Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Settling In

I got a lot of sleep over the last several days, and since I now realise they are trying to take my sites offline, I have been working at back up’s for the website.

I do have an ongoing situation with one website, where they have hijacked the domain name, stolen it and taken it offline that way, but otherwise I feel pretty settled. Guess I must be doing something right. I was starting to feel that my efforts were not effective enough, but they have restored my faith.

For the first time in about two years I didn’t wake up going oh my gosh, how can the world be like this, or something similar to that effect. I just seem to be in a place of acceptance.

I think some of this garbage is finally settling in. I still would like to move forward with the campaign of making people aware. We are in contact with Civilian Spies all the time. Some who know exactly what’s going on, and others who might benefit from knowing more.

The other thing I noticed is that there is still a lot of confusion online about what is really behind Gang Stalking. The thing that always strikes me as odd is that several sites that were going with the Vigilante theory knew and had know about covert war and Cointelpro before the David Lawson book, but after 9/11 the year the book was written, that information on at least one of those sites disappeared, and we were all sucked into the void of Vigilante groups doing this.

I guess the truth really is out there, but only if you really want to find it. You really do have to be in a place of readiness before you can find it. If you are not, you will never discover it. It brings me back to the movie the Matrix, Morpheus can show Neo the door, but he can’t make him go in, it’s a choice we all have to make.

The information about Gang Stalking, Targeted Individuals, The Hidden Evil, whatever you want to call it, it’s all out there, but I can’t make people choose to believe it. They have to come to the realisation that their cities have been taken over by Citizen Informants and those numbers far out weight what is left of none Citizen Informants. They have to come to the realisation that it’s the government doing this. That this is leading up to the one world government scenario.

Some people can be helped with information, such as what is found on Mark. M. Rich’s site. Others by reading about Stasi, Cointelpro, or by watching videos such as Naomi Wolf talking about the end of America in 10 steps. Others by talking to other Targeted Individuals. Others will never try to see the truth, or want to see the truth, because it is that bad.

For me there are very few things as bad as not knowing the truth. I would rather have the truth than lies. Yet it’s still taken about 2 full years for this to sink in. I am finally sleeping, maybe just cause acceptance has come. This is what it is, and hopefully productive and creative solutions as to how to deal with it from here.

I feel fairly calm. I have used the last few days just to relax. Back up the sites a little bit. Meditate a little, not a lot. Sleep and just realise this again has been like this for sometime, and it may continue, cause the human will is what let’s it go on, but the human will is what can change that as well.

I also realise that some people really do like and prefer these time periods. There were still people after the fall of the Berlin wall crying for the good old days. People who still have parties celebrating how things were back in the good old Stasi days. In Nazi Germany, much like now, many people felt a sense of togetherness. It was for some, one of the best times in history.

For people like me and mine, we hate these times, but we tend to always be ever present in these times. Trying to warn others, trying to get them to see things our way, and sometimes we can, but most times if you are not experiencing what we are, it can be hard to understand. For many things are great. They are helping the country to catch crazy people, terrorists, pedophiles, rapists, etc. They feel connected for the first time in their lives. They use the one handed handed Stasi sign language when a target is near by, so they can at times maybe even forget what they have signed on for, or more often is the case, continue to feel proud of what they are a part of.

Thus is human nature and it’s ever repetitive cycle. I also think that the more decadent a society becomes, the more it can leave itself open for things like this. This kind of occupation.

On a positive note. We have more sites and blogs than we did two years ago when I first came online. I don’t even think we had a YouTube video then. Maybe we did. The term has and is slowly making it’s way into several lexicons. There is more awareness, but not enough. Even if there is what do people do? There is an individual will and a collective will, the two might not match up, but you have to pray that they do, and hope that maybe the human will does want freedom, and will not stand for the future oppression that we are in for.

Again I would have thought that our countries would refuse to go and attack other countries without reason, and that the people of our countries would not stand for it, but most of us did, is subtle ways. It’s horrifying, but it’s all happening over again, and not much is getting done any differently. We have had the biggest failure of our lives and that is failing to learn from history. The parallels are all there, but most fail to see it.

On another note, I have been giving some thought to the DT Stokton article. Now I don’t know if he is a perp posting half truths, or a real target with some accurate information some in accurate information, but I thought I would post a link to his information again.
The article is fascinating, but much of what is there, is not documented or substantiated in the usual ways. So therefore it’s an interesting read, but hard to substantiate in any factual way, except for the fact that some of what he says, I have been able to observe on my own. Other things I would like to research, but have no way of doing so. Has anyone ever heard of a burst bug?

It’s a road travelled, with a path further on to go. We each brave this journey the best way we know how. We are hoping for someone to lead us into the light, to be our saviour, but at times like this, you really are the best saviour you are going to get. When I first came online, I was so looking for one of the many other established groups, or sites to get this out into the light. I then realised that most had no intention of doing so, it was one step forward 2 steps back. At that stage I had to make some tough choices, about what could be done and could not be done. I started a website, took the time off to do the research and came to my own conclusion, and have worked very hard over the last two years to bring this into the light as much as possible.

I see others in their own ways doing the same, and I applaud them. If each TI did the same, we would be a lot further off in the game. For those who can do, continue to do what you can. For those that don’t feel like you can, know that you won’t until you believe that you can, and even then it will feel like a lot at first, but the more you do, the better it get’s. Being passive is just as energy draining as being active. Do something simply because it feels better than doing nothing.

September 2, 2008 Posted by | Censorship, Citizen Informants, Civilian Spies, Cointelpro, Community harassment, community mobbing, communityharassment, Conformity, control, Controlled society, Covert investigations, crazy, dissident, domestic spying, driving-crazy, East Germany, electromagnetic frequency, Electronic harassment, Fascism, Fascist, Gang Stalking, Gangstalking, harassment, Illegal, Insane, Intimidation, Isolation, Laws, Mark M Rich, Matrix, mental-salves, mobbing, New World Order, NWO, society, Stalking, Stasi, State target, Surveillence, Targeted Individual | , , | 6 Comments