Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Alternative Justice System

Alternative Justice System

More on the Threat Assessment Teams, and the Alternative Justice System. Ok so I have been looking into what’s happening, and I have been able to discover some interesting things, in addition to the Threat Assessment Teams,
that are there, within or just outside of that structure is another structure, an *Alternative Structure, but they may as well be the same.

The Threat Assessment Team have local people for each area who do the local monitoring, the monitoring teams. In my case the people are basically the lowest common denominators, they try to file false reports on a regular basis, and the structure they should use to evaluate the individuals in the situation, they manage to manipulate, or obstruct to the stage that they can keep the files or cases going for years at a time. The little they make for their efforts are often not worth it, thus why targets might get home break in’s and other items stolen, they are often not the most qualified, however they are the lowest common denominators and these are the individuals that they have in people’s lives and livelihoods.

Along with listing people as Mentally Ill, the Men in our communities and sometimes women as child molesters, Women as prostitutes, etc, they have also started to trend with falsely listing Targeted Individuals as HIV Positive when they are not. Trying to make people look like they are thieves (stolen credit cards) is another one that I have come across, it’s been fascinating research, on just how low these people are, and how truly scummy they are. Ralph, Lisa, this
goes out to you.

That’s the normal local monitoring units, which get assigned by the Threat Assessment Teams, in addition to this, the teams which are required to keep their distance, have instead been making contact with an underage minor child. The child is honestly able to receive instructions from the people in the situation, and follows the instructions, without knowing any better.

What’s been discovered recently is that one of the males in the situation of being on the local monitoring teams, is honestly also in the background, giving the underage minor child, and I do mean underage minor child explicit

*(These people have one goal, one desire and it’s to get the children into the informant system as soon as possible, they honestly run interference in the lives of children, possibly even yours, that’s important to know, and understand.)

I posting a link to this report, I can’t vouch for everything in the report, or even anything, but some aspects are correct, such as the majority of people being on the informant system, and who get’s let into specific countries.

The Alternative way the System works, which masks itself within or just outside of the Threat Assessment Team, but Mike who is more of a head hunter specifically hired by a company to insure the person stays in the incorrect situation, and that the incorrect situation keeps happening. The exact same structure is used, and it’s used on all the informants. I have been abel to access the hearing frequency that’s used for these people, and they get instructions when they are on the streets, the people are idiots mind you, but they do follow orders.

The video is the closest I could find, but it’s good enough. The loser in the situation here, works by telling them to bump into the Target, we just want to see the persons reaction, they are being evaluated, we just want to ensure they don’t react, meanwhile, you would have to be a complete idiot to go along with it, but on a given stroll, when you can hear this stuff, the people follow what they are being told, walk too close, just brush up, we just need to see a reaction.

What I have been able to discover is the guy behind this portion of it, is a head hunter hired by a previous company that I worked for, and has been hired to be in the situation, until I am removed from mine. The investigation is going really well, they are complete lowlifes. They are everything mentioned and more. Even without this specific scumbag, the local monitoring units, and their unit commanders are often the worst people at times, and they are people that have been on the informant system in most cases for years and years.

One of my neat discoveries is that they serious want to do something unsuitable to me, because I have specific items in my possession that they thought would belong to them someday. (They literally think that if I am not in the picture, they will be able to rob blind some items I possess. They are the lowness that me, and so many others did not need in our situation.) They make very little doing this, and so if they can steal, destroy our items, or just plot to steal them, they feel very good able themselves. I despise them with everything that I have, there is no other way to say it, when you truly
discover just how disgraceful, and low these creatures are that they put into people’s lives. (Again keep in mind that not every informant is low, and not everyone on the Threat Assessment Team is low, some are there to do a credible job, but the ones that get assigned all too often, are not the correct sort of people and they don’t do the correct things. I want to see the whole system get revamped if I could.)

Conspiracy is still the word, but if you understand how the system works a little bit, it all at times can seem perfectly normal to an outsider, who doesn’t take the time to look a little bit closer for the truth.

*(Alternative in the sense that the person has a specific alternative agenda, and uses methods within the structure.)

May 10, 2012 Posted by | activism, Awareness, Citizen Informants, Community harassment, Conspiracy | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Your forums are infiltrated

Your forums are infiltrated.

I have been on several large forums latetly and the discussions are all the same. The people are talking about how the forums are infiltrated, how the quality of the conversations are not the same.

I have to agree with the forums that I have been to, the chatter on these forums, where once bright and intellegent, almost revolutionary, seem to be quite different now.

One forum that is listed as a conspiracy forum constantly makes fun of members who post conspiracies, or calls into question the mentality of anyone who would believe them. A lot of these forums were set up by intellegence agencies in the first place, and the rest that were not are so over run that they may as well have been set up my shrills. That’s how it’s working.

Hijacked threads, threads where the conversation goes off topic, nothing get’s done, you just waste your time. Good threads don’t go anywhere, no one posts to them. Or if a topic is discussed and a good point made, several posters will post in the thread till the useful or relavant point is off the main page. The people on the forums, know how to work, and control the boards, and it’s working.

I saw one forum, where they shamed the posters into shuting up about talking about a conspiracy. They made the posters feel stupid, and so the conversation almost died, till one poster pointed out what was happening.

I can tell you what use to happen on some of the organized stalking forums, where people would join, a real target would feel that they were being signled out for barbs, or a real target would afterwards realize this forum is not about activism. They would point out that it feels like something is getting done, but the forums are there to ensure that nothing is getting done, no real progress is being made, but lately it’s worst and worst, and this seems to be happening on many forums across the internet.

It’s something members of the various forums have likely noticed, but I just wanted to bring this awareness to the surface, so that it could be more readily discussed, and evaluated.

November 9, 2010 Posted by | Above top secret, Bullying, Conspiracy, control, Controlled society, Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Lindsay Lohan Update

Lindsay Lohan could be out soon.

As many may have heard she was wrongly misdiagnosed as mentally ill, and a drug addict. Now for months, Gang Stalking World has maintained that she was neither, that she was in fact a target, and being systemically destroyed by the system.

She want from having her dad and the police trying to have her listed as a danger to herself and others, or possibly greviously disabled like Britney.

Catching onto what was being done to Lindsay early, might well have made a difference, in ensuring that she did not end up like Britney Spears. I admit last month it was ruff to watch her go to jail. I really felt like the whole thing was a bit of a failure, not just with the one target, but with other things that were happening to other high profile targets.

The judge that was so gunho to put her in jail, and stick her in rehab has recused herself from the case. I really feel that that judge had it in for Linday and it’s nice to see one target rise above this stuff.

Lindsay has never claimed to be a target, but based on everything that was going on over the last several months, the changes are very good that is what she was. Will she share what happened with the false diagnosis, and maybe help targets with her story? Don’t know.

I do wish her well, and would love to see her out of rehab, and I am glad that a lot of this is hopefully behind her. If one target can get this stopped, then maybe there is hope for the rest.

August 24, 2010 Posted by | Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Red Pill Blue Pill

Ever wish you could go back and do it all over again?

With Gang Stalking, knowing what it is, do you ever wish that you could go back and do it all over again?

Knowing what it is now, if you had to go back and do it all over again, which one would you take, the red pill or the blue pill?

Would you really want to know the truth? Would you rather live in ignorance?

Most people think that they want to know the truth, that they can handle the truth, but the reality is often that they can’t. I tend to have a good handle on myself. Since the Gang Stalking thing began, I realise that there are some truths, that I want to know, need to know, but can’t always handle, so time has pass, so that I can handle the truth.

I think for me however, all in all, I would want to know the truth. No matter how bad it was, I would want to know the truth, cause I am usually not happy with lies, or knowing that there is something just out of my reach that I just can not grasp.

Knowing the truth is not always an easy thing, sometimes it can even be a life altering or life destroying thing, but I often think if it does not kill you, it only makes you stronger.

Many learnt the truth about Gang Stalking and many have survived and some even lived to see even more bizarre things come in their lives.

Now if anyone had had access to my thoughts before or just when I found out about the Gang Stalking thing, I am sure they might have thought me really mentally off balance. The things that go through your mind, or your thoughts are not necessarily how you would react externally to a situation. The mind is there to help you absorb and understand information, and it will not, and should not take on more than it is ready for. At times you might want to give yourself a swift kick int he butt, or a slap back to reality, but at other times what you need is a gentle reassuring hung that says it’s going to be ok, and that you can mentally get through it all.

Even when I realised what was going on, there are so many times, that I slipped back to denial, disbelief, doubt, wanting it to be something easy, something simple, something that could be sorted out really quickly. Most targets are like this, we hope that the conspiracy is not real, that it’s not true, but the ones who stand a better chance of survival in short order, come to quickly realize that it is true, and our cities are these little mini Stasi villas.

The true is capable of leaving you completely shocked, floored, numb, but eventually you have to overcome those states and move on, most people can do this with enough time, but what if time is of the essence? What is you don’t have that time, then what? How do you recover from a deep shock to the system, hit the ground, and continue running, to ensure your survival and maybe the survival of others? You just have to try to find a way, to rally that strength and come about in short order.

I like to think that with the Gang Stalking thing, I have been able to do that to a small degree. Some see this a being radical, or extreme, some might even see it as being infamous, I don’t mind a bit of infamy, it keeps the label of boring at bay, you can’t be infamous and boring, I don’t think. Do I see myself as any of those things? I just see myself as fighting for my survival, trying to research and find out the truth about something that was happening to me. Something that most people around me were lying about, no matter how much I suspected the truth that they were lying, that something was going on, the conspiracy continued, and then suddenly one day, I came across a portion of the truth, and as you can see it would be over time, with lots of research, that most of the rest presented itself.

I now look back and think, if I had known what I know now, would I have wanted to know the truth? If I knew my normal world as I knew it was going to end, and this lovely strange thing called Gang Stalking would become a large part of my reality, would I have wanted that? I don’t know, but I do know that if I had not gone after the truth, if I had ignored my instincts and left things as they were, I likely would not have survived. The trappings that they have successfully set for so many other targets, would likely have devoured me, and I am not sure where I would be, but I am here, I have survived this far, and I have found out a great deal of truth about this creepy system, and the kinds of people that are created within this kind of system.

With anything that you are going through, my suggestion is to give yourself some time to let the shock, trauma disbelief settle in, take the time you need, but in some cases you can not take too much time, because the next situation is at hand, and then next, and the next, and the one after that. If life was not bad enough, parasitic individuals are specifically assigned to targets, to ensure that these situation happen in our life, more than they should. Creepy, but truth.

Anyways at the end of the day, I would want to know the truth. It took me close to two years daily going, I just can’t believe that this is happening, you have my blog posts to back this up, and eventually it did settle in, I got past it, and most days, I can act pretty nonchalant. The staged accidents the informants try to set up, you learn to avoid those. Being aware that anything you say, or do, can be used to list you as mentally unstable, you learn to be cautious in that capacity. As a target you learn to shield in your home, and do what you can to try to ensure that the physical torture that is being remotely inflicted is minimal. Many keep writing their stories, hoping someone will listen, I recommend praying, it’s the only force, that I truly trust, that has worked over the last several years.

Faith it does not always come easy, and some days it may not come at all, but you have to keep with it. The days before I found out what was happening, I remember well how people were happy to lie, pretend that nothing was going on, it took a lot of faith to hold on to the belief that I knew that something was going on, for a time I had me to confirm things with, and none else, but I held firm, and at the end of the day I was right. My suspicions were correct, some around me were indeed betraying me in the sense that they knew, and had not said anything. Many around me were lying, set up’s were happening, things were being done deliberately, and for a time, I was the only sounding board that I could use. It’s hard under those conditions. Most people have trusted individual around them, that they can rely on, some are not so fortunate, and are their own sounding boards at times, till others can be found, or evidence can be gathered.

So to the other targets out there, now that you have some idea, or hopefully have some idea of what is happening, which pill would you rather take? The Red pill or the Blue Pill?

I should add that I think a lot of people in this world take the blue pill, it makes life easier, it’s denial, it works, and that is why the world keep going like it is, I don’t blame them for preferring the Blue Pill, but for me I still prefer the Red Pill of truth at the end of the day, even though it might take me a while to get there.

August 15, 2010 Posted by | Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , | 3 Comments



I was just reflecting on when this first started. Before I knew about Gang Stalking. Like other targets I knew that something was wrong, that something was going on, and that those around me were “in on it.” Unlike other targets, I never voiced any of this out loud, and never mentioned it. However when I did try to explain about some of the unusual things that were happening, and that something was going on, they would just act like nothing was happening.

What I do know is that if I had trusted those around me, and not listened to my instincts, I would be in a very different place, a very bad place. I am grateful to God that I trusted those instincts, I am grateful to God that I prayed. I knew something was going on, and at one point, I remember praying and preparing myself, and saying that no matter what it was, that I would be ready for it, and willing and able to accept it.

Well it was more horrific than I could have thought at the time. For those who followed the blog, you know I spent like the first two years, going I can’t believe this is happening, or that this is real. I use to wake up everyday, and then at some point I would say that. I think it wasn’t until my settling in post, that some kind of acceptance finally came to me, and remember that I thought I was ready for the truth.

But before this time, knowing that friends, family, co-workers, business associates, were involved in something, that something was going on, but not knowing what was hard. I couldn’t talk to anyone about it, I could only take counsel with myself, and in prayers with God, asking for truth. Praying to understand, how those around me, and close to me could be made to go along with something that was clearly designed to destroy me.

Also remember that no one, no sane person wants to believe in conspiracies. No one wants to believe that those around you could be plotting against you. Remember that to accuse someone of something without proof is a horrible thing, and what if you are wrong? That’s why for the longest time I just observed. It would be the worst thing in the world to point the finger at an innocent person without being sure, but at the same time, you don’t want to be a fool and let anyone conspire against you. So that’s why I often tell targets, write things down, observe overtime, the truth will come. Cause it’s a hard position to be in.

So when I do observe something new, I don’t always report it at first, somethings I will wait awhile, but if it’s something important for targets, something that could be harmful for them, then I might break that rule, and report an observation that I have not had time to confirm, or observe further. There are some things, that you can’t always put off, it’s better to issue a warning for other targets, just so that they can have a heads up.

The other things is that if you report something, people tend to see it, eg.  If you report someone as mentally ill, people will see mental illness that is just not there. If you report someone as a sexual pervert, people will see every little thing that person does as somehow sexually perverted. People are just interesting that way.

Those were some dark times. I mean I get now some of the process that happens. The hapless family and friends, get a letter telling them that the person could be a sexual pervert, a danger to themselves or others, involved in drugs, prostitution, pedophilia, whatever the fake accusation is. Don’t get me wrong at times these accusation the odd time, might be true, but what happens with Gang Stalking, is that the target is repeatedly set up. On top of these letters, there are interviews that can happen with friends, family, co-workers. The problem is there is no way to know how leading these interviews are, or if people always thought that James was a little odd, and someone shows up asking if James could be a danger, then suddenly James is a psychopath capable of doing great harm. Where in reality James is no more dangerous than anyone else.

They create a self fulfilling prophecies, and there is no way to know how many in society have been destroyed this way by these lies. Friends and family then get the community reports, and as target we all know the lies, set up’s, and rumours that go into this. Reports all over the city, linked to you, places you have never been, situations that you have never been in, lies, rumours, and set up’s, but they all contribute to destroying the targets life.

It took a lot to hold onto the faith. I knew I was not crazy, I know I am not crazy, at least not in that sense of the word. I knew there was something going on, instinctively I felt it, and when I finally knew about Gang Stalking, and I listened to all the other reports, I was shocked and disgusted. I kept thinking, what is it about targets, why are our families, friends, co-workers, neighbours, willing to side against us, with whoever is doing this? Later I realised it was the state, and that this sort of thing had happened in Russia, East Germany. I understood a bit more about how a society gets corrupted. How a society comes to believe that the evil they are doing is actually something good. World War I Germany, or the Germany of 1933 comes to mind.

When these times happens, the society itself becomes sick. They naturally do not see it, but history will judge them, it’s always the same, but at the time, they believe in the Righteousness of their actions, McCarthyism comes to mind. In Russia, when they sent people off to the gulags, they would have family come and sign testimony against the person, they would even get the person to believe that they were bad. If the state said that you were bad, you were. It’s horrifying to look at history and to see, and understand how often this sick, collective insanity happens, but you have the witch trials, inquisitions, this is a reoccurring theme, and people should be mindful of it.

Anyways over the years, I have been able to forgive, some people have made amends for the evils they have done, but still I sit back and think, if the state came to me, and tried to get me to go along with something this sick against friends and family would I have back them? See now that I am aware, it’s less likely, but before, when I was naive, and trusted the state, could they have manipulated me that way? I don’t know. The one time that I do think that I saw this, and was a part of this was back in school. At school we had a guy in class that this girl accused of being a pervert, or doing something very perverted and gross. Not only did did this precious flower accuse him, but she had her little minions with her to back up her story. Now I was disgusted when I heard this, like everyone else, and for a time stayed my distance, but after a time, seeing how everyone else was treating this person, I grew disgusted by the group ostracism of this person, and decided to go against the grain. I loaned this personhomework assignments and when handing out or sharing things with the group, did not exclude this person. Naturally I became the enemy of the original accuser. Which was funny, because this girl tried to use intimidation, and tried to socially annex me for associating with the person. It did not work, but the guy did end up leaving school, and did not finish the program. Years later now, I can almost 99.99% say that I am pretty sure that what they were doing to him, is what we call Gang Stalking. I think that is the one time, that I can think of where I might have been on the wrong end of the fence, and although at first I did stay away, cause of what this original girl had disclosed, I am glad in the long run I ignored her. She would later go on to spreading fake rumours about another friend of mine, and then eventually me. In the long run, I think people figured out her true and vicious nature, but I think it was deeper than that. I think this girl aside from the others, probably had aspecific agenda, when I look back and put all the pieces into place, that is what comes through the most. Why this guy became a target, I don’t know, but that is what I think he was. I also now know what they were signalling about. Back then they were always signalling to each other. I kept thinking, what are they signalling about? Now that I know about the one handed sign language that the citizen informants use, I can look at the past, and get a pretty good idea of what was happening, and based on the type of people this girl targeted get a pretty good idea of what was likely really happening.

I included this, because I think it’s important for people to try to understand the other side of the picture. I am most definitely not a bad person, I was at the time trying to support this girl at first, by staying away from someone she and her friends had said had done something perverted and gross. To the guy in this story, I can’t imagine what it was like showing up to that course, to have everyone thinking this about you, and I think this explains why he missed so much time, and eventually quit. At the time however I would only have seen my part, but again I am glad that eventually my part was the role of being helpful, and not sticking to what the group was doing. The ones sticking to what the group was doing, were they trying to do anything evil? No, I can honestly say, they just felt they were getting rid of someone perverted from their midst’s, and that is how this can work. They only see their part of it, which is small and insignificant, the paper cuts that on their own do not matter, but collectively, can and do destroy.

So reflections have been very important. Observation, and trusting instincts. The other thing about not reporting incidents too soon is that it’s easy to send out information, but it’s hard to collect that information back. Also once people get something into their heads it’s hard to correct that information, so that’s why most times if I can, I try to hold off on reporting things till I can be sure. Recently I skipped this step in reporting an observation, that I can not confirm, or deny. But it was more important for the protection of targets that they be aware that this could be happening in their areas, and to take precaution. I had to weight two options, and hope that the right choice was made, and that if the observation is real, that it will prove itself in time, and if not, then it will clear itself in time. What I should say is that I know that in other cases, this observation is true and happening, in the case I observed recently, I do not have concrete proof one way or another, and leave it in the realm of this is what I thought I observed on one occasion, which would never hold up for me personally in any scientific regard.

Observation should happen over a period of time, and be consistent. Like when I was observing the hand signals, that they use. So I am going to leave it at that. Sometimes you have to trust your instincts, and just go with that. Other times if you can, it’s always better to find concrete proof if you can, and in all cases, try not to jump the gun, take time, and hope that truth will come.

July 29, 2010 Posted by | Conspiracy, Controlled society, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking | , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

It’s in their nature

The Scorpion and the Frog

One day, a scorpion looked around at the mountain where he lived and decided that he wanted a change. So he set out on a journey through the forests and hills. He climbed over rocks and under vines and kept going until he reached a river.

The river was wide and swift, and the scorpion stopped to reconsider the situation. He couldn’t see any way across. So he ran upriver and then checked downriver, all the while thinking that he might have to turn back.

Suddenly, he saw a frog sitting in the rushes by the bank of the stream on the other side of the river. He decided to ask the frog for help getting across the stream.

“Hellooo Mr. Frog!” called the scorpion across the water, “Would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the river?”

“Well now, Mr. Scorpion! How do I know that if I try to help you, you wont try to kill me?” asked the frog hesitantly.

“Because,” the scorpion replied, “If I try to kill you, then I would die too, for you see I cannot swim!”

Now this seemed to make sense to the frog. But he asked. “What about when I get close to the bank? You could still try to kill me and get back to the shore!”

“This is true,” agreed the scorpion, “But then I wouldn’t be able to get to the other side of the river!”

“Alright then…how do I know you wont just wait till we get to the other side and THEN kill me?” said the frog.

“Ahh…,” crooned the scorpion, “Because you see, once you’ve taken me to the other side of this river, I will be so grateful for your help, that it would hardly be fair to reward you with death, now would it?!”

So the frog agreed to take the scorpion across the river. He swam over to the bank and settled himself near the mud to pick up his passenger. The scorpion crawled onto the frog’s back, his sharp claws prickling into the frog’s soft hide, and the frog slid into the river. The muddy water swirled around them, but the frog stayed near the surface so the scorpion would not drown. He kicked strongly through the first half of the stream, his flippers paddling wildly against the current.

Halfway across the river, the frog suddenly felt a sharp sting in his back and, out of the corner of his eye, saw the scorpion remove his stinger from the frog’s back. A deadening numbness began to creep into his limbs.

“You fool!” croaked the frog, “Now we shall both die! Why on earth did you do that?”

The scorpion shrugged, and did a little jig on the drownings frog’s back.

“I could not help myself. It is my nature.”

Then they both sank into the muddy waters of the swiftly flowing river.

After dealing with citizen informants and workplace mobbing and Gang Stalking over the last several years, this is the only conclusion that I can come to. It’s in their nature.

Before I go further, I would like to add, this is not the method of all informants, but it’s the method of too many. There are citizen informants that don’t take joy in what’s happening with this system. Those who have been kind and helpful. Those who have decency left. Those that shared what they could. For that nature I am, have been, and will continue to be truly grateful. For the rest this is what I think.

Telling lies. It’s in their nature.

Setting People up. It’s in their nature.

Seeing the bad in others, but never in this system or in themselves. It’s in their nature.

Destroying people’s lives. It’s in their nature.

Parasitically feeding off of the lives of others. It’s in their nature.

Stirring up trouble. It’s in their nature.

People tend to think of Targets as reserved or anti-social, but most targets are far from it. After years of bad advise, bad information, situation after situation, and person after person that we could not trust, many targets have learnt. Being cautious has become a part of our nature. Most targets are cautious. Most targets are hypervigilant.

For me personally I have learnt not to trust them in many cases. The smallest thing with informants can and will be taken out of context, misconstrued, deliberately, or accidentally, but it does not matter because the end result for the target could be the same. Institutionalization, jail, loss of employment, loss of housing, loss of a friendship or loss of reputation.

The times I have tried to be helpful with informants, or have become overly friendly are the times that I have often suffered the most, and thus for the most part I keep my distance, for many of them can not be trusted.

The thing that is most alarming about this system is that, all it takes is the word of an informant to convict you, or destroy your life. That is the informant culture that we live in today, and many of them can not be trusted.

The scary part for me is that even when it becomes clear that one of them lied, or deliberately tried to do something destructive, the majority of informants just pass it off as something simple. They are willing to crucify the targets, but are fully willing to forgive each other. I guess that is how gangs, cults, and secret societies work. They over look the evils that the cult, gang, club members do, but are willing to destroy others for way less.

The nature does not change. No matter how many times false rumours occur, they willing believe one after the other. The target is never consulted. No matter how much slander gets put out about the target, they are often willing to swallow the next dose, almost as if it’s the medicine that keeps them going. I am no longer surprised by this. I just shake my head and move on, past the meaningless “I am sorry’s.” Because much like someone in an abusive relationship, they are only sorry till it happens the next time, and as a target you know that there will be a next time.

Thus I have learnt to limit my interactions with them. The lies that they make up out of thin air are bad enough, but I find that it’s best to interact with them on a limited basis, giving them as little ammunition to work with as possible. For it’s in their nature to be lying, deceitful. This system does not produce good citizens. Good citizens produce good citizens. This system teaches people to lie, cheat, steal, set people up, and destroy lives.

The other crazy thing is that as many times over the years that rumours or slander has started, the citizen informants for the most part make very little effort to confirm or deny what they are hearing. This extends to employers, landlords, and others that you have to interact with. You can be fired from jobs, lose housing, all based on lies that you might never find out about, unless you gain access to your files. It’s incredible the lies the informants are allowed to make up, which never get corrected, and are out there on a person. Jiverly Wong is a great example, of rumours, lies, slander and gossip. If people had taken the time to let him know what was being said, to break their silence, so he could clear his name, I think a tragedy might have been averted. Instead they all went along with it, because it’s in their nature, and with dire consequences.

With all that I have seen over the years, I do realise that this is their nature, and interacting on a limited basis with the majority of them is the best option. I have walked into places with people who were very friendly one day, and very cold and distant the next, busy feeding on the latest lie, slander, ready to carve into the target, ready to believe the worst. Not even willing to give a hint as to what the crime or offence committed was, because naturally you should know and thus must already be guilty. I have just learnt to smile, nod, and just avoid them. Then the odd time when information get’s corrected, they smile and act as if nothing happened. Coming over and being overly bright and happy. It’s very hypocritical, but it’s in their nature. After the last several years, I have adapted my nature to deal with such unstable people.

Imagine being a target you go to a church, work, school, you leave one day, on good terms, you come in the next day and suddenly you are enemy number one, no explanation, no hint, all eyes and hate upon you, you are already convicted, and tried without ever knowing what the crime is. Those around all too ready to feed on who they see as deserving of their wrath or punishment. That is the nature and pathology of these people. That is what targets go through on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, yearly, basis.

In my experience being around them for lengths of time makes very little difference, you would think that after the 5th false rumour, 10th, 20th, that these people would start to question the lies? No they are simple people. They believe each other, trust each other, no one would ever have an ulterior motive, no one would ever lie. They think so well of the club members, but from what I have seen of many of these club members, a lot of them lie, some are criminal informants and thus have a handler, some seem to be deliberately working for the psychological operation angel, and then some are just average gullible people, who get taken in with every new rumour, others are just nasty and looking for the dirt that they can find on someone else. Gossip and drama queens, men and woman, who are not happy unless they are feeding on the lives of others, and that is because it’s in their nature.

To defend yourself against such is a continuous uphill battle. Thus most targets simply choose to interact, but on a very limited basis.

The targets are not asked to give their side, pulled in for an interview, the witnesses around them are questioned, but the target is often even unaware that an incident has happened. If this system was the good system that many try to make it out to be, the targets of this system would have a chance and format to get their side heard. Before an incident can be added to a targets file, they must get some kind of notice and a suitable amount of time to clear their file. Most at this stage don’t even realise that they have a file, or how to access the information.

The way this system works is that normal actions are seen as disturbing. Things that others get away with in public, actions that most targets would be put away for, are taken for granted, and the community over reacts to the smallest incident. A type of mania in and of itself. A frenzy, only this type of frenzy is destroying the lives of innocent people, who often times have no idea as to why.

May 2, 2010 Posted by | Citizen Informants, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conformity, Gang Stalking | , , , , , | 3 Comments

What on earth did I get myself into?

It all depends on who you ask, and how you interpret the situation. Sometimes the answer is blowing in the wind.

I had such a moment a few weeks ago on some level, and at first my only thought was how do I untangle myself, but the more I watched and waited for the punchline, the punchline never came. Where I was on some level was surprisingly where I was meant to be. It really started to work for me, and much to my complete surprise, really lifted my spirits.

Now upon realising that I was in a good place, the usual control agents have done just about everything to try to change or destroy that.

This week has been a challenge, but I am trying to find that peace and happy I knew just a few short weeks ago.

I find that when you are in the right place, you can not let specific negative elements allow you to be brought low.

I think the question of what on earth did I get myself into at times has to be answered in spirit for truth, but in flesh for accuracy, cause otherwise it’s just too easy to get the lines of communications mixed up, or cluttered with a lot of inaccurate information.

I think targets ask this question a lot, but much like the disinformation that is out there about us, some information can only be clarified by going to or getting at the source.

March 28, 2010 Posted by | Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Sept 11. An ode to faking it.

Sept 11.

This is a day about making make believe look real. A day about giving the situation at hand the look of reality and the spin that you want it to have.

Eg. Many people believe that Sept 11 happened. Where people differ is who was behind it? Did planes really hit and bring down the world trade center buildings and was the official version the real version?

For many who are familiar with documents such as Operation Northwoods it’s reason to question if the government of the United States once again planned and carried out terror on the American citizens.

[quote]Operation Northwoods, or Northwoods, was a false-flag plan, proposed within the United States government in 1962. The plan called for CIA or other operatives to commit apparent acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Castro-led Cuba. One plan was to “develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington”.

This operation is especially notable in that it included plans for hijackings and bombings followed by the use of phony evidence that would blame the terrorist acts on a foreign government, namely Cuba.

The plan stated:

The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.

Operation Northwoods was drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and signed by then-Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer, and sent to the Secretary of Defense.

Several other proposals were listed, including the real or simulated actions against various U.S military and civilian targets. Operation Northwoods was part of the U.S. government’s Cuban Project (Operation Mongoose) anti-Castro initiative. It was never officially accepted or executed.[/quote]

Also recently we saw in Spain a building made out of steel that burnt for 20 hours straight but still remained standing. An amazing structure proving the power of steel to withstand heat and melting.

[quote]In February 2005, the 32-storey Windsor Building in the financial district of Madrid, Spain was completely engulfed by flames for 20 consecutive hours. I repeat: 20 consecutive hours. The structure did not collapse. In fact, after the fire was finally extinguished, a huge construction crane was seen perched on the roof of the building as raw testimony to the practical indestructibility of steel as a construction material.[/quote]

We also when 911 happened saw building 7 fall, even though no planes had hit the building and some rightfully question why that happened?

We also saw hole in the pentagon, but many question if a plane did hit, where the wreckage of the plane was?

Also last but not least, if you are a terrorist crashing planes into a building then even if your dental records don’t last, your passports will. Even when steel buildings melt, your passports will survive,

Anyways Sept 11 an ode to faking it, and it proves you can make anything appear how you want it to be, and most will never question the official version.

Who you have slept with.

Now having watched soaps over the years, I have seen a few of these plots. Some really desperate attempts to make it seem like someone had slept with someone when they really had not, or the person had not been willing. Anything from fake pictures, fake video, fake witnesses.

Who could forget Sammie Brady drugging Austin her older sisters boyfriend to make it seem as if he had willingly slept with her when she had not. Yes Sammie turned out to be a case, but she did improve in time. (She improved in her scheming that is, but that’s another story.)

Watching Dorian Lord get a divorce from David. To get a divorce from David Dorian had to enlist her niece Blair Cramer to dress up as her double, and pretend to sleep with Dorian’s husband David, but at the last minute Dorian switched places with Blair and David none the wiser, cheated on his own wife, with his own wife.

A few fake pictures later, and the divorce was finalised. Now these plots are cute in soap operas, well not really, but in real life this is another thing that is often easily faked and never questioned, because people like to believe whatever they are told without question.

I think watching desperate characters pull off things like this in the soaps are cute, I have had opportunity in real life to watch people pull things off like this and it’s never cute. To lie and in some cases create and fake plots almost or more desperate and more harmful than things that I have seen on the soaps.

I think it shows some pretty twisted personalities. People who don’t care about ruining or slandering other people’s reputations just to make themselves feel better, and in today’s world it’s even easier than ever.

Faking Investigations.

I don’t mean that the investigations that targets are under are fake, but what is fake is what the state does to us. They make people think all sorts of things, and they make the lies look good. That’s what faking it is all about, making the lies look good and believable.

Most of us are not crazy, perverts, terrorists, extremists, etc, but that does not matter, it’s continuing to give the perception to the people, that is what matters.

Making them think that if they were not spying on each other the world would suddenly fall apart, creating that illusion, that fake need.

Going to extreme lengths to make targets look like a danger, be it having dozens of informants on their tail, making them look dangerous, etc.

I had no idea until recently the lengths they will go through to manipulate a situation to make a person look crazy or dangerous. This system is truly crazy and desperate, which equals dangerous. The asleep sheeple will believe what they are told in many cases, and it’s scary.

So this post is all about Faking it. The above three things are some of the top things I have come across. Now since I am lucky enough to be free, please feel free to add your comments about other things that people like to fake.

September 12, 2009 Posted by | 9/11, Censorship, Conformity, conspiracies, Conspiracy, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, crazy, Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Standard Operating Procedure

Standard Operating Procedure

I had an experience today with the informants. It’s another what I like to call set up.

I had an informant enter the transit system, now this informant was singing to themselves which was fine, had little headphones on, etc, however after this informant also started talking outloud to themselves and I was not sure if the informant was actually crazy or just a bit or, or just pretending crazy.

Anyways I got on a bus and sat right in front of this informant. About halfway on the journey I realised that things were not right, the informants were not following their standard operating procedure.

Eg. They use to have someone from work always at the station and then have that person follow me to the location. After this, they started having what I call familiar strangers following me, except when I happen to lose them.

The familiar strangers started getting on when the snitches from work use to, and so the information was passed in that way.

There are a few that are consistantly present the same way the individuals from work were, I will see at least one if not multiple of these informants without fail, on a daily basis, unless I am doing something else. Even if for some odd reason I manage to board the bus without one present, along the way one of the others will get on the bus to take up the slack.

Now I usually have a couple of specific stops that I get off at and I always have a couple or more informants getting off at the same stop as well.

Anyways about halfway there, I noticed the usual standard operating procedure was not being followed, and they were not performing their idiotic mobbing formation, very unusual for them. So it peeked my curiosity, suddenly it occurred to me that it was going to be another set up.

Eg. I suddenly had the impression that Informant or person pretending to be crazy informant was going to get off at the same stop that I was going to, so I waiting to see if this was going to be the case.

This informant got off the stop before me, because sometimes I will do that, well realising that I was not getting off at that stop, the informant moved to get back on the bus, well the driver did not want to let the informant back on the bus, but the informant who up until that point had been doing a great job of pretending to be crazy, broke protocol, made clear eye contact with the driver and then communicated in quite clear Stasi signals, and so he let the informant back on the bus, and the informant did indeed get off at the next stop with me.

Now if any of these informants report this person, and that they were talking on the bus to themselves, well I am being tracked and so the assumption is that it was me. I use to have stuff like this happen a lot but never truly noted it, because I did not realise how deep the game goes.

Anyways sure enough not long after getting to my destination, it seems this had been the intended goal. If I had not been aware or alert that a set up was indeed what they were doing, then a set up like this would easily have succeeded. People in my environment would have it on good authority that it was me, and that would be the end of that, and I would never have been the wiser. As it was, I was able to circumvent this to a degree.

It seems the more I openly discuss the fact that I live in a Stasi society, these little set up’s happen more and more, so I guess I just have to get use to it, as will the Stasi have to get use to me and my frankness about the type of society that I live in.

Anyways being aware of their standard operation procedure can be helpful. They are aware of ours, they watch us for patterns, record what we buy for a reason, they look for chicks in the armour and try to use it.

These people are a real testament, everyday that I live, breath, see them, or have to be around them, they make me realise what I don’t want. I know that we are not free, but everytime I see them it brings that point home so much more vividly.

As far as the Stasi signals are concerned, I do from time to time have to test out a new signal to confirm that I am accurately interpreting the meaning and these are the times I may have to use them in public, other wise I leave the informants to their Stasi speak.

Oh and the one time I did use Stasi speak without cause was to indicate to this woman one of those now familiar strangers that I am aware of the fact that she is an informant. My apologies but my contempt was not quite being communicated the way that I had hoped.

Beyond that, these mini set up’s are just things to be aware of. I don’t know how exactly an incident like the one today adds to their belief that the target needs to be watched, but they do like to believe their own lies, so it’s not that hard. They don’t question, they just do what they are told. (Not all are like that,) but you have to watchout for yourself nonetheless, be aware of them and how they opperate, but on the other hand for the most part learn to ignore them.

August 27, 2009 Posted by | Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Down with snitching clearified
I blogged the above post really early in the morning and so not a good time for blogging, so I thought I would go over it, I made a lot of points and i want to make sure I did it correctly.

Construction projects.

Many targets complain about these, and in my personal experience, they use these projects as an excuse to help with the monitoring and surveillance of the area.

Sure there is always construction ongoing so how can we be sure it’s directed at us. I have lived several years on the planet, and there has often been construction ongoing, but never like this.

It’s not just construction at the last two locations that lasted for months or years on end, it’s going to interviews, and by the time you get out a little construction, or drilling in the street you are going to pass just springs up. It’s happened a few times, coincidence? A few times too many.

It happens for me and most other targets I know. As we are able to compare notes, this is a frequent theme that comes up, and they also see a pattern of extraordinary construction that has gone out of bounds.

Companies closing or change of owners.

This is another thing that I have noticed. Changes of owners. Let’s say you had a store where the family were not going along with the snitching, suddenly they are out of business, or the store ownership changes. The things that I have further noticed is that within this change, specific products that were available, that the store specialized in are not there. Which makes no sense.

Targets complain about stores being out of products they use when they get there, even if they go to other locations, the products are out of stock.

This sounds crazy at first, but it’s not. They watch and record everything that we buy. There is always someone behind us in the line, to mentally record the products the target purchased. They also watch what we take off the shelf, so they know if our diets change. They know which products to be out of, or if they can stop ordering all together.

In comparing notes amongst several targets, this is a pattern that they have also recorded and noted.

In the DT Stockton report he also documents the means that they use to put companies out of business. I don’t know if the document is authentic, but much of what it says, sounds valid.

In my own experience, what I have seen with my customers is them being paid off or ordered this that or the other for not working with me. Eg. Trying to get my customers to leave from working with me. The ones that have stayed have recorded Gang Stalking patterns in their own lives. Based on some of what I hear back about what is happening this seems to be the case. Either go along with the system or be bowled over by it. This was the same with the Stasi, refuse to spy, have your life messed with.


I spoke of a group that had messed with my phones and performed other petty events that made me choose to change location and disassociate with them, while still in the work placed. They also got me written up. This is correct and first hand experience.

Getting me fired. I had heard from a third party, not related or associated with the story that person B) had been the cause. Since the third party would have no reason to lie, they were either correct, or if mistaken then it was not intentional, but this is what I heard back.

I did not mean to imply that person A) had requested for person B) to take such actions. What I meant to imply was that because of the association, person B) was inclined to take such actions.

Eg. I once had another, unrelated situation, where a  friend come up and told me that person B) who was also friend with my friend, person A), that person B) hated me. I was really surprised, and I was like what? Why? Apparently because of my friendship with person A) for no other reason. My friend said person B) was really jealous of the the friendship and just hated my guts, and to watch my back. Other things were said, but you get the idea. So it’s not to indicate that person A) made person B) take action against me, but person B) hated me, because of my associating with person A).


People will hate for stupid reasons.

Back to the first situation, anyways I did later run into these two on separately on different occasions and I did just walk away and ignore them both. So that was also first hand experience.

I think when some people are around you, they bring bad things into your realm, be in this one or another. (If you believe such things, and when they are gone, your life get’s better.) I believe some others bring good things into your life, and when they are around, things just get better and better.

In my experience if someone cares about you, really cares about you, it’s like a protective shield, I don’t care if it’s a best friend, love, child, parent, etc, when someone cares about you, truly cares about you, they bring, honor, grace, and love into your life, and good energy towards you and things go good.

I find others with selfish or bad intentions towards you, or who hate you, bring you down, and create very negative situations, and should be avoided at all cost, on all realms. I think the difference shows.

If you are in a situation, friendship, and you have doubts or questions, just ask yourself, what kinds of experiences, situations, events, do they bring in your life, how does it make your soul feel? That’s a good way to start to gauge if this person is an asset or a liability for your life.

Some people feel good to be around, you might even feel happy to be around them, but they could still be an energy draining type of person, and bring bad things into your realm. It’s about energy, and you want to connect with the right types of people. People who are feeders, who feed off of others, can associate and they will be just fine, because they have nothing to lose, and they give out nothing, but if you then place yourself in that situation, you might notice a lot of negative happenings in your life, and it might be a good idea to disconnect and disassociate from that situation. Usually when you do, you will see an improvement in your life. Some situations are unhealthy.

Fishing expeditions.

They try to find out what targets are sensitive to? what they will react to? What you can use to engage them? There is usually what I call a conductor telling people where to sit, where to stand, should they approach the target, when to conduct an action when not to. In this regard it’s more coordinated then we realise.

Jiverly and Kimveer

I don’t believe that they ever found the Gang Stalking sites. I think having a community to socialize with could have been very helpful. I think it might have help to stop some of this from happening.


Police Controlled

They don’t really have to be police controlled. You have lot’s of co-workers and other in the community, that are just regular snitches, that are more than happy to mess with your stuff. Remember in regular case of mobbing we hear about this stuff all the time. Stealing stuff, messing with their things, and other parasitic mobbing behaviours. They don’t have to be police controlled snitches. I was just pointing out that if you are in desperate situations it can be easier to manipulate you.


These people have my full sympathy. I don’t believe their immigration situations should be used, to get them to do things, or as leverage, but this is getting used. I think it’s horrible. If you thought the drug cases were bad this is worst.

Imagine being a mother or a father, separated from your kids, you have no way of getting in communication with them, seeing them etc, and you want them to come here, and you have a gun being held to your head. You have some third party holding you hostage in this way, and manipulating you. Your situation is just as vulnerable, if not more vulnerable then the drug informants.

The same is true for husbands kept from their wives, wives kept from husbands. Kids kept from dying or sick parents.

A lot of immigrants are hard working, they come here and just like everyone else they want a chance. To manipulate them like this is cruel and wrong, and it should never be used as leverage, but in a Stais like society, everything is used as leverage. You attack and go after people’s vulnerabilities. I think it’s wrong, and I feel very sad for them.

That’s why I don’t think they should be used. If people like Rachel Hoffman were vulnerable due to their situation, then immigrants are equally as vulnerable because of their circumstances and they should not be used and manipulated that way.


Portrayal of a target

I mentioned that they are going for the crazy thing the same way that Russia did. This is not made up, I have heard this back many times. I again think that’s funny. You have people saying that being on the Internet is a sign of mental illness, so I guess a lot of people are crazy. I always wonder who get’s to decided these things?

As I have also mentioned as time goes on, I get other things, they go fishing and try to add on other things. So you just have to watch your back.


Some people think that this is just about the target being sleep deprived. If you had someone using a laser on you, or radar gun, or transducers below the dry wall, then maybe you would understand that it’s also physical torture.

Then you have the psychological things. People trying to get you upset so that they will get you to lash out. So  a lack of sleep, being tortured, then you are expected to function, while being constantly provoked, and I did mention the complete stupidity of many in this program, added to their lack of a moral center, and their ability to forget what’s legal or moral, anything to fit in, and go along with the group and you have dangerous situations.

It is not the lone event, it is the accumulation, done over a period of time. This is the reason why mobbing had been so successful, and we have seen mobbing targets snap by just being mobbed at work. Targeted Individual have a Triple fight on their hands. They are mobbed at work, in the community, and in their homes, plus they get the added benefit of torture.

This is why I speculate that this might well be getting used to groom targets to snap. If you know what makes someone tick, you might be able to get them to snap when you want to as well. I mean these actions, these activities are being recorded for someone, for something, and so this is a reasonable speculation.

The windows shaking, and the walls dancing, would be more transducer stuff.  But if you touch the walls, if feels like a sheet of electricity, in my opinion. It just vibrates. It feels so freaky.

Corrupted Results

I changed my minds, even if these people are not controlled informants, they are equally as dangerous and capable of giving corrupted results.

Anytime you have a country that has it’s citizens spying on each other, you are going to run into bad situations. The police controlled informants, on the surface have more vulnerabilities than the other informants, but each are capable of giving corrupted results, or following secondary agendas. It’s just with police controlled informants, they might not know their rights, be more desperate, and more at the mercy of these people. However on a psychological level, the person who wants to fit in, who wants to avoid being targeted themselves, can be equally bullied into performing immoral actions.

We saw this in Stasi Germany with what good people were wiling to do to their neighbours, friends, family, lovers, children, parents, and we saw this is in Hitler’s Germany, with the community helping to round up persons of Jewish origin. The state can motivate people to do horrendous things to each other.

June 28, 2009 Posted by | Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments