Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Children and the informant System

Children and The Informant System

Children first of all are not suppose to be on the Criminal Informant System, They are not old enough to have such records in most cases, or to have the correct situations created, but dispute this, they have had parents who have previously tried, and succeeded in having then added to the informant system.

The parents are then clear that this exposes the children in most cases to sexual abuses, also other abusive adult situations, and exploitation. They no longer act like children, they learn to be season informants, who are perfectly capable of performing the worst functions, and being the worst people.

Not only that but resent research is showing that they are a problem for their teachers in school. The children are unofficially getting details from handlers, they are not suppose to have handlers, but they are getting messages form these people. The children are acting out, and acting dysfuntional, it’s costing the teachers extra work, and creating dysfunctional school environments for nothing. Children can no longer be children, cause they are expected to be informants from the time they are younger.

They are now an at risk population, and it does not make sense. It’ upsetting and frustrating, cause you can’t check in some cases. In some cases they are using them as informants, and there is no record. It’s fully illegal, it’s fully wrong, and it’s so out of boundaries.

The rules are clear, under 14, unless they have been evaluated differently, they can’t be on the informant system. When the younger children are in school, they can’t get instructions from the informant system. They are not even meant to be on it this early. They are not meant to be moles, they are meant to be children.

To the teachers experiencing the dysfunctionality, take back your class rooms, these problems are endemic across the board. Even it the children do not have files, the informant system, needs to stay away from them. The dysfunctionality needs to end. In school the teachers need their full attention, they can not have their attention diverted, by the informant system.

The Future is here, the children are a part of that equation. There take care.

December 9, 2013 Posted by | activism, Awareness, Children | , , , | 3 Comments

Their way or the highway

Websites allowing children to access pornography will have payments blocked by banks

    Banks and credit companies will punish sites who do not co-operate with child protection measures    They already monitor illegal porn websites but this is the first time they can punish sites who fail to keep explicit images away from under-age children    This is the latest development of the opt-in system Cameron announced earlier this year which blocks porn from homes unless they ask for it
Do things their way or the highway, are hearing this, are you seriously hearing this? If you were you would be shocked, shocked and horrified, if you want to have an online business, and it’s deemed you did not go along with these laws, you eventually won’t get paid?

It’s not phrased this way, nothing ever is, but this is what it comes down to, most of us online, are not into the kiddy porn crap, or I hope porn stuff in general, but I can only speak for myself, even if you were if would be this type of situation, they would likely view for themselves, and not to incite children, what these people are saying is,

    Banks and credit companies will punish sites who do not co-operate with child protection measures

They are basically saying, be compliant or else. In other words if they want to pass, inane laws, that destroy the internet, if you are an online business, we could be punished, or funds withheld, at this stage it does reference sites that collect subscription payments, but it says sites, that do not co-operate, that are none compliant, I am sounding the alarm now, so if you react now, then maybe you can have something. Down with this measure in advance, down with this bill, it’s not for us. Saving children, the absolutly correct thing to do, a bill or a measure that is going to stop sites getting paid, if we don’t go along with the stupid things they want from us, it’s not for us, it’s not correct, and if we hit out against it now, we might have a chance to servive. Otherwise, a few of us do survive online with businesses, websites, that collect payments, subscriptions, and they want us to be bound, to go along with whatever, and I do mean whatever measures, they see fit, or else we won’t get paid.

The moment thy get the business onboard, this is all they are going to do, this goes for websites, such as Alex Jones and the stuff he does as well, and other conspiracy sites, anyone who wants to make any kind of living online, and once they get them on-board, well, are you an independent website owner? You are not going along with crazy measures that others are, boom, you are now required to, cause if they get the business on board they will get the rest, and I do not, I repeat, I do not want these measures for the internet. I am all for protecting children, or having a porn free site for them, or protecting them, but I hate the filters they want to establish, they don’t make sense to me. The measure are likely to be equally abhorrent, and you know how they do it, don’t you, just like the witch trials, it’s for the good of the many, they are only hunting down this sort, they will get this through under the guise of protecting children, but they will implement gashly measures that we hate. We love the internet, we love our families, nobody, in their right minds, wants to sponsor filth, but the average guy, should not have to suffer, or agree to archain measures just to survive, or agree, to things this that are going to ruin something they love, especially when it won’t save the children.

If the children are using the internet, then put a filter on at home, not on the whole internet, and don’t make it mandatory, but make it readily available, and see if parents want the filters. As for us, the internet, we do monitor ourselves, we always have, and we likely will continue to, now having said that, watch all these little, staged incidents pop up, cause that’s how they function. But we do not have to function this way, the internet has been good to us, has it not for the most part, then let’s not ruin it. This measure will do just that under the guise of saving children, and what it really is, is just compliance that we would normally never agree to.

For those that use online payment system, it would be similar to when paypal questions a transaction, and then they hold your account, until you are compliant, imagine if other payment systems did the same, because you were not compliant to measure that you may or may not be in agreement with?

I refuse to live in fear, these sites if they do exist that are leading children astray can be tracked in a legitimate fashion, the internet is fairly good at doing this, I did say legitimate fashion. We can do this, but we don’t need to be beholden, to measure that we may or may not be in agreement with to be paid at first, but then eventually, just to run a website, cause they will start with the business, and then go after the rest of us. Let’s stop them now, before we have the watered down internet that none of us want, or need.

September 21, 2013 Posted by | activism | , , , , , | Leave a comment

No child under the age.

Ben’s Law

It’s a requirement and request that those in agencies, and on the informant system  stay away from children under the age. Primarily under the age of 14. No undue influence, contact, or remote manipulations are eligible. They are no longer eligible. Also those on the informant system can not, and should not be in touch with a child, under the age of 14.

It’s mandate also states and requires that they have limited interaction with children under the age of 18, there are already child protection, and child endangerment laws in place, specific situations, things that can be done, and not done with a child under the age of 18, irregardless of if they are on the informant system, or not. Those laws now have to start kicking in, and being in place.

I am personally tired of the stupidity, the undue influence with these children, if they are under 14, there should be not eligible to have contact with the informant force, so please, eneligible this mandate to go through. I hope the agencies will review their policies very carefully, in regards to underage children, and I hope they will review this situation very carefully.

July 24, 2013 Posted by | activism, Children, CIA, Citizen Informants, Informants | , , , | Leave a comment

Internet Shutdown


Following on the heels of this week’s domain seizure of a large hiphop file-sharing links forum, it’s clear today that the U.S. Government has been very busy. Without any need for COICA, ICE has just seized the domain of a BitTorrent meta-search engine along with those belonging to other music linking sites and several others which appear to be connected to physical counterfeit goods.


They (The government) are shutting down websites across the internet. This is always how it begins. It was around 73 websites in total, but it was done without any warning, and without a court order. This is how a society get’s shut down, then they can target anyone that they want to without any real reason, while sites such as facebook, google, youtube, get off scott free, while doing the exact same thing many of these sites were shut down for doing.

First they came for the torrent sites, I did not say anything cause I was not a torrent site.

Then they came for the file sharing sites. I did not say anything cause I was not a file sharing site.

Then they came for the sites that sold knock off items, but I did not sell knock off items.

Then they came for the sites that linked to torrent & illegal download sites. Again I did not say anything. I remained silent.

Then they came for my sites. Do not let history repete itself. Stop this now before it’s too late.


They came first for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

Those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeate it.

George Santayana / Edmund Burke

November 28, 2010 Posted by | Internet | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Who is stalking and why?

This is in respons to two questions that were asked on a forum.

1. Who is doing the Stalking?
2. What is their purpose?

Answer 1. It just average citizens under these Occupational Health and Safety laws. The community is getting a notification that says that the target is insert whatever they have been tagged for. Then the community goes crazy, tries to get rid of target. they use a variety of illegal, community mobbing tactics to accomplish this goal. Since every sector in every city, town, countries, has these laws, that is why the target can be followed city to city, town to town, country to country.


Awareness Register – Managers (via, and with the discretion of, the Health and Safety team) must keep details of dangerous customers. Employees must report any potentially
violent situations they are aware of via the Accident/Occurrence form.

Awareness Register


Cross-directorate Awareness Register – a computerised database that contains names
and/or addresses of persons (or dangerous animals at those addresses) who have initiated
incidents of VATB against Torbay Council employees or whilst on Council premises. The data
has a digitally encrypted password so that it cannot be read if copied.

The Data Protection Act – legislation which protects an individual’s rights regarding information held about themselves; information held on the Awareness Register must comply with this legislation. An individual has the right to receive a copy (on written request) of the data held about them (and a right to compensation if the information is inaccurate).

Recording of Incidents/Individuals When an incident/individual is to be recorded on the Awareness Register, the Line Manager (or deputy in their absence) will:
· Countersign the Accident/Occurrence form before passing immediately to the Health and
Safety Team; where inclusion is recommended, approval by a senior officer is vital in a
situation should the record be challenged,
· Ensure there is a clear and accurate account of the incident (both relevant to the event and not excessive); officers can be held accountable for their decision to include on the
Awareness Register,
· Ensure only those who are to interview, or visit people, will have access to information held,
· Ensure information on the use of the awareness register and safe working practices is
communicated to employees at induction and regularly re-enforced.

Maintaining the Awareness Register

The Health and Safety team are responsible for updating the Awareness Register on receipt of the completed Accident/Occurrence form and providing general maintenance to the system. No other employees will make alterations to the Awareness Register. Individual managers will designate and authorise, by using form IT05, employees who have been identified through risk assessment by their line managers to have access to the Awareness Register.

Answer to question 2. They think that they are getting rid of dangerous people, but in many cases they are being used like the citizens in Stasi and Nazi Germany were used, and often they are targeting people that were targeted who were falsely placed on these lists, set up to be placed on these lists.


It seems that this systemic structure is targeting many of those who are not a part of this system already. So the target has no idea that they are suppose to be signalling and signing to other citizens, cause they have no idea about these health and safety laws. Thus you might have workplace mobbing begin. The target starts to complain, and complain, maybe acts out. The ones doing the mobbing who are aware of this system, then complain that they are worried about the target becoming violent, and then each complaint is documented and reviewed and then the health and safety committee based on the lies in some cases of those doing the targeting, puts the target on a watch list. The target is not notified that there is now a warning marker on their file, eg. Needs to be seen in pairs, has threatened co-workers in the past with violent behaviour.

So all the target starts to notice is at first people acting rude in public, that they are being followed around. Many start to get home breakin’s, car breakin’s, gaslighting, others electronic harassment, most will get the full spectrum of tactics listed here.

The targets life starts to fall apart, they try to tell friends, family about what is happening. The friends, family, co-workers in the mean time have all gotten these notifications, all without the targets awareness. In other cases what is happening is that the targets are being classified in some way as possibly having a mental illness, remember this is all without the targets awareness, most have never seen any sort of health professional, in many cases they are likely basing the assessment on the word and testimony of hostile co-workers, scared family members, and friends who want to do anything they can to be in the spotlight and oh yes help the target.

So as the target complains more and more about the gaslighting, people just assume the target is going crazy. Eg. Joe why would someone break into your apartment and not take anything but the milk in your fridge, or why would they just move your table about and not take anything? Meanwhile it’s the community doing it. Most people go crazy when they hear that there is someone on a notification list living in the community. They treat people on these lists the same way they would pedophiles and rapists, and unlike pedophiles and rapists, the targets never knows that they are on a list and so have no idea what is going on.

The police are aware, the lawyers, doctors, but due to the none disclosure agreement of these health and safety laws, they can not say anything. Yet under these health and safety laws the targets information is only suppose to be distributed to a specific amount of people, eg. People in the communities that the targets directly deal with. What is actually happening due to the horrendous lack of oversight is that the targets information is being distributed any which way but loose, and being used to blacklist them. So when they go and seek out help from lawyers, doctors, judges, the notification sets them up for continuous systemic collusion.

Obstruction to justice
Collusion, corruption, oath of allegiance

Many targets of bullying report that they seem to be obstructed every step of the way in their pursuit of justice. The management refuse to investigate, or use an untrained investigator, or whitewash the case. The union refuses to help, or initially shows interest but suddenly changes sides. The solicitor initially shows interest but then starts acting in a manner which suggests they have the other side’s interests at heart rather than yours.

The employer’s lawyers apply for, and obtain, adjournment after adjournment, then obtain a pre-hearing review which the tribunal chairman handles in favour of the employer. In the tribunal, favour is shown to the respondent (employer) and you get the impression that the verdict has been decided in advance. Your solicitor, the respondent’s lawyers and the tribunal chairman seem to know more about your case than you think they should.

After the tribunal you’re left with no option but to privately sue the employer, the union, and your solicitor, and appeal the tribunal decision, but by this time you have no job, no income, your savings are gone, so is your health, maybe your marriage too, and there’s no prospect of ever being employed again, especially in the professions.

Sound familiar? If so, you might be surprised to realise how often this happens. Mostly it’s in cases from the education sector, although it may happen in any public sector case, for example the NHS. Occasionally, but less often, it happens in private sector cases, and in rare cases from the voluntary sector.

Although there’s never any substantive proof, it seems that all the parties arrayed against you have been colluding in secret. The question is, what allegiance binds these individuals together, and where could they meet such that the normal rules of confidentiality do not apply? What fraternal obligation places their duty to support and protect each other above the moral, ethical and legal obligations by which the rest of us are bound?

Employers, unions, law firms, and employees of the justice system are part of society, and every group, professional or otherwise, contains a few poor performers and rotten apples. This ranges from inexperience through ineptitude and incompetence to collusion and corruption.

Tim Field before he died started to look into this, I think he thought that it was Mason or some kind of brotherhood, but I believe that it’s this system, this structure. Don’t get me wrong that whole brotherhood thing in the U.K. and other countries is a big problem, but these Occupational Health and Safety laws are causing people in communities to act like the brotherhood light.

I believe that this is what is behind a lot of the workplace mobbing, and systemic problems that we are seeing at all levels of society. I also think this is what is behing some of the school, workplace, and community shootings. I also suspect that it’s behind some of the school bullying, because the kids who are aware of this system, and who are a part of it, harass other kids who are not a part of it. The same is true for adults in the workplace. Adults in the community.

I want to give you a comprehensive idea of what is happening with this system. Targets are having their lives destroyed. The Awareness Registry, or program is being used to destroy lives, it’s causing more harm than good in some cases. It’s allowing a secret system, that needs exposing just as much as any brotherhood, or other secret society does, as much as the mafia, street gangs, or cults need exposing.

Some people might argue that they would feel more secure if they were aware of the identities of dangerous offenders in their neighborhoods, but widespread community notification actually serves to heighten fear of victimization. In a large metropolitan area, hundreds of thousands of people are notified of a dangerous offender’s release, while only hundreds will come into contact with him in the community. This blanket notification propagates the belief that there are more “predators” in the community than ever before, and fearful attitudes among members of the public are reinforced. A vicious cycle results: widespread notification leads to an increase in the community’s fear of crime which, in turn, leads to more calls for notification. We would also argue that the use of inflammatory language such as “predator” by politicians and officials also works to heighten fear and increase calls for more punitive action.

Unfortunately for the time being people are so attached to this system, this structure that they will fight to protect it. To keep it scared, meanwhile many are scared of some of the things that go on within it. But like any cult while the members are a part of it, they only see the righteousness of it. Just like the Stasi or those in Germany before World War 1. It’s created an indoctrinated people, who are willing to destroy those who are not a part of this system.

It’s very scary to realise what is going on.

The scary part is because this structure is in every country, even when targets move they get no relief from the 24/7 monitoring. Remember they are getting monitored similar to how people got monitored in Stasi Germany. Neighbours moving in above, below, to the side of them. Neighbours who keep quite, do and allow illegal things to happen. Behind the targets back tactics that would put Cointelpro to shame are being employed, by using these Occupational safety and health laws to violate the targets rights, privacy, and to unduly influence those the target might wish to socialize with or form business associations.

What most people do not realise is that this system is being used to target whistle-blowers, the outspoken, independent thinkers. I believe it’s in part being used as a clearinghouse for the NWO. Meaning, the next time some anti-establishment type get’s out of line, they will be dealt with the same way, put on the notification system, and have their lives blacklisted to hell. This system can affect your ability to find housing, jobs, and to basically have an real social contacts, cause everyone you are in contact with is poisoned by these notifications. The information does not have to be true, it’s often one sided reports by people who have ulterior motives. If some girl is on a notification list, some guy tries to make a move on her, she forcefully stops him, knowing that she is on a list, he could just lie and say that she just attacked him out of the blue. The citizen that are aware of these notifications are using them in highly illegal ways.

Some of the things that are happening, if they happened in North Korea, or Iran people in these countries would be outraged, but because they are happening here, people are happy to sit by and defend the system, they are so indoctrinated, they only see the good, and you can not tell them otherwise, till they are ready to understand the truth.

Targets have travelled to many countries to try to find escape only to find out that the information on these notification systems follow them around. I have spent many years researching these notification systems, from the outside in. I never knew this structure existed. It was after becoming a target, that I realised something was wrong, I also experienced the systemic destruction, and have spent years researching, trying to figure out what was happening. The community had a break last year with the Jane Clift case, and that is where the research finally lead.

May 22, 2010 Posted by | Awareness, Bullying, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conformity, Conspiracy, Controlled society, Gang Stalking, harassment, Health and Safety, mobbing, psychological harassment | , , , , , , , , , , , | 13 Comments

Gang Stalking Community Notifications

Community Notifications and Gang Stalking

Targeted Individuals have spent several years trying to understand the mechanisms that would allow the type of targeting that is happening to them to exist. Many have tried to understand how a system could exist that could monitor and track them 24/7. That could follow them from community to community. A structure that could label them, even from country to country.

Most targets see themselves as innocent individuals. People that have done no wrong, yet many started to experience, psychological torture, electronic harassment, and systemic wide targeting almost as if overnight in some cases, and in other cases it slowly built up over years.

Targets looked at structures such as Cointelpro, The Stasi, Stalking Groups, Vigilantes, the types of structures that had occurred in the past that had lead to a similar types of harassment. Many were close and very similar to what targets experienced, in their scope, and potential for systemic life disruptions and destruction, but none were ever quite perfect.

Jane Clift

Then last year the case of a woman in England named Jane Clift was brought to light as she made headlines in the U.K., and beyond. Ms. Clift tried to perform what was her citizens duty in reporting a man that had become angry and violent with her. In reporting this man, she herself was embroiled in a verbal altercation with the community worker that she tried to report his anti-social behaviours to. Ms. Clift followed up their heated discussion with a letter, and for this simple act, Ms. Clift was placed on a list with sex perverts, and other criminals. She was placed on what the U.K. calls the violent persons registry. It’s a listing for individuals who have displayed violent or other inappropriate behaviour. Ms. Clift found that being under the spotlight of this flagging system was too much and she was forced to move from the area that she had lived in for over 10 years.

Ms. Clift unlike many targets had been given notification that she was to be placed on such a list. The nature of her perceived offence, and the length of time she would be on such a list. She described her experience, which in some pivotal ways matched some of what Targeted Individuals had mentioned in their harassment.

She sensed that, everywhere she went, there was “whispering, collaboration, people scurrying about”. “Everywhere I went – hospitals, GPs, libraries – anywhere at all, even if I phoned the fire service, as soon as my name went on to that system, it flagged up ‘violent person marker, only to be seen in twos, medium risk’.” 2

Ms Clift’s targeting if not identical was at least fraternal to what targets had described. People collaborating. Whispers, scurrying, life disruption that had caused her to move. In Ms. Clifts case the warning markers, and flags had been sent out to quite a few agencies, and thus everywhere she want this warning marker followed her.

The question then became was such a system, or similar system available in other countries? Which laws were being used and who was responsible for keeping or organizing such information?

Further research showed that under occupations health and safety laws, there was such a structure in place, that would allow an individual to receive a warning marker, or flag on their files for various perceived offences. The structure matched and covered all the various markers that targets had complained about. The structure also allowed for those around the accused to be fully aware of what was ongoing, while it allowed the accused to be unaware, unable to defend themselves. This structure upon further and deeper examination fit extremely well with what was ongoing.

Under the Occupational health and safety, or community health and safety laws, which have been established in many countries, individuals can be flagged and a notification about them can be sent out to the community at large, all without the targets awareness. These laws give workers the right to be made aware if they are about to encounter potentially violent situations or individuals. These laws however do not give the target any foreknowledge of the violence, and harassment they will soon receive from the community, once placed on such a notification system.

Workers have the ’ right to know ‘ all risks and safe work procedures associated with the job. This may involve identifying individuals with a history of unpredictable or violent behaviour.

Training workers to recognize escalating behaviour that has the potential to result in violence is a common way to minimize risk. Five warning signs of escalating behaviour and possible responses are listed in Appendix C.

In the service sector this may require identifying to employees persons who have a history of aggressive or inappropriate behaviour in the store, bar, mall or taxi.

The identity of the person and the nature of the risk must be given to staff likely to come into contact with that person. While workers have the right to know the risks, it is important to remember that this information cannot be indiscriminately distributed. 3

Workers do have a right to know if they are going to encounter violent situations or individuals. On the surface this sounds like a good thing, and if used properly should be a good thing, yet the innocent were and are being targeted by this system. How were innocent individuals, whistle-blowers, and others ending up on such lists without any kind of warning or notification? Even convicted prisoners get warnings if they are going to be placed on a notification system, thus legally it would be presumed that other individuals would have the same rights and protections if there lives were going to be disrupted in a similar manner. This does not seem to be the case.

Under these occupational health and safety laws, incidents must be reported. They can range anywhere from threatening looks, yelling, to actual physical aggression and everything in between. They can also include other inappropriate behaviours. Eg. Acts of sexual aggression, harassment, intimidation, inappropriate lewdness, etc.

Once a worker files a report, if the workplace has an Employee Assistance Program then this matter might be discussed with that department. If the behaviour is deemed to be a real concern, then it might be forwarded to a Threat Assessment Team. This team is where designation, warning markers, and notifications can be determined and applied to an individuals file, depending on the structure of the organization.

Employee Assistance Program and Threat Assessment Team

This is a pre-emptive team with a mission of early identification of intervention. The composition of the TAT shall be the following individuals or their designated representatives: 4

Early interventions can be misconstrued and lead to damaging consequences. There many assumptions that go into pre-crime policing, that can have damaging consequences for the target involved.

Oregon State Police Sgt. Jeff Proulx explained to South Oregon’s Mail Tribune why the operation was such a success: “Instead of being reactive, we took a proactive approach.”

There’s just one problem: David Pyles hadn’t committed any crime, nor was he suspected of having committed one. The police never obtained a warrant for either search or arrest. They never consulted with a judge or mental health professional before sending out the military-style tactical teams to take Pyle in.

“They woke me up with a phone call at about 5:50 in the morning,” Pyles told me in a phone interview Friday. “I looked out the window and saw the SWAT team pointing their guns at my house. The officer on the phone told me to turn myself in. I told them I would, on three conditions: I would not be handcuffed. I would not be taken off my property. And I would not be forced to get a mental health evaluation. He agreed. The second I stepped outside, they jumped me. Then they handcuffed me, took me off my property, and took me to get a mental health evaluation.” 5

This team consists of members from Human Resources and other organizations. In the case of one Florida University the organization consists of many different individuals from various areas that work together to make the determination of whether they thing an individual could be a cause for violence.

1. Chief, University Police Department 2. Director, EAP 3. Director, Personnel Services 4. General Counsel 5. Appropriate Vice-President 6. Others as needed and deemed appropriate by above representatives E. Workplace Violence Management Team: A Workplace Violence Management Team (WVMT) shall periodically review the workplace violence policy and recommend changes as needed. The WVMT shall consist of the following persons or their designated representative:

1. Chief, University Police Department 2. Director, EAP 3. Director, Personnel Services 4. General Counsel F. Crisis Management Unit – The University maintains a Crisis Management Unit (CMU) through a collaborative effort between the Psychology Department and the Campus Police Department. In the event of a situation which may require immediate police or psychological intervention, the Police department should be notified. The Chief of Police (or designated representative) will determine if the situation requires the attention of the police, the CMU or the TAT. 4

In addition to exhibiting violent or other inappropriate behaviours, there are other factors that could ensure that an individual has a warning marker, or flag placed on their file. Again this will differ with each organization, but the concept is the same. This structure or one similar is used in some cases to determine if individuals will end up on this system wide notification.

V. “Fitness for Duty” Issues

In addition to the definitions of violent, potentially violent, and abusive behaviors as discussed in Section IV, these Guidelines shall also be concerned with behaviors, physical and verbal, that may not appear to be violent, potentially violent, or abusive prima facie. Such behaviors that do not fall within the purview of the definitions in Appendix A, yet may be viewed as precursors to violent behavior and/or have the tendency to interfere with a harmonious work environment or with an individuals work performance, shall be deemed as “fitness for duty” issues. Examples of “fitness for duty” behaviors may include, but are not limited to:

A. Expression of bizarre and inappropriate thoughts. B. Excessive absenteeism without prior approval or rationale. C. Degenerating physical appearance. D. Acts of insubordination. E. Poor work performance. F. Poor workplace relationships with others. G. Indications of alcohol/substance abuse. H. Excessive complaining. 4

The additional criterias that can get a person flagged, are interestingly enough many of the same symptoms that harassment, bullying and mobbing victims targets experience, or have express experiencing at the height of their targeting. Remember that harassment can happen in the workplace, in the community, or on campus. Many victims of sexual harassment have expressed inappropriate thoughts of what they would like to see happen to those harassing them. Many targets of sexual harassment and other harassment’s do not always keep up their physical appearance, while being harassed. They might disobey supervisors if asked to work with their assailant. Targets of mobbing, bullying, and harassment do often start to exhibit poor performance, workplace reviews and assessments. Some do turn to alcohol and substance abuse to deal with the harassment. Almost all targets of these harassment do make complaints to human resources on a regular basis in order to have the harassment stopped. Yet these are coincidentally the criteria listed for determining if someone is fit for duty.

VI. Reporting Procedures

All University employees and registered students, regardless of position, are responsible for the immediate reporting of any acts of violence, potential acts of violence, or threats they have received or witnessed, or have been told that another employee has witnessed or received. Employees and students should also report unusual, harassing, or threatening behaviors, as defined in Appendix A, even though such behaviors may not be in the form of an imminent threat, particularly if these behaviors make one fearful for his or her continued safety. Employees must make such reports regardless of the relationship of the employee to the person who initiated the threat or behavior or committed the act of violence. 4

Today’s workplace does not leave very much room for discretion. It is now routine for individuals to report acts of aggression, or other inappropriate behaviours. These can often have devastating affects on innocent individuals.

A medical technician killed himself after being suspended from work after someone complained that he made a politically-incorrect joke about a black friend.

Roy Amor, 61, who was devastated at the prospect of losing his job making prosthetics, shot himself in the head outside his house.

He was facing a disciplinary investigation after suggesting to the black colleague that he ‘better hide’ when they noticed immigration officers outside their clinic.

It is understood that the man was a close friend of Mr Amor and was not offended. However, it was overheard by someone else who lodged a formal complaint. 6

The above case shows how a seemingly innocent joke between two friends, can be overheard, taken as offensive by a third party, and lead to dire consequences. He made the remark to an individual who was a long term friend, but this remark lead to a disciplinary investigation. An investigation which might even have seen him fired from his job. Unable to face the consequences he committed suicide.

Due to the secrecy used in this program a target of harassment might well display anger, or other legitimate outbursts. Once this happens all the aggressors who are familiar with this system have to do is report the incidents. Explain how the target makes them feel threatened, uncomfortable, or express concerns about workplace violence. When in fact the target is the one being constantly provoked. Get a few friends involved and before you know it, the target is the problem. The target is the person who is aggressive, and the target is the one being disciplined or having a warning marker placed on their file. Targets are often being baited by complete strangers once they find themselves on these notification lists.

In future many more innocent people might just find themselves with such warning markers added to their files, as the DSM make the definition for mental illness that much wider and broader in scope.

DSM Updates

Proposed updates to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) are prompting many to question whether or not the psychiatric profession itself has gone crazy. The latest additions to the alleged “mentally ill” could include hoarders, people who get angry every now and again, lazy people, and even those who get outraged over things like sex and violence on television. 7

“For this latest revision they’ve set up a special task force to decide if behaviors like bitterness, extreme shopping or overuse of the internet should be included,” explained Professor Christopher Lane 7

Many Internet users who spend time on games such as World of Warcraft might meet this definition. People who spend too much time on chat forums. Lazy individuals, people who get angry, or who get upset about too much violence on television, people who like to shop too much, or hoard things, might all make the list in future. The criteria for these definitions are not only unscientific, they could easily incorporate most any individual in today’s modern society. If these definitions are successfully updated, there could be many more targets making the list in future.

Once a target is flagged, or a warning marker is placed on their files, depending on what the threat assessment team determines a community notification is sent out to the individuals around the target. Anyone that might come in contact with the target is contacted. Others who are part of these notification programs are also contacted when the target is nearby.

If a target makes a call, or their name is pulled up on a system, the targets warning marker will follow them. The community then naturally goes into hypervigilance mode, and they do anything they can to remove that individual from within the community. Most individuals treat these notifications the same way they would treat notifications about any other threat, be it paedophiles, rapists, the same hysteria is often present.

Community Notification

Some people might argue that they would feel more secure if they were aware of the identities of dangerous offenders in their neighbourhoods, but widespread community notification actually serves to heighten fear of victimization. In a large metropolitan area, hundreds of thousands of people are notified of a dangerous offender’s release, while only hundreds will come into contact with him in the community. This blanket notification propagates the belief that there are more “predators” in the community than ever before, and fearful attitudes among members of the public are reinforced. A vicious cycle results: widespread notification leads to an increase in the community’s fear of crime which, in turn, leads to more calls for notification. We would also argue that the use of inflammatory language such as “predator” by politicians and officials also works to heighten fear and increase calls for more punitive action. 8

Since the innocent target has no idea of what is happening behind their back, this system is being used in inappropriate ways. Based on the research that has been conducted,it seems this notification systems is being used to silence whistle-blowers, women seem to be targeted above average, and minorities. As Jane Clift points out, this system goes beyond race, gender. There are lot’s of men and non minority individuals who have also found themselves targeted by this system. This program is not only systemic, but these notifications are being used indiscriminately, with very little oversight, and they are being used beyond borders.

Since most civil workers are aware of this notification system, it means that targets reporting incidents of being followed around by various strangers should not have been unfamiliar to the police, and other agencies that targets reported their harassment to. In most cities this notification is well known, and used by many workers and employers. Yet Targeted Individuals have had to have mental health evaluations for making complaints about this structure, and the harassment that comes with it.


Not only will this program used the civil servant already mentioned, but it will expand who is used in the program. They will have secret sources of communication available to them. The members of these programs will connect with the fusion centres. None disclosure agreement or a confidential disclosure agreements will be signed by many in these programs to ensure that the information is protected. 9

Once the notification goes out, the target literally feels as if they have become enemy of the state, because the community is getting a notification with information that may or may not be fully accurate. Remember a lot of the reporting that happens, happens by individuals who could have ulterior motives, such as revenge. For someone familiar with this structure, it’s the perfect way to systemically destroy someone’s life and keep them out of the loop for years, if not forever.

The portion of the harassment that targets refer to as Gang Stalking is a deliberate psychological operation that happens within this structure. Involving community harassment, community mobbing, gaslighting, street theatre, electronic harassment and dozens of other techniques that all work together to help systemically destroy the target over time. It also paints those complaining as mentally ill. This structure is capable of destroying the targets reputation, and credibility. As the target seeks to get help for the community harassment that will inevitably occur under such a notification, their cries and pleas for assistance are ignored. Their stories of harassment, stalking, mobbing, electronic harassment, are all conveniently written of as signs of mental illness,while the Targeted Individuals life continues to be systemically interfered with, and continues to fall apart.

Most participants of this notification structure seem to be under some kind of confidentiality or none disclosure agreement. There is also a structure in place that seems capable of punishing anyone who is part of this structure that steps out of line, thus most people do not discuss this program, even as those close to them are being destroyed.

These occupational safety and health laws are in most communities, workplaces, and educational facilities. They are in most democratic countries, such as Canada, U.S., U.K. and the rest of Europe. At this stage many other countries seem to be adapting this structure, and from the feedback targets have provided it seems that this structure is already in most countries.

What this means is that wittingly or unwittingly. There is a systemic, surveillance structure that is fully capable of monitoring and targeting an individual who has been flagged in this manner. This structure is not limited to states, or provinces, and can go beyond borders. The targets information might also be indiscriminately distributed to a wide range of individuals. Individuals that the target might never come in contact with face to face, yet who the target might have an acquaintance, or business relationship with. It’s basically a net that is capable of touching everyone connected to the target, and poisoning them with the information contained in the targets file, wither accurate or not. Because most targets have no idea what is happening, or how such a structure could exist, they are floored as they try consistently to get help within the normal structures, while being written off as having a mental illness.

I believe that this notification system will continue, because it works for many. Many like feeling as if they are part of a secret club. Unless it happens to them, most will never truly understand how devastating such a structure can be to an innocent person. I can only suggest that those with the know how, financial ability, and dedication, work towards implementing laws to get this structure corrected.


This structure should be required to give written notification to targets. If an investigation is ongoing, then the time frame for the investigation should be limited. Targets complain of years, upon years of targeting. If the targets guilt has been established in some capacity, then invite them to a hearing. If not then it should be mandatory to remove these notification after a specific time frame. Most lawyers, mental health workers, police, are all fully in the know about this notification system, thus targets and their complaints of harassment should be taken seriously. Instead this notification system is being used to destroy innocent lives, or harass them for years on end with dire consequences to themselves, and the communities at large.

What many in society still do not understand or realize is that there is a dark side to many of those shootings and violent incidents, there is a dark side that society would rather not have you know about. A dark side that happens masked just below the public’s eye and awareness, but that is often very real and traumatizing for the Targeted Individual. 11

This notification system in scope and breadth is no less damaging then the Stasi’s system of harassment, or the American Cointelpro program. The difference now is that the state has masked these offences under the guise of doing what is right for the community. Leaving innocent targets at the mercy of the mob, and individuals who use this system to openly target, harass, oppress and control those who have been targeted.


May 2, 2010 Posted by | Citizen Informants, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conspiracy, control, Controlled society, Covert investigations, crazy, Cults, Gang Stalking, harassment, mobbing | , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Down with the snitching

I am just sitting here thinking about some past jobs I have had and some encounters that I have had with the snitches.

Again some informants are not low lives, but many others are and since this started I have seen more of the low than I have of the high.

The goal of this stalking is to make targets look like they are crazy, or whatever lie you are trying to spread, or start with one and go to another.

Remember by the time Jiverly Wong died he was a divorced loser, who could not keep a job, who had a drug addiction and had tried to rob a bank. None of that seems to have been true, but it all survived him into his death, and it’s most likely what was being spread about him. On top of that he endured months of workplace mobbing, with slogans like “if it wrong it’s Wong”. Fun stuff.

After his company closed down and he got laid off, he tried to better himself in an English class, so he could get a better job, or find a job. He dropped out of the english class, and the indication is that he also expreienced mobbing there. Most targets do not want to be unemployed, but that is the perception that the agents of the state will try to give, to justify what is happening.

I am a fairly bright, articulate, and intelligent person. Somewhat independent and before this, a pretty high functioning person. I am still a pretty high functioning person, but now I am fighting against stuff most people only have nightmares about.

I am like targets of Cointelpro fighting against a system that will go to any and every extreme to bring me down. With Jiverly Wong I often wonder if Shopvac closed on it’s own via natural means, or if they had a hand in it. I am wondering because many targets talk about the construction projects that pop up all over the city where we are. They go on for years at a time. We are not paranoid in this. They seem capable and willing to go through any means necessary to take targets down. You see this with whistle-blowers and others.

I know others who have experienced, having companies close soon after the target was going to be working there. Or in other cases, if they were trying to work with companies who specialised in products to be delivered the company stopped providing the function.

Anyways at my jobs since I have been a target, the idea is to get me fired from every job, make me look crazy or inefficient. To that end, the informants where I live, they are allowed to use a radar gun, or something that produces large amounts of heat, or other things that cause vibrations in my home, to heat up my skin, to heat up my body, to try to make sure that I am sleep deprived and unable to function.

Most times I can now overcome this, but it’s a process. For much of the last few years, because of what is happening with having a variety of weapons used on me in my home, I sometimes function on less sleep than the average person. Many targets get only a few hours sleep every night for months, because they can’t stay in one position for very long, and they constantly change positions, trying to not be burnt, or tortured.

I have had trouble with jobs over the last few years. Before this my records with keeping jobs is perfect. I lasted at most for years at a time, and left when I choose to.

I experienced workplace mobbing, and when it got extreme, like many other targets, I used vacation and other absent time to try to cope, but beyond that, a pretty good worker.

The other obstacle is that targets in the workplace have informants who are trying to get us to lose our jobs. I relayed the story of one group that I dealt with who went to my manager after I decided to move away from them, due to tactics like logging me out of my phone on breaks, to try to make it look like I was not punching out of the phones on breaks, which is a no no. After fun little things like that, I decided to move away from this group, who later when to my manager and advised that I was being unfriendly to them. Well this got me written up, and my manager telling me to be more friendly to them. I was, I told them that if they had anything work related they could feel free to approach me, but beyond that not so much. This was their attempt in my opinion to get me in trouble or fired from my job.

This don’t come to me unless it’s work related thing worked great, till one of the persons in that same group was able to get the biotch he was banging to get me fired from the the job anyways. It might have been indirect, but the results were the same. The biotch he was banging got her manager friends from what I heard to help get me fired.

I ran into these two some time later on separate occasions, and what do you really say to people like that? I mean do you say hey, thanks for getting me fired from my job? No you just ignore them. You just look at them and walk off. Leave them to comfort each other, knowing how unpleasant the strain of it all must have been for them, I mean having to run into the person you helped get fired, oh the trauma of it all, for them. Anyways, I am sure in some other dimension we are all BFF’s (Best Friends Forever) not. The chances are good that if people like that made your life hell here, they are likely to make your life hell in some other dimension, equally so or 1000 times more. If you believe in that stuff.

What I do notice is this, you always have specific people who are doing the same roles that I noticed on the train. So even though it’s been two years plus since I had any sensitivity, you still get the informants who try to make it look like I am sensitity. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that any incidents reported in the last over two years saying that I still have a sensitivify is a blatant lie. Yet every job I get, or on the street, they still try to fish. What I am wondering is, what is the legal period of time, that these governments can do this for? What are the paramators? What is the limitation and the scope? Are they just allowed to fish forever? Come on people, this might be a good angle to look into.

There is no governing body, that is why you could have them fuc* with people’s lives like Kimveer Gill, and Jiverly Wong for years at a time. They could do anything that they wanted to, and there was no governing body to intervene. Also since these two did not know exactly what was happening, it must have been so bad. Kimveer knew he was under investigation, and Jiverly knew the cops were involved, but I don’t think either had every found a Gang Stalking website, which is too bad. They might have found a supportive community and a way to deal with what was ongoing. people to talk to. I know Kimveer turned to the goth community, but that’s not the same thing, cause he was not able to openly discuss what was happening. There are just posting here and there. I find often that only another target, can acturally understand what I am going through, most people just can’t get their minds fully around it.

Anyways, so there will be informants where you work, and the only job of these under police controlled snitches will be to get you fired, or to make you look bad. So usually you get people trying to play with the phone logs, or finding other ways to try to make you look bad. Computer security at work becomes important. Do not put anything that is opened in the fridge. I don’t have to tell you that.

You are going to get a conductor, someone who co-ordinats the harassments and looks for reactions. Then you will get someone or usually many snitches that are going to be told, that they must do X Y Z. So if you are being framed to look like a racist, they will try to get you to say racist things, or if you are being made to look like a pervert, they will bring in mags, or engage in other conversation, if it’s crazy with a sensitivity, they will be told to perform the sensitivity throughout the day with someone observing your reactions. If the person observing your reactions, or doing the sensitivity are police controlled informants, then you have a problem, because then they follow the official agenda, and a second agenda given to them by their handlers. (These types of police controlled informants, do not belong in these types of investigations, because they will have a secondary agenda, always.) The regular informants are fine, but these types, are designed to get you fired from your job, or to portray you, however the handler, and those conducting the investigation see fit.

Many of them will also be example in difficult situations, I get a lot of people in immigration situations, or all races. Others in money situations, anything like this, and people will do desperate things. It’s how the Stasi worked, and it’s how our government now works. If they are holding something over these people, it makes them dangerous, and they will do whatever their handlers tell them to do. The image of Jiverly Wong being a loser, drug user, etc, did not maintain itself, it had lot’s of help.

Over the last few years, crazy has been the main thing to try to portray me as. Oh and a loser who can’t hold a job. Well when someone is allowed to try to keep you awake and sleep deprived for months and years at a time, and sometimes you are getting 3 hours sleep, because you become hypersensitive, then it’s easy to make someone miss work, or perform badly. I could probably do it, and in less time to the informants. I have worked well under the conditions that have been given to me. I have not yet excelled the way that I am accustomed, but sometimes surviving is the key. I want to do more than survive however.

If I can help other targets to get through this, to not kill themselves, or others, to not wind up in the mental ward, or jail, to not be portrayed as whatever, then I am doing a part of what I am meant to do.

I am awake right now, cause they again switched what they were doing, to try to keep me awake at nights and sleep deprived, so I have to fix this, and then get on with it. With this targeting, only another target can understand at times what is happening. Most people do not understand the concept that this is torture. The sleep deprivation, the being burnt with lasers, radar guns, other electronic weaponry, or directed energy weapons. They don’t understand what it’s like to have someone rewire the electricity in your home, so that the walls are dancing with electricity. They did this recently and it was so bad, the windows were shaking in my home. When you touched the walls, they were just vibrating, you can do this by messing with the electricity and rewiring, but it’s illegal. Yet informants do this stuff all the time, because the police controlled ones do anything that their handlers tell them to.

Remember the Cathrine Johnson case, she was 90, and they broke down her door and shot her. Well they planted drugs in her home, and they claimed that the informant had bought drugs there, well killing an innocent old woman was even more than the informant could handle and he  told the press, that no, that was a lie, and the cops in that case were put in jail, but they do this all the time. The controlled informants should not be allowed to interact with targets. They in many cases have no integrity. (Not all cases, some people will always have integrity.) The problem is you have people like Rachel Hoffman, who get desperate, and agree to desperate things, or do desperate things to others so that they can survive, it becomes a game of eat or be eaten, and it creates a nasty society. It’s not right. The results are what you see, and the events that consistently unfold.

Even the informants who get the white glove treatment, like the ones who are paid to spy, they can get corrupted by the money being thrown at them. Got a tip about the employee you are working with? Are you sure they didn’t say something racist? Are you sure they didn’t hint at liking kidddy porn? Are you sure they didn’t react to the sensitivity? Etc. It’s not hard to get someone to lie, and they do.

Then there are the honest mistakes. People who thought or are so paranoid that they make faulty judgements. The informants are not professionals, and even under the best conditions professionals make mistakes, well in many cases, I have sat there, while they think someone else is the target, and just watched them, trying to provoke the person, and it’s horrible, because they are so convinced the person A is crazy, they will see crazy. I have had them sit there looking at someone who was not the target, and then they are like oh did you see that, or they indicate it, yeah because normal action is now crazy. I just smile and nod, or smile and do nothing. I think of the times, that my normal actions must have been like, oh the the target did that, and the retelling was exaggerated, or just fabricated, not even deliberately, but many of them get so caught up, they just make bad assessments.

They are a fascinating study. In my opinion, the police controlled informants should not be in the workplaces doing the assessments on targets, because you will get corrupted results. People in immigration situations, or money situations, or other situations where something is being held on them, should not be in these roles, because you will get corrupted results, but just like with the Stasi, that’s the idea.

So the goal of these people is to make me look like a crazy person, who can’t keep a job, who might be into drugs, who is now racist. (Yeah I am shocked by the last bit, but apparently if you research extremist sites, not post anything mind you, but just research that is enough for a fishing expedition.) These people are corrupt and you have to stay up to date on their every move.

Even when you try to explain this to the society at large, they don’t care. They are the first ones to insult, and judge the Kimveers Gill’s, and Jiverly Wong’s of this world, as pycho, but they take no ownership for their roles in creating these psycho’s. Society has a responsibility to take ownership for what is happening and to try to help prevent it. Many people can take a role in making sure some of these reforms and recommendations happen, not just for our safety, but for the safety of society.

Also next time, I will go over the pattern of the Manchurian Target. Someone who is not mind controlled, but who is targeted and groomed to the stage where the state knows that they could snap, and then they use them like we saw in the Jiverly Wong situation. As a target I can’t go to the bathroom without them knowing, yet Jiverly Wong, who owns guns, and uses them regularly, who had just lost his job, dropped out of the english language school, entered a place he had dropped out of, first parking his car in the back, and was then went into the front of the building, yet no one was on hand to stop him? Really, and there are reports that the news copters were in the sky very quickly, and the info about when the 911 call was made. Anyways it might be something worth looking into.
 Was this event allowed to happen? Remember the killing sprees were going to be used, to get gun laws passed, but well let’s just say the more we highlight the ongoing agenda, the better chance we have of slowing it down, and who knows, maybe stopping it.

June 24, 2009 Posted by | Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Conspiracy Theories
Ok so after writing the above post, I was doing some follow up’s on the killing sprees that have been happening, trying to track anything as to what is behind them, agenda’s etc, I found an article about one of the killing sprees that I have been tracking. “No I have absolutely no fascination with killing sprees whatsoever,” but I have been tracking them, because I had a hunch they would be increasing around this time, and a need to track what is behind them.

Anyways, I just found out that the most recent one with police officers, was a member of stormfront. Apparently he posted once, but that was enough to link him to the site, see how that works?
Anyways here are my thoughts on this, I was going to do two separate posts, and I am not sure that I shouldn’t. Ok looks like I am doing two separate posts.

[quote]The Post-Gazette also mentions the website PrisonPlanet, run by radio talk show host Alex Jones, as a source for some of the stories which Poplawski found disturbing. 
For example, last fall, that site ran an article, “U.S. Troops In Homeland ‘Crowd Control’ Patrols From October 1st,” which claimed that “U.S. troops returning from duty in Iraq will be carrying out homeland patrols in America from October 1st in complete violation of Posse Comitatus for the purposes of helping with ‘civil unrest and crowd control’ – which could include dealing with unruly Americans after a complete economic collapse.”
However, the worldview which enabled Poplawski to bring those various complaints together into a single, global conspiracy theory appears to have come from far more extreme sources. Poplawski had also posted pictures of himself at Stormfront, a white supremacist website whose slogan is “white pride worldwide.” 
The discussion of the shootings at Stormfront, which began with speculations that the gunman would turn out to be “some non-white” or “a jew,” then turned to suspicions that the recent rash of shootings is a “setup” to push through gun control legislation, has become oddly muted since the revelation that Poplawski appears to be one of theirs. 
I remember when the Montreal shooting happened and they used it to try to paint the goth community as evil and vampirefreaks as a site where these types of people regularly come from, ignoring the fact Kimveer Gill was a part of myspace was it? Anyways the goth community banned together, worked to tone down anything that would paint them in a negative light and they survived. They also had thousands of new sign up’s in a matter of days, and there is no way to tell how many were informants, that are now a regular part of that community, keeping an eye and ear on it.

Anyways they survived in one sense, but they did have the spotlight pointed at them for some time.

Back to the shooting, I don’t have enough details, but here are some of my thought.

Remember when those articles came out last year in the New York Times and about Gang Stalking and I said that it looked like we would in the future get some kind of armed standoff with the police, maybe a shootout and the person would likely belong to a conspiracy site, well I think this might be it. I thought the guy arrested for uttering Obama threats might have been it, but that always seemed too light. Here is a link to my original post about that.

See at the time I thought the Stevie threat might have been it, but that seemed too mild to get laws passed. I was expecting something either a staged, where b where a legit conspiracy theorist was put into a situation of conflict the way they bait targets. See my quote below.

We were all or should have been waiting for an incident like this to happen, something to paint some member of the conspiracy community as crazy. I was personally expecting some kind of armed stand off, [/quote]

The guy who shoot 3 police officers, belonged to what most would consider to be an extremist website, and he was a conspiracy theorist, see kill two birds with one stone. I am not saying it was staged, but I have been looking out for something coming up, and this might be it.

Here is the story tell me what you think? Is this the one that will get the laws passed that will affect conspiracy sites, and extreme websites?

[quote]The unemployed twenty-two year old man who killed three Pittsburgh police officers and wounded two others in a four-hour shootout on Saturday morning had been heavily influenced by extremist conspiracy theories prior to the incident. [/quote]
This is the sort of thing that can paint conspiracy sites as extreme dangerous, mind you that conspiracy theories have been around for year, from aliens and secret government cover up’s etc, but these conspiracy sites such as ATS and others might be painted in a new light. Anything that paints the government in an unflattering light would be prime targets.

I am not surprised by this, but what I would be watching for, and others should be watching for are laws, what will be the fallout, this should be a priority for conspiracy sites, and extremist sites.

Again please remember that the articles last year did everything in their power to paint Gang Stalking sites as either extreme communities or conspiracy websites, both labels were wrong, but what does truth matter when an agenda is at stake? Now we come full circle, and we have someone from an extremist website, who believed in conspiracies, let’s the witch hunts begin. Oh wait they already have.

April 6, 2009 Posted by | Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Man Made Global Warming A Myth?,2933,468084,00.html

some scientists are thinking of suing Al Gore.  These scientist are saying that man made global warming is not accurate. They have been saying it for a very long time but apparently they have not been heard.

Wow can you believe that, the people of the world might have been deceived about man made global warming without questioning it? If this is true, could there be other things out there that the population should be questioning?

Now this issue is far from over, much like trying to prove the earth was round, the people saying that man made global warming is a myth are going to have a fight on their hands.

They have been trying to get a debate going for some time with the scientific community that say global warming is a danger to the planet, with very limited success.

[quote]Scientists skeptical of the assertion that climate change is the result of man’s activities are criticizing a recent Associated Press report on global warming, calling it “irrational hysteria,” “horrifically bad” and “incredibly biased.”

They say the report, which was published on Monday, contained sweeping scientific errors and was a one-sided portrayal of a complicated issue.

“If the issues weren’t so serious and the ramifications so profound, I would have to laugh at it,” said David Deming, a geology professor at the University of Oklahoma who has been critical of media reporting on the climate change issue.

In the article, Obama Left with Little Time to Curb Global Warming, AP Science Writer Seth Borenstein wrote that global warming is “a ticking time bomb that President-elect Barack Obama can’t avoid,” and that “global warming is accelerating.”

Deming, in an interview, took issue with Borenstein’s characterization of a problem he says doesn’t exist.

“He says global warming is accelerating. Not only is it continuing, it’s accelerating, and whether it’s continuing that was completely beyond the evidence,” Deming told

“The mean global temperature, at least as measured by satellite, is now the same as it was in the year 1980. In the last couple of years sea level has stopped rising. Hurricane and cyclone activity in the northern hemisphere is at a 24-year low and sea ice globally is also the same as it was in 1980.”

Deming said the article is further evidence of the media’s decision to talk about global warming as fact, despite what he says is a lack of evidence.

This is a serious issue because many governments want to start charging enviro taxes based on the belief of man made global warming, which if false will have serious ramifications for many people for years to come.

This might cause many to re-evaluate recycling programs, and other environmental initiatives. The Kyoto protocol might also have to be re-examined.


December 17, 2008 Posted by | Science | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Poisioned Pill? You would know.

I don’t have a lot of time to blog right now, but I was online taking care of some things believe it or not, and I came across a thread, which lead me to a post that I felt the need to address. I really didn’t want to waste the time, but I felt the need.

What I am going to re-post is pretty well what I posted on my forum.

Ok so I was out on one of my strolls around the Internet. I usually stay away from certain specific people for so many reasons. Anyways I came across a thread that links to these two postings which I will address here and then on my blog.

Here are the links. For those of you who don’t know. The author is “suppose to be” a top leader for the Gang Stalking Community.

In addressing the first link I wrote.

Since the above post refers to my website, then I think it’s important to address the attacks or issues posted there.

Apparently my site is a poison pill site. The author would know more about poison pills than I would, but I digress. Let me address the comments and meat of the article.

The top two gang stalking techniques are air stalking and brighting because the author of the Gang Stalking World website, fancies a little thing called alphabetical ordering. For those of you who do not know what this means, it means to place items in a list from A-Z.

This means that items that we experience that begin with A will be listed first, then items that begin with B will be listed second and so forth.

Hopefully the none targets will have enough common sense to understand the concept of alphabetical listings. If they do not, I am not responsible for human stupidity, contrary to popular beliefs.

Let’s go to the young mother with the cellphone. Since we now know that children as young as 8 are being recruited to be Covert Human Intelligence Sources, and the site goes on to back this up with appropriate details, then it should be no problem for the common person to understand the concept of how the stalking takes place.

This way the average person can conceptualise what we mean about the stalking being subtle. I also had this concept from another magazine from several years ago, that showed a picture of a mom with a stroller and her shadow was that of a cop. The picture was done to illustrate what the civilian spies would be like. The concept was a good one then, and in my personal opinion is a good one now.

Remember I am not just sitting here daily. I am trying on a continuous bases to bridge the gap between what we experience and what the normal realm has not. I have studied what does and does not work. I have done a great deal to make sure that this does get normalised, and that the actual truth comes out, which is more than I can say for others.

I also wrote and have been meaning to address this issues for some time now, in relationship to the term Gang Stalking.

The term Gang Stalking and why I think it works. When I first came online, there were a lot of terms for what were happening, Gang Stalking, Multi Stalking, Vengeance Stalking, etc, etc.

Over time while I was doing research to try to find out what Gang Stalking was, part of what I tried to do was get the term normalised in society as another website had suggested that we do. This was part of my early activism.

I was able by working the search engines to ensure that the term was well placed and became adapted and more accepted in more normal society.

I think the only people that the term truly confuses, that I have come across in the last 2 years, are people that are citizen informants who have a specific effort to try to discredit the term. You might get the odd person who is truly confused, but overall, this is a term that many normal people have come to understand.

If you change the name, we will and would have had to start all over again. In the middle of trying to get the term normalised, a so called community leader had tried to get the term dropped, and I disagreed with this person and for that reason fought to keep the term alive.

Eg. Imagine if we stopped calling ourselves Targeted Individuals tomorrow and tried for a new term? The same process of normalizing this will begin all over again and that is not good for any movement.

I think if anyone that I have come across in the last two years reads the information they understand what this is.

Also when People go looking for help outside of the community and go searching in their normal places, they use the term gang stalking, mostly. I find that after two years of a lot of garbage, people in normal circles recognise this term and are able to tell people what to do to get help.

I constantly check to see if this is working. I think any attempt to get rid of the term is counter productive for these reason, and I also think this was part of the reason for the attempt by certain parties.

That’s my feedback on the term Gang Stalking. As for the other matters with the young mother and the terms for what happens to us, I am going to be addressing that.

In addressing the second link I wrote.

Now apparently my site is run by Don Russell? Who the hell is that suppose to be? This is like the time starfish perp said that I was imitating some other guy that I did not know at the time. I really appreciate the methods used. Also I appreciate that they went behind my back.

It’s all good, what is done in darkness will be revealed in light, sooner or later. The day will come. Sooner than later I hope.

For example, this site is titled “gangstalking”, a term which may sound great at first hearing,
but when used in conversations with non-targets, has shown that non-targets consistently think
in terms of youth/race/biker/Mafia gangs. [/quote]

Since I actually do know what I am talking about. I get this from time to time believe me. Some will go oh yeah those gang’s out there. In my personal experience, this is only from the multitude of civilian informants. The same way they operate offline, they operate online the exact same way. People who actually want to listen, none targets, in my two years of posting on forums, do understand the concept and respond well to the subject matter. (Well now they do.)

Also considering that the website on the very front lists this

[quote]Gang Stalking is a systemic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. The target is followed around and placed under surveillance by Civilian Spies/Snitches 24/7.

The Civilian Spies can be parts of these community oriented policing programs, but most often they are just average citizens. Just like with Cointelpro investigations, everyone in the targets life is contacted and asked to be a part of the ongoing, never ending, monitoring (systemic harassment), which is designed to destroy the target over years and leave them with no form of support.

A short and simple definition of gang stalking.
What is Gang Stalking?

Gang Stalking is experienced by Targeted Individuals as psychological attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying a target over time. The covert methods used often leave no evidence to incriminate the Civilian Spies.

It’s similar to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community. It called Gang Stalking, because groups of community Spies organise to stalk and monitor targets 24/7. [/quote]

Again I take no responsibility for human stupidity, or organised citizen informants, or government agents. I think a logical thinking human who is not a perp will understand the concept of what is being said. This site over the last two years for anyone who has been following, has been worked and reworked just so that it can help the average person to understand what we are talking about. When new information comes it’s continually worked into the site. Also on the main FAQ page exhibit B

What are some techniques used against targets?

A few of the most common techniques are listed below.

a) Classical conditioning.

Getting a Targeted Individual sensitized to an everyday stimuli. The targeted individual over a period of months, or even years is negatively sensitised to an everyday stimuli, which is then used to harass them. It’s used out in public to let them know they are constantly being harassed and monitored. Some examples of everyday stimulus that might be used include: sounds, colors, patterns, actions. Eg. Red, white, yellow, strips, pens clicking, key jangling, loud coughing, loud whistling, loud smacking of clapping of hands together, cell phones, laptops, etc.

b) 24/7 Surveillance This will involve following the target everywhere they go. Learning about the target. Where they shop, work, play, who their friends and family are. Getting close to the target, moving into the community or apartment where they live, across the street. Monitoring the targets phone, house, and computer activity. Surveillance Policy.

c) Isolation of said target.

This is done via slander campaigns, and lies. Eg. People in the targets community are told that the target is a thief, into drugs, a prostitute, pedophile, crazy, in trouble for something, needs to be watched. Files will even be produced on the target, shown to neighbours, family, store keepers.

d) Noise and mimicking campaigns.

Disrupting the targets life, sleep with loud power tools, construction, stereos, doors slamming, etc. Talking in public about private things in the targets life. Mimicking actions of the target. Basically letting the target know that they are in the targets life. Daily interferences, nothing that would be too overt to the untrained eye, but psychologically degrading and damaging to the target over time.

e) Everyday life breaks and street theatre.

Flat tires, sleep deprivation, drugging food, putting dirt on targets property. Mass strangers doing things in public to annoy targets. These strangers might get text messaged to be at a specific time and place, and perform a specific action.

It might seem harmless to these Citizen Informants, but it could be causing great psychological trauma for the target. Eg. Blocking targets path, getting ahead of them in line, cutting or boxing them in on the road, saying or doing things to elicit a response from targets. Etc. It’s like the death of a thousand paper cuts. One or two minor incidents will not cause any harm to the target, but over time the target is slowly worn down. [/quote]

It lists these as the main symptoms of Gang Stalking. On to the next bit.

While many of us believe, with good cause, that government is heavily involved, without courtroom quality evidence, a statement like that above is discrediting. [/quote]

Suddenly courtroom evidence is needed? Really? When the same author was sprouting off information about vigilante gangs, where was the court room information then? Right.

Also we don’t need court room information. We have historical facts, we also have current news articles about how the anti-terror laws are being abused. We have dozens of items about covert government actions. We have Gloria Naylor, and other significant targets who can directly link this with government involvement, yet suddenly we need a courtroom document, really?

Again I have already addressed the mother and the child issue. Not only is this what they really do in real life, but it’s a concept image. For anyone who this works. It’s a useful tool for bringing the understanding gap, between the targeted and the none targeted.

“Civilian spies are recruited from every level and sector of society.”

“Spies” is a term I would NEVER use to label our perps. Non targets, at this stage in current affairs,
are not prepared to think their neighbourhood is full of “spies.” To use the term “spies”, I suggest,
is very likely to draw the you-are-paranoid response from unaware non-targets. [/quote]

Well many people would never call them Stasi either, or Snitches or Citizen Informants, etc. Many people have different labels for the same things. My site uses various labels to help different people understand the concepts better. Over the last two years. I have talked to people. I have researched, and there are lot’s of different people who will visit the site, there are lot’s of other people who are going to be targeted.

The word spies will appeal to one sort of audience because they understand, oh community spies. Another person will understand, Snitches, cause they come from a community where the stop snitching movement is in full affect and they are familiar with that term. Others will understand the term Stasi because they dealt with this before. Over the last two years I have made every effort to reach a wide variety of audience members, and to ensure than whoever comes to the site, from whichever demographic to get help, they will see terms and read language that is familiar to them.

I have done the same thing with the media that I use. I am trying to do this with the flags that were recently added, since I realised that others in others languages do want access to the information. It’s not a perfect translation, but it will give more people access to help.

Also in doing research for what is behind Gang Stalking, I encountered a wide variety of articles, some used the term spies, actually quite a few used that term. So again, just like some prefer the term organised stalking, while others prefer community mobbing, and others Gang Stalking, it’s all the same term for the same thing, and using a wider variety of terms, reaches a wider audience.

To each their own, but my site has helped many people over the years. The site and the blog, because people see images and concepts that they are familiar with, remember my site is about helping targets first and foremost.

Also my site does have a fair bit of history and also current events on how these programs have been used, and who has used them. It’s always been the same source, be it Cointelpro, Red Squads, Stasi, etc.

I don’t know who Don is, and don’t care. My site in it’s current incarnation will continue to do what it has always done, and that’s help people.

Two years ago when I came online looking into what I thought was harassment, then mobbing then gang stalking, there was help, but not truth. I was chasing phantom vigilante groups, and that was one of the popular terms at the time. A term that was being brandied about. I have no doubt that the term gang stalking was originally chosen to spread confusion, but in the last two years. I and some others have worked really hard to bring the truth of this darkness into the light, and I will not let it be overshadowed.

So I will leave this posting by saying to each his or her own. Your instincts have brought you this far, you know that offline there are many that can not be trusted. You know how programs like Cointelpro worked, and if you don’t, go read up on them.

I have spent two years learning, you have been there with me for most of that time. I hope you will not let anyone or anything deceive you from the truth of what is really happening to us, and what is really behind this.

October 10, 2008 Posted by | Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments