Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Local Monitoring Units and Frequency Suits

The Frequency Suits

As mentioned I first came across these items last year at some point, the
frequency suits seem difficult to image, they are basically transportation
suits, or as close to teleportation suits as can be without going over.

They enable a person to likely ethic travel using a frequency to be in one
location to the next. They seem pretty futurist, except when I first came across
them, they were being used by the local dirt bags in the community, these items
had been handed to some in the local monitoring teams. They were using them to
access homes, person, luckily the items do not enable you to steal things.

The reason why I first blogged about them was interesting, I had my own personal
reasons, but also one of these monitoring individuals asked me to mention it on
the site, he was familiar with the blog, and advised me that the suits were
being used in the community to rape, men, women, and children, and he wanted to
know if I could do something, to just mention them, so I mentioned what I could.

(It’s kind of funny, because even though I am what they hunt and place under
surveillance, or Threat Assessment Monitoring, that one person still understood
that I could maybe make a difference with my posting.)

Back then no one comprehended what they were, That was about a year and a couple
of months ago. At the time no one comprehended what the suits were, some
called them network suits, anti personnel devices, I just called them frequency
suits, which proved correct. I think I am the one that dubbed that nickname,
and based on the research it’s likely proven to be correct.

Some time later over a year now, I’ve been eligible based on some research
comprehend the suits a bit better, and the local individuals who do the
monitoring. Most of the one who monitor Targeted Individuals are as unfortunate
as they seem. One was assigned monitoring due to his parole officer giving him
the assignment, a local community pedophile, who is now monitoring a situation
with children. Another that I have come across, let’s call him Mike, is a local
head hunter, someone who is not on the monitoring teams perse, but works with
them, a head hunter who get’s hired by corporate companies such as CIBC, Rogers,
etc. To get rid of the problems they can’t officially make go away.
The other two low lives that I have come across are a couple, that are a real
piece of work, Andrew and Lisa, not necessarily their real names. From what I
have been eligible to research and gather on these two, they are what need to be
off the face of humanities burdens, two of the lowest creatures, I have never
met. They are pretty much strangers, would not know them by shight, but this is
the feedback that I have received. Two drug addicts, who conspired to remove
other surveillance team members by infecting over 30 men, and women with
a highly communicable disease. Raping others, because the male of this pair is alleged to
be a child molester, and rapist.

They have allegedly destroyed that many innocent lives for something called a
unit commander position, you have to comprehend these two creatures, the ones
they destroyed trusted them and called them friends, all they did was destroy
them, from what I have been eligible to gather in my research.

They have two children in the situation, and there have been allegations, that
they are harming the two children, in unsuitable ways. I came across these two
accidentally in my research into these monitoring teams, shift commanders, and
frequency suits, it’s been a heck of a year, this is the mire, I prefer not to
blog about, but it’s a necessary evil.

These are two individuals who utilize these frequency suits to do some of the
worst things to the community at large, they have no human decency whatsoever,
they are the type to laughingly request to take out a hit on someone, and not
think twice about it, to openly rape families in these frequency suits, to
destroy lives, and to use their situation within these monitoring teams to do
the worst things.

The worst thing about these two evil creatures is that they do all this low
bread nothing stuff behind the scenes, then pretend to be the correct sort,
cause if I’am in this situation, they are using the teams to open, files on
innocent people, and then destroying their lives, they also have access to men,
women, and children, that they ought not to have.

My feedback is this, these local community monitoring units, sent out by the
Threat Assessment Teams need an overhaul, in too many cases they are using the
lowest common denominators in the society, to do the monitoring, thus explaining
the home break in, and other dirty things that happen in the course of Targeted
Individuals being monitored.

The frequency suits need an overhaul, lowlives have access to these items,
lowlives that can utilize these items to do harm to innocent men, women, and
children in communities. Behind the scenes these are the sorts of things and
people they utilize to destroy innocent lives, and this is what needs to be
exposed, and this is what needs to discontinue happening.

The research into the frequency suits, which some use to call anti personnel
device, shows they likely trace back to the United States Military, and have
been utilized long enough to have made it to local monitoring teams, otherwise
there is no other research that I could locate on this topic.

September 22, 2012 Posted by | Awareness, CDC, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Threat Assessment Teams | , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Day Break Cometh part 2

Robot Sentient Project

I have blogged about this before, but I was just getting some more updates, and I had a couple of scenarios that I wanted to throw out there.

Now as everyone knows who’s read the blog, it’s this type of experimental project that happening out of Boston Massachusetts The idea of the program is to turn humans into robots remotely. By turning them into robots it just means to be eligible or able to remotely manipulate their movements, speech patterns, vision, hearing, etc. The idea is for a remote host to enter the persons etheric, and other realms remotely, interact, and eventually take over some of the hosts functionality. Now it that wasn’t interesting enough, it actually enables some pretty intimate interactions between host and handler.

I am not fond of the program myself, but it does have interesting implications for humanities future. That’s the tall and short of it, now I am going to put a few scenarios out there, and see if this makes sense.

What if the people at the robot sentient project, started getting sick, let’s say something jumped from the etheric layer, or one of the other layers to the to the material layer, our flesh and blood selves, what would happen them.

Even if it was something like the rhino virus that could be uncomfortable for many people that are taking part in this program, knowingly and unknowingly. Because at the robot sentient project some are participating willingly, and some are not, so that could be a very uncomfortable scenario.

Also some people believe that at those other levels pre-existing beings get created, image if there were astral, or etheric being being created, because of some of those close interactions at the robot sentient project?

As mentioned before it rumoured the project is getting funded in part by two possibly royal individuals, who use the program to enhance their utter most layer, by literally utilizing other individuals etheric, astral, and other layers. Need better vision, a new soul, more graceful moments? This is the program for you. Sounds crazy, but that’s where the program is.

Now image if instead of the rhino virus something else broke through? I don’t know, let’s say H1N1, it’s so retro, and we haven’t even heard a peep about it online for sometime, but image if something like that broke through, hum?

Now I don’t know how many people are being utilized at the robot sentient project, I have heard anywhere from a few thousand to several hundred thousand, including men, women, and children, if the incorrect thing occurred, and God forbid that it did, imagine we could have another Spanish flu on our hands or something like that, but that’s only if something crossed over from one of those others layers, they are always assuring everyone that nothing ever will but, I think some additional monitoring would be the most suitable thing for this program.

Also with all the intimate contact that i am hearing about, I am wondering, and hoping that they are keeping the children away from the adult handlers, because things can get pretty sticky at times with such programs, figuring out who’s who and what’s not. Anyways it all sounds very interesting, and I will keep you updated, with the little tidbits that I get here and there.

August 5, 2012 Posted by | Astral Plane, Awareness, blue, CDC, Children, CIA, Disease, Gang Stalking, Illegal, infection, paranoid, Robot Sentient Project | , , , , | 7 Comments


Ok so the dreams continue. I think I have had the odd break through, but it might just have been lucid dreaming so it’s hard to tell, but if only for a split second, I think I have been able to get back what was lost, so though this stuff is still happening with the programed dreams, it may not be permanent, I just have to find a way to stop it.


What I realised about the dreams is that they are being as I mentioned before controlled. I have in the the electronic manipulation of the nervous system happening, which means vibrations are constantly being used to manipulate my dream emotions. Fear is the main thing that is pumped into the dreams, even when it does not make sense, that is the emotion that is pumped into the dreams.

In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used.

It’s almost like when I can get my vibrations in order, and I am just starting to vibrate at a higher frequency, it’s like they try to reacquire me with this stuff. Bring down my vibrational frequency, try to direct it to a fear based vibration, where the energy is blocked and it does not flow, where I am unhappy and the joy is stolen from my dreams, and heart. That is what they seem to be trying to do, so the idea is to block this and learn to do so while sleeping. I like learning new things, so I guess I have a lot ahead of me.

The Lame Dreams

I thought I had started to get control of these, but I have not, it’s an uphill battle, but what I have discovered is that these lame dreams are being used to hide things, to mask things, they are being used to cover what is really happening. The people, things and characters in the dreams are for the most part, none entities, used to mask the behind the scenes stuff. There is no attachment, when I finish dreaming they are hardly even remembered, and even though I was getting so lonely I started to almost accept the dreams, I still don’t’ cause they are not mine. It’s like eating ice cubes and trying to pretend you have had a wholesome meal. It’s not happening.

The Real Dreams

Behind the fake dreams are the real scenes. Again when I break through the fear of the dreams, when I connect with the real emotions, then the images or dream memories start to come, the real dreams.

The real dream scenes some still involve scenes with a handler that I hate and despise. Still beat downs for control. Still I am all too aware of the person who set this sick stuff up, and other things they have arranged, aside from the mind control programing. I have just put this person down to being a psychopath. Some people think that this person is just a pathological liar, but I am pretty sure this person falls into the category of psychopath, cause they just do the same actions over and over again, and have very limited remorse for what is being done. Those are my feelings and thoughts in the dream.

Aside from the key players, I get bits and pieces of places being mentioned in my dreams. Eg.

U.S. Army Medical Research Institute Of Infectious Diseases.

I am familiar with the name, cause I researched Ebola some years ago, but the implication of the dream is that they might be infecting people with infectious diseases, to see how one person handles the onset of one thing vs another, and if some can cure themselves. Again this is all happening on a dream level, but who knows, I would not put it past some of these people to be conducting real life experiments on people. Very interesting dream, and this came out of the blue, cause it’s been like a decade or more since I researched Ebola. Yes things from a long time can come back in dreams, but this again feels very different and worth mentioning.

There are still these spiritual facilities set up, that match their earthly counterparts. I still get the feeling that this type of remote spiritual programing is used remotely on more members of society than we know. That’s what I take away from these dreams.

I get the feeling that many have no idea or memories and never will, that this has been done to them. Remember the dreams, the real dream images are repressed often by fake images, fake dreams. Or they will use animals to mask entire scenes of what has happened.

Eg. I thought I was seeing a slimy creature with red eyes in the dream right, but when I really examined the image more in the dream, I unearthed that it was hiding a whole entire dream sequence a real one, with a handler, and I was able to recall everything that the dream creature was protecting. It was used to block a whole dream sequence that had happened, and I could see, feel, and know everything that had been done, in that dream sequence that had been previously blocked.

So think about how many of these abductees, recall flashes of light, which I get from time to time, in the dream. How many of them see animals like owls, and other creatures, and is it not possible that these are used to lock in dream sequences that they just do not recall?

Also early on in one of the faux dreams, just before I work up, they tried to flash a very real craft like image in front of my eyes. Even in the dream I was like, are you kidding me? That is not actually going to work on me. They branded me a skeptic and decided they would not go this route. If I had been easily influenced or manipulated I am pretty sure I would have been having abductee dreams, but that has not happened. Instead I get the lame dreams, which are pointless, unfulfilling, draining, and they mask quite a bit of real dreams, and scenarios, which tend to have a lot of real life previously unknown terms, places, etc.

In the dream my mind has been compartmentalized and accessible by words, or images but I am doing what I can to fix this issue. In the dream the local losers have become aware of this, and trying to take advantage of the programing, that or they have been instructed to, this part is not clear yet.

What I find however and this is the take away that I get from the dreams. I find that vibrational frequencies are very important. I believe that much like you have psychic vampires who feed on people in the awake state, that humans can be feed upon in the dream state, and you can control where they go, and to a degree what they dream, by controlling specific vibrational frequencies. Considering the important role that dreams play in the consciousness of human kind, this is akeen to playing God, and I hope that more will come out about this in future months.

As I mentioned before, I believe that a lot of these abduction experiences are just remote mind control programing, with handlers. I think the people could be remembering these experiences as real, but in many cases it’s just an astral experience, which would seem 100% real if someone had never experienced it before. Is it possible that the U.S. and other governments have gotten so advanced that they are able to condition people in their sleep, to control their minds, to subliminally program them on an astral/spiritual level? Why not, they had programs where people were astral projecting, remote viewing and a bunch of other psi stuff that the public does not want to believe.

The Real X-files. CIA remote viewing program.

It might have been removed from google?

If it’s possible that the technology is this advanced and has been for a while, then what might be going on in society, how many people have been remotely programed at a distance?

Detecting EMF fields in humans for surveillance

A subject’s bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment, NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person’s brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance.

NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA’s computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S.

NSA’s Signals Intelligence use of EMF brain stimulation

NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF brain stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since the MK Ultra program of the early 1950′s, which included neurological research into “radiation” (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development.

Tracking a person via their emf fields. Brain mapping technology that allows you to map a persons mind, but at a distance.

The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping can monitor all the electrical activity in the brain continuously. The NSA records aid decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for Brain-to-computer link (in military fighter aircraft, for example).

For electronic surveillance purposes, electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brain’s auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations, characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia.

Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject’s brain and show images from the subject’s brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject’s eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject’s brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes.

Remember it’s been claimed that this stuff has been available for decades. The lawsuit that brought this technology to light was almost 20 years ago, and this is a person who worked for the agency, and I think with this technology.

If this is being used remotely and at a distance on people, how many people in society might not even be aware that such programing has been used on them until it’s too late?

Capabilities of NSA operatives using RNM

There has been a Signals Intelligence network in the U.S. since the 1940′s. The NSA, Ft. Meade, has in place a vast two-way wireless RNM system which is used to track subjects and non-invasively monitor audio-visual information in their brain. This is all done with no physical contact with the subject. RNM is the ultimate method of surveillance and domestic intelligence. Speech, 3D sound, and subliminal audio can be sent to the auditory cortex of the subject’s brain (bypassing the ears), and images can be sent into the visual cortex. RNM can alter a subject’s perceptions, moods, and motor control.

There are so many things that are unknown, things the general public would rather not believe, things that would shatter their sense of reality if they accepted that governments have such technology, that governments were capable of such cruel inventions, and that the ultimate goal might well be to use this technology on an unsuspecting subject to keep everyone in line, or some elite members of society could use the programing to control those around them, spouses, kids, business associates, those who get elected to public office, the possibilities are endless, and because it’s all done remotely, the average person who is so programed already anyways would be hardly aware.

If this technology does in fact exist in the real world, and this lawsuit says that it does, then what are the questions we should be asking ourselves? Who could be using and abusing the technology, and what can we do to curtail the damages being done to society?

My main take away is that the human will if we have things that are stronger, deeper, things that go deeper than any programing than humans can devise can go, then the human will, the human spirit will not be broken, it will not be subjugated. A lot of what happens in the world has to do with specific vibrational frequencies, and if we as a society could raise our frequencies, break away from the television and other programs, we give our sense a chance to rise above what might be getting planned for us. I know for me that in these dreams, my deep spiritual programing, my Christianity has helped a great deal, for others it might be a different faith, or a deeper sense of self, but I do believe that if we hold strong, there are some wills that will not be broken, some minds that will not be bent, at least not forever, and I believe at my core that the human spirit can rise and conquer things like this.

That’s my take away from these dreams, and you are welcome to add your thoughts and comments.

December 12, 2010 Posted by | CDC, changing vibrations, CIA, control, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, ESP, High technology, Mind Control, Mind Reading, slavery, slaves, Social Control, vibrations | , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

U.S. National Emergency. The ADEX Index

Back in Feburary of this year I blogged about something called the ADEX Index, it’s a list of people that the U.S. government keeps, these people could potentially be rounded in a national emergency.

[quote]These ADEX lists have been around since the time of the Black Panthers and others. Many of the Panthers were on this list, Malcolm X, many others, and these lists exist now. The theory is that many of the outspoken are on the lists, journalists, just the usual suspects, and people have said political bloggers, etc. So if an emergency does happen there could, and it’s been speculated by these sites, will be round up’s.[/quote]

Well guess what, the U.S. recently decleared a national emergency for swine flu.


Emergency rules will make it easier to handle anticipated surge in patients

President Barack Obama has declared a national emergency as swine flu deaths reached 1,000. Photograph: Brian Kersey/Getty Images

President Barack Obama has declared a national emergency in America as swine flu deaths reached 1,000. In Britain, meanwhile, 122 people have died and cases of swine flu have more than doubled in the past seven days.[/quote]

1000 deaths and it’s a national emergency. Keep in mind that the regular flu kills 36,000 people every year. Also according to a CBS article the CDC asked the states to stop testing and tracking swine flu cases back in July,


If you’ve been diagnosed “probable” or “presumed” 2009 H1N1 or “swine flu” in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn’t have H1N1 flu.

While we waited for CDC to provide the data, which it eventually did, we asked all 50 states for their statistics on state lab-confirmed H1N1 prior to the halt of individual testing and counting in July. The results reveal a pattern that surprised a number of health care professionals we consulted. The vast majority of cases were negative for H1N1 as well as seasonal flu, despite the fact that many states were specifically testing patients deemed to be most likely to have H1N1 flu, based on symptoms and risk factors, such as travel to Mexico.


The development is very interesting and should be watched closely. Based on the CBS report, the swine flu was being overestimated when testing was happening, it was not as wide spread as believed. Since some testing stopped in July, how can the true state of swine flu be determined? Even if 1000 U.S. citizens have died, it does not compare to the seasonal flu, which kills 36,000 in the U.S. annually.

So instead we have a government with national emergency powers, which include round up’s of citizens on the ADEX Index, and other measures that they did not previously have for a flu that is no worst than the yearly flu.

One has to beg the question, what is the true purpose of this national emergency being called?

October 25, 2009 Posted by | activism, CDC, CIA, Cointelpro, concentration camps, Conspiracy, Controlled society | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Male Rape. Part 3.

Over crowded Prisons.

American prisons went from semi reasonable numbers to being the overcrowded, violent, dangerous places they are today. This in large part due to the war on drugs.

The aspect of American jails that gets joked about, brushed aside, but not discussed in a serious enough manner is that of male rape.

Racism in Prison.
“Prison is the best recruiting ground the white power movement has!” pg. 58

This is from the book- No escape: male rape in US Prisons.
Apparently prisons are divided along gang line, racial lines, and so forth, so it turns out it’s a wonderful breeding ground for racism. Apparently many enter the prisons ignorant of racism or without any gang affiliations and in order to survive that is one of the things that happens you join a gang, crew or stick to your own kind along race and color lines. Thus why any attempts to desegregate prisons have to take this into consideration. They also have to take into consideration that this set up in some ways is ued for protection of some prisoners to stop other groups from brutally raping some group members.
The Rapes themselves happen in a variety of ways. Some of them are physically forced rapes, some are threats, some are extortion, many are psychological or praying on vulnerabilities. I was surprised that many of the same techniques that are used on women in society are also used in these jails. Meaning that rape is not always about force, it’s often about getting power over your target. Men in jail do use force, but they also use psychological techniques to break down their targets and to get them to submit, or become indebted to the aggressor.

Part of what happens with rapes along race lines is likely what is playing a part in changing attitutes and creating racism in these jails. Eg. White males, young males, gay males, and effiminate looking males are prime targets for sexual assults and rapes. However there are no hard and fast rules, in jail anyone can be a target.

Dividing along race lines can provide some protection, but only so much, because men are then often hit upon by members of their own groups for sex as a means of protection.

HIV is a very real concern for the US prison authorities. An estimated 2% of the US prison population is HIV-positive – a prevalence four times greater than that of the general American population. The exact prevalence of HIV in prisons varies from state to state: in New York 7% of inmates are infected with HIV, compared to less than 1% in California.
This is a real problem in prison, the prison population has a 4-7 times higher HIV rate than the general population.
HIV rise in the Black Community

I found what I thought might be a correlation between the higher rates of HIV in the black African/American population and the incarceration rates. I was happy to find a couple of articles on this and one study.

Study on AIDS and increase in the black community

It is one of the most puzzling mysteries of the AIDS epidemic: Why did blacks, in little more than a dozen years, become nine times as likely as whites to contract a disease once associated almost exclusively with gay white men?

Two researchers say they found the answer in an unlikely place: prison.

Rucker C. Johnson and Steven Raphael of the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley analyzed census data and a federal database containing detailed information on about 850,000 men and women who contracted AIDS between 1982 and 1996.

They discovered that the surge in black AIDS patients — particularly women — since the early 1980s closely tracked the increase in the proportion of black men in America’s prisons, which by the 1990s had become vast reservoirs of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
What I also found surprising is the number of men estimated to be having male on male sex willingly or unwillingly behind bars. Some research has it at 50%
[quote]Whatever the cause, the AIDS gap is not going away. Other studies suggest that half of all prisoners engage in homosexual sex. But safe-sex programs, key to controlling AIDS in the gay community, are unwelcome inside prison walls.

Remember there are 2.1 million men behind bars. if the studies are correct that would be about 1.5 million at any given time engaging in male on male sex at some point, in many cases unwillingly and unprotected. When I say unwillingly, I mean that outside of forceful rapes, and psychological cohesion, some men do engage in male on male sex, but if they were not forced to for protection, many men would not choose to engage in male on male sex.

[quote]”Our women are sharing men who’ve gotten HIV. It’s swirling around us. We cannot pretend it’s not happening and can’t ignore a chance to try and fix it.” While 21% of the state’s population is black, black women represented more than 80% of new HIV cases among women in 2006, the News & Observer reports, adding that a recent study found that most HIV-positive women reported that their last three sexual partners had been in prison the previous year.[/quote]
The men are being released back into the communities and then they are infecting new partners. This most likely why there is a rise in HIV amongst the black population
According to prison estimates, screening and treating HIV-positive inmates would cost $21 million annually. However, according to the News & Observer, the estimate is based on a 10% infection rate, which is much higher than any state has reported. An estimated 1.8% of North Carolina’s prison population, about 700 inmates, has HIV or AIDS (Locke, Raleigh News & Observer, 4/13).

It’s interesting that they base it on 10% infection rate, are they just being over pessimistic or do they have figures that we do not?

I then went to have a quick look at the North Carolina infection rates.

[quote]HIV Transmission Among Black Women — North Carolina, 2004

In 2003, women constituted 28% of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) cases in the United States; approximately 69% of those cases were among non-Hispanic black women (1). Heterosexual transmission is now the most commonly reported mode of HIV transmission among women (1). In North Carolina, black women make up a growing proportion of newly reported HIV infections and, in 2003, the HIV-infection rate for black women in North Carolina was 14 times higher than that for white women (2). Despite this disparity, few epidemiological studies have examined HIV transmission among black women in the United States, particularly those residing in southern states.[/quote]
There has been at least a few studies done however and the findings were interesting.

HIV Positive Inmates

Prison Men, Women and AIDS
[quote]The magnitudes of the results
suggest that higher incarceration rates among black males explain the lion’s share of the black-white
disparity in AIDS infection rates.[/quote]

It seems along with create more racism for society, prisons are also likely the main reasons for higher HIV rates in the Black African American community based on reentry of the prison population, back into communities.

August 24, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, Black Females, Black Male, black women, CDC, Disease, gay, harassment, Intimidation, Isolation, Minorities, sexual harassment, Skin Heads, Social Control, White Male | , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Next Distraction

Bored Now.

Wake me up when the fake pandemic is over with. Oh wait it looks like it might be time. Yeah,

I call it a fake pandemic because I knew the media was really pushing this, but I did not know by how much till I came across these articles.
[quote]Questions and Answers Regarding Estimating Deaths from Influenza in the United States

How many people die from flu each year in the United States?

The number of influenza-associated (i.e., flu-related) deaths varies from year to year because flu seasons often fluctuate in length and severity. CDC estimated that about 36,000 people died of flu-related causes each year, on average, during the 1990s in the United States. This figure includes people dying from complications of flu.

This estimate came from a 2003 study published in the Journal of the American Medication Association (JAMA), which looked at the 1990-91 through the 1998-99 flu seasons [10]. Statistical modeling was used to estimate how many flu-related deaths occurred among people whose underlying cause of death on their death certificate was listed as a respiratory or circulatory disease. During these years, the number of estimated deaths ranged from 17,000 to 52,000.

In 2009, CDC published additional estimates of
flu-related deaths comparing different methods, including the methods used in the 2003 JAMA study. The seasons studied included the 1993-94 through the 2002-03 flu seasons [9]. Results from this study showed that during this time period, 36,171 flu-related deaths occurred per year, on average.

How did CDC estimate that an average of 36,000 people die in the U.S. each year from flu?

This statistic came from a 2003 JAMA study by CDC scientists [10]. The study used statistical modeling to estimate that during 9 influenza seasons from 1990-91 through 1998-99, an annual average of 36,000 flu-related deaths occurred among people whose underlying cause of death on their death certificate was listed as a respiratory or circulatory disease. A 2009 study that appeared in the journal Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses made a similar estimate for the 10 influenza seasons from 1993 to 2003 [9].

That is 3000 people per month that die of the regular influenza, but here we were getting death con 5 warnings from the CDC or WHO because I think 1 person died in the States? Don’t get me wrong, every death matters, but it was a forced scenario and I kept wondering why? Was it just to see how people would react? To distract them from something else? To test the waters for the next big plague? They have spent the last two years trying to whip everyone into a frenzy about Avian Flu. Getting us mentally prepared that a global plague is inevitable. (Only if you make it so.)

They have their vials of Tamil flu ready and waiting, for them to make money, and to what make the public better? Many people question taking flu shots and there is good reason to, but that’s another thread.
Does anyone else wonder what the real purpose of this distraction was? I mean people have been predicting it for some time. I have a much over due blog post about it, but it seems like they are going over board with the distractions.
Let’s look at the year in review.
First we had the economic collapse. Remember the daily headlines? Economy expected to get worst, could be years before recovery, bleak times ahead, blah, blah, blah.  That didn’t exactly work. It worked for a time, but I don’t think people are in the mood for another great depression.

They recently tried the low flying planes over New York to scare people into submission. It upset people more than scared them, so the Osama fake terror Bin Laden Bogeyman is not working like it use to, but they do keep trying.

Then we had plague the next distraction, and that also does not seem to have worked. I think people are just tired of it. I know I am.

Oh also is anyone else wondering how Swine Flu, Avian Flu, Human Influenza, came together, and the combination came from 2 different continents?


[quote]EVERY Media source is leading with “Swine Flu” or “Swine Influenza”… Why? Or Why should anyone care?

Well, if you dig a little bit, you will find that the influenza outbreak in Mexico City and the US are a mutation of FOUR Viruses form THREE Continents… AND…

Creates a very “novel” strain that is not SWINE FLU… it is  HUMAN-Avian-Swine-Flu!

It Is The Feared BIRD FLU Mutated to HUMANS and is being passed Human to Human… that is WHY it should not be dismissed as “JUST” another Swine Flu… because it is not!

And more IMPORTANT is Where and How did this thing Evolve and End Up in Mexico City? See my posts on the Baxter Cover-up that involves the World Health Organization…

The Avian Swine Flu Strain Created in the Lab
[quote]No Surprise: Flu Virus a Mixture of Swine, Human, and Avian Virus Types
When what is now called a “swine flu” was first reported last week to be infecting, and killing some people in Mexico, health officials noted it was a strain of flu never before seen. In fact, it is technically incorrect to call this simply a “swine” flu. Analyses showed it’s a mixture of swine, human and avian viruses, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Also, it is genetically different from the fully human H1N1 seasonal influenza virus that has been circulating globally for the past few years. After a review of the evidence, there is one conclusion: the new flu virus contains DNA from avian, swine viruses (including elements from European and Asian viruses) and human viruses.

So did this curious mixture just develop naturally, out of the blue? Is it the result of inhumane farming practices, as the Humane Society of the United States ( has suggested, that exposes immune-compromised pigs to all sorts of animal and human feces?

Well, maybe. But let’s go back and look at the facts to see if any other scenario could be possible.

First of all, there’s the troublesome detail that the virus has elements that come from multiple continents. Then there’s the fact that true swine flu is only rarely transmissible to humans — this flu is spreading human-to-human, most likely because it contains DNA from human flu.

Could someone have deliberately mixed these viruses together? Is that possible? Absolutely.


Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus

People familiar with biosecurity rules are dismayed by evidence that human H3N2 and avian H5N1 viruses somehow co-mingled in the Orth-Donau facility. That is a dangerous practice that should not be allowed to happen, a number of experts insisted.
Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences.
While H5N1 doesn’t easily infect people, H3N2 viruses do. If someone exposed to a mixture of the two had been simultaneously infected with both strains, he or she could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people.
That mixing process, called reassortment, is one of two ways pandemic viruses are created.
There is no suggestion that happened because of this accident, however.
“We have no evidence of any reassortment, that any reassortment may have occurred,” said Andraghetti.
“And we have no evidence of any increased transmissibility of the viruses that were involved in the experiment with the ferrets in the Czech Republic.”

Wow live virus samples in that could have incubated and could have become a pandemic virus.

So what’s next? Project Blue Beam? Holograms across the globe? Are we going to get a taste of their UFO’s? Secret government air craft that they have been keeping a secret just like the stealth boomers?
Who knows what the next distraction will be. What will they use to keep control of the sheep? What will they do to scare them?

Much like a soap opera, I am starting to loose interest. Thanks to your programing people to have become so attention deficient that they have the attention spans of three year olds, most people have probably also lost interest as well.

Well till it’s time for the next distraction.
“And in case I don’t see ya…. good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.” Truman Show .

May 6, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, CDC, Conspiracy, control, Controlled society, Disease, infection | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

1 in 4 American teen has an STD? Really?

New study by the CDC saying 1 in 4 girls in America between the age of 14-19 has an STD.

I found another article that says that this means that just over 3 million girls have an STD. Meaning that this survey of 838 girls was suppose to represent 12 million girls. Before running off and giving your girls a shot of the Merrick vaccine, here are some things to consider.

The survey was conducted by the CDC. Centers for Disease Control.

First do the figures sound exaggerated?

Where did they find the girls? Where the girls compensated? If the girls were going for some kind of Birth Control or exam, then this means that they were already having sex, or thinking of it, and then are they an accurate sampling of teenage American girls?

Researchers analysed data from a nationally representative sample of 838 US girls aged 14 to 19.

So 838 girls of unknown racial, religious, socio-economic, educational, backgrounds are suppose to represent 12 million American girls ages 14-19. Why am I not convinced?
[quote]It found that nearly half of the African-American girls surveyed had at least one STD, while the rate was 20% among white and Mexican-American teenagers. [/quote]

It says that half of the African-American girls surveyed had at least one STD. This tell me nothing. How many African American girls were surveyed? 10 800? If your sample is too high or too low a percentage of one group, you will get figures that are inaccurate either way. Eg. If they interviewed just 10 African American girls and 5 had an STD then the figures would be correct for the survey, but generally wrong for the larger American population.

Also in America if you are bi-racial and have 1 drop of black blood, in many cases you are still required to consider yourself as African-American. Don’t tell me that did not throw off the figures.

Great so a survey that is suppose to represent 12 million American girls only surveyed African-American girls, white girls, and not even Latina girls, but only Mexican-American girls.

So what happened to Asian girls, Latina girls that are not Mexican-American, South East Asian Indian, Native American, etc. We are suppose to use this sampling to represent all American girls, but not all American girls were sampled?
[quote]Human papillomavirus, or HPV, affected 18% of the girls surveyed, chlamydia 4%, trichomoniasis 2.5%, and herpes simplex virus 2%.

So if we took out HPV, which I do believe is what is at the heart of this survey and the Merrick agenda to have all girls vaccinated with their STD vaccine, then we have 8.5% with an STD.
[quote]he CDC is recommending annual chlamydia screening for all sexually active women under 25, and HPV vaccines for girls aged 11 to 12, followed by booster injections. [/quote]

I think this is what is at the heart of this survey, and I really think it’s a shame that it seems that the CDC is going to be used to push this Merrick agenda on young girls, but also on some populations more than others, as usual. The drug also may not be fully safe according to the aritcle below.
If the CDC can provide the correct demographics that they used, socio-ecomocic status, religious, etc, that would be a good start. Was there compensation involved?
Without these facts and figures can we truly believe that this was an accurate sampling, and that these figures are truly representative of all American girls between the ages of 14-19?

I think not considering a large demographic of the population seems to have been excluded. Asian, East Asian, Native American, Latina of a none Mexican origin, Middle Eastern etc.

I would love to see this survey done again with a larger sampling, and a using demographics that match the demographics of the American population. Again if we are only using kids that are having sex, or thinking about having sex again what kind of accurate figures will this produce?

March 12, 2008 Posted by | Asian, Black female, Black Females, CDC, Children, Cures, Disease, Drugs, Female, infection, Latina, Merrick, society, STD, Teens, White | 3 Comments