Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

What does it mean to be a Targeted Individual?

A lot of people hear the term, but what does it really mean to be a Targeted Individual? I mean we all think we know about the torture, survellence and betrayl, but it’s just the surface. You can never fully describe the experience till you have lived it.
Family-If you have a family and you are a target it means having to watch your family get torn apart by this. It means being brutalised daily. It might mean having a spouse who is a Citizen Informant/Snitch divorce you and get custody of the kids.

There are lot’s Citizen Informants, (snitches) men and women, who do these things. Marry people just to mess them up later. Markus Wolf coined the term Romeo Traps, Honey Traps as seen in the article below to describe these people.


Partner-If you are lucky, and mean lucky enough to find someone who loves you, cares about you, and can handle this, then you are doing well. The last thing you need is someone who is an intimate infiltration, or just a really bad choice.
Even if you are lucky enough to find loyalty and someone who won’t betray your trust, then you might still end up like Jeremy Blake and Theresa. Jeremy seems to have stayed loyal and true to Theresa and what did it get them?


Children-You can expect your children to be targeted.

One man has had to move his family 5 times, he has had to watch and listen to his young children be tortured in their beds, while they try to sleep at nights. He blew the whistle and now he has lost his job, and is forever on the run. Many people have lost their kids, or had to go through the horror of seeing what is being done to them, perpetrated on their kids.

School-I have heard of Targeted Individuals who have their kids attacked, or picked on at school, by the children of the Citizen Informants, just one more way Targeted Individuals are made to suffer.


For some reason, there are considerably more women targeted than men. Why would women be targeted at a much higher percentage than men? This is another question we may never have the answer for, so this is partially speculation. But one possible answer is that the elite have sponsored eugenics projects worldwide for decades. Removing fertile females from a target population is apparently a standard eugenics procedure. Families such as DuPont, Harriman, & Rockefeller have funded projects for population control.

“It was John D. Rockefeller III who was appointed by Richard Nixon as chairman of the newly created Commission on Population Growth and the American Future,” stated Allen. He quotes Rockefeller as saying, “Rather than think of population control as a negative thing, we should see that it can be enriching.” Allen contends, “Curbing population growth is just part of the Rockefeller war on the American family.”

If you are a chic and you are targeted, expect them to try to fry, microwave your reproductive organs, and if you are lucky enough to still be able to get pregnant after that, then expect them to try to go after your child in-utro. If you are pregnant, my suggestion, don’t mention it. If they have not already tried to destroy your reproductive organs, or unborn, then don’t give then reason to.

The thing about being female is you carry all the eggs you will ever have, and if they do fry and destroy what you have, that might be it, well expect for cloning ofcourse.
If you are a guy, expect them to go after the nether regions, luckily guys can reproduce from scratch and it won’t mess up your reproductive organs, unless they use the radioactive stuff like they did in East Germany. Still you are better off being a guy than a female when it comes to this aspect of the targeting.
Betrayl-Oh my favorite one. Expect to be betrayed, till you bleed emotionally. Friends, family, strangers, co-workers, you will literally have a whole society that is out to get you, or it will feel that way. Many may not want to, but they still do it, and it’s still betrayal. You will learn not to trust, you will learn that just like East Germany, most people have a price and when things get just a little bit uncomfortable most people crack. Most people are not geared for government torture or torment.

Jobs-Most TI’s can not hold down a job. Before my targeting started, I don’t think I ever lost one job. After that was another story, as you can tell by some of my postings. The last two years have been interesting. Not to mention the 8 years before of workplace mobbing, harassment, etc.
Travel-I don’t really travel much outside the country. Travel to work is again filled with community spies traveling with you from one place to the next.

For Targets that have travelled outside of the country and to other places, I have heard that it often times makes little or no difference. You are followed, so travel is not that much fun.
Everyday Life-

Rumours- Having people say you are crazy, pedophile, rapist, racist, prostitute, etc. You pick something they will use one or more and then have you destroyed reputation wise by false rumours.


Surveillance-24/7. This means you can expect to never have any privacy again, it’s like getting violated by the eyes and ears of the state every freaking waking hour. It’s like being under the eye of Sauron in Lord of the Rings.

Attacks-Physical and psychological attacks become routine. Cars trying to hit you, people trying to provoke you, psychological warfare, that I am told is used on prisoners to break them, is used on you.
Monitored-Again everywhere you go, everyone you talk to, it’s the same thing. They want to know everything you say and do, and yes they will if they can, get mind readers, or use artificial mind reading to monitor you. That is messed up.

So if you are a target, have a cell phone, computer, they could remotely download software, and use your camera and microphone, to monitor you. Hear everything you say, do, and monitor your location.
Eg. As far as I know, I can’t get on the Internet without some freaking snitch remotely giving me access. My computer use to always log on the Internet. Now before it does, I can hear from outside, the signal being given, and then my computer get’s on the network. They can shut down my access to the net, when they want to, seen it before.
Followed-24 freaking 7. Never a day goes by when you are truly alone.
Finances-Expect to have a lot of downtime. A lot of times targets don’t or can’t hold jobs, due to the physical and psychological attacks. Many like Mark M. Rich have to find other ways to survive.

Burns- What can I say, when they use lasers on you, microwaves, static electricity? Expect burns. I have almost been electrocuted. I have had electrical burns, parts of my skin peel off in the shower, due to burns. I mean I have been worked over for the last two years, but it comes with the territory. Like Kyle from Terminator says, you just learn to disconnect from the pain. You don’t fully, but you adjust, and you learn to shield.

Poisoning-Been pretty lucky on this one. Well I pretty much switch to one person helpings, out of cans, and try not to do fast food unless I can see it being prepared.

If you have kids, get one sized portion servings of milk, and never leave anything over. I also wrote about the mom that found her son’s medicine for his diabetes had been watered down. Take medicine with you.
Sleep Deprivation-Well I have not been getting much for the last two years, as you know they try to keep me awake at nights by frying and trying to burn and shake the daylights out of me. Again you learn to function on very little, and get what sleep you can.
There is so much more fun stuff that I could write about, but to get a cumulative picture, you have to read the blogs of others, watch their YouTube postings, visit their sites etc.

This is not even close to some of the stuff that’s happened. This was just some off the top of my head stuff. What it means to be a target, means in some ways to be an outcast to a life you once knew, or thought you knew, it means to be betrayed and lied to, by your country, friends, family, loved ones. It means to be unable to plan for the future the way you once did. You don’t know if you will have a job, any kind of relationship, and if you do, you don’t know if your partner will be some snitch hired to mess you over.

It means really thinking about having kids. If you don’t already and you are a targeted individual, I would really think long and hard about it. Eg. How do you support kids without a job? Watch them get tortured?

It’s to worry about this creepy society trying to put you in jail, a mental hospital, force you to commit suicide or to get so pissed you one day open fire, like Kimveer Gill did.

It means so many things you never thought that life would mean. It means taking it day by day. It means surviving one day at a time. It means going numb, but not too numb, learning to not feel, too much. Learning not to trust. It means that life is never going to be like how you thought it was going to be. It might also mean never really finding someone you can trust who will understand this. It means going up against the state if you don’t want to turn Citizen (slave) Informant.

It means so many things, I can’t even begin to list or think about, but it means that your life will never be the same again, not the way you once knew.

It means getting a little tougher, getting your game face on. Learning to truly see and regard humanity for what it always was, what it probably always will be. Learning to get in touch with your inner who you are going to become. Seeing if you have what it takes and realising that you must or else your destiny will be one of the above mentioned, jail, instituation, suicide, or mass murder. (Sure there might be other options, but those are the popular four.)

Crying at times, losing it and getting angry at times, especially in the beginning. (Save up the anger stuff for home, as best as you can.)

If mean so many things, it means saying good-bye and hello to an unsure future, but then realising that the future was always unsure, the world was too, and it’s just your realisation that’s changed. Everything is just the same as it always was, it’s just your awareness that’s changed. Those are some of the things that it means to be a Targeted Individual.

What does it mean to you? Let me know. Holla back, and remember.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”  Martin Luther King Jr.

August 22, 2008 Posted by | Bullying, Children, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, community policing, control, Controlled society, Covert investigations, crazy, discrimination, domestic spying, driving-crazy, East Germany, Electronic harassment, Female, Females, Food, future, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, High technology, Honey Trap, Insane, Intimate Infiltarations, Isolation, Jeremy Blake, Kilmeer Gill, Life, male, Mark M Rich, Markus Wolf, Martin Luther King Jr, Matrix, mental-salves, Mind Control, Mind Reading, mobbing, Monitoring, Neighbours, New World Order, NWO, Online Stalking, oppression, Pekka-Eric, Police State, Relationships, Sensitize, sexual harassment, silence, Single, slavery, slaves, Snitches, Social Control, society, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, telecommunications, Theresa Duncan, workplace mobbing | 10 Comments

Emotional Sapping and Intimate Infiltrations.

Counter Measures that might work. Honestly I could go over each point and try to tell you what’s worked for me, but you have to find what works for you. Like any other therapy you might find what works for me does not work for you. Find your own path.

Different people find different things acceptable. Others have boundaries that they just would not feel comfortable crossing or have things that they would not feel comfortable doing.

Others still need to feel that they are part of society. So again do what works for you. I will however share some of my ideas, and things that I have actually done, or intend to do if in the situation again.

Again for me some of the most effective things that I have done is just letting them know in subtle or overt ways that I know what they are. I have enough info about what they are,how they operate to shine it back in their faces, and evil does not like to see it’s own reflection. (Also Civilian Spies/Snitches hate to have their covers blown.)

This has helped tone down much of the Gang Stalking in my life. It has not stopped some things, like the electronic monitoring/harassment. It has not helped me keep a steady job. However when I do have to be in specific environments, it’s helped me to keep my dignity and stay fairly true to whom I wish to be.

To read about some of the countermeasures please use the following link.
I will touch on a couple of points that I don’t think get touched on often enough.

Emotional Sappers and Intimate Infiltrations.

On the website Mark calls them Sappers.

[quote]Parasitic Behavior

There is another motivational factor worth mentioning. Possibly, the greatest factor. During these covert group attacks, there is an energy transfer that these individuals, whether they know it or not, are looking for. The systematic vulturing during Mobbing & Gang Stalking campaigns is an intended robbery of a person’s life-energy. This is no different than sticking a needle in someone’s arm & stealing their blood. Eastern philosophy refers to these people as Sappers.

A Sapper is a person who is too sick, weak, or underdeveloped, to create their own life-energy. So they continually find themselves in circumstances where they steal or “sap” energy from a being that has already assimilated it into a usable form.
This is similar to an infant eating pre-processed food. Society is full of them. They are completely unconscious of this tendency. I refer to them as Psychic Fleas.
Others call this being an emotional vampire. There are literally some people who can drain other people’s energies. I don’t think this aspect of targeting is often discussed in the Targeted Individual community. It’s interesting because there are lot’s of books written about people who can zap other people’s energies with their negativity, or transfer their
negative energy onto another. Main stream books have been written about this, but this is never really discussed in the T.I. community.

I think it’s something that should be discussed, and also ways to shield against this. Ways that I find helpful are meditation or spiritual readings, the bible being my weapon of choice.

I also found a really great blog posting by evolve on the same issue. She runs a blog over at

Here is a small sample of her post.
[quote]Beware..there is a very creepy aspect to being a target that is experienced by some people. Its spiritual or metaphysical, a sort of psychic vampirism.
We all know someone who ‘sucks the life’ out of us or even out of a room but as a Target, one is especially vulnerable to people like this due to being beaten down constantly and never allowed time to heal, regenerate or re align with one’s self (or definition of oneself). The redefining of the Target as victim by perps and keeping the target hostage daily as victim provides opportunities to very dangerous emotional and psychic predators.

If a Target stays in one locality too long and certain persons become familiar with you who are perps who are involved with harrassing or torturing you daily, even at first if they seemed harmless enough eventually they will harass you to a point where they start taking your energy in a very real way..there also seems to be the ability for that person, especially supported by other perps that show up on teh scene later, to begin to dump all their negative energy/problems/etc on the Target. In this way once again you become a human sacrifice in the short term as well as the long other words a Target may function as a scapegoat emotionally and psychically not jsut for the network at large but for individuals.

Great post and very insightful.

The other topic I wanted to quickly touch on is Intimate Infiltrations. Targets are often set up or used in this way. Either by having people try to get close to them, only to gather information, or to try to get into a relationship with them.

Since I found out about Gang Stalking, I have personally avoided this trap by staying single. I still get emotionally attached to others, but that’s about it.

For now the research takes up a good chunk of my free time, and really as a target I think the most sane thing that I can do right now is be single and figure out what to do next. This works for me, however it obviously might not work for others.

I don’t know how others are handling this, but here are some Targeted Individual stories you should keep in mind.
Mark M. Rich.

Second Incident

Looking back, this event makes sense. But at the time it didn’t. A girl that I met at a gas station on my way back from a camping trip probably tried to frame me for attempted rape. This was sometime in either 1997 or 1998. I think she said she was from Vermont. On the phone she seemed OK, & said she was coming to Boston for an interview. How convenient I thought. So we arranged to have dinner & she invited me back to her hotel which was on Pleasant Street in Malden.

Back at the hotel she would entice me to make a move on her, but then stop, change her attitude drastically & go cold. I’d stop then, & she’d entice me again. She repeated this several times. Sensing there was something wrong with this girl I ended up leaving without anything happening. Now that I look back, I’m pretty sure I dodged a bullet.

For months afterward I remember having a strange feeling about that episode. It didn’t make sense, but I attributed it to just being one of those strange events. The reason it didn’t make sense is because the feeling I had gotten from that experience was that she wanted to frame me. But I didn’t entertain this idea much because it seemed illogical that a stranger would try to frame someone. There’s simply no reason.

Now that I look back, I think she tried to get me to “cross the line” so she could report it as a rape or attempted rape. I’m certain this was a Staged Event. I think these people tried to get me incarcerated. Interestingly, in the summer of 2005, a relative who now participates in the harassment against me, used a metaphor to describe how he was blackmailed into becoming an informant as a result of a being framed for an attempted rape. My study of this group & its controlling faction at the top, leads me to believe that this is probably common practice.

I don’t know how Mark is handling things now, cause I don’t touch base with Mark, but I am sure this is an incident he keeps in mind. I also believe this is something used very often. This and the honey trap. The honey trap is the term Markus Wolf termed, for using Male operatives to woo, females and sometimes these men even ended up marrying the woman to get secrets from them. The honey trap works both ways for men and women.

This target is divorced. He says that since his divorce, he has been set up many times where someone seems interested, even makes overtures and then as he tries to make a pass back, they act almost as if he is doing something wrong. He says that parents have also tried to set him up by leaving him alone with young children. He has also had a fake harassment charge filed against him. Here is a small except from him.
attempted sexual frame-ups fail

As I have mentioned numerous times, since my wife divorced me in 1993, all my relationships have been sabotaged. At first, I had no idea this was going on, but then, a familiar pattern began to emerge in which a woman would indicate that she was interested in pursuing a relationship with me, and then break off the relationship abruptly with no explanation.

During this time, which was extremely frustrating, even heart-breaking at times, another strange phenomenon began to manifest itself. When I was out in public, for example in a bookstore or at a concert, women would deliberately brush up against me and rub their tits against my arm or my back or my chest. And sometimes they would be extremely YOUNG women — teenagers ranging from 13 to 19.
He has been alone for 12 years since the break up. This is just one more way that they can pull at a target or manipulate them. He says it’s been stressful, because what he wants most is to be in a relationship, and I think they know this. He also thinks that his wife, who he met in College was used from the start as a set up. They married and had two kids, now they are divorced and the kids are with her. A familiar pattern.

John Hughes also writes about set up with ex girlfriends.

[quote]No one at work asked where I was Monday April 15, nor did they wish to enjoin me in conversation with the lead in, “I had an interesting day yesterday”. My Alternate Girlfriend (Ms. L), who had arrived back from a week away in New York April 14, was also one of my confidants, and in hindsight, was very likely a cooperator. She also emphasized that I was paranoid, and that I needed help, and was attempting to convince me the Standoff event was delusional. Again I got the paranoid accusation followed with a statement of seeing a counselor. She continued on this theme a number of times until our association ceased (below). Neither girlfriend was very nurturative, and the Sometime Girlfriend got in such a stinking huff that she didn’t want to talk to me. These contrived rows became delimiting as to whom and where I could later find refuge.
My move to Seattle from Everett diminished the relationship with Ms. C, but she was artfully substituted with an ADD person, Ms. L.

It is clear to me that both Ms. C and L. were both planted infiltrators to extract more information from me, and to guide and set up events that served both the experimental and harassment objective. In both cases there were unwarranted and unsettling disagreements that blew up and prevented the relationship from deepening. [/quote]

[quote]Ms. L (my ADD companion) bailed out on me when the first apartment intrusion happened April 15, 2002. Although Ms. C was front and center in setting me up for the April 15 apartment invasion by sowing fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD), I continued my on/off relationship with Ms. C until recently (06-2003). [/quote]

What’s interesting about John’s situation is that he said that the girlfriends were exactly what he was looking for. They even found him one with (Attention Deficit disorder) ADD, just like he had. He was profiled that well. I can not remember if John’s encounters seemed random or accidental, but I know other targets have reported that in retrospect, the encounters were very deliberate.
Vera story is also very interesting.

Assorted Attempted Set Ups

Part of the affect of men consistantely relating to me in this way was a kind of isolation. I got no moral support, or people offering themselves to me emotionally or mentally- it seemed the only relationships available were physical. This held true with women too, for the most part. Either they acted like friends and then robbed me blind, or we’d get a bit of a rapport going and they’d turn sexual. I honestly believe that these were all attempted “set-ups”. Whether for viewing at a later date, or for the emotional trauma that each successive, soured relationship would wreak on my psyche, the pretenses were premeditated, the approaches rehearsed.
[quote]I would often find so many similarities between myself and whomever I was just getting aquainted with (and too often ended up sleeping with). Wow, we even take the same brand of vitamins, and they care a lot about the planet as well, and I’ve read that book too, etc. When I finally really got to know some of these people they were the most bigoted, spiritually vacuous, nutrionally ignorant, apathetic people I’ll ever meet. But, they’d been coached. Like actors and their directors I firmly believe that these people had had the way to my heart mapped out for them. I really want to meet the producer. Perhaps I already have and don’t know it.

A guy asked me for a cigarette one day as I was walking down the sidewalk. Apparently we were both waiting for the same office bldg. to open, so I gave him a smoke and we chatted. He was of Native American descent with long, dark hair and a relaxed way about him. Ever on the lookout for a decent human being I accepted when he invited me to go to lunch later that day. (I am such an easy mark: Long hair, an interest in music and the environment, health foods…plus my chronic affliction with lonliness. Ahhh, hindsight is so clear.)

Another interesting thing about Vera, I think it’s her and not John. She wrote that her car broke down and this stranger drove back to assist her. She would years later realise again that the whole thing had been a set up, including the tire going flat. Just so that someone could get into her life. Fun stuff.

Rachel talks about her choice to remain, clean, sober and relationship free. The survival choice, that I think is the sanest in many cases, but not always the most manageable. I really like reading these posting however, because she touched on a lot of the emotional aspects involved with being a target.

Lastly there is this posting and I think one of the most important ones.

Ruth Goodman.

I was also contacted at home, in my personal life by a couple of men who work for the government… Brian Kohler, with the D.O.D. (I know this is his real name, I have been to his and his parents home in Fairfax Virginia. His father, Larry Kohler, works for the Pentagon) pretended at first to be in love with me, this was 5 years ago when I was more naive. He flew out to California several times pretending he was going to relocate to move in with me. It turned out that he was lying, and was actually stalking me for counter intelligence. His intimidation kept me from writing on the internet for about a year, but then I went back to doing it, refusing to give in to terrorists.

She goes on to talk about her contact with them.

[quote]About a year and a half ago I was contacted by another man, Jason Duncan (not sure if this is his real name) made similar contact with me pretending to be a friend interested in discussing spiritual principles. While at my apartment he staked out the neighborhood, and a couple of months later, stalkers moved into the house behind my balcony, built a HIGH wall, and they gather there harrassing me from behind this wall. After one of Jason’s visits with me I became extremely ill (I thought I had food poisening), and was taken to the emergency room closest to my home, very late at night, and was put out with a general anesthetic for 4 hours.

About a day or two later I began to experience people harassing me in my head. I can TELL they are using electronic devices to do so. I do not know where on my body they planted the transmitters, but I have found fake hairs protuding out of the back of my neck and behind my ears. My hairline is not the same as it was before. These tiny hairs come from my temples and go under the skin behind my ears.

These people continue to harrass me in my head, screaming “Stay off the internet” and “we control everything” etc. They also had me picked up in front of my house by a Long Beach policeman, alone with no name badge, who drugged me, met an LA County sherrif behind a dark building, who was also alone. He got on the freeway. When I asked “where are you taking me?” his response was “someplace fun”.

They took me to a secluded section of LA County Jail where I was brutally beaten, stripped naked, fondled and tortured by male sherrifs, and told over again that “we’re gonna smoke you, nigger” while guns were brandished in front of me. I was also repeated drugged with something that made me unable to control myself. I was held for 5 days with no phone call until my sister reported me missing. I was then charged with being under the influence of drugs.

As many know Ruth Died shortly after this.

I think every target has to choose how best to live. We do not want to loose our humanity, however we do not want to become careless, when we know that we are Targeted Individuals. New time more on shielding.

March 11, 2008 Posted by | Black female, Black Females, black women, blackwomen, CIA, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, East Germany, Emotional Vampires, Entrapment, Female, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Honey Trap, Intimate Infiltarations, Isolation, male, Mark M Rich, Markus Wolf, mobbing, Monitoring, Passive Aggressive Manipulative, Relationships, Snitches, Stasi, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, WhiteFemale, workplace mobbing | 12 Comments

Stasi-style secret police system forming in Canada, Britain, US

In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
George Orwell.

I really wanted to title this post as hat’s off to Jennifer.
This is what happened. I was just sitting there trying to figure out how to get the word out about the the information that the people Gang Stalking Innocent citizens are a new form of Stasi.

Suddenly out of nowhere I see this article which answers my question very nicely. It’s from Jennifer Stoddart, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. It’s a 48 page report. You know you have nothing better to do this weekend right? Ok after you get your Valentine day jollies out of the way, you might want to check out the report.

Here are some clips from the article.

Jennifer Stoddart, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, has given her own Valentine to Canadian citizens: a 48-page report warning them that the RCMP (Canada’s national police force) is keeping thousands of files on regular citizens in secret databases which cannot be seen by the accused. The news is perhaps unsurprising, given that the McDonald Commission reported in 1981 that the RCMP had been involved in all manner of illegal activity in their attempts to spy on Canadian citizens, including breaking into citizens’ homes without warrants and even conducting electronic surveillance of a member of Parliament.

One of the many disturbing facets of Stoddart’s report are the examples she cites of information for these secret files coming from citizen informants. In one case a man was put into the secret database because a resident of his daughter’s school neighborhood saw him entering a rooming house and—believing drugs were involved—called the police. The police investigation concluded that the man had only stepped out of his car to have a cigarette, but the file was still in the national security databank seven years later.

Another incident cited in the Stoddart report involved a neighbour who saw two men carrying “something that resembled a large drum, wrapped in canvas” into their house. Police were called to investigate but found nothing resembling the reported item, yet the data was still sitting in a top secret databank five years later. As Stoddart points out in the CBC story on the report, this is potentially disastrous for the individuals named in the files, because it “could potentially affect someone trying to obtain an employment security clearance, or impede an individual’s ability to cross the border.”

This report follows on the heels of news from London that a man was arrested, fingerprinted and had his DNA stored in the British DNA database because a passer-by mistook his mp3 player for a gun.

What these seemingly disparate reports point to is a growing movement to turn the citizens of so-called free, democratic nations into a self-regulating secret police, saving the government the hassle of keeping tabs on everyone by delegating the duty to an unwitting public duped by a phoney war on terror. That this is a part of a concerted effort on the part of the authorities to inculcate paranoia in the public is suggested by this ridiculous police training video from Michigan, teaching people how to be good informants: report on everyone, everywhere for doing anything.


I have news for Jennifer, it’s already happened. Ask any Gang Stalking target. Also it’s not just in Canada, Britan, and the UK. This is happening all over the place. However I think she is very brave to have come out with the report, which I look forward to reading.
What this video and these recent news items highlight is a harmonized effort to turn the myth of the war on terror around and aim its machinery at the general public. The controlled corporate media has played along by dutifully regurgitating government propaganda that Al-Qaeda has recruited thousands of homegrown terrorists. Now that we know anyone, anywhere, at any time is potentially a terrorist, it is our civic duty to report everything we see to the police.[/quote]
Wow, just like the old country. Although I am sure that the Stasi had less informants per capita. However civilian spies are nothing new. Snitches go back to Britain before the colonies were formed. Also Red Squad programs go back over a hundred years, and they also used Civilian Spies. The wives of police officers were even given Snitch pay in the form of pin money.

In World War 2 the Civilian Spy effort would again be used in large proportions.

Need I mention Cointelpro? Snitches, Civilian Spies, Citizen Informants, they have always been there in some form or another, and often used by the state to do their dirty work. It’s no different now. Well it is different for some of us, cause A) Didn’t know that the world was like this, and B) Did not realise that I was being followed around and stalked by them till recently. Anyways on with the article.
The historical parallels to the Stasi should be obvious. The Stasi were the dreaded secret police of East Germany, who had one out of every seven citizens of the country working for them as secret informants. What is perhaps most surprising is that the US Department of Homeland Security hired the ex-Stasi chief and engineer of the Stasi police state as a consultant in 2004, shortly before they brought in a program known as Highway Watch, which has spent millions of dollars teaching tens of thousands of long distance truckers how to spot terrorists on the road. The hiring of the ex-chief of the Stasi to consult for Homeland Security also coincides with a 2004 White House push to recruit over 15,000 citizen informants to help counterterrorism investigations…and all this effort despite the fact that terrorist-related cases account for less than 0.01 percent of all Homeland Security investigations.

Look for the number of false accusations from anonymous citizen informants to increase under the watchful eye of these government paranoia programs.


I have news for this article. T.I.P.S. Terrorist Information Prevention System, was officially killed, but they went ahead and turned people into snitches under other programs.

Anyways it’s just some fun Friday-night food for thought.

I hope this helps some of those in the Gang Stalking Community begin to come to terms with what we are dealing with and what we are up against. It’s worst than it looks. There is always hope however.

February 16, 2008 Posted by | brown coats, buzzsaw, Censorship, CIA, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, community policing, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, domestic spying, Fascism, Fascist, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Markus Wolf, mobbing, Monitoring, Neighbours, New World Order, NWO, oppression, Red Squads, silence, Snitches, society, Spying, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Targeted Individual, UK | 18 Comments

The Godfather

Now this is a man worth blogging about if ever I saw one. Below is an article on the deceased Markus Wolf, cool name. The former Stasi cheif who ran one of the largest spy networks to ever grace the planet. I should add that before his death there was an article that came out saying that he was employed or asked to work for the United States Government.
The following two articles should shed a lot of light on the mentality behind this former icon.

(He completely looks like one of those CEO’s you see on the magazine covers of Forbes or other such mags.)

What I find really interesting is on of his motivations for starting up the Stasi.
The experience was to have a lasting effect on him. In a BBC interview last year he revealed that a dislike of fascism became one of the driving forces in his life, convincing him he had to protect his country from any repetition of the Nazi regime.
[quote]He took great care of his staff, winning their steadfast loyalty. But he also used his warmth to exploit and manipulate others.[/quote]

He seriously could have made a good CEO. There is an article about this kind of person, and how they move up the corporate ladder. I can see why the US government wanted to hire him, he is just the type they look for.

[quote]But Wolf also recruited West Germans – his agents often seducing them with sex or money.

He boasted in his memoirs that if he went down in espionage history, it should be for perfecting the use of sex in spying.[/quote]

Just like how the snitches who spy on us are recruited. Sex money, bribes, blackmail, they are told they are doing something good. :eyeroll:

Markus Wolf, who died on Thursday, was a legendary Communist spy chief who masterminded some of the most brilliant and diabolical feats of espionage for well over three decades.[/quote]

A man who liked his job and performed it well.
[quote]Born in Germany in 1923, Wolf ‘s father was an eminent physician and writer who was not only an ardent Communist, but also had Jewish ancestry.

After Hitler came to power in 1933, the Wolf family emigrated to Moscow to escape persecution, and soon the young Markus was studying at an aeronautical college.[/quote]
It’s funny, his family fled persecution, and he so desperately wanted to prevent this stuff from happening again that he created the Stasi. I would say it’s ironic, and it is, but how many others in history have done the same thing? The more I think about it, I start to see that even if this cold tyrannical empire were defeated tomorrow, another would just rise up and take it’s place. Humans are all too willing to lay themselves down and present their neck to be trampled on by others. Just some observances that I have seen throughout history. Still there are those who are happy to not be ruled over, and who do not want regimes of any kind. Those truly have my sympathy, because they are often the ones who are brutalised the most by these dictatorships.
Although the job was a cover, Wolf reported on the Nuremberg trials.

There, he set eyes on some of the most evil men of the last century and was astonished by how ordinary they appeared.

‘Perhaps I was naeve,’ he later wrote, ‘but I had seen the photograph of all these Nazi leaders, in all their former pomp and glory. Then, in Nuremberg, I saw normal, simple people sitting in the dock.

They seemed like staff in a railway station or in a post office.’ The trial left a huge impression on the 22-year-old. In his final report for the radio station, Wolf hoped for a ‘time without war, aggression or crimes against humanity’ – a wish all too ironic in the light of his later career in the dreaded Stasi.[/quote]
Do you know why? Because even evil dictators had to start someplace. Hitler a failed painter. Many had humble beginnings, and many would still if the right circumstances had not come into play. Many of the worms that stalk and terrorise targets are of such class, or less, but under these fertile grounds, they are slowly being allowed to act out in these ways. We see this all the time in war. Young males, some church going, God fearing. They are at home with their mom’s and sisters one day, the next they are in some war torn battle ground raping 7 year old girls, actions they would most likely not openly commit back home, but on the battle grounds with no rules, regulations, or morals to prevent it, you get those situations all too frequently. What changed between saying good bye to their families, and going to another country to being able to devastate and rape another’s family? It’s all in the what they can get away with. Just like out society currently is condoning, snitches/civilian spies actively torturing innocent people in their homes. Sick and crazy, but that’s how it is.

In 1949, Wolf was appointed a member of the East German mission in Moscow, where he acted as the press and cultural attache. It was during this time that he was further groomed to become an intelligence officer.

He was clearly well-suited to the task, because by 1953, at the immensely young age of 30, he was appointed head of the innocuously titled ‘German Reconnaissance Administration’, which was nothing less than the East German equivalent of the CIA or MI6.

A department of the Stasi, the state apparatus that spied upon and brutally tortured its own people, the GRA quickly came under Wolf’s leadership, and was shaped it into perhaps the most ruthless and impressive intelligence gathering organisation the world has ever seen. [/quote]
I will say it one last time. This guy would have made an amazing CEO. He has all the right skill sets.

[quote]Wolf was an idealist, and saw his spies as agents of world peace. ‘I tried to instil a different motivation,’ he said, ‘to give them the security and conviction that they were doing something good, something necessary, something useful.’ Nevertheless, like spy masters the world over, Wolf found that agents were more readily recruited when vast sums of money were flashed in front of them. He was also a pioneer of the classic method of the ‘honeytrap’ to lure well-placed foreigners into the Stasi’s clutches.

What distinguished Wolf was that he was not averse to using ‘Romeo’ agents to woo women informers. The results of this policy were all too often tragic, as Wolf himself was to admit.[/quote]

No different now targets. This is how many of our stalkers see themselves. They are doing something good, they are keeping watch on dangerous individuals. It’s giving them a sense of community like nothing else. It’s breaking down barriers. That skin head that might not talk to that ethnic minority otherwise, the one handed snitch speak, breaks down all barriers, and suddenly all citizens are created equal, or at least equal enough to be snitches for the state. Then they can go back to hating each other right afterwards.

Oh and don’t forget boys and girls, it’s not just the Romeo agents out there anymore, no this is an equal opportunity society now, in this day of cheap, free, easy sex, and loose morals, you get many Juliette spies, who are all too willing to give it up to get information, or to recruit that next spy into the fold.

[quote]’There were cases of women whose love was abused, who for a certain time procured important documents or information, not knowing who for, or what service they worked for, and for a variety of reasons, were tried and jailed.’ Typically, Wolf would not admit that sometimes the results were even more disastrous.

In the late 1950s, Leonore Heinz, the secretary to a West German foreign ministry official, was seduced by one of Wolf’s agents, Heinz S’tterlin.

SO SUCCESSFUL was this honeytrap that the couple got married in 1960, and over the next few years Leonore unwittingly passed on secrets to the East via her spyhusband.

However, the couple were arrested in 1967, and when it was revealed to Leonore that S’tterlin had, in fact, married her on orders, she hanged herself in her cell.

Such an occurrence would have been of little consequence to Wolf, who worked closely with some of the world’s most despicable terrorists.[/quote]

How many people out there are married, or in relationships and have no idea that that is why their other half sought them out? As a target I have now seen this enough to be disgusted by it. Remember they know more about you than you might even know about yourself. Those accidental meetings on the street, or as your car breaks down, not so accidental. There are some really great Targeted Individual stories about accidental meetings of targets and love or sexual interests, who later turn out were just there to hurt the target more. It’s all too common. The interesting thing is without a society like this, one where the family is broken down, looser morals and values, you could not have as successful a campaign.

Now think about how many people find this out after they have kids, and are themselves eventually asked to take part in the snitching and spying? Some will go along with it, others however might rather not have anything to do with it, and then what do you do with yourself and the children that are the spawn of yourself and that spy that just had to trick you and use you?

As you can see in the above article, some people take it rather badly finding out that their better half is a spy who lied to
them for years. Go figure. The heartless creatures behind these networks are so far removed they are not affected and really don’t care, what’s a little heartbreak for the greater good?
[quote]He was involved with Carlos the Jackal, the PLO, ETA, the IRA, and even the Red Army Faction that murdered its way through West Germany.

The aim was to create panic and fear in the West – and to that end, the terrorists were thoroughly trained by Wolf ‘s men at clandestine camps in East Germany, where they were taught the skills of an assassin.

In one exercise, a live sheepdog was used as a dummy passenger in a Mercedes and was riddled with bullets before the car was blown up.

As well as abetting terrorists, Wolf’s department became astonishingly adept at industrial espionage and thoroughly penetrated IBM.
In fact, as Wolf was to admit, the East German electronics firm, Robotron, was ‘so heavily dependent on surreptitiously acquiring IBM’s technological advances that it was an illegal subsidiary of that company’.[/quote]
Just like any executive, he clearly knew how to command authority, and keep people loyal. The corporate world will miss him.

[quote]However, perhaps Wolf ‘s greatest success was the agent Günter Guillaume, who was sent to West Germany in 1956 with orders to inveigle himself into the political system.

Guillaume rose through the Social Democratic Party, and by the early 1970s he had become a close aide to the Chancellor Willy Brandt, who was seeking closer ties with the East.

It was an incredible coup the modern-day equivalent of one of Tony Blair’s aides reporting to Al Qaeda – 13 although it was not to last.

In the spring of 1973, Guillaume fell under suspicion and was placed under surveillance.

He was arrested a year later and the ensuing scandal, coupled with revelations about the chancellor’s penchant for prostitutes, forced Brandt to resign.

Some thought that Wolf had deliberately forced Brandt’s downfall, as the Chancellor was becoming too popular spreading the message of democracy in the Communist East.

Wolf denied this, and admitted that the resignation was something of an own goal.

His organisation, he said, ‘had unwittingly helped to destroy the career of the most farsighted of modern German statesmen’.[/quote]

No comment.

[quote]In 1986, Wolf finally resigned, stating that he wanted to become an author. However, with the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the former Stasi chief began to worry for his future security and he sought refuge in Russia. In October 1990 he pleaded to Gorbachev for sanctuary.

‘We were your friends,’ he wrote. ‘We wear a lot of your decorations on our breasts. We were said to have made a great contribution to your security.

Now, in our hour of need, I assume that you will not deny us your help.’

GORBACHEV refused, and after reunification Wolf was arrested, convicted of treason and sentenced to six years in prison. This was overruled by the German Supreme Court, which judged that Wolf had not committed an act of treachery against the country he was living in at the time the old East Germany.[/quote]

After such a successful career, who would not wish to sit back and write their memories.
Gorbachev, I have always liked him.

[quote]Nevertheless, he was convicted in 1997 for his involvement in the 1955 kidnapping of a woman who worked for the American mission in Berlin.

The woman had been subjected to severe psychological torture during her kidnapping, and Wolf was given a two-year suspended sentence.[/quote]

Just like any good dictator or CEO, he serves no time for his crimes. Freaking awesome. Crime, corruption, they pay, big time. They seem to be the only thing that does, no wonder so many choose this path. I am finding it harder and harder to blame them or judge them, because the world is just so continually willing to reward them, and their misdeeds. Why would they choose anything else? The world is one big example of this sort continually getting off, for their crimes and misdemeanors.
For the rest of his life, Wolf appeared on countless television programmes plugging his books – one of them on his favourite hobby, cooking – and never appeared to show any regret for heading one of the most loathsome organisations of the 20th century.[quote]

Truly he missed his calling as the host of who wants to be a Stasi spy cheif. He could have offered the world so much in that capacity. Game show host extraordinaire. It’s nice to see that he did not let his celebrity go to his head, and he found time for the finer things. Why shouldn’t he, after a 30 year successful career of state oppression. Herding sheepish people, many of who to this day believe that they were doing something for the greater good. Many of them also did not, and will never pay for their crimes. After the fall of the Berlin wall, many of the former Stasi got off scott free, many moved to the West Germany and got good jobs, and rose to the top. The only ones left behind to suffer were the victims of the Stasi, many of them never recovered, proving once again that crime and state oppression does pay.

In fact, he boasted that he had brought peace to the West. ‘When it’s recognised that this service contributed to securing and protecting peace in Europe for 45 years, then I can perhaps be proud.’ But there was to be one last surprise.[/quote]

Shocking he feels he did the world a service. Below are some of his quotes. I am less and less surprised that men like this get off. The world consistently welcomes this sort. They consistently herald them into power, and then when they get the result of this, can they be surprised?
Markus Wolf Quotes.

[quote]At our college we were taught a universal approach to find out about a person: what problems the person has, what difficulties, what personal tendencies and likings.
Markus Wolf

I feel that I, and the people under my command, tried to use all the traditional methods of recruiting agents which were also used by other intelligence services; adopting also means like pressure, money, sex – but that did not characterize my service.
Markus Wolf

I tried to instill a different motivation, to give them the security and the conviction that they were doing something good, something necessary, something useful – if you want to use a grandiose expression, that they were doing something for peace.
Markus Wolf

Making use of human weaknesses in intelligence work is a logical matter. It keeps coming up, and of course you try to look at all the aspects that interest you in a human being.
Markus Wolf

Most of the results of using technical bugging devices were of little importance for my service. It may have been different in counter-intelligence, where bugs in flats, etc., were used to obtain a lot of information about what counter-intelligence was interested in.
Markus Wolf

One person can take papers, photograph them without getting excited, return them, and give them away without any scruples; while someone else has to overcome an enormous obstacle.
Markus Wolf

The most important thing was that we tried to have a targeted approach – to attack where the side had its secrets, in the centers in Bonn where the major government institutions and the Chancellor were – you will know we were not quite unsuccessful there – and in NATO and NATO countries.
Markus Wolf

The particular feature of Berlin – well, all you need to do is look at the map: the geographical position of the city right in the heart of Europe, and the separation of the most powerful two blocs we’ve ever had in history, which went all the way through Germany.
Markus Wolf

There were some tragic cases of women whose love was abused, who for a certain time procured important documents or information, not knowing who for, what service they worked for, and for a variety reasons got jailed, were tried and sentenced.
Markus Wolf

We planted bugs, microphones, in premises which interested us in the West. We weren’t too successful – I would have said unfortunately in former years, but I don’t care anymore now.
Markus Wolf

What we wanted from an agent depended on what he brought in.
Markus Wolf

You can’t do anything if a person says no. In such a case, there’s nothing you can do – unlike the popular cliche that pressure is exerted, or that maybe an unwilling source is done away with.
Markus Wolf


September 30, 2007 Posted by | Bullying, Censorship, community policing, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, domestic spying, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, Markus Wolf, oppression, silence, Snitches, Spying, Stasi | 2 Comments