Gang Stalking World

United we stand. Divided they fall.

Who shot JFK

Who Killed JFK

Someone who likely got tired of the situations that were ongoing behind the scene. He was likely standing on the grassy knoll, and he was just tired of it.

There was JFK, Camelot and the person who was suppose to be in the correct situations, doing the correct things, and yet people were still in the incorrect situations. I am not saying it was not someone that he knew, or was maybe not familiar with, or not someone who has not been mentioned several times before, but it’s a very simple answer, to a complex question, that has haunted, haunted the nation, The American nation for half a century.

He likely saw him, had the access and shot it. People in those situations are all too often of the situations, public situations, vs private, and there is so much more to this. It’s literally the story of the century. It tore apart a family, a nation, and for 50 years, held the world in sway. To summarize that someone became tired, and fired at JFK, does not do it justice and never will. He was a legacy, it was a legacy. We want it to be complex, they waited, plotted for months, had a grudge.

The horror of the event is that it happened at a time in human history, when we thought it was going to be the correct situation, and doing the correct thing, at a time, when we though things would finally be the correct thing, but then for 20, 30, 40, 50 years, it’s held the world in it’s grip, in it’s grasp, in it’s Camelot, the situation, the fairytale that should have been there, that was so longed for, the psyche of the American public, and others have been so held sway.

November 17, 2013 - Posted by | Gang Stalking

1 Comment »

  1. These scum are now also operating in Australia. I am on the Gold Coast in Queensland and have had entire teams of at least 20 of these losers engaging in this insanity as I go jogging along the beaches.

    Comment by Tommy | December 4, 2013 | Reply

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