Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

How do we stop Gang Stalking?

So people keep asking what we can do to stop Gang Stalking?

I was on a forum recently and one person told people they could stop Gang Stalking by moving to the heart of the forest, and destroying their cellphone. Sure if you wish to disconnect from society, live off the scraps of the forest, and leave your stuff behind when you move this might just work, but otherwise, most targets need real solutions as they go through months, and then years of being systemically destroyed.

Now these people are stalking a lot of us because they deem us, or believe us to be mentally ill, on drugs, perverts, whatever. For those being listed as mentally ill, you would think that the logical thing to do would be to get a mental health examination, but from the articles pertaining to the psychiatric reprisal, we learn that psychiatrists are all too willing to list innocent, sane people as mentally ill, thus getting an examination will not necessarily clear you.

What we could do is get out own team, eg. A threat assessment team, to review decisions that have been made by others. Eg. In the Jane Clift case if there was a none bias committee she could have appealed to, to see if her listing was justified, it could have saved her four years of legal trouble, and having to leave her community.

The problem many of us have is that we have never seen our community files, we don’t know the information that has been listed. I do know there is a lot of false information in mine, just on things that I have observed, that these people believe to be true. I do know they have falsely listed me as having some sort of a mental illness, because I dared to take some company to task for harassment. The problem is having open access to files, and a none partial party that is willing to listen, and understand that these files have a lot of false information. Staged incidents, incidents that do not even involve the target, like Jiverly Wong did, but the lies do not seem to matter, it’s just what people are willing to believe.

The other solution of course is there are villages for the mentally ill. Those who are homeless might be able to take advantage of these communities that are springing up, again the problem with this is that many targets though falsely listed as mentally ill, are not mentally ill. When you are desperate however, this could be a temporary safe harbour, but ofcourse this is what they want. Targets housed together so they can “keep an eye on the mentally ill.”

The best solution would be to get the laws changed, thus targets who are listed, must be informed that they have been added to the registry, they must be informed for what they have been added, thus they have a legal right to pursue action, and to ensure the information listed on their files is not one sided. I think this is the best solution, but could take years to implement.

Now there are groups who have caught the eye of politicians, surely that will help? To be honest you can have a thousand groups, with the eye of a thousand politicians and that will not help if they are misleading and looking at false precepts, or stalking gangs, etc. I have yet to hear any of these groups address the occupational health and safety laws, and the mental health laws that are being used to list targets, till this silence is broken, and addressed, these groups could do a thousand campaigns, but it it’s not the right one, it will just waste the time, energy and resources that targets don’t have to waste.

At the end of the day, exposure and awareness is still the key. Four years ago, I had to fight to keep my threads on forums, they would get deleted, my accounts banned, the threads would get disrupted by fake targets, and then get closed. Any time head way was being made, they would block it, just to protect this system.

Things have changed somewhat. The conspiracy sites, and some extremist sites are now fully aware of what Gang Stalking is. Gang Stalking is slowly making it’s way into some of the more mainstream forums. There are still those who try to dismiss it off hand as an urban legand, or a sign of mental illness, but there are others who discuss it openly, and in some ways it’s getting normalized. The idea is to get the normalization to occur much more rapidly, while keeping the topic relevant. Eg. Mobbing is exposed, but someday’s I am not sure this makes any difference to the targets of mobbing. There is little point in getting this normalized to the stage where it becomes irrelevant. Eg. Priests molesting children had it’s shock value, but today stories of this do not cause the same outrage, even though it still happening to a large degree. It’s become normalized, but not as relevant as it once was.

So moving forward, targets are the best for exposing this, if we stay on targeted forums, and don’t mingle with others, the information will not get out. The idea is to mingle, share information, but share good information. The term Gang Stalking is the term I use. Most targets after trying the organized stalking term, seem to switch back in a lot of cases to Gang Stalking. It’s just the most popular term. I think Organized Gang Stalking is also ok, but use what suites you the best, I don’t care what term people use, as long as the correct concept is conveyed, and what is behind this is conveyed.

September 25, 2010 - Posted by | Gang Stalking | , , , , ,


  1. Getting this exposed also depends on the quality of the forum. I still get forums, where they just don’t want this discussed. I have worked in areas where they go frantic if they think that someone is talking about this, a lot of working class areas seem to be like this, and they get very upset if they think someone is talking about this.

    Just like with community oriented policing each area does their own thing, the same is true offline and online. So you get some who are very open, very educated, and some that are just, well the state told us this person is mentally ill so it must be true. They will never examine any of the evidence presented, and they will buy into the lie. These people are followers and not leaders, and they need to be told what to think. We must then appeal to their leaders, who hopefully might have a bit more logic.

    In some ways I don’t think things have changed that much since people were debating if the earth was flat, or if the sun revolved around the earth or not. You still get people who act outrageously. The reality is what they try to protect today, could be common knowledge tomorrow if people are willing. The system right now, still works for too many, too many still believe in it, it has not screwed enough people over yet, but with each passing day, more and more people are going to be targeted, and eventually this will make it’s way into the spotlight, by hook or by crook.

    Comment by gangstalking | September 25, 2010 | Reply

    • Wanting to meet other TI s ASAP in Southwestern US. TY.TOTI saying “hoping for sooner not ater” TY for your comment.

      Comment by | September 21, 2013 | Reply

    • Thanks for this post. I agree with most of this post with one exception, based only in my opinion, not hard facts so forgive me if I’m not correct. The leader or leaders in this organization make a living planning, organizing and leading gang stalking. Therefore, pleading you concerns to them is like kicking a dead horse. In my particular case, I believe the general ( as I like to call the leader) is making huge profits on fuel. The amount of fuel being consumed by stalkers is astonishing to say the least. The number of stalkers I actually see ( if I care to take notice) is phenomenal. If I turn right, I see so many. But what about the ones that are in wait if I go straight, turn left, right, etc.

      Comment by Robert | October 31, 2013 | Reply

  2. You asked the question – how to stop gangstalking. Well, I can suggest how a victim can make life difficult for them. As a generalisation the target is being subjected to social gaslighting. The provocoteurs are invisible, the target is highlighted. So, take every action possible to reverse this. What I am doing is going public with all the dates and places where I have been gangstalked – I no longer live there. That focuses attention on the place and activities which have been going on, and may still be going on directed at other targets. If all victims spoke out in this way, anonymously, it would focus attention on the activity, and show how widespread it it – perhaps leading to the situation being dealt with.

    Comment by prayerwarriorpsychicnot | July 23, 2013 | Reply

    • That makes sense, and I am sorry to hear about what you have been through.

      Comment by gangstalking | July 23, 2013 | Reply

    • If stalkers are invisible, then how do you know your being stalked?

      Comment by Robert | October 31, 2013 | Reply

      • Good question, what if they don’t show their physical being, but are co-cognizant of their presence? Stranger things have happened.

        Comment by gangstalking | November 2, 2013

      • Lmao

        Comment by Robert | November 2, 2013

      • you ask ? how do I know that I am being stalking when the provactors are invisible . I am being stalked by two peoples voices .. one man one woman , both former neighbors by voice recogniseing .. I get zapped quite frequently , daily { 1 year now } they really intensify their amounts of zappes when I am in bed trying to sleep ., this is painfully how I know that I am their PUPPET …. and I feel they are using highly technical means to accomplish their torture !!! When is our law enforcement going to stop these terrible psychopaths ? I ask that question ? KEN E .

        Comment by KEN ERWIN , SR. | November 2, 2013

  3. So much for my good idea. My IP has put a ban on me getting onto sites claiming I am obsessive compulsive spammer! I am not great with computers. But I will persevere.

    Comment by wiliamson | July 24, 2013 | Reply

  4. I am an Organized Gang-Stalking target from October 2006 to date. Perhaps we would get better results from our dealings with various agencies were we to take our fears out of the equation. I think it’s important that TIs everywhere find a mental health facility that provides therapy via counseling in order to document their claims, with a focus on our before and after mental/emotional state occuring as a result of being gang-stalked. We need to establish the fact that we are under exteme duress, have symptoms of PTSD and/or developed certain phobias AS A RESULT Of being gang-stalked to dispel the slander that we were mentally unbslanced beforehand.

    Comment by Maggy-Pie | September 22, 2013 | Reply

    • Maggie-pie , you are truly an amazing person . since 2006 you have been a T I . if you still have your senses after all you have been thru , GOD BLESS . our society often gets confused as who is the perpertrator and who is the victim !!!! when you live under duress , as I have been for a little over a year now at the hands of two psychopaths , 1 man & 1 woman who torture me nightly & daily , you have to be strong . they get pleasure in seeing people struggle to stay sane … we know what could happen when the T I gives up , as in the case of Aaron Alexis . it sounds as if he was a T I for about a three month period . it’s a shame the authorities did not give him any help .. when I tried to find a solution to my terrible situation by contacting the local police dept . they refused to believe any of my claims and put me in a loony ward for 1 week . that made me a victim for the second time .. the psychopaths getting away again .. when are the authorities going to stop this MICROWAVE LASER crime that seems to be spreading ! stay strong , KEN , SR.

      Comment by KEN ERWIN , SR. | September 28, 2013 | Reply

    • Is there a facebook group for this? it’s hard to communicate in this format

      Comment by chancellorpuddinghead | February 9, 2014 | Reply

      • Take it from one who has been there – I was gangstalked too. Simply stated: gangstalking is Satanic/demonic/Luciferian behavior. Then Jesus/God/Holy Spirit rescued me by showing me The Way, Jesus’ Way. You may not consider yourself a “Christian”, however your Adversaries know you are a good person who deep down is a Child of God’s – that is why you are a “targeted individual.” Re-acquaint yourself with the Bible and read a portion every day. Google the term “spiritual deliverance” and learn prayers to admonish the satanism in your midst; this is Biblical teaching. We are in “End Times” as discussed in Revelations. Given your adversaries are in the grasp of Satan, don’t you want to be in the grasp of Jesus/God/Holy Spirit? God bless.

        Comment by Cynthia Hoffman | February 11, 2014

      • It’s not out of the realm of possibility. All I know is that at least 2 groups other than me have access to this machine (maybe more) and I’m very concerned they’ll try to access really nasty content in a vengeful attempt to make me look even worse than they already have or get me into trouble on false legal charges. So being “framed” by gangstalkers is another concern. I know I haven’t always been the nicest guy in the world, but it’s scary to know there are people out there with this much antipathy toward you. This situation in the world of fiction would be like having Archie Bunker or Alf Garnett as your public-enemy number one.

        Comment by Chazz | February 15, 2014

      • Hello Cynthia Hoffman , You mention about wanting to corresponding with other people who are ” T I ‘s ” also . If you would like to do this , please e-mail at , i would love to do this also … Ken

        Comment by Ken Erwin , Sr. | February 16, 2014

      • oh cool – yeah I’m involved in those

        Comment by chancellorpuddinghead | February 12, 2014

      • When you’ve gone down the bumpy road I’ve traveled, and you alienated a lot a people along the journey, you get a distinct gut feeling when you’re being set up for something bad. I just hope there is some unseen person out there who has my back. If so, I sincerely want to say to that person or people or heavenly body, may God bless you.

        Comment by Chazz | February 15, 2014

  5. My post was moved or removed but it’s not here so i will do this again. Also i came to this site and it said it was down and now it’s back up so i don’t know what that’s about but thought to say something so others would know. I’m also getting a lot of “The connection was reset” anyone else having trouble?

    If you want to protect your self you will need the tools and information to do this and coming here was a good start for the information. The tools on the other hand is going to take some work. From what i understand they are using sound/light now remember we all use our ears/eyes/smell/ to gain a perspective around us and if something should change that then our perspective changes with it.

    The tools to be made are to be able to detect sounds/micro waves and any other spectrum of wave form that can be used to mess with your head. This is known as sound shaping The object is to either make you uncomfortable, sick, flue symptoms to high, a lot of energy, cloud 9. I have even passed out for a while and had to be rushed to the hospital thinking i was going to die. that’s a story for another time.

    The point is this is just like the old days when you where attacked you had to defend your self you get protection if you can and you find out what is going on and then you destroy the attackers. It’s WAR rather you wanted it or not.

    I came up with a project called Project Mental Mind: Defense Psi it can detect sound waves and any other kind of method of your atmosphere and will detail new incoming data rather it be sound,microwave,radar to light changes and timing(how many times it flickers) sound and light play a big roll in our lives and can effect us in ways we can’t understand until later on.

    So let’s make this subject moody and uncomfortable but only at times he thinks about freedom, rights, privacy so with out to much work you can do this by setting outsource sound that you can’t hear but can effect you. light at a tint that would make it hard to sleep but you can’t see it or it is mix in with your little lights around your house. remember light does reflect as does sound.

    I can build a low level device that can do just that and more. I can make it to where you can hear sounds and change your mood. Not just me but anyone can. I did some research in how one would do this and learn that this was a method that was being worked on by Hitlers researchers. The USA got a hold of it and had done it’s own research and development of this tech. Anyone can learn and get a good idea of how to build something like it if they just search for it on the net heck i bet you could even find something on youtube.

    Needless to say that was old tech so what is the new tech like? Well me and you know what it is because we are the test subjects and i can tell you its going to get a lot worse before it’s going to get better and that’s if we beat this.

    I’ not to kind of person who takes bs from anyone and i will make sure the ones who are doing this will regret it. I think most of you are like me and that’s why we are here.

    Stopping this attack means you have to be able to know and understand what it is that is attacking you. If i had the money and people to work on this project it would already be out to help others. No one should be subject to this sort of attack and treason.

    This is WAR you need tools to fight this war first a DEFENSE then INTEL then a SWORD
    Make them REGRET attacking you and make sure they don’t do it again!

    You do understand how this tech got out of hand don’t you? groups of people thought it would be a good idea to use this tech on people who they judge unworthy, people who got out or prison or drug users to people could be rapist. They used this and thought they where better then the people they used it on only to become worse then anything they fear. Power corrupts absolutely.

    The moral of that is always look at everyone with equal respect no matter how much you dislike them as they can be judging the same. No one has the right to pose there will up on you …well unless your married and your wife is standing behind you (she wins! wink wink);x

    1.Make tools for protection
    2.Gather data about what is going on
    3. Make tools to fight this war

    You can share information but at some point you need to make a change and stand up for your self with out looking crazy. You have to be smart and treat this like a professional does. Remember if you want people to hear what you have to say you have to take the high road and stay in control because at some point the others will lose control and lash out at you and if your the only one in control cool and calm the people will see it. This will have a long term effect and they will hear more clearly the next time. The words you say are only half of the message of what people hear!

    I know my message might fall on deaths ears but at least it’s here, this is how it starts with a direction on how to protect your self and the means to do it. I can’t do it for you as i don’t have the cash or team but maybe you guys can. I have ideas and information on how to fight this war but you guys have to be a part of it. I’m not going to put my email here but if you know of one that is a good protected one i will make it and use it. I will come back from time to time to see if anyone post back to see if anyone is interested in working on this project with me.

    Comment by Mental Mind | September 24, 2013 | Reply

    • I apologize if I’m repeating what may have been written before. However, often the goal of gangstalking or group harassment is to have the target removed from that area and (in the wake of all these horrific mass-murders in the U.S.) deemed as a “potential threat” to the community at large. This can be on trumped-up, histrionic charges leveled against the target to have him/her incarcerated or institutionalized, so the target is “deemed” unfit for society” or “unable to fend for themselves.” Often they will come in a false altruistic manner of saying “you need help for your own good.” But their motives are really malevolent because the goal is to get rid of you by removing you from a certain area, making it difficult to go to different place or even as far as to physically harm or kill you. This plays on one’s “paranoia,” so don’t be surprised if your eccentricities are suddenly categorized as “paranoid schizophrenia.” Gangstalking, I would not be surprised if there are lists out there on me that compile every perceived wrong that I’ve ever done. All of these sneaky actions are designed to further isolate and demonize the target. These Stalinist control freaks are relentless. I’m sure some tactics of theirs are right out of the Alinsky handbook. It’s also disconcerting to discover through this website that gangstalking/organized group harassment is not only taking place within the U.S., but many other “free” countries as well. Individuality is the most hated characteristic of totalitarianists of all kinds.

      Comment by Chazz | December 15, 2013 | Reply

    • Some of my more recent posts seem to appear, then disappear, reappear, only to disappear again. Can’t say I’m surprised with Big Brother and his non-constitutionally appointed czars eavesdropping.

      Comment by Chazz | December 15, 2013 | Reply

    • Hello Mental Mind , you make a lot of sense in your post . We do have to fight them . But how , the million dollar question ? I’ve tried building inclosures around my body to try and get some sleep at night when I am at their mercy while lying still I am a defensless target !!! I have to cover my body with pillows to soften the stings .. One problem , as with a microwave , they can produce quite a lot of HEAT ! I cannot believe how accurate they can see what they are targeting in on . Unbelieveable , how they can just keep pulling the trigger . I’m going now with the theiry that using some metal may help in my situation , we do know that you never put metal in a microwave oven !!!! Keep trucking my fellow ” T I ‘s ” KEN , Sr.

      Comment by KEN ERWIN , SR. | January 22, 2014 | Reply

  6. I like the comment someone has made ::::: The provocatours are invisible and the ” T I ” is highlighted !!!!! Same as in my case . I can see why Aaron Alexis was shooting his gun in the air trying to hit them . Every once in awhile I see a bright flash in my room . Thin I know that they are active on me … How can the authorities do nothing to stop this criminal , horrible situation from taking place . I bet the relatives of these people that were killed have some questions that should be answered !!!!!! KEN

    Comment by KEN ERWIN , SR. | September 27, 2013 | Reply

    • If only the questions could be answered.

      Comment by gangstalking | October 1, 2013 | Reply

      • your answer is very vague . I guess the people who developed this dangerous MICROWAVE LASER . Powerfull in my case , no low frequency in my case , I’ve seen the power it can produce . several items have been seared in half ! the dept of NAVY put this into our society , they should be the one to destroy it !!!!! no one seems to believe this is happening . how are we protected from their deadly strikes ? ken , we need answers

        Comment by KEN ERWIN , SR. | October 3, 2013

      • I believe that such things can and do happen.

        Comment by gangstalking | October 3, 2013

      • hanks for keeping me updated on this terrible and dangerous situation that I and it seems like many more are living thru …now we have another possible person who has fallen with I believe the same situation we are going thru . the young black lady from conn . who tried to ram thru to the white house ….they shot her dead , and her young daughter was in the car with her …lately , arron alexis lost it and went on a shooting rampage killing 13 innocent people , now possibly this young black lady who thought pres oboma was stalking her .. would someone please S T O P this terrible crime from continuing .. in my case I know the two people that are doing this to me . former neighbors I know where they live and have set up this deadly weapon , I believe a MICROWAVE LASER .. all they would have to do is get a search warrant !!!! my e-mail address is KEN ERWIN , SR.

        Comment by KEN ERWIN , SR. | October 6, 2013

  7. I just left to the convenience store to purchase bread, about ten minutes ago. A man in dark shades come in, at night and just stands around acting as if he was looking at donuts. Before all of this community harassment begun, this was not an issue. EVERY where I would go, it was normally a pleasant experience. What happened? A co-worker hates my guts, and then I was informed that by telling the right people, things would happen. That last statement was not directly from her, although the message was clear. From my phone being tapped, the computer being monitored it is never ending. Enough is enough. They have broken into my home and put camera’s in as well as, a GPS unit on my car. I drive a Honda which was purchased brand new, I called Honda, they said, they do not do such things on their cars. I attend an online university, they have contacted my professors and in direct comments are made within the class room or I am being harassed with my grades. I have instances of GS driving by my home and stopping in front of the house, although I reported the last one and have not seen it since. She, they are relentless; no matter who I contact to share my store, because I am so closely monitored they contact them immediately in order to refute my story. They have contacted my friends, well so called friends and family with all types of lies. They say that I am on drugs, I have DWI’s, I am ratchet. They have secret intimate videos on Facebook about me. And some web-site for members only which from the sounds of it verifies their clam of which they are striving to make me out to be. The, constantly from SOME co-workers, I am called crazy indirectly, or the famous saying is “that’s crazy” Because she has recovered so much of my personal information, they have contacted my bill collectors, which we previously had a good relationship, now is met with conflict constantly. I am not a victim and I will take responsibility for all or any of my actions, as I have in the past, but the constant surveillance and lies are ridiculous. She always tells others that I am a tired and lazy, thing that has no bearing on my work or personal life. I cannot go back to church because she has called there, shopping has become a chore. Yesterday at work, alllll day long, they had individuals staring at me, striving to intimidate me. I have several of these incidents documented. I just want it to stop as I love my life, and job. ESPECIALLY MY FAMILY. HOW DO I STOP THIS CONSTANT HARRASMENT

    Comment by Lisa | September 30, 2013 | Reply

  8. I have been gang stalked since August 19, 2011. My original stalkers were US Marshals. They presented them selfs in a large group, hovered in front of my home in a helicopter, swarmed my house and car in autos with US Gov. plates and undercovers would accidentally on purpose, flash badges. They use a through wall technology device to both watch my every move and when this device is cranked up, it sends out a pulse strong enough to bounce an auto up and down while it’s parked in a garage. Most victims misconceived this as a vibration, but it’s a very fast pulse. It’s used to cause sleep deprivation. I was able to block this device from satalights planes and helicopters so they tunneled under my home using a road construction project as a cover. I was able to block this temporarily. They then switched to another device I can only describe as a microwave laser. They also use very loud noise constantly. Every where I go, all types of first responders and a huge number of the US Chamber of Commerce members swarm my car.
    This microwave laser device was used at a rate of twice per second, 18 to 20 hours a day for about a year.
    I’m also stalked by the City of Las Cruces official autos and just about every government vehicle in the area. I am stalked in all stores by huge numbers of employees. If I mention a product I need to purchase, every store I visit is out of that product. They damage my car, such as disconnecting the brake lights, broke out a window and my car dies as I’m driving. During the 3 mile drive to work there are approximately 300 stalkers.
    These guys have been in my home on hundreds occasions.

    Comment by Robert Francione | October 16, 2013 | Reply

    • Thank you for sharing this information, I am sorry that any of us, have to go through this. At least finding evidence and proof is easier than it was a few years ago, but it’s still day by day.

      Comment by gangstalking | October 18, 2013 | Reply

      • I believe the comments that ROBERT FRANCIONE has made are truly unbelievable . Helicopters , digging under houses , being chased by great numbers of people …. come on now . In my case I have physical evidence that a great source of energy has been directed near me !!!! Microwave Lasers I believe that get their power from these Microwave towers that provide power for our cell phone usage . How can this benefitual tower be put into this ungodly , horrible usage as MICRO WAVE LASER , weapons ??? They also have the usage of being a G P S tracker . My next turn of events will be to see the distance that they can track me . Mileage that they.. have at their disposal . KEN SR..

        Comment by KEN ERWIN , SR. | October 18, 2013

    • The forests are burning down. Not a good idea.

      Sent from my iPhone


      Comment by Robert Francione | October 18, 2013 | Reply

  9. I wouldn’t believe it unless I too was going through electronic stalking…I dated a guy that works for the Dept of Corrections in Information Technology. At first, I was able to hear the songs I played in my car throughout the night. Then I could hear his friends and other officers. Sometimes it sounded like drug busts, other times police training. My ex told me to never acknowledge it was happening, “do you realize how many people could get fired high up..It’d be a domino effect.”…I was tortured day in and day out, sexually, morally in every way possible.
    Now it’s been 4 years since I first met him and it still continues. They’re evil has scared me in every possible sense. I still can’t explain some of the things that are happening, it sounds crazy if I told you my entire story, but no matter what, I still feel alone.
    The only relief of understanding came to me when I went to a grocery store, a guy I knew from high school said he works for the FBI. He said he was going to blow the whistle on some of the stuff he had been partaking in, then continued to describe everything I had been going through. How he was able to use technology that’s so far advanced most people will never believe and to never tell people my experiences.
    He also said he has a bunker and in 5 maybe 10 yrs when the masses find out whats going on, there will be pandemonium
    Theyre objective is to break you, mentally if you can’t find some peace, he has witnessed, himself, the
    FBI taunt his wife, whom he had to leave because she was no longer able to distinguish the people harassing her. Every where she went they taunted her because he said he was going to blow the whistle…at the end of our conversation he said to go far out into nature where there’s no possibility of electronics and after you take your battery out of your cell phone, there’s an eight second period that they can still hear you.

    Comment by jr | October 19, 2013 | Reply

    • Thanks for writting in, please consider sharing your story at or but the domain is still not working fully. Thanks

      Comment by gangstalking | October 22, 2013 | Reply

  10. Thank you for your article.
    I am an Organized Gang-Stalking target from October 2006 to date.
    I live in a small village in the mountains of Lincoln County, NM; local pop stat: 8000. Therefore, I KNOW, or know OF, my stalkers.
    FACT: 99.9% of those who gang-stalk me are pill-poppng, methamphetamine and/or heroin needle junkies, career crimnals, child molesters and other convicted felons, sent my way via our friendly neighborhood Organized Crime Ring leader and/or his shotcaller.
    Together, they comprise a rag-tag group of homeless, personality-disordered, societal rejects who require extensive dental work and are likely candidates for brain-stem replacement surgery, whereas I am a 60-year old, drug-free, resident homeowner with all my teeth, a legal vehicle and no felonies.
    Still, people believe their slander and I am shunned, and isolated as a result.
    Go figure. I’ve tried. There is no rhyme of reason where gang-stalking is concerned, but were it legal, a baseball bat to the head of one of these perps would surely give the herd pause.

    Comment by MaggyPie | October 28, 2013 | Reply

    • Thank you for your comment, it was so well received today, it’s the exact sort of comment that makes sense. It’s the exact sort of comment that I would have made. (Together, they comprise a rag-tag group of homeless, personality-disordered, societal rejects who require extensive dental work )

      They so dysfunction, and we do not, they so don’t make sense, and we do. Thank you for reminding me what it’s like to be a Targeted Individual, today, I needed it.

      Read up on Bill 184, I think it’s legal spiritually.

      Comment by gangstalking | October 31, 2013 | Reply

    • War veterans are being solicited to be actors in this rediculous game. They pretend to be homeless and helpless. Although I love our troops and honor their service to our country, let’s face one fact. Our troops are trained to follow orders without question. Besides this, America needs jobs, veterans need something to do. So, let them do what they do and give them a smile, maybe even a pat on the back. Their just doing a job, following orders as they are trained.
      We are all still alive. If you are still being stalked, it’s because they have not yet won. You must be a survivor. Remember, they want you to panic, freak out so you will do something rash.

      Comment by Robert | October 31, 2013 | Reply

      • Maybe they are being incorporated. Brought into something so sinister it does not make sense.

        Comment by gangstalking | November 2, 2013

      • War Veterans.
        You are correct. There are a few ex-military personelle among the gang-stalkers in these parts as well. They appear to be in their mid-50s, Classified with the Special Forces branches of the military in common.
        One is a shotcaller and was associated with the local biker group, and another was a mercenary for a large biker group out of San Diego CA before coming here. Both are highly skilled in the use of weaponry and one has a Masters in Psychology as well.
        Yes, we are all still allive, but I’m living a half life at best in this life They made for me BECAUSE THIS IS NOT MY MATRIX.
        I’m alloted only one Reindeer friend or lover at a time with whom to have a RELAY-tionship as opposed to a REAL-ationship, who plays Reindeer Games with me, seeking to discredit, disregard, devalue and discard me before divesting me of more of my things.
        My faith in in the toileit along with the predatory sector of humanity and soneone forgot to flush…
        . Again, you are correct. I am a survivor. The gang-stalkers have yet to win the war, but insofar as I am concerned, my stalkers seem to have upped the anti and won the last battle.
        They reversed the brake hose in my truck. I had returned home and put the truck in reverse to park when I suddenly had no brakes or steering. I careened down the steep hill that is the front yard of my house backwards and was stopped by my fruit trees only a few feet from my laundry room. However, I ran over my natural gas meter. As the gas was spewing up into the chassi, i switched off the engine and me and my dog jumped from the truck and ran a good distance away before i dialed 911. The police arrived with the fire department and gas company. They came close to evacuating the entire neighborhood.
        Consequently, I’ve been without a vehicle, hot water or cooking facilities.I cannot gather much needed firewood for winter, go grocery shopping, find a hot bath or shower or go to the churches to stir up enougg money to pay the mechanic to fix my truck and the plumber for reattaching the pipe from the gas meter to my house.
        Had the freak “accident” ocurred on the highway I’d be history. The mechanic reported his findings to the police upon isolating the cause.
        No one will give me a ride, let me shower in their homes , help me to cut logs into firewood or replace the ceilings missing in two rooms in my home that the gang-stalkers took down to let themselves in when I wasn’t home.
        I bet the gang-stalkers are making book as to whether or not I will survive the winter.
        What do you think?

        Comment by Maggy-Pie | November 7, 2013

      • I, too, have tried to help some homeless people who appear “in on the game.” Though not ALL homeless are part of it, most of them are. I noticed one homeless man had very nice, new shoes – and too small a backpack to carry much – as well it seemed almost empty; so where were his belongings? Another man claiming homelessness, knew waaaay too much about what was happening on TV to not have been able to watch a TV set in quite a while, and this sent a red-flag to me. As well, he did NOT seem to be in need of a shower, which I thought odd. As a result, I’m cautious about whom I assist these days….

        Comment by Cynthia Hoffman | March 30, 2014

    • I was in the middle of leaving a reply to Maggie pies statement . I , myself am in a very similar situation and for some reason things somehow get blocked or shut out . Oh well , let me start over . I have to wear a bike helmet while trying to sleep at night !!! The psychopaths who have me as a T I zap me to no end and I can hear their voices , her usually saying “”” NO ” for him to let up . I wonder how close I am to his totally burning me to death !!! How sick these people are . They too are on drugs , like maggie pies . Oxycodone I believe . ‘ its been a little over a year now that this has been going on .. again and again I ask how do we stop them ??? Microwave laser I believe is the weapon that they use and also they have a very accurate : G P S device . Also have my cell phone tapped … KEN E

      Comment by KEN ERWIN , SR. | October 31, 2013 | Reply

      • You are not alone re. hearing voices, except those I hear are not in my head. They are externalized and seem to emanate from my refrigerator. Since tgey have nothing useful or interesting to say, I pay them no mind.


        Comment by Maggy-Pie | November 7, 2013

      • Hi M , Thanks for the interest in responding to me … In my hearing the two voices , man & woman . they always seem to be high up over me .. And I too know that they are not in my head !!! Most of the time she is the one who speaks . Sometimes by telling me what I am doing as too what is going on around me at times .. always right on her statements . I really think that Aaron Alexis had this same condition in the 3 voices he heard , evidently he was able to recognize in 3 different speech patterns . That I believe is why he was shooting his rifle up into the air in trying to hit them . I myself have thought about using a blow torch up and around my room overhead . Burn them O U T . Stop this method of harassment that they are using on us …Now that young black lady who was shot as she tried to ram the white house trying to hit pres Obama . Now to my belief the person she heard overhead saying H E was Obama was driving her mad .. A real tragedy and waste of life . Will the guilty people ever be caught ???? Will my two psycopaths ever be caught and pay the penalty of this torture ??? I guess only time will tell …. KEN E

        Comment by KEN ERWIN , SR. | November 8, 2013

    • My entire story is too lengthly to go into, but allow me to share what I have learned during 2013. ALL these stalkers are members of “secret societies” whether they be freemasons or whatever. I incorrectly assumed all my 56 yrs that masons were solely a civic organization when in fact they are Satanists/Luciferians worshippers. There are books exposing the masons for what they are, so look them up on-line. ALL my neighbors worship Satan/Lucifer, too. They are all white, upper middle-class and you would never guess from mere appearances that they could be interested in anything so dark and ugly as worshipping the devil. A pharmacist, lawyer, teachers, (this is why children aren’t being properly taught), retirees, etc. comprise this group. One neighbor has a 9ft tall statue of Satan in his FRONT yard. Another neighbor 100ft SW of my home sacrifices at all hours of the morning, noon and night in a pit surrounded by a wood-latticed gazebo so you cannot determine what, exactly, he is burning. About 6 yrs ago, the local county probate judge’s 16 yr old son was caught with 2 other neighbor boys sacrificing an animal, so I know this is not an isolated incident. Many neighbors have tall, stone pillars in their yards which, I’ve learned, are abominations to God. Before I became a Targeted Individual, I was a happy-go-lucky atheist who didn’t believe in much at all. Presently, I am a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, which I never thought would happen. I’m embarrassed to admit, I’d never read the Bible, but now that I have, I am grateful. God promises to protect you if you believe in him and he has kept this promise 100% for me. Though I am still followed on occasion, no one enters my home any longer. According to programs on Christian TV channels, all Christians are aware we are in the “End Times” as described in the Bible’s chapter of Revelations; oftentimes I feel as if I was the last to know this. So that’s what it is folks: a conspiracy by Satan/Lucifer/Devil worshippers to drive Christians and non-believers (such as I was) to death so they can take over the world. So you know, I live in a semi-remote area of New Mexico at 6,000 ft altitude where only juniper bushes dot the landscape allowing me to see what is in my neighbor’s yards. I don’t even want to know what’s hidden behind some neighbors tall adobe fences given what is visible is scary enough. Much of what you believe is “high technology” directed towards you is actually demonic activity controlled by these satanists. Look up “deliverance ministry” on the internet and practice it! I’ve learned more in the last year than ALL my prior 56 yrs of walking this planet. Lastly, I’m sad to report I’ve learned ALL my cousins are practicing satanists as well. Who knew? Certainly not my mother. My sister is next to be targeted for she unwittingly married a mason and does not know: 1. her husband is a mason or 2. what the true meaning of masonry is. So take heed friends and look to God for answers as I have.

      Comment by One Who Knows | January 5, 2014 | Reply

  11. Having read the story about voices coming over her radio , I can relate to that . The man and womans voice follow me daily . My initial connection was living next to them for a short period of time ..Now I have sold my house and have stayed at numerous motels but to my desmay , they always follow me . Most of the time the voices do not terribly bother me , it is the pain when I am sleeping deep into the night when I am defiensless that their constant ” za[ppes ” all over my body for expended periods of time are really effecting me . They are psychopaths !!!! I really believe that they are on oxycodone pain pills taking them all day long … The answer I am longing for is how do I get out of their spell ? Their GPS system always track me . And I believe their weapon is MICROWAVE LASSER . Stay safe , KEN E.

    Comment by KEN ERWIN , SR. | October 29, 2013 | Reply

    • I believe there is sometimes a frequency involved, with some of the situations that are ongoing.

      Comment by gangstalking | October 31, 2013 | Reply

  12. when you say frequency , do you mean in the frequency of their ZAPS or the frequency of their weapon ? I know that my psychopaths use a very high and powerful frequency .. I keep all the items that they have blasted , fan head ,, bungie cord , and to my total disbelief a large pan of ice cubes blasted where not even 1 drop of water existed !!!!! terryfing me to no end …. KEN E SR .

    Comment by KEN ERWIN , SR. | November 2, 2013 | Reply

    • Frequency, sorry can you clarify?

      Comment by gangstalking | November 3, 2013 | Reply

      • Frequency , I read someplace or heard on the tv that the young black man , AARON ALEXIS who shot up the Navy Dept. and killed about 13 people had a rifle with some letters carved on it . I think one of the letters was the Letter F which they stated could stand for FREQUENCY . I think low frequency was stated . Anyway to me this could stand for the wavelength which is possibly the way that Microwave Lasers travel …. KEN SR.

        Comment by KEN ERWIN , SR. | November 3, 2013

      • I think he is into ELF which is different, than the Frequency Suits. The Suits use and utilize a transcended frequency to create teleportation, or just shy of teleportation experiences. Completely different than ELF I think, but more importantly, they are suppose to be declassified or something. United States Military, and I think it was the special operations branch, that was responsible for those.

        They are still active, and it’s similar to having someone teleport in and out of your situations, but at an astral or etheric level. The physical full on teleportation either is or is not there yet.

        Comment by gangstalking | November 7, 2013

  13. i feel so badly for all of you that are suffering the slings and arrows of these psychotics. I too have been a target since 98 with all of the tactics aforementioned. my best advice is to on any opputunity to jerk the local authorities chain reporting all. arm yourselves and let it be known by going to the range. secondly by or adopt a dog they will never betray you and if you don’t allow him to befriend strangers or others you not only have a trusted friend but an infalable warning system. make sure when you take the dog out not to allow him to pick up things off the ground. they put down treats in your yard then use dog whistles to train your animal to respond to their calls so break ins or trespassing is just another treat. technologies are our Achilles heel, do your research on phone tapping,listening devices their are safeguards but they follow strict protocall that most will not follow.i wish that we could all form a union and create a safe place but until the world opens their eyes we battle an enemy that you must persevere. time is near and when we all become cult busters and group t ogether as one against evil we cannot fail.

    Comment by arden d. ambrose | November 4, 2013 | Reply

  14. Addrested very well Arden Ambrose . I too feel that we could live with some of our bad conditions by reaching out to others experiencing similar bad conditions … In listening to others we can get some relief in knowing we are not alone in this .. Stay strong ! KEN E

    Comment by KEN ERWIN , SR. | November 8, 2013 | Reply

  15. I am currently being gang-stalked by “friends,” possibly some family members and definitely a group of neighbors. I presume I’m being targeted because I keep to myself most of the time, am on disability for the various fatigue-inducing medications I’m prescribed and mostly because I refuse to toe the politically-correct line — which I know is a bunch of lies and a means of left-wing control of freedom of speech and expression. I live in the 14th ward of the City of Pittsburgh, PA, but this following of me and eavesdropping extends beyond the city limits. I was even set up recently to get into a fight in which I broke my finger. These people always sneakily hide behind their cell phones, dogs, SUVs, cars, headphones and high-tech gadgets and have even thrown objects at my house on numerous occasions (of course, out of sight). Somebody (s) wants me out of the way, along with my elderly parents. I think this extends to possibly members of a few Catholic Churches in the area and Jewish organizations (which carry a lot of weight around here) and maybe some Marxists. I admit I’m flawed, but should one be continually nudged and imposed upon for nearly 2 years now (that’s when I first noticed) because they simply have the “politically incorrect” views that have become so prevalent and oppressive in recent years. I just want to be left alone and have no malice toward anyone who simply minds their own business, as I do. I’m simply not a “people person.” Is that a sin? One neighbor haughtily whistles at me, others show up when I leave the house or sit on the steps. I know this harassment goes all the way to the Pittsburgh fire department, police department as well as local doctors, academics, the postman, local newscasters and just some regular pot heads. When I mow the lawn anymore I’m treated to a cavalcade of sirens as if public-enemy number one has appeared. Now here is my question. I’m simply by nature and nurture a lot like the famous television character Archie Bunker. If he really existed wouldn’t Archie Bunker be entitled to his civil rights and privacy? In fact, I’m pretty sure this Ipad is being monitored right now. I belong to no “hate groups,” and are afraid of such organizations myself. In fact, I don’t belong to any groups at all. I’m just a loner who enjoys watching and collecting movies and reading books. My biggest sins, however, is that I was put out to pasture and “on the dole ” as they say in the U.K. I’m in my early 40s –you are generally nothing to people in America unless you work the normal 40 hours per week. And being a very politically INcorrect neurotic in a city that, for years, has been run by big Democrat machine. Oh, yeah, I’m not gay and do not hear voices. Not that I would ever employ the same weasly tactics toward a fellow neighbor who is gay and totally different from myself. I know I’ve been targeted, and have gotten into a few arguments because I know what they’re up to. But despite what I yell inside the privacy of my own bugged home (often just to rattle them a bit) what can I do have this stopped? My 88 year-old father, who has lived in this house his entire life and has survived back-surgery, colon cancer and a gall-bladder removement. He’s hurting again in the groin-area again and I’m afraid the haters (through UPMC) will try and kill him. I’ve definitely learned over the years that many who consider themselves the “most tolerant” are the most intolerant if you oppose their agenda. How do I get these cockroaches to leave me alone? honestly and truly I don’t give a damn who they vote for and what they do in the privacy of their own home — other than spying on me. I sincerely want to avoid any physical confrontations or arguments but this is clearly their intention because I won’t be mocked either. Apparently, I made a lot of enemies over the years who are simply control freaks and my kind of reactionary non-conformist ways bother the hell out of them or somebody with deep-pockets supporting them. Obviously, I’ve made a lot of enemies over the years, but, after a while, you realize you are who you are.

    Comment by Chazz | December 4, 2013 | Reply

    • Hi Chazz,

      I can relate, cause when I became aware of my Gang Stalking years ago, there was not much that could be done, they were online trying to convince people that it was vigilant gangs. Over the years I have learnt, and and would like to see a section set up for Targeted Individuals specifically.

      Here are a few things you can do. You can file spiritual based reports, and you can use spiritual based products to identify who is doing this to you. You might also want to get in touch with The Office. I will add links later. Between these three solutions, and personal identifier, something must get done, I should imagine, or hope. If fact it should be better than that, here are the links.

      The first one Spiritual Based Products, you can order a variety of items to track and monitor who is doing this, and to get a verbal report.
      Also you can use something called a personal identifier to track them. The other suggestions are open a few files, also request your own.

      If you have a file, an earth one, there should be a spiritual based one. The Office might be eligible to request that you get a copy of yours, if you are eligible. Basically start by saying outloud, HELP ME YES, HELP ME YES, File a report, or I would like to open a reporting form. Also can I please request a copy of my Threat Assessment Form, via The Office. If these methods honestly don’t work, write back in, if they do, then maybe drop a line to let me know if it worked. OK.

      Also please consider sharing your story with Indigo Ribbon. and I think your’s would be a welcome addition.

      Take Care.

      Comment by gangstalking | December 11, 2013 | Reply

  16. I am currently being gang-stalked by “friends,” possibly some family members and definitely a group of neighbors. I presume I’m being targeted because I keep to myself most of the time, am on disability for the various fatigue-inducing medications I’m prescribed and mostly because I refuse to toe the politically-correct line — which I
    know is a bunch of lies and a means of left-wing control of freedom of speech and expression. I live in the 14th ward of the City of Pittsburgh, PA, but this following of me and eavesdropping extends beyond the city limits. I was even set up recently to get into a fight in which I broke my finger. These people always sneakily hide behind their cell phones, dogs, SUVs, cars, headphones and high-tech gadgets and have even thrown objects at my house on numerous occasions (of course, out of sight). Somebody (s) wants me out of the way, along with my elderly parents. I think this extends to possibly members of a few Catholic Churches in the area and Jewish organizations (which carry a lot of weight around here) and maybe some Marxists. I admit I’m flawed, but should one be continually nudged and imposed upon for nearly 2 years now (that’s when I first noticed) because they simply have the “politically correct” views that have become so prevalent and oppressive in recent years. I just want to be left alone and have no malice toward anyone who simply minds their own business, as I do. I’m simply not a “people person.” Is that a sin? One neighbor haughtily whistles at me, others show up when I leave the house or sit on the steps. I know this harassment goes all the way to the Pittsburgh fire department, police department as well as local doctors, academics, the postman, local newscasters and just some regular pot heads. When I mow the lawn anymore I’m treated to a cavalcade of sirens as if public-enemy number one has appeared. Now here is my question. I’m simply by nature and nurture a lot like the famous television character Archie Bunker. If he really existed wouldn’t Archie Bunker be entitled to his civil rights and privacy? In fact, I’m pretty sure this Ipad is being monitored right now. I belong to no “hate groups,” and are afraid of such organizations myself. In fact, I don’t belong to any groups at all. I’m just a loner who enjoys watching and collecting movies and reading books. My biggest sins, however, is that I was put out to pasture and “on the dole ” as they say in the U.K. I’m in my early 40s –you are generally nothing to people in America unless you work the normal 40 hours per week. And being a very politically INcorrect neurotic in a city that, for years, has been run by big Democrat machine. Oh, yeah, I’m not gay and do not hear voices. Not that I would ever employ the same weasly tactics toward a fellow neighbor who is gay and totally different from myself. I know I’ve been targeted, and have gotten into a few arguments because I know what they’re up to. But despite what I yell inside the privacy of my own bugged home (often just to rattle them a bit) what can I do have this stopped? My 88 year-old father, who has lived in this house his entire life and has survived back-surgery, colon cancer and a gall-bladder removement. He’s hurting again in the groin-area again and I’m afraid the haters (through UPMC) will try and kill him. I’ve definitely learned over the years that many who consider themselves the “most tolerant” are the most intolerant if you oppose their agenda. How do I get these cockroaches to leave me alone? honestly and truly I don’t give a damn who they vote for and what they do in the privacy of their own home — other than spying on me. I sincerely want to avoid any physical confrontations or arguments but this is clearly their intention because I won’t be mocked either. Apparently, I made a lot of enemies over the years who are simply control freaks and my kind of reactionary non-conformist ways bother the hell out of them or somebody with deep-pockets supporting them. Obviously, I’ve made a lot of enemies over the years, but, after a while, you realize you are who you are.

    Comment by Chazz | December 4, 2013 | Reply

  17. Number 14 is the version without the mistake that should be posted. Please eliminate No. 13

    Comment by Chazz | December 4, 2013 | Reply

  18. I too , just to repeat Arden’s last part of his post .”..If we could all form a union and create a safe place but until the world opens their eyes we battle an enemy that you must preserve , time is near and when we all become cult busters and group together as one against evil we cannot fail . ” AMEN I have several hard pieces of evidence that these terrible events are really taking place but nobody seems to believe that these super unbelievable happenings are real … Believe me !! I figured it out this way :::::: Microwave = power , and lasers = delivery and GPS system = accuracy , co-ordinates that know exactly where to locate you … The most advanced piece of science that mankind has created and it ends up in twisted , evil , drug induced psychopaths hands whose only purpose in life is to inflict pain and suffering to innocent people !!!!!!! KEN E .

    Comment by KEN ERWIN , SR. | December 7, 2013 | Reply

    • I am currently being gang stalked or harassed by a group in the 14th ward of the City of Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding areas, for at least the last two years now. I’m 99 percent sure some or all of my calls have been monitored and listening devices have been place in or around my house. This certainly relates to some neighbors, and quite possibly family, ” friends” and possibly even some doctors. Of course, the response of those less perceptive or who are in on it is the typical “you’re a paranoid nut.” How come then certain people seem to know exactly when I’m leaving my house or simply walking down the street to the mailbox? It is subtle and seems to want to provoke an angry reaction on my part — something I’ve been guilty of on more than a few occasions. Other than having opinions that are considered very politically INcorrect for this day and age, I simply want to be left alone and I have no malice toward anybody else. I honestly don’t care what others do if it doesn’t affect me and my family. Should someone be targeted only because they have unpopular opinions in a certain area and keep to themselves? Is simply being angry and on occasion losing one’s temper a danger to society? I could give you dozens of examples, and there’s two times I was clearly being set up in order to make me look bad. You’ll be hearing back from me if nothing nefarious happens to me or my loved ones. Otherwise, if you don’t hear back from me within six months, start investigating the 14th ward in the city of Pittsburgh, PA, and go from there. I just want this interference no matter how subtle or overt to stop. That’s it just STOP. I don’t want any parts of you and any sane person should want no parts of the semi-recluse I am. The ultimate goal seems to be removing us from a house our family has owned since 1920 (hint hint) and making me, especially, appear as bad as possible. These tactics are downright totalitarian and go against everything the constitution of the United States once stood for. What a shame that through eavesdropping, keeping tabs on a person and high-tech spying that we’ve become the Soviet States of America. “Gang stalking” or “neighborhood group harassment” (look on Youtube for many examples) is very tough to prove mainly because it’s often carried out by people with the correct political connections in your particular area. Also, since the advent of cell phones, the Internet and other high-tech gadgets, privacy as we once knew it is now gone forever. Yes these advancements in technology over the past 20 years are wonderful on one hand, but can be incredibly destructive on the other hand, especially those of us targeted individuals. President Nixon once bugged the White House. Now if you have the “wrong” kind of opinions, any ordinary citizen can be bugged, monitored and harassed. The best information I can give to stop these invasions of privacy is to report how you’re being eavesdropped upon to invaluable sites like this one. As I said, it is hard to prove if your eavesdroppers have the “correct ” political connections, and/or deep-enough pockets. Wish me luck, and good luck to all of you who find yourself in similar circumstances. I’m sure what I’m writing at this very moment is being monitored by somebody who has no business doing so.

      Comment by Chazz | December 9, 2013 | Reply

    • Self-righteous zealots of any kind HATE those or which they cannot control. And most zealots aren’t introspective or deep enough to recognize their own zealotry.

      Comment by Chazz | December 9, 2013 | Reply

    • Also, if you fall on the wrong side of a zealot or vindictive person or persons with a respected title behind their names or a certain “mainstream” group or a person of power or influence within the community where you’re being stalked, I’m sure I don’t have to explain much further. Their ultimate goal is to drive you away or make you go along to get along, maybe even set you up to be hurt or killed. It’s been my experience that such self-righteous control freaks aren’t easily discouraged either.

      Comment by Chazz | December 9, 2013 | Reply

    • Look like my previous post have been deleted. Obvious some person or people out there can’t handle the truth.

      Comment by Chazz | December 10, 2013 | Reply

      • Check out who holds the power and influence in the 15217, 15218, 15203, 15206, 15208, 15213, 15207, 15232, 15221, 15222 zip codes if my posts are removed. Regardless of one’s politics, viewpoints or ethnic background, NOBODY should be allowed to have their privacy infringed upon merely, for the most part, being proudly politically INcorrect.

        Comment by Chazz | December 10, 2013

    • I know at least what some of you eggheads and lunkheads know and it really bothers you, doesn’t it? Calling you cockroaches and weasels would be a major insult to an incredibly resilient insect and and a wily little mammal. These deletions of comments here just further confirm what I suspected.

      Comment by Chazz | December 10, 2013 | Reply

  19. And for any of you reading this, have you no shame? It’s downright pathetic, yes PATHETIC that you’ve taken the time to organize a cabal against someone of as little importance as myself. I must have, somehow, really rattled more than a few “sacred cows.” Well keep on rattlin’.

    Comment by Chazz | December 10, 2013 | Reply

    • The Threat Assessment file is likely what is out there on you, and you need be clear on what is on the file, who opened it, and basically when they open it, they have people, local people follow you around, some are on the informant system, some are a part of government agencies, (CIA, etc), some are just thugs, most have information about you, you never even dreamed.

      Comment by gangstalking | December 11, 2013 | Reply

  20. Please alert the Fox News Channel about “neighborhood group harassment” and “gangstalking.” Let them know how prevalent it has become in the Soviet States of America. This kind of thing just doesn’t only happen to minorities anymore. Also tell them to investigate “eavesdropping through electricity and high-tech devices.” Another question remains why and how so many people have the time to monitor me? The fact that anyone would have more than a nanosecond a week to devote to me is as mindboggling as it is disturbing. GET A LIFE. That alone makes me suspect numerous people and some organizations are involved. Frankly, I wouldn’t give a rat’s ass if they were sacrificing goats up or down the street. Just as long as I wouldn’t have to see it or hear it — now don’t get any ideas.

    Comment by Chazz | December 10, 2013 | Reply

    • Hi Chazz, I do have some ideas, and my recommendation is to request a spiritual investigation into it. Just request that a reporting form be opened into it, or that a spiritual investigation, or inquiry be opened.

      Comment by gangstalking | December 11, 2013 | Reply

  21. Ken, gang stalking seems to be growing at an alarming rate. The U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Chamber of Commerce have joined forces with virtually all government agencies and any group or club they can convince to join their cause.
    Gang stalking appears to be the go to cover for any crime commited by any member. They cover each other’s asses. The top members of the U.S.. Chamber of Commerce group together to buy politicians and police, it’s called capitalism. Politicians and police that do not play along are most likely intimidated. As a professed target yourself, you should be aware of the process that would make this possible.
    You seem to believe(correct me if I’m wrong), bringing this crime to light is going to somehow stop it from happening. I disagree, I believe it is already in the light by a huge percentage of the population.
    I believe that school shooters think they have a solution ( shooting the offspring of their tormentors ) but I don’t thing going to hell is going to change anything.
    The Department of Justice and it’s affiliates want to remove gun ownership from the general population. To accomplish this, they need to get the general population to agree. School shootings are are one way to convince people to abolish gun ownership for the general public. Notice, most school shootings are done in public schools, not private schools. Notice also, the shooters rarely make it into a court room where they can tell the other side of the story.
    This is just my thoughts on the subject and should be considered as such.

    Comment by Robert | December 10, 2013 | Reply

    • I’ve had several post disappear on this site, only to reappear, then disappear, which pretty much proves I’m being gangstalked. So I apologize if any of my missing posts appear and I repeat some points.

      Comment by Chazz | December 17, 2013 | Reply

    • I couldn’t agree more re school shootings. Young targets brainwashed or harassed into horrific acts with the goal of turning the population against the right to bear arms.
      I am generally liberal, except for my steadfast belief in 2nd amendment. If you outlaw guns, only criminals will have them. Doesn’t solve the problem.

      Comment by mocknbird2 | December 17, 2013 | Reply

  22. One of the tactics they now use is trying to turn you into a perceived threat to the community at large. They’ll use parts of statements from things they picked up eavesdropping or writings and statements you made long ago to further demonize you. The ultimate goal often is to make one look so bad that they’re set up to be incarcerated under the guise of you “needing help,” but their motives are FAR from altruistic. Whether they are neighbors, “friends,” family members, doctors, organizations, someone(s) you alienated in the past, the ultimate goal is to discredit you at every turn, limit your freedom of speech and expression and the simple freedom to go various places, pursue certain hobbies and ostrcized you from your area of expertise. These are usually malevolent, very self-righteous people who pretend to have your “best interest” at heart. But in these cases the road to hell is paved with good intentions. My only advice is: don’t give the pricks the satisfaction. That’s more easily said, though, when you know they’re trying to find a way to get rid of you or send you to the gallows. Right now in America, just railing against the Stalinist tactics of political correctness can make you a target. If they push, push back harder without getting yourself into legal trouble — often another goal of these reptilian bastards. So tread carefully and block them to any degree you can. If you are rich or famous and have an influential contact or two, it’s a lot easier to fight them than if you’re some poor schlub. But some people’s inability to make you CONFORM drives them crazy with frustration. They fail to realize (or care) that group stalking, group harassment is a violation of one’s basic freedoms under the Constitution. It is psychological rape.

    Comment by Chazz | December 14, 2013 | Reply

  23. It goes to show Big Brother is watch having had several posts not appear or others seemingly to disappear. Just as I thought. Can’t say I’m surprised.

    Comment by Chazz | December 15, 2013 | Reply

  24. It’s alarming that gangstalking/organized group harassment is taking place in so many other supposedly “free” countries like America claims to be. Now we truly have Big Brother watching over us with all his non-congressional approved, personally-appointed “czars.” I don’t expect this comment to last long for the obvious cockamamie PC reasons I addressed above.

    Comment by Chazz | December 15, 2013 | Reply

    • It’s scary, but it’s the reality.

      Comment by gangstalking | December 19, 2013 | Reply

  25. Including this one, there should be 5 posts by Chazz after Robert’s last post at number 21.

    Comment by Chazz | December 17, 2013 | Reply

  26. Some of my comments on this site, after Robert’s last post appeared on Dec. 10, 2013, have appeared, disappeared, then reappeared and disappeared again. So I apologize if I repeat some points in my different posts. I’m pretty sure part of being gangstalked is having your computer activities thrust into the hands of eavesdroppers.

    Comment by Chazz | December 17, 2013 | Reply

  27. Happy New Year to everybody out there who’s being gangstalked/group harrassed. May the sneaky swine who’s doing it to you, learn to leave you alone (that’s ALL I want) in 2014.

    Comment by Chazz | December 30, 2013 | Reply

    • Happy New Year in Advance. 🙂

      Comment by gangstalking | December 30, 2013 | Reply

  28. Here’s another oddity I observed recently: When I logged on to a very popular website, the word “handlers” appeared on the top, main bar more than a few times. Hum, “handlers” seemed like a odd word to appear while going into one of the top sites on the web. It’s also a peculiar word when you consider I’m not a zoo animal or famous celebrity and America supposedly still is a “free” country. NOT a totalitarian police state.

    Comment by Chazz | December 31, 2013 | Reply

  29. Organized Stalking in Chennai, India, starts as Hacking of Cell phones, Computers, proceeds to, all typical Gang stalking tactics and Electronic harassment via Satellite.
    Google : OSInformers, ProtectLifeNow, And Dr John Hall Satellite terrorism

    Comment by OS Chennai | January 10, 2014 | Reply

  30. The President of the United States of America gave a speech this morning (1-17-14) about overreaching done by the NSA post 9-11-01. But in one sentence he casually mentioned the NSA as “your neighbors.” He made it sound like they’re your friendly, ordinary neighbors. However, there’s nothing friendly or ordinary when a bunch of groupstalkers (whether they’re affiliated with a government or not) invades your privacy and sets out to demonize you.

    Comment by Chazz | January 17, 2014 | Reply

    • Chaz, I’m glade at least some of your post do appear in this site. At least I know your ok. I copied and pasted a text message to several friends at one time. Afterward, three if then asked what I was talking about. After speaking with them either by phone or in person I discovered they each one received a different message, none if which had anything to do with my message. One showed me the message that was received.
      When I turn on a radio, the same small selection of songs always come on. I don’t always listen to the same types of radio. Anytime a person is killed on TV, I receive what feels like an electrical shock. I receive the same shock when a building burns or a car accident occurs. They use several devices on me. One is the through wall tecnology device seen on TV. The military put it against the wall and it sends out a pulse if energy sort if like sonar, but in the air and through objects. When the subject first lay down, they first locate their exact position, once the subject falls asleep they crank that pulse up and it shakes the subject awake. This pulse energizes the cells in the effected area. Once the cells hit the heart or brain the subject cannot go back to sleep until the cells calm back down, which takes a couple hours. When the subject falls back to sleep the subject is hit with the devise again. Another device was best described by a TI as a microwave laser. This device basically cooks the target under their skin leaving no external mark except, what appears to be a tiny sun burn. I mentioned the last device previously. This device was used twice per second for up to twenty hours per day for a year and a half. This device seems to be their favorite. This device appears to be the most mobile and appears to penetrate most solid objects and some liquids. The favored target is the testicals, second, the face, eyes, ears, nose, etc. at times when I have effectly blocked these devices, they simply pound on the floor joist with a solid object.
      If you ever run across stealth technology, keep in mind, light will not pass through it and it can be seen with infrared light through a camera. It will appear as a shadow. Stealth technology works by projecting the image behind the person to the front while absorbing the light in front. So, if you point a light at it, the light will simply disappear.
      Good luck, and I with the best for all TI’s. It benifits all TI’s if each does not allow cowards to rule their world. So stay strong and hang in there.

      Comment by Robert | January 21, 2014 | Reply

  31. how to you stop gang stalking trust and believed god he will make a way it seems impossible but if we trus god and obey his word he wil come through remember every one will be judge by god

    Comment by terrie | January 24, 2014 | Reply

    • That could happen, but praying does not hurt.

      Comment by gangstalking | January 26, 2014 | Reply

  32. I’m still OK as of Feb. 5, 2014. But the subtle forms of harrassment continue: Getting a phone call as soon as I log on to my computer; A red van shadowed me today during a simple walk to the mailbox; odd clicks occasionally still come from inside the television as if some device has been activated, and a beeping system (using vehicle horns or the “beep” from a vehicle alarm) as a way of those in cahoots to signal one another. I think they’ve broken through using the the phones (both land lines, cordless phones and the answering machine by using high-tech surveillance methods. They’ve also seem to have gotten into the electrical system of our house. I’ll try checking back in every couple of months to let you know me and my loved ones are OK. There’s also a slow drip on one spigot that disappears if you let your hand cover the spigot for a few minutes — spying by plumbing? I also hear music in the background when I make certain calls when the phone is ringing. Also certain neighbors rush. I’ve observed a certain handful especially who move like clockwork, when I am able to temporarily interfer with their system, to some type of nearby “hub” or “hubs” when I log online or have disconnected one of their “bugged” intrusive devices.

    Comment by Chazz | February 6, 2014 | Reply

  33. In addition to beeping horns, beeps from car alarms and sirens going off when I go online, dogs barking is another way they signal one another. My television still clicks (just right now) when on or off as if some device has been activated inside.I had a red pickup truck shadow me yesterday 2-5-14 on a simple walk down the street to the mailbox. I know they got in through the electricity and land phone lines, cordless phones and the answering machine. The fact that my longer more-detailed response from last night on how this just won’t stop was erased or never got there again tells you I hit some nerves.

    Comment by Chazz | February 6, 2014 | Reply

    • Keep hanging in there Chazz. Glad to hear your still ok. Stay strong.

      Comment by Robert | February 11, 2014 | Reply

      • Why don’t I go to the authorities with this you ask? Because I have the distinct feeling a person(s) of power, influence is a part of it, and it will simply be met with a “you’re paranoid” response. I still feel in my gut that someone or ones are setting me up for something bad. Well, at least bad from my perspective.

        Comment by Chaz's | February 16, 2014

  34. And they sometimes use cell phones, satellite dishes or bluetooth to interfere with me when I go online. I’ve actually become accustomed to them and their methods. I just hope they don’t steal from me. Today (2-10-14) the President of the United States of America said, “That’s the good thing about being president, I can do anything I want.” That kind of megalomania scares me. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that from Vladimir Putin or some other dictator running a totalitarian state, but just imagine the worldwide media outcry if a conservative U.S. president said that.

    Comment by Chazz | February 11, 2014 | Reply

  35. When you’ve had the bumpy ride I’ve had, and alienated as many people along the way, you get a gut feeling when you know some individual or a gangstalking group is trying to set you up for something bad. I just hope somebody out there has my back. If there is such an unseen presence, God bless you.

    Comment by Chazz | February 15, 2014 | Reply

  36. Its like you read my mind! You seem to know so much about this, like you wrote the book in
    it or something. I think that you can do with some
    pics to drive the message home a little bit, but other than
    that, this is magnificent blog. An excellent read.
    I will definitely be back.

    Comment by | March 10, 2014 | Reply

  37. It’s like you read my mind! You seem to recognize a lot in
    regards to this, like you wrote the e-book in it or something.
    This is a great blog. I’ll definitely be back.

    Comment by Lonny | March 25, 2014 | Reply

  38. After all this time, the wicked bastards and bitches are still at it in my case. Such sad, pathetic and petty people, and they’re not even aware of they’re own mental problems.

    Comment by Chazz | April 1, 2014 | Reply

  39. The underhanded, cowardly weasels are still at it in my case. It’s 3-31-14 and this has been going on for at least 2 and a half years now, probably longer. It would be sad they’re not aware of their own mental problems and manias, only if they weren’t so damn vicious. Well, whatever their goals were backfired bigtime. The more bullshit they pull, the more I nonconform.

    Comment by Chazz | April 1, 2014 | Reply

  40. It’s 3-31-14 and the underhanded, cowardly weasels are still at it in my case. This has been going on for at least two and a half years now, maybe more. It would be sad that they fail to recognize their own mental problems, manias and control issues, only if they weren’t so damn vicious. Well, whatever their goals were/are, they sure backfired bigtime. Their methods are often as subtle as a jackhammer, and the more crap they pull, the more I instinctively nonconform. They might have titles before their names or certain degrees of prominence in society, but they sure aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed.

    Comment by Chazz | April 1, 2014 | Reply

  41. And what is that low-level buzzing noise I hear constantly coming from across the street when outside? It sounds like the noise a freezer makes when you open it.

    Comment by Chazz | April 1, 2014 | Reply

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