different sort. I think on online we still have to be very cognisant of this fact if we are going to be posting on forums and trying to bring awareness to the things that Targeted Individuals go through.

The nice thing about being online is I can honestly say that I like about 99% of the people that I have met and interacted with. Early I had a few negative run in’s. Also I had threads deleted, when I did win debates or was able to trap Perps as I was calling them at the time, into slipping up. Eg. I once had a Civilian Spy pm me, with personal info about a website that I ran, that they could not have known about because the website had not been made public. The pm’s were deleted in a matter of seconds of me pointing this out. I did save a copy however of at least one pm, but things like this were common in the initial months. Since then my online interactions have been extremely positive. Then there is that 1% of the online population that I have to remember my own rule with. Just don’t play the game. There is one popular forum that I find the majority of people are pretty decent to associate with, and then there are specific elements that still after a year and a half, are deeply intent on slander, and character assassinations. This would not be a problem, except a lot has changed within the last year and a half. As cute as these were a year a half ago, they are no longer cute. They certainly do not further the cause of Gang Stalking, and in fact serve to ruin what some have worked hard for. Ofcourse that is the idea, realising that, I do try to remember my own rule and just don’t play that game. This at times will mean just walking away.

I have had to learn to do this offline, so I am pretty well versed on this. I have had Civilian Spies, try to provoke me, and set me up in a variety of ways. Even before I knew what Gang Stalking was, I realised that sometimes you just have to walk away. There are times in the past that I have been tempted or provoked to physically removing the provocation from my path, I don’t regret any of those times, or actions that I have taken, but looking back and knowing what I know now. I can see that these people were being used to set me up so that who ever was observing me, would be able to say, yes it was an unprovoked reaction to something innoculate, or unprovoked, when in reality you are consistently being provoked, and people are consistently observing, looking for just a reaction. The same is true online, finding out what makes the target tick.

A year and a half ago I think I was more willing to play the game and put up with character assassinations, insults, slander, because nothing was as important as getting information out about Gang Stalking. A year and a half later however, things are different. The research that I have done has taken endless days, evenings, weekends, it’s consumed most of my free time. The phone calls to lawyers, police, advocates, other institutions, private investigators, community workers, etc, the semi-undercover interactions with the Suburban Spies, has taken a lot of time. I have put most in not all of my free time over the last year and a half into finding out what is really behind Gang Stalking. As we can see, character assassination online can be just as dangerous and damaging as they can be offline. We know that in Korea, China, cyber violence is so prevalent that 1 in 10 of the population is affected by this. This is similar to online mobbing, but it often escalates to offline community harassment. In the last few days I have had to relearn a lesson that I thought I already knew, and that is to just not play the game.

I like 99% of the people that I interact with online, then there is that 1% element who do nothing, but try to destroy people’s reputations with slander and character assassinations. At those times you just have to remember to not play the game. You also have to remember that it does not help the cause that you are fighting for, in fact you put yourself at risk of doing just the opposite, and if you care about what you are doing at all, then at those times you just have to remember to just walk away and just don’t play the game. As a Targeted Individual it does come with the territory and just like offline it’s good to be cognizant of this, and govern yourself accordingly, when possible. I know we are all human and it’s easy to fall into this trap, but avoid it when you can.

Going forward, can we ever really hope to change what is happening in society? Democratic countries do the same if not worst than what other countries do. Much of the populous in democratic countries are complacent with and to a degree or aware of what is happening. Much of the populous in democratic countries in someway shape of form are aware of, and are parts of the system and are fully aware and going along with what is happening to some degree. These types of behaviors are not new or uncommon, and this is how the state commonly deals with dissidence. The only thing is most of us think of dissidence as marching at rallies, and being outspoken at marches. Most do not think of dissidence as whistle-blowing, writing and unpopular news article, or standing up for yourself at work against a big corporation, unfortunately the people that rule this world see it quite differently. Controlling dissidence means preventing the rise of another Messiah that could electrify the masses. It means identifying these elements early, in all their variations and dealing with them accordingly.

The last year for me has meant joining in, but staying separate. Over the last year I started with a website that was 100% open to the public, to a website that is open for reading and forwarding information only. I think had I left the format open the way I had initially intended I would have been distracted from my research. The elements that usually join these forums are not there for anything constructive, real targets are often lost in the cross fire, and it does not help. I find for me, researching on my own has been the most effective thing that I could do. I also find that if you visit some forums, you can look back a year and a half ago and realise that they are the exact place that they were. Nothing ever changes and no progress is ever made, and it’s intended to be just like that. The same with many offline movements. You are meant to feel like things are progressing, but much like the forums, things don’t really change that much.

Though I am doing what I can, life is still a struggle at time. I try to remember that you can not let yourself get isolated, you do have to try to keep in touch with some people, keep people updated on what is happening. Activism does help. I find that if I was not doing what I am doing, things would be 20 times worst. Being aware of what to expect saved me from getting sensitised to other things. Eg. When the electronic harassment first started, they would burn me almost 24/7 in my home, and try to sensitize me to loud power tools, drilling. Being aware that this possibility existed, I was able to psychologically not let myself get attached and not form a negative association. This really helped a great deal just being aware, and I was able to avoid that trap.

Offline some people are scared. The ones that do realise what this system is do not want to go against it. They will not discuss this in many instances. More people in society are Citizen Informants than I could ever dream of even imagine. People close to me, co-workers, stores that I enter. We probably have as high, or higher percentage of Citizen Informants in the city where I am, than East Germany did. Which is pretty messed up for a democratic country.

I read a report yesterday from someone who has travelled to many European countries, he reports that some countries are worst than others. So again the concentration of Civilian Informants will probably differ depending on where you are, what I am seeing and witnessing here is large scale.

Going forward what is the best approach? Some people think that open revolution is the best approach. I think that revolution starts in the mind. People who are controlled and attached to a system of conformity would be better freeing their minds first, before anything else. Once the mind is free then anything else is possible. I think if you have a revolution and have the same mentality you had before this all began, then you will be right back where you started from. I remember recently reading about a slave that had just been recently freed from the still thriving slave industry. This slave was freed physically, but he could not conceptualise freedom, and so he stayed with his master, and eventually agreed to become a bondsman again. It’s like the baby elephant. You restrain a baby elephant with a really strong restraint, it tries to pull and pull and get free, eventually it learns that it can not, be free by tugging on the restraint. Eventually it stops trying and then you can restrain a 1000+ pound elephant with a restraint that can not really hold it in most cases, because it’s mind has been bound. Free your mind and the rest will follow is how the saying goes. I think that is true in a lot of cases. From what I am seeing, people offline are still just comfortable enough. Some do realise what is happening, but if they are not being whipped physically, many will not risk rocking the boat. Why should they, they would loose out on the MTV, Myspace, what is the celebrity of the week is doing. You know the things that really matter in this world.

A year and a half later, I am more aware of the situation than I have been before. I have come closer to a place of acceptance than I have been before, but I am still a long way off. The problem is more encompassing than I realised, but that still does not mean that there can not be a solution, however part of that acceptance is realising that the world has always been like this, and is likely to continue to be like this, unless some cataclysmic force intervenes, or human society raises their consciousness to a higher degree.

At this time I see a world slowly in some ways, but in others rapidly moving towards a one world government, a global society, where the population are educated, think, and act the same way, with every-one’s loyalty being to the State, and not to each other, not like we have known it in the formerly traditional ways of the world. People are comfortable with this brave new world that they live in. They like the advantages that it affords them. It does not require a high degree of morality, in fact it requires just the opposite of that. It does not require, bravery, chivalry, loyalty, honesty, in fact the opposite works best. In does not ask for faithfulness to anything but the state, you can not trust anything or anyone in most cases. Like attracts like. People are comfortable being around their own kind. If the people running the world are of the immoral or the corrupt then they will advance their own kind, and that is what you will find at the helms of institutions, and other centers of power, all the way up and down the line.

We are not the first societies to ever deal with these happenings, we will not be the last. The power is with the people. There will always be more of us than there are of them. If we remained loyal and true to each other then yes we could have the potential to defeat this system, but this system knows that and has us all in constant states of fear, mistrust, and disloyalty. 1984 has come upon us in subtle ways. It’s not just about staying alive, but staying human, and yet many of us will betray each other the same way the characters betrayed each other in the book. The State counts on this one true aspect of human nature.

Is there really any hope? There is always hope, that is one thing that is so good about human nature. There is always hope, even in the deepest darkness, the worst fathomless pit there is always hope. I find that the targets I meet, many of them have a profound faith in God, or a higher power, or something outside of themselves. I wonder if that does not go a long way sometimes toward being singled out. The highly moral, the ones that can not be easily corrupted, conformed, or controlled. You probably fit a personality type that you are probably not even aware of. It’s a blessing and a curse, but it’s probably a large part of what brought you here. I don’t always like the situation that I am in, but I know that if I have a choice to be on this side of the fence then this is where I would choose to be. I don’t like being burnt in my home, I don’t like the things that come with my targeting, the tactics that are being used to destroy my life, even the knowledge that the ultimate goal of this is to destroy me, but I would rather be on this side of the fence, than the side of the fence that could torture innocent children while they sleep in their home. That could harass men and woman and torture them in their homes. That could destroy women and men and ruin their reputations and lives. That could send innocent people to their deaths via suicide. That could see innocent people falsely institutionalised. That could cause innocent people to snap and mass kill others. I don’t always like this side of the fence, but I know it has to be better than the other side of the fence. So I carry on. I know that it doesn’t seem pleasant now, but I know this has built character, it’s helped me to become more of the person I was always going to be, always wanted to be. As strange as this sounds, the events of the last year and a half, have helped me on my path to becoming who I was meant to be. This journey though unplanned to my conscious mind, was probably always going to happen in one capacity or another.

This time has been unpleasant, painful (electronic torture is just not what it use to be), psychologically testing, but it’s helped me to be stronger on so many levels. It’s challenged me, almost daily. I realise just how useless hate is. It’s a wasteful emotion and it does not accomplish what needs to be accomplished. For me I read the bible a lot when I was younger, but it’s really given me a lot of perspective as far as many of the lessons, psalms or proverbs. I see that others have been though similar experiences, where is seemed like the world had become evil, and my faith keeps me going, as I am sure it does many other targets. I now have a better understanding of Nazi Germany and how people can turn on each other and betray each other. It comes on so slowly you almost don’t see it coming, but by the grace of God, or whatever power out there that like’s me, I was one of the lucky ones. I do consider myself to be lucky, because I spent so many years not knowing what was happening, knowing something was not right, and just before this could fully consume me, I was able to find out what this thing was, well to a certain degree. That does not mean that it’s made this evil time any better in anyway, but having an understanding is like a weapon unto itself.

I am grateful for this and when I look at the alternatives, or the targets that never got the chance to realise the evil that was upon them till it was too late, i do consider myself lucky. I might not win, but I at least have a fighting chance, many others did not. I also have the opportunity of helping others. I don’t have to sit back and passively take what is happening to me. I can share what I am going through, I can make the path easier for others who are going through the same thing. This is something that I can do and am happy to do it. This as most targets know is one of the most productive things we can do. Any sort of activism really helps you find your center and is a good source of strength.

Looking forward, I am hearing about targets that have been going through this for 10 years, 20 years, etc. Targets of Cointelpro have been hunted down since the 70’s and just because the government said that Cointelpro had ended the populas believed them. There are many targets of Cointelpro still in jail, murdered by the state. There organisations destroyed, personal lives disrupted and ruined. That is how the state then and now deals with dissidence, but even though the world is aware of this, and has seen this, it has not stopped this. People still hold onto the belief that if they just stay within the lines, nothing like this could ever happen to them. That is a mistake, but most people will not believe it unless it happens to them, and even then most would rather not believe the truth.

Going forwad what we can do is hope to light our own individual candles, and share that light with others, if enough lights shine forth in this darkness at the same time, then maybe we can bring about a change, at the very least we will be able to provide each other with some comfort within this darkness that has come over us again in this time.

February 28, 2008 Posted by | Above top secret, Baiting, black, Black female, Black Females, black women, BlackFemales, Censorship, changing vibrations, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community policing, communityharassment, Controlled society, Corruption, crazy, discrimination, dissident, domestic spying, driving-crazy, Electronic harassment, Fascism, Female, Females, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, Gratitude, harassment, Isolation, male, Matrix, mental-salves, Monitoring, New World Order, NWO, oppression, Police State, Politics, Red Squads, revolution, School Shooting, slavery, slaves, Snitches, Socialnetworking, society, Stasi, State target, Targeted Individual, The Matrix, vibrations, whistle blower, White, WhiteFemale | 6 Comments

Stasi-style secret police system forming in Canada, Britain, US

In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
George Orwell.

I really wanted to title this post as hat’s off to Jennifer.
This is what happened. I was just sitting there trying to figure out how to get the word out about the the information that the people Gang Stalking Innocent citizens are a new form of Stasi.

Suddenly out of nowhere I see this article which answers my question very nicely. It’s from Jennifer Stoddart, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. It’s a 48 page report. You know you have nothing better to do this weekend right? Ok after you get your Valentine day jollies out of the way, you might want to check out the report.

Here are some clips from the article.

Jennifer Stoddart, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, has given her own Valentine to Canadian citizens: a 48-page report warning them that the RCMP (Canada’s national police force) is keeping thousands of files on regular citizens in secret databases which cannot be seen by the accused. The news is perhaps unsurprising, given that the McDonald Commission reported in 1981 that the RCMP had been involved in all manner of illegal activity in their attempts to spy on Canadian citizens, including breaking into citizens’ homes without warrants and even conducting electronic surveillance of a member of Parliament.

One of the many disturbing facets of Stoddart’s report are the examples she cites of information for these secret files coming from citizen informants. In one case a man was put into the secret database because a resident of his daughter’s school neighborhood saw him entering a rooming house and—believing drugs were involved—called the police. The police investigation concluded that the man had only stepped out of his car to have a cigarette, but the file was still in the national security databank seven years later.

Another incident cited in the Stoddart report involved a neighbour who saw two men carrying “something that resembled a large drum, wrapped in canvas” into their house. Police were called to investigate but found nothing resembling the reported item, yet the data was still sitting in a top secret databank five years later. As Stoddart points out in the CBC story on the report, this is potentially disastrous for the individuals named in the files, because it “could potentially affect someone trying to obtain an employment security clearance, or impede an individual’s ability to cross the border.”

This report follows on the heels of news from London that a man was arrested, fingerprinted and had his DNA stored in the British DNA database because a passer-by mistook his mp3 player for a gun.

What these seemingly disparate reports point to is a growing movement to turn the citizens of so-called free, democratic nations into a self-regulating secret police, saving the government the hassle of keeping tabs on everyone by delegating the duty to an unwitting public duped by a phoney war on terror. That this is a part of a concerted effort on the part of the authorities to inculcate paranoia in the public is suggested by this ridiculous police training video from Michigan, teaching people how to be good informants: report on everyone, everywhere for doing anything.


I have news for Jennifer, it’s already happened. Ask any Gang Stalking target. Also it’s not just in Canada, Britan, and the UK. This is happening all over the place. However I think she is very brave to have come out with the report, which I look forward to reading.
What this video and these recent news items highlight is a harmonized effort to turn the myth of the war on terror around and aim its machinery at the general public. The controlled corporate media has played along by dutifully regurgitating government propaganda that Al-Qaeda has recruited thousands of homegrown terrorists. Now that we know anyone, anywhere, at any time is potentially a terrorist, it is our civic duty to report everything we see to the police.[/quote]
Wow, just like the old country. Although I am sure that the Stasi had less informants per capita. However civilian spies are nothing new. Snitches go back to Britain before the colonies were formed. Also Red Squad programs go back over a hundred years, and they also used Civilian Spies. The wives of police officers were even given Snitch pay in the form of pin money.

In World War 2 the Civilian Spy effort would again be used in large proportions.

Need I mention Cointelpro? Snitches, Civilian Spies, Citizen Informants, they have always been there in some form or another, and often used by the state to do their dirty work. It’s no different now. Well it is different for some of us, cause A) Didn’t know that the world was like this, and B) Did not realise that I was being followed around and stalked by them till recently. Anyways on with the article.
The historical parallels to the Stasi should be obvious. The Stasi were the dreaded secret police of East Germany, who had one out of every seven citizens of the country working for them as secret informants. What is perhaps most surprising is that the US Department of Homeland Security hired the ex-Stasi chief and engineer of the Stasi police state as a consultant in 2004, shortly before they brought in a program known as Highway Watch, which has spent millions of dollars teaching tens of thousands of long distance truckers how to spot terrorists on the road. The hiring of the ex-chief of the Stasi to consult for Homeland Security also coincides with a 2004 White House push to recruit over 15,000 citizen informants to help counterterrorism investigations…and all this effort despite the fact that terrorist-related cases account for less than 0.01 percent of all Homeland Security investigations.

Look for the number of false accusations from anonymous citizen informants to increase under the watchful eye of these government paranoia programs.


I have news for this article. T.I.P.S. Terrorist Information Prevention System, was officially killed, but they went ahead and turned people into snitches under other programs.

Anyways it’s just some fun Friday-night food for thought.

I hope this helps some of those in the Gang Stalking Community begin to come to terms with what we are dealing with and what we are up against. It’s worst than it looks. There is always hope however.

February 16, 2008 Posted by | brown coats, buzzsaw, Censorship, CIA, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, community policing, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, domestic spying, Fascism, Fascist, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Markus Wolf, mobbing, Monitoring, Neighbours, New World Order, NWO, oppression, Red Squads, silence, Snitches, society, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Targeted Individual, UK | 18 Comments

Snitch culture

 I found this book about a year ago, when I just started trying to figure out what gang stalking was. I had researched snitching, cause I figured they had something to do with what was happening, it would be a long time before I realised they had everything to do with what is happenig, and that gang stalkers and snitches were essentially the same thing.

It would be some time before I figured out about the controlled society as well, and how far back this culture of snitching goes.

I got the site back up, and I am blogging as quickly as I can, cause who knows how long my computer will behave.

I had to fix the site, someone had defaced it, while I was offline. They had removed the profiles, with stories of individuals, the page that I have about snitches, interestingly enough, and a couple of others, like how to cope. Very specific and very telling.

Anyways, I have not had a chance to read the book, but I think the article, explains what I have been trying to explain over the last year about the snitches. The information, (the truth) is out there, it’s just a matter of finding it. Ofcourse I stubbled across this a year ago, and had no idea that it was relavant to what I was researching, or what was happening to me. Now looking back, I don’t see how I could have missed it, but I did.

You can be living in one reality and even when it get’s strange, still miss a lot of the significance of it all, which I am sure I still am, but I can only handle so much at once. Everything in good time.

Anyhow enjoy the article, and if you get the chance to, pick up the book, or the other book the article recommends by Frank Donner. He is the one who also wrote Red Squads.

December 4, 2007 Posted by | 9/11, black, Censorship, Cointelpro, community policing, Controlled society, Covert investigations, domestic spying, Echelon, Fascism, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, government corruption, harassment, Laws, Mccarthyism, Minorities, Monitoring, New World Order, NWO, PROMIS, Red Squads, Skin Heads, Snitches, society, Spying, Stop snitching, zero tollerance | 2 Comments

The more things change the more they stay the same.

[quote]Surveillance and infiltration are weapons in the arsenal of the state machinery-from dictatorships like Egypt to Western democracies like the United States. How else could minority elites hope to monitor and stifle dissent among their exploited and oppressed majorities? Especially in times of war, when the façade of diplomacy is lifted and the true brutality of states is unleashed, a premium is placed on silencing or crushing any domestic discord that threatens national unity. War abroad, to put it bluntly, is always accompanied by intensified repression at home.[/quote]
Why did I think it had all changed?

The cops, judges, citizens, society, why did I think it had all changed?

I mean when I first learnt about Cointelpro and McCarthyism I learnt that at some recent time in history, the authorities of our society, our judges, cops, media, politicians, and many in society had contributed to these horrible time periods, which destroyed many good people. I learned that this insanity had continued and gone on for years under J. Edgar Hoover and other men like him. So why did I think it had all changed?

A study of McCarthyism. –

[quote]The two-stage nature of McCarthyism, in which political undesirables were first identified by one agency and then fired by another, increased its effectiveness. By diffusing the responsibility, the separation of the two operations made it easier for the people who administered the economic sanctions to rationalize what they were doing and deny that they were involved in the business of McCarthyism. This was especially the case with the essentially moderate and liberal men (few women here) who ran the nation’s major corporations, newspapers, universities, and other institutions that fired people for their politics. Many of these administrators sincerely deplored McCarthy and HUAC and tried to conceal the extent to which their own activities bolstered the witch-hunt. [/quote]
Because that was then and this is now. I assumed that it had all changed, but why would it? The media from that time did not get fired, the people of that time who helped ruin the lives of innocent people and black list them did not get fired, infact Ronald Reagan went on to become president.

If anything it was the victims who remained at large, hidden, still hardly able to find jobs.

It’s not the cream that has been rising to the top in society, it’s the mean, and I guess it’s always been like that. Also those people private citizens who remember Cointelpro, Red Squads, and McCarthyism, they remember what society can do, and they would have learned their lessons about complying with this system. That is why most don’t speak up or say anything, or get out of line, they see what can happen, they are not under the painted reality that has been set before so many of us to believe.

[quote]The Espionage Act of 1917, and an amendment, the Sedition Act of 1918 made it a crime to “willfully utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States,” punishable by a $10,000 fine and up to twenty years in prison. During the Palmer Raids in the aftermath of the First World War, the Bureau of Investigation-forerunner of the FBI-rounded up 6,000 radicals and exiled 1,000 foreign-born socialists and anarchists, using these acts as justification. During the McCarthyite witch-hunts of the 1940s and 1950s, a coalition of government bureaucrats, employers, and right-wing activists hounded and fired thousands of communists, leftists, trade unionists, and civil rights activists. These legal suspensions of democratic rights, often initiated by Democrats and almost always supported on both sides of the aisle, were promoted in the name of defending national security. Each time these activities expanded the scope of state repression. Radical historian Noam Chomsky describes how following the Second World War, Senate liberals including Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.) and Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) proposed “the ultimate weapon of repression: concentration camps to intern potential troublemakers on the occasion of some loosely defined future ‘Internal Security Emergency.

-2 Not much has changed since then. Don Goldwater, son of the late senator Barry Goldwater and GOP candidate for governor in Arizona, recently called for the creation of forced labor camps for undocumented immigrants.

3 The so-called liberal media, such as the New York Times, which sat on the NSA story for a year at the request of the Bush administration, applauded the expulsion of a socialist assemblyman following the Palmer Raids. In the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the Washington Post editorialized against “hairsplitting over infringement of liberty.

“4 A new generation of antiwar and social justice activists needs to learn the lessons of the last wave of state repression, spying, and infiltration. There is far too much ground to cover on this broad issue than can be done justice in the scope of a single article, therefore I’ve chosen to focus on a few highlights [lowlights?] of the government’s intervention in the Black liberation and socialist movements in the late 1960s and early 1970s.[/quote]
Why I thought it had changed is beyond me. The first thing that happened right after 9/11 is that people the the government had hounded and tried to destroy during Cointelpro were rounded up and they tried to use them once again to destroy each other. I mean this is like years they were allegedly left in peace, and then suddenly they were back on the charts. See nothing is ever forgotten by that side, nothing forgiven. We should be equally the same. By that I just mean it’s good to be mindfull of who and what these people are.

Lillian Hellman’s FBI file

[quote]During her lifetime she was never put on trial and no violation of the law was ever noted, not even a misdemeanor. How can you withhold a document about her on grounds that it is in ‘the interest of national defense or foreign policy – your official printed reason? Miss Hellman never threatened her country; she merely irritated officials in Washington who did not like her politics or her plays.

The FBI files reveal that surveillance of Miss Hellman began by [unnamed] informants before World War II – independently and also because of her relationship with Dashiell Hammett. Surveillance was maintained by FBI informants and also by a mail watch of her correspondents and what she read.

In 1938 she was one of the speakers at a rally to support the Abraham Lincoln Brigade volunteers with the Loyalists during the Spanish Civil War. The same year she joined thirty six other authors in a petition to President Roosevelt to bar
You can be targeted for such simple things, and this targeting is nothing new, and what I failed to realise is that societies willingness or abilty to go along with such times is also nothing new. How I could have missed this before is beyond me, but I see it now a lot more clearly. It was there in the research, and in so many others ways. I just did not wish to see it for whatever reason.

[quote]It is important to realize that the McCarthyesque idea of ignorant persecution did not come into being in 50 s, but had already existed for hundreds of years, with such historical examples such as the Spanish Inquisition and the Salem Witch Hunts. A more modern manifestation of the McCarthy mindset would be that once someone has been accused of sexual harassment, they are shunned socially, whether they are finally found guilty or not. It can be applied even in a broader sense as a tendency to not discuss things openly; a local example would be that many people in Hartland did not want the book Daddy’s Roommate in the Pauline Haass Public Library. Another example would be the war over Outcome Based Education that erupted several years ago and is still going on in this district. Everyone has a different idea, and they all want to point fingers and blame, without getting the facts out in the open and discussing them coolly and rationally. Yet another example of ignorance and hate would be that many people in Hartland are against Satanism, while there are very few who actually know what it is about. It is important to realize that the repercussions of even a relatively short period of McCarthyism have long-lasting effects; during the short time he had power, Joseph McCarthy left his mark on history, which is still influencing leaders today.
So once more society has gone into Trippin mode, and we the targets are caught up in it’s spin cycle of repression and stupidity, once again. So again nothing new. What is new and that has been throwing off targets is the electronic harassment. The State has found a new weapon to play with. I guess it’s like shock treatment to keep targets in line. Just like the Milgram experiments where you get a complete stranger to shock another stranger and do it more and more. Nothing new there eiteher, you have just found a way to do this remotely. Cleaver, cleaver, little State.
When you love your country you wear these little blinders that you are not aware of. You don’t tend to realise that your country can be just a bad, and repressive as any other state, or country. We also have such a good reputation in the world, that is just one more reason it took me longer to see this. I thought surly if my country was repressing it’s citizens in such a way, it would be discussed, but then look who owns the United Nations, and who runs it. It’s like being on the highschool league of justice commity. Your friends can do no wrong and they don’t get reported when they pull the same crap that other people do.

I guess I had this naive sense of pride in who my country and society were, and refused or could not see it as being as corrupt, flawed and bad as any other nation. It’s so horrible to have this truth wash over me, and yet it’s so free. The truth will make you free, but first it will make ya miserable. So true in so many ways.

So where does that leave targets? I mean we are in a slightly different age with the internet and the abiltiy to get information out to society and allegidly the world, but this has not changed much. That is because there are no true agencies or organisations that can change this. Unless you can bring the eyes of the world to your door steps like they did with South Africa, then this is not going to change.

For example it’s not unlike the pedophile down the street who is like a cop, or firefighter, and no one wants to see that they are bad. They have a good reputation and no one wants to see the truth. Or like Paul and Karla Homolka, I mean no one wants to see that shiny pretty couple answer the door and believe that they have some drugged teenager locked up in the basement and so they just walk away. No one wants to beleive our democratic countries, the judges of the world, the good guys of the world are doing these horrible things to thier citizens. It’s like trying to get people to believe that Priest are commiting derading acts on very young children. The people that don’t know, don’t want to believe, and the people that do know, don’t say anything, or didn’t for years. It’s so horrible that such shamefull things can happen in society, allegidly under the cover of darkness, but it’s not. It’s more like a big dirty open secret that everyone knows about and no one does anything about. They just accept that that’s the way it is.

So what can we learn from this boys and girls? The State is corrupt, murdering and dangerous, it’s always been like this, and I guess it probably always will be unless someone is interested in changing it. And the biggest lesson or surprise for me is still society and the individual will or lack there of, and people’s willingness to just go along with it. I am not trying to blame or judge anyone, I mean now that I have some idea of what you have been up against, and what that would mean I am less angry, but so disappointed. I mean what happened to standing up to peer-pressure? That’s right our society practically hazes children to fall in line with peer pressure, be it drugs, sex, alchol, or whatever, they learn to do whatever one else is doing, because that is how you fit in to society, that is how you will be liked, and admired, and so they are conditioned from an early age, that this is the price of acceptance, and for the most part it is. There there are those few, who somehow managed to come up in society and miss that lesson. Who resisted the peer pressures, and the world, and so here you are, here we are, here they are.

It’s all very fascinating that aspect of it, but the rest, is as it ever was. Targets have to find a way to survive, document this time period, just like the others that have gone before, and also try to help other real targets as best as we can, by sharing our experiences.
As far as agencies and the law, I still think we have to try to make people aware of what is happening from a target stand point of view. The same targeting that has been going on in society, that we have these laws against, is being commited by our own governments. The same drugs that people are going to jail for, are being imported by the CIA a branch of the government. As long as the corruption abounds, then so must awareness abound, and a few voices saying that this is wrong and this is not the way things should be.

Hum seems like this other person had the same issues with their state like over 2000 years ago, and spoke out against the corruption of that time period, and tried to help the poor, downtrodden and oppressed. He too woul become a target of the State. See the more things change, the more they stay the same.

[quote]”Woe and misery to you scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites, you sanctimonious swindlers! You are like tombs that are kept beautifully painted white on the outside but inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything rotten and corrupt. You appear outwardly to others to be good and righteous, but inside you are full of filth and corruption, hypocrisy and lawlessness[/quote]

August 8, 2007 Posted by | Censorship, Cointelpro, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Jesus, Laws, Mccarthyism, mental concentration camps, metropolitan police, mobbing, Police State, politicians, Red Squads, Snitches, society, State target, Surveillence, Thought Police | Leave a comment

The System 2

The System. It controls all.

So when I wrote my last post a couple of days ago, I think I was starting to get this, but I don’t think I really got this. I was sitting on a bench the other day and this little Asian boy and his family passed by. He was skipping along just young, innocent, happy, unaware of the evils of the world I would say. His parents were doing the snitch patrol thing, but he was just being a kid, unaware of it all, and then I think I finally got it. (Well some of it.)

Just like I would have been this happy kid, not skipping along, but unaware of the world, and this systemic system that is before me. Much like that kid, I probably had adults in my life who were aware of this snitching system, and who were also a part of this. Much like him, I lived and grew oblivious to this system. Much like some of the other targets. The same targets who are seeing these family patterns, we are all assuming it’s something recent, because how could any of us envision a system that is like this.

At some point the targeted ones, are not for whatever reason absorbed into the Borg system, and maybe they do something that is out of line with our little controlled system. I mean I am still in the mode where I am thinking that my sensitization was accidental, but just like Mark and the other targets, there is probably nothing accidental about this stuff. It’s all used for purposes of control. Thus why they try to attach (Anchor) other sensitizations to the original one. (As was attempted with me last year.)

I would or couldn’t see this a year ago, not six months ago, maybe a month ago, but I get it now, well sort of. I think the problem is that most targets keep thinking this is brand new, most of us don’t think that something like this could exist in society and why would we? I mean we are taught one thing, and apparently the truth is something quite different. What I don’t get is why not just be honest about it?

China is pretty open about their snitching, Russia, East Germany, why all the farce and pretense, that you were not doing the exact same thing? This should have clicked before now. Red Squads (Red Squads, Protectors of Privilege) go back over a hundred years, the spying on campuses goes back over 70 years, ( This was never anything new, the only thing that is new, is our ability to compare notes. (The Internet)

When this happen to targets 15 years ago, even just 10 short years ago, the Internet was not what it was, so most targets would have suffered alone, unable to get help, thinking it was just them. Within the last few years however, with the groups that have formed we have targets comparing notes, being lead in the wrong direction by the disinfo agents, and now it makes a bit more sense.

There are no boundaries. I mean being rich or famous does not stop this. Eg. John Lennon. When he complained about being followed around in public by strangers, he said that if anything ever happened to him, it would be no accident. I just found out that in addition to his own government spying on him, my government also did. What a tag team.

I have pointed out Eminem’s most recent lyrics. [quote]The track makes references to his phones being tapped, how an FBI van might pull up and he might just disappear, or maybe get taken out by a sniper one day. He goes on to say how he is focused on writing as many tracks as he can just incase something happens, and takes it one step further saying that he has already accepted he would be killed and then painted negatively for his actions. This is the point where the track briefly references 9/11 (after mentioning tremendous tremors) before going on to talk about 2 Pac predicting his death, and JFK’s assasination – an allusion to them both being killed for being ‘public enemy #1’ in the past.[/quote] Very telling.

And of course Mark M. Rich had said if he disappears, has an accident or goes missing, etc,etc, it would be no accident.

So this explains a lot, but not everything. Why do some parents get their kids into this creepy snitch system from an early age, while others leave their kids oblivious to this?

In these little covert investigations which are part of the farce, why are some people made aware of what’s going on, while others are not?

At least this explains why people go along with this, they are facing a an all encompasing system that is corrupt from top to bottom, that has ****large chunks of society,**** which I would say are in the majority that are a part of this. Thus explaining why people do not show more gumption.

If you are one of those people not in the know, you would never get it. You would just go through life, being unaware. You would also not believe it. You would have to see, feel and experience this for yourself. Once you do, you are not likely to forget.

Mobbing? How long was this going on in the workplaces, before it started getting documented? Is it as new as we first thought or was it on going for years, without being reported? Same question goes for bullying? It does appear with our ability to share and pass on information with the Internet and other mediums that there is now more awareness, but is that because the problem is at an all time high, or because people are finally in positions to document it? The same goes for who get’s targeted most.

Is it really an increase disproportionate to other time frames, or are we just documenting the occurrences more accurately?

Finally. The nice thing about a corrupt system, it will not sustain itself forever. There is a reason we don’t have the stupid and the corrupt at the helm. The Enron scandal comes to mind.

Lot’s of people knew about this, from what I have read, it was a big open secret. Many knew, many did nothing, and look how well that turned out? The problem is, the system that supported this happening, has not changed, and if anything is probably worst than ever. Now that’s not too bad, because it’s only people’s money. What about when the stupid and corrupt are responsible for your drinking water, food supply, medicine, health care? We already see this working in our tribunals, courts, law offices, police departments. As a target you get to see the corrupt side of the tracks pretty quickly, and you understand the underlying consequences of this, but the rest of society, will not experience the fruits of these labours, the full fruit of this corrupt system till later, and then it will be a bit too late to correct it.

Just some food for thought. It’s early morning, for some odd reason the target is being kept awake, the EMF is flowing fast and free, so I thought it would be nice to share. If I can’t sleep, then I guess I can blog. 🙂
Oh and remember, think nice thoughts, think nice thoughts.

August 3, 2007 Posted by | Bullying, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Eminem, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, High technology, John Lennon, metropolitan police, mobbing, New World Order, NWO, Police Abuse, Police State, politicians, Red Squads, Snitches, society, Thought Police, twilight zone, vibrations | 11 Comments

You tube is controlled.

You tube is controlled.

I already knew that, but ususally they don’t make it this obvious. Ok you might have read my blog post that I just did and in that post it included a link to a video about how sound affects our bodies by David Icke right. ok. I just checked on the video and it’s off the air. I blogged like about 2 hours ago, and it’s off the air.

Here is the link.

Also the user account has been suspended. (karmic_plight) All within less than 2 hours. Now you tell me that it’s just one more coincidence. Anyways having seen it happen time and time again, I am not surprised.

However having seen it before, that’s why I don’t like to share videos or article links anymore, because this happens all the time. Not just videos, but names and places. It’s just sometimes better to leave them off or out.

This is the super creepy system that you are currently going along with, and bowing down to. So did they get rid of the video because it showed David Icke saying something that I think kind of contradicts what the bible says. He said in the video the word was with God and the word was sound, but if I recall the verse it’s the word was with God and the word was God. If he really is a disinfo agent, then it seems to me the big play he would be going for and is going for is to do what needs to be done to get this system in place, and that is go get rid of Jesus. Tell us enough truth, so that we will believe the one lie that is not the truth. I mean that’s the play they pulled with gang stalking. They gave us all the details, made it so believable and the one point that would lead to the truth, they lied about. Everything was correct, how the operation worked, methods, tactics, just they lied and said it was vigilante gangs and it was the government. See you can’t pass off a lie by lying, you have to mix in just enough truth to make yourself convincing. Having listened to David Icke, I can say that he seems to speak the truth for the most part, or believes that he does, but then when he gets to things like Jesus never existed it makes me think, yep this might be the play that I just saw being repeated.

The other reason the video might have been removed is because it does talk about how sound affects us, and how it can be used for us to make changes to our surroundings and environment. It spoke of how you had atoms in random formation, and then introduce sound to the mix, and they form patterns. It spoke of how our heart beats to sound, how our very thoughts create sound and when we are upset, unbalanced or out of sort those vibrations change. I speculate this might be the other reason the EMF, electro magnetic frequencies are being used on targets. Outside of the tracking and monitoring. We have the power withing to make changes to our external world, just by thinking it, and apparently sound is a big part of this. (I was not aware of the sound part of this before.) So eg. If you don’t want a Stasi like world, where we are all chipped and tagged, let’s find a decent ending that we do all want, and collectivly think on that. Hint, hint.

Now think about this, I blog a simple post, keeping in mind I am heavily under surveillance/observation, and then the video and account are removed, and the account is suspended. Youtube is the biggest file sharing site on the Internet, but these creatures can pull the video, and kill the account in like 2 hours. Do you see the reach? Do you see the danger? Yet I am still not impressed. Irritated to be sure, but not impressed. I have seen impressive and this is not it.

Also can you say obvious. Now you might want to just write it off as paranoid, but when I see things like this happen over and over again, I don’t know what else to think. I checked back on the video, cause I thought this might just happen, cause it’s happened before.

Anyways if anyone is interested in finding out more about how we create, how sound and vibrations are used, then that is someplace you might want to start with, and in future will have to try to find better ways of getting the info out to you. Interpret it how you will.

July 8, 2007 Posted by | Censorship, changing vibrations, david icke, discrimination, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, High technology, New World Order, NWO, Online Stalking, Police State, politicians, Red Squads, Snitches, society, sound, Syncronicity, Thought Police, vibrations, whistle blower, zero tollerance | 11 Comments