Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Breaking The Story

Breaking The Story

Where are the other conspiracy sites that claim that they hate the mainstream media because they never cover stories that we want to hear, that they cover up some stories. So an alternative press was created.  Where is the alternative media to cover this story? Where are the big names that bring you all the latest Illuminati distraction, and then show you the way to break free of your slavery on ground level? Where are you? Everyday I hear you on the forums, oh we are slaves, oh we are controlled, well then what are you doing about it to fight for your freedom? Are you doing your part?

See I think that people are bondless slaves because it’s just comfortable enough. One monkey tries to break free or reach for that banana and the other monkeys rush in to stop the money trying to break out of the mold. That is why you are slaves. I mean the powers that be play a role. They have created a system, they create problem, reaction, solution scenarios all the time, but it’s the people at ground level that fall for the lie, that leave the truth by the way side, and continue to lovingly cling to their bonds.

Too many people would have nothing without this system. They love their little community health and safety roles, it makes them feel powerful, why would it not, I have seen people in cults with the same false sense of power. Your power does not come from yourself, it comes because the higher bondless slave masters have granted you a crumb, which they can take back, and most of the bondless slaves know it. True worth comes from within, and no one can take that, no matter how much their group try to take away what is yours, what you have worked hard for. That is why they are slaves, because they are willing to parasitically feed off of the hard work of others, then they tell themselves they are a community, a family, you are brain washed slaves, and do not play yourselves, and do not tell yourselves any differently.

None of them are allowed to act without doing what the system tells them to, that is slavery. Who to work with, who to associate with, when to render help to, when not to. This system rewards the compliant and removes the none compliant, the independent thinkers. That is why eventually you will have unqualified people running your society. The DSM is going to be going heavily after those independent thinkers with their next revisions, and then any form of rebellion can be classified as mental illness. No one is paying attention to this but you should be. Again they are going after the children, and the adults to make sure the free thinkers, the smart and wise amongst you don’t have the chance, from what I can see, they will be enabled.

[quote]Now independent thinkers are considered diseased by psychiatry
Monday, May 17, 2010

Psychiatrists have been working on the fourth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and, in it, they hope to add a whole slew of new psychiatric disorders. Unfortunately, many of these disorders are merely differences in personality and behavior among people.

The new edition may include “disorders” like “oppositional defiant disorder”, which includes people who have a pattern of “negativistic, defiant, disobedient and hostile behavior toward authority figures.” Some of the “symptoms” of this disorder including losing one’s temper, annoying people and being “touchy”.

Other “disorders” being considered include personality flaws like antisocial behavior, arrogance, cynicism or narcissism. There are even categories for people who binge eat and children who have temper tantrums.

Children are already over-diagnosed for allegedly being bipolar or having attention-deficit disorder (ADD), which results in their being prescribed dangerous antipsychotic drugs. To categorize even more childhood behaviors as psychiatric disorders will only further increase the number of children who will be needlessly prescribed antipsychotic drugs.

Truth will not expose itself, it must have help along the way. You know what the system is doing. People like Jiverly Wong were tormented until they snapped taking lives, then people rail against him, but never stop to ask about the evils that the system did, that lead him to that. They go on with their lives an willfully enable the next scenario to happen, cause it makes them feel powerful.

Part of what i see reminds me of the stories that I read of male rape in the jails. I have heard men who have been raped, say that they went on to rape cause it make them feel like they could get back their power. Then they too join in monstrosities that can not be imagined. Others however go on to become defenders of those in jail, guiding them in the right path, helping them stay out of trouble. I see the slaves trying to be down other slaves, they know that they are not a community, that they are slaves, but they will be damned if anyone try for freedom. The little that I have read about slavery in the past, I believe their were slaves like that that alerted their masa when another prisoner would try to escape. I think the system works like that. I understand that they did it out of fear, but what I see are a lot of little punks getting off on the fake power the system gives them. That’s not ok.

Real people of valour need to do what they can. Some in my opinion do not want freedom, and that is ok, but it’s not ok to interfere with those who are trying go get theirs. Be slaves if you will, but step out of the way of others that choose the path of freedom.

People want truth. 9/11 truth, they complain about secret societies, who really rules the world, they always say how much they want truth, but when truth comes, what do they really do with it, and for it? I have been rethinking a lot of things over the last few days. I believe their are some who want freedom, that want this system exposed, that remember decency, and who know that this is wrong. Maybe this system started to protect, but it’s being abused. It’s being used like a gang, or a mafia of some sort. Once targeted a person is put on a social hit list, and their lives ruined, petty things that are illegal are allowed, disgraceful lies are allowed to be spread, and people just assume that most targets are then going to want to join, and do the same to others?

The side that I saw tells me everything that I need to know, because I have seen it enough in human history. 20 years ago, this truth might not have come to light, 10 years ago it did not come to light, 5 years ago, strange stories about group stalking, electronic harassment, human rights abuses, a structure that was systemic, that destroyed lives, that was responsible for suicides, mass killings, illegal institutionalization’s, false arrests, and then finally the finger seems to at least semi be pointed in the right direction, but those arbitrators, those bastions of truth who cry for it daily on forums, who talk tough, are no where to be seen.

People want others to do everything and then like Henny Penny when the work is all done, they want to join in, well to join in, people have to do some work. Those that are part of the system understand how it works. I am learning what I can from the outside, which is where I want to be.  But you on the inside know your system, you are in my opinion better able to know the workarounds. At least that’s what I would hope. Anyways it’s their it’s truth, the next time you cry about it, whine about it, wonder why you don’t have it, then there is your answer.

May 21, 2010 Posted by | Citizen Informants, Community harassment, Conspiracy, control, Controlled society, david icke, Gang Stalking, harassment, Informants | , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Jesus was Neo

Jesus was a total Neo. He came, and yes he existed. He came here and he saw and observed the system for what it was, and warned people future forward, or rather phase forward of what would be happening. Cause it’s the same game that’s being played out now that was played out then on him. The way and the light.

It’s funny but just by following the bible, and living these boring lives, many of us avoided some of the trappings that would have long ago, turned us into a part of the system. Interesting. Guess he really is the way,the truth and the light.

Judas the other informants, people turning or betraying each other, he warned of this. Because it’s the same system, that he came up against. He also talked about the rulers of this place, but Jesus was this being that is said to have been able to manipulate his environment, to control the matrix.

He was totally aware of spiritual warfare issues, which most people now do not even believe, but check out some of the David Icke stuff.

Then Jesus mentioned something like a thousand years here, being like one day, or something like that makes more sense. If on different plains time moves way differently than we observe it, or think about it here. Interesting.

Water to wine, walking on water. He spent hours daily meditating and things. He was very intuitive. I wouldn’t say telepathic exactly, but he had a way of knowing what was being said, discussed. He could definitely tune right into people’s feelings and emotions.

He also could get into a state where he seems to have some contact or remembrance of his pre-existence sell and just knowing his mission and what he was meant to do.

He predicted stuff that would be coming down the line during this phase. He spoke communicated via meditation, with higher level beings. He was aware.

When you really look at it, and read about things that have been said about him, and discussed, and the system that he came across, he was like a total Neo.

It’s just neat. When I was observing this, I didn’t write down the points, so the comparison was better, but I don’t have the time right this minute to do that, but yeah, he was a total Neo.
(For those who don’t understand the reference, movie Matrix. Neo is from the Matrix. Wakes up sees that that the world is not what he thought it was, etc.)

Makes sense to try to spread disinfo about him, or make people think he never lived, or was not what people thought he was, but he was a total Neo. That’s pretty cool, when you hone in on it that way.

February 11, 2009 Posted by | david icke, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Jesus, Matrix | , , , , , | 3 Comments

The Truth

What’s Behind Internet Conspiracy Empires? Apparently the truth. From the comments being posting on the article, it’s apparently the average person being sick and tired of the mainstream media feeding them the same information day in and day out that does not explain or answer some of the questions that they are seeking answers to. They are therefore seeking out alternative points of view. You know thinking outside of the box, asking questions and trying to find answers.

I won’t spend too much time on this article, the comments that were posted were fully vindicating. They were bright, intelligent, and they really were highly expressive. I was very impressed by the majority of commentators in that thread.

I was really surprised by the level of discontent with 9/11 truth. That issue is not going away. It’s worst now than it was before. Many of the comments were in regards to this issue. Many of the comments were also about the fact that many people no longer truth corporate controlled media and are looking for other alternatives. Other comments were rightfully concerned with Internet censorship, some felt that this might be a first step towards trying to target such websites, and labelling people as mentally ill for having different points of view. 

It was the intelligence of the posters that really impressed me, they were really bright and articulate, again I was highly impressed by the majority of them. People who are still willing to ask questions, and go out and seek other answers for themselves. These are the types of people who find my website, people that have not been satisfied with the mainstream explanations of what is happening and they are independent enough in many cases to be going out and looking for additional answers about what is happening to them.

As far as terming Gang Stalking World as a conspiracy website? I agree that what is happening to us is a conspiracy, but can we prove some of the targeting?

On the site you have documents that show that average normal everyday citizens can and do get followed around in the manner described. I have been able to show that for covert and overt surveillance, police do employ foot patrols. They do use signaling while on foot patrol. I have been able to show that Informants are being hired by the state, that we have become a surveillance culture, and that targeting the way in which we describe is possible.

The information on the website, utilizes information that any individual can go and access from various sources. Eg. Many recent documents on the website link to documents form the A.C.L.U. The documents show that average people will be having information recorded and placed into secret databases which the accused can not access. The information shows that 800,000 Terrorism Liaison Officers, will be in every town, state, city. They say that we are very close to becoming an Orwellian society. Is the A.C.L.U. a conspiracy website for posting this?

If someone goes to their website, or reads one of the various articles available on the Internet about surveillance and average people being monitored in the described manner, are these websites conspiracy sites? Should these websites worry that the information that they are putting out might cause someone to become paranoid?

Again if someone goes to a different website and reads about Workplace Mobbing, Cointelpro, Red Squads, The East German Stasi, etc should those websites be concerned that they might be influencing paranoid delusions? At the end of the day, those websites and mine are providing information, it is up to the individual to decide if the information is relevant and then go from there. The information on the Gang Stalking World website, is a collaboration of information that is readily available at many points of port around the Internet.

The article is an ok read, but the comments were the really interesting and relevant focus. It really showed that people have many concerns that are not being met or discussed by the mainstream media, the primary and reoccurring being 9/11 truth.

December 14, 2008 Posted by | 9/11, Awareness, Censorship, changing vibrations, Cointelpro, Controlled society, crazy, david icke, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Internet | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

A little disinformation

A little disinformation goes a long way. I am not above falling for it at times.

When I came online, I didn’t know about disinformation agents, those topics were foreign to me, it was conspiracy stuff. Now words and terms like this are common everyday words to me. Things have become so different now, and it’s a word that comes up a lot.

How do you know what is real and what is fake? You don’t even I don’t, not always. I have over time become better at it, and can spot things a lot better, but even I have my moments.

I just came across a really good example of this recently. I came across a post using information from my site, now it’s cool, I don’t information being used from my site, I don’t mind that at all. However there were two points that I noticed which caused me some concern. Now I have spoken to the person and asked them to use the post in full, and not separated, or changed.

However the two parts of the post that worried me were these.

The ended was changed, transposed, the ended that was drawn changed my conclusions about what is behind gang stalking, well not changed them, rather inserted specific conclusions that I did not use on the website. The other part that was worrying is that the post said that the former Stasi signals that were being used back in East Germany were the exact ones being used now.

My site does not say this.

Original text

[quote]Communicate happens in a number of ways. When on the street or in cars patrolling, they use baseball or Stasi like signals. Citizen Informants also seem to get verbal ques via cellphone and earphones.

These include things like tapping the side of the nose, corner of the eye, brushing back the hair 3 times, the infamous double blink, etc.

Here is a list of signals that the former East German Secret Police the Stasi used. [/quote]
Those are some of the differences.

[quote]How do participants communicate?

Communication happens in a number of ways. When on the street or in cars patrolling, they use baseball or Stasi like signals. These include things like tapping the side of the nose, corner of the eye, brushing back the hair 3 times, the infamous double blink, etc.

This evil is so bizarre that the perpetrators have a party/celebration when they have collectively destroyed an innocent victim. We collectively have to “Stop The Madness” or Fascism will destroy everything, regardless. It is your duty to copy this article and spread the truth about what’s really happening in the community.

Here is a small list of groups/organisations that get used to destroy society (and themselves). Masons, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Speculative Society, Round Table, Rotarians, Orange Order, Scientology, Monarch Programming, all Religions and Institutions. Also people who have been baited/set up/conned, etc. Here is a list of Stasi signals that the these groups use at Stasi secret police.

As you can see there is quite an addition to what my site says. I don’t know if they have a party after. Sure if you copy the article with that ending, it will not be my words, or the words of my site as the original article appears.

Now that small list could probably be all involved, but to put it in as my sites information is not correctly reusing content from the site.

Also that list is not what is being used now, that link is to the former Stasi Signals.

I have seen posts where people give feedback on the posting with the changed ending, always lot’s of good feedback, but it’s not in accordance with what is on the site.

That’s three things that an unsuspecting target could come across and take for granted as true, because the rest of the article is correct.

Now since I have already spoken to the person, this is not about that, but it got me thinking about a lot of the information out there. Like the movie Zeitgeist, a lot of people watch this movie and they see that the 9/11 stuff is true, and so assume the whole movie is true and correct. I tend to disagree, with some parts of it.

I have seen the same thing with David Icke. I like David Icke, but on more than one occasion, I have watched a video or something that he has said, and the whole things will be correct, then he will put in something that I feel is not correct, or could be unintentional disinformation.

We are not perfect and I have stated that when I first came online, I was for a short time, falling for the vigilante stalking, bs. I got past that quickly, but for a time, I was probably capable of repeating that crap to other people and not doing myself or anyone else any favors.

The point of this post is, that a little disinformation goes a long way. The lies that they tell about us, most times they might be mixed in with enough truth to sound convincing and most people do not take the time to examine things, to go deeper, to look for the truth. They accept the surface stuff, and that’s all that they have ever needed. I am the same at times. I am getting better now that I know about disinfo agents, and how these people spread lies, but the majority of the population, they don’t know this stuff, they take things mostly at surface value.

I would say be mindful of this and remember that a little disinformation goes a long way, a little leaven will spoil the whole loaf.

September 27, 2008 Posted by | Baiting, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, david icke, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Snitches, society, Stasi, Targeted Individual | , , | Leave a comment

The Veil

I have been distracted lately. Since discovering the site in 2 worlds. I have been thinking a lot about this stuff.

It’s nothing new for me, infact before a lot of this workplace mobbing started, and Gang Stalking started, I use to research stuff like this all the time for fun.

I love finding out about the fact that our science is really messed up. The time lines are so bad, carbon dating is not accurate, and the Greenhouse effect, is probably a natural phenomenon that the earth has seen before, and will again. (Pole shift anyone?). Small little things like that.

I also loved reading and learning about the spirit, weird phenomenon like PSI stuff, spiritual contracts, NDE’s, past lives, etc. I was so up on this stuff, and my library records probably reflected this.

I keep this in mind because again with the targeting sometimes the reason that you think you are targeted is not the real reason. The types of people being targeted are pretty specific. Smart in many cases, moral, independent, free thinkers, not conditioned the way society said we should be, etc.

I keep wondering if I should start another blog for this. I know this blog is suppose to be about Gang Stalking and it had the odd other post stuck in there from time to time, but lately my mind has been elsewhere, and rather than not share that with you all, I would rather just start another blog in addition to this one to keep the two separate. Actually what I really want to do is keep the same blog, and have you journey with me on my path of transformation, but I do realise that might not be possible depending on the stages that you are in. (Torture and psychological warfare, do not exactly make good bed fellows with spiritual journies, but they can.)

My Gang Stalking still continues, some days it’s all that I can do not to wish the snitches away, but that would mean wishing pretty much all people away. (I am ok with that.) I like my alone time. I love my privacy, to have that taken away has been a real violation. I don’t mind my privacy invaded by people who have my best interest at heart, but I do mind my privacy being invaded by those who do not. In fact I mind it a great deal most of the time, but sometimes there is not much you can do.

So what have I been thinking about? Sometimes I feel like the whole world already knows and I hate that, because my thoughts are private, and anyone who cares about me would respect that. I don’t care if a few close people know my thoughts, but not the whole world.

Anyways I have been thinking about the beliefs that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Before this started, I use to read about spiritual contracts. Some people believe that we are spirit and that we come here to earth agreeing to have specific experiences, agreeing to meet specific people at different times, even agreeing as to when we will go back. Some mothers have reported having spiritual or dream encounters with their future unborn children, and making an agreement with them that they would have them incarnate with them for a time, and even knowing what they would be coming here to do. Pretty interesting stuff.—-There-Are-No-Victims&id=279881

I believe the spirit world is all around us, it’s not some far off concept, not by a long shot. I also think that it’s nothing more than a thin veil, that many other cultures have learnt to transcend. From Shamen, to spiritual reader, etc.

I think that dreams are how the spirit world communicates with this realm. Eg. Because most of us in society are not aware of this fact, that realm communicates with us the only way it can, via dreams. Why the imagery is so messed up or different is beyond me, the translation is weird, but that what happens. Dream books seem to be aware of these translations and some are really good with helping to break down this barrier.

I also think that this realm communicates via synchronicity. Eg. You are trying to find the answer to something and suddenly a sign appears, a book falls, a picture, object appears, mostly signs, billboards, etc. I believe that’s just one way our minds communicate with the spiritual. It’s how we reach each other at times, and how those in other places reach and touch us.

I do think we come here with purposes, deciding what we want to do, however I also fully believe that we can get distracted, lose sight of that path, or never fulfil what we came to do. The challenge is to stay open, not let the pain, burdens and heartaches of this world hold us down.

I believe we start off in this world being very much aware of the spirit realm, but as we grow, unless you are from a culture that actively and openly nurtures this, then you lose sight of this really quickly. That is also why young children show greater PSI abilities and then lesser by age 5.

I believe in societies like ours, children especially are exposed too quickly, and conditioned too quickly to lose sight of this. I believe our societies foster families that don’t have the time to nurture these attributes in children and so we raise these violent, unproductive beings when we could raise up these free spirits, that have amazing knowledge and abilities. (Healing, mind reading, telekinesis, etc)

I think these are amazing abilities because we don’t know any better. We don’t realise that these are things that we all start off having the potential to tap into, however due to abusive childhoods, sexual, physical, emotional, psychological, even underprivileged childhoods, etc we loose track of that.

Children are not trained up in these ways, infact they are conditioned from birth, with tv, school, church, work, etc. By the time many of us enter adulthood, much of this has been depleted, we have often fully lost touch with any of this, or the capacity to fully tune into this stuff. Much like changing channels, or vibrations, we tune in and out of this stuff like we do with people.

The world hurts and abuses us, and leaves us emotionally downtrodden, enslaves, most don’t realise it, and so we loose touch with these amazing people that we could be, that we all have the potential to be. In any given time period ofcourse there are some that by the grace of God, make it though unscathed, untouched and able to help guide, or teach others, but it’s so rear, when it should be the norm. Our society does not have our spiritual best interests at heart. It’s not in their interest to see these things fostered, and so everything is set up in place for these things to fail.

I liked the movie the golden compass, when it showed them trying to get the kids to grow up and remove their spirits from them. I think that’s why we have people in powerful places and positions, who are helping to run child porn rings. Children are an amazing and precious commodity and very few get to be nurtured in society the way they deserve to be. I don’t mean money or privilege, that helps, but it’s not the be all and end all.

You will also find in society if you try to present new concepts, ideas, or if you discover something that goes against the grain, or that is outside of the norm, then you will get shot down, often your discoveries will be removed, and if you don’t keep quite about it, you will be on the governments most wanted list.

We could have paradise, but we have a painful prison instead, and it’s not necessary. That’s part of the real truth. It’s so sad when you really tune into this. It’s also hopeful, because when you do start to realise that we are powerful, we have choices, we can change our lives with thought, sound can create and call things into existence, the world changes for you overnight and then you have a new reality, and new concepts that you have to try to decipher and understand. The world holds many mysteries and adventures just waiting to be had, often time we have to just tune into it, or let ourselves be open to it, but most in society can’t because they don’t know how, they have never learnt, or they just can’t or won’t let go of these restrictions that have been placed on their minds.

We can help each other on these paths, but we still have to have our our experiences, our own journeys. Love is the highest power, the greatest law. We are all one, but we are all individuals. (Makes no sense right?) Think of Star Trek next generation. Auto is this cool creature that comes from this world where they can all meld into one, and share each others thoughts, experiences etc, but then he is one individual as well, who can step away from that and have his own unique experiences. Even the borg on that show are another interesting concept. We are one, we are a human collective, a human conscience, and yet we are individuals who have our own experiences and make our own choices.

There is so much in society that explains this, many have tuned into this before, and will again, and the only limitations are those that we place on ourselves and those that we let our society place on us. Most in society are so not in tune with these concepts, infact these concepts are anathema to most in society, which is really sad, because these concepts could help free our society from the unseen bonds that hold us in place.

Most of us in society do not have caring nurturing relationships, not truly, not with our kids, not with our parents, not with our spouses, we don’t often really know how to. Thus the breakdown in marriages, kids hating parents, friendships that don’t last etc. Our society is set for these associations to fail, and if they don’t fail on their own, the society is more than willing to give a push. I often wonder at the people getting targeted. I even wonder about high profile cases in the news, like the Mormons. Did society really care, or is it just that we had no access to them, not enough snitches, they were raising the kids without these limitations, just some thoughts. I am sure there might have been genuine concerns, but after ruby ridge and Waco, these things now come to mind.

Anyways, how can you have truly loving caring relationships with others if you have never been taught? Also how can you be truly open with someone that you don’t trust, or feel has your best interest at heart? How can you ever fully tune into that person? Most of us are use to and accustomed to substandard relationships that leave us bruised and broken in many cases. We learn to close ourselves off emotionally, people in our society seem to be great at physical closeness, be it hugs, physical intimacy etc, but most are not ever able to achieve emotional, psychological, spiritual closeness.

Also sometimes when you can achieve these states they can grow stronger in some cases, so strong that a deep emotional bond is created, however in other cases do to abuse, emotional, physical, Psychological, Verbal etc, they can become diminished. We are in a society where many of us expect to be betrayed, abandoned, belittled, dis-respected, and it’s all good. However that’s not good, that’s not healthy, that’s not sane, and the more we let ourselves get exposed to this, the more we become closed off, and then we often bring those to other relationships, and those newly created walls, that are designed to help us handle the pain of the situation often remain in place.

Innocence can get corrupted overnight, we start off being trusting people. Most of us are not prepared or equipped to handle, sociopaths, psychological manipulators, people who do not have our best interests at heart, we often start out believing that the world is a good and safe place till something teaches us differently. Then we have to figure out how to deal with the new knowledge, the new world view.

With Gang Stalking, I thought I had a fairly good idea with what was going on. The years before I knew the term mobbing, or gang stalking, I knew what people were doing to some degree, and that it was wrong, and hurtful and yet they kept doing it. I just thought how horrible they were, cause if you are doing something and you know it’s hurting someone, and you keep doing it then obviously you don’t care about the person. This created a lot of distance with friends and family, but until I found out about Gang Stalking, only then did I come to realise just how deep the betrayal was.

See when you don’t have the full picture, or even 5-10% of the picture, you have some vague idea as to what is going on, but you really don’t. Until you see the full picture, you can’t really know what is going on. I knew I was being betrayed, but I had no idea how bad it was, till I found out about Gang Stalking, or how widespread it was, or how many people were involved. Once I did know, I again had to make adjustments to deal with the new reality, but some situations are like that, you get about 5-10% of the picture, and then you miss out on the other 90-95%. It’s like having one way text messaging, you can send, but you can’t receive, or you receive one or two short bursts, but you are never clear on what is happening, you never get to see the whole picture and therefore can not truly make proper assessments, decisions or judgements.

That’s always been one of the more irritating parts with the Gang Stalking stuff, the rumour mill. Everyone in your life knowing more about your life than you do. People getting one side of the story and assuming it’s the whole story, picture, when you often have no idea, didn’t say that, or weren’t aware of that. After about 10 years of this, I am almost numb to this. I have had to come to places of acceptance where I do realise I might never hear the full story, where I have to formulate opinions and ideas with about 5-10% of the puzzle. Life is more fun when you have all the pieces of the puzzle, but it’s just not always possible.

The other irritating part is the concept of intimate infiltrations. The fact that some people will try to get into your life just to see how they can screw you over and hurt you. Friendships are hard to form this way. Family well some of the worst has been done. Love, well being the romantic sort, that does put a damper on things. I believe in the concept, the possibility, but love has to love you back, or then is it truly love? If you have someone in your life that is not true, not loyal, not faithful, and does not have your best interest at heart, then are you really loved? My logic says no, and that is what the dangers of intimate infiltrations are. Ofcourse that is why targets have to be so careful.

Even if it’s not intimate infiltrations and it’s just regular romantic relationships, I have seen the strong and the wise brought low with bad decision making. Eg. Samson with Delila, (I always wondered why he didn’t kick her to the curb?) I mean here is this chick gathering all his secrets, and then spilling them to his worst enemies. So not cool. Then Solomon and his women, took him away from the very God he loved as a child, he should have stuck with Sheba. Then there are more modern examples, Whitney and bobby, she went from Queen of pop, the children are our future, teach them well, let them lead the way, to crack. I think the years with Bobby, his cheating, and fathering kids with other chicks did not help her self esteem, and she seemed to have at least some before him. Then there is Diana, beautiful princess ruined by her choice. I remember that she wanted to walk away before the marriage, but the names had already been engraved on the plates. Great kids, but a marriage not made in heaven.

Then I have seen others come together, Brad and Angelina, great combo. I love watching the path that these two walk. The kids that they bring into their relationships, Angelina and her concept of finding her kids in the world. I think they are just on such a cool journey. Also Cudos to Keith Urban for cleaning up the act when Nicole came along.

I think in any situation that the right people can have a profoundly positive effect on another person and that is what we are here to do for each other. I think in other situations people can have a profoundly bad effect on each other. I think the right people who really care about you and love you, have your best interests at heart, do right by you, and do not betray you, help bring out the best in you. I think if you are worried about what your friends are doing, family, or even spouses on a consistent basis, then you might not be on the right paths with those people. You can’t choose your family this is true, but you can limit contact with them if you feel that they are betraying you, the others can all be chosen and or removed on these life paths that we are creating for ourselves.

Right now I still feel really good about my path of transformation. I am physically limiting people that are bad for me on my path, and I am trying to do the same on an emotional, spiritual and psychological level, which takes more work. Sometimes people come into your life for you to learn a lesson, concept or just experience something. I find that people are transitional, and you can’t always count on the fact that they will be there for you, the only one you can count on is you, and God. Still I am trying to be more open, trying to tune into the spiritual.

I find that it’s hard. My spiritual self is still so different than my conscience self. My conscience self has seen a lot of the grit of this world, it’s hardened, logical and accepts the pit for what it is. I think my spiritual or inner self is still more hopeful, trusting, believing in love everlasting, happy endings, truth, loyalty, friendships, trust. I find for me it’s difficult to tune into the spiritual because the one is so different than the other. That’s what’s so neet about this world, you can find that you don’t even really know your own self at heart, and that can be a discovery in and of itself.

I still look forward to learning more, getting back to basics and concepts that I use to know, new concepts that I want to understand, like about sound and how it affects us. How we interact with it. I want to know my whole being as a person, I want to continue to be purified. Like all those before me have been, by difficult experiences. I want to understand why I sought this experience, what I still hope to or need to learn, and I look forward to new people I might meet along the path. There are still a few good people in the world, so much to discover, see and do. I have a new feeling inside that was not there before, or rather has not been there for a long time, and that is because I am tuning into me again. I did not do that during the mobbing, Gang Stalking, because these things are designed to kill and trap the spirit, leave it broken and wounded, and this experience did not do this, if did just the opposite, and so on my path I don’t want to let it anything that will do what the Gang Stalking failed to do.

So that’s my very long post about the veil, and the thin layers that divide us all. We are all so close to being one, but then we are all so separate. Find experiences that will let you be free, that will let light and love in and that will let the veil be torren down more and more. Interact and connect with people who really want to help you on your path, and who truly love you, avoid others who don’t. Keep an eye our for dreams and synchronicities, they are how the sprit(s), the divine within us connects with our hoping to be divine. Enjoy the journey, rise above this experience that will try to hold us down, and make make us lose sight of God, the divine, and our true purpose and true calling.
 That is what this Gang Stalking stuff has done and we have the ability to choose not to let it do this to us. We can rise about this, I did not say that we can stop, this, but maybe we can in time do that as well, but we can rise above it in the mean time.

May 10, 2008 Posted by | Bullying, Censorship, changing vibrations, Children, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conformity, control, Controlled society, crazy, david icke, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Emotional Vampires, ESP, future, Gang Stalking, harassment, Honey Trap, Intimate Infiltarations, Life, Mind Reading, mobbing, Monitoring, Passive Aggressive Manipulative, Precognition, present, Relationships, slavery, Snitches, Social Control, society, sound, State target, Syncronicity, Targeted Individual, telecommunications, time travel, vibrations | 7 Comments

New Worlds

I was watching some videos the other day about how sound affects us, and I remember that at the end of one of the videos it was saying, this world is ending, let’s create new worlds.

Wouldn’t that be cool creating new worlds with sound?

Anyways this post is mostly a fluff post. Not too Gang Stalking Related. Well it is sort of because, I was remembering when my Gang Stalking first started. I was really unhappy, bored consistently, and I had by that stage been putting up with about 7 years of workplace mobbing by that time. It had taken a bit of a toll.

Anyways my energy levels were not at a high point then, and that is when this seems to have had it’s zenith into my life. I think this robs  you of so much if you let it, and I think in some ways you can begin to change this.

Recently I have had to accept so much weird stuff. Gang Stalking, Government creepiness, the world inching to a one world government with civilian spies already in place in most countries around the world.

I have also come to the acceptance that wither we want to believe it or not, we really at times do live in two worlds. That’s hard to fathom. Even if you see it you would hardly believe it, but hopefully in time in your heart you would know it was true, even if you could not verify it in any other way.

That got me thinking about movies with space and time travel, like terminator and Kyle who travels across time for Sarah. Ofcourse if time is not linear, then he really didn’t travel across time, in the traditional sense. It also got me thinking about Dracula.

That movie was great. I mean here is a prince who fights this great battle, only to have his love die, and then he manipulates time and chance to find her again, a chance for them to be together again, only to have it fail, and have her end up with some insipid dude. (No offense to the keeneu Reeves character.)

I think that movie was great and I think if I was going to write a part two to that movie, I would have the roles reversed. I would have a lady waiting for her prince. On the eve of a great battle he falls. Sword in hand, his horse fails and he falls. She senses his death and her heart dies, she grieves for him across time and space, her cries are so loud, and so compelling. He also makes a promise to come back to her, even as he is dying he knows he will come back to her.

The universe hears his promise and her prayers, or whatever happens when a great love is unfulfilled. I think it would be something like the seal song, love’s divine.
“Then the rainstorm came, over me
And I felt my spirit break
I had lost all of my, belief you see
And realized my mistake
But time threw a prayer, to me
And all around me became still

I need love, love’s divine
Please forgive me now I see that I’ve been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name

Through the rainstorm came sanctuary
And I felt my spirit fly
I had found all of my reality
I realize what it takes

‘Cause I need love, love’s divine
Please forgive me now I see that I’ve been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name

Oh I, don’t bet (don’t bend), don’t break (don’t break)
Show me how to live and promise me you won’t forsake
‘Cause love can help me know my name

Well I try to say there’s nothing wrong
But inside I felt me lying all along
But the message here was plain to see
Believe me.”

I think I would include the scene where Dracula bids Mina to remember and she remembers and cries the diamond tear, that was really cool. Her heart died when she thought he was dead, and would not return to her.

I think in part two they would get to have that great mind link thing, like Mina and Dracula did. I can’t think what the ladies name would be, but I would have the prince be Aton, Alex, or Adam, or something like that, since Mina has four letters ending in an A. I would like to make the prince for part two be fair and blue to contrast the dark look of Dracula character of part one.

Ofcourse since the world does not believe in happy endings, I suppose that part two will not work out any better than Dracula part one did. That’s a shame, you would think that travelling across time, and the universe giving a second chance for happiness, for two people who grieved and loved each other would work out. Again Mina could have just walked away from her friends and been with her prince, but she choose a different path. Maybe part two should have a different ending.

Anyways, other movie that I liked that dealt with time travel, was forbidden kingdom. Vampire movies were sort of last season. This season if you have to see something, I suggest you see The Forbidden Kingdom. Jet Li, Jackie Chan, action packed can I say anything else? It also deals with the mystical, and it’s amazing. I am a total Jet Li fan. That movie kicked ass, and I had so much fun seeing it. Worth seeing again.

It’s about an monkey king, who loses his weapon, and a traveller must return it, it also has immortals, and a young sparrow looking for vengeance. The movie also goes between two worlds. It has this cool chick, who has this wicked whip thing, and her hair does the same thing. (She is a little bit bitter and does trust the words or promises of men, because they lie, but the chick can hold her own.) She was cool. All the characters were amazing.

Visually it reminded me of the movie hero, and crouching tiger hidden dragon. From start to finish is was amazing. I enjoyed every minute of it. I can’t wait to see part two. There has to be a part two. A movie that good has to have a second part to it. I am almost sure it will. (I hope the whip chick is back for part two if they do.)

So in continuing with my theme about being in two worlds at once, when one world ends, then you just create another. We are these powerful spiritual creatures, that is part of this lie that the world does not want us to wake up to. We are on these amazing journeys, and we have so much potential if we let ourselves.

For the first time in a long time, I am really happy, my energy levels have been getting back to what they were before the Gang Stalking thing. I am more in tune with myself. My dream world and my waking world. Before it was like a lot of the stuff that I would dream, I would not fully remember because I was so distracted by the Gang Stalking, Electronic Harassment torture stuff. Now that I am less distracted, I am a bit more in tune with my dream world and waking world. We travel in dreams, and often live out what we will do in the real world. Stuff is decided in dreams before they are accomplished in the real world. You can have spirit wolrds, that no one can hear touch or feel, but other spiritual beings. Promises can be made it the spirit world, and they can also be broken, just like in the real world. Path can be created, forgotten, and even abandoned.

The nice thing however is that we are not just passive beings on these paths, we are powerful creators, with a fully active say to what happens, and the choices we make. That is the neat thing that I am discovering, and I feel more hopeful than I have in a really long time, because I now know that, when one world ends, you simply create another.

April 27, 2008 Posted by | Asian, black, blue, changing vibrations, Children, Controlled society, david icke, Electronic harassment, ESP, Film, future, Gang Stalking, Gratitude, harassment, Health, Laughter, Life, Matrix, Mind Control, Mind Reading, Movies, Music, New World Order, NWO, past, Precognition, present, Quantum Physics, Record keeping, Relationships, revolution, Seal, Social Control, society, sound, Syncronicity, The Matrix, time travel, vibrations | , | 4 Comments

False Prophets

David and David.
I was just thinking about two of the David’s that I came across during this gang stalking stuff, and the warnings about false sheppards.

I have been blogging about how impressed I was with David Icke recently and some of the stuff that he had to say. I don’t agree with all of the stuff, but that’s not what caught my eye. In an interview that he did back in 2000, he made the claim that there were several saviours in the past that exactly mirror the life of Jesus. Virgin birth, gifts at birth, angeles, miracles, crucifixin, reserrection, etc.

He slips it in quite nicely. The funny thing about the clip is he talks about people taking things at face value without questioning them. This is what he roughly says…
[The human race has allowed itself to become a human herd of sheep… and until we start questioning and asking a key question about what this guy wants me to believe….]

He also says a lot of really relavent things, then slips this in. Now for the average listener, who has no bible knowlege, it’s pretty easy to assume he knows what he is talking about. However this was the first time I was hearing of this and thought I would do some quick research. Seems that someone else had the same idea and has a site about it. Now I still want to do my own research, but some of the names that David Icke mentioned in the interview I am familiar with, and thier lives do not mirror the life of Christ.
The site above goes over the multiple saviors that David Icke lists in his book the biggest secret on page 89. The sites saved me some research, which I still plan to do, but if you know some of your mythology, then you can pick at some of the names quite easily and realise that many of the names had lives that were nothing like the life of Jesus, as described in the bible. However the lie smuggled in with all these other interesting things almost goes unnoticed, and probably has by many.

So again that brought to mind false Prophets/Sheppards, which has been a reoccuring theme lately.
The website above which is a website for ritual abuse survivors talks about false sheppards and the 95% to 5% rule. They will feed you 95% truth and then 5% lies. The lies are so cleaverly slipped in with the truth that you are bound to either not catch them or believe them outright.

The site talks about the common tactics that get used.

1. Perps make themselves experts.
2. They pretend to be under attack.
3. They fight and argue with each other to get the targets confused and to choose sides.
4. They will get real targets to speak on their behalf.
5. They make up crazy stories to make real targets look crazy.
6. They try to find out info about targets so they can revictimize them.

There are several other really good points, but this brought to mind the David Lawson, the other David of gang stalking fame, and some of the sites that I first encountered.

When I first learnt about gang stalking, I heard all about David Lawson. He had written this book called terrorist stalking in America, and he had apparently travelled and infiltrated these street level stalking gangs. Apparently David Lawson, gave all the details about how they work, opperate, techniques etc. So ofcourse most targets bought into the bs. Street level vigilante gangs. The book was being sold on a site that teaches you how to steal satalight signal. As mentioned before the US government were notorious back in the 90’s for setting up those sites, to catch satalight stealing people. The site has since been changed, and he has re-written the book, this time he is blaming gang stalking on right wing extreamist and anti-government groups.

Now remember David Lawson (Agent Lawson) was to have been this detective, that had over 12 years experience, and he had travelled with these groups for over 5 years or something like that. He also was not available after writing the book so no one could ever ask him questions about it, how convient. He would later reappear in time for the new book, as I predicted he would.

Now I have no proof he’s a government agent, he could just be a really bad Private Investigator. He gave 95% truth and the really relavent part, the who is behind it, he sort of threw everyone off about. Targets like me, had to spend months, and my own money to figure it out.

Anyhoo, once I did sort of figure it out, and saw the community for what it was, it was also not hard to realise that most of the groups that had been set up, were full of perps, being run by perps, or just not very effective. I can think of one such group, and you can go back 10 months from now and things will be the exact same as when I first got online. The goal is to make sure that targets never get organised enough, and never really make any true progress. The only time progress will get made is when a real target is about to do so, then they sweep in, and steal the thunder from the real target, so that they can continue to look legit.

This does not only happen in the gang stalking community, it’s happening for recovering victims of all sorts. Many of the organisations that people think they can run to for help, were set up, taken over, or highjacked by the very same people we are trying to run from.

Jesus knew about false prophets and that we would be seeing a lot more of them in this time period. Now we always think we are going to be able to spot them right? However they are wolves in sheeps clothing. They come off as sencere, they seem knowledgeable, have a lot of airheaded followers, ok and many genuine ones, they are charismatic, leader like abilities and unless you examine them really closly, you would not know the differece between the real deal, and a false prophet.

Matthew 7:15-20

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

So that’s something to think about. Now I am not saying David Icke is a false phrophet. I can’t even proove that David Lawson is an agent or is purposly throwing people off, all I am saying is the 95% to 5% rule should be kept in mind. Even for people that are sincere, if we are given the wrong info by those we trust, we can find ourselves in the same situation. I would also add that a false prophet would come across as really knowledgeable, open, someone you would trust.

So just be on your guard. We live in pretty crazy times to say the least. If you believe the stuff in the bible then at some point in the future, some such leader is going to come along and seem like a savour to those lost, chipped and tagged people of the planet. By that time I am sure they will have wipped out the history of Christ’s existance, thrown out enough disinfo, confused enough people, till the people don’t know what to think, and will easily fall for who ever comes down the line. 
It won’t even be that hard.
Anyhoo those were just some things that I felt were important to be mindful of. 

September 14, 2007 Posted by | david icke, False Prophets, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Jesus, New World Order, NWO | 4 Comments

Mokeys, frogs, state control.

David Icke Secrets of the Matrix. (This is great) I found it so informative. Now you don’t have to agree 100% with it, but it’s pretty informative.

It’s six hours. I have seen about 3 hrs worth, but it’s good what I have seen. You can rent it, buy it or find it other ways. Google had it but removed it, but if you look about…

This is how the world seems to be working.
I believe this was an actual experiment that was done, but I could not find the source.

Start with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana over a set of stairs. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water. After while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result – the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when any monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it. Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he’ll be assaulted. Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one.

The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they weren’t permitted to climb the stairs or why they’re participating in the beating of the newest monkey. After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana.

Now take this a step further and apply this to society. At some point these mokeys/people go out into the world, they go into the companies, into the schools, religious organizations, etc. Social constructs that are used to keep us in line, and teach us how to fall in line. Everytime a monkey/person get’s out of line they are punished. Some monkeys/people go through life never going after the banana, never getting out of line, and so are never attacked, and so would never understand that society is like this. Then you get those who do go for the banana, whistle-blowers, activists, dissidents, those who step out of line, those who ask the right/wrong questions, publish the news stories they should not, ones that are too independent, those who do not properly conform, etc. Then they see society for what it is.

Society has various ways for dealing with those who are not conforming, or teaching others how to conform. Drugging of young school children who are too hyperactive for their own good, School bullying, workplace mobbing, community gang stalking, the buzzsaw for reporters, religious/cult harassment, social annexing, etc. Most of society at some point will learn how to fall in line, and they too will keep others in line. Many don’t know why, but that’s the way it is, and they understand that they can get sprayed with that cold water if they don’t keep others in line.

People are kept in line primarily via fear, fear of what others will think of them, or react to them, etc. Social constructs that most of us are a part of and would not wish to be annexed from. Should a monkey/person step out of line, they are then socially annexed to bring them back in line, harassed, have their lives disrupted, or more forceful means. Now we have more overt and extreme measures. Neurolinguist programing is being used to purposly sensitive people in society to everyday stimuli, then on others electronic monitoring and torture is being used.

[quote]If you put a frog in scalding hot water, the frog will jump out immediately. If you put that same frog into lukewarm water and gradually turn up the heat, the frog will happily let itself be boiled to death.” [/quote]

The same is happening with our move towards a one world global government, with a scanned/micro chipped/controlled, communist, snitching society. I mean if someone tried to introduce ID chips into the bodies of humans 50 years ago, people would have revolted, and overthrown the state. Same with the satalight surveillance, and the CCTV cameras, but we have slowly over time introduced the agenda for a global state and the frogs/humans are going to slowly let themselves get cooked to death/compliance.

As long as you just do it gradually and keep them distracted, they will be boiled before they know it. You could never do this all at once, because like the hot water they would realize it and rebel, but slowly over time, they get comfortable, slowly sedated like the frog, till it’s too late.

These blog posts are looping, but if you are like me, then coming to grips on how society could be like this is a process.

September 11, 2007 Posted by | Bullying, Censorship, Cointelpro, Controlled society, david icke, domestic spying, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, google, GPS tracking, harassment, Matrix, mental concentration camps, Mind Control, mobbing, Monitoring, Neurolinguistic, Neurolinguistic programing, New World Order, NWO, oppression, Police State, silence, slavery, slaves, Snitches, society, spy satellites, State target, Surveillence, Thought Police, UK, whistle blower, youtube | 1 Comment

Catch up

Ever notice how none of these so called conspiracy debunkers ever tell the world about the fact that we are one big snitching society? I mean many of them will tell us we are controlled, slaves etc, but none of them come right out and tell you this stuff. Makes you wonder? Well it makes me wonder.

Anyways there is still lots of really good information out there, but like I have said previously, I would not really vouch for any of these people, cause it’s hard to know who you can really trust. If anyone.

So quick catch up. The world is on it’s way, if it’s not already there to becoming one big snitching controlled society. Families and friends, coworkers, landlords, strangers are actively spying, snitching, and lying on their fellow citizens. Yeah it’s happening.

If you are like I was a year ago, then you also have probably been conditioned from birth to believe that we live in this free none controlled society, when in reality our society is this matrix controlled society. We really do not have the freedom that we think we do. We are slaves, (it doesn’t feel like it, because we are totally controlled to think that we are free, and until we learn differently, it’s hard to believe anything else.) We get up go to work, church, school, clubs, amusement parks, read our magazines, hear about controlled countries, and assume that we are free. The opposite is true.

Normally when you think of slaves, you think of whips, chains, and cruelty. Well we are slaves, but not exactly in that way. We are psychological slaves, we are controlled and most of us don’t even realise it. We are controlled without physical bonds, and without bars on windows. We are in a psychological prison, and you think, but I am smart, if I was in a prison, I would know it. Yeah same thing I would have said a year ago. I can’t make you believe it anymore than someone could have made me believe this a year ago. You have to experience it for yourself. The truth of this will come emotionally, not mentally.

Most of society is either aware, or has some idea about what is going on. Most people just go along with it. It’s true. I am not saying they want to, some do, but most just go along with it.

Here are some good videos that might help you with playing catch up. The David Icke videos you will have to go looking for yourself, cause I don’t want to get anyone else’s accounts closed down. :eyeroll:
The clips from the movie They Live, the movie with Roddie Piper were removed. Also the matrix clip talking about the fact that we are slaves, and the world is this fake thing that has been pulled over our eyes to blind us from the truth.
The matrix clip. I can post the script for. The They Live clip, you really have to see to understand.

The video links are pretty cool, the ones I can link to. The others, you will have to go looking for. David Icke has a lot of interesting things to say. I am not saying I am down with his whole reptilian theory, although stranger things have happened, like this creepy controlled society, but for the time being I would just say, look past that keep an open mind, and pay attention to most of the other stuff he talks about, it’s really good stuff. I differ in my views with him, on some very specific stuff, but a lot of what he says is just spot on.

The other clips are from this guy called Marsboy683. He is suppose to be a targeted individual. Either way, the clips are interesting.

The other clips try to explain what the matrix is. I vouch for none of this stuff, and ask you to do your own research. Don’t follow leaders, strive to be leaders in your own right. If more people had done this, then when some of the past leaders disappeared, ready and able people would have been there to step up into place.

Matrix script, since the scene was removed from youtube, shortly after the blog posting linking to it, here is the script.

Morpheus : The Matrix is everywhere. It’s all around us, even in this
very room. You can see it when you look out your window or
when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you
go to work, when you go to work, when you pay your taxes.
The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes,
to blind you from the truth.

Neo : What truth?

Morpheus : That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born
into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or
taste or touch. A prison…for your mind….Unfortunatly,
no one can be…_told_ what the Matrix is…you have to see
it for yourself.

They live script.

First scene that I think is good. I am not saying it’s completely accurate, just relevant enough to try to begin to grasp some stuff.


Our impulses are being redirected,

We live in an artificially-induced
state of consciousness,

Goddamn hacker. That’s the second
time tonight that asshole has cut in.

The movement began eight months ago
by a group of scientists,

They accidentally discovered
these signals being sent,,,

That thing’s giving me a headache.

It must have taken him months
to figure out how to do this.

The under-class is growing,
Human rights are non-existent,

In their repressive society, we
are their unwitting accomplices,

Their intention to rule rests with
the annihilation of consciousness,

We have been lulledinto a trance,
They have made us indifferent,

We are focused
only on our own gain ,,,

They are safe
as long as they are not discovered,

That is their method of survival,
Keep us asleep, Keep us selfiish,

– Keep us sedated,


[quote]The sleeping middle-class
is suddenly becoming poor,

We are their cattle,
We are being bred for slavery,

– Not again.
– We cannot break their signal,

The signal must be shut off
at the source,

– I have a headache.
– Me too, honey.

– What was that all about?
– That idiot’s licking his nuts again.


The following scene is one of the best in the movie. He puts on the glasses and the magazine covers, billboard’s all show what they are really saying. The pages dissolve into words such as obey, no independent thought, marry and reproduce, the dollar bill says, this is your god. It’s a great scene and you really have to see it to understand. It’s relevant, because underlying, our world does condition us in very similar ways, and we are equally unaware.

[quote]The warm collection revels
in freedom ofexpression,









What’s your problem?

What’s your problem?

How are you today, sir?

Thank you, sir.

Here you are, sir. Thank you.

Are you going to pay for that?


I don’t want no hassle.
Pay for it or put it back.





I can’t find any fake reasons for them to shut down his channel, so he should be ok. Keeping the fingers crossed. There are about 78 videos, I have not seen them all, but the ones I have are really good. Worth while stuff to watch.

The David Icke stuff, is mostly stuff about him talking about the real nature of physical reality, and also him giving an analogy of how we enslave each other. Eg. One slave tries to escape and the rest all run to block the door to stop the slave from escaping. It’s interesting because we saw some of this in the mil gram prison experiment. Within days they had these middle class white males all freaking out, fake cops trying to get some to snitch and spy on each other, and the fake cops trying to get them to simulate sexual acts on each other, when they thought no one was looking, and that was an experiment, where people knew it was an experiment. Even the person conducting the experiment got caught up, and that was in less than one week. However it gives wonderful insight into how a society can become like this in such a short time period.

[quote]thoroughly confusing all the prisoners. Some of the prisoners who were the ringleaders now thought that the prisoners from the privileged cell must be informers, and suddenly, the prisoners became distrustful of each other. Our ex-convict consultants later informed us that a similar tactic is used by real guards in real prisons to break prisoner alliances. For example, racism is used to pit Blacks, Chicanos, and Anglos against each other. In fact, in a real prison the greatest threat to any prisoner’s life comes from fellow prisoners. By dividing and conquering in this way, guards promote aggression among inmates, thereby deflecting it from themselves.[/quote]

See this is classic. Make people distrust each other, then they can’t form together to get at the real problem and trust each other enough to form a real rebellion against the true oppressors, cause they are too busy mistrusting, and fighting against each others. Society does this with sexism, racism, religious and political conflicts, when really, we have common goals and should be focusing on the same things.

[quote]The prisoners’ rebellion also played an important role in producing greater solidarity among the guards. Now, suddenly, it was no longer just an experiment, no longer a simple simulation. Instead, the guards saw the prisoners as troublemakers who were out to get them, who might really cause them some harm. In response to this threat, the guards began stepping up their control, surveillance, and aggression.


Much like our insane controlled society gone bad. They too have suddenly felt a need to step up their control, surveillance, and aggression.

As soon as I realized that #819 could hear the chanting, I raced back to the room where I had left him, and what I found was a boy sobbing uncontrollably while in the background his fellow prisoners were yelling that he was a bad prisoner. No longer was the chanting disorganized and full of fun, as it had been on the first day. Now it was marked by utter conformity and compliance, as if a single voice was saying, “#819 is bad.”

I suggested we leave, but he refused. Through his tears, he said he could not leave because the others had labeled him a bad prisoner. Even though he was feeling sick, he wanted to go back and prove he was not a bad prisoner.

At that point I said, “Listen, you are not #819. You are [his name], and my name is Dr. Zimbardo. I am a psychologist, not a prison superintendent, and this is not a real prison. This is just an experiment, and those are students, not prisoners, just like you. Let’s go.”

He stopped crying suddenly, looked up at me like a small child awakened from a nightmare, and replied, “Okay, let’s go.” [/quote]

I find this experiment to be fascinating. How free people, even when they know it’s an experiment, can be so completely over taken. Much like how the state breaks the will of the people, the experimenters and fake guards in this experiment were able to break the will of these boys, to the extent that they would turn on each other, to the extent that they would treat one of their own this way. Remember this was an experiment where the players had all agreed to take part. Imagine a society where the majority have not agreed to take part.

[quote]Several remarkable things occurred during these parole hearings. First, when we asked prisoners whether they would forfeit the money they had earned up to that time if we were to parole them, most said yes. Then, when we ended the hearings by telling prisoners to go back to their cells while we considered their requests, every prisoner obeyed, even though they could have obtained the same result by simply quitting the experiment. Why did they obey? Because they felt powerless to resist. Their sense of reality had shifted, and they no longer perceived their imprisonment as an experiment. In the psychological prison we had created, only the correctional staff had the power to grant paroles.[/quote]

I never really understood why in a slave society the slaves did not rebel more or over take their oppressors. I now realise that a) First you have to understand that you are a slave, and accept that. b) You also have to realise that a psychological prison is as or more effective than a real prison. It’s the minds that these people enslave, the physical is just a sham.

[quote]Prisoners coped with their feelings of frustration and powerlessness in a variety of ways. At first, some prisoners rebelled or fought with the guards. Four prisoners reacted by breaking down emotionally as a way to escape the situation. One prisoner developed a psychosomatic rash over his entire body when he learned that his parole request had been turned down. Others tried to cope by being good prisoners, doing everything the guards wanted them to do. One of them was even nicknamed “Sarge,” because he was so military-like in executing all commands.

By the end of the study, the prisoners were disintegrated, both as a group and as individuals. There was no longer any group unity; just a bunch of isolated individuals hanging on, much like prisoners of war or hospitalized mental patients. The guards had won total control of the prison, and they commanded the blind obedience of each prisoner. [/quote]

I think to really understand what is going on with some of our fellew humans in society, you have to really understand the above. I never realised the will of the people could be contained, controlled and broken so easily.

[quote]Prisoner #416 coped by going on a hunger strike to force his release. After several unsuccessful attempts to get #416 to eat, the guards threw him into solitary confinement for three hours, even though their own rules stated that one hour was the limit. Still, #416 refused.

At this point #416 should have been a hero to the other prisoners. But instead, the others saw him as a troublemaker. The head guard then exploited this feeling by giving prisoners a choice. They could have #416 come out of solitary if they were willing to give up their blanket, or they could leave #416 in solitary all night.

What do you think they chose? Most elected to keep their blanket and let their fellow prisoner suffer in solitary all night. (We intervened later and returned #416 to his cell.) [/quote]

This reminds me again of what I was noticing and what David Icke was also saying about prisoners, controlling each other and stopping each other from escape. This prisoner who was fresh to the fight, should have re-energized the other prisoners, but it did not. Instead they now almost view him as an enemy and why? For trying to achieve the same goals they had tried to achieve?

It’s like this experiment with monkey’s. You put them in a cell. Place a banana, and then spray them each time they try to get the banana. Eventually they stop trying, and start attacking other monkey’s who are trying to get the banana, even when you stop spraying them they do the same thing. Even if you take out a couple of monkey’s and put in a couple of new ones, they will still attack the new ones, and they don’t even understand why, even without the water spraying the monkeys, and then in time the new one’s also learn to not go after the banana. It’s sounds almost insane, but that is exactly where we are in society. This is the part that I am still trying to grasp.

[quote]At this point it became clear that we had to end the study. We had created an overwhelmingly powerful situation — a situation in which prisoners were withdrawing and behaving in pathological ways, and in which some of the guards were behaving sadistically. Even the “good” guards felt helpless to intervene, and none of the guards quit while the study was in progress. Indeed, it should be noted that no guard ever came late for his shift, called in sick, left early, or demanded extra pay for overtime work.[/quote]

Ofcourse those in society who are benefiting from this sickness, have no reason for poor health or to be ill affected. While the others who see it for what it is and who are suffering, have all the complaints.

I ended the study prematurely for two reasons. First, we had learned through videotapes that the guards were escalating their abuse of prisoners in the middle of the night when they thought no researchers were watching and the experiment was “off.” Their boredom had driven them to ever more pornographic and degrading abuse of the prisoners.

Second, Christina Maslach, a recent Stanford Ph.D. brought in to conduct interviews with the guards and prisoners, strongly objected when she saw our prisoners being marched on a toilet run, bags over their heads, legs chained together, hands on each other’s shoulders. Filled with outrage, she said, “It’s terrible what you are doing to these boys!” Out of 50 or more outsiders who had seen our prison, she was the only one who ever questioned its morality. Once she countered the power of the situation, however, it became clear that the study should be ended. [/quote]

It does not take much to bring out man’s inhumanity to man does it? Reminds me of Lord of the Flies. The other interesting part is that of all the outsiders that came and went, the parents, priests and others, none ever demanded that a stop be put to the experiment, it was just this one person who saw what was wrong and questioned it, that helped bring things to an end.

Well not unlike this experiment and McCarthyism, it does not take much to snap society back to reality. Eg. In the prison experiment, someone comes in questions it, and that helps to put an end to the experiment. I think that’s when the exterminator begins to snap out of it, and realise that he’s become a little too caught up. Same with Mccarthyism. Apparently a news caster Edward R. Murrow, played a big role in getting society to see what a lying, devious, fink the senator was and that helped to break his hold on society. Not before a lot of damage was done, but it helped.

September 7, 2007 Posted by | changing vibrations, Controlled society, crazy, david icke, Film, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Ignorance, Isolation, Matrix, Mccarthyism, mental-salves, Monitoring, Movies, New World Order, NWO, revolution, slavery, slaves, Snitches, society, Surveillence, Television, The Matrix, youtube | Leave a comment

You tube is controlled.

You tube is controlled.

I already knew that, but ususally they don’t make it this obvious. Ok you might have read my blog post that I just did and in that post it included a link to a video about how sound affects our bodies by David Icke right. ok. I just checked on the video and it’s off the air. I blogged like about 2 hours ago, and it’s off the air.

Here is the link.

Also the user account has been suspended. (karmic_plight) All within less than 2 hours. Now you tell me that it’s just one more coincidence. Anyways having seen it happen time and time again, I am not surprised.

However having seen it before, that’s why I don’t like to share videos or article links anymore, because this happens all the time. Not just videos, but names and places. It’s just sometimes better to leave them off or out.

This is the super creepy system that you are currently going along with, and bowing down to. So did they get rid of the video because it showed David Icke saying something that I think kind of contradicts what the bible says. He said in the video the word was with God and the word was sound, but if I recall the verse it’s the word was with God and the word was God. If he really is a disinfo agent, then it seems to me the big play he would be going for and is going for is to do what needs to be done to get this system in place, and that is go get rid of Jesus. Tell us enough truth, so that we will believe the one lie that is not the truth. I mean that’s the play they pulled with gang stalking. They gave us all the details, made it so believable and the one point that would lead to the truth, they lied about. Everything was correct, how the operation worked, methods, tactics, just they lied and said it was vigilante gangs and it was the government. See you can’t pass off a lie by lying, you have to mix in just enough truth to make yourself convincing. Having listened to David Icke, I can say that he seems to speak the truth for the most part, or believes that he does, but then when he gets to things like Jesus never existed it makes me think, yep this might be the play that I just saw being repeated.

The other reason the video might have been removed is because it does talk about how sound affects us, and how it can be used for us to make changes to our surroundings and environment. It spoke of how you had atoms in random formation, and then introduce sound to the mix, and they form patterns. It spoke of how our heart beats to sound, how our very thoughts create sound and when we are upset, unbalanced or out of sort those vibrations change. I speculate this might be the other reason the EMF, electro magnetic frequencies are being used on targets. Outside of the tracking and monitoring. We have the power withing to make changes to our external world, just by thinking it, and apparently sound is a big part of this. (I was not aware of the sound part of this before.) So eg. If you don’t want a Stasi like world, where we are all chipped and tagged, let’s find a decent ending that we do all want, and collectivly think on that. Hint, hint.

Now think about this, I blog a simple post, keeping in mind I am heavily under surveillance/observation, and then the video and account are removed, and the account is suspended. Youtube is the biggest file sharing site on the Internet, but these creatures can pull the video, and kill the account in like 2 hours. Do you see the reach? Do you see the danger? Yet I am still not impressed. Irritated to be sure, but not impressed. I have seen impressive and this is not it.

Also can you say obvious. Now you might want to just write it off as paranoid, but when I see things like this happen over and over again, I don’t know what else to think. I checked back on the video, cause I thought this might just happen, cause it’s happened before.

Anyways if anyone is interested in finding out more about how we create, how sound and vibrations are used, then that is someplace you might want to start with, and in future will have to try to find better ways of getting the info out to you. Interpret it how you will.

July 8, 2007 Posted by | Censorship, changing vibrations, david icke, discrimination, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, High technology, New World Order, NWO, Online Stalking, Police State, politicians, Red Squads, Snitches, society, sound, Syncronicity, Thought Police, vibrations, whistle blower, zero tollerance | 11 Comments