Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Dream Review

Dream Review

Ok I had some time to go over my dream that I had the other day. Upon review a few things came to me.

The dream was in white space except for one object in the room. Eg. I guess we could call it like a “white room”. One person and myself and nothing else.

Before this I mentioned that there were elements of the dream that were missing, and in my dream who ever was experimenting had figured out why I was not accepting the previous dreams. This one I had previously accepted without question, but I think I was wrong.

Upon reflection I think the dream was actually similar to the white room that people describe being experimented on when they very falsely believe that they have been kidnapped by aliens or whatever.

Hear me out. I am not knocking extra terrestrial life, I am sure that in this vast universe other life forms could exist. Could some people have made contact, sure anything is possible, but this is what I have come to believe.

I believe that most of these so called alien encounters have been government kidnappings period. Either real physical kidnappings or done remotely at an astral level. I don’t believe that they have been alien encounters at all. Again I am not saying that extra terrestrials could not exist, but I just don’t believe that many of these encounters have been that at all.

In the dream when I reflected I got a sense that the room had been used to experiment on people, to fool them that they were being experimented on by other worldly beings. It was a strong impression, that I got when I reflected on the dream later. The strong impression was that instead of the one object that I did see in the dream, that normally the room would have had a table, and it was used for experimenting and that the people were fooled. The faces they see are images implanted, to hide real life creeps who do sick experiments. That was the very strong dream impression I got. Remember dreams are very informative, dreams were how someone figured out the double helix, dreams can tell us a lot.

If you go to this site, Conti gives a lot of good information and insight about alien encounters about what she thinks might be happening. After visiting her site some years ago, I wrote about what I believed was happening in her community, but these dreams seem to be very insightful and I think they may explain some of these encounters.

The interesting thing about Conti is that she is a Gang Stalking target and abductee. Yes that sounds weird, but her research is pretty solid, and in her community, they get electronic harassment. It’s the first time that I had come across another community that get’s electronic harassment. They get the black helicopters. Followed around etc. I have not figured out how a threat assessment list could be working in her case, but for some reason it seems some just get straight up Gang Stalking, some get electronic harassment, then some get experimented on and I believe tricked and it branches off into things like this, but it’s all branches of the same octopus.

I think these alien encounters are false, and people are getting images implanted into there heads via the remote neural monitoring.

[quote]Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject’s brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes.[/quote]

The images are being implanted to mask experiments that are being done at either an astral level, meaning you never leave the room with your physical body, but your astral body is experimented on. The dreams and the flash backs would be very real, some people I suspect would have a hard time distinguishing the two if they were not aware of astral projection or astral dreaming. You can have a dream in astral and have flashback days, weeks, months later or never at all, and the flash backs would seem like a real world flashback if you did not know better. In our western society, I am not sure if many are aware of astral dreaming, vs regular dreaming.

The others who have these so called real alien encounters, where their cars are stopped. I believe we are looking at one and the same and it’s government related. I just watched a video and in it the Targeted Individual talks about how they stop her car from working, that they mess with the electrical system or something and it just stops working remotely, much like many of our appliances and electronics. No she has never claimed alien abduction, she is just a standard target, who’s life they are trying to ruin. How many of these so called alien encounters do you hear about how the cars stop working, and suddenly the people are asleep and they loose time? Well you can disable a car remotely with some of this technology, and putting people asleep, subliminal acoustic manipulation of the nervous system. As a target I have experienced this. Being put to sleep like right away. When you have experienced it and know what is happening, you can shield against it, and it’s not that hard. You can read more about this here.

In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used. The effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation. For these effects to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal range. Suitable apparatus consists of a portable battery-powered source of weak subaudio acoustic radiation. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or sexual arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of insomnia, tremors, epileptic seizures, and anxiety disorders.

Now these strange alien reports go back to the 40’s and 50’s? Again I don’t want to knock people’s beliefs in aliens, but if these have all been experiments then they have been experimenting on people and pulling this fake alien garbage for some time now. When I did briefly examine Conti’s material, I found that she had the same things in her community. Fake forums, shrills, disinformation, people trying to confuse the truth so real abductees can not figure out what is going on, so they end up confused about wither it’s aliens, government, a combination or whatever. She also cited a lot of fake information being deliberately put out there. The same was true for 9/11 truth, for the HIV and AIDS dissident community, and several other communities I briefly researched. There is a disinformation culture and many of these sites be it extremist sites, conspiracy sites, they are either A) Not run by who you think runs them, or even if they started out being legit, they are so over run now and compromised that real discussions get buried. Interesting topics do not get responded to, or shut down. Real debates get bullied. The same way they learnt to control and take over other sites. You have no idea how controlled and over run most online forums are.

[quote]There are other stories, but the same M.O. the more they investigate, people in positions of authority, with power, to pull strings. Many of these investigations go back to government or the church, and those in high level postions.
Gang Stalking, Mind Control, it’s all the same things. We are small appendages fighting the same thing. Think of it as an octopus. Eight arms, Each arm corrupt. If you are not seeing the bigger picture, you are fighting one arm of corruption, and another person is fighting a different arm of corruption, but it’s all coming from the same beast.

After investigating this for two years, view others and the indepth research that they have done, and my own, in my opinion it’s the government.[/quote]

Anyways there was more I wanted to share, but I think that is enough for now, except to say that in my dreams I keep thinking things were bad enough, and instead of even lifting a finger or doing anything to help, someone actually had the inhumanity to unkindly expose me to worst than I was already going through. In the dream that what I remember most. Oh and something about they are coming to get you.

If this turns out to be more than a dream, and for some reason I go missing, you are required to come find me in the government facility where I am being held, guns blazing. 🙂

November 22, 2010 Posted by | 9/11, Above top secret, Astral Plane, Conspiracy, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Mind Control, Mind Reading | , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments