Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.


So when did I become a radical? LOL.

I have been thinking about this for the last few days. When I am not being termed Conspiracy theorist, Extremist, or Crazy, I guess radical is that nice safe middle ground that some like to use.

I don’t personally like terms, cause I don’t like to be boxed in like that. I don’t think I fit any one category, my activism is not extremist, some of the sources I have referenced in the past include: Loyola Law professor Alexandra Natapoff and her research into the informant system. I have referenced the ACLU in my research and their confirmation that investigations of innocent people are happening. I have also referenced people like Nikki Rappana in regards to the communitarian system and agenda 21. So my research is not extremist.

Is it conspiracy research?

Groups of people being followed around by informants? People doing little things to make them look crazy, or despicable? It sounds conspiracy at first, but if you read the research, I consistently back up what I say. Wither it’s reporting on the violent persons registry, or discussing how people are having full scale anti-terror investigations opened up on them for simple things like missing work, or for living in the wrong community. So I am not a conspiracy theorist in that regards, cause I do back up the research, and show cases, that are similar or near exact to some of the things that Targets report.

I have even shown that in the past, governments have used citizens to gaslight, or specifically target others to hasten an agenda. Using a program called VIK the U.K. government used Americans to target other Americans. They came up with over 500 ways to mess with targets. This again was a government initiative. So much of what I have discussed has been done, via other programs. This is without me discussing Cointelpro, McCarthyism, Stasi, etc.

I am just crazy/Skizo then? I mean how can I believe that I am being targeted in this way right? Well I believe it cause it’s true. I can back up information with the research online, and sources at times have given bit’s of information here and there. I am not crazy, I am not skizo. Yet I have it on good authority that without me ever having seen a psychiatrist in any capacity, remotely I have been deemed a danger or crazy. Much of this label comes from me standing up to workplace mobbing, which was deliberate and very targeted. Much of the extreme stuff that was reported came later, after I dared to challenge this system.

So after all those terms, the latest is Radical. When did I become a radical? I don’t agree with the term, cause I guess radical always put me in mind of the Black Panthers. I grew up thinking that they were anti-government trouble makers, who hated cops. This was such a misconception, I am now ashamed that this was how I veiwed them. This however is the picture that society painted of them.

The reality is that the panthers were kids. When they organized they were 17 and up, most in their teens and early 20’s. They also did not organize cause they hated police, they organized because they hated what was being done to them, and people like them in their community. Their goals were not to become anti-government extremists, no. A large part of what they did were things like free breakfast program for their community, and all these other good acts of kindness, but they were exterminated, demonized, and that is what I guess you could say radicalized them.

I guess they were radicals, but not cause they wanted to be, but because they were made to be.

So back to me. I spent the last few days thinking about this, cause I wanted to give a good answer. Like most I grew up believing the government was good, society was great. I wanted all the normal material things. I believe I lived in one of the best countries, and then cities on the planet. My life goals were simple, I wanted to find my mate, get married, and contribute to society. Simple goals, straight forward agenda, and then that changed.

I first noticed the targeting via workplace mobbing, this goes back at least a decade, and was part of the worst time in my life. The first time that I decided to try to take action it was hell, and it really shook me to the core. It was horrible that people could treat others in such a way, and yet most of the mobbing was subtle, proving it was a joke, and finally I left that job. The problem was it did not stop, at the next job the same mobbing scenario. But how? I mean it’s not as if people could communicate via some sort of network or something. Initially I just thought it was rumors traveling, you run into the odd person, who knows such and such and it goes from there. That’s what I initially thought, I know different now.

The next time the mobbing started, I was going to take a stand, and file a suit if it needed that. My employers did not stop the mobbing, I went through all the standard channels, a mistake in retrospect, they did not take the complaints seriously. Unknown to me they were using the complaints to paint me as delusional, but I was being mobbed, daily.

I finally took action outside of thee workplace and thus the wonderful world of Gang Stalking began. But I didn’t know about Gang Stalking then, but I did clue into the fact that my conversations with Lawyers were making it back to my place of employment. There was some kind of surveillance in my apartment, and yes I was being followed on the streets.

While this was going on, I had grown stronger, even if I could not win my complaint against my employer, “which I eventually just dropped due to the Gang Stalking harassment, and being tortured in my home”, at least I could help others. I could have gone forward with my case, but there was collusion, and it was happening in high places, and this made no sense. Since that time it makes perfect sense. Others have noted the same things. The patterns I had experienced were identical to many online. The perpetrators of the mobbing getting promotions, the fact that my information was out there, and an obvious interference pattern. However though until I came across the Gang Stalking information, the details about surveillance, that I had noticed, the seeming participation of people close to me, none of that made sense, then some of the pieces of the puzzles fell into place.

At that stage I was still just looking for a quick fix. I realized it was retaliation from my employer, but the surveillance network made no sense, how could so many people be taking part. See they are informants, and as you move through town, through their sections of the community, stores, etc, they are given little alerts about you. You are followed into stores, and hand signals are silently communicated, all this turned up via the research.

Your whole circle of family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, etc are contacted. Apparently you never have to be evaluated by a professional to be deemed as crazy. And why would an employer, or other nemesis that is trying to shut someone up, not be tempted to paint that person as crazy?

From what I have read, many people feel that family and friends really let them down in these cases. To be fair, if you are contacted by an official that your family or close friend could be a danger, threat, pedophile, etc. Most people would be tempted to co-operate believing that they would have a fair investigation, and not co-ordinated, underhanded, systemic destruction.  Some might even give destructive testimony, unwittingly or deliberately damaging that person in question.

The research. Let’s talk about that. I was never anti-government, but the research turned up some surprising things. Not only that this is systemic. This happens in many democratic countries, but this is happening to bright, intelligent people. Many are being systemically eliminated. That is a conspiracy. Be it workplace mobbing, which can lead to reports of Gang Stalking, people were being unfairly picked on, targeted, and eliminated. When I say eliminated I mean, driven to suicide, put in jail, falsely labeled as crazy, and locked away. Others were being provoked on the street, and much like the Nazi’s did to Jewish people, provoked and then when they lashed out put in jail. Others were getting into fatal accidents, many were deliberately being made systemically poor, having our life dreams and goals wiped away. That was bad enough, but in many cases, cause a lot of us live alone, our women were getting sexually assaulted. People like Ramona Lopez were raped. Jesus Mendoza documented how he had to watch his little girl get tortured, how he had to watch her scream at night, be burnt in her bed, and as a parent not be able to do anything, cause of what they were doing.

I read about Leuren Moret a whistle-blower and her experience with Livermoor Labs. She stated that in addition to her, there were about 500 other women and minorities that she was aware of who were also targets of the university. They also had their lives systemically destroyed the same way that she did. Again one more story that shed light on this being a systemic policy for dealing with those who do not all in line, who do not follow the status quo.

[quote]500 women and minorities had filed lawsuits against the University of California and had then experienced retaliation by the University of California apparatus of mobbing by employees, alumni and law enforcement.1The lawsuits were for denial of tenure, whistleblower retaliation and theft of intel-lectual property. These women had similar complaints about the destruction of their own lives and careers. The information gathered by the University of California is used to takeyour life apart; to destroy all that makes you feel safe; to bankrupt, isolate and alienate you from society and from yourself; and to attempt to make you look crazy.[/quote]

This was not only systemic, but it had in many cases proven to be mulit-generational. Meaning if you stand up to the system, and you have kids, those kids have a good chance of being targeted. I also read about Jeremy Blake and his lady, and their golden suicides, which I also don’t quite believe. I realized again just what this system is truly capable of, and why it must be changed, or stopped. It’s not right, it’s malignant for many, but many others protect it, give their allegiance to it, and would gladly fight for it.

With story after story, after story, after story, I saw a picture as brutal as any other oppression, as needful of exposure, and something that was hard, or going to be almost near impossible to prove. I realized we were up up against a system, and that system was not some shadow group. It was not vigilantes, it was not extremists, it was our own governments, and this system that has been set up. It’s not that different than what was done in Russia to many, or even the former East Germany. In America those who saw McCarthyism, or even Cointelpro up close should have no trouble believing it, and yet many ignore this.

Outside of Gang Stalking, I researched many other topics, Pedophile rings, Senator DeCamp and the amazing work he did trying to expose a pedophile ring, and the fate of those victims. Senator DeCamp also realized that he was up against a system, and he rightfully wondered if that system had become too corrupt. I read about Gary Webb, and his wonderful reporting, that got him demoted in his job till he had to quit, how he was found with a bullet to the head, yet another suicide, which I don’t believe for a moment. I read about the fate of the victims of the CIA drug smuggling. How they were silenced and dropped the lawsuit. I read about the fate of the African American female lawyer who tried to take on the CIA. Anita Belle lost everything. Her home, her career, he country, he livelihood. She tried to stand up to the system and it attacked.

I read about how Journalists who get too close to the truth, how they are also often systemically attacked via the buzzsaw, how their careers are ruined, how they are made to look either crazy, or like they don’t know what they are talking about.

All along the cyber collective consciousness, I found proof of what I was talking about. There is a system in place, that keeps everything in place, that system is corrupt and needs fixing. That system is protected, very powerful, but very evil. That system is being run by governments, their security forces. Do I believe every politician is evil? Heck no. De hamp, people like Cynthia McKinney and others have come up against this before, there are many out there who really don’t realize that their is a problem. If they do become aware, they would rather believe that evil forces have taken over the government, or that we can work within the system to fix it.

I don’t care what you believe, my job right now is doing what I have always done when I see a problem or a system of injustice. I try to make a difference. I am trying to help fix it. I am making people aware. I have been like this my entire life. I am fairly sure it’s who I have always been meant to be, and who I will always be.

So when did I become a radical? If you must call me this, and I hate labels, then I guess I have always been this way, I have been this way my entire life. If I see injustice, I try to stand up to it, expose it, make a slight difference if I can. If I see a bully I will try to stand up to them, to the best of my ability.

So let me throw this question back out there to you all. Why are you not a radical? Do you not believe that there is a problem? A conspiracy? Do you feel powerless? Why are you not out there telling the truth, cause at the end of the day, that is all that I am doing. I am telling the truth, and just trying to expose a system that has become terribly corrupt. A system that truly needs fixing. So if you see me as a radical, and not yourself, then ask yourself this. Why are you not a radical?

March 1, 2010 Posted by | Bullying, buzzsaw, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conspiracy, Controlled society, crazy, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, harassment, Indigo Ribbon, Informants, Insane, Laws, Minorities, mobbing, one handed signals, psychological harassment, society, Stalking, Surveillence | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Male Rape. Part 2

I don’t know what I thought of the issue before I started to research it. I knew it happened in society and in jails. I did to an extent realise that guys were somehow expected to manage it, like it did not happen and why was this expected? Why was there almost a code of silence about this?

What I found is that not only is there a code of silence about this, but the victimized are being ignored, rebuffed, blamed, and much like female rape victims of yesteryear, they are being told in many cases it was their fault. They asked for it, they were secretly gay, real men fight back, their complaints are being covered up by officials. The officials went to make the problems seem like they are not that bad, or that the problem does not really exist the way we think, but my initial research tells me the problem is systemic, and far worst than we realise. Much more vast, and it has far reaching consequences that some are just starting to wake up to.

There are a lot of problems that are happening in the prison system, the rapes were just one aspect with many other branches.


War On Drugs
The story probably began with the war on drugs, mandatory minimum sentences, and people being put away for minor offences, topped with the three strike rule in some states.

This has lead to over crowding of American Prisons. Horrific conditions which are hard to imagine, the country now has 1 in 31 of it’s citizens in jail, probation or parole. 2.1 million Americans are behind bars. America has the reputation for being the country with more citizens behind bars than any other nation. Of those behind bars, the Black or African/American population makes up over 40% or more of that number, even though this group only comprises 14% of the population.

I read an article that said black men stand a 1 in 3 chance of going to jail in their life times if this trend continues.
[quote]Black men born in the United States in 2001 will have a one in three chance of going to prison during their lifetime if current trends continue, according to a report by the US justice department.

More than 5.6 million Americans are either in prison or have served time there – and that number will continue to rise, the report shows. [/quote]
[quote]American prisons and jails held 2,299,116 inmates as of June 30, 2007.[12] One in every 31 American adults, or 7.3 million Americans, are in prison, on parole or probation. Approximately one in every 18 men in the United States is behind bars or being monitored. A significantly greater percentage of the American population is in some form of correctional control even though crime rates have declined by about 25 percent from 1988-2008.[13] 70% of prisoners in the United States are non-whites.[14] In recent decades the U.S. has experienced a surge in its prison population, quadrupling since 1980, partially as a result of mandated sentences that came about during the “war on drugs.” Violent crime and property crime have declined since the early 1990s.[15][/quote]

Why are so many black men in Prison?

This book details the author’s personal story of a negligent upbringing in an impoverished community, his subsequent engagement in criminal activity (drug dealing), his incarceration, and his release from prison and experiencing of the crippling social disenfranchisement that comes with being an ex-felon. The author then relates his personal experiences and realizations to the seminal problems within the African-American community, federal government, and criminal justice system that cause his own experiences to be the same experiences of millions of other young Black men.

Prisoners of the War on Drugs

Before I continue I just want to point out that there is ample evidence that much of the drug problem that affected some minority communities were deliberate in nature and scope and were orchestrated by government authorities. Eg. The CIA bringing drugs into these communities, getting people hooked, selling etc. Then get the men and women to become indentured slaves, (snitches for the state) to avoid going to jail. For the ones who chose jail they were given outrageous prison sentences for drug possession or sales.
Gary Webb

Gary Webb who later died and had his career destroyed documented and who the dark alliance series about the CIA bring drugs into these communities.

Anita Bell a lawyer who tried to prosecute for this was disbarred, fled to Canada, then Israel. She also had her life destroyed for trying to take on the state and expose what was happening.

August 24, 2009 Posted by | Conformity, conspiracies, control, Controlled society, Corruption | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Wickedness in high places

How many have seen these pictures?

Do you see an old woman or do you see a young woman? Do you see either of the two? Do you see anything?

Everyone sees something different. Some see the whole picture, some see one or the other, some see nothing, and no matter what you do, it will continue to be that way. What you have to understand is that the world and our targeting is no different.

There are some legit people who refuse to see anything at all. Then there are those who choose to see nothing but mental illness. There are others who know something is going on but choose to see vigilantes or organised stalkers. Then there are others who see Gang Stalking and that the government is doing it, but think we can get it fixed with legislation. then there are those who see the whole picture, the whole corrupted beauty of it all, and realise this is a systemic problem and so systemic solutions must be found.

This system did not happen over night, they spent generations getting the world to be the way it is. This system has shown that it consistently works to keep people in line, time and time again. I have pointed this out before, but let me point this out again. We are up against a system, and if you don’t get this, then you can not realistically fix what is wrong.

[quote]Many people grow up in society never realising that the world is not really controlled by just governments but it’s also controlled by a system. Some people might consider this system similar to another government that operates outside of the mainstream government. The system is more structured and less democratic than many of us realise, or are willing to believe.

The system that really exists and that controls society is really made up of the powerful and elite, Corporations and Governments. The powerful elite, do not care who is in government, because they will always have the primary say with how things go, and what the final outcome is. The same has become true for corporations, and powerful interests. Then there is the will of the government, the body that appears to be elected by the people, but who is there to really serve the will of these powerful interests.

To keep the system in place and running smoothly, there are appendages that are set in place to teach the population how to act, think, behave, and yes how to conform to the system. The system wants people to come up thinking that they are completely free and can act, think, and feel however they choose to. This is true to an extent, as long as your interest do not run too contrary to what the system has in mind. Once your interest start to run contrary, or you do something to step out of what the system considers acceptable boundaries, that is when you enter the Targeted Individual zone.

Be it pedophile rings, the CIA drug running, it will not change till people realise this is systemic and address the issues from that stand point. Beyond that you will just go around in circles and this will never change.

Even when things do get exposed, please read about what happens.

Ours is not the first big scandal to be exposed, or uncovered. If you do the follow up you will see that Gary Webb who exposed the CIA selling drugs in minority communities was falsely discredited by his own media counterparts. He was moved to some crappy job he hated, he ended up quitting. His life from there took a downturn, but he was still speaking out, he published a book about the CIA selling drugs, and he was rumored to be starting another book. However he ended up with a bullet to the brain, an apparent suicide, many will attest that he was not suicidal, others will tell you differently.

Indeed, some of the writers in Buzzsaw say that, before their own experiences, they were among the scoffers. Webb writes, “If we had met five years ago, you wouldn’t have found a more staunch defender of the newspaper industry than me … I was winning awards, getting raises, lecturing college classes, appearing on TV shows, and judging journalism contests. So how could I possibly agree with people like Noam Chomsky and Ben Bagdikian, who were claiming the system didn’t work, that it was steered by powerful special interests and corporations, and existed to protect the power elite?”

But, like most of the contributors to “Into the Buzzsaw,” he did his job too well and the powers that be hurled him onto the other side of the looking glass. “And then I wrote some stories that made me realize how sadly misplaced my bliss had been,” he writes. “The reason I’d enjoyed such smooth sailing for so long hadn’t been, as I’d assumed, because I was careful and diligent and good at my job … The truth was that, in all those years, I hadn’t written anything important enough to suppress.”

Gary Webb died for trying to expose this story. Instead of being supported, he was let down, and the end result is the same. If he had been supported, the truth come of come to light.

I am not trying to discourage anyone, but you have to wake up, just a little bit.

Here is a link to the series that Gary Webb wrote. The Dark Alliance.

There were protests in the streets when his story came out, for a moment he was a hero for the people, till they in traditional fashion turned on him. Well I should say he was not supported the way he should have been.

The lawyer Anita Bell who took the case of these people, ended up being targeted, she almost died, and fled to Canada, she lost her refuge claim, fled with her family to Israel, and I don’t know what happened to her after this.

Anita E. Belle, a black female practicing law in Florida, alleged that COINTELPRO reared its ugly head against her after she filed cases on behalf of blacks and whites in seven states harmed due to the Central Intelligence Agency or CIAs role in importing illegal drugs into black communities. She alleged that at least one reputed CIA agent admitted the agency conspired with organized crime to use illegal drugs as a means of pharmaceutically enslaving African-Americans. In early 2000, five of her seven cases were consolidated as the Nicaraguan Contras Narcotics Trafficking Litigation, MDL 1331, in the federal court in Gainesville, Florida.

Belle claims that the cases became so sabotaged that she and her family were forced to flee Florida in fear of their lives. She first moved to North Carolina, but left there after witnesses in the CIA cases were threatened. She then returned to her hometown of Detroit, Michigan.

Belle recalled the Iran-Contra scandal that plagued the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. During the 2000 Florida election debacle, Belle made a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request to the FBI for the criminal records of the former president and his sons, Florida governor Jeb Bush and presidential candidate/Texas governor George W. Bush. The FBI denied her FOIA request on privacy grounds. Belle then sued the FBI, arguing that the federal criminal records of public officials should not be protected by privacy, else Americans may unwittingly elect organized crimelords who will undermine the integrity of the government. Meanwhile, Belle claims the retaliation against her and her family continued in Detroit to such an extent that she added COINTELPRO allegations to her case against the FBI.

Belle alleged the Florida Bar was a co-conspirator with the FBI in the agencys COINTELPRO activities, accusing the Florida Bar of disbarring her so as to discredit her and halt her suits against the federal government. She alleged that the Florida Bars investigator on her disbarment case, Bill Freeh, was a retired FBI agent and a close relative of Louis Freeh, the director of the FBI at that time.

Most traces of her and references of her that I could find, I am no longer able to find or locate on the Internet.

Next senator DeCamp, he tried to help uncover the fact that young boys were being used for sex, and to help transport drugs. The victims were bulled, jailed, suicides, etc. The case was delayed, and finally one low level drug dealer was convicted. The rest, the accused, all powerful, all rich, they advanced in their careers. The victims suffered, and the perpetrators advanced. The lesson is, this was all done to protect the system. But then Senator Decamp asks himself, when do we know if the system itself has become corrupt? I think the true targets in the Targeted Individual community should know this answer, and if you don’t, you should look into it.

Now I think I do understand the Franklin case. I know, now, that all the public officials involved in Franklin-whether they ever heard of Billy Budd or not-fully understood what they were doing.

And what they all have done, and will continue to do in this case, Franklin, and no doubt many others like it, is this: Protect the “system” at all costs. The “system” is the only ultimate sacred cow-not any particular law or constitution, but only “the system.” Because, ultimately, it is the system which makes certain that the individuals functioning within it – from judges to lawyers, to prosecutors, to politicians, to businessmen – have their places and positions, and opportunities and pecking order, and future.

And, though it is unfortunate, that on occasion the protection of the “system” requires the deliberate sacrifice of perfectly innocent people, that is hoped overall to be the exception rather than the rule. But without the “system” . .

But then I have one final, nagging question. How do I know when, or if, the “system” itself has become so corrupted, that evil is the rule, rather than the exception? And when that occurs, what do I do about it? But I think I know the answer to that one – my oId commanding officer in Vietnam told me what I had to do. I made some promises to Bill, and I intend to keep them.

John DeCamp

Also one of the whistle blowers for this, she is a targeted individual, her video is on YouTube. Here is here website.

So you see all the people who tried to expose this, and the victims, one set of circumstances, and the rest another.

Then we have priest who are molesting kids, a lot of those early victims who exposed it did not fair well, others who tried to expose things along this line, also did not fair well.

The system at all levels protects the corrupted, those committing the crimes, and the good suffer, and we often suffer, because those who could help sit back and do nothing.

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing”
-Albert Einstein.

It’s always the same, and unless it’s addressed at this level nothing will change, and even if tomorrow someone took it upon themselves to do a real story about Gang Stalking, about what is happening, we would probably, get the same sick results. You might get the shock and awe, and a few fake targets, maybe even a few real targets on shows and radio, but then it would go back to being a none issue. As some of you can see, there is an effort to make this look like it’s not systemic, like it’s not being done at a governmental level, and efforts to keep you misinformed, and to make sure the true nature of this does not get exposed.

This has to be fought at the correct level, and the systemic issues must be addressed.

I can only put the information out there, and much like that picture at the begining of this post, people are going to see what they are going to see, and interpret things the way they want to interpret things. Some will see nothing, some will see part of the truth, some will see all of the truth. I can only put out the information, people have to figure out the rest for themselves.

How many have seen these pictures?
Do you see an old woman or do you see a young woman? Do you see either of the two? Do you see anything?

Everyone sees something different. Some see the whole picture, some see one or the other, some see nothing, and no matter what you do, it will continue to be that way. What you have to understand is that the world and our targeting is no different.

There are some legit people who refuse to see anything at all. Then there are those who choose to see nothing but mental illness. There are others who know something is going on but choose to see vigilantes or organised stalkers. Then there are others who see Gang Stalking and that the government is doing it, but think we can get it fixed with legislation. then there are those who see the whole picture, the whole corrupted beauty of it all, and realise this is a systemic problem and so systemic solutions must be found.

This system did not happen over night, they spent generations getting the world to be the way it is. This system has shown that it consistently works to keep people in line, time and time again. I have pointed this out before, but let me point this out again. We are up against a system, and if you don’t get this, then you can not realistically fix what is wrong.

[quote]Many people grow up in society never realising that the world is not really controlled by just governments but it’s also controlled by a system. Some people might consider this system similar to another government that operates outside of the mainstream government. The system is more structured and less democratic than many of us realise, or are willing to believe.

The system that really exists and that controls society is really made up of the powerful and elite, Corporations and Governments. The powerful elite, do not care who is in government, because they will always have the primary say with how things go, and what the final outcome is. The same has become true for corporations, and powerful interests. Then there is the will of the government, the body that appears to be elected by the people, but who is there to really serve the will of these powerful interests.

To keep the system in place and running smoothly, there are appendages that are set in place to teach the population how to act, think, behave, and yes how to conform to the system. The system wants people to come up thinking that they are completely free and can act, think, and feel however they choose to. This is true to an extent, as long as your interest do not run too contrary to what the system has in mind. Once your interest start to run contrary, or you do something to step out of what the system considers acceptable boundaries, that is when you enter the Targeted Individual zone.

Be it pedophile rings, the CIA drug running, it will not change till people realise this is systemic and address the issues from that stand point. Beyond that you will just go around in circles and this will never change.

Even when things do get exposed, please read about what happens.

Ours is not the first big scandal to be exposed, or uncovered. If you do the follow up you will see that Gary Webb who exposed the CIA selling drugs in minority communities was falsely discredited by his own media counterparts. He was moved to some crappy job he hated, he ended up quitting. His life from there took a downturn, but he was still speaking out, he published a book about the CIA selling drugs, and he was rumored to be starting another book. However he ended up with a bullet to the brain, an apparent suicide, many will attest that he was not suicidal, others will tell you differently.

Indeed, some of the writers in Buzzsaw say that, before their own experiences, they were among the scoffers. Webb writes, “If we had met five years ago, you wouldn’t have found a more staunch defender of the newspaper industry than me … I was winning awards, getting raises, lecturing college classes, appearing on TV shows, and judging journalism contests. So how could I possibly agree with people like Noam Chomsky and Ben Bagdikian, who were claiming the system didn’t work, that it was steered by powerful special interests and corporations, and existed to protect the power elite?”

But, like most of the contributors to “Into the Buzzsaw,” he did his job too well and the powers that be hurled him onto the other side of the looking glass. “And then I wrote some stories that made me realize how sadly misplaced my bliss had been,” he writes. “The reason I’d enjoyed such smooth sailing for so long hadn’t been, as I’d assumed, because I was careful and diligent and good at my job … The truth was that, in all those years, I hadn’t written anything important enough to suppress.”

Gary Webb died for trying to expose this story. Instead of being supported, he was let down, and the end result is the same. If he had been supported, the truth come of come to light.

I am not trying to discourage anyone, but you have to wake up, just a little bit.

Here is a link to the series that Gary Webb wrote. The Dark Alliance.
There were protests in the streets when his story came out, for a moment he was a hero for the people, till they in traditional fashion turned on him. Well I should say he was not supported the way he should have been.

The lawyer Anita Bell who took the case of these people, ended up being targeted, she almost died, and fled to Canada, she lost her refuge claim, fled with her family to Israel, and I don’t know what happened to her after this.
Anita E. Belle, a black female practicing law in Florida, alleged that COINTELPRO reared its ugly head against her after she filed cases on behalf of blacks and whites in seven states harmed due to the Central Intelligence Agency or CIAs role in importing illegal drugs into black communities. She alleged that at least one reputed CIA agent admitted the agency conspired with organized crime to use illegal drugs as a means of pharmaceutically enslaving African-Americans. In early 2000, five of her seven cases were consolidated as the Nicaraguan Contras Narcotics Trafficking Litigation, MDL 1331, in the federal court in Gainesville, Florida.
Belle claims that the cases became so sabotaged that she and her family were forced to flee Florida in fear of their lives. She first moved to North Carolina, but left there after witnesses in the CIA cases were threatened. She then returned to her hometown of Detroit, Michigan.
Belle recalled the Iran-Contra scandal that plagued the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. During the 2000 Florida election debacle, Belle made a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request to the FBI for the criminal records of the former president and his sons, Florida governor Jeb Bush and presidential candidate/Texas governor George W. Bush. The FBI denied her FOIA request on privacy grounds. Belle then sued the FBI, arguing that the federal criminal records of public officials should not be protected by privacy, else Americans may unwittingly elect organized crimelords who will undermine the integrity of the government. Meanwhile, Belle claims the retaliation against her and her family continued in Detroit to such an extent that she added COINTELPRO allegations to her case against the FBI.
Belle alleged the Florida Bar was a co-conspirator with the FBI in the agencys COINTELPRO activities, accusing the Florida Bar of disbarring her so as to discredit her and halt her suits against the federal government. She alleged that the Florida Bars investigator on her disbarment case, Bill Freeh, was a retired FBI agent and a close relative of Louis Freeh, the director of the FBI at that time.

Most traces of her and references of her that I could find, I am no longer able to find or locate on the Internet.
Next senator DeCamp, he tried to help uncover the fact that young boys were being used for sex, and to help transport drugs. The victims were bulled, jailed, suicides, etc. The case was delayed, and finally one low level drug dealer was convicted. The rest, the accused, all powerful, all rich, they advanced in their careers. The victims suffered, and the perpetrators advanced. The lesson is, this was all done to protect the system. But then Senator Decamp asks himself, when do we know if the system itself has become corrupt? I think the true targets in the Targeted Individual community should know this answer, and if you don’t, you should look into it.
Now I think I do understand the Franklin case. I know, now, that all the public officials involved in Franklin-whether they ever heard of Billy Budd or not-fully understood what they were doing.

And what they all have done, and will continue to do in this case, Franklin, and no doubt many others like it, is this: Protect the “system” at all costs. The “system” is the only ultimate sacred cow-not any particular law or constitution, but only “the system.” Because, ultimately, it is the system which makes certain that the individuals functioning within it – from judges to lawyers, to prosecutors, to politicians, to businessmen – have their places and positions, and opportunities and pecking order, and future.

And, though it is unfortunate, that on occasion the protection of the “system” requires the deliberate sacrifice of perfectly innocent people, that is hoped overall to be the exception rather than the rule. But without the “system” . .

But then I have one final, nagging question. How do I know when, or if, the “system” itself has become so corrupted, that evil is the rule, rather than the exception? And when that occurs, what do I do about it? But I think I know the answer to that one – my oId commanding officer in Vietnam told me what I had to do. I made some promises to Bill, and I intend to keep them.

John DeCamp


Also one of the whistle blowers for this, she is a targeted individual, her video is on YouTube. Here is here website.

So you see all the people who tried to expose this, and the victims, one set of circumstances, and the rest another. 
Then we have priest who are molesting kids, a lot of those early victims who exposed it did not fair well, others who tried to expose things along this line, also did not fair well.
The system at all levels protects the corrupted, those committing the crimes, and the good suffer, and we often suffer, because those who could help sit back and do nothing.

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing”
-Albert Einstein.

It’s always the same, and unless it’s addressed at this level nothing will change, and even if tomorrow someone took it upon themselves to do a real story about Gang Stalking, about what is happening, we would probably, get the same sick results. You might get the shock and awe, and a few fake targets, maybe even a few real targets on shows and radio, but then it would go back to being a none issue. As some of you can see, there is an effort to make this look like it’s not systemic, like it’s not being done at a governmental level, and efforts to keep you misinformed, and to make sure the true nature of this does not get exposed.
This has to be fought at the correct level, and the systemic issues must be addressed. 

I can only put the information out there, and much like that picture at the begining of this post, people are going to see what they are going to see, and interpret things the way they want to interpret things. Some will see nothing, some will see part of the truth, some will see all of the truth. I can only put out the information, people have to figure out the rest for themselves.
Ephesians 6:12 “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

April 24, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, CIA, Citizen Informants, conspiracies, Conspiracy, control, Corruption, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

When the truth finally comes

This article is to prepare you for when the truth finally comes.

There have been a lot of revelations in past years. Dark, dirty, dank secrets, that were hidden. Some were happening on a main stream level, but the truth did not come out for years. When the truth finally did come it does not get the reaction that we were hoping for. In some cases, articles make their way into the main stream papers for a time, and then the issue goes away, but it never really goes away. I present to you the following examples of truth coming out, and society once again remaining in it’s trance like stupor.

I am writing this to prepare you. A lot of people think that when the truth comes out, it’s going to be like some magic pill, and just automatically make things better and make all this misery stop, and the truth is, past examples have shown us this is not the case. All it will likely do is make our lawsuits easier in some cases, or getting our Freedom Of Information Requests more accessible.

The world is not as fully unaware of what is happening to us, as we would like to believe. You know those large groups of people, strangers, friends, family that take part in what is going on for their various reasons? Enough are aware, that this should not be happening in darkness, but it continues. You know those human rights organization that spill the bs about human rights, while they get dozens, or hundreds of calls, letters, etc each month, which they ignore, or cover up. Those organisations, they know. Your politicians which you have called and written to, many of them know. So all I am saying is when this does come out, please be mentally prepared, that this might not change things for us that rapidly, if at all. At best it might only be a gradual change. It might only be getting the satisfaction of saying, ha we were telling the truth.

Case in point. Some other major stories that by some miracle finally broke through to the main streams
trance like stupor. Some change happened for a time in some cases, but then it was back to business as usual. This seems to be a pattern of how the world works, it’s disgusting, it’s disgraceful, and you are the only ones that can help change it. Why you don’t do so on a large scale is one of those mystery’s that boggles the mind.

Cases in point.

Mind Control

The world at some point saw the revelation of MK Ultra. The truth came out that the government had been conducting mind control experiments on unwitting people. They had been doing this for years, to try to control the human mind. They did this at home in the U.S. and aboard.

Canada recently paid out some nice money for allowing these abuses to take place on it’s citizens in Montreal back in the 50’s.

So when you use the term mind control, you would hope that people would understand the concept, and the fact that if it happened then, it can happen now? No that’s often not the case. People hear mind control and it’s like some mythological creature. That doesn’t exist. Why would the government do that? The ignorance and the naivete is massive.

Not too long ago, I might have been in that boat with my awareness about what had gone on in the past.

If you want to learn more about mind control you can start with the following links, videos and articles. It’s a quick way to to get a brief introduction. Remember this barely scratches the surface.


This was a program sponsored by the FBI, the program was used to not just squash dissidence, it was used to wipe out most of the left movements of the 50,60, 70. The program focused on ethnic minority movements, their leaders, and the organisations they were trying to build. Canada had their own version called. V.I.P.S. other countries may also have had similar programs.

The programs used rumours, false arrest, false imprisonments, set up, break in’s, life disruptions like what we see in gang stalking, disinformation, murder to get what they wanted. They had a lot of agents in the KKK. They eventually infiltrated most of the movements of that time to destroy them, from the inside out.

This wiped out the black panthers, Martin Luther King Jr has a file, where they called for his termination, he was dead a month later, Malcolm X was a target, Puerto Rican and Indian Movements. This was about destroying dissidence, and any future attempts groups might have of starting up.

This quote is from J.Edgar Hoover, but I think it fits in very well with the present situation.

“We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. … The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst.”

When the evils of Cointelpro came out it made headlines, the news stories came out, proportionate to people’s outrage and fury. People were horrified, a committee was formed. Senator Church did his job so well that he was never re-elected again.

The real truth however is that it did not change a damn thing for many of the targets. Some are still in jail, on the run, reputations and lives are still ruined, lives are still torn apart. Many of those that were murderer or forced to commit suicide never got justice.

The truth is, this never really ended, it just went back into the abyss till it was safe enough to come out again and continue what it was doing. A lot of things are like this.

Oh to read about Cointelpro or to get a brief introduction, you can go here.

Gary Webb’s revelation that the CIA were in part responsible for helping or at least turning a blind eye towards drugs being smuggled into ethnic minority neighbourhoods.

First we had the big news article. Apparently there were the appropriate marches and demonstrations in the streets. Then the people who were preaching just say no with one hand, and who were dishing out the drugs with the other didn’t like what Gary Webb was saying, so he lost his prized post, eventually quit his job, lost his credibility, got attacked by the major news papers.

Gary put up his own website, presented the evidence and then wrote a book.

He was allowed to continue on, but not like before. Then suddenly he was talking about a new book. There are some people who make mention of this.

That’s when he was found with the 2 bullet holes in his head. Yeah an apparent suicide. Right.

Anyways, there is still talk, speculation, but that’s about it.

Oh and for the victims of the CIA drug operation, well they tried to hire lawyers, one of the few lawyers that would take the case was Anita E. Bell.
She tried to take on the system for those victims and would later become a target. She was falsely disbarred, she fled the U.S. sought refuge in Canada, and had to again flee to Israel.

She says they made many attempts on her life, threatened witnesses, till they dropped the case, etc. Most traces of Anita E. Bell are gone.

Sexual abuse of children by priests. I hope that you have at least heard about this one. For years priest in all or most countries, were having sex with young boys primarily and with some young girls.

For years sometimes the families didn’t believe their own kids, or if they did, they were persuaded to keep it quite, while these priests were moved from one location to the next, where they continued to pray upon child after child after child. Many of the victims never got any real justice, but some did get money. A few priest went to jail, but many are still roaming free, doing the same things, and believe it or not still being moved around by the church.

From what I have read, based on new laws in Rome in some cases now make it harder to take these cases to court. I have also read of some of these men fleeing to Vatican city for sanctuary.

What’s changed? Our awareness, a belief that this stuff does happen, and not much else. Some parents are more secure with their children, but many are not. Also in very poor countries you still have this happening a great deal. It has not changed in many regards, even with all the awareness. The young still get victimised, and their predators are moved to another location to start the whole process all over again.

Child pedophile ring. The big story that children were brought to the white house for the purposes of sex. The story would break with many coming forward to say that they had been used as child sex slaves, many to import drugs. Many would tell the tale of being used in all sorts of sexual ways by very rich, high profile people. The case is disturbing. The witnesses were threatened, falsely discredited, or jailed, or suicide, whatever. The people they accused went on to have even better lives, and moved into higher positions of power.

Senator DeCamp was left with the question of why people covered this up, when they knew the kids were telling the truth. The answer is always the same. To protect the system. Then he was left with one more question:

“But then I have one final, nagging question. How do I know when, or if, the “system” itself has become so corrupted, that evil is the rule, rather than the exception? And when that occurs, what do I do about it? But I think I know the answer to that one – my oId commanding officer in Vietnam told me what I had to do. I made some promises to Bill, and I intend to keep them.”

Here is a link to the story and his book. It’s disturbing, but it’s the system. This is what it does and this is what it allows, and only we can change it.…erpt.shtml

The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska

Mobbing. This was not a shock for many of us, but what you might not know is that before it was studied and confirmed, it lead to many suicides, to many people suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, many were never able to work or function the same again, and others committed mass murder in the workplace. Oh and of course others were written off as paranoid. This was causing so much harm in society and again it was a struggle to get it recognised and acknowledged and even after that happened, it’s not as if the mobbing gates opened up. Mobbing cases that have been won are few and far between. I can think of one off the top of my head that was won. Laws are still not complete across the board, and proving that you are a target of workplace mobbing is as difficult as ever. Proving that HR, and top management, plus co-workers are conspiring against you and that you are not the problem, almost impossible.

Awareness and exposure does not always equal change. We hope that it will, but it that has not often proven to be the case. Doesn’t mean that we should give up, but we should move forward with a realistic expectation that even when this does come out into the exposed open, it might not change things that much.

Right now this is a big open dirty secret like Enron was. Lot’s of people knew, people did nothing, and the mechanisms that allowed Enron to happen, allowed parts of the recent financial crisis to happen, and will continue to allow other things to happen. People have to take personal ownership and responsibility. It begins with me. We all too often expect others to do it, to go the mile to go the distance so that our path will be easier, but sometimes you might have to put hand to shovel, or foot to gravel and help smooth out parts of that path. If we are going to have any true meaningful change, and not just the surface change we have seen so many other times before.

November 26, 2008 Posted by | Awareness, Children, CIA, Cointelpro, community mobbing, Corruption, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, government corruption, harassment, Laws, Mind Control, Minorities, mobbing, society, workplace mobbing | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

The eye of the storm

This week as you know should have been Indigo Ribbon Week and the focus was going to be on what has happened over the last year since the Indigo Ribbon was introduced into the Targeted Individual Community.
Because the New York Times article came out, the focus this week was shifted onto mitigating and managing the outcome of the article.

I believe that whenever a new element is introduced into an environment it’s possible repercussions should be a key focus and that is where the focus has primarily been this week.

I did want to spend time on talking about some of the high profile targets in our community. Those who have been compromised by the system. Those who have gone missing, those who have filed lawsuits, and any targets who have died as a result of their targeting.

Indigo Ribbon is a time of remembrance. It is also a ray of hope for Targeted Individuals everywhere. Support for Targeted Individuals, Light for those in the dark. Hope for the Survivors.

Instead we were what I am nicknaming the eye of the storm this week. We had an article in the New York Times that described Gang Stalking and other Targeted Individual Communities as Extreme Communities. I would later on confirm with Vaughan Bell that he has never studied the subject of Gang Stalking, or Gang Stalking Communities. The experts in the article seem to have focused on Mind Control Websites. I have written several articles disputing, rebutting, or clarifying the original article, but since my readership might not be as wide scale as the New York Times readership, we can assume that many read the article and will never see the follow articles.
I am not sure if Vaughan Bell or any of the other named researchers, psychiatrists, or psychologists will be contacting the New York Times to have the correction made, but for the Integrity of their work and study I suspect this might be the case. No researcher wants to have their work plagiarized anymore than they would want to have research attributed to them that was not their own, or more importantly that they have not done.
Part of what I did this week was to spend time tracking the articles, while trying to also compile a very brief and sparse list of our missing Targeted Individuals. This did leave me really tired and I was not able to focus on my inner world as much as I wanted to, so I will have to redouble those efforts a bit later.
The only other point I wanted to add to this is that when people are researching any of these phenomenon, I hope they will keep in mind that there are deliberate elements within these communities that are there for the sole purpose of making the community look paranoid, or worst. I see this from time to time, and I am aware that we do have Citizen Informants that are there for this specific purpose, just like any other activism movement. It’s something that any true researcher should be cognizant of.

In the mean time I did want to bring your attention to a couple of individuals. I recently realised that when I visit websites other than videos by “theninthtrust” no longer show up. You get a message that says the videos are no longer available. I don’t remember this happening before, and so I tried to email her. She was last online seven months ago, and she lives in Texas I believe.

I found her address on another forum, the forum was not a favorable one, and they have a current thread going in regards to her. That’s the most up to date information that I have been able to find. With her videos no longer being made available on other websites outside of YouTube, which was not the case before, this is a concern. The greater concern is that she was very active, she has not posted for seven months.

She described herself as a witness of police brutality and said that she had been harassed ever since then. This is taken from her profile.

[quote]It’s taking every last bit of energy I have to get some of these videos out for public viewing as I have been ‘assaulted and battered’ for over the last five years with sound so severe, the sound forcefully induces severe headaches that go back and forth with incapacitating migraines. The videos I’ve taken, a few representative samples of which are on this website, are just a small percentage of the staggering number of abusive/severely abusive/severely abusive and migraine triggering flights overhead, an insane deliberately created situation, in addition to coordinated collaborated stalking to terrorize and attempt to kill/silence witness of police brutality and victim of violence, violence they approve and support against women.[/quote]
If anyone has any information, or can do a bit of Targeted sleuthing into her situation that would be great. I just want to know that she has not gone missing, been locked away, or put in jail. She may have simply become financially unable to keep posting, or maybe she is ok, but that is not usually the case, so any information would be great.

I wanted to focus on several other cases, but I will just do a reminder regarding Anita E. Bell and her story. The story amazes me because she tried to take on the CIA/FBI and sue them for bringing drugs into ethnic minority communities. After Gary Webb, who is now dead exposed the fact that the CIA were bringing drugs into ethnic minority communities deliberately. She was hired by several of the families who would also be harassed if I remember correctly. She was hired to sue the system.

Instead what happened was that she was targeted. She was falsely disbarred from practicing law. She and her family due to the targeting had to flee to Canada. After fleeing to Canada, she hired lawyers, but she lost her right to stay in Canada and could not go back to the States, she then flee to Israel. She did have a phone number there, but now her pages are gone, and I can find no information about what should have been a very high profile person. Her case is almost literally buried and gone.

[quote]U.S. Supreme Court to rule on Belle’s petition for rehearing on or around February 20, 2004. Will the Justices disclose their Masonic affiliations?
Contact: Anita E. Belle, President, The International Reparations Litigation Fund, Inc.

Address: P.O. Box 161, 31 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2J5, CANADA

Phone: (416) 464-2461 or Toll-Free Voicemail in Canada & U.S.: (877) 728-5183

Email: & Website:

January 23, 2004


A Florida attorney suing the federal government alleged that seven car accidents occurring on or around her court deadlines were deliberately staged counter-intelligence program (COINTELPRO) murder attempts. When the U.S. Supreme Court upheld federal appellate rulings that the alleged COINTELPRO was frivolous, the attorney sought political asylum in Canada. Then, despite undisputed evidence of being disbarred from practicing law without due process, the high court upheld the Florida Supreme Courts ruling that disbarred the whistle-blowing attorney.
COINTELPRO was a FBI program begun by its former and long-time director, J. Edgar Hoover, in 1956 to neutralize American political dissidents. The program officially ended in 1971 to afford additional security to our sensitive techniques and operations of disrupting racially-related activities in the name of internal/national security.
Anita E. Belle, a black female practicing law in Florida, alleged that COINTELPRO reared its ugly head against her after she filed cases on behalf of blacks and whites in seven states harmed due to the Central Intelligence Agency or CIAs role in importing illegal drugs into black communities. She alleged that at least one reputed CIA agent admitted the agency conspired with organized crime to use illegal drugs as a means of pharmaceutically enslaving African-Americans. In early 2000, five of her seven cases were consolidated as the Nicaraguan Contras Narcotics Trafficking Litigation, MDL 1331, in the federal court in Gainesville, Florida.
Belle claims that the cases became so sabotaged that she and her family were forced to flee Florida in fear of their lives. She first moved to North Carolina, but left there after witnesses in the CIA cases were threatened. She then returned to her hometown of Detroit, Michigan.
Belle recalled the Iran-Contra scandal that plagued the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. During the 2000 Florida election debacle, Belle made a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request to the FBI for the criminal records of the former president and his sons, Florida governor Jeb Bush and presidential candidate/Texas governor George W. Bush. The FBI denied her FOIA request on privacy grounds. Belle then sued the FBI, arguing that the federal criminal records of public officials should not be protected by privacy, else Americans may unwittingly elect organized crimelords who will undermine the integrity of the government. Meanwhile, Belle claims the retaliation against her and her family continued in Detroit to such an extent that she added COINTELPRO allegations to her case against the FBI.
Belle alleged the Florida Bar was a co-conspirator with the FBI in the agencys COINTELPRO activities, accusing the Florida Bar of disbarring her so as to discredit her and halt her suits against the federal government. She alleged that the Florida Bars investigator on her disbarment case, Bill Freeh, was a retired FBI agent and a close relative of Louis Freeh, the director of the FBI at that time.

Belle further alleged that both George Bushes were members of Masonic fraternities that vow to keep and cover up their brothers secrets. She accused that when politicians, law enforcement, lawyers, physicians, and the judiciary are also freemasons, then organized crimelords could racketeer the Masonic vow to avoid prosecution and punishment for their crimes. She cited that the United Kingdom had recognized this above the law danger and required judges to disclose their Masonic affiliations. Belle thus requested that the judges on her cases make disclosure similar to that being done by British judges, a motion that was denied. Belle argued that Masonic disclosure was of heightened importance in southern states such as Florida where white masons founded the Ku Klux Klan.
She later discovered that Robert Cleland, the Michigan federal judge who dismissed her FBI case as frivolous, was a white freemason. She also discovered that Florida Supreme Court Justice Leander Shaw, who concurred in her disbarment, was a black mason. Belle had also filed a reparations case that was dismissed as frivolous by a Maryland federal judge, Alexander Williams, who was also a Prince Hall mason. Belle accuses the judges of harboring secret bias and discriminating against her, a non-mason, in favor of fellow masons.

Belle appealed the FBI case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, Belle & Belle v. FBI et al, U.S. Supreme Court docket number 02-9357. Both the U.S. Supreme Court and the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ignored Belles hundreds of pages of evidence of sabotage and judicial bias to cover up biased Judge Clelands ruling of frivolousness. The effect of the U.S. Supreme Courts ruling gives COINTELPRO permission to continue attempts to assassinate Belle, a non-violent political dissenter. Belle was therefore forced to cross the border between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario to seek Canadian refugee protection from the U.S.

The Supreme Courts ruling in Belles FBI case also means that the federal criminal records of public officials may be protected by privacy. This means that voters are denied freedom to information that could prevent drug-trafficking, organized crimelords from corrupting federal and state governments.

In her disbarment case, Belle v. Florida Bar, U.S. Supreme Court docket number 03-6857, Belle presented evidence that the Florida Bar denied her due process by sending notices of proceedings to obsolete addresses even though they knew of her Michigan address. She presented evidence that, contrary to its own internal operating procedures, the U.S. Post Office did not forward her mail. As a result of the lack of notice, most of her disbarment proceedings occurred in secret until it was almost too late for her to appeal. She presented evidence of collusion between the Michigan case against the FBI and the Florida disbarment, evidence of judicial bias of Masonic judges, and evidence of at least one lost court order, lost motions, docket errors, double jeopardy, and falsification of court documents. Despite these due process violations, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Florida Supreme Courts ruling of disbarment. The case is still pending, awaiting the high courts ruling on Belles petition for rehearing that seeks disclosure of the Supreme Court justices Masonic affiliation or other grounds for bias.
For more information, contact Anita E. Belle at (416) 464-2461 or email

So here is her story, and it’s the last one I will focus on for the time being. For the other targets that have been compromised and describe it as whoring for the state, yes I do believe that is what it is when you are turned into a Citizen Informant against your will. For the missing, or locked away, you are remembered and acknowledged. At least I hope you are. For those who didn’t make it, the battle still continues on the other side, and I hope you will do what you can to see the light shine on these continued injustices, so that all targets including yourself might find some justice.

Going into another year of this, many realise we are at the heart of a great conspiracy. I will not lie, there is a deliberate effort by the state to keep what is happening undisclosed, but I do believe our continued efforts can and they must make a difference. There is no other choice.
As you know the research that Mark M. Rich, Nikki Raapana, and myself have done all point to a one world government forming, and these community policing programs are at the heart of it. Mini pieces of a larger puzzle, with each community slowly being over run with these citizen informant type programs under community policing. Just like it happened in East Germany, only here we have many people very unaware, uninformed, and disbelieving of the bigger picture.

Exposure and awareness should still be our key focus moving forward.

November 23, 2008 Posted by | Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, harassment, Laws, mobbing, NWO, Snitches, society, Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The real fight

After doing a lot of research, I see that all paths lead back to the same source.

The real fight is not going to be exposing Gang Stalking. I believe what is happening to us has been exposed, or will be exposed in due time. The bigger picture is what has to be exposed, the real fight is against the system.

After reading over some of Carissa Conti’s work. Chasing Phantoms.

I read about her personal investigations into her abductions, and gang stalking. I do now realise that there is more commonality with the phantoms that are being chased than I ever realised.

After listening to the Ramona Lopez’s interview and all the other readings I have done about the drug rings, it all goes back to the same source, the same phantom menace.

Gary Webb died, but not before he was able to publish his report called the dark alliance, which showed the the CIA were directly responsible for importing drugs into ethnic minority communities.

Many others have drawn the same conclusions about the government and their involvement into drugs. When a lawyer name Anita E. Bell tried to take on the system, she was forced to flee from one country to the next, after being targeted by the system. She lost her right to practice law, lost her home, her kids were targeted, she fled from America to Canada and eventually fled to Isreal.

All traces of her story seemed to have almost vanished from the Internet over the last year. 
After reading about the pedophile rings, not just what was happening in the catholic church, cause that was one small microbe of what happens in the rest of society. I again see that we are chasing the same phantom.
This means that even after the truth comes out, as it did with Senator John W. DeCamp’s investigation into who was behind the pedophile ring, nothing will happen, nothing will change. In this story children came forward to say that they had been used as drug mules and for all kinds of weird, kinky sex by high level people. I mean we are talking politicians, people with money, etc.

The investigations were stopped eventually, some kids were thrown in jail, others threatened, went missing, etc. The people who were being accused, eventually went onto higher positions in government, or other prominent careers, only a low level drug dealer  was ever convicted for any of this.

When Senator DeCamp investigated this, he found again the same thing, which he documents in his book
the Franklin Cover up, and he found out the reason nothing get’s done, it’s all about protecting the system. The innocent will be sacrificed to protect this system.
Those were the last words I spoke with the Judge on the case. I left his chambers, burnt out, but angry. And I forgot all about Billy Budd, until the night I happened upon the movie. The story of Billy Budd is set in the British Navy near the end of the eighteenth century. Billy was a young sailor, who, although impressed into the British Navy, bore no ill will to the authorities for having dragooned him; indeed, he was the very picture of innocence and good-will, and was almost universally loved aboard his war-ship. One officer, however, developed an insane jealousy of Billy, and set out to frame him up for allegedly inciting mutiny. Since there had been several notorious mutinies in the British fleet at the time, the mere whisper of “mutiny” was enough to spread panic among the ship’s officers.

To make a long story short, because of certain incriminating appearances in the case, the captain and his senior officers, although they knew Billy was innocent of all charges, nonetheless sentenced him to hang, a necessity – as they viewed it – to “save the system,” not just on their own ship, but in the British fleet as a whole.

Now I think I do understand the Franklin case. I know, now, that all the public officials involved in Franklin-whether they ever heard of Billy Budd or not-fully understood what they were doing.

And what they all have done, and will continue to do in this case, Franklin, and no doubt many others like it, is this: Protect the “system” at all costs. The “system” is the only ultimate sacred cow-not any particular law or constitution, but only “the system.” Because, ultimately, it is the system which makes certain that the individuals functioning within it – from judges to lawyers, to prosecutors, to politicians, to businessmen – have their places and positions, and opportunities and pecking order, and future.

And, though it is unfortunate, that on occasion the protection of the “system” requires the deliberate sacrifice of perfectly innocent people, that is hoped overall to be the exception rather than the rule. But without the “system” . .

But then I have one final, nagging question. How do I know when, or if, the “system” itself has become so corrupted, that evil is the rule, rather than the exception? And when that occurs, what do I do about it? But I think I know the answer to that one – my oId commanding officer in Vietnam told me what I had to do. I made some promises to Bill, and I intend to keep them.

John DeCamp 

There was suppose to be a documentary called conspiracy of silence on the discovery channel, in 1994 about this, but the information was pulled, when influential members of congress applied pressure to the cable industry.
Dick Nadeau reveals information about pedophiles in prominent positions in Cornwall, Ontario. He passed away in 2006. Another case where justice will not be rendered.

There was a police officer in this story, Dunlop, he was mobbed out of work, had to move to another provide for trying to do the right thing, so many people in these stories who try to do the right thing, get tortured for trying to do the right thing, for exposing these criminal elements. The sad part is also the fact that the society they are trying help, by exposing this corruption, often does not help or protect them in turn, and it’s a shame.

There are other stories, but the same M.O. the more they investigate, people in positions of authority, with power, to pull strings. Many of these investigations go back to government or the church, and those in high level postions.
Gang Stalking, Mind Control, it’s all the same things. We are small appendages fighting the same thing. Think of it as an octopus. Eight arms, Each arm corrupt. If you are not seeing the bigger picture, you are fighting one arm of corruption, and another person is fighting a different arm of corruption, but it’s all coming from the same beast.

After investigating this for two years, view others and the indepth research that they have done, and my own, in my opinion it’s the government.

We in today’s society have information about Cointelpro, Mind Control Projects, such as MK. Ultra, where the Canadian government paid out million recently in apology for allowing such atrocities to happen.

[quote]Dr. Ewen Cameron, an American doctor who believed he could erase the memories of patients and rebuild their psyches, was recruited by the CIA to experiment with mind-control techniques beginning in 1950.

Cameron gave patients LSD and subjected them to massive and multiple electroshock treatments. Some underwent sleep deprivation or total sensory deprivation. Others were kept in drug-induced comas for months on end while speakers under their pillows broadcast messages for up to 16 hours a day.

The experiments were part of a larger CIA program called MK-ULTRA, which also saw LSD administered to U.S. prison inmates and patrons of brothels without their knowledge, according to testimony before a 1977 U.S. Senate committee.

The CIA eventually settled a class-action lawsuit by test subjects, including Huard, and the Canadian government ordered a judicial report into Cameron’s experiments.

The allegations have not been proven in court.

The McGill experiments were jointly funded by the U.S. spy agency and the Canadian government.

[quote]A Montreal senior who survived Cold War-era brainwashing experiments picked up a cheque for compensation from the federal government on Tuesday.

Janine Huard, 79, accepted an offer to end her class-action lawsuit against the federal government, which jointly funded the experiments with the Central Intelligence Agency.

The terms of the settlement are confidential, but Huard says it will allow her to live out her days in peace, with some peace of mind.


When Tim Field started to look into what he called collusion behind bullying, he wanted to know what the connection was, between judges, lawyers, tribunals, etc. He died before he could investigate, but not before he was able to formulate a link.

[quote]Many targets of bullying report that they seem to be obstructed every step of the way in their pursuit of justice. The management refuse to investigate, or use an untrained investigator, or whitewash the case. The union refuses to help, or initially shows interest but suddenly changes sides. The solicitor initially shows interest but then starts acting in a manner which suggests they have the other side’s interests at heart rather than yours.

The employer’s lawyers apply for, and obtain, adjournment after adjournment, then obtain a pre-hearing review which the tribunal chairman handles in favour of the employer. In the tribunal, favour is shown to the respondent (employer) and you get the impression that the verdict has been decided in advance. Your solicitor, the respondent’s lawyers and the tribunal chairman seem to know more about your case than you think they should.

After the tribunal you’re left with no option but to privately sue the employer, the union, and your solicitor, and appeal the tribunal decision, but by this time you have no job, no income, your savings are gone, so is your health, maybe your marriage too, and there’s no prospect of ever being employed again, especially in the professions.

Sound familiar? If so, you might be surprised to realise how often this happens. Mostly it’s in cases from the education sector, although it may happen in any public sector case, for example the NHS. Occasionally, but less often, it happens in private sector cases, and in rare cases from the voluntary sector.

Although there’s never any substantive proof, it seems that all the parties arrayed against you have been colluding in secret. The question is, what allegiance binds these individuals together, and where could they meet such that the normal rules of confidentiality do not apply? What fraternal obligation places their duty to support and protect each other above the moral, ethical and legal obligations by which the rest of us are bound?

Employers, unions, law firms, and employees of the justice system are part of society, and every group, professional or otherwise, contains a few poor performers and rotten apples. This ranges from inexperience through ineptitude and incompetence to collusion and corruption.


The same truth applies for mobbing, and several other scenarios where individuals, whistle-blowers, etc, try to get justice.

If you are not seeing the bigger picture you might think that you are fighting several separate entities, but you are not, you are fighting the same enemy, with different appendages, but at the end of the day, we are all chasing the same phantom.

It’s a system of control and conformity that we are fighting against.

[quote]The system that really exists and that controls society is really made up of the powerful and elite, Corporations and Governments. The powerful elite, do not care who is in government, because they will always have the primary say with how things go, and what the final outcome is. The same has become true for corporations, and powerful interests. Then there is the will of the government, the body that appears to be elected by the people, but who is there to really serve the will of these powerful interests.

To keep the system in place and running smoothly, there are appendages that are set in place to teach the population how to act, think, behave, and yes how to conform to the system. The system wants people to come up thinking that they are completely free and can act, think, and feel however they choose to. This is true to an extent, as long as your interest do not run too contrary to what the system has in mind. Once your interest start to run contrary, or you do something to step out of what the system considers acceptable boundaries, that is when you enter the Targeted Individual zone.
What do the above elements all have in common. They all lead back to the same source and they all paint a similar picture. A government that is run by corrupt elements. Corrupted elements Who will do what it takes to protect the system they have in place.

The more alarming picture that many of us are waking up to, is the fact that they have the ability to do this.

In my research, and Mark. M. Rich’s research, we both realised that they have an army of citizen informants. Some of these people are just average people like yourselves, who probably have no idea that there is a bigger picture happening. A lot of others are people that the government feel that they own or can control, and can manipulate. Homeless people, street kids, the poor that they have forced into this.

We can look for phantoms all we want, but at the end of the day, it’s the same strings being pulled. What the main stream media, which is controlled by governments and corporations does, is it tries to paint people who try to bring these discoveries to light as insane, or paranoid, or try to make it seem that these things do not exist, and if evidence does present itself, they try to make it seem that it’s being done by anyone else but the actual source.

When evidence is too great and the system can no longer hide the truth, they still find ways to protect themselves, and society instead of demanding change, adjust to the new reality, and it continues. I have spoken about this before, I saw a documentary that talked about the church and the priest and the documentary said, that after the exposure, the laws in Rome were changed, which now make it harder to prosecute these priests. The system again protected itself.

So wither it’s exposure of the CIA running drugs, or mind control, if it does get out to the main stream, there is usually a period of shock and awe, and then the controls that are in place, move in very quickly to squash it’s sources of opposition.

The threat passes, the knowledge becomes a part of society, and that’s it.

How did it all become so corrupt? Like attracts like. In every institution, in every country there have been increased reports of bullying, and mobbing, etc. The ones being targeted fit a specific profile, and they are the ones who get pushed out of the system.

What we also see happening, is that the ones doing the targeting are the ones to be advanced, the bully get’s a promotion, the accused pedophile becomes governor, etc. We see the corrupt elements in these stories advancing, and their victims or targets, often being eliminated or left without means.

A system like this under these conditions can become corrupt very fast. Corrupt elements are protected because they have something to hind and so they protect each other.

Others believe that protection of these elements is necessary to protect society and so they go along with what they know to be wrong.

Other are scared, they have seen what the system can do. They see it happen to whistle-blowers, journalist that do controversial stories, lawyers that go up against the system.

Others over time have learnt this is the way things are, and they just comply.

Others are just unaware of the real mechanisms in place, and would be shocked and disgusted, but when they try to do something about it, they find that there is no one there to help.

I think change is possible, but only if we truly wake up and realise that something is wrong. We are living in a corrupt society, with some very wrong elements. Elements in many cases that go up the top of the chain. Elements that protect and look out for each other.

Elements that know how to and which continue to manipulate, scare, and subdue people in to complacency.

If you try to see the bigger picture, or are not familiar with conspiracies, it will be hard to take. Two years ago, I didn’t want to see or believe that there could be any correlation between the abductee community and gang stalking. I thought my government were the best and that it was just a matter of bringing this to the attention of the right person in government. I now realise that this is not the case, because this is the source. I thought I lived in a democratic society, but I realise that democracy is not what I first thought it is.

I realise this system is also moving towards a one world government, and until we find some way united to see the bigger picture and act on it, things will not change. How can they if people do not realise that there is a need for change, and once they realise this, they have to begin to understand the true structure that they are up against.

For now it  was just important to bring these elements all together in one place so we could have a better understanding of what we are dealing with.

September 29, 2008 Posted by | Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 18 Comments