Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

The Most Paranoid Post On The Face Of The Planet

The Most Paranoid Post On The Face Of The Planet

Ok this is the title and there is no way to say it. So let’s say that the frequency suits hither previously blogged about, were being used to rape, torture, and harass people, would that be the worst thing ever?

It would suck but people would survive, but what if you add those frequency suits to the New World Order (NWO) agenda? That’s slightly different. if the local informants, I mean Threat Assessment Teams are using the frequency suits to rape and molest locate targets, no one cares, let’s face it. But what if they are using the suits to rape and molest famous people? Politicians, actors, actresses, heads of state, world leaders, people of influence, that slightly different correct, right?

What if in part this is how the NWO will do their take over? Raping, torturing, and molesting, those who should become the correct people, forcing them day after day to be tortured with the suits, ensuring they get no sleep day after day, until they either give out, or give in? (I always like to go with option C, removing them from their outcomes, always.) I amnot big on the NWO, so in advance my allegiance is to me, in my situations, it’s to me in my outcomes.

What if humanities fate isn’t being determined in the open as we first thought, but behind the scenes, what if famous pop stars, are being raped, until they agree to become the incorrect people, and finally do the incorrect things? What
if their wills are being manipulated to the stage it doesn’t make sense, what if they are being threatened and forced till they agree to do the incorrect things to others?

What if the suits could be used to rape a famous couple till they both broke, till they agreed to do the worst things to other people, themselves, and the child, or children in their situations? That couldn’t happen correct, right, I mean they would go public correct, they would tell everyone around them correct? They would be on twitter saying this is the situation, this is what’s happening correct, right?

Because in this day and age if something like this was happening, you would tell somebody correct, right, they wouldn’t just put up with it, till they agreed to become the incorrect people right? Correct? But what if they did, and not just them, dozens of other people just like them, influential, rich, capable of jet setting, private jet setting, here and there, all the money in the world, but unable to say anything about what was happening to them, would that be the worst thing ever?

You come across some stuff in life, some things you would never believe, but sometimes things aren’t as paranoid as they seem. Now the other item, I mentioned recently was the Robot Sentient Project, this project out of Boston Massatucettes, enables a remote user to interact with an individual, in various way, at their various etheric, astral, and other levels.
Now what if people were being placed into that program by themselves, without permission, let’s say the users were doing the same things when interacting with these world ruler types, global leaders, famous people, influential individuals, let’s say them and their families were being submitted to this program, let’s say they could watch their children being used by this program, wives, children, friends, family, most have no idea such a program exists, and if the
interactions are forced, such as rape, torture, sleep deprivation for days, an amnesty is required, because those people would be in the incorrect situations, and the incorrect things could be happening to them.

I have been doing the research, getting in touch with such individuals, who have confirmed that such things are occurring to them, not Targeted Individuals, none Targeted Individuals. I have come across one person who gave me a deeper let’s say insight, and what he is going through is Nazi project riffic, for an outsider, believing that people’s consciousness can be transferred without their permission, or consent, to belive that that could occur is difficult to begin with, but add to that people being used, tortured, kept awake for days, till they bend or break is almost impossible, unless it’s true, and it a certain special operations branch, or a specific government, is involved, or loosely affiliated with this or them, then it becomes even more horrific.

I research a lot of items, and have in the course of doing this stuff, the local Threat Assessment Teams are too often full of the incorrect sorts, rapists, child molesters, drug users, squeezy  types, who should not have access to frequency suits, keep in mind their is good and bad everywhere, and not everyone is the incorrect, or wrong sort, but all too often, too many are.

In doing the research I am trying to access some of their spiritual files for research and investigation purposes, and some of these guys have histories of doing the incorrect things to people, I am not sure how they ended up on these local Monitoring, Threat Assessment Teams, but too many of these Shift Commanders, and Unit Commanders, Case Workers, relating to these so called investigations, and they are not the correct sorts. To the Ralphs, (Andrews-Former Unit, them Shit Commander, and nothing but a violent rapist and problem for the community,) Mike’s, too many are the incorrect sorts, on these teams, or pretending to be affiliated with these teams.

Not to keep going back and forth, but the robot sentient project is not the correct sort, the public program that most individuals encounter, it’s neat, innovative, rape, torture, poppycock, hogwash, that couldn’t be happening here, just like in World War Two when rumours of the incorrect things got out, and others said it could be happening, there are things seen and unseen in this world, and things that need to be looked into, the truth is too often out there, and if you want to find it, then you can.

I am going to keep requesting some of the spiritual files, that I have authorization or access to, eg. I want to access or request the spiritual files for X person here, or any other idiot that might be affiliated with these local Teams, most have horrible histories, and should not be around targets, or their children, much less others.

In doing the research I can tell you that I thought this whole NWO thing would be in your face with a bang, not quite, violently behind the scenes, contemptiously destroying families, and innocent people.

August 16, 2012 Posted by | Awareness, Citizen Informants, Covert investigations, Electronic harassment, NWO, Surveillence, Threat Assessment Teams | , , , | 2 Comments

Gang Stalking Community Notifications

Community Notifications and Gang Stalking

Targeted Individuals have spent several years trying to understand the mechanisms that would allow the type of targeting that is happening to them to exist. Many have tried to understand how a system could exist that could monitor and track them 24/7. That could follow them from community to community. A structure that could label them, even from country to country.

Most targets see themselves as innocent individuals. People that have done no wrong, yet many started to experience, psychological torture, electronic harassment, and systemic wide targeting almost as if overnight in some cases, and in other cases it slowly built up over years.

Targets looked at structures such as Cointelpro, The Stasi, Stalking Groups, Vigilantes, the types of structures that had occurred in the past that had lead to a similar types of harassment. Many were close and very similar to what targets experienced, in their scope, and potential for systemic life disruptions and destruction, but none were ever quite perfect.

Jane Clift

Then last year the case of a woman in England named Jane Clift was brought to light as she made headlines in the U.K., and beyond. Ms. Clift tried to perform what was her citizens duty in reporting a man that had become angry and violent with her. In reporting this man, she herself was embroiled in a verbal altercation with the community worker that she tried to report his anti-social behaviours to. Ms. Clift followed up their heated discussion with a letter, and for this simple act, Ms. Clift was placed on a list with sex perverts, and other criminals. She was placed on what the U.K. calls the violent persons registry. It’s a listing for individuals who have displayed violent or other inappropriate behaviour. Ms. Clift found that being under the spotlight of this flagging system was too much and she was forced to move from the area that she had lived in for over 10 years.

Ms. Clift unlike many targets had been given notification that she was to be placed on such a list. The nature of her perceived offence, and the length of time she would be on such a list. She described her experience, which in some pivotal ways matched some of what Targeted Individuals had mentioned in their harassment.

She sensed that, everywhere she went, there was “whispering, collaboration, people scurrying about”. “Everywhere I went – hospitals, GPs, libraries – anywhere at all, even if I phoned the fire service, as soon as my name went on to that system, it flagged up ‘violent person marker, only to be seen in twos, medium risk’.” 2

Ms Clift’s targeting if not identical was at least fraternal to what targets had described. People collaborating. Whispers, scurrying, life disruption that had caused her to move. In Ms. Clifts case the warning markers, and flags had been sent out to quite a few agencies, and thus everywhere she want this warning marker followed her.

The question then became was such a system, or similar system available in other countries? Which laws were being used and who was responsible for keeping or organizing such information?

Further research showed that under occupations health and safety laws, there was such a structure in place, that would allow an individual to receive a warning marker, or flag on their files for various perceived offences. The structure matched and covered all the various markers that targets had complained about. The structure also allowed for those around the accused to be fully aware of what was ongoing, while it allowed the accused to be unaware, unable to defend themselves. This structure upon further and deeper examination fit extremely well with what was ongoing.

Under the Occupational health and safety, or community health and safety laws, which have been established in many countries, individuals can be flagged and a notification about them can be sent out to the community at large, all without the targets awareness. These laws give workers the right to be made aware if they are about to encounter potentially violent situations or individuals. These laws however do not give the target any foreknowledge of the violence, and harassment they will soon receive from the community, once placed on such a notification system.

Workers have the ’ right to know ‘ all risks and safe work procedures associated with the job. This may involve identifying individuals with a history of unpredictable or violent behaviour.

Training workers to recognize escalating behaviour that has the potential to result in violence is a common way to minimize risk. Five warning signs of escalating behaviour and possible responses are listed in Appendix C.

In the service sector this may require identifying to employees persons who have a history of aggressive or inappropriate behaviour in the store, bar, mall or taxi.

The identity of the person and the nature of the risk must be given to staff likely to come into contact with that person. While workers have the right to know the risks, it is important to remember that this information cannot be indiscriminately distributed. 3

Workers do have a right to know if they are going to encounter violent situations or individuals. On the surface this sounds like a good thing, and if used properly should be a good thing, yet the innocent were and are being targeted by this system. How were innocent individuals, whistle-blowers, and others ending up on such lists without any kind of warning or notification? Even convicted prisoners get warnings if they are going to be placed on a notification system, thus legally it would be presumed that other individuals would have the same rights and protections if there lives were going to be disrupted in a similar manner. This does not seem to be the case.

Under these occupational health and safety laws, incidents must be reported. They can range anywhere from threatening looks, yelling, to actual physical aggression and everything in between. They can also include other inappropriate behaviours. Eg. Acts of sexual aggression, harassment, intimidation, inappropriate lewdness, etc.

Once a worker files a report, if the workplace has an Employee Assistance Program then this matter might be discussed with that department. If the behaviour is deemed to be a real concern, then it might be forwarded to a Threat Assessment Team. This team is where designation, warning markers, and notifications can be determined and applied to an individuals file, depending on the structure of the organization.

Employee Assistance Program and Threat Assessment Team

This is a pre-emptive team with a mission of early identification of intervention. The composition of the TAT shall be the following individuals or their designated representatives: 4

Early interventions can be misconstrued and lead to damaging consequences. There many assumptions that go into pre-crime policing, that can have damaging consequences for the target involved.

Oregon State Police Sgt. Jeff Proulx explained to South Oregon’s Mail Tribune why the operation was such a success: “Instead of being reactive, we took a proactive approach.”

There’s just one problem: David Pyles hadn’t committed any crime, nor was he suspected of having committed one. The police never obtained a warrant for either search or arrest. They never consulted with a judge or mental health professional before sending out the military-style tactical teams to take Pyle in.

“They woke me up with a phone call at about 5:50 in the morning,” Pyles told me in a phone interview Friday. “I looked out the window and saw the SWAT team pointing their guns at my house. The officer on the phone told me to turn myself in. I told them I would, on three conditions: I would not be handcuffed. I would not be taken off my property. And I would not be forced to get a mental health evaluation. He agreed. The second I stepped outside, they jumped me. Then they handcuffed me, took me off my property, and took me to get a mental health evaluation.” 5

This team consists of members from Human Resources and other organizations. In the case of one Florida University the organization consists of many different individuals from various areas that work together to make the determination of whether they thing an individual could be a cause for violence.

1. Chief, University Police Department 2. Director, EAP 3. Director, Personnel Services 4. General Counsel 5. Appropriate Vice-President 6. Others as needed and deemed appropriate by above representatives E. Workplace Violence Management Team: A Workplace Violence Management Team (WVMT) shall periodically review the workplace violence policy and recommend changes as needed. The WVMT shall consist of the following persons or their designated representative:

1. Chief, University Police Department 2. Director, EAP 3. Director, Personnel Services 4. General Counsel F. Crisis Management Unit – The University maintains a Crisis Management Unit (CMU) through a collaborative effort between the Psychology Department and the Campus Police Department. In the event of a situation which may require immediate police or psychological intervention, the Police department should be notified. The Chief of Police (or designated representative) will determine if the situation requires the attention of the police, the CMU or the TAT. 4

In addition to exhibiting violent or other inappropriate behaviours, there are other factors that could ensure that an individual has a warning marker, or flag placed on their file. Again this will differ with each organization, but the concept is the same. This structure or one similar is used in some cases to determine if individuals will end up on this system wide notification.

V. “Fitness for Duty” Issues

In addition to the definitions of violent, potentially violent, and abusive behaviors as discussed in Section IV, these Guidelines shall also be concerned with behaviors, physical and verbal, that may not appear to be violent, potentially violent, or abusive prima facie. Such behaviors that do not fall within the purview of the definitions in Appendix A, yet may be viewed as precursors to violent behavior and/or have the tendency to interfere with a harmonious work environment or with an individuals work performance, shall be deemed as “fitness for duty” issues. Examples of “fitness for duty” behaviors may include, but are not limited to:

A. Expression of bizarre and inappropriate thoughts. B. Excessive absenteeism without prior approval or rationale. C. Degenerating physical appearance. D. Acts of insubordination. E. Poor work performance. F. Poor workplace relationships with others. G. Indications of alcohol/substance abuse. H. Excessive complaining. 4

The additional criterias that can get a person flagged, are interestingly enough many of the same symptoms that harassment, bullying and mobbing victims targets experience, or have express experiencing at the height of their targeting. Remember that harassment can happen in the workplace, in the community, or on campus. Many victims of sexual harassment have expressed inappropriate thoughts of what they would like to see happen to those harassing them. Many targets of sexual harassment and other harassment’s do not always keep up their physical appearance, while being harassed. They might disobey supervisors if asked to work with their assailant. Targets of mobbing, bullying, and harassment do often start to exhibit poor performance, workplace reviews and assessments. Some do turn to alcohol and substance abuse to deal with the harassment. Almost all targets of these harassment do make complaints to human resources on a regular basis in order to have the harassment stopped. Yet these are coincidentally the criteria listed for determining if someone is fit for duty.

VI. Reporting Procedures

All University employees and registered students, regardless of position, are responsible for the immediate reporting of any acts of violence, potential acts of violence, or threats they have received or witnessed, or have been told that another employee has witnessed or received. Employees and students should also report unusual, harassing, or threatening behaviors, as defined in Appendix A, even though such behaviors may not be in the form of an imminent threat, particularly if these behaviors make one fearful for his or her continued safety. Employees must make such reports regardless of the relationship of the employee to the person who initiated the threat or behavior or committed the act of violence. 4

Today’s workplace does not leave very much room for discretion. It is now routine for individuals to report acts of aggression, or other inappropriate behaviours. These can often have devastating affects on innocent individuals.

A medical technician killed himself after being suspended from work after someone complained that he made a politically-incorrect joke about a black friend.

Roy Amor, 61, who was devastated at the prospect of losing his job making prosthetics, shot himself in the head outside his house.

He was facing a disciplinary investigation after suggesting to the black colleague that he ‘better hide’ when they noticed immigration officers outside their clinic.

It is understood that the man was a close friend of Mr Amor and was not offended. However, it was overheard by someone else who lodged a formal complaint. 6

The above case shows how a seemingly innocent joke between two friends, can be overheard, taken as offensive by a third party, and lead to dire consequences. He made the remark to an individual who was a long term friend, but this remark lead to a disciplinary investigation. An investigation which might even have seen him fired from his job. Unable to face the consequences he committed suicide.

Due to the secrecy used in this program a target of harassment might well display anger, or other legitimate outbursts. Once this happens all the aggressors who are familiar with this system have to do is report the incidents. Explain how the target makes them feel threatened, uncomfortable, or express concerns about workplace violence. When in fact the target is the one being constantly provoked. Get a few friends involved and before you know it, the target is the problem. The target is the person who is aggressive, and the target is the one being disciplined or having a warning marker placed on their file. Targets are often being baited by complete strangers once they find themselves on these notification lists.

In future many more innocent people might just find themselves with such warning markers added to their files, as the DSM make the definition for mental illness that much wider and broader in scope.

DSM Updates

Proposed updates to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) are prompting many to question whether or not the psychiatric profession itself has gone crazy. The latest additions to the alleged “mentally ill” could include hoarders, people who get angry every now and again, lazy people, and even those who get outraged over things like sex and violence on television. 7

“For this latest revision they’ve set up a special task force to decide if behaviors like bitterness, extreme shopping or overuse of the internet should be included,” explained Professor Christopher Lane 7

Many Internet users who spend time on games such as World of Warcraft might meet this definition. People who spend too much time on chat forums. Lazy individuals, people who get angry, or who get upset about too much violence on television, people who like to shop too much, or hoard things, might all make the list in future. The criteria for these definitions are not only unscientific, they could easily incorporate most any individual in today’s modern society. If these definitions are successfully updated, there could be many more targets making the list in future.

Once a target is flagged, or a warning marker is placed on their files, depending on what the threat assessment team determines a community notification is sent out to the individuals around the target. Anyone that might come in contact with the target is contacted. Others who are part of these notification programs are also contacted when the target is nearby.

If a target makes a call, or their name is pulled up on a system, the targets warning marker will follow them. The community then naturally goes into hypervigilance mode, and they do anything they can to remove that individual from within the community. Most individuals treat these notifications the same way they would treat notifications about any other threat, be it paedophiles, rapists, the same hysteria is often present.

Community Notification

Some people might argue that they would feel more secure if they were aware of the identities of dangerous offenders in their neighbourhoods, but widespread community notification actually serves to heighten fear of victimization. In a large metropolitan area, hundreds of thousands of people are notified of a dangerous offender’s release, while only hundreds will come into contact with him in the community. This blanket notification propagates the belief that there are more “predators” in the community than ever before, and fearful attitudes among members of the public are reinforced. A vicious cycle results: widespread notification leads to an increase in the community’s fear of crime which, in turn, leads to more calls for notification. We would also argue that the use of inflammatory language such as “predator” by politicians and officials also works to heighten fear and increase calls for more punitive action. 8

Since the innocent target has no idea of what is happening behind their back, this system is being used in inappropriate ways. Based on the research that has been conducted,it seems this notification systems is being used to silence whistle-blowers, women seem to be targeted above average, and minorities. As Jane Clift points out, this system goes beyond race, gender. There are lot’s of men and non minority individuals who have also found themselves targeted by this system. This program is not only systemic, but these notifications are being used indiscriminately, with very little oversight, and they are being used beyond borders.

Since most civil workers are aware of this notification system, it means that targets reporting incidents of being followed around by various strangers should not have been unfamiliar to the police, and other agencies that targets reported their harassment to. In most cities this notification is well known, and used by many workers and employers. Yet Targeted Individuals have had to have mental health evaluations for making complaints about this structure, and the harassment that comes with it.


Not only will this program used the civil servant already mentioned, but it will expand who is used in the program. They will have secret sources of communication available to them. The members of these programs will connect with the fusion centres. None disclosure agreement or a confidential disclosure agreements will be signed by many in these programs to ensure that the information is protected. 9

Once the notification goes out, the target literally feels as if they have become enemy of the state, because the community is getting a notification with information that may or may not be fully accurate. Remember a lot of the reporting that happens, happens by individuals who could have ulterior motives, such as revenge. For someone familiar with this structure, it’s the perfect way to systemically destroy someone’s life and keep them out of the loop for years, if not forever.

The portion of the harassment that targets refer to as Gang Stalking is a deliberate psychological operation that happens within this structure. Involving community harassment, community mobbing, gaslighting, street theatre, electronic harassment and dozens of other techniques that all work together to help systemically destroy the target over time. It also paints those complaining as mentally ill. This structure is capable of destroying the targets reputation, and credibility. As the target seeks to get help for the community harassment that will inevitably occur under such a notification, their cries and pleas for assistance are ignored. Their stories of harassment, stalking, mobbing, electronic harassment, are all conveniently written of as signs of mental illness,while the Targeted Individuals life continues to be systemically interfered with, and continues to fall apart.

Most participants of this notification structure seem to be under some kind of confidentiality or none disclosure agreement. There is also a structure in place that seems capable of punishing anyone who is part of this structure that steps out of line, thus most people do not discuss this program, even as those close to them are being destroyed.

These occupational safety and health laws are in most communities, workplaces, and educational facilities. They are in most democratic countries, such as Canada, U.S., U.K. and the rest of Europe. At this stage many other countries seem to be adapting this structure, and from the feedback targets have provided it seems that this structure is already in most countries.

What this means is that wittingly or unwittingly. There is a systemic, surveillance structure that is fully capable of monitoring and targeting an individual who has been flagged in this manner. This structure is not limited to states, or provinces, and can go beyond borders. The targets information might also be indiscriminately distributed to a wide range of individuals. Individuals that the target might never come in contact with face to face, yet who the target might have an acquaintance, or business relationship with. It’s basically a net that is capable of touching everyone connected to the target, and poisoning them with the information contained in the targets file, wither accurate or not. Because most targets have no idea what is happening, or how such a structure could exist, they are floored as they try consistently to get help within the normal structures, while being written off as having a mental illness.

I believe that this notification system will continue, because it works for many. Many like feeling as if they are part of a secret club. Unless it happens to them, most will never truly understand how devastating such a structure can be to an innocent person. I can only suggest that those with the know how, financial ability, and dedication, work towards implementing laws to get this structure corrected.


This structure should be required to give written notification to targets. If an investigation is ongoing, then the time frame for the investigation should be limited. Targets complain of years, upon years of targeting. If the targets guilt has been established in some capacity, then invite them to a hearing. If not then it should be mandatory to remove these notification after a specific time frame. Most lawyers, mental health workers, police, are all fully in the know about this notification system, thus targets and their complaints of harassment should be taken seriously. Instead this notification system is being used to destroy innocent lives, or harass them for years on end with dire consequences to themselves, and the communities at large.

What many in society still do not understand or realize is that there is a dark side to many of those shootings and violent incidents, there is a dark side that society would rather not have you know about. A dark side that happens masked just below the public’s eye and awareness, but that is often very real and traumatizing for the Targeted Individual. 11

This notification system in scope and breadth is no less damaging then the Stasi’s system of harassment, or the American Cointelpro program. The difference now is that the state has masked these offences under the guise of doing what is right for the community. Leaving innocent targets at the mercy of the mob, and individuals who use this system to openly target, harass, oppress and control those who have been targeted.


May 2, 2010 Posted by | Citizen Informants, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conspiracy, control, Controlled society, Covert investigations, crazy, Cults, Gang Stalking, harassment, mobbing | , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

False Hope?

False Hope?

I saw the draft for a new bill and initially got excited that someone was looking to draft a bill.

[quote]Advanced Media Press Release Organized Stalking and Directed Energy Devices and Weapons Bill May 19, [/quote]

The problem with this bill or any other however is that if it does not address what is really happening it is just more false hope, more distraction, that will lead targets in the wrong direction and waste their time.

Real targets you can not afford that.

It’s taken some time, but this week there was some small success in getting generating enough interest in the subject of Gang Stalking to have a positive article written about the subject matter.

Keep in mind that these articles do not always have long shelf lives. That is why every real oppertunity counts. Eg. I was just trying the link for the article

“Stalker Claims unsettle police”

The link was not working and a search for a new link was not successful. The original article just came out last year.

[quote]Stalker claims unsettle police

(by Anthony G. Attrino – March 12, 2009)
Detectives are questioning a former Verona resident who has been handing out fliers claiming a large, organized group of stalkers is targeting residents and business owners with the objective of destroying their lives.

“Their intention is to murder their target without getting their hands dirty. It’s the perfect hate crime.” states the flier, which is titled “A Community Secret Revealed: Organized Stalking is Thriving in NJ.”


It’s important that the right focus is not shifted away. If any bill is created that does not point the finger at government or community programs, then they will do Gang Stalking targets very little good. The same was true for this story.

[quote]Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man’s Mind!


The story was great on the outside, and it was good in some regards, but not many targets could use it for getting out of their own situation or circumstances. His case was very specific, and the person failed to show up for court.

This is being done by government programs. The finger must be pointed, or it does not matter how many politicians, fake experts, fake groups they throw at us, as a community we will never get where we need to be if we allow ourselves to be falsely distracted.

We need laws which for the state to share with an individual when they have been placed on lists, so at least they have an idea of what is happening to them. We need oversight of these programs, there is none happening now, and devastating consequences are happening. From what I can see, it’s fully deliberate, and designed to be that way.

It’s more false hope that plays into the hands of these people once again.  Let’s stay focused and when real evidence presents itself let’s examine those channels. There is lot’s of good information coming out about Violent Person’s Registries, and this is a very strong direction that we should all be looking at and examining. If this is what is being used, then any future laws to protect Targeted Individuals, must go after these lists, and oversight of these lists. Plus Freedom Of Information Act requests, to see who has been targeted by these programs.

March 22, 2010 Posted by | Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community mobbing, conspiracies, Conspiracy, Controlled society, Covert investigations, crazy, Electronic harassment, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Informants, Minority women, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Refuse to live in fear

Fear it’s the power that controls and consumes the lives of many people right now. As long as they are consumed by the fear they will be controlled by it. As long as they let others tell them what to be afraid of they will control the masses.

Wars on Drugs, War on Terror, Street Gangs, Global Warming, Swine Flu, etc. It can be anything, the only person or persons that can control this fear or stop it from happening is us. We the people. We have the power and they know it, thus they keep us in a constant state of fear. They put weak and pathetic leaders forwards, ones in their control, who we are then told to emulate.

You see this questionable leadership in all areas of society, but most people never question it, it’s always been like this and they don’t think that things can change, or that they will change. Also they are so comfortable, they are too lazy to put in the effort that it would take to make a change. Even if it’s slavery it’s still a routine that they know and they are willing to work with it.

Targeted Individuals know a lot about fear. We deal with fear when we are mobbed, targeted, electronically harassed, and the various other things that targets go through. Being afraid is a normal human emotion and there is nothing wrong with it, but when it overpowers and controls your life, then it’s a bad thing. That’s when it becomes a problem.

Many targets deal with fears that most people think make them look crazy. Eg. They get sensitized over time to a color, word, action, ect and finally all the negative associations, or the big event that it took to make them sensitized is not needed, any little trigger event will do, and these informants on a daily basis will use little trigger events to keep the target scared and in their control.

They will also try to anchor on other things to keep targets scared of more things, till their life becomes one big fear factor. That is the goal, then all they have to do is snap a finger, jingle a key, cough, sneeze, use the color red, patterns, snap laptops, etc, and the target reacts. Those are some of the sensitivities I have heard about since coming online. These are designed to keep the Targeted Individual in a state of anxiety or fear. Before these little events could work, they used big events to try to make the target afraid. Eg. When I first started being electronically harassed and burnt in my home, or as the informants like to call it, (electronically monitored) they use to always try to attach a noise of a drill to the torture. So there I would be getting burnt, and then at the time I knew nothing about shielding and had no defence so it was pretty raw, and painful. They consistently tried to make sure that drilling was attached to the torture, this was over several months. So when I went back out into the world, they were sure, and banking on the fact that I would be sensitized to the sound of drills and then they could just tell the informants, this person has a phobia, is very sensitize to drills, acts out is not normal, ah but they failed. For the next two years and even to today, they still attempt it once in awhile to see if I was sensitized. It just shows me that with proper knowledge, we can win out over these people in small little ways, day by day.

See I was lucky, I had one sensitivity, I had it for years. Before my torture with electronic harassment started I learnt about anchors, so I realized that they would be trying to attach another sensitivity to the one I already had. I had a working knowledge of Pavlov and the dog experiment so I was familiar with what they were trying to do.

Eg. Pavlov would ring a bell during his dog’s feeding time. The dog would start to salivate over the food. After a while he could just ring the bell and the dog would start to salivate, cause he had associated the sound with food, in our case we associate the sensitivity to negative things they have done to us over time, without in many cases even realising that they are sensitizing us till it’s too late.

The sensitivity that I had when my electronic harassment began, I spent that time at home being tortured and electronically harassed, but also getting over my sensitivity. It was not perfect, but over the next few months, it got better, and is at a normal level to what it was before the sensitivity started.

So what does this have to do with fear that the average person’s experiences? Well let’s take 9/11 a big, huge event that got everyone scared, panicked. Most people because they shared the fear understand it and agree that this was a fear worthy event, and understand and accept that people are scared and have a phobia about this event happening again.

So now several years later, you don’t need another 9/11 to keep the people scared, the occasional terrorist threat, weird plane flying over New York, and keep the citizens on high alert and they are in the grips of fear, and it works. Also if we get them scared of 9/11 then we can add in other fears, attach additional fears.

See these people try to stop us from living our lives by trying to scare us, systemically trying to destroy us, and they want to try to control us. Well 9/11 does the same for the average citizen.

When people are scared they can do silly things, behave in what to the average person seems like irrational behavior, but to them seems perfectly normal. To an outsider that did not know about 9/11, voodoo rituals of taking off belts, shoes, and allowing oneself to be scanned and shown virtually naked to some stranger, would seem bizarre if not flat out crazy, an outsider would laugh and be like what’s wrong with these people, allowing themselves to be treated like that and give up their rights? But because the fear has happened over the last several years it seems normal to the people that share this common fear. Just like our phobias are normal to us, based on our experiences.

Getting past fear, not feeding the fear factor. For my sensitivity it was a process. Each time I was home, I worked on it, I did not have the daily exposure, I knew it was irrational, I knew how it had come about, and I had a pretty good idea how to go about disassociating it with negative things, but it took time, and I had to work on it.

Fear is something that we have in many ways, it’s normal and healthy, it can even keep us safe, but there is a stage where fear becomes irrational and even hurtful. Most times fear is individually based and if your phobia is going to an extreme level, an outsider can often point this out. However fear of 9/11 was group based, and the fear is shared by such a large group that their irrational actions, and activities are not being registered. The vast majority see these crazy measures, as something sane. They see giving up their rights, privacy, dignity as something needful to keep them safe. The fear is so deep routed that they are not only willing to give up their rights as a society and individuals, but then they are like a drug addict willing to drag down those around them who don’t see things this way, those who refuse to give into this irrationality.

They want others to be scared the way they are, and those of us who just don’t function this way, they are happy to take aware our rights, our freedoms. They are happy to go to other countries and attack others to try to bring about safety and security, which only succeeds in making more enemies, but instead of seeing this for what it is, they continue on in the same vain as before. Doing more harm to their chances of having a normal safe future.

Fear can be strong, powerful and irrational. At some stage however if you want to get better as an individual, or as a society, you have to stop giving into this fear, you have to find some way to let it go. Unfortunately being scared, living in fear works for many right now, too many, and like Dr Phil says, if it’s working for you, you are not going to change. Something about this cycle of fear and stupidity is working for a large majority of people, and the rest of us are caught up in their self destructive spiral of destruction.

We can’t force them to stop being scared, I don’t believe that we have the right. But we can point out why the fear is irrational, encourage them to help them get past the fear. We can raise our own vibrational levels, refuse to live in fear in our own lives, and try to help those around us who are gripped by fear to get past it. Many never get past it, but they might be able to get to a stage where they are functioning in a rational and sane manner again. McCarthyism continued until just a few stood up and said, enough is enough, “have you no shame,” and then it fell apart from there.

Change can happen, you can stop living in fear. It’s a painful, daily emotional experience, I am not trying to pretend that it will be easy. Right now this fear is enslaving and to many the fear appears to be protecting, but it’s not, however people will only see this in their own time, when they get ready to deal with the fear. For many it will be never. Yesterday it was the Russian’s, they were the one’s to fear, they were going to drop that nuclear bomb anytime. That fear seemed logical to some, and it allowed them to do crazy things. Today it’s terrorist. Tomorrow it will likely be someone else, or something else. Whatever will get a response from the people. Just like whatever will get a response from the Targeted Individual.

Each person has to take some individual responsibility for what is happening. It’s a normal thing in today’s society to be scared, but each person has to try to move past that fear.

First realise that there is a problem. The society is being destroyed by this fear. The rights and freedoms that you claim others envy so much, where are they? Are they running around naked at airports, well not running around naked, but being scanned naked, with privates available for view? (Yes the naughty bits will be available for view, or there is no point in having the scanners.) Are they getting mind read at the airports? When do you say enough is enough?

Even if the worst thing does happen, you would pick up your lives, your psyche and continue on, that is how normal societies function, and I know you probably don’t want to hear this from the Targeted Individual, but you are no longer behaving in a rational manner.

If you are able to realise that there is a problem with what is happening, then you need to ask yourself what can you do at an individual level to fix this problem? Then take it from there.

Fear controls us as long as we let it. I have watched psycho nut jobs, some of these informants try to destroy my life for years. Jobless at times, threats of losing my roof over my head, almost daily attempts to run/drive into me in lethal ways. Plus the just being annoyed by the informants as they try to provoke. I have been there done that, it’s not a place I like, and it’s one that I want to stay away from. Like others I have to work at it.

If you can raise yourself up from the fear, then you can help others. Some of us got past the Flu Fear recently, and Global Warming fears, but they seem to always be able to pull the people back in with the terror scare. Until you the people find a way to stop being scarred, then they have us, and the terrorists real or imagined, planned or unplanned will have it and you will have lost.

Overcoming fear is not easy, it’s a daily process, but we have to try because freedom and democratic security are worth fighting for.

January 10, 2010 Posted by | 9/11, Brain reading device, changing vibrations, Citizen Informants, Community harassment, community mobbing, control, Controlled society, Covert investigations, crazy, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Informants, Insane, Intimidation, Mind Reading, Monitoring, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, Torture, vibrations | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Fraternal Twins

And you thought the Human Flesh Search Engine was confusing

Yesterday everyone was introduced to a new concept, well a concept that’s been on the net for the last few months, and that’s the violent person registry.

You were brought the story of Jane Clift who tried to inform on a drunken man who yelled obscenities at her, and got herself placed on a violent persons registry instead of him.

Here are some of the highlights and the recap. t-council-complaining-damaged-flowerbed.html

[quote]But her efforts led to a surreal nightmare in which she was branded potentially violent and put on a council blacklist with thugs and sex attackers.

Her details were circulated to an extraordinary range of public and private bodies, including doctors, dentists, opticians, libraries, contraceptive clinics, schools and nurseries. Their staff were advised not to see her alone.

The 43-year-old former care worker was forced to withdraw an application to become a foster parent and, eventually, to leave the town where she had lived for ten years.

Now, after a bitter four-year legal battle with Slough Council, the stain on her character has finally been removed.


She said that after the council acted, she sensed that everywhere she went, there was ‘whispering, collaboration, people scurrying about’.

‘One time I went to the contraceptive clinic and I felt that there were way too many people hovering about for me than should have been there, making me feel very insecure.

‘It did serve as a reminder that everywhere I went – hospitals, GPs, libraries – anywhere at all, even if I phoned the fire service, as soon as my name went on to that system, it flagged up ‘violent person marker, only to be seen in twos, medium risk’.’
[/quote] d-potentially-violent-complaining-vandalised-flowerbed.html

[quote]‘It has taken me four years to clear my name and I hope Slough and other councils never again misuse their registers.’ Simon Davies, from the human rights watchdog Privacy International, said: ‘This just shows the megalomania of these local authorities. This poor
woman was subjected to a Kafkaesque ordeal because of an incorrect allegation made by one official.

‘It is the sort of behavior that we would have condemned if it came from China or Russia. Our councils seem to be out of control.’ [/quote]

[quote]Jane Clift lived with the stigma of the violent persons register for three and a half years. Slough Borough Council refused to back down and maintained that she was a violent person. [/quote]

-She was blacklisted
-Forced to Move
-She is single and female
-When in public she felt surrounded by extra people who just should not have been there.
-Being placed on the list was used as an attempt to silence here.

So I have been getting the obvious question, but isn’t this Gang Stalking or Gang Stalking like, the answer is yes, very much so and very much similar. Thus why we have the picture of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. They look exactly alike, and for most of their life, I assumed that they were identical twins. They are not. They are in fact fraternal twins, but without the blood work, and to just look at them, they look exactly alike.

I believe the violent person registry is close enough that many of us can use that to say look, here is the story of a women, who was placed on a watch list. Look at what happened to her, she was followed in public, forced to move, and had her life disrupted. If you are looking to get people to believe you, I don’t see why you can’t use this. I also think you can use the existence of such lists, to get legal procedures or inquires going. At the onset it looks enough alike. Also since I have not had a chance to find out the total nature of her harassment, I don’t know how close a match this is yet. For the time being I am placing it in the fraternal twin category.

Where it differs. She was told that she was going to be placed on such a list. I have not come across one Gang Stalking target that was told they would be placed on a list. This means she had reasonable grounds and proof of who placed her on the list, the time frame, the incident that started this, and many of us will not.

When she moved it sounds like some of the harassment might of stopped. I don’t know this for sure, but based on the articles, it sounds like the point of entry onto the violent persons list was where her attack was most virulent, that and ofcourse having that title on her head.

She is a single female, they were using it to keep her quite, so I suspect there was other harassment ongoing, which she probably left out of the article to sound sane. To get the nitty gritty if there was more would require more digging.

With Gang Stalking, or what we are calling Gang Stalking and I plan to continue calling that, we get Gaslighting. They monitor our homes 24/7. I don’t know if that happened to Jane Clift or not. With Gang Stalking they try to make us look crazy, but I am sure that they also want us to look violent, pedophiles etc.

Based on the research, the article from the ACLU, other target testimony, things like the Buzzsaw, what happens with Gang Stalking is systemic. Many targets show a multi-generational aspect to the targeting. They kill targets, that goes beyond any kind of everyday list. What we see with Gang Stalking, is systemic destruction.

I however believe that a person unknowingly could end up on a list like Ms Clift did, and then have the same thing happen that we see in Gang Stalking. I believe that when this story came out, we were suppose to accept that this was all that there is to Gang Stalking and go on to our happy lives, that’s clearly not going to happen.

With Gang Stalking, we not only have electronic monitoring happening, which more times than not, constitutes torture. These people co-ordinate not just from city to city, town to town, but across country lines.

The informants are not just one and few people, the reports, research, shows that we are setting up Stasi States, or States like China, where the citizens are all snitches. Sorry I mean Citizen Informants.

With Gang Stalking, there is a systemic collaboration that happens. Ms Clifts name went out on a list and was spread far and wide, but if she had changed countries would she have been followed? I don’t have an answer, but targets like Jesus Mendez, Gloria Naylor, and so many others report leaving, country, moving, moving again, and it’s the same thing. Same coordination, same gaslighting, same systemic approach to the monitoring.

What we are looking at is a conspiracy, and it goes deep, and it is systemic. I have no doubts on this, proving it will be a bit of a longer road yet. Great strides have been made, and will continue to be made, God willing, people willing, etc.

For many of us however we just want our lives to get back to normal, whatever that is. Will using the methods Jane Clift used work? I don’t know, but it can’t hurt to try. As far as getting people to believe you, getting legal representation involved, then I don’t see why you can’t use this, it’s close enough that if people don’t look to deeply, they won’t know the difference. If you stick to the main points, leave out some of the gaslighting stuff, focus on the facts. Such registries exist, innocent people are being placed on them, investigations are happening, their lives are being disrupted, it’s a start.

For us who have lived this, we know the difference, this goes deeper. This is systemic, has been for sometime now, and people continue to be turned into informants for the state. They continue to have to be a part of the life disruption process that targets are harmed by. With the targeting we experience, it’s deep. 24/7 surveillance, neighbours on all sides monitoring, some get construction projects, street theater, psychological manovours that are used to try to destroy our lives. Our friends, families, co-workers, neighbors, customers, are all co-opted. I have worked at jobs where I was dealing with customers from multiple countries, and it’s the same thing. To even broach the subject sounds crazy, schizo crazy, that is the word right, but it’s not crazy, and it’s been like this for some time.

I have talked to enough people, but seen enough to know that I am correct in this, but do what works for you, this game has been about what we can prove, well targets, we have the ACLU stating investigations are happening.


Mass Con-Fusion

You mean to tell me that it is legal for corporations from the private sector to team up with local law enforcement officials in efforts to spy on innocent members of our society? You also mean to tell me that the synthesis of law enforcement authority and the drive of for-profit companies operate under little to no guidelines or restrictions and it is unclear to whom they are responsible to? [/quote]

We know that employees, councils, school officials, etc, can open or get people placed on monitoring lists. Proving the gaslighting and other psychological ops, or that they were designed to eliminate targets of the state, is another story. Do what works for your personal situation, always continue to do your own research.

For now I am calling these lists our fraternal twins. We are never told we are on lists, she moved and I think some of the harassment might have stopped, but she had information that many of us do not have, and I have no proof that her targeting went as deep as ours. I do however have good reason to believe that some would like the world to think that this was the extent of the targeting. It’s not. There are complete strangers following targets, little citizen informants that take turns doing everything to harass targets, people using their children in these skits, etc.

Though it’s not uncommon for a community to get together to get rid of a trouble maker or a dangerous person, this targeting goes wherever a person goes. 24/7, and the goal is to completely destroy the person. Don’t think doctors, or psychiatrists would take part in things like that? Guess again.

[quote]WASHINGTON – When the CIA began what it called an “increased pressure phase” with captured terrorist suspect Abu Zubaida in the summer of 2002, its first step was to limit the detainee’s human contact to just two people. One was the CIA interrogator, the other a psychologist.

During the extraordinary weeks that followed, it was the psychologist who apparently played the more critical role. According to newly released Justice Department documents, the psychologist provided ideas, practical advice and even legal justification for interrogation methods that would break Abu Zubaida, physically and mentally. Extreme sleep deprivation, waterboarding, the use of insects to provoke fear — all were deemed acceptable, in part because the psychologist said so.

“No severe mental pain or suffering would have been inflicted,” a Justice Department lawyer said in a 2002 memo explaining why waterboarding, or simulated drowning, should not be considered torture.

Increased pressure phase? Separating him from others, like they do to us. Interesting. The sleep deprivation that we get due to the harassment, so we can have car accidents, or lash out. The psychologist provided ideas. I bet. Practical advise on how to torture someone, what would be most effective, and even legal advise and justification. Justification for human torture. If they would do this to them, what about us?

A psychologist providing information on what would break someone. The use of insects to provoke fear. No different, than when they sensitize a target and use that to make the person look like they are very sensitive or crazy. These are the type of people helping to run the zoo.

Waterboarding was touted as particularly useful because it was “reported to be almost 100 percent effective in producing cooperation,” the memo said.

The agency then used a psychological assessment of Abu Zubaida to find his vulnerable points. One of them, it turns out, was a severe aversion to bugs.

“He appears to have a fear of insects,” states the memo, which describes a plan to place a caterpillar or similar creature inside a tiny wooden crate in which Abu Zubaida was confined. CIA officials say the plan was never carried out.

So if instead of bugs, he had an aversion to keys jangling, they would have used that, and it was the psychologists job to go in, probably build trust and find this out. So if this is what they deem legal, and they are supposedly held in high esteem, what about those who are held in lower esteem, would they do worst then?

Just proof that psychologists, would willingly be part of something like that. So proving some parts of our struggles remain, exposing this system for what it is, it’s already exposed, it’s just getting people to believe it, and accept it.

In situations like the Buzzsaw, there were no violent incidents, that’s another close cousin that we have, but it’s just one more branch of a systemic practice, that is being used to destroy and silence people.

Prophetically, an acquaintance coolly said to me a year after I left the lab, “You are in a police net you will never get out of … for the rest of your life.” She was right, but I no longer care because now I am not afraid.

We are controlled by our fears until we have none left, and that happens when there is nothing left to lose. The journey to that realization took 12 years of pain, a sense of loss and humiliation, a feeling of abandonment and the lifelong emptiness and absence of being loved—not by any-one, not at any time. The experience and purpose of being mobbed, and what I did not known the isolation of the experience, is that I was not alone.“Mobbing” is the purposeful and strategic institutional gathering of all information about an individual by using any method—legal or illegal. Contact for this purpose is made with neighbors, classmates, former partners, family members, former employers, teachers, church members, good friends and even your family tree … everything must be known about the support system around you that makes your life possible. The assessment of strategic resources and future income (finances, mobility, cars, insur-ance, credit cards, bank safety deposit boxes, post office boxes, wills, health records, birth

Page 3
Uncovering the Truth About Depleted Uranium49certificates, transcripts and photographs) is made without your knowledge. The purpose ofmobbing is to drive the target individual out of the job force for the rest of their life; the big-ger goal is to drive them to the ultimate self-destruction: suicide. There are now laws made by European unions to prevent this cancer on society and productivity, but it is practically unknown in the U.S.The University of California, which had contributed so much to the State of California and to the global community through the benefits of education, had become a pathologi-cally dysfunctional institution through its mobbing practices.

I learned that more than 500 women and minorities had filed lawsuits against the University of California and had then experienced retaliation by the University of California apparatus of mobbing by employees, alumni and law enforcement.1The lawsuits were for denial of tenure, whistleblower retaliation and theft of intel-lectual property. These women had similar complaints about the destruction of their own lives and careers. The information gathered by the University of California is used to takeyour life apart; to destroy all that makes you feel safe; to bankrupt, isolate and alienate you from society and from yourself; and to attempt to make you look crazy.

Your children are harassed, they come home with belongings missing and stories of teachers harassing them and a weirdness takes over your lives. Slowly, documents disappeared from my house; porncharges appeared on my credit card; files, my purse and my keys disappeared; mail was lost. I was forced to carry my documents with me at all times. All of my university transcripts and diplomas have been stolen from my house.Two things kept me going and kept me alive. First, the warrior mother spirit guided me to protect Zephyr. That miracle of life taught me what it means to love unconditionally and completely. I began to learn to love myself. Second, my uncle had told me long ago, “No one can destroy you. Only you can destroy yourself.”


500 Additional cases that she was aware of, the majority woman, all to keep them silent. Please read over the other stories in the above link, and you will see what I mean by systemic.

A great pdf, where woman talk about their harassment, and you see a pattern with lawyers, doctors, tribunals, etc. Systemic.

[quote]Many targets of bullying report that they seem to be obstructed every step of the way in their pursuit of justice. The management refuse to investigate, or use an untrained investigator, or whitewash the case. The union refuses to help, or initially shows interest but suddenly changes sides. The solicitor initially shows interest but then starts acting in a manner which suggests they have the other side’s interests at heart rather than yours.

The employer’s lawyers apply for, and obtain, adjournment after adjournment, then obtain a pre-hearing review which the tribunal chairman handles in favour of the employer. In the tribunal, favour is shown to the respondent (employer) and you get the impression that the verdict has been decided in advance. Your solicitor, the respondent’s lawyers and the tribunal chairman seem to know more about your case than you think they should.

After the tribunal you’re left with no option but to privately sue the employer, the union, and your solicitor, and appeal the tribunal decision, but by this time you have no job, no income, your savings are gone, so is your health, maybe your marriage too, and there’s no prospect of ever being employed again, especially in the professions.

Sound familiar? If so, you might be surprised to realise how often this happens. Mostly it’s in cases from the education sector, although it may happen in any public sector case, for example the NHS. Occasionally, but less often, it happens in private sector cases, and in rare cases from the voluntary sector.

Although there’s never any substantive proof, it seems that all the parties arrayed against you have been colluding in secret. The question is, what allegiance binds these individuals together, and where could they meet such that the normal rules of confidentiality do not apply? What fraternal obligation places their duty to support and protect each other above the moral, ethical and legal obligations by which the rest of us are bound?

Employers, unions, law firms, and employees of the justice system are part of society, and every group, professional or otherwise, contains a few poor performers and rotten apples. This ranges from inexperience through ineptitude and incompetence to collusion and corruption.


Many have touched on this. Tim Field passed away, before he could finish the research into the collusion. He was very smart, and had a large following with his bullying movement.

Anyways, it’s systemic, but each piece of the puzzle, helps our cause, that’s what it’s all about, gathering evidence. I think within the last week, a lot of really good material has come out, material that can help targets to get some relief from what is happening.

So again, I would stress awareness and exposure as our two key elements for fighting this. Awareness to the public friends family. Exposure, if you are being bothered bring up the fact that it’s now common knowledge that registries like the violent persons registry exist, and that innocent people are being placed on it, bring up the fact that the ACLU says investigations are happening, without any clarity of who takes care of what. Bring up the fact that there are national, regional, and local linked databases, that are being shared across country lines. Bring up mobbing, the human flesh search engine, use the info that is out there, that has been presented to make your case, and to expose your cause. I can’t guarantee you will win, but you will make a great case, and these people do not hold up well to scrutiny or to the light.

Do what works best for your own situation, if you read something and it does not sound right, research on your own, I always stress this point, maybe you will catch something that another has missed.

I leave you with the scene from my cousin Vinny. If you have not seen the video, watch it, it’s very good.


Mona Lisa Vito: ‘Cause Chevy didn’t make a 327 in ’55, the 327 didn’t come out till ’62. And it wasn’t offered in the Bel Air with a four-barrel carb till ’64. However, in 1964, the correct ignition timing would be four degrees before top-dead-center.

Jim Trotter: Well… um… she’s acceptable, Your Honor.

Vinny Gambini: Ms. Vito, it has been argued by me, the defense, that two sets of guys met up at the Sac-O-Suds, at the same time, driving identical metallic mint green 1964 Buick Skylark convertibles. Now, can you tell us by what you see in this picture, if the defense’s case holds water?

[Lisa examines the picture]

Vinny Gambini: Ms. Vito, please answer the question: does the defense’s case hold water?

Mona Lisa Vito: No! The defense is wrong!

Vinny Gambini: Are you sure?

Mona Lisa Vito: I’m positive.

Vinny Gambini: How could you be so sure?

Mona Lisa Vito: Because there is no way that these tire marks were made by a ’64 Buick Skylark convertible. These marks were made by a 1963 Pontiac Tempest.

Jim Trotter: Objection, Your Honor! Can we clarify to the court whether the witness is stating opinion or fact?

Judge Chamberlain Haller: This is your opinion?

Mona Lisa Vito: It’s a fact!

Vinny Gambini: I find it hard to believe that this kind of information could be ascertained simply by looking at a picture!

Mona Lisa Vito: Would you like me to explain?

Vinny Gambini: I would love to hear this!

Judge Chamberlain Haller: So would I.

Mona Lisa Vito: The car that made these two, equal-length tire marks had positraction. You can’t make those marks without positraction, which was not available on the ’64 Buick Skylark!

Vinny Gambini: And why not? What is positraction?

Mona Lisa Vito: It’s a limited slip differential which distributes power equally to both the right and left tires. The ’64 Skylark had a regular differential, which, anyone who’s been stuck in the mud in Alabama knows, you step on the gas, one tire spins, the other tire does nothing.
[the jury members nod, with murmurs of “yes,” “that’s right,” etc]

Vinny Gambini: Is that it?

Mona Lisa Vito: No, there’s more! You see? When the left tire mark goes up on the curb and the right tire mark stays flat and even? Well, the ’64 Skylark had a solid rear axle, so when the left tire would go up on the curb, the right tire would tilt out and ride along its edge. But that didn’t happen here. The tire mark stayed flat and even. This car had an independent rear suspension. Now, in the ’60’s, there were only two other cars made in America that had positraction, and independent rear suspension, and enough power to make these marks. One was the Corvette, which could never be confused with the Buick Skylark. The other had the same body length, height, width, weight, wheel base, and wheel track as the ’64 Skylark, and that was the 1963 Pontiac Tempest.

Vinny Gambini: And because both cars were made by GM, were both cars available in metallic mint green paint?

Mona Lisa Vito: They were!

Vinny Gambini: Thank you, Ms. Vito. No more questions. Thank you very, very much.

[kissing her hands]

Vinny Gambini: You’ve been a lovely, lovely witness.

Vinny Gambini: Mr. Wilbur, how’d you like Ms. Vito’s testimony?

George Wilbur: Very impressive.

Vinny Gambini: She’s cute too, huh?

George Wilbur: Yes, very.

Judge Chamberlain Haller: Mr. Gambini…

Vinny Gambini: Sorry, Your Honor.

Vinny Gambini: Sheriff Farley, uh… what’d you find out?
Sheriff Dean Farley: On a hunch, I took it upon myself to check out if there was any information on a ’63 Pontiac Tempest stolen or abandoned recently. This computer readout confirms that two boys, who fit the defendants’ description, were arrested two days ago by Sheriff Tillman in Jasper County, Georgia, for driving a stolen metallic mint green 1963 Pontiac Tempest, with a white convertible top, Michelin Model XGV tires, size 75-R-14.

Vinny Gambini: Is that it?

Sheriff Dean Farley: No. A .357 Magnum revolver was found in their possession.

Vinny Gambini: Sheriff Farley, just to refresh the court’s memory, what caliber bullet was used to murder Jimmy Willis?
Sheriff Dean Farley: .357 Magnum.

Vinny Gambini: The defense rests.

October 14, 2009 Posted by | Awareness, Bullying, Citizen Informants, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conspiracy, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, Gaslighting, harassment, Informants, Insane, Internet, Monitoring, Social Control, society, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual, white female | 2 Comments

Woman placed on Violent Persons Register

I am really happy about this story. I did not know there was a potentially “violent person registry.” I don’t know what the names would be in Canada, U.S. or Europe, but it should not be hard to find out.

Think of this scenario in the workplace, at school, etc. You make a comment, or perform an action that might upset someone with the capacity to get you on such a list, and then an notice is sent out to several dozen places that you are a potentially violent person who should not be alone with others, and then your life changes.

Here is some really neat info from this article.

I was turned into a Parriah for complaining about a yob

[quote]Jane Clift saw it as her public duty to report a drunk she saw trampling flowers in a park.

But her efforts led to a surreal nightmare in which she was branded potentially violent and put on a council blacklist with thugs and sex attackers.

Her details were circulated to an extraordinary range of public and private bodies, including doctors, dentists, opticians, libraries, contraceptive clinics, schools and nurseries. Their staff were advised not to see her alone.

The 43-year-old former care worker was forced to withdraw an application to become a foster parent and, eventually, to leave the town where she had lived for ten years.

Now, after a bitter four-year legal battle with Slough Council, the stain on her character has finally been removed.[/quote]

A list that put her up there with sex attackers if you can imagine that.

She was a care worker, and got denied fostering a child because of this.

Woman sues council for libel after being labelled
‘potentially violent’ for complaining about a vandalised flowerbed

[quote]Ms Clift told the court that she had to leave Slough, where she had lived for 10 years, and had initially moved to Southampton.

‘I’d like to move back some time in the near future but without this hanging over my head and my family’s head.

‘I have many connections in Slough, I like Slough, but it was impossible for me to function normally in Slough with this on my head for 18 months, and the stain will always be there.’

She said that after the council acted, she sensed that everywhere she went, there was ‘whispering, collaboration, people scurrying about’.

‘One time I went to the contraceptive clinic and I felt that there were way too many people hovering about for me than should have been there, making me feel very insecure.

‘It did serve as a reminder that everywhere I went – hospitals, GPs, libraries – anywhere at all, even if I phoned the fire service, as soon as my name went on to that system, it flagged up ‘violent person marker, only to be seen in twos, medium risk’.’

‘I’m nothing special, no qualifications, don’t have a fancy job but I don’t go getting into trouble. It cuts across class, race, everything.

‘These people have this ability to do this and they can abuse it.
Not many people know, I didn’t even know, that such a register existed.[/quote]

She sensed that everywhere she went there was a whispering and collaboration campaign, with people scurrying about. She also goes on to say more people were hovering about than should have been there, making her feel insecure. I am sure that I have another word for what they were doing, but to continue.

Woman Placed on Violent persons registry
Woman labelled violent by Slough borough council wins damages

[quote]A woman who was labelled potentially violent by a council has won £12,000 in libel damages.

Jane Clift sued Slough borough council and Patrick Kelleher, its head of public protection, over their reaction to her complaint about a three-year-old boy who vandalised a flower bed in a town park.

The authority argued that a 2005 entry about her in its violent persons register was accurate, and that Clift was obsessed with getting Slough’s antisocial behaviour co-ordinator sacked.

Mr Justice Tugendhat found in favour of Clift at the high court, but rejected her claim that Kelleher had been malicious.[/quote]

She had to move and it took four years to get her name removed from this list.

I was just pointing that out, because I am sure that the policy on these lists is not to give our information to the person being placed on the lists.

Staff Safety (Potentially Violent Persons) Database
employees and others arising from their work activities.

3. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to alert Directorates to their statutory duties and of the corporate information system designed to enable managers to identify potential risks to employees from individuals, animals and premises. The purpose of the recording is to seek to avoid further incidents through the controlled sharing of information that will be used to undertake a better-informed risk assessment of proposed visits by employees.

5. Definitions

The Staff safety register is a secure electronic based database recording incidents involving an employee of DMBC (or partner agency) that have caused actual or potential harm.

6. Policy

It is Doncaster Council policy to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees and therefore managers must utilise the staff safety database to achieve this objective.

7. Responsibilities


All managers in day-to-day control of people, places etc must ensure that risk assessments are completed and are suitable and sufficient for their purpose. Managers must ensure that the significant findings arising from risk assessments are communicated to employees affected by those work activities. For the purposes of this section the work activity relates to visits by Council employees away from Council premises. See Instruction section for detailed Risk assessment.

Senior managers who, after notification of an incident to one of their employees, believe that person(s) and/ or an address now need to be included onto the staff safety register then they must notify the system manager of that decision at the earliest opportunity.

To comply with Data Protection Act 1988 if the manager decides to include a person onto the register then that person must be informed in writing of the intention to do so, the reason for their inclusion and the arrangements for review and removal. The right of appealing against that decision must also be provided.


Employees who undertake visits to non-Council premises must utilise the Staff safety register to ascertain if the location of the proposed visit is included in the register as a potential to cause harm.

Principal Safety Officer

The Principal Safety Officer as system manager has the ability to create, amend and delete data and to ensure appropriate an advisory/ training service is available to all employees with responsibilities under these instructions. The PSO must ensure that the system is managed and staffed appropriately.

8. Instructions

System Access – Three levels of access are available and a clear level of authorisation will control the granting of each. All levels of direct access to data will be password controlled and the staff safety register itself will record details of every access, including the data viewed and the reason for access.

8.1. Level 1 Access- Basic Interrogation

An email (external email facility) based enquiry function, which tests whether a name or address is registered. Appropriate staff will be specifically authorised to use this function.

8.2. Level 2 Access- View Only

The ability to view data on the software system (software installed on individual pc’s). Only a limited number of managers will be given this access. Where a level 1 user identifies a match from the email system a Level 2 user will obtain the relevant information from the software system and carry out a risk assessment for a visit to the premises and advise accordingly.

Interesting, I bet every single little Human Resources officer knows about this list. It goes hand in hand with make a stink go see a shrink policy they have in their handbook.

The next day, the plant director of human resources invoked a Ford program for combating workplace violence to bar Crosty from the factory and ordered him to see a company-paid psychiatrist or lose his job.

A little more than fourteen months later, and 725 miles away, officials at Emory University cited a similar concern about violence to justify using armed guards to escort Dr. James Murtagh off university property when Dr. R. Wayne Alexander, chairman of the department of medicine at Emory, ordered him to see a company-selected psychiatrist or lose his job. Six weeks earlier, Murtagh, a professor of pulmonology at Emory, had filed a false claims suit against the university, alleging that it had misspent millions of dollars in federal grant money. He claimed the university diverted money from research grants in order to pay for salaries and trips for administrators and some staff. The specific allegations were sealed by order of the federal judge.

Crosty and Murtagh don’t know each other. It is unlikely their worlds would ever intersect, but they have at least one thing in common. They both are victims of an increasingly popular employer weapon against whistleblowers: the psychiatric reprisal.

Across the United States, companies have seized upon concerns about workplace violence to quash dissent. Hundreds of large corporations have hired psychiatrists and psychologists as consultants to advise them on how to weed out “threatening” employees. They say they are only responding to a 1970 directive from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration that they maintain a “safe and secure work environment.” But by drawing the definition of “threatening” as broadly as possible, they are giving themselves a new club to bang over the heads of workers.

So in the workplace I am guessing this could be applied for a number of reasons, and then you end up on these little connected lists.

132 – Violent Persons Register

Referring to Minute No. 125 – Violent Persons Register, John Irving from the COPS Team had attended the meeting and gave the following advice:

To hold a register of violent or potentially violent people on computer, the information could be de-personalised by using a classification system i.e.: 1 = Potentially violent, 2 = Threatened people before, 3 = Been violent in the past, 4 = Two-man visit, 5 = Don’t Visit.


132 – Continued…

The Legal Services Administrator would compile a Violent Persons Database, which would be put on the Council’s Intranet system, and would be password protected. John Irving suggested that as a long-term goal, once the database had been established it would be useful to share the information with Liberata, District Nurses etc.

The Legal Services Administrator also needed to write a procedure to ensure that the Council didn’t fall foul of the Data Protection Act. It was agreed that addresses couldn’t be put onto the Violent Persons Register without proper clarification. It was suggested that a sub-group to this Group be set up to endorse these requests.

Minutes of the meeting from a local booby. How to really mess up someones life. I mean how to share information of violent persons.

Well just some fun food for thought. Tell me what you think, leave comments if you feel like it.

October 12, 2009 Posted by | Blacklisted, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Community harassment, community mobbing, Covert investigations, Female, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Informants, mobbing, Monitoring, Surveillence, whistle blower | , , , , | 16 Comments

Gang Stalking, Cyber Vigilantes, Mobbing, Cellphone Stalking

Ever since researching the Human Flesh Search Engine people are probably a little confused. What is the difference between something like that and Gang Stalking?

Well I thought that this would be a good time to briefly go over some of the harassment’s that are similar, and what the differences are. If I have forgotten anything forgive me in advance.


-Subtle and Covert. Mobbing has many aspects similar to Gang Stalking. The emotional and psychological abuse that the Targeted Individual suffers is very similar to what targets of workplace mobbing suffer. On this level the mobbing community are our closest relations, and this is why Gang Stalking has also been termed community mobbing by some.

Mobbing can be understood as the stressor to beat all stressors. It is an impassioned, collective campaign by co-workers to exclude, punish, and humiliate a targeted worker. Initiated most often by a person in a position of power or influence, mobbing is a desperate urge to crush and eliminate the target. The urge travels through the workplace like a virus, infecting one person after another. The target comes to be viewed as absolutely abhorrent, with no redeeming qualities, outside the circle of acceptance and respectability, deserving only of contempt. As the campaign proceeds, a steadily larger range of hostile ploys and communications comes to be seen as legitimate. …

Not infrequently, mobbing spelled the end of the target’s career, marriage, health, and livelihood. From a study of circumstances surrounding suicides in Sweden, Leymann estimated that about twelve percent of people who take their own lives have recently been mobbed at work.”

~ Kenneth Westhues, Professor of Sociology

Mobbing can be ongoing for years, it can cause health problems, and can even cause the targets to become violent, or have emotional breakdowns. Mobbing is hard to prove, and changing jobs might stop the mobbing, but it may not. Mobbing can cause you to be blacklisted from your field of employment.

Cellphone Stalking

-This is an overt form of harassment that involves 24/7 surveillance . The targets cell or cameraphones are used to track and monitor them 24/7.

Emotionally it’s stressing to the targets just like Gang Stalking, but with cellphone stalking and the overt nature of the harassment, targets often have evidence to present to the police. Also the targets could get rid of their phones to stop the harassment.

Human Flesh Search Engine

-This is often overt and swift. In Korea it’s called Cyber Violence, and in America it’s called Cyber Vigilantism.

Human flesh search engines: Chinese vigilantes that hunt victims on the web
A new phenomenon is sweeping China after the quake: digital witch hunts of those who dare to be outspoken or criticise

Ms Wang’s Chinese name, Chinese identification number and contact details in America were tracked down and posted across the internet. She received hate mail and threats that if ever she returned to China, she would be “chopped into 10,000 pieces”. Her parents’ address in China was published and they were forced to go into hiding.

Tibetans have also been targeted. After 44-year-old Lobsang Gendun was photographed protesting at the Olympic torch relay in London, Paris and San Francisco, the human flesh search engine whirred into action.

With huge overseas communities, it took just a couple of hours for Chinese web users to collate the pieces of Mr Gendun’s life – replete with Google satellite map and photos of his American home.

“I suggest assassination,” wrote one poster. “Execution by shooting,” said another. No, no, insisted yet another: “Use China’s most ancient form of execution – dismember him.”

In an unfortunate case of mistaken identity, it turned out there was another exiled Tibetan called Lobsang Gendun living in Utah. Since the targeting of his namesake began, Mr Gendun, a self-proclaimed “Olympic supporter”, has received hundreds of aggressive emails and telephone calls.

The speed to which the vigilantes can mount an attack is amazing, not just in China, but in Korea and America as well.

The Snoop Next Door

The digital age allows critics to quickly find a fair amount of information about their targets. One day last November, at about 11:30 a.m., a blog focused on making New York streets more bike-friendly posted the license plate number of an SUV driver who allegedly accelerated from a dead stop to hit a bicycle blocking his way.

At 1:16 p.m., someone posted the registration information for the license plate, including the SUV owner’s name and address. (The editor of the blog thinks the poster got the information from someone who had access to a license-plate look-up service, available to lawyers, private investigators and police.) At 1:31 p.m., another person added the owner’s occupation, his business’s name and his title. Ten minutes later, a user posted a link to an aerial photo of the owner’s house. Within another hour, the posting also included the accused’s picture and email address.

The SUV’s owner, Ian Goldman, the chief executive of Celerant Technology Corp. in the New York City borough of Staten Island, declined to comment for this article. According to an email exchange posted on the blog, Mr. Goldman said that he had lent the vehicle in question to a relative with “an urgent medical situation” and that he was not aware of any incident. The alleged victim has decided to drop the matter since the damage to the bicycle, which he was standing next to at the time, was under $20. Last month, Aaron Naparstek, editor of the blog, says he removed Mr. Goldman’s home and email addresses from the site after receiving a “lawyerly cease and desist” email asking that the whole posting be deleted.

This is in America and I see very little difference to some of the stories that happened in China.

Here is one more from Korea where they call it cyber violence, or online Mobbing.

SEOUL Kim Myong Jae’s estranged girlfriend was found dead in her room in Seoul on April 22 last year, six days after she poisoned herself.

Two weeks later, Kim, a 30-year-old accountant, found that he had been transformed into the No. 1 hate figure of South Korea’s Internet community, a victim of a growing problem in a country that boasts the world’s highest rate of broadband use.

First, death threats and vicious text messages flooded his cellphone. Meanwhile, spreading fast through blogs and Web portals were rumors that Kim had jilted his girlfriend after forcing her to abort his baby, that he had assaulted her and her mother, and that his abuse had finally driven her to suicide.

“By the time I found out the source of this outrage, it was too late. My name, address, photographs, telephone numbers were all over the Internet,” Kim said. “Tens of thousands of people were busy sharing my identity and discussing how to punish me. My name was the most-searched phrase at portals.” News reports and portals confirmed that his name was at the top of such lists.

The next time someone tells you that people would not waste the time in harassing others, or stalking others, just smile knowingly and point to these articles.


-This is often covert and done over a period of time, and the goal is to drive the person crazy, or to freak them out, or give them a breakdown.

Gaslighting is a form of intimidation or psychological abuse in which false information is presented to the victim, making them doubt their own memory and perception. The classic example of gaslighting is to change things in a person’s environment without their knowledge, and to explain that they “must be imagining things” when they challenge these changes. Popular usage of the term can be traced to at least the late 1970s.[1]

The term derives from the 1938 stage play Gas Light, in which a wife’s concerns about the dimming of her house’s gas lights are dismissed by her husband as the work of her imagination, when he has actually caused the lights to dim. His action is part of a wider pattern of deception in which the husband manipulates small elements of his wife’s environment, and insists that she is mistaken or misremembering, hoping to drive her to insanity.

Use in real life

An example of gaslighting being used in real life was by the Manson Family during their “creepy crawler” burglaries during which nothing was stolen, but furniture in the house was rearranged[2].

Apparently this is an ongoing storyline. However if you want to see a really good storyline look up Drucilla being Gaslighted, also from the same soap opera, but from a few years ago. That was so well done, that the character ended up in a mental ward. It was a wonderful example of Gaslighting. I have not seen the Ashley storyline yet.

Gang Stalking

-Covert and ongoing. On an emotional and psychological level this is very similar to mobbing.

Bridging The Gap is a disturbing, yet poignant look into modern day democratic surveillance societies. The book examines how this structure is used to discredit, disenfranchise, and destroy innocent citizens. Gang Stalking, The Buzzsaw, Cointelpro, what do these words mean and more importantly what do they have in common? They are names that have been used to describe the systemic apparatus that reaches out to destroy and discredit those declared enemy by the state. This book will open your eyes to how the informant system has taken over these democratic countries, and how they are being used to further create a surveillance society where no one will be out of reach, should they too become persona non grata by the system.

I would say it’s a tie between stasi Germany and what happened under Cointelpro, however Stasi Germany probably most mirrors what is happening now.

-ACLU Investigations

Mass Con-Fusion

You mean to tell me that it is legal for corporations from the private sector to team up with local law enforcement officials in efforts to spy on innocent members of our society? You also mean to tell me that the synthesis of law enforcement authority and the drive of for-profit companies operate under little to no guidelines or restrictions and it is unclear to whom they are responsible to?


COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at investigating and disrupting dissident political organizations within the United States. The FBI used covert operations from its inception, however formal COINTELPRO operations took place between 1956 and 1971.[2] The FBI’s stated motivation at the time was “protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order


The Ministry for State Security, (German: Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, commonly known as the Stasi [ˈʃtazi] (abbreviation German: Staatssicherheit, literally State Security), was the official secret police of East Germany. The MfS was headquartered in East Berlin, with an extensive complex in Berlin-Lichtenberg and several smaller facilities throughout the city. It was widely regarded as one of the most effective and repressive intelligence and secret police agencies in the world. The MfS motto was “Schild und Schwert der Partei” (Shield and Sword of the Party), showing its connections to the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED), the equivalent to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.


As a part of the Gang Stalking psychological harassment, gaslighting may also be used.


The bigger picture is that the structure functions like a cult does.
In how it keeps the members in line, how they obey and how they punish and try to destroy those outside the cult and those who would leave the cult.

This is just a very quick and brief introduction to this subject matter. To learn more, I suggest doing your own research and reading up on the subject matter.

October 8, 2009 Posted by | Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, Conspiracy, control, Covert investigations, Cults, East Germany, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Informants, mobbing, NWO, psychological harassment, Stalking, Stasi, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Police Respond to Gang Stalking

After going over some other details, I found the information to be inconclusive, so I will post the links, but I won’t embed the videos.

The following video is dated Sept 05 2009. Anyways I assume that the video was made recently and is a new video, but I don’t know that for sure.

In the video a guy in a police outfit, who I assumed to be an officer describes the target opening th door as out of the ordinary behaviour. However it’s out of th ordinary based on his life experiences, she could have many reasons that are sane and logical for having a video camera running, one of which could be a deep distrust of the police.

Again what’s always interesting is that these experiences are being judged based on a third parties life experience. What if she had been robbed after opening the door, or attacked, and just felt safer having the camera?

He finds it odd because the camera is in her hands, what if she was just recording them without the camera in hand?

Why is it any of his business if she has a blanket or foil in her home? He is there to talk to her about a complaint that someone made so does he actually end up doing so?

She should really just stick to the topic, find out why they are there, I am not even sure why she let them in. I find it interesting that they are there for a report about her taking pictures, but the whole think is about sterotyping target instead, and the whole video never goes back to the reason they were there.

I find it interesting that after 1min and 11 second officer PHD can make a mental health assessment, he must be freakin amazing. He tells the woman in the video that she is displaying delusions of grandeur and delusions of persecution, because she opened the door to them with a video camera and because he sees foil?

Watch the video for yourself and make your own assessment of this officer.

So after 1 min and 31 second again he sees signs of mental illness, in the video if it’s a real video and not another informant video, he never mentions about the original reason that they allegedly came knocking at this woman’s door. Again two strange men in her home, she by herself, I say keep the video camera running.

I don’t know if there is more to this video, but that was interesting.

The other video this woman pretend to go upstarirs to one of her neighbours and then knocking on the neighbours door. At one point she tells the neighbour that it’s not in her head. I think instead of doing that, record the noises and the banging and then just go to the management office, with a complaint about the enjoyment of your apartment being interrupted due to noises after hours. Highlight the part of your lease that pertains to this, and then if it continues legal action, but they don’t like exposure so that should get it stopped.

This woman in the video says that she lives in a condo, and that there is an asain guy who lives in another condo who is also a target, who is investigating Gang Stalking.

The other video was of the police cutting this woman off while she is driving. It’s inconclusive, but again with being targeted it’s the overall picture.

The last tape is of her video taping the downtown core, and she talks about some guy with a camera. First she was taking him, then he showed up and started taping her. The video however has no sound, so I just found it very there, till the guy showed up with the camera. The problem is there is no sound. So the audience does not really know what is being said.

On Youtube I have seen videos with no sound, and the narrator tells you what is happening, but you can’t always trust what is being said. I find this part of the video odd. The informants don’t usually engage the targets to this degree, however anything is possible. Again you have to be careful with youtube, that’s why I stopped posting video like this in the first place.

Anyways it’s been a long time since I did a post about Targets. I think Dave in Dublin was my last post about the Irish target.

I also found some spoof videos of Gang Stalking, they were funny.

The interesting point of this video for me was the fact that the officers could tell this woman that she was showing signs of mental illness for opening the door with a camera, and for having blankets and foil in her home in reference to an EMF sensitivity, which the officer knew nothing about.

This video is interesting because it brings me back to my investigations into Gang Stalking and when I first started investigating this. I was lucky enough to talk to a few police officers. One was useful in providing information that in one area in his division there had been five reports of Gang Stalking, and that they were all female, and single living by themselves.

This was interesting because again it matched what had been reported about single females and the disproportionate amount of targeting that might be happening to them.

I did not get into further demographics with the officer, though I wish I would have. What he did tell me however is that their reports of stalking had been written off as paranoia, and not taken seriously. I mentioned this before, but think about that, 5 single women living in the same division, who were reporting the same thing and it was not being taken seriously.

Anyways interesting stuff, provided that this is a real target and not an informant pretending, then I think some of the videos are of interest.

October 2, 2009 Posted by | Asain Male, bad luck, Black female, Citizen Informants, Conspiracy, Covert investigations, Gang Stalking, Targeted Individual | , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Sept 11. An ode to faking it.

Sept 11.

This is a day about making make believe look real. A day about giving the situation at hand the look of reality and the spin that you want it to have.

Eg. Many people believe that Sept 11 happened. Where people differ is who was behind it? Did planes really hit and bring down the world trade center buildings and was the official version the real version?

For many who are familiar with documents such as Operation Northwoods it’s reason to question if the government of the United States once again planned and carried out terror on the American citizens.

[quote]Operation Northwoods, or Northwoods, was a false-flag plan, proposed within the United States government in 1962. The plan called for CIA or other operatives to commit apparent acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Castro-led Cuba. One plan was to “develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington”.

This operation is especially notable in that it included plans for hijackings and bombings followed by the use of phony evidence that would blame the terrorist acts on a foreign government, namely Cuba.

The plan stated:

The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.

Operation Northwoods was drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and signed by then-Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer, and sent to the Secretary of Defense.

Several other proposals were listed, including the real or simulated actions against various U.S military and civilian targets. Operation Northwoods was part of the U.S. government’s Cuban Project (Operation Mongoose) anti-Castro initiative. It was never officially accepted or executed.[/quote]

Also recently we saw in Spain a building made out of steel that burnt for 20 hours straight but still remained standing. An amazing structure proving the power of steel to withstand heat and melting.

[quote]In February 2005, the 32-storey Windsor Building in the financial district of Madrid, Spain was completely engulfed by flames for 20 consecutive hours. I repeat: 20 consecutive hours. The structure did not collapse. In fact, after the fire was finally extinguished, a huge construction crane was seen perched on the roof of the building as raw testimony to the practical indestructibility of steel as a construction material.[/quote]

We also when 911 happened saw building 7 fall, even though no planes had hit the building and some rightfully question why that happened?

We also saw hole in the pentagon, but many question if a plane did hit, where the wreckage of the plane was?

Also last but not least, if you are a terrorist crashing planes into a building then even if your dental records don’t last, your passports will. Even when steel buildings melt, your passports will survive,

Anyways Sept 11 an ode to faking it, and it proves you can make anything appear how you want it to be, and most will never question the official version.

Who you have slept with.

Now having watched soaps over the years, I have seen a few of these plots. Some really desperate attempts to make it seem like someone had slept with someone when they really had not, or the person had not been willing. Anything from fake pictures, fake video, fake witnesses.

Who could forget Sammie Brady drugging Austin her older sisters boyfriend to make it seem as if he had willingly slept with her when she had not. Yes Sammie turned out to be a case, but she did improve in time. (She improved in her scheming that is, but that’s another story.)

Watching Dorian Lord get a divorce from David. To get a divorce from David Dorian had to enlist her niece Blair Cramer to dress up as her double, and pretend to sleep with Dorian’s husband David, but at the last minute Dorian switched places with Blair and David none the wiser, cheated on his own wife, with his own wife.

A few fake pictures later, and the divorce was finalised. Now these plots are cute in soap operas, well not really, but in real life this is another thing that is often easily faked and never questioned, because people like to believe whatever they are told without question.

I think watching desperate characters pull off things like this in the soaps are cute, I have had opportunity in real life to watch people pull things off like this and it’s never cute. To lie and in some cases create and fake plots almost or more desperate and more harmful than things that I have seen on the soaps.

I think it shows some pretty twisted personalities. People who don’t care about ruining or slandering other people’s reputations just to make themselves feel better, and in today’s world it’s even easier than ever.

Faking Investigations.

I don’t mean that the investigations that targets are under are fake, but what is fake is what the state does to us. They make people think all sorts of things, and they make the lies look good. That’s what faking it is all about, making the lies look good and believable.

Most of us are not crazy, perverts, terrorists, extremists, etc, but that does not matter, it’s continuing to give the perception to the people, that is what matters.

Making them think that if they were not spying on each other the world would suddenly fall apart, creating that illusion, that fake need.

Going to extreme lengths to make targets look like a danger, be it having dozens of informants on their tail, making them look dangerous, etc.

I had no idea until recently the lengths they will go through to manipulate a situation to make a person look crazy or dangerous. This system is truly crazy and desperate, which equals dangerous. The asleep sheeple will believe what they are told in many cases, and it’s scary.

So this post is all about Faking it. The above three things are some of the top things I have come across. Now since I am lucky enough to be free, please feel free to add your comments about other things that people like to fake.

September 12, 2009 Posted by | 9/11, Censorship, Conformity, conspiracies, Conspiracy, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, crazy, Gang Stalking | , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Canada Kicks Ass. Account Banned.

My account which I have had at Canada Kicks Ass has been banned.
Now when I first joined this forum and started blogging my posts would show up at the front of the website along with all the other blogs.

After I started writing fact based information about the subject matter of Gang Stalking my posts stopped appearing at the front of the website.

When I asked the admins about this, I got responses that did not answer the question. However it was very apparent that the blog was in that regard being censored. No big, I continued to blog.

I also had someone once try to ban my account one other time at that site, but since no legit reason could be given my account was reinstated several days later.
Anyways last week I did the six part post about male rape. The posts were deleted. So I created a separate post with the links to another blog, explaining that maybe the content was too much for CKA and that if they wanted to read the posts, they should do so at the other blog.
Anyways I wrote to one of the mods asking if the subject matter of male rape had been too much for that forum to handle and here is the response that I received. The posts had been deleted without any explanation.

Yep…way too much.

I did it just before I went to bed. No automatic emails regarding the removal of content.


PS: Note, when content is removed, putting it back up could get you a holiday from here.[/quote]
Last edited by QBC on 2009-08-24, 06:36:57, edited 1 time in total.

So I did not put the content back up. This week since I could not post my post blog posting, I did a sub-post explaining that the content might not work for CKA, and I left a link to my beyond these walls post.

I also posted in the rant and raves section of their website to let them know that I did not agree with the posts being removed. It was a very moderate post. I got a response from one member, and that was that. I went to sleep and work up today with the account being banned.

Could not get access to the account. However the account is linked to

I still had access to that forum, so I quickly logged in and got the email he sent me, because I had a feeling that access would be denied very quickly.

I tried to send the owner of the forums a PM to find out why my account was banned, and suddenly in the middle of that, my access to the second forum was blocked. Now unless someone is monitoring what I am doing in live action how do you explain that? Someone had to know that I logged in and blocked the access. So again more censorship.

I also notice that my posts for August at CKA all of them have been removed. Specifically posts that had nothing to do with this topic. The specific post that has been removed was the Terry Tramaine post.

Eg. My Standard Operating Post had not been touched, and my blogging had continued as normal. I think my banning has more to do with posts like this.
I don’t think I broke any forum rules, the content that was removed was never re-posted, I do believe that the some powers that be, don’t like specific topics getting blogged about or discussed. Canada is suppose to be a very democratic country, but it’s not.

However the point remains that I did have access to the second forum, and shortly after recovering my email, the access was closed, unless my computer activity is being live monitored, then it’s hard to explain it otherwise.


So I sent Trev and email, I don’t necessarily expect a response. Nice enough guy, but I don’t think that he has control over what is happening, but it does not hurt to try.




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Your email was sent successfully.)

Hi Trevor,

I realise that I might not get an response, but then I am still asking a question.

I post at CKA, my posts are not shown at the front of your forums, fine. Recently I did six post discussing the subject of male rape,the threads were removed.

I did a post to explain that the subject was maybe not a CKA topic of discussion and then went on from there, I asked your admin why the posts were removed and got this response.


Yep…way too much.

I did it just before I went to bed. No automatic emails regarding the removal of content.


PS: Note, when content is removed, putting it back up could get you a holiday from here.
Last edited by QBC on 2009-08-24, 06:36:57, edited 1 time in total.
Then I started a thread to address the issue, I did not post any content, however the account was deleted. My post did not contain any of the content, and was still within forum guidelines.

I feel that your mod was looking for a reason to get the account banned, I realise that CKA for some time now has had some censorship issues ongoing with my blog and I believe your mod has taken the time to use this opportunity unjustly to have my account suspended.

My world won’t end, but I would like to have a legit response. It seems more than any other location, that Canada and Canadian forums don’t want to have this issue discussed, and it makes me wonder why?


August 30, 2009 Posted by | Censorship, Cointelpro, Conspiracy, control, Controlled society, Corruption, Covert investigations, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking | , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments