Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Droege, the right, and the system in between

This post was really just going to be a short blurb, but the more I researched, the more their was to the story and I thought if I was going to tell the story, then I had better do it right, so where do I begin?

Well originally I thought the story was going to be about Keith de Roux and the fact that he killed Wolfgang Droege, but more importantly, I believe very strongly that Keith de Roux, might have been a Targeted Individual. That’s where my investigation of this story started, but not where it ended, so I will take you through it bit by bit.

As usual, I came across a story that lead to another story, that lead to a death and a killer, but what caught my eye about the killer was his reasons for doing the killings. Stop me if you have heard this one before.

[quote]Friday said the 44-year-old Deroux’s cocaine addiction was fuelling ‘paranoid delusions’ that listening devices and cameras had been placed in his apartment. The drug addict believed someone was sending him coded messages through his computer and, even after moving to a new residence, Deroux feared people were entering his house through an underground tunnel and funnelling “noxious gases” into the residence. The only person with enough resources for this kind of surveillance, Deroux figured, was his friend and cocaine dealer, Wolfgang Droege. … [/quote]

Ofcourse the killer is written off as some drug addicted paranoid whack job, who was just imagining, or making the whole thing up due to his paranoia, but let’s look at the details. He believe he was under surveillance, listening devices, cameras, placed in his apartment. He believed that he was getting coded messages via his computer, and wait for it, even after moving the same things continued to happen. This time he moved to a house, he experiences gassing and home breakin’s or home entry. The only part that is not clear is why he believe that they were using a tunnel of some sort to get in. Could be the drugs, or maybe there was some secret way into his home under the stairs from outside, stranger things have happened, depending on how the home was built.

Now I can’t say that he was a targeted individual for sure, but my instinct tells me that he was. If so we have yet one more target, who killed someone, and the media and society covering it up, not giving any creed to his claims about being under investigation. This happened in Toronto, Canada. Now I sort of thought that was the end of the story and it sort of was, but then I decided to look into the life of Droege, the person that he had killed. Could Droege, have been helping with the investigation that this man believed he was under? Was there reason to suspect or believe that Droege could be or could have been working for the system?

So I started to look into his life. In the course of so doing, I am sure I visited a number of websites that the government does not like, and therefore I am sure I have incured the wrath of the informant force, and the never ending focus of their wrath, and as much as I would like to care, I can’t. I am here to learn, if my learning and seeking to understand my world better, and those around me does not fit in with the status quo, too bad. If the snitches watching and monitoring my computer are going to use this stuff to accuse me of being what I am not, then too bad, I am not responsible for the stupidity of others.

Now on to the main story. I started with Droege’s wikipedia page. That was an interesting story. Did you know the he and several others once tried to take over the tiny Island of Dominica?


In 1981, Droege helped organize a failed attempt, codenamed “Operation Red Dog”, to invade the Caribbean nation of Dominica and overthrow its government and restore deposed Prime Minister Patrick John to power. According to testimony presented at the trial of Droege and his nine co-conspirators, in exchange for restoring John to power, Droege would have been permitted to use the island as the centre of a drug-refinement and trafficking operation.

The attempted coup went awry after a CFTR radio reporter who had been approached about an “exclusive story” decided to contact the police. Droege was sentenced to a three-year prison sentence for his mercenary activities. [/quote]

What was interesting about this plot for me was not that him and several others tried to take over Dominica, it was what I came away with. After reading the story, it just seemed that there was one person leading the operation more than the others.

[quote]The plan was to charter a boat to Dominica and rendezvous via rubber boats with John and his makeshift army. The genesis of the idea came from long-time Klan member Mike Purdue, who was introduced in 1979 to Droege through David Duke. That summer, Purdue outlined his plan to overthrow Grenada and to set up several lucrative businesses. After their meeting, it was established that Droege would locate funds and resources. Duke initially involved Don Andrews, but after Purdue changed the target island to Dominica, Andrews withdrew. Klansmen Arnie Polli and Roger Dermee were paid US$3,000 to visit Dominica to obtain preliminary reconnaissance. Canadian neo-Nazi Martin K. Weiche was allegedly a financial backer of the plot along with James White of Houston and L. E. Matthews of Jackson, Mississippi.[1]

In February 1981, the captain and crew Duke had arranged for backed out. Purdue then approached a local boat captain and Vietnam War veteran, Michael S. Howell. Purdue said the Central Intelligence Agency needed his boat for a covert operation. Howell then contacted the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). On April 25, John was arrested in Dominica. When Purdue learned of the arrest and that their plans were no longer secret, he insisted that the mission should continue.

On April 27, the group, including three ATF agents, met at the predetermined location, loaded the van and proceeded to the marina. A Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) team was waiting for them at the marina.[/quote]

What was interesting for me was the lack of information on Mike Perdue. The other thing that was interesting was the apparent tale he told about secretly being CIA on a covert mission. I remember that the FBI back in the 60’s had over 25% concentration in the KKK, and that they often rose to leadership positions. I don’t know what their concentration would be in this day and age.

I kept searching and I found this article, which covered a couple of points that I was wondering about.

The article covers two points that I was interested in. One that I will cover directly. A book came out a couple of years ago called Bayou of pigs, and it’s a name play on the bay of pigs fiasco, and it talks all about the plan to take over the island of Dominica, but what is intersting about this article is that it also wonders about Perdue.

[quote] They went to a motel and Perdue paid for a room. Perdue introduced himself as a former sergeant in the Marine Corps and a Vietnam vet. He listed off his medals. And then he started the mercenary sales pitch: “He told me that the north end of the island was literally infested with communism,” Anderson says. “He left me with the impression that [Prime Minister Eugenia] Charles’ government was kind of leaning pro-communist.” There was going to be a coup, Perdue said, and he was hiring advisors. There would be minor resistance, he warned.

“I would like to have a bloodless coup,” Perdue told him, but, “who is to know what will happen in a situation like this?”

Although Perdue never said outright that it was a CIA-backed operation, he dropped hints. He mentioned his military experience and his “friends” in the State Department. “He planted in me in a roundabout way the seed of suspicion,” Anderson says, “where I suspicioned possibly that the CIA might be involved in this.” Perdue chose his words carefully. He said the U.S. Navy wanted to build a submarine base on the island. He said the CIA would be “interested” in what they were doing. Anderson realized that could mean any number of things, but one interpretation was that the CIA was somehow involved, which meant that this was a U.S. government sanctioned coup d’état. [/quote]

Was the CIA really involved in a coup d’etat, that failed?

[quote] “You’ll get $3,000 for going in,” Mike said. “About a month or so afterwards, you’ll get your $15,000 for staying with me.”
If Anderson agreed to stay on for the full five years as a First Sergeant in the Dominica Defense Force, he would also get one-sixth of Nortic Enterprises, the company that was going to develop the island’s economy.

“I’ve got a five-year contract,” Perdue said. “We’ll be in an advisory position. This is their country, so we respect their laws.”

Anderson said he was interested, so they went over the photocopied maps and the hand-drawn assault diagram of the police station. Perdue said he wanted Anderson to be his wingman in Red Dog One, one of the three mercenary teams that were going to storm the island. Together, the two of them would capture the charge office at police headquarters.

“If you’re in it for the money, the adventure, and to fight communism, to prevent expansion of communism in the Caribbean,” Perdue told him, “you’re in.”
Anderson wasn’t an ideologue. He had nothing to do with the Ku Klux Klan or anything like it. For him, this was a chance to make money. He thought Perdue was businesslike; he seemed like he knew what he was doing, like he had done this before.[/quote]

Just a few year earlier a similar popular uprising had been set up in the Dominican Republic.


[quote]Droege and Purdue returned to Las Vegas in January 1981 to finalize the plans with their new business associates. At the meeting, it was decided that Droege would remain in Nevada while Purdue would travel to Dominica to get Patrick John to sign a contract that secured the participation of the military in the coup as well as assurances that all natural resources and development projects on the island would be handed over to the mercenaries and the investors.

It’s safe to say that the U.S. government definitely had an interest in that part of the world, and controlling the politics that happened there. Was the true objective of Operation Red Dog another such similar plot, disguised as something else? Was it really a covert CIA operation as stated? One can only wonder.

After some mishaps Droege, would go to jail, joined another right wing group and eventually quit the right wing group to form his own white/nationalist or as some call it white supremacist group the Heritage Front.

The Heritage Front would become Canada’s largest group of it’s kind.

[quote]The Heritage Front was a Canadian neo-Nazi[1] white supremacist organization founded in 1989 and disbanded around 2005.[2] The group claimed that its members were “ordinary Canadian men and women who are dedicated to the European values and traditions upon which this nation was originally founded.”[3] [/quote]

This group was established by Droege, Gerry Lincoln, and Grant Bristow.

This is where the story gets interesting, because as some of you know the punch line is that Grant Bristow was a CSIS informant right from the start, he deliberately made friends with Droege, and helped to establish the Heritage front. I wonder who picked the name? Front can stand for home front, but it can also stand for a front, something that is not what it seems.

Either way, just like with the left wing groups that I researched, Black Panthers, Malcolm X, etc, the FBI, or in this case the same thing, CSIS Canada’s version, seem to almost always be involved right from the start, or were able to quickly infiltrate.

When the story broke years later that Bristow was an informant many were outraged, he had helped commit a lot of outrageous actions.

[quote]Grant Bristow, working on behalf of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), infiltrated the group and became one of its leaders. According to the CSIS and Bristow, their role was to gather intelligence on the far right and try to suppress its violent activity. Bristow’s role in the group was exposed in 1994 by the Toronto Sun, and became the subject of an inquiry by the Security Intelligence Review Committee, which published a report on the matter in that same year.[5][/quote]

What’s interesting about Grant is that he did an interview several years later about his involvement with the Heritage Front, he tried to paint himself as a hero. When I was reading the article I tried to see his point of view, here he is being a double agent, and according to him trying to prevent violence, well he was not a snitch trying to keep himself out of jail granted, but after reading over the article, I just could not see him as the hero that he tried to portray himself as.


[quote]August 12, 1994, the new, sedate life he had built in a bland Toronto suburb for himself, his wife, and son began to unravel. For six years, Bristow had inhabited the perilous universe of white supremacists as a mole for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (csis).

Months earlier, Bristow had gladly walked away from racists and espionage, his cover still safely intact. [/quote]

The problem with this article is that, I don’t think that his cover was going to be intact for that much longer, and I think that is why he primarily walked away.

Heritage front had a member called Elisse Hategan and she wanted out, she started to take notes on the organization and when Grant found out, he sought permission from Droege to break into her home, and he also threatened her with a white van ride, implying (“beating and death threat”)

[quote]1993, July 1 – Heritage Front member Elisse Hategan tries to quit the phone harassment campaign. Secretly, Hategan contacts Canadian Centre on Racism and Prejudice and begins taking notes on the Heritage Front. Bristow learns of notes and tries to get Droege to authorize a break-in at Hategan house to retrieve notes. Bristow threatens her with a “white van ride” (beating and death threat implied). [Link to this item][/quote]

1994, March – End of Bristow’s assignment, CSIS’s Operation Governor. [Link to this item]
–Source: Wikipedia entry, “Grant Bristow”

1994, March – Elisse Hagen testifies against Wolfgang Droege, Gary Shipper and Ken Barker. Her testifying at this hearing makes it apparent to few that Bristow is probably a CSIS mole. “Now, was Mr. Bristow with CSIS at that time? I don’t think so. However, it was clear that someone, somewhere in the police apparatus, was protecting Mr. Bristow. I was sure of that, and when we met him in March, when Ms Hategan testified, it was obvious.” [Link to this item]
–Source: Martin Thériault, director, Canadian Centre on Racism and Prejudice, Testimony before parliamentary committee, June 13, 1995

His cover was not safe, in fact I would guess he had a pretty good idea that his cover was not going to be safe for long, and I think that is the real reason that he got out. I really tried to believe that he was the hero, going undercover to save the day, protect others from violence, but in typical FBI/CSIS fashion, it looks like he might have at times inspired some of the very violence that he pretended that he was trying to prevent. Just like when the FBI informant shot Viola Liuzzo.

[quote]1994, March – Publication of Web of Hate. Chapter 8 on the Heritage Front is longest in the book, 52 pages. Droege is covered in depth. Gerry Lincoln is mentioned in the book five times. Grant Bristow’s name does not appear once, anywhere in the book, even though he is a founding member of the Heritage Front and a nearly 2,000 word news story (by Bill Dunphy), with photo, identifying Bristow as a Front member appeared in the Toronto Sun in 1992, As the SIRC report will reveal Kinsella was aware of the Sun article and the name of Grant Bristow and even attempted to lay a police complaint against him. The Sean Maguire incident is not mentioned in the book (in which an Aryan Nations enforcer caught with Bristow in 1991 with guns) even though it was reported in the press. The ’92 and ’93 Zentner fire bombings blamed on Nazis are not mentioned, though they were reported in the press. In the notes to Chapter 8 on the Heritage Front, Kinsella writes, he completed his research in October, 1993, so these events occurred well before the research for Web of Hate was completed. Later in August after Bristow is exposed, Kinsella will say he made a police complaint about Bristow for posing as an Ottawa Citizen reporter helping Kinsella to Bernie Farber, a May 7, 1993 incident described in the Dec. 9, 1994 SIRC report. So, a known member of the Heritage Front seeks information from a well-known Jewish organization and the incident is not mentioned in the book? Also, Kinsella claims in Chapter 8 that the Heritage Front has “2,000 in all” members and supporters, but provides no documentation for this. [Link to this item]
–Source: Quill & Quire. Toronto: Mar 1994. Vol. 60, Iss. 3; pg. 28
–Source: Web of Hate, first edition, 1994, HarperCollins[/quote]

It’s amazing what was left out of the book, and that Grant Bristrow was left out of the book, and his actions go unmentioned. When I tried to research more on Predue, I also found information to be very unavailable, where all the other important players I could find information on, Maybe just one of those bad coincidents.

Back to Droege, at some point the going to jail, betrayl by a guy he thought was the best friend that he had ever had seems to have gotten to him, he lost his job and could not find normal means to support himself. What’s interesting about Droege is the fact that Bristrow describes him as the real deal, someone who was not just all talk, but someone who was really committed to his cause. I find that no matter which side, the left or the right, the ones who are really for their cause, are the ones that often suffer the most, the ones that actually care. Clearly I don’t share Droege’s views, or values, but in researching this, it’s one of the things that I find that he has in common with others who fought for a cause and really believed in it.

So back to the story, is it possible that Droege was helping to keep his friend Keith under surveillance visa a vie Gang Stalking?

[quote]Droege’s involvement in a failed attempt to overthrow the government of Dominica in the Caribbean — the plan being to set up a white supremacist base there — led to a three-year prison sentence.

While others involved lost their stomach for far right activism after that failed plot, Droege “kept at it,” Kinsella said. “They kept throwing him in jail, and he’d come out more committed than he was before.”

Droege was arrested in Alabama in 1985 on cocaine possession and weapons charges. He was convicted and sentenced to 13 years, returning to Canada in April 1989.

He started organizing the Heritage Front in October 1989. The group was a continental network of neo-Nazis.

Among the tactics they used to spread their message were racist rock concerts and a telephone hotline that offered racist phone messages.

Droege was an associate of Holocaust-denier Ernst Zundel, who was recently deported from Canada.

After the mid-1990s and the emergence of the Internet as a primary communications and organizing tool for hate groups, Droege became less active and focused more on drug trafficking.[/quote]

He certainly lead a colorful life, and did spend a great deal of time in jail, and was into drugs.

[quote] Even though it was mid-afternoon, Wolfgang wore nothing but a T-shirt and underwear. He had no use for clothes. All he did these days was sell drugs out of his apartment, and the job had no dress code. His clients were desperate. They didn’t care if he wore pants.

The neighbors suspected he was up to no good. Visitors would come and go at all hours. His apartment on the second floor of 2 North Drive was a regular drive-thru but the Toronto police drug squad apparently knew nothing about it. Although Wolfgang was one of those cryptically referred to as “known to police,” and his FBI file warned he “should be considered armed and dangerous when not in custody,” it had been years since his last run-in with the law.


Well it is kinda weird that with all that going on, and his being known to the police that he was left to sell drugs out of his apartment. There are several sources across the net that agree that he was most likely at this stage in his life working with, and co-operating with the police.

If that is the case, then he could well have been assisting with the surveillance of his good friend Keith. If Keith is infact a Targeted Individual then Wolfgang Droege, is just one more death that you can attribute to the system and these great investigations, that drive people to the edge.

What I find interesting is that if you are under investigation the informants try to make up everything under the sun about you, you are crazy, racist, drug dealer, user, pedophile, homophobe, etc. When you are one of their informants, they let anything go, the truth is that they don’t care if you are a drug dealer, user, seller, pedophile, racist, crazy, homophobe, etc. It’s not about creating a better society it’s about creating a controlled society.

The informants are the same, they don’t care about justice, honor, decency, they just go along with whatever they are told. they don’t care that their members rape targets, like how Ramonz Lopez was gang raped in her home, they don’t care that they drive people to commit suicide, or commit murders designed to look like suicides, Jeremy Blake, Teresa Duncan, they don’t care about the car crashes that they get targets into that take their lives, they have no compunction about poisoning our food, or messing with a child’s diabetic medication, they don’t care if they hit us with their cars, ruin our lives systemically etc. See as long as they are controlling things that’s all they care about. That’s why you often find out that many of these terrorist plots, organizations, have some informant on the inside, conducting things and leading things in the direction it should go. What I also found interesting is if one of these so called hate groups were doing the same things that these informants do to Targeted Individuals, society would be outraged.

If we had an extremist organization targeting specific groups within society and driving people to commit suicide, setting them up and baited for jail, placing them in mental hospitals, killing them, black listing them, or driving them to commit acts of violence we would be outraged, we would be in the streets screaming for these evil doers to be removed from our mists, we would say to ourselves what good people we are, and that this sort of element does not belong in society. Yet there is the irony, the very same things these so called good people would be in society screaming about, and crying about with their so called outrage, are the exact things and worst that they are letting happen to us, day in and day out, and many targets are snapping, and killing others, themselves, going to jail under false pretext, or mental hospitals, and society just sits back fully complacent and in agreement with what is happening. By protecting this system you are protecting the bad elements, real pedophiles that are now in high places in your governments trying to have sex with 14 and 15 year old boys, while dressed in panda costumes, and other such fun things.


Society has truly become twisted, corrupt and immoral, and the side that thinks they are doing good, are the most corrupt of all, the system they protects destroys innocent lives, and it’s corrupted, yet these so called good citizen protect, cherish and nurture this system, while pointing their fingers at others to let us know who the bad guys are, who to hate.

I have examined this, and hate that you can see and that you can identify you can deal with, but hate that masks itself under righteousness, or societal buzzwords should you go against the grain are more dangerous then that hate that is in front of your eyes.

The year Droege died was a tough year for Toronto, it became infamously known as what they would call the year of the gun, on the surface a weird time period where people just started killing each other, but below the surface when you examined it closer, you saw that several of the cases were linked back to this system, this cruel, cold corrupt system, and when you look at it closer, this is what play a very nice role in the year of the gun, and a lot of what goes on in society. When you examine the strings and see where they lead it does not paint a pretty picture, yet this is what people go along with, believe in, are bonded with, and have sworn their allegiance to.

Pretty frightening picture when you look at it in that regards.

Anyways Keith got 10 years, but will be out before then.


On Friday, June 15 Keith de Roux a Toronto drug addict pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the murder of Heritage Front founder Wolfgang Droege, on April 13, 2005. He received a 10 year sentence, on top of the 14 months already spent in prison. He may well be out in another three years and four months on mandatory supervision – a pretty skimpy penalty for murder.[/quote]

Yes considering that he was likely correct about being under surveillance, and that could even have helped contribute to his downward spiral that lead to him committing the murder in the first place, but why include that little detail in the mix?

June 5, 2009 Posted by | Baiting, black, Blacklisted, Censorship, CIA, Citizen Informants, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments